President`s Message


President`s Message
Golden Gavel ’72-’73 James Beach
’12-’13 Alan Neely
Jack Thompson Award ’10-’11 Keith Reihl
’12-’13 Alan Neely
President’s Message
Hello friends and ASHRAE colleagues. Well
for those of you who didn’t attend last
month’s meeting you missed a fun one. The
speaker had us all trying to figure out what
kind of personalities we are and how to best
get along with other people who are not
that same type of personality. It was fun,
entertaining with all of his personal
examples, as well as informative.
This month’s meeting is on ethics. This is
something all of us P.E.’s need to keep our
licenses, so I hope to see a lot of you at the
meeting. We were very fortunate to have
Dr. Jeffery Bolander, P.E. to do the presentation. I have been to several of his
classes in the past and I can assure you that he makes them fun, as well as
entertaining. We usually have a full house for this session so be sure to sign
up early. For you engineers please also to be sure to consider taking
advantage of our engineer’s special for an Express Membership. For a
onetime payment of only $100 you get your meals paid for the remaining
regular meetings, and you don’t have to stand in the registration line. As
always, your RSVP are greatly appreciated so that we can get a proper head
counts so we don’t have to set up tables while you are trying to get your
For those of you that didn’t participate in the ASHRAE Sporting Clays on
September 28th you missed out on a fun time. It looked like we were going
to be shooting in the rain, but with lots of prayers and help from above, it
turned out to be an absolutely awesome day for the event.
Be sure to mark your calendar for our next event on November 13th. That is
Top Golf day. For those of you that have never been, it is a whole lot of fun
and a great opportunity to get to know some of your other ASHRAE
members. It is from 12 to 6 PM, and it will be out toward Katy on I-10 and
Highway 6. For all of you out on the West side it is on the way home and a
great way to get ahead of traffic.
I am excited to see some many engineers at our meetings, and hope to see
more of you this year. I know we are all super busy these days, but ASHRAE
is an important part of our business and worth taking a little time out once a
month to be part of it. Our committees are all doing a great job this year.
They are always looking for people to help out so be sure to get involved
with one of them. All of the chairpersons are listed in the HAR so you will
know who to contact.
Last, but definitely not least, I wanted thank all of you for your participation
in the local Houston chapter. It is all of you that make our chapter such a
great chapter. See you at the meeting. Be safe, and God Bless.
Michael Langton, P.E.
2015-2016 ASHRAE Houston President
This Month’s Meeting
ASHRAE Meeting
Wednesday, October 21st, 2015
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
HESS Building
5430 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77056
Topic: Ethics In Engineering
Come join us for lunch and hear a Presentation given by Jeffery N. Bolander, P.E
Members: $25
Non-members: $35
Consulting Engineers Express Members: Free
Regular Express Members: Free
11:00-11:20 a.m. – Networking and Sign In and Start Lunch Line
11:20-11:30 a.m. – Start Lunch
11:30 a.m. – Start Meeting
11:30 a.m. – 11:55 a.m. – Roll Call, Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Message from
President, Officers Reports, General Announcements*
12:00 p.m. – 12:50 p.m. – Program/Presentation
12:50- 1:00 p.m. – Q&A
1:00 p.m. – conclude
. Jeffery N. Bolander, P.E
Courses Taught:
ARCH 3453: Environmental Systems I
Educational Credentials:
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1982
Masters of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1984
Doctor of Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1988
Teaching Experience:
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Prairie View A&M University, 2003 to present
Professional Experience:
Shah Smith & Associates, Inc., Senior Principal
Licensed Professional Engineer, Texas
Selected Publications and Recent Research:
“A Cogeneration System Analysis for the University of Houston Campus”, Energy Engineering, Volume
85, No. 5, 1988
“An Analysis of a Cogeneration System at TWU”, November 1986
Professional Memberships:
National Society of Professional Engineers
Texas Society of Professional Engineers
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Board of Governors Meeting
Technology for a Better Environment
ASHRAE Mission: To advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating to
serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.
