UVS ROMANIA Association
UVS ROMANIA Association
UVS ROMANIA 1 UVS ROMANIA UVS ROMANIA Association (UVSR): UVSR is a legal entity without patrimonial purpose, with non-governmental and non-political character, established in February 07, 2012. Mission Statement UVSR was founded having as a main purpose: to promote research, development, production and use of autonomous vehicles (UVS), to elaborate of proposals for regulation in the field of UVS in Romania, as well as 2 UVS ROMANIA UVS ROMANIA Association (UVSR) Strategic Goals UVSR aims to attract any interest group such as: National industry, with large and small businesses, (production / services); National authorities; Military and civilian authorities; Local authorities interested in regional development; Universities, academies; Scientific and professional associations, NGOs; Press, etc. 3 UVS ROMANIA ATV Automated Transfer Vehicle UAS UOS UGV Unmanned Aircraft System Unmanned Orbital System Unmanned Ground Vehicle USV Unmanned Surface Vehicle UVS Unmanned Vehicle Systems UUV Unmanned Underwater Vehicle 4 4 UVS ROMANIA Strategic objectives of UVSR - Research, innovation, development and production in the physical sciences and natural, social and human sciences, engineering and technology in general; - Examination of some aspects of the UVS and the offer for possible solutions in related terms of scientific, technical, operational, legal and socio-economic; - Involvement in efforts to promote concepts, technologies and applications of UVS at national and international level; - Facilitating cooperation in the field of UVSs (for naval, aerial and terrestrial unmanned vehicles systems) and exchange of related technologies between governmental entities, NGOs and persons, as the access to information and interactions. 5 UVS ROMANIA Strategic objectives of UVSR - Actions for the adoption of legislative measures, methods, standards and classifications related to UVS, in order to use them both nationally and internationally; - Establishment of a database and on-line archives in the field of UVS; - Creation, production and distribution of promotional materials on any print-media; - Organizing conferences, exhibitions, museums, shows, competitions, rallies or demonstrations; - Advice, assistance and support in the field of UVS; - Creating opportunities/activities of education, instruction, training and development of educational infrastructure in the field of UVS; 6 UVS ROMANIA ROMANIA UVS Strategic objectives of UVSR - The preservation and promotion of the Romanian creative potential and Romanian values; - Information, documentation, research, innovation and industrialization for achieving the goals of the Association; - Acquisition of goods and services necessary for attaining the goals of the Association; - Membership of national and international bodies; - Partnerships with third persons or bodies; - Lobbying activities, resource acquisition and support from anywhere through any legal means; - Any legal action for achieving the goals of the Association. 7 UVS ROMANIA 8 8 UVS ROMANIA 07.02.2012 9 9 UVS ROMANIA 18.02.2011. The support activities for founding UVS ROMANIA Association The first support meetings 27.05.2011 23.09.2011 10 UVS ROMANIA Association Members Founders, each of those who founded the Association; Activ Member (holder), with active involvement in the Association's activities; Sympathiser (correspondent), merely with a desired active involvement or with slight involvement in the actions of the Association; Adherent (from distance), with the desire to involve with remote operations in the actions of the Association, acting as remote proponent or indirectly (on web); Honorary Member, alive or posthumously, if he/she is a positive example for others, through the entire activity carried on. 11 UVS ROMANIA PATRON SPIRITUAL Henri COANDĂ HONORARY MEMBER Gl.mr.(r) dr.ing. Dumitru PRUNARIU 1886 -1972 PRESIDENT Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Laurențiu–Răducu POPESCU HONORARY MEMBER Virgilius Iustin CAPRĂ 1933 - 2015 12 UVS ROMANIA The structure of the UVSR Association General Assembly Board Of Directors: Laurentiu Răducu POPESCU - President Florin NEDELCUŢ – Vice-president Sorin –Gabriel CONSTANTINESCU - Member Sorin DINEA - Member Sabin CODREA - General Secretary The validation Committee Daniel BĂNICĂ - President of the Commission Dorin BÂRSAN Mircea BOŞCOIANU Traian ANASTASIEI Georgică SLĂMNOIU Departments Directors The censor: Dumitru NICA Accountant : Ioana Tania STOEAN Lawyer: Av. Claudiu George CERCEL 13 13 UVS ROMANIA The structure of the UVSR Association Departments : 1. Research and development, education and innovation 2. Regulations and standardization 3. Strategy, policy and communication 4. Operational systems