Accelerating Ahead - Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services
Accelerating Ahead - Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services
OPRS Corporate Annual Report Fiscal Year 2009 Driven by Dedication Accelerating Ahead . . . Accomplishments In Fiscal Year 2009, OPRS continued to have a high level of operational results and maintained 93.63% Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) occupancy level on more than 2900 units. Eight OPRS retirement communities received reaccreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and the Continuing Care Accreditation Commission (CCAC). Senior Independence continued expansion by serving over 75,000 clients, more than doubling hospice volume and expanding hospice to all seven sites. Senior Independence achieved a $1.5 million positive bottom line and nearly $1 million of positive cash flow from operations. An additional adult day center (The Edenview Center located in Eden Park near Cincinnati) was added to make a total of 13 adult day centers operating throughout Ohio. The OPRS Foundation raised $7.4 million in total giving, a positive affirmation about the importance of our mission and the commitment of donors during a challenging economy. Thanks to the generosity of donors, the construction was completed of The Mary H. Kittredge Chapel at Mount Pleasant, The Margaret Jean Wells Chapel and The Clara L. Curry Wellness Center at Llanfair, The Suites of Dorothy Love addition and The Mahan Cultural Arts Center at Breckenridge. All of these projects were funded by the recent Mission • Vision • Promise Capital Campaign. At Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services (OPRS), we are driven by our dedication to the older adults we serve. With our mission as our compass, we remain steadfast in our determination to continually enhance the lives of our residents and clients, providing them with the utmost level of caring, quality services. As our nation remains justifiably concerned about the uncertain economic climate, we are committed to being as effective and efficient as possible, helping to assure that our quality, our stewardship and our mission are sustained. While you join us in reflecting on a successful fiscal year, you’ll see that several new buildings have been dedicated and more beneficial programs have been added, serving as visible emblems of our strength. Building upon our strong foundation and abundant history, we are accelerating ahead, taking steps to ensure current and future generations of older adults that OPRS will be here for them – no matter what. David J. Kaasa President/CEO Frederick C. Smith III Board Chair 1 For Almost Nine Decades 2 OPRS has worked hard to live out its mission of providing older adults with the best caring and quality services. Looking ahead to the future, OPRS plans to continue this tradition of excellence. As a company, OPRS holds itself, and all those affiliated, accountable for their actions. That’s why OPRS has made it a priority to further enhance its ethics and compliance efforts, helping to promote education throughout the system. Additionally, the organization maintains a culture of respect where detection and resolution are key behaviors to quality. The core belief is that if OPRS employees behave ethically while openly discussing ethical behaviors and expectations, shared beliefs will soon become shared practices. Through ethics and compliance efforts, OPRS is doing its part to remain a business with superior morals, thus upholding and expanding its high standards of care for future generations of residents and clients. Another way OPRS continues to accelerate ahead is through its steadfast dedication to social accountability – the community benefit it provides above and beyond the goods and services that are purchased. This past year, OPRS gave back $7,228,229 in total community benefit. The highlights and stories of OPRS’ social accountability can be found in a separate publication, which is a companion piece to this report. 3 4 Financial strength and clear vision build excellence. Ongoing Operational Improvement Capital Expenditures (000s omitted) $10,193 $8,612 2005 $8,678 2006 $9,222 2007 2008 $9,417 2009 Although Fiscal Year 2009 was a very challenging year for the economy and our long-term care industry, OPRS generated very positive operating results from both of its operating divisions. OPRS achieved its “second highest level of operational results” in recorded history. OPRS continued to develop and implement new projects funded from a 2006 financing, as well as operate its facilities efficiently during a very turbulent economy that was triggered by the sub-prime mortgage and continuing housing market crisis. Fiscal Year 2009 generated a $3,665,000 operational gain. The two operating components of MPSS’s operations, the CCRC’s and the community based services division (Senior Independence) combined to achieve the second largest operating margin (2008 being the largest) in OPRS’ recorded history! Our 11 fully-operating retirement communities generated a $2,139,000 operating gain on net revenues of $128.7 million and Senior Independence generated an operating gain of $1,526,000 on net revenues of $34.1 million. We expect to continue to generate positive operational results during Fiscal Year 2010 as we face reductions in Medicaid reimbursement due to the state of Ohio’s funding shortfalls, and an increase in our letter of credit fees as we renew our 2006A variable rate demand bonds. 5 Financial Accomplishments The following significant accomplishments achieved during Fiscal Year 2009 contributed to OPRS’ very positive operating results: •Completion of The Suites of Dorothy Love addition, funded from capital campaign gifts. •Completion of The Mary H. Kittredge Chapel at Mount Pleasant, funded from capital campaign gifts. •Opened and filled a 27-unit brownstone building at Breckenridge Village, which is currently operating at budgeted occupancy. •Maintained CCRC occupancy level of 93.63% on 2,903 available units during the housing crisis. •Completed construction of The Mahan Cultural Arts Center on the Breckenridge Village campus, funded from capital campaign gifts. •Successfully opened Senior Independence’s remaining five hospice programs, now operational in all seven sites. •Reinvested $9.4 million of cash generated from operations into property and equipment, renovation and replacement system-wide. •Currently constructing Phase I of Breckenridge Village at Grace Woods, which contains 68 units (a 20-unit and a 48-unit brownstone apartment building). These two buildings are planned to open in the summer of 2010. •Recently completed construction of The Margaret Jean Wells Chapel and The Clara L. Curry Wellness Center on the Llanfair Retirement Community campus, funded from capital campaign gifts. Financial Performance (in thousands) Year Ending June 30, 2009 Please refer to the chart below, which summarizes the OPRS operating results. The following are comments specific to each operational component for Fiscal Year 2009: Retirement Community Operations – The CCRCs’ operating gain of $2,139,000 (which included a one-time write-off of $2,404,000 of unamortized prepaid bond insurance which no longer had value in the market) varied unfavorably from budget by $125,000. The unfavorable budget variance in occupancy, as a result of the slumping economy, was nearly offset by insurance savings and positive controls in other areas throughout the system. 6 Community Based Services Operations – The $1,526,000 operating gain and a favorable budget variance of $1,092,000 was the “best year ever” in Senior Independence’s relatively short history. The favorable budget variances were in the hospice program statewide, the Miami Valley Region operating turnaround and insurance expense savings. Please refer to the Senior Independence section of this issue for more information on community based services. