H:\working folders\USCGA\DSO-PB pilothouse\2009 u


H:\working folders\USCGA\DSO-PB pilothouse\2009 u
Fall Issue 2009
G-20 Coast Guard Forces, Photo Courtesyof Norman Arbes, Flotilla 7-2. Read more on page 8.
Introducing LCDR BillBulter
Strategic Issues/Goals
Thankthe DSO’s
In Memoriam
Qualified Examiners Update
G-20 & The Auxiliary
Sailingon the Eagle
AnnouncingDSAR 2010
Wear ItProudly
Public Education Update
Trivia Time
FallConference Snapshots
15, 17 -19
Our Deadline for the Winter Issue is, 15 January 2010
Commander Eighth District
Chief Director of the Auxiliary
Director Of Auxiliary
Operations Training Officer
ADM Thad W. Allen
RADM Mary E. Landry
CAPT. Mark D. Rizzo
LCDR William Butler
CWO4 Dan Brown
SK2 Scott Smith
COMO David L. Maul
Richard A. Washburn
Joseph W. “Bill” McGonigal
Walter E. Whitacre
David F. Stroup
COMO Thomas C. Mallison
Pres, Past Commander’s Assn.
COMO Dolores Z. Kearton
Commodore’s Staff
COMO Gordon W. Scholz
Joseph W. “Bill” McGonigal
Jennie A. McNeil
Allen L. Wald
Mark W. Dever
Josh O. Kelly III
Auxiliary Sector Coordinator
John R. Ellis III
DDC - Response
QE Coordinator
Joseph W. “Bill” McGonigal
Robert M. Craig
Michael Valencic
Richard Kreamelmeyer
Mark A. LaPenna
George R. Groene
Jennie A. McNeil
DDC - Prevention
Gary M. Branstetter
William T. Siler
C. Duncan Wilkinson
Lynn C. Miles
Ronald J. Tvorik
Jimmie Hufnagel
Morton L. Mullins
DDC - Logistics
Wilhelmina McAdams
Gerald D. Turley
DeAnne C. Rodenburg
Michael Cotter
Gerlinde Higginbotham
Alan Hall
Roseanne R. DeRamus
1. David Totman, DCDR
Ray T. Foreman, VCDR
2. Gene R. Redecker, Sr., DCDR
Jerry K. Stickler, VCDR
3. Reginald D. Winland, DCDR
Donald G. Hartley, VCDR
4. George R. Schal, DCDR
Matthew C. Coleman, VCDR
5. Jerry W. Williston, DCDR
Joseph N. Kenner, VCDR
6. Gary M. Branstetter, DCDR Anthony A. Norman, VCDR
7. Anthony F. Buyny, DCDR
John Kaminskas, VCDR
8. William G. Husfield, DCDR
Peggy Smith, VCDR
9. William C. McCracken, DCDR
John Merlino, VCDR
11.James C. Williamson, DCDR
Ronnie McNeil, VCDR
12.Robert O. Bruce, DCDR
Donald N. Edmands Jr., VCDR
16.James C. Myers, DCDR
Howard Walker, VCDR
18.G. Higginbotham, DCDR
Ronald J. Tvorik, VCDR
24.Kenneth G. Westra, DCDR
Dawson B. Mabry, VCDR
William “Bill” Butler
Director of the
LCDR Butlerhas justreported aboardas thenew Directorof Auxiliary
(DIRAUX) forEighth DistrictEastern Regionreplacingtheretiring CDR
James Michalowski. LCDR Butler has 23 yearsof military service. He
started his military career as a Field Artillery officer at Fort Sill, OK,
from 1984 to 1988 and joined the Coast Guard in 1990. Between his
Army and Coast Guard time, he was an EPA contractor working on
Superfund sites.
LCDR Butler is coming from Coast Guard Headquarters where he
was the mission desk officer (MDO) for Marine Safety and Marine
Environmental Protection (MEP). As MDO, LCDR Butler had to
report quarterly to DHS, OMB and GAO the number of deaths and
injuries for Marine Safety (which includes the number of recreational
boating deaths) and the number of oil and chemical spills for MEP.
While at CGHQ, LCDR Butler ran the Coast Guard’s $2.3M High
Latitude Study Mission Analysis to determine what authorities,
capabilities, competencies, capacities, and partnerships that will be
needed in both Polar Regions; ran the Marine Safety Independent
Evaluation, and was the project officer to develop performance
measurement metrics for Waterways management and the Bridge
Administration. Also, while at CGHQs, LCDR Butler had daily
interaction with the Office ofAuxiliary and BoatingSafety. “Ilearned a
lot from this program and this really expanded my knowledge of our
marinesafety mission.”
LCDR Butler started his Coast Guard career at Marine Safety Office
Morgan City as a marine inspector and investigator; has a previous
tour at CGHQs working on maritime security, managing the Coast
Guards Graduate Schoolprogram, and reviewing CoastGuard accident
investigations; and, has a field tour as waterways management and
intelligence chief for Sector Corpus Christi. “All my field tours have
been inthe Gulfof Mexico, but I am really looking forward to working
in the Western Rivers.”
LCDR Butler is really lookingforward to workingwith the Auxiliary,
the Sector and the satellite units and he says that he is very impressed
with allthe people he’s met and the working relationships among the
Coast Guard’s active, reserve and auxiliary members. LCDR Butler
states his goal is to provide outstanding customer service to both the
Sector and allAuxiliarists inour regionand “Iwant tobe able to provide
our Auxiliary members the resources they need so that they are an
integralpart of the sector.”
Fall Issue
COMO David L. Maul
District Commodore
At the beginningof the year 2009a number of Issues faced the District, allof which were identified by a survey which
was completed by the District leadership in 2008. The District Board (District Commodore, District Chief of Staff,
Directorof Auxiliary,3 District Captains, 14Division Commandersand thepresident ofthe PastCommanders Association)
has been hard at work to take these issues and develop program goals to better meet member expectations. I would like
to introduce you to these Issues and give you an update on what has been accomplished and what is planned for the
coming year to make an even greater contribution to the accomplishment of these goals.
 I would like to commend all District units onthe emphasisthat has been placedon bringingnew membersinto the
Auxiliary. As of 01 November we has recruited 103new members, Division 12(Knoxville, TN) has stood up a
new Flotilla at Norris Lake and Division 16(Chattanooga, TN) is set to initiate a new Flotilla in Cleveland, TN. I
thank allwho have given their time to bringing in new members and who have developed programs to get these
new folks involved and trained in our mission areas. I have also noted that we have increased the number of
qualified folksthat we now have in our “core” programs. I will have to wait untilthe end of the year to see how we
fare relative to retention but my hopes are that we will do as well in that department as we have in recruiting.
