Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Ahnendorp B.A.S. Motorteile &-bearbeitung Porsche und VW Industriestrasse 2 46419 Isselburg Germany Fon: +49 2874 4047 Fax: +49 2874 1816 eMail: info(at)ahnendorp.com Internet www.ahnendorp.com 09/2016 Table of content Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining ................................................................................................................................... 3 Piston and Cylinder Sets........................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 4 Piston Ring Sets............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Camshafts and Supplies................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Gasket Sets..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Bearing Sets ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Mainbearings 356 A/B .................................................................................................................................................... 8 - 9 Mainbearings 356 C/SC 912 ....................................................................................................................................... 10 - 11 Rod Bearings 356 / 912 ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Valves (Sets)................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Heads and Supplies .............................................................................................................................................................. 14 - 17 Carburettors, Manifolds, Supplies........................................................................................................................................ 18 - 19 Crankshafts and Rods........................................................................................................................................................... 20 - 22 Other Engine Parts................................................................................................................................................................ 23 - 24 Oil Cooling and Supplies ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 - 26 Flywheels and Clutches........................................................................................................................................................ 27 - 28 Exhausts................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 - 30 Machining............................................................................................................................................................................. 31 - 38 Other Parts ................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining 09/2016 Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Piston and Cylinder Sets Bored and honed cylinders Porsche 356 original, now 86,00mm Model: 01205P Bored and honed cylinders Porsche 356 original, now 86,00mm. Set for one engine. In exchange or to sell without exchange. For use with 86mm high performance forged pistons. Cast iron original. Please contact us for mor informations. Cylinder Spacers Porsche 356 0,5mm Model: 10029P Cylinder spacers Porsche 356 0,5mm, set for one engine Cylinder Spacers Porsche 356 1,00mm Model: 10030p Cylinder spacers Porsche 356 1,00mm, set for one engine Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 - Porsche 912 Mahle Nikasil Model: 01193P Piston and Cylinder set for all Porsche 356 engines, 82,50 mm, Alu-Nikasil Cylinder version, original Mahle. Set like standard Porsche 912 engines. Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 86,10mm with B.A.S. forged pistons Model: 01196P Piston and Cylinder set for Porsche 356, 86,10 mm big-bore set, B.A.S. forged pistons, including machining your delivered cast iron clinders, 1720ccm For machining we need your cylinders! Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 86mm Alu-Biral 1720ccm Model: 01197P Piston and Cylinder set for Porsche 356, 86,00 mm big-bore set, 1720ccm, cast pistons and "Alu-Biral" cylinder. Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 86mm cast iron Model: 01200P Piston and Cylinder set for Porsche 356, 86,00 mm big-bore set, 1720ccm, cast pistons and "cast iron" cylinder Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 86mm with B.A.S. forged pistons Model: 01195P Piston and Cylinder set for Porsche 356, 86,00 mm big-bore set, B.A.S. "forged" pistons, including machining your delivered cast iron clinders, 1720ccm For machining we need your cylinders! 3 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining 09/2016 Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Piston and Cylinder Sets Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 86mm, forged Model: 01198P Piston and Cylinder set for Porsche 356, 86,00 mm big-bore set, forged pistons, new cylinder, 1720ccm Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 912 B.A.S. 86,20mm forged Model: 01201P Piston and Cylinder set for Porsche 356, 86,20 mm big-bore set, forged B.A.S. pistons, including machining your delivered cast iron clinders, 1720ccm For machining we need your cylinders! Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 912 B.A.S. 86,50mm forged - 1750ccm Model: 01202P Piston and Cylinder set for Porsche 356, 86,20 mm big-bore set, forged B.A.S. pistons, including machining your delivered cast iron clinders, 1750ccm For machining we need your cylinders! Piston / Cylinder Porsche 356 Mahle 82,5mm Model: 01190P Piston and Cylinder set for all Porsche 356 engines, 82,50 mm (for use 60 HP engines machining of head´s required) 4 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Piston Ring Sets Piston ring sets for Porsche 356 - 82,5mm Model: 51190P Piston ring sets for Porsche 356, 82,5mm. Set for one engine. Please add size of your old rings! Set for one engine. Piston ring sets for Porsche 356 and Porsche 912 Model: 51112P-A We could deliver all piston ring sets for porsche 356 and porsche 912 pistons. Please contact us that we can offer them. The dimensons and hight of the rings are needed! Piston ring sets for Porsche 912- 82,5mm Nikasil Model: 51193P Piston ring sets for Porsche 356 Porsche 912, 82,5mm Nikasil. Set for one engine. Please add size of your old rings! Set for one engine. 5 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Camshafts and Supplies Cam Follower for Porsche 356 Model: 04718P Cam Follower Porsche 356, set for one engine, to use with stock and our sport racing cams Cam Gear Porsche 356 Model: 04403P Cam gear Porsche 356 Camshaft Porsche 356 B.A.S. 304 degree Model: 04408P Camshaft Porsche 356, B.A.S. version 304 degree, replacement of original camshaft Camshaft Porsche 356 B.A.S. 310 degree Model: 04406P Camshaft Porsche 356, B.A.S. version 310 degree, low torque, for street use Camshaft Porsche 356 B.A.S. 328 degree Model: 04407P Camshaft Porsche 356, B.A.S. version 328 degree, full racing, to use with two carburettors 44 IDF and open exhaust Camshaft Porsche 356 Schleicher 316 degree Model: 04400P Camshaft Porsche 356 Schleicher 316 degree, lift 8,5mm, sport version for street use. Achtung: Ventilfeder-Freigang bei max. Ventilhub sowie Distanz Ventile/Kolben vor und nach Überschneidung O.T. prüfen. Camshaft Porsche 356 Schleicher 324 degree Model: 04401P Camshaft Porsche 356 Schleicher 324 degree, lift 9,4mm, full racing, to use with two carburettors 44 IDF and open exhaust. Achtung: Ventilfeder-Freigang bei max. Ventilhub sowie Distanz Ventile/Kolben vor und nach Überschneidung O.T. prüfen. 6 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Gasket Sets Case Gasket Set Porsche 356 Model: 70377P Case Gasket Set Porsche 356, high quality brand, set for one engine Exhaust Gasket Set Porsche 356 Model: 08068P Exhaust Gasket Set Porsche 356, set for one engine Head Gasket Set Porsche 356 Model: 70376P Head Gasket Set Porsche 356, high quality brand, set for both heads 7 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Bearing Sets > Mainbearings 356 A/B Mainbearing 356 A/B -0,25/+0,25 Model: 05213P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B -0,25 crank /+0,25 case Mainbearing 356 A/B -0,25/+0,50 Model: 05220P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B -0,25 crank /+0,50 case Mainbearing 356 A/B -0,50/+0,25 Model: 05214P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B -0,50 crank /+0,25 case Mainbearing 356 A/B -0,50/+0,50 Model: 05221P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B -0,50 crank /+0,50 case Mainbearing 356 A/B -0,75/+0,25 Model: 05218P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B -0,75 crank /+0,25 case Mainbearing 356 A/B -0,75/+0,50 Model: 05222P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B -0,75 crank /+0,50 case Mainbearing 356 A/B Standard/+0,25 Model: 05212P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B standard crank /+0,25 case Mainbearing 356 A/B Standard/+0,50 Model: 05219P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B standard crank /+0,50 case 8 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Bearing Sets > Mainbearings 356 A/B Mainbearing Porsche 356 A/B -0,25/Standard Model: 05205P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B -0,25 crank /standard case Mainbearing Porsche 356 A/B -0,50/Standard set Model: 05206P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B -0,50 crank /standard case Mainbearing Porsche 356 A/B Standard/Standard set Model: 05204P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 A/B standard crank /standard case 9 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining 09/2016 Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Bearing Sets > Mainbearings 356 C/SC 912 Mainbearing 356 C/SC -0,25/+0,25 Model: 05210P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC -0,25 crank / +0,25 case Mainbearing 356 C/SC -0,25/+0,50 Model: 05260P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC -0,25 crank / +0,50 case Mainbearing 356 C/SC -0,25/Standard Model: 05202P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC -0,25 crank /standard case Mainbearing 356 C/SC -0,50/+0,25 Model: 05211P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC -0,50 crank / +0,25 case Mainbearing 356 C/SC -0,50/+0,50 Model: 05261P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC -0,50 crank / +0,50 case Mainbearing 356 C/SC -0,50/Standard Model: 05203P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC -0,50 crank /standard case Mainbearing 356 C/SC -0,75/+0,25 Model: 05217P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC -0,75 crank / +0,25 case Mainbearing 356 C/SC -0,75/Standard Model: 05208P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC -0,75 