Campus Sustainability: Sustainability Assessment Framework at the
Campus Sustainability: Sustainability Assessment Framework at the
ERS 490 / 475 Final Campus Sustainability: Sustainability Assessment Framework at the University of Waterloo ************************************ By Crystal Legacy ID# 99071214 Fall 2003 / Winter 2004 For Susan Wismer Executive Summary The University of Waterloo (UW) has made ample progress over the past ten years in the field of campus sustainability. This progress is evident through the initiation of the WATgreen Advisory Committee, the Environment and Resource Studies Greening the Campus Course (ERS 250) and the student-driven University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP), all of which have allowed UW to enhance the socio-economic and biophysical sustainability of the university campus. This report proposes that the University of Waterloo adopt a Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF) complete with socio-economic and biophysical indicators that can be used to quantitatively and qualitatively measure and monitor campus sustainability at UW. The question that this research paper explores is: how can a Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework be applied at the University of Waterloo? The objectives of this project include: • Determining how a sustainability assessment framework can be applied at UW. • Understanding the role that WATgreen, UWSP, ERS 250 course and other relevant courses can play in gathering and analysing data for a campus sustainability assessment framework. • Understanding what the primary barriers will be in implementing this project. • Preparing a guide that will direct students in the ERS “Greening the Campus” course and UWSP volunteers on how to undertake the data gathering and synthesis of information for the assessment. Exploration into this question found that the assessment framework proposed can most effectively be applied at UW through a bottom-up approach, which suggests that students take the lead in implementing the framework. The student volunteers in UWSP will act as the coordinating body. They will have each of their working groups undertake parts of the assessment, as well as gather and record any information obtained through student course work. The ERS 250 course will allow students to conduct assessments on groupings of indicators. The means for which this can be done is clearly outlined in the Assessment Guide found in Appendix C. WATgreen, will play a multi-stakeholder role. As this assessment is conducted the WATgreen Advisory Committee will act as a liaison to information that may be difficult for students to access, as well as the liaison to the university administration. The final goal of the assessment is for it to be published as a “sustainability report”. The credibility of the work undertaken by students in UWSP and ERS 250 will be enhanced if the professors and staff members of the WATGreen Advisory Committee are supportive of the assessment throughout its development. By undertaking the following recommended assessment, the University of Waterloo will be able to track its progress in sustainability, furthermore enabling the quantitative and qualitative identification of areas of success and areas that require work. Ultimately, this assessment will help guide the efforts of student volunteers, student projects, staff, and faculty and administrative efforts to making the University of Waterloo a model of socio-biophysical responsibility. 2 Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………….……..4 Purpose…………………………………………………………………….….4 2.1 Research Question…………………………………………………..…5 2.2 Justification………………………………………………………….…6 2.3 Scope…………………………………………………………………...6 2.4 Assumptions……………………………………………………………6 2.5 Limitations……………………………………………………………...7 Background……………………………………………………………………7 3.1 Campus Sustainability at UW…………………………………………..7 3.2 Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework………………………..8 Analysis………………………………………………………………………...8 4.1 The Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework…………………...9 4.2 Critique of Other Sustainability Assessment Frameworks……………..9 4.3 Global Reporting Initiative: Another Avenue……………………….…11 4.4 Benefits to Assessment………………………………………................12 4.5 Indicators: Are they Useful?....................................................................13 4.6 How Are Indicators Measured?...............................................................13 4.7 How Can the CSAF be Used? …………………………………………14 4.8 What does Sustainable Development Include?.......................................15 4.9 Why are Universities so Important to Advancing Sustainability in Society………………………………………………………………….15 5.0 Methodology…………………………………………………………………...15 5.1 Literature Review………………………………………………………16 5.2 Formation and Consultation with the Advisory Panel………………………………………………………..…………...16 5.3 Case Study – Concordia University…………………………………….17 5.4 University of Waterloo Sustainability Project Working Group………...17 6.0 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………...18 7.0 Recommendations/Implementation Plan……………………………………………………………………………...19 Literature Cited………………………………………………………………………...22 Appendix A: WATgreen Advisory Committee……………………………………...25 Appendix B: Case Study: Concordia University……………………………………..28 Appendix C: The University of Waterloo Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework Guide……………………………………...……………....31 Figures Figure 1: Critique of Sustainability Frameworks………………………………………..9 3 1.0 Introduction David Orr, professor at Oberlin College in Ohio and advocate of campus sustainability encourages universities across the world to consider their respective campuses as “living laboratories”. These “living laboratories” allow students to learn, faculty to teach, and staff to work in a system that is a model of what the world community ought to resemble. As a practice tool, the university campus as a “living laboratory” allows students to undertake projects that will enhance the biophysical, social and economic environment of their university. To date, efforts to create a sustainable campus at the University of Waterloo have been random and not mediated within a greater plan for sustainability. 2.0 Purpose The University of Waterloo (UW) has made tremendous advances to be among the top universities in Canada on campus sustainability. Ten years ago, after the inception of the WATgreen Advisory Committee, which advises on environmental initiatives on campus, the University of Waterloo was at the forefront of campus sustainability. Three initiatives that set UW apart from all other universities in Canada was the creation of the ERS 250 “Greening the Campus” course, and the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP) in combination with WATgreen. These three initiatives have been modelled and implemented on university and college campuses across the country. The University of Waterloo has since fallen behind such universities as Concordia University in Montreal, who recently undertaken a Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework, used to monitor and measure on an on-going basis, the progress of sustainability at their campus. The purpose for this report is to help initiate the next wave of campus sustainability by proposing that Waterloo undertake the same Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework undertaken by Concordia University in 2003. Once this initiative is undertaken, the University of Waterloo can act in the innovative fashion that it prides itself on, and be able to be among the leaders that will take campus sustainability into the next phase. A campus sustainability assessment framework, which identifies over 170 indicators, was developed by the work of Lindsay Cole, a Master student from Royal Roads University in 2003 in collaboration with a team of campus sustainability advocates across Canada. The motivation for the project came from an apparent gap in current campus sustainability frameworks and the 4 understanding that Canadian universities were ready to adopt a tool that would measure and monitor sustainability of a campus. Now many universities across Canada have implemented sustainability groups, and sustainability coursework, the next phase is using a measuring and monitoring system to assess, measure, monitor and compare the biophysical, social, political, cultural and economic sustainability of these campuses. Such a tool could be used as a device to compare university campuses to each other. Currently work is being done to lobby MacLeans Magazine to adopt the measuring of campus sustainability in their Annual Guide to Canadian Universities.1 An assessment based on the indicators in the campus sustainability framework could be a means by which UW communicates how sustainable it has become and what areas need focus. This will allow UW to compare itself to other universities and ultimately help push UW ahead of other universities in Canada on the grounds of campus sustainability. 2.1 Research Question How can a Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework be applied at the University of Waterloo? The objectives of this project include: • Determining how an adapted Cole’s sustainability assessment framework can be applied at UW. • Understanding the role that WATgreen, UWSP, the ERS 250 class, and other relevant courses can play in gathering and analysing data for a campus sustainability assessment framework. • Understanding what the primary barriers will be in implementing this project. • Preparing a guide that will direct students in the ERS “Greening the Campus” course and UWSP volunteers on how to undertake the data gathering and synthesis of information for the assessment. 2.2 Justification When Lindsay Cole completed the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF), a group of students at Concordia University in Montreal proceeded to conduct the 1 Each year MacLeans Magazine releases its “annual Guide to Canadian Universities” where it ranks universities across Canada using such indicators as comprehensiveness, and top undergraduate institutions. 5 assessment. The Sierra Youth Coalition (SYC)2 caught wind of what the Concordia students were doing and decided to incorporate the CSAF as one of the driving forces in SYC’s Greening the Ivory Towers3 project. The Sierra Youth Coalition is now working with university campuses across Canada, including the University of Waterloo in establishing the capacity to undertake this assessment. Before the assessment will be conducted, the University of Waterloo must first build student capacity through course work (ERS 250) and the UWSP volunteer group. Students will undertake the initial phase of the assessment; hence this undertaking is a bottom-up approach to encourage the university, in the future, to quantitatively and qualitatively measure and monitor environmental and social endeavours. The final goal is to have the University of Waterloo publish an annual “Sustainability Report” that uses the CSAF as its foundation. 2.3 Scope This research paper proposes that the University of Waterloo adopt a qualitatively and quantitatively measured and monitored framework that can effectively assess the state of sustainability on campus. There are multiple frameworks available; however, this research paper focuses on the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF), with some comparative analysis other existing frameworks. It is not within the scope of this paper to undertake the assessment. However, the paper will provide a Guide, which outlines how the assessment could be conducted at UW. This will include an identification of indicators most readily available for collection, where on campus data can be collected from, and how the information should be synthesized once gathered. The Guide will also outline the preferred format for data collection and documentation. 2.4 Assumptions Several assumptions have been made. The first assumption is that students in the ERS 250 “Greening the Campus” course and the student volunteers in UWSP will be interested in 2 The Sierra Youth Coalition (SYC) is the student-led volunteer component to the Sierra Club of Canada. Their mandate is to establish a working network of university and college campuses across Canada that are working toward campus sustainability ( 3 Greening the Ivory Towers Project (GITP) is a SYC project initiated in 2003. The goal is to draw a realistic picture of the state of campus sustainability using the CSAF in Canadian Universities and to use this information to promote changes that will lead practices in our post-secondary institutions to be more socially, environmentally and economically responsible ( 6 conducting a sustainability assessment of the campus. The second assumption is that staff, faculty and administration will be willing to release data to students. 2.5 Limitations Time has been the greatest inhibiting factor as there were only eight months allotted for the completion of this research paper and guide. 3.0 Background 3.1 Campus Sustainability at UW It was in 1991 with the visit of Professor David Orr from Oberlin College in Ohio, that the University of Waterloo evolved into a leading university in Canada on campus sustainability. The concept introduced by Orr was to transform the campus into a living laboratory where students, through coursework can conduct research and implement ideas that enhance campus sustainability. It was at this time that UW integrated the WATgreen Advisory Committee into the fabric of the institution and from here UW gained the reputation of being an environmentally progressive university. WATgreen, short for Greening Waterloo, is an advisory committee that provides feedback to projects undertaken on campus sustainability. The student extension of WATgreen is the Environment and Resource Studies (ERS) 250 “Greening the Campus” course, which allows students the opportunity to do research projects on some aspect of the University of Waterloo community that could advance it toward sustainability. Students, at the end of the course, present their project ideas to key stakeholders and to the WATgreen Advisory Committee, who may either show their support for implementation of the idea, or communicate their concerns about what still needs to be researched before the project can take the implementation route. Unfortunately many completed ERS 250 projects have been put on the shelf. Some Environment and Resource Studies students seeing the value in unimplemented projects done by the ERS 250 students, decided to start up a student-driven organization that would allow students from all disciplines the opportunity to take some of the projects and implement them. The result was the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP). UWSP began in 2002, modeled after the University of Victoria University Sustainability Project. 7 After ten years of being among the leading universities in Canada on campus sustainability, the University of Waterloo, in September 2002, hosted the annual conference on Campus Sustainability put on by the non-government organization, the Sierra Youth Coalition. This was UW’s opportunity to show the nation first hand the progress it had made in the area of campus sustainability, including, for example, the natural gardens created by the UWSP Naturalistic Landscaping Group on campus. 3.2 Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework Lindsay Cole’s thesis is a comprehensive project that identifies over 170 campus sustainability indicators. Each of the indicators contains short and long-tern benchmarks identified for use by universities across Canada. Cole’s project entitled Assessing Sustainability on Canadian University Campuses: Development of a Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework is presently being utilized by campuses across Canada including Concordia University, Queens University and University of Victoria. Concordia University, the case study example for this research paper, has recently completed the assessment in 2003 and published the report in January 2004. Waterloo has fallen from among the top universities in Canada with respect to campus sustainability initiatives. There is a strong desire from students in UWSP to establish UW as being the innovative leader in Canada. One initiative which will assist with establishing this position could be the implementation of the campus sustainability assessment framework. 4.0 Analysis Sustainable development is not purely the responsibility of an environmental studies lecturer, an occupational health and safety department or a steering committee for environmental care. The involvement should be more intense and general. Sustainable development can only develop into a natural yard stick against which all choices and decisions are measured in individual staff and students are sufficiently conscious of its importance (Association of European Universities, 1996, 5) It is the assumption of this research that the University of Waterloo has now reached the point in its development of sustainability consciousness where it can integrate an assessment framework for effectively monitoring and measuring its progress toward campus sustainability. 8 Once able to actively measure, on a continuous basis, using an accepted tool of assessment by universities across Canada, the University of Waterloo will be able to properly assess its social, economic and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, UW will be in position to make steps to improve in areas that the assessment focuses. 4.1 The Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework A participatory action research approach was used in the design of the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF) starting from a modified version of the Robert Prescott-Allen’s Wellbeing Assessment (2001). Cole writes in her thesis, “through working with his methodological framework, trying to shape and mould it to the university campus context and through piloting it with over 130 different sustainability campus proponents the CSAF evolved” (Cole, 2003, 22). According to the Sierra Youth Coalition’s, “this framework will be used in an integrated methodology to assist universities in accurately understanding their socio-economic and environmental impacts while offering support, resources and assistance in developing solutions that address overarching structural problems in society and facilitate institutional as well as lifestyle change” ( 4.2 Critique of Other Sustainability Assessment Frameworks Other sustainability assessment frameworks were assessed and analysed along with the Prescott-Allen tool to allow for the development of the CSAF. Below a number of alternative sustainability assessment frameworks are named. Each has shortfalls; however, a common shortfall is lack of comprehensiveness. Figure 1: Critique of Sustainability Frameworks # 1 2 Title Campus Sustainability Assessment Review Project by Andrew Nixon and Dr. Harold Glasser at Western Michigan University Good Company’s Sustainable Pathways Toolkit by Good Description The assessment identifies and defines a set of preliminary campus sustainability assessment qualifications (Nixon, 2002). The Good Company, a private sector business based in Oregon, USA produced 20 core indicators each with a performance benchmark to market to potential university 9 Company and college customers interested in sustainability assessment ( An extensive questionnaire on campus environmental performance and sent it to three high-level administrators at each of the 3 907 degree granting higher education institutions in the USA ( This tool takes the form of a questionnaire with 22 questions requiring responses on a scale of 1-5 an open-ended paragraph answers ( 3 National Wildlife Federation’s State of the Campus Environment 4 University Leaders for a Sustainable Future’s Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire Auditing Instrument for It has 20 issues that are assessed and loosely follows an Sustainability in Higher environmental management system process plan, do, check Education and act cycle ( Penn State Indicators This report covers 33 different indicators of campus Report sustainability issues and rates each one using a 4 point system ( MacLeans Magazine This is a very limited assessment of social issues and not a Annual Guide to sustainability assessment tool in the same category as the Canadian Universities others that have been reviewed. This guide divides universities into three types and then assesses each school according to six main categories, each with a subset of indicators ( Canadian Center for This report is published annually by the Canadian Center for policy Alternatives Policy Alternatives in direct response to gaps in the annual Missing Pieces Report MacLeans guide. CCPA felt that the highly popular I, II and III MacLeans guide does not include critical issues of postsecondary education, quality, accessibility, affordability, opportunity, quality and public accountability (Cole, 2003) 5 6 7 8 The National Round Table on the Environment and Economy (NRTEE) reviewed material in addition to those reviewed by Cole. In reviewing the literature on environmental management at universities, the NRTEE found that within the publications, few described and dealt with the responsibilities of various campus groups in an integrated or systematic fashion. The majority focused on single sector programs such as energy or solid waste rather than developing and implementing the campus wide management systems required for effective management. The study concluded that information on rationale, options and strategies for 10 developing and implementing environmental management systems on universities is scarce (Thompson, 1995) 4. The publications reviewed by NRTEE include: Green Guide: A Users’ Guide to Sustainable Development for Canadian Colleges (Association of Canadian Community Colleges, 1992); Creating a Common Future: Proceedings of the Conference on University Action for Sustainable Development (Jenks Clarke, 1992); the Campus and Environmental Responsibility (Eagan and Orr, 1992); In Our Backyard: Environmental Issues at UCLA, Proposals for Change and Institutions Potential as a Model (Brink et al, 1989); Campus Ecology: A Guide to Assessing Environmental Quality and Creating Strategies for Change (Smith et al, 1993); Case Studies in Environmental Health and Safety Association of Physical Plant Administrators of University Colleges (1990) (Thompson, 1995). Each of the NRTEE-assessed frameworks was less comprehensive than the more recent framework developed by Cole. The CSAF, which utilises approximately 170 social, environmental, cultural, political and economic indicators, is the most comprehensive framework developed to date. However, through the research process of identifying and assessing alternative assessment frameworks to Cole’s CSAF, identified was an alternative assessment framework used by many corporations developed by the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) that could also be used at UW. 4.3 Global Reporting Initiative: Another Avenue The GRI has become the de facto instrument for sustainability reporting in the corporate world. While GRI is tailored for business, not higher education, it does include broad enough guidance that it allows and even encourages adaptation to different organisation types (Newport, 2003). Global Reporting Initiative officials note that the GRI is the only global, triple-bottom line, multi-stakeholder reporting framework. It is recognised by a wide range of global constituencies. The GRI’s governance structure is open and universities have an opportunity to take leadership position within this international organisation (Newport, 2003). The University of Florida was the first university to publish sustainability metrics according to the GRI’s global business standards. Global Reporting Initiative has been found to 4 The data gathered from the Thompson (1995) is dated, however there appears to be limited literature available that critiques existing campus sustainability assessment frameworks. 