 Thanks to Jerry Turley, the District Staff Officer for Communication Services, we have expanded our Web page
capability to include more information and guidance for our District membership. Gerlinde Higginbotham, our
DSO – PB,continues to publish a very wellput together Pilothouse magazinewhich you may also see in color on
theDistrict Web Page. We continue to workwith Divisionsand Flotillasin establishinga unit web page and would
welcome enquiries to Mr. Turley should you need assistance or guidance. We had an interesting presentation
about Social Networkingat the fall conference and I am assured that we will see more about these opportunities
in the coming year. Communication is critical to retention so I would encourage allFlotillas and Divisions to
establish a regular communication net work for your organizations.
 The biggest challenge that was facing the District at the start of 2009was to get allof our operationally qualified
people certified in the ICS 210 program. This course had to be taught by a Coast Guard instructor in a “face to
face” course. Duncan Wilkinson, DSO – MT, worked with the Eighth Coast Guard District to get instructors for
seven regionaltrainingclasses and thethree District Captains alongwith theDivision Commanders worked together
to bring allof these folks an opportunity to meet this qualification requirement. Bravo Zulu to all of those who
(Strategi c Issues continued on page 13)
Fall Issue
Richard A. Washburn
District Chief of Staff
As my first year closes as your
District Chief of Staff, I want to thank
all the members and staff of the 8th
Eastern Region. This year has been a
challenge for me as wellas rewarding.
We haveaccomplished much, but there
is more work ahead. Your District Staff
Officers continue to exceland meet the
challenges of their respective offices. A
specialthanks to Mike Cotter and Alan
Hall. Both these DSOs have gone way
above the call. They were put in place
with short notice. Can you imagine
opening a store in two weeks. Mike
Cotter did. You saw the results of his
effort. Mike has done a wonderful job
in bringing new items to our District
Store. Wait until next year.Alan came
into Personneland has filtered names
and other leadsto yourDivisions. Alan
is studying the demographics aswell as
lead generation techniques. The results
are in our membership numbers. They
are way up! Please thank Alan for his
effortsin keepingus refreshedwith new
blood. Oneof our under the radar Staff
Officers is Roseanne DeRamus. Many
ofus haveno ideahow muchdetailgoes
into our record keeping. Roseanne
keeps ourminutes accurateand records
our details down on paper. She does a
job mostof uswould findtedious and
frustrating. Thank-You Roseanne.
Gerlinde Higginbotham is directly
responsiblefor this publication getting
to youin atimely fashion.Gerlinde has
colorized us as well as put us on line.
Now we all can receive and keep our
Pilot House Issues and pass on to our
friends andpotentialnewmembers.As
we saw in the Navigator, don’t throw
out your old issues. Pass them on to
people that may have an interestin the
Auxiliary. Nowthat Gerlindeand Jerry
Turley have us in the 21st century,
technology wise, we can share our
experiences withothers electronically.
Thank-you toDeAnne Rodenburg.
I need totell you how she has excelled
this year. DeAnne hastraveled around
the District not only trouble shooting
our Divisions, but she has taken to the
road teaching individualDivisions IS
Classes. She restored Division 9’s
entire data back into the system after
a failure occurred. She has done
numerous tasks I have asked of her
on a moment’s notice. She is always
there and willing to serve. We can
counton DeAnne to getit right the first
time, every time. Jerry Turley has his
finger on the pulseof technology for us.
Jerry continually updates our website
and finished getting our sites valuable
web space for little cost. We will all be
able to have flotilla and Division
websites. Jerry has made our site
informative, easy touse and a necessary
tool for us to accomplish our goals.
Please visit the site. You will find
everythingand anything on there. There
are presentations, award certificates and
a host of information we allneed. Now
we can find it thanks to Jerry.
Mort Mullins did an outstanding job
this year in managing the VSC Decal
concern. Mort was able to redistribute
our availabledecals as well asmake our
program a miniboating safety course for
the public. Over 4500inspections were
performed this year. Mort is working on
a program to help us better inspect the
SUBS (canoes, kayaks etc.) Much of
what Mort does is behind the scenes
and goes unnoticed. Please thank Mort
for his dedication to the VSC Program.
As with all of our DSOs, we often do
not see what theydo every week behind
the scenes to help us meet our goals.
Jimmy Hufnagel is breathing new life
back intothe PV Program. Someof our
Divisions have really taken this program
(Thank the DSO’s continued on page 14)
Fall Issue
John Ellis
Auxiliary Sector Coordinator
The Auxiliary Trident Program What is It?
The Trident Program, an Auxiliary
Program for Direct Support and
Augmentation of theCoast Guard. The
United States Coast Guard is chartered
to be the Guardian of the Citizens of
the United States of America, its
Waterway s, and its delicate and
precious Marine Environment. This is
no smallfeat for aforce of about 80,000
dedicated and hardworking individuals
with a mission that large. We, as
members of the United States Coast
Guard Auxiliary, can be a vital part of
that mission. This mission has been
highlighted by the Commandantof the
Coast Guard as Force Multiplication.
While there are some parts of the
mission we as Auxiliarists cannot
perform, specifically direct Law
Enforcement and MilitaryAction, we
can add our efforts to help the Coast
Guard complete itsmission andin doing
so serve ourfellow citizens and country
at the same time. An Active Duty or
Reserve Coast Guard Member wears
the M-Pro device when they have
com pleted the requirements
demonstrating competency in at least
four areas of the Marine Safety field.
To demonstratethis competencyin any
of their specialization areas, they must
complete a program that not only
demonstrates theirexpertise as a subject
matterexpert, butalso documentsa level
of experience in performing that job
over a suitable period of time meeting
the Coast Guardstandards. When they
achieve this level of performance they
are authorized to wear the M-Pro
device, it is recognition,not onlyof their
expertise, but also totheir serviceto and
dedication to the high standards of the
US Coast Guard.
In their role, Auxiliarists are force
multipliers to the Coast Guard in the
Marine Safety area, we can be no less
dedicated or qualified in our efforts.
Most of the time we willwork directly
with the Coast Guard Active Duty or
Reserve intheir Marine Safety mission
specialties. A very limited number of
these specialties can be performed by
an Auxiliarist by themselves
representing the US Coast Guard, and
furtheringits mission. In order to carry
our load in this mission, we must
demonstrateour knowledgeand ability
by com pleting a Performance
Qualification Standard (PQS) in a
specialty. Most Auxiliarists who take
theopportunity toworkthisclosely with
the Coast Guard find the experience
extremely gratifying and personally
rewarding.Additionally, theactive duty
andreservists we workwithoften value
the additional skills and talents we
Auxiliarists offer from our own life
experiences. When a member has met
the qualifications and requirements of
the program they are awarded the
Trident device shown above.