crank /standard case 10 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining 09/2016 Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Bearing Sets > Mainbearings 356 C/SC 912 Mainbearing 356 C/SC Standard/+0,25 Model: 05209P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC standard crank / +0,25 case Mainbearing 356 C/SC Standard/+0,50 Model: 05215P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC standard crank / +0,50 case Mainbearing 356 C/SC Standard/+0,75 Model: 05216P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC standard crank / +0,75 case Mainbearing 356 C/SC Standard/Standard Model: 05200P Mainbearing set Porsche 356 C/SC standard crank /standard case 11 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Bearing Sets > Rod Bearings 356 / 912 Rod Bearing Porsche 356 912 -0,50 Model: 06060P Rod bearing set 356 -0,50 Rod Bearing Porsche 356 912 -0,75 Model: 06061P Rod bearing set 356 -0,75 Rod Bearing Porsche 356 912 -1,00 mm Model: 06095P Rod bearing set 356 -1,00 mm Rod Bearing Porsche 356 912 Standard Model: 06040P Rod bearing set 356 standard Rod Porsche Bearing 356 912 -0,25 Model: 06050P Rod bearing set 356 -0,25 12 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Valves (Sets) Exhaust Valves Porsche 356 31mm Model: 09408P Exhaust valves Porsche 356 31mm, 1 groove version, set for one engine Exhaust Valves Porsche 356 34mm Model: 09407P Exhaust valves Porsche 356 34mm, 3 groove version, set for one engine Exhaust Valves Porsche 356 34mm Soda Filled TRW Model: 09406P Exhaust valves Porsche 356 34mm, 3 groove version, set for one engine Exhaust Valves Porsche 356 35mm Tuning Model: 09409P Exhaust valves Porsche 356 35mm, 1 groove version, 8mm Tuning, set for one engine Nur für von uns vorbereitete Zylinderköpfe zu verwenden. Intake Valves Porsche 356 38mm Model: 09400P Intake valves Porsche 356 38mm, 1 groove version, set for one engine Intake Valves Porsche 356 38mm Model: 09401P Intake valves Porsche 356 38mm, 3 groove version, set for one engine Intake Valves Porsche 356 40mm Model: 09402P Intake valves Porsche 356 40mm, 1 groove version, set for one engine, original Porsche Intake Valves Porsche 356 41mm Tuning Model: 09403P Intake valves Porsche 356 41mm, 1 groove version, 8mm Tuning, set for one engine Nur für von uns vorbereitete Zylinderköpfe zu verwenden. 13 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Heads and Supplies Cam follower Porsche 356 Model: 04718P Cam follower set Porsche 356, set for one engine. For stock and our special camshafts. Cylinder Heads Porsche 356 38/31mm Exchange, set Model: 30073P Cylinder heads Porsche 356 38/31mm in exchange, spark plugs threads are milled out and welded. To repair or prevent future cracks. This is a great possibility to machine them for long thread spark plugs without any additional costs. Delivery with new valves (38/31mm). With new valve guides, new valve seats, heads on both sides resurfaced. Set for one engine = 2 cylinder heads for exchange. If we need oversize guides for your delivered heads, additional costs possible. Cylinder Heads Porsche 356 38/34mm Exchange, set Model: 30074P Cylinder heads Porsche 356 38/34mm in exchange, spark plugs threads are milled out and welded. To repair or prevent future cracks. This is a great possibility to machine them for long thread spark plugs without any additional costs. Delivery with new valves (38/34mm). With new valve guides, new valve seats, heads on both sides resurfaced. Set for one engine = 2 cylinder heads for exchange. If we need oversize guides for your delivered heads, additional costs possible. Cylinder Heads Porsche 356 40/31mm Exchange, set Model: 30075P Cylinder heads Porsche 356 40/31mm in exchange, spark plugs threads are milled out and welded. To repair or prevent future cracks. This is a great possibility to machine them for long thread spark plugs without any additional costs. Delivery with new valves (40/31mm). With new valve guides, new valve seats, heads on both sides resurfaced. Set for one engine = 2 cylinder heads for exchange. If we need oversize guides for your delivered heads, additional costs possible. Cylinder Heads Porsche 356 41/35mm Exchange, set Model: 30072P Tuning cylinder heads Porsche 356 41/35mm in exchange, spark plugs threads are milled out and welded. To repair or prevent future cracks. This is the great possibility to machine them for long thread spark plugs without any additional costs. Ports corrected by hand milling. Delivery with larger 41/35mm and lighter 8mm tuning valves, springs and lighter spring retainers. This heads are to use only with 86mm tuning piston and cylinders! With new special valve guides, new bigger valve seats, heads on both sides resurfaced. Set for one engine = 2 cylinder heads for exchange. Including new springs, heads are ready to fit (must be cleaned before!!!!). If we need oversize guides for your delivered heads, additional costs possible. Cylinder Spacers Porsche 356 0,5mm Model: 10029P Cylinder spacers Porsche 356 0,5mm, set for one engine 14 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Heads and Supplies Cylinder Spacers Porsche 356 1,00mm Model: 10030p Cylinder spacers Porsche 356 1,00mm, set for one engine Exhaust Gasket Set Porsche 356 Model: 08068P Exhaust Gasket Set Porsche 356 Head Gasket Set Porsche 356 Model: 70376P Head Gasket