Ba~0 - St. John Eudes School
Ba~0 - St. John Eudes School
WEEKLYBULLETIN FEBRUARY 22-26,2010 "Thisis my Son, my beloved, in whom is all my delight: listen to him. -Matthew J 7:5 Dear SJEFamilies: ThisFriday, February 26 we will celebrate the feast day of st. Paula Montal who is the patron saint of family and education and the founder of the Sistersof the PiousSchools. St. Paula's mission was the education of young women and their role in society. St. Paula worked to establish a wide range of educational programs for girls that were meant to counteract the existing legislative discrimination of girls in the nineteenth century in Spain. Her teaching paradigm was to create a civilization of love and service through the education of our youth producing future leaders of tomorrow. Presently,her educational work continues with educating almost 30,000 boys and girlsin 20 nations on four continents. St. John Eudes School embraces the missionof St. Paula Montal, teaching and inspiring our students to be life-long learners who live their faith and grow in their personal, moral, social, spiritual and intellectual development. Thisparadigm is very evident here at SJE; we believe our School-Wide Learning Expectations (SLEs)help our boys ands girls become life-long learners and leaders in their chosen fields, while embracing the school's mission. We hope you can join us this Friday, Feb. 26 at our Student Body Mass @ 10:30AM, led by the 4thGrade, as we celebrate St. Paula Montal Day and her continued influence here at st. John Eudes. The students will participate in field games sponsored by the Sistersfollowing the liturgy. In HisService, ~Ba~0~ **************************************************************************************************** Thank you to Dave Mena, Kim Shaffer, Gail Vitar, Alex Washington and Shannon Wetzel for coordinating a scrimmage game against Our Lady of Lourdes. The score was 5-3 in Oll favor. The girls had a great time as did the parents and school. We are looking to have a scrimmage game for the boys sometime in April. *************************************************************************************************** Re-Registration - The re-registration deadline is this Friday, February 26. If you have any questions, please call TereseCrow @ (818)341-3864.Thosewho have received financial aid in the past must re-apply each year. You can apply directly online to FACTS. LA Opera - ThisSaturday, Feb. 27 many of our students will be singing in the production of The Festival of Daniel at the Cathedral. There is 4pm and a 7pm show. If you are interested in obtaining tickets please e-mail Exiting Lassen lot in the morning - Please come to a complete stop before making a right turn onto Lassen. Car signs - There has been an improvement in displaying of signs. However, we need 100 % participation for assistance in recognition of school parents and more efficient movement of the car line. After School Sports - Volleyball and softball season officially starts Monday, March 1. Permission slips and sports registration with payment need to be turned in to the school office before the student can participate. First Holy Communion Sacramental Evening for 2nd Grade parents will take place on Monday, March 22 @ 7pm beginning in the 2nd grade room and then to the church for a walk through Mass. Hot Lunch orders for April are due on Wednesday, March 3. Track Meet Practices begin this Friday for only those students who will participate Track Meet. All three permission forms are required to participate. in the Confessions - Grades 3-8 will take place on March 2-3. Grade 2 will have confession on April 21. Student Body Mass - Please mark you calendars on Tuesday, March 16 @ 1:45pm. for the next liturgy led by the 6th Grade Jump Rope for Heart activity will take place on Friday, March 12. Trimester 2 ends March 11. All required student work must be turned in on that date for credit. Student Recognition Awards for January 2010 Kindergarten Brandon Luminato Joshua Macalino Pauline Manlucu Solana Martin 1st Grade Kiana LaBella Maddalena Pascuzzi Fatima Ruiz Davin Villareal 2nd Grade Sophia Hidalgo Nicholas Estiva TristanStrom Alexander Whitney 3rd Grade Hunter Call Cameron Han Jack Gaines Trent Norkus 4th Grade Aidan Aguinaga Nicholas Crespo Adriana Perez Renee Wheeler 5th Grade Brett Norkus Daniello Nolke Jake Milkovich Monikka Macaranas 6th Grade Michael Herrington Matthew Bowman Alexis Vitar Cristina Medina 7th Grade AlexSedeno Kristiana Nolke Alberto Alvarez 8th Grade Jiselle Prospera Kayla Tucker Michael Visokey Fasting and Feasting God, help us during this season of Lent to: Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from judging others; feast on the Christ dwelling in them. focusing on differences; feast on the unity of all life. apparent darkness; feast on the reality of light. words that pollute; feast on phrases that purify. discontent; feast on gratitude. anger; feast on patience. pessimism; feast on optimism. worry; feast on trust. complaining; feast on appreciation. negatives; feast