To earn the device, the Auxiliarist
must meet certain pre-qualifying
requirements, which will also qualify
them for the Marine Safety Training
Ribbon (MSTR). TheAuxiliarist must
complete four (4) specialization
qualifications (PQS’s), and provide 96
mission hours per year in a marine
safety support role to theActive Coast
Guard for each of four (4) years. Note:
All PQSs have pre-qualifying
requirements, some of which can be
extensive qualifications in themselves.
Forexample, theMarine Environmental
Education Specialist (AUX-MEES)
PQS requires the Auxiliarist to have
achieved prior certification as an
instructor by earning for example their
Auxiliary Instructors’ qualification.
Othersrequire completion of additional
training like the AUXCOM (or equiv)
specialty course. UnlikeotherAuxiliary
programs, where the Auxiliarist has
autonomy in selecting what they wish
to pursue, they do not havesole control
over whichspecialties they may pursue.
Because each Coast Guard Unit has
specific needs in their geographic area,
the unit CO/Supervisor mustselect the
specialties from among those that their
local unit has a need forAuxiliarists to
(Trident Program continued on page 6)
(Trident Program continued from page 5)
Trident Specialties
(What They Can Do For You)
Becoming qualified to wear the
Marine Safety Device is independent of
actual assignment to aposition covered
by one or more of the 16 specialties
thatare included in theTrident Program.
An Auxiliarist could conceivably meet
this requirement, and maintain the right
to wear the device whether or not they
are currently assigned to workwith the
Coast Guard in any of the associated
In short, the Trident Marine Safety
Device is awarded in recognition of the
knowledge and skills theAuxiliarist has
attained in the area of marinesafety. The
same standard as the Coast Guard
awards the device to Active Duty and
Reservemembers. TheAuxiliaristis not
a “free agent”, and the services
su bseq uently provided, or not
provided, are determined by the Coast
Guard and the particular local marine
safety unit the Auxiliarist serves with.
Remember, Trident is an On the Job
Training program. The Auxiliarist
doesn’tget the qualification by taking a
test; they get the qualification by
demonstrating to your training officer
they havethe expertisefor doingthe job.
The current specialties covered by
the Trident Program and endorsed by
the Sector are listed below, along with
a description of the intent to apply the
PQS requ irem ents to positions
augmentingthe workofActiveDutyand
Reserve personnel at Coast Guard
Marine Safety Units/Detachments. If
you feel the need for one of the
Specialties not listed, just provide a
written justification and concept of
operation to the Chief ofPrevention for
Fall Issue
There are currently, as of March 2009,
16 specialties from which an Auxiliarist
may select to qualify for their Trident
device. The Sector Ohio Valley
recommended specialties are shown
below. Step by step instructions on the
application process for the Marine
Safety Device are contained in Trident
Update Bulletin 005 (TB005), and the
gettingstarted page on the National MSite Trident Page USCGAUX
Prevention (M) Department Trident
Program Introduction). Note the
requirements for the TridentAward are
constantly evolving. Verify minimum
requirements on the current Trident
Application Form.
Provisions for a“ConditionalAward”
of the Marine Safety Device for
Auxiliarists who have met all
requirements except the four years of
service are contained in Trident Update
Bulletin 008 (TB008). However, to
initially qualify in any ofthe specialties,
an Auxiliarist must not only meet the
published PQS requirements for the
specialty, but also with any other
requirements set by the particular unit
takingon theresponsibility ofsigningoff
on each PQS, and, as mentioned
previously, whichare determinedby the
unit as meetingits needs.
Assistant Contingency Preparedness
Assistant Pollution Investigator
Assistant Harbor Safety Officer
Assistant Pollution Response Specialist
Assistant Facilities Inspector
Marine Environmental Education
Marine Safety Administrative &
Management Specialist
Marine Safety Watch Stander
Uninspected Passenger Vessel Examiner
Uninspected Towing Vessel Examiner
Fall Issue
Jennie McNeil
Chief QE Coordinator
Qualified Examiners
The Eighth Eastern Region Qualified
Ex amin ers gathered together in
Clarksville IN on 9 May for a QE
Workshop presented by Chief QE
Coordinator Jennie McNeiland OTO
Dan Brown.
The Area QE
Coordinators also were present with
input and presentations. Each QE
received a new Qualification Examiner
Handbook. The workshop updated all
QEs on proper procedures and also
any new changes to the program this
year. . The new Boat Crew Training
Manual of 2007 brought many new
changes to check off procedures and
theprocurement of a QE. After 3 years
members are becomingacclimated to
the new manualand procedures.
I would like to announce two new
changes for Area QE Coordinators
for 2010.
COMO Warren
McAdams will take over the
position of AQEC –West. Chris
Whitacre will take over the position
of AQEC-South.
I would like to thank COMO Ben
Barth and Bill Weeks for serving in
these positions the past few years. It
can be very time consuming and both
did great jobs.
QE appointments are relative to the
requirements of the area. However if
you are interested in becoming a QE
please check out the Boat Crew
Training Manual M16794.51A. It will
give you the QE requirements and
procedures in becoming a QE.
Jim Hufnagel
DSO – Program Visitor
Recreational Boating
Safety Visitation Program
A co up le of years ago the
Recreational BoatingSafety Visitation
Program was given a new name, look,
and expanded thescope ofthe former
(old) Marine Dealer Visitor Program,
now called theRBSVP. The Program
Visitor is the ambassador of the Coast
Guard and theAuxiliary in promoting
RecreationalBoating Safety and this
puts it in a position of significant
responsibility and influence.
One of the goals of the Program
Visitor is to establish “community
partners” and to visitthem on a regular
basis. The primary purpose of these
visits is to inform the Program
Partner(s) of the Coast Guard’s
Recreational BoatingSafety program
and all the applicable federal, state, and
localsafety requirements. It also gives
the Program Visitor the opportunity to
clarify safety issues, promote safe
boating education and our VSC
program. We are in essence educating
the business establishments in the
recreationalsafety communityand thus,
we are levering our contact with the
recreational boater.
Through the RBSVP/Program
Visitor we are promotingsafe boating
for the recreational boating public
through the aid of local businesses,
offices, and marine and sporting
dealerships. Thisincludesthecontinuing
education of the general public,
businesses, and dealership managers;
therefore, our Program Visitors must
becomea very visible sourceof boating
safety information and a resource on
federal, state and local boating safety
requirements, the Co ast Guard
Recreational BoatingSafety Program
and local boating safety education
Fall Issue
Bill McGonigal, District Captain-E
Eighth District Eastern Region
G-20 Auxiliary Coordinator
G-20 and the Auxiliary
I checked in at MSU Pittsburgh
Tuesday morning, September 22, 2009.