Set Porsche 356, quality brand, set for both heads Nut Valve Adjusting Screw Porsche 356 Model: 04754P Nut valve adjusting screw Porsche 356, 1 piece Push Rods Alu Porsche 356 Model: 04660P Alum. pushrods set Porsche 356, very light, overlenght to be cut on the right size Push Rods Alu Porsche 356 Original Model: 04661P Aluminium pushrods set Porsche 356 Original, set for one engine = 8 pc Pushrod Tubes Porsche 356 stainlees steel Model: 10066P Pushrod Tubes Porsche 356, set for one engine stainlees steel Regrinding rockers Porsche 356 Model: 80131P Regrinding rockers Porsche 356, set for one engine. Only possible if your rockers not to much worn. 15 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Heads and Supplies Rocker Exhaust Porsche 356, Long Model: 04773P Rocker exhaust Porsche 356, long, 1 piece. Please see machining of your ones too! Rocker Exhaust Porsche 356, Short Model: 04772P Rocker exhaust Porsche 356, short. Please see machining of your ones too! Rocker Inlet Porsche 356 Model: 04774P Rocker inlet Porsche 356, 1 piece. Please see machining of your ones too! Rocker Shaft Porsche 356 Exhaust, Short Model: 04765P Rocker shaft Porsche 356 exhaust, short, 1 piece Rocker Shaft Porsche 356 Inlet, Long Model: 04764P Rocker shaft Porsche 356 inlet, long, 1 piece Spark Plug NGK long thread - long electrode Porsche 356 / Porsche 912 Model: 26025LGW-LE Spark plug NGK long thread - long electrode Porsche 356 / Porsche 912, one piece, for welded exchange heads from us Spark Plug NGK long thread - short electrode Porsche 356 / Porsche 912 Model: 26025LGW-KE Spark plug NGK long thread - short electrode Porsche 356 / Porsche 912, one piece, for welded exchange heads from us Spark Plug NGK short thread - long electrode Porsche 356 / Porsche 912 Model: 26025P-KGW-LE Spark plug NGK short thread - long electrode Porsche 356 / Porsche 912, one piece 16 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Heads and Supplies Spark Plug NGK short thread - short electrode Porsche 356 / Porsche 912 Model: 26025P-KGW-KE Spark plug NGK short thread - short electrode Porsche 356 / Porsche 912, one piece Valve Adjusting Screw Porsche 356 Model: 04750P Valve Adjusting Screw Porsche 356, 1 piece Valve Collets Porsche 356 HD German 1 grove, Set Model: 04695P Valve Collets Porsche 356 HD German, Set, set for one engine, 1 grove. For valves 38/31mm. Valve Collets Porsche 356 HD German, Set Model: 04694P Valve Collets Porsche 356 HD German, Set, set for one engine Valve Cover Gasket Set Porsche 356 Model: 10013P Valve cover gasket set Porsche 356, for one engine Valve Spring Set Porsche 356 Model: 04540P Valve spring set Porsche 356 Valve Steam Seals Porsche 356 Model: 04297P Valve stam seals, set of 4. 17 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Carburettors, Manifolds, Supplies Add cost for Mesh Design Filter Weber IDF 84mm Set (2 p/c) Model: 82000 Add cost for Mesh Design Filter Weber IDF if you buy a new caruburettor set from us, hight 84mm Set (2 p/c). Bring up the classic style to your engine! Electric Fuelpump Pierburg Porsche 356 12V Model: 28057 Electric fuelpump Pierburg Porsche 356, 0,3-0,4 Bar, 12 Volt. Emergency switch off relay Porsche 356 Model: 28058 Emergency switch off relay Porsche 356, 12 Volt. K+N Air Filter Cleaner Model: 27100 K+N Air Filter Cleaner K+N Air Filter Oil Model: 27090 K+N Air Filter Oil Manifolds Adapter Weber IDF 40 Porsche 356 Model: 32350 Manifolds adapter Weber IDF 40 for Porsche 356, set including gaskets and screws, for one engine. To fit 40 IDF on solex manifolds. Manifolds Weber IDF 40 Porsche 356 Model: 28008P Manifolds Weber IDF 40 for Porsche 356, set including gaskets and screws, for one engine Manifolds Weber IDF 44 Porsche 356 Model: 28009P Manifolds Weber IDF 44 for Porsche 356, set including gaskets and screws, for one engine 18 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Carburettors, Manifolds, Supplies Synchron Tester Porsche 356 Model: 28062 Synchron tester Porsche 356 to calibrate the carburettors Weber Carburettor Set Porsche 356 IDF 40 / Porsche 912 Model: 32286P Weber carburettor set Porsche 356 IDF 40, set for one engine, including air filters and manifolds. Configured for your engine details and to use with original Porsche linkage. Weber Carburettor Set Porsche 356 IDF 40 / Porsche 912 Model: 32192P Weber carburettor set Porsche 356 IDF 40, set for one engine without air filters and manifolds. Configured for your engine details and to use with original Porsche linkage. Weber Carburettor Set Porsche 356 IDF 44 / Porsche 912 Model: 32296P Weber carburettor set Porsche 356 IDF 44, set for one engine, including air filters and manifolds. Configured for your engine details and to use with original Porsche linkage. Please notice: Manifolds are smaller and must be machine with your heads, we can do this aditional, please see Tuning 2 machining for more informations! Weber Carburettor Set Porsche 356 IDF 44 / Porsche 912 Model: 32202P Weber carburettor set Porsche 356 IDF 44, set for one engine without air filters and manifolds. Configured for your engine details and to use with original Porsche linkage. 