Office de Tourisme de l`Auxerrois
Office de Tourisme de l`Auxerrois
1 - 2, quai de la République • 89000 AUXERRE Phone : +33 (0)3 86 52 06 19 - Fax : +33 (0)3 86 51 23 27 Internet : Email : Rue des Fourbisseurs d’Épées • 89000 AUXERRE Phone/fax : +33 (0)3 86 51 03 26 Email : Conception STUDIO Y.YVONNEAU 03 86 18 06 06 - Photos : Josette LALIAUX - Ville d’Auxerre / YONNE ET TOURISME, Françoise PERREAU / Nicole LEJEUNE / Milena POZZOLI - CRT BOURGOGNE - Printed in FRANCE Office de Tourisme de l’Auxerrois Plan of Auxerre’s historic centre 2 Thread of history on Cadet Roussel tracks Suggestion Variation Tourist office Auxerre’s Heritage Famous people from Auxerre AUXERRE IN HISTORY The birth of the Gallo-Roman castrum, with house (site of the Hôtel de Ville). One of the major reasons for Auxerre’s historical importance is its geographical position at the meeting point of roads and navigable waterways. During the Ist century AD, the river Yonne, a blessing both for men and trade, was crossed by the Agrippan Way linking the Mediterranean to the North Sea. Towards the end of the IIIrd century, regular waves of invading Germanic tribes caused the majority of the northern Gallic towns to surround themselves with protective walls. Auxerre withdrew to a hill near the original site, which was fortified towards the end of the III rd century. its position on a raised site, have had a lasting Here, as elsewhere, the Hundred Years’ War effect on the city’s development. and the Wars of Religion caused poverty and The advent of Christianity to Gaul was desolation. The Huguenots took Auxerre in 1567 marked in Auxerre by the construction of a and caused extensive damage to buildings cathedral in the Vth century. The most famous connected with the Catholic faith (the statues Auxerre bishop was undoubtedly Saint- round the cathedral doorways, for example). Germain (418-448). A holy man, but also a During the XVIIIth century, the Medieval skilled organiser, he initiated the movement ramparts were demolished, the moat was to build monasteries which soon surrounded filled in and walks were created. During the the city, forming a «holy wall» round Auxerre. French Revolution, Auxerre lost its title of In the Middle Ages, towns grew up round Bishopric and in 1804 became the Prefecture these religious communities. The counts of (Administrative Centre) of Yonne. The XIXth Auxerre financed the construction of a new century was marked by the construction of curtain wall (late XIth and XIIth century) to important local buildings (station, prison, bring them within the protective ramparts. psychiatric hospital, Palace of Justice) and by the development of the right bank. The start The castle with its surrounding buildings of this century saw the construction of banks, then formed a single urban entity. The main the covered market (it was originally in the economic activities of the city at that time Place des Cordeliers but has since been pulled were viticulture, farming, floating wood to down,) and splendid examples of art déco Paris and trade. The need to transport these architecture, which can now be seen in the goods by water led to the development of a city centre. Auxerre suffered relatively little large community of rivermen. in the Second World War. The bourgeois were officially recognised in Since 1976, Auxerre has a 67 hectares protected Auxerre between the XIIIth and XVth centuries. precinct (the 2nd largest in Burgundy after The Count granted them the right to place Dijon) for which it was awarded the title of their Clock on one of the gates to the «City of Art and History» in 1995. old castle and to construct a communal JACQUES AMYOT (Melun 1513 Auxerre 1593), Former Bishop of Auxerre. PAUL BERT (Auxerre 1833 - Hanoi 1886), eminent Scientist. ABBÉ DESCHAMPS (1868 - 1949), Founder of the A.J.A. JOSEPH FOURIER (1768 - 1830), Mathematician. SAINT-GERMAIN (Auxerre ca 378 Ravennes 448), Bishop of Auxerre. BIENVENU MARTIN (Saint-Bris-leVineux 1847 - 1943), Politician. MARIE-NOËL (1883 - 1967), great XXth century poetess. JEAN-PAUL RAPPENNEAU (1932), Cineaste NICOLAS-EDME RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE (1734 - 1806), Writer JEAN VAUTRIN (1933), Writer 3 A stroll through Auxerre City of Art and History Starting from the Tourist Office, a 67 stage tour will show you the delights of Auxerre’s old historic city centre with its half-timbered houses and picturesque streets. You will also discover its history and learn about famous names from the past. A brochure entitled “Thread of history on Cadet Roussel tracks” is available from the Tourist Information Office in five languages (French, English, German, Dutch and Italian). Lasting over two hours, this self-guided tour can be followed at your own pace and in your own manner. If time is short, we have suggested some of Auxerre’s unmissable sites and historic areas for you to visit below. THE RIVERSIDE Away from the cloistered atmosphere of SaintGermain Abbey, the houses by the riverside along the banks of the Yonne are often modest but picturesque. Over