News from President Tom Jackson, Jr.
News from President Tom Jackson, Jr.
News from President Tom Jackson, Jr. July 18, 2016 Crow Peak Fire Operations Centered The “can-do” spirit of Black Hills State was in full force recently as the campus assisted more than 600 firefighters and personnel as they battled the Crow Peak Fire near Spearfish. Thankfully, the fire avoided both the campus and the Spearfish community. We thank the firefighters for their commitment and hard work in containing the blaze. As firefighters took care of our beautiful Black Hills, it was our privilege and honor to take care of them. Go Jackets! [Where ANYTHING is possible] on BHSU Campus For nearly two weeks this summer while a forest fire burned on nearby Crow Peak, the BHSU campus served as a firefighting command center that housed and fed more than 600 people as firefighters moved into the area to battle the blaze. The fire, caused by a lightning strike Friday, June 24, was in a remote area with steep terrain. With smoke and flames on Crow Peak clearly visible on campus and throughout the Spearfish region, decisions were made quickly and the campus provided housing and food, a central receiving point for supplies, and the location for a multi-agency daily briefing. Food Service Director for A’viands at BHSU, Ron Showman, and his staff of 22 willingly took on the A firefighter checks in to a supply station set up at BHSU. challenge of feeding the influx of firefighters and personnel on campus. A’viands served 10,595 meals and worked 2,400 hours over 13 days. BHSU President Tom Jackson, Jr. said, “Every day when we look around at our beautiful surroundings, it’s a huge relief not to see smoke billowing from Crow Peak. We thank the firefighters for their dedication and hard work.” Firefighters attend a daily briefing outside of Meier Hall on the BHSU campus. GEAR UP Successfully Completes First Program at BHSU The GEAR UP Summer Honors Program at BHSU concluded earlier this month with a closing ceremony on campus. More than 130 people attended the ceremony including parents and families of the students who attended the three week, residential, pre-college readiness program. GEAR UP project manager Peg Diekhoff said data from the Program indicates gains in students’ language arts, math, and science knowledge. GEAR UP has already had two middle school camps in McIntosh and Mission, with plans for additional camps underway, one camp that will serve students in the Eagle Butte area and another serving students in and around Tiospa Zina Tribal School. S.D. GEAR UP at BHSU (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) is funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education to the S.D. Dept. of Education. A specific focus of the Program is to increase the number of American Indian Students achieving success at the post-secondary level. Language arts teacher Kathryn Kettering congratulates GEAR UP student Kaitlyn Smith on completing the Summer Honors Program. L to R, Edgar Bone Shirt, Jr., and Donte Trujillo watch a video made by fellow GEAR UP students during the Closing Ceremony. July 18, 2016 S.D. Teachers Attend BHSU Physical Science Workshop Teachers from across the state attended a Physical Science Concepts for Teachers workshop held at BHSU recently. One of the goals of the workshop was for teachers to experience learning difficult science content as students. L to R: Kayla Schindling, Sioux Falls; Dr. Andy Johnson, The workshop was funded through a No Child Left Behind Title II Part A grant written by BHSU; Ashley Schruers, Lead-Deadwood; and Tiffany Dr. Janet Briggs, science education specialist, and Engesser, Rapid City, discuss atomic models. Dr. Andy Johnson, assistant professor of physics, and funded through the South Dakota Board of Regents. Students Travel to Tweets July 2 Thank you firefighters @Black Hills State for all you do and for fighting the Crow Peak Fire. ---@tomjackjr Follow President Jackson on Twitter @tomjackjr China Four BHSU students received a tuition scholarship to attend a summer program in China hosted by China Three Gorges, a BHSU partner University. The students will learn about Chinese culture, folk-customs, ethics and diplomacy. Top L to R: BHSU students Alicia Benz, Keeley Kleven, Bryce Boser, and Richard Walbe are attending an exchange program in China. President Attends NY Times Higher Ed Forum President Jackson attended the Higher Ed Leaders Forum sponsored by The New York Times last month where national leaders in education discussed access, affordability, and completion at U.S. colleges and universities. Athletic Team Wins RMAC Top GPA Award The Yellow Jacket women’s basketball team earned the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Brechler Award for their team grade point average. For the 2015-2016 academic year, the BHSU women’s basketball team earned a 3.56 GPA. The Brechler Award recognizes the top conference GPA per sport. Sustainability Program One-of-a-Kind TUESDAY, AUG. 9 Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Joy Center Parking Lot Black Hills State University Campus (beside the football field) RAISING MONEY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR VETERANS Ride ends in Sturgis at Scott Peterson Motors $50.00 per Rider $25.00 per Passenger Includes Limited Edition T-Shirt Ride • Lunch • Prizes • FUN For more information contact: 605-642-6228 • in Region The master’s degree in sustainability at Black Hills State is the only degree of its type that is available entirely online in the whole western half of the United States. The degree, which is drawing students locally and nationally, has implications for the environment, business, and communities. Dr. Sandra Marker, coordinator of the BHSU alum Rylan Sprague examines plants in the BHSU Herbarium. Master of Science Sprague earned his master’s degree in sustainability from BHSU and in Sustainability program at BHSU, said works for the U.S. Forest Service. “Sustainability is for individuals who want to be change agents and who are passionate about maintaining something they love, whether it be natural grasslands or a business enterprise. If students want to make a difference, this is a great program of study to funnel their interests.”
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