19 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Crankshafts and Rods Case Gasket Set Porsche 356 Model: 70377P Case Gasket Set Porsche 356, quality brand, set for one engine Crankshaft Porsche 356 A / B without counterweights Model: 03082P Crankshaft Porsche 356 A/ B without counterweights, new Bearings 40 - 50 - 50 - 50 mm Crankshaft Porsche 356 A / B without counterweights, machined Model: 03083P Crankshaft Porsche 356 A/ B without counterweights, machined for differend undersizes Bearings normal: 40 - 50 - 50 - 50 mm, now undersizes! Please contact us for mor informations! Crankshaft Porsche 356 C with counterweights Model: 03080P Crankshaft Porsche 356 C with counterweights, new Bearings 40 - 55 - 55 - 50 mm Crankshaft Porsche 356 C without counterweights Model: 03081P Crankshaft Porsche 356 without counterweights, new Bearings 40 - 55 - 55 - 50 mm Crankshaft Porsche 356 C without counterweights, machined Model: 03084P Crankshaft Porsche 356 C without counterweights, machined for differend undersizes Bearings normal: 40 - 55 - 55 - 50 mm, now undersizes! Please contact us for mor informations! Crankshaft Porsche 356 C/SC with counterweights, machined Model: 03085P Crankshaft Porsche 356 C/SC with counterweights, machined for differend undersizes Bearings normal: 40 - 55 - 55 - 50 mm, now undersizes! Please contact us for mor informations! Flywheel Bolt Porsche 356 Model: 23076P Flywheel Bolt Porsche 356 20 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Crankshafts and Rods Flywheel Bolt Porsche 356 Reinforged Chromo Model: 23080P Flywheel Bolt Porsche 356, reinforged chromo (SCAT) Gear for Crankshaft Porsche 356 Model: 04812P Gear for Crankshaft Porsche 356 Mainbearing dowel Porsche 356 case Model: 05123P Mainbearing dowel Porsche 356 case, one p/c. Please inform about lenght! Oil seal flywheel Porsche 356 Model: 10083P Oil seal flywheel Porsche 356 Oil seal pully Porsche 356 Model: 10082P Oil seal pully Porsche 356 Pully Porsche 356 Model: 25040P Pully Porsche 356 stock size Rod nuts Porsche 356 Model: 70380P Rod nuts Porsche 356, set for one engine Rod rebuild Porsche 356 502 type Model: 80096P Rod rebuild Porsche 356 502 type, set 21 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Crankshafts and Rods Rod rebuild Porsche 356 616 type Model: 80097P Rod rebuild Porsche 356 616 type, set Rods Porsche 356 Carrillo Model: 07200P Rods Porsche 356 Carrillo, set for one engine 22 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining 09/2016 Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Other Engine Parts 1-2-3 Ignition distributor without vacuum connection for Porsche 356 / 912 - Kopie Model: 26023P The 1-2-3 ignition distributor is created in cooperation with VW-professionals, this has resulted in a product that can be used in all Porsche 356 / 912. Version without vacuum-advance. Other systems of electronic ignition (Lumenition, Newtronic & Multic etc) require that the original mechanical centrifugal advance system is still fitted, points ? assisted systems (Boyer ? Bransden etc.) even use the original points operating cam which suffers uneven wear and consequent lumpy running of the engine because each cylinder has its own inaccurate ignition timing. Furthermore they all require a separate box for the associated electronics. ?123ignition? is different, all is contained in one simple module which just goes in place of the original points box, the points operating cam is removed along with the advance weights and their bearings which wear, two strong, small magnets slip onto the drive pins which previously held the advance weights, ?123ignition? is then simply bolted on. Simple installation without mechanical adaptations. Smoother engine torque curve. No maintenance ? ever again! Variable dwell angle to prevent low speed overheating of ignition coil and make a better spark at all speeds. Better starting. Better emissions. Better fuel consumption. No burning out of the ignition coil (after stopping the engine power is cut to the coil after 1 second!). Built in LED for simple static ignition timing. Real value for money. SPECIFICATIONS direct. : CW (topview) voltage : 4,0-15,0 Volts range : 500 - 7000 rpm temperature : -30 to 85 Celsius coil : stock or High Energy coil primary coil NOT below 1,0 ohm dwell : constant current, fully autom. time-out : after 1 second current is switched off spark-bal. : better than 0,5 degr. crankshaft vacuum : advance starts at 5 inchHg stops at 10 degr. @ 10 inchHg gearshift retard > 17 inchHg max.advance : 45 degr. crankshaft wiring : red = +6V or +12V, black = '-' coil Ignition Coil 456 12V Model: 26106 Ignition coil 456 version 12 Volt, only to use with 123 ignition! Ignition Coil 456 6V Model: 26107 Ignition coil 456 version 6 Volt, only to use with 123 ignition! Ignition Coil Bosch Blue 12V Retro Style Porsche 356 / 912 Model: 26102 Ignition coil Bosch original "blue" version, 12 Volt retro style Porsche 356 / 912 23 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Other Engine Parts Ignition Coil Porsche 356 Bosch "Blue" new style Model: 26104 Ignition coil Porsche 356 Bosch original "blue" version, other colored to match engine finish, 12 Volt, new style Ignition Distributor Porsche 356 009 Chrome Version Model: 26013 Tuning Ignition Distributor Porsche 356 009 chrome version Ignition Distributor Porsche 356 009 Version Model: 26010 Tuning Ignition Distributor Porsche 356 009 Version Ignitionwire set silicone blue Porsche 356 912 Model: 26080 Ignitionwire set silicone blue, set for one engine 24 