11 be a valuable tool in university-corporate relationships as it establishes a common language for the discussion of sustainability between the university and corporate entities with which the university seeks to interface. According to Dave Newport, at the University of Florida, “adopting the GRI to higher education is the most promising and shortest path to a generally accepted framework for reporting” (Newport, 2003, 5). When the Sierra Youth Coalition was asked about the GRI as an assessment framework for their Greening the Ivory Towers project, the response in February 2004 indicated that SYC did conduct research on the GRI as a tool used by universities and have concluded that Cole’s CSAF remains as the preferred framework. In addition, SYC, encourages Cole’s CSAF over the GRI alternative on the basis that the GRI is a business tool. The SYC believes that GRI lacks the ability to be adaptive to the unique setting of university campuses and they criticize it for not taking into account the biophysical and social factors. The GRI, as an internationally recognised business assessment tool, may be an alternative candidate framework for the University of Waterloo. The framework, because it is widely known and established, may be easier to sell to University administration then the CSAF as a measuring and monitoring tool. For this paper the GRI will be set aside, however, the GRI tool will be encouraged as an alternative to the CSAF to be look at in greater detail at a later date in the “Recommendations” section of this report. The remainder of this research paper focuses on Cole’s CSAF as a currently preferred framework. 4.4 Benefits of Assessment Campus sustainability assessments serve several functions. Andrew Nixon and Dr. Harold Gasser, researchers in the area of campus sustainability, identify three (Nixon, 2002). The first is to help an institution understand where it stands with regards to sustainability objectives. These objectives may include self-defined sustainability policies or goals; externally defined, voluntary declarations, charters or environmental/sustainability management systems; widely accepted sustainability indicators or metrics; and mandatory regulations. The second function is to identify problem areas and develop strategies for improvement. Assessing institutions “state of sustainability” helps identify relative strengths and weaknesses. A campus sustainability assessment can provide detailed information to inform specific solutions and strategies for change. The third function is to help build a “culture of commitment”. 12 Assessments are good for building diverse stakeholder commitment to sustainability because it provides the campus community and other stakeholders with opportunity to participate in visioning and decision-making processes that ultimately effect them (Nixon, 2002). 4.5 Indicators: Are They Useful? Indicators of sustainable development are a means to an end, and are not an end in themselves (Bell, 2003). Indicators often pose challenges to the institutions that use them. Problems often attributed to indicator frameworks include complexity and compromise. They are complex because indicator projects can lose sight of the bigger picture and become enmeshed in detail. Indicator projects can regain compromise because any particular indicator framework may not allow an immediately apparent analysis of trade-offs between some indicators and others (Bell, 2003). Numerous writers and practitioners have discussed the desirability of integrating a suite of indicators into a single index for sustainable development. Experts are divided into those who see this as a good thing and those who stress the dangers. The concern is that if indicators were to become weighted and averaged together leading to one single index which tries to add up all the apples and oranges into a single number coefficient, this could be misleading. Many experts believe it is better on scientific grounds to have a group of indicators covering different dimensions (Bell, 2003). 4.6 How Are Indicators Measured? Short-term and long-term benchmarks as indicator goals are used as part of the measuring and monitoring tool in the CSAF. According to Cole, “because the CSAF model is new and still being developed, benchmarks for optimum campus sustainability have not been fully established” (Guerin, 2003, p.8). Since the CSAF has been flagged by it’s developers as a “working model”, there is flexibility given to the ERS 250 class and UWSP in what benchmarks could be use. One recommendation to be made in establishing long-term and short-term goals for each of the indicators is for each student group working on the indicators to collaborate with the relevant departments on campus as a means to develop benchmarks that are tangible. The benefits to this process is that the department that is responsible for the information of an 13 indicator obtains a sense of ownership to the process when working with the students to develop the goal that the departments will be encouraged to meet. The sample indicator undertaken in the Guide (Appendix C) provides a thorough example of benchmark selection using the studentdepartment collaboration approach. To summarize, short-term and long-term indicators should be established by both the students undertaking the assessment in cooperation with the relevant departments. The benefit to this approach is that students will be able to work with UW staff, administration and faculty to brainstorm potential benchmarks. These benchmarks and the recommendations made to achieve them will be tangible and arguably more feasible to achieve then they would be if students themselves established them on their own. Depending upon how often this assessment will be undertaken (bi-yearly, every five years, etc) will determine how often the benchmarks will be reestablished. It will be recommended that the approach taken to re-assess benchmarks in the future be the same approach taken during the first assessment to maintain consistency. However, if the approach recommended here proves to be problematique, a new approach to establish benchmarks may be needed to avoid further challenges. 4.7 How Can the CSAF be Used? According to Cole there are two ways that the CSAF can be used: assessment-use and indicator- use. The assessment-use of the CSAF involves regarding the 10 dimensions and the 33 elements of the CSAF as a research outline whereby extensive institution-specific examinations of each topic can be assessed and reported on. Indicator-use of the CSAF is a scaled down project that only involves researching the data specifically required for assessing each indicator, without the broader institution-specific assessment of each topic area (Guerin, 2003). A recommendation that will be made at the end of this report will be for the University of Waterloo to undertake the assessment-use approach to the CSAF. The Assessment-use research approach to the CSAF focuses more on process, long-term planning, and capacity and community building then the indicator-use approach. Benefits to conducting an assessment include a more developed context in which to place the indicators. This will facilitate the development of recommendations to improve sustainability, while providing a foundation onto which the implementation strategies will be firmly grounded. It will also provide a more cohesive and thorough report, which will assist the project in establishing legitimacy and 14 longevity (Guerin, 2003). However, there are challenges to this approach, including capacity needs, solid coordination and consistency in reporting from various contributors (Guerin, 2003). Challenges associated with the assessment-use approach would make the indicator-use approach seem more attractive, however, the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project, has the capacity to be the solid coordinating body of the CSAF, therefore, the assessment-use approach will be the recommended approach. 4.8 What does Sustainable Development Include? Sustainable development dictates that meeting all three: social, environmental and economic imperatives is necessary. It is counter productive to debate, which may be more fundamental. Without satisfying ecological imperatives, we poison ourselves, deplete our resources, and destroy the basic life support systems essential to the human and non-human survival. Without satisfying the economic imperative, we cannot provide the necessities of life, let alone meaningful work. Without satisfying the social imperative, our societies will collapse into chaos. Given the interconnected nature of sustainable development, failure in any one area will result in failure in the other two (Dale, 2001). 4.9 Why are Universities so Important to Advancing Sustainability in Society? A sustainable university campus is an academic institution committed to sustainability helping students understand the roots of environmental degradation while motivating them to engage in environmentally sustainable practices (Clugston, 1999). Students, who learn and practice a sustainable lifestyle while in school may be inclined to transfer these practices into their daily lives after they graduate. 5.0 Methodology There were four approaches used as the methodology for this research. This allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the CSAF, in the context of UW to be carried out in order to provide the basis for the development of the Guide, which will direct the application of the assessment at the University of Waterloo. The four approaches included a literature review; formation and consultation with an advisory panel; a case study of Concordia University; and, consultation with a student-working group from the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project. 15 5.1 Literature Review A literature review of all relevant and current journal articles and projects in the area of campus sustainability and sustainability indicators was carried out. The information gathered from the review has been incorporated throughout this document, and the complete list can be found in the “Literature Cited” at the end of this document. Much of the information gathered was integrated into the “Analysis” section of the paper to help strengthen the case for using the CSAF as the chosen framework. 5.2 Formation and Consultation with an Advisory Panel Creating an advisory committee was important for establishing a process that will work well at this university. Having a diverse range of people involved in the process will provide credibility to the research. WATgreen, which consists of faculty representation from each of the faculties on campus, representation from administration, staff and undergraduate and graduate students, meets each term to advise environment related projects on campus. Students and local environmental groups make presentations to the committee who then make comments and recommendations about the direction of these projects. WATgreen also acts as the advisory committee to the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP). As a result of WATgreen’s diverse membership, the WATgreen Advisory Committee was selected to act as the advisory committee to the Campus Sustainability Assessment Guide project at UW. Not everyone on the committee has an affinity for the environment, therefore the diverse views and opinions of the committee provided a rich array of ideas that strengthened the development of the sustainability guide. During the research, the WATgreen Advisory Committee helped to develop a definition of “Campus Sustainability” used as the foundation for the assessment framework and Guide. Secondly, WATgreen provided input to the “Vision of Sustainability”. The purpose of the vision was to forecast an image of what UW should strive to resemble. In addition, the vision was also developed to update the previous WATgreen vision, to reflect campus sustainability as it appears today at UW. The new definition may be found in Appendix A. 16 5.3 Case Study – Concordia Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec has already undertaken and completed a sustainability assessment of their campus using the CSAF. The student-driven team drafted a 400 page analysis. Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, a graduate student in Community Economic Development who has worked on the project since it began in July 2002 reported “that it’s not a silver bullet”. Instead Garcia-Lamarca sees it as the framework for slow but steady change in the way that Concordia does everything (Curran, 2004). A student researcher at Western Michigan University, Andrew Nixon, said Concordia ranked second only to Penn State in his data base study of sustainability assessments conducted by universities across Canada and the United Stated. Nixon states that, “the collaborative nature of the project at Concordia is almost unprecedented. Typically, what we find are huge obstacles between administrators and students in trying to build partnerships” (Curran, 2004). As the pilot project to Cole’s CSAF, Concordia experienced numerous challenges as well as many successes. The challenges and mistakes have been identified to help alleviate any possibility of UW making the same ones. The structure of their assessment has helped directly with the evolution of the UW Campus Sustainability Assessment Guide. The cse study may be found in Appendix B. 5.4 University of Waterloo Sustainability Project Working Group A group of students who volunteer for UWSP were consulted in the development of the Guide. This small group was also advised on the same scale as the WATgreen Advisory Committee. Although the primary focus of the working group was to help with establishing connections on campus of key individuals and groups from which they can gather information, the working group also undertook the gathering and documentation of a sample group of indicators to illustrate how students in UWSP and the ERS 250 class could undertake the assessment. The group met weekly to brainstorm ideas that would be incorporated into the guide. The main area brainstormed was with regards to what a sustainable campus looks like. Apart from brainstorming, the group also gathered data from Plant Operations at UW, which were assessed and documented as the protocol for the format for the assessment. Appendix C contains the 17 Guide that will be used by the ERS 250 course and UWSP volunteers in undertaking the assessment. In future academic terms, the UWSP working group will play a key role in ensuring that this proposed assessment framework is utilized. It will be the task of the working group to keep in close correspondence with the WATgreen Advisory Committee, specifically the co-chair, Patti Cook to ensure that students that take and professors that teach any of the ERS 250, ERS 390, ERS 490, ERS 316, ERS 339, ERS 669 and ERS 375 and 475 “Special Reading” courses are aware that such a framework exists and that segments can be drawn from it to undertake valuable research projects with the benefit of advancing campus sustainability at UW in the process. 6.0 Conclusion This research paper has established an argument for the application of the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework at the University of Waterloo. The volunteer students in UWSP and the ERS courses will provide the effort in undertaking the assessment. WATgreen is important to the assessment process for it can provide the much needed staff, faculty and administrative support required to undertake a credible assessment. The Guide, found in Appendix C provides the foundation from which student, staff, and faculty volunteers can conduct the assessment in the near future. Once the University of Waterloo completes the assessment, this effort will place UW among the top echelon of universities in Canada in campus sustainability. As well, this initiative will establish UW as a school that prides itself on leading the pack in all areas that make universities competitive, including sustainability of a campus. 18 7.0 Recommendations/Implementation Plan The following are recommendations describing how to advance the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework at the University of Waterloo. Every recommendation is categorized into “Four Months”, “Eight Months”, “One Year” and “Five Years”. This is the suggested route to be taken to undertake the CSAF. Four Months • Sierra Youth Coalition: Maintain the working relationship with the Sierra Youth Coalition, specifically Jeca Glor-Bell at The Sierra Youth Coalition can help undertake the assessment at UW, by answering questions, helping to build capacity and helping with fundraising. • Commitment: UWSP should commit to undertaking the assessment. The Sierra Youth Coalition wants UWSP to complete the assessment in a 12 month time frame. This may not be possible; therefore, UWSP may want to commit to a 3 year focus on the assessment. In three years, the ERS 250 class and other related classes can utilize the assessment, while UWSP volunteers complete the indicators that classes do not work on. • Assessment-Use Approach: Two approaches to undertaking the assessment was described in this report. The approach recommended to be used is the assessment-use approach. Appendix C outlines the assessment-use approach to undertaking this assessment. • Budgeting: A budget should be established by UWSP in collaboration with the Sierra Youth Coalition to gain a full understanding of how much money will be required to undertake the assessment. o The budget should include: Coordinator Position (fulltime co-op student for four months and part-time work study students for four months). The Coordinator will coordinator the assessment undertaken by the ERS classes and UWSP volunteers Supplies (paper, photo copying surveys, etc) Cost of publishing the report (This is a long term goal, but should still be included into the budget) • Economic Feasibility: The economic feasibility of this assessment should be conducted during the development of the budget. Before undertaking the assessment UWSP should ensure that money will be available. • Fundraising: UWSP should look to raise money to fund a coordinator for this assessment that will work from the UWSP office on the third floor of the Student Life Building Room 3102. The University of Waterloo has an Undergraduate Research Internship Fund that may be used. Patti Cook, the Waste Management Coordinator at UW may request for this fund, to allow a four month student work position to work on the assessment under the supervisor of Patti Cook. For more details regarding this fund, please contact Olaf Naese of Co-op Education and Career Services at ext. 3782. • Course Integration: Courses other then ERS 250 that the assessment could be integrated into should be research. The following course have been identified and the professors should be contacted: 19 • • • • o o o o o ERS 250 contact Professor Paul Kay at ERS 339 contact Professor Greg Michalenko at ERS 316 contact Jim Robinson at ERS 390 contact Susan Wismer at ERS 669 contact Susan Wismer at o ERS 375 and 475 (Special Readings) contact Patti Bester Critic of the CSAF: The first class project recommended to be undertaken by the ERS 250 class is an in-depth analysis of the proposed CSAF. This analysis should look at the relevance of each of the indicators (if they are the most effective ones to be used to achieve the intended information), and a critique of other possible assessment frameworks including the Global Reporting Initiative. FEDS and WPIRG Partnership: Over the spring 2004 academic term, UWSP should meet with the new Federation of Students Executive and the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group to educate them on the assessment. Establishing a strong support network with other student groups on campus will help build the student capacity for the assessment to be undertaken. Website: Jen Owens, from the UWSP Sustainable Indicators Working Group has committed to developing a web page for the assessment over the spring term. The web page can be found as a link from the current UWSP web page at WATgreen: UWSP should maintain a working relationship with the WATgreen Advisory Committee. WATgreen has already been very involved with the development of this assessment at UW thus far. Therefore it would be beneficial to maintain this connection to allow for continued support from this committee. Eight Months • Volunteer Capacity: In September, two members from the Sustainable Indicators Working Group from Winter 2004, Jen Owens and Michel Wahome, will initiate the start-up of the group again. They will participate in the first UWSP General Meeting in September by doing a brief presentation of what the assessment is in an attempt to build the volunteer capacity. • UWSP Working Groups: The UWSP Sustainability Indicator Group, in September, should encourage each of the other five working groups (Climate Change, Alternative Transportation, Renewable Energies, Waste Management and Naturalistic Landscaping) to work on parts of the assessment that relate to their individual group focus for the following academic year. One Year • Multi-Stakeholder Group: Once the assessment gets going and all of the initial analysis of the CSAF has been completed, a multi-stakeholder working group should be established to help work through the assessment. Members of the group should include UW undergraduate and graduate students from various faculties, staff, faculty and administrators, WPIRG representative and members of the local community. 20 Five Years • Publish: In 5 years, the assessment should be completed and ready to be published. • Comparison: Assuming that the universities that the SYC are currently working with finish their reports in five years, the results from the UW Sustainability Report can be compared to the other universities and colleges in Canada. • MacLeans Ranking: The Sierra Youth Coalition hopes to have sustainability as one of the rankings in MacLean’s Magazine Annual Guide to Canadian Universities. 21 Literature Cited Bell, Simon, Stephen Morse, Measuring Sustainability: Learning from Doing, Earthscan Publications Ltd., Virginia, 2003 Bell, Simon, Sustainability Indicators: Measuring the Immeasurable, Earthscan Publications Ltd., 1999. Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg Ltd., Campus Master Plan: Framework for Development, University of Waterloo, 1992 Clugston, Richard M. and Wynn Calder, Critical Dimensions of Sustainability in Higher Education, Peter Lang, 1999 Cole, Lindsay, Assessing Sustainability on Canadian University Campuses: Development of a Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework, Royal Roads University, British Columbia, 2003 Communications and Public Affairs, We’re Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 2004 Concordia University, Sustainability Assessment Published, “Concordia’s Thursday Report”, Vol. 25, No. 9, January 2004. Creighton, Sarah Hammond, Greening the Ivory Tower: Improving the Environmental Track Record of Universities, Colleges and Other Institutions, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998 Curran, Peggy, Concordia Project Sustains the Future, Montreal Gazette, February, 2004 Dale, Anne, At the Edge: Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, UBC Press, British Columbia, Vancouver, 2001 Glasser, Harold, Campus Sustainability Assessment: Knowledge Behaviour, Environmental and Sustainability Issues, Western Michigan University, 2003 Guerin, Geneva, and Lindsay Cole, Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework Toolkit, Sierra Youth Coalition, 2003 Hammond, Allen, Environmental Indicators: A Systematic Approach to Measuring and Reporting on Environmental Policy Performance in the Context of Sustainable Development, World Resources Institute, 1995. Leal Fillho, Walter, Implementing Sustainable Development at the University Level: A Manuel of Good Practice, Association of European Universities, Switzerland, 1996. 22 Leal Fillho, Walter, Sustainability and University Life: Some European Perspectives, Peter Lang, New York, 1999 Mcleod, A.J., University of Waterloo ISO 14001 Gap Analyses, University of Waterloo, 2003 National Wildlife Federation, State of the Campus Environment: A National Report Card on Environmental Performance and Sustainability in Higher Education, 2001 Newport, Dave, University and Sustainability Reporting: Adopting the GRI to Academia, University of Florida, 2003 Nixon, Andrew, Improving the Campus Sustainability Assessment Process, Western Michigan University, May 2002 Orr, David, The Nature of Design: Ecological Culture and Human Intention, Oxford University Press, Toronto, 2002. Prescott-Allen, Robert, The Wellbeing of Nations: A Country-by-Country Index of Quality of Life and the Environment, Island Press, Washington, 2001. Sierra Youth Coalition, Greening the Ivory Towers Academia to Action: Measuring Sustainability at Canadian Campuses, June 2003 Smith, April A, Campus Ecology: A Guide to Assessing Environmental Quality and Creating Strategies for Change, The Student Environmental Action Coalition, Living Planet Press, Los Angeles, 1993 Stevenson, Robert B., Schooling and Environmental Education: Contradictions in Purpose and Practice, “Environmental Education: Practice and Possibility”, Deakin University, Australia, 1987 Thompson, Dixon, Serene Van Bakel, A Practical Introduction to Environmental Management on Canadian Campuses, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Toronto, 1995 University of waterloo, More Naturalization Can be Done on Campus: What’s Stopping It? ERS 250 Student Project, 2001 University of Waterloo, WATgreen: The Vision, “The State of the Environment Report”, 1998 University of Waterloo, We’re Waterloo: Annual Report 2003, Waterloo 2003. Warren Wilson College, People and Nature: Our Future in the Balance, National Wildlife Federation, 2002 23 Web Sources Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 2003, Environmental Center, Land Degradation and Development, 2003 Global Centres, Understanding our Changing Planet: What is Global Climate Change?, Government of Canada, Agenda 21: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, 2002 Plant Operations, University of Waterloo Turf Grass Maintenance Action Plan, 1994 Prescott-Allen, Robert, How Do We Know When We Are Sustainable? IUCN International Assessment Team, Switzerland Science for Global Insight, Modeling Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes, 2003 Sierra Youth Coalition, Sierra Youth Coalition, 2003, University of Waterloo, Campus Map, 2002 University of Waterloo, University of Waterloo Act, 1996 University of Waterloo, WATgreen, World Bank, Global Environmental Facility Program, Land Degradation, 2003 World Resources Institute, Disappearing Land: Soil Degradation, Sustainable Development Information services, 2003 24 APPENDIX A WATGreen Advisory Committee Definition of Campus Sustainability An initial definition of Campus Sustainability was taken from Cole’s CSAF. Cole took a participatory action research approach to the design of the assessment framework. This participatory approach resulted in Cole developing a team of 15 co-researchers into an ad-hoc advisory group. The definition of Campus Sustainability that they developed is as follows: A sustainable campus community acts upon its local and global responsibilities to protect and enhance the health and well being of humans and ecosystems. It actively engages the knowledge of the university community to address the ecological and social challenges that we face now and in the future (Cole, 2003) Each member of Cole’s advisory group had their own personal idea of what campus sustainability is and how to achieve it. The success in getting such a diverse group to collaborate and even agree on a definition was an important first step in getting this group to work together in developing the methodology and completing the CSAF (Cole, 2003). It would appear that this would be the first step in establishing a campus sustainability assessment framework at UW; engaging the members of WATgreen in a discussion on what UW’s definition of “campus sustainability” should be. According to Cole, the definition of campus sustainability, “should be seen as a working model, one that needs to be continually revised over time” (Coles, 2003, 30) thus WATgreen was not trying to undo the work done by another advisory group, but instead, enrich the definition to fit the fabric at UW. 25 The WATgreen Advisory Committee was able to agree on the following definition of campus sustainability in February 2004: A sustainable campus community, including staff, faculty, administration, students and the city acknowledges its local, regional and global responsibilities to protect and enhance the health and well being of humans and ecosystems. It actively engages the knowledge of the university community to address the ecological, social, cultural, political and economic changes that we face now and in the future (Legacy, 2003). The original “vision of sustainability” as found on the WATgreen website (1991) ( is as follows: We envision UW transforming itself into a showcase of sustainability, a true ecosystem in harmony with its environment. We refer to this process as "Greening the Campus". This undertaking presents an opportunity for students, staff, and faculty to improve the quality of their environment, while decreasing the overall operating cost of the University. This project offers significant new directions and opportunities for education and research. It is promoting an environmentallyaware campus community. "Greening the Campus" represents an opportunity for UW to act as a model and a catalyst for other campuses and institutions. UW students will take with them into society the knowledge and motivation necessary to foster the transformation to a sustainable society. In short, UW in the 21st century could do for the environment what it did for computers in the 20th century. Overall, the “vision of sustainability” statement is old and should be updated to reflect the current changes that have occurred including the development of UWSP and the current campus projects that students have been undertaking. The WATgreen Advisory Committee, through consultation with them has agreed to the following two-part vision statement in February 2004. The first part is the actual vision, and the second part incorporates the campus sustainability assessment framework into how UW can go about striving toward its vision: 26 To transform the University of Waterloo into an institution of environmental responsibility, while achieving short-term cost savings while obtaining long-term cost efficiency. The University of Waterloo will aim to increase awareness of environmental sustainable development through offering education for environmentally responsible citizenship and encouraging interdisciplinary approaches to research. In promoting an environmentally aware campus community, UW students will take with them into society the knowledge and motivation necessary to foster the transformation to a sustainable society. An avenue to pursue in the journey toward a sustainable campus is in establishing a quantitative and qualitative measuring and monitoring device such as a campus sustainability assessment framework. Such a framework will help guide UW toward a sustainable campus that is both ecologically and economically efficient. The process used to develop the definition and vision included, introducing Cole’s definition and the original WATgreen vision to the WATgreen group at a WATgreen meeting in October, 2003. Each member of WATgreen was met with individually during the time period of December 2003 and January 2004. It was important to meet with each member on an individual basis to allow each member the opportunity to critic and add his or her ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. The outcome was the agreement by WATgreen to conditionally accept this “vision of sustainability” as a “vision in progress” (to be changed on a continual basis to reflect changes at UW). They had problems with the first sentence, which they collectively felt should remain the same as the original vision established in 1991. 27 Appendix B Case Study: Concordia University Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework at Concordia The ability to market, network and build capacity for the implementation of the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF) had to stem from passionate individuals. At Concordia University it was the leadership of students who saw the value in the CSAF who then took the initiative to implement it. Common interest in campus sustainability brought Concordia students to the 2002 Campus Sustainability Conference at the University of Waterloo where Melissa Garcia-Lamarca and Geneva Guerin from Concordia University met Lindsay Cole from Royal Roads University (author of the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework). This meeting started what soon crystallized into a yearlong process of marketing, building capacity and executing the assessment at Concordia University. Concordia University Concordia University has a reputation of having a very active student population. Their mission statement states, “…Concordia is committed to responsible and innovative leadership in fulfilling the mission of university to develop and disseminate knowledge and values and to act as a social critic” (Concordia University, 2003). This mission speaks to Concordia’s unique structure. As communicated on their website, Concordia is a large urban university, which was founded in 1974 after the merger of two institutions, Loyola College (1896) and Sir William University (1927). Located in downtown Montreal, Quebec, Concordia has two campuses located a few blocks away from each other. The student population as of Fall 2003 was 30 824 students all of which are enrolled in one of the more then 180 undergraduate programs and 80 graduate programs (Concordia University, 2003). Sustainable Concordia Project Sustainable Concordia is a working group under the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) that strives for environmental, economic and social change on the Concordia campus. The Sustainable Concordia Project is a “student run initiative aimed at facilitating the 28 transition of University practices from the current situation to that of a successfully sustainable campus” (Sustainable Concordia Project, 2003). Sustainable Concordia is the driving organization on campus that embraced the assessment. The completed document has carved a passageway for much of the efforts by the Sustainable Concordia Project group. As outlined in the assessment document, released in January 2004, the focus for Sustainable Concordia Project will be to alternate yearly between assessing the status of environmental, economic and social sustainability at Concordia and implementing alternative measures (Sustainable Concordia Project, 2003). Undertaking the Assessment Melissa Garcia-Lamarca and Geneva Guerin both saw the value in Concordia undertaking a sustainability assessment of its campus. After identifying this value they had to articulate it to other students who could help them raise capacity for the assessment to prosper. These two strong student leaders were successful in gathering a base of approximately ten committed students, the backing of the Sustainable Concordia Project and support from key staff and professors on campus. According to an article published in the Concordia Thursday Report, “the students who conducted the audit were especially pleased by the co-operation they got from the university staff in terms of information and financial aid” (Concordia Thursday Report, 2004). The initial steps taken by Melissa and Geneva began with utilizing a two page report that provided an overview of the project proposal which they later presented to all the Deans from each of the Faculties on campus. This first step was imperative in establishing the much-needed support from staff, faculty and administration to have the assessment undertaken. The second big endeavour was enhancing the economic feasibility of Concordia undertaking the assessment. By setting out a budget of $15 000 (Concordia Thursday Report, 2004), they were able to focus their efforts on how much money this assessment would cost and where such funding could come from. Once the dollars were secured, the committed students (some paid, some strictly volunteers) worked on completing the assessment in a one year time period. The effort was supported by the Sierra Youth Coalition and the multi-stakeholder group that they establish a working relationship with early in the process. 29 Where They Are Now With the pending completion of the first phase of the assessment, a Geography Course (GEOG 398) developed. The premise of the course was to institutionalize the assessment in a course designed to allow students from all faculties and disciplines the opportunity to enhance campus sustainability. Using the campus as a laboratory, the course explores the “creation of sustainable communities” (Moore, 2003), designed to support Concordia’s biennial sustainability assessment. According to the Geography 398 Course outline, at Concordia the assessment, comprehensively measures economic, social and ecological indicators of sustainability of the university’s practices and proposes recommendations for improvement (Moore, 2003). Hence, the course was developed to provide a means for the assessment. The Geography 398 course was offered for the first time in September 2003 with an enrolment of 24 students (Moore, 2004). Seven groups of students worked on such elements of the assessment including completing a feasibility study on a recommendation from the assessment resulting in two being implemented. The first concerns the university's recently launched new fleet of shuttle buses to link the two campuses. The buses are fuelled in part by biodiesel, as suggested by the student project. The community group decided to divide their event into two phases. The first took place recently and had Maude Barlow among others speaking about food and globalization. They will also had a community event in September to facilitate student participation in the various groups and activities on campus. Implementation action continues on several others: the recto verso/recycling campaign, the incorporation of a sustainability course at the John Molson School of Business, and the allocation of a portion of the university's investments to socially responsible investments The long-term goals of the project, which will continue to be worked on by the Geography 398 students, consist of the development of the implementation strategies, which are created to carry out the recommendations and allow for a follow-up assessment each year (Concordia Thursday Report, 2004). Therefore, the course was developed to allow students to conduct studies that directly contribute to it. During non-assessment years, the students will examine the most recent assessment, conduct feasibility studies of the proposed recommendations and compare the results both from previous assessments at Concordia and with other universities. 30 University of Waterloo: Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework Guide Crystal Legacy ERS 490 / 475 Advisor: Susan Wismer Fall 2003 / Winter 2004 31 Preface The University of Waterloo Campus Sustainability Assessment Guide provides students, staff, faculty and administration at the University of Waterloo (UW) with the required information and guidance to complete this assessment at UW. There is a toolkit available which answers the question, “how do I conduct this assessment?” It provides information on understanding sustainability in a campus context, a discussion of each of the 10 subsections of indicators and their importance to sustainability on campus, as well as, an indicator by indicator breakdown of how to satisfy the research requirements for each indicator. This toolkit, developed by the creators of the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF), is accessible through the Sierra Youth Coalition at, a copy may also be accessed from Patti Cook the Waste Management Coordinator at UW, along with the copy of the original CSAF. You can email Patti Cook at to obtain this copy. The following guide is to be used in conjunction with the toolkit. Information found in this guide includes, a brief introduction to the Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework and its methodology, background to campus sustainability at UW, an introduction to the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP), as well as the campus map and the administrative structure at UW. This information is to be considered the background information to the CSAF at UW. Following the introductory information, is an example of the Assessment-Use approach to the CSAF. This outlines the type of research that should be gathered and how to go about documenting it. In addition to the example of how to undertake the assessment, a number of appendices are attached at the end of this guide. The information found in these appendices includes the original list of indicators (Appendix A), the indicators and their contact departments (Appendix B), and the list of key contacts on campus (Appendix C). All of the information contained here will allow students in ERS 250 and UWSP volunteers to undertake the assessment promptly without having to figure out key people on campus to talk with, etc, because all of that information may be found here. Although the list of contacts is extensive, it is not complete and may change as people leave departments, retire, etc. Please add and take away from these lists as the assessment at UW evolves. Data collected for each of the indicators on the assessment whether by the ERS 250 class, or student volunteers at UWSP, should be given to the UWSP office manager who will be responsible to input the information into a data base at the UWSP office. The UWSP office manager is located in the UWSP office on the third floor of the Student Life Center room 3102, or you can contact him/her at 32 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………..35 Albert Einstein Quote……………………………………………………….36 Background on Campus Sustainability and the University of Waterloo….…37 Life at a Sustainable University of Waterloo………………………………...40 The University of Waterloo Sustainability Project……………………….….42 Campus Sustainability: Why is it Important?..................................................44 Methodology………………………………………………………………....45 A Glimpse into the University of Waterloo……………………………….....49 Chapter Example: Land……………………………………………………...53 Land in a Global Context…………………………………………………....54 Land in a Canadian Context…………………………………………………55 Land in a Local Context at the University of Waterloo……………………..56 Recommendations…………………………………………………………...60 Feasibility Study……………………………………………………………..61 Best Practices………………………………………………………………..62 Appendix A: Original List of Indicators…………………………………………………63 Appendix B: Indicators and their Contact Departments…………………………………79 Appendix C: List of Key Contacts……………………………………………………….91 List of Figures: Figure 1: Egg of Sustainability…………………………………………………..……...45 Figure 2: Campus Sustainability Chapters and Subgroups………………………..….…48 Figure 3: University of Waterloo Campus Map…………………………………….