

Volume 4, Issue 3
Fall 2011
Health and Recovery Rally
ach year during the month of
September, National Recovery Month
is celebrated.
According to the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA), the founders
of National Recovery Month, believe it
“promotes the societal benefits of treatment
for substance use and mental disorders,
celebrates people in recovery, lauds the
contributions of treatment providers, and
promotes the message that recovery in all
its forms is possible.” This year ECCPASA
celebrated with our first-ever Health and
Recovery Rally in Buffalo.
The rally was held on Saturday, September
10th, at True Bethel Baptist Church. It focused
not only on recovery, but also touched on
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
A continental breakfast was served while
the audience listened to several speakers
who were either in recovery or experts on
addiction, recovery and/or FASD.
The event was kicked off with a few words
from ECCPASA’s Program Director, Robin
Mann, as well as Erica J. Boyce who is an
educator for our Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorders program. Next, Ms. Cynthia
“CeCe” Cray shared her heart-felt personal
story about her struggles with addiction.
Ms. Cray is currently in recovery, and
several years ago gave birth to a baby girl
with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. She spoke
of her journey to recovery, along with the
heartache and guilt she faces over giving
birth to her special-needs daughter who has
since passed. CeCe says she still struggles
each day and is constantly reminded of how
her past decisions affect not only herself, but
also others around her. She thanked several
people who have helped her along the way,
including her teenage son who was always
Megan Kunecki, Erica Boyce and Robin Mann
of ECCPASA pose for a picture alongside some
of the families as they celebrate recovery!
Inside this issue:
Health & Recovery Rally
Letter from the Executive
Calendar of Events
Welcome New Board
Annual Meeting 2011
there to love and support her. At the end
of her story there was not a dry eye in the
Family Day
Dr. Luther Robinson, Director of
Dysmorphology and Clinical Genetics
as well as the FASD Special Diagnostic
Program at Women and Children’s Hospital
also spoke about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder. He has treated thousands of
children with such problems and recounted
personal stories of how working with
babies and children with FASD has touched
him. Clergy members, Elder Pierce and
Elder Horace Harper, from True Bethel’s
Restore Ministry enthusiastically shared
some words of encouragement with the
audience. They offered support to those
who are in recovery and reached out to
those who may still be struggling.
Sam Violante Shares
Words of Wisdom 7
For more information on addictions and/
or help seeking recovery, contact the
Erie County Council for the Prevention
of Alcohol and Substance Abuse at
December is
National Impaired Driving
Prevention Month?
Don’t drink and drive this
holiday season!
ECCPASA News - 2
Gerald Erion
Vice President
David Norman
John Priebe
Shelia Gibbs
Andrew J. Freedman, Esq.
Mike Helman
Susan Lisker
Carol Nowak
Roger L. Ross, Esq.
Douglas Shiring
Robert B. Whitney, M.D.
Honorary Board Member
Judge Mark G. Farrell
Executive Director
Andrea J. Wanat
Office Manager
Darlene Zwikfa
Administrative Assistant
Shirley Liddle
Letter from the Executive Director
Andrea J. Wanat, MA, CPP
October I received an article that was published in the New York Times
the death of Dr. Morris E. Chafetz. Dr. Chafetz was the first director
the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), and played
an important role in changing public perception of alcoholism from being a social
or moral “weakness” to the more current disease concept. However, his role as
lead spokesman for the problems of alcoholism and its treatment came purely by
In 1954, he finished psychiatric training at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital.
From there, he accepted the only job available: starting up an alcohol treatment center that the state had
just created. Dr. Chafetz reluctantly took the job since no one else was interested. “I did not think much
of alcoholic people,” he told the journal Alcohol Health and Research World in 1995. “I did not like them;
I just was not the least bit interested in them.”
