Camp Quilt-A-Lot - Quilt Wyoming 2016
Camp Quilt-A-Lot - Quilt Wyoming 2016
February-March 2016 Volume 18 - No. 1 Camp Quilt-A-Lot - Quilt Wyoming 2016 Save the Date!! Quilt Wyoming 2016 is July 14-17 at Northwest College in Powell. This is an event that you won’t want to miss! All teachers have been chosen and we are in for a good time. Before you know it, brochures will be mailed and you will see the exciting list of teachers and classes. Come join us to be part of an exciting event to be held in our region. National Teachers - All three award-winning, nationallyrecognized teachers will provide a wonderful opportunity. Grace Errea “Amazing Quilts by Grace”, from Southern California is well known for her beautiful nature and portrait designs focusing on the importance of value. Swan Lake is shown. The “OPPORTUNITY QUILT” is one you will absolutely want an opportunity to win. Of course, it has a camping theme. Susan K. Cleveland “Pieces be with You”, from West Concord, Minnesota is the creator of the innovative “piping hot binding” method. Her quilts are bold and exciting. Bouncin’ is shown. The flannel quilt was based on a “Figgy Pudding” pattern with animals and border added. It was assembled by Northwest Quilters and quilted by Jeanne Knudsen. Hopefully you have already sold your tickets and sent in the money. If not, put that on your list of things to do soon. The money is to be sent to Belle Temple (our new Treasurer whose term started January 1), 1073 East 12th Street, Gillette WY 82716. The tickets are to be sent to Quilt Mom, Marylou Doyle, P.O. Box 8, Hyattville, WY 82428. If you need more tickets (to increase your chances of winning!) contact the Quilt Mom. See you in Powell!! David Taylor “David Tyler Quilts”, from Steamboat Springs, Colorado is well known for his applique technique and beautiful designs. His art quilts hang in numerous private collections worldwide. Hopes Glorious Aspen shown. 1 2 2 3 Camp Quilt-A-Lot President’s Message - A. Pendleton Officers & Appointees Membership - L. Carruthers It is not too soon to start thinking about your “CHALLENGE QUILT”. The theme is “A Walk in the Woods”. Your quilt must have at least one recognizable Bear Paw Block. It is to be at least 14” x 14” and not larger than 40” x 40”. Irregularly-shaped quilts must have a perimeter of no less than 56” and not more than 160” . Quilts are to be turned in for display at the registration table at QW 2016. No unfinished quilts will be accepted. Be sure to attach a label to the back of the quilt with the quilt maker’s name and information. Prizes will be awarded in two Categories based on popular vote: 1) Camp Counselor—has sold a quilt or won a major competition and 2) Camper— everyone else. 4 13 16 18 Regional Directors Volunteer Needed (HMQS) Golden Thimble Award Help Your Quilt Part 10 - B. Gorges 18 19 19 20 Australia/New Zealand - S. Buck Quilt Events Membership Form Advertising Rates Wyoming State Fair April Pendleton President Dear Friends, I cannot believe it is 2016!! Before we know it we will be at Quilt WY this summer having lots of fun. They say that time flies when you are having fun. We must be having lots and lots of FUN. I think I have been having fun for a few years and did not realize how much fun I was having. My son is 35 years old this January and his 16 year old daughter just had a baby, so he is a grandfather and I am a GREAT grandma. That makes my mom, Kay, a great great grandma! WOW!!! I have been saving cute baby quilt patterns for the day I would have great grandchildren, well the day has arrived just a few days earlier than I expected. I am making baby quilts! I have never been big on making and/or keeping New Year’s resolutions, but this year will be different. I have made the resolution to finish some of the UFO’s I have collected! I wonder why did I spend money and time on the project and then let it sit as a UFO. So I will finish as many as I can this year! I am not going to resolve to not purchase anything new because that will never be possible!!! I hope your new year is a good one and that you make and keep your resolutions! See you in July. Happy Quilting in this New Year. Masthead (Cover) designed and donated by Laura Costy from Casper, WY, currently residing in Fort Collins, CO The Wyoming State Quilt Guild is a non-profit organization. All officers, directors and appointees are volunteers. WSQG Elected Officers and Appointees President April Pendleton 150 Jefferson, Lander, WY 82520 (307) 349-0041 Past President Mary Lee Dixon 503 Princeton Lane, Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 778-8797 Vice President/President-Elect Frances Tormey 8222 Firethorn Lane, Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 631-5085 Treasurer Belle Temple 1073 E 12th Street, Gillette, WY 82716 (307) 660-9444 Secretary Linda Herget 129 Stanfield Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82007 (307) 635-0921 REGIONAL DIRECTORS Northwest—Marylou Doyle PO Box 8, Hyattville, WY 