and UVS applications 5. Logistics 14 14 UVS ROMANIA Research & development, education and innovation Department Department Director: Prof. Mircea BOȘCOIANU, PhD, Eng. Mission: Raising the level of awareness of the UVS and development of the scientific and research capabilities in the field of the UVS, in Romania Tasks: Promotes R&D in the area. Ensure liaison with the institutions as The Ministry of Education and Research, NATO-RTO, etc. Follow the trends in the field, keep track of projects and speciality studies. Promotes the organization of specialized courses at educational institutions and helps the teachers to better know the progresses in the field, through experience exchanges and publication of articles in the field. Organizes workshops, scientific sessions & courses in support of UVS activities. Builds the capabilities of the Association coordinating and participating in R&D projects, at domestic or international level. 15 UVS ROMANIA Regulations and standardization Department Departament Director: Prof. Traian ANASTASIEI, PhD Mission: The creation of a legal and regulatory framework conducive to the use of UVS in ROMANIA Tasks: Supports regulatory and national standardization bodies in the development and harmonization of specific rules on the use and exploitation of UV systems. Facilitates contacts between the factors involved and producers, between end-users and regulatory bodies. 16 UVS ROMANIA Strategy, policy and communication Department Departament Director : Prof. Florian RAPAN, PhD Mission: Promoting the Association in the domestic and international context and integrating it into the international UVS community. Tasks: Draw up the proposals of the Association's development strategies. Ensure the interface with similar associations and with other bodies, organizations or institutions with international and domestic role or involvement in the UVS field. Ensure the organization's communication with the outside. 17 UVS ROMANIA Operational systems and UVS applications Department Department Director : Prof. Sorin TOPOR, PhD Mission: The development of industry and the expansion of the operational UVS programmes in ROMANIA. Tasks: Creates and manages the resources of the documentary on the existing systems UVS, UVS programs and their applications, both internationally and nationally. Provides a neutral and transparent framework for the exchange of information and contacts between beneficiaries and manufacturers of UVS. Assist beneficiaries in developing and establishing UVS programs in ROMANIA. Facilitating the exchange of experience between the Romanian beneficiaries of the operational UVS systems. Facilitates contacts between foreign producers and the Romanian industry. 18 UVS ROMANIA Logistics Department Department Director : Daniel BĂNICĂ, PhD Eng. Mission: Provision and management of financial and material resources necessary for conducting the activities of the Association. Tasks: Provide the necessary resources for day-to-day operation of the Association. Solves organizational and administrative issues for activities organized by, or involving Association. Keeps the Association’s accounts. Participate in the elaboration of the proposal of the budget of revenue and expenditure of the Association. Asigură mijloacele IT şi de altă natură necesare funcţionării Asociaţiei. 19 UVS ROMANIA Major activities of the UVSR Association a. Establishing and updating a Web site of the UVS ROMANIA Association (www.uvsr.org); b. Editing a brochure in electronic format on the UVS ROMANIA web domain; c. Promoting UVS ROMANIA Association ; d. Participating with UVSR members at the scientific sessions; e. Organizing a national competition on the UVS; f. Completion of documentation databases relating to the UVS field, as a useful tool in terms of general information on the scope of the missions and specific applications of existing legal entities, both nationally and internationally with concerns and responsibilities in the area of UVS grants and competitions, etc. During the 2012-2014 term, at “Carol I” National Defence University, took place : 2 General Meetings ( 06.04.2012 & 03.04.2014); 5 meetings of the Board of Directors (24.02.2012, 09.03.2012, 23.03.2012, 09.08.2012, 14.02.2014). 