Food Habits and Environmental Impact
Food Habits and Environmental Impact
UNIVERSITÁ POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE Scuola di Dottorato della Facoltà di Agraria IX Ciclo Curriculum: Alimenti e Salute Food Habits and Environmental Impact: An Assessment of the Natural Resource Demand in Three Agri-Food Systems Ph.D candidate: Supervisors: Lucia Mancini Prof. Roberto Petrocchi Dr. Christa Liedtke Academic Year 2009/2010 Table of contents Acknowledgements................................................................................................................6 Abstract.....................................................................................................................................8 Acronyms .................................................................................................................................9 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................10 Chapter 1. Literature Review..............................................................................................14 1.1 From the Environmental Economics to the Bioeconomics: Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen contribution .....................................................................................14 1.2 The Georgescu-Roegen’s legacy and the Sustainability Science.......................16 1.3 The food environmental impact: assessment methodologies ...........................17 Chapter 2. Food Systems and Sustainability...................................................................21 2.1 The global food sector: economic features and emerging issues ......................21 2.2 A focus on Italian Agro-Food Sector.....................................................................28 2.2.1 The Italian Agriculture .......................................................................................30 2.2.2 Food industry and distribution ...........................................................................36 2.2.3 Foreign trade and domestic food expenditure .....................................................37 2.3 Food systems and sustainable development .......................................................41 2.3.1 World food demand and supply...........................................................................41 2.3.2 Loss of cropland and environmental degradation ...............................................45 Chapter 3. The Agri-Food Systems Paradigms ...............................................................50 3.1 The dominant agri-food system: general features and actual trends...............50 3.2 The transition towards Alternative Food Network ............................................52 3.3 GAS (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale).......................................................................54 3.4 UPM (Un Punto Macrobiotico) ..............................................................................56 Chapter 4. Methodology and data gathering...................................................................60 4.1 The material flow-based approach........................................................................60 4.2 MIPS concept ............................................................................................................61 4.3 Material intensity of food .......................................................................................63 4.4 Material intensity along the supply chain (Analysis 1)......................................66 4.4.1 Data sources and simplifying hypothesis............................................................66 4.4.2 Vegetal productions.............................................................................................68 4.4.3 Animal productions.............................................................................................82 4.4.4 Processed foodstuffs.............................................................................................89 4.5 Material intensity of agricultural products from Ma-Pi polyculture ...............91 4.6 Material intensity along the value chain (Analysis 2) ........................................94 4.7 Diets composition ....................................................................................................97 4.7.1 Dominant and GAS paradigm ...............................................................................97 4.7.1 Ma-Pi diets ..........................................................................................................99 Chapter 5. The results ........................................................................................................102 5.1 Results of Analysis 1..............................................................................................102 5.1.1 Material intensity of conventional and organic food ........................................102 5.1.2 Material intensity of food from Ma-Pi polyculture ..........................................114 5.2 Results of Analysis 2..............................................................................................117 Chapter 6. Discussion on the results...............................................................................122 Chapter 7. Conclusions......................................................................................................130 Bibliografy ...........................................................................................................................134 Appendix ..............................................................................................................................145 2 Index of figures Fig. 2.1 Food production and distribution networks .......................................................22 Fig. 2.2 Agricultural food business chain...........................................................................23 Fig. 2.3 Evolution of market concentration in the global seed industry........................24 Fig. 2.4 Evolution of market concentration in the