- Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation South Africa
- Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation South Africa
Final Report: Wind Uplift Behavior of Wood Roof Sheathing Panels Retrofitted with Spray-applied Polyurethane Foam ______________________________________________ Submitted to: Richard S. Duncan, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Marketing Manager, Spray Foam Insulation Honeywell Specialty Materials Fluorine Products 101 Columbia Road Morristown, New Jersey 07962 Jinhuang Wu, Ph.D. Technical Associate Huntsman 2190 Executive Hills Blvd. Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326 Prepared by: David O. Prevatt, Ph.D. Report No. 03-07 31 August 2007 Principal Investigator Assistant Professor (Structures Group) ______________________________________________________________________ Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering University of Florida 365 Weil Hall P.O. Box 116580 Gainesville, FL 32611-6580 ______________________________________________________________________ FOREWORD The material presented in this research report has been prepared in accordance with recognized engineering principles. This report should not be used without first securing competent advice with respect to its suitability for any given application. The publication of the material contained herein does not represent or warrant on the part of the University of Florida or any other person named herein, that this information is suitable for any general or particular use or promises freedom from infringement of any patent or patents. Anyone making use of this information assumes all liability for such use. ii SUMMARY This report presents the findings of a research program sponsored jointly by Honeywell Specialty Materials (Honeywell) and Huntsman to identify structural benefits of sprayapplied polyurethane foam (SPF) in the mitigation of hurricane damage to residential structures. The work was conducted at the University of Florida (UF) under the direction of Principal Investigator, Dr. David O. Prevatt, assisted by civil engineering graduate and undergraduate students and technicians. The project had three main goals: 1. To investigate the wind uplift behavior of wood roof sheathing connections retrofitted with Spray-applied polyurethane foam; 2. To demonstrate by structural calculations the potential structural benefit (if any) of SPF retrofit in roof truss-to-wall connections, and; 3. To review existing literature on the performance of unvented (sealed) attics and racking strength of SPF-retrofitted panels. UF conducted static wind uplift tests on ½ in. thick by 4 ft by 8 ft oriented strand board (OSB) sheathing that were nailed to 2 in. by 4 in. southern yellow pine (SYP) wood members spaced 2 ft apart. Approximately one third of the panels were retrofitted by an SPF installer who applied 3 in. thick layers of closed cell spray-applied polyurethane foam (ccSPF) and another third had ccSPF fillets installed along the joints between the wood members and the ccSPF sheathing. The final final (control) set of panels were conventionally constructed using either 6d common or 8d ring shank nails. Tests were conducted at UF’s East Campus laboratory using a steel pressure chamber and vacuum pump following a modified ASTM E330 test procedure. The suction pressure on the exterior surface of the OSB sheathing was increased in stages until failure occurred. The ultimate failure capacities of the retrofitted panels were recorded and compared with the failure capacities of the non-retrofitted (control) panels. A total of 49 panels were tested. The mean failure pressure of the control panels was 77 psf, and the full layer ccSPF retrofit increased the mean panel failure pressures by almost 3.1 times, and the panels retrofitted with ccSPF fillets increased by 2.1 times. These controlled experimental results indicate that ccSPF retrofit has potential to improve the wind uplift performance of roof sheathing in wood-framed construction. Additional considerations such as, effect of trapped water between OSB and ccSPF, aged performance of the ccSPF, observed cupping of OSB sheathing, the effect of increased roof shingle temperatures and performance of field retrofitted ccSPF panels still need to be addressed in order to answer several concerns about the suitability of using ccSPF as a retrofit approach in hurricane-damage mitigation. The literature review revealed several recommendations of using ccSPF in the construction of unvented attics. Researchers suggest that unvented attics may be suitable for construction in the hot, humid climate zones (e.g. the south-east United States). While vented attics were recommended as having improved resistance to wind uplift during hurricanes, no scientific test data was found to support these conclusions. KEYWORDS: SPF; Polyurethane; Foam; Wind uplift; Sheathing; Roof; Retrofit, ASTM, Experimental Testing. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD.....................................................................................................................II SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................III 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................1 1.1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................2 2.1 2.2 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................ 12 MATERIALS AND METHODS................................................................................12 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5. USING SPF TO IMPROVE IN-PLANE RACKING STRENGTH OF WOOD-FRAMED WALLS .......... 3 2.1.1 Discussion of NAHB Results ........................................................................... 6 USING ADHESIVES AS A RETROFIT MEASURE FOR ROOFS IN HIGH WIND AREAS ................ 7 2.2.1 Retrofit Structural Adhesive of Sheathing-to-Wood Member Connection....... 8 2.2.2 Retrofitting Roof Truss-to-Wall Plate Connections.......................................... 9 2.2.3 Discussion of Roof Truss-to-Wall Plate Retrofits .......................................... 11 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF CCSPF RETROFITTED PANELS ..........12 3.1 4. BACKGROUND................................................................................................................. 1 TEST CHAMBER ............................................................................................................ 13 ROOF SHEATHING PANEL CONSTRUCTION ..................................................................... 14 CCSPF APPLICATION .................................................................................................... 16 TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................ 18 RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS .........................................................................20 5.1 5.2 5.3 FAILURE MODES FOR CCSPF RETROFITTED ROOF PANELS ............................................ 20 PHASE 1 TESTING ......................................................................................................... 22 PHASE 2 TESTING ......................................................................................................... 25 6. DATA ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................32 7. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ..................................................................................36 7.1 7.2 7.3 8. DESIGN WIND UPLIFT LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05.............................42 8.1 8.2 9. NAIL PULLOUT .............................................................................................................. 36 CCSPF FOAM RETROFIT ............................................................................................... 38 7.2.1 Configuration B – Foam Fillet ........................................................................ 38 7.2.2 Configuration C – Full Foam ......................................................................... 39 PANEL STIFFNESS......................................................................................................... 41 ROOF SHEATHING WIND UPLIFT DESIGN LOADS ............................................................. 42 ROOF-TO-WALL CONNECTION WIND DESIGN UPLIFT LOADS ........................................... 44 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................45 10. FUTURE WORK .....................................................................................................46 REFERENCES................................................................................................................48 LITERATURE REVIEW OF SEALED AND VENTED ATTICS ......................................50 APPENDIX A – DAILY TESTING REPORTS FROM SPF ROOF PANEL TESTING....57 APPENDIX B – INSULSTAR® BROCHURE .................................................................66 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 – Roof-to-Wall Connection Retrofit Methods Using Adhesives (from Jones 1998) ...............................................................................................................................10 Figure 4.1 – Suction Chamber Pump and Controls (Pump #2).......................................14 Figure 4.2 – Test Specimen Layout and Nail Schedule ..................................................15 Figure 4.3 – Application of Second Lift of ccSPF for the Full Foam Specimens .............16 Figure 4.4 – ccSPF Application: (a) Configuration B – Foam Fillet, (b) Configuration C – Full Foam ........................................................................................................................17 Figure 4.5 – ccSPF Foam Fillets: (a) Phase 1 Fillet and (b) Phase 2 Fillet.....................18 Figure 4.6 – Suction Chamber with Roof Panel and Plastic ...........................................20 Figure 5.1 – Adhesive Failure Modes (from http://wikipedia.org) ....................................21 Figure 5.2 – Typical Failure Mode of No Foam Specimens using 8d Ringshank Nails...24 Figure 5.3 – Typical Failure Mode of Foam Fillet Specimens (Phase 1).........................24 Figure 5.4 – Typical Failure Modes for Configuration B on Phase 2 Testing ..................26 Figure 5.5 – First Failure Mode of Configuration C (Phase 2).........................................28 Figure 5.6 – Foam Residue Levels on Wood Members at Failure for Configuration C (Phase 2).........................................................................................................................28 Figure 5.7 – Second Failure Mode of Configuration C (Phase 2) ...................................28 Figure 5.8 – Third Failure Mode of Configuration C (Phase 2) .......................................29 Figure 5.9 – Fourth Failure Mode of Configuration C (Phase 2) .....................................29 Figure 5.10 – Wood Member Initially Twisted on Test Specimen #9 ..............................30 Figure 5.11 – Failure of Wood Member Initially Twisted on Test Specimen #9 ..............31 Figure 6.1 – Comparative Boxplot of Configuration B Showing the Difference in the Fillet Application.......................................................................................................................33 Figure 6.2 – Boxplot of Configuration C Test Specimen Groupings................................34 Figure 6.3 –Boxplots of Failure Pressure of the Combined Data for All Panel Configurations .................................................................................................................35 Figure 7.1 – Comparing Mean Failure Pressure and “Nail” Failure Mode (Tick marks show the 95% confidence intervals for the mean failure load) ........................................38 v Figure 8.1 – Components and Cladding Roof Zones for 7º ≤ Θ ≤ 27º and h ≤ 60 ft (excerpted from ASCE 2006 Figure 6-11C) ....................................................................43 Figure 8.2 – MWFRS Loading Patterns from ASCE 7-05 (ASCE 2006) .........................44 Figure A.1 – Vented and Unvented (Sealed) Attic Concepts (from Hendron et al. 2004) ........................................................................................................................................51 Figure A.2 – Traditional U.S. Climate Zone Regions for Energy-Efficient Building Design (2002)..............................................................................................................................53 Figure A.3 – Map of DOE’s Proposed Climate Zones (Briggs et al. 2002) .....................54 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 – Average Racking Load (lbs) of Each Wall Panel Configuration (excerpted from NAHB 1992)..............................................................................................................4 Table 2.2 – Maximum Racking Load of Wall Panels (lbs) (NAHB 1996) ..........................6 Table 2.3 – Summary Results of Using Adhesive as a Retrofit for Roof-to-Wall Connections (Jones 