AbilitiesExpo Atlanta 2012 Show Directory & Buyers Guide and Love and Care Cultiv MD researchers ‘Han tech whe /ALS NEWSMAGAZINE ATEST )NFORMATION !BOUT!MYOTROPHIC,ATERAL 3CLEROSISs-AY*UNEs6OL.O 5 Leading ALS Research Strategies MAGAZINE MDAA /AALS LS NEWSMA NEW WSM 4HE,ATEST 4HE ,ATEST )NFORMAT )NFORMATION ION !BOUT!MYOTROPHIC,ATERAL ! BOUT ! MYOTROPHIC ,ATERAL 3CLEROSIS 3CLEROSISs*ULY!UGUSTs6OL s *ULY!UGUST Inside: A Living independently with ALS to fights ALS with social media 3 !, ALL th! ON nth ATITIIO Mo SS. ssss 18 YII rene age 18 p -A ware A See Using Social Media in ALS Research Inside: FUS gene offers new insights into ALS ‘Gib’s Odyssey’: Confronting ALS and the sea In Focus: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease The latest in wheelchair-accessible vehicles Tips on dealing with the ER Telethon 2011! Your Best Print & Online Resources! UÊ QUEST MAG MAGAZINE GAZINE ONLINE (quest (quest.mda.org) t.mda.org) — The late latest est in research and clin clinical nical trials, as well as current currrent and archived Quest Quest magazine articles, with w more than 60,000 60,0000 unique page views per month m UÊ PRODUCT DIRECTORY DIRECTOR D Y (quest.mda.org/products-services) (quest.mdaa.org/products-servicees) — Information andd links to the best products produccts and services services UÊ Follow MDAA online (mda.org) — Opportunities to conn connect, nect, learn MDA’s’s oonline share and le earn through MDA nline communities, Facebook including Fa acebook and TTwitter witter ½ÃÊ,iÃi>ÀV ÊEÊi>Ì Ê>}>âiÊUÊ7ÌiÀ January-March 2012 quest.mda.org The Joy of Wheelchair Dancing From the lab to a trial: 7 ÞÊÃÕV Ê>ÊÃÜÊ«>Vi¶ Get involved: Shamrocks vÕ`À>Ã}Ê«À}À> Pet dogs: Can they i>ÀÊÃiÀÛViÊÌ>Ãö (866) 775-8 775-8568 568 mtuncer@mdausa.org mtuncer@m dausa.org mda.org TABLE OF CONTENTS Floor Plan ...................................................................................4 General Information ...................................................................5 Show Directory and Buyers Guide SHOW MANAGEMENT: Chairman Lew Shomer Pres/CEO David Korse Operations Caryn Cohan-Bates, CEM Exhibit Sales Roxanne Borrmann Jennifer O’Brien Valerie Teague Paul Holder Education/Special Events Sarah Galbraith Laucks, CMP Public Relations/Web Site Kevaleen Lara Schedule-At-A-Glance.............................................................6-7 Events and Educational Workshops Free Events Friday, Saturday and Sunday................................................8-10 Free Workshops Friday........................................................................................12 Saturday ..............................................................................13-14 Exhibitor Information AT Pavilion ..........................................................................16-17 Exhibitor Roster........................................................................18 Exhibitor Listings......................................................................20 Advertisers Accessibility Help Desk Sandy Petersen ATG Rehab ..................................................................25 Calendar of Events: Hill Rom.....................................................................25 Los Angeles - (Los Angeles, California) March 30-April 1, 2012 Integrative Hyperbaric Centers ..........................................19 New York Metro (Edison, New Jersey) May 4-6, 2012 Chicago (Schaumburg, Illinois) June 29 - July 1, 2012 Houston (Houston, Texas) August 3-5, 2012 San Jose - (San Jose, California) November 16-18, 2012 Freedom Staff ..............................................................15 MDA/Quest Magazine.......................................................2 MOTOMed...................................................................35 National Seating & Mobility .............................................35 New Mobility ...............................................................23 Pride Mobility Products...................................................11 Sky Medical.................................................................33 Abilities Expo 2601 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90405 Office: 310 450 8831 x 130 Fax: 310 450 9305 Therapy Motions, LLC.....................................................38 United Seating & Mobility................................................21 Permobil ..........................................................Back cover www.abilitiesexpo.com 3 Atlanta - February 17-19, 2012 Georgia World Congress Center ENTRANCE 4 SHOW HOURS FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY February 17 - 11am – 5pm February 18 - 11am – 5pm February 19 - 11 am – 4pm –––––– ACCESSIBILITY HELP DESK –––––– Registration Lobby outside of Exhibit Hall, provided complimentary by Abilities Expo For your convenience, our Accessibility Help Desk is where any show-related questions may be answered. Additionally, the following services are available. • INFORMATION/ LOST AND FOUND - Accessibility Help Desk For your convenience, our Accessibility Help Desk is in the Lobby in front of the Exhibit Hall where any show-related questions may be answered. Any lost items turned in to Show Management will be held here until the close of the show. All remaining items will be given to Building Security. • PERSONAL CARE SERVICE ATTENDANT- Accessibility Help Desk, provided complimentary by Abilities Expo For your convenience, there will be a Personal Care Service Attendant to assist guests during show hours for their personal needs (rest room assistance, filling out forms, etc.) Should you require assistance for show related activities, please stop by this desk in the Lobby area. This is a complimentary service, offered on a first come, first served basis, show days and hours. • AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER- Accessibility Help Desk, provided complimentary by Abilities Expo There will be a sign language interpreter who will be located at the Accessibility Help Desk in the Lobby in front of the Exhibit Hall. You may sign up for this complimentary service, offered on a first come, first served basis, show days and hours at the Accessibility Help Desk. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS AND WORKSHOPS/EXHIBIT HALL Workshops will take place inside the Exhibit Hall. See floor plan on page 4 for location. • See pages 8 -14 for information regarding the events and workshops that will educate, entertain and enlighten you! • Workshops at Atlanta Abilities Expo will be captioned using real-time captioning. • All events and workshops are located in the exhibit hall. • Opinions stated at the workshops/events are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of Abilities Expo. All workshops and events are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice. EVENT INFORMATION & REGULATIONS: • Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the facility. • Photography or videotaping in the exhibit hall is prohibited unless authorized by Show Management in writing. Please go to the Accessibility Help Desk in the Lobby in front of the Exhibit Hall if authorization is required. Permission from each booth exhibitor is required prior to taking booth photographs or videotaping. • Solicitations to exhibitors or expo attendees are not permitted by individuals who are not contracted exhibitors with Abilities Expo including visiting manufacturers. • Show Management is not responsible for loss or theft of personal belongs. Security for each individual’s belongings is the individual’s responsibility. • There is no paging system available. FIRST AID The first aid office will be staffed during show days and hours. It is located prior to entering the exhibit hall. In an emergency, please dial (404) 2234911or ext. 4911 from any house phones GENERAL INFORMATION FOOD SERVICE The food service and seating area is at the back of the hall behind the Events Arena and will be open show days until one hour prior to show close. PURCHASES Please obtain a receipt for any purchases made on the premises of Abilities Expo. These should be shown to the guard as you depart the Exhibit Hall. If you do not have a receipt, you will be asked to return to the booth where the item was purchased to get one. LOCATION A floor plan of the Exhibit Hall is on Page 4. –––––– PAVILION AREAS ON THE EXHIBIT FLOOR –––––– • AT PAVILION The Assistive Technology Pavilion will feature the latest AT products for people of all ages with wide ranges of physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities. The area will be anchored by Shepherd Center. • ARTIST MARKET The Artist Market, coordinated by VSA Arts, features original creations from artists with disabilities. Purchase an extraordinary gift from this eclectic mix of one-of-a-kind artwork. • RETAIL PAVILION The Retail Pavilion, along aisle 100, highlights hundreds of apparel items, personal hygiene products, wheelchair accoutrements, bathroom accessories, low-cost daily living aids for people with disabilities and much, much more. You’ll find universal clothing, healing formulas, accessible ballooning, product solutions for a more comfortable and independent living, accessories for infants and other ingenious products that range from a few dollars up to $250. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • SERVICE DOG RELIEF AREA For your convenience and comfort of your animal, there will be a Service Dog Relief Area located at the back of Aisle100, outside the exhibit hall. Water, a water bowl, plastic bags and a trash bin are also provided for your convenience and there’s even a red fire hydrant!! We appreciate you picking up after your animal. Please, do not exit the front of the Convention Center as there are no provisions there. • WHEELCHAIR REPAIR PAVILION – provided complimentary by D’s Locks Free maintenance will be provided on a first come first served basis. Booths 137/139. This service will end one hour before the show ends each day. • LOANER SCOOTERS, Exhibit Hall Lobby, provided complimentary By Pride Mobility Products Corp. Pride Mobility Products Corp. will be offering loaner scooters for visitors to Abilities Expo. Please go to the Loaner Scooters table when you enter the Convention Center, Hall C4 Lobby and be prepared to provide appropriate identification to obtain your scooter. This is a complimentary service, offered on a first come, first served basis, show days and hours. DISCLAIMER: PLEASE NOTE: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this Show Directory. However, Show Management cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. www.abilitiesexpo.com 5 SCHEduLE AT A GLANCE All Workshops and Events take place inside the Exhibit Hall. (See Floorplan on Page 4 for Locations) * Schedule subject to change without notice. Abilities Expo is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speakers. WORKSHOP # 1 Friday • February 17, 2012 11:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:15 pm 12:00 pm Accommodations in the Workplace Push for More! Getting the Wheelchair that Works for You 2:15 pm 2:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:45 pm 4:45 pm WORKSHOP # 2 1:15 pm 2:15 pm Wired: Experiences in a Clinical Trial and Using FES Technology to Impact People Living With Paralysis 2:30 pm Shut Out, Priced Out and Segregated: the Need for Fair Housing for People with Disabilities 3:45 pm 5:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:45 pm Saturday • February 18, 2012 11:00 am 6 1:00 pm 1:15 pm Tips for Parents of Children with Disabilities: Living a Unique Life Experience Kids Workshop: Wendy on Wheels Takes a Stand 4:45 pm 5:00 pm A Good Night’s Sleep: What Is It, What Gets in the Way, and Solutions WORKSHOP # 2 12:00 pm Planning Accessible Travel 1:00 pm 1:15 pm 2:15 pm 2:30 pm 3:45 pm Wheelchair Standers: Stand for Function! 11:00 am 2:15 pm 3:30 pm Travel the World: Tips for Travelers with Disabilities and Seniors 5:00 pm WORKSHOP # 1 12:00 pm How to Select the Right Vehicle for You 1:00 pm More is More: Taking Children with Motor Disorders to the Next Level 2:30 pm It's My Turn! Games That All Children Can Play It's Not Just IDEA: Assistive Technology Need-to-Knows 3:30 pm 3:45 pm 4:45 pm 5:00 pm The "Access"-able Home Stevie Hopkins Talks Life: College, Work and More SCHEduLE AT A GLANCE All Workshops and Events take place inside the Exhibit Hall. (See Floorplan on Page 4 for Locations) * Schedule subject to change without notice. Abilities Expo is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speakers. Friday • February 17, 2012 11:00 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 12:45 pm 1:00 pm 1:15 pm 1:45 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 2:45 pm 3:15 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm Saturday • February 18, 2012 EVENTS ARENA 11:00 am 11:45 pm 12:15 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:15 pm 1:45 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 2:45 pm 3:00 pm 3:15 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm Wheelchair Basketball Adaptive Bike Demonstration Wheelchair Dancing Demo and Workshop Assistance Dogs Demonstration Boccia Horse Boy Method Demonstration Meet and Greet with Rupert Isaacson and the Horses EVENTS ARENA Assistance Dogs Demonstration Track and Road Racing Face Painting Booth #126 Goal Ball and Beep Baseball Wheelchair Dancing Demo and Workshop Wheelchair Tennis Horse Boy Method Demonstration Meet and Greet with Rupert Isaacson and the Horses Sunday • February 19, 2012 EVENTS ARENA 11:00 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 12:45 pm 1:15 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:15 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm Wheelchair Dancing Demo and Workshop Face Painting Booth #126 Adaptive Bike Demonstration Power Soccer Horse Boy Method Demonstration Meet and Greet with Rupert Isaacson and the Horses www.abilitiesexpo.com 7 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES See Floor Plan Events and Activities Make the Total Abilities Experience! • All Events Take Place Inside the Exhibit Hall • Try a host of different adaptive sports • Dance your heart out • Transform your face at the face painters • Learn how to work with assistance dogs (Page 4) for Events Arena For your convenience, we have indicated the age groups that may be interested in these events. K Kids A Adults S Seniors * Schedule subject to change without notice. Abilities Expo is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speakers. Friday, February 17, 2012 12:00pm – 12:30pm Wheelchair Basketball K A S BlazeSports Wheelchair basketball was once played only by men with spinal cord injuries. Today, both men and women, with a variety of disabilities, compete in the sport. Many of the same rules from able-bodied basketball apply in the wheelchair game. The plays and strategies are similar. In addition there are special rules in place to adapt to disability. The National Wheelchair Basketball Association (NWBA) governs all aspects of the game in the United States. Learn more at www.blazesports.org. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12:45pm – 1:00pm Adaptive Bike Demonstration Freedom Concepts K A S Discover bikes that are available for people with disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Angelman's Syndrome, impaired vision, and more! Learn how cycling can provide recreation, therapy and most of all ... fun and freedom! The folks from Freedom Concepts will demonstrate some of their adaptive bicycles. Bikes will be available for attendees to check out. Information on how you can get a bike will also be provided. Learn more at www.freedomconcepts.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1:15pm - 1:45pm Wheelchair Dancing Demo and Workshop K A S Auti Angel, Abilities Expo "Dancebassador" Dancing is fast becoming a popular activity for wheelchair users. Auti Angel, the Abilities Expo "Dancebassador" will share a dance demonstration with attendees. Then it's your turn to try some steps as Auti leads you in a dance workshop. Auti is founder of the Colous~N~Motion wheelchair Hip-Hop dance crew, star of the film Musical Chairs, and star of the upcoming TV series Push Girls. Attendees of all ages and mobility levels are welcome to learn basic dance steps. Dancing crosses the boundaries of age, gender, and physical ability; it includes individuals using both manual and power wheelchairs. You won't want to miss this unique demonstration and a chance to dance on your wheels! For more information about Auti visit www.sundancechannel.com/push-girls. 8 2:00pm – 2:30pm Assistance Dogs Demonstration Canine Assistants K A S More than ever assistance dogs are meeting the needs of people with different disabilities. Meet several assistance dogs and their human partners. Watch them demonstrate the many ways they work together to achieve independence in various areas of their lives. Following the demo, join us to learn some of the basic commands for the dogs. Learn more at www.canineassistants.org. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2:45pm – 3:15pm Boccia K A S BlazeSports Local athletes will demonstrate Boccia, where athletes throw, kick or use an assistive device to propel leather balls as close as possible to a white target ball (call the jack). Boccia is a test of muscle control, concentration and accuracy, and the game helps to increase handeye coordination. Learn more at www.blazesports.org. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3:30pm – 4:00pm Horse Boy Method Demonstration Rupert Isaacson and Iliane Lorenz, Horse Boy World K A S Meet Rupert Isaacson and Iliane Lorenz of Horse Boy World as well as several therapy horses. Rupert is the father of “The Horse Boy” and author of the best-selling book by the same name. Together they will share with you a demonstration of Horse Boy Method and explain how it can benefit people on the Autism Spectrum and with other neuro-psychiatric conditions. The approach is a simple 3-stage process that creates the right environment, addresses sensory issues and allows perspective-taking and academics to be taught from the saddle. No experience with horses is needed to learn and benefit from this method. Discover more at www.horseboyworld.com. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4:00pm – 4:30pm Meet and Greet with Rupert Isaacson and the Horses K A S Horse Boy World Following the 3:30pm demonstration stick around! The horses will be available for attendees to meet and take photos. Copies of Rupert’s books will be available for sale, together with DVD’s, t-shirts and other Horse Boy World items. EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Saturday, February 18, 2012 11:45am – 12:15pm Assistance Dogs Demonstration Canine Assistants K A S More than ever assistance dogs are meeting the needs of people with different disabilities. Meet several assistance dogs and their human partners. Watch them demonstrate the many ways they work together to achieve independence in various areas of their lives. Following the demo, join us to learn some of the basic commands for the dogs. Learn more at www.canineassistants.org. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12:30pm - 1:00pm Track and Road Racing K A S BlazeSports Track and field events are among the most popular and widely practiced events in disabled sports. Events at competitions range from the 100 meters through marathon, javelin, discuss and shot. Atlanta region athletes will demonstrate elements of track and road racing. Afterwards, attendees are invited to speak with athletes and try the activities for themselves. Learn more at www.blazesports.org. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1:00pm – 3:00pm Face Painting - Booth #126 Mystical Faces K Kids will delight at the opportunity to transform their face into a beautiful butterfly, a swashbuckling pirate, or a sweet kitten! Stop by the face painter’s stand for a complimentary face painting. Select designs only. Paints are FDA approved professional face paints and wash off with water. Just for kids, ages 18 and under. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1:15pm - 1:45pm Goal Ball and Beep Baseball BlazeSports K A S Goal ball is a competitive sport played three-against-three, indoors on a gym floor—primarily by blind and visually impaired athletes. Players are blindfolded to make the game fair and its exciting play to watch. Then there’s the fun of beep baseball, the adaptive version of America’s favorite pastime. Also originally developed for athletes with visual impairments, blindfolds make the games fair as players dive onto the ground to stop a beeping ball and run full speed toward the sound of a buzzing base to score a run. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2:00pm – 2:30pm Wheelchair Dancing Demo and Workshop K A S Auti Angel, Abilities Expo "Dancebassador" Dancing is fast becoming a popular activity for wheelchair users. Auti Angel, the Abilities Expo "Dancebassador" will share a dance demonstration with attendees. Then it's your turn to try some steps as Auti leads you in a dance workshop. Auti is founder of the Colous~N~Motion wheelchair Hip-Hop dance crew, star of the film Musical Chairs, and star of the upcoming TV series Push Girls. Attendees of all ages and mobility levels are welcome to learn basic dance steps. Dancing crosses the boundaries of age, gender, and physical ability; it includes individuals using both manual and power wheelchairs. You won't want to miss this unique demonstration and a chance to dance on your wheels! For more information about Auti visit www.sundancechannel.com/push-girls. 2:45pm – 3:15pm Wheelchair Tennis K A S USTA Southern Wheelchair Tennis Committee Players from the Atlanta Area will be on-hand to demonstrate Wheelchair Tennis and teach attendees who would like to learn more. Wheelchair Tennis is one of the fastest growing wheelchair sports in the world. It follows the same rules as able-bodied tennis except the wheelchair tennis player is allowed two bounces of the ball. There is a growing demand for Adaptive Sports like Wheelchair Tennis, which offer people of all abilities an outlet to play sports both recreationally and competitively. Resources will be provided for where attendees can play in the Atlanta region. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3:30pm – 4:00pm Horse Boy Method Demonstration Rupert Isaacson and Iliane Lorenz, Horse Boy World K A S Meet Rupert Isaacson and Iliane Lorenz of Horse Boy World as well as several therapy horses. Rupert is the father of “The Horse Boy” and author of the best-selling book by the same name. Together they will share with you a demonstration of Horse Boy Method and explain how it can benefit people on the Autism Spectrum and with other neuro-psychiatric conditions. The approach is a simple 3-stage process that creates the right environment, addresses sensory issues and allows perspective-taking and academics to be taught from the saddle. No experience with horses is needed to learn and benefit from this method. Discover more at www.horseboyworld.com. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4:00pm – 4:30pm Meet and Greet with Rupert Isaacson and the Horses K A S Horse Boy World Following the 3:30pm demonstration stick around! The horses will be available for attendees to meet and take photos. Copies of Rupert’s books will be available for sale, together with DVD’s, tshirts and other Horse Boy World items. Sunday, February 19, 2012 12:00pm - 12:30pm Wheelchair Dancing Demo and Workshop K A S Auti Angel, Abilities Expo "Dancebassador" Dancing is fast becoming a popular activity for wheelchair users. Auti Angel, the Abilities Expo "Dancebassador" will share a dance demonstration with attendees. Then it's your turn to try some steps as Auti leads you in a dance workshop. Auti is founder of the Colous~N~Motion wheelchair Hip-Hop dance crew, star of the film Musical Chairs, and star of the upcoming TV series Push Girls. Attendees of all ages and mobility levels are welcome to learn basic dance steps. Dancing crosses the boundaries of age, gender, and physical ability; it includes individuals using both manual and power wheelchairs. You won't want to miss this unique demonstration and a chance to dance on your wheels! For more information about Auti visit www.sundancechannel.com/push-girls. www.abilitiesexpo.com 9 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES 12:30pm – 2:30pm Face Painting - Booth #126 Mystical Faces K A S Kids will delight at the opportunity to transform their face into a beautiful butterfly, a swashbuckling pirate, or a sweet kitten! Stop by the face painter’s stand for a complimentary face painting. Select designs only. Paints are FDA approved professional face paints and wash off with water. Just for kids, ages 18 and under. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12:45pm – 1:15pm Adaptive Bike Demonstration Freedom Concepts K A S Discover bikes that are available for people with disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Angelman's Syndrome, impaired vision, and more! Learn how cycling can provide recreation, therapy and most of all ... fun and freedom! The folks from Freedom Concepts will demonstrate some of their adaptive bicycles. Bikes will be available for attendees to check out. Information on how you can get a bike will also be provided. Learn more at www.freedomconcepts.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1:30pm – 2:15pm Power Soccer K A U.S. Power Soccer Association Watch and learn as the best local teams demonstrate and train attendees on the techniques of power wheelchair soccer. Discover this very active and growing sport that is open to power wheelchair users of all ages. Local players will demonstrate how they combine their skills as wheelchair users with the speed and power of the chair itself, to participate in this extremely challenging game similar to soccer. Then try the sport out for yourself and learn where you can get involved in the Houston area. Learn more about power soccer at www.powersoccerusa.net. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2:30pm – 3:00pm Horse Boy Method Demonstration Rupert Isaacson and Iliane Lorenz, Horse Boy World K A S Meet Rupert Isaacson and Iliane Lorenz of Horse Boy World as well as several therapy horses. Rupert is the father of “The Horse Boy” and author of the best-selling book by the same name. Together they will share with you a demonstration of Horse Boy Method and explain how it can benefit people on the Autism Spectrum and with other neuro-psychiatric conditions. The approach is a simple 3stage process that creates the right environment, addresses sensory issues and allows perspective-taking and academics to be taught from the saddle. No experience with horses is needed to learn and benefit from this method. Discover more at www.horseboyworld.com. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3:00pm – 3:30pm Meet and Greet with Rupert Isaacson and the Horses K A S Horse Boy World Following the 3:30pm demonstration stick around! The horses will be available for attendees to meet and take photos. Copies of Rupert’s books will be available for sale, together with DVD’s, t-shirts and other Horse Boy World items. 10 Events & Activities Continued! W OR KS HOPS See Floor Plan Free Workshops! Plan your Abilities Expo Experience Today! • All Workshops Take Place Inside the Exhibit Hall! • Workshops are first-come-first-serve. No need to sign up in advance. • Professionals: Certificates of participation are available for all workshops. Please see the Accessibility Help Desk for details. (Page 4) for Workshop Locations For your convenience, we have indicated the age groups that may be interested in these workshops. K Kids A Adults S Seniors * Schedule subject to change without notice. Abilities Expo is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speakers. 1:15pm – 2:15pm Travel the World: Tips for Travelers with Disabilities and Seniors – Workshop 2 Friday, February 17, 2012 12:00pm – 1:00pm Accommodations in the Workplace – Workshop 1 A S Raj Pagadala, ATP, RET, Program Director, Assistive Technology, Georgia Department of Labor, VR Services People with disabilities or those who have developed work related disabilities need accommodations in the workplace to obtain or retain employment. In this workshop audience will be presented with examples of successful job accommodations provided by the assistive work technology team of the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Program. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12:00pm – 1:00pm How to Select the Right Vehicle for You – Workshop 2 K A S Greg Kiser, Regional Sales Manager, BraunAbility Join us for an educational guide for consumers and related healthcare professionals who are in the process of purchasing adaptive equipment or advising someone in the process. This workshop will cover such topics as what solutions are available and where to find them, key terminology, the shopping and evaluation process, funding options and much more. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1:15pm – 2:15pm Push for More! Getting the Wheelchair that Works for You – Workshop 1 A S Ann Eubank, LMSW, OTR/L, ATP Executive Director, Users First Alliance, a program of United Spinal Association; VP of Community Initiatives Finding the right wheelchair can be frustrating as there is often conflicting information at every turn. This interactive seminar will offer strategies and resources to help navigate this process. Subjects including: finding the most appropriate doctor, how to work with your local equipment supplier, what to do if you are denied the equipment you want, locating resources specific to your needs and consumer rights will be discussed. The seminar will include video and on-line access to resource sites. 12 K A S Debra Kerper, Easy Access Travel Would you like to travel the country or the world, but believe you cannot because of your disability? At this workshop you will learn that travel by air, sea and car is a real option for you. The presenter, a professional travel agent who has a disability and has travelled extensively, will share with you how to plan a trip, including what to expect form hotels, rental car companies, cruise lines and the airlines. Learn about the common challenges, methods for addressing them and what the law requires. Attendees will receive recommendations for disability-friendly destinations and accessible travel resources. Be sure to bring your pressing questions and a list of places you'd like to visit. Learn more at www.easyaccesstravel.com. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2:30pm – 3:30pm Wired: Experiences in a Clinical Trial and Using FES Technology to Impact People Living With Paralysis – Workshop 1 A S Jennifer French, Executive Director, Neurotech Network Neurotechnology and FES (Functional Electronic Stimulation) are technologies that are used to increase function for people with many types of disabilities. This interactive session will provide an overview of neurotechnology and FES applications specifically for paralysis. You will see examples of people living with disabilities who use FES technology and the daily improvements to their lives and ADLs. Areas of impact include cough assistance, hand function, trunk stability, standing, and walking. Learn first hand about the experiences as a participant in a clinical trial to develop the technology. Resources will be provided to learn more about this emerging field of technology. WOR KS HOPS 2:30pm – 3:30pm Wheelchair Standers: Stand for Function! – Workshop 2 A S Amy Morgan, PT, ATP, Pediatric & Standing Specialist, Permobil, Inc. Standing is an intervention that has been gaining attention in recent months. In addition to the physiological benefits of weight bearing (standing), the increase in functional performance that standing provides makes it a desirable feature on a wheelchair base. This session will look at the research supporting standing wheelchairs and will discuss how to use this research to support a consumer’s need for a standing wheelchair. Several successful case studies of people using standing wheelchairs (both manual and power) will also be shared. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3:45pm – 4:45pm Shut Out, Priced Out and Segregated: the Need for Fair Housing for People with Disabilities – Workshop 1 A S Kristen Vincent, SOPOS Coalition Learn about the development of a public policy report on the issue of fair housing for people with disabilities. The report is one result of a settlement between the National Fair Housing Alliance and other partners v. AG Spanos, a large construction company found to be in violation of the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. AG Spanos supported Metro Fair Housing Services, one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, to have the lead role in convening a panel of housing experts and advocates to complete the paper. The final paper, titled "Shut Out, Priced Out and Segregated: the Need for Fair Housing for People with Disabilities" (SOPOS), includes ten recommendations for making housing accessible, affordable and integrated, which are currently being implemented throughout the state of Georgia. Attendees will take away ways to implement the SOPOS recommendations in their local communities. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3:45pm – 4:45pm A Good Night’s Sleep: What Is It, What Gets in the Way, and Solutions – Workshop 2 Jill Girard, Mike Laky and Steffen Tiskus, Sleep Specialists with Thevo by Ri-LLC A S Most people spend 1/3 of their lives in sleep. But how much do we know about sleep, how it affects us, and solutions for people with disabilities? This presentation will provide an overview of sleep, including the different phases of rest and activity. Attendees will learn the importance of deep, restorative sleep and the importance of mobility during sleep. Issues that interfere with quality sleep will be reviewed together with a selection of solutions ranging from low-cost to high-cost. Attendees will gain knowledge about sleep supporting measures for people with neurologic disorders, pain, dementia and who are aging. Saturday, February 18, 2012 12:00pm – 1:00pm Tips for Parents of Children with Disabilities: Living a Unique Life Experience – K A Workshop 1 Karen Kain, CEO, Lorrin's World and a Family Advocate Children with special needs are here to be enjoyed, celebrated and loved. This workshop will lift up parents, caregivers and teachers by sharing tips and tools to create a life filled with enrichment, successes, and positive energy. Karen teaches parents how to keep their spirits high while managing the chaos that often comes with raising unique children. When her daughter Lorrin was just two months old, she was severely injured by a vaccination. Doctors told Karen to prepare for the worst and gave no hope of Lorrin surviving beyond six years. Against many odds, Karen made it her mission to give Lorrin the best life experience possible. Lorrin enjoyed a full and wonderful life for sixteen years even though her body was challenged by significant brain injury and neurological damage. Karen will share tips for families living this unique life experience and hopes they will be useful to other parents. Come gain ideas to help create the best life possible for you and your family. Learn more at www.Lorrinsworld.com. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12:00pm – 1:00pm Planning Accessible Travel – K A S Workshop 2 Mary Peterson, CTC, Accessible Travel Consultant, ABLE to Travel, a program of United Spinal Association Let ABLE to Travel guide you thru the often-difficult task of planning accessible travel. No one said it would be easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard! ABLE to Travel is here to help make your trip accessible from start to finish and alleviate the headache for you! In this workshop we will discuss the Air Carrier Access, the 2010 ADA Standards that have mandated increased accessibility to hotels and other travel destinations, tips for travelers, maneuvering through airport security and the mandates from TSA, and cruises (one of the most accessible ways to travel). www.abilitiesexpo.com 13 W OR KS HOPS Free Workshops Continued! 1:15pm – 2:15pm Kids Workshop: Wendy on Wheels Takes a Stand – Workshop 1 K 2:30pm – 3:30pm The "Access"-able Home – Workshop 2 A S Angela Ruzicka, author of the popular Wendy on Wheels series In this hour-long workshop author Angela Ruzicka will delight the participants by reading her latest book in the popular Wendy on Wheel series, Wendy on Wheels Takes A Stand. In this exciting new adventure, Wendy finds herself in the middle of an encounter between two classmates. Always ready to do the right thing, Wendy takes a stand against bullying and creates positive solutions to this prevalent social problem. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the book, answer questions and talk about how to overcome adversity in their own lives. This impactful and uplifting workshop is sure to be a favorite, producing Wendy fans of all ages! Learn more at www.wendyonwheels.com. Jack Noa, Owner, Disability Solutions, Specializing in Residential Handicap Construction Would you like to make your current home more accessible? This workshop will provide tips for starting that process. Learn about HUD “Fair Housing Accessibility First” and the ADA Standards for Accessible Design which provide requirements for design and modification. Find out what building codes may apply, ways to fund the changes, and more. The presenter will highlight areas where you can increase access, starting with the bathroom and moving through your house room by room. He will even share tips for your yard and driveway. The session concludes with time for questions and answers. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1:15pm – 2:15pm More is More: Taking Children with Motor Disorders to the Next Level – Workshop 2 Ashley Dungan, PT, DPT, Euro-Peds National Center for Intensive Pediatric PT K A Our goals for treating children who have gross motor disorders, such as cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injuries, should be to teach new and lasting functional skills that lead to more independence. Yet, most children do not have enough time in the traditional therapy setting to accumulate the strength to carry out new skills. Over the last decade, a more intensive approach to therapy has been evolving in North America inspired by Eastern European methods and tools. Through a review of research on intensive therapy, video, and experience the presenter will show how this emerging intensive model of therapy is creating better outcomes and more function. Attendees will learn to identify the differences between Intensive Physical Therapy and Traditional Therapy, and how the two approaches are complementary. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2:30pm – 3:30pm It's My Turn! Games That All Children Can Play – Workshop 1 K A S Erie Ade MA CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist This interactive workshop will provide parents, teachers, and educators with innovative ways to include all children in educational games. Revisit classic games you played as a child, and learn some new ones too! Share the fun and excitement with a special child in your life. 14 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3:45pm – 4:45pm It's Not Just IDEA: Assistive Technology Need-to-Knows – Workshop 1 Sandy Hanebrink, OTR/L, South Carolina Branch Director, Touch the Future, Inc. A S Many individuals are familiar with the legal requirements under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). But how much do you know about the requirements of other laws hat also cover people with disabilities in educational arenas? This session will discuss the laws that impact assistive technology in school settings and successful strategies for getting the AT students need. Participants will gain a general understanding of laws, knowledge of how these laws interrelate, and strategies for successful AT acquisition. In addition possible funding resources will be provided. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3:45pm – 4:45pm Stevie Hopkins Talks Life: College, Work and More – Workshop 2 Stevie Hopkins, Co-Founder/Annie's Brother, Director of A S Awesome, 3E Love Now that you've finished high school, you're ready to venture out on your own. There's a lot of excitement about these changes but also a lot of challenges too. Hiring and firing PA's, living on your own, dating and relationships, and getting a job. Stevie Hopkins, co-founder of 3E Love, will share his thoughts on making the jump to life after school. Stevie is a a serial entrepreneur. After many ventures he found his life's work in 3E Love, his sister Annie's dream. Calling on his experiences in the financial industry, music business, and web startups, Stevie was able to turned the dream into a reality. The experiences he has had traveling thousands of miles, meeting people all over the country and speaking to groups telling his story, has changed his life forever. Learn more at www.3elove.com Booth B ooth 215 2 15 FREEDOM STAFF Portable Handicap Hand Controls For Driving Introducing The Amazing Freedom m Staff That Converts Any Vehicle, V From Large eT Truck, to Rental Car, to Golf Carrt Into an Efficient Vehic Vehicle cle That Can Be Safely a and nd Easily Driven With O Only Two T Hands. Installing the portable Freedom Staff into your vehicle, or any vehicle for that matter, m is a straightforrward operation. It does not require tools or modifications odifications to the vehicle. cle. With practiice, you can do it in 2 minutes tops. Product Features and Benefits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oldings 7335 Royal R Harbour Ci cle O t Ooltewah, h TN 37363 37 63 P Phone: 503.575 9407 Fax: 503.296 2865 sales@s and-j-holdings.com The assistive technology that innovators have devised to bridge the divide between ability and disability is nothing short of amazing! At Abilities Expo, we welcome you to visit our Assistive Technology Pavilion, where companies and organizations are featuring the latest AT products for people of all ages with wide ranges of physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities. You or your loved ones will have the unique opportunity to experience how these adaptive technologies can enhance day-to-day life. AT Showcase This chance to test-drive these cutting-edge devices has been made possible by our AT Showcase sponsor, the Shepherd Center. Ranked in the top 10 rehabilitation hospitals in the country, the Shepherd Center specializes in the treatment, care, research and rehabilitation for people with spinal cord and brain injuries. At Abilities Expo Atlanta, the AT Showcase will feature the following available and emerging technologies for you to experience hands-on: Shepherd’s Therapeutic Recreation Department Shepherd’s RESCUE Program • Sip-and-puff controller for aiming a rifle or crossbow • Exercise and conditioning equipment, including handcycles • Videos from the Center’s Adventure Skills Workshops where participants enjoy such adaptive sports as: tubing, jet skiing, water skiing, scuba diving, swimming, fishing, all-terrain vehicles, climbing wall, canoeing/kayaking, marksmanship and water polo • Community service program that links people with disabilities with their local emergency responders. Georgia Tech • Tongue Drive System: Operates power wheelchairs, computers, TV and other devices through slight movements of the tongue • BrailleTouch: App which lets a user type text easily using the Braille alphabet Shepherd’s Assistive Technology Center • Solutions for controlling electronic devices such as iPods, cell phones and computers • Devices for controlling the home environment like thermostat, lighting, TV, etc. Shepherd’s Crawford Research Institute/Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies (Wireless RERC) • Interactive “Live Bar” where