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS Assets Current Assets Property and Equipment Net Assets (Use Limited) Assets (Held by Third-Party Trustees) Other Assets Total Assets 2009 $ 94,519 228,374 39,668 7,804 7,599 $ 377,964 2008 $ 94,288 213,783 50,839 7,963 10,535 $ 377,408 Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Refundable Entrance Fees Deferred Entrance Fee Revenues Other Liabilities Net Assets $ 25,893 186,207 2,138 63,915 15,777 84,034 $ 20,688 190,867 2,138 63,106 11,412 89,197 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 377,964 $ 377,408 Non-Operating Gains (Losses) – During a difficult fundraising year, the OPRS Foundation achieved over $7,400,000 in total giving. The investment portfolio performance, which includes investment income offset by realized capital losses, varied unfavorable to budget by $2,591,000. Please refer to the OPRS Foundation section of this issue for more information on the Foundation and its fundraising programs. Consolidated Statements of OPERATIONS and Changes in Net Assets Net Operating Revenue Operating Expenses Gain from Operations Non-Operating Revenues and Expenses, Net Excess of revenues and gains over expenses and losses before unrealized gains (losses) on investments and interest rate swaps Unrealized gains (losses) on investments Unrealized change in value of interest rate swaps (Deficit) excess of revenues and gains over expenses and losses Temporarily and permanently restricted contributions and income Assets released from restrictions and other Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 2009 $ 162,740 159,075 3,665 (3,020) 2008 $ 154,873 151,164 3,709 1,735 645 (5,440) (4,300) 5,444 (2,604) (7,171) (9,095) (4,331) 5,417 (1,485) $ (5,163) 4,491 (1,515) $ (1,355) Employees 2009 Revenue Breakdown 2,629 2,824 2,957 3,058 3,013 2007 2008 2009 Full-Time Community Based Services 20% Resident Care Private 54% Resident Care Medicaid 11% Entrance Fees 4% Part-Time Resident Care Medicare 11% 2005 2006 CCRC Occupancy 94.3% 94.6% 95.8% 94.7% 93.6% 7 2009 Expense Breakdown Community Based Services 20% Depreciation 11% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Dining Services 9% Nursing 28% Community Operations & Administration 8% OPRS 10-Year History The figures shown below reflect the Net Operating Gain (Loss), Excess (Deficit) of Revenues over Expenses and the Total Assets of OPRS for the last 10 fiscal years. Net OperatingExcess (Deficit) of Fiscal Year EndedGain (Loss) Revenues Over ExpensesTotal Assets Maintenance 8% Interest 4% Corporate Office 4% Marketing 2% Program Services 3% Laundry and Housekeeping 3% June 30, 2009................$3,665*..................................$(9,095) .............$377,964 June 30, 2008..................3,709*.....................................(4,331) ............... 377,408 June 30, 2007...................2,132*...................................10,237 ............... 375,963 June 30, 2006.......................313*........................................(653) .............. 361,203 June 30, 2005...................... (117).........................................(119) ...............298,920 June 30, 2004......................302*....................................... 2,961 ...............282,834 June 30, 2003..................(1,898)...................................... (3,178).................276,155 June 30, 2002..................... (792)......................................(1,644).................247,548 June 30, 2001..................... (505).......................................3,468 ...............246,481 June 30, 2000..................(1,244)...........................................190 ................231,819 * Net of a write-off of unamortized prepaid bond insurance of $2,404. 8 Dedicated to serving older adults in the place they call home. This year marked many accomplishments and milestones for Senior Independence. Home health, adult day services and hospice served more clients than ever before. Additionally, Senior Independence provided a continuum of home and community based services to over 75,000 Ohio seniors in Fiscal Year 2009. Hospice Expansion Complete – The expansion of hospice services, which began two years ago, was completed in the fourth quarter with all seven regions now providing hospice services, doubling the number of clients receiving end-of-life care. Regions Rank Among the Top 25% of Home Health Providers in the Country – The Central Ohio, Mahoning Valley and Southwest Regions were among the top 25% of the nation’s home health agencies, and were included in the HomeCare Elite. This annual review is ranked by an analysis of performance measures in quality outcomes, quality improvement and financial performance. Regions Receive Perfect Surveys – The Toledo and Miami Valley Regions received perfect Ohio Department of Health Surveys. This marks the third perfect survey for Toledo and the second for Miami Valley. Advance Planning Study and Community Education – The Greater Cleveland Region received two grants this year to support their education initiative for advance planning, which included a study measuring the use and understanding of advance directives and hospice. Results of this study helped direct education efforts for older adults living within retirement communities and the larger community. As a result of the study, education focused on initiating conversations with family regarding health care decisions. More than 700 people attended one of these programs and received a copy of the Ohio advance directive forms, a booklet called “Conversations that Light the Way” and a copy of the “Courageous Conversations” presentation, which is also available on www. Senior Independence now has more than 90 trained advance planning facilitators throughout Ohio. Adult Day Centers Expand Again – A total of 13 Senior Independence adult day centers are now operating throughout Ohio. Management of The Edenview Center, located in Eden Park near Cincinnati, was completed in September 2008. Additionally, the Painesville Center, which opened Fiscal Year 2008, is operating five days a week and received Veterans Administration and PASSPORT approval, paving the way for additional clients to be served. In July 2009, the Franklin adult day center at the Conover Center celebrated 10 years of service and was awarded Business of the Year by the Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce for its commitment to helping seniors and the families who care for them. R iPartner Program Launched – This year, Senior Independence asked 20 CCRCs who were considering home and community based service expansion if they were interested in partnership opportunities that could jump-start their program. A majority of respondents expressed a strong desire for a collaborative effort with Senior Independence and their own organization. This positive response accelerated the launch of the iPartner program. Currently, four candidate organizations are in the process of becoming iPartners. The iPartner program components include start-up implementation services, ongoing management and back office support and brand licensing. This program serves as a successful business model for other not-for-profit providers who choose to serve older adults in the place they call home. It also brings new geographic growth to Senior Independence, expanding services throughout the United States. This year, the Make it Happen® program was officially trademarked – This program enhances clients’ and families’ lives by attending to non-medical needs thereby helping to improve their quality of life, while mobilizing and empowering volunteers as well. 9 Senior Independence Financial Performance 510,762 Units of Service Payor Sources for Units of Service Local Levy 14% Passport 22% Medicare 13% 145,023 Private Insurance 13% 10 54,415 21,992 23,296 Hospice (Days) Transportation (Trips) Private 34% Adult Day Care (Days) Meals Medicare Hospice 3% Home Health Visits Medicaid 1% 14,245 13,062 11,087 8,431 R 6,298 75,009 Clients Served Fiscal Year 2009 i ca Ce Sen nt ior er s 2,319 Ed uc at io n 1,891 Fa irs 1,835 He alt h 1,465 re gi ve r 1,428 4,571 liv er e d Ho M me ea ls Em e Re rg sp en on cy se Co or Se di rv na ic tio e n Flu Va cc in es Tr an sp or ta tio n Ho m eH ea lth Fa it In h-B iti as at ed ive s W el Cl lnes in s ics De 930 585 1,378 Ex Sen er io cis r e 622 In O iti th at e ive r s Ho sp ice 294 Ad ul tD Ca ay re Su G r pp o ou rt ps 4,568 11 The OPRS Foundation and its Board of Directors have been working diligently throughout Fiscal Year 2009 to transition fundraising efforts from capital campaign work to an ongoing focus on major and planned gifts. We’ve fine-tuned several aspects of our operation to remain successful during these challenging times. With a focus on our core strengths, a “back to basics” attitude and a clear direction, we’re moving into a new era of donor collaboration. Accomplishments • A total of $7.4 million was raised in Fiscal • Senior Independence fundraising grew • Diligence in investment oversight continues to • Under the direction of the PR/Media Council, Year 2009. While this total was below our expectations, it remains a positive affirmation of the importance of our mission and the commitment of our donors, even during a challenging economy. 12 pay off, with annuity and endowment funds regularly performing better than market indices. Quarterly investment summary reviews, along with detailed reports from investment managers, provide the information needed to make timely and ongoing adjustments. • Safeguards were initiated for the endowment fund including lowering the endowmentspending policy from 5% to 4.5%. While this means that OPRS communities receive a slightly lesser amount from their endowments each year, the change makes a large impact on protecting the endowment principal from market downturns. 33% over that of Fiscal Year 2008, to reach a total of $1.084 million. In addition, formalized hospice fundraising programs were initiated with guidance from the Hospice Fundraising Council. an online Newsroom was launched on for journalists and other media professionals. The Newsroom includes press releases, story ideas, OPRS facts, logos for download and more. •The first statewide Spiritual Life Summit was held, planned by the Church Relations Council. This Summit brought together chaplains, representatives of the campus Spiritual Life Committees, members of the Church Relations Council and staff. Cheryl A. Boyer Chair OPRS Foundation Board Thomas G. Hofmann President OPRS Foundation •The Campus Fundraising Council guided efforts to initiate a Foundation Ambassador volunteer structure, to begin in Fiscal Year 2010. This change resulted from the Council’s feedback that there was a need to take a more individualized approach to volunteer service. OPRS Foundation Total Giving Performance (000s omitted) PRS Foundation O Total Assets (000s omitted) $13,325 $48,137 $9,113 $8,589 $7,613 $7,410 2005 2006 2007 2008 Annuities $49,334 Invested Market Gain $47,785 $43,159 2007 2008 2009 Investment Portfolio Performance (000s omitted) Pledged & Other 2006 2009 OPRS Foundation Endowment Total $42,004 $57,209 $52,712 $50,087 2005 $61,552 $41,007 Calendar Year 2006 2007 2008 Performance 8.94% 7.84% -20.27% Investment $44,287,278 $49,411,063 $37,280,018 PRS Foundation O Total Number of Gifts & Donors Gifts Donors 7,731 2005 2006 2007 2008 7,461 7,091 2009 3,241 2007 3,049 2008 3,037 2009 13 14 Trustees’ Roundtable Recognizing cumulative irrevocable giving of $100,000 or more. New members in red * Deceased members at time of printing + Members whose qualifying gifts were designated for both a campus and Senior Independence, or to multiple campus locations Breckenridge $1,000,000-$2,499,999 The Norbert A. Lange Trust Marjorie* & Russell* E. Lyons M. Roger* & Anne M. Clapp+ Nell Rose Riel* $500,000-$999,999 Anonymous (3) Robert* S. & Mary Ellen* A. Colquhoun Jonathan* E. & Katherine M. Ingersoll Elmer* & Olga* Juhnke Bud & Ruth Ketchum Willard* & Eleanor* Manbeck The Nason Foundation Karl* E. & Mary* Prindle The Reinberger Foundation Anne McKee* & Helen Sharadin* Margery J. Shields* Edith H. Smith* Harold* & Emily* Wolf $100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (1) Frances Aberle* The American Foundation Allan* S. & Winifred Austin Hamilton* & Sally* Beatty George Bodwell* Virginia Bodwell* Ruth J. Boza Paul R. Brahaney* Breckenridge Resident Association Karl & Ginny Bruch Ruth E. Bueschlen* Dorothy Saxton Dusa* Marie Flowers* Shirley W. Gibson The Kresge Foundation Mary E. Liebenauer* Helen M. Lowther* The Lubrizol Foundation Mary Boyd MacBane* Marian R. Mahan* Chuck & Jane* Mallue Thomas* W. & Lillian* Mastin Adelaide Mathers* The Murch Foundation+ John G. Murray* Jerome T. & Georgeanne* Osborne Hugh D. & Gretta S. Pallister Harriet Parsons* Jeanne M. Patterson Clifford* J. & Nell Rose* Riel Paul* & Lillian Schwesinger Don & Joan Selle The Sherwick Fund Elizabeth Siena* Corinne Strasmeyer* George* A. & Julia* F. Tanner Mary A. Thomas C. Carlisle & Margaret Tippit Charitable Trust Howard VanDen Eyden* Tinkham Veale II The Veale Foundation Gertrude L. Vrana* Cape May $100,000-$499,999 Galen* & Elizabeth* Hoggatt Dorothy Love $1,000,000-$2,499,999 Harold* W. & Mary Louise* Shaw $500,000-$999,999 J. Oliver* & Margaret* B. Amos Ruth B. Emmons* Vera D. Ginn* $100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (5) William* T. & Dorothy* R. Amos Amos Press Gertrude O. Anderson* Hazel D. Blankenbuehler* Donn* C. & Isabel* V. Bowlus Arden* H. & Dorothy L. Burgoon Emerson Climate Technologies/ Copeland Corporation+ Clyde* & Rosemond* DeMott First Presbyterian Church of Sidney J. Daniel & Margaret Francis Leland* & Esther* Giffen Clifford P. Harmon* Hartzell-Norris Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Helman Mary Isabel Walker Hessler* Irene Jarfas* Mary O. Lecklider* Paul* B. & Marian* S. Long Carolyn M. Marvin* Wilfred A. & Wilma* McCoy Jeanne D. Mears Patrick H. & Carol B. Milligan Monarch Legacy Fund of The Community Foundation of Shelby County+ Rosemary Ovenden* Ray Patton* Robert* M. & DeLores* Ginn Peters Dorothy Pillion* John & Jeanette Sargeant Robert & Thelma Sargeant Herbert* H. & Antoinette Schlater Tom & Sandy Shoemaker The Stolle Corporation (Alcoa Building Products) Alene Strouss* Martha E. Thompson* Ron & Hertha Vice Cecil* & Ethel* Watkins Joseph Herman & Ruth A. Yoder Memorial Fund Lake Vista $100,000-$499,999 Jane W. Haynam+ Llanfair $1,000,000-$2,499,999 Clara L. Curry* John M. Disser* Helen C. Hauck* Roland* M. & Helen* T. Hauck Thelma Jungkind* Howard* L. & Catherine* K. Luedeke $500,000-$999,999 Anonymous (1) Catherine Cowan* Anne Herget* Hertha E. Reinert* Edward R. Wells $100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (2) Bahmann Foundation Mildred G. Bauer* Guy Bellows* Mary Lou Bellows Robert Bierbaum* Joan Bollenbacher* Mildred Bradford* Marion & Thurza* Brant College Hill Presbyterian Church Martha Corbin* CY Inc. Over 70 Foundation James* L. & Anna* E. Davidson Ida Fischer* Carl* K. & Estelle* Gieringer Mary C. Heidenreich Helen C. Johnson* Mildred W. Kathman* Sarah Kistner* Llanfair Crafters & Woodshop Martha W. Martin* Wilfred S. Martin* Elizabeth McQuiston* Cecilia Randall* Walter A. Randall* Frances E. Raymond* Else L. Schulze* John K. Sherman* John* D. & Mildred* M. Wesson Irmgard Zutz* 15 Trustees’ Roundtable Continued Mount Pleasant $2,500,000 and above 16 Verla B. McClure $1,000,000-$2,499,999 William* C. & Janet A. Shannon $500,000-$999,999 Anonymous (2) Russell* E. & Ellen* T. Huston Mary H. Kittredge* William* B. & V. Nadine* Maitland William* T. & Oleta* O. Maxwell Theodora Mrusek* Ralph* J. & Dorothy* Stolle+ Florence Whitesell* $100,000-$499,999 Eleanor B. Ackerman* Ralph Augspurger* Millicent