the centuries, the Yonne has created a regular river activity : trade via the waterways, floating wood, transporting people. This is the area where the rivermen settled. The architecture, stone sills, harbour or depot, the decoration, statue of Saint-Nicolas, architectural features and street names, the Yonne and the Rivermen, all preserve the memory of this activity that died out at the beginning of the XXth century. SAINT-GERMAIN ABBEY Saint Germain Abbey is an almost intact monastic complex founded more than one thousand years ago. Abbey Church (XIVth century) and crypts (IXth), Chapter House (XIIth), Cloister (XVIIth), Store room (XIVth), Dorters (XVIIth), Abbot’s House (XVIIIth). The Abbey crypt houses murals of the stoning of Saint-Etienne (IXth). Since June 1999 : the fore-nave of the abbey, which was destroyed in the XIXth century, has been the site of an important archaeological dig. The area is now open to the public. The City History Museum has been set up in the old dorters. Open every day except Tuesdays (when the Museum is closed) and some public holidays. From 1st june to 30 september, the Museum is open from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:00. From 1st october to 31 may, the Museum is open from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00. Entrance : Adults : 4,30 €/ 4 free for children under 16, students under 26 and individuals the first sunday of each month / Special tariff with the “Auxerre privilèges” passport / 2,15 € for groups of more than 20. (Reservation compulsory for groups wishing to visit the crypts as entrance is restricted to 30 people maximum.) A combined ticket including entrance to the Leblanc Duvernoy Museum and exhibitions (6 €). Information : Phone +33 (0) 3 86 18 05 50 GRANDS CAIRE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Farmers and wine growers used to live within this large square. The streets round the Palace of Justice (built in the XIXth century on the site of a church) are lined with attractive houses. Opposite the Palace of Justice in the rue de Paris, Visitandines Church , in the form of a Greek cross with cupola, now contains the polychrome wood sculptures of François Brochet. LES VISITANDINES CHAPEL Founded by sculptor François BROCHET in a Classical style chapel. 80 polychrome wood sculptures including the «Massacre of the Innocents». Entrance free. Open from july to september, wednesday to Sunday from 14:00 to 18:00. Information : Phone +33 (0) 3 86 18 05 50 NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM The museum with permanent collections (basis dedicated to Paul Bert, famous Auxerre citizen, with minerals and fossils, naturalised animals of the Yonne) and many temporary exhibitions, all in the setting of a XIXth century manor set within its park. Open to visitors every day (except saturdays and bank holidays) from 13:30 to 17:30. Temporary exhibitions during the year. Free entrance. Information : Phone +33 (0) 3 86 72 96 40 SAINT-EUSÈBE Saint-Eusèbe Church , originally founded as a monastery, dates from the VIIth century and reflects the work carried out through the centuries. The nave was rebuilt in the XIIIth and the Romanesque tower, similar to that at Saint-Germain Abbey, LEBLANC-DUVERNOY precedes a chancel MUSEUM rebuilt in the XVIth The museum contains XVIIIth century tapestries, above the nave, lit by large regional and national collections of porcelain, beautifully made Puisaye earthenware in the intimate setting of an stained glass winXVIIIth private mansion. dows. Open all year from 14:00 to 18:00 (except tuesdays and certain public holidays). Entrance : Adults : 2,10 € / Free for children under 16, students under 26 and for individuals the first sunday of each month / Special tariff with the “Auxerre Privilèges” Passport / Groups of more than 20 people : 1,05 €. A combined ticket including entrance to St-Germain Abbey and exhibition is available (6 €). Information : Phone +33 (0) 3 86 52 44 63 the corner with rue Joubert each have a sculpted corner capital, one Renaissance and the other Gothic. SAINT-PIERRE The streets to the northwest of SaintEusèbe are lined with private mansions and old houses. THE CLOCK TOWER Auxerre Clock Tower is the symbol of the civilian era and the advent in the XVth century of the bourgeois in a city that, until then, had been dominated by the nobles and the clergy. The rue de l’Horloge is lined with houses built gable end to the street or inserted in a narrow plot of land. The modest Hôtel de Ville (XVIIIth) has an elegant, symmetrical facade. Lower down, in rue Fécauderie, there is an interesting architectural feature : Manifacier passage is a covered gallery dating from the XIXth century. The two half timbered houses on Up to the start of the XIXth century, the land surrounding the city of Auxerre was covered with vines. Viticulture was a very widespread. The wine growers were centred in certain areas, mainly in Grand Caire and Saint-Pierre. Saint-Pierre en Vallée church , known as Saint-Père by parishioners, recalls the memory of this activity that