global pesticides industry (19962008).........................................................................................................................................25 Fig. 2.5 Top global food retailers .........................................................................................26 Fig. 2.6 Supermarket share of retail food sales..................................................................27 Fig. 2.7 Percentage price changes of key commodities ....................................................27 Fig. 2.8 GDP and Value Added trends, index 2003-2004=100 ........................................28 Fig. 2.9 Number of employed, trend - Index average 2003-2004=100............................29 Fig. 2.10 Trend of agricultural production, Index average 2003-2004= 100 ..................31 Fig. 2.11 Average Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) per holding by country, 2007...31 Fig. 2.12 Holdings by economic size of the holding 2007 ................................................32 Fig. 2.13 Agricultural income (Indicator A) in the EU % 2009/2008 .............................33 Fig. 2.14 Agricultural prices and costs, Italy (index 2000=100).......................................33 Fig. 2.15 Fertilizers and plant protection products’ consumption in EU countries (kg of active ingredient per hectare of utilized agricultural area) ........................................35 Fig. 2.16 Gross Operating Margin (GOM) trend in agricultural, industrial firms and food industries .......................................................................................................................36 Fig. 2.17 Food industry turnover by subsector, 2009........................................................36 Fig. 2.18 Food and agricultural products value chain, 2006............................................37 Fig. 2.19 Trend of agricultural products and foodstuffs at consumption prices (index 2000=100) ................................................................................................................................37 Fig. 2.20 Main countries of export destination and import origin for the Italian food sector (share % of value).......................................................................................................39 Fig. 2.21 Human population growth in developed and developing countries ............42 Fig. 2.22 Trend of Food Price Indices..................................................................................43 Fig. 2.23 Agricultural production and inputs employment - Trend 1960-2005............44 Fig. 2.24 Trend in Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency of crop production calculated as annual cereal production/annual global application of N .............................................44 Fig. 2.25 Undernourishment trend......................................................................................45 Fig. 2.26 Biofuels production in 2005 ..................................................................................46 Fig. 2.27 Water requirement for food production.............................................................47 Fig. 3.1 Simplified food chain scheme of the dominat agro-food system (Paradigm 1) ..................................................................................................................................................52 3 Fig. 3.3 The Pianesian trasparent label ...............................................................................59 Fig. 3.4 Simplified food chain scheme of the UPM agro-food system (Paradigm 3) ...59 Fig. 4.1 Framework of the study..........................................................................................65 Fig. 4.3 Vegetal productions under investigation .............................................................68 Fig. 4.4 Italian arable land use .............................................................................................69 Fig. 4.5 Winter cereals system boundary ...........................................................................70 Fig. 4.6 Maize and sorghum system boundary .................................................................71 Fig. 4.7 Paddy rice system boundary..................................................................................73 Fig. 4.8 Organic rice system boundary ...............................................................................74 Fig. 4.9 Evolution of pulses production and invested area .............................................74 Fig. 4.10 Grain legumes system boundary.........................................................................75 Fig. 4.11 Silages system boundary ......................................................................................77 Fig. 4.12 Hay production system boundary ......................................................................77 Fig. 4.13 Vegetables system boundary ...............................................................................80 Fig. 4.14 Top ten orange producers in the world ..............................................................82 Fig. 4.15 Milk production sub-processes............................................................................84 Fig. 4.16 Phases of Parmesan production process ............................................................86 Fig. 4.17 Meat production sub-processes ...........................................................................87 Fig. 4.18 Pasta production system boundary.....................................................................89 Fig. 4.19 Milled rice system boundary................................................................................90 Fig. 4.20 Orange juice system boundary ............................................................................91 Fig. 4.21 System boundary of Analysis 2 ...........................................................................95 Fig. 4.22 Share of the considered ingredients in the diet composition ..........................98 Fig. 5.1 Conventional wheat - MI