June 2014 - International Association of Laryngectomees


June 2014 - International Association of Laryngectomees
of the
Established in 1970
Affiliated with the American Cancer Society South Atlantic Division, Inc
Member of the International Association of Laryngectomees
June, 2014
Monthly Support Group
Gathering will be held at:
The following was found in the billfold of
Coach PAUL ‘BEAR’ BRYANT of the University of Alabama after he died in 1982
Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest:
Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use.
However, this prize has rules: The set of rules are:
1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from
2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.
3. You may only spend it.
4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400
5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say: “Game Over”!
account and you will not receive a new one. What would you personally do?
You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but
you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly
yourself, right?
Christ Congregational Church
9525 Colesville Road
Silver Spring, MD 20901
June 11th at 10:30 AM
Socializing & Refreshments
11:00 AM
“Sometimes the best helping hand you
& firm
get is a good,
Herb Simon
301-588-2352 or
You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be
replenished in the morning, right?
Shocked? YES! Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just can't seem to
1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life.
2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is NOT credited to us.
3. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost.
4. Yesterday is forever gone.
5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at anyt
WITHOUT WARNING . . . SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds?
Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars.
Think about it and remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races
by so much quicker than you think.
"The one I
So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy life!
Here's wishing you a wonderful and beautiful day. “START
May 14, 2014
Make your check payable to:
The Laryngectomee Club
Of Montgomery County
Send it to:
HERB SIMON, Treasurer
403 Hamilton Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20901
Annual dues are $5.00 per person or
$10 per family. Many of us send
additional money with our dues, to
make a donation to the club. These
donations help us to continue our
helpful and charitable endeavors.
June 4th
June 7th
June 9th
June 11th
June 14th
June 16th
June 19th
Teresa Tiller
Tema Title
Bettina Ponsart
Jean Rich
Irv & Tema's Anniversary
Dr. Itzhak Brook
Amber Diggs
The meeting was called to order by Treasurer Herb Simon at 11:20 A.M.
Others present were Sally Simon, Lena Burton, Bernard Lewis, Donald
Sievers, Charles Pickett, Helen Kane, Rowland Nelson and Dwayne
Boston. Don Sievers read the Prayer for a Laryngectomee with his handsfree TEP voice. Herb extended a warm welcome to all in attendance. We
each introduced ourselves with the laryngectomees telling when and where
their surgeries were performed. We were happy to see Lena who had not
been to a meeting for awhile. Lena shared that she had three surgeries and
at one point her throat had completely closed. A part of her intestine was
used to rebuild it. The minutes for the April meeting were unanimously
approved as published in the May issue of The Voice.
Treasurer’s Report: Herb reported that he wrote two checks for a total
of $95.00 and made one deposit in the amount of $325.00 since the last
meeting. We were all deeply touched to hear of donations received in
memory of Thomas Dillon. Herb had visited Tom and his family prior to
his surgery, again at Johns Hopkins University Hospital following his
surgery, and also after Tom returned to his Montgomery Village home.
The family expressed that the information provided gave all of them a
better understanding of the future, helped relieve a lot of Tom’s fears, and
also had given him hope. Herb reported that we presently have 39 dues
paying club members this year. Although laryngectomy surgeries had
declined in the past, they may now be on the rise again. Sally said that the
Human Papilloma Virus has played a factor in this increase. Don added
that deaths due to Aspiration Pneumonia have been rising. Antibiotics,
chest physical therapy, breathing treatments and oxygen therapy are being
used to treat Aspiration Pneumonia.
Aunt Bea’s Sunshine Report: Herb shared email messages from the
following members: Joan Garg wrote that she’s been very busy with her
family and that her part time job of taking care of an elderly dog conflicts
with LCMC meeting times. She hopes to be able to come to the club picnic
this summer and sends her regards to all. Joe Mansaray is not able to be
here today due to an important medical appointment. He sends his best
wishes to all of us and requests that we keep him in our prayers. Chuck
Silsbee, a long-time LCMC member who lives in Gillette, AR wrote that he
has experienced a quick decline in his vision. He found out that he has
macular degeneration. His vision is very poor now. He said to say hi to all
of us and in the words of Red Skelton: “God Bless”. Michel Pommier is
vacationing in Europe now and wrote that his visit to Turkey was a blast
and the French Riviera is beautiful in the Spring. He says hello to all.
Old Business: No Old Business was discussed.