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Oil Cooling and Supplies Alu HD Oil Cooler Porsche 356 Model: 15043P Alu HD Oil Cooler Porsche 356 Front oil cooler set Porsche 356 / Porsche 912 Model: 15100 Here we offer different front oil cooler sets with all parts which needed. Just change the cooler if possible and add the other parts to fit on the engine side. On the picture you see all the parts which are included. The correct partnumber will be change from our system with the order! (Not to use for Porsche 911!) Gasket set for oil screen Porsche 356 Model: 16116P Gasket set for oil screen Porsche 356 Machining Engine Cover Porsche 356 for Full Flow Model: 80387P Full flow machining Porsche 356 case without parts Sample picture - we also use gasket-fluid after machining Mounting for oilcooler universal Model: 15300 Mounting for oilcooler universal, one p/c. 140x20 / 140x40mm. Oil Cooler Adapter Porsche 356 Model: 16030P Oil cooler Adapter Porsche 356 including fittings Oil Cooler Kit Porsche 356 Model: 15093P Oil cooler Kit Porsche 356 with two 13 row coolers 210x115mm, including fittings and 10 meter special 150°C hose Oil filter bracked and hose kit full flow Porsche 356 Model: 80389P Oil filter bracked and hose kit full flow Porsche 356 with showed parts, including machining case cover, without thermostat Sample picture - we also use gasket-fluid after machining 25 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Oil Cooling and Supplies Oil Filter Braked Porsche 356 Model: 16040P Oil filter braked Porsche 356 including fittings and filter Oil Filter Full Flow Porsche 356 Model: 16172P Oil Filter Full Flow Porsche 356 Oil filter hose set Porsche 356 / Porsche 912 Model: 16167P Oil filter hose set Porsche 356 / Porsche 912 Oil Thermostat Porsche 356 Model: 16050P In hose oil thermostat Porsche 356 26 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Flywheels and Clutches Clutch Disc Porsche 356 180mm Model: 24901P Clutch Disc Porsche 356 180mm Clutch Disc Porsche 356 200mm Model: 24103P Clutch Disc Porsche 356 200mm Clutch Disc Porsche 912 M215 200mm Model: 24105P Clutch Disc Porsche 912 M215 200mm Clutch pressure plate Porsche 356 180mm Model: 24900P Clutch pressure plate Porsche 356 180mm Clutch pressure plate Porsche 356 200mm Model: 24102P Clutch pressure plate Porsche 356 200mm Clutch pressure plate Porsche 356 200mm reinforced Model: 24170P Clutch pressure plate Porsche 356 200mm reinforced Clutch pressure plate Porsche 912 M215 200mm Model: 24104P Clutch pressure plate Porsche 912 M215 200mm Flywheel Bolt Porsche 356 Model: 23076P Flywheel Bolt Porsche 356 27 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Flywheels and Clutches Flywheel Bolt Porsche 356 Reinforged Chromo Model: 23080P Flywheel Bolt Porsche 356, reinforged chromo (SCAT) Flywheel Porsche 356 and SC 200mm 6V New lightend Model: 23102P Flywheel Porsche 356 6V new 200mm. Lightend, to fit with original Porsche clutch and pressure plate. Flywheel Porsche 356 and SC 200mm 6V New lightend for VW Clutch Model: 23103P Flywheel Porsche 356 6V new 200mm. Lightend, to fit with VW Beetle clutch and pressure plate. Flywheel Porsche 912 200mm 130 gears 12 Volt Model: 23100P Flywheel Porsche 912 new 200mm 130 gears. To use with original Porsche 912 clutch and pressure plate (M215). On a Porsche 356 to fit with VW or Porsche 911 starter, not for original Porsche 356 starter. (The original Porsche 356 flywheel was only for 6 Volt - 109 gears) Fylwheel Porsche 356 180mm 6V New Model: 23101P Fylwheel Porsche 356 6V new 180mm Fit with original 180mm clutch and pressure plate. Modification of 180mm Porsche 356 flywheel for VW clutch Model: 80114P Modification Porsche 356 flywheel for VW clutch. Modification of 180mm flywheel to accept the 200mm VW clutch, including leighten and balance. To use with our delivered clutch and clutch disk only. 28 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Exhausts Ahnendorp Exhaust Porsche 356 Full Racer Stainless Model: 21198P This is our new steinless racingsystem for Porsche 356. The header can be fit on each motor dimension. It is also handmade like our other exhausts, this system includes header boxes replacement tubes (also stainless). The exhaust tube is made from steel with a special inlay. Lenght of the exhaust tube round 55cm, so the flow will be perfect. We recomed to use this system only for race use. It will fit on all tuned engines perfectly. To fit the system you must modify the car, delivery like the pictures. Exhaust Porsche 912 Bursch for US Heater Model: 21196P Exhaust Porsche 912 Bursch for US Heater, 38mm diameter, low sound, easy to fit, black high-gloss painted, polished tail pipe. We could still deliver this system for Porsche 912 with europe heater and for Porsche 356 with europe heater or Porsche 356 with us heater. Heater Box Replacement Tubes Porsche 356 Model: 21192P Heater box replacement tubes Porsche 356, to use for our sport exhaust without heating, stainless steel, set for one engine Sebring Style Race Exhaust Header Porsche 356 without Silencer! Model: 21197P Sebring Race exhaust header Porsche 356 without Silencer(!), include heaterbox replacement tubes. Steel version, no heading, without muffler, most powerfull sound for racing. Sport Exhaust "Racesport" Porsche 356 Model: 21195P Sport exhaust "Racesport" Porsche 356, include heaterbox replacement tubes. Stainlees steel, no heading, with one muffler, free to fit on right or left side. Tube diameter 42mm. Sport Exhaust Sebring Style Porsche 356 Model: 21193P Sport exhaust Sebring style Porsche 356, stainlees steel, to use with early heating or without heating (with our heater box replacement tubes) Sport Exhaust Two Single Tail Pipe Porsche 356 Model: 21194P Sport exhaust single tail pipe Porsche 356, stainlees steel, to use with early heating or without heating (with our heaterbox replacement tubes). Two single tail pipes for fit through the bumper. 