Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and
Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and
Change9, patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin Limnological Review 1: 39-60 39 Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin (Masurian Lake District, Poland) Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska The Stanisław Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute, ul. Oczapowskiego 10, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland, e-mail: Abstract: The purpose of the work was to test the hypothesis that the rate of improvement in water quality in lakes, which receive sewage from point sources, can depend on hydrologic conditions, once the influx of sewage has been terminated. Multi-year physical, chemical, and trophic data were analyzed for Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin, both of which are part of the Great Masurian Lake System. This lake system, subject to varying degrees of human impact, is particularly valuable from an environmental, recreational, and economic point of view. It has been shown that reduced influx of phosphorus and nitrogen into Lake Niegocin has reduced the rate of eutrophication of the lake’s water. Increasingly lower phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations have been detected in the lake’s epilimnion with increasing water transparency and the absence of large quantities of cyanoprokaryota. A portion of the lake’s supply of pollutants, including internal pollutants released from lake bottom deposits, has been transferred, due to hydrologic factors, to neighboring lakes such as Lake Mamry Północne. The lake has been shown to undergo eutrophication during the summer season with lower water transparency, increasing phosphate and ammonia nitrogen concentrations near the bottom, as well as significant loss of oxygen content from the hypolimnion. It has been shown that the monitoring of the location of the Pisa River and Węgorapy River drainage divide is fundamentally important in the analysis of eutrophication rates in the lakes of interest. Keywords: lakes, water retention, pollution, eutrophication, salinity, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen Introduction The eutrophication of water is a serious problem in the management of water resources throughout the world. It results in extensive plant growth, especially phytoplankton, in affected bodies of water. The eutrophication of a body of water can result in a completely degraded natural environment. An affected body of water can become partially or entirely useless for community, recreational, industrial, and fishing purposes (Olszewski 1971a,b; Kajak 1979; Zdanowski 1982; Szczerbowski et al. 1993). Eutrophication is caused by the influx of allochthonous matter from sources in direct and total basins (Bajkiewicz-Grabowska 2002; Marszelewski 2005). The key element responsible for eutrophication is phosphorus. It regulates biological production, limits the growth of algae, and determines the degree of eutrophication in a given body of water (Vollenweider 1968; Schindler 1977). Phosphorus accelerates eutrophication, affecting a range of lakes from primarily oligotrophic to prima- rily eutrophic. In polytrophic and hypertrophic lakes, the primary determinants of eutrophication are nitrogen and light (Zdanowski 1982; Kufel 1998). Bodies of water at advanced stages of eutrophication can activate biogenic substances trapped in sediments deposited at their bottom (Gawrońska 1994; Kufel and Kalinowska 1997; Andersen and Ring 1999; Perkins and Underwood 2001). Phosphorus and nitrogen loads released during internal loading processes can yield significant nutrient concentrations, comparable to concentrations produced by external loading from basin sources. (Søndergaard et al. 1999, 2001, 2003; Kozerski et al. 1999). The purpose of the work was to test the hypothesis that the rate of improvement in water quality in lakes, which receive sewage from point sources, can depend on hydrologic conditions, once the influx of sewage has been terminated. Multi-year physical, chemical, and trophic data were obtained for lakes Mamry Północne and Niegocin. Both lakes are part of the Great Masurian Lake System. This lake system, subject to var- 40 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska ying degrees of human impact, is particularly valuable from an environmental, recreational, and economic point of view. Research sites Lakes Mamry Północne and Niegocin are part of the Great Masurian Lake District. This mesoregion constitutes the western part of the Eastern Baltic Lake District that stretches across the North European Plain, which is the western part of the Precambrian Eastern European Platform (Kondracki 2000). It is the largest lake district in Poland, naturally interconnected or, in some cases, linked by manmade canals (Fig. 1). It constitutes about 10% of total lake water surface in Poland (Mikulski 1966; Choiński 1991). The Great Masurian Lakes are located within a drainage divide zone between the Wisła and Pregoła river drainage basins. The water level in the lakes is maintained via a system of dams. Major rivers in this region are the Krutynia, the Jorka, the Orzysza, and the Sapina. Water exits the lake system north via the Węgorapa and the Pregoła and south via the Pisa and Narew towards the Wisła River. The drainage divide in the Great Masurian Lake System runs down the southern edge of Lake Kisajno at the Giżycki Canal (Mikulski 1966). The magnitude of the outflow of water via the Pisa and the Węgorapa can vary during the year as well as during each given hydrological year (Fig. 1). The location of the drainage divide may change from Lake Dargin in the north to Lake Mikołajskie in the south, while at very low water levels, from Przystań to Lake Śniardwy. In such cases, a certain area within the drainage divide zone remains isolated from surface runoff (Bajkiewicz-Grabowska 1991). Therefore, changes