has now disappeared. The present church dates from the XVIth and XVIIth centuries and was built on the former site of an Abbey (VIth) The Gothic building has a square tower similar to that of the Cathedral. The Classical proportions of the facade both conceal and highlight the Gothic structure. Part of the building was financed by the winegrowers as can still be seen from the rich decorations of the front portico, the facade and some of the inner chapels. Of particular interest : the facade of the Theatre, architecture of the Front-Populaire, the Renaissance and Classical buildings, rue Joubert. WATER AND ENVIRONMENT CENTRE In a former pumping house, exhibitions on water and environmental techniques. Water information centre. Open from april to october. From april to june : 14:00-17:30. From july to september : 14:3018:00. In october : 14:00-17:30. Temporary exhibitions on themes of water, energy, fauna and flora. Exhibition from april to june : “Energy : why is it the challenge of the century ?”. Entrance : free. Information : Phone +33 (0) 3 86 72 91 65 THE CATHEDRALE AREA AND SAINT-ETIENNE CATHEDRALE «Why did I not create that in my honour?» cried Germain Soufflot in praise of the Cathedral (XIIIth and XVIth century upper storeys). The building is of modest proportions, but Saint-Etienne Cathedral is a model of elegance in accordance with the wishes of its designer, Bishop Guillaume de Seignelay (1215). The sculptures on the facade, the design of the interior with its prominent chancel, the splendid stained glass windows (XIIth and XIth - XVIth century) and the consistent use of bias-cut pillars all contribute to the originality of the building. The simplicity of the majestic crypts, vestiges of the Romanesque cathedral, illustrate an early mastery of Gothic vaulting and contain the famous unusual mural of «Christ on horseback». The buildings around the Cathedral were formerly within the confines of the Cathedral precinct : the Bishops’ Palace to the North, several Canonical houses bordering Place Saint-Etienne and Notre-Dame-desVertus Chapel (XVIth century) with its halfdome and remarkable decoration. The Cathedral is open all the year from 07:30 to 18:00 (17:00 from 1st november to april). Treasure and crypt : from 09:00 to 18:00 from april to october and sundays morning too. From november to march from 10:00 to 17:00 and sundays too. Entrance : Adults : Crypt 2,8 € / Treasure : 1,7 €. Free until 12 years old and special tariff with the “Auxerre Privilèges” passport. Groups of more than 20 persons : 3,9 € for the crypt and the Treasure. Sound and Light show every evening from 1st june to 30 september. At 22:00 from 1st june to 20 august and at 21:30 from 21 august to 30 september. Audio translations possible by headphones in English and German. Entrance : Adults : 5 € / Free for children under 12 / Groups of more than 20 persons : 4 € Les Amis de la Cathédrale : Phone + 33 (0)3 86 52 23 29 WALKS The ring roads follow the line of the medieval curtain wall (XIIth) that has now completely disappeared. They form a semi-circle with the Yonne at the base. In the XVIIIth century, the walls were demolished, the moats filled in and walks were created on the old mounds. In the XIXth century, the local bourgeois gradually took up residence in the area between the walks and the city centre. Between the Paris gate and the Temple gate, there are magnificent well-preserved dwellings built by the bourgeois which retain their individualistic styles. One of them, in boulevard Vauban, houses the Natural History Museum . 5 Guided tours of Auxerre The Tourist Office propose... Ask for your Schedule ! To get to know Auxerre, the Tourist Office offers a variety of guided tours all the year round, led by conference guides who have been officially approved by the Ministry of Culture. During this summer, from 24 june to 15 september, visits are organised everyday to enable you to discover Auxerre exceptional historical buildings (the second most important protected sector in the Burgundy region after Dijon). Original thematic visits are offered each day. You can discover old Auxerre, visit the Abbey of Saint-Germain, walk in the footsteps of Marie Noël, or fall under the spell of the timber frame houses, which give the town center its charm. The weekly schedule is available at the Auxerre Tourist Information Centre : Phone +33 (0)3 86 52 06 19, or internet : Prices : 4,5 € and 3 € (for students, unemployed persons, and “Auxerre Privilèges” passport holders) Free for children under 12 years old. Suggestions of Escape Rental of electric boats for unforgettable outings with your entire family in the heart of Auxerre and its surrouding area (maximum 5 persons). From 1/2 hour (12 € per boat) up to a full day (80 €), with lock passages. - quiet - entertaining - no license necessary - 7 hour autonomy Open on 15 april to 1st october, from wednesday to sunday and bank holidays. Mountain bike and electric bicycle rental for effortless outings : - 2 1/2 hour autonomy - requires half the effort - a more care-free outing From