The office was a beehive of activity with
computer printers,copy andfax machines
running continuously. Impromptu
meetings were being rapidly formed and
dissolved after critical information was
exchanged. There was barely time for a
hallway “m eet and greet” with
Commander Richard V. Timme, the
CommandingOfficer of MSUPittsburgh
and the Captain of the Port. (He was on
his way to a meeting with the Secret
Service.) Lieutenant Commander Scott
Higman, the Executive Officer, was
alread y at the area Em ergency
Operations Center where 42 other
agencies were monitoring operations
throughout the city. Workstations and
even seatswere ata premium. Something
big was going on – the G-20 2009
Eco nomic Summ it in Pittsburgh,
Mr. David Morgan, head of port
security for Pittsburgh, found a work
area for me. He also provided a copy of
the IAP, or IncidentAction Plan. (This
exercise would be run under ICS
guidelines.) The Auxiliary G-20 team
had been reviewing notes from the ICS
210 training we received a few months
ago. Most Auxiliary members do not
have access to the secure Coast Guard
computer network. The IAP included
information that couldnot havebeen sent
through normale-mail channels. The
IAP also contained a number of
acronyms – SSI for “Sensitive
Security Information,” NSSE or
“National Special Security Event,”
PSU or “Port Security Unit,” DOG
or “Deployable Operations Group”
and POTUS or “President of the
United States”alongwithmany other
termsyou won’t find in our Auxiliary
The Auxiliary G-20 team was
made up of members from West
Virginia, Ohioand Pennsylvania. We
had all heard about previous G-20
meetings in London and Seattle.
Those events had been marked with
violence and injuries to both
protestors and security personnel.
This wasn’t a routine regatta patrol,
and we were a little apprehensive
about what we were getting into…
The downtown Pittsburgh area was
closed to all but pedestrians. Road
blocks were set up. Major roads and
ten bridges were closed. The
confluence of the “Three Rivers,” (the
Allegany, the Monongahela, and the
head of the Ohio River) was closed
and totally under armed Coast Guard
control. Stores and restaurants were
closed. Law enforcement personnel
in riot gear were alreadypatrollingthe
streets in groups of twenty or more.
The airport was closed while the
leaders of twenty-three of the most
influential countries in the world were
arriving. Many of us wondered how
difficult it would be to travel or even
find something to eat. We also
wondered ifthe protestorswould cause
trouble at our duty station, the Coast
Guardmobile command center. A local
TV news station had sent one of their
choppers to video tape the command
center and stagingarea. The location
and aerial view was broadcast to the
public (and the protestors) later that
The MSU office was empty and
strangely quiet after lunch. Everyone
had left for an Ops Briefing at a
somewhat undisclosed location. In
attendance were 279 Coast Guard
personnel as well as Secret Service,
FBI, Corps of Engineers, Federal and
locallaw enforcementpartners including
Pittsburghpolice andPennsylvania state
LCDR Anderson training Mark
Drasko vich, Flotilla 7-3 on
Evaluator Procedures. Photo
Courtes y of Norman Arbes,
Flotilla 7-2.
(G-20 continued on page 9)
(G-20 continued from page 8)
Fall Issue
(Left to right)Auxiliarists: NormanArbes (07-02),;Don Metz (09-07); JeffreySencindiver (09-07); Mike
Krivjanik(07-02);DonColwell (07-02); BillMcGonigal (18-06); Greg Knippel(07-02). Not pictured- Mark
There were representatives from
EMS teams and the Pennsylvania
National Guard. Large computer
screens at the front of the room
displayed “SSI” details. This wasn’t a
trainingexercise; this was the real thing.
That messagewas reinforced when we
were told the locations of portable
decontamination units for use by the
Presidentof the United Statesand other
world leaders.
The Auxiliary G-20 team arrived
Thursday morning. Guidelines and
federal regulations pertaining to a
Nation al Special Security Event
(NSSE) limit what members of the
Auxiliary can do during such an event.
Two Auxiliary members were able to
serve as observers, providing an extra
set of eyes and ears for the armed Coast
Guard security forces patrollingthe area
around the command center. Don
Colwell, from Flotilla 07-02, was
assigned to themarina officeto monitor
closed circuit TV screens showing the
fuel docks and staging area. Greg
Knippel, also of Flotilla 07-02 took his
position at the back entrance of the
marina. Our staging area was blocking
a jogging and bicycle path which
wentthrough themarina andis normally
open to the public. Greg dealt with
nearly one hundred fifty joggers and
bicyclists who tried to enter the
restricted area.
The remainder of the Auxiliary
team received evaluator training from
LieutenantCommanderAndersen. The
Auxiliary was to observe the exercise,
ask questions and report how well the
various Coast Guard units performed
their missions. We were also to make
recommendations to improve future
exercises. What afantastic assignment!
We were free to roam inside the
command center and talk to anyone
about theirassignment. Mike Krivjanik,
Flotilla 07-02, conducted interviews
with Coast Guard personnel at each of
the commandstations. NormanArbes,
Flotilla 07-02, adapted a little different
strategy – he waited outside the
command center to interview boat
crews and command personnel during
their breaks. Norman called us all
together to pointout MarineOne flying
directly overhead,with thePresident on
board. Mark Draskovich, Flotilla 0703, continued our evaluator coverage
on the second shift. The command
center was working 24-7, but as
expected, it was pretty quiet after
midnight. Don Metz and Jeffrey
Sencindiver, Flotilla 09-07, made the
drive up from West Virginia on Friday.
They provided fresh insights and new
questionsfor ourevaluation interviews.
Another new term was the “Hot
Wash” whichwas a Saturday morning
presentationof the evaluations recorded
by the Auxiliary and lessons learned
during the exercise. MSU CO
Commander Timme said, “It was a
pleasureto havethe Auxiliary team and
a real benefit for us. We were maxing
out our workload to get this done, and
we appreciated your time. I am
unilaterally declaringG-20 a victory for
G-20 Perations Briefing, Photo Courtesy
of Karen Valencic, MSU Pittsburgh.
(G-20 continued on page 15)
Rick Schal
Division Commander
Division 4
Sailing on Eagle
The United States Coast Guard
Barque Eagle is a two hundred and
ninety five foot sailtraining ship with a
primary purpose of training Coast
Guard Academy Cadets and Officer
Candid ates. Eagle’s secondary
purpose isto bea goodwillambassador
for both the UnitedStates and the Coast
Guard at high visibility events around
the world. She was built in 1936 in
Bremerhaven, Germany and initially
used as a training ship for the German
Navy. Eagle was originally named
Horst Wessel after the first Nazi officer
killed prior to World War II. When the
war ended in 1945 the United States
acquired Eagle as a war reparation and
she was given to the Coast Guard
Academy in New London,
Connecticut. Eagle’ssteel hullhas held
up well over the last sixty-four years
sailing around the world and preparing
future Coast Guard Officers for their
leadership roles.