visitors can try out some of the latest accessibility features available on today’s cell phones, tablets and mobile computers • Demonstration of the upcoming Commercial Mobile Alerting System for receiving public alerts via cell phone NeuroTech Network/Cleveland FES Center • Implanted Electrode Technology: Surgically planted electrodes that help restore mobility • Impulse, an EMG (Electromyography)-sensing electrode: Senses tiny muscle contractions and wirelessly transmits the EMG signal to a computer using Bluetooth wireless technology • Drop Foot Stimulation: Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) for drop foot syndrome to improve gait Tools for Life / Touch the Future • AT specialists will help visitors identify and use assistive technology to help find employment and excel in their jobs • Demos of fitness equipment to keep the body toned and balanced ABILITIES EXPO – ATLANTA 2012 Assistive Technology Showcase Therapeutic Recreation and Fitness Georgia RESCUE Program/ Emergency Preparedness Tongue Drive System NeuroTech Network/ Cleveland FES Center Shepherd AT Dept Tools for Life App Factory / GATech Ubiquitous Computing Wireless RERC Accessible Wireless Options Shepherd Center Friday Touch the Future Saturday and Sunday Touch the Future AT Pavilion Exhibiting Companies Open a door for yourself or the important people in your life with disabilities. The assistive technology products offered by the following exhibitors could help to minimize the challenges that they face. BlueSky Design #329 Shepherd Center #227 Tools for Life #331 Sprint Captel #337 Touch the Future #430 EX HI B ITO R LI STI NGS 3 E Love .........................................100 Batavia, IL 60510 Phone: 630-272-9916 Fax: 630-879-5632 Social entrepreneurship company seeking to change societal perception of people with disabilities and their abilities through clothing, education, and art. Mission: Embrace diversity. Educate your community. Empower each other. Love life. Wheelchairs are sexy! Expo Sponsors are shaded in yellow. Aquatic Access Inc ...........................315 1921 Production Drive Louisville, KY 40299 Phone: 502-425-5817 Fax: 502-425-9607 Action Trackchair .............................119 Aquatic Access manufactures lifts that provide access to aquatic activities for physically challenged people. Several models meet the ADA guidelines. All Aquatic Access lifts include all components needed for installation in the base price., The safest and most reliable lifts on the market, Aquatic Access lifts are operated by the environmentally-friendly and renewable power of flowing water. 1103 Canoga Park Drive Marshall, MN 56258 ArjoHunteigh ...................................519 Able to Travel ..................................505 Phone: 507-532-9649 We at Action Manufacturing have developed the Action Trackchair for those people who want to get off the normal, smooth, hard,flat, and similar types of surfaces and have the freedom to venture off into new terrain. "Helping the disabled to be enabled." www.actiontrackchair.com Adapta Medical, Inc. .........................414 Advanced Medical Group ....................419 450 Old Peachtree Roadd, NW, Suite 102 Phone: 877-645-5170 Suwanee, GA 30024 Fax: 888-859-5845 Advanced Medical Group specializes in providing Healthcare Solutions through Innovative Products & Superior Service for individuals with paralysis, incontinence, diabetes, ostomy & wounds. Our commitment & dedication allows our customers to maximize their capabilities & independence. We provide hassle-free access to over 22,000 products, discreetly packaged, delivered to your home at no upfront costs. CALL 1-877-645-5170 to try one of our Innovative Products and experience Superior Service. ALBORS & ALNET Language and Transportation Services......................518 5971 Brick Court, Suite 200 Winter Park, FL 32792 Phone: 800-785-8634 Fax: 407-657-7004 Albors & Associates is the nation wide leader in providing legal and medical language services. We provide interpreters and translators who have the necessary background, dialect and experience to accurately convey your information and needs accurately. Alnet Transportation provides transportation to and from all medical and legal appointments for workers’ compensation patients, the disabled, and the elderly. Call us today! Let us know how we can help you. 18 2349 W. Lake Street Addison, IL 60101 Phone: 800-323-1245 Fax: 888-389-2756 ArjoHuntleigh designs, manufactures and sells patient lifts and transfer equipment. ArjoHuntleigh is recognized, as a specialist in Home Care and our marketing efforts are entirely focused on this segment. The ArjoHuntleigh brand products are available on a worldwide scale via our network of distributors. All ArjoHuntleigh products meet the rigorous standards established by the CE, CSA and UL. ATG Rehab ......................................204 11 Progress Circle Phone: 800-457-3422 x119 ATG Rehab is a national rehabilitation equipment company that specializes in providing a wide range of personal mobility. ATG provides this mobility to pediatric, bariatric, geriatric, and neurologic clients. Our expert personell are RESNA certified Assistive Technology Professionals (ATP)and work closely with Physicians and Therapists to provide the most appropriate and functional mobility to our valued clients. Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc. ..............................428 NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS ALZHEIMERS LYME DISEASE STROKE BRAIN INJURY CEREBRAL PALSY CHRONIC FATIGUE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BRAIN INJURY We all know someone who has been affected — we can help. Our centers focus on providing clear, executable, biomedical solutions. Autism, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and other brain injuries call for proven therapies that lead to measurable and visible results. Whether this involves hyperbaric oxygen therapy, therapeutic suit or nutritional therapies, among many other offerings at your disposal, our center guides and informs you about each option. With an armory of doctors, nurses and parent liaisons, our goal is to get to work on your loved one and find options that work for your family. We are here for you. To treat, demystify and heal. Integrative Hyperbaric Centers -BHVOB$BOZPO3E4UFt www.californiahyperbarics.com /FTCJUU3E6OJU#'JUDICVSH8*t www.wisconsinhyperbarics.com “Hyperbarics at home” program is now available. Treat effectively, comfortably and conveniently without going into the clinic. Contact us for more information. EX HI B ITO R LI STI NGS Expo Sponsors are shaded in yellow. Backbones......................................421 Braun Ability ...................................201 PO BOX 7334 Prospect Heights, IL 60070 Phone: 618-SCI-5484 Every year thousands of Americans sustain spinal cord injuries (SCI).The individual and their family must adjust to a new life that can be isolating without someone who understands what you are going through. BACKBONES helps answer the “What’s next?” Through one-on-one support, we motivate people to ask questions, learn and live life to the fullest! Our events make everyone feel like family by creating an alternative to the traditional “support group.” Bath Fitter ......................................206 1901 Montreal Rd Tucker, GA 30084 Phone: 770-938-2700 Fax: 770-938-2777 We are the original... and still the best...one-day bath renovators. We manfacture solid acrylic tubs, showers and surrounds. We can convert old tubs to new showers, providing optimal accessibility -- including wheelchair access -- adjustable hand-held showers by Moen and Delta, a range of customized safety grab bars, and built-in seats. One bath or a hundred. We can handle it. Cost effective, quality materials and workmanship, plus a lifetime warranty. BlueSky Designs, Inc........................ 329 2637 27th Ave. S Suite 209 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Phone: 612-724-7002 Fax: 888-311-4435 Innovative accessible products so people can more easily do what they want to do—at work, at home, and at play. Products include: •Freedom tent: wheelchairaccessible tent •Mount’n Mover: Attach laptops, speech devices, trays, reading trays, cameras and more to wheelchairs and work stations. Benefits and features: •Accessible controls •Locks securely, but moves easily •Person-specific locking positions •Adjustable tilt angle www.blueskydesigns.us www.mountnmover.com 20 631 W. 11th Winamac, In 46996 Phone: 1-800-543-5438 Fax: 574-946-4670 As the mobility industry leader, BraunAbility wheelchair vans and lift systems offer the ultimate in convenience, safety, quality, and reliability. We offer all popular minivan models, including the Dodge Grand Caravan, Chrysler Town & Country, Toyota Sienna, and Honda Odyssey. Our dealers are mobility experts that will address your individual needs. Our Our dealer representative for the Houston Expo is Adaptive Driving Access Inc. (ADA). For more info, visit: www.braunability.com Center for Financial Independence & Innovation ......................................212 Phone: 404-541-9005 The CFII is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities and their family members advance their financial independence and security. We achieve this mission through strategic partnerships and programs including Credit-Able, which provides lowinterest loans through participating credit unions to enable Georgians with disabilities access to affordable financing for AT and Home/Vehicle Modifications. Visit www.thecfii.org for more info! Children's Healthcare of Atlanta ...........436 1001 Johnson Ferry Road NE Atlanta, GA 30342 Phone: 404-785-5252 Fax: 404-785-9066 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Rehabilitation Services offer therapy services designed for pediatrics, adolescents, and young adults (birth to 21 yrs) to address needs after an illness or a traumatic injury. Patients receive an interdisciplinary approach to care to promote independence as well as maximize function and community integration. Rehab at Children's offer a contiuum of services including Physiatry and occupational, physical and speech-language therapies. www.choa.org/rehab For us, the heart of our work is improving the lives of those we serve. At United Seating & Mobility, we have a 30-year legacy of understanding complex mobility, advanced technology and the process that goes into finding you the right wheelchair. Adult or Pediatric, it all comes down to a simple goal: getting you moving forward the best way possible. Visit us at booth #210 for information and enter to win an IPOD Nano. E X HI B ITOR LI STI NGS Expo Sponsors are shaded in yellow. Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation ....127 Comfort Company (The) ......................602 636 Morris Turnpike Suite 3A Short Hills, NJ 07078 Convaid Inc.....................................314 Phone: 1-800-539-7309 Fax: (973) 467-9845 The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation's Paralysis Resource Center(PRC)promotes the health and wellbeing of people living with paralysis and their families. The PRC provides free and comprehensive information resources and referral services. Our focus is on health promotion after paralysis from any disease, injury or birth condition. "Our goal at the Paralysis Resource Center is to make it easy for you, your loved ones, and caregivers to find the resources and connections you need." Coloplast Corp. ................................512 1601 W. River Rd. North Minneapolis, MN 55411 Phone: 1-888 726 7872 Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Working closely with the people who use our products, we create solutions that are sensitive to their special needs. We call this intimate healthcare. Our business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care, and wound and skin care. Colours Wheelchair ...........................339 860 E Parkridge Avenue Corona, CA 92879 Phone: 800-892-8998 Fax: 951-808-9949 Colours Wheelchair strives to change the way people see the disabled by manufacturing the most innovative, lightweight, custom, manual wheelchairs and wheelchair accessory items on the market and offering products superior in value to price. Products range from folding, rigid, and suspension wheelchairs to sport wheelchairs. Colours is the official distributor of Nissin Wheelchairs. Columbia Medical .............................107 11724 Willake Street Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Phone: 800-454-6612 Fax: 310-305-1718 For more than 30 years, Columbia Medical has provided quality assistive products and daily living aids for individuals with special needs. Our product line includes customized solutions for bathing, toileting, transportation, exercise, seating and bath transfers. We recently launched the only car seat with swing away supports called the Spirit™. 