…..50 Figure 4: List of Buildings and Names……………………………………………….....51 Figure 5: Administrative Structure at Waterloo………………………………………...52 Figure 6: Managed Greenspace Indicators……………………………………………...58 33 Acknowledgements This Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework Guide (CSAF Guide) is the product that extends from collaboration with various significant individuals and groups on the University of Waterloo Campus. Several people have helped me to create and fine-tune the following guide, which will act as a tool to be used by volunteers in the Campus Sustainability Indicator working group in the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP) and students in the Environment and Resource Studies (ERS 250) “Greening the Campus Course” and all subsequent ERS courses that allow students to undertake independent projects. The following people, I would like to commend for their support and contribution to the University of Waterloo Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework Guide: Patti Cook, UW Susan Wismer, UW Greg Michalenko, UW Jeca Glor-Bell, SYC Jenn Davis, Concordia University Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, Concordia University Susan Mayor, Concordia University Catherine Moore, Concordia University Lindsay Cole, Royal Roads University WATgreen Advisory Committee, UW • Ian Fraser, Grant Russell, Dennis Huber, Andrew Martin, Stephanie Guildford, Paul Eagles, Eric Croiset, Val Rynnimeri, Winston Cherry, Phoebe Ming-Lam Chow, Darren Becks. Sandy Kiang, UW Athletic Department, UW Plant Operations, UW Department of Statistics, UW Human Resources, UW Purchasing and Graphics, UW Registrars Office, UW Trace Office, UW Health and Safety Office, UW Marketing, UW Police Services, UW Secretariat, UW Persons with Disabilities, UW Institutional Analysis and Federation of Students, UW Planning, UW Research Office, UW UWSP: Campus Co-operative Services, UW Sustainability Residence/Housing, UW Indicator Group Food Services, UW Communications Department, UW Health Services, UW 34 "The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." — Albert Einstein 35 Background on Campus Sustainability and the University of Waterloo It was in 1991 with the visit of Professor David Orr from Oberlin College in Ohio, that the University of Waterloo evolved into a leading university in Canada on campus sustainability. The concept introduced by Orr was to transform the campus into a living laboratory where students, through coursework can conduct research and implement ideas that enhance campus sustainability. It was at this time that UW integrated the WATgreen advisory committee into the fabric of the institution and from here UW gained the reputation of being an environmentally progressive university. WATgreen, short for Greening Waterloo, is an advisory committee that provides feedback to projects undertaken on campus sustainability. The student extension of WATgreen is the Environment and Resource Studies (ERS) 250 “Greening the Campus” course, which allows students the opportunity to do research projects on some aspect of the University of Waterloo community that advances it toward sustainability. Students, at the end of the course, present their project idea to decision-makers and to the WATgreen Advisory Committee, who either show their support for implementation of the idea, or communicate their concerns about what still needs to be researched before the project can take the implementation route. Many of the projects go through the exploratory research phase, only to be “put on the shelf”. Some Environment and Resource Studies students saw the opportunity to start up a studentdriven organization that would allow students from all disciplines the opportunity to take some of the projects and implement them. The result was the inception of the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP) in 2002 modeled after the University of Victoria University Sustainability Project. After ten years of being among the leading universities in Canada on campus sustainability, the University of Waterloo, in September 2002, hosted the annual conference on Campus Sustainability put on by the non-government organization the Sierra Youth Coalition. This was UW’s opportunity to showcase the newly formed UWSP organization and all the volunteer 36 projects that were currently being implemented from such groups as the Naturalistic Landscaping group. The University of Waterloo has since fallen behind such universities as Concordia University in Montreal, who recently undertook a Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework, to monitor and measure, on an on-going basis, the progress of sustainability at their campus. The purpose for this Guide is to help initiate the next wave of campus sustainability by proposing that Waterloo undertake the same Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework undertaken by Concordia University in 2003. Once this initiative is undertaken, the University of Waterloo can act in the innovative fashion that it prides itself on, and be able to be among the leaders that will take campus sustainability into the next phase. Vision of Sustainability The “Vision of Sustainability” developed by the WATgreen Advisory Committee that will be used as the inspiration for the implementation of this assessment reads as follows: To transform the University of Waterloo into an institution of environmental responsibility, while achieving short-term cost savings while obtaining long-term cost efficiency. The University of Waterloo will aim to increase awareness of environmental sustainable development through offering education for environmentally responsible citizenship and encouraging interdisciplinary approaches to research. In promoting an environmentally aware campus community, UW students will take with them into society the knowledge and motivation necessary to foster the transformation to a sustainable society (Legacy, 2004). An avenue to pursue in the journey toward a sustainable campus is in establishing a quantitative and qualitative measuring and monitoring device such as a campus sustainability assessment framework. Such a framework will help guide UW toward a sustainable campus that is both ecologically and economically efficient (Legacy, 2004). This vision is important because it articulates the aim of sustainability of the university campus and how to go about reaching it. 37 Life at a Sustainable University of Waterloo The following is a creative story developed by the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project Campus Sustainability Indicator Group, 2004 Morgan, a first year student at the University of Waterloo leaves early on Monday morning from her eco-resident house at the Columbia Lake Townhouses (CLT). The CLT was not always considered eco-residences, however, as the result of an ERS 250 “Greening the Campus” project, the residences were retrofitted to resemble ecological sustainable living quarters. A busy university student has everything she/he needs at their fingertips. Composting, three-stream recycling bins in each house make effective waste management easy. The solar panels on top of each building are spectacular to look at, which nicely compliments the naturalistic landscape that extends throughout the CLT village and the university campus. Morgan, who enjoys sleeping in, never is woken by the grounds crew mowing the lawn because the landscape does not require any type of fuel-endorsed maintenance. As Morgan leaves the CLT, she says hello to the friendly grounds worker who is trimming the bushes. Morgan, who loves her first year ecological literacy course taught by professors that sit on the WATgreen Advisory Committee, can’t wait because today in her tutorial two students, one from civil engineering, and the other in science and business are presenting their project on wind turbines as an alternative source of energy for the university. What a neat idea! On the way, she has to first go to the Environmental Studies Computer lab to do some paper work via email for the registrar’s office. Morgan notices how much less paper-intensive this university is compared to her old high school. She parked her bicycle at Lot A. Lot A used to be a parking lot for cars but was transformed over to a bicycle parking lot after the inception of a universal bus pass that reduced the volume of cars driven to campus each day, Morgan proceeds to the UW book Store. She has to pick up a text book from the store. Like many students, Morgan is strapped for money, but she does not have to worry. Recently the UW Book Store put in place a Pay-to-Loan system where students pay a 38 down payment for a textbook and then receive that money back at the end of the term when they return the textbook to be recycled to students in the upcoming school term. This system is optional; students who want to Pay-to-Own their text books can still do so. Morgan is particularly happy that she does not have to purchase any course notes, because the University has just passed a policy that course notes are to be posted on line. Students can then read the notes on the computer screen or choose to print off the notes on post-consumer paper available at every printing station on campus. Morgan is unaware of this, but the university made a major change-around to undertake more sustainable business practices a few years ago when the administration integrated a line in their 6th Decade plan, which communicated that the university is now committed to striving towards sustainability. Since that time faculty and staff have started to undertake sustainable development training, which educates each employee of the university on the importance of their job, how it relates to sustainability, and how they can incorporate sustainability practices into their routine at work. As Morgan walks across campus to get to her ecological literacy class, she readily notices the effort put forth by all levels of the university community to become more sustainable. While Morgan walks along Ring Road, she sees solar panels on buildings with university students given high school students lessons on how they work; she sees native species blooming in naturalistic gardens including rock and butterfly gardens; and she sees the hybrid access van driving students who are physically challenged. Can the University of Waterloo ever look like this? Yes! Sustainability is a work in progress. Through continuous improvement, the campus can continue to evolve towards a vision of sustainability. The ability to do so will result through continuous consultation with community members outside of the university as well as staff, faculty, administration and students representing all faculties on campus. The University of Waterloo Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework Guide is just one step towards a sustainable campus. However, it is an important first step. It will assess the current state of campus 39 sustainability in a qualitative and quantitative manner that will allow students through course and volunteer work the opportunity to make positive change happen in the areas most needed on campus. The University of Waterloo Sustainability Project Vision The vision of the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project is to strive to continually develop and implement environmentally sustainable practices on the University of Waterloo (UW) campus. The environment, as defined by UWSP, includes the biophysical, social, economical and political environment. The mission of the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP) is to increase student biophysical, social, economic and political awareness of the environment while educating and involving the campus community on issues related to the sustainable development of the campus. UWSP aims to do this by strengthening the environmental network of UW students, faculty, and administration. Working out of the UW Sustainability Project office, the UWSP Coordinators facilitate individual, group and class-related projects aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the University of Waterloo. The University of Waterloo Sustainability Project embraces the 1987 Brundtland Commission’s definition of sustainable development, which suggests that “development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. In January 2002, the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project opened its door in the Student Life Center at the University of Waterloo. UWSP started as a result of a few students who saw a vision, which would allow students from all faculties the opportunity to work on projects that would enhance the sustainability of the campus either through course work or through volunteerism. The office provides space for students to meet, computer space for students to 40 conduct internet searches, and a library of past ERS 250 projects waiting to be implemented. A hired office manager assists working groups and all students in project development. UWSP has developed a working relationship with the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) and with other established environmental/sustainable development groups on campus. As well as these partnerships, UWSP also has a number of its own working groups that have been working each term to implement projects on campus. The working groups consist of Waste Management, Climate Change, Naturalistic Landscaping, Alternative Transportation and Renewable Energy. The WATgreen Advisory Committee chaired by Patti Cook the Waste Management Coordinator at UW, plays a role in institutionalizing UWSP. Each academic term, the Federation of Students appoints two students as UWSP Coordinators. These students run the UWSP office by coordinating and providing support to all student projects. The Coordinators are the liaison between UWSP volunteers and the Federation of Students and they also report each term to the WATgreen Advisory Committee with updates with what each working group and UWSP as an organization is up too. To contact the UWSP Office Manager please email or visit the office on the third floor of the Student Life Centre room number 3102. 41 Campus Sustainability: Why is it Important? David Orr, professor at Oberlin College in Ohio and advocate of campus sustainability encourages universities across the world to consider their respective campuses as “living laboratories”. These “living laboratories” allow students to learn, faculty to teach and staff to work within a system that is understood as being a model for the world community beyond the university. As a practice tool for what students want to accomplish once they graduate, the university campus as a “living laboratory” allows students to undertake projects that will enhance the biophysical, social and economic environment of their university. To date, efforts to create a sustainable campus have lacked a strategic plan to direct the focus in a way that would allow areas that have been identified as “areas of concern” to be worked on in a coordinated fashion from year to year. The campus sustainability assessment framework was developed under the supervision of campus sustainability experts across Canada, as a proposed strategic plan to direct the sustainability work done on campuses across Canada. The motivation for the project came from an apparent gap in current campus sustainability frameworks in terms of their potential application to Canadian university campuses. This indicator-based assessment can be a means by which UW establishes how sustainable it has become and what areas need focus in order to push UW ahead of all other universities in Canada on the grounds of campus sustainability. Definition of Campus Sustainability The WATgreen Advisory Committee, with aid from the definition of campus sustainability proposed by Cole in the CSAF, adopted the following definition of campus sustainability in February 2004. The definition is as follows: A sustainable campus community, including staff, faculty, administration, students and the city acknowledges its local, regional and global responsibilities to protect and enhance the health and well being of humans and ecosystems. It actively engages the knowledge of the university community to address the ecological, social, cultural, political and economic changes that we face now and in the future. 42 Methodology The methodology used for this guide, and used as well in Concordia’s CSAF, is the same methodology developed by Lindsay Cole in her CSAF. The methodology was developed through consultation with Cole’s co-research team of campus sustainability stakeholders.5 Figure 1: Egg of Sustainability Sustainability is currently ill-defined. It is complex, interdependent, and very difficult to accurately divide into smaller parts. The Egg of Sustainability (Figure 1) attempts to synthesize sustainability into a ECOSYSTEM manageable model. LAND WATER This model – the egg of sustainability – is meant to help with understanding MATERIALS and describing the wide range of campus sustainability issues included in the CSAF (Cole, PEOPLE AIR KNOWLEDGE ENERGY COMMUNITY 2003). The schematic diagram in Figure 1 illustrates that the people subsystem lies within the eco-subsystem, HEALTH & WELL-BEING GOVERNANCE ECONOMY & WEALTH representing its supportive function, and that each subsystem needs to be healthy in order for the whole system to be healthy. Within each subsystem are five “dimensions,” representing the key campus sustainability issues. The ecosystem dimensions are air, water, land, materials, and energy. The people dimensions are knowledge, community, economy and wealth, governance, and health and wellbeing. Each dimension is then further broken down into “elements” and “sub-elements” until the organizational level of indicators is reached (Cole, 2003). At the University of Waterloo, many challenges in data and information gathering, to fully complete the CSAF will be faced. The CSAF is the largest tool of its kind, containing over 170 indicators. At UW, students will not be able to find information on all of the indicators 5 Crystal Legacy undertook extensive research of past and present campus sustainability assessment frameworks in assessing which framework would be of the most use at UW. Her research may be found through Patti Cook, the Waste Management Coordinator at UW at extension 3245. 43 contained in the CSAF, and perhaps whole sub-sections will have to be left blank due to inaccessibility or unavailability of information. Found in this guide is a list of all the indicators found in the CSAF, with additional information with regards to who on campus such data may be gathered from, whether information is available on campus, and how to gather the information i.e. using audits and surveys. As part of this initiation, the ERS 250 “Greening the Campus” course, as well as student volunteers in UWSP should describe data collection difficulties, communicate these issues by, identifying what departments on campus lack information, and make concrete suggestions on how to move forward. Inaccessible or uncollected information does not mean that the issue is not important for the UW campus (Cole, 2003); in fact it may be that these exact issues are the most important ones for the campus to address. The CSAF has been designed as a whole to describe overall movement of our campus towards sustainability. Implementation of the CSAF will be a great challenge, and an important one, requiring patience, diplomacy, strategic planning and perseverance to complete (Cole, 2003). The University of Waterloo assessment is comprised of ten chapters based on ten indicator framework categories. Five focus on ecological areas including energy, land, air, water and materials. Five focus on socio-economic areas, which are knowledge, governance, economy and wealth, health and wellbeing and community. Each chapter is further divided into subsections (Figure 2). When data is collected on a group of indicators, each “chapter” of indicators should be documented using the following as a guide: Context The global and local context will be set to help explain the importance of the issue at hand. Importance will be explained from a global perspective as well as in the context of the University community at Waterloo. 44 Indicators Measurements of UW’s sustainability are set according to the standard indicator framework used by the universities. Recommendations Each subsection will have a recommendation section that will highlight the require steps to be taken to get the University to the next level in sustainability. The recommendations are broken down into three categories “maintenance”, “preventative”, and “innovative”. The maintenance recommendations are those practices that can be done on a daily basis that will help reduce any adverse impacts to the socio-biophysical environment. Preventative measures are those practices that stop an adverse effect from occurring in the future. Innovative practices are those that prevent any foreseen negative effects from occurring as a result from an accumulation of practices occurring presently. Feasibility Studies After the recommendations are made, feasibility studies should be undertaken. Each recommendation should be practical and therefore include an assessment of the economic, social and environmental feasibility. Case Studies/Best practices Best practices from Universities around the world will be illustrated in each section. The best practices will pertain to the focus of the particular subsection. Best practices will highlight the achievements of universities while setting a standard of feasibility. An example of this process is later described using a sample group of indicators. 45 Figure 2: Campus Sustainability Chapters and Subgroups Ecological Chapter Materials Buildings Energy Sources Air Indoor Paper Food Management Outdoor Intensity of Use Land Water Managed Green Consumption Space**** Natural Areas Management Intensity of Use Storm and Waste Water Equipment Hazardous Waste Solid Waste Socio-Economic Chapter Governance Policy Implementation Monitoring Knowledge Training Research Curriculum Economy and Wealth Individual Institutional Health and Wellbeing Recreation Food Safety Health Services Environment Community Involvement Diversity Services Note: **** Indicates the area of focus for the sample indicator which appears later in the guide. 46 A Glimpse into the University of Waterloo The University of Waterloo, located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada was founded in 1957. Since 1957, the University of Waterloo (UW) has evolved into a flourishing academic institution with an alumni base of 112,000 from approximately 135 countries around the globe (Communications and Public Affairs, 2003). These numbers are a testament to the international reputation UW has established for itself in each of its seven disciplines, which includes one of the largest Math Faculties in the world. The University of Waterloo is a large university with a student base of 18,913 full-time undergraduates, 2,637 part-time undergraduates, 2,039 full-time graduate students and 446 parttime graduate students (Communications and Public Affairs, 2003). The University of Waterloo has the largest co-operative education program in North America, which allows UW students to graduate with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience required to solve current complex and pressing problems and to embrace future challenges (Communication and Public Affairs, 2003). Mission Statement (Annual Report) Waterloo has long been recognized as the most innovative university in Canada. Like many universities, Waterloo is committed to advancing learning and knowledge through teaching, research and scholarship. What sets Waterloo apart, however, is how it goes about accomplishing its mission. From the beginning, Waterloo had been an outward-looking university, aware of and responsive to the needs of society. But producing the leaders of tomorrow is just part of the mission. As a research intensive university, Waterloo is committed to discovering new knowledge and finding ways to use that knowledge for the benefit of all. Waterloo is the national leader in the transfer of ideas and technology to the private sector. More Canadian high-tech and knowledge-based spin-off companies trace their roots to the University of Waterloo than to any other school (University of Waterloo, 2003). 