29 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Exhausts Tail Pipes Carrera Style for our Porsche 356 exhaust system Model: 70545P Tail Pipes Carrera Style for our Porsche 356 exhaust system. With those stainlees tailpipes you can easy use the carerra end body. 30 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Machining 356 Lagersattel Änderung für C Hauptlager mit Nutzentrierung Model: 80156P 356 Lagersattel Änderung für C Hauptlager mit Nutzentrierung. Ölrücklaufnute an der hinteren Wellendichtung einfräsen, Haltenuten für Lagerschalen und Ölnuten in die Lagersättel einfräsen, damit die Lager und Kurbelwelle vom SC montiert werden kann. Align bore main and cam bearings Porsche 356 Are-A, resurfacing case parting surface Model: 80296P Align bore main and cam bearings, resurfacing case parting surface Porsche 356 Pre-A. Machine with resurfacing of oilpump and oil sealing. Align bore main and cam bearings, resurfacing case parting surface Model: 80291P Align bore main and cam bearings, resurfacing case parting surface Porsche 356 Align bore mainbearings to oversize Porsche 356 Model: 80290P Align bore mainbearings to oversize Porsche 356 Align bore mainbearings to oversize Porsche 356 24 hp / 30 hp Model: 80298P Align bore mainbearings to oversize Porsche 356 24 hp / 30 hp Balance crankshaft, flywheel, clutch plate and pully Model: 80081P Balance crankshaft Porsche 356, flywheel, clutch plate and pully seperately and together. Balance flywheel and clutch plate Porsche 356 Model: 80154P Balance flywheel and clutch plate Porsche 356 Balance flywheel Porsche 356 Model: 80039P Balance flywheel Porsche 356 31 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Machining Bore and hone cylinders Porsche 356 up to 0,5mm Model: 80072P Bore and hone cylinders Porsche 356 up to 0,5mm, Biral cylinders only to 83mm Bore and hone cylinders Porsche 356 up to 1,0mm Model: 80134P Bore and hone cylinders Porsche 356 up to 1,0mm Bore and hone cylinders Porsche 356 up to 86,00mm Model: 80135P Bore and hone cylinders Porsche 356 up to 86,00mm, only cast iron cylinders Check crankshaft for demension, run out and cracks Model: 80125P Check crankshaft for demension, run out and cracks Cleaning of parts in hot tank for 15 minutes Model: 81010P Cleaning of parts in hot tank Crack welding Porsche 356 head Model: 80128P Crack welding Porsche 356 head, price for the first crack. Including machining for long thread if wished. Crack welding Porsche 356 head Model: 80136P Crack welding Porsche 356 head, price for each other crack after the first. Crankshaft balance Porsche 356 Model: 80038P Crankshaft balance Porsche 356 32 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining 09/2016 Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Machining Crankshaft with flywheel and clutch plate balance Porsche 356 Model: 80046P Crankshaft with flywheel and clutch plate balance Porsche 356 Crankshaft with flywheel balance Porsche 356 Model: 80024P Crankshaft with flywheel balance Porsche 356 Cut 4 valve seats Super Finish Porsche 356 / 912 Model: 80007P Cut 4 valve seats with radius Porsche 356 / 912, Super Finish Cylinderhead rebuild Porsche 356 and Tuning I, set Model: 80256P Cylinderhead rebuild Porsche 356 Tuning I Including new guides, milling seats, grinding valves, resurfacing, porting and matching of your manifolds by hand milling, for both heads / one engine Cylinderhead rebuild Porsche 356 Tuning II 41/35, set Model: 80301P Cylinderhead rebuild Porsche 356 Tuning II 41/35mm valves Including larger and lightend 8mm valves intake 41mm and exhaust 35mm. Porting and matching of your maifolds by "hand milling". With new guides and resurfacing. Price for one set = 2 cylinderheads Cylinderhead rebuild Porsche 356 Tuning II 41/35, set Model: 80286P Cylinderhead rebuild Porsche 356 Tuning II 41/35mm valves incl. porting of your manifolds by grinding. Including larger and lightend 8mm valves intake 41mm and exhaust 35mm. With new guides and resurfacing. Price for one set = 2 cylinder heads Cylinderhead std. rebuild Porsche 356, set Model: 80206P Cylinderhead std. rebuild Porsche 356, including new guides, milling seats, grinding valves and resurfacing, for both heads. Attention: All parts must deliver disassembled and cleaned. Otherwise we can not machine your parts or only for additional cost. Flywheel grinding Porsche 356 Model: 80094P Flywheel grinding Porsche 356 33 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Machining Grinding of friction surface Porsche 356 Model: 80082P Grinding of friction and pressure plate fitting surface Hone clinders Porsche 356 Model: 80030P Hone clinders (fresh up) Porsche 356, set Install shuffle bushing on center bearing saddle Porsche 356 Model: 80025P Install shuffle