22 2830 California Street Torrance, CA 90503 Phone: 310-618-0111 Fax: 310-618-8811 Convaid is a leading manufacturer of lightweight, compact-folding wheelchairs for children and adults. All chairs can be tailored to the user with our complete line of positioning options and accessories. Newest models offer advanced seating and positioning. Transit models also available and are 100% ANSI RESNA compliant. Custom Healthcare............................504 3097 Presidential Dr., Suite F Atlanta, GA 30340 Phone: 866-551-1919 Fax: 770-220-1571 Custom Healthcare operates with a vision to provide innovative solutions to persons in need of custom mobility, seating and positioning, specialty pressure reduction devices and ADL devices. We are fully accredited by the prestigious Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Inc. (ACHC). Our ATPs are fully certified and dedicated to uphold the highest standards of practice in rehabilitation technology and provide equipment that improves quality of life and increases independence. D's Locks / Hands on Concepts..............139 Phone: San Diego, CA Fax: 619-441-9996 619-441-9995 D's Locks are hub locks for manual wheelchairs. D's Locks replace push-to-lock or scissor brakes. They mount out of the way, add no width and are easy to engage. Wheels can be removed and replaced with locks engaged. D's Locks can be self-installed in about an hour. disABILITY LINK................................129 Disability Today Network.....................113 PO Box 2660 Niagara Falls, NY 14302 Phone: 1-800-725-7136 Fax: 1-905-957-6017 The Disability Today Network brings People, Products and Places together like never before. A network of media channels, we connect disability communities for easy access to all kinds of first-rate resources and inspiring lifestyle information. An online village like no other – the disability community’s first social media network - with 15 categories of special interest to people disabilities, their families and friends and healthcare providers. Come on in... www.disabilitytodaynetwork.com. 505 Come Visit Us @ Booth 605 for free Sampless of NEW MOBILITY MAGAZINE ZINE! YYour o SService our ervice Dogg kknows nows wheree to w wher to go ttoo get the latest latest e inf information forma ormationn on life liffee beyond beyond wheels. w wheels. Do yyou? ou? Stop S top by by Booth Boo oth 605 for Stop 505 for show show spe specials ecials on all our pr products oduc ts plus fr free ee samples of NEEW W MO OBILITY BILIT Y and Disability Disability Product Produc t Postcards Postcards life bey beyond ond w wheels heels a publ publication ication of Unit United ed Spinal A Association sssociation E X HIB IT OR LI STI NGS Easy Access Travel............................230 Freedom Concepts Inc........................527 Ellura ............................................102 2087 Plessis Road Winnipeg, MB R3W 1S4 Canada 4200 Northside Pkwy NW Building Twelve Atlanta, GA 30327 Phone: 877-421-7160 A natural cranberry supplement, ellura promotes and maintains a healthy urinary tract. Extracted from the purest juice of the American cranberry, ellura’s success lies in its 36mg PAC, which is the active ingredient in cranberries. The PACs cap the arms of bacteria so that they cannot attach to the urinary tract. With only one capsule daily, ellura promotes a clean urinary tract by flushing the bacteria in a healthy manner. Get complete details online at www.myellura.com. Embraced .......................................517 1015 Donald Leww Hollowell Pkwy. .................................. Suite 215 Phone: 404-592-4569 Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 1.800.661.9915 Fax: 204.654.1149 According to Angela Jackson, Physical Therapist, “Riding Freedom Concepts bikes encourages the increase in range of motion, teaches reciprocal patterning of the lower extremities and improves motor planning skills that can carry over into many other functional activities in an individual’s life.” Working with medical professionals and families since 1991, Freedom Concepts custom-builds each adaptive bike for individuals with disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy and Spina Bifida. Freedom Staff ................................ 215 FreeWheel (PNT LLC)..........................418 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children.....226 Euro-Peds National Ctr. for Intensive Pediatric PT ....................................514 4900 Lewis Road Stone Mountain, GA 30083 461 West Huron St. Seminole Building, Suite 406 Phone: (248) 857-6776 Pontiac, MI 48341 Fax: 248) 857-7102 FODAC provides durable medical equipment (DME) at little or no cost to the disabled community. FODAC maintains a full-service shop that repairs and refurbishes current model and older wheelchairs, as well as a warehouse with an ample inventory of medical equipment, such as walkers, crutches and hospital beds. FODAC leads the way in recycling and reuse in the DME community; the organization takes donations of used DME and annually recycles over 185 tons of metal and batteries. European-inspired intensive therapy is emerging as a way for children who have Cerebral Palsy and other neuromuscular disorders to learn new skills for greater independence and mobility. Euro-Peds National Center for Intensive Pediatric PT was established in 1999 as the first hospital-based clinic in North America to offer this therapy. Sessions are up to 4 hours per day, 5 days per week. Insurance accepted; financial assistance available; Discounted hotel accommodations. www.europeds.org Feal..............................................407 Frank Mobility Systems ......................111 1003 International Drive Oakdale, Pa 15071 Phone: 888-426-8581 Fax: 724-695-3710 Frank Mobility Systems, Inc. Proudly in our 15th year of business we provide quality innovative equipment such as the E.motion M15 Push-Rim Power Assist; the only power assist on the market powered by Lithium Ion batteries and a roll back delay. Other products to be displayed at the show are: the E.fix lightweight power add-on, the Scalamobil Portable Stairclimber and the Duet Wheelchair Bicycle Tandem design for young and old to enjoy the outdoors like never before! 24 Phone: 770.491.9014 GACHI/ GATEDP ................................131 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions .112 301-C Second Street Freeport, PA 16229 Phone: 724 2951988 Fax: 866 4446608 United States G.R.I.P. Solutions consists of non-slip innovations designed to enhance independence & facilitate "ADL's with Ease!" The G.R.I.P. Solutions line consists of a multifunctional lap pad (heat stable & waterproof); accessory IPOD/cell clear pouch; footplate bridge/platform for foot drift/spasm; non-slip sitting pad reduces slouching; no-slip tray surface stabilizes communication devices etc. "no more chasing"; misc. multi-use mat; Drink & Mug C.U.P. (Controlled Upset Platform) holders; Walker Mobility Tray. 0RUH WKDQ D VORJDQ WKLV LV WKH SKLORVRSK\ EHKLQG HYHU\WKLQJZHGR,W·VRXUFRPPLWPHQWWRGRDOOZH FDQWRKHOS\RXOLYHOLIHWRWKHIXOOHVW 6HUYLQJVHYHQUHJLRQVDFURVVWKH6RXWKHDVW *UHHQYLOOHDQG0XUUHOO·V,QOHW6& &KDUORWWH5DOHLJKDQG:LOPLQJWRQ1& &KDWWDQRRJD71DQG$WODQWD*$ *$ 71 1& 6& ZZZDWJUHKDEFRP Abilities Expo - Liko Special Great pricing available on our most portable lift Buy a LikoLight™ Lift System, get the Travel Bag set and Sling for FREE!* Choose one of the following slings: t Universal High Level Med P3502115 t Universal High Level Large P3502116 t Soft Orig HB Medium/Slim P3526111 Stop by the Liko Booth to take advantage of this offer! No substitutions for other sling models. *Purchases under this promotion may result in a discount within the meaning of applicable federal and state anti-kickback laws, including 42 U.S.C. 1320a-7b(b) and the discount safe harbor codified at 42 C.F.R. 1001.952(h). While the discount may be reflected on a subsequent invoice with a zero charge for certain items included in this promotion, the intent of this promotion is to offer a uniform discount across all of the products being purchased in accordance with the terms of this discount program. Accordingly, the value of any zero charge items are intended to be proportionally allocated across all applicable purchases, such that each item subject to this promotion is equally discounted. Customers taking advantage of this promotion are required to report all discounts to federal and state government entities, as requested, by proportionally allocating the discount among all applicable purchases such that the accurate net price of each item purchased is disclosed. © 2012 Hill-Rom Services, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1/13/12 E X HI B ITOR LI STI NGS Georgia Business Leadership Network (BLN) .. ...................................................413 Expo Sponsors are shaded in yellow. HomeFreeHome.org ...........................234 Horse Boy World ...............................435 Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities/Making a Difference Magazine ... ...................................................313 Two Peachtree Street, NW 26 Floor / Suite 246 Atlanta, GA 30303 Phone: 404-657-2126 Fax: 404-657-2132 The Georgia Council On Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) advocates for Georgians with developmental disabilities so they can live, learn, work, play and worship where and how they choose by engaging community and business leaders, lawmakers and the general public. GCDD funds pilot projects, conducts public policy reseach and analysis, provides training and distributes public information. Georgia Miche - Miche Bag..................122 Happy Feet by Sole Mates ...................106 Hawaiian Moon ................................110 Hawaiian Moon Organic Aloe Cream. Helps to repair and moisturize the skin. Makes a great gift as well! For further information visit us at www.aloecream.biz Hill-Rom-Liko ..................................319 1069 SR 46 E. ....................................Phone: 8129312455 Batesville, IN 470069167 Fax: 8129348894 Liko develops, manufactures and markets patient lifts and a complete range of lifting accessories for the home. We are a global leader in clinical application excellence. HDS Vans & Mobility ..........................535 1310 Kennestone Circle Marietta GA 1-877-HDS-VANS The South's premiere provider of new and used wheelchair vans, scooter lifts, turning automotive seats, wheelchair accessible motorcycles and golf carts. A few facts about us: -34 years of experience in the mobility industry -Available 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week for emergency service calls -Every HDS location is totally wheelchair accessible with powered doors and ADA compliant restrooms. -Locations in Atlanta, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Jacksonville, and Nashville NMEDA & ADED members. 26 P.O. Box 1362 Elgin, TX 78621 Phone: 512-686-6202 At Horse Boy World children and parents learn Horse Boy Method, an approach that is specific to Autism and neuro-psychiatric conditions. It's a simple 3 stage process that creates the right environment, addresses sensory issues and allows perspective taking and academics to be taught from the saddle. All this is accomplished while the parent rides with the child. No experience with horses is needed to learn and benefit from this method. Learn more at www.horseboyworld.com Hoveround Corporation.......................105 2151 Whitfield Industrial Way Sarasota, FL 34243 Phone: (800) 805-8830 Fax: (800) 378-4615 Hoveround is the largest direct-to-consumer power wheelchair manufacturer, providing over 160,000 power wheelchairs to those in need. Every Hoveround power wheelchair is custom assembled in the U.S.A. Hoveround Corporation’s full line of mobility solutions also include the HOVERLIFT Suite of personal mobility and lifting solutions, wheelchair ramps, motorized scooters, and mobility accessories to help people with mobility challenges regain their independence and freedom. Icon Wheelchairs..............................222 115 Bridge Street Northampton, MA 01060 Phone: 1-888-461-5759 Is it possible for a wheelchair to be revolutionary? We think so. The Icon is adjustable to let you “dial-in” that perfect ?t. You don’t need to worry about having to choose permanent speci?cations that can never be changed after a chair is built. Your body and your needs are always changing. Your Icon’s geometry will change with you, ensuring a perfect ?t right now, and for years to come.. E XHIB IT OR LISTI NGS Innovation In Motion..........................327 Phone: 800.327.0681 Innovation In Motion offers the new X8 Extreme and X5 Frontier power wheelchairs, and the Ormesa line including strollers, a standers, gait and pre-gait trainers. The X8 and X5 are power chairs for active lifestyles. They demonstrate versatility by going places not traversed by standard wheelchairs both inside and out! Contact us at iim@mobility-usa.com Integrative Hyperbaric Centers .............420 16251 Laguna Canyon Rd., Suite 175 Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 877.244.2188 Fax: 949.428.8874 California Integrative Hyperbaric Center… for the improvement of Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, mitochondrial Disorders, Rheumatoid Arthritis and many other diseases. The California Integrative Hyperbaric Center is excited to offer the most effective treatments for families with special needs. We offer the following therapies, individually or as an adjunct to another therapy(ies). Often, a collaboration of therapies and home programs produce maximum results. KatEZLift ........................................511 Kempf, Inc......................................311 1245 Lakeside Drive #3005 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: 408-773-0219 Fax: 408-773-0524 KEMPF adapts vehicles for disabled drivers. DARIOS, the new digital accelerator ring allows a driver without the use of both legs to drive keeping both hands on the steering wheel. The system appears to be a part of the original equipment of the vehicle. The steering wheel can still be tilted and all airbags remain functional. KEMPF features nationwide free at-home pick-up and delivery of your car and at-home service. All KEMPF products are VA accepted. Visit us at: www.kempf-usa.com. Lorrin's World ..................................135 Phone: www.Lorrinsworld.com 805-241-8003 Lola0315@aol.com Karen Kain CEO of Lorrin's World, parent and advocate for families who are living a unique life experience. Karen shares her story as Lorrin's mother to help other families enjoy their journey. The booth will have tips, ideas and gifts to raise your spirit and put a smile on your face. Our children are here to be enjoyed and celebrated! Luggie Scooter, Inc. ..........................211 8696 Utica Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone: 877-968-6668 The Luggie Scooter really offers some innovative design features that are especially fortuitous for people who are often on the road. This scooter is designed to fold and unfold quickly, with a minimum amount of fuss and bother. It is small enough to get into the trunks of most cars without any sort of expensive lift helping it along. The Luggie does well outdoors. It's a four wheel scooter that goes up to 11 miles before it needs a new charge. MDA .............................................412 5615 Kirby Lane #500 Houston, TX 77005 Phone: (713 )522-8561 Fax: (832) 485-4400 MDA's local offices will provide information on the programs and services they offer such as clinics, support groups, fundraising events and summer camp. Stop by to learn how you can help support an organization that provides assistance to thousands of people who are challenged by progressive neuromuscular diseases. You can also pick up a free copy of MDA's national magazine, Quest! Medical Technologies of Georgia ..........411 15151 Prater Dr., Suite D-E Covington, GA 30014 Phone: 770-788-0763 Fax: 770-788-0764 American made, closed system intermittent catheters for easier use by those with spinal cord injuries, MS, spina bifida or others with neurogenic bladder. Travel is simple with MTG mini-pak and enclosed privacy bag for used catheter. MTG EZ-Advancer(R) valve keeps the tube from retracting during insertion. For ladies we offer our discreet MTG Cath-Lean(R), and for children we offer Kiddie Kath(R). For quads, MTG EZ-Gripper makes cathing possible. Please stop by and ask for free samples. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. ...................................................415 www.abilitiesexpo.com 27 E X HI B ITOR LI STI NGS Expo Sponsors are shaded in yellow. Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ...........116 National Ataxia Foundation..................123 5485 Bethelview Road, Suite 360-321 Cumming, GA 30040 2600 Fernbrook Lane, #119 Minneapolis, MN 554474752 Phone: 770-205-9750 Fax: 770-205-9321 We have a wide variety of quality microwavable moist heat packs and wraps that are machine washable, long lasting and never smell badly. ALSO, Protocold Cold Therapy Packs and Wraps are made with a special material that will not sweat (condensate) and do not cause frostbite, so they can be placed right on the skin. No towels necessary. Both the heat and cold products carry a one year guarantee, are reasonably priced and high quality. They will last you for years if used correctly. MOTOmed.......................................521 5452 W. Crenshaw St., Suite 6 Tampa, FL 33634 Phone: 813-714-1017 Fax: 813-249-0940 MOTOmed Movement Therapy for wheelchair users, with restricted mobility or confined to bed. Use passively (motor), actively (your own muscle strength against adjustable resistance levels) and assisted (motor assistance). Maintain flexibility; counteract the consequences of lack of movement; reduce spasticity; build residual muscle strength; promote walking ability; strengthen independence and mental well-being. National Association of Injured & Disabled Workers-NAIDW................................520 P.O. Box 66 Fox Lake, IL 60020 Phone: (888) 788 - NAIDW Fax: (847) 629-5149 NAIDW is a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable foundation where injured & disabled workers find the resources and support they need to reclaim their lives. We use grant-based funding and charitable donations to improve the lives of injured & disabled workers and their families. NAIDW’s purpose is to provide unlimited resources, support, guidance and financial assistance to injured & disabled workers and their families as a result of injury, illness, pain, and disability. 29 Phone: (763) 553-0020 The National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) is a nonprofit organization established in 1957 to help families affected by hereditary or sporadic ataxia. The NAF is dedicated to helping ataxia families through research, education, and support services. To find out more about ataxia, the NAF, or ataxia support groups, please visit our web site at www.ataxia.org. National Seating & Mobility .................321 4013 Flowers Road, Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30360 Phone: (770) 452-1450 Fax: (770) 452-1398 By providing The Right Chair and The Best Care, National Seating & Mobility (NSM) has become the largest complex rehab seating and mobility company in North America. At NSM, we provide world-class products and care to each of our clients through clinical expertise, superior customer service, operational excellence, and sound financial management. Please visit us at the Abilities Expo in February and we can show you how NSM can meet your needs, here in Atlanta and Montgomery, AL. New Mobility Magazine ......................505 714 Market St., Suite 100 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone 718-803-3782 New Mobility magazine covers active wheelchair life and provides vital resources for participating fully in relationships, sexuality, recreation, travel, family, home, creativity, education and employment. Current information on technology and disability rights — as well as timely and exclusive online content — keeps readers on the cutting edge of life on wheels. Visit our website www.newmobility.com Disability Product Postcards: A free quarterly direct response publication. E XHIB IT OR LISTI NGS Noble Learning Resource Center, Shepherd Center ...........................................236 2020 Peachtree Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Phone: 404-350-7473 Fax: 404-350-7736 The NLRC seeks to provide quality health information resources to consumers. MedlinePlus, among others, is an excellent consumer information website which we will be demonstrating to enrich personal health education. This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHSN-276-2011-00004-C with the University of Maryland Baltimore. No More -O .....................................118 NSCIA - National Spinal Cord Injury Association.....................................505 One Church St., Ste. 600 Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: (800) 962-9629 Fax: 866-387-2196 NSCIA enables people with spinal cord injury and disease (SCI/D) to achieve the highest possible levels of independence, health, and overall quality of life. Membership is FREE to individuals interested in SCI/D and includes subscriptions to SCILife and SCI e-news, member benefits, and more. Visit www.spinalcord.org, call (800) 962-9629 or email info@spinalcord.org. Paralyzed Veterans of America/PVA Publications....................................312 801 18th Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 800-424-8200 Fax: 202-416-1250 Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) Through our broad range of services/experts, PVA works to positively change lives and build brighter futures for our nation's veterans with disabilities & their families by fighting for quality health care & decent benefits, investing in a cure for paralysis and providing opportunities to get back into life. All wheelchair users may be interested in PN, our monthly news & information magazine and SPORTS 'N SPOKES a magazine on wheelchair sports & recreation. Permobil ................................401 & 503 6961 Eastgate Blvd. Lebanon, TN 37090 Phone: 800-736-0925 Fax: 800-231-3560 Permobil has led the industry for over 45 years with rugged, dependable, comfortable, custom-built personal mobility systems. Permobil is one of the most respected names in power wheelchairs, and its reputation is synonymous with innovation. Permobil chairs offer features that can be customized to an individual's needs. Features that provide new levels of independence for adults and children with a wide range of disabilities. Physical Movement Therapy Device .......600 800 Grand Ave., Suite B2 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (888)353-9462 Fax: (760)729-0349 Physical Movement Therapy Device by Flexiciser International is a unique device that is very simple to operate and allows the user a natural elongated stride that is non-weight bearing on joints. The Physical Movement Therapy Device moves the upper and lower extremities simultaneously offering full Range of Motion. PMTD offers three modes of operation; * Passive mode (machine-run) * Active mode (set on a desired speed) * Resistive mode (with individual speed control). Project Walk Atlanta Inc. ....................220 1755 Grassland Pkwy Alpharetta, GA 30004 Phone: 770-722-4239 Project Walk is internationally recognized as a pioneer in exercise-based recovery for individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. Since 1999 Project Walk has spent over 250,000 hours working with Spinal Cord Injuried clients from around the world. It is this knowledge and experience coupled with our ambitious research that makes our program unlike any others. Please visit us at www.projectwalkatlanta.org or Facebook us at Project Walk . www.abilitiesexpo.com 29 E X HI B ITOR LI STI NGS Expo Sponsors are shaded in yellow. Quadriciser Corp. .............................323 Redman Power Chairs ........................218 6624 Central Ave. Pike Knoxville, TN 37912 1601 South Pantano Road, Suite 107 Tucson, AZ 85710 Phone: 800-688-5003 Fax: 865-689-8956 Like many innovations, the Quadriciser® works simply. The individual sits in a padded seat (or in their own wheelchair as one model allows) while the feet and lower legs are supported in separate cradles. The hands grasp handles attached to small trapezes (Velcro assist gloves may be used for those who have difficulty with gripping) while a motor driven flywheel turns cords and pulleys to move the extremities through a smooth and functional range of motion. Quest Magazine ...............................412 9720 Executive Center Dr. Suite #110 St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Quickie Sunrise Medical .....................405 Phone: 1-800-333-4000 Quickie, a brand of Sunrise Medical, features innovative design and superior performance throughout the rigid, power, folding and sports wheelchair product families for pediatric to geriatric users. Jay seating and positioning along with our custom seating products are designed to provide the posture, skin and functional support necessary for all wheelchair users. www.sunrisemedical.com Ralph Braun Foundation (The)...............515 631 W 11th Street Winamac, IN 46996 Phone: 574-946-6153 X3006 Fax: 574-946-2344 The Ralph Braun Foundation is in its second year of operation as an organization dedicated to assisting folks with purchasing mobility transportation equipment. We were able to assist several people with projects during the last quarter of 2011 and will be hosting a similar program this year. Our program description and application is on our website at www.ralphbraunfoundation.org You can sign up for our newsletter on the website and stay informed and support the Foundation. 30 Imagine the Freedom-Drive, Tilt, and Stand in the Redman® Chief 107ZRX Power Standing Wheelchair. With its smaller footprint the 107 ZRX provides the end user with a tailor made wheelchair of superior quality and is hand built to your exact specifications in the U.S.A. The result is a power chair that moves you in a whole new way; it stands, reclines, tilts and power elevates your legs effortlessly. Arrange for a test drive, and find out for yourself why so many users choose Redman Power Chair. Restorative Therapies, Inc. .................115 Phone: 866-775-8568 Fax: 727-578-0930 MDA's national magazine covers topics that matter to you: mobility, relationships, funding, research, independence, assistive technology, clinical trials, travel, exercise, and more. If it helps you to live more independently, you'll find it in Quest! 2842 Business Park Fresno, CA 93727 Phone: 1-800-727-6684 907 South Lakewood Ave. Baltimore, MD 21224 Phone: 800 609 9166 Fax: 410 878 2466 Restorative Therapies designs and markets the world’s leading functional electrical stimulation cycle – the RT300 - with FES cycling for arms and legs. No transfer is required. Motorized, compact; it’s the only cycle suitable for children and adults. And the only one that lets you monitor your results via the internet. Our philosophy is to invest strongly in R&D so that we deliver high quality, technologically advanced products and excellent service as part of our commitment to you. Shepherd Center - Assistive Technology Pavilion .........................................227 2020 Peachtree Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Phone: 404-367-1348 The Shepherd Center Assistive Technology Pavilion includes several organizations working in the field of assistive and augmentative technology, mainly focusing on wireless information and communications technology. Our Pavilion will feature: - demonstration of small "bots" (robots) that can find and retrieve small objects in the home - from our friends at the Neurotech Network, demonstration of some of the latest implantable technology for muscle stimulation, and other electronic switches. E XHIB IT OR LISTI NGS Showerbuddy...................................522 Sprint Captel .................................. 337 12420 Montague St. #G Pacoima CA 91331 WebCapTel@sprint.com Phone: (877) 769-2833 Fax: (888) 312-3645 Ergonomic shower transfer systems and Roll-In shower chairs designed and engineered in New Zealand. The transfer systems alleviate heavy lifting and unnecessary transfers. They also eliminate slip hazards and costly bathroom remodeling while maintaining the privacy and dignity of the user. This unique system allows for the patient to toilet and bathe in one easy trip, utilizing only one transfer. Sky Medical, Inc. .............................310 5229 NW 108th Ave. Sunrise, FL 33351 Phone: 888-769-6084 Fax: 954-747-3189 TAOS ORTHOTIC BASED WALKER:TAOS (Therapeutic Ambulatory Orthotic System) is designed to function as an essential aid for children with neuromotor impairments including CP. The TAOS is an orthotic at its core working together with a mobile base providing children with a safe, weight bearing, hands free environment. The TAOS is covered 100% by Medicaid and most insurance carriers. EmBrace:Using our new ‘Kool-Mesh’ material we are able to provide a compression with an incredibly breathable material. Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality (SATH) ...........................................213 347 5th Ave. Suite 605 New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212 447 7284 Fax: 212 447 1928 Founded in 1976, SATH is a non-profit (501(c)3) educational membership organization whose mission is to educate all areas of the travel, tourism and hospitality industry on how to meet the needs of people with disabilities and the mature traveler, as well as reaching out to the consumer to assist their travel. SATH, formerly Society for the Advancement of Travel for the Handicapped, has a well-established record in representing the interests of persons with disabilities. Phone: 866-540-4657 Sprint Relay:CapTel Stop by to check out Sprint’s newest telecommunication options for individuals with hearing loss. Sprint WebCapTel® and the new CapTel® 800i phone! Now you can speak and listen to your caller while reading captions of what is being said on your computer screen or on the new CapTel® 800i phone screen.* Sprint’s CapTel® services are free and available 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week! Sprint is the leading provider of telecommunication services in the U.S. for customer care. Statewide Independent Living Council of Georgia ....................................... 