in water outflow direction, driven by changes in the location of the drainage divide, can shape the chemistry as well as the physical and biological conditions in the lakes in question (Bajkiewicz-Grabowska 2008). Water pollution from the middle zone of the Great Masurian Lake District can then drift to lakes in the south as well as Lake Mamry Północne. Lake Mamry Północne is the northernmost of the Great Masurian Lakes (Table 1, Fig. 1). It formed in a bottom moraine depression. Water exits the lake via the Węgorapa River. The parent material of the basin is formed primarily of boulder clay as well as extensive alluvial formations and peat. The lake’s immediate vicinity is agricultural for the most part (Fig. 2) and the lake did not have point sources of pollution. Lake Niegocin is a large glacial lake featuring diverse bottom topography with multiple depressions and expansive mid-lake shallows (Table 1, Fig. 3). The lake’s direct basin is primarily agricultural in nature (Fig. 3). The lake used to receive municipal and industrial wastewater in the past. A mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant that utilizes chemical phosphorus precipitation technology was put on line in November, 1994. Materials and methods The influence of drainage basins on rates of lake-bound material delivery was assessed using a system proposed by Bajkiewicz-Grabowska (1987, 1990, 2002). The volume of surface runoff delivered to a lake depends on the “effective size” of the basin delivering material (effective size measured by propensity to allow water to exit), average slope of the basin (which determines the rate of surface runoff and water erosion), river network density (a key determinant of direct-rapid material transport to lakes), geologic structure and soil conditions that determine the degree of soil permeability, which controls how much material is transported Table 1. Limnological characteristics of lakes Mamry Północne and Niegocin Lake Mamry Północne Niegocin Area (ha) 2 504.0 2 600.0 Maximum depth (m) 43.8 39.0 Mean depth (m) 11.7 9.9 Volume (dam3) 298 300.0 258 521.6 Direct catchment area (km ) 32.0 61.9 2 Total catchment area (km ) 562.3 323.3 Mean annual outflow (hm3 yr-1) 90.2 69.9 Water residence time (yr) 3.3 3.7 2 Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin Fig. 1. Great Masurian Lake System. Location of drainage divide (Bajkiewicz-Grabowska 1991, 2008; Dąbrowski 2002a,b) 41 42 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska Fig. 2. Land use in the direct drainage basin of Lake Mamry Północne. Water sampling sites in 2000-2001 to underground water reservoirs, and finally, land use, which determines the amount and nature of biologically-active elements in surface runoff. The above listed characteristics were determined based on topographic maps (scale: 1: 25 000). Each characteristic was assigned a grade ranging from 0 to 3 points. The grades were used to assign the basins of interest to four susceptibility groups based on how well they facilitate the delivery of material to the lakes in question. The lakes’ natural ability to resist basin influence (method by Kudelska et al., 1983, 1994; modified by Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin Fig. 3. Land use in the direct drainage basin of Lake Niegocin. Water sampling sites in 2000-2001 43 44 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska Bajkiewicz-Grabowska 1987, 1990, 2002) was evaluated based on average lake depth, the ratio of water capacity to shoreline length, the water stratification percentage (percentage of hypolimnion in total amount of water), the ratio of hypolimnion surface area to epilimnion volume (a measure of biogenic substance circulation), average annual lake water exchange intensity (ratio of annual outflow to total lake volume), and Schindler’s coefficient, or the ratio of pollution absorbing areas (area of basin plus area of lake) to lake volume. Each indicator was assigned an appropriate number of points ranging from 0 to 3, where 0 represented a high degree of resistance to deterioration, while 3 stood for the lack thereof. A final grade was calculated as the arithmetic average of point totals accumulated from the different resistance characteristics considered for each lake of interest. Each basin’s degree of susceptibility and the lakes’ resistance categories were used to determine each given lake’s ecological “basin-lake” system. This information was used to determine the rate of eutrophication in the two lakes of interest. The Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik (1990) estimation method was used to calculate the potential concentration of biogenic compounds in the lakes of interest. The calculations were based on biogenic compound runoff coefficients used by Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik (1990). The calculated concentrations were tested using Vollenweider’s static and hydraulic model (1968, 1976). Changes in the physical and chemical parameters of the waters of lakes Mamry Północne and Niegocin were investigated during the growing season (spring – autumn) in the year 2000 at the deepest of locations in each lake. The research was expanded in 2001 by the addition of more sites – two on Lake Mamry Północne and four on Lake Niegocin (Figs. 2, 3). Temperature and oxygen content measurements were performed using an oxygen sensor (YSI Model #58) every one meter from the surface to the bottom of each lake. Water transparency was measured using a Secchi Disk. Chlorophyll as well as seston content were determined in samples taken from the 0-10 meter layer of water. Seston samples were filtered through a glass fiber (45 μm) and dried at 105°C until they attained a constant dry mass, at which point they were weighed using a balance. Information on chlorophyll content in the epilimnion was taken from works by NapiórkowskaKrzebietke (2004) as well as Napiórkowska-Krzebietke and Hutorowicz (2005, 2006). Water samples