20 UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association - Major achievements 2012-2014 Establishing and updating a Web site of the UVS ROMANIA Association(www.uvsr.org) - with the direct support of Ionuț-Bogdan BUTOI; A video presentation spot, which was published on Youtube (UVSR ExpoMil Videoclip - http://youtu.be/Pg8NzjSUWWs) (4 min. 19 sec.) Among recent activities, we may note that in 2014, with the objective to ensure the safety of the public and protection of other users of the airspace during the operation of the unmanned air vehicles, a group of UVSR members, as members of the Romanian Parliament, elaborated and publicly presented a legislative initiative 98 Law of 04-07-2014, that was meant to bring the UAVs among the legally recognized aerial vehicles, in Romania. A parliamentary initiative to modify the Aerian Code – discussions in the Parliament of Romania in the framework of specialized commissions. (http://www.cdep.ro/pls/proiecte/upl_pck.proiect?cam=2&idp=13802) 21 UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association - Major achievements 2012-2014 UVS ROMANIA fully encouraged the participation of our members in UVS workshops, conferences, exhibitions, events & demonstrations, as: EXPOMIL-2013 in Bucharest, Exhibition Stand of S.C. TeamNet International S.A. with Hirrus UAV model), (BUCINSCHI Vasile, PURICEL Ion, POPESCU Laurențiu, SERBESZKI Marius, MARINESCU Cornel). Workshop „Correlation between technological development and current conflicts physiognomy: Content and tendency in the current revolution in military affairs” - „Perspectives and challenges for the use of unmanned aircrafts” presented in 27.09.2013 by Laurenţiu-Răducu POPESCU. (Laurenţiu-Răducu POPESCU, BUCINSCHI Vasile, PURICEL Ion) Workshop end exposition „Strategies XXI” organized at „Charles I” National Defense University – Bucharest, 14-15 Nov. 2013. Demonstration tests of Bluebird Company with SpyLite UAV in 21.02.2013 – Clinceni airport). 22 UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association - Major achievements 2012-2014 Establishing contacts with representatives of professional associations in the field of aviation and the magazine MODELISM. Prof. Constantin ROTARU PhD Eng. (Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics). Diana DUMITRACHE - President of the Association of Aeronautics Cristina CRĂCIUNOIU - Magazine MODELISM Peter van Blyenburgh - UVS INTERNATIONAL Just after its start, UVSR Association started discussion with UVS Intl. Finally, on the proposal of Mr. Peter van Blyenburgh - President of UVS International and according the 03-04-2014 General Assembly decision, UVS ROMANIA Association has acceded to this international body with the request dated 17.04.2014. The promotion of the Association. At each promotion of students, master students, PhD students we present them our Association, encouraging them to participate actively (through course work or through participation at conferences). - We have a UVSR link on the website of the CAROL I National Defense University, which facilitates the acces on the website of the Association also for other interested people on the UVS field. Within the framework of the promotion of the Association were also made two visits to the headquarters of AFT(Autonomous Flight Technology) main supplier of aerial targets Military staff of the Air Force. (Laurenţiu-Răducu POPESCU, George SCUTARU, Sabin CODREA). 23 UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association - Major achievements 2012-2014 Taking appeals for participation in the national working groups in the field of UAV. During the general meeting of the Association of 03.04.2014 have been invited and have participated with presentations: - The Representative of the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority - Remus DOGARU National Certification Head Office / Airworthiness Department. - The Representative of the National Military Aviation Authority (cpt.cdor. George CIUCA - Head certification Department – AAMN). Dated 09.05.2014 UVS ROMANIA Association is also present in the ”Working Group for the establishment of requirements in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – UAV, to meet the operational needs of the structures of SNAOPSN”. Participation in the UNMANNED SOLUTIONS FORUM. On 16 may 2014 Conference room at Romaero Baneasa we attended and I represented the Association, UVS, ROMANIA "in Unmanned Solutions Forum Conference - the first event dedicated to unmanned solutions and their practical applications (www.unmannedforum.eu) Participation in the AFASES-2014 a Asociatiei. În perioada 23-24.05.2014 la Academia Forțelor Aeriene am prezentat Asociatia ,,UVS ROMANIA” în cadrul lucrărilor conferinței. The activity was matched by the demonstrations organized by the company LMC RIM CONSULTING S.R.L. a member of the Association since 2014. 