on affirmatives. unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayer. hostility; feast on nonviolence. bitterness; feast on forgiveness. self-concern; feast on compassion for others. personal anxiety; feast on eternal truth. discouragement; feast on hope. facts that depress; feast on truths that uplift. lethargy; feast on enthusiasm. suspicion; feast on truth. thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire. idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence. May our fasting and feasting during this season of Lent purify our hearts and minds that we may more worthily heed the voice of the One who beckons us, "Come and follow me." To the following parents for hosting the First Reconciliation Reception for the 2nd Grade Families last February 20: Molly Gaines Bettina Levesque Gloria Benedetti Samantha David Marina Grijalva Betsy Davila-Salazar Chantal Washington Celebrate the 2010 Winter Olympics by collecting Box Tops! Complete sheet with as many current Box Tops for Education as you can. Please return by tomorrow February 24th. • • •• J vanccaver j 20)0 • • - •• J vancouver J 20].0 • •• •• J J vancouver Name, / 201.0 Teacher _ Bonnie Geary, MFT Thursday, February 25 10 AM - Noon St. John Eudes Church (Grill Hall) 9901 Mason Avenue Chatsworth (comer of Lassen and Mason) You're invited for a fun morning with other mothers as we explore how to find balance in our lives as women, wives and mothers_ If Mama Ain't Happy... Raffle! Raffle! Raffle! As an added treat-we're having a raffle! You'll receive one raffle ticket just for showing up-additional raffle tickets may be purchased for $1. Look at the back of this page for all the great prizes that have been donated for this event! Free Babysitting - reservation for dlildcare required in advance (call CNrie at 818-882-9323) Ain't Nobody Happy .. .! Mini soothing sounds sea turtle key chain Scandinavian Child fork and spoon set Sage Creek Baby boy blue size 3-6 month tee Dozy Dolphin on the go (water based sounds) Soothing sounds eco-friendly travel companion for better sleep for baby Retails for $28.95 Organic small yellow plush duck toy 2 red SKIP*HOP tags for luggage, stroller or diaper bag Retails for $6.00 each Migi tiny prints Thank you cards Elegant baby- My 1st rubber ducky Retails for $8.00 White 6 month Baby eggi onsie Retails for $ 9.95 2 sets of Moo G red baby girl hair clips Retails for $10.00 The safe sippy 2 2 in 1 sippy or straw cup PBA free Retails for $14.00 The essential baby organizer-birth to 1 year! California baby bath, calming cream & sunscreen included Retails for $14.95 Baby star bib Retails for $18.00 Ethel Ladies Size Medium garden gloves Retails for $20.00 *White size 2T baby girl tank top by Crystal Audigier Print is I love Mom Retails for $24.95 Red 6-9 month Crystal Audigier onsie Rockerette print Retails for $24.95 Baby blue Nowali moccasins for 6 months Retails for $25.00 Light pink cloud b lulla bag (sleep sack) Retails for $27.95 4 photo handprint keepsake kits Retails for $29.99 each Robeez (Mary Jane) fuchsia with Butterflies (soft bottoms) 9-12 MONTHS Retails for $29.95 g diapers starter kit Size Medium (13-28 Ibs) Flushable diapers Retails for $44.00 g diapers starter kit Size Large (26-36 Ibs) Flushable diapers Retails for $44.00 Light baby blue Bel Bambini Co-zee sleeping bed Retails for $118.00 Lillebaby Everyware convertible baby and child carrier Front facing out, front facing in or cradle, hip carrier OR back carrier Retails for $129.95 Red leather timi & leslie designer diaper bag Plenty of function while remaining stylish Retails for $217.00 Gift certificate for spa services at Total Woman Gym and Day Spa Registration packets and fees ($185 for returning students) not turned in by the due date will be considered a non-acceptance and the space will be given to a new applicant. Registration fee turned in after the due date will be assessed as new studentfee ($210). Financial aid is offered. Financial aid analysis forms are available through the scnoots Accounting Office. For more injormation, please call TereseCrow at (818)341-3864. Please come and join us Fri ay, Fe ruary 26 10:30 am Students, please wear church uniform. ....••... V cSt. :John CUde.i cSchoof February 8, 2010 Dear Parent/Guardian, The 39th Annual Knights of Columbus #360 I Track & Field Meet will be held at Taft High School, 5462 Winnetka Ave., Woodland Hills, on Sunday, April from 8:30am-3:00pm. is", Our SJ.E. girls and boys will compete against girls and boys, at their grade level, from five other schools in the West Valley. Each student is allowed to run in a sprint (short) race OR distance (long) race (one or the other). Participants in the softball throw and the long jump (3 per event) will be selected during PE classes at school. All participants will receive a school ribbon and some students may earn ribbons and medals in the qualifying and final heats. Participants must wear tennis shoes, no track shoes (with or without spikes). Shoes must be able to be worn on a gym floor. Only