82428 (307) 469-2253 Southwest—Debbie Wolfe 3448 Brickyard Avenue, Rock Springs, WY 82901 (307) 389-9267 Central—Deb Zelenak 88 Sacajawea Avenue, Lander, WY 82520 (307) 438-1609 Northeast-Sherryl Buck 274 Murphy Gulch Road, Banner, WY 82832 (307) 737-2647 Northeast—Valeria Finley 625 Sumner Street, Sheridan, WY 82801 (307) 752-4515 Southeast—Daenette More 2525 Maple Way, Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 220-3794 Director-at-Large Jennifer Golden 6 Rocky Lane, Sheridan, WY 82801 (307) 672-8326/(303) 525-2904 Membership Director Lee Carruthers PO Box 2999, Cheyenne, WY 82003 (307) 632-0878 Books for County Libraries Tauna Leathers 1507 Ord Street, Laramie, WY 82070 (307) 742-7408 Historian Joan Anderson 571 South Walsh Drive, Casper, WY 82609 (307) 689-1727 Properties Custodian Linda Hamilton PO Box 9, Hyattville, WY 82428 (307) 469-2272 Archive Director Mary Lee Dixon 503 Princeton Lane, Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 778-8797 Newsletter Editor and Web Mistress Virginia Ohr 193 Kumor Road, Buffalo, WY 82834 (307) 684-1466 Membership Report Dear WSQG Members: It is hard to believe another year has gone by the wayside. Another new year has arrived in sunny, carefree Wyoming (I know, maybe a little too much huh?) Actually it is cold, snowy and (of course) windy, a perfect time to stay warm indoors and quilt. Speaking of quilting, I don't know if everyone is aware of the new "She Shed" phenomenon that is sweeping the country but is sounds quite nice. Men have the "man caves" and now women have their "she sheds", love it! The she shed is, what one would think, a shed either built or prefab and decorated by and for the female(s) in the family to be used however they see fit. What a wonderful quilting room that would make, left alone to quilt ones little heart out. What better way to spend the long winter months. As we all know, it is also that time of year when we (as members of WSQG) renew our membership. Renewal has been quite active with six renewing as of December. New members have also joined and we are very pleased to welcome Barbara Wells from Star Valley Ranch, WY to our growing family. I know everyone will make her feel at home and we look forward to meeting her at Quilt Wyoming 2016. The Quilted Corner in Cheyenne had their fall retreat at the local junior college. Everyone was able to finish their UFO's and start new projects. Many thanks to Brenda at the Quilted Corner for putting on such a fun day. If anyone would like to contact me, please e-mail me at As always, have fun and grow. , Membership Chair Present your WSQG Membership Card to receive a 10% discount on regular-priced fabrics, books, patterns and notions at Prism Quilt & Sew, Casper, WY. May not be combined with other special offers. REGIONAL DIRECTORS CENTRAL Deb Zelanak Do you get strange looks from nonquilters when you talk about UFO’s? They look at you like “Really, you’ve seen an Unidentified Flying Object?” Then you explain, “No, they’re unfinished objects, quilting projects we’ve started but not finished for one reason or another.” I know I have quite a few. Was that one of your new year’s resolutions to get some completed, or are only new projects planned? Whatever your quilting plans are for 2016, enjoy and have fun. Happy 2016! The Sagebrush Sisters meet at the Prairie Stitcher in Douglas on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. and started their new year in January. They have many things planned for 2016 which include making another Quilts of Valor quilt to donate to a local veteran, holiday project challenge, UFO challenge, Christmas in July party, December Christmas party, and much more. They would love to have you join them so please come to a meeting. They have lots of fun. If you have questions, please call the Prairie Stitcher, 307-358-5571. A lot goes on at our local quilt shops besides being a place to get our fabric fix. (We can’t help our addictions!) Below is a picture of the SEWAPALOOZA (3-5 December) attendees sponsored by Blakeman Vacuum & Sewing in Casper. Sorry I don’t have the names of everyone in the picture, but Sonia Reed told me the class taught by Heather Lofstrom was fantastic. The Kalico Kat Quilt Shop continues to work on quilts for homeless Veterans and their families and at-risk graduating seniors. If you can help with the piecing or quilting of these quilts give Sandie a call at 307-237-8458. During the month of December, Stephanie at Sheep Camp Quilt Supply (Riverton/Shoshoni) had an open house every Saturday with goodies to eat and a free class. I went to a couple, a pillowcase with French seams class and a triangle treasure bowl class. Both were lots of fun. All that was left to do was sew buttons on the flaps of our bowls. Snow kept me from the other classes, which was a disappointment. Triangle Treasure Bowl Class The Central region is hosting Quilt Wyoming 2018 and will be holding a planning meeting January 30th at 10:00 a.m. at the Riverton