New Business: Herb recently purchased mailing labels for the newsletter
that is sent out via regular mail. He spent $29.67 for 4200 labels, which is an
excellent price. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to
reimburse him for this expense. A discussion was held regarding a group
activity. Herb passed around a flyer with the schedule of free musical events
After reviewing the list it was unanimously agreed upon that we would attend a
(continued on page 3)
(continued from page 2)
performance by Fabulous Exaggerations on
July 18th. This group performs R&B, Pop
and Classic Rock. A rain date of August 1st
was also agreed upon. Ruben Montoya,
who performs Blues and R&B, is scheduled
to perform that night. Dinner before the
show was also suggested which all agreed
would be enjoyable. Herb suggested that the
club pay for dinner for dues-paying
members. Details regarding the dinner will
be discussed at the June meeting.
General Discussion: Sally pointed out an
article in The Beacon newspaper regarding
memory centers around our area. These
centers, which are located in Chevy Chase,
Columbia and Lutherville, offer a 12-week
program to help patients with memory
problems. Information can be gotten by
calling NeurExpan Brain Center at 301-2008106 or at www.NeurExpand.com. Copies
of The Beacon are available in the lobby of
Christ Congregation Church. We were
surprised and concerned to learn that
Dwayne had neck surgery in February. He
said it was shocking and emotional and that
was why he had not been to meetings. Herb
reminded him that our meetings are a good
place for support when going through tough
times. Bernard shared that Edmund
Lauder’s book, Self Help for the Laryngectomee, helped him greatly following surgery.
Charles told us that exercising improves his
breathing. Roland told us of his past
medical experiences. He said he now refers
to his birthday as “Blessed Day”. Herb
reminded us that first-time attendees to the
IAL Annual Meeting and Voice Institute are
reimbursed $500. The 2014 IAL convention
will be held from June 25th through June 28th
in Buffalo, NY. A few members expressed
interest in going but were not sure if they
would be able to attend. Herb suggested
making a hotel reservation now to insure the
special rates. The reservation can be
cancelled 24 hours in advance to avoid any
cost. Amtrak and busses were mentioned as
economical modes of transportation. Helen
was thanked for providing the refreshments.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 P.M.
---Respectfully Submitted by:
Helen Kane
Thomas C. (Tom) Dillon
July 20, 1932 ~ April 20, 2014
My father, Thomas C. Dillon of Montgomery Village, MD passed away at
home on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014. He was the beloved husband of
Virginia (Sally) Dillon and loving father of Jack Dillon, Carol Dillon Ehart
(Tom), and Susan Dillon Feudale (Tony). He was also the adored Poppy of
Calli and Gabriella Feudale and Judah, Lily, Micah, and Lucy Ehart. My father
never attended a Laryngectomee Club of Montgomery County event, but he
was a grateful member. The club's representative, Herb Simon, was a
tremendous source of comfort and support to my father and our entire family
both before and after Dad's surgery at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in October,
2014. Herb brought his gentle and loving presence to my parents' living room
and eased our fears about Dad living the rest of his life as a laryngectomee. He
visited Dad at the hospital and helped us connect with some of the supplies and
services we needed to help Dad recover at home. His service on behalf of the
club made our decision to have any memorial contributions in Dad's memory
directed to the Laryngectomee Club of Montgomery County an easy one.
Dad's final six months were spent being lovingly cared for by his devoted
family, from the oldest to the youngest members. He was blessed to have
excellent hospice and private duty professionals to aid him on the journey. He
never mastered the use of his electro-larynx but through writing, lip reading
and facial expressions, he fully communicated his needs of us, and his love for
us, until his final days. My father was a true Southern gentleman who adored
his gorgeous wife, loved his children and grandchildren, and had a deep
appreciation for all things beautiful. I am blessed to have had the honor of
calling him my Dad. He will be greatly missed.
~ Carol Ehart, Daughter
My Poppy
This is my Poppy, the one I love most.
I have cared for him daily each and every day of my life.
He is the one I live for, the one I cherish most.
He doesn’t deserve to die. He should live on and on forever
My life will never be the same the day that he will leave me.
But I know in my heart, he will never ever leave my thoughts.
Because he is my Poppy, the love of my life
I know one day he must leave me to be in heaven for his eternal life
~ Lily Ehart, Granddaughter
When: June 25th – June 28th
Where: The Adams Mark Hotel
120 Church Street Buffalo, NY
You can purchase batteries for your
Servox at any of our monthly business
meetings. The cost for these batteries is
$20 apiece or two for $35.00. You may
also pick them up other times at Herb &
Sally’s Silver Spring home.
“When health and
healing hold hands.”
--- Jackie Woods
--- from Parade Magazine
May 25, 2014