coaches, officials, and adult volunteers are allowed on the field. Parents and spectators must remain in the bleachers. We ask all parents to show their school spirit by wearing red and white. Students must wear their S.J.E. physical education uniforms and be supervised by a parent. This is a great opportunity to show our SJ.E. school spirit and earn prize money for our P.E. department. All students are encouraged to participate. Junior High students must compete to be eligible for the Knights of Columbus scholarship at graduation. Please note that the Friday Track Training program is to help our students prepare for the meet. You may participate in Track Training only if you are competing in the meet, but it is not mandatory. You must sign up for the Track Meet using this form in addition to signing up for the Track Training Program. If you would like your child to participate, please fill in the bottom portion of this paper and return it in the school envelope as soon as possible. x- ---------------------------------------------------------------Please COMPLETE and SIGN this portion. RETURN it to the School Office. Name of Student (please print) Grade Distance Sprint Name of Student (please print) Grade Distance Sprint Name of Student (please print) Grade Distance Sprint Grade Distance Sprint Name of Student (please print) .. I hereby release the Knights of Columbus, Taft High School, and St. John Eudes School of any responsibility for injury incurred by my child (Entrant) at the 39th Annual K of C Track Meet. I also give permission to treat my son/daughter in the event of an emergency. Parenti Guardian Signature Date Track Meet Training All students must have a signed permission slip on file. This program is meant to help students prepare for the track meet on April 18,2010. Students may participate in the training only if you are competing in the meet. Students may still participate in the track meet even if they choose not to do track training. All children will be dismissed to the library patio from the lunch area at 12:50 p.m. Kindergarten students will come to the patio area at the same time as the Kindergarten choir students after the 12:40 p.m. dismissal. Practice will be cancelled due to rain or a wet field. All children are asked to eat lunch at recess/snack time so there's plenty of time to digest your meal before running. Students may eat a light snack and change into PE clothes before 1:10 p.m. Track training will be held from 1: 10 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. for non-choir students. Students may stay until 3:00 p.m. if they would like some extra practice. Track training will be held from 2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for choir kids who are interested. escorted to the field from choir at 2: 15 p.m. The dates for track practice are the following Fridays: Choir kids will be Feb. 26, Mar. S, Mar. 12, Mar. 26, and Apr. 15 (No practice on March 19) We will be working on stretching and warm-up for the first 10 -15 min of practice. After stretching, we will break into groups by age. The age groups will rotate through four training stations, including: Sprints, Distance, Long Jump, and Softball throw. All students are asked to wear PE clothes for practice and the meet. Proper running shoes are a good idea. A water bottle with name is recommended for hot days. Remember, we only take small sips of water to prevent stomach aches when running. Some tips for helping kids practice at home Stretching, push-ups and crunches are great exercises when watching TV. Get out and run as a family. Pace yourselves and have fun. Play catch with a soft ball and reinforce the proper throwing technique. Jumping from a squatting position will help build strength for the long jump. Sprint repeats with 20 sec. rest intervals really help to build speed. We are looking for parent volunteers from each grade to be the team representative at the meet the list provided. Please sign up on Volunteer service hours can be earned by helping with the practices on Fridays and at the Knights of Columbus Meet on Sunday, April 18, 2010. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out and return the bottom portion to the School Office as soon as possible. Any questions, please call Mr. Gonzalez at (818) 341-1454. :}<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please RETURN this portion to the School Office as soon as possible I would like to volunteer to help during Friday Track Practice. I would like to help at the Track Meet on Sunday, April 18,2010. I would like to volunteer as a Team Representative at the Meet for Grade __ Name of Volunteer: _ Phone No.: _ TRACK MEET TRAINING SCHEDULE (Fridays - Feb. 26, Mar. 5, Mar. 12, Mar. 26, and Apr. 15) Practices will be cancelled due to rain or a wet field 1: 15 to 1:30 STRETCHING 1:30 to 1:50 K-2 3-5 6-8 on the field Field events Sprint Distance 1:50 to 2:10 K-2 "distance": make it fun 3-5 Field events 6-8 Sprint 2:10 to 2:30 K-2 Sprint 3-5 Distance 6-8 Field Choir kids will arrive at the patio around 2:15. 