United Presbyterian Church, 1101 N Broadway Avenue. After the meeting plan on attending the Wyoming Star Quilt Guild’s Wild West Winter Carnival Quilt show which is being held on Saturday, January 30th – 10:00-5:00 p.m. and Sunday, January 31st 10:00-3:00 p.m. in Riverton at the Fremont County Fairgrounds, 1010 Fairground Road. There will be vendors; demonstrations; scissor, knife and saw blade sharpening; sewing machine cleaning and minor repair; a silent auction and a raffle quilt. SEWAPALOOZA Sponsored by Blakeman Vacuum & Sewing I hope everyone’s plans for this year include Quilt Wyoming. If you haven’t already marked your calendar add it today so you don’t forget, July 14-17th in Powell. If you haven’t enough quilt projects to keep you busy or are looking for a new one, consider entering the Quilt Wyoming challenge. Rules can be found at (no special fabric is required). Now I have to get to work on my first grandchild’s (a boy) quilt! REGIONAL DIRECTORS NORTHEAST Valeria Finley Sherryl Buck Valeria: Ahhh...February-what a wonderful month for quilt-making, whether it's piecing, applique or hand or machine quilting. The holiday sewing rush is past and the cleaning and resolutions of January are hopefully complete. As for me, I decided in November to do a comprehensive reorganization of my fabrics, tools, patterns, and notions. Wow! I found things I hadn't seen in years. I hope to finish a quilt that my mother probably began in the 90's and try out a new (to me) quilting technique. January was busy with the Ucross Retreat and the Sheridan mystery quilt day. I just wished I could be in two places at once and also be a student at Gillette's Bear Paw class. February is a special month for me as I am a true Valentine baby and have always had an affinity for heart motifs. I hope to do something in pink and red this year. March holds promises with Sheridan's Sisters of the Cloth sponsoring a National Quilting Day "Sew-In" on March 19. The theme is "It Takes a Village." It has always been a great day for fun and sewing. There may be spaces still open, so it you are interested contact one of the Sisters, Robin at 672-6847, Julia at 672-9602, Carol at 461-7131 or Linda at 461-1529. Stay warm. Wishes for successful quilting, Sherry: As I write this article in January, the sun is shining and the snow is dazzling. I find the beauty of this situation to be inspiring, and when coupled with the tendency to set goals and make resolutions at this time of the year, I am excited to get back into my quilting. For me the fall was very busy and thus not very quilting related. Having survived the holiday seasons, and having cleaned out a portion of my sewing area, I believe I am ready to go. We’ll see how far I get! I am primarily a solitary quilter. I enjoy classes, and I enjoy the social time during retreats and classes, but I don’t make too much progress in those situations. My best progress, and ingenuity, tend to come in the quiet of my own space after having had the social interactions. As I look into the late winter and spring months and the upcoming events, I realize we should all value our social and learning time. And also the things we learn that have nothing to do with quilting, such as the hour-long discussion I had with a fellow quilter about sourdough bread making techniques and limitations. We both had information to share from our separate experiences, and both left that discussion energized to go and try some things. And I have tried some of those things! I will try some of the others. Just like quilting skills, not all the new knowledge bits lead to immediate successes. But it is important to continue to try things and to work on expanding our knowledge. Which brings to mind another observation. How we each define our successes can be a very personal thing. A bit like how we appreciate color. For some of us, completing a quilt is success. For some of us, completing a challenging quilt and winning a show with it, is success. For some of us, success is defined as finding the right bits for our next quilt in our existing stash. Other times it may be found in the coordination of a new group of fabrics for that pattern we have saved for a special time. So as we continue our quilting journeys in 2016, let us try to remember to celebrate each other’s success stories whatever they may be. And to remember that my definition of success may not be the same as yours at any given moment. And coming home from a class with even one small bit of a new technique or approach can be my success, even if I leave the class with virtually no product to show. The Buffalo Quilting Gals installed 2016 Officers and made Fabric Luggage Tags at their January meeting. Due to Buffalo Library renovations they are planning a National Quilting Day Open House at the Buffalo Senior Center on Saturday, March 19th. Updated info can be found at" The Buffalo Quilting Gals have made and presented 18 Quilts of Valor over the last two years to local