24 UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association - Major achievements 2012-2014 During 12-28.05.2014, SC TEAMNET International, a member of our Association participated with the Hirrus miniUAV system exercise at NATO Joint Trial UNIFIED VISION 2014 (UV14) - Norway. Organizing a Panel UAV in the frame of the International Conference „STRATEGII XXI”, cu tema „Technologies - military applications, simulation and resources”, conducted under the auspices of the Command Faculty and of the General Staff and with the support of the doctoral school. The Conference represented a framework suitable for academic exchanges of ideas, expressing and communicating the latest research results in the field of contemporary military phenomenon, and in fields related to it. It was also organized a static exhibition stand attended by companies TEAMNET (with special guests of this company from Romania and France), SC LMC RIM CONSULTING, SRL, Politehnica University Bucuresti, Association of students and Engineers with scientific and technical Activity X-Projects. Media coverage of the event was in the broadcast of Radio Romania Actualitati of13.11.2014 (22:41 - "Agenda globală" – Producer: Simina Botar - Reporter: Alexandru Ioan) and of the Forțele Terestre Magazine, nr.4 din 2014 (http://www.rft.forter.ro/_wsn/2014_4/01-eve/32.htm din 26.11.2014) as on the internet addresses: http://xprojects.ro/ din 26.11.2014 http://www.unap.ro/index.php/ro/evenimente?id=327 din 26.11.2014 25 UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association - Major achievements 2012-2014 Romanian participation at the 3rd International Conference on RPAS and their operating conditions in controlled airspace ,,Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Civil Operations Conference” (RPA CivOps) through the person of Remus DOGARU (Member al Asociatiei ,,UVS ROMANIA" și National Certification Head Office / Airworthiness Department/ Supervisory Direction of AACR), the event was organized in the period 02-04 December 2014 in Brussels, Belgium, by the Belgian Royal Military Academy and UVS Internaţional. On January 9, 2015, from the initiative of the UVS ROMANIA Association, and directly supported by ,,Carol I” National Defense University was held a consultative meeting with the purpose of organizing a National Workshop on the national regulations, which refers to unmanned vehicles (RPAS). Attended representatives from the Military's National Aviation Authority; Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority; Technical direction and Procurement programs; DIM; Air Force Academy; ,,Carol I” National Defense University, "; UVS ROMANIA Association; TEAMNET; BASSAKA MEDIA. The issue started at this meeting could not be covered due to the complexity of the event constituting the cornerstone of subsequent discussions. Finally came to the conclusion that in an not so distant future, to start the procedures for setting up a national working group and a National Workshop on the initiative of the Romanian Civil Aeronautic Authority and with the support of all participants. 26 UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association - Major achievements 2012-2014 In the 12.02.2015, 10.00 at Romtehnica-Bucharest took place a presentation of RPAS technique of Lockheed Martin Corporation-USA. There were presented the latest products of the company. Emphasis has been placed on the tactical UAV, “Fury” that will probably be the future of tactical UAV models. This event was attended by representatives from National Defense Ministry, “CAROL I” National Defence University and Internal Affairs Ministry. In March 3, 2015 a debate in the field of UAVS was held at the headquarters of Teamnet International S.A. (member of our Association). This activity was attended by academics, military and civilian personnel in the field of research and TEAMNET specialized staff. It was presented the TEAMNET services offer of UAV technology. Emphasis was put on the Romanian model Hirrus and on GIS technology (Geographic Information System). Of note is the fact that TEAMNET company will launch in 2015 various academic programs addressed to students, master and PhD students who wish to specialize in UAV technology. More than half of the time for the event was reserved for a questions and answers session. Discussions focused mostly on the future of this exciting field in ROMANIA and have initiated new contacts for collaboration. With dedication and supporting efforts of the company BASSAKA MEDIA - a member of our Association, ROMANIA and UVS ROMANIA will be present during April 22-24, 2015 in Split - CROATIA at UNMANNED SOLUTIONS FORUM 2015. (USF-2015). We expect also a participation from the leadership of the UVS ROMANIA Association. We wish them succes in the promotion of Romania and of the UVS 27 ROMANIA Association, abroad! UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association - major future activities for 2015 Improving and updating the Association’s website (www.uvsr.org); Promoting the UVS ROMANIA Association; Elaboration of proposals and participation in national regulations in the framework of working groups; Organization of a national UVS contest (according the proposed funds); Editing a brochure in electronic format of the UVS ROMANIA Association on the assocoation web domain”; Supporting members of the Association in the development of joint activities at the national and international level. 