ASHRAE Vision: ASHRAE will be the global leader, the foremost source of technical and educational information,
and the primary provider of opportunity for professional growth in the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air
conditioning and refrigerating.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
HESS – Houston, TX
10 AM to 11 AM
Michael Langton
Kimberly Thompson
Bill Chalmers
Kenneth Shifflett
Kevin Gardner
Dr. Jeff Bolander
June Johnston
John Walik
Bruce Flaniken
Brian Dunne
Chase Bielamowicz
Gavin Dillinghaw
Marina Baboian-Kriticos
Kapil Upadhyaya
Bruce Orcutt
Elliot Millican
Alan Neely
Keith Reihl
Open Meeting/Introductions 10:00AM
A. Pres. – Michael Langton
1. MBO’s
a. Chapter goal - Golden Gavel.
b. Achieve committee goals – awards
c. Keep in constant touch with your RVC at least monthly, and copy me. Does
everyone know their RVC?
d. Increase membership – consulting engineers and YEA members to local
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Board of Governors Meeting
e. RP Campaign: Promote “WHY ASHRAE”! One Hundred $100 individual
donors, and new consulting engineering firm sponsors.
Region VIII CRC – April 28-30, Tyler, TX – heavy participation – YEA
sponsored reception/gathering?
ASHRAE HVAC Design I & II in Houston
LeaDRS candidate for winter and summer meetings??
Push to increase local membership from National members
Encourage Express Membership/MEP express membership – extend to Oct
PAOE – VERY IMPORTANT. Everyone get points to Dave Schurk as soon as
they are earned. Don’t wait until year end.
Continue to recognize ASHRAE financial sponsors and find new ones
Tabletop Sponsors continue – Two non-competing sponsors???
Energy modeling joint meeting with AEE – Energy Modeling committee
Items for discussion/announcement at general meeting??
• MS 150
• Membership deadline for 2015-16 changing to November
• Austin visit needed, by this ASHRAE chapter
Winter Meeting
• “Never” another winter meeting in Houston (per OTC) said by
• We should host annual meeting in 2-3 years
• Judy Marshall may be coordinating winter/summer meetings
o Done or Orlando is her last
• General Chair meeting needed to decide
B. President Elect/ Programs- Kimberly Thompson
1. Communicate with RVC monthly and copy Mike.
• Speaker from Sandler
2. Programs – do we have a list of speakers for web site
• Dr. Jeff Bolander = October ethics speaker
• Past president might require preview site visit
3. PP night - status
C. Vice President/RP – Bill Chalmers
1. Communicate with RVC monthly and copy Mike.
• Speaking from Sandler
2. Where do you need help?
3. Spring golf tournament
1. Annual sponsor shut-down on October 4th.
• Over $60,000
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Board of Governors Meeting
• Need to collect and put on website
2. Shooting tournament (most critical upcoming event)
• Sponsors have sent pdf’s for site
• Good number of sponsors
• Registration
o room for 160. 66 signed-up
o yet to determine registration shut-down date
• Volunteers
o Drinks: John + Lee
o Registration: Kim + Beth
o Raffle: June + Bill
o Chase B getting bar tenders
D. Treasurer – Kenneth Shifflett - Money/Budget/account balance
1. Communicate with RVC monthly and copy Mike.
• Need acceptance of book
2. Has the audit been completed?
• To be completed, must audit with past president (review), past
treasurer (present), and current treasurer (present).
• Accountant, Joe, has tax information. He is looking for budget. Must
be done by 11/15.
3. Have all the transfers been made at the bank?
• Yes
E. Secretary – Kevin Gardner – Meeting notes
F. PAOE Czar - Dave Schurk- ABSENT
1. PAOE points to Dave at the end of every meeting
2. PAOE is VERY IMPORTANT. ASHRAE rewards you for getting the most
3. Communication- Please send a monthly report to your RVC and copy Mike.
G. Membership – June Johnston/Kurt McCulloch/Jeff Hunter
1. Communicate with RVC monthly and copy Michael Langton.
• Move local member payment limit to November
• Needing presidential signatures
2. Target the national members that are not local members, consulting engineers,
and YEA members (a lot of them are not local members)
3. Program to make it easy on people to pay local dues. Web site?
• John working on it
• Trying to fix payment gaps
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Board of Governors Meeting
4. Packages to Engineering firms.
5. Letter to reminder for people to renew.
• Move local member payment limit to November
H. Student Activities- Kristin Schaefer ABSENT
1. Communicate with RVC monthly and copy Michael Langton.
• Spoke to Dr. Hamilton
2. Student night in March. Find out when their break is and we’ll pick a
Wednesday that works with their schedule.