1998) ..............................................................................................10 Table 4.1 – Pertinent Pump Specifications .....................................................................13 Table 4.2 – Properties of Nails Used in Test Panel Specimens......................................15 Table 4.3 – Test Specimen Configurations .....................................................................17 Table 5.1 – Ultimate Failure Pressures of Test Specimens (Phase 1)............................22 Table 5.2 – Phase 2 ccSPF Uplift Testing Conducted July 2007....................................25 Table 5.3 – Phase 1 Configuration C Specimens Tested July 19-20, 2007....................31 Table 6.1 – Combined Data Summary Statistics for All Panel Configurations ................35 Table 8.1 – ASCE 7-05 Design Wind Pressures for Roof Sheathing Uplift* (psf) ...........43 Table 8.2 – Maximum Design Uplift Force for Roof-to-Wall Connections Using MWFRS* ........................................................................................................................................44 Table A.1 – Global Advantages and Disadvantages of Vented and Unvented Attics .....52 Table A.2 – Climate Zone Definitions (2002) ..................................................................54 vii 1. INTRODUCTION This report details methods, results, and conclusions of engineering investigations to investigate the use of closed-cell Spray-applied Polyurethane Foam (ccSPF) in structural retrofit applications of residential construction in high-wind areas. The research consisted of three primary phases: (1) Wind uplift tests of wood framed roofing panels representative of typical pre-2000 residential building construction and similar panels retrofitted with ccSPF; (2) Design wind load analysis to determine the wind uplift capacity of a roof truss-towall connections retrofitted with ccSPF; (3) Literature reviews of sealed versus vented attics in residential construction and the racking strength potential of ccSPF-retrofitted wall panels. The main deliverable from this research is this report documenting the test methods, results and findings on the use of ccSPF in structural retrofits of residential construction. 1.1 Background Spray-applied Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is a foam product originally developed for use as an insulating material in building (exterior wall and roof) construction. SPF can be spray-applied to the undersides of roof decks and to wall cavities to act as a thermal break between the exterior environment and the temperature controlled interior spaces. SPF has been used in two formulations, namely “open-cell” and “closed-cell” foams. A typical open-cell SPF (ocSPF) has a density of approximately 0.5 pcf, and it is used mainly in filling cavities inside a building. During installation, the chemical undergoes significant volumetric expansion (increasing by about 120 times its liquid volume) making ccSPF Test Report 2 31 August 2007 it ideal as spray-applied insulation for use within wood-framed cavities. Open-cell SPF has an R-value of about 3.6 per inch. Closed-cell SPF (ccSPF) on the other hand, undergoes far less expansion (only increasing by 30 times its liquid volume), and it was developed specifically for its high thermal insulating properties (typical closed-cell SPF has an aged R-value of 6.2 per inch). Closed-cell SPF is used as exterior roofing insulation for low-sloped roofs (once it is protected from ultra-violet light that rapidly degrades the product). Closed-cell SPF is manufactured with a density of 1.7 to more than 3.0 pcf and previous experiments have shown that ccSPF rapidly develops high and tenacious bond (25-40 psi) to many construction materials. Throughout this report, the term spray polyurethane foam or ccSPF will imply closed-cell spray polyurethane foam. Despite the measured strength and stiffness of closed-cell SPF, it has not been used as a structural building material in the United States and there are no available design guidelines relating to its structural properties. Experimental studies and analysis are needed to understand the structural behavior of ccSPF products. Because of the method of ccSPF application (spray-applied), it was felt that a potential structural usage for ccSPF may be as a structural adhesive retrofit for existing residential houses. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW The literature reviewed is on the use of ccSPF in building components and on the subject of structural adhesives used in construction. Appendix C contains a literature review of sealed versus vented attics in residential construction. ccSPF Test Report 2.1 3 31 August 2007 Using SPF to Improve In-Plane Racking Strength of Wood-framed Walls Experimental studies (NAHB 1992; NAHB 1996) investigated using the structural properties of SPF to improve the in-plane racking strength of wood-framed and light gauge steel-framed shear walls. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) conducted tests sponsored by the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI) Polyurethane Foam Contractors Division. The focus of these experiments were to determine if SPF can provide racking resistance against wind loads instead of using traditional bracing techniques, i.e. panel or diagonal bracing. A brief summary of the test method is provided here (excerpted from NAHB 1992). Thirty (30) panels measuring 8 ft by 8 ft panels were constructed using 2 in. x 4 in. wood studs and clad on one side using ½ in. thick by 4 ft by 8 ft gypsum drywall sheets fastened to the framing. The horizontal joint between drywall sheets was taped and finished with drywall compound. The other side of the wall framing was clad with one of three different materials: 1. vinyl-clad panels, 2. 5/8-in. thick T 1-11 plywood siding panels, and 3. “conventionally clad” panels Conventionally clad panels consist of drywall sheet on one side and on the other, a ½-in. thick full plywood sheet (placed vertically) adjacent to a ½ in. by 4 ft by 8 ft fiberboard sheet nailed to the framing members. This sheathing is covered with either the vinyl siding or the T 1-11 siding. The “conventional cladding” simulates the plywood corner shear bracing that is common in residential construction and the fiberboard sheathing is a non-structural sheathing used on the remainder of the structure. ccSPF Test Report 4 31 August 2007 Racking tests were performed according to ASTM Standard E72, “Standard Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction,” Section 14 , which evaluates the racking load of sheathing materials on a standard wood frame (8 ft by 8 ft). Following this procedure, each wall panel has a 3.5 in. by 3.5 in. timber bolted through the top plates and the racking load is applied to one end of this timber. The wall panel is braced so that the wall only deflects in the plane of the load. For each configuration, three wall samples were built and tested and the mean ultimate failure loads are shown in Table 2.1. Tests were conducted on three (3) wall panels for each configuration. Note that in the SPF-retrofitted panels, panels made with four wood stud spacings (16 in., 24 in., 32 in., and 48 in. on center) were tested. The density of the SPF used was 1.5 pcf. Table 2.1 – Average Racking Load (lbs) of Each Wall Panel Configuration (excerpted from NAHB 1992) Stud Spacing SPF Panels Non-SPF Panels Vinyl T 1-11 Vinyl T 1-11 16” 2,800 5,300 913 2,890 24” 2,420 6,387 -- -- 32” 2,588 -- -- -- 48” 2,298 -- -- -- 16” Conventional -- -- 3,853 5,262 From the results, the NAHB study found that SPF retrofits significantly increased the ultimate racking strength of the vinyl-clad and T-1-11 clad wall panels. In addition, the racking resistance of SPF-retrofitted panels constructed with vinyl siding varied from 60% to 72% of the ultimate racking strength of the “conventionally clad” wall panels. ccSPF Test Report 5 31 August 2007 Improvement was also observed in racking strength of the SPF-retrofitted T1-11 wall panels with 16 in. and 24 in. stud spacing, with ultimate racking strengths respectively equaled and exceeded (21%) the performance of the conventionally-clad un-retrofitted wall panel. The variation in stud spacing with SPF-filled wall cavities does not appear to be a major factor in the racking strength. Since the racking strength is within 25% of each other for all SPF filled wall specimens regardless of stud spacing, it seems as if the composite action between only the SPF and the studs is not a major factor in developing the racking strength. Instead, the composite action of the SPF and sheathing and/or the effects of the individual components such as the sheathing and drywall and their fasteners are resisting the racking load. In 1996, the NAHB conducted racking strength tests on light-gauge steel framed walls insulated with conventional batt insulation and with SPF (NAHB 1996). The average density of the SPF used was 2.26 pcf. Only one test was conducted for each of the four wall configurations listed below, following the ASTM E72 test protocol: 1. 7/16” OSB (front side) and ½” drywall (back side) with R-19 batt insulation in wall cavities. 2. ½” drywall (both sides) with R-19 batt insulation in wall cavities. 3. 7/16” OSB (front side) and ½” drywall (back side) with SPF in wall cavities. 4. ½” drywall (both sides) with SPF in wall cavities. The four test panels were framed using 20-gauge steel studs placed vertically at 24 in. on center. One or both sides of the panels were clad with ½ in. thick drywall sheet. As ccSPF Test Report 6 31 August 2007 before, all drywall joints were taped and finished with drywall compound. Results are shown in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 – Maximum Racking Load of Wall Panels (lbs) (NAHB 1996) R-19 batt insulation SPF insulation % Increase in racking strength OSB & drywall 4,800 6,000 25% Drywall & drywall 2,400 5,380 124% Front & back cladding materials Insulation The 1996 NAHB report notes that the SPF-insulated wall panels failed by buckling of the steel framing whereas the batt insulated wall panels had sheathing failure. The racking strengths of both of the SPF insulated wall panels increased over the corresponding batt insulated panels. The racking strength of the SPF insulated panels was close (within 700 lb of each other). 2.1.1 Discussion of NAHB Results The 1992 NAHB test series showed that SPF insulation provided an overall improvement in the racking strength of non-structural cladding wall panels as shown in the results. SPF insulation increased the racking strength of these wall panels by 207% and 83% respectively for the vinyl and T1-11 systems. SPF-insulation is shown to have a beneficial impact on the racking strengths of conventional walls as well as walls having non-structural cladding installed on one side. The SPF-insulated panels also appear relatively insensitive to changes in wall stud spacing as changing the stud spacing from 16 in. o.c. (7 studs) to 48 in. o.c. (3 studs) only reduced the racking strength by 18 %. This result suggests there are structural ccSPF Test Report 7 31 August 2007 benefits of the composite action of the SPF and sheathing that outweigh the effect of different sheathing materials. The results of the 1996 NAHB tests also suggest that SPF-insulation has positive benefits to the racking strength of wall panels. However, these results are less reliable than the earlier experiments as only one test was performed for each wall configuration thereby the results are susceptible to experimental error. Limited value can be derived since only one test was conducted on each panel configuration. While the results show significant improvements in racking strength performance in the experimental wall panels, it is uncertain how well these can be extrapolated to an actual building. Since the tested wall panels were only 8 ft long, the plywood bracing panel occupied 50% of the wall length, whereas in a typical wall of a residential building, the 4 ft wide plywood sheet is more likely to represent a smaller fraction of the overall wall length. No tests provide data on how varying the percentage of structural sheathing would change the results but this researcher suspects that racking strengths for a long wall section is likely to be lower than the values reported in the NAHB studies. 2.2 Using Adhesives as a Retrofit Measure for Roofs in High Wind Areas The use of structural adhesives as a retrofit measure to mitigate hurricane damage to house is not new. Currently, there are structural adhesives on the market that have been used in this manner (e.g. Alpha Foamseal Hurricane Adhesive) [http://www.alphafoamseal.com/index.html]. The Alpha Foamseal website claims that this structural adhesive, which was tested at Clemson University, hardens to create a watertight seal that acts as a secondary water barrier in wood roof structures. ccSPF Test Report 8 31 August 2007 Jones (1998) conducted wind uplift tests using several roof sheathing materials panels to evaluate the effectiveness of the adhesive for retrofit and new construction of wood roofs. Jones’ tested SPF adhesives in two areas, a) sheathing-to-wood member connection and b) roof member-to-wall plate connection, which are discussed in the following sections. 