47 Figure 3: University of Waterloo Campus Map (University of Waterloo, 2002) 48 Figure 4: List of Buildings and Names AL Arts Lecture Hall GH Graduate House B1 Biology 1 GSC General Services Complex B2 Biology 2 HH J.G. Hagey Hall of the Humanities BAU Bauer Warehouse HMN Hildegard Marsden Nursery BFG 195 Columbia St. HS Health Services BMH B.C. Mathews Hall LHI Lyle S. Hallman Institute for Health Promotion BRH Brubacher House LIB Dana Porter Library C2 MC Mathematics & Computer Chemistry 2 CDC Clemmer Day Care MHR Minota Hagey Residence CGR Conrad Grebel University College MKV Wm. Lyon Mackenzie King Village CIF ML Modern Languages CLT Columbia Lake Townhouses NH Ira G. Needles Hall COG Columbia Greenhouses OPT Optometry COM Commissary (UW Police & Parking) PAC Physical Activities Complex CPH Carl A. Pollock Hall PAS Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology CSB Central Services Building PHY Physics DC Columbia Icefield William G. Davis Computer Research RCH J.R. Coutts Engineering Lecture Hall Centre DWE Douglas Wright Engineering Building REN Renison College E2 Engineering 2 REV Ron Eydt Village E3 Engineering 3 SCH South Campus Hall ECH East Campus Hall SLC Student Life Centre EIT Centre for Environmental Information STJ Technology St. Jerome's University ES1 Environmental Studies 1 STP St. Paul's College ES2 Environmental Studies 2 TC William M. Tatham Centre for Co-operative Education and Career Services ESC Earth Sciences & Chemistry TH Tutor's Houses FED Federation Hall UC University Club GA 335 Gage Avenue (Distance & Continuing Education, Part-time Studies) for map, click here. UWP University of Waterloo Place V1 Student Village 1 (University of Waterloo, 2002) 49 Figure 5: Administrative Structure at Waterloo (University of Waterloo, 2003) 50 Chapter Sample: Land The following is an example of the process that should be undertaken for each of the indicators. This is the recommended format and procedure to be used initially by all of the students who participate in preparing this assessment. However, as experience with the assessment is accumulated, the CSAF may change and evolve in order to become a more effective measuring and monitoring device for UW. The format illustrated in this example is based on the format used by the Concordia University Report. What we do on Land is mirrored in the water… -Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 51 Land in a Global Context The world’s soils provide the foundation for all life on land6. Furthermore, soil degradation is the loss of the land productivity; hence the potential extinction of life forms on the planet. Since 1990, soil loss has continued to mount yearly, with an additional 5 to 6 million hectares lost to severe soil degradation annually (World Resources Institute, 2003). Consequently, over the past 45 years, an estimated 11% of the earth’s vegetated land surface has experienced moderate to extreme soil degradation (Global Centres, 2003). Degradation may come in several forms including soil erosion, water erosion, wind erosion, and over-intensive cultivation of land (World Resources Institute, 2003). Alterations in the surface of the earth hold major implications for global radiation balance and energy fluxes, contributions to changes in biogeochemical cycles, alterations in hydrological cycles and influences on ecological balances and complexity (Science for Global Insight, 2003). Through these environmental impacts at local, regional and global levels, land-use and land cover changes driven by human activity have the potential to significantly affect food security and sustainability of world agricultural and forest product supply systems (Science for Global Insight, 2003). Controlling land degradation is central to achieving food security and sustainable agricultural and rural development in many countries (World Bank, 2003). Independent of long-term global cumulative dimensions, changes in land use and land cover will have profound regional environmental implications, such as alterations in 6 The following text was written by Crystal Legacy as an example of how each grouping of indicators could be assessed. The information in this section was researched and written by Legacy. 52 surface runoff dynamics, lowering of groundwater tables, impacts on rates and types of land degradation and reduced biodiversity (Science for Global Insight, 2003). Land in a Canadian Context In trying to understand the environment in a holistic fashion, one realizes that any degradation to the environment may start from a single cause, but that in turn affects several other entities with the environment. The result is a web of problems. Land degradation in Canada is like this. There may be a single cause or a complex mix of causes, some may be biogeophysical (natural), and some socio-economic (human), and perhaps even a accumulation of effects from the combination of natural and human causes (Environmental Centre, 2003). Canadians are depleting their soil resources through a combination of improper farming and other land practices leading to soil erosion, inappropriate use of fertilizers, over-use of pesticides, over irrigation causing salinization, and the conversion of some of their best agricultural land into urban areas (Global Centres, 2003). Land degradation in Canada is serious because the productivity of huge areas of land is declining just when populations are increasing rapidly and the demand on the land to produce more food fibre and fuel is growing (Government of Canada, 2002). There is no one solution in sight to overcome land degradation. There is however the possibility of using better land use-planning mechanisms. While land use planning and land zoning combined with better land management should provide long-term solutions, it is urgent to arrest land degradation and launch conservation and rehabilitation programs in affected and vulnerable areas (Government of Canada, 2002). 53 Land in a Local Context at the University of Waterloo In the early 1960s, when UW was first becoming established the dominant landscape outlay for the area was grass and trees. The original landscape required large amounts of resources, energy, labour and time to maintain (University of Waterloo, 2001). The original vision of the campus landscape was to be a “clean-cut, straight-line university” with no ivy growing on building walls or stray plants surrounding the buildings (University of Waterloo, 2001). In 1991, there was a change to the objectives of maintaining the campus. Plant Operations was directed to maintain the landscape as a “park-like’ setting. This meant that along with grass and trees, the landscape could also include grassy meadow type areas. This was a big step toward a more sustainable landscape (University of Waterloo, 2001). In July 1991, the University of Waterloo Campus Master Plan was developed, articulating the university’s purpose of maintaining and enhancing the quality of South Campus, providing a strategy for management of the North Campus and creating goals with respect to environmental sustainability for the campus landscape. The Master Plan 54 suggests that a naturalized, low-maintenance setting should be established (Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg, 1991). Landscape Characteristics South Campus is situated on approximately 300 acres of gently rolling land formally used for farming. North Campus is still predominately agricultural land with small woodlots and residual hedge groves. The Laurel Creek watercourse bisects the campus and includes approximately 170 acres of creek and lake, all under the control of the Grand River Conservation Authority (Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg, 1991). The University of Waterloo is part of the Carolinian Plant Life Zone in Ontario. This region has a range of habitats with a variety of native plants (University of Waterloo, 2001). On the campus there are a number of different terrains and habitats in which native plants can grow and some include: wetland communities around Laurel Creek; prairie habitat where there is little to no shade; woodland habitats where trees around campus provide a moist shady environment for smaller plants; or any combination of these three (University of Waterloo, 2001). Current Landscape Practices Over the years, there has been a gradual reduction of pesticide spraying on campus. For the general turf areas, the target was to have 0% pesticide use on campus by 2000; this target has been reached, however, spot spraying is still used only as required to maintain safe playing conditions on turf used for sport (WATgreen, 1998). Interestingly, as reported by Plant Operations in March 2004, when pesticide use was reduced, the use of organic fertilizers increased. This is a common occurrence when pesticide use is eliminated. Plant Operations have been committed, however, to keep up-to-date on new lawn practices that could help to reduce inorganic fertilizers by attending work-shops and conferences on the subject area. 55 Ten percent of campus is now (2004) naturalized landscape instead of grass. The 1992 WATgreen Task Force on Turf Grass Maintenance investigated options and alternatives to turf grass maintenance. The result was the five year Turf Grass Maintenance Action Plan found at the following website: This action plan was held by Plant Operations, with the objective of eliminating pesticide spraying on turf grass at UW by the year 2000, which would be achieved by implementing a modified turf maintenance program through the monitoring and evaluation of results (Plant Operations, 1994). The action plan (1994) outlines a number of steps to be taken if pest control is necessary on campus. The steps are as follows: 1. The problem is identified and confirmed 2. The problem must exceed acceptable levels of damage 3. Alternative methods are evaluated 4. The best method with the least impact is implemented 5. Timing control for maximum results and safety 6. Monitoring results for follow-up and record keeping 7. Modify the program as necessary The alternative methods, in point 3, are consistently being developed and assessed by Plant Operations. They are always looking for improved non-chemical control techniques, which include desirable vegetation, mulches, manipulation of environmental factors such as irrigation, soil fertility, pest habitat, manual and mechanical cultivation. These ideas are exchanged and shared with other agencies also trying Integrated Past Management (Plant Operations, 1994). Managed Greenspace Indicators7 7 This section illustrates the format for data analysis. This is the exact format suggested by Lindsay Cole in her CSAF and the format utilized by Concordia University when they undertook their assessment. It is recommended that UW stay with this format to allow for consistency with the other universities for future comparison sake. 56 Managed Greenspace Issues: Managed greenspace includes all permeable (i.e. not paved, and water can penetrate) surfaces on campus that are managed in some way, including lawns, landscaped beds (with both native and non-native plant species), gardens, agricultural lands, gravel walkways, etc. Any greenspace on campus that requires maintenance by university staff should be included. These areas are important contributors to campus sustainability both in terms of human and ecosystem well-being (Cole, 2003). Indicators and Benchmarks: MEASUREMENT UNITS RESULTS Total hectares of managed greenspaces, divided by the total on-campus greenspace (both managed and natural, including everything that is not built, or that is permeable); multiply by 100. Note: the percent of total on-campus greenspace that is ‘natural’ can also be found here by subtracting the result of this indicator from 100. Total volume of solid and liquid inorganic fertilizers used annually (in kilograms), divided by the total hectares of managed greenspace. 21% of total acreage No. Indicator L-1 Managed Greenspace L-2 Inorganic Fertilizers L-3 Pesticides Total volume of solid and liquid pesticides (including both plant and animal poisons of all types) used annually (in litres), divided by the total hectares of managed greenspace. L-4 Native Plants Total number of native plants installed (number of individual plants) annually in managed greenspaces, divided by the total number of plants installed in that year; multiply by 100. Spring 2003: 15000kg at 14-12-10, 1050kg corn gluten at 82-4 Summer/Fal l 2003: 12000kg at 20-5-15, 3600kg corn gluten at 82-4 on the playing fields In 2003: 20 Litres of round-up only, there were no selective herbicides or insecticides used. Approximat ely 40% of total tree population is native. SHORT-TERM BENCHMARK LONGTERM GOAL Zero Zero At least 50% 100% 57 Approximat ely 20% of the ground cover is native Recommendations: The following recommendations were developed by the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project, Sustainable Indicators Working Group, in collaboration with Tom Galloway, Les Van Dongen and Jerry Hutten from Plant Operations in March 2004. Each of the recommendations for managed greenspace, inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and native species are categorized under the subheadings: “Maintenance”, “Preventative” and “Innovative”. The recommendations made are directed toward the staffs that work in Plant Operations at the University of Waterloo. Maintenance ¾ Reduce Mowing ¾ Take islands on campus that are currently being maintained in the traditional sense of landscaping and allow students to transform them into perennial gardens. ¾ The playing fields on North Campus have not been sprayed in two years. Plant Operations only sprays the fields when an infestation occurs. When this happens, the infested area of the field is sprayed. The fields do have to be sprayed when an infestation occurs to ensure that the fields remain safe for play. Irrigation systems on the fields, which help the grass to grow, reduce the need for pesticides. Therefore, the irrigation system should continue to be maintained to ensure proper irrigation to avoid requiring the use of pesticides. ¾ Plant Operations should continue to only plant native species on campus. Preventative ¾ There is still a patch of Carolinian regrowth forest on North Campus. The biological reserve proposed for North Campus should include the Carolinian forest to prevent the forest from being adversely affected from any further development in the region. ¾ Conduct a follow-up report to the 1994 Turf Grass Maintenance Action Plan to see how many of the goals have been reached and which areas still require work. ¾ Develop a working partnership with Larry Lamb, UW’s Ecology Specialist, and his students. These students can do the research to explore new landscaping approaches on campus. Innovative ¾ Use the Dorney Garden and its extension as a model to be used around campus. ¾ As use of pesticides decreases, use of inorganic fertilizers increases. Organic fertilizers are currently expensive; however, Plant Operations feel that over time they will come down in price to reflect the increase in demand for them. 58 ¾ The only type of pesticide being used is Roundup. This pesticide is being used on parking lots and other paved surfaces where weeds are showing through the cracks in the pavement. Roundup is not being used on turf. Plant Operations should consider substituting pesticides for inorganic fertilizers, which currently contributes less of an adverse affect to the environment compared to pesticides. Feasibility Study The following is an example of a feasibility study using the recommendation to reduce mowing on campus. Economic Feasibility: Reduction in mowing will reduce the need to maintain a lawn mower, which has the potential to breakdown and therefore require repair. There will also be fewer dollars from the Plant Operations operating budget spent towards fuel for the lawn mowers. Environmental Feasibility: Less air pollution and less noise. The alternative to using lawn mowers on the UW campus property is the increase in trees, shrubs, easy to care perennials, and walking paths to reduce the amount of lawn space that requires mowing. Social Feasibility: A reduction in lawn mowing due to an increase in naturalized areas, will require that more walking paths be established to compensate for the loss of “shortcut” grassy areas. 59 Best Practices Outlined below is one example of a best practice in native species planting. As students undergo the actual assessment, it is recommended that between 3 to 5 best practice examples be illustrated for each of the indicator groups. Using more than one example will provide those who are undertaking the assessment with a plethora of standards for which UW can be measured against. Native Species: Warren Wilson College, North Carolina, USA Students at Warren Wilson College, a private college for liberal arts and science students located in the Swannanoa Valley within the Blue Ridge Mountains, developed the Native Grasses Project. This project, which was designed and implemented by 40 student members, promotes the use of native plants in commercial landscaping, encouraging the reintroduction of native species into areas where they have been extirpated. To achieve the projects ends, there are short and long term goals including the creation of a seed stock from local sources, the construction of a greenhouse, the improvement and expansion of the arboretum site and the beginning of the propagation of a variety of species. In addition, the student group created an information guide for native propagation at the College. Warren Wilson emphasizes campus greening and environmental stewardship in its policies. In 2000, the Campus Greening Document was finalized and was 60 accepted by the community. This document attested to the dedication of the school to strive sustainability and encourages policy decision-making at the College to consider local, native and organic materials while discouraging the use of chemicals and exotics. Warren Wilson College, People and Nature: Our Future in the Balance, National Wildlife Federation, 2002 61 Appendix A: Original List of Indicators The following chart is an exact replica of the “Table of Indicators” found in Cole’s CSAF. The Benchmarks found in the last two columns were developed by Cole in collaboration with her multi-stakeholder group. I encourage UW to use the established benchmarks. Areas that have not yet benchmarked, should be developed by the students in cooperation with the UW CSAF multi-stakeholder group once one is established. (Cole, 2003) No. Indicator HW-1 Recreation Space HW-2 Recreation Participation HW-3 Diet Types HW-4 Nutritional Information HW-5 Organic, NonGMO, Fair Trade Food HW-6 Motor Vehicle Accidents HW-7 Workplace Incidents Measurement Units Total square metres dedicated to recreation uses (both inand outdoor to be included) divided by total campus square metres; multiply by 100. Total number of CCMs participating in one or more oncampus recreation programs (avoid double counting of people who participate in more than one program) divided by the total number of CCMs; multiply by 100. Total annual number of meal servings (i.e. breakfast, lunch and/or dinner) provided by all food service outlets oncampus that have all listed diet types provided for in the serving, divided by total number of meal servings provided by all food services each year; multiply by 100. Different diet types include: regular, vegan, vegetarian (lacto ovo), kosher, halal, diabetic, gluten free, and low calorie, cholesterol and salt. Total annual number of meal servings (i.e. breakfast, lunch and/or dinner) provided by all food service outlets oncampus that provide detailed nutritional information to the consumer at point of purchase, divided by the total meals served; multiply by 100. Note: if one meal serving (i.e. breakfast) has 25% of its food products labeled with detailed nutritional information, then only 25% of that one meal should be counted towards the total. Total annual dollar value of certified organic, and/or nongenetically modified, and/or fairly traded food products for all outlets selling food (prepared and unprepared) on campus, divided by the total annual food budget; multiply by 100. Note: if a food meets two or more of the categories, it should only be counted once. Total annual number of accidents on-campus occurring on campus lands and involving at least one motor vehicle (include accidents involving cyclists, pedestrians, etc. with motor vehicles) divided by the total number of CCMs; multiply by 1000. Total annual number of workplace incidents divided by total number of staff and faculty CCMs (do not include FTE students); multiply by 1000. Short-Term Benchmark Long-Term Benchmark At least 40% 100% At least 30% 100% At least 30% 100% At least 30% 100% Zero per 1000 CCMs Zero per 1000 CCMs 62 HW-8 Incidents of Assault HW-9 Physical Health Care Practitioners HW10 HW11 HW12 Sick Days HW13 Retention Rate HW14 Spiritual Services HW15 Mental Illness HW16 HW17 Student Suicide Rate Accessible Greenspace HW18 Noise Pollution HW19 Light Pollution C-1 Volunteerism C-2 Financing Volunteer Groups C-3 Alumni Smoking Mental Health Care Practitioner Total annual number of reported incidents of rape, sexual assault, racism, physical assault, homophobia, and other similar events divided by the total number of CCMs; multiply by 1000 Total number of CCMs divided by the total number of certified FTE physical health care professionals on-campus in assessment year (doctors, nurses, naturopaths, physiotherapists, etc.). Total annual number of sick days taken by FTE staff and faculty, divided by the total FTE staff and faculty members. Total number of CCMs who smoke daily in assessment year, divided by the total number of CCMs. Total number of CCMs divided by the total number of certified FTE mental health care professionals on-campus in assessment year (psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, etc.). Measure annual retention rates of staff, students and faculty and average them based on the total FTE populations of each group. Total number of CCMs practicing a spiritual discipline who are serviced by spirituality outlets available on-campus (with care taken not to double count individuals using more than one service) divided by the total number of CCMs; multiply by 100. Total annual number of people reporting depression, alcohol/drug abuse, etc., divided by the total campus headcount; multiply by 100. Total annual number of student suicides, divided by the total headcount of students; multiply by 1000. Total hectares of greenspace accessible to CCMs within 1 kilometre of campus (both on- and off-campus) in assessment year divided by the total number of CCMs; multiply by 1000. Number of unoccupied classrooms and offices with noise levels of 35 decibels or lessii divided by the total number of classrooms in assessment year; multiply by 100. Subtract average uplight level above built campus space (in foot-candles) from ambient uplight levels (i.e. levels with all campus lights turned off)iii. Divide the difference by the built campus uplight levels; multiply by 100. Total annual number of CCMs who volunteer at least 2 hours per week divided by the total number of CCMs, and multiplied by 100. Volunteering can be with one, or several different groups working on any issue but must be based on-campus. Organizations actively working against the concepts of sustainability (i.e. racial discrimination, waste of resources, etc.) shall not be included, and double counting of people should be avoided. Total annual amount of money university gives to each oncampus volunteer driven organization (excluding those working against sustainability), divided by the total number of organizations (excluding those working against sustainability). Money from both university and student government administrations should be included. Total annual hours of volunteer work done by university Zero per 1000 CCMs X CCMs/ FTE professional X CCMs/ FTE professional Zero 14.5%i or less Zero X CCMs/ FTE professional X CCMs/ FTE professional At least 85% 100% 100% Zero X hectares per 1000 CCMs Zero per 1000 students. X hectares per 1000 CCMs At least 50% 100% 25% or less contribution of campus lighting to uplight levels. At least 30% Zero 100% At least $250 per group each year. At least $500 per group each year. At least 12 At least 24 63 Volunteerism alumni for university specific tasks, divided by the total number of living alumni. Total annual number of