Most members of the Coast Guard
Auxiliary are not aware that they can
sail on Eagle either as a guest, trainee
or TAD (Temporary Additional Duty).
To sail as a guest or trainee you must
apply through the Academy and
assignments are made according to
available space. To sail on Eagle as a
TAD you must have qualified to Coast
Guard standards in an area such as
Navigator of the Watch or Engineer of
the Watch. Once you qualify in one of
these areas you have the same
responsibilities as a regular
crewmemberand worka four hours on
and eight hours off schedule.
This summer I had the honor of
sailing on Eagle as Navigator of the
Watch from May 23rd throughJune 13th.
We sailed from Cassis, France in the
Mediterranean to Bermuda. The
voyage coveredover thirtysix hundred
nautical miles and tookeighteen days.
Besidesthe normalcrew therewere one
hundred and ten First Class and Third
Class Cadets and six additional officers
from the Academy. The cadets rotate
assignments todevelop theirsailingskills
as well as their leadership skills. For
many of the ThirdClass Cadetsthis was
their first time ever on a large ship
making an ocean passage. To their
creditthey alldid exceptionallywelland
gained valuable experience.
One of the guests on board Eagle
this trip was an eighty-five year old
retired engineer from New Jersey
named Emil Babbich. Emilwas a
machinist mate in the Coast Guard
during World War II. His final
assignment in theCoast Guard after the
war was to fly to Germany and sail
Eagle backto the states. His account
of the five month retro fit in Germany
and thetwo monthsail to New London,
Connecticut was a lesson in history.
Thecrew ofthirtyAmericansand twenty
Germans encountered language barrier
problems, mechanical problems and a
hurricane but got Eagle back safely.
Emil still had original black and white
photographs of th e vo yage to
supplement his account of the first
voyage of Eagle as an American ship.
To me the highlight of the trip was
arrivingin Bermuda and taking part in
the TallShip Festival. There were over
thirty tall ships in Hamilton harbor on
display. Each ship was open for tours
and I tookfulladvantage ofvisiting each
one. Besides Eagle, themost interesting
ship I visited was Bounty. She is an
exact replica ofthe originalBounty and
used in the 1962 Marlon Brando movie
“Mutiny onthe Bounty”. Thecrew told
me the original move script called for
the Bounty to be burned at the end of
themovie, butBrando threatened to quit
halfway through the movie if Bounty
were destroyed. Needless to say
Brando got his way and Bounty is still
sailing forty-seven years later. My
biggest disappointment of the trip was
leavingthe Eagle in Bermuda and not
having the opportunity to take part in
the tall ship race to Charleston, South
Fall Issue
Bill McGonigal
Division Captain-East
District DSAR Coordinator
Announcing DSAR 2010!
The 2010 District Search and Rescue (DSAR) competition will be held at
Goose Pond Colony, Scottsboro, Alabama, June 17 – 20, 2010. This will be a
joint eventwith the 8th Eastern Region and the 8th Western Rivers Region. There
will not be a National competition (NSAR) in 2010. The winning 8th Eastern
team will represent 08E at the National competition in 2011.
Planned events include:
A. SAR Planning (Chart work, plus written quiz)
B. SAR Execution (Several underway tasks)
C. Communications (Underway plus shore side tasks)
D. Marlinspike (Timed event)
E. Line Heaving (Timed event plus target scoring, shore based)
F. SAR & Seamanship Test (Written multiple choice exam)
G. Pump Drill(Timed event)
H. Mystery Event(s) (To Be Determined)
All tasks will be based on information found in the Auxiliary Manual, the
OperationalExcellencemanual, theAuxiliary Boat Crew Manual, the Auxiliary
Seamanship Manual, theAuxiliary Comms manual, andthe Auxiliary SAR and
AUXSCE manuals.
While most DSAR 2010 events willbe based on the Operational Excellence
program, the actualevents maybe expanded or modifiedto conform to practices
at NSAR, or to better fit the environment at Goose Pond Colony. Division 24 is
hosting the competition and will provide operational facilities.
Divisions are asked to respond no later than February 28th, 2010 with the
names of the three team members who plan to participate. One member should
be designated as the team leader. Team members must be currently qualified in
the Boat Crew program. Atleast oneteam member must beCoxswain qualified.
An alternate may also be specified, but will not receive reimbursable orders or
participate in thecompetition unless one ofthe primary team members is unable
to attend.
If you are interested in sending a team to DSAR 2010, or you have more
questions, please send an e-mail to: dsar2010@worldswitch.com. More
information is available on the 8th Eastern District web site.
See you in Alabama!
Gary Branstetter
Division Commander,
Division 6
Every Memorial Day the City of
Lima, OH holds a parade that honors a
branch of themilitary. In 2008, the U.S.
Coast Guard was the featured service.
I had been contacted by Commodore
Tom Mallison to see if I could attend to
representthe Coast Guard asthe Grand
Marshal. As per the Commodore’s
request, I responded “Aye,Aye, Sir”.
It was indeed an honor and a privilege
to be asked. I had planned to be on
the water on my facility that weekend,
butthe chanceto represent Team Coast
Guard took precedence! There were
approximately 70-plus units in the
parade. That included organizations
such as theAmerican Legion, Veterans
of ForeignWars, Public Safety groups,
marching bands, civic units and other
military units. Auxiliarist Steve Daniel,
Flotilla 6-8 supplied a facility for the
During the course of the day, there
were many interesting and exciting
events that took place. There were two
that were really noteworthy. I had
reported to the staging parade marshal
to check and confirm start times. I
didn’t want to be late starting the
parade! As I was walking to my
assigned position , I
h eard ,
“Commander,Coast Guard”.
(Wear i t Proudl y continued on page 16)
Fall Issue
Ron Tvorik
DSO - Public Education
Auxiliary Public
Education Updates
The Second Edition of About
Boating Safely is now being shipped.
Thechanges to the textbookare subtle;
th erefore, PowerPoint slides,
Instructor Notes and the Test will
remain the same as posted for the first
edition. Many of the changes are
reflected in upgraded graphics. Text
changes are included to keep current
with National Association of State
Boating Law Adm inistrators
(NASBLA) Standards, which have
recently changed. Flotillas may
continue to use the first Edition of
About Boating Safelyuntilthesupply
is depleted. Furthermore, a Flotilla
may use both the first and second
edition in the same class with no
disruption to the instruction. A
complete Cross-Reference of every
change has been posted to the elibrary at: http://www.cgauxed.org/
The B Division has just released a
brochure they’ve developed and
USCG HQ has approved, covering
the use of visualdistress signals.