2.2.1 Retrofit Structural Adhesive of Sheathing-to-Wood Member Connection Jones (1998) conducted suction tests on 4 ft by 8 ft roof sheathing panels in a pressure chamber loading the panels monotonically until failure. The sheathing used was 19/32 in. OSB and 15/32 in. 3-ply CDX plywood. Power-driven 8d common nails were used for all of the specimens with a 6 in. on center nailing pattern along the edge wood members and 12 in. on center along interior wood members. Jones tested a total of 97 panels with 11 configurations including a control set of 19 panels. Retrofitted panels had a twopart foaming adhesive sprayed continuously along the sheathing-to-wood member joints. Jones found that the sheathing type affected the uplift capacities. Using the CDX plywood (15/32 in.) the adhesive along with the nails provided about a 200% increase in the uplift capacity of the sheathing over using just nails. Using the OSB (19/32 in.) the adhesive along with the nails provided 100% to 300% increase in the uplift capacity of the sheathing over using just nails depending on the amount of adhesive used. Jones also found specimens constructed using southern yellow pine (SYP) wood members had approximately 15% lower ultimate failure capacities than those constructed using spruce-pine fir wood members. Jones suggested that higher wood density (of the SYP) hinders absorption of the adhesive into the wood. Jones did not consider in-plane shear forces along the wood members that are resisted by the roof diaphragm and transferred through the roof member-to-sheathing connection to the roof members. ccSPF Test Report 2.2.2 9 31 August 2007 Retrofitting Roof Truss-to-Wall Plate Connections Jones (1998) also considered using adhesives as a retrofit measure for the toe-nailed roof-to-wall connections. This type of connection is known to be a weak one that is responsible for hurricane damage to roof structures in past storms. In much of the older residential construction the roof-to-wall connections were made using 2 or 3 nails toenailed (driven through side of one member into a supporting member) into a connection. As a result, under wind uplift loads these nails are placed in withdrawal and they have very low capacities. Several retrofit techniques are available for these connections including metal straps (i.e. Simpson Strong-Tie H2.5 and H10 hurricane straps). Using structural adhesives is another possible approach. Jones constructed four configurations of retrofitted roof-to-wall connections retrofitted with a one-part polyurethane adhesive that was applied between the roof and wall members and the wood blocks (Figure 2.1). The results were compared with failure loads of non-retrofitted roof-to-wall connections that were fastened only with three 8d common nails. Table 2.3 provides a summary of the results. Toe-nailed connections had average uplift capacities of 429 lbs and 343 lbs for SYP and spruce-pine-fur wood members, respectively. Jones found that when using the adhesive connections made using SYP had higher uplift capacities (15-40% more) than sprucepine-fur connections. In addition, when more adhesive was used (double pass) the uplift capacity of the connection increased. Jones also found that the blocks with more surface area contact with the wood members produced a higher ultimate uplift capacity (i.e. Block D uplift capacity was larger than Block E). ccSPF Test Report 10 31 August 2007 (a) Block A – 3.5”x1.5”x1.5” (b) Block C – 0.75”x1.5”x3.5” (c) Block D – 3.5”x1.5”x3.5” (d) Block E – 3.5”x1.5”x1.5” with notch Figure 2.1 – Roof-to-Wall Connection Retrofit Methods Using Adhesives (from Jones 1998) Table 2.3 – Summary Results of Using Adhesive as a Retrofit for Roof-to-Wall Connections (Jones 1998) Connection Configuration Southern Yellow Pine Mean % Increase Sample (psf) Over Control Size Mean (psf) Spruce-Pine-Fir % Increase Sample Over Control Size Control (nails only) 429 N/A 20 343 N/A 20 Block A, single pass of adhesive 1146 167 20 1000 192 20 Block A, double pass of adhesive 1891 341 20 1513 341 20 Block C, single pass of adhesive 700 63 20 N/A N/A N/A Block D, double pass of adhesive 1691 294 18 832 143 19 Block D, no toenails 3475 710 20 2959 763 20 Block E, toenails 3246 657 19 2365 590 20 ccSPF Test Report 2.2.3 11 31 August 2007 Discussion of Roof Truss-to-Wall Plate Retrofits It appears that the amount of surface area between the block and the wood members has a significant influence on the ultimate capacities of these connections as well as the amount of adhesive used. Increasing the wood block surface area increases the uplift capacity. In addition, increased the amount of adhesive also increases the uplift capacity. The amount of adhesive is also dependent on the amount of surface area. Blocks D and E have the highest uplift capacities due to large amount of surface area and subsequent larger amounts of adhesive. Jones noted that in order to achieve a strong adherence between the wood components, the adhesive must be applied to clean surfaces, free of dust and particles. For a retrofit application in an older, existing home, this may be difficult (or sometimes impossible) to achieve. In addition, the ease of placement of these retrofits in the confined space of a residential attic with typical sloping roofs could also be problematic. In some cases, the the ceiling or the roof sheathing may have to be removed and replaced in order fully access and clean the location, which increases the retrofit cost. As a result, the use of spray-applied adhesives to retrofit the roof truss to wall plate connection may not be suitable for all residential buildings. However, if the retrofit can be installed without major work to get access, the additional uplift capacity of this critical connection would be significant. ccSPF Test Report 12 31 August 2007 3. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION of ccSPF RETROFITTED PANELS 3.1 Research Objectives This research and experimental program consists of three primary phases: 1. Experimental Tests to Determine Wind Uplift Resistance of Wood-Framed Roofing Panels – Investigate the structural benefits (if any) of ccSPF in improving uplift resistance of wood-framed residential roofing. 2. Design Wind Load Calculations of ccSPF Adhesive – Illustrate by structural analysis calculations the potential benefits (if any) of ccSPF adhesive in retrofit application to improve wind uplift capacity of roof truss-to-wall plate connection. 3. Literature Review • Research through existing scientific literature and reports the benefits (if any) of sealed attics versus vented attic construction for residential construction. • Determine based on NAHB racking test data the benefits (if any) of ccSPF applied to a wood-framed/plywood shear wall to improve the shear capacity of the wall. 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS University of Florida civil engineering undergraduate and graduate students fabricated the test panels. Xtreme Foam, Inc., a spray-foam applicator installed the ccSPF. Xtreme Foam Inc., located in Orlando, FL, is a professional spray foam contractor that installs InsulStar®, a 2.0 pcf closed-cell spray foam formulated by NCFI Polyurethanes. 24 of 34 panels that were constructed on March 12, 2007 were sprayed with NCFI InsulStar® ccSPF on March 15, 2007. A second set of 15 panels was fabricated on June 17, 2007, 10 of which were sprayed with ccSPF on June 29, 2007. ccSPF Test Report 13 31 August 2007 The testing procedure followed a modified ASTM E330-02 procedure (Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference) (ASTM 2004) where the pressure application was limited to only one direction (suction within the chamber) and no deflection readings were measured. 4.1 Test Chamber We conducted pressure tests using a 6 in. deep steel pressure chamber that measured 4 ft 6 in. by 8 ft 6 in. in plan. The chamber walls are hot-rolled channel members welded to each other at the corners and continuously welded to a steel sheet base. One chamber wall has a 2.0 in. diameter hole that is connected to a vacuum pump by PVC pipe. Two 0.5 in. diameter threaded holes are tapped into the chamber wall for connecting the pressure gauges. Two vacuum pumps were used for the testing, as detailed in Table 4.1, because the first pump failed and had to be replaced. The test setup (for Pump #2) is shown in Figure 4.1. The chamber pressure is adjusted using two valves; a) gate valve to adjust intake of outside air and b) T-valve that closes off the test chamber or the pump, if needed. Table 4.1 – Pertinent Pump Specifications Pump # Model # Serial # Maximum CFM Maximum Pressure (psf) Pump Type Specimens Tested 1 Graham LX180/10/43/ M/K1 066847VP 82 760 Liquid Ring Vacuum 1-3, 6, 12, 14-36 2 US Vacuum CP15 8817 15 2100 Rotary Vane Single Stage 5, 7-9, 11, 13, 1A-5C ccSPF Test Report 14 31 August 2007 Pressure Chamber Pressure Gauges Pump Tee Valve Atmospheric Air Intake Gate Valve Figure 4.1 – Suction Chamber Pump and Controls (Pump #2) 4.2 Roof Sheathing Panel Construction Roof panel specimens were fabricated using ½” by 4 ft by 8 ft oriented strand board (OSB) sheathing and Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) 2 in. by 4 in. framing members. The wood was purchased on March 9, 2007, from Contractor’s Supply, Gainesville, FL. Norbord, an APA-The Engineering Wood Association certified producer, manufactured the OSB sheathing for Exposure 1, with a 32/16 rating. K-D Wood Products Inc. produced the No. 2 grade SYP wood members. The OSB sheathing was fastened to the wood using two (2) power-driven nail sizes in two phases. The first 34 panels used 8d ring shank nails, and the second set of 15 panels used 6d common nails (Table 4.2). We installed the nails using a framing gun, Bostitch Model No. F21PL (Serial No. N88RH-2MCN) powered using compressed air supplied at 40-45 psi. All OSB panels were installed with the interior surface in contact with the framing members. ccSPF Test Report 15 31 August 2007 Table 4.2 – Properties of Nails Used in Test Panel Specimens UF Test Nails Quantity NDS, Appendix L (AF&PA 2001) 6d 8d Common Common ESR-1539, Table 1 (2005) 6d Common 8d Ring Shank Shaft Diameter (in.) 0.112 0.123 0.113 0.131 0.120 Head Diameter (in.) 0.28 0.313 0.266 0.281 n/a Length (in.) 2.0 2.49 2.0 2.5 2.5 8d Ring Shank The wood members for each test specimen were 5 ft long so that the edges rested on the vertical sides of the pressure chamber. Unlike in roof construction, the end members of each panel were not centered along the edge of the sheathing but instead were placed with their outer face flush with the edge of the sheathing (Figure 4.2). Care was taken to consistently install nails true and at the 6”/12” fastening schedule, with nails spaced 6 in. apart on the exterior members and 12 in. apart along the interior wood members. Edge nailing @ 6" o.c. 6" Interior nailing @ 12" o.c. 48" 6" 24" 24" 24" 24" 96" Figure 4.2 – Test Specimen Layout and Nail Schedule ccSPF Test Report 4.3 16 31 August 2007 ccSPF Application During the spray-foam installation, the applicator wore a Tyvex suit, full facemask and a breathing apparatus (Figure 4.3). The ccSPF is made by combining two chemicals (a two-part process), Part A and Part B. Part A or “A-side” is an isocyanate liquid (diphenyl methane di-isocynate or MDI) manufactured by Huntsman. Part B or the “B-side” is a proprietary liquid resin blend manufactured by NCFI Polyurethanes under the InsulStar® brand. The B-side blend consists of polyester and polyether polyols, blowing agents, surfactants, catalysts, fire retardants, UV inhibitors and dyes. In this formulation, Honeywell Enovate® HFC245fa blowing agent is used. When properly applied by a trained applicator, the foam will have the physical properties defined by the InsulStar® data sheet (see Appendix B). The two chemical products are transported in separate containers to the site, and they are mixed using a spray foam machine under high pressure (1000 psi) during application. The test panels were laid out the ground on a plastic sheet, OSB sheathing side down and the ccSPF was sprayed to the panels. Figure 4.3 – Application of Second Lift of ccSPF for the Full Foam Specimens The 49 test specimens were divided into three treatment groups (Table 4.3), as follows: • Configuration A (Control): ½ in. by 4 ft x 8 ft OSB/wood roof panel (described previously, see Section 4.2). ccSPF Test Report • 17 31 August 2007 Configuration B (Foam Fillet): Configuration A, plus an application of a ccSPF fillet adhesive between wood members and roof sheathing, (see Figure 4.4(a)). • Configuration C (Full Foam): Configuration A, plus a 3 in. thick full coverage of ccSPF foam layer between the wood members (see Figure 4.4(b)). (a) (b) Figure 4.4 – ccSPF Application: (a) Configuration B – Foam Fillet, (b) Configuration C – Full Foam Table 4.3 – Test Specimen Configurations Nail Type Configuration A Configuration B Configuration C Total 8d ring shank 10 13 11 34 6d