veterans. They normally present them at the American Legion Hall during their monthly Sunday breakfasts. The veterans are so appreciative and sometime there's a tear in their eye. This is a very rewarding experience. They plan to make Quilts of Valor for their Special Projects instead of preparing a quilt for a selected organization, and then donating it for that organization to raffle it. The Quilts of Valor group in Sheridan has had their first meeting, and has agreed to start working together on the third Thursday of the month at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Sheridan. They will share that space Northeast Continued on Page 7… REGIONAL DIRECTORS …Northeast Continued from Page 5 with an existing group of avid stitchers, and will hopefully be able to start drawing additional interest in this activity. They will have presented a QOV to a member of the Creative Fiber Guild at the meeting of that organization in January, and will also have offered a presentation on the overall QOV program. They hope to have a “sew in” at a facility where they will have access to a long-arm machine and ample work space to accommodate people working on tops and binding in April. Stay tuned! In April the annual “Retreat on the Mountain” started by a group of quilters in Ranchester and Sheridan, will take place. This event is not a WSQG event, and is usually filled well in advance, but interested quilters could contact Mary Jane Collins at 307-620-0947 to see if there is still space. Easter comes early this year on March 27. If Easter quilts are planned, you should be working the problem! Enjoy your quilting adventures and be careful on the snow and ice. WSQG PINS Member pins (above) and any remaining past Quilt Wyoming pins are available at every Quilt Wyoming for $5.00. Now Membership Director Lee Carruthers will be in charge of the Member pins and members may obtain them at any time for $5.00 by contacting her. Linda Hamilton, Properties Custodian, will still maintain the Quilt Wyoming pins. REGIONAL DIRECTORS SOUTHWEST Debbie Wolfe The rush and hustle of the holidays are over and now there seems to be a lull before another quilting storm hits in the spring. With the new year in full swing, there are always new goals to complete some UFO’s, plans to make quilts from newly purchased fabric, and plans to attend numerous quilt shows and classes in 2016. But I want to reflect here that some of our members have lost loved ones in 2015, have loved ones that are ill, or have had disasters happen to them that were beyond anyone’s control. Your quilting community has not forgotten your pain or despair and are always willing to give you support. My wish for all is that 2016 will be brighter and full of good memories, created one stitch at a time. Wilt the Stilt Chamber Moose by Lynda Leeper …Southwest Continued on Page 9 Quilt Guilds: Jackson Hole Quilt Guild revealed at their January meeting their MOOSE made from a pattern by Mary Lou Weidman, in a class taken a year ago. “Colonel Moostard” by Sue Garrity and “Wilt the Stilt Chamber Moose” by Lynda Leeper. To see more moose, see the Jackson Hole Quilt Guild facebook page. These are hilarious! Colonel Moostard by Sue Garrity Present your WSQG Membership Card to receive a 10% discount on regular-priced fabrics, books, patterns and notions at ET Quilts, Buffalo, WY. This discount may not be combined with other special offers. REGIONAL DIRECTORS …Southwest Continued from Page 8… Star Valley Piecemakers are still in a quiet mode as many of the snowbirds are out of town. A few local members are meeting and sewing at the Senior Center in Thayne until the May/June timeframe. Great news of an upcoming event will be announced in the April Patchwords. Frontier Piecemakers Quilt Guild sponsored by the Kemmerer Frontier Arts Council showed 24 quilts at their Patchwork Christmas Craft Fair in December. Congratulations to Jolene Bartlett for winning the Viewer’s Choice Award (red quilt shown). Following is the guilds February and March schedule. Please contact Lois Hicks at should Made by Jolene Bartlett you have any questions. February 9: 10 :00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.- A Valentine “Skinnies” wall hanging pattern will be available and embellishment ideas will be discussed; February 11: 10:00 a.m.