Bender* Margaret A. Bissell Josephine Brandenburg* Eva Chapman Trust Dean & Lorene Chenault Memorial Foundation Ray Leslie Fulner* Mary Hankinson* Effa Haynes* George* R. & Lois* Henkle Edward H. Hyde* Lena Kennedy* Edna M. Kinsinger* The Kresge Foundation Lucille Loer* Nellie Losh* Margot Marples Mount Pleasant Golf Outing Mount Pleasant Life Care Auction Helen Paxton* Jeanne V. & John* Pendery Robert* A. & Nell* Quisno Alice Reginbogin* Gene & Mary Alice Roberts Doris Snook* Marian Snook* Dr. John & Marian* V. Stewart Wilda G. Streifthau* Rosemary R. Vordenberg* Norbert E. Werner* Lloyd* & Abby E. Whitesell Park Vista $2,500,000 and above Anne* K. & Byron* Christman $1,000,000-$2,499,999 Harvey* H. & Jane Haynam+ Arnold & Helen Stambaugh Charitable Foundation $500,000-$999,999 Donald D. MacEwan* $100,000-$499,999 Ruth H. Beecher Foundation The Ward Beecher Foundation Janyce Bruce* Thelma L. Clark* David D. Davis* Velma Davis* Annelies R. Dziadzka John D. Finnegan Foundation Ralph* B. & Evelyn* M. Folsom Barbara C. Kerlin* Ruth E. Kyle Isaac P. Lewis Memorial Fund James & Mary McFarlin Foundation Elizabeth C. Miller* William M. Neckerman, Jr. Pollock Company Foundation David J. Rees Mary Alice Schaff Paul* E. & Mary* G. Smith Walter E. & Carolyn H. Watson Foundation Ralph E. & Helen Yingst The Youngstown Foundation Rockynol Robert Meriwether & Ruth Ellen Smith William* B. & Delphine* C. Telford Margaret J. Weber* Helen S. & Charles A. White, Jr. Philip Shin Ping* & Ida Djung Wong $500,000-$999,999 Swan Creek John W. Frasche* The GAR Foundation John Lampasone* Jerome Taylor* Helen E. Turner* Thomas B.P. Williams* Marion B. Wilson* $100,000-$499,999 Maxine* & Ben* Ansley Sue Ann Benedict & Robin Wicks Thomas W. & Patricia A. Blazey Helen* & Harold* Bollinger Curtis E. Brooks* Wilson Bruggert* Edward* & Maurine* Carr Maxene* D. & Russell* D. Darrah Franklin Dickinson* Mary E. & Richard* W. Fairchild Eunice Barnes Foore* Eugene K. Fouse* Lucille* & Robert* Harris Lois D. Henschen* Jocelyn Jenkins Betty S. & William* R. Jewell Kathryn Katzenmeyer Richard H. Mather* Leonard* W. & Vivian* Moore Nancy W. Nesbitt* The M.G. O’Neil Foundation Mr.* & Mrs.* Charles Reinherr $2,500,000 and above Charles* J. & Loraine* M. Moore+ $1,000,000-$2,499,999 Jeanne H. Reed $100,000-$499,999 Rilma Buckman+ Jackson* & Evadine* Bryan Donald Flickinger* John* W. & Waneta* Jackson George* & Elizabeth* L. Kridler Arthur* L. & Gladys* P. Lennox James* & June Limbird Eleanor Longbrake Eunice B. Luelf* Elizabeth* K. & John Meloy W. Royse* & Audrey* N. Moran Gale A. Race* Martin* & Norma Ruehle William E. Sala* Oliver* E. & Olive* S. Todd James* & Betty* West The Vineyard on Catawba $100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (1) Westminster-Thurber $1,000,000-$2,499,999 John* F. & Juliet* Schoedinger $100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (4) Violet H. Bittner* Beatrice J. Cleveland Mary DeWees* Sarah DeWees* Patricia L. Dineen Glenn* & Lucille* Durflinger Hayden* C. & Grace* Edwards Velma V. Everhart Ruth Fetzer* Barbara Frautschi Sophie E. Kerr* Charles A. Lindabury Fairy O. Linn* Robert E. & Shirley W. Maurath Thomas Mitchell* Leona Mithoff Fund Helen Murray* Nationwide Foundation Mario Pagano* Ruth H. Phillips* Geraldine G. Price Bill & Edith Walter Foundation Statewide Campus Support $1,000,000-$2,499,999 Countess Brown* $500,000-$999,999 Marian R. Easton* Mildred Lenk* $100,000-$499,999 Rev. Glen H. & Shirley Beito Gronlund+ Kenneth & Caryl Kemper+ Wayne A. Stallman, Jr.* Lois Stephens* Senior Independence Locations AC = Akron/Canton ASC= Anderson Senior Center CO = Central Ohio GC = Greater Cleveland GT =Greater Toledo MA = Mahoning Valley MI = Miami Valley SW = Southwest Ohio Statewide $500,000-$999,999 Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging (CO)+ Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio (SW)+ Ohio Department of Transportation (CO, GC, MA, SW)+ $100,000-$499,999 AT&T (Statewide)+ The Cleveland Foundation (GC)+ The Columbus Foundation (CO)+ Columbus Medical Association Foundation (CO) Conover Trust (SW) Franklin County Department of Job & Family Services (CO) The Elroy J. & Fynette H. Kulas Fund of The Cleveland Foundation (GC) Ohio Department of Education (Statewide)+ The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (GC)+ Harry C. Moores Foundation (CO) United Way of Central Ohio (CO)+ 17 Named Endowment Circle Recognizing leadership in endowment giving. Program Level Endowments Rockynol Breckenridge The John W. Frasche Endowment The Jerome Taylor Endowment The Helen E. Turner Endowment Cumulative endowment giving totaling $500,000 and above $1,000,000-$2,499,999 The Clapp Family Endowment $500,000-$999,999 The Elmer & Olga Juhnke Endowment The Bud & Ruth Ketchum Endowment The Marjorie Noble Lyons Endowment The Edith H. Smith Endowment The Anne M. McKee/Helen Sharadin Endowment Dorothy Love $500,000-$999,999 The C.H. Ginn & Vera D. Ginn Endowments for Life Care & Spiritual Life 18 The Mary Louise & Harold W. Shaw Endowment Llanfair $1,000,000-$2,499,999 The Catherine K. Luedeke Memorial Endowment $500,000-$999,999 Anonymous (1) The Anne Herget Endowment Mount Pleasant $1,000,000-$2,499,999 The Mary H. Kittredge Endowment The William C. & Janet A. Shannon Endowment $500,000-$999,999 The Hampshire Buckley Endowment The V. Nadine & William B. Maitland Endowment The William T. & Oleta O. Maxwell Endowment Park Vista $2,500,000 and above The Anne Kilcawley Christman Endowment $1,000,000-$2,499,999 The Haynam Family Endowment $500,000-$999,999 Swan Creek $500,000-$999,999 The Loraine M. & Charles J. Moore Endowment Westminster-Thurber $500,000-$999,999 The John F. & Juliet S. Schoedinger Endowment Supporting Level Endowments $50,000 cash / $100,000 deferred, or $100,000 cumulative Breckenridge Anonymous (3) The Lorne Howe Aikins, M.D. & Velma A. Aikins, R.N. Endowment The Gwenydd Beatty Endowment The George B. & Virginia K. Bodwell Endowment The Ruth & Oliver Boza Endowment The Paul R. Brahaney Endowment The Anne M. & M. Roger Clapp Endowment The Robert & Mary Ellen Colquhoun Endowment The Raymond & Mary Haserodt Memorial Endowment The Kay & Jack Ingersoll Endowment The Laura Liebenauer Endowment The Rodney Daniel & Mary Boyd MacBane Memorial Endowment The John Markwart Endowment The Karl & Mary Prindle Endowment The Paul & Lillian Schwesinger Endowment The Hazel V. & Margery J. Shields Endowment The Joseph F. & E. Alice Smole Endowment The George & Julia Tanner Endowment The Emily M. Wolf Endowment Dorothy Love The Dorothy R. & William T. Amos Endowment The Margaret B. & J. Oliver Amos Endowment The Gertrude O. Anderson Endowment The Betty Z. Bennett Endowment The Copeland Corporation Endowment The Ruth B. Emmons Life Care Endowment The Hartzell-Norris Charitable Trust Endowment The John J. & Mary Isabel Walker Hessler Endowment The Irene Jarfas Endowment The Lee & Jo Ann Kuhlman Endowment The Howard A. & Carolyn M. Marvin Endowment The Wilfred A. & Wilma McCoy Endowment The Jeanne D. Mears Endowment The Robert M. & DeLores Ginn Peters Life Care Endowment The Rike Family Foundation Endowment The Thomas E. & Sandra S. Shoemaker Family Endowment The George & Ilene Verdier Family Endowment The Ron & Hertha Vice Endowment The Cecil & Ethel Watkins Life Care Endowment Gener al The Glen H. & Shirley Beito Gronlund Endowment Lake Vista The Haynam Family Endowment Llanfair Anonymous (2) The Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bierbaum Endowment The Marion & Thurza Brant Endowment The Mr. & Mrs. William E. Hutchinson Endowment The Helen C. Johnson Endowment The Amor E. & Sarah K. Kistner Life Care Endowment The Glenn Rogers Endowment The Margaret Jean & Edward Wells Endowment Mount Pleasant The Effa K. Haynes Endowment The George Henkle & Lois I. Henkle Endowment The Russell E. & Ellen T. Huston Endowment The Edward H. Hyde Endowment The Margaret Evans