The Second Quarter 2009 edition
of the E-Department’s Education
Conn ect io n newsletter is now
available online at http://cgauxed.org/
newsletter.html. Thisedition features
a discussion of how the recently
revamped “Suddenly In Command”
short course can be used to draw
boaters into our multi-session courses;
a look at one flotilla’s highly successful
approach to marketing its BS&S
course; comments on how the use of
tactile aids can increase retention and
make training more interesting; and a
discussion ofhow nightvision influences
our night boating experiences.
The AuxplusPE data entry system
is now online and available as part of
the E-Department’s offerings. In order
to ensure its continued growth and
refinement, we’ve been authorized to
add a newAuxplusPE Division to our
organization. David Ten Broeck will
serve as DVC-EA, with Herb Theisz
serving as BC-EAD and Ralph Koontz
in the role of BC-EAM. Please
welcome Herb and Ralph to the EDepartment and encourage everyone to
contact them and welcome them
The release of AuxplusPE Version
3.41 has now been completed. This
version has the ABS cards and
Certificates as well as som e
enhancementsthat you have requested.
We also have fixed some of the system
“bugs” that were reported. In addition,
an icon for updates was created so that
you do not have to search and
remember. We have combined all the
information on the CLASS page and
asummary onthe REPORTSpage for
you at a glance.
The location of the program has
notchanged for the new release. Note
that now on the page we also added
the revision number, so before you
download it you know that you have
the most current version. It might be a
good idea to print these instructions
out andhave them nearby thefirst time
you enterthe system.
The Education Department has
created and posted a brief Power
Point presentation designed to be
added to existingpresentations and to
act as a recruiting tool by illustrating
the manymissionsoftheAuxiliary. Use
of the presentation is optional. To
view and download the presentation,
please go to th e E-Library
(ww w. cga u x ed . o r g/
completecourses.html) and scroll
down to the “Instructor Training,
Workshops, and Tools” section. The
title of the new presentation is “Aux
Promo.” It can be downloaded by
clicking on the listing. Instructors
wishing to make use of this tool need
only to cut/paste it to a lesson of an
(Strategi c Issues continued from page 3)
Fall Issue
To better assist Sector Ohio Valley, the District has placed an emphasis on Marine Safety Trainingand certification.
This program was introduced at the fall conference by the Marine Safety District Staff Officer, Terry Siler. Two
components of the Marine Safety Certification were presented to more than 25 members, all of whom passed
those requirements. You willsee more opportunities in the comingyear to get this certification so I would ask you
to stay alert to these opportunities. If interested, please see your FSO – MS for details in accomplishing this
 This is a tough one! If a member is involved in a program that he/she feels is worthwhile, then in most cases that
person will continue membership in the organization. Trainingis most important at the Flotilla level since this is
where the “work” of the Auxiliary is done. That being said, you willbe readingan article in this publication about
a new opportunity for member training. The District Search and Rescue Competition willagain be offered during
17 – 19 June 2010, in Scottsboro, Alabama. Only this year it willbe a joint competition with the Eighth Eastern
and theEighth WesternRivers submittingteams forthe competition. Division 24(Huntsville,AL) with the assistance
of Divisions11(Nashville,TN) and 16 (Chattanooga, TN) willbe thesponsoring agency. BillMcGonigal, DCAPTEast has been designated as the overallDistrict Coordinator and his article in this Pilothouse will give you some
initialguidance. Divisions…set up a Team!
 I don’t know if yourunit has this problem, but myunit does have difficulty getting folks to take on the challenge of
leadership at the Flotilla and Division levels. For the past two years we have been offering the Regional Flotilla
Commander Academies, to allnewly elected Flotilla Commanders or the Vice Flotilla Commander, to assist them
in setting up their Flotilla program and guidingthem through the first few months of their office. This opportunity
will continue to be offered with the firstbeing in Chattanooga in November and one inCincinnatiand Pittsburgh in
December 2009. The National AuxiliaryAssociation has developed a new on-line Flotilla Leadership Course, if
you can’t make a regional course you can take it at home. We need dedicated leaders and I urge everyone to
consider acceptingthe challenge of leadership.
 What will you do if an emergency happens? Auxiliary units at all levels should have a plan that allows timely
communication with its membership. TheDistrict iscurrently workingto becomea partof theAIMS Communication
System, a program whereby allmembers may be contacted just by placing one call. We are currently certifying
ourAuxiliary Sector Coordinator, John Ellis, and my ITAide, Allen Wald to run this program. Once in place, the
District Board willbe the “test bed” for the program. If successfulwe willinclude other groups as established by
the Board. This is a fascinatingtechnology that we will continue to up date you on.
 Anumberof initiativeshavepresentedthemselves, wherebyourAuxiliarymembers canmake asignificant contribution
to the Coast Guard and specifically, to Sector Ohio Valley. On two very busyweekends, Auxiliary members have
assisted Sector in the Command Center (Louisville, KY). This is a first and we look to more opportunities to train
and support this activity. Eight of our members supported the Coast Guard during the G20 conference that was
held in Pittsburgh, PA. Another first for our membership. A new program, the AUXCHEF program is being
funded to train Auxiliary members as Chefs that can support the six Coast Guard cutters currently stationed in
Sector Ohio Valley. This is being sponsored by CSBM Tony Economy, the OIC of the cutter Ouachita and Kent
Whitaker, a member of Division 16. All pieces are in place except the certification of the program by the Coast
Guard. Once approved we will belooking forAuxiliary students who would be interestedin this qualification and
who are willingto assist the cutters as the need arises.
I would ask for thesupport of allAuxiliary Leaders and members to assist me in meetingthese goals in the upcoming year.
I look forward to meetingyou at your Change of Watch Programs and duringthe manyopportunities for the membership
to interact together. Let’s make 2010 a VERYGOOD YEAR!
Fall Issue
the DSO’s continued from page 4)
andmade great strides. Division 12has
moved the bar higher by consistently
visitingour localdealers and getting our
name in front of them on aregular basis.
Please take another lookat PV. It may
be something you have an interest in.
Ron Tvorik has worked diligently to
keep the PEcourses on the rise.Atough
job with our economic situation. Many
States offer free courses, but Ron has
maintained his watch and strives to put
thebest courses out there for us to offer
and teach. We have taught over 65
Courses to date.
As you all know, Lynn Miles is
simply anoutstandingPAOfficer.Lynn’s
reporting of our District has National
attention. Much of her work is
forwarded on up the chain to National!