one hour (3 €) up to several days (13 € per day). Daily rental all year. You will be provided with an itinerary to discover the town centre by bicycle. Contact the Auxerre Tourist Office for information. Ph. +33 (0)3 86 52 06 19 Smartly Priced Passeports become Auxerre’s privileged guest with the “Auxerre Privilèges” passport For just 2 euros, with this passport, you will receive : • a half-price cruise on the Canal du Nivernais, on board the “Hirondelle”, • half-price visits in Saint-Germain Abbey, in Saint-Etienne Cathedral and in Leblanc-Duvernoy Museum, • half-price mountain bike or electric bicycle hire for 3 hours maximum, • discount guided tour of Auxerre (3 € instead of 4,5 €) • visit to the Bailly-Lapierre Wine Cellar, followed by Crémant de Bourgogne wine tasting for 2,8 € instead of 4 €. This passport is valid one year starting from the date of purchase. 6 * Less to spend more to discover ! Ph. +33 (0)3 86 52 06 19 or +33 (0)3 51 03 26 G ç a RL o N . . . a No t E ! From 1st july to 31 august 2006 Concerts each evening (from monday to friday) except 13 july, 15 august and from 21 to 23 july in the Bars of Auxerre Please contact the Auxerre Tourist Office for information and program. Phone : +33 (0) 3 86 52 06 19 2006 Summers colours in Auxerre CONCERTS & FESTIVALS • Light and Sound Show “The Great Times of Auxerre” Saint-Etienne Cathedral : 1 june to 30 september each evening. • Art Street Festival : “Western and country music” : 10 june. • World Music Festival : “Les nuits Métisses” : from 22 to 25 june, Parc Roscoff. • Festival “Garçon, la note !” : concerts from 1 july to 31 august, from monday to friday, at 21:00. • “Fanfaronnades” : musical animations every saturday from 15:30 in the streets of the city-centre • Festival “Aux Zarbs, etc...” : from 21 to 23 july, Parc de l’Arbre sec. • Piano International Festival : from 22 to 24 september at the Théâtre. • Music and Cinema International Festival : from 11 to 15 october, at the Ciné Casino. EXPOSITIONS MAIN FESTIVALS AND EVENTS AROUND AUXERRE • “Month of picture”, in Saint-Germain Abbey : • Nocturnal Piano at Joigny, from 26 june to 2 july. from 9 april to 29 may 2006. • Musical Encounters at Noyers-sur-serein, • “Memories - Three artists of 50’ years : from 2 july to 27 august. Requichot, d’Acher and Criton” in SaintGermain Abbey : from 25 june to 25 september 2006. • Festival en Othe, from 2 to 20 july. • “Restif de la Bretonne” in Saint-Germain • Theatrical and Musical Encounters of Chablis and Auxerre, from 30 june to 9 july. Abbey : from 17 june to 17 september 2006. • “Story of Auxerre’s museum” in Saint-Germain • Medieval Festival at Saint-Bris-le-Vineux, Abbey : from 12 november 2006 to 19 february 2007. from 31 july to 6 august. • “Kennett on the museum” in the Natural History Museum : from 10 july to 3rd september 2006. A lively and welcoming Region 7 Leisure Activities Bowling - Aux 2 B : Motorway Exit “AuxerreNord” - Avenue de l’Europe - 89470 Moneteau Ph. +33 (0)3 86 40 73 74. Cinema - Le Casino : 8 theatres, 1 boulevard du 11 novembre - Ph. +33 (0)3 03 86 52 36 80 or 33 (0)8 92 68 81 08. Football - A.J.A. : To attend matches, Stade de l’Abbé Deschamps, Route de Vaux, Ph. +33 (0)3 86 72 32 30 (ticket sales) - Ph. +33 (0)386 72 32 32 (club). Golf - Golf du Roncemay : 18 holes, 6270 m long, 3-holes practice zone, Aillant-sur-Tholon Ph. +33 (0)3 86 73 50 50. Skating rink - Le Cyber Glace : 4 rue de Londres - 89470 MONETEAU (outskirts of Auxerre) - 56 x 26 m rink. Skate hire : 2,5 €. Entrance - Adults/Children 4,5 €. Open every day. Ph. +33 (0)3 86 53 40 00 Fax : 03 86 53 42 00 - Internet : Swimming pool- One of the most beautiful swimming pool centres in France. Near the Yonne river in the Arbre Sec Park. Open all year. 5 covered pools, 3 outdoor pools, a water slide and play areas. Information: Ph. +33 (0)3 86 72 96 96. Tennis - A.J.A. Tennis : 8 outdoor with 4 indoor courts, reservations per hour or per week, Route de Vaux, Ph. +33 (0)3 86 51 05 06. - Stade Auxerrois Tennis : 8 outdoor and 3 indoor courts, reservations per hour, Rue de Preuilly Ph. +33 (0)3 86 52 22 33. Club vert - leisure club spread over 4 ha of greenery : swimming pool, tennis, squash, gymnastics, muscle-development exercices, fishing... - Route de Vaux (opposite to the cycle racing track) Ph. +33 (0)3 86 72 09 70. Open air Activities Canoe-kayak / Rafting : Enjoy canoe-kayaking on the Yonne at the OCK Auxerrois all the year and at the Saint-Moré base. Information : OCKA - Avenue Yver - 89000 AUXERRE - Ph. +33 (0)386 51 57 24. Horse-riding : There are several horse-riding centres in the Auxerre area : - Auxerre Equitation - 3, route de Vallan Ph. +33 (0)3 86 52 16 60. - Centre Équestre de Vieux Champs Charbuy - Ph. +33 (0)3 86 47 12 19. 