for laboratory analysis were collected from three different lake strata (subsurface: 0.5 m, metalimnion: 15 m, near-bottom: 0.5 m) using a Ruttner water sampler. Standard laboratory methods were used to analyze the samples (Standard Methods 1992; Hermanowicz et al. 1999)1. Hydrogen ion content (pH) was determined using an electrometric method (Sentron Model 2001 electrode). Electrolytic conductivity was measured using a WTW DIGI 610 conductometer. Titration methods were used to determine carbon dioxide content and CODMn as well as carbonate, bicarbonate, calcium, and magnesium concentrations. The concentrations of sodium and potassium ions were determined using a Zeiss flame photometer. Chloride and nitrate ion concentrations were determined using a Metrohm 690 ion chromatograph. A Schimadzu UV1601 spectrophotometer was used to colorimetrically determine phosphate, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, iron, and silicate concentrations, while an Epoll ECO 20 spectrophotometer was used to determine total nitrogen2 and nitrite content. The lakes’ summer trophic state was determined using Carlson’s Method (1977) based on transparency measurements using Secchi’s Disk, total phosphorus concentrations (Ptot), and chlorophyll content (Chl). Poorly trophic waters (oligo-mesotrophic) were characterized by TSISD, TSIPtot, TSIChl values below 40, while values between 40 and 60 were considered moderately trophic (mesotrophic), and those over 60 were considered strongly trophic (eutrophic). The paper includes data obtained from the Institute of Hydrobiology and Water Protection at the Agricultural-Technical Academy in Olsztyn. The data includes physical and chemical parameters of water for Lake Niegocin calculated in 1978 as well as archival materials from the Institute of Inland Fishery Research concerning research on lakes Mamry Północne and Niegocin from 1986-89 and 1990-99 (Zdanowski and Hutorowicz 1994; unpublished IIFR data). Patterns in changes in physical and chemical parameters of water were tested using nonparametric tests (MannWhitney’s U-Test and the Kruskal-Wallis test). The level of significance was assumed to be p<0.05. The statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica software package. 1 Sulfate concentrations were not determined from 1995 to 1999 and from 2000 to 2001. 2 Total nitrogen content, that is the sum of the concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds, was determined for Lake Mamry Północne only during the summer seasons in 1991-1994 and 2000-2001. In the case of Lake Niegocin, more information on changes in nitrogen content was obtained during spring and autumn research efforts in the years mentioned above. Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin Results Basin influence on lakes The Lake Mamry Północne drainage basin is characterized by a low degree of susceptibility to the activation of loads trapped in deposits embedded across its surface as well as by a low probability that such loads would be delivered to the lake (Group II susceptibility) (Table 2). Material runoff is limited by the geologic structure of the basin. Other factors that unfavorably impact runoff include a hydrological category lake and a relative absence of outflow routes. The Lake Niegocin basin is characterized by greater susceptibility to material delivery (Group III susceptibility). The delivery of material to this lake is limited by its basin’s geologic structure. Other limiting factors include a hydrological category lake, land use, large swaths of farmland, and built-up areas (Table 3). The set of limnological characteristics of Lake Mamry Północne make it a lake highly resistant to eutrophication (first category of resistance). On the other hand, a low degree of water stratification in Lake Niegocin could have placed the lake in the second category of resistance (Table 3). The eutrophication rate of this body of water may be said to be naturally moderate. It has been estimated, that in 2000-2001, the drainage basin of Lake Mamry Północne was able to deliver phosphorus loads to the lake no larger than 0.13 g P m-2 yr-1 and nitrogen loads no larger than 1.61 g N m-2 yr-1, values approaching a critical level (Table 4). On the other hand, the lake’s total basin was able to deliver phosphorus loads of 0.62 g P m-2 yr-1 and nitrogen loads of 9.83 g N m-2 yr-1, values that exceed critical levels threefold. The above mentioned loads were close to being tenfold larger than those estimated for the 1990s by Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik and Głąbski (1981). Over 75% of the load amounts came from spatial and scattered sources such as agriculture, animal husbandry, recreation, as well as from the influx of “fertile” waters from Lake Święcajty and the southern part of Lake Mamry. Over the same period of time, the direct basin of Lake Niegocin was able to deliver a phosphorus load (0.67 g P m-2 yr-1) close to three times the critical level and a nitrogen load (4.30 g N m-2 yr-1) close to twice the critical level. The lake’s total basin, on the other hand, was able to deliver a nitrogen load five times the criti- Table 2. Basin influence on lakes Mamry Północne and Niegocin Index Mamry Północne Niegocin Ohle’s index* 1 (25.31) 1 (15.47) Type of the water balance 3 (flow through) 3 (flow through) 1 (0.95) 1 (0.52) Channel network density (km km-2) Mean catchment slope (m km ) 1 (5.21) 1 (7.61) Outflow-less areas (%) 3 (14.8) 2 (44.1) -2 Direct catchment geology 0 (clayey, peaty) 0 (clayey) Land use in the direct catchment 1 (forest-agricultural) 3 (forest-agricultural with built-up areas) Group of the susceptibility of the drainage area to supplies of matter to the lake 1.4 (II) 1.6 (III) *Catchment area to lake area ratio Table 3. Susceptibility to degradation of lakes Mamry Północne and Niegocin Index Mean depth (m) Mamry Północne Niegocin 0 (11.7) 1 (9.9) Lake volume (dam ) to shoreline length (m) ratio 0 (8.8) 0 (7.3) Thermal