composition ...............................................................103 Fig. 5.2 Organic wheat - MI composition .........................................................................103 Fig. 5.3 Conventional dried maize - MI composition .....................................................104 Fig. 5.4 Organic dried sorghum - MI composition .........................................................104 Fig. 5.5 Conventional dried peas –MI composition ........................................................105 Fig. 5.6 Organic dried peas – MI composition.................................................................105 Fig. 5.7 Conventional lucerne hay– material intensity composition............................106 Fig. 5.8 Organic lucerne hay– material intensity composition......................................107 Fig. 5.9 Maize silage – material intensity composition .................................................107 Fig. 5.10 Barley grass - material intensity composition..................................................108 Fig. 5.11 Conventional tomatoes in greenhouse - material intensity composition ....109 Fig. 5.12 Conventional tomatoes on open field- material intensity composition.......109 Fig. 5.13 Tomatoes from integrated agriculture on open field- material intensity composition ..........................................................................................................................109 Fig. 5.14 Whole milk – material intensity composition..................................................110 Fig. 5.15 Parmesan – material intensity composition .....................................................111 4 Fig. 5.15 Conventional beef - material intensity composition.......................................111 Fig. 5.16 Organic beef - material intensity composition.................................................111 Fig. 5.17 Conventional Pasta - material intensity composition.....................................112 Fig. 5.18 Organic Pasta - material intensity composition...............................................112 Fig. 5.19 Conventional milled rice - material intensity composition ...........................113 Fig. 5.20 Organic rice - material intensity composition ................................................113 Fig. 5.20 Parboiled rice - material intensity composition...............................................114 Fig. 5.21 Natural orange juice - material intensity composition ...................................114 Fig. 5.22 Vegetal unit from Ma-Pi polyculture - material intensity composition.......115 Fig. 5.23 Beans by UPM - material intensity composition .............................................115 Fig. 5.24 Whole rice by UPM - material intensity composition ....................................116 Fig. 5.25 Cous cous by UPM - material intensity composition .....................................116 Fig. 5.26 Millet by UPM - material intensity composition .............................................116 Fig. 5.27 Barley by UPM - material intensity composition ............................................117 Fig. 5.28 Total Material Requirements (TMR) of nutrition in the three paradigms...120 Fig. 5.30 Air requirements of nutrition in the three paradigms....................................121 Fig. 5.31Differences in resource consumption in the three paradigms .......................121 Fig. 6.1 Groups of crops scored by average TMR (gh: greenhouse; of: open field) ...124 Fig. 6.2 Groups of crops scored by average water requirement (gh: greenhouse; of: open field) .............................................................................................................................124 Fig. 6.3 Groups of crops scored by average air requirement (gh: greenhouse; of: openfield) ..............................................................................................................................125 Fig. 6.4 Foodstuffs scored by TMR (CA: conventional agricultural; OA: organic agriculture) ...........................................................................................................................125 Fig. 6.5 Foodstuffs scored by water requirements (CA: conventional agricultural; OA: organic agriculture) .............................................................................................................126 Fig. 6.6 Foodstuffs scored by air requirements (CA: conventional agricultural; OA: organic agriculture) .............................................................................................................126 Fig. 6.7 Crops scored by TMR values ...............................................................................126 Fig. 6.9 Crops scored by air requirements .......................................................................127 Fig. 6.10 The evaluated eco-efficiency of three agricultural systems...........................129 5 Acknowledgements The study required a massive data collection from the literature. I would like to thank Prof. Bruno Notarnicola, member of the Italian Life Cycle Assessment Network and Dr. Paolo Neri, founder of the LCA-lab of the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Sustainable Development (ENEA), who helped me considerably in the LCA studies retrieval. Many thanks also to Karl Xaver Wolfsgruber, from the “Un Punto Macrobiotico” association, for his helpfulness and suggestions. Special thanks to all the Wuppertal Institute staff, where I spent the happiest and most gratifying time of the Ph.D programme, and especially to Mr. Michael Lettenmeier, Dr. Christa Liedtke and Mr. Holger Rohn with whom I worked more closely. I am also grateful to Prof. Roberto Petrocchi and Dr. Matteo Belletti for the trust professed in all these years, for seconding my research interests and for giving me the opportunity to dedicate most of the time to my education. This work is the result of three years of study and reflections on the theme of economics and sustainability. A big contribution had the several conversations I had with the people met in these three years. Between them, I want to thank in particular my colleagues and friends Ms. Aleksandra Arcipowska, Ms. Valentina Aversano, Dr. Carlo Cafiero, Ms. Francesca Colantuoni, Dr. Davide Longhitano, Ms. Monica Padella and Dr. Ahmad Sadiddin. They helped and supported me in several different ways, encouraging me in carrying on my ambitions, giving me many intellectual stimulus and invaluable advices. An essential help came from all my family, which always respected and supported my decisions. Heartfelt thanks especially to my parents and to my boyfriend Massimiliano, for following me in all my displacements and for his never lacking closeness. 