• Eric from Shaw Smith trying to get A&M going.
3. Another new brewery?
4. Additional student chapter?
5. Texas A&M senior design competition
Historian- Andrew Hohler / Bruce Flaniken
1. Communicate with RVC monthly and copy Michael Langton.
2. Article on Hank Fry
3. Other historical ideas?
J. YEA – Mitchell Campbell/Chase Bielamowicz/Adam Castillo
1. Communicate with RVC monthly and copy Michael Langton.
2. Continue to promote YEA events
• Participation is the #1 issue
• Trying for September HH. Might have October instead
3. Raise $2500 to establish a Houston YEA endowment
• Close to making goals
4. Get YEA members to sign up as local members
5. Meeting at Green Resource Center?
K. R In Refrigeration- Klint Nunn/Steve Roache/ Bruce Flaniken
1. Schedule a refrigeration tour.
L. Sustainability- Ron Dauzat/Brian Dunne
1. Articles for HAR
M. Webmaster - John Walik - Open discussion.
1. Table top sponsors?
2. New ideas for web site
• Website can add for employment
3. Website can add for employment
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Board of Governors Meeting
• Only members can view
4. Asked by Bill to send another Clay Tournament reminder and cut-off date
• Kim sending tomorrow
• John sending Monday
N. Newsletter Editor- John Walik- Open discussion.
1. New ideas??
O. Honors and Awards – Alan Neely/Bryan Bagley
1. Guidance and direction for GG competition
• Good to go today!
2. Awards for individual committee members?
• Alan looking for people looking for awards
P. Product Directory – Adam Smith/Brandon Williams
1. Do you need assistance?
2. Only available online?
Q. Pledge and Prayer – Greg Tinkler/Geoffrey Lussier
1. Don Nye chapter Chaplan
2. August – Hank Fry via video
R. Green Initiative –Marina Badoian- Kriticos/Gavin Dillingham
1. Interface with COH/AIA/IFMA
• Need more city approval
• Helping us educate others early
2. Present letter for PACE letter of support
• Financing for clean energy
• Have letter of support
• Active with City of Houston
• Quality of life September 30
• Adopted end of October 10
• Across state
• Vendor/lender neutral
• $400M projects done in USA (commercial w/ more in residential)
• $100M pipeline in Texas
• Texas PACE webside available
• Well-funded. Good pace.
• MOTION from John: ASHRAE support
• VOTED: Approved
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Board of Governors Meeting
Energy Modeling – Kapil Upadhyaya
1. Special events – Joint meeting with AEE on Energy Modeling (Nov.)
2. New ideas to add to web site and HAR
1. Kapil presents possible speaker Dr. Krowley
• “Father of Energy Class”
• ASHRAE should get him into Houston
• With Bentley and DoE
• Reference and education with heat balance
• Energy Model presentation
• ASHRAE should be able to cover his travel and payment for speaker
• About $700 - $800 for speech
• Plug for Green Resources
• MOTION from Kim: speaker Dr. Krowley
• VOTED: Approved
T. Grass Roots Government Advocacy – Keith Reihl/Elliott Millican/Bruce Orcutt
1. Interface with COH
2. Meet your elected officials at the Texas Capitol
• Visit Austin!
U. U. Reception/Marketing – Jennifer Black ABSENT
1. Facebook page – updated regularly
2. Twitter account
3. Spring trade show
V. Academic Excellence – Dr. Jeffery Bolander
1. ASHRAE Liaison to develop curriculum at local universities
• Looking to start next year.