common 5 5 5 15 Totals 15 18 16 49 The ccSPF fillets in the Configuration B specimens were sprayed along either side of interior wood members and on one side of the exterior members (see Figure 4.5). In the two fabrication phases, different application techniques were used to apply the ccSPF fillets to the panels. In Phase 1, the rectangular nozzle of the spray gun was oriented ccSPF Test Report 18 31 August 2007 with the long dimension parallel to the wood member axis (Figure 4.5(a)), whereas in Phase 2, the nozzle was oriented with its long dimension perpendicular to the wood member (Figure 4.5(b)). As a result, the Phase 2 fillets were wider and taller than the Phase 1 fillets, with apparently greater contact area between the ccSPF and OSB sheathing and wood members. (a) (b) Figure 4.5 – ccSPF Foam Fillets: (a) Phase 1 Fillet and (b) Phase 2 Fillet The full ccSPF coverage (Configuration C) foam was installed in two layers or lifts as, we are told, is the practice in residential insulation projects. Application of closed-cell ccSPF in two lifts is required to achieve optimum foam properties. If sprayed in a single pass to achieve a 3.0 in. thickness, the exothermic reaction can negatively affect the foam properties. The first lift was approximately 1.0 to 1.5 in. thick and the second lift completed the 3 in. thickness. The ccSPF rapidly hardens once sprayed onto the panels. About 15 minutes after spraying, the panels were moved into the dry storage facility and covered with a tarpaulin to allow the ccSPF to cure for a minimum of 7 days. 4.4 Test Procedure The testing method is modified from ASTM E330-02 (Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by ccSPF Test Report 19 31 August 2007 Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference) procedure (ASTM 2004). Currently no standard test procedures exist for the determination of wind uplift performance of wood roof structures. The main modifications to ASTM E330 test procedure were as follows: • pressure is applied in one direction only, i.e. suction or reduced pressure within the test chamber, • no deflection readings are taken to record permanent deformation of the panels, • the chamber pressure is reduced in 15 psf increments, applied and maintained for approximately 10 seconds, and • the recovery period for stabilization is not used. Test specimens were placed on the chamber, sheathing side down, with wood members spanning the short dimension of the chamber. The test specimen was loosely covered with a single thickness of 2 mil (0.002 in.) thick polyethylene film so that the membrane did not prevent movement or failure of the specimen. The polyethylene film had extra folds at the corners and around the wood members, so that when the pressure is applied there were not fillet caused by tightness or the plastic. The plastic film was adhered to the test chamber walls using duct tape (3M L155-XW) to create an airtight seal (see Figure 4.6). ccSPF Test Report 20 31 August 2007 Figure 4.6 – Suction Chamber with Roof Panel and Plastic We reduced the chamber pressure by slowly closing the gate valve at the atmospheric air inlet. We reduced the chamber pressure in 15 psf increments, which was held constant for 10 seconds at each pressure increment. We measured the chamber pressure using a general-purpose digital pressure gauge (Omega, Model No. DPG8000VAC; Serial No. 1015044), which is calibrated in inches of mercury (inHg) (1 inHg = 70.73 psf). The test proceeded in this manner until panel failure occurred and the peak pressure recorded. We removed the plastic sheet and at failure and examined the specimen to determine its failure mode and other pertinent information. 5. RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS 5.1 Failure Modes for ccSPF Retrofitted Roof Panels We observed five distinct failure modes in the roof panels. This section briefly describes these failure modes. Failure can occur in the sheathing (nail pull-through), in the wood member (nail withdrawal or wood fracture) or in the ccSPF itself. For this discussion, the wood member and sheathing are called the adherents and the ccSPF, the adhesive (Figure 5.1). ccSPF Test Report 21 31 August 2007 Figure 5.1 – Adhesive Failure Modes (from http://wikipedia.org) • “Cohesive” Fracture – A crack propagates through the adhesive and portions of the fractured adhesive remain on the adherent material (wood members and sheathing). • “Adhesive” or “Interfacial” Fracture – Debonding occurs between the adhesive and the adherent. For ccSPF application to wood, adhesion is achieved by mechanical means with the adhesive working its way into small pores in the wood instead of a chemical bond. • Mixed Fracture – Failure occurs if the crack propagates as a cohesive fracture in some places and as an adhesive fracture in other places. • Alternating Crack Path – The crack jumps from one interface to the other due to tensile pre-stresses in the adhesive. • Fracture in the Adherent – The adhesive remains intact but the adherent fractures due to a tougher adhesive than adherent. ccSPF Test Report 5.2 22 31 August 2007 Phase 1 Testing Table 5.1 provides wind uplift capacities of the Phase 1 roof panels tested. Appendix A provides observations about each individual panel. Table 5.1 – Ultimate Failure Pressures of Test Specimens (Phase 1) Date of Test Configuration A Configuration B Configuration C Sample ID # Pressure (psf) Sample ID # Pressure (psf) Sample ID # Pressure (psf) 4/5/2007 27 88 26 158 12 252a 4/6/2007 28 70 22 126 2 285 29 100 24 165 3 267a,b 30 46 1 238 6 180a 4/18/2007 4/20/2007 4/21/2007 5/14/2007 19 154 31 85 21 163 32 85 18 192 17 179 16 106 15 106 14 168 20 168 33 71 23 135 34 90 25 170 35 71 36 71 Mean (psf) 77.7 154.9 244.7 Std. Dev. (psf) 15.16 25.65 39.94 COV (%) 19.5% 16.6% 16.3% a. Failure occurred at a knot in the wood member. b. Nail heads removed prior to testing. ccSPF Test Report 23 31 August 2007 The initial specimens were tested in a sequential order (a panel from A then B then C) to ensure uniformity in the test sequence between panel configurations. On April 20, a Configuration C panel (#13) was tested but vacuum pressure in the chamber would not exceed a pressure of 212 psf. The panel did not fail at this pressure. The remaining Configuration A and B panels were tested since their previous maximum failure pressures were less than 200 psf. The pump worked correctly for these specimens but a new pump was ordered that could attain a higher pressure and fail the Configuration C panels. Specimen #13 was retested with the new pump in July and is recorded in Section 5.3, Table 5.3. The typical failure mode for Configuration A (control) panels was nail pull–through. The ring shank nails remained in the wood members and the OSB sheathing failed locally around them (see Figure 5.2). For Configuration B, the typical failure mode was the nails pull-through (described above) and a combination of adhesive/cohesive failure of the ccSPF at the sheathing and wood member interfaces. (see Figure 5.3). In some cases, very little ccSPF material remained on the wood, indicating an adhesive fracture. In other cases, a substantial amount of ccSPF remained on the wood, indicative of a cohesive failure. We observed three failure modes in the Configuration C (full coverage) panels: 1. The wood member separated from the foam on both sides leaving the foam attached to the OSB sheathing. The wood member sometimes had little to no foam residue remaining on the wood member (adhesive fracture) and sometimes a significant amount of foam residue was evident (cohesive fracture). ccSPF Test Report 24 31 August 2007 2. The wood member separated on one side from the foam (usually an interfacial fracture) and on the other side the foam remained attached to the wood member but separated from the OSB sheathing (cohesive failure). Whenever the foam separated from the sheathing, approximately 5-10 inches of foam would remain on the wood member. 3. One of the wood members would split (adherent fracture) always at a knot in the wood. Figure 5.2 – Typical Failure Mode of No Foam Specimens using 8d Ringshank Nails (Nail Heads Pulled Through Sheathing) Figure 5.3 – Typical Failure Mode of Foam Fillet Specimens (Phase 1) ccSPF Test Report 5.3 25 31 August 2007 Phase 2 Testing Phase 2 of the ccSPF panel tests consisted of a second set of specimens tested July 18-19, 2007, using Pump 2. Fifteen specimens were tested in three configurations (A, B, and C) with five replicates each. The only difference in these specimens from the earlier specimens was Configuration B – the foam fillet. The fillet for this set of five was applied perpendicular to the wood member as opposed to parallel with it as was the case with the first set (see Figure 4.5, Section 4.3). Table 5.2 shows the data from these testing days. Table 5.2 – Phase 2 ccSPF Uplift Testing Conducted July 2007 Date of Test 7/18/2007 Configuration A Configuration Bb Configuration C Sample ID # Pressure (psf) Sample ID # Pressure (psf) Sample ID # Pressure (psf) 1A 75.0 1B 194.5 1C 282.9a 2A 105.4 2B 178.2 2C 246.1 3A 71.4 3B 178.2 3C 200.2a 7/19/2007 4A 76.4 4B 146.4 4C 253.9 5A 46.7 5B 177.5 5C 268.8 Mean (psf) 75.0 175.0 250.4 Std. Dev. (psf) 20.86 17.50 31.42 COV (%) 27.8% 10.0% 12.5% a. Failure occurred at a knot in the wood member. b. Spray nozzle long dimension held perpendicular to wood member longitudinal axis. The typical failure mode for Configuration A was nail pull out—nails remaining in the sheathing and pulling out of the wood members. On one test (#5A), one of the end nails on the center wood member pulled through the sheathing. It was observed that this nail was closer to the edge of the sheathing than other end nails. During this test (#5A) slow ccSPF Test Report 26 31 August 2007 nail withdrawal of the sheathing from the wood members was initiated on the side where the nail had pulled through the sheathing. By the time the test was stopped, the nail on the opposite end of the wood member had just started to withdraw from the wood member evidenced by a small visible separation between the wood member and the sheathing at the end. There were two typical failure modes of the Configuration B specimens during Phase 2 testing. The first failure mode was separation of the wood member from the foam on both sides (see Figure 5.4(a)). This separation from the wood member was sometimes an interfacial fracture evidenced by no foam residue remaining on the wood member. Sometimes we observed a cohesive failure evidenced by significant foam residue remaining on the wood member. The other failure mode was separation of the foam from the sheathing on one side of the wood member (cohesive failure) and separation from the wood member on the other side (interfacial fracture) (see Figure 5.4(b)). (a) (b) Figure 5.4 – Typical Failure Modes for Configuration B on Phase 2 Testing ccSPF Test Report 27 31 August 2007 There were four different types of failure modes for the Configuration C specimens. 1. The wood member separated from the foam completely and the foam remained intact on the sheathing (see Figure 5.5). The separation from the wood member was sometimes an interfacial fracture evidenced by no foam residue on the wood member and sometimes a cohesive failure evidenced by significant foam residue remaining on the wood member (see Figure 5.6(a)). Sometimes when separation occurred from the wood member, approximately half of the wood member (in the 3.5 in. dimension) would have significant foam residue remaining and the other half would not (mixed failure) (see Figure 5.6(b)). This is most likely due to one of the lifts of foam achieving a stronger bond with the wood than the other lift. 2. The foam separated from the sheathing but remained intact on the wood member (see Figure 5.7). In this failure mode, the failure was always a cohesive failure since there was always significant foam residue remaining on the sheathing. When the foam remained on the wood member and separated from the sheathing, the amount of foam that broke from the sheathing was nearly constant. Approximately a 7-8 in. width of foam would remain attached to the wood member (see Figure 5.7). 3. A combination of failure modes 1 and 2 above (see Figure 5.8). 