incoming students from the local community, subtract total number of those local students who graduate and are still living in the community 1 year after graduation. Divide the difference by the total number of incoming students from the local community; multiply by 100. “Local’ is defined as the local or regional government management area, as this is most likely how statistics will be kept. Total annual number of CCMs who feel a very strong sense of belonging, attachment to, confidence in, and engagement in their campus community according to survey results, divided by total number of survey respondents; multiply by 100. Number of student voters in most recent student election (of any type), divided by total number of eligible voters; multiply by 100. If more than one election was held in the previous year, average the voter turnout results. Percent of FTE faculty with physical and/or mental disabilities from each of three faculty groups (in FTE’s): tenured faculty; non-tenured faculty; and sessional instructors. Subtract the provincial population average of people of working age with disabilities from the percent for each of the three faculty groups. hours per year. hours per year At least 50% 100% At least 75% 100% At least 50% 100% Gap of 10% or less above or below zero for all three faculty groupings. Zero difference between campus and provincial populations for all three faculty groupings. Zero difference between campus and provincial populations for all three staff groupings. Zero difference between campus and provincial populations for all departments. Zero difference between campus and provincial populations for all three faculty groupings. Zero difference C-4 Graduates In the Community C-5 Sense of Community C-6 Voter Turnout C-7 Faculty with Disabilities C-8 Staff with Disabilities Percent of FTE staff with physical and/or mental disabilities from each of the three staff groups (in FTE’s): staff from the top 33% of salary; the middle 33%; and the bottom 34%. Subtract the provincial population average of people of working age with disabilities from the percent for each of the three staff groups. Gap of 10% or less above or below zero for all three staff groupings. C-9 Students with Disabilities Percent of FTE students with physical and/or mental disabilities from each department on campus, by number of FTE students. Note: each campus will have different department listings, according to their unique academic structures. Subtract the provincial population average of people of working age with disabilities from the percent for each of the departments. Gap of 10% or less above or below zero for all departments. C-10 Faculty of Ethnic Minorities Percent of FTE faculty that self-identify as a member of an ethnic minority from each of the three faculty groups (in FTE’s): tenured faculty; non-tenured faculty; and sessional instructors. Subtract the provincial population average of people of working age who self-identify as members of ethnic minorities from the percent from all three faculty groups. Gap of 10% or less above or below zero for all three faculty groupings. C-11 Staff of Ethnic Minorities Percent of FTE staff that self-identify as a member of an ethnic minority from each of the three staff groups (in Gap of 10% or less above or 64 FTE’s): staff from the top 33% of salary; the middle 33%; and the bottom 34%. Subtract the provincial population average of people of working age that self-identify as members of ethnic minorities from the percent from each of the three staff groups. below zero for all three staff groupings. Percent of FTE students that self-identify as a member of an ethnic minority from each department on campus, by number of FTE students. Note: each campus will have different department listings, according to their unique academic structures. Subtract the provincial population average of people of working age that self-identify as members of ethnic minorities from the percent from all departments. Percent of FTE women in each of the three faculty groups (in FTE’s): non-tenured full-time faculty, and sessionals. Subtract the provincial population average of women of working age from the percent from each of the three faculty groups. Gap of 10% or less above or below zero for all departments. C-12 Students of Ethnic Minorities C-13 Faculty Gender C-14 Staff Gender Percent of FTE women in each of the three staff groups (in FTE’s): staff from the top 33% of salary; the middle 33%; and the bottom 34%. Subtract the provincial population average of working age women from the percent for each of the three staff groups. Gap of 10% or less above or below zero for all three staff groupings. C-15 Student Gender Percent of FTE women students in each department on campus (in student FTE’s). Note: each campus will have different department listings, according to their unique academic structures. Subtract the provincial population average of working age women from the percentage of all departments. Gap of 10% or less above or below zero for all departments. C-16 Equity of Indigenous Peoples: Faculty Percent of faculty that self-identify as Indigenous Peoples in each of the three faculty groups (in FTE’s): tenured faculty; non-tenured full-time faculty; and sessionals. Subtract the national population average of people of working age that self-identify as Indigenous Peoples from the percent from each faculty group. Gap of 10% above or below zero for all three faculty groupings. C-17 Equity of Indigenous Peoples: Staff Percent of staff that self-identify as Indigenous Peoples in each of the three staff groups (in FTE’s): staff in the top 33% salary range; the middle 33%; and the bottom 34%. Subtract the national population average of people of working age that self-identify as Indigenous Peoples from the percent for each staff group. Gap of 10% above or below zero for all three staff groupings. C-18 Equity of Percent of students that self-identify as Indigenous Peoples Gap of 10% Gap of 10% or less above or below zero for all three faculty groupings. 65 between campus and provincial populations for all three staff groupings. Zero difference between campus and provincial populations for all departments. Zero difference between campus and provincial populations for all three faculty groupings. Zero difference between campus and provincial populations for all three staff groupings. Zero difference between campus and provincial populations for all departments. Zero between campus and national populations for all three faculty groupings. Zero difference between campus and national populations for all three staff groupings. Zero Indigenous Peoples: Students from each department on campus (in FTE’s). Note: each campus will have different department listings, according to their academic structures. Subtract the national population average of people that self-identify as Indigenous Peoples from the percent for each department. above or below zero for all departments. C-19 Indoor Community Space At least 15% C-20 On-campus Housing C-21 On-campus Housing Affordability C-22 On-campus Employment Services C-23 Community Library Cards C-24 On-campus Media Expenditures C-25 Affordability of Public Transit K-1 New Faculty Orientation K-2 New Staff Orientation K-3 New Student Orientation Square metres of designated indoor community gathering space, divided by the total indoor square metres; multiply by 100. Indoor community gathering space includes lounges, food service outlets, designated meeting rooms, computer laboratories (accessible to whole campus), etc. It excludes hallways, classrooms, offices, private study spaces, etc. Total number of university owned and managed beds (for students, staff and faculty), both on- and off-campus, divided by the total number of CCMs; multiply by 100. Average cost of university owned and managed single student housing divided by the total average expenses per single student (based on a normal months’ costs while in school); multiply by 100. Total number of full-time jobs posted annually by an oncampus student employment centre, divided by the total number of students graduating in that year (including undergraduate and graduate students). Total number of “community library cards” (i.e. nonstudent [of any university], staff or faculty) issued or renewed annually, divided by the total number of cards issued; multiply by 100. Note: if there is an annual fee of $20 or more, these cards should not be counted in the calculation. Total annual operating budget for all on-campus media sources (of all types), subtract total annual financial contribution in dollars by both student and university administrations (in order to identify external funding sources like advertising, grants, etc.). Divide this difference by the total annual operating budget; multiply by 100. Total annual cost of providing all CCMs with public transit passes for their time on campus, subtract total amount of money spent by university and student administrations on public transit subsidies each year. Divide this difference by the total annual cost of providing all CCMs with public transit passes; multiply by 100. Total annual number of new faculty (by headcount) receiving at least 1 hour of in-person orientation to campus and local community environment/social issues divided by the total number of new faculty members arriving oncampus in that year, multiply by 100. Total annual number of new staff (by headcount) receiving at least 1 hour of in-person orientation to campus and local community environment/social issues divided by the total number of new staff arriving on-campus in that year; multiply by 100. Total annual number of new students (by headcount) receiving at least 1 hour of in-person orientation to campus difference between campus and national populations for all departments. At least 25% At least 75% 30 – 35% (based on Student Loan allowances) At least 0.5 per student At least 1 per student At least 75% 100% At least 25% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% 66 Less than 30%. K-4 Faculty Sustainability Training K-5 Staff Sustainability Training K-6 On-campus Student Sustainability Jobs Research Collaboration: On-campus K-7 K-8 Research Collaboration: Non-Profit K-9 Research Collaboration: For Profit K-10 Sustainability Research Expenditures For-profit Research Contributions Faculty Sustainability Research K-11 K-12 K-13 Sustainability Pledge K-14 Sustainability Literacy Survey K-15 Courses with Applied and local community environment/social issues divided by the total number of new students arriving on-campus in that year; multiply by 100. Total annual number of training hours dedicated to sustainability topics (including on- and off-campus workshops, seminars, conferences, etc.) for faculty members (by headcount) divided by the total number of faculty (headcount). Total annual number of training hours dedicated to sustainability topics for staff (by headcount), divided by the total number of staff (headcount). Total annual number of on-campus student job postings (full- and part-time jobs adjusted to FTE) focused on sustainability issues, divided by total number of jobs posted; multiply by 100. Total annual number of on-campus research projects involving two or more on-campus departments divided by the total number of on-campus research projects, multiply by 100. Note: collaborative projects that actively promote unsustainability should not be included as a collaborative project in this indicator. Total number of research projects involving two or more partners (one of which is the university and the other being government, community, higher education, and/or not-for profit organizations) divided by the total number of all research projects; multiply by 100. Note: collaborative projects that actively promote unsustainability should not be included as a partnership in this indicator. Total number of research projects involving the university with one or more businesses, corporations, and/or other forprofit organizations, divided by the total number of all research projects; multiply by 100. Note: collaborative projects that actively promote sustainability should not be included as a collaborative project in this indicator. Total annual research dollars spent on sustainabilityfocused projects divided by the total annual research dollars, multiply by 100. Total research dollars from all for-profit sources (i.e. corporations, businesses, etc.), divided by the total annual research dollars; multiply by 100. Total annual tenured and tenure-track faculty (headcount) “specialized” in sustainability-focused research divided by the total number of tenured and tenure-track faculty; multiply by 100. Total number of annual graduating students (headcount) who take a sustainability pledge at convocation, divided by the total number of graduating students (who attend convocation) in that year; multiply by 100. Average percent improvement on a sustainability literacy survey between first semester and last semester of degree program. *Note: use calculator provided in Appendix. Total number of courses with an applied research/ learning element based on-campus and/or in the local community, At least 24 hours per year per faculty member At least 60 hours per year per faculty member At least 24 hours per year per staff person At least 60 hours per year per staff person 40% At least 10% At least 50% Approach 100% At least 50% Approach 100% 25% or less Approach 0% Approach 0% 50% 100% 40% - 49% improvement in scores. 50% or greater improvement in scores. At least 25% 75% 67 Learning K-16 K-17 K-18 K-19 K-20 K-21 G-1 Courses with Sustainability Content Students Taking Sustainability Courses Faculty Teaching Sustainability Courses Quality of Sustainability Courses Collaborative Course Development For-profit Course Development University Government Policy divided by total number of courses offered; multiplies by 100. Total number of courses that have “substantial sustainability content,” divided by total number of courses; multiply by 100. Total number of students (headcount) having taken at least one course with substantial sustainability content upon graduation, divided by total number of graduating students in that school year; multiply by 100. Total number of courses with substantial sustainability content taught by tenured or tenure track faculty, divided by total number of courses with substantial sustainability content; multiply by 100. Number of courses with substantial sustainability content that received top marks (i.e. in the top ranking level or scale band) in their most recent external review, divided by total number of courses with substantial sustainability content; multiply by 100. Total number of courses that were developed using the input of more than one person in more than one department, divided by the total number of courses; multiply by 100. Total number of courses where for-profit agencies were directly and/or indirectly involved in curriculum development, divided by the total number of courses offered; multiply by 100. Total numbers of policies present on campus from this list divided by total number of policies in this list; multiply by 100. Only policies of the university government should be included. 1. Energy Management (efficiency measures, greenhouse gas reduction, and use of perpetual renewable sources) 2. Water Management (efficiency measures and reuse) 3. Clean Air (both in- and out-door) 4. Health and Safety 5. Ethical and Environmentally Sound Purchasing 6. Solid Waste Management (reduction, reuse and recycling measures) 7. Hazardous Waste Management (reduction, reuse and recycling measures) 8. Transportation Demand Management 9. Community Engagement in Campus Decision-making (both on- and off-campus communities) 10. Ethical and Environmentally Sound Investment 11. Sustainability in Education (sustainability course content for all graduating students, strategies to meet this) 12. Sustainability in Research 13. Equity (gender, people with disabilities, and ethnic) 14. Wellness (fitness, safe work environment, spirituality, nutrition, alternative work arrangements) 15. Long-term Campus Land-use Planning (principles of smart growth, protection of green space, design for efficiency, community engagement) 16. University Mission (broad commitment to sustainability) At least 25% 75% At least 25% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% 10% or less Approach 0% At least 50% 100% 68 17. Strategic Plan (academic and administrative planning and positioning) 18. Preferential Purchase of Local Goods and Services 19. Conflict and Dispute Resolution processes (for both internal and external issues) G-2 G-3 Student Government Policy University Government Working Groups If a particular policy covers more than one of the issues listed in depth, all of the issues covered should be counted. For example, if a campus has one Resource Efficiency policy that addresses energy, water, and solid waste, three points towards the total should be tallied. Total numbers of policies present on campus from this list divided by total number of policies in this list; multiply by 100. Only policies of the student government(s) should be included. 1. Energy Management (efficiency measures, greenhouse gas reduction, and use of perpetual renewable sources) 2. Water Management (efficiency measures and reuse) 3. Clean Air (both in- and out-door) 4. Health and Safety 5. Ethical and Environmentally Sound Purchasing 6. Solid Waste Management (reduction, reuse and recycling measures) 7. Hazardous Waste Management (reduction, reuse and recycling measures) 8. Transportation Demand Management 9. Community Engagement in Student Government Decision-making (both on- and off-campus communities) 10. Ethical and Environmentally Sound Investment 11. Equity (gender, people with disabilities, and ethnic) 12. Wellness (fitness, safe work environment, spirituality, nutrition, alternative work arrangements) 13. Student Government Mission (broad commitment to sustainability) 14. Long-term Student Government Strategic Plan (academic and administrative planning and positioning) 15. Preferential Purchase of Local Goods and Services 16. Conflict and Dispute Resolution processes (for both internal and external issues) If a particular policy covers more than one of the issues listed in depth, all of the issues covered should be counted. For example, if a campus has one Resource Efficiency policy that addresses energy, water, and solid waste, three points towards the total should be tallied. Percent of policies (from G-1) with active working groups, committees, or advisory groups that are working within the university government system divided by the total number of policies; multiply by 100. At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% Note: if one policy has more than one working group, this should count as only one working group. An exception to this is policies that cover more than one of the issues from the policy list and are counted for more than one in 69 G-4 G-5 G-6 Diversity of University Government Working Groups Reporting of University Government Working Groups University Staffing for Sustainability G-7 University Financing of Sustainability G-8 Reporting of University Sustainability Staff Student Government Working Groups G-9 indicator G-1. Percent of total active working groups, committees, or advisory groups (tied to a policy from the list in the ‘policy: university government’ section) that have more than five different stakeholder/interest groups represented divided by the total number of working groups; multiply by 100. Note: stakeholder groups include: staff and faculty (divided by representing unions), students (undergraduate and graduate), on- and off-campus advocacy groups, government (different levels), business, professionals/ consultants, and others depending on the issue. Percent of total working groups that report directly to the university president, board of governors, and/or senate divided by the total number of active working groups; multiply by 100. Total number of FTE staff responsible for the management of the issues below, divided by the total number of issues in the list; multiply by 100. 1. Resource Conservation/ Efficiency (including energy, water, and solid waste management) 2. Sustainability in Facilities Management (broader mandate than #1) 3. Equity 4. Environmental Health and Safety 5. Transportation Demand Management 6. Wellness 7. Community (both on- and off-campus) Engagement in Campus Decision-making 8. Ethical and Environmentally Sound Purchasing 9. Ethical and Environmentally Sound Investment 10. Sustainability in Research 11. Sustainability in Teaching and Education 12. High-level Administrator for Campus-wide Sustainability Issues. Note: if one staff person is responsible for more than one of these issues, they should only be counted once. Total annual dollars spent on staffing and operations of sustainability focused programs and initiatives from the list in G-6, divided by the total annual university budget (including operations and research/teaching); multiply by 100. Total number of staff (as counted in G-6) who report directly to the president, a vice-president, or a departmental director, divided by the total number of staff counted in G6; multiply by 100. Percent of policies (from the list in G-2) with active working groups, committees, or advisory groups that are working within the student government system divided by the total number of policies from G-2; multiply by 100. At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% Note: if one policy has more than one working group, this should count as only one working group. An exception to this is policies that cover more than one of the issues from the policy list and are counted for more than one in G-2. 70 G-10 Diversity of Student Government Working Groups G-11 Reporting of Student Government Working Groups Student Government Staffing for Sustainability G-12 G-13 G-14 G-15 G-16 G-17 G-18 G-19 Student Government Financing of Sustainability Reporting of Student Government Sustainability Staff University Government: Implementation Planning University Government: Reporting University Government: Information Management Student Government: Implementation Planning Student Government: Reporting Percent of total active working groups, committees, or advisory groups (tied to a policy from the list in G-2) that have more than five different stakeholder/interest groups represented divided by the total number of working groups; multiply by 100. Note: see definition of stakeholders in G4. Total number of active working groups reporting directly to the student council president, a vice-president, or the board of directors divided by the total number of active working groups; multiply by 100. Total number of FTE staff responsible for the management of the issues from this list, divided by the total number of issues in the list; multiply by 100. 