W. Spring ASHRAE HVAC Class – Dave Cropper ABSENT
1. Set up Spring HVAC I & II class in conjunction with Society.
2. Need assistance?
Close of Meeting 10:55AM
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Second Annual
RP Fundraiser
Topgolf Tournament
Friday, November 13, 2015
Topgolf – Katy
Registration: 1:30pm
1030 Memorial Brook Blvd
Golf & Dinner: 2-5pm
Houston, TX. 77084
Topgolf has evolved to become a best-in-class entertainment facility, complete with dynamic
event spaces and a food and drink menu that puts any sports bar to shame. With golf pros
strolling the tee line offering tips and climate-controlled hitting bays, Topgolf is flat-out fun at
any age, skill level or time of year.
Options for registration are single
Single Entry: $150
entry (as many as you would like),
a team of three (3), or a team of six Team of 3: $450
(6). Each bay accommodates no
Team of 6: $900
more than six players, so if you
want to play with another group or Bay Sponsorship: $150
(limited quantity available)
near another group, please send
your preferences when you register on the Houston ASHRAE website,
Dinner is provided through the generosity of the Chapter Silver Sponsors:
Raffle item donations are welcome. Please contact Bill Chalmers if you are
The Houston Chapter was able to donate $63,000+ dollars last year on behalf of its membership
to ASHRAE RESEARCH placing us number one in our region and also number one in North
America as a chapter. Thank you for your stewardship! We look forward to another successful
fundraising event and can't wait to see all of you there.
Research And Promotion – Sporting Clay Event
Many thanks to Bill Chalmers and Shannah Oncken (above) and to the huge group of
Volunteers below who made our 2nd Annual Sporting Clay Event a success!
A Special Thank You to our
2015-16 Annual Sponsors
• Platinum
• Gold
• Silver
• Bronze
NOV. 10TH, 2015, 11:30 AM
Green Building Resource Center
1002 Washington Ave, Houston
Registration Fee: $25
Bentley Fellow/Director, Building Performance
Bentley Systems, Inc. Washington, DC, USA
Over the last 50 years, Building Simulation has evolved into a powerful tool. It allows easy comparison of the energy
and environmental performance of many hundreds of design or retrofit options. Building Information Modeling (BIM),
on the other hand, helps designers create and visualize 3-D building models. BIM allows them to track thousands of
building components in 3-D and thus detect potential interferences. Because much of the data that Building Simulation
tools require already exists in the BIM models, it’s critical that simple methods for sharing that data are available. This
presentation starts with an overview of building performance simulation fundamentals and history, what’s in the black
box of key simulation programs, as well as comparing underlying simulation methods. Finally the opportunities and
challenges for sharing data between BIM and SIM and recent advances in data exchange will be demonstrated.
About Dr. Crawley
Dr. Crawley is Bentley Fellow and Director, Building Performance focusing on building performance, design, BIM,
energy efficiency, renewable energy, net-zero-energy buildings, interoperability, sustainability and resilience. Prior to
joining Bentley in 2010, Dr. Crawley led the U S Department of Energy’s Commercial Buildings Initiative [now Better
Buildings Alliance] and initiated and led development of EnergyPlus and other DOE energy software for more than 15
years. With more than 35 years of experience in buildings energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainability, he
has worked in engineering software development, government research and standards development organizations, as
well as building design and consulting companies. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of
Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland on the topic of building simulation as a policy tool including the potential impacts of
climate change on the built environment. He received a Bachelor of Architecture from University of Tennessee and is
a registered architect.