bushing on center bearing saddle Porsche 356 Lighten Porsche 356 flywheel Model: 80115P Lighten Porsche 356 flywheel and balance Lighten, weight correction and shotblasting of Porsche 356 rods, set for one engine Model: 80033P Lighten, weight correction and shotblasting of rods, set for one engine. Machining of your rods! Lighten round 70 gramms for each! Machining Engine Cover Porsche 356 for Full Flow Model: 80387P Full flow machining Porsche 356 case without parts Sample picture - we also use gasket-fluid after machining Milling exhaust flanges Porsche 356 Model: 80210P Milling exhaust flanges Porsche 356, for both heads Modification Porsche 356 flywheel for VW clutch Model: 80114P Modification Porsche 356 flywheel for VW clutch. Modification of 180mm flywheel to accept the 200mm VW clutch, including leighten and balance. To use with from us delivered VW type 1 clutch and clutch disk. 34 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Machining New valve seats Porsche 356 / 912 heads Model: 80058PO New valve seats Porsche 356 heads, price for 4 of the same size, price without standard head rebuild! New valve seats Porsche 356 heads Model: 80058P New valve seats Porsche 356 heads, price for 4 of the same size, price only in combination with standard head rebuild! Oil filter bracket and hose kit full flow Porsche 356 Model: 80389P Oil filter bracket and hose kit full flow Porsche 356 with showed parts, including machining case cover, without thermostat Sample picture - we also use gasket-fluid after machining Oversize valve seat Porsche 356 head one p/c - add. cost Model: 80089P Oversize valve seat Porsche 356 head for one p/c - add. cost, price only in combination with standard head rebuild! Polish flywheel or pully seal surface Model: 80164P Polish flywheel or pully seal surface Polishing of used crank journals Porsche 356 Model: 80162P Polishing of used crank journals Porsche 356 Porsche 356 engine housing machine with shuffle bolts Model: 80295P Porsche 356 engine housing machine with shuffle bolts (in addition to Align bore main and cam bearings, resurfacing case parting surface). Sometimes the cases are so warped that either the crankshaft or the camshaft bearing have stages. We have the following solution: Remove the original alignment pins. The housing halves are aligned as closely as possible with dial gauge. 2 holes of the original mounting screws are aligned on the cutter, drilled, rubbed and honed to final size. Then bolts are manufactured and ground to final dimensions. After assembly, the housing may be align bore the bearings. 35 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Machining Porsche 356 Gehäuse Ölnuten einfräsen Model: 80155P Porsche 356 Gehäuse Ölnuten im Bereich der Hauptlagergasse einfräsen Porsche 356 Main Bearing No. 4 Repair Model: 80388P Porsche 356 main bearing no. 4 repair, bore cover to oversize, fitting of bushing and bore to exact size. Pull off cam gear Porsche 356 Model: 80060P Pull off cam gear Porsche 356 Regrind crankshaft Porsche 356 Model: 80021P Regrind crankshaft Porsche 356 all journals Regrinding rockers Porsche 356 Model: 80131P Regrinding rockers Porsche 356, set for one engine Repair of oil pump Porsche 356 912 oversize gears Model: 80157P Repair of oil pump Porsche 356 with oversize gears, oversize shaft might be needed Repair of oil pump shafts Porsche 356 912 oversize shafts Model: 80158P Repair of oil pump shafts Porsche 356 additional to repair 80157P. Fitting oversize shafts and bushings. Repair of worn lifter bores Porsche 356 Model: 80500P Repair of worn lifter bores Porsche 356 case with bushings, price for one engine 36 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Machining Replace 4 valve guides inlet or exhaust Porsche 356 / 912 Model: 80008P Replace 4 valve guides inlet or exhaust Porsche 356 / 912 (2 cylinder heads). Oversize for additional costs. Replace and produce 1 valve guide inlet or exhaust Model: 80088 Replace and produce 1 valve guide if needed, inlet or exhaust. Price for one piece! Resurfacing cylinder heads Porsche 356 Model: 80001P Resurfacing cylinder heads Porsche 356, price for a set Resurfacing cylinderheads Porsche 356 valve cover side Model: 80002P Resurfacing cylinderheads Porsche 356 on valve cover side, needed before resurfacing heads if they are bend Resurfacing of cylinder spigot Porsche 356 Model: 80040P Resurfacing of cylinder spigot Porsche 356 Rod machining Porsche 356 502 type for SC bearings Model: 80166P Rod machining Porsche 356 502 type for new bearings Rod rebuild Porsche 356 502 type Model: 80096P Rod rebuild Porsche 356 502 type, set Rod rebuild Porsche 356 616 type Model: 80097P Rod rebuild Porsche 356 616 type, set 37 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Machining Sand blasting of parts for 15 minutes Model: 81011P Sand blasting of parts 38 09/2016 Porsche-356---912-engineparts-and-machining Porsche 356 / 912 engineparts and machining > Other Parts Engine Bracket Model: 40527 Engine Bracket, to fit on workbench High Temperature Aerosol Exhaust Paint Spray Black Model: 20110 High Temperature Aerosol Exhaust Paint Spray Black T-Shirt Ahnendorp Model: 90011 T-Shirt Ahnendorp Please select size T-Shirt Ahnendorp Woman Model: 90010 T-Shirt Ahnendorp Woman Please select size 09/2016
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