- Quilting Bee and potluck lunch at the Crafter's Cottage; March 8: Demo on how to make woven four-patch coasters; March 10: Quilting Bee and potluck lunch at the Crafter's Cottage. Sisters in Stitches in Big Piney: Every year this group makes and donates a fund raiser quilt to the Senior Center. The “Barn” 2015 raffle quilt was won by Sally Fredricks on New Year’s Eve! This year’s quilt will be started in February. Deb Schultz is teaching Ricky Tims’ Kaleidoscope class to the group the end of January. Crazy Ladies Quilt Guild in Pinedale had a successful first Quilting in the Winds in October and they are planning another event this October. Meetings are held at Heritage Quilt Shop in Pinedale the 1st Monday and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Contact Heritage Quilt Shop for times and agenda. Pinedale Sew What Quilt Guild: Jenny Amerine had the idea for members to list their top 12 UFO’s to work on in 2016. Each month they will randomly choose what UFO number to work on for the following month. What a great motivation idea! Participants are working on #5 from their list and will reveal their progress at the January 23rd meeting. Sweetwater Piecemakers in Rock Springs enjoyed their December Christmas party. Once again, lucky Dixie Arnett won the fat quarter game and generously gave most of the fabric to attendees. Carolyn’s cupcake pincushions were lovely Christmas presents for her friends – but these would be so cute for Valentine’s Day too! Pattern is by Taylor Made Designs. The 2016 planning meeting Made by will be on January 26th. Jackets are Carolyn Malson being ordered to commemorate 25 years as a quilt group. Inspirational quote from Inspired Creativity Cards: Have Fun: Take a no-rules approach and just play with your fabric. – Lesley Riley Show someone love on Valentine’s Day and be Irish on St.Patrick’s Day! Reminder: The WSQG SW Regional Director Position will open July 2016. If you are interested in holding this position, please contact Debbie Wolfe or April Pendleton. This position will be filled in July. REGIONAL DIRECTORS SOUTHEAST Daenette More January is a wonderfully cold month in which I become very cozy with my sewing machine. Usually one of my new year’s resolutions is to finish some UFO’s. This has never worked, by the way. I think I have OCD when it comes to finishing. Besides there is so much new fabric to look at now that Christmas is over. This year my New Year’s resolution is to: ORGANIZE MY SEWING ROOM! (This is a new approach to counting all my UFO’s!) I have also decided to take a slightly different approach to this column. Up to this time I have tried to report on all of the things that have gone on in the region and what to look forward to… This is the main goal of this column. I hate “reinventing the wheel”. I will still be reporting on the big stuff from the different guilds and groups but not so much on the quilt stores. Frankly, they do a much better job on their own websites. So I will just mention a new shop for our region, Scrappy Shack Quilt Shop 2041 E. A Street in Torrington. They have 32 bolts of 30’s Christmas Ornament Made by Daenette More fabrics, a rarity in Wyoming! Cheyenne Heritage Quilters has started a series of small project contests with a monetary prize, using viewer’s choice votes for the selected winner. The first contest was “Christmas Ornament” won by Daenette More for Prairie Point Wheel and the “Pincushion” contest was won by Linda Price. The next contest coming up is “Bags and Purses”. Wendy Ray from Laramie headed up a Laramie County Library display of quilts December 22 through January 3, 2016. The library display was entitled “Thread, Needle and Fabric” and was on display in the window displays at the front of the library. Awesome! Thread, Needle and Fabric - Wendy Ray The Silly Seamers from Sinclair meet on Wednesday nights. Their group has been in existence for at least 17 years. Along with the Rawlins group they have been making little quilts for Project Reach and the Child Development Center. Each child receives a quilt at the beginning of the school year, reported Nancy Pierson. They socialize, plan and travel to quilt shows, including Southeast Continued on Page 11… REGIONAL DIRECTORS …Southeast Continued from Page 10 Houston this last year. Elsie Preslar provided information for this group as well as Methodist Ladies, from Rawlins. The group meets on Tuesday mornings and their main focus is making quilts for Head Start Kids. They are now hand quilting a cross stitch quilt from the 60’s that will be beautiful! There is also a quilting group that meets on the 2nd Saturday, that has no leader, but still gets a lot of quilting done! Quilting is alive and well in the western part of our region. Save the Date! April 1- 3 – The Southeast Region Spring Retreat will be held at LCCC Center for Conferences and Institutes. With the theme “Whoooo is Coming to Quilt?” We will have the UFO theme. Molly Wilhelm from Wheatland will be our teacher for Saturday. A supply list will be sent to you if you Lots of Classes! Stack & Whack Sat. Jan 16 -10:30-5 $20 Mitten Quilt Mon. Jan 18 - 10:30-5 $20 Hand Quilting Wed. Jan. 20 - 1-3 Sandra Freeburg $25 LOTP: Nine Patch Sat. Jan 23 -10:30-5 Sue Frerich $20 Spoon Quilting Wed. Jan 27 - 1-3 Sandra Freeburg $25 Bertie's Year & Companions last Friday of the month 1-4 $20, free if you buy the kit S.O.S. (Save Our Scraps!) Quilts! Lost Socks Jan 30 - 10:30-5 $20 Back Basting Wed. Feb 3 - 1-3 Sandra Freeburg $25 Lace Houses, block of the month Sat. Feb 13 - 1-3 Kathy Sconce $25 Wrapsody Purse Sat. Feb 13 - 4-6 (& Feb 20, & Mar 12) 1-3 Sue Frerich $25 453 Vandehei