2: 15 to 2:30 2:30 to 2:50 2:50 to 3:00 STRETCH and JOG on patio RUN on Track, sprint and distance FIELD ~A IOO~ Archdiocese of Los Angeles Sports Activity Permission Form Elementary Schools Sport: FRIDAY TRACK PRACTICE Student Name Birthdate: ------------------------- Grade ---- Medical Information: Doctors Name:------------------------. Phone #----------------------------- Address:-------------------------------- Insurance Name-------------------------------------Policy # _ Phone------------------- Emergency Contact (In case you cannot be reached): Name: Phone #-----------------------------Name:-------------------------------- Phone # ------------------------------ I request that my child, in Grade be permitted to participate in the above Sports Activity. I agree to instruct my child to cooperate and conform with directions and instructions of the supervisory personnel in charge of the sports activity. Should it be necessary for my child to have medical treatment while participating in this sports activity, I hereby give the school personnel permission to use their judgment in obtaining medical service for my child and I give permission to the physician selected by the school personnel to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the physician. I agree to relieve the school and other participating adults from any liability in connection with this request. I understand that my insurance benefits that are effective have limited application. Signature of Parent or Guardian Home Address Work Phone Date Cell Phone No. or Pager No. No student may attend a SPORTS ACTIVITY parents may not be given over the phone. ADDITIONALMEDICALINFORMATION: I Home Phone No. without this signed parent permission form: Permission by _ ~A ~~ Archdiocese of Los Angeles Sports Activity Permission Form Elementary Schools KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TRACK MEET (Sunday. April 18. 2010) Sport: Student Name Birthdate: ------------------------ Grade ---- Medical Information: Doctors Name: -----------------------Phone # Address: -------------------------------- Insurance Name -------------------------------------Policy # _ Emergency Contact (In case you cannot be reached): Name: Phone # Name: -------------------------------- Phone # Phone ---------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- I request that my child, in Grade be permitted to participate in the above Sports Activity. I agree to instruct my child to cooperate and conform with directions and instructions of the supervisory personnel in charge of the sports activity. Should it be necessary for my child to have medical treatment while participating in this sports activity, I hereby give the school personnel permission to use their judgment in obtaining medical service for my child and I give permission to the physician selected by the school personnel to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the physician. I agree to relieve the school and other participating adults from any liability in connection with this request. I understand that my insurance benefits that are effective have limited application. Signature of Parent or Guardian Home Phone No. Home Address Work Phone Date Cell Phone No. or Pager No. No student may attend a SPORTS ACTIVITY without this signed parent permission form. Permission by parents may not be given over the phone. ADDITIONAL MEDICAL INFORMATION: J _ The following families donated prizes for the Mardi Gras Silent Auction. Their children received a FREEDRESSpass for last Friday, Feb. 19. Gerie & Bennett Annan Kelly & Charlie Akins Heidi & Carter Austin Isidro & Michelle Altamirano Michael & Diana Allegretti Ellen & Victor Abbene Gabi & Kevin 8reard Michael & Monica Barnett Paul & tinda Bergman Kim & Ralph Bowman Raul & Tomasa Barbosa Andrew & Sonia Chong Marina & Fabian Grijalva Noelle & Frank Gallucci Mark &: Molly Gaines Stewart & Marian Han Lisa &: George Koochof Jennie &: Dan Kriz Lori &: Alex Luminato Kathy &: Dan tien Mailan & Paul La Bella Bettina & Willlevesque Anne &: Gary Martinez Augustin & Susana Martinez Claudia & David Mena Gary &: Michelle Mendoza Richard & Carolyn Rybak Becky & Chad Rach Irene & Tony Ruiz Mario & Ivette Ruiz lito & Melissa Reyes William & Ann Robertson 8ryan & Shy Suttles Jeffrey & Uzette Strom Dawn & Fred Smith Cari & Jason Schauer Jeanne & Joe Schiro John & Anne Marie Sullivan Maggie & Roy Sulka Vinjet & Ulrik Singontiko Jill & Walt Stewart Mary Beth Houk Thompson Anne Marie & Nick Tannous Scott & Mary Tucker Julia & Dan Crespo Romeo & Leonor Calderon Tom & Kathleen Cantarine Troy & Yvette Calilap Myriam & Carlos Del Castillo Mark &: Samantha David Mia & John Macalino Jorge & Shannon Martin Rafael & Laura Mayoral Paul & Mary Milkovich Barbie & Miguel Davalos Robert & Christine Dav; Michael & Myla Martin Nick & Lucia Montano Annette & jade Elvambuena Kim & David Endaya Janette & Rudolph Estiva Pablo &: Mora Ferreiro john & Ricca francis Gisela Nolke Jerry & Marian Neglio Terri & Mike Norkus Julio & Chantelle ferrini Leonardo & Tess Francisco TIno &: Cathleen Pascuzzi Oaudia &: Ernesto Patino Lou &: Deborah Wagner Arlen & Janette Gharapetian Brian & Sharon Gobeli Emmanuel & Melina Pacia Roberto & Liliana Parra Tere & Fred Perez Theresa & Ron Wheeler David & Justine Zavatto Sarah & Michael Zazueta Annie & Tony Nguyen Silvia & Yuri Osor' 0 Toni & Michelle Umali Ana & Andre Ure Michael & Merly Uyanga Albert & Donna Valerio Sandra & Pablo Viege! Yesmin & Dan Wall John & sally Webb Shannon & John Wetzel March 2010 Sun Wed Tue Mon Thu Fri ~~ Sat . I Confessions 2 Confessions 3 4 Shm'tMed Day 5 () 6th Grade Retreat Sacred Heart Sisters People of the Passion APRlL HOT LUNCH ORDER DUE SJE S(JUP&: Stations 6p.m . ~ 12 Shortened Day . 