8 - Haras de Val en Pré - Château de Guillebaudon - Gurgy - Ph. +33 (0)3 86 40 76 24. - Centre Équestre de Villefargeau Ph. +33 (0)3 86 41 36 33. - Ferme Équestre du Buisson des Caves - Villefargeau - Ph. +33 (0)3 86 41 22 22. Water skiing : le Motonautisme Sporting Club de l’Yonne offers introductory lessons to water skiing on wednesday afternoons and saturday mornings on the Vaux lake on the Yonne from june at the end of october. Ph. +33 (0)3 86 53 29 55. Sailing - Sail boarding : There are many calm rivers andlakes in the Auxerre region for sailing or sail boarding. Information : Centre Auxerrois et alentours de Voile éducative Auxerre - Ph. +33 (0)3 86 53 20 99. A lively and welcoming Region Nature on your doorstep Parks and Gardens In 1998, Auxerre obtained a 4th flower from the Comité National de Fleurissement (National flower garden committee) a highly prized label that rewards 15 years of work performed by the Parks and Gardens department. Auxerre, proud of its “4th flower”, continued its efforts to win the National Flowered Gardens Grand Prize in 1999, which placed it at the top of the “towns in bloom” prize list. : True Enchantment You will appreciate the city’s flowers, gardens, and parks throughout your walks. You can stroll in the shade of the plane trees in the Arbre Sec Park, located on the Chemin de Halage, where you will be thrilled by its 300 trees with 52 species and its 27 500 plants. Daydream on a bench in Roscoff square, located along the riverbanks, while admiring the reflection of Auxerre’s monuments in the water both night and day. Enjoy the Paul Bert Park as well. This scientist’s former property provides and ideal spot for walking and strolling right in the town centre. The Auxerre Region : Natural Surroundings Stones, woods, rivers, vines, oil-seed rape, cherry trees. So many different features, perfumes and colours that characterise the Auxerre region. Each setting has its own history, its secrets. Auxerre is proud of this, proud of its roots and its past. From the vineyards of St Bris to the cherry trees of Vaux, from the Nivernais canal to the river Yonne, from the cathedral crypts to the half timbered houses, the region of Auxerre offers countless scenarios for walking, on foot, on bicycle, on horseback or by boat. 9 Map of the Auxerrois Airfield Nature and Heritage The Challenge of the Past At the Heart of the Vineyards Extremely interesting church Very interesting church Interesting church 10 Tourist Office White vineyard Very interesting museum Rosé vineyard Interesting museum Red vineyard Discovering the Auxerre Region Nature and Heritage Vallan : Many springs bubble up through their fountains in the village. Near the Roman Road, the path of the Hospitaliers recalls the Templars, the Hospitaliers of St-Jean, the seigniors of Vallan. Round Chevannes, the foot paths pass by many farms. A fortified house, a XVIth century gentleman farmer’s manor house, 2 castles and XVIth century St-Pierre and St-Paul’s Church. Villefargeau, at the doors of la Puisaye offers many leisure activities: riding, tennis, forest footpaths. Also 2 castles and XIXth century St-Léger church. St-Georges-sur-Baulches : Footpaths including the GR13 long distance footpath. St-Georges Church (XIIth to XVIth century). Valley of the little Baulches stream to be explored, of particular interest for keen anglers. Charbuy, this commune surrounded by forests and lakes is crossed by the GR 13. Beautiful St-Médard church with rich XVIth century porch. In Perrigny, a rural commune, you can admire the XIXth century church as well as the Stone Bridge, a listed historical monument. The Challenge of the Past Follow these three circuits from village to village. The various paths, including the GR13 long distance footpath, will lead you across woods or through vines, along the Yonne and round lakes. The churches and many castles will evoke the rich heritage of the nobility. rood screens in the department. Old wash houses, a bustling village. Régennes castle, built on the site of the castle of the bishops of Auxerre, can be seen from the banks of the Yonne. Saint-Bris-le-Vineux to the banks of the Yonne. At the heart of the village, discover the Saint-Maurice church of the XIIth and XVIth centuries and the XIXth century washhouse. Monéteau : Gustave Eiffel’s steel bridge links the two banks of the Yonne. The church of St-Cyr and Sainte-Julitte is worth a visit. The parks of Colbert Castle and Montmorency Villa invite you to take a stroll. National forest of Thureau du Bas nearby. Quenne Nangis : At the foot of slopes covered with cherry trees and vines are some lovely walks around the village. See the XIIth century Notre-Dame church with an eight-ray rose window on the front, with a superb virgin of the Apocalypse inside. Or the Ecomuseum for vines and wine - with an extremely rare wine press from the beginning of the XVIIIth century, and a building typical of 1900’s Burgundy. Gurgy : Numerous leisure activities with several artificial lakes and the river Yonne (with a salmon ladder), river port and equestrian centres. Prehistoric remains, the main exhibits are in the Auxerre museums. Montigny-la-Resle : Rural village with beautiful houses with brick porches and the XIIth century Notre-Dame Church. Two castles and a fortified house. La Resle farm gave its name to the village. Villeneuve-St-Salves : Surrounded by forests, Branches : Beautiful houses surrounding the village has two beautiful buildings : the St-Cloud Chapel and Sainte-Pallaye church. Colbert’s Oak evokes the sale of the estate to Colbert. the St-Martin’s Church with its ancient yellow ochre mural paintings. 