6 Dedicated to my dearest nephew Nicola, future generations’ member “Qual è il fine della conoscenza” chiese, “se non quello di capire la natura per poterne seguire le regole e vivere meglio? Bisogna capire qual è il posto di noi esseri umani nell’universo, capire in che rapporto stiamo con i vari fenomeni cosmici, così da poterci comportare disciplinatamente, evitare disastri e contribuire al benessere di tutte le creature.” Un altro giro di giostra, Tiziano Terzani 7 Abstract The thesis aims at measuring the environmental impact of nutrition in three agrifood systems. The study considers the amount of natural resources used in the production and consumption of food along its life-cycle. It is featured in two parts. In the first one the analysis is restricted to the supply chain of food, and provides a sustainability rating of thirty-seven products, grown through different agricultural practices. The second analysis takes into consideration all the value chain according to three paradigms of agri-food systems. They refers to different models of food production and consumption, observed in Italy. The first one is the dominant paradigm, including conventional and intensive farming practices, long and globalized food chains, retailing in supermarkets. The other models refer to Alternative Food Networks (AFN). The first is the GAS (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidali) initiative, i.e. solidarity purchasing groups, that manage collectively the purchasing of organic food and natural manufactured products mainly from local enterprises and farmers. They aim at accessing high quality and naturally grown food, avoiding the retailing passage and ensuring a fair price to the farmers. The third model refers to UPM (Un Punto Macrobiotico), an international association established in the Marche region in 1980. It manages and controls an entire food chain, since the agricultural production, based on the post-organic technique “Ma-Pi polyculture”, till the food purchasing and catering, in sixty-three restaurants spread in the Italian territory. UPM is a very consumer-oriented food chain, in which a very exigent demand (in terms of food naturality and healthiness) drives the agricultural production towards the minimization of the external inputs employment. A further model concerns the reduction of the “Food Miles”, i.e. the kilometres covered by food, since the dominant paradigm. Thus, in this model the distances are reduced by an average 90%, while the production practices do not change. The methodology used for assessing the sustainability of food is the Material Input Per Service unit (MIPS) indicator. It estimates the overall environmental pressure caused by products or services by indicating the life-cycle-wide consumption of natural resources in relation to the benefit provided. It includes five resource categories: abiotic and biotic materials (renewable resources), water, air and soil. Results of the first analysis provide a dataset of the material intensity of Italian agricultural products and foodstuffs, which can expedite future research on the topic of nutrition’s sustainability. The second analysis evaluates the natural resource demand for feeding one person during a week, in the paradigms under investigation. With respect to the dominant, the GAS model allows a 58% reduction in the abiotic resource demand, 53% in water and 71% in air. The UPM system, instead, permits a tenfold reduction in abiotic, biotic and water, and 82% decrease in the air category. The insight on the socio-economic features of the systems, together with the environmental sustainability measurement, allowed making some general conclusions and policy recommendations on the sustainability of the different food systems. The role of a low external input technology in agriculture is emphasized as a possible strategy for driving food system towards more sustainable patterns and empowering the small-scale farming. 8 Acronyms AFN Alternative Food Network ENAMA Italian National Agency for Agricultural Machinery ESU European Size Unit GAS Gruppi di Acquisto Solidali (Solidarity Purchasing Groups) ISMEA Service Institute for the Agri-Food Market ISTAT Italian National Institute of Statistics LCA Life Cycle Assessment MFA Material Flow Analysis MI Material Input MIPS Material Input Per Service unit UPM Un Punto Macrobiotico 9 Introduction Recently, the two topics of nutrition and sustainability have being arousing a new interest from institutional, political and civil society contexts. Between other initiatives on these subjects, “Feeding the planet, energy for life” will be the theme of the next Universal Exposition that will be held in Milan in 2015. The main concern on agri-food systems regards the way they will feed a rising world population, that will get 9.2 billions of people by 2050 (McIntyre, Herren at al., 2009). FAO recently declared that the need for alternative proteins is urgent and is promoting edible insect consumption as a sustainable food strategy (FAO, 2010). The environmental crisis is a further troublesome issue. It interacts in a twofold manner with the food security issue, and is likely to trigger a vicious circle. From the one hand, it can bounder the food production. For instance, the climate changes can bring to a higher frequency of extreme climatic events, or making some areas unsuitable for cultivation; the depletion of natural