Fenwick - Persona Associates Ltd
Fenwick - Persona Associates Ltd
Fenwick Brent Cross CPO Appeal Reference: LPA Ref: OBJ22-DB-3 Proof of Evidence of David Bird BSc CEng MICE On Transport Issues Volume 2 – Figures and Appendices April 2016 Contents Volume 1 - Text 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 1 2 EXISTING SITUATION .................................................................................................. 5 3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................... 7 Brent Cross Bus Station ................................................................................... 10 4 SHOPPING CENTRE LAYOUT ...................................................................................... 14 5 PUBLIC TRANSPORT ACCESSIBILITY ........................................................................... 16 6 BUS STATION LAYOUT AND LINKAGES ...................................................................... 20 7 PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLE ACCESSIBILITY .................................................................... 23 8 CAR PARKING ........................................................................................................... 27 9 RESPONSE TO ACQUIRING AUTHORITIES STATEMENT OF CASE AND PROOFS OF EVIDENCE ................................................................................................................................ 30 10 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................ 31 i Volume 2 – Figures and Appendices Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 - Site Location Plan Existing and Proposed walking routes from Brent Cross Underground Station Proposed Highways Improvements Lower Ground Floor Proposed Walking Routes Upper Proposed Walking Routes Improved Eastern Bus Station Access Proposed Walking Routes from the Bus Station Revised Eastern Pedestrian Route from Bus Station Existing Car Parks Layout Proposed Car Park Layout Access to Fenwicks from Existing Car Parks Access to Fenwicks from the Car Parks into the Malls Pedestrian Survey Results – Thursday Pedestrian Survey Results – Friday - One Centre Approach Proposed Bus Station Layout Enhanced Eastern Bus Access Proposed Walking and Cycling Network Parameter Plan 02 Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E ii FIGURES Key Site Location London Underground Station Hendon Railway Station Brent Cross Bus Station Hendon Central Underground Station North Circular Road M1 Brent Cross Underground Station Edgware Road (A5) Hendon Way (A41) Fenwick, Brent Cross Brent Cross, Barnet Site Location Plan NTS SCALES: DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: DATE: D.B 23/03/16 . REVISION: Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 1 Key Route to Brent Cross tation – 1.07km Fenwick, Brent Cross Brent Cross, Barnet Existing routes to Brent Cross Underground Station NTS SCALES: DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: DATE: D.B 23/03/16 . REVISION: Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 2 Fenwick, Brent Cross Brent Cross, Barnet Highways Junction Improvements Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: D.B DATE: 23/03/16 SCALES: NTS DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 3 REVISION: . Notes: 1. 2. 3. John Lewis 184m Fenwick . . REV. 159m DETAILS . . . DRAWN CHECKED DATE CLIENT: Fenwick Limited 200m PROJECT: Brent Cross CPO DRAWING TITLE: Key Walk Distances RTKL 'Option A' Layout Lower Ground Level M&S SCALES: 1:1250 at A3 CHECKED: DRAWN: TF DATE: DB 09.11.2015 transport planning specialists Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP t: 020 7580 7373 e: enquiries@vectos.co.uk © NOTE: THE PROPERTY OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS VESTED IN VECTOS (SOUTH) LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. DRAWING NUMBER: Figure 4 REVISION: Notes: cT tnsildagshoienrfid 1.vpeuiparotscolanedosauyenilr.w ilethi 2.voeync.iadltisnigW nTK aA0yol5L:u0E t0-3ASNIGPLAU N-PPERGROUNDLEV1E-L 3. BaseodR John Lewis Fenwick 202m . . REV. DETAILS . . . DRAWN CHECKED DATE CLIENT: 205m 151m Fenwick Limited PROJECT: Brent Cross CPO DRAWING TITLE: Key Walk Distances RTKL 'Option A' Layout Upper Ground Level M&S SCALES: DRAWN: 1:1250 at A3 TF CHECKED: DB DATE: 09.11.2015 transport planning specialists Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP t: 020 7580 7373 e: enquiries@vectos.co.uk © NOTE: THE PROPERTY OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS VESTED IN VECTOS (SOUTH) LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. DRAWING NUMBER: Figure 5 REVISION: 017 016 9 m² U 015 45 m² SU 014 264 m² SU 013 153 m² SU 012 136 m² SU 011 96 m² Hot el C Possible gated access for bus personnel. A . A Bus driver mess room facilities to be re-located to suitable agreed location. dow n Proposed 3.0m wide pedestrian link to shopping centre. up building edge above canopy above Inset A - Section A-A 5m 0m Raised Island 10m 15m 3.0m Footway Internal Bus Circulatory Carriageway Pedestrian barrier (glass) 0.3m Trief kerb (or similar) MSCP ramp Trief kerb (or similar) NOTE: THE PROPERTY OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS VESTED IN VECTOS (SOUTH) LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. REV. . . DETAILS DRAWN CHECKED DATE . . . Notes: Key: Bus Station Proposed Eastern Pedestrian Access Pedestrian Route Internal Bus Circulatory Carriageway Pedestrian Barrier (Glass) Proposed Kerb Line Eastern Pedestrian Route Between Bus Station & Mall Fenwick Limited Brent Cross 1. This is not a construction drawing and is intended for illustrative purposes only. 2. White lining is indicative only. 3. Based on Chapman Taylor layout: S-807-rev03_Bus Station Lease Plan TfL DRAWN: TF CHECKED: DATE: DB SCALES: 11.02.2016 1:500 at A3 transport planning specialists Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP t: 020 7580 7373 e: enquiries@vectos.co.uk DRAWING NUMB ER: )LJXUH . REVISION: Car Park ‘In and out’ Points of Pedestrian/traffic conflict Key: Brent Cross, Barnet Fenwick, Brent Cross Western route to Fenwick – Approximately 345m Eastern route to Fenwick – Approximately 160m Proposed Walking Routes to Fenwick Store from Bus Stop DRAWN: CHECKED: HJ DB DATE: 10/03/2016 SCALES: Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 7 Key: Brent Cross, Barnet Fenwick, Brent Cross Eastern walk route to Fenwick – Approximately 130m Revised Eastern Pedestrian Route from Bus Station Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWN: CHECKED: H.J D.B DATE: 23/03/2016 SCALES: DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 8 Key Existing Car Parks 79 49 XX Existing Number of spaces 2057 2009 434 27 13 121 281 164 9 17 Brent Cross, Barnet 465 Fenwick, Brent Cross Not Used 329 Existing Brent Cross Car Parking Spaces NTS SCALES: DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: D.B DATE: 10/03/2016 . REVISION: 777 Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 9 Key Brent Cross, Barnet Fenwick, Brent Cross Proposed Brent Cross Car Parking Spaces NTS SCALES: DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: D.B DATE: 10/03/2016 . REVISION: Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 10 Key Upper Floor Lower Ground Floor Brent Cross, Barnet Fenwicks, Brent Cross Access to Fenwick store from the car parks NTS SCALES: DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: D.B DATE: 23/03/16 . REVISION: Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 11 Key Upper Floor Lower Ground Floor Shopping Mall Access Access to Waitrose Brent Cross, Barnet Fenwicks, Brent Cross Access to Fenwick store and Mall from the car parks NTS SCALES: DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: D.B DATE: 23/03/16 . REVISION: Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 12 Fenwicks, Brent Cross Brent Cross, Barnet Pedestrian Survey Results (Thursday) Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: D.B DATE: 23/03/16 SCALES: NTS DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 13 REVISION: . Fenwicks, Brent Cross Brent Cross, Barnet Pedestrian Survey Results (Saturday) Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP Tel: 020 7580 7373 Email: london@vectos.co.uk www.vectos.co.uk DRAWN: H.J CHECKED: D.B DATE: 23/03/16 SCALES: NTS DRAWING REFERENCE: Figure 14 REVISION: . APPENDIX A One Centre Approach APPENDIX B Proposed Bus Station Layout 011 Hot el C Pote loca ntial t MES ion of S 103 ROOM m² dow n up building edge above canopy above NOTE: THE PROPERTY OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS VESTED IN VECTOS (SOUTH) LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. REV. . . . . DETAILS DRAWN CHECKED DATE . . . . . . Notes: 1. This is not a construction drawing and is intended for illustrative purposes only. 2. White lining is indicative only. 3. Based on Chapman Taylor layout: S-807-rev03_Bus Station Lease Plan TfL Fenwick Limited Brent Cross CPO Bus Station Lease Plan DRAWN: transport planning specialists Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP t: 020 7580 7373 e: enquiries@vectos.co.uk CHECKED: TF DB DATE: 24.03.2016 SCALES: 1:500 at A3 DRAWING NUMBER: 151791/SK/16 . REVISION: APPENDIX C Enhanced Eastern Bus Access 011 Hot el C Width of footway 1.4m at pinch point in vicinity of structural column. 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 200mm wide pedestrian barrier set back 500mm from kerb face. . 12 Metre LBSL Bus dow . 12 Metre LBSL Bus n 12 Metre LBSL Bus up Proposed 2.8m wide pedestrian link to shopping centre. 