The Vitals of Venom
The Vitals of Venom
The Vitals of Venom David A. Wooten Bio Dept., Washtenaw Community College Venom Poisonous Animals Poison Dart Frogs Phyllobates terribilis • Poisonous due to batrachotoxins found in skin Pitohui • Poisonous due to batrachotoxins found on feathers and skin • Rhabdophis tigrinus – Japan (Yamakagashi) – passed onto offspring!!! African Crested Rat (Lophiomys imhausi) • poisonous mammal • toxins from tree bark; rubs into fur • perforated hairs absorb poisonous saliva! Solenodon paradoxus Historical Perspective... VENOM Hemotoxin Neurotoxin Modern Understanding... Hemotoxin Neurotoxin VENOM SUBUNITS Myotoxin Cardiotoxin Combinations Accessory Glands Function of venom... • incapacitate prey • locate prey • pre-digestion • defense • reproduction? Emerald Jewel Wasp (Ampulex compressa) Why not everyone? milked unmilked Irukandji (Carukia barnesi) Conus • conotoxins block Ca+2, Na+, K+ channels • hundreds of peptides unique to each sp.! Hymenoptera Venom Scorpion Venom (House Spider) (Lace Weaver Spider) (Sydney Funnel-Web) (Wolf Spider) (Tarantula) Heloderma Accessory Gland Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) Venom Ontogeny The Venom “Cure” *appreciation is given to the Great Lakes Zoological Society and the associated World of Discovery Center (Ann Arbor), as well as Kensington Nature Center (Milford) for providing live specimens
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