1. Resource Conservation/ Efficiency (including energy, water, and solid waste management) 2. Sustainability in Facilities Management (broader definition of sustainability than #1) 3. Equity 4. Environmental Health and Safety 5. Wellness 6. Ethical and Environmentally Sound Purchasing 7. Ethical and Environmentally Sound Investment 8. High-level Administrator of Student Sustainability Issues. At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% Percent of policies (from the list in G-1) that annually set new objectives for policy implementation divided by the total number of policies from the section, multiply by 100. At least 50% 100% Percent of policies (from the list in G-1) that have annual policy implementation reports made available to the campus and surrounding communities divided by the total number of policies; multiply by 100. Percent of policies (from the list in G-1) with data collection and management systems in place divided by the total number of policies, multiply by 100. At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% Percent of policies (from the list in G-2) that annually set new objectives for policy implementation divided by the total number of policies from the section; multiply by 100. At least 50% 100% Percent of policies (from the list in G-2) that have annual policy implementation reports made available to the campus and surrounding communities divided by the total number At least 50% 100% Note: if one staff person is responsible for more than one of these issues, they should only be counted once. Total annual student government dollars spent on staffing and operations of sustainability focused programs and initiatives from G-12 divided by the total annual student government budget; multiply by 100. Total number of staff (as counted in G-12) who report directly to the student government president, a vicepresident, or the board of directors divided by the total number of staff from G-12; multiply by 100. 71 G-20 EW-1 Student Government: Information Management Students With Loans EW-2 Student Debt Load EW-3 Student Fees EW-4 Number of Financial Awards Value of Financial Awards EW-5 EW-6 EW-7 Allocation of Financial Awards Wage Gap EW-8 Gender Pay Equity EW-9 Ethnic Minority/ Caucasian Pay Equity of policies; multiply by 100. Percent of policies (from the list in G-2) with data collection and management systems in place divided by the total number of policies, multiply by 100. At least 50% 100% Total annual number of FTE graduating students with a government or bank loan, or line of credit divided by total number of FTE graduating students, measured annually; multiply by 100. Average debt per FTE graduating student with a government or bank loan, or line of credit subtracted from the national average debt load (of students with a debt). 25% less than current annual statistic. 0% Zero to –10% Average university fees (including all tuition, recreation, student, etc. fees) calculated by totalling all fees for all departments and dividing by the total number of FTE students. Subtract from average national student fees. Do not include independent per credit fee levies charged to fund student groups. Total annual number of bursaries, scholarships, and other awards available specifically to students on your campus divided by the number of FTE students in that year. Total annual dollar value of bursaries, scholarships and other financial awards available specifically to students on your campus, divided by the number of FTE students in that year. Subtract this value from the total annual fees as calculated in EW-3. Total annual dollar value of bursaries, scholarships, and other financial awards allocated, divided by the total dollar value of awards available; multiply by 100. Wage gap between highest and lowest FTE staff and faculty (not including contractors) calculated by dividing highest annual salary by lowest annual salary. Compare average pay for each of the employment types from the list, comparing male/female pay: tenured faculty; full-time untenured faculty; sessional instructors; high-level administrators; mid-level administrators; low-level administrators; trades workers; general (unskilled) workers and labourers. Worst performer (i.e. the most imbalanced group) should be used for reporting indicator performance. Subtract the highest pay from the lowest in the most imbalanced group and divide the difference by the highest pay rate; multiply by 100. Be sure to define which group is women and which is men. Compare average pay for each of the employment types from the list, comparing ethnic minorities/Caucasian pay: tenured faculty; full-time untenured faculty; sessional instructors; high-level administrators; mid-level administrators; low-level administrators; trades workers; general workers. Worst performer (i.e. the most imbalanced group) should be used for reporting indicator performance. Subtract the highest pay from the lowest in the most imbalanced group and divide the difference by the highest pay rate; multiply by 100. Be sure to define which group is ethnic minorities and which group is Caucasian. Zero to –10% More than 10% below national average. More than 10% below national average One per student Zero difference (value of awards is equal to fees) Less than zero (more money awarded than required) At least 75% 100% Gap of 10 times or less. Gap of 7 times or less Difference of 10% or less in salary for the same employment group. Zero difference – i.e. men and women in the same job type to be paid the same salary Difference of 10% or less in salary for the same employment group. Zero difference – i.e. ethnic minorities and Caucasians in the same job type to be paid the same salary. 72 EW-10 Indigenous Peoples/ Caucasian Pay Equity EW-11 Income From Student Fees EW-12 Income From Government EW-13 Income From Private Sources EW-14 Departmental Expenditures per FTE Student EW-15 Locally Purchased Goods and Services EW-16 Deferred Maintenance EW-17 Ethically and Environmentally Sound Investments EW-18 Local Investments Compare average pay for each of the employment types from the list, comparing Indigenous Peoples /Caucasian pay: tenured faculty; full-time untenured faculty; sessional instructors; high-level administrators; mid-level administrators; low-level administrators; trades workers; general workers. Worst performer (i.e. the most imbalanced group) should be used for reporting indicator performance. Subtract the highest pay from the lowest in the most imbalanced group and divide the difference by the highest pay rate; multiply by 100. Be sure to define which group are the Indigenous Peoples and which group is Caucasian. Subtract percent of annual university budget received from student fees from the national average for all campuses percent of budget received from student fees. iv Student government budget should not be included in this calculation. Subtract percent of annual university budget received from government grants from the national average for all campuses percent of budget received from government grants. Student government budget should not be included in this calculation. Subtract percent of annual university budget received from private (i.e. non-government, non-fee) sources from the national average for all campuses percent of budget received from private sources. Student government budget should not be included in this calculation. Academic (including research and teaching) dollars spent per FTE students in each department on campus. Divide the highest expenditure per FTE by the lowest expenditure per FTE, and report the factor difference between the two. Total annual dollars spent on locally provided, harvested, produced and/or manufactured goods and services divided by the total annual dollars spent on goods and services; multiply by 100. “Local” means within a 200 kilometre radius of the campus. Facilities Condition Index (FCI). Divide the total amount of deferred maintenance for all buildings on campus by the total replacement cost for all buildings on campus; multiply by 100. Note: if insurance replacement values are all that is available for data, mark these dollar values up by 30% to more accurately reflect replacement costs. Total annual dollars invested by university and student administrations in ethical and environmentally responsible companies, divided by the total annual invested dollars. Investments held for less than one full year should be prorated according to length of investment (i.e. a $100,000 investment made for only 3 months would be worth $100,000 x 0.25 year = $25,000.) Total annual dollars invested by university and student administrations in locally owned and operated companies, divided by the total annual invested dollars. If investments are for less than a full year, use the calculation in EW-15. “Local” means within a 500 kilometre radius of the campus. “Locally owned and operated” means that the company is at least 51% owned by local people, and 100% operated by Difference of 10% or less in salary for the same employment group. Zero difference – i.e. Indigenous Peoples and Caucasians in the same job type to be paid the same salary. Zero difference. Positive percent value Zero difference. Negative percent value Zero difference. Positive percent value Difference should be no greater than 5 times. At least 50% All department expenditure per FTE to be equal. 100% 5% - 10% Less than 5% At least 20% 100% At least 20% 100% 73 W-1 Potable Water Consumed W-2 Storm and Grey Water Reuse W-3 Leaking Fixtures W-4 Water Metering: Potable W-5 Water Metering: Wastewater W-6 Pressure Testing for Leaks W-7 Efficiency of Fixtures W-8 Motion Detectors Installed W-9 Wastewater Produced Wastewater Treatment W-10 W-11 Stormwater Contaminant Separation/ Collection M-1 LEED™ 8 Certified Base Buildings M-2 LEED™ Certified Interiors local people. Total annual volume of potable water consumed by the campus for all uses (in litres), divided by the total number of CCMs. Total volume of grey water and/or storm water collected annually (in litres) that is reused on-site, divided by the total volume of water consumed (in litres) annually by the campus for non-potable water requiring uses (i.e. toilets, irrigation, etc.); multiply by 100. Number of hours between each leaking fixture incident report and the time that the leak is repaired. Total the number of hours taken for each report and divide by the total number of reports to get the average. Total number of buildings on campus that have a water meter for that buildings’ use, divided by the total number of buildings; multiply by 100. Total number of buildings on campus that have a wastewater meter for that buildings’ production, divided by the total number of buildings; multiply by 100. Total amount of water distribution system pressure tested for leaks over the past three years (as measured by length of pipe tested in metres), divided by the total length of pipe in the water distribution system; multiply by 100. Total number of new water fixtures installed annually that are of highest possible water efficiency rating for that year, divided by the total number of new fixtures installed in that year; multiply by 100. Total number of sinks (all types), toilets, and urinals with motion detector flushing/flow devices installed, divided by the total number of toilets, sinks, and urinals; multiply by 100. Total volume of wastewater produced on campus annually in litres, divided by the total number of CCMs. Total volume of wastewater produced annually by the campus in litres, divided by the total volume of wastewater treated to tertiary standards either on- or off-site; multiply by 100. Total number of storm water drains connected to contaminant separation/collection systems, divided by the total number of drains; multiply by 100. The contaminant collection system should, at minimum, remove oil and gas and large debris. Total number of base buildings completed in the previous three years that have been certified to LEED™ silver, gold or platinum standard, divided by the total number of buildings completed in the previous three years; multiply by 100. Total number of new interiors (including new buildings and major renovations) completed in the previous three years that have been certified to LEED™ Commercial Interiors silver, gold, or platinum standard, divided by the total number of new interiors completed in the previous three At least 25% 100% 5 working days or less 24 hours or less At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 25% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% 8 LEED is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, green building certification program established in the United States Green Building Council (Guerin, 2003). 74 M-3 Paper Consumption M-4 Post -Consumer Content of Paper M-5 Tree-free Paper M-6 Chlorine-free Paper M-7 Local Food Production M-8 Life-cycle Cost Assessment of Equipment M-9 Solid Waste and Recyclables Produced Solid Waste Reduction M-10 M-11 Recyclables Being Landfilled M-12 Compost M-13 Hazardous Waste Produced M-14 Reuse of Hazardous Waste M-15 Recycling of years; multiply by 100. Total pieces of paper (of all types) purchased by all departments in the university each year, divided by the total number of CCMs. Total percent post-consumer content of all tree-based paper used on campus each year. Post-consumer recycled paper counts as a factor of one, whereas post-industrial recycled paper counts as a factor of 0.5. *Note: use calculation template in Appendix. Total pieces of paper purchased by all departments on campus each year that is tree-free, divided by the total pieces of paper purchased; multiply by 100. *Note: use calculation template in Appendix. Total pieces of paper purchased annually by all departments on campus that has not been chlorine bleached, divided by the total pieces of paper purchased; multiply by 100. *Note: use calculation template in Appendix. Total amount of food (in dollars) that is locally produced, divided by total annual food budget; multiply by 100. “Local” means within a 200 kilometre radius of the campus. Total annual equipment purchased based upon a life-cycle cost assessment (using dollars) divided by the total annual dollars spent on equipment purchase; multiply by 100. “Equipment” to include all office, communication, laboratory, kitchen, art, grounds equipment, vehicles, etc. “Life-cycle cost assessment” means that the purchase decision is made based on full life-cycle cost, rather than the purchase cost alone, and includes consideration of longterm energy, water, paper, fuel, and other material and financial input costs. Soft life-cycle analysis (see below) dollars should be multiplied by 0.5 before summing totals and assessing performance against benchmark and goal. Total weight of solid waste and recycling produced (in kilograms) annually, divided by the total number of CCMs. Percent of waste reduced per capita over previous years’ waste production. *Note: use calculator provided in Appendix. Total amount of recyclables (including organic wastes) by weight (in kilograms) contained in the waste destined for landfill or incineration, divided by the total weight (in kilograms) of all landfill waste; multiply by 100. Total volume of organic materials composted (in kilograms), divided by total volume of organic materials produced annually; multiply by 100. All organic materials (including all food and yard wastes) should be included in the calculation. Total weight of solid and liquid hazardous waste produced (in kilograms) annually, divided by the total number of CCMs. Total weight (in kilograms) of solid and liquid hazardous wastes reused (either on- or off-campus) each year, divided by the total amount of hazardous wastes produced (including reused materials); multiply by 100. Total weight (in kilograms) of solid and liquid hazardous Approach zero At least 50% 100% At least 25% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 30% 100% At least 30% 100% Approach zero 0% to –5% change. Positive percent change 10% or less Zero At least 50% 100% At least 25% 100% At least 50% 100% 75 Hazardous Waste M-16 Reduction of Hazardous Waste A-1 Asbestos and Mould A-2 Scent-free Indoor Spaces Opening Windows A-3 A-4 Air Change Effectiveness A-5 Smoke-free Indoor Spaces Living Plants Indoors A-6 A-7 Chemical Free Cleaning A-8 Pesticides Used Indoors A-9 Cleaning of Air Handling Units A-10 Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Indoors A-11 Indoor Air Quality Complaints A-12 Smoke-free Outdoor Spaces A-13 Living Trees Outdoors wastes recycled each year, divided by the total amount of hazardous waste (in kilograms) produced annually (including recycled wastes); multiply by 100. Reduction of hazardous wastes produced by CCM over previous year. *Note: use excel calculator provided in Appendix. Total square metres of indoor spaces contaminated with asbestos and/or mold, divided by the total indoor square metres; multiply by 100. Total square metres of scent-free indoor spaces, divided by the total indoor square metres; multiply by 100. Total square metres of regularly occupied interior spaces (excluding corridors, washrooms, etc.) serviced by opening windows, divided by the total square metres of regularly occupied interior spaces; multiply by 100. Total number of interior space zones that achieve air change effectiveness of 0.9 or greater, divided by total number of zones; multiply by 100. *Note: this is a LEED™ green building design standard based on ASHRAE 129-1997 Appendix B and more information about measurement of this indicator can be found there. Total interior square metres of designated smoke free space, divided by the total interior square metres; multiply by 100. Total number of living plants in interior spaces, divided by the total square metres of interior space. Total square metres of indoor space always cleaned using a chemical free system, divided by the total interior square metres; multiply by 100. Total amount of pesticides (including all types of plant and animal poisons) in grams used indoors each year, divided by the total square metres of interior space; multiply by 1000. Total number of air handling units cleaned over the last year, divided by total number of air handling units; multiply by 100. Total number of interior zones (as defined by ASHRAE 622001 Appendix D) that have CO2 monitoring systems installed, divided by total number of interior zones; multiply by 100. *Note: this indicator comes from LEED™ 2.1 green building standard. Total number of complaints (verbal, written etc.) regarding poor indoor air quality concerns received by all departments annually, divided by the total number of CCMs; multiply by 5000. Total square metres of designated smoke-free outdoor common spaces, divided by the total square metres of outdoor common spaces (include all managed outdoor spaces as calculated in L-1); multiply by 100. Total number of living trees on campus (including all natural and managed spaces), divided by the total area of the campus (in square metres). 0% to –5% change. Positive percent change 20% or less 0% At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% At least 75% 100% At least 80% 100% At least 0.1 plants per square metre At least 20% At least 1 plant per square metre 100% 0 grams per 1000 square metres At least 50% 100% At least 50% 100% No more than 1 per 5000 CCMs. Zero per 5000 CCMs. At least 75% Approach 100% At least 0.05 trees per square metre At least 0.25 trees per square metre 76 A-14 Monitoring of Exterior Vents E-1 Renewable Energy: Buildings E-2 Renewable Energy: Fleet and Grounds Vehicles E-3 Local Energy Sources E-4 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Buildings E-5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Commuting Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fleet and Grounds Vehicles Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Campus Travel E-6 E-7 Total number of exterior vents with CO2, other GHG, and particulate monitors, divided by the total number of exterior HVAC&R vents; multiply by 100. A vent should be counted only if it has all three monitors in place. Total GJ of energy consumed annually by buildings for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and electrical systems from renewable sources, divided by the total GJ of energy consumed annually for the uses listed in the indicator; multiply by 100. Building energy should include energy used for exterior lighting and signage. “Renewable sources” means clean, non-nuclear, and perpetual renewable energy. Large-scale hydroelectricity is not considered renewable, although small-scale or microhydro is. Total GJ of energy consumed annually for fleet and grounds vehicles and equipment from renewable sources, divided by the total energy consumed annually by those listed uses; multiply by 100. Definition of “renewable sources” is the same as E-1. Total GJ of energy (for all uses as E-1 and E-2) consumed annually by the campus produced within 500 kilometres of the campus, divided by the total energy (for same uses) in GJ consumed annually; multiply by 100. Total energy (of all types) consumed (in GJ) each year for heating, cooling, ventilation, and electrical systems, converted into GHG equivalent (tonnes), and divided by total square metres of interior built space. Note: energy used for outdoor uses (lighting, signage, etc.) should be included in the energy use calculation, but will still be assessed relative to square metres of interior space. Total energy (of all types) consumed in GJ each year for commuting transportation, converted into GHG equivalent (tonnes), and divided by total number of CCMs in that year. Total energy (of all types) consumed in GJ for all fleet and grounds vehicle/equipment use, converted into GHG equivalent (tonnes), and divided by total number of CCMs in that year. Total energy (of all types) consumed in GJ for all work related travel (air, land, water, excluding fleet vehicle use) for FTE staff and faculty, converted into GHG equivalent (tonnes), an divided by total number of FTE staff and faculty in that year. Total change in energy consumption (of all types) in GJ for building, commuting and fleet/grounds vehicle uses in current year over previous year. * Note: use calculator provided in Appendix. E-8 Reduction in Energy Consumption E-9 Energy Metering Total square metres of interior space divided by the total number of energy meters. E-10 Energy Efficient Equipment Total value (in dollars) of energy consuming equipment, fixtures, appliances, etc. installed over the previous year that was of highest energy efficiency ratings available, divided by the total dollars spent on all new energy At least 50% 100% At least 20%v 100% At least 20% 100% At least 20% 100% Tonnes GHG/square metre Tonnes GHG/square metre Tonnes GHG/CCM Tonnes GHG/CCM Tonnes GHG/CCM Tonnes GHG/CCM Tonnes GHG/CCM Tonnes GHG/CCM 0% to –5% change. (i.e. no more than 5% increase) X square metres per energy meter. At least 50% Positive percent change (i.e. reduction made) 77 X square metres per energy meter. 