12 Metre 12 Metre LBSL Bus LBSL Bu 12 Metre LBSL Bus Pote loca ntial t MES ion of S 103 ROOM m² s building edge above canopy above 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus e LBSL 12 Metr Inset A Inset B Bus Inset C 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus 12 Metre LBSL Bus NOTE: THE PROPERTY OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS VESTED IN VECTOS (SOUTH) LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. REV. DETAILS A Width of pedestrian link updated. B Updated to suit Aecom comments vehicle type updated, tracking amended. DRAWN CHECKED DATE TF TF DB DB 11.02.2016 23.02.2016 Notes: 1. This is not a construction drawing and is intended for illustrative purposes only. 2. White lining is indicative only. 3. Based on Chapman Taylor layout: S-807-rev03_Bus Station Lease Plan TfL 12 Metre LBSL Bus Overall Length Overall Width Overall Body Height Min Body Ground Clearance Track Width Lock-to-lock time Max Steering Angle (Virtual) 11.910m 2.495m 3.069m 0.420m 2.400m 6.00s 50.00° 11.91 2.33 6.38 Fenwick Limited Brent Cross CPO Bus Station Lease Plan DRAWN: transport planning specialists Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TP t: 020 7580 7373 e: enquiries@vectos.co.uk CHECKED: TF DB DATE: 11.02.2016 SCALES: 1:500 at A3 DRAWING NUMBER: 151791/SK/11 REVISION: B From: To: Subject: Date: David Bird Hugo Johnston FW: Brent Cross Bus Station 22 April 2016 13:04:01 David Bird Director 020 7580 7373 (T) 07767 785 090 (M) Network Building, 97 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 4TP From: David Bird Sent: 08 April 2016 08:28 To: 'FREELEY, Michael' <Michael.Freeley@hammerson.com>; LITTMAN, Ben <Ben.Littman@hammerson.com> Cc: 'Adams Joel (ST)' <Joel.Adams@TfL.gov.uk>; David Leonard <dieonard@leonarddesignarchetects.com> Subject: Brent Cross Bus Station Dear All Here is the agreed note of the meeting between myself and Joel held on Tuesday 5th April at 3pm DB outlined Fenwicks case in relation to the CPO and in particular that they were supportive of the expansion proposals in principle but wished to ensure that the scheme was right from the perspective of Fenwick and the centre as a whole. JA said TfL were in a similar position, supportive of the concept of the scheme, but objecting because there were specific agreements needed to give TfL the assurance it needed. TfL hoped to reach agreement on these to enable it to withdraw its objection. Fenwick considered that a direct route between the eastern end of the bus station and the mall should be provided. This was to provide a better balance to the centre and to reduce the walk distances for those accessing the eastern mall areas (including Fenwicks). Furthermore, the existing route (which required customers to cross the car park access/egress and pass outside the spiral ramp) was unsatisfactory. JA advised that they had no objection in principle to an eastern access route and in fact had discussed such provision when discussing the S73 application but it was not something Hammerson had been keen on at that time. JA said the principle concern would be ensure that a pedestrian desire line was not created leading to passengers jaywalking over the bus deck to the north east corner of the undercroft area of the bus station. Any design must ensure passengers used the eastern crossing of the bus station rather than crossing informally at other locations. DB tabled drawing 151791/SK11 Rev B which showed an option for provision of the route. This allowed for glass screening of the route and a 500mm margin between the screen and kerb. DB suggested Trief kerbs could also be included. It might be possible to reduce this margin. The drawing showed a 2.8m clear footway provision. JA advised that he thought this layout could be acceptable in principle subject to checking of the TRACK plots. It would need to be confirmed that the pathway was adequate to meet the level of demand. Any alterations to the car park ramp would need discussing with Hammerson. The layout is likely to require changing the existing proposal for driver mess facilities, toilets, etc. In relation this there were a number of options for these including a mezzanine level above the main bus stop aisle. JA stressed this would need agreeing with Hammerson as well as it might alter their commercial space. There were also options to provide a two storey unit on the bus station island, with driver mess facilities at first floor. In relation to process TfL would be reluctant to enter into detailed discussions on the layout until they had reached agreement with Hammerson on the currently proposed scheme. JA said the current TfL priority was to get to a stage where they had entered an agreement with Hammerson such that they could withdraw their objection. DB recognised this but advised that Fenwick needed comfort that the proposals would be taken forward into the detailed design stage. On this basis the following was agreed. · The preference was that once TfL had reached agreement on the current scheme (hopefully in the next 4 weeks) they would look in detail at the eastern access scheme to see if it was possible to reach agreement prior to the CPO inquiry. This would need discussing with Hammerson and TfL would not be able to unilaterally agree anything with Fenwicks. · As a back up to this and in parallel, TfL/Hammerson and Fenwick would work towards an Agreed Statement that included provisions for TfL/Hammerson to work towards agreement in detail to provide the eastern access provided a technically satisfactory solution could be achieved. In the interim, AJ agreed to have a quick look at the proposed scheme and raise any immediate issues. DB to issue SK 11 amended to show cross sections etc. APPENDIX D Proposed Walking and Cycling Network APPENDIX E Parameter Plan 02