stratification (%) 1 (24.0) 3 (7.1) 3 Active bottom area (m2) to epilimnion volume (m3) ratio 0 (0.08) 0 (0.07) Flushing rate (yr-1) 3 (0.30) 3 (0.27) Schindler’s index* (m-1) 0 (2.16) 0 (1.66) Category of the susceptibility of the lake to degradation I (0.7) II (1.2) * Catchment area (with the lake) to lake volume ratio 45 46 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska Table 4. Estimated potential influx of phosphorus and nitrogen to Lake Mamry Północne from its direct and total drainage basins in 20012002 Catchment Source direct total direct P (kg yr-1) total N (kg yr-1) Point1 Spatial 1 502 7 679 32 562 164 075 Dispersed (from pig farming) 931 4 007 3 725 16 029 Precipitation 887 3 905 3 860 65 620 Bathing beaches 5 24 100 376 Linear 1 2 2 5 Real load of phosphorus and nitrogen to the lake (g m-2 yr-1) 0.133 0.624 1.607 9.832 Critical load of phosphorus and nitrogen to the lake (g m rok-1) 0.109-0.219 0.111-0.2223 -2 2 1.75-3.502 1 Point sources of pollutant weren’t identified 2 According to Vollenweider (1968) on the basis of a criterion of the mean depth 3 According to Vollenweider (1976) on the basis of a hydraulic criterion cal level and a nitrogen load four times the critical level (Table 5). However, the above mentioned phosphorus and nitrogen loads were only a third of their predicted values (Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik and Głąbiki 1981; Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik 1990). The principal reason for this discrepancy was a decrease in pollution entering the lake as a result of a wastewater treatment plant being put on line. The amount of phosphorus entering the lake along with other types of pollution decreased close to twentyfold in 2000-2001 to 0.11 g P m-2 yr-1 while the amount of incoming nitrogen decreased threefold to 3.17 g N m-2 yr-1 relative to values predicted by Giercusz- kiewicz-Bajtlik and Głąbski (1981) for the 1990s. These values constitute only 10% (phosphorus) and 25% (nitrogen) of the lake’s total pollutant content. Thermal and oxygen conditions in the lakes Lakes Mamry Północne and Niegocin are dimictic lakes, mixing twice a year during the spring and autumn. Both can also be classified as third degree static bodies of water – highly susceptible to the mixing of water in the epilimnion during the summer stagnation period (Hutchinson 1957; Olszewski and Paschalski 1959; Patalas 1960a,b). Table 5. Estimated potential influx of phosphorus and nitrogen to Lake Niegocin from its direct and total drainage basins in 2001-2002 Catchment Source direct total direct P (kg yr ) Point total N (kg yr ) -1 -1 2 738 82 399 Spatial 3 387 7 437 57 982 148 147 Dispersed (from pig farming) 12 276 14 985 45 745 56 579 Precipitation 1 773 2 297 7 720 38 600 Bathing beaches 16 33 314 651 21 Linear 6 8 16 Real load of phosphorus and nitrogen to the lake (g m-2 yr-1) 0.671 1.058 4.299 Critical load of phosphorus and nitrogen to the lake (g m-2 rok-1) 0.098-0.198 0.101-0.2053 2 2 According to Vollenweider (1968) on the basis of a criterion of the mean depth 3 According to Vollenweider (1976) on the basis of a hydraulic criterion 1.580-3.170 12.554 2 Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin Water temperature in both lakes’ surface strata ranged from 2.8°C to 24°C, while in the lakes’ bottom strata, temperatures ranging from 2.8°C to 11.2°C were recorded during the research period. Thermal stratification usually set in at the end of May and lasted until October. The epilimnion reached 10 m during the peak of the growing season while the hypolimnion remained under 16 m (Figs. 4, 5). Epilimnion water temperature in both lakes fluctuated between 17.1°C and 24.0°C during the summer (July/August) stagnation period. Water temperature in bottom strata was somewhat lower in Lake Mamry Północne (< 9.0°C) versus Lake Niegocin (< 10.0°C). Epilimnion covered 55% of the active bottom in Lake Mamry Północne and 46% in Lake Niegocin. Oxygen content in the surface stratum of Lake Mamry Północne fluctuated between 8.0 mg l-1 and 15 mg l-1, while in Lake Niegocin, between 6.2 mg l-1 and 16.2 mg l-1. In the bottom strata of Lake Mamry Północne, oxygen content fluctuations ranged from 0 mg l-1 and 13.8 mg l-1, while in Lake Niegocin, corresponding fluctuations ranged from 0 mg l-1 to 14.6 mg l-1. The surface waters of Lake Niegocin were found to be more saturated with oxygen than those of Lake Mamry Północne. Loss of oxygen near the bottom was substantially greater in Lake Niegocin during the summer period. Trace amounts of oxygen at the bottom of Lake Mamry Północne were not recorded until 1995-2001. Significant loss of oxygen in Lake Mamry Północne was observed only in the metalimnion, while in Lake Niegocin, loss of oxygen was observed already in the lower layer of the epilimnion. Trace amounts of oxygen were always detected during the summer in the metalimnion and the hypolimnion of Lake Niegocin. Changes in oxygen content along the vertical cross section of Lake Mamry Północne can be described using a negative heterograde curve, typical for b-type mesotrophic lakes (Fig. 4). Oxygen content in the metalimnion of this lake can fall as low as 1.2 mg l-1. Oxygen content in the hypolimnion generally fluctuated between 1.3 mg l-1 and 5.1 mg l-1, which is a saturation range between 10.7% and 42.4%. A clinograde curve was used to represent changes in oxygen content along the vertical cross section of Lake Niegocin. Such a curve is typical for lakes affected by a substantial degree of eutrophication (Fig. 5). Lake water salinity The electrolytic conductivity of water, a measure of salinity levels and mineral salt content dissolved in 47 water, was 50 μS cm-1 lower in Lake Mamry Północne than in Lake Niegocin, a lake where untreated sewage had been dumped until 1994. Bottom layers tended to have higher electrolytic conductivity during the summer, approximately 20-30 μS cm-1 higher (Fig. 6). A statistically significant increase in the