His opinion quickly changed. “It only took me a few months of listening to these patients to recognize
my prejudices and the prejudices of others.” When he was offered the job as NIAA Director in 1970,
Dr. Chafetz was determined to change the publics’ perception about alcoholism. “Having experienced
the extent of my own prejudices and my own ignorance of the issue, I was bound and determined to
turn the country around and to treat alcoholics as ill human beings who needed treatment, not as bad
people who should be ignored and neglected,” Dr. Chafetz told Alcohol Health and Research World. “I
remember saying in one of my first speeches that alcoholism was America’s most treatable untreated
illness, and I still feel that way,” he said.
Director of Programs
Robin Mann
Some 40 years later, we continue to struggle with the same social stigma surrounding alcoholism and
substance abuse dependency. Unfortunately our hard work in the field is still very much necessary,
maybe now more than ever before. With all of the current changes in health care, the field has to stay
strong and united, and carry on the work Dr. Chafetz began years ago.
Fetal Alcohol & Drug Effects
Erica Boyce
Helen Weinstein
We still have work to do, and together we can make a difference! Have a safe and happy holiday season!
See you next year!
Focus on Consequences
Erica Boyce
Janice Burns
Mark Fenz
James Frank
Megan Kunecki
Thomas Wheeler
Gaisha Wilson
Sally Yageric
Programs for Parents
Sally Yageric
Public Education and Advocacy
Erica Boyce
Megan Kunecki
Reconnecting Youth
Megan Kunecki
Skills For Tomorrow
Mark Fenz
Strengthening Families
Janice Burns
Mary Carroll
Student Assistance Prevention Counseling
James Frank
Ann Rossetti
Thomas Wheeler
Giasha Wilson
1625 Hertel Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14216
FAX 716.831.9580
Resources and Contacts:
Adult Children of Alcoholics - c/o ECCPASA 716.831.2298
Al-Anon & Alateen - 716.856.2520
Alcoholics Anonymous - 716.853.0388
Crisis Services - 716.834.3131 Kids Helpline - 716.834.1144
Erie County Sheriff’s Office Underage Drinking Hotline - 1.800.851.1932
Gamblers Anonymous & Gam-Anon - 716.879.0555
Nar-Anon - 716.875.0548
Narcotics Anonymous - 716.878.2316
National Association for Children of Alcoholics -
NYS OASAS Help Line - 877.846.7369
Save Our Selves - Non-religious support for twelve-step recovery
Western New York 211 Health and Human Services - 211
ECCPASA News - 3
ECCPASA Calendar of Events
Winter Community Education Offerings 2011
Registration begins at 8:30 am. Classes begin promptly at 9:00 am.
All classes are held at the Harlem Road Community Center
4255 Harlem Rd. ~ Amherst ~ NY ~ 14226
Classes cost $15 each
• CASAC/CPP/CPS credits available
• Light breakfast served
All three courses listed below are part of the training series, “Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Trainings.” They are intended for anyone who is
interested in becoming a credentialed Certified Prevention Professional (CPP) or Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS). They are also great for community
members, health professionals, teachers or others who would like to learn more about prevention as it pertains to the community.
January 18th – Introduction to Prevention
By Sally Yageric, CPP, ECCPASA Public Educator
Want to learn more about the prevention field? This training will focus on the basics of prevention, including the history of prevention. The seven classes of
drugs will also be discussed in detail along with individual and societal attitudes towards drug use.
February 29th – Prevention Theory
By Erica Boyce, MCJ, ECCPASA Public Educator
Theoretical prevention models will be examined in great detail. We will look at environmental strategies, risk and protective factors, and developmental
assets as they pertain to prevention. The difference between evidence-based versus research-based strategies will also be covered, as well as an in depth
look at the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) prevention principles.
March 21st – Community Coalition Building
By Jennifer Zambito, Director of the Prevention Resource Center of Batavia and Sally Yageric, CPP, ECCPASA Public Educator
Building a coalition is not an easy task. It takes perseverance, compromise, patience and long-term commitment. Although it is hard work in the beginning,
coalitions are a great contribution to your community, and the hard work really does pay off in the end. Join us to learn how to build an effective coalition
in your neighborhood and to hear about a local coalition’s success story!