Avenue Suite 120 307-433-9555 See for full schedule sign up for this class on the registration form. We will still have Friday and Sunday to finish our UFO’s. As always we will have a “Make and Take”, and a demonstration on resistdyeing jeans. Once again it is still FREE because we potluck our meals. WSQG members Whoooo is Coming to Quilt? will receive their registrations by e-mail or letter on February 1st. (Renew your membership for WSQG before then.) Open enrollment to the public will begin on March 1st. The LCCC facility can accommodate 50 quilters with a table for each! REGIONAL DIRECTORS NORTHWEST Marylou Doyle Another new year and an opportunity to reflect how fortunate I am. Our family is all healthy. We have the privilege of going to Billings for three days every other week to take care of our first, and only, great grandson. Life can’t get better than that. There are always quilt projects to look forward to. Currently, I am working on “roosters”. When our daughter’s house was being built, her sister stopped by one day to find her somewhat distraught. The electricians had cut, what seemed to her, giant holes, in her laundry room wall, one on each side of the window. Said sister replied, “Not to worry. Have Mom make you some quilts to cover them!” They have been in their house a year. I must get these done. Meanwhile, around the rest of Northwest District, good things are happening. With the New Year, lots of new plans are being made for exciting things. Loose Threads Quilt Club members (Basin, Greybull and the surrounding area) are beginning to work on their 2016 Challenge. The theme is “All My Friends are Flakes”. Quilts are required to have at least one flake, of any kind, on/in the quilt. These quilts are due for the Big Horn County Fair and Quilt Show which takes place August 4-6, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The “Mystery Quilt”was started at the January meeting and will be completed in May. The Spring Retreat will be March 18-19 at the Senior Center in Greybull. This date coincides with “National Quilting Day 2016.” TAGY’ “Japanese Internment Center” art quilts will hang in the Internment Center (located between Cody and Ralston) March 2nd thru May 20th. An artist reception will be held on April 7th at 6:00 p.m. These quilts are 18”x24” portrait or landscape of original designs. The group toured the Center last summer. With their thoughts and feelings, they set out to design their quilts. This show will have a powerful impact on what you know about the Heart Mountain Internment Camp. It would be an excellent opportunity to become familiar with the history of Internment camps, while viewing the quilts. Word from the Yellowstone Quilt Fest committee is that it has been decided to postpone the September Quilt Show in Cody until September 2017. The committee hopes that many wonderful quilts will be created between now and the new show date and they can continue to have a top-notch show. Going to the format of a show every other year will be evaluated in 2017. For information contact Marybeth 307-7545399. The Paintbrush Piecers (Cody/Powell and area ) kicked off the New year with their Christmas party that had been postponed in December, due to weather. This included a pot luck, pin cushion gift exchange and a fun game. The 2016 officers began their “new careers” and are: President-Carolyn Aichele, VPprograms-Becky Pack, Secretary-Jeanne Dycus, Treasurer (returning)-Lili Turnell. The guild members are always grateful when someone steps up to take over these jobs! Exciting things are happening at the new Quilt Store in Thermopolis (Gooseberry Garden Quilt Shop, 307864-3503, “”). Susan Turnbull is anxious and willing to meet all of our needs. If there are classes you would like for her to offer, get in touch with her and she will see if she can find someone to teach. If you are having problems with something (like trying to finish something you started a long ago and can’t remember what to do) she will try and help you or see if she can find someone who is able. Classes she has listed to date (not set in stone so others may be added) are: Saturday, February 13th, 10:00-12:00 noon ---Kathy Hammond will demonstrate how to personalize a sweatshirt with a petroglyph design drawn from Legend Rock, using a reverse applique technique. Saturday, February 27th, 9-11—Margie Jackson will be teaching Part One of a machine quilting class. She will get you started quilting projects on your own domestic machines. Saturday March 5th, 9:00-12:00 noon and 1:00-4:00 p.m., will be Part Two of Margie’s machine quilting class. Saturday, March 19th, 9:00-12:00 noon, Kathy Hammond will demonstrate how to make journal/scrapbook covers using some unusual decorative items. Northwest Continued on Page 13… REGIONAL DIRECTORS …Northwest Continued from Page 12 Susan has started a “Bolt of the Day”. The first bolt of fabric cut on any day becomes that day’s “Bolt of the Day”and is 25% off. That bolt will remain 25% off