She is the go to person for PA. She has
done wonderfulwork withher reporting
and haspromoted ourprograms utilizing
Coastie and Panda. Lynn has ensured
Announcements, radio broadcasts and
numerous other events promoting
Boating Safety. Lynn always reports
accurate information on a timely basis.
I thank her for that.
As I format and report to the
Commodore monthly, her reports
ensure 8ER is able to tell our story to
the National Staff and the Coast Guard
leadership team. Duncan Wilkinson,
your DSO-MT, is a busy man.You can
thank Duncan for gettingallofus trained
and motivated at conference. Duncan
without adoubt hasone of the toughest
DSOpositions. Duncanworks tirelessly
puttingtogether the training not only at
Conference but for our upcoming
DSAR Event. He is consulted weekly
on newtraining ideas, course offerings,
C-schools and the like. Duncan has
already pre-planned your training for
the Spring Conference! Yes, we are
workingthat far ahead! Terry Siler has
meticulously managed another one of
our toughest DSO Positions. Marine
Safety is a higher priority for the
Auxiliary thanks to Terry. As many of
you have seen. We are offering more
Marine Safety opportunities and Terry
has the job of sorting through and
managing this new and improved
program. Please lookinto the new MS
offerings. You may find an interest in
helping our environment! Operations!
George Groene now your District
Captain West, has worked liked a
yeoman this year. We all have seen the
new Operations plan. George has
worked almost daily with Sector to
bring a workable plan to us. He has
been adiplomat aswellasan operations
specialist. Hours anddays ofwork went
into this document. The result is a new
plan, but more importantly, a better
relationship with Sector. The term
“force multiplier”now hastrue meaning
for Sector when it comes to the
Auxiliary. Many of us now
communicate daily with Sector. We are
included intheir StrategicBusiness Plan.
George andJohn Ellis are helpingus to
continuallyimprove ourrelationship with
all of our operations partners. Please
thankthem for their hard work. Our
own Rick Kreamelmeyer too, is
nationally acclaimed. Rick is the best in
the business. 8ER is recognized by the
Coast Guard as the best. Rick is the
man they callwhen bad things happen
on the coast. His people set up comms
in Hurricane ravaged locations. They
maintain thevital linkto allCoast Guard
Stations whenthere isno room for error.
When it has to work, they call 8ER
Communications. What else can you
say. Semper Paratus!
Mike Valencic is working hard to
getourAviatorsthe vitalequipment they
need to be safe in the air. Mike is
gearingupfor next year. Weare seeking
qualifiedmembersto bepart ofhis team.
Mikes goals are to have 60 aircrew and
10 operational aircraft for next year.
Please contact Mike if you have an
interest inaviation. Mikeis outto ensure
8ER aviation will be back in the mix
performing SAR missions and recon
requests from Sector. Please support
our aviators by volunteering your skills.
Our Navigation Systems Officer, Bob
Craig, has been gearing up for the
triennialverification ofallprivateaids in
support of Coast Guard Cutters. He
and his verifiers are busy all year
supportingthe buoytenders in our area.
Much of their work is d irectly
responsible for saving lives and saving
the Coast Guard much needed funds.
These aid verifiers save time,fuel, manhours and that translates into money
saved for allof us.
(Thank the DSO’s continued on page 15)
Fall Issue
the DSO’s continued from page 14)
A special note of thanks to our
Finance Officer MarkDever. Of all the
finance sheets I’ve reviewed and
audited, Ihave never seen asingle error.
It doesn’t get any better than that. Our
Legal Officer Josh Kelly continues to
review ourstanding rules and provides
counselto COMO Maulwhen needed.
Our QE Coordinator, Jennie McNeil,
works with CWO4 Brown to keep us
all qualified and safe on the water. To
the numerous ADSOs, Aides, State
Liaison Officers, Legislative Liaison
Committee Members, Liaison Officers
to Coast Guard Units and Special Staff
Officers. Thank-You for your service!
Please help your Staff and District
by volunteering your skills and talent.
We need ADSOs and staff as we take
on more responsibilities in support of
the Coast Guard. We have more
opportunitiesand missionscomingyour
way. We need translators and chefs to
give you an example. Yes, we will be
adding language specialists in support
of all the services. We will be placing
Chefs on board our 6 buoy tenders in
support of Sector. Theseare just a taste
of things to come next year!
Photo Snapshots
U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Eighth District
Eastern Region
Fall Conference,
September 17 – 19, 2009
Worthington, Ohio
See more on
pages 17 - 19
(G-20 continued from page 9)
us. BRAVO ZULU on a job well
done!” LCDR Scott Higman, MSU
Executive Officer said, “The Coast
Guard Auxiliary helped support MSU
Pittsburgh and the Captain of the Port
in one of the most successful Port
Securitymissions inPittsburgh’s history.
This was the safest G-20 Summit ever
held, with the fewest number of
incidents. From a Maritime Security
perspective, operations were flawless!”
Mike Krivjaniksummed it up for all of
us when he said, “The G-20 was a
really great experience!”
One of the things that impressed all
ofus wasthe professionalism shown by
every Coast Guard person at oneof the
largest eventsof the year. Regulars and
reservists came from all over the
country, from San Diego and San
Francisco, to Kentucky, Texas and
Louisiana, to Florida, Virginia, New
York, Ohio, West Virginia an d
Pennsylvania. Most of us were meeting
forthe firsttime butquickly transformed
into a team that appeared to have been
workingtogether for years. Thisis what
we have been training for. This is why
we took all those ICS courses. This
event left little doubt about the true
meaning of “Semper Paratus.”
1. The Coast Guard Barque Eagle bears name that goes back to the early history of the United States oldest
continuing seagoingservice. The first Eagle was commissioned in 1792. Today’s Eagle was commissioned
into U.S. Coast Guard service in 1946. How many Eagles have been commissioned in the Coast Guard?
a. 3
b. 5 c. 7
2. In the early years of the Revenue Cutter Service (1790-1791), this forerunner of the Coast Guard collected
tariffs totaling over:
a. $2,000,000 b. $5,000,000 c. $500,000
These tariffs helped fund the creation of a full-time federalized Navy in 1799.
Provided Courtesy of Gary Branstetter
Answer key: 1-c, 2-b,
(Wear i t Proudl y continued from page 11)
Fall Issue
I stopped and turned toward the voice.
On the American Legion float a
gentleman was using two canes to
slowly get up. As he stood, he shifted
the one cane to his left hand, stood at
attention and gave me a sharp hand
salute. I immediately snapped to
attention and returned it smartly! I
thanked him for the salute and as he sat
down we began to chat. I noticed he
was wearing the insignia of a Chief
Boatswains Mate on his lapel. His
American Legion cover read U.S.