7 5) 8 10 II 13 End of Second Trimester Bth Grade Caricatures Ba. m. ~ 15 14 17 81. Patrick's Day GreenlWhite Day J(j 22 Year 2 Sacramental Meeting'1p.m, 23 18 Heart St. Joseph Day Teacher In-service 19 20 NO SCHOOL Student Body Mass 1:45 p.m. 21 Jump Rope for 5th Grade Retreat in Grill Hall 24 Report Cards Mailed Religious Congress 25 26 Shortened Day Religious Congress ~ 27 2nd Grade Pa1"ents Religious 28 5th Grade Field Trip to Ronald Reagan Congress 29 30 3I'd Grade trip to Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Center ... I _- 4th Grade Retreat in Grill Hall 31 Easter Egg Hunt Grades K-2 MA Y HOT LUNCH ORDER DUE Holy Week ~ 1 April 2 Holy Thursday Prayer Good Friday Service 1J: 45a. nt NO SCHOOL Shcrtened Day ~~ April .. ~. I St. John Eudes After-School Sports Registration School Year 2009 - 2010 St. John Eudes School will offer an after-school sports program for all S.J.E. boys and girls in grades 5 - 8. The program will run from September 8, 2009 until May 20, 20lp. The program begins at 3:00pm and finishes at 4:30pm every Monday - Thursday (except or).shortened daysthere will be NO PROGRAM on those days). During this program, we have try-outs, practice, and games for our interscholastic sports teams. From September - November we offer boys flagfootball and girls volleyball. From December - February we offer boys and girls basketball. From March - May we offer boys volleyball and girls softball. A fee of $40 per student per sport is required to help defer athletic expenses. If you wish your child (ren) to participate, you must return the signed bottom portion of this form, with the fee, along with the signed St. John Eudes School Athletic Contract and the introduction letter. All three forms must be returned before your child (ren) may participate in the program. Please Note: 1. After-school sports finishes at 4:30pm. No phone calls are allowed at this time since this is the regular pick-up time for the sports program. Those enrolled in the Extended Day Care Program (EDC) must sign in at 4:30. (or after the games, when the sports season begins) 2. Students in grade K - 4 must be enrolled in the Extended Day Care Program to stay after school. NO child may be left unsupervised after 3:00. 3. No student may leave the school grounds after school and return to school without their parent. Anyone who does so will be suspended from school. St. John Eudes After-School Sports Registration I give my child (ren) permission to participate in the after-school sports progrL at S1. John Eudes School. I have read and signed the Athletic Code of Conduct Contract Jnd information letter. _ Child $40 per sport _Boys _Boys _Boys Flag Football Basketball Volleyball TOTAL. Student's Name Gr. _Girls Volleyball Girls Basketball Girls Softball _ Parent's Signature (Fees are non- refundable if a student becomes ineligible due to academic or behavior grades.) ~ ~ Archdiocese of Los Angeles Sports Activity Permission Form Elementary Schools Sport: Student Name Birthdate: ----------------------- Grade --- Medical Information: Doctors Name: Address: Phone # ------------------------. ----------------r--------------Insurance Name -------------------------------------Policy # _ Emergency Contact (In case you cannot be reached): Name: Phone # Name: -------------------------------- Phone # Phone --~--------------- ------------------------------ --------------~-------------- I request that my child, in Grade be permitted to partlclpate in the above Sports Activity. I agree to instruct my child to cooperate and conform with directions and instructions of the supervisory personnel in charge of the sports activity. Shoulq it be necessary for my child to have medical treatment while participating in this sports activity, I ~erebY give the school personnel permission to use their judgment in obtaining medical service for my child and I give permission to the physician selected by the school personnel to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the physician. I agree to relieve the school and other participating adults from any liability in connection with this request. I I understand that my insurance benefits that are effective have limited application. NI. Signature of Parent or Guardian Home Phone Home Address Work Phone Date Cell Phone No. or Pager No. No student may attend a SPORTS ACTWITY parents may not be given over the