He is active in ASHRAE (Chair of Standard 169 Weather Data for Building Design Standards, member of SSPC 189.1
Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, member of
SSPC 140 Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs, member of
SPC 209P Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, former member of
Technical Activities, Advocacy, Grassroots Government Activities, and Research Administration Committees, and past
chair of TCs 2.8, 4.2, 4.7, and 7.1). He was made an ASHRAE Fellow in 2009, achieved the ASHRAE BEMP (Building
Energy Modeling Professional) certification in October 2012, received the ASHRAE Exceptional Service Award in 2013,
the ASHRAE Research Administration Committee’s Service to ASHRAE Research Award in January 2012, the
ASHRAE Distinguished Service award in 2003 and a 1999 Symposium Best Paper Award for “Which Weather Data
Should You Use for Energy Simulations of Commercial Buildings?” He is also active in IBPSA (board member since
1998, Fellow in 2012, Regional Affiliate Liaison since 2006), IBPSA-USA (board member and treasurer since 2013),
AIA, USGBC (member of the Energy & Atmosphere TAG and former member of the Research Committee), and serves
on the editorial boards of three international Journals. He has written more than 125 papers and articles, testified before
the U.S. Congress, lectured at more than 20 universities, and made more than 400 presentations on building energy
efficiency, sustainability, and renewable energy throughout the world.
A Leadership Recall Interview with Hugh McMillan, III.
As told to Andrew Hohler, Houston Chapter Historian
I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Hugh McMillan, III and discuss his time
and participation in ASHRAE. Hugh, seemingly born into the HVAC industry, has been a very
successful member of ASHRAE on chapter, regional and society levels. He holds numerous
awards on all levels of ASHRAE, most notably the Distinguished Service Award (2003), the
Exceptional Service Award (2009), and the Fellow Award (2010). Hugh was born in Houston,
attended elementary school in HISD and later West Chester high school in Spring Branch ISD. He
received a mechanical engineering degree from Texas A&M and later his MBA from Southern
Methodist University.
Question: What initially attracted you to the HVAC industry?
Hugh: Two things my dad drilled into me from birth, I was going to be an Aggie and I
was going to be in the HVAC industry. I can’t say there was anything that attracted me to it; it
was just always that way. I was truly born into the industry and a lot of the people I knew as a
young kid were children of my dad’s friends. I actually went to school with Jimmy Graves and
Jim Buckley.
When I graduated from SMU, I went to work for Brown & Root in their HCAX and
plumbing engineering group. I don’t really have any background outside of the industry. I
worked summers and holidays for my dad from the time I was in junior high on. So every job I
have ever had has been in the HVAC Industry. My summer vacations were going to ASHRAE
Meetings when I was a little kid.
Question: What year was your first ASHRAE conference?
Hugh: Probably in 1959 or 1960, they had one in Oakland California, the whole family
would get in the car and we’d drive out there. Two or three years later there was one in
Portland Oregon, and we did the same thing, when we went out to Oakland we went south to
Los Angeles and then up. My grandfather Hugh McMillan Sr. was born north of Spokane,
Washington so after we went up to Portland we went up to where he was born and visited
there. His brother, my great uncle, still owned the family ranch up there. So we went and
visited them and then came back through Yellowstone Park, it was always a big vacation. But in
the middle of it you went to an ASHRAE meeting. I remember when we went to the one in
Oakland, after it was over my dad somehow wrangled the chance to go play golf at pebble
beach. We went down there and I got to pull his cart. So I’ve been to pebble beach, I’ve never
played there but I’ve pulled my dad’s golf cart at pebble beach after an ASHRAE meeting. I
became a student member when I was a freshman at A&M in 1972, so that’s when my
membership card says I’ve been a member, since 1972.
Question: What was the industry like early in your career? Was there a major difference in
the industry when you first started?
Hugh: Everything was done by hand, drawings were done by hand, load calculations
were done by hand. That was the big difference but when I was at Brown & Root, they first
started doing computer-based drawing around 1980, we didn’t, the HVAC group. I think we
had one person in our department that went to class to learn how to do it. But when I left we
were still doing everything by hand. Some of the folks had computerized load programs that
you used the hole punch data cards, you would punch them out and then put them in a
computer and hopefully you didn’t have hanging chads. That started coming into play around
1980 as well.
Back then temperature controls were pretty much just either electric or pneumatic.
One of the things I did in 1980 when I started working for my dad, he was among other things a
temperature control contractor, independent, not a factory branch. I learned how to do that.
In the mid 80’s we started doing digital controls, so that was a whole new game, it’s just
everything evolves. You’re just learning something new all the time. Growing from it.