Coast Guard WWII Pacific Theatre.
As we chatted I told him my Dad was
a Marine officer and that he also
servedin the Pacific, more specifically
the Gilberts, Marianas, and Marshall
islands. The Veteran Coastiesaid that’s
where he served. He was on an APA
Articles Due 20 JAN
DCDR 1,3, 9, 12
transport landingMarinesand supplies
throughout the islands.1 My Dad had
told me tales of Coast Guard
Coxswains and their commitment of
always putting Marines on the beach
withdry feet! Wechatted briefly until it
was time to report to my assigned
vehicle. As we parted, he thanked me
for taking the time to show the Coast
Guard uniform. Wow! What a
compliment! I was glad I had checked
and double checked to make sure my
uniform was squared away! Let the
parade begin!
As we reviewedthe passingfloats and
units, I noticed my host was the
AmericanLegion PostCommander and
his cover told me he was a Marine
Gunny anda VietNam Veteran. During
the parade we exchanged pleasantries
and duringa lullin the action he turned
to me and asked, “Do you know who
Douglas Munro was?” I replied,“I sure
do,Gunny! Coast Guard Signalman 1/
c Munro was awarded the Medal of
Honor posthumously for successfully
removing Marines under fire from the
beach on Guadacanal. Munro was a
Coxswain of a Higgins boat, and as he
died, he asked “Did we get all the
Later, as I was driving back to
Dayton, I remembered something my
Dad had told me many years ago. “If
you ever wear the uniform of any
branch, remember you wear itfor those
who aregone, forthose who are serving
now, and for those who will serve in
the future. Wear it proudly!”
(Wear i t Proudl y continued on page 17)
Staff Schedule for The PILOTHOUSE Contributions
Articles Due 15 days
after close of conference
Articles Due 15 JULY
Articles Due 15 days
after close of conference
DCDR2,4, 16, 18
DCDR 6,7, 11
Contributions by individual members throughout the district will always be the most sought after material for each issue. The staff schedule of
assignments should enhance publication of a quarterly magazine.
All articles published in The PILOTHOUSE must be consistent with the policies of the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Auxiliary. The purpose of this
publication is to provide information concerning the aims, purposes and activities of the Auxiliary, and to keep its members well informed. Members are
encouraged to send material to be considered for publishing. Material may be edited. Care should be given to ensure that photos of members in uniform
should be with them in proper uniform, and that photos of facilities are rigged correctly.
It is not required, but requested you send your article by email, in plain text with photos attached. You may also mail or ship a CD. It’s our policy to
provide credit for material and photos. Dated material will be given priority. Prompt production is our goal, but the actual date an issue is printed,
mailed, or delivered is determined by a number of factors. Deadline dates are indicated in each issue.
(Wear i t Proudl y continued from page 16)
The U.S. Co ast Guard has a
tremendously impressive history and
tradition is steeped in the uniform that
we wear. Let’s strive to wear it
appropriately, correctly, and proudly.
Diversity characterizes the uniforms of
the Coast Guard and its predecessor
agencies. In fact,no federalagency can
boast of a tradition as diverse. A
common thread does connect us all;
each uniform is worn by men and
women who served their country and
provided safety and security wherever
the Coast Guard Ensign waves.
Fall Issue
U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Eighth District Eastern Region
Fall Conference,
September 17 – 19, 2009
Worthington, Ohio
Pictured left to right: LCDR William Butler,
Director of the Auxiliary, District 8ER and his
lovely wife; COMO David Maul, DCO and his
lovely wife, Gayle at the Commodore’s Banquet.
SM 1/c Douglas
Munro memorial,
U.S. Coast Guard
Guest Speaker, Ms. Pam
Dillon, Chief,Ohio Dept. of
Natural Resources,
Division of Watercraft.
Pictured left to right: COMO David
Maul, DCO; Rear Admiral Mary E.
Landry, Commander of the Eighth
District Coast Guard; and Richard
Washburn, DCOS.
A Showcase of uniforms
APAs were Army attack transport ships, many
manned by Coast Guard crews. They carried
landing cr aft and other logis tic supplies for
Bill McGonigal, DCapt-East; Maurice
Moulton, SO-PB Div 18; and COMO
Gordon Scholz.
amphibious landings. Over 7000 Coast Guard
officers and enlisted personnel manned Army
vessels during WWII. Medal of Honor recipient
Douglas A. Munro served on the U.S.S. Hunter
Ligget (APA 14).
The Thomas Worthington High School Quintet
playing during the Commodore’s Reception
Fall Issue
U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Eighth District Eastern Region
Fall Conference, September 17 – 19, 2009
Worthington, Ohio
Pictured left to right: CDR Karl Willis, Director of theAuxiliary, District 9 is present when
Raymond Veldman, SO- OP Division 16 receives the Director’s Cup fromLCDR William Butler,
Director of theAuxiliary, District 8ER
David Stroup, District Captain-South and Bill McGonigal,
District Captain-East receive a Certificate of Appreciation
plaque from COMO David Maul, District Commodore.
LCDR William Butler,Director of theAuxiliary, District 8ER and COMO
David Maul, DCO present: Bill McGonigal, District Captain-East;
Gerlinde Higginbotham, DCDR Division 18;and EricPiper, VFC Flotilla
18-06 plaques for First Place inthe Eighth Eastern District 2008 SARS
Skills Competition.
Fall Issue
U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Eighth District Eastern Region
Fall Conference, September 17 – 19, 2009
Worthington, Ohio
Flanked by Rear Admiral Mary E. Landry, Commander of the Eighth District
Coast Guard (far left) and COMO David Maul, DCO (far right), 2010 District
Captains: Gerlinde Higginbotham-East; Walt Whitacre, South; and George
Groene, West are presented during the Commodore’s Banquet to the membership.
The Fall Conference ended on Saturday with a Country Western Theme
This gang looks pretty
dangerous. I think we
need some Deputies to
help quiet this party
Well, looks like the Deputies
are having to much fun learning
to the western line dances.
Host of the Eighth District Eastern Region Fall Conference:
Division 18
Did someone say there was a new
Sheriff in town?
Best Dressed cowgirl and
cowboy received $25
gift certificates.
Photos courtesy of: Maurice Moulton, SO-PB, Div 18; Ron Tvorik, DSO-PE, Div 18; G. Higginbotham, DSO-PB, Member National Photo Corps, Div 18
Department of Homeland Security
United States Coast Guard
PO BOX 329
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Eighth District,
Eastern Region
MARCH 11 - 13, 2010
M O R G A N T O W N , W . VA
Waterfront Place Hotel