electrolytic conductivity of water (Mann-Whitney’s UTest), U=0, p=0.004) was detected in Lake Mamry Północne in 2000-2001, both in the surface layer and in the bottom layer. In Lake Niegocin, an increase was detected only in the bottom layer (Kruskal-Wallis Test, H=7.6831, p=0.021). No meaningful differences in electrolytic conductivity were detected between the different sampling sites on both lakes. No meaningful differences were observed among the various sampling sites in terms of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, chloride, and silicate concentrations either – the one exception being the sewage entry point on Lake Niegocin3. The bicarbonate-based and lime-based salinity of both lakes as well as that of other lakes in the area (Patalas 1960c; Zdanowski 1982, 1983, Zdanowski et al. 1984; Korycka 1991; Zdanowski and Hutorowicz 1994; Marszelewski 2005) was inferred from the lakes’ high calcium content and smaller amounts of other cations present (Fig. 7). Calcium content in Lake Mamry Północne has increased in recent years (Kruskal-Wallis Test, H=13.8236, p=0.0032) by about 10 mg l-1, fluctuating on average between 45 and 52 mg l-1 (Fig. 8). On the other hand, calcium content in Lake Niegocin, characterized by higher calcium levels, initially increased quite rapidly, especially near the bottom of the lake (KruskalWallis Test, H=15.0512, p= 0.046) (Fig. 8). Calcium levels dropped both in surface and bottom strata of the lake to about 50 mg l-1 only when the wastewater treatment plant went on line (Fig. 8). Increasing calcium concentration in Lake Mamry Północne was associated by increasing levels of bicarbonate, as was the case in Lake Niegocin (Fig. 9). Carbon dioxide was produced in the surface layer when pH decreased below 8.25. Its maximum levels reached 0.96 mg l-1 in Lake Mamry Północne and 1.20 mg l-1 in Lake Niegocin. While carbonate was not analyzed for at the time, it was a component of total salinity during the growing season (spring – early autumn) when phytoplankton production remains strong , which led to a higher pH. Trace amounts of carbon dioxide in 3 Electrolytic conductivity of water at the sewage point of entry increased to 700 μS cm-1 in 1978, while calcium content increased to 80 mg l-1, chloride content to 60 mg l-1, bicarbonate content to 350 mg l-1, potassium content to 8 mg l-1 sodium content to 45 mg l-1, and silicate content to 14 mg l-1. 48 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska Fig. 4. Thermal-oxygen strata in Lake Mamry Północne during the summer stagnation period in 1986-1994 (A) and 1995-2001 (B) Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin Fig. 5. Thermal-oxygen strata in Lake Niegocin during the summer stagnation period in 1978-1994 (A) and 1995-2001 (B) 49 50 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska Fig. 6. Electrolytic conductivity of water (mean, standard error, standard deviation) during the summer season within the surface stratum (a) and the bottom stratum (b) in Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) Fig. 7. Average calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium content (%) in total cations concentration during the summer season in the surface stratum (a) and bottom stratum (b) of Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin 51 Fig. 8. Calcium content (mean, standard error, standard deviation) during the summer season in the surface stratum (a) and bottom stratum (b) of Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) Fig. 9. Bicarbonate content (mean, standard error, standard deviation) during the summer season in the surface stratum (a) and bottom stratum (b) of Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) 52 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska bottom strata, the presence of carbonate, and elevated pH (over 8.25) were noted only during the spring, usually in Lake Niegocin Magnesium content, while somewhat higher in Lake Niegocin (by approx. 2 mg l-1), did not change over the investigated multi-year period. Likewise, no changes in potassium levels were discovered in either lake. Sodium and chloride concentrations in Lake Niegocin, usually higher than those in Lake Mamry Północne, fell only after the wastewater treatment plant went on line (Figs. 10, 11). A similar decrease in silicate and iron dissolved in the waters of Lake Niegocin was also detected. Salinity levels and degrees of buffering were ultimately driven by calcium content in both lakes. The functioning of the carbonate system, at a given calcium concentration, prevented drastic changes in pH. The hydrogen ion concentration was higher in the surface strata of Lake Niegocin than in those of Lake Mamry Północne. pH levels indicated higher primary production levels during the spring-summer period as well as more intensive decalcification of water and the coprecipitation of phosphorus into lake bottom deposits. The lakes’ supply of biogenic compounds The epilimnion waters of Lake Mamry Północne were characterized by a phosphorus supply (0.060 mg l-1) three times smaller than that in Lake Niegocin (0.200 mg l-1). The amount of phosphorus in the bottom layer of Lake Mamry Północne was four times smaller (on average: 0.090 mg l-1) than that in Lake Niegocin (on average: 0.360 mg l-1) (Fig. 12). The highest of phosphorus concentrations in surface layers (0.456 mg l-1) and bottom layers (0.870 mg l-1) were recorded in Lake Niegocin prior to the construction of the wastewater treatment plant. Phosphate was detected in the epilimnion of Lake Mamry Północne usually only in trace amounts – no greater than 20% of total phosphorus content. Phosphate content in the lake’s bottom layer constituted about 70% of total phosphorus. On the other hand, phosphate content in the epilimnion of Lake Niegocin constituted about 70% of total phosphorus, while near the bottom, it was 90%. No significant change patterns in phosphorus content were detected in the surface waters of Lake