Department of Kaleida Health, Community EducatorTeen pregnancy and the spread of
To Register Contact: Shirley Liddle
1625 Hertel Ave. Buffalo, NY 14216
Or visit us online at
ECCPASA Welcomes New Board Members
CCPASA has recently added two new board members to our team - Mr. Andrew J. Freedman, Esq. and Mr. Douglas Shiring!
Mr. Freedman is a Partner at Hodgson Russ Attorneys, LLP. He specializes in Education Law and has extensive
experience counseling school districts and boards of education. Mr. Freedman also teaches education law
courses at the University at Buffalo Law School, Canisius College School of Education Administration, and
Buffalo State College Education Administration Program. He looks forward to using his expertise to help our
agency’s fundraising and public policy committees.
Mr. Shiring is the Regional Special Investigations Unit Manager at GEICO. He will be assisting the council as
a member of our public policy committee. In his spare time he coaches Amherst Youth Hockey and enjoys
spending time with his family.
We are delighted to have both new members on “board” and welcome their abundance of energy, enthusiasm
and experience!
ECCPASA News - 4
ECCPASA News - 5
Annual Meeting
The speaker provided a great overview of the
implementation of evidence-based alcohol policy.
He spoke about such topics as Social Host laws and
alcohol taxes, as well as fees and pricing and how
they affect alcohol sales and use. He also spoke
about dram shop laws and alcohol outlet density.
Mr. Pezzolesi provided us with some interesting
insight on how the marketing of alcohol affects a
community as well as individual use.
Darlene Zwifka and Mark Fenz, were recognized for
their twenty-five years of dedication to the agency,
while James Frank was acknowledged for his twenty
years of service! Lisa Johnson, Coordinator of the
Lancaster-Depew Substance Abuse Prevention
Coalition, accepted the Community Partnership
Award on behalf of the coalition. They were honored
for their outstanding work in the implementation
of many strategies to curb and prevent substance
abuse/use in the Lancaster-Depew area. The Board
Recognition and Service Award was presented to
Roger L. Ross, Esq., for his many years of dedication
to our agency as both board president and as his
current position as chair of our personnel and
nominating committees. Cathy Kaiser of Kaiser
Design Studio and our agency’s go-to person for
all of our graphic needs received the William C.
MacVicar Memorial Award for her dedication to our
agency as well as the prevention field, and her ability
to put the thoughts of our group into true works of
As per tradition, ECCPASA handed out several
awards to outstanding staff members and partners
in the prevention field. ECCPASA staff members,
ECCPASA wishes to thank everyone who came out
to celebrate with us once again this year and we are
looking forward to doing it again next year!
he Erie County Council for the Prevention of
Alcohol and Substance Abuse held its fourth
Annual Meeting on October 20th at Templeton
Landing on Buffalo’s waterfront. The keynote speaker
this year was Robert Pezzolesi, Founder and CEO
of New York Center for Alcohol Policy Solutions/
New York Alcohol Policy Alliance. We were graced
with the presence of our long-time board members
as well as many prevention, treatment and recovery
professionals with whom we continue to work with
ECCPASA News - 6
Family Day
ating dinner and underage drinking don’t have anything in
common... or do they? More than a decade of research
by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
(CASA) at Columbia University has consistently found that
the more often kids eat dinner with their families, the less
likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs. Because of
this research, CASA designated the last Monday of every
September as “Family Day – A Day to Eat Dinner with Your
caregivers and children attended. Families enjoyed a delicious
Italian dinner and dessert, and participated in activities such as
creating picture frames and cookbooks to take home with
them! They also learned games to increase communication and
make dinners more fun at home, and viewed a presentation
describing the association between eating dinner as a family
and the decreased risk of youth substance use.
For more information regarding Family Day, contact Erica J.
Boyce at 831.2298 or visit
ECCPASA celebrated this year’s Family Day on Monday,
September 26th, with various activities around Erie County.