100 hectare communal forest. Airfield where experienced pilots can take to their wings. Bleigny-le-Carreau : A splendid view point over the forest, many foot paths, especially the old Roman Road Auxerre-Troyes, and a dolmen on the road to La Croix St-DenisVogues. Appoigny : The XIIIth century church of St-Pierre and St-Paul contains one of the rare At the heart of the vineyards Venoy : The village is formed of 17 hamlets and is widely spread. There are three castles: Montarlery, Pontagny and St Arme. The church of St Louis and St Maurice has a beautiful facade and is worth a visit. Many walks in the surroundings. Augy : Located on the banks of the Yonne near Auxerre, Beine : a wine growing commune, producing Chablis wines (in particular the Premier cru such as Beauroy, Vau de Ligneau and Vau de Vey). XIIIth century Notre-Dame Church has undergone a number of modifications. There is an artificial lake created to protect the vines from frost by spraying with water which provides picnic areas. Footpaths through the vines. Chitry : St-Valérien Church, XIIth and XVIth century, has three towers, including the XIVth century five storey high tower with loop holes and machicolations. The wine growers’ houses are grouped together forming an architectural whole which beckons to you to wander through the narrow streets. There are many walks to be made through the cherry trees and vines around the village. A superb panorama when leaving the village towards Chablis. Saint-Bris-le-Vineux : The church, set in the midst of the slopes of vines and cherry orchards, dominates the wine growers houses that have been frequently rebuilt during the course of the rich history of the village but the vaulted XIIth and XIIIth century caves are the most stable, living memorial to the wine growing activity. The church was built from the XIIth to the XVIth centuries and has styles from the successive architectural periods. Its special features include the richly decorated Renaissance chancel, the stained glass windows and the mural painting of the tree of Jesse. Everything at Saint-Bris indicates that the grape and the cherry are the two riches of the village. The Seigniors of Saint-Bris left a XVIIth century castle. the departure point for many walks, Augy offers the possibility to discover the varied countryside extending from hills at 11 Discovering the Auxerre Region Walks : the Auxerre Region on Foot Several long distance foot paths (Grande Randonnée - GR) and long distance country footpaths (Grande Randonnée Pays - GRP) cross the Auxerre region such as the GR 13, the GR 213 and the GRP Restif de la Bretonne. The itineraries are described in the topo-guides published by the FFRP. Walkers Associations also offer simpler topo-guides to discover the region from walking footpaths and short distance footpaths. The 20 communes that form the Communauté des Communes de l’Auxerrois have also set up 20 walking circuits, each of an average of 20 km. These paths can be followed on foot, horse- back or by mountain bike and are inter-connected. It is therefore possible to tour the whole of Auxerre on foot, passing through typical scenery : vines, cherries, cereal fields, open fields, not to mention all the small villages. Suggested walks : 3 hikes (ranging from 3 to 12 km) have been designed, each starting from the Auxerre Tourist Information Office, to enable you to appreciate the immediate surroundings of the town of Auxerre. These routes are on sale at the Tourist Information Office for 1 € each. The guide to walks round the Auxerre region published by the Fédération Française de Randonnée Pédestre and the Communauté des Communes de l’Auxerrois is available from the Tourist Office and bookshops, price : 11,95 €. All year, the Tourist Office can rent you a mountain bike and electric bicycle for periods of half a day, a day or just for a couple of hours’ ride. Rates : from 3 € (for 1 hour) to 13 € (per day). Information and reservations at the Tourist Office. Phone +33 (0)3 86 52 06 19 A Region for Anglers The Auxerre region is ideal for anglers. the Yonne (class 2) is of course the most popular location. It is well known for its pike, perch and carp but has plentiful trout upstream from Auxerre. Another untamed river is the Cure. Its dark waters are famous for their trout. There is also lake fishing. Information : Fédération de Pêche de l’Yonne. Phone : +33 (0)3 86 51 03 44 The Auxerre Region from the River • Cruise on the canal du Nivernais, on board the “Hirondelle” ; located in front of the Tourist Office at Auxerre. Open daily from 1st april to 31 october. Closed on the 1st may and the 14th july. Prices : 7,40 € for adults and 5,25 € for children between 4 and 12 years old (one hour cruise) / 10,50 € for adults and 7,40 € for children between 4 and 12 years old (two hour cruise). Special tariff with “Auxerre Privilèges” passport. Tickets available on site. Ph. +33 (0)875 23 27 89 or +33 (0)6 30 37 66 17 . • Rental of comfortably fitted boats, for the week or week-end. The ideal way to get away from it and appreciate the tranquillity of the surrounding countryside. 