Mamry Północne (Fig. 12). The lake’s bottom strata do experience elevated phosphorus levels in the summer and autumn. Lake Niegocin has been shown to experience a significant decline in surface water phosphorus (Kruskal-Wallis Test, H=14.6204, p=0.0056) and a gen- eral tendency of reduced phosphorus content in bottom strata throughout the growing season (Fig. 12). Despite this fact, the lake’s phosphorus supply, both in surface and bottom strata, was still twice that of Lake Mamry Północne. Lake Niegocin’s supply of nitrogen was usually twice that of Lake Mamry Północne, however, this ceased to be the case once the wastewater treatment plant went on line (Fig. 13). The recent increase in nitrogen concentration in Lake Mamry Północne erased the trophic difference between the two lakes in terms of nitrogen content. Organic compounds were the main component of total nitrogen in the epilimnion of both lakes. Mineral nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia) constituted about 5% of total nitrogen in Lake Mamry Północne and about 25% of total nitrogen in Lake Niegocin. Ammonia nitrogen (about 80% of total nitrogen) played a key role in changes in nitrogen content in the bottom strata of both lakes. Its concentration did not exceed 0.46 mg l-1 during the summer in Lake Mamry Północne, while in Lake Niegocin, it was always higher. Ammonia nitrogen content did not exceed 2.96 mg l-1 before the opening of the wastewater treatment plant, while afterwards, it stood at 1.71 mg l-1. Such high ammonia and phosphate concentrations near the bottom of a lake are a sign that lake bottom deposits are still releasing ions, which means that eutrophication still plays a key role in the lake. No appreciable differences in nitrogen and phosphorus content were observed in the open waters of Lake Mamry Północne. Only at sampling site #3, isolated by Upałty Island, were larger concentrations of total phosphorus recorded (below 0.250 mg l-1, primarily phosphate). Ammonia nitrogen content at this site was recorded at under 1.20 mg l-1 and no oxygen was found in bottom strata. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations did not vary across the open waters of Lake Niegocin – the one exception being the sewage point of entry. Total phosphorus, total phosphate, total nitrogen, and ammonia nitrogen content in the surface layer (1978) had been an order of magnitude greater (2.0 mg l-1, 1.9 mg l-1, 32.0 and 12.0 mg l-1, respectively) prior to the construction of the wastewater treatment plant. Water transparency Water transparency in lakes featuring natural trophic succession, as determined by the visibility of Secchi’s Disk, depends on the amount of suspended matter (including phytoplankton) floating in the water Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin 53 Fig. 10. Sodium content (mean, standard error, standard deviation) during the summer season in the surface stratum (a) and bottom stratum (b) of Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) Fig. 11. Chloride content (mean, standard error, standard deviation) during the summer season in the surface stratum (a) and bottom stratum (b) of Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) 54 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska Fig. 12. Phosphorus content (mean, standard error, standard deviation) during the summer season in the surface stratum (a) and bottom stratum (b) of Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) Fig. 13. Total nitrogen content (mean, standard error, standard deviation) during the summer season in the surface stratum (a) and bottom stratum (b) of Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin over the disk (Szczepański 1968). It is a basic indicator of the increasing eutrophication of water (Vollenweider 1968; Carlson 1977). Lower transparency was noted in both lakes during the summer period (Fig. 14); in Lake Mamry Północne, 4.0 m on average; in Lake Niegocin, 1.5 m on average. It was determined that this was due to increased quantities of suspended matter in the lake water. In Lake Mamry Północne, 2.0 mg dm-3 of suspended matter were detected, while in Lake Niegocin, about 6.0 mg l-1 were detected. Higher levels of CODMn were also recorded: approx. 10 mg O2 l-1 (Lake Mamry Północne), approx. 13 mg O2 l-1 (Lake Niegocin). CODMn is a measure of the quantity of organic matter susceptible to mineralization. Analysis of multi-year water transparency data indicates a reduction in Lake Mamry Północne (as low as 2.0 m) and an increase in Lake Niegocin (over 1.0 m) during the last research period (Kruskal-Wallis Test, H=15.3566, p=0.0040) (Fig. 14). The aforementioned changes corresponded to intensive phytoplankton development in Lake Mamry Północne where chlorophyll a content increased up to 14.9 mg m-3. Less intensive phytoplankton development was noted in Lake Niegocin as was a lower concentration of chlorophyll (as low as 46.5 mg m-3). No appreciable differences in water transparency, seston content, and oxygen consumption were observed between different sampling sites on each lake. Changes in water transparency in both lakes depended more on seston content than chlorophyll content. Seston content changes in Lake Mamry Północne accounted for 47% of the changes in Secchi’s Disk visibility (R2=0.4735, p=0.007), while chlorophyll account- 55 ed for only 28% (R2=0.277, p=0.036). In Lake Niegocin, seston content in the epilimnion accounted for 71% of changes in visibility (R2=0.706, p<0.001) while chlorophyll content accounted for 46% (R2 = 0.456, p=0.001). No correlation was established between phosphorus content and chlorophyll content in either lake. In Lake Mamry Północne, changes in chlorophyll content could have been related to changes in nitrogen content (R2=0.580, p=0.028). Based on the water transparency index (WSTSD – 37-50) and the chlorophyll content index (WSTChl – 45-59), the epilimnion of Lake Mamry Północne can usually be classified as mesotrophic. The