Question: What has been your experience with ASHRAE as a Houston Chapter?
Hugh: My first job in ASHRAE, I was on the attendance and reception committee, I
wasn’t the chair or anything like that but I was on that committee. Now they have a student
activities committee, back then it was called the education committee and I was chair of the
education committee, around 1983/84. And then in 1984/85 I got nominated to be the
treasurer. It used to be that you started as treasurer then you would go to secretary then vice
president, president-elect and then president. But now it’s flipped secretary then treasurer. I
became the treasurer in 1984; I was president in 1989/90 year, that I know for sure. I also
unfortunately, the first year they started to make the VP in charge of RP, was my year as VP and
I wasn’t very good at that, fund raising is not an area of expertise for me.
Question: When you were on the Education committee, other than Texas A&M which schools
did you work with?
Hugh: There were several other schools we actually had. At the time it was north Harris
County Community College, we had a very active student branch there, it was more vocational,
but we had a very active ASHRAE member who lead that course. He unfortunately passed away
and that kind of dried up. We had a student branch at University of Houston; it was more
affiliated with their engineering technology group than their mechanical engineering group.
That’s where Bruce (Flaniken) came from; he was actually an ASHRAE Houston Chapter
Scholarship guy. He got his degree at University of Houston. We started a student branch at
Lamar University the year that I was the education committee chair. All of these dried up, the
only one that has been a constant has been the A&M group. They have professors that are very
active in ASHRAE through ASHRAE research projects, so they’re always going to be a constant.
Question: What has ASHRAE meant to you personally?
Hugh: With all the time that you spend as a committee member, chairing committees
and running meetings, it definitely offers a way to grow professionally. You develop skills that
may not develop if you don’t get that opportunity. You at least get to develop them at an
earlier age. I’d venture to say that if I didn’t get involved at a regional or society level that my
circle of friends would be more centralized to Houston. I grew up here, lived here pretty much
all my life, except for three months in Arkansas. You look forward to going to regional
conventions and society conventions to see your friends. You also learn things you wouldn’t
have the opportunity to know if you don’t participate. You get exposed to things in ASHRAE
that are technical in nature by osmosis, by being around people who are really good at different
things. You learn what they know, maybe not as well as they know it. There are just a lot of
things that you soak up.
Question: If you had some advice for young people considering joining ASHRAE or in YEA,
what would that be?
Hugh: it would basically be to be active, get involved, and volunteer for stuff. Don’t just
sit back and go to chapter meetings. Go to those meetings to participate. Some people find out
they don’t like it but ok well now you know. Volunteer to be on a committee. It always works
better if there are more people involved as well. The ability to pull from different ideas always
leads to a better outcome than just one person trying to do something. That’s my big advice.
Be involved and volunteer your time.
Thank you to Hugh for his dedicated service to ASHRAE!
ASHRAE Houston 2015-16 Meeting Schedule
August 19, 2015
David Schurk
Advanced Energy Design Guide –
You Cannot NOT Communicate
Refrigerant Update
Past Presidents Night
September 16, 2015
October 21, 2015
November 18, 2015
January 20, 2016
February 17, 2016
Matt Rister
Dr. Jeff Bolander
Brian Smith
Ryan Levy,
Nice Winery
Steve McNattin
March 23, 2016
Industry Experts
ASHRAE 170 – Controlling
airborne particles during surgery
Types of HVAC jobs available
April 20, 2016
May 18, 2016
David Underwood
Ralph Kittler
BEQ – Building Energy Quotient
Natatorium Design
Dinner Meeting
Karbach Brewery –
Dinner Meeting
*Regular Meetings are from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the HESS Club at 5430 Westheimer Road, Houston,
TX 77056.
All but January and March are lunchtime meetings. The March meeting will be held at Karbach Brewery
on 2032 Karbach St, Houston, TX 77092. Times for January and March will be provided closer to these
Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC)
Young Engineers in ASHRAE
The Young Engineers of ASHRAE has become a very successful group over the past few years for
the Houston Chapter. The YEA group was formed to enhance member benefits for young
professional ASHRAE members by giving them the opportunity to expand their knowledge about
the industry, as well as socialize and network with other young professionals.