4. The wood member failed by splitting (adherent failure) and occurred twice in the five specimens. It was observed that the failure occurred at a knot in both of the wood members (see Figure 5.9). ccSPF Test Report 28 31 August 2007 Figure 5.5 – First Failure Mode of Configuration C (Phase 2) (a) Interfacial failure (b) Mixed failure (c) Cohesive failure Figure 5.6 – Foam Residue Levels on Wood Members at Failure for Configuration C (Phase 2) ~8 in. ~8 in. Figure 5.7 – Second Failure Mode of Configuration C (Phase 2) ccSPF Test Report 29 31 August 2007 ~8 in. Figure 5.8 – Third Failure Mode of Configuration C (Phase 2) Knot in wood member Figure 5.9 – Fourth Failure Mode of Configuration C (Phase 2) Several (6) Configuration C specimens constructed at the same time as the original specimens in March 2007, were tested approximately 4 months after the original specimen tests. These six specimens were tested on July 19-20, 2007. All of these specimens had a significant bowing effect. When laid on the suction chamber, the exterior wood members did not touch the chamber. The gap between the wood ccSPF Test Report 30 31 August 2007 members and the chamber was 0.5 to 1.125 in. These six panels were stacked on top of one another and stored in the dry storage facility during the four months from construction to testing. Specimen #9 also had one of the wood members skewed at an angle of approximately 60º from horizontal (see Figure 5.10). All of the nail heads had already pulled almost all of the way through the OSB sheathing, yet no visible separation of the foam from the wood was noticeable. The failure of this member was a cohesive fracture on one side of the member through the foam since a large section of foam remained attached to the wood member (see Figure 5.11(a)). On the other side of the wood member, a mixed fracture was evident due to significant amounts of foam remaining on the member in some places and little to no foam in other places (see Figure 5.11(b)). After failure, we observed that a significant amount of foam had actually been between the wood member and the OSB sheathing (see Figure 5.11(a)). Figure 5.10 – Wood Member Initially Twisted on Test Specimen #9 ccSPF Test Report 31 31 August 2007 (a) (b) Figure 5.11 – Failure of Wood Member Initially Twisted on Test Specimen #9 Table 5.3 shows the raw data from these six tests. The failure modes were similar to those for the Configuration C specimens sprayed with ccSPF on March 15, 2007. Table 5.3 – Phase 1 Configuration C Specimens Tested July 19-20, 2007 Date of Test Sample ID # Pressure (psf) 7/19/2007 7 178.9 5 240.5 11 237.6 13 253.2 9 139.3 8 269.5 7/20/2007 Mean (psf) 219.8 Std. Dev. (psf) 49.9 COV (%) 22.7% ccSPF Test Report 6. 32 31 August 2007 DATA ANALYSIS A statistical analysis of the data gathered on the ccSPF specimens was performed, assuming a 0.05 (α = 0.05) significance level for all tests. Our F-test on the data set showed that the variances of each treatment (Configurations A, B & C) from Phase 1 and Phase 2 should be the same. In addition, the Student’s t-test on the mean values of each treatment did not show any significant differences in means between Phase 1 and Phase 2 results, despite the fact that physically several specimen characteristics had changed (nail, type, cupping of sheathing in Phase 2, ccSPF color, cure time of ccSPF, etc.). For Configuration B, the mean uplift capacities between Phases 1 and 2 were not significantly different from each other, despite longer cure time in Phase 1 and application method of fillet (see Figure 4.5, Section 4.3). Figure 6.1 shows a comparative boxplot of these two different foam fillets. The top and bottom of the vertical lines in the boxplot represent the spread of the data, and the lowest and highest horizontal lines in the boxplot represent the first and third quartiles of the data respectively. The middle horizontal line represents the median. The results suggest that the larger fillet (constructed June 2007) has a higher overall resistance and less variability possibly due to the fact that there is a larger area to which the foam adheres. ccSPF Test Report 33 31 August 2007 200 Panel Failure Pressure (psf) 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 March/April June/July Configuration B Construction/Test Dates Figure 6.1 – Comparative Boxplot of Configuration B Showing the Difference in the Fillet Application We found no statistically significant difference in the uplift capacity between the six Configuration C specimens that cured for 12 weeks versus those that were only cured for 3 weeks, although the mean uplift capacity of the specimens that had cured longer was lower by 25 psf. Therefore, we conclude there is no strength degradation due to aging at the 0.05 confidence level. Figure 6.2 shows a comparative boxplot of the Configuration C specimens grouped by both fabrication date and test date for the specimens. The longer cured specimens (the March/July group) show a larger spread in the data, as well as the lowest failure values of the three groups. One of these Configuration C panels actually failed at uplift pressure of 140 psf or 20 psf lower than mean uplift capacity of the Configuration B panels. While this is an extreme value, we do not see evidence that this value is an outlier that should be removed from the analysis. However, the larger spread and low ccSPF Test Report 34 31 August 2007 failure values suggest that the variability in uplift capacity increases with ccSPF foam age. 300 Panel Failure Pressure (psf) 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 March/April June/July March/July Configuration C Construction/Test Dates Figure 6.2 – Boxplot of Configuration C Test Specimen Groupings We concluded from our t-test analysis that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that the cure times were a factor in the results and so it was permissible to group together all data for each treatment (Configurations A, B, and C) tested. Figure 6.3 shows a comparative boxplot of the combined data sets (ignoring cure time) for the three configurations. The spread in the data is largest in Configuration C due to the older specimens. Table 6.1 gives a summary of our data analysis and the confidence intervals for each configuration. ccSPF Test Report 35 31 August 2007 300 Panel Failure Pressure (psf) 250 200 150 100 50 0 A B C Configuration Figure 6.3 –Boxplots of Failure Pressure of the Combined Data for All Panel Configurations Table 6.1 – Combined Data Summary Statistics for All Panel Configurations Configuration A B C Mean (psf) 76.8 160.5 237.2 Std Dev (psf) 16.55 24.94 41.44 COV (%) 21.6% 15.5% 17.5% Minimum (psf) 46.0 106.1 139.3 Maximum (psf) 105.4 194.5 285.0 Number of Samples 15 18 16 95% Confidence Level (psf) ±9.2 ±12.4 ±22.1 95% Confidence Level as Percentage of Mean ±11.9% ±7.7% ±9.3% 95% Confidence Level (Lower Bound) (psf) 67.6 148.1 215.1 95% Confidence Level (Upper Bound) (psf) 86.0 172.9 259.2 ccSPF Test Report 36 31 August 2007 Further, our t-test analyses showed overwhelming evidence that the mean values for the three configurations differed significantly from each other (with P-values approximately 10-6 to 10-12). In other words, the mean uplift capacity of the Configuration B panels (foam fillet) was significantly greater than mean value for the Configuration A (no foam) panels. Similarly, the mean uplift capacity of the Configuration C panels (full foam) panels indeed is significantly larger than either the Configuration A or B panels tested. 7. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 7.1 Nail Pullout Table 11.2C of the National Design Specification (NDS) (AF&PA 2001) provides allowable nail withdrawal strengths in wood, which according to McLain (1997) assumes a factor of safety of 6.0. Ring shank nails have higher withdrawal strengths over the equivalent size common nail, e.g. the withdrawal strength of an 8d ring shank nail fastened in southern yellow pine (SYP) is 46 lbs per in. penetration versus a 41 lbs per in. withdrawal strength for an 8d common nail driven into the same material (using a specific gravity of 0.55). It is reported in the technical literature (i.e., McLain (1997)) that ring shank nails can provide improved withdrawal resistance. This withdrawal strength is highly dependent on several factors, including geometry of the threads, head size, manufacturing quality, etc., and there are few standards to ensure uniformity. The NDS does not provide any values for nail pull-through strengths for any roof sheathing materials. Chui and Craft (2002) conducted tests that showed nail pull-through strengths need to be accounted for in the design of fasteners. Using ½ in. thick OSB and Canadian soft plywood (CSP) ccSPF Test Report 37 31 August 2007 their results confirmed that nail head pull-through failures can occur at lower loads than the nail withdrawal capacities. In the 2007 UF roof panel wind uplift tests, we observed two failure modes; a) nail withdrawal from the wood member and b) nail head pull through the OSB roof sheathing. The first failure mode occurred in configuration panel tests where panels were fastened with 6d common nails. Nail pull through failures were observed in all other tests (8d ring shank nails). The mean failure pressures of Configuration A panels fastened with 6d common and 8d ring shank nails were 75 psf and 78 psf respectively. These failures values represent two failure modes – nail withdrawal and nail pull-through respectively. The observed failure mode of the panels fastened with 8d ring shank nails is the nail pulling through the ½ in. OSB sheathing. There is no statistical difference in the mean failure loads of the ccSPF retrofitted panels using 8d ring shank or 6d common nails at a 0.05 significance level for the three individual configurations. Figure 7.1 shows a 95% confidence level interval for the mean failure load of the three configurations tested with respect to nail failure mode. ccSPF Test Report 38 31 August 2007 300 Pressure (psf) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Pull Through Withdrawal Pull Through Withdrawal Pull Through Withdrawal Configuration A Configuration B Configuration C Figure 7.1 – Comparing Mean Failure Pressure and “Nail” Failure Mode (Tick marks show the 95% confidence intervals for the mean failure load) The wind uplift resistance of Configuration A is controlled by the lower withdrawal capacity of the 6d common nails and not by flexural behavior of the OSB sheathing. The major factors affecting nail pullout resistance are length of penetration of the fastener into timber member, the density of wood, fastener diameter, and shank profile. Chui and Craft (2002) showed that the mean pull through load was the same for ½ in. OSB and softwood plywood but the variability in the OSB results was much larger. 7.2 7.2.1 ccSPF Foam Retrofit Configuration B – Foam Fillet The ccSPF fillet in the Configuration B panels increases the uplift capacity of the roof panels by 2.1 times the capacity using only nails (Configuration A). As mentioned earlier, the foam fillets in the Configuration B panels were applied using two different techniques (Section 4.3 and Figure 4.5), but the difference in results was not statistically significant. However, the reader is cautioned that the relatively small sample sizes may be insufficient to conclusively determine apparent differences. Further testing is ccSPF Test Report warranted. 39 31 August 2007 Although the coefficients of variation were almost equal (16.6% versus 15.5%), it appears that ccSPF application is better controlled and more consistent (visually) when the fillet is applied perpendicularly to the wood member, and a larger volume of ccSPF is required. We suspect that greater control in application technique will minimize the variability in the strength of the fillet and hence in uplift capacity. We also noted that the size of the ccSPF fillet is proportional to the application rate and/or speed that the spray nozzle moves along the wood member. With slower nozzle moving speed, more foam is applied in a given area at a given time. Therefore, it should be no surprise that that the ultimate wind capacity is related to the application technique and to the skill of each applicator. 7.2.2 Configuration C – Full Foam Application of a 3 in. thick ccSPF layer (Configuration C) over the panel resulted in a 3.1 time increase in uplift capacity over using just nails (Configuration A). The following sections describe various points of interest in the failure capacities of these specimens. Wood Member Failure In five specimens (#3, 6, 12, 1C, and 3C) a wood member failed during testing. Failure always occurred at a knot in the wood, and all failures (except #3) were at interior wood members. The average uplift failure load of these five panels is 236.6 psf with a COV of 18.7%. The difference between the two extreme failure loads for these five panels is more than 100 psf. In fact, three of the five failure loads are greater than 250 psf which is more than the overall average uplift failure load and the average uplift failure loads of their respective groups (Phases 1 and 2). The fact that three wood member failure pressures are greater than the overall uplift failure pressure indicates that the failure of the wood members does not seem to be an issue with respect to the ultimate failure ccSPF Test Report 40 31 August 2007 loads. In addition, if the five wood member failure loads are removed from the data set, the overall mean uplift failure loads of the Configuration C panels is 237.4 psf with a COV of 17.8% compared to 237.2 psf and 17.5% when the panels are included. Therefore, the wood member failure is not significant with respect to the ultimate capacity of the ccSPF itself. “No Nail” Uplift Test Prior to testing Specimen #3, a full foam retrofit panel (Configuration C), we removed the nail heads using a grinder in order to determine the holding power of the ccSPF itself. We assumed that the nail without its head provides no resistance to sheathing withdrawal from the wood members. With this modification, the Specimen #3 failed at an impressive 267 psf, or approximately 20 psf higher than the mean uplift capacity of the Configuration C, Phase 1 specimens. The failure mode was not even in the foam itself, rather one of the exterior wood members failed at a knot. None of the other wood members separated from the foam or the OSB sheathing. While this test provided only one data point, which is insufficient to draw any statistical conclusions, it provides anecdotal evidence of the potential retrofit advantage of the ccSPF layer. This observation warrants further testing in the future. Aging Considerations The test specimens tested after curing for four months also exhibited a lower mean uplift capacity (219.8 psf) than those that cured for only 2 to 3 weeks (244.7 psf and 250.4 psf), even though statistically the mean uplift capacities were not different from each other. Again, we consider the reduced strength of the older specimens is a cause for further investigation. ccSPF Test Report 41 31 August 2007 Strength degradation of structural adhesives with time is a factor that needs to be accounted for and can be a major issue when using adhesives in structural retrofits. This phenomenon was discussed in the study (Jones 1998) reported in the literature review. Until, further studies show otherwise, it is recommended that an “aging” factor of safety should be used, if ccSPF is to be used as a structural adhesive in long-term (>6 months) applications. The safety factor should be determined through further testing and/or reliability studies. 