for the rest of the day. Each day brings a new bolt. If you are in need of a large amount of fabric (background or backing comes to mind), be the first one in the door and get all you need for 25% off. That would be worth getting up for! How many UFO’s do you have sitting around. Susan is going to start a “Rescue and Recovery” game. Make a list of your projects, giving them each a number, and take it into the “Garden”. You will draw a number and that is the project you will work on for that month. If you get your project completed before the end of the month, you can take it in to show her, and draw another number to determine the next project to work on. You will then have one month to work on the new project. This is still in the works and being finalized. I can’t wait to get started! Susan hopes to be on line soon. She is already looking for a larger space but has not yet found one. I googled her and found lots of information. Many fun happenings are taking place at the “Garden” . You won’t want to miss out. Volunteer Needed! A volunteer is needed to organize a bus trip from Wyoming to Salt Lake City for HMQS May 5-7, 2016 (ad page 15). The organizer receives many “quilting” benefits. Time is running out! Contact Virginia for complete information. Email: FABRIC • PATTERNS • THREADS NOTIONS • CLASSES Open: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm 307 864-3503 601 Broadway Street - Suite C Thermopolis, WY 82443 Books for County Libraries Tauna Leathers is now taking book recommendations for the 2016 Books for County Libraries. Submit your recommendations to Tauna at The Deadline to submit articles or advertisements for the April-May Patchwords is March 10, 2016 Variety Artisans Fabric and Gifts GOLDEN THIMBLE AWARD It is that time of year to start thinking about nominations for the Golden Thimble Award. This award is presented annually at Quilt Wyoming and recognizes those individuals, organizations, clubs or guilds who have contributed notably to our mission of educating and preserving the quilting art. The deadline for submittal is July 1, 2016. Download the form at Send your nominations by email to or by postal mail to Mary Lee Dixon, 503 Princeton Lane, Cheyenne, WY 82009. QUILTS OF VALOR Stephanie Logan, Wyoming Sr. Coordinator Email: Linda Herget, Southeast Wyoming State Coordinator Email: Stop in and visit with our friendly and knowledgeable Staff Krista, Julie, Janalee, Leslie, Lisa (myself), and Jay (husband and handyman). Check our Facebook page for special offers and photos of our shop, projects and samples. Washing Quilts: How to Help Your Quilt Live to 100 – Part 10 – Barb Gorges Australia and New Zealand Sherry Buck Part Nine lists what is needed before putting a quilt in a washing machine: color-fast fabric, Shout color-catcher sheets, quilt in good repair (not fragile antique), stains treated, Orvus soap--either from the feed store or the quilt shop, and clean front-loading machine. Some of you may know that I was fortunate enough to have gone to Australia and New Zealand for a total of three weeks this fall. My husband and I traveled about in Australia for two weeks with a fellow quilter from Rapid City who is married to a college class mate of my husband. Don’t use other laundry products such as bleach or fabric softener. Orvus soap is a white solid at 65 degrees. Even if it’s warm enough to be a liquid, mix it with half a cup of warm water before pouring into the soap dispenser. A tablespoon is enough for a queen-sized quilt. Use less for smaller quilts--too much and you will be rinsing forever. We got a chance to visit Sydney, including the Opera House and a fabulous botanical garden that adjoins the site of the Opera House, and which incorporates the site of the “first farm” in Australia. We also visited a site on the Great Barrier Reef, and a rain forest in the Cairns area. It is interesting to note that the colors of the reef are not particularly impressive in natural light in 20 feet of water, and that the rain forest is filled with many harmful plants and critters. Set the machine for cold wash, cold rinse, and hand wash cycle— or the lowest amount of “agitation” possible. Add an extra rinse or plan to send the quilt through a complete wash cycle again without soap. The “Max Front-loading machines make Extract” spin setting is good. washing quilts easy, but top Photo by Barb Gorges. loaders can be adapted. For top loaders, fill with lukewarm water. Mix in the soap. Turn the machine off and add the quilt. Use hands instead of the agitation cycle, gently lifting and moving the quilt. Then let the quilt soak 10 minutes before setting the washer controls for the rinse cycle. Substitute your hands again for the agitation in the rinse cycle, then let it spin. With either machine, when finished, check immediately to see if there was any bleeding. If so, treat with stain remover and rewash immediately (and recheck immediately again)— and plan to dry that quilt fairly quickly in