Once a month, the members of YEA meet for lunch or happy hour. During these meetings
members are able to talk with their fellow young professionals, meet new young professionals in
the industry, as well as discuss the current happenings in the industry. These meetings are a
great way for members to learn as well as teach others what they have learned about the industry.
YEA also offers a few larger events each year. Lunch-and-learn events happen a few times a year
in which different companies lecture and give tours of their facility and products, providing a better
hands-on understanding.
YEA is always welcoming new young professionals in the HVAC industry to participate. If you or
anyone you know may be interested in getting involved, please contact Mitchell Campbell at
713-782-2701 or or Chase Bielamowicz at 832-684-5934
Mitchell Campbell / Chase Bielamowicz
Young Engineers in ASHRAE Chair
Energy Code Corner
Air-side economizers in Houston! Really?
Yeah – a high probability – to say the least at this point.
City of Houston Commercial Energy Conservation Code has been in the works
for some time. It’s expected to be based on ASHRAE90.1-2010 and/or
IECC2012. Here is a quick summary on air-side economizers from 90.1:
- Required in Houston with either of the 2 compliance paths (Simplified
Approach or Mandatory + Prescriptive Path)
- Required for all systems above 4.5 ton comfort-cooling capacity
- Required to modulate OA and RA to provide 100% of SA as OA for cooling.
- High-limit Shutoff Control settings defined for different Economizer type
(Fixed Temperature, Differential Temperature, Fixed Enthalpy, electronic
Enthalpy, Differential Enthalpy, DP-DB Temperature)
- Required to provide Relief Air to avoid overpressurizing.
Do you think that Economizer technology is not up there yet to deliver this? Or
that humidity control be lost over energy savings?
There may be an opportunity to comment on Houston Energy Code here:
Next Energy Code Corner to be about Water-side Economizers. Have a high
energy month!
Kapil Upadhyaya
Senior Associate, Kirksey Architecture
In Memoriam
Tom Hazel
August 22, 1948 – August 23, 2015
Thomas Ray Hazel loved to fly. On August 23, 2015 Tom went to heaven doing
what he liked best. He will be missed by those who loved and respected him. He
is survived by his loving wife Carol and son Thomas Elton Hazel, mother Dorothy
Schobel Hazel, sister and brother-in law Tish and Brian Davis, sister Dorothy
Arnold, step-sons Mike Richards, wife Eun Kyoung and granddaughter Rachel,
Adam Richards and wife Alix, nephew Hub Arnold and wife Julee, nephew Chase
Davis, wife Acacia and great nephews Caleb and Blaine. He was preceded in
death by the man who taught him to fly, his father Elton Odell Hazel.
Tom served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. He was a well-respected
mechanical contractor known for his integrity and acumen. He worked as a Vice
President for Gowan Inc. In addition he served as Vice President for the Soaring
Club of Houston.
His family and friends are comforted by Tom's strong faith in the Lord. He will be
Memorial service was held at 1:00, August 27, 2015 at Houston First Baptist
Church, 7401 Katy Freeway, Houston, Texas 77024.
For a nicely done video slideshow of Tom’s life click on the link.
For All Pictures
Last Month’s Meeting
Michael Langton (President 2015-2016) (l) standing with
our September Speaker Matt Rister (c) and Kimberly
Thompson (President-Elect) (r).
Matt did a fantastic presentation on Communications.
Student Activities
October 2015
Howdy from your K-12 STEM Champion, a part
of the Student Activities Committee! (Yes,
I’m an Aggie, Whoop! …And STEM stands for
Science, Engineering, Technology, &
Mathematics.) The ASHRAE national Student
Activities committees has issued a focus
asking us all to
get involved
with bringing more of our
young people into the field
of engineering as a college
major, and thereby eventually
into our HVAC&R field upon
graduation. In order to get
them prepared for a rigorous
college career, we have to
let them know how important
it is to take math & science
courses are in high school.