Over 1,000 Family Day brochures explaining the importance
of eating dinner as a family, including suggested activities, were
disseminated throughout the county. Sally Yageric, Community
Educator for Programs for Parents at ECCPASA, worked
with the SafeHomes Parent Network in planning schoolbased activities such as having students create placemats to
be used at home for Family Day dinner. In addition, both
the Amherst Town Board and the Erie County Legislature
signed a proclamation officially proclaiming September 26th
as Family Day!
Once again, ECCPASA held a Family Day event for families
who are, or who have been, enrolled in our Strengthening
Families Program. Approximately 13 families consisting of 50
A fruit sculpture constructed by one of the families in attendance
at ECCPASA’s Family Day Dinner.
ECCPASA News - 7
CCPASA and the Erie County Sheriff’s Office recently
collaborated to bring the PACT360 training to Buffalo.
PACT360 - Police and Communities Together - is a series of
community education programs from The Partnership at These programs are meant for law enforcement
and community educators to work together to provide
“prevention education to the community.” They are designed
to deal with existing drug issues and to respond rapidly to
emerging drug threats. The goal is to improve the quality of life
of the community.
There are three different sections to PACT360. They can be
presented all at once, separately, or as individual topics based
upon community needs.
The first section of PACT360 is called METH360, and it
focuses on meth prevention and education. The next section
is Parents360, also known as, PARENTS: YOU MATTER!
Drugs/Alcohol, Your Teen and YOU. This section “is designed
to help parents understand, prevent, and address drug and
alcohol issues” as it relates to their kids. The final section of
Members of Px20 who attended the PACT360 training.
the program is called WRECKED or Youth360 and this section
is designed for teenagers. It is a “substance abuse prevention
education program that teaches teens about the realities and
consequences of substance use.”
For more information or to schedule a training please contact
Sally at or at 831.2298.
Sammy Violante, Inspirational Speaker,
Shares Words of Wisdom with
ECCPASA’s Strengthening Families
“Life’s too short to wait too long”—Sammy V
n inspiration of hope best describes Sammy Violante. His story of overcoming adversity,
specifically obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD, held the attention of parents from ECCPASA’s
Strengthening Families Program on October 25, 2011. His remarkable journey began with the onset
of symptoms in his 40’s. His OCD hindered not only his personal life, but also his career and success
in the financial world. Despite many attempts at medication and ultimately becoming a prisoner
in his own home, Sammy finally found the strength within himself (and with the emotional support
of his father) to venture into a new world of healing. Sammy, with the help of physicians at a behavior clinic, learned the
skills to manage his OCD. Though he experienced a number of setbacks, he finally found what worked for him - using his
“weakness” as his strength.
Sammy shared several “take aways” or “life lessons” with the audience. He is a spiritual person, and instead of looking
at his adversity negatively, he saw it as a blessing, and as a new opportunity to share his life lessons with others. He now
volunteers with hundreds of high-risk teens each month and gives free presentations to peers who struggle with addiction
or mental health issues.
For more information on how to get Sammy to speak at your next event contact ECCPASA at 831.2298.
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Mission Statement: Consistent with its National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence heritage, the Erie County Council for the Prevention of Alcohol
and Substance Abuse will provide leadership to fight the stigma associated with chemical dependency through public and policy education, liaison with the
professional and recovering communities and objective information, referral and linkage for those in need. We will provide state-of-the-art prevention and
intervention programs to families, schools, faith-based institutions, health and social service agencies, the criminal justice system and interested communities
that meet their needs and sustain the chemical dependency focus of the agency.
As we continue to serve the community, please become an official “supporter” of our mission!
Your tax deductible contribution can be made at any time of the year:
$ 10.00
$ 25.00
$ 50.00 $ 75.00
Other $
Thank you for supporting the ECCPASA community efforts!
Please mail your tax deductible contribution to: ECCPASA, 1625 Hertel Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. 14216
Under contract with the Erie County Department of Mental Health. Funded by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, school districts and
municipalities throughout Erie County, individuals, corporations and community service organizations. Member agency of the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County.
Council on Addictions of New York State