phosphorus concentration index (WSTTP – 36-70) varied in a manner characteristic of waters experiencing advanced eutrophication. The water transparency index (WSTSD – 42-62) for Lake Niegocin was characteristic of mesotrophic waters. The lake’s phosphorus content index (WSTTP – 67-90) and chlorophyll content index (67-71) are characteristic of advanced eutrophy, given the quantity of cyanobacteria present. An increase in the fertility of water has been observed in Lake Mamry Północne during the most recent research period. A decrease was observed in Lake Niegocin during the same time period. Discussion Large-scale runoff containing biogenic compounds has been the prime determinant of trophic conditions in Lake Mamry Północne. Potential phosphorus and nitrogen loads arriving from the lake’s total basin in Fig. 14. Changes in water transparency (mean, standard error, standard deviation) during the summer season in Lake Mamry Północne (A) and Lake Niegocin (B) 56 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska 2000-2001 were three times larger than critical values and ten times larger than values predicted by Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik and Głąbski (1981). The lake’s direct basin also contributed biogenic compounds but the contribution was much smaller than that of Lake Niegocin’s direct basin. The direct basin of Lake Mamry Północne contributed only 20% of the lake’s total biogenic compound content, which did not exceed critical values. The progressive eutrophication of Lake Mamry Północne can be discerned from changing epilimnion phosphorus concentrations (< 0.100 mg l-1), water transparency as low as 2.0 m, and significant loss of oxygen from the hypolimnion during the summer (up to 11% saturation) compared to earlier research (Gieysztor and Odechowska 1958; Zachwieja 1975; Gliwicz et al. 1980; Soszka et al. 1979; Zdanowski et al. 1984; Zdanowski and Hutorowicz 1994; Wróblewska 2002). Increasing loss of oxygen as well as increasing phosphate and ammonia nitrogen concentrations at the lake’s bottom may indicate the release of biogenic compounds from lake bottom deposits. Such deposits may play a significant role in the internal generation of biogenic compounds that shape the trophic conditions in the lake. Physical and chemical data were used to classify the lake as Class II in terms of water purity (Wróblewska 2002), and as mesotrophic based on Carlson’s trophic indicators presented in this paper. Finally, given a lack of point sources feeding the lake pollution, it can be classified as Class I in terms of water purity. A rise in the fertility of water in Lake Mamry Północne has also been shown by phytoplanktonbased research (Napiórkowska-Krzebietke 2004; Napiórkowska-Krzebietke and Hutorowicz 2005). Most of the plankton and chlorophyll present can be attributed to cyanobacteria, represented in this case by common species such as Microcystis aeruginosa and Leptolingbya thermalis, characteristic of lakes undergoing eutrophication. Their growth in this lake will depend on access to nitrogen. Lake Niegocin had been considered one of the most polluted lakes in Poland, mainly because of the raw sewage being dumped directly into the lake (Bernatowicz et al. 1974; Spodniewska 1978, 1979; Gliwicz et al. 1980; Zdanowski et al. 1984; Niewolak 1989; Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik 1990; Korycka 1991; Dorochowicz 1994; Zdanowski and Hutorowicz 1994; Kufel and Kufel 1999; Cydzik and Soszka 2003). Phosphorus loads (2.73 g P m-2 yr-1) and nitrogen loads (9.59 g N m-2 yr1 ) delivered in this manner exceeded then-recognized standards for lake water quality (Giercurszkiewicz- Bajtlik and Głąbski 1981; Giercuszkiewicz-Bajtlik 1990; Zdanowski and Hutorowicz 1994). As a result, the lake was characterized by a substantial supply of phosphorus and nitrogen, which reached 0.300 mg Ptot l-1 and 2.5 mg Ntot l-1 in the spring. The lake was classified as polytrophic, strongly eutrophic, and featuring very bad water, bad beyond any normal classification system. Poor water quality in Lake Niegocin is, first of all, the result of poor sanitary conditions: extensive bacterial plankton, heterotrophic bacteria including excrement bacteria Escherichia coli and excrement streptococci, as well as filiform and yeast-type fungi (Niewolak 1989). Other indicators of poor water quality were lack of oxygen in the metalimnion and the hypolimnion (Zdanowski et al. 1984; Zdanowski and Hutorowicz 1994), low transparency of water (approx. 1.0 m), extensive presence of phytoplankton, including cyanoprokaryota (Spodniewska 1978, 1979; Kufel and Kufel 1999; Napiórkowska-Krzebietke 2004; NapiórkowskaKrzebietke and Hutorowicz 2006), lack of oxygen and the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the hypolimnion, rapid increases in the summertime concentrations of biogenic compounds (phosphate, ammonia nitrogen) in near-bottom strata, and an increase in water salinity (Zdanowski et al. 1984; Zdanowski and Hutorowicz 1994). The fertility of the lake’s water also depended on the intensity of changes in lake bottom deposits. Oxygen deficits in the hypolimnion could increase the rate of release of large amounts of phosphate and ammonia nitrogen trapped in lake bottom deposits. According to Patalas (1960c), this type of activation mechanism of biogenic compounds is driven by the dynamics of masses of water. Such conditions are believed to exist in Lake Niegocin, given the significant percentage of the lake’s bottom (46%) taking part in seasonal and multiyear matter exchange cycles. A low nitrogen to phosphorus ratio (N/P) during the summer indicated that nitrogen was a limiting factor in the development of algae. The ratio had been roughly 7 prior to the construction of the wastewater treatment plant. This situation is characteristic of polytrophic and polluted lakes (Forsberg et al. 1978; Zdanowski 1982). At an N/P ratio of less than 10, an extensive presence of cyanoprokaryota can