Each month I’ll give you a
few ideas and pointers here
on how to get the message
Now wait, young engineers! Before you say, “I can’t talk
to children,” allow me one moment to tell you that you
don’t have to talk to make an impact! Simply volunteer to
judge a science fair for the school closest to where you
work or live, let me know the date of the fair & the
school, and our Houston Chapter gets credit for meeting
the STEM Challenge, with YEA participation! (YEA is the
designation for Young Engineers in ASHRAE, anyone who is
35 years old or younger on June 1st of the society year)
For the more experienced engineers, if you have schoolaged kids or grandkids, you already overcame that fear of
speaking to children, and you have an important “in” to
the school system via the PTA/PTO (Parent-Teacher
Association or Organization). Simply ask the PTA
president or your child’s teacher if they are doing a
career day. Show up on that day and explain to the
students that, “An engineer changes the world around them
by making creative, practical solutions to life’s
problems using math and science.” Have a model of what
you design to show (older kids love blueprints), or a
poster of what you sell (most kids love machines), or
download ASHRAE’s coloring page for grade-schoolers
(little kids love to draw). See the link below for more
ideas. Then let me know the date & the school, and our
Houston Chapter gets credit for meeting the STEM
Have a great month, and don’t forget to talk to our
future employees, coworkers, and bosses (those kids)!
Kristin L. Schaefer, P.E.
Student Activities Chair
Schaefer Engineering
TableTop Sponsor
The ASHRAE Houston Chapter gratefully
acknowledges our
September 2015 Table Top Sponsor.
A Special Thanks to Lashley & Associates, Inc.
and Jeff Weber, Vic Hoffman (MetalAire), Randal
TableTop Sponsors 2015
Student Night
Still Only 150
ASHRAE Houston Chapter Roster
Michael Langton
(832) 328-1010
President Elect
Kimberly Thompson
(832) 328-1010
Vice President
Bill Chalmers
(713) 924-2417
Kenneth Shifflett
(713) 266-1761
Kevin Gardner
(713) 482-2300
Elliot Millican
(713) 580-8817
Technology Transfer
Kimberly Thompson
(832) 328-1010
Resource Promotion
Bill Chalmers
(713) 924-2417
Kimberly Thompson
(832) 328-1010
Klint Nunn
(713) 266-3900
Steve Roche
(281) 292-6842
Alan Neely
(281) 432-9864
Andrew Hohler
(281) 491-7333
Historian Emeritus
Bruce Flaniken
(713) 441-9624
Brandon Williams
(281) 606-2532
Past President 2014-2015
Honors & Awards
Roster & Product Directory
Education & Student Activities Kristen Schaefer
(979) 595-6150
Grass Roots Advocacy
Elliot Millican
(713) 580-8817
Membership Promotion
June Johnston
(832) 444-7258
Don Nye
(713) 580-8870
Chaplain Emeritus
Hank Fry
(713) 774-4922
Ron Dauzat
(832) 467-8200
Young Engineers In ASHRAE
Mitchell Campbell
(713) 782-2701
Young Engineers In ASHRAE
Chase Bielamowicz
(832) 684-5934
Board of Governors
Elliot Millican
(713) 580-8817
Board of Governors
Don Nye
(713) 580-8870
Board of Governors
Bruce Flaniken
(713) 441-9624
Board of Governors
John Walik
(713) 462-8888
Attendance & Reception
Adam Castillo
(713) 266-3900
Attendance & Reception
Tarynbeth Pilutti
(832) 328-1010
C.I.C Delegate
Keith Reihl
(713) 459-1044
C.I.C Delegate
Bruce Flaniken
(713) 441-9624
C.R.C. Delegate
Kimberly Thompson
(832) 328-1010
C.R.C Alternate
Bill Chalmers
(713) 924-2417
PAOE Administrator
David Schurk
(832) 328-1010
Skip Williams
(713) 782-2701
Valerie Roberts
(281) 500-8136
Editor, Hot Air Recorder
John Walik
(713) 830-4523
John Walik
(713) 830-4523