7.3 Panel Stiffness Previous experimenters found that the panel stiffness influences the effectiveness of the roof sheathing to wood member connection, especially for panels installed using adhesives (Jones 1998). Excessive panel deflections can cause the adhesive to fail. The stiffness of a roof panel can be increased in several ways: by increasing the sheathing thickness, by reducing the spacing between wood members, or by, for example, adding a structural foam layer, which creates a deeper composite section with increased section moment. Jones (1998) also cautions that higher construction loads on the roof after the adhesive is applied can cause the adhesive to crack or fail before uplift loads are applied to the roof. We can expect that if we change the roof sheathing material (i.e. using say a 19/32 in. OSB or plywood instead of ½ in.), the pull-through resistance will also change (increase) and once the pull-through resistance exceeds nail withdrawal strength a different failure mode will occur. ccSPF Test Report 8. 42 31 August 2007 DESIGN WIND UPLIFT LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 ASCE 7-05 (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures) (ASCE 2006) is a standard published by the American Society of Civil Engineers provides baseline structural loads for design of buildings. This standard is adopted and included in many building codes across the country. Chapter 6 describes the approach to determine wind design loads. 8.1 Roof Sheathing Wind Uplift Design Loads The design loads for roof sheathing wind uplift loads are calculated according to the (Analytical) Method 2 for Components and Cladding (C&C) described in ASCE 7-05 (Section 6.5). The C&C method divides the roof into three different zones with varying design uplift pressures to account for the variability in suction loads on a roof (see Figure 8.1 for a description of the zones). The wind uplift loads presented in Table 8.1 are determined for a building with a 30 ft roof span and roof pitch of 4 in 12 (18.4º). The mean roof height is less than or equal to 30 ft. The upwind exposure is Category B (suburban), and the design loads are calculated for wind speeds of 130, 150, and 170 mph. The design wind speed is a 3-second gust speed given at 33 ft above ground in an open terrain. The building is assumed to be partially enclosed. ccSPF Test Report 43 31 August 2007 Figure 8.1 – Components and Cladding Roof Zones for 7º ≤ Θ ≤ 27º and h ≤ 60 ft (excerpted from ASCE 2006 Figure 6-11C) Table 8.1 – ASCE 7-05 Design Wind Pressures for Roof Sheathing Uplift* (psf) Design Wind Speed (mph) Zone 1 (Interior) Zone 2 (Edge) Zone 3 (Corner) 10 square foot effective area 130 -37.3 -57.9 -81.1 150 -49.7 -77.1 -108.0 170 -63.8 -99.0 -138.7 20 square foot effective area 130 -36.0 -54.1 -75.9 150 -48.0 -72.0 -101.1 170 -61.6 -92.4 -129.9 100 square foot effective area 130 -34.8 -45.0 -65.6 150 -46.3 -60.0 -87.4 170 -59.4 -77.0 -112.3 *Based on a suburban exposure with a mean roof height of less than 30 ft. ccSPF Test Report 8.2 44 31 August 2007 Roof-to-Wall Connection Wind Design Uplift Loads Design wind uplift loads for the roof-to-wall connection are presented in Table 8.2. The conditions are the same as for the sheathing uplift loads presented in Table 8.1. The roof-to-wall connection loads, however, are calculated using the Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) method in ASCE 7-05. There are effectively two different loading patterns for this design (see Figure 8.2). Table 8.2 shows the maximum resultant design loads. Transverse Wind Loading Longitudinal Wind Loading Figure 8.2 – MWFRS Loading Patterns from ASCE 7-05 (ASCE 2006) Table 8.2 – Maximum Design Uplift Force for Roof-to-Wall Connections Using MWFRS* Design Wind Speed (mph) Maximum Design Uplift Force (lbs) 130 1110 150 1480 170 1910 *30-ft roof span, 4:12 roof slope, <30 ft mean roof height, suburban exposure, partially enclosed It is immediately obvious comparing these results with Jones (1998) findings that toenailed connections of SYP wood members to walls with ultimate wind uplift capacity of 429 lbs are woefully inadequate (by a factor of 2.6 for SYP in 130 mph zones) to resist uplift forces. Generally, the recent building codes have been revised to reflect this ccSPF Test Report 45 31 August 2007 knowledge, and toe-nailed connections are not allowed to be used in residential construction. However, there remains a substantial inventory (the majority) of existing homes that have not been retrofitted and are, therefore, susceptible to roof blow off. Jones (1998) results showed that spray-applied structural adhesives used in combination with wood blocking can increase the wind uplift resistance of the roof-to-wall connections. Since the wind uplift capacities of the ccSPF-retofitted roof panels in these tests provided a similar increase in uplift capacity as the earlier Jones tests, it is likely that using ccSPF and wood blocking will also improve the uplift capacity of toe-nailed roof-to-wall connections. However, to achieve consistent capacities in field application as observed in the laboratory tests, the devil may be in the details. Issues such as accessing the joints in confined attic spaces, preparing the wood surfaces and applying the adhesive must be considered and tested. 9. • CONCLUSIONS Experimental results have shown that applying a ccSPF fillet along wood roof member can increase the wind uplift capacity of ½” thick OSB roof sheathing panels by more that two times the uplift capacity of the a control panel fastened using only nails. The results further also showed that a continuous 3 in. thick ccSPF layer can increase the wind uplift capacity by as much as three times that of the control roof panel. • The use of SPF as a retrofit technique for roof member-to-wall connections needs further validation through experimental studies, (listed below in Future Work). An analytical model of the ccSPF retrofit will enhance its use as a structural adhesive. However, extensive finite element modeling and testing is needed to make this so. ccSPF Test Report • 46 31 August 2007 The performance of aged ccSPF may be a factor in the uplift capacity of the retrofitted roof panels suggested by the increased variability in wind uplift capacity results for the “aged” ccSPF-retrofitted panels. • Nail selection (6d common versus 8d ring shank) did not appear to have an effect on the uplift capacity of the ½” thick OSB retrofitted roof panels. The uplift capacity may be increased by using thicker sheathing panels or selecting a different sheathing material (i.e. plywood). 10. FUTURE WORK The experimental work and results presented in this report about using ccSPF as a roof retrofit technique in high wind areas provide a good start to understanding the behavior of retrofitted roof sheathing panels. However, to fully understand the behavior and interaction of the SPF with the roof sheathing panels, several other factors should be considered. While, the potential is good the following lists potential areas for research: • Flexural stiffness of roof sheathing – can this affect the uplift capacity of ccSPF retrofitted panels • Compatibility of roof sheathing in contact with ccSPF • Aged performance of ccSPF – long-term durability of ccSPF. • Analytical design methods for using ccSPF as a structural adhesive • Relation of uplift capacity to application technique, pattern or foam volume • Trapped water and moisture content variations of sheathing and wood members – effect of ccSPF in limiting drainage • Repairing/removing ccSPF retrofitted panels and roof members • Effectiveness of ccSPF as a secondary waterproofing layer in roof construction ccSPF Test Report • 47 31 August 2007 Effect of insulation on underside of roof structure – effect of ccSPF insulation raising the temperature of asphalt roof shingle • Comparison of ultimate capacity of field-applied vs. laboratory-prepared specimens roof panels ccSPF Test Report 48 31 August 2007 REFERENCES AF&PA. (2001). National Design Specification for Wood Construction ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2001, American Forest and Paper Association, Washington, D.C. ASCE. (2006). Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE/SEI Standard 7-05), American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. ASTM. (2004). "E 330-02 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference." Annual Book of ASTM Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials. Briggs, R. S., Lucas, R. G., and Taylor, Z. T. (2002). "Climate Classification for Building Energy Codes and Standards." Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, downloaded July 26, 2007, from http://www.energycodes.gov/implement/pdfs/climate_paper_review_draft_rev.pdf . Chui, Y. H., and Craft, S. (2002). "Fastener head pull-through resistance of plywood and oriented strand board." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29(3), 384-388. DOE. (2003). "Map of DOE's Proposed Climate Zones." Downloaded from www.energycodes.gov/implement/pdfs/color_map_climate_zones_Mar03.pdf July 26, 2007. Hendron, R., Farrar-Nagy, S., Anderson, R., Reeves, P., and Hancock, E. (2004). "Thermal performance of unvented attics in hot-dry climates: Results from building America." Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 126(2), 732-737. ICC-ES. (2005). "ESR-1539 - Power-Driven Staples and Nails." ICC Evaluation Service, Inc., Whittier, CA. Jones, D. T. (1998). "Retrofit Techniques Using Adhesives to Resist Wind Uplift in Wood Roof Systems," MS Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson, SC. Lstiburek, J. W. (2006). "Understanding attic ventilation." ASHRAE Journal, 48(4), 36-45. McLain, T. E. (1997). "Design axial withdrawal strength from wood. II. Plain-shank common wire nails." Forest Products Journal, 47(6), 103-109. NAHB. (1992). "Testing and Adoption of Spray Polyurethane Insulation for Wood Frame Building Construction Phase 2 -- Wall Panel Performance Testing." Prepared for The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., Polyurethane Foam Contractors Division by the NAHB Research Center, Upper Marlboro, MD. ccSPF Test Report 49 31 August 2007 NAHB. (1996). "Communication between Bob Dewey of NAHB and Mason Knowles of The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., Spray Polyurethane Foam Division." National Association of Home Builders. Rose, W. B. (1995). "Attic construction with sheathing-applied insulation." ASHRAE Transactions, 101, 789-798. Rose, W. B., and TenWolde, A. (2002). "Venting of attics and cathedral ceilings." ASHRAE Journal, 44(10), 26-33. Rudd, A. (2005). "Field performance of unvented cathedralized (UC) attics in the USA." Journal of Building Physics, 29(2), 145-169. TenWolde, A., and Rose, W. B. (1999). "Issues related to venting of attics and cathedral ceilings." ASHRAE Transactions, 105(pt 1), 851-857. ccSPF Test Report 50 31 August 2007 LITERATURE REVIEW OF SEALED AND VENTED ATTICS In traditional residential construction, attics are constructed with openings in the soffits and near ridges of roof structures. Building codes suggest attic venting for several reasons. In hot climates, openings allow venting to occur which allows heated air in the attic to escape to the exterior, thereby maintaining a cooler attic space. On a typical summer day in Florida, the roof temperatures can exceed 180º F with attic temperatures well over 100º F. The high temperatures radiate through the ceiling down to the occupied