the dryer. Otherwise, check to make sure the quilt doesn’t sound or feel soapy. If in doubt, run it through another washing again, without soap. In the next issue I will discuss the finer points of drying quilts. The first nine parts of this series are available at We then flew to the “Red Center” (Ayers Rock, also known as Uluru) for some sightseeing and hiking. Sunset at Uluru was not impressive as a sunset, the day we were there for it, but we had the opportunity to watch a huge rain storm engulf the area and initiate some brush fires in the distance. The next morning we were not rewarded with a gorgeous sunrise at Kata Tjuta either, but it was very interesting to listen as the desert came awake, and then as the activity faded as the heat came up. We hiked in Kings Canyon the next sunrise, and got a bit more of the Aboriginal history and tradition. It sounded offensive to hear that we are only told the Children’s stories, but after thinking about it for a while it made sense. These people have survived in the bush for thousands of years, and we who show up for a visit are very impatient to “know it all” right now, just like children are. Carol and I were able to visit an actual quilt shop in Alice Springs where our purchases were limited to that which we were willing to try to fit into limited baggage space and to not exceed our weight allowance. We then flew to Adelaide, and over the next three days we drove and hiked along the Great Ocean Road on our way to Melbourne. We then flew to New Zealand together, and then split into separate activities the next day. My husband and I took a tour of a “station” on the banks of Lake Wakatipu, and had a chance to evaluate how they handle their sheep (20,000 Merino and 8,000 Perendale) and cattle (800 head) in the very steep terrain. We then took a bus to Milford Sound and had an overnight cruise on the sound. The scenery is stunning in the National Park, and we were fortunate to have two sunny and calm days to enjoy it. We were able to see fur seals, penguins, and a humpback whale during our cruise. We had a walkabout the last day we were in New Zealand. Our guides were informative, helpful and fun to be with. Of course, we were their only customers that morning, so we may have gotten special treatment! It is a long trip to go from Wyoming to Australia and New Zealand, and back again, but I am very glad to have gone and to have had excellent weather, good health, and good food for my stay there. Ask me about details if you wish! April 1-3, 2016 Southeast Region Spring Retreat "Whooo is Coming to Quilt?" Information: LCCC Center, Cheyenne, WY April 20-24, 2016 Quick Quilt Retreat Information: Holiday Inn, Cody, WY April 22-24, 2016 Chadron Festival of Quilts Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend Information: Contact: Janice McCallum email: Assumption Arena – 3rd and Spruce Streets – Admission $5 - Chadron, NE May 5-7, 2016 HMQS (Home Machine Quilting Show) South Towne Exposition Center Salt Lake City (Sandy), Utah May 28-29, 2016 Cowboy Carnival Quilt Show Saturday 1:00-5:00pm; Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm Contact Marylou Doyle Hyattville Community Center, Hyattville, WY June 3-4, 2016 Quilting on the Green Information: Green River, WY July 14-17, 2016 Quilt Wyoming 2016 Camp Quilt-a-Lot Information: Northwest College, Powell, WY August 12-14, 2016 21st Annual Never Sweat Needlers Quilt Fest Headwaters Art and Conference Center Dubois, WY October 26-30, 2016 Quick Quilt Retreat Information: Holiday Inn, Cody, WY Wyoming Patchwords Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Buffalo, WY Permit No. 06 Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter Virginia Ohr, Editor & Web Mistress 193 Kumor Road Buffalo, WY 82834 WWW.WSQG.ORG RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Wyoming Patchwords is the official publication of the Wyoming State Quilt Guild. Patchwords is a bi-monthly publication, February, April, June, August, October and December. The deadline for ads and information to be published is the 10th of the month preceding publication. Advertising Rates: Business Card-Size (2”x3.5”) $7.00 ($35/yr) 1/4 Page (3-1/2”x5” or 2-1/4x7.5”) $12.50 ($62.50/yr) 1/2 Page (5”x7-1/2” or 3-1/4”x10”) $25.00 ($125/yr) Full Page (7-1/2”x10”) $50.00 ($250/yr) Exact size may vary slightly. Please contact the Editor about advertising: Web Site: Requests for permission to reprint articles or information in Wyoming Patchwords should be directed to the Editor. Contact Virginia Ohr at to submit items for Patchwords and the Wyoming State Quilt Guild web site. WSQG and the Editor for Patchwords reserve the right to select the articles and advertising that reflect the purpose of the guild. Submit payment to: Belle Temple, Treasurer—1073 E. 12th Street, Gillette, WY 82716 The purpose of the Wyoming State Quilt Guild is to unite those who love the quilter’s art, to preserve the heritage of quilts and to be a source of education.