Kirby Memorial Endowment The Clem & Verla McClure Memorial Endowment The John A. Pendery & Jeanne V. Pendery Endowment The Robert & Nell Quisno Endowment The Doris L. Snook Endowment The Marian Snook Endowment The Rosemary Vordenberg Endowment The Donald Wade Memorial Endowment The Florence Whitesell Endowment The Whitesell Family Endowment Park Vista The Ruth H. Beecher Foundation Endowment The Leon A. Beeghly Endowment The David D. & Velma Davis Endowment The Luzie A. Dziadzka Memorial Endowment The Ralph & Evelyn Folsom Family Endowment The Ralph E. & Helen Yingst Endowment Rockynol Anonymous (1) The Curtis Brooks Endowment The Edward L. & Maurine M. Carr Endowment The Ennice Chopard Endowment The Maxene D. Darrah Endowment The Richard W. & Mary E. Fairchild Endowment The Eugene Fouse Endowment The GAR Foundation Endowment The Handyside Brothers Memorial Endowment The Forest E. & Helen P. Hoot Endowment The Jocelyn M. Jenkins Endowment The Betty S. & William R. Jewell Family Endowment The Leonard W. & Vivian B. Moore Endowment The Keith & Nancy Nesbitt Family Endowment The Robert Meriwether & Ruth Ellen Smith Endowment The Virginia Spurling Endowment The William & Delphine Telford Endowment The Margaret Julia Weber Memorial Endowment Swan Creek The Donald G. Flickinger Endowment The John & Waneta Jackson Endowment The Elizabeth L. & George G. Kridler Endowment The Dr. Arthur L. & Mrs. Gladys P. Lennox Endowment The Eunice Luelf Endowment The Gale A. Race Endowment The Jeanne Reed Endowment The Oliver E. & Olive S. Todd Endowment Westminster-Thurber The Joel U. Adams Trust Endowment The Velma V. Everhart Endowment The Barbara Frautschi Endowment The Ruth Phillips Life Care Endowment The Geraldine G. Price Endowment The Mabel Sarbaugh/Bea Cleveland Endowment New endowments in red 19 Living Legacy Society Recognizing donors who have made a deferred gift or will bequest that supports the work of OPRS communities and Senior Independence. New members in red * Deceased members at time of printing +Members whose qualifying gifts were designated for both a campus and Senior Independence, or to multiple campus locations Breckenridge Anonymous (6) Lucy Jo Atkinson Charles & Cordelia* Barkley James & Diana Batten Robert & Kay Beatty Elizabeth H. Bendig* Beverly Besselman Harry L. & Virginia M. Bigelow John D. & Elsie E. Blazek Ruth J. Boza Clayton* H. & Lois* D. Bradshaw Margaret Bretschneider 20 Princess B. Britton Keith & Melissa Brumagin Ruth E. Bueschlen* Marian Callow Jack* & Betty Carter Mary C. Carter Betty C. Coy Jayne Crawford John Cridland+ Frank* E. & Dorothy* K. Davis Margaret E. Davis Herbert & Ethel Dieckmann Phyllis H. Evans Beth Falkner-Brown William* & Grace Fountaine Marie & Dale George Shirley W. Gibson Geoffrey* & Virginia Goodwin Mary Kay Graham Donald & Brenda Grauer Dennis & Linda Grisez+ Marjean S. Grobe Shirley Hacker Debra K. Hagarty Ruth Hanawalt Lorraine S. Henery James & Susan Hickey Jean Hodgin William F. & Eloise V. Hutchinson Jonathan* & Katherine Ingersoll Florence E. Jacobson Gary G. & Maita L. Jarkewicz Morgan & Ruth Ketchum Clara Kieber* Carol & Ernest* Legris Margaret Lenke James Lewis H. Stephen* & Carol Madsen Chuck & Jane* Mallue Lisa Mansour Duane & Eleanor* Mayhew Karl & Marjorie* McEachron Elizabeth O. Moshier Dolores M. Murray John* & Kathryn Murray Christa Oksiloff Hugh D. & Gretta Pallister Jeanne M. Patterson William* & Mary Patterson Ralph & Julia* Pelegrin Alberta Pfeifer* Linda Prib June Puchy James & Barbara Randall Tammy L. Raybuck-Gavin & Patrick Gavin Richard J. Reed Kenneth* & Eleanore Robinson Gloria J. Rogers Miriam Rutz David & Annette Schell Marjorie Schultz Donald S. & Joan M. Selle Harvey & Jean Slagle Margaret C. Smith Mary C. Soptich John & Michele Stevens Ward & Miriam* Thiel Mary A. Thomas, MD Horace & Marjorie Thompson Pauline M. Thurman Margaret Tippit Helen M. Troha* Minerva F. Vaughan* Elaine C. Voyer Ethel G. Weiman* Kerri L. Whitehouse Robert & Margaret Widmar Miriam L. Wilson Joseph* & Ethel Yassany Irene M. Yeran Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Young Cape May Donald* D. & Martha A. Bernard Robert A. & Eunice M. Byler William A. & Marjorie J. Carey Mary E. Cochran Elizabeth A. Evans James & Sherrill Graham Walter* & Grace Nichols Bill & Ruby Ostermeier Judi A. Pohlmeyer Lynn & Irene Rainsberger Dorothy Love Anonymous (4) Douglas Wilson Allinger Patricia K. Atwood Jane S. Babbitt Helen L. Becker* Mary E. Becker Charitable Trust Nancy Beckman William W. Billing Robert & Sigrid Brackney Mary J. Bradlee Irvin & Elma Brown Jack* D. & Peggy A. Brown Margaret L. Burns & Catherine M. Truster Oskar & Charlotte Buschmann Fund Penny & Tom Clark Charles C. Cuppy Larry W. & Hazel A. Donahue Frances Dragonette Eugene* & Nila Elsass Timothy & Cynthia Fisher Arthur B. Fortney Paul & Wilma Gahagan Elinor Gattshall Marilyn George Emory H. & Gwen E. Grove William J. Hannum Memorial Fund Hannah Hardy* Hunter Family Fund Trust of the Troy Foundation Milton* & Josephine Jahoda Ray & Louise Koenig Belinda & Charles Lawson Henrietta J. Livermore Myron & Jeanne Maxson Marilyn McCarthy Wilfred & Wilma* McCoy Jeanne Mears Patrick & Carol Milligan Daniel J. & Richele O’Connor Rosemary Ovenden Trusts (2) Thomas & Marlene* Powers Lura Richmond Ann & Ted Roller Dennis & Donnajean Ruble Herbert* & Antoinette Schlater Carl L. Schulz Deborah Sherman-Ring Florence S. Shine Tom & Sandy Shoemaker Maxine Spencer Sara E. Stanfield Marie E. Stevens Helen Stump Merlin J. & Elaine E. Tangeman Esther M. Tirey Ron & Hertha Vice Tom & Polly Watkins Dr. & Mrs. Walter Whayne Webb Memorial Fund Marabelle J. Wiehe Howard & Betty Yanda Joseph Herman & Ruth A. Yoder Memorial Fund Virginia M. Zeller Lake Vista Charles & Madeline Bradford Naudeen B. Burr Shirley M. Dorman Norman & Rachel Downing Eugene & Elinor Holly Glen & Betty Sanzenbacher Stan & Joyce Seagle Llanfair Anonymous (4) Josephine Barker Marsha Emmons Bell Mary Lou A. Bellows Jennifer Blake E. Lloyd Bohnenkamper* Marion Brant Marcia K. Cahall Nancy Conroy James E. & Ann S. Eddy Judith Fadden Anne Louise Gatliff Ruth Hartzell Mary C. Heidenreich C. Leroy & Gladys* Heinlein Mary D. Hock Trust Gary Huber Vernice M. Huneke Margaret E. Hyer Kathleen Kiefer Marilyn J. Kiefer Alva* & Katherine* Kipp Elizabeth Kochheiser Janice Ledford George Lemich Howard & Beryl* McClary Carmen A. Mockrud Sheena M. Parton J. M. & Catherine* Pollock Glenn & Lana Rogers John & Betty Roosa Francis B. & Ruth F. Rosevear Carol Saylor Steve Schmitz Mark & Phyllis Schoenberger Else L. Schulze Charitable Trust Chester* & Dorothy* Shotwell Miranda Sitchanoff Sara P. Smith Judy Sweeney Nancy L. Thomas Betty Tognozzi Brian Voegele Edward R. Wells Mount Pleasant Anonymous (4) James* & Bertha Anderson Ralph Augspurger Trust F. William* & Martha Barnes Margaret A. Bissell Charles* G. & Clara K. Boyle Margaret Brackney Josephine Brandenburg Charitable Trust Charles & Geneva Brebner Louis* J. & Virginia* T. Brown James & Viola Bruner Niel & Meredith Buckley Eva Chapman Trust Dean & Lorene Chenault Memorial Fund Michael Dannis George* & Mary Jane* Davis John K. & Ann Elizabeth Donaldson Walter B. Evans Kathie S. Gannon Mary Nell Griffin* David E. Gross Charles & Marian Hattery George* & Lois* Henkle Russell E. & Ellen T. Huston Fund Leslie J. & Elsie L. Kump Charles E. & June* Leasure William B. & V. Nadine Maitland Trust Margot Marples Margaret L. Matson Mary C. Maurer Beatrice McClellan Verla McClure Barbara A. Mearns* J. James & Carol Pearce Jeanne V. Pendery Robert G. & Helen* B. Prickett Gene & Mary Alice Roberts Jane B. Robinson James B. Roosa William L. & Jeanne Sandston Pauline Schmidt Hugo & Marianne Schumacher William* C. & Janet Shannon Robert & Dorothy Shaw Patricia Skimming Olive Ruth Smith Marian Snook Endowment Fund Ruth C. Stephenson Josephine Thomas Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Torstveit Kathryn D. Wadleigh