28 UVS ROMANIA On the proposal of Mr. Peter van Blyenburgh - President of UVS International and according the 03-04-2014 General Assembly decision, UVS ROMANIA Association has acceded to this international body with the request dated 17.04.2014. dl. Peter van Blyenburgh, Președintele UVS International. http://uvs-international.org/ http://uvs-info.com/ 29 UVS ROMANIA 30 UVS ROMANIA dl. Florin NEDELCUŢ - Vicepreședintele Asociației ”UVS ROMANIA” 31 UVS ROMANIA UVSR Association hasn’t set up yet branches or subsidiaries in the country or abroad. 32 18.02.2011 UVS ROMANIA Association UVS WG 33 27.05.2011 UVS ROMANIA Association UVS WG 34 23.09.2011 UVS ROMANIA Association UVS WG 35 23.09.2011 UVS ROMANIA Association Constituent Assembly 36 06.04.2012 UVS ROMANIA Association The first General Meeting 06.04.2012 UVS ROMANIA Association The first General Meeting 21.02.2013 UVS ROMANIA Association SPYLITE Demonstrations 27-09-2013 UVS ROMANIA Association ROMEXPO 14-15.11.2013 UVS ROMANIA Association Stand Teamnet,,STRATEGII XXI” 03-04-2014 UVS ROMANIA Association A II-A Adunare Generală 03-04-2014 UVS ROMANIA Association A II-A Adunare Generală www.unmannedforum.eu 16-05-2014 UVS ROMANIA Association Unmanned Solutions Forum SC LMC RIM CONSULTING SRL 23-05-2014 UVS ROMANIA Association AFASES -2014 13-11-2014 UVS ROMANIA Association STAND EXPOZIȚIONAL STATIC STRATEGII XXI-2014 10-03-2015 UVS ROMANIA Association TEAMNET VR3 SHADOW 600 IAR-T ARGUS S ARGUS XL SACT 5 BOREAL UAV-ŞOIM 1 ŞI 2 UAV-HIRRUS LICURICIUL 48 HH-1.5 Project Coordinator: Zorin IVAN 49 ARGUS XL Project Coordinator: INAV -SA (Dorin Barsan, PhD Eng.) Partners : UNAp, INCAS, Compozite SRL 50 ARGUS XL Span wing Height Lenght Max weight Payload :5,00 m :1720 mm :4,1 m :140 kg :40 kg Max. speed Cruise speed n=+9 Stall speed (flaps at 40º) Range :300 km/h :210 km/h :63 km/h :min. 300km Project Coordinator: INAV -SA (Dorin Barsan, PhD Eng.) Partners : UNAp, INCAS, Compozite SRL 51 ARGUS XL Project Coordinator: INAV -SA (Dorin Barsan, PhD Eng.) Partners : UNAp, INCAS, Compozite SRL 52 HIRRUS In May 2012, during the B.S.D.A. exhibition (Black Sea Defense & Aerospace), organized in Bucharest, at Romaero Baneasa, the Romanian company TeamNet International S.A. presented several unmanned aircraft systems manufactured in Romania, namely: • the mini UAV system HIRRUS and • two UAV systems, ŞOIM 1 şi ŞOIM 2. Project Team: TeamNet International SA 53 ŞOIM 1 ŞI 2 Project Team: TeamNet International SA 54 UAV In the first week of March 2014 , the Romanian Civil Aeronautics Authority (AACR) handed the first Romanian certificate (YR-D0001 0001) for a UAV, registered under nr. 8/2014 by the order of the Ministry of Transportation. It was handed to Mr. Oakley Isăilă from Medias city, by the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority's, Mr. Armand Padilla, in the presence of the representative of the Ministry of transportation, the General Director of the Aero & NavalTransport Department , Constantin Voicu. http://www.amosnews.ro/conferintaunmanned-solution-forum-2014-05-18 55 Romania and other 12 NATO states (Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Norway, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and United States) will invest three billion euros in order to acquire and share operate five unmanned airplanes, for a global surveillance system, called the Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS-Allied ground surveillance). The UAV’s are of Global Hawk type, are manufactured by the American company Northrop Grumman and will operate from the Italian airbase Sigonella (Sicily). 56 Manufacturer : Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical (Northrop Grumman) / SUA UAV type : HALE Missions : C4ISTAR Cruising speed (km/h) : 650 Service ceiling (m) : 20000 Range (km) : 5500 Endurance - max.(h) : 34 Sensors : Raytheon electro-optic / infrared sensors, SAR, MTI (Moving Target Indicator) 57 UVS ROMANIA Association 58 58 UNMANNED VEHICLE SYSTEMS ROMANIA For ROMANIA, the present-day for USA will be our future in f(x) years, where f(x) depends entirely (100%) of our decisions. Join UVS ROMANIA And f(x) will go asymptotic to zero! ”UVS ROMANIA” ASSOCIATION – Youtube presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg8NzjSUWWs http://www.uvsr.org Contact : Assoc. prof. PhD Eng. Laurenţiu-Răducu POPESCU e-mail:lpopescu@uvsr.org Tel. +40.21.319. 48.80 *int.370 Mob. +40.720.549.012 https://www.facebook.com/uvsr.org 59