phone. ADDITIONALMEDICALINFORMATION: I without this signed parent permission form. I ~----- Permission by seRIf NEWS Are you getting the service hours you deserve? Re-enroll your Vons/Safeway Cards and Ralph's Club Cards It's time to re-enroll your Vons/Pavilions/Safeway/Macy's ards in the eScrip Program. Log on to Our organization Id is 136559342. If you are already enrolled, click on the read check mark to review your Membership information and the expiration dates of your registered cards. I If the registered cards have expired, please update thrm to ensure continued participation in the program. Renew your Ralph's Rewards card enrollment. Log on to and sign in/register from the home page. Follow tHe prompts to register/renew your enrollment. Our organization number is 84286. $120 of SCRIPor Ralph's Club purchase gives credit fo~ 1 service hour. E-Scrip credit is 1 service hour for every Enrollment/Registration $200 fpent. has to be renewed every year. SCRIP is still available for purchase through the Weekly Family Envelope. A complete list of retailers and the order form is available in the "FORMS" section of the school website. Please send in your orders with ~ayment by Thursday to receive orders the following week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ come... TO our ... 5th annual ~ you're invited ...We hope YOU'll ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ "LivingLent" r ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ featuring E ~ 3 peoPle OF 'the Pas$ion E 3 Whale Community Parish AssemblY E 3 3~ WednesdaY, March 3 PilZa at 6 PM an Old Parish H~ln I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AssemblY 7-8:30 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ E E~ ~ ~ ~ Bring the whole familY for pizza (order beioun and StaY for a "time Of Len"ten renewal. ~ ~ ~ AdUlt and Children's eracxs will run simUltaneousl~1 at 7 PM. ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tear Off here/return to scnoot, reeeorv or~ligious educanon Office 9901 MasonAve·,ChatSworth, Ca 91311 ~ St. JOhn Eudes~ligioUS Education Office, ~ ~ vest we'd love 1:0cornet ~ And we uiant pilla! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ family name Phone # Pizza Large: cheese __ Pepperoni Sausage I $9 each Med.: cheese__ pepperoni Sausage $6each 1r01:al$: Please include payment wi1:hyour order - order muse be placed by 1rhursdaY,March 2. Questions? Call 818-882-9323 I rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~TTTTTTTTTT~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o @) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..... • • • • • • • • • • • ... . . . . . ·········· • • I Hot Lunch orders for April 201p are DUE on Wednesday, MARCH 3, 2010. Order forms can be downloaded from the IIFORMS" section of the school website I I Please send in your orders with a check payable to St. John Eudes School in the Weekly Family Envelope. Late orders cannot be accepted. APRIL 2010 HOT LUNCH PRE-ORDER FORM The cost of each lunch is $3.75, which includes the main course, salad, fruit and a drink. An extra portion of the main course can be pre-ordered for $1.00 more. I Please check your children's schedule for classfield trips before ordering. I SUN MON TUE WED THU 1 SAT FR. 3 2 Pizza, salad, fruit and drink I I 4 11 18 25 5 NO SCHOOL 6 NO SCHOOL 7 NO SCHOOL 8 NO SCHOOL 9 10 16 17 12 13 14 15 Beef tacos, chips & sauce, carrots & ranch, fruit, juice Cheeseburger, chips, fruit, juice, lettuce, tomato, ketchup and mayoon the side Lasagna, garlic bread, cucumber & ranch, fruit, juice Pizza, salad, fruit and drink 19 Turkey club sandwich on warm roll, chips, carrots & ranch, fruit, juice, lettuce, tomato, mayo on the side I 20 21 22 Chicken soft tacos, chips & sauce, carrots & ranch, fruit, juice Chicken nuggets & French fries, carrots & ranch, fruit, juice, ketchup Pizza, salad, fruit and drink 26 27 28 29 Spaghetti with marinara sauce, garlic bread, carrots & ranch, fruit, juice Grilled cheese, chips, cucumber & ranch, fruit, juice Chicken & cheese quesadilla, chips & sauce, carrots & ranch, fruit, juice Pizza, salad, fruit and drink 23 30 I There are NO substitutions or deletions. Menu is as written. 24 APRIL 2010 Hot Lunch Pre Order Form PI"",," FILL out and RETURN this portion with your check 10 the school no I,,", thL Wed. Mar 3 Orders received after the due date will be returned. I FAMILY NAME _ Child's Name/Grade Child's Name/Grade Child's Name/Grade ----_/_- Child's Name/Grade -----_/ --------'/ Write in $3.75 (or $4.75 for an extra portion) for each child on the day you would like them to receive hot lunch. 