100% E-11 HVAC&R System Control E-12 Automatic Lighting Sensors L-1 Managed Greenspace L-2 Inorganic Fertilizers L-3 Pesticides L-4 Native Plants L-5 Healthy Natural Areas L-6 Restoration of Degraded Areas L-7 Protection of Natural Areas L-8 Unresolved Land Claims L-9 Impermeable Surface Coverage L-10 Parking Density L-11 Building consuming equipment installed over the previous year; multiply by 100. Total amount of HVAC&R system (measured by the built square metres serviced) operating with direct digital control with digital hardware, divided by total amount of built square metres serviced by HVAC&R systems; multiply by 100. Total floor area (in square metres) of classrooms, office spaces, laboratories, washrooms, and other non-emergency and non-critical (i.e. hallways and walkways) spaces controlled by automatic lighting occupancy sensors, divided by total lit floor area (in square metres and excluding emergency and critical areas); multiply by 100. Total hectares of managed greenspaces, divided by the total on-campus greenspace (both managed and natural, including everything that is not built, or that is permeable); multiply by 100. Note: the percent of total on-campus greenspace that is ‘natural’ can also be found here by subtracting the result of this indicator from 100. Total volume of solid and liquid inorganic fertilizers used annually (in kilograms), divided by the total hectares of managed greenspace. Total volume of solid and liquid pesticides (including both plant and animal poisons of all types) used annually (in litres), divided by the total hectares of managed greenspace. Total number of native plants installed (number of individual plants) annually in managed greenspaces, divided by the total number of plants installed in that year; multiply by 100. Total area (in hectares) of healthy natural areas, divided by the total area (in hectares) of all natural areas (including healthy and degraded systems); multiply by 100. Total area (in hectares) of degraded natural areas that have been fully restored over the previous three years, divided by the total area (in hectares) of degraded natural areas; multiply by 100. Note: if all natural areas or healthy, or there are no natural areas on campus, “n/a” should be marked. Total area (in hectares) of natural areas protected for the long-term through policy, covenant, or other non-alterable protection strategy, divided by the total area (in hectares) of natural areas; multiply by 100. Total hectares of campus land with historic, unresolved land claims by Indigenous Peoples, divided by the total hectares of campus land in assessment year; multiply by 100. Total area of impermeable surfaces (in hectares), divided by the total campus land area (excluding natural areas as described in L-5, and if your campus has agricultural lands these should also be excluded); multiply by 100. Total number of parking stalls, divided by the total footprint of parking lot areas (in hectares). Note: only measure the footprint of the parking structure. If it is four stories tall, only measure the footprint on the ground. Total square metres of building space (all floors of all At least 50% 100% At least 25% 100% Zero Zero At least 50% 100% At least 75% 100% At least 25% 100% At least 50% 100% 25% or less Zero. 30% or less 10% 78 Density L-12 L-13 Occupancy Rates: Oncampus Residences Occupancy Rates: Classrooms buildings) divided by the total footprint of all buildings on campus in square metres (the ground space used by all buildings). Percent of on-campus residences (of all types) managed by the university that are at full occupancy year round. *Note: use excel spreadsheet calculator provided in Appendix. Percent of classrooms at full occupancy year round, from 8 am – 8 pm weekdays. *Note: use excel spreadsheet calculator provided in Appendix. At least 75% 100% At least 75% 100% Appendix B: Indicators and their Contact Departments The following lists the relevant departments on campus and contact people that the indicators fall under. Each indicator has a corresponding contact person, an indication of whether data is available, and any additional notes that may be helpful in collecting the data on campus. One special note to consider is that before any indicator is collected, it has to be defined so that both the collector of information and those you are collecting information from know what is meant by the indicator. The degree of data collection difficulty is indicated by its color. Legend Blank (Black): easy to obtain information Blue: medium difficulty – the information is not yet available, but can be found either by doing an audit or a survey. Red: very difficult – the information is not available, and may be not be available because it does not pertain to UW, or UW does not have the capacity to hold such information available due to financial and other constraints. Health and Safety Main Contact: Ian Fraser, Safety and Environmental Health P: 888-4567 Ext 6268 Email: 79 Code Number HW-7 HW-9 HW-10 M-14 M-15 M-16 A-1 Indicator Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Workplace Incidents Kevin Stewart 5814 kastewar@admmail Yes Ruth Kroft David Dietrich 3267 3911 rmkroph@admmail dietrich@admmail Yes Yes Ian Fraser 6268 igfraser@admmail Yes Ian Fraser 6268 igfraser@admmail Ian Fraser 6268 igfraser@admmail Yes May not be documented Ian Fraser 6268 igfraser@admmail Yes Ian Fraser 6268 igfraser@admmail No Ian Fraser 6268 igfraser@admmail Yes Ian Fraser 6268 igfraser@admmail Yes 6268 6268 igfraser@admmail igfraser@admmail Yes Yes Plant Operations 6264 lbrogden@admmail Yes Health Services 5814 Kastewar@admmail Yes Health and Safety Physical Health Care Practitioners Sick Days Reuse of Hazardous Waste Recycling of Hazardous Waste Reduction of Hazardous Waste A-14 HW-19 Asbestos and Mould Scent-free Indoor Spaces Smoke-free Indoor Spaces Indoor Air Quality Complaints Monitoring of Exterior Vents Light Pollution HW-15 Mental Illness Ian Fraser Ian Fraser Linda Brodened HW-11 Smoking Kevin Stewart A-2 A-5 A-11 Other Information Check Purchasing Office: Steve Cook Police and Parking Services Main Contact: Al Mackenzie, Director P: 888-4567 Ext 2828 Email: Code Number HW-6 HW-8 HW-16 L-10 Indicator Motor Vehicle Accidents Incidents of Assault Student Suicide Rate Parking Density Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Al Mackenzie 2828 almacken@ Yes Al Mackenzie Al Mackenzie Elaine Carpenter 2828 2828 almacken@ almacken@ Yes Yes 3510 acarpen@admmail Other Information Yes Persons With Disabilities Main Contact: Rose Padacz, Director P: 888-4567 Ext 5231 80 Email: Code Number C-7 C-8 C-9 Indicator Faculty With Disabilities Staff With Disabilities Students With Disabilities Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Rose Padacz 5231 rmpadacz@ Yes Rose Padacz 5231 rmpadacz@ Yes Rose Padacz 5231 rmpadacz@ Yes Other Information Registrars Office Main Contact: Ken Lavigne P: 888-4567 Ext 2263 Email: Code Number Indicator Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Other Information K-17 Students Taking Sustainability Courses Academic Advisors Yes Contact academic advisors for each dept. K-18 Faculty Teaching Sustainability Courses Academic Advisors Yes Contact academic advisors for each dept. Students With Loans Student Awards Yes Call the extension number to find out who to speak with Student Debt Load Student Awards Yes Call the extension number to find out who to speak with UW Calendar Yes Look Up Fee Schedule. Also refer to Finance Website UW Calendar Yes Refer to UW Calendar Yes Call the extension number to find out who to speak with EW-1 EW-2 EW-3 EW-4 Student Fees Number of Financial Awards 3583 3583 EW-5 Value of Financial Awards Student Awards EW-6 Allocation of Financial Awards Student Awards 3583 Yes Call the extension number to find out who to speak with Occupancy Rates: Classrooms Staff of Ethnic Minorities Student of Ethnic Sharleen Schumm 2711 Yes Scheduling Office Ken Lavigne Ken Lavigne 2263 2263 No Yes No Data L-13 C-11 C-12 3583 klavigne@ klavigne@ 81 Minorities C-18 Equity of Indigenous Peoples: Students Ken Lavigne 2263 klavigne@ Have not asked Ken about this one yet K-15 Courses With Applied Learning Ken Lavigne 2263 klavigne@ No Big Project! Will have to do an audit K-16 Courses With Sustainability Content Ken Lavigne 2263 klavigne@ No Big Project! Will have to do an audit Federation of Students Main Contact: Current FedS President P: 888-4567 Ext 2478 Email: Code Number C-1 Indicator Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Volunteerism Financing Volunteer Groups VP Internal VP Internal / VP Finance 3780 vpin@feds No 3780 vpin@feds Yes Imprint Heather FitzGerald 888.4048 president@imprint Yes K-3 Voter Turnout New Student Orientation 6876 hafitzge@admmail Yes G-2 Student Government Policy President 2478 pres@feds Yes G-9 Student Government Working Groups President 2478 pres@feds Yes G-10 Diversity of Student Government Working Groups President 2478 pres@feds No G-11 Reporting of Student Government Working Groups President 2478 pres@feds Yes G-12 Student Government Staffing for Sustainability President 2478 pres@feds No G-13 Student Government Financing of Sustainability VP Finance 3880 vpaf@feds. Yes C-2 C-6 Other Information Can say how many volunteers. But not exact. Imprint and Environment Commission 82 G-14 Reporting of Student Government Sustainability Staff President 2478 pres@feds Yes G-18 Student Government: Implementation Planning President 2478 pres@feds No G-19 Student Government: Reporting President 2478 pres@feds No G-20 Student Government: Information Management President 2478 pres@feds No All staff must report. Office of Research Main Contact: Mary Ellen Acorn, Manager, Research and Finance P: 888-4567 Ext 5102 Email: Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) K-8 Research Collaboration - Nonprofit Mary Ellen Acorn 5102 meacorn@ Yes K-9 Research Collaboration - For Profit Mary Ellen Acorn 5102 meacorn@ Yes Code Number Indicator K-10 Sustainability Research Expenditures Mary Ellen Acorn 5102 meacorn@ Yes K-11 For-profit Research Contributions Mary Ellen Acorn 5102 meacorn@ Yes K-12 Faculty Sustainability Research Mary Ellen Acorn 5102 meacorn@ Yes Other Information May obtain information from Patti Cook. Hence she is the person that does this type of research. May have to do an audit of individual faculties Co-operative Services Main Contact: Cathie Jenkins, Associate Director P: 888-4567 Ext 2997 Email: 83 Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) C-22 On-campus Employment Services Dave Thomas 2272 dthomas@admail Yes May be confidential K-6 On-campus Student Sustainability Jobs Dave Thomas 2272 dthomas@admail Yes May be confidential Code Number Indicator Other Information Residence / Housing Main Contact: Peter Jordan P: 888-4567 Ext 5178 Email: Code Number Indicator Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) C-20 On-campus Housing Jennifer Ferguson 5090 jferguson@admmail Yes C-21 On-campus Housing Affordability Jennifer Ferguson 5090 jferguson@admmail Yes L-12 Occupancy Rates: On-campus Residences Jennifer Ferguson 5090 jferguson@admmail Yes Other Information Plant Operations Main Contact: Tom Galloway, Director of Plant Operations P: 888-4567 Ext 5676 Email: Code Number HW-1 Indicator W-2 Recreation Space Accessible Green space Potable Water Consumed Storm- and Grey Water Reuse W-3 Leaking Fixtures HW-17 W-1 Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes Tom Galloway Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes Other Information This can be found in the UW Master Plan 84 W-4 Water Metering: Potable Water Metering: Wastewater Pressure Testing for Leaks Efficiency of Fixtures Motion Detectors Installed Wastewater Produced Wastewater Treatment Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes Rick Zalagenas 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes Dan Parent 6726 dparent@admmail Yes 6726 dparent@admmail Yes Opening Windows Air Change Effectiveness Chemical Free Cleaning Dan Parent Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes Tom Galloway Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes A-10 Pesticides Used Indoors Cleaning of Air Handling Units Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Indoors 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes A-13 Living Trees Outdoors Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes W-5 W-6 W-7 W-8 W-9 W-10 W-11 M-1 M-2 A-3 A-4 A-7 A-8 A-9 Storm water Contaminant Separation/Collectio n LEED Certified Base Buildings LEED Certified Interiors Indoor Community Space Renewable Energy: Buildings Tom Galloway Rick Zalagenas 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes Tom Galloway Rick Zalagenas 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes E-3 Renewable Energy: Fleet and Grounds Vehicles Local Energy Sources 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes E-4 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Buildings Rick Zalagenas 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes C-19 E-1 E-2 Check with City of Waterloo Also Contact Food Services and FedS May have to double check on whether this information is available 85 E-6 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fleet and Grounds Vehicles Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail No Some Faculties may keep track of this E-7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Campus Travel Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail No Some Faculties may keep track of this E-8 Reduction in Energy Consumption 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes 3932 rszalage@admmail Yes Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes Tom Galloway Tom Galloway Tom Galloway 5676 5676 5676 tgallow@admmail tgallow@admmail tgallow@admmail Yes Yes Yes Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes Tom Galloway Tom Galloway 5676 5676 tgallow@admmail tgallow@admmail Yes Gene Starchuk 3364 gstarch@admmail Yes Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes E-9 E-10 E-11 E-12 L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 Energy Metering Energy Efficient Equipment HVAC&R System Control Automatic Lighting Sensors Managed Green space Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas Rick Zalagenas C-19 Inorganic Fertilizers Pesticides Native Plants Healthy Natural Areas Restoration of Degraded Areas Protection of Natural Areas Impermeable Surface Coverage Building Density Deferred Maintenance Indoor Community Space E-5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Commuting Transport Tom Galloway 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fleet and Grounds Vehicles Living Plants Indoors Tom Galloway Individual Faculties 5676 tgallow@admmail Yes L-5 L-6 L-7 L-9 L-11 EW-16 E-6 A-6 No Found in the UW Master Plan Have to do an audit Dennis Huber Main Contact: Dennis Huber, VP Administration and Finance 86 P: 888-4567 Ext 6828 Email: Code Number Indicator Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail Yes Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail Yes Other Information EW-13 Income From Government Income from Private Sources EW-14 Departmental Expenditures per FTE Students Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail Yes Found on Web (Financial Statements EW-17 Ethically and Environmentally Sound Investments Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail No Very difficult to find Very difficult to find EW-12 EW-18 Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail No L-8 Local Investments Unresolved Land Claims Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail Yes G-7 University Financing of Sustainability Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail Yes Reporting of University Sustainability Staff For-profit Course Development Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail Yes Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail No Have not approach Dennis on this yet Have not approach Dennis on this yet Noise Pollution Dennis Huber 6828 dhuber@admmail Yes Found in Occupational Health and Safety Act G-8 K-21 HW-18 Have not approach Dennis on this yet Alumni Office Main Contact: Gwen Graper P: 888-4567 Ext 2969 Email: Code Number Indicator C-3 Alumni Volunteerism C-4 Graduates in the Community Contact Name Gwen Graper Gwen Graper Phone / Extension 2969 2969 Email ( graper@ graper@ Availability of Information (Y/N) Other Information Yes Alumni Office http://alumni.uwaterloo. ca/alumni/ Yes Alumni Office http://alumni.uwaterloo. ca/alumni/ University of Waterloo Sustainability Project 87 Main Contact: Office Manager P: 888-4567 Ext 2182 Email: Code Number C-25 Indicator Affordability of Public Transit Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Alternative Transportation Group 2182 Yes Other Information Patti Cook Main Contact: Patti Cook, Waste Management Coordinator P: 888-4567 Ext 3245 Email: Code Number Indicator Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Other Information See Patti Cook for Details 3245 plcook@admmail Yes See Patti Cook for Details 3245 plcook@admmail Yes There are a number of sub indicators in this group There are a number of sub indicators in this group Steve Cook 2515 scook@admmail Yes Purchasing Dept Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail Yes Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail Yes Patti Cook Patti Cook 3245 3245 plcook@admmail plcook@admmail Yes Yes Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail Yes Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail Yes Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail Yes M-4 Paper Consumption Post-Consumer Content of Paper Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail Yes M-5 Tree-free Paper Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail Yes M-6 Chlorine-free Paper Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail Yes G-3 University Government Policy University Government Working Groups M-8 Life-cycle Cost Assessment of Equipment G-1 M-9 M-10 M-11 M-12 M-13 A-12 M-3 Solid Waste and Recyclables Produced Solid Waste Reduction Recyclables Being Land filled Compost Hazardous Waste Produced Smoke-free Outdoor Spaces Purchasing and Graphics Purchasing and Graphics Purchasing and Graphics Purchasing and Graphics 88 Food Services Main Contact: Jeannie Watt, Manager, Marketing and Development P: 888-4567 Ext 2698 Email: Code Number HW-3 Indicator HW-4 Diet Types Nutritional Information HW-5 Organic, Non-GMO, Fair Trade Food EW-15 M-7 Locally Purchased Goods and Services Local Food Production Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Jeannie Watt 2698 jmwatt@admmail No Jeannie Watt 2698 jmwatt@admmail Yes Jeannie watt 2698 jmwatt@admmail Yes Jeannie Watt 2698 jmwatt@admmail No May want to do a life cycle analysis Jeannie Watt 2698 jmwatt@admmail No Good student project! Other Information Can conduct and audit Athletics Department Main Contact: Judy McCrae, Director, Athletics and Rec Services P: 888-4567 Ext 3663 Email: Code Number HW-2 Indicator Recreation Participation Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) Judy McCrae 3663 jamccrae@ Yes Other Information Information will not be exact Human Resources Main Contact: Katrina Di Gravio, Staff Relations P: 888-4567 Ext 5161 Email: Code Number Indicator Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) C-14 Staff Gender Alfrieda Swainston 2950 jaswains@admmail Yes C-16 Equity of Indigenous Peoples: Faculty Alfrieda Swainston 2950 jaswains@admmail Yes C-17 Equity of Indigenous Peoples: Staff Alfrieda Swainston 2950 jaswains@admmail Yes Other Information 89 K-1 K-2 New Faculty Orientation New Staff Orientation Frances Hannigan (VP Academic & Provost) 6332 fhanniga@admmail Neil Murray 2829 ngmurray@admmail Yes 2950 jaswains@admmail Yes 2950 jaswains@admmail Yes May be found within individual faculties EW-7 Wage Gap EW-8 Gender Pay Equity Alfrieda Swainston Alfrieda Swainston Can also go to Mary Thompson (IAP) Can also go to Bruce Mitchell EW-9 Ethnic Minority/Caucasian Pay Equity Alfrieda Swainston 2950 jaswains@admmail Yes EW-10 Indigenous Peoples/Caucasian Pay Equity Alfrieda Swainston 2950 jaswains@admmail Yes K-4 Faculty Sustainability Training Katrina Di Gravio 5161 kadigrav@ Yes Also consult Alfieda Swainson K-5 Staff Sustainability Training Katrina Di Gravio 5161 kadigrav@ Yes Also consult Alfieda Swainson Secretariat Main Contact: Emily Barnes P: 888-4567 Ext 2225 Email: Code Number Indicator Contact Name G-4 Diversity of University Government Working Groups Secretariat Office www.adm.uwa ec/index.html G-5 Reporting of University Government Working Groups Secretariat Office www.adm.uwa ec/index.html G-15 University Government: Implementation Planning Emily Barnes Phone / Extension 2225 Email ( ebarnes@admmail. Availability of Information (Y/N) Yes Other Information Information found on Web Site: /infosect/Committees/c ommittees.html Yes Information found on Web Site: /infosect/Committees/c ommittees.html Yes Check Secretariat Web site above as well. 90 G-16 University Government: Reporting Emily Barnes 2225 ebarnes@admmail. Yes Check Secretariat Web site above as well. G-17 University Government: Information Management Emily Barnes 2225 ebarnes@admmail. Yes Check Secretariat Web site above as well. Institutional Analysis and Planning Main Contact: Mary Thompson P: 888-4567 Ext 6607 Email: Code Number Indicator Contact Name Phone / Extension Email ( Availability of Information (Y/N) 6607 maryt@addmail Yes 6607 maryt@addmail Yes Other Information C-10 Faculty of Ethnic Minorities C-13 Faculty Gender Mary Thompson Mary Thompson HW-13 Retention Rate Mary Thompson 6607 maryt@addmail C-15 Student Gender Ken Lavigne 2263 klavigne@ Yes Institutional Analysis and Planning Income From Student Fees Ken Lavigne 2263 klavigne@ Yes Institutional Analysis and Planning EW-11 Have not talk to Mary about this one Indicators that may cause difficulty HW-12 Mental Health Care Practitioners HW-14 Spiritual Services C-5 C-23 C-24 G-6 K-13 Sense of Community Community Library Cards On-campus Media Expenditures University Staffing for Sustainability Sustainability Pledge Barbara Schumacher Church Colleges 4068 bschumac@adm,mail Yes See Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail No Health Services Each individual Church College May have to conduct an audit Library Martin Van Nierop 4881 vanierop@admmail Yes Communications Department Split among departments and faculties on campus. Will have to conduct an audit See Patti Cook 3245 plcook@admmail No Ken Lavigne 2263 klavigne@ No 91 K-14 Sustainability Literacy Survey See Patti Cook No Big Project! Will have to do an audit K-19 Quality of Sustainability Courses Environmental Studies Faculty No Subjective, will have to define what "Quality" means K-20 Collaborative Course Development Talk to people in each faculty No Audit 3245 plcook@admmail Appendix C: List of Key Contact People Name Barbara Schumacher Martin Van Nierop Linda Brogden Ian Fraser Kevin Stewart Al Mackenzie Rose Padacz Ken Lavigne President Mary Ellen Acorn Cathie Jenkins Gail Clarke Dennis Huber Office Manager Patti Cook Department Health Services Email Extension 4068 Communications 4881 Health Services 6264 Safety Office Safety Office Police Services Persons with Disabilities Registrars Office Federation of Students Research Office 6268 5814 2828 5231 2263 2478 5102 2997 5634 6828 2182 3245 Co-op Services Residence/Housing VP Admin and Finance UWSP Waste Management Coordinator 92 Jeannie Watt Judy McCrae Steve Cook Barbara BalmanFleming Donna Schell Dave McDougall Gwen Graper Emily Barnes Mary Thompson Katrina Di Gravio Alfrieda Swainston Rick Zalagenas Tom Galloway Food Services Athletics Department Purchasing and Graphics TRACE Office 2698 3663 2515 2579 Room Bookings Marketing 2207 6338 Alumni Affairs Secretariat Institutional Analysis and Planning Human Resources 2969 2225 6607 5161 Human Resources 2950 Plant Operations 3932 Plant Operations 5676 93