be expected to develop, especially those adapted to binding free atmospheric nitrogen dissolved in water. Quantities of nitrogen introduced into the water system by cyanobacteria can be significant, reaching 50% of annual content in the lake (Jaworska 2004). Research studies by Napiórkowska-Krzebietke Change patterns in the trophic state of Lake Mamry Północne and Lake Niegocin (2004) as well as Napiórkowska-Krzebietke and Hutorowicz (2006) have shown that extensive development of phytoplankton is driven mainly by filiform cyanobacteria of the Aphanizomenon flos-aquae type as well as cyanobacteria of the Planktotrix agardhii type, which constituted over 80% of total biomass. Phytoplankton development was deemed rapid, given the high concentrations of chlorophyll detected (up to 100 mg l-1). The high rate of biomass development, in light of the toxins biomass can emit into the environment, could threaten the existence of other aqueous organisms including fish. A modern wastewater treatment plant was put on line in 1994, featuring chemical phosphorus precipitation technology. This significantly reduced the amount of phosphorus-bearing sewage flowing into the lake – by about 90% or 0.11 g P m-2 yr-1. Nitrogen influx was reduced 75% or 3.17 g N m-2 yr-1. This reduction in the lake’s phosphorus and nitrogen levels, as seen in the physical and chemical data tables presented herein, was able to cut the rate of eutrophication in the lake. The lower eutrophication rate can be discerned from decreasing phosphorus and nitrogen levels in the lake’s epilimnion, increasing transparency of water, and a general increase in total lake water salinity including lower concentrations of calcium and bicarbonate. A decrease in phosphate and ammonia concentrations in bottom water layers during the summer stagnation period, despite a lack of improving oxygen conditions in the hypolimnion, may indicate a reduction in the rate of release of biogenic compounds trapped in lake bottom deposits. A similar reaction by a lake following a halt in the influx of sewage was observed by Choiński et al. (1998), Romero et al. (2002), Raike et al. 2003, and Moss et al. (2005). Reductions in phosphorus influx usually led to smaller quantities of total plankton algae (biomass) (Anneville and Pelletier 2000). The quantity of cyanobacteria in total algae biomass would also decrease. Algae is an important indicator of improving water quality in lakes. According to Napiórkowska-Krzebietke (2004), the smaller amount of phytoplankton biomass present in Lake Niegocin in recent years consists of eurytopic species. Improvement in Lake Niegocin’s water quality has also been confirmed by recent research studies (Wróblewska 2002). The research has shown that the lake is now a Class III lake in terms of water purity, and total nitrogen content has fallen from very high to Class II water quality. Changes have also been observed in the qualitative composition of phytoplankton. These 57 include the presence of more brittleworts, the absence of significant quantities of cyanoprokaryota, and a lack of hydrogen sulfide in lake bottom strata. In terms of sanitary conditions, the lake could now be classified as a Class I water quality lake. Perhaps the most effective way to lower the trophic state in Lake Niegocin is to improve water and sewage management practices as well as implement a complex drainage basin land use program that would limit runoff containing biogenic compounds. Such a recommendation was put forth by Lossow (1998), Łopata (2005), as well as Gawrońska and Lossow (2008) with regard to the protection of other lakes that resemble Lake Niegocin in terms of pollution and recultivation goals. Calculated phosphorus and nitrogen loads delivered to the lake in 2000-2001 by its direct basin as well as total basin still substantially exceed critical permissible loading values for lakes. Hydrologic conditions in the area have resulted in a portion of the aforementioned phosphorus and nitrogen pollution going to neighboring lakes along with some originating in lake bottom deposits. In light of Vollenweider’s fundamental OECD report published 40 years ago (1968) where the causes and effects of surface water eutrophication were described, Olszewski’s views on the protection of water (1971 a,b), other extensive publications on the subject of the eutrophication of water, as well as the multi-year research efforts presented herein, the case of Lake Niegocin, a lake located on a drainage divide, as a sewage dumping ground must be considered an anachronism. Years of pollution deposits collecting in the lake have resulted in a persistently elevated fertility level of the lake’s waters as well as eutrophication of other lakes in the Great Masurian Lake System. This is the case despite the construction of a modern wastewater treatment plant in 1994, featuring phosphorus precipitation technology, which in itself was a significant step in attempts to protect the lake from eutrophication. The changing location of the drainage divide between the Węgorapa and Pisa rivers, as shown by Bajkiewicz-Grabowska (2008), creates ample opportunities for pollution to drift from lake to lake along with surface runoff, which takes pollution into lakes in the south as well as into the Mamry lake system. The process of cleaning up large quantities of pollution and limiting surface runoff containing biogenic compounds from other sources will take a long time and is certain to involve other lakes, hydrologically connected to Lake Niegocin. 58 Bogusław Zdanowski, Arkadiusz Wołos, Małgorzata Wierzchowska References Andersen F.O., Ring P., 1999, Comparison of phosphorus release from littoral and profundal sediments in a shallow, eutrophic lake, Hydrobiologia 395-396: 175-183. Anneville O., Pelletier J.P., 2000, Recovery of Lake Geneva from eutrophication: quantitative response of phytoplankton, Arch. Hydrobiol. 148(4): 607-624. 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