space resulting in additional heating load on the HVAC systems. Venting also reduces moisture accumulation on the underside of the roof sheathing is also listed as a benefit to venting. In cold climates, attic ventilation is used to maintain a cold roof temperature, thereby minimizing the ice dam formation on the roof. If snow accumulates on a warm roof surface the roof temperature can melt a layer of snow adjacent to the roof. This water (snow-melt) flows down the roof and refreezes on colder roof overhangs (eaves) area. The refreezed snow-melt forms ice which dams further water flow causing the ice layer to build up, adding weight and damaging the roofing materials. Attic venting can be accomplished by (a) natural convection - with openings in soffits and vents near the ridge and (b) mechanical methods - using exhaust fans to create the airflow (see Figure A.1(a)). Vented attics have insulation installed on the attic floor to provide a thermal barrier between the attic and the conditioned air space below. Batt insulation or “blown” insulation is typically used for this purpose. ccSPF Test Report 51 (a) Vented Attic 31 August 2007 (b) Unvented (Sealed) Attic Figure A.1 – Vented and Unvented (Sealed) Attic Concepts (from Hendron et al. 2004) Current building codes prescribe a minimum opening size for attic ventilation, called the ventilation ratio (ratio of vent opening to attic floor area). Typically the codes prescribe attic ventilation ratios ranging from 1:150 to 1:600 with a ventilation of 1:300 being the most common (Lstiburek 2006). Tenwolde and Rose (1999) note that although this ventilation ratio was first proposed by the Federal Housing Administration in 1942, there is no supporting research basis for this ratio. Tenwolde and Rose identified three important parameters in regulating moisture conditions in cold climates: (1) indoor humidity, (2) ceiling air tightness and air pressure, and (3) attic ventilation. Although data to support the 1:300 ventilation ratio was inconclusive, attic ventilation was suggested as a means to regulate moisture conditions in the attic in cold climates. Because of the increasing complexity and geometry of residential roof shapes, effective attic ventilation is sometimes improbable in all or part of the roof (Lstiburek 2006). A sealed, or unvented, attic, lacks air vents to allow airflow of attic air to the outside (see Figure A.1(b)). Instead, sealed attics are insulated directly below the roof sheathing and ccSPF Test Report 52 31 August 2007 at the soffits forming a partially “conditioned” air space. Batt insulation or spray applied foam insulation can be used for this installation. Table A.1 provides a list of advantages and disadvantages of sealed attics versus vented attics. Table A.1 – Global Advantages and Disadvantages of Vented and Unvented Attics Attic Type Unvented (Sealed) Attic Vented Attic Advantages Disadvantages 1. Energy transfer through the ductwork is no longer a loss to the exterior (Rose 1995). 2. Freezing of water pipes in the attic is eliminated. 3. Air tightness requirements for the ceiling plane are reduced or eliminated. 4. Renovation and rewiring involve no disturbance to the insulation layer. 5. Attic storage is easier since no insulation is placed on the attic floor (Lstiburek 2006). 6. Prevent or minimizes water leakage of water into the building. 7. May prevent roof pressurization and roof blow off 1. Residential contractors are more familiar with construction methods and sequencing. 2. Relatively easy to inspect roof structure and replace sheathing. 3. Roof structural or moisture damage easy to inspect. 1. Requires greater technical and coordination of construction during installation. 2. More difficult to install insulation on roof than on top of ceiling. 3. Poor detailing at roof to wall corners can create thermal bridges. 4. Insulation likely to conceal roof sheathing damage or moisture. 1. Allows water leakage through soffits and ridge vents into the building during high wind events (Lstiburek 2006). 2. Soffit collapse can lead to internal pressurization and roof blow off (2002). It has been suggested that one possible advantage to using sealed attics in high wind zones is that sealing the soffits can prevent or reduce high wind flow into the attic which can cause attic pressurization and roof blow off (Rose 1995). However, experimental investigations have not yet determined if this is so. At the same time, it is likely that similar attic pressurization can occur when a window or door is broken in the home. The wind design code takes this into consideration through the internal pressure coefficient for partially enclosed buildings. ccSPF Test Report 53 31 August 2007 Two issues to consider in the choice of sealed versus vented attics is attic moisture content and roof shingle temperature. Climate is a major factor in determining the need for attic venting to control moisture content. The climate of the United States can be divided into five zones separated by arbitrary boundaries, shown in Figure A.2. Figure A.2 – Traditional U.S. Climate Zone Regions for Energy-Efficient Building Design (2002) Briggs et al. (2002) proposed a more detailed climate map, reproduced below Figure A.3 that met several qualifications: • Offer consistent climate materials for all compliance methods and code sections; • Be technically sound; • Map to political boundaries; • Provide a long-term climate classification solution; • Be generic and neutral; and, • Offer a more concise set of climate zones and presentation formats. Using 30 years of weather observations from 237 U.S. weather stations obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), Briggs et al. (Briggs et al. 2002; DOE 2003) developed a new climate zone map. Three major climate subdivisions are shown on the map: (a) Moist, (b) Dry, and (c) Marine. Table A.2 briefly describes the different zones shown in Figure A.3. ccSPF Test Report 54 31 August 2007 Figure A.3 – Map of DOE’s Proposed Climate Zones (Briggs et al. 2002) Table A.2 – Climate Zone Definitions (2002) Zone No. Climate Zone Name and Type Representative U.S. City 1A Very Hot, Humid Miami, FL 1B* Very Hot, Dry -- 2A Hot, Humid Gainesville, FL 2B Hot, Dry Phoenix, AZ 3A Warm, Humid Memphis, TN 3B Warm, Dry El Paso, TX 3C Warm, Marine San Francisco, CA 4A Mixed, Humid Baltimore, MD 4B Mixed, Dry Albuquerque, NM 4C Mixed, Marine Salem, OR 5A Cool, Humid Chicago, IL 5B Cool, Dry Boise, ID 5C* Cool, Marine -- 6A Cold, Humid Burlington, VT 6B Cold, Dry Helena, MT 7 Very Cold Duluth, MN 8 Sub-artic Fairbanks, AK *Defined but not used in the United States ccSPF Test Report 55 31 August 2007 The testing of moisture control and attic ventilation was performed in cold climates, and Rose and Tenwolde (2002) state that “no scientific claims have ever been made that attic ventilation is needed for moisture control in hot, humid climates.” In fact, in hot, humid climates attic venting tends to increase moisture levels in attics (Rose and TenWolde 2002; TenWolde and Rose 1999). Rudd (2005) observed several different unvented houses in three cities in a hot, humid environment (Houston, TX – one house, Jacksonville, FL – one house, and Lake City, FL – two houses). He found that the roofs with sealed attics and netted and blown-in cellulose insulation and fiberglass insulation under the roof sheathing needed a vaporretarding barrier installed directly under the asphalt composition shingles. This was necessary to prevent the sheathing from absorbing moisture that condensed on the roof shingles overnight. Rudd observed that houses without the vapor barrier had higher moisture levels in the attic during the day and this placed a higher moisture load on the space cooling system than is necessary even though overnight the moisture content was equalized with the living space. Attics with open-cell foam insulation also showed lower resistance to condensation during winter months if the outside air fell below the dew point temperature of the attic air due to the higher airflow resistance of open-cell foam. Rudd also observed that in two Lake City, FL, homes that had sealed attics (open-cell, low-density foam insulation sprayed to the underside of the roof sheathing) the roof sheathing showed no signs of moisture condensation, mold, discoloration, delamination, or deterioration. Wood moisture content ranged from 7-16% for the roof sheathing with the median at 10% and 7-12% for the roof-framing members with the median about 9%, which fall within normal moisture content ranges for wood construction materials. ccSPF Test Report 56 31 August 2007 Researchers (Lstiburek 2006; Rose and TenWolde 2002) have found that shingle temperatures installed over unvented attics tend to be about 2-3º F higher than roof shingles installed over vented attics. This temperature increase is small as compared to other factors that affect shingle temperature, such as geographic location, the direction a roof surface faces, and shingle color, which can increase shingle temperature up to 54º F higher depending on the color. Observations by Rudd (2005) of attics in hot, humid climates show that summertime average daily temperatures of roofing materials is nearly equal whether installed over vented or unvented attics, however the short-term peak temperatures are increased by about 7º F for roofing installed over unvented attics. TenWolde and Rose (1999) also believe, due to the lack of strong evidence, that attic ventilation has insignificant to no relation to shingle durability due to temperature and moisture concerns. ccSPF Test Report 57 31 August 2007 APPENDIX A – DAILY TESTING REPORTS FROM SPF ROOF PANEL TESTING Failure Load inHg psi psf Panel ID # Config.* Test Date 27 A 4/5 1.24 0.610 88 26 B 4/5 2.24 1.100 158 12 C 4/5 3.57 1.753 252 28 A 4/6 0.98 0.483 70 22 B 4/6 2.12 1.041 150 2 C 4/6 4.03 1.979 285 29 A 4/6 1.42 0.697 100 Comments/Failure Modes • Nail heads pulled through OSB at the center wood member. • Initial failure at one of the first interior wood members by separation of wood member from foam on both sides. • Foam remained attached to OSB. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • Plastic tore at 2.39 inHg (169 psf) so procedure stopped and tear fixed then test was restarted. • Failure at one of the first interior wood members by splitting at a knot in the wood member. • This caused the other two interior wood members to fail by separation of the wood members from the foam on each side while the foam remained attached to the OSB. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • Nail heads pulled through the OSB at the center wood member. • Evidence of separation of foam from both the wood member and sheathing near end of one of the first interior wood members. • Failure at the same interior wood member by separation of wood member from foam on one side and separation of foam from sheathing on the other end where it was observed before testing leaving a significant amount of foam attached to the wood member. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • Failure first occurred at the center wood member by separation of wood member from foam on one side and separation of the foam from the OSB on the other side leaving a significant amount of foam attached to the wood member. • One of the adjacent trusses failed in a similar manner as the center truss. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • On one of the first interior wood members, the three center nail heads pulled through the OSB while the two nails near the ends of the wood member remained so the OSB was still attached to the wood member. ccSPF Test Report Panel ID # Config.* 58 Test Date Failure Load inHg psi psf 24 B 4/6 2.33 1.041 158 3 C 4/6 3.78 1.857 267 30 A 4/18 0.65 0.319 46 1 C 4/18 3.37 1.655 238 19 B 4/20 2.18 1.071 154 6 C 4/20 2.55 1.252 180 13 C 4/20 N/A N/A N/A 31 A 4/21 1.2 0.589 85 32 A 4/21 1.2 0.589 85 31 August 2007 Comments/Failure Modes • Observed initial separation of foam from exterior wood member at 1.91 inHg (135 psf). • Failure occurred at center wood member by separation of foam from wood member. • Nail heads pulled through sheathing. • Nail heads were removed from all nails using a grinding wheel. • One of the exterior wood members split at a knot. • The adjacent interior wood member then failed by separating from the foam on both sides. • On one of the first interior wood members, the three center nail heads pulled through the OSB while the two nails near the ends of the wood member remained so the OSB was still attached to the wood member. • The center wood member separated from the foam on one side and the foam separated from the OSB on the other side. • An adjacent wood member then failed in the same manner. • Nail heads pulled through the OSB. • Center truss separated from the foam on both sides. • An adjacent wood member then failed in the same manner. • Nail heads pulled through the OSB. • Center wood member split at a knot. • An adjacent wood member then failed by separating from the foam on one side and the foam separating from the sheathing on the other side. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • Panel was tested but pump reached capacity at 3.00 inHg (212 psf) without panel failure. • Retested at a later date (7/20) when a new pump was ordered. • Three interior nail heads pulled through OSB on center wood member. • Similar nail head pull through on both adjacent wood members. • Nail heads pulled through OSB on center wood member. • An adjacent wood member then pulled nails through OSB. ccSPF Test Report Panel ID # Config.* 59 Test Date Failure Load inHg psi psf 21 B 4/21 2.3 1.130 163 18 B 4/21 2.72 1.336 192 17 B 4/21 2.53 1.243 179 16 B 4/21 1.5 0.737 106 15 B 4/21 1.5 0.737 106 14 B 4/21 2.38 1.169 168 20 B 4/21 2.37 1.164 168 33 A 5/14 1.01 0.496 71 34 A 5/14 1.27 0.624 90 31 August 2007 Comments/Failure Modes • Center wood member separated on both sides from the foam which remained in place on the OSB. • The two adjacent wood members then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • One of the first interior wood members separated on both sides from the foam which remained in place on the OSB. • The other two interior wood members then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • One of the first interior wood members separated on both sides from the foam which remained in place on the OSB. • The other two interior wood members then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • One of the first interior wood members separated on both sides from the foam which remained in place on the OSB. • The other two interior wood members then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • One of the first interior wood members separated on both sides from the foam which remained in place on the OSB. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • Observed initial separation of foam from the OSB on one of the first interior wood members prior to testing. • Failure occurred first at center wood member by separation of the foam from both sides of the wood member. • The two adjacent wood members then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • One of the first interior wood members separated on both sides from the foam which remained in place on the OSB. • The other two interior wood members then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • Nail heads pulled through OSB on one of the first interior wood members. • The center wood member then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB on one of the first interior wood members. ccSPF Test Report Panel ID # Config.* 60 Test Date Failure Load inHg psi psf 36 A 5/14 1 0.491 71 23 B 5/14 1.91 0.938 135 25 B 5/14 2.4 1.179 170 1A A 7/18 1.06 0.521 75 1B B 7/18 2.75 1.351 194 1C C 7/18 4 1.965 283 2A A 7/18 1.49 0.732 105 2B B 7/18 2.52 1.238 178 31 August 2007 Comments/Failure Modes • Nail heads pulled through OSB on one of the first interior wood members. • Only the three center nails pulled through the wood member. • One of the first interior wood members separated on both sides from the foam which remained in place on the OSB. • The center wood member then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • One of the first interior wood members separated on both sides from the foam which remained in place on the OSB. • The center wood member then failed in a similar manner. • Nail heads pulled through OSB. • Nails pulled out of the center and one of the adjacent wood members. The nails remained in the OSB. • The center and one of the adjacent wood members separated from the foam on both sides of the wood member. • Nails pulled out of the wood members and remained in the OSB. • Center wood member split at a knot about 1 ft from one end. • The other two interior wood members separated from the foam. • Nails pulled out of the wood members that failed and remained in the OSB. • Nails pulled out of all three interior wood members and remained in the OSB. • One of the first interior wood members failed by separating from the foam on both sides of the member, but the member was still attached to the panel. • Nails pulled out of this member as well and remained in the OSB. ccSPF Test Report Panel ID # Config.* 61 Test Date Failure Load inHg psi psf 2C C 7/18 3.48 1.709 246 3A A 7/18 1.01 0.496 71 3B B 7/18 2.52 1.238 178 3C C 7/19 2.83 1.390 200 31 August 2007 Comments/Failure Modes • The center wood member and one of the adjacent members separated from the foam on one side and the foam separated from the OSB on the other side (~7-8 in.). • On the other interior wood member, the foam separated from the OSB (~7-8 in.) on both sides of the member. • Nails pulled out of all three wood members as well and remained in the OSB except for one nail each on both the center and one adjacent wood member at the end of the member which pulled through the OSB. • Nails pulled out of the center and one adjacent wood member and remained in the OSB. • The center wood member and one of the adjacent wood members separated from the foam on one side and on the other side there the foam separated from the OSB and remained attached to the wood members. • There was little to no residual foam left on the wood members where the foam separated from the members. • Nails pulled out of these members and remained in the OSB. • This specimen had a little thinner application of the full foam than the other specimens (approximately 2.5-3.0 in.). • The center wood member separated from the foam on one side with significant foam residue remaining on the member (upper half of the 3.5 in. dimension). On the other side, the foam separated from the OSB (~6-8 in.). • One of the other interior wood members split at a knot approximately 12 in. from one end. • The other interior wood member separated on one side some from the foam at one end but not completely along the whole length of the member. A crack was observed that cut diagonally across the foam out to about 10 in. from the wood member. On the other side there was noticeable separation of the foam from the OSB but the board remained firmly attached at the other end to the panel. • Nails pulled out of the two members that failed completely and remained in the OSB. ccSPF Test Report 62 Panel ID # Config.* Test Date Failure Load inHg psi psf 4A A 7/19 1.08 0.530 76 4B B 7/19 2.07 1.017 146 4C C 7/19 3.59 1.763 254 5A A 7/19 0.66 0.324 47 31 August 2007 Comments/Failure Modes • Nails pulled out of the three interior wood members and remained in the OSB. • The center wood member separated from the foam on one side completely with little to no foam residue remaining on the member. On the other side, 2/3 of the foam separated from both the wood member and the OSB and on the other 1/3 of the member, the foam separated from only the OSB and remained attached to the member. • On one of the adjacent wood members separated from the foam on one side completely with little to no foam residue remaining on the member. On the other side, 1/3 of the foam separated from both the wood member and the OSB and on the other 2/3 of the member, the foam separated from only the OSB and remained attached to the member. • The other interior wood member showed signs of foam separation from the OSB but the member was still firmly attached to the panel. • Nails pulled out of the wood members and remained in the OSB. • The center and one adjacent wood member separated from the foam on one side and approximately 6 in. of foam was separated from the OSB on the other side but the boards remained attached to the panel. • Nails pulled out of these members and remained in the OSB. • Nails pulled out slowly from the center and one adjacent wood member. • On the center wood member, one of the end nails actually pulled through the OSB. ccSPF Test Report Panel ID # Config.* 63 Test Date Failure Load inHg psi psf 5B B 7/19 2.51 1.233 178 5C C 7/19 3.8 1.866 269 7 C 7/19 2.53 1.243 179 31 August 2007 Comments/Failure Modes • The center wood member separated from the foam on one side with little to no foam residue remaining on the member. On the other side, half of the wood member separated from the foam and on the other half the foam separated from both the wood member and the OSB (~6 in.). • On one of the adjacent wood members, the foam separated from the wood member on both sides except ~6 in. at one end on one side where the foam separated from the OSB. There was little to no foam residue left on the wood member. • On the other interior wood member, one side completely separated from the foam and on the other side the foam separated from the OSB along most of the length even though the board remained attached to the panel. • Nails pulled out of the wood members and remained in the OSB. • The center wood member separated from the foam on both sides along approximately 2/3 of the length and the foam separated from the OSB and remained attached to the wood member along the other 1/3 of the length. Little to no foam remained on the wood member on the bottom half of the 3.5 in. dimension and significant residue remained on the upper half. • On both of the other interior wood members, the foam separated from the members on one side and from the OSB on the other side (~7-8 in.). On one of the members, there was significant foam residue remaining on about half of its length and on the other little to no foam residue remained along the entire length of the member. • Nails pulled out of the wood members and remained in the OSB. • One of the first interior wood members had foam remaining on both sides of the member but separated from the OSB on both sides. • The nail heads pulled through the OSB. ccSPF Test Report Panel ID # Config.* 64 Test Date Failure Load inHg psi psf 5 C 7/19 3.4 1.670 240 11 C 7/20 3.36 1.650 238 13 C 7/20 3.58 1.758 253 31 August 2007 Comments/Failure Modes • A significant bow in the panel was observed (deflections at the ends were 0.75-0.875 in.). • The center wood member and one of the adjacent members separated from the foam on one side and 7-8 in. of foam separated from the OSB on the other side and remained intact on the member. • The wood member did not have much if any foam residue left on the wood member itself on the one side that the foam separated. • The nail heads pulled through the OSB. • A significant bow in the panel was observed (deflections at the ends were 0.50.75 in.). • The center wood member separated from the foam on one side (through observation of a large crack in the foam along the wood member) and a noticeable separation from the OSB on the other side of the wood member (~5”) even though the board did not separate from the panel. • One of the adjacent wood members exhibited the same failures as the center member except the separation from the OSB was about 10 in. • The nail heads pulled through the OSB. • Retested from earlier date (4/20) after new pump ordered. • A significant bow in the panel was observed (deflections at the ends were 0.875-1.06 in.). • The center and one of the adjacent wood members separated from the foam on one side with varying amounts of foam residue remaining although the top half of the 3.5 in. dimension seemed to consistently have more. On the other side, the foam separated from the OSB (~5 in. except near one end which was about 10 in.). • The other interior wood member split at a knot about 16 in. from one end. • The nail heads pulled through the OSB. ccSPF Test Report Panel ID # Config.* 65 Test Date Failure Load inHg psi psf 9 C 7/20 1.97 0.968 139 8 C 7/20 3.81 1.871 269 31 August 2007 Comments/Failure Modes • A significant bow in the panel was observed (deflections at the ends were 0.75-1.125 in.). • One of the first interior trusses was twisted significantly (approximately at a 60º angle from horizontal) prior to testing. All of the nail heads had pulled though most of the OSB as well. There appeared to be no separation of the foam from the wood member, though, prior to testing. This wood member separated from the foam on one side but the other side had a significant amount of foam still attached even though the foam did not separate from the OSB. • The center and other interior wood members separated from the foam on one side and the foam separated from the OSB on the other side of the wood member (~46 in.). • The nail heads pulled through the OSB. • A significant bow in the panel was observed (deflections at the ends were 0.75-0.875 in.). • The center wood member and one adjacent wood member separated from the foam on one side with little to no foam residue remaining especially on the bottom half of the 3.5 in. dimension. The foam separated from the OSB on the other side (~4-6 in. on the center member and ~5-12 in. on the other member). • The other interior wood member split at a knot approximately 12 in. from one end. • The nail heads pulled through the OSB. ccSPF Test Report 66 31 August 2007 APPENDIX B – INSULSTAR® BROCHURE The following brochure is for the spray-applied polyurethane foam (ccSPF) product used in the experimental testing outlined in this report. The Insulstar® foam is manufactured by NCFI (see Section 4.3). ccSPF Test Report 67 31 August 2007 ccSPF Test Report 68 31 August 2007 ccSPF Test Report 69 31 August 2007 ccSPF Test Report 70 31 August 2007