4/1 $ 4112 $ 4/13 $ 4/14 $ 4115 $ 4/19 $ 4/20 $ 4/21 $ 4/22 $ 4/26 $ 4/27 $ 4128 $ 4129 $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL: $ + + $ GRAND TOTAL $. _ + $ CHECK NO. _ $ DATEPAID _ PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ST• .JOHN EUDES SCHOOL. Do not combine hot lunch payment with any other school payment Check MUST be separate. Price on regular 1 2 3 4 5 6 lunch lunches lunches lunches lunches lunches portion sized lunches ($3.75): $3.75 7.50 11.25 15.00 18.75 22.50 7 lunches 8 lunches 9 lunches 10 lunches 11 lunches 12 lunches $26.25 30.00 33.75 37.50 41.25 45.00 13 14 15 16 17 18 lunches lunches lunches lunches lunches lunches $48.75 52.50 56.25 60.00 63.75 67.50 19 20 21 12 23 24 lunches lunches lunches lunches lunches lunches $71.25 75.00 78.75 82.50 86.25 90.00 St. John Eudes School PTSOsponsors Soup and Stations Friday, March 5, 2010 Grill Hall Soup at 6 p.m. & Stations at 7 p.m. Come have some soup served with bread/crackers and drinks (donation for the poor requested) then stay for Stations of the Cross. This is a great way to observe Lent as a family and a parish community. We also need help with set-up and clean-up. If you are available and would like to help, please call Teresa Francisco (818) 610-9301 " St. John Eudes School Student Council ~ is sponsoring an event dedicated to the memory of Diego B<lza ., " ., Ju p Ite>pe fe>r J{e:1rt " "trldgy, 'M~eh 12, 2(")1(") " " ., Jump Rope for Heart is a nationwide event that helps students ., _ ~ __ ~ __ _ ~ learn about the benefits of regular physica' activity and heart health, whi'e raising money to fight heart disease and stroke. The money our school raises will fund lifesaving research and will support programs to help people in our community. Thank you for participating. We appreciate your generosity. •• Please make checks payable to the •• ~ American Heart Association ~ ., (NO CASH donations please!) Please send in your donations in the Weekly Family Envelope by Wednesday, March 10, 2010. " • ~ • ., •• " .,..,. Permission slips are not needed since this is a school-wide P.E. activity. Students may come to school wearing their P.£. uniform. It~1J)~mh~. . . k~~l' tI * L6 htll'l'Y, htltlLthyhtlm!!! "".".-."., ~ __ ~ __ ,.,. ., " ., " " ., n PTSO Invhes }on to tWw..-iiM\ w.u P..-tty Fricl••y.April"l1m Dinner is ,served at 6:30 PU ...•.•.• / Adults $10 Children 12and under $5 '" Space is Iimi~d so make your re~rvation early! Seating is first oome·first served. RSVPbI March 15th __ Please send your check to the school-office in an envelope marked "Lnau" and be sure to indicate your fanlily name-this is for SJE School Families Only. ~ O.-nee the Ch.a-c ••••• Ner~\Ae. ~ .1'heLihJy - St. John Eudes' Grill Hall _S __ Earn 2 stamps for every $10 purchase on your DENNIS Advantage Card. Shop at your DENNIS store during March and earn twice the savings! This offer is valid for in-store purchases only during March 2010. For internet specials, please visit our website: Woodland Hills Branch 20920 Victory Blvd, Woodland Hills CA 91367 Phone (818-703-7493) . Fax (818-703-7647) school uniforms since 1920 orne Working Together for School Success St John Eudes B. Danowitz, Principal Picture this •• ~ •••••••• Good readers form mental pictures as they read. To improve your child's comprehension, read a book without letting him see it. Then, ask him to guess what the illustrations look like. Examples: How are the characters dressed? Is the setting bright or gloomy? Raisinggood sports You can teach your youngster to be a good sport by being one yourself. When you attend a game, clap and cheer for players who try hard, even if they're on the other team. You'll help your youngster learn to be gracious to everyone in the game. Linethem up Sometimes kids get math problems wrong simply because they haven't lined up the numbers correctly. Try this. Have your child work problems on graph paper, using one box per number. Once she gets used to this system, she'll be able to transfer her lining-up skills to regular paper. Study smarts Sarah, a fourth-grader, takes a history test at the end of each month. Evan, a first-grader, has a spelling quiz every Friday. Studying is a skill these youngsters will need throughout their years of school. Help your child study effectively with these tips. Start a habit. Encourage your youngster to treat studying as a daily assignment, not just something she does the evening before a test. For example, she might study 15 minutes every night for a spelling test on Friday. After she finishes her regular homework, she can spend a little time reviewing her notes and handouts. Tackle textbooks. When your child has a chapter to study, have her "preview" it to increase her understanding. She should glance over headings, graphics, and photos and go to the glossary to look up boldfaced words. Tip: If she finds a section hard to grasp, she could read a picture book on the Worth quoting "Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best." H. Jackson Brown Jr. topic. For a science unit on matter, for instance, she could try What Is the World Made Of? by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld. Mix it up. If your youngster reviews information in several ways, she'll be more likely to remember it. She might use colored pencils to copy each spelling word or math fact onto a separate index card. Then, she can shuffle the cards and study them in a different order each time. For extra reinforcement, suggest that she spell each word or recite each fact aloud .