214 315 West Ponce de Leon Ave. Suite 600 Decatur, GA 30030 Phone: 770-270-6860 Fax: 770-270-5957 The mission of the Statewide Independent Living Council of Georgia is equal participation of people with disabilities within their communities. SureHands Lift & Care Systems .............501 982 County Route 1 Pine Island, NY 10969 Phone: (800) 724-5305 Fax: (845) 258-6634 SUREHANDS LIFT & CARE SYSTEMS offer exceptional solutions for the private and professional markets. Private consumers enjoy the flexibility and versatility of a wide range of lifting options and accessories. Professionals like the quality and accessibility of portable and fixed systems. SUREHANDS® Body Support and slings are designed to maximize abilities and function. Our goal is to provide new and reliable lift & transfer systems that increase bodily comfort and quality of life of the user. Therapy Motions, LLC ........................510 5020 Clark Road #233 Sarasota, FL 34233 Phone: 800-921-5213 Fax: 941-907-4285 Therapy Motions manufactures the "eVO Therapy System". The eVO cycle provides fully motorized continuous-passive exercise to persons who are incapable of pedaling a traditional exercise bike. The unique reciprocating arm and leg actions of the eVO delivers superior full-body therapeutic exercise simultaneously to both the upper and lower limbs of persons who have little or no voluntarily movement, or physical incapacities and limitations. www.abilitiesexpo.com 31 E X HI B ITOR LI STI NGS Expo Sponsors are shaded in yellow. Thevo by Thomashilfen.......................523 United Seating & Mobility ...................210 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program .....................331 512 Means St, Suite 250 Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 404-894-8000 Tools for Life, GA's Assistive Technology Program, increases access and acquisition of assistive technology devices and services for Georgians of all ages and disabilities so they can live, learn, work, and play independently in communities of their choice. Services within the TFL Network include access to AT lending libraries at local Assistive Technology Resource Centers, assessments, demos, trainings, AT and DME reuse and funding education. Contact us at www.gatfl.org or 1-800-497-8665. Touch the Future-Reboot.....................430 4508 Bibb Blvd. Suite B-10 Tucker, GA 30084 Phone: 770-934-8432 Fax: 770-934-8433 Touch the Future, Inc.(TTF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing knowledge about, access to, and acquisition of Assistive Technology(AT)services, making it possible for individuals who are disabled, seniors, Veterans or from disadvantaged communities to live independently and productively throughout their lifespan. TTF supports the global evergreen policies of reusing, recycling and limiting landfill usage. Services: Computers, DME, AT, Training & Consulting and AT Loans. Toyota Mobility ................................219 Toyota Customer Experience Center 19001 S. Western Ave. #WC10 Torrance, CA 90501 Phone: (800) 331-4331 Toyota Mobility provides a cash reimbursement of up to $1,000 to customers who purchase a new Toyota, Scion or Lexus vehicle then install approved mobility equipment. Stop by our booth for reimbursement details and to see the latest in mobility solutions from Toyota, including the 2012 Auto Access Seat Sienna and the latest BraunAbility Sienna Rampvan conversion for wheelchair access. 32 3613-15 Clearview Place Doraville, GA 30340 Phone: 678.392.4202 Fax: 678.392.4212 United Seating & Mobility focuses on providing cost effective and appropriate mobility solutions. Our carecentered approach involves the right people, a passion to make lives better, the most appropriate technology with the most attentive and efficient process. When you are looking for a company that understands the best path for putting lives in motion, people who understand complex mobility - you'll want to call United Seating & Mobility. 800.500.9150 UnitedSeating.com United Spinal Association ...................505 75-20 Astoria Blvd. Suite 120 Jackson Hieghts, NY 11370 ABLE to Travel, a program of United Spinal Association, is a full service travel agency extremely knowledgeable about the accessibility issues travelers with disabilities encounter. We know the right questions to ask to narrow down the best travel accommodations as we take the time to get to know our clients personally. US EEOC-Atlanta Office.......................531 User's First Alliance ..........................505 Nashville, TN Phone: 1.888.468.5755 x10 The User’s First Alliance seeks to ensure appropriate access to seating and mobility equipment by empowering Wheelchair Users, Clinicians, and Providers with education and information resources that inspire action and motivate change. Join the Alliance today! usersfirst.org USPSA (United States Power Soccer Assoc.) ....423 P.O. Box 1181 Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 866-928-9009 Fax: 317-706-8976 The United States Power Soccer Association is the governing body for power soccer in the US and is one of the few sports that serves athletes in power wheelchairs. Power Soccer is the fastest growing adaptive sport across the world and is currently working its way towards becoming a Parolympic sport. Twenty-two states are currently represented in the association, with over 60 teams in the country, we are continuing to grow and reach out to all those who can benefit. E XHIB IT OR LISTI NGS View Point Mobility, LLC .....................101 1815 Palmer Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49001 Phone: 1-877-368-6022 Fax: 269-344-5649 We Interpret....................................513 Offering the unsurpassed convenience of rear entry, the Vision is available in the luxurious Toyota Sienna, Chrysler, Dodge and Honda models. Conversions available as either fully automated or simple and economic fully manual operation. Seating options accommodate either independent or assisted travelers and up to 6 passengers. Affordably priced with a solid warranty and best of all a nationwide dealer network to take care of you before and after your purchase. Wendy On Wheels .............................121 VSA Arts of Georgia ...........................128 Wrapeaze LLC ..................................114 57 Forsyth St. NW, Suite R~1 Atlanta, GA 30303 Phone: 404-221-1270 Fax: 404-221-1984 VSA arts of Georgia is a nonprofit arts organization providing access to the arts for people with disabilities and those living with low income. We are a statewide resource working with artists and organizations to fulfill our vision of an inclusive community that encourages everyone to enjoy and participate in the arts. VSA arts of Georgia is accredited by VSA arts, an affiliate of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 1105 Buck Ave., St. Louis, MO 63117 Phone: 314-302-5183 Kids of all ages love Wendy on Wheels! Wendy on Wheels is a loveable ten-year-old who experiences many adventures while rolling through life. Come meet series Author, Angela Ruzicka and pick up autographed copies of Wendy on Wheels books. Join us for the kid's workshop, Saturday at 1:15, where Ruzicka will introduce her newest title, Wendy on Wheels Takes a Stand. 1 Drysdale St Unit 104, Warren, RI 02885 Phone: 203 980 8475 Wrapeaze surrounds you in comfort, warmth, and style! This soft, cozy, fleece material is a perfect solution to a jacket for all ages! The unique design makes wrapeaze ideal for people with LIMITED MOBILITY, WHEELCHAIR BOUND, ARTHRITIS, and anyone looking for a soft, cozy wrap that stays on! This innovative product design, paired with the soft, cozy fleece fabric offers a stylish wrap for people on the go! Talk about fusing utility with style!!! www.wrapeaze.com FloridaCrossroadsOnline.com 15 PROduCT CATEGORIES Apparel/Accessories 3 E Love.......................................................................100 Hatchbacks Footwear...................................................104 Wrapeaze LLC..............................................................114 Aquatic Therapy SureHands Lift & Care Systems...................................501 Architecture/Accessible Home Modification Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 Assistive Technology Advanced Medical Group ..............................................419 ArjoHunteigh ................................................................519 BlueSky Designs, Inc. ..................................................329 Columbia Medical..........................................................107 Custom Healthcare........................................................504 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ....................112 Hatchbacks Footwear ....................................................104 Hoveround Corporation ................................................105 Kempf, Inc ....................................................................311 SureHands Lift & Care Systems ....................................501 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 United Seating & Mobility ............................................210 Assoc./Service Orgs/Gov. Agencies ALBORS & ALNET Language and Transportation Services ....................................................................................518 Backbones ...................................................................421 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children .........................226 Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities/Making a Difference Magazine ....................................................313 MDA.............................................................................412 National Association of Injured & Disabled WorkersNAIDW.........................................................................520 National Ataxia Foundation ..........................................123 Noble Learning Resource Center, Shepherd Center .....236 NSCIA - National Spinal Cord Injury Association .........505 Paralyzed Veterans of America/PVA Publications.........312 Quest Magazine ...........................................................412 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot .............................................430 User's First Alliance .....................................................505 VSA Arts of Georgia.....................................................128 Bathroom Equipment Advanced Medical Group .............................................419 ArjoHunteigh................................................................519 Bath Fitter ....................................................................206 34 Columbia Medical ........................................................107 Custom Healthcare ......................................................504 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children .........................226 Hoveround Corporation ...............................................105 Medical Technologies of Georgia .................................411 Showerbuddy...............................................................522 SureHands Lift & Care Systems...................................501 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot .............................................430 Beds/Furnishings/Accessories ArjoHunteigh .................................................................519 Custom Healthcare........................................................504 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children...........................226 Hill-Rom-Liko................................................................319 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program ........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot...............................................430 Books Lorrin's World .............................................................135 Paralyzed Veterans of America/PVA Publications.........312 Quest Magazine ...........................................................412 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Wendy On Wheels .......................................................121 Cars/Vans/Conversions, Accessories ALBORS & ALNET Language and Transportation Services ......................................................................................518 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 HDS Vans & Mobility booth ..........................................535 Kempf, Inc ....................................................................311 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Toyota Mobility..............................................................219 View Point Mobility, LLC ..............................................101 Daily Living Aids Advanced Medical Group ..............................................419 BlueSky Designs, Inc. ..................................................329 Coloplast Corp. ............................................................512 Columbia Medical..........................................................107 Custom Healthcare........................................................504 Ellura ............................................................................102 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ....................112 Medical Technologies of Georgia ..................................411 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 National Seating & Mobility ..........................................321 Shepherd Center - Assistive Technology Pavilion..........227 SureHands Lift & Care Systems ....................................501 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 National Seating & Mobility. The clear choice of people who need the Right Chair and the Best Care. Since 1992, National Seating & Mobility has grown to become the largest and most experienced complex, rehab seating & mobility provider in North America. In offices all across the country, our technology professionals deliver the Right Chair and the Best Care - even in your neighborhood. We invite you to see why we have become the seating & mobility supplier of choice for therapists and physicians, who recommend us to their patients. Visit us in Booth 321 at the Abilities Expo, at the Georgia World Congress Center, Hall C4, in Atlanta, from Febuary 17-19, for a closer look. NSM National Seating&Mobility THE RIGHT CHAIR. THE BEST CARE. PROduCT CATEGORIES Deaf / Hard of Hearing Products Sprint Captel ................................................................337 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 Durable Medical Equipment Advanced Medical Group ..............................................419 BlueSky Designs, Inc. ..................................................329 Colours Wheelchair ......................................................339 Convaid Inc ..................................................................314 Custom Healthcare........................................................504 Frank Mobility Systems ................................................111 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ....................112 Luggie Scooter, Inc. ......................................................211 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 MOTOmed ....................................................................521 Permobil ............................................................401 & 503 Quadriciser Corp. ..........................................................323 Restorative Therapies, Inc.............................................115 Sky Medical, Inc. ..........................................................310 SureHands Lift & Care Systems ....................................501 Therapy Motions, LLC ..................................................510 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 United Seating & Mobility ............................................210 User's First Alliance ......................................................505 Education/School Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality (SATH) ......213 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 Financial & Planning Services Center for Financial Independence & Innovation ..........212 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 User's First Alliance ......................................................505 Gifts Hatchbacks Footwear ....................................................104 Hawaiian Moon ............................................................110 Lorrin's World ..............................................................135 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 VSA Arts of Georgia ......................................................126 Home Medical Equipment Advanced Medical Group .............................................419 ArjoHunteigh................................................................519 ATG Rehab...................................................................204 Coloplast Corp. ............................................................512 Columbia Medical ........................................................107 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children .........................226 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ...................112 Hoveround Corporation ...............................................105 36 Integrative Hyperbaric Centers.....................................420 Medical Technologies of Georgia .................................411 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 MOTOmed ...................................................................521 Quadriciser Corp..........................................................323 Restorative Therapies, Inc. ..........................................115 Showerbuddy...............................................................522 SureHands Lift & Care Systems...................................501 Therapy Motions, LLC..................................................510 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot .............................................430 United Seating & Mobility ............................................210 Hospital G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ...................112 Hill-Rom-Liko ..............................................................319 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 Quadriciser Corp..........................................................323 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Low Vision Products Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot .............................................430 Nutritional Products Advanced Medical Group .............................................419 Ellura ...........................................................................102 Orthotics/Prosthetics Advanced Medical Group .............................................419 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children .........................226 Hatchbacks Footwear...................................................104 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 Quadriciser Corp..........................................................323 Sky Medical, Inc. .........................................................310 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Patient Lifts/Elevators Aquatic Access Inc.......................................................315 ArjoHunteigh................................................................519 Custom Mobility Van & Lift Sales & Service, LLC.............. Frank Mobility Systems ...............................................111 Hill-Rom-Liko ..............................................................319 Hoveround Corporation ...............................................105 SureHands Lift & Care Systems...................................501 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 United Seating & Mobility ............................................210 Pediatric Equipment ATG Rehab ....................................................................204 Columbia Medical..........................................................107 Convaid Inc ..................................................................314 PROduCT CATEGORIES Custom Healthcare........................................................504 Euro-Peds National Ctr. for Intensive Pediatric PT ........514 Frank Mobility Systems ................................................111 Freedom Concepts Inc. ................................................527 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 Hatchbacks Footwear ....................................................104 Medical Technologies of Georgia ..................................411 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 Permobil ............................................................401 & 503 Quadriciser Corp. ..........................................................323 Quickie Sunrise Medical................................................405 Restorative Therapies, Inc.............................................115 Sky Medical, Inc. ..........................................................310 SureHands Lift & Care Systems ....................................501 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 United Seating & Mobility ............................................210 User's First Alliance ......................................................505 Personal Care Products & Services Advanced Medical Group ..............................................419 Bath Fitter......................................................................206 Coloplast Corp. ............................................................512 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ....................112 Hawaiian Moon ............................................................110 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 Sprint Captel ................................................................337 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Publications Disability Today Network ..............................................113 MDA..............................................................................412 National Ataxia Foundation............................................123 New Mobility Magazine ................................................505 NSCIA - National Spinal Cord Injury Association ..........505 Paralyzed Veterans of America/PVA Publications ..........312 Quest Magazine ............................................................412 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Ramps Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 Hoveround Corporation ................................................105 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 United Seating & Mobility ............................................210 Rehabilitative Care Euro-Peds National Ctr. for Intensive Pediatric PT .......514 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ...................112 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 MOTOmed ...................................................................521 Project Walk Atlanta Inc...............................................220 Quadriciser Corp..........................................................323 Therapy Motions, LLC..................................................510 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Scooters & Accessories ATG Rehab ....................................................................204 Custom Healthcare........................................................504 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ....................112 Hoveround Corporation ................................................105 Luggie Scooter, Inc. ......................................................211 National Seating & Mobility ..........................................321 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 United Seating & Mobility ............................................210 Seating/Positioning Systems & Accessories ATG Rehab ....................................................................204 Bath Fitter......................................................................206 BlueSky Designs, Inc. ..................................................329 Columbia Medical..........................................................107 Convaid Inc ..................................................................314 Custom Healthcare........................................................504 Freedom Concepts Inc. ................................................527 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ....................112 National Seating & Mobility ..........................................321 Permobil ............................................................401 & 503 Quickie Sunrise Medical................................................405 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 Wrapeaze LLC ..............................................................114 Skin Care Products Advanced Medical Group .............................................419 Custom Healthcare ......................................................504 Hawaiian Moon ............................................................110 Sports Equipment/Services BlueSky Designs, Inc. ..................................................329 MOTOmed ...................................................................521 Quadriciser Corp..........................................................323 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot .............................................430 USPSA (United States Power Soccer Association) ......423 Therapy Euro-Peds National Ctr. for Intensive Pediatric PT ........514 Freedom Concepts Inc. ................................................527 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ....................112 Hatchbacks Footwear ....................................................104 Hill-Rom-Liko................................................................319 www.abilitiesexpo.com 37 PROduCT CATEGORIES Integrative Hyperbaric Centers ......................................420 Monarch Medical Products, Inc. ..................................116 MOTOmed ....................................................................521 Project Walk Atlanta Inc. ..............................................220 Quadriciser Corp. ..........................................................323 Sky Medical, Inc. ..........................................................310 Therapy Motions, LLC ..................................................510 Travel Services ALBORS & ALNET Language and Transportation Services ......................................................................................518 Medical Technologies of Georgia ..................................411 Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality (SATH) ......213 United Spinal Association ............................................505 Walkers & Accessories Advanced Medical Group .............................................419 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children .........................226 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ...................112 Hill-Rom-Liko ..............................................................319 Sky Medical, Inc. .........................................................310 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program.......................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot .............................................430 Wrapeaze LLC..............................................................114 Wheelchairs/Accessories Advanced Medical Group ..............................................419 ATG Rehab ....................................................................204 BlueSky Designs, Inc. ..................................................329 Colours Wheelchair ......................................................339 Convaid Inc ..................................................................314 Custom Healthcare........................................................504 D's Locks / Hands on Concepts ....................................139 Frank Mobility Systems ................................................111 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children ..........................226 G.R.I.P. Group LLC dba G.R.I.P. Solutions ....................112 Hill-Rom-Liko................................................................319 Hoveround Corporation ................................................105 National Seating & Mobility ..........................................321 Permobil ............................................................401 & 503 Quickie Sunrise Medical................................................405 Redman Power Chairs ..................................................218 Showerbuddy................................................................522 Tools for Life, The Georgia Assistive Technology Act Program........................................................................331 Touch the Future-Reboot ..............................................430 United Seating & Mobility ............................................210 Wrapeaze LLC ..............................................................114 Platinum ——————––––—––————––––––—————————— Organizational ———––––––——––—––––—————————————— ——––————––––––——–––––———————————————— Media —————–––––––—–––––––———————————————— Artists Market American Sign Language Interpreter Events Arena Show Decorator Scooter Loaner AT Pavilion Wheelchair Repair Pavilion C300 C400 C350 C500 M300 NO MATTER HOW YOU ROLL—whether it’s in and offers infinite adjustments for a custom fit. 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