Dr. & Mrs. Walter Whayne Webb Memorial Fund Ray & Sue Welty Abby Whitesell Elizabeth Wiley Lineta H. Wilkins Ruth Yinger Park Vista Anonymous (3) Charles* & Virginia Axtmann Harriet E. Broward David* D. & Velma Davis Mildred G. Dyke Annelies R. Dziadzka Douglas & Joan Everett Clarence Goterba* E. Thomas* & Helen Harnish Jack* & Jaye Harris Mary Harvey Jane Haynam Ruth V. Jones Thomas D. Kepler Carl* A. & Ruth* N. Knittel+ Ruth E. Kyle Marion C. Lange Memorial Fund Isaac P. Lewis Memorial Fund Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mapes James R. McAuley Mary Jane McClurg James & Mary McFarlin Foundation William M. Neckerman, Jr. Mary Neff Ellen C. Newman Eugene & June Osborne Lawrence* E. & Martha Pogue Howard Probert* Rosa Pushka Paul & Evelyn Richell Alice E. Rowney Mary Alice Schaff Elizabeth Schwartz+ Yvette D. Stanley Jean G. Steele Virginia A. Thompson Lorene A. Troxell Mr. & Mrs. Dale Walton Memorial Fund Ralph E. & Helen Yingst Rockynol Anonymous (1) Frank H. Becker Leslie Belfance Sue Ann Benedict & Robin Wicks Thomas W. & Patricia A. Blazey Martha E. Boyle Lois W. Brock Edward* & Maurine* Carr Eileen J. Crist Bonnie Dohner Hope E. Everhart Mary Fairchild S. Margaret Gallagher Fund Jessica Goff Kara Hanzie Jocelyn M. Jenkins William* R. & Betty S. Jewell Kathryn Katzenmeyer Ted & Alice Kersker Robert N. MacCallum Doris A. MacDonald Vincent* & Dorothy Morgan Tracey Nauer Martha Louise Nelson* Basil J. & Anne Scafidi Trust Helen M. Schultz Hope Grunder Seese* Anna M. Shean+ Freda M. Simpson Robert Meriwether & Ruth Ellen Smith G. Alan & Louise G. Spaulding Charles A. & Helen S. White, Jr. Ida D. Wong Anita L. Young Swan Creek William L. Adler* Elizabeth A. Alley June W. Baker William W. Barnard Debbie Brisbin Mrs. Marjorie Bristow Kathleen Brule’ Rilma Buckman+ Beth J. Burman William Cameron+ Humbert & Donna Conner Kimberly T. Danes Edwin & Mary* Durivage Richard* & Nancie Entenmann Verna K. Evanoff Donald G. Flickinger* & Marilyn L. Miller Emily Frisbee Edward & Mary Gouvier Howard* & Lois L. Grasser Arthur Havens* 21 Living Legacy Society Continued 22 Margaret E. Herbert Alice D. Howell Frances Jackson Theodore & Phyllis* Jenkins Severn* & Catharine Joyce Neva B. Karl M. Richard Knight Mrs. Jean L. Knudel Marjorie Kohler Mr. Parke B. Lamb, Jr.* Sarah C. Laughlin James* & June Limbird Eleanor Longbrake Eunice B. Luelf* Benjamin F. & Martha K. Marsh John O. Meloy Deborah R. Merritt Connie Momsen Jean Morgan David Napierala Erika Nedeski Joseph* & Phyllis Provenzano Jeanne Reed Betty Reynolds Martin* R. & Norma E. Ruehle Margaret Schneider Mrs. Vicki Sorgenfrei William B. Tanner* The Vineyard on Catawba Robert J. Bredbeck Lloyd* & Jeanne Kirby Anne Crowe Clarence Crowe Westminster-Thurber Anonymous (3) Lucille M. Anderson Malcolm & Carmen Ator Nancy P. Baum Patricia Caston Betty Chapin Beatrice J. Cleveland Nancy S. Cooper Carol Jane Cross Melissa A. Dardinger Bruce Davis Aubrey Degraw Jesse D. Degraw Patricia L. Dineen Miss Jessie Draden Memorial Fund Velma V. Everhart Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ford Lillian K. Fornof Barbara A. Frautschi Carson & Helen Haney Edna G. Harrison Jennifer L. Hemmerlein+ Robert G. & Helen W. Hoehl Frank* & Mabel* Irvine Dr. Pamela Jones-Morton Robert & Jean H. Keitz Ruby I. Koerper Steven & Sarah LeMoine Charles Lindabury Miller S. Makey, Sr. George & Jeanne Manser Robert & Shirley Maurath Phyllis R. Meadows Robert Merkle Leona Mithoff Fund David* & Sue Mooney Howard & Doris Moye Mary Munn Nancy Munn* Jane & Peter* Mykrantz Kennard & Roberta Nelson Judi Pohlmeyer Geraldine G. Price James D. & Evalyn* P. Roehm Jo Schmidt John F. Schoedinger Fund William O. Schoedinger Robert & Sandra Simpson Edward A. Smith Joan M. St. James James A. Stuckey Mary Jane Tschappat Pearl A. Wagner Fund Glen & Alice Wallace Margaret E. Ward Audrey S. Warner Eleanor P. Waterloo Elizabeth C. White H. Art Williams Patricia Wilson Doris P. Wipert Kenneth & Elnora Wood Statewide Campus Support Fredrick B. & Susan L. Ball Rev. Glen H. & Shirley Beito Gronlund Harold* & Agnes Hamilton Thomas & Sandra Hofmann David & Rayna Kaasa Kenneth & Caryl Kemper Bruce Palenske Senior Independence Locations AC = Akron/Canton ASC= Anderson Senior Center CO = Central Ohio GC = Greater Cleveland GT =Greater Toledo MA = Mahoning Valley MI = Miami Valley SW = Southwest Ohio Statewide Robert L. Dardinger (CO) Enid M. Green (AC) Anne Johnson & David Campbell (CO) External Trusts Trusts are enduring. They provide annual income to benefit OPRS and the older adults it serves. Horizon Level Recognizing external trusts that have provided $1,000,000 or more to OPRS Breckenridge Norbert A. Lange Trust Park Vista Anne Kilcawley Christman Charitable Foundation Arnold D. & Helen R. Stambaugh Charitable Foundation Dorothy Love Mary E. Becker Charitable Trust Oskar & Charlotte Buschmann Fund William J. Hannum Memorial Fund Hunter Family Fund Trust of The Troy Foundation Rosemary Ovenden Trusts (2) Dr. & Mrs. Walter Whayne Webb Memorial Fund Joseph Herman & Ruth A. Yoder Memorial Fund Llanfair Mary D. Hock Trust Else L. Schulze Charitable Trust Mount Pleasant Josephine Brandenburg Charitable Trust Eva Chapman Trust Dean & Lorene Chenault Memorial Fund Russell E. & Ellen T. Huston Fund William B. & V. Nadine Maitland Trust Marian Snook Endowment Fund Dr. & Mrs. Walter Whayne Webb Memorial Fund Park Vista Marion C. Lange Memorial Fund Isaac P. Lewis Memorial Fund James & Mary McFarlin Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Dale Walton Memorial Fund Rockynol S. Margaret Gallagher Fund Basil J. & Anne Scafidi Trust Westminster-Thurber Miss Jessie Draden Memorial Fund Leona Mithoff Fund John F. Schoedinger Fund Pearl A. Wagner Fund New trusts in red 23 President’s Club Visionary ...........$100,000 and up Benefactor..... $50,000 to $99,999 Leader............. $25,000 to $49,999 Founder...........$10,000 to $24,999 Investor............... $5,000 to $9,999 Director ..............$2,500 to $4,999 Member............... $1,000 to $2,499 * Deceased members at time of printing + Members whose qualifying gifts were designated for both a campus and Senior Independence, or to multiple campus locations 24 Breckenridge Visionary Anne M. Clapp Benefactor Norbert A. Lange Trust Jerome T. Osborne Leader Anonymous (1) William A. & Jean Behnke Donald F. & Shirley T. Hastings Fund Jeanne M. Patterson Karl Prindle Charitable Lead Trust Mary A. Thomas Founder Lucy Jo Atkinson Len & Sally Elliott Susan & John Turben Foundation Investor Carol & Ernest* Legris Ruple Paving & Concrete Recognizing cumulative cash or in-kind giving of $1,000 or more during Fiscal Year 2009. C. Carlisle & Margaret Tippit Charitable Trust Anna L. Tucker Director Anonymous (1) Breckenridge North Care Cards Jack* & Betty Carter Katherine M. Ingersoll Member Anonymous (1) Arthur & Lois Armington Charitable Fund of The Cleveland Foundation Ted Beltavski Jerome & Shirley Blau John & Elsie Blazek Breckenridge Ridge Care Cards Breckenridge Village Gift Shoppe/Crafts Jeanne L. Buckholz Jean G. Coleman William & Joyce Douglas Lorraine Fende (Fende for State Representative) Shirley W. Gibson Donald J. Grauer Daniel & Eleanor Guy Ruth A. Hanawalt Lois W. Hann James & Susan Hickey Edward & Sheila Hodina Bruce & Beth Hutton Katherine Leihgeber+ Dorothy M. Lingle Chuck & Jane* Mallue Janet A. Mann Lisa Mansour+ Duane M. Mayhew The McWilliams/Piraino Family Foundation of the Ayco Charitable Foundation David & Susan Mills John P. Murphy Foundation Dolores M. Murray Richard Peabody Richard J. Reed+ Merry & Gregory Poe Kenneth D. & Pauline M. Rittenhouse+ Eleanore K. Robinson James & Anna Rosenberger Fred C. Rutz Foundation Dick & Gail Sabo David & Annette Schell Sara Schoppenhorst & Betty Hum Betty H. Schweitzer Donald & Joan Selle Roger & Cheri Shumaker+ The South Waite Foundation AJ & Dorothy Thomas John & Kathleen Tuttle Elaine C. Voyer Willoughby Rotary Foundation Ernest & Helen Wilson John & Sylvia Yankey Frederick & Jacqueline Yocum Cape May Leader Irvin Brandehoff Member Geraldine M. Bausch Sarah Boehle Foster J. Boyd Cape May Employees & Staff Cape May Retirement Village Residents Association James & Sherrill Graham Katharine B. McMillan Fred A. Murphy Darleen Myers Grace E. Nichols Frank & Robin Seaver Thelma L. Settlemyre* Dorothy Love Benefactor Lee & Jo Ann Kuhlman Founder Raphael A. & Barbara B. Echemann Thomas B. & Elizabeth K. Herrlinger Rosemary Ovenden Charitable Trust Tom & Sandy Shoemaker Investor Alma Allinger Oskar & Charlotte Buschmann Fund of the Troy Foundation Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc.+ Inez & Joel Phillips Thomas & Marlene* Powers Robert & Thelma Sargeant William J. & Jacqueline M. Snow Esther Tirey Thomas & Judith Westerheide Joseph Herman & Ruth A. Yoder Memorial Fund Director Mary E. Becker Charitable Trust Karl & Judy Bemus Carol & Walt Bennett Dorothy Love Auxiliary Nolan Fisher The George R. Gardner Foundation, Inc. Scott J. Hinsch, Sr. Hunter Family Fund Trust of The Troy Foundation M. June Kauffman Richard & Nancy Roeth Family Frederick C. & Gay E. Smith Member Allinger & Company, Inc. Amos Press Frank & Virginia Bazler John & Jan Beigel Betty Z. Bennett William W. Billing Bruce & Judi Boyd Cheryl & Jim Boyer Elma & Irvin Brown Charles E. & Rise M. Cochran Dorothy Love Church Service Fund Dorothy Love Crafters Bonnie Duff Mark & Lynne Dunham Harry & Bonnie Faulkner First Presbyterian Church of Norwalk First Presbyterian Church of Troy Fultz Warehouse Carpets Thomas & Carolyn Hay Ralph L. & Mary J. Helman Stephen & Michele Hunter Josephine M. Jahoda Maxine Kauffman* Kauffman Family Foundation, Inc. Ella M. Kuck Wilfred A. & Wilma* McCoy Earle & Mari Jane Mead Martha & Tom Milligan Monarch Legacy Fund of The Community Foundation of Shelby County Peoples Federal Savings & Loan Glen & Vanis Phillips Harold W. Roeth & Luella M. Roeth Ann & Ted Roller+ Dennis & Donnajean Ruble Deborah J. Sherman-Ring David & Julie Shuffelton Sidney Floors & Interiors, Inc. Wilma G. Sigg Thermoseal, Inc. Tom & Polly Watkins Dr. & Mrs. Walter Whayne Webb Memorial Fund+ Lake Vista Founder Jane W. Haynam+ Investor George (Leo) & Irene Winger Director Stan & Joyce Seagle Member Anonymous (1) Barbara Frasco James & Debra Hagarty+ Eugene & Elinor Holley Kelvin & Marilyn Kramp Lake Vista Residents Association Daniel H. Moser Dorothy A. Philipp Llanfair Benefactor James C. Abbott Else L. Schulze Charitable Trust Founder Joseph* M. & Marie A. George Esther Gibson Lawhon* Edward R. Wells Investor The Abbihl-Ahrens Fund of The Cambridge Charitable Foundation Covenant First Presbyterian Church CY Inc. Over 70 Foundation Annette Liebing Llanfair Crafters & Woodshop Director Anonymous (1) Mary Lou Bellows Ruth E. Fox Mary C. Heidenreich Knox Presbyterian Church Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church Virgil Seibert J. Frederick & Helen B. Vogel Trust Member Anonymous (1) Josephine Barker Anne Louise Gatliff Donald E. & Donna C. Hoffman Fund Burton & Florence Holthus Margaret E. Hyer Mary Ann Jacobs Thelma M. Lindner C. Raymond & Mary Lu Mauer Olive McDonald Bruce B. & Rosemary Moorhead Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church Women’s Association Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church Francis & Ruth Rosevear Charles & Carol Schlegel+ Mark & Phyllis Schoenberger Elsa A. Shirk Jane M. Thompson Monica Woodruff Mount Pleasant Leader Russell E. & Ellen T. Huston Fund Founder Dean & Lorene Chenault Memorial Fund William B. & V. Nadine Maitland Trust Norma M. Nossokoff Marian Snook External Trust Investor Breitenbach, McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home, Inc. Faye Carey Director Nancy Cork James & Mary Jean Kleingers William K. & Judy D. McCormick John & Jennifer Ridge Member Anonymous (1) James & Joan Akers Margaret A. Bissell Pat Bowman Josephine Brandenburg External Trust James P. & Viola R. Bruner Eva Chapman Trust Charles & Barbara Chappell Theodore & Margaret Coberly Sharyn Edelen First Presbyterian Church of Middletown Florence J. Hofmann Howard & Shirley Hollingshead Margot Marples+ Verla B. McClure Mary Leach McKibben Oxford Presbyterian Church Bill K. Parnell & Dorothy E. Parnell The Donald L. & J. Raylene Pelfrey Family Advised Fund John & Nancy Peterson William & Lois Philips Mary Ellen Purkrabek Teresa Schofield Hugo H. & Marianne M. Schumacher Drew K. Selvar William* & Janet Shannon Kenneth & Joyce* Shinn Robert C. Simpson Susan Stamm+ Joan Stonitsch Josephine Stonitsch* Dorcas L. Weidner Barbara J. Wohlhueter Women of Fairmont Presbyterian Church+ Ruth Yinger Park Vista Visionary Anne K. Christman Charitable Foundation Benefactor David J. Rees The Schmutz Family Helen Stambaugh Arnold D. & Helen R. Stambaugh Charitable Foundation Leader John D. Finnegan Foundation Mary Alice Schaff The Youngstown Foundation Founder Charlotte C. Gelhaar Ruth E. Kyle James & Mary McFarlin Foundation Investor William M. Neckerman, Jr. Mary Neff The Edward W. Powers Charitable Fund Yvette D. Stanley Member Karen Anobile Virginia Axtmann Charles B. Crouse Elizabeth E. Gurley Helen I. Harnish June E. Harris+ Mary Harvey Warren D. Jensen Roger & Gloria Jones Knick Knackery Brian & Susan Kolenich John Olenik Park Vista North Residents Association Marie Peterson Poland Presbyterian Church Howard A. & Sally A. Seeds Mary B. Smith Nancy B. Tod Tod Foundation James W. Williamson Warren P. Williamson Jr. Fund of The Youngstown Foundation J. Brann & Judith Young Rockynol Founder Eugene K. Fouse Charitable Lead Unitrust Investor The M.G. O’Neil Foundation Basil J. & Anne L. Scafidi Charitable Trust J. Terry Taylor* Director The Mary S. & David C. Corbin Foundation 25 President’s Club Continued Karen W. & William R. Feth Catherine S. Maxwell Martha W. Wilson Member Anonymous (1) Thomas O. Brooker Lisle M. Buckingham Endowment Fund of the Akron Community Foundation Henry & Nancy Burmeister Ruth Fort S. Margaret Gallagher Fund Neva I. Humphreys James A. Kehrle Rockynol Auxiliary Rockynote Cardcrafters Anna M. Shean C. Eugene & Betty Ann Stalnaker Arthur V. Tucker, Jr. Diane Walker 26 Swan Creek Founder Anonymous (1) Marjorie Bristow Roy & Marie Fink Viva P. Gallaher James* & June Limbird Benjamin F. & Martha K. Marsh Elizabeth* K. & John Meloy Replogle Family Foundation Investor Mike & Carol Anderson Alice Kells Philip & Judy Kuebbeler+ Joseph* & Phyllis Provenzano Doris Stifel Director Anonymous (1) June W. Baker William A. Cameron Anne C. Cushnie William & Jeanne Dennler Dunbar Mechanical Inc. Rebecca A. Goranson Charles & Paula Hauck Theodore G. Jenkins Bob & Ruth Strohbeck Swan Creek Resident Association Gifts ‘N More Walgreens Drug Store Richard Whitbeck Member Dick & Fran Anderson Fund of the Toledo Community Foundation Kimberly T. Danes+ Charles J. & Sharon A. Dendinger Denise Getzinger Edward & Mary Gouvier John & Margaret Grigsby John & Sarah Howard M. Richard Knight I. Joanne Kolasinski Richard & Sheila Krieger Alice Krzyzaniak Joanne Malikowski Jeanne H. Reed William E. Sala* Donald Saunders Fern I. Schultz Elizabeth Sido Swan Creek Resident Association George M. Taoka L. Jack & Carolyn Wells The Vineyard on Catawba Member Kenneth Mohler Westminster-Thurber Benefactor Dorothy J. Miesse Leader Anonymous (1) The Reinberger Foundation John F. Schoedinger Fund Founder Bruner Corporation Velma V. Everhart Barbara Frautschi InVentiv Health Inc. Charles H. Meng Leona B. Mithoff Fund of The Columbus Foundation Peter* S. & Jane P. Mykrantz Geraldine G. Price Investor Barbara B. Bootes Richard & Nancy Buehler Thomas F. Gorman* James D. Roehm Eleanor Waterloo Director Anonymous (1) Robert & Helen Hoehl Carolyn D. Mooney+ The William P. Tracy Fund of The Columbus Foundation Glen D. & Alice M. Wallace Westminster-Thurber Community Resident Association Helen R. Wood Member Anonymous (1) Charles & Ione Arrick Malcolm & Carmen Ator Boulevard Presbyterian Church of Columbus Sandra R. Byers Don & Ann Casto Beatrice J. Cleveland Patricia L. Dineen William & Susan Gillam+ Susan S. Kindig Nicky Knepp Ruby I. Koerper Steven C. & Sarabeth K. LeMoine Charles A. Lindabury Robert E. & Shirley W. Maurath Mary E. Munn David & Louise Pence Herman J. Rehder Thomas & Lisa Ridgley Dorothy N. Sears Robert & Sandra Simpson+ Carol E. Smith John & Patricia Strick James A. Stuckey Mary Jean Swenson Margaret E. Ward David J. & Barbara A. Weltner Thurber Tower Handcrafters Elizabeth White Robert W. & Margaret D. White David C. Will H. Art Williams Worthington Presbyterian Church Westminster-Thurber Community Chapel Fund Statewide Campus Support Investor Thomas G. & Sandra J. Hofmann+ David & Rayna Kaasa+ Kenneth & Caryl Kemper+ Director Rodney L. & Cheryl S. Crist Member Fredrick B. & Susan L. Ball+ Roger & Susan Bloomfield Eric & Melissa Dardinger+ Anne P. Johnson & David Campbell+ Terry & Chris McKenzie Daniel J. & Richele O’Connor+ Connie Tostevin Dana Ullom-Vucelich+ Sue Welty+ Senior Independence Locations AC = Akron/Canton ASC= Anderson Senior Center CO = Central Ohio GC = Greater Cleveland GT =Greater Toledo MA = Mahoning Valley MI = Miami Valley SW = Southwest Ohio Statewide Visionary Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging (CO)+ Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio (SW) Ohio Department of Transportation (CO, GC, SW) United Way of Central Ohio (CO)+ Benefactor Conover Trust (SW) Franklin County Department of Job & Family Services (CO) Ohio Department of Education (Statewide) Leader Area Agency on Aging, II (MA) The Elroy J. & Fynette H. Kulas Fund of The Cleveland Foundation (GC) Harry C. Moores Foundation (CO) The Murch Foundation (GC)+ Founder Douglas C. MacDonald & Marguerite C. MacDonald Fund of The Cleveland Foundation (GC) National City Bank, now a part of PNC (CO) Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (GC) The Youngstown Foundation (MA)+ Investor AT&T (MA) The Ruth H. Beecher Charitable Trust (MA) Teresa Hazucha (CO) Lehner Family Foundation Trust (AC) Mahoning County Commissioners (MA) The Sisler McFawn Foundation (AC) United Way of Lake County (GC) Walter E. & Carolyn H. Watson Foundation (MA) Director Anderson Hills Women’s Club (ASC) David & Nancy King (Statewide)+ Howard C. McClary (SW) Shields, Blice & Company (AC) The Spaulding Foundation (SW) Member Anonymous (1) (ASC) Cincinnati Poker Club (ASC) Della B. Gardner Charitable Trust (SW) Rev. Glen H. & Shirley Beito Gronlund (Statewide) Betty H. Hoewischer (MI) Mary Houze (GC)+ Kent & Elizabeth Kochheiser (SW)+ William C. Leiter (CO) William Lucas (CO) Mildred S. Mentzer Trust (CO) Patricia A. Meyer (GC)+ Miller-Valentine-Walsh Fund (MI) Richard A. & Nancy A. Munafo (SW) Reynolds & Reynolds Associate Foundation (MI) Richard C. Sensenbrenner (CO) Stark Community Foundation (AC) United Way of New York City (CO) Wells Fargo Insurance Services of Ohio, LLC (CO) Our mission is to provide older adults with caring and quality services toward the enhancement of physical, mental and spiritual well-being consistent with the Christian Gospel. 27 Thank You We gratefully acknowledge our donors for their support and generosity. Every effort has been made to accurately recognize our donors. If any errors have occurred, please accept our sincere apology and contact the Foundation office with any corrections at 614-888-7800 or 800-686-7800. 2009 Leadership 28 Midwest Presbyterian Senior Services Board of Directors Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services Board of Directors OPRS Foundation Board of Directors Front Row: (left to right) Frederick C. Smith III (Chair), Sandra R. Byers (Vice Chair), Donald L. Malone (Assistant Treasurer), Amy J. Roscoe (Assistant Secretary) Front Row: (left to right) Amy J. Roscoe (Assistant Secretary), Donald L. Malone (Assistant Treasurer), Sandra R. Byers (Vice Chair), Frederick C. Smith III (Chair) Front Row: (left to right) Richard S. Reesey, Cheryl A. Boyer (Chair), Jean E. Evans (Vice Chair), William Dennler Middle Row: Theodore G. Jenkins, Robert H. Fischer, Judy D. McCormick, Edna D. Pincham, Cheryl A. Boyer, Richard A. Krieger, Mary Harvey, Charles Schlegel Middle Row: Judy D. McCormick, Theodore G. Jenkins, Robert H. Fischer, Edna D. Pincham, Richard A. Krieger, Mary Harvey, Charles Schlegel Back Row: Kassim Mahdi, Daniel W. Goronzy, W. Patrick Winton, M. Richard Knight, Howard J. Moye, John A. Peterson, Ted W. Karchner, Charles E. Cochran Back Row: Kassim Mahdi, Daniel W. Goronzy, John A. Peterson, M. Richard Knight, Howard J. Moye, W. Patrick Winton, Ted W. Karchner, Charles E. Cochran Middle Row: Rev. James Graham, Elizabeth Ann Evans, Pauline M. Jernberg, James P. Bruner, Louise Pence, Michelle B. Tognetti, Patricia Cash, David J. Kaasa (OPRS President/CEO) Back Row: William R. Gillam, Edward S. Markel, Richard W. Mack, Stephen B. Croake, Benjamin F. Marsh, Donald E. Hoffman (Not pictured: Stanley R. Seagle and James H. Sisek) We Believe... in inclusiveness. We are open to residents, clients, staff, and volunteers without discrimination of any kind. in a high ethical standard. Not only do we hold ourselves to the letter but also to the spirit of the law in all tasks and relationships. our reputation for high quality and caring service is our most valuable asset. We strive to make excellence the mark in all that we do. that dedicated staff and volunteers are the key to providing high quality and caring service. The chief responsibility of management is to help them succeed in their efforts. in respect for all whom we serve. We guard privacy, dignity, independence, and safety to the best of our ability. in responsiveness to those whom we serve and who serve with us. We provide opportunity for them to voice their concerns and make suggestions. in the necessity of innovation. We encourage everyone in the organization to take initiative, be creative, and constantly improve. that effective communication among ourselves, our constituencies, and the public is essential to success. We work continually to upgrade our communications. in financial stability. We always assure financial capability to support the services we have chosen to pursue. in being a good neighbor. We cooperate in benefiting community welfare wherever we serve. It is the policy of OPRS that no person, based on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, or handicap, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any of our programs, activities, financial assistance programs, admission policies, training programs, or employment practices. 29 Locations and Services Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services is the largest and most experienced not-for-profit provider of continuing care retirement communities and services in Ohio. 9 1 2 Cape May Retirement Village Wilmington (937) 382-2995 3 Dorothy Love Retirement Community* Sidney (937) 498-2391 4 1001 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, Ohio 43229 (614) 888-7800 • (800) 686-7800 • Breckenridge Village* Willoughby (440) 942-4342 Lake Vista of Cortland Cortland (330) 638-2420 5 Llanfair Retirement Community* Cincinnati (513) 681-4230 6 Mount Pleasant Retirement Village* Monroe (513) 539-7391 7 8 9 Park Vista Retirement Community* Youngstown (330) 746-2944 Rockynol* Akron (330) 867-2150 Swan Creek Retirement Village* Toledo (419) 865-4445 10 The Vineyard on Catawba Port Clinton (419) 797-3100 11 Westminster-Thurber Community* Columbus (614) 228-8888 A division of OPRS, Senior Independence provides Home and Community Based Services in 42 Ohio counties, (800) 686-7800 * Accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) – Continuing Care Accreditation Commission (CCAC) of the American Association of Homes & Services for the Aging (AAHSA).
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