12 Société Aquarelle Bateaux de Bourgogne Port de Plaisance - 89000 Auxerre Phone : +33 (0)3 86 46 96 77 Fax : +33 (0)3 86 52 55 31 1-2, Quai de la République - 89000 Auxerre Phone : +33 (0)3 86 72 92 10 Fax : +33 (0)3 86 72 92 14 It is rare that a vineyard can be proud of such a long history: vines have been cultivated in the Auxerre region since at least the 2nd century AD. In the Middle Ages, vines occupied nearly all the cultivable area of the commune and Auxerre wines were highly prized (Auxerre, the drink of kings, as was said at the time). The history of wine in the Auxerre region is the history of the people: from wine and water they have brought in the revenue and the riches required to create and build up a whole region. With the river Yonne, navigable from Auxerre to its confluence with the Seine, the trade routes to Paris and Northern Europe were ideal. Until the phylloxera crisis in the XIXth century, our department was the second largest wine growing area in France. It covered an area equal to the present area of vines throughout the whole of Burgundy, including Beaujolais. Here in the Auxerre region the winegrowers realised at an early stage how to use the best grape varieties, the noble Burgundy varieties, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, to produce high quality wines. The Yonne valley is dominated to the south of Auxerre by slopes covered by vines, surrounding about ten villages, a wine producing area of 1,600 hectares. The very names of our villages are an invitation to taste the wines : Coulanges-la-Vineuse, Vincelles (the wine cellar), Saint-Bris-le-Vineux. The typical welcoming cellars in the Auxerre region are open to all lovers of authenticity and local produce. For the greatest pleasure of budding tasters and taste buds. The different The Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée (A.O.C.) in the Auxerre region are regional or communal. Bourgogne Blanc : Chardonnay grape. This appellation is found in several production areas in Auxerre and includes all white wines that do not have a communal appellation. Bourgogne Aligoté : regional appellation for the Aligoté grape. Bourgogne Côtes D’Auxerre : this is the appellation for wine produced by the communes of Saint-Bris, Vaux and Auxerre. the Chardonnay grape is used for the white wines and Pinot Noir for the red and rosé wines. Bourgogne Chitry : produced solely on land of the commune of Chitry-le-Fort. The Chardonnay grape is used for the white wine and Pinot Noir for the red and rosé wines (wines valued for their freshness and finesse). Bourgogne Coulanges : produced on land of the communes of Coulanges, Jussy, Migé and Escolives. The Pinot grape varieties and Crus in Auxerre Region Noir grape is used as this appellation is solely for red and rosé wines. Very aromatic wines. Irancy : produced on land of the communes of Cravant (for the cru of la Palotte) and of Irancy. Thisappellation is solely for red and rosé wines and uses the Pinot Noir grape. The wines are very vigorous when young or very lively, dark red wines for laying down. Irancy Burgundy is the only appellation also to use the oldest grape variety, the César (Palotte). Crémant de Bourgogne : this appellation was born in the Auxerre region, in the unusual site of the Bailly-Lapierre caves. These stonequarries, 4 hectares in area, were excavated for constructing famous Paris and local buildings, and since 1972 have been used for producing a top quality sparkling wine from the best Auxerre grapes: Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Gamayand Aligoté. Bourgogne Grand Ordinaire : red grape, regional appellation found in several communes. The grape generally used is the Gamay, sometimes combined with Pinot Noir. The white grapes are Sacy and Melon de Bourgogne. Saint-Bris : this grape variety, originally from Sancerre, arrived in Saint-Bris-le-Vineux in 1860. It thrived on our slopes and produces a very aromatic white wine to be drunk young. Bourgogne Passetoutgrain : this regional appellation is used for wine created from a combination of 1/3 Pinot Noir minimum and Gamay fermented together. Bourgogne Rouge : this regional appellation uses the Pinot Noir grape. You must visit : The Ecomuseum of Vineyards and Wine At Quenne, a small village a few kilometres from Auxerre, an ecomuseum is entirely devoted to the history of wine in the department. More than 200 items, including an extremely rare flat press, are on display in this family museum. Ecomusée de la Vigne et du Vin : 3, rue du Château at Quenne. Open from the 1st march to the 30th october by appointment from 10:00 to 18:00. Prices : adults 4 € and children 3,50 €. Phone : +33 (0)3 86 40 35 76 Bouquet of Flavours 13 Travel in the middle of the earth A convivial House in which to discover The Caves Bailly-Lapierre are the birthplace of Burgundy’s sparkling wine and are situated in an ancient quarry. For eight centuries, stone was manually extracted from the ground to be used in the construction of famous Parisien monuments. Five million bottles grow old in an area covering 4 hectares, 50 metres under the ground ! 