• Parent power There are many ways you can support your child's learning and school. Here are a few ideas: • Spend a few minutes every evening looking over handouts your youngster brings home. Fill out forms to return the next day. Teacher: Name one important thing we have today that we didn't have 10 years ago. Brian: Me! • Tell your child's teachers if you can help them out at school or home. • Make sure teachers know you appreciate their efforts. From time to time, send a thank-you note or an e-mail. • Contact your youngster's teacher immediately see a problem. Working together will help your child succeed. if you ' • Attend conferences, parent meetings, and school events regularly .• © 2010 Resources for Educators, a division of Aspen Publishers, Inc. B02091 Home & Sehoolconuscuou- Page 2 Let's behave! and have everyone gather in the family room for a gentle pillow fight. Did you know that getting your young- . sters to behave can be fun? 'Iry these ideas to encourage better behavior-and cut down on everyone's frustration. Distract. Being playful can stop misbehavior, especially if it's caused by boredom. Example: You're stuck inside on a rainy day, and your kids begin to get cranky. Say,"Freeze! Splash time!" Fill the bathtub, cover the floor with rowels, and let them play in the water with cups and boats. (Note: Never leave children unsupervised near water) Or call out, "Pillow time," Celebrate. With your children, pick a few behavior goals (get ready for bed without complaining; say "excuse me" when someone is talking). Then, get out a small jar and some marbles. Tell your youngsters they will earn a marble each time you catch them working toward a goal. When the jar is full, celebrate with an extra story every night for a week. ~.. .--=-p-a-p-e=;~~~==~ Note: Children often act out to get your attention. 'Iry to spend a few minutes a day playing a game or talking with each child, and you're likely to see better behavior." ~bagcity Let your child create her own 3-D community. She'll practice map skills and learn about urban planning as she decides where to put the buildings in her town. Materials; paper lunch bags, newspapers, crayons or markers, black construc. tion paper, scissors, tape Have your youngster think of buildings to include, such as a bank, grocery store, school, library, and houses. She can make them by drawing doors, windows, and signs on flat bags (on the side without the flap). For every bag she decorates, have her stuff a second one with newspaper. Then, she should open each decorated bag and slide it over a stuffed bag so her "buildings" will stand up. For the roads, she can cut black construction paper into strips and tape them together. Finally,have your child layout her roads and arrange her buildings alongside them to make her very own town." '. . ~ lJ R p. U R P 0 S E 10 provide busy parents with practical ideas that promote school success, parent involvement, and more effective parenting. Resources for Educators, a dtviston of Aspen Publishers, Inc. ll8 N. Royal Avenue' from Royal, VA 22630 540-636-4280 • rfecusromer®wolter.; TSSN1540-5621 o 2010 Resources for Educators, a diVision of Aspen Pub"shers, Inc. Bullying: The bystander's role Q: My child came home from school upset became kids were picking on a classmate and wouldn't let her play with them. What advice should I give my daughter? A: Tellyour youngster that her classmate was being bullied-and that she has the power to help stop it! There are several things she can do. She could start by standing up to the bully and saying somethin? like, ":rhat's. n.ot nic~." Then, she might ask the child who is being bullied to Jom her tn a game or school project. Also, remind your youngster to report bullying to a teacher or other adult when she sees it. Let her know this is not tattling, but a way to h~lp som~one. who is being hurt. You can explain: "Askingan adult to help a chil~,who 15 berng bullied is like asking the nurse to help a child with a scraped knee. " Thinking games Between school, errands, and activities, my family spends lots of time on the go. I decided to use some of it for "thinking games." I taught my kids a game my parents used to play with me, called "Would You Rather?" I offer two options and ask which they prefer and why. For example, I might say, "Would you rather live near the beach or the mountains?" My son came up with a game he named "Three Favorites." Someone picks a category (outfits, movies), and we all tell our top three choices. My daughter thought of "What Doesn't Belong?" We take turns naming items and asking the others to explain which is the odd one out and why. The kids especially like this game because there can be more than one "right" answer. For example, when I named "owl," "ostrich," and "eagle," my daughter said, "Ostrich, because it can't fly." My son's answer was, "Owl, because it hunts at night. " Now they want to play all the time. I'm glad because we're having fun-and they've gotten better at thinking through their ideas.'