14 Created to promote the wines of the region, ranging from Tonnerre to Vézelay and including Auxerre, the Auxerre Region Wine Centre located 14 route de Champs at St-Bris-leVineux, will do everything in its power to bring the taste of the region to you : free tastings and the opportunity to buy 30 wines selected by the wine producers themselves. Open on monday, tuesday, thursday and friday from 9:00 to 12:15 and from 13:30 to 19:00 (18:00 from november to april). Saturday from 9:00 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 19:00. Closed on wednesday, sunday, the 25 december and the 1st january. Phone : +33 (0)3 86 53 66 76 “Tasting Thursdays” in Auxerre and the surrounding area. This year, these wine tasting sessions will run in conjunction with tastings of regional products, and will be run by a winegrower from the growing area and a regional food producer. Each thursday of summer, from 6 july to 24 august, saturdays 15 july and 12 august 2006, the Tourist Office and the “Maison du Vignoble de l’Auxerrois” invite you to alternately discover a different appellation from Chablis or a “Grand Auxerrois” (Irancy, Saint-Bris, Côtes d’Auxerre, Epineuil, Vézelay). Price : 3 €. Information and reservations from the Auxerre Tourist Office. Phone : +33 (0)3 86 52 06 19 let you surprise... Open every day Wine tasting and selling area Outstanding underground site (12 km to the south of Auxerre by RN 6 and D 362 from Champs-sur-Yonne) Wine Events in the Auxerre Region in 2006 - 2007 A considerable number of wine events take place all the year round in the Yonne department and around Auxerre. • THE SAINT VINCENT FESTIVAL, in Vézelay - 15 january 2006 • THE SAINT VINCENT FESTIVAL, IN THE CHABLIS REGION, in Lignorelles - 4february 2006 • THE TONNERRE WINE FESTIVAL, - Easter Week-end 2006 • THE MARKET WINE, in Chablis - 13 may 2006 • THE VINE-FLOWERS FEAST, in Auxerre - 21 may 2006 • THE PAINTERS FROM VINYARDS TO CELLARS, in St-Bris-le-Vineux - 23 july 2006 • THE HARVEST FESTIVAL in Joigny - 22 october 2006 • THE CHABLIS WINE FESTIVAL - 27 and 28 october 2006 • THE AUXERROIS WINE FESTIVAL, in St-Bris-le-Vineux - 11 and 12 november 2006 • THE CHRISTMAS MARKET, in the Cellar of Bailly-Lapierre - 22, 23 and 24 december 2006 • THE SAINT VINCENT FESTIVAL, in Irancy - 22 january 2007 • THE SAINT VINCENT FESTIVAL IN THE CHABLIS REGION, in La Chapelle Vaupelteigne - 4 february 2007 Flamand Publicité 03 86 53 23 04 Bouquet of Flavours the Wines of the Auxerrois Region Hameau de Bailly 89530 St-Bris-le-Vineux France Tél. +33 (0)3 86 53 77 77 Fax +33 (0)3 86 53 80 94 Auxerre is half way between Paris (170 km) and Dijon (150 km) on the A6 motorway, and is ideally situated to discover northern Burgundy. It is 20 km from Chablis, world famous for its white wines, 20 km from Pontigny Abbey, 45 km from St Fargeau castle, 60 km from Vézelay Basilica and 78 km from Troyes. Auxerre can also be reached by air (Auxerre-Branches airfield - Phone : +33 (0)3 86 48 31 89), by train (several services Paris-Auxerre) and by coach. Tourist Office of Auxerre • Main Office 1/2, quai de la République - 89000 AUXERRE - Phone : +33 (0)3 86 52 06 19 - Fax +33 (0)3 86 51 23 27 Internet : - Email : Opening hours High season : 15 june - 15 september : from monday to saturday from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 19:00, sundays and Bank Holidays from 9:30 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:30. Low season : 16 september - 14 june : from monday to friday from 9:30 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 18:00. Saturdays from 9:30 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:30, sundays from 10:00 to 13:00. Pratical Informations How to get to Auxerre • Town Center Office Rue des Fourbisseurs d’Épées (pedestrian streets, nearby the Clock Tower) Tel/fax : +33 (0)3 86 51 03 26 - E-mail : Opening hours (open all year from tuesday to saturday) - High season : 15 june - 15 september : from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 19:00. - Middle season : 15 april - 14 june : from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 18:30. - Low season : 16 september - 14 april : from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 18:00 (18:30 on saturdays). • Tourist information • The organisation of guided tours for individuals and groups • Rental of electrical boats, mountain bikes or electrical bicycles • Hotel reservations in Auxerre and its surrouding area • Foreign currency changed (sundays and public holidays) • The sale of tickets for shows in Auxerre and in the Yonne départment • Regional bookshop : street maps, guidebooks, books, posters, etc… We reserve the right to make any modifications to these tarifs without prior notice 15