resources (especially water and fossil fuels), the water pollution and the soil degradation are compromising the ecosystems services on which agricultural activity underpins (Nellemann, MacDevette et al. 2009). At the same time, the food production and consumption, accounting a relevant share of the natural resources used by the economies (e.g., 20% in the German one, according to Ritthoff, Kaiser at al. 2009) exacerbate and contribute to the environmental crisis. The agriculture can have a significant impact on the ecosystem, depending on the farming practice. The monoculture and the deforestation practiced for obtaining more cropland cause loss of biodiversity and increase the climate-altering emissions. Intensive agricultural practices bring to the land degradation and desertification, the overexploitation of water stocks and nom renewable energy sources. Modern agriculture is an inefficient energy process, and has lost the metabolic gain provided by the clorofillian photosynthesis: on average, in the US, two kilocalories of fossil fuels are necessary to produce one kilocalorie of a crop (Pimentel, 2006). The further steps of the food chain affect the environment mainly through the consumption of energy and materials during the processing, packaging, and distribution of food. The modern food habits and the westernalization of the way of life in the developing countries are driving the food production through more resource-intensive practices: increasing consumption of meat, dairy products, functional, convenient, and exotic food, for instance. The globalization of the food chains implies that displacing some production phase in very far areas can be economically convenient. The air transport of food has drastically increased in the last decade, and the distance covered by food has been proposed as an indicator of its sustainability. The Food Miles concept, although including only a limited aspect of the value chain, has had an international spread also between the consumers. The last phases of the food chain, i.e. the purchasing and consumption, require growing amount of fossil fuels since the retailing centres, which are gradually substituting the traditional groceries, are usually located in out-of-town peripheries that are reachable through a car trip (Cummins and MacIntyre 2006). 10 Beyond the environmental impact of food, other reasons of dissatisfaction with the global food systems have emerged. In many countries farmers suffer an increasing loss of value added and inequalities in the margin distribution along the value chain’s steps. The very fragmentized and competitive agricultural sector, instead, matches against the very powerful and concentrated sectors of the agricultural input production from the one hand, and the retailing from the other. The absolute inequality of bargaining power between the different actors in the food chain rebounds on the farmers’ income. The high variability of commodity’s prices and the increasing trend occurred in the last five years, after few decades of decline, threaten the livelihoods of the poorest population. A further critical issue regards the increasing competition in the resource use (especially land and water) between food and no-food products (especially biomass for energy production and fibres, especially cotton). The dissatisfactions with the dominant model brought to the establishment of many initiatives of alternative food network (AFN), all over the world. They involve different stakeholders and have manifold motivations. According to Scrinis (2007), they can briefly be branched into the initiatives related to the production practices (e.g. pro-organic and fair trade); the ones seeking alternative relationships and networks of distribution (e.g. Community Supported Agriculture, farmer markets, short chain initiatives) and the ones focusing on alternative consumption practices, involving a different perception of food quality and ethical values guiding the food consumption (e.g. UPM, that is described below). The relation between nutrition and health is a further topic of remarkable importance for the policy makers. The modern food systems have improved the nutritional conditions of people in many areas of the world, over the last fifty years, and the percentage of undernourished persons has decreased. However, due to the population growth the number of undernourished had only a very little wane. While the problem of hunger keeps meting out the developing countries, the industrialized area of the world face the health problems connected to the overnutrition. Obesity, diabetes and many noncommunicable diseases are increasingly weighing in the public expenditure for health. The taxation of the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and fat food is actually applied by 33 states in the US as a mean of reducing the intake of these foods and lowering the health care costs (Brownell, Farley et al. 2009). On the base of the context described above, this survey addresses the evaluation of the environmental impact of nutrition. It performs a quantitative evaluation of the natural resource withdrawal due to the food production and consumption in three different agri-food chains. These results, and a close examination of the socioeconomic features of the food systems, allowed us to draw some general conclusions on their sustainability. The investigation provides also some policy recommendations on which food system should be supported by the policy maker, and which agricultural form is more suitable for accomplish the task of feeding a growing population, in an fair and ecologically sound way. The three theoretical models under investigation have different features regarding: the agricultural and livestock practices; the organization of the chain; the consumption modes; the roles and the involvement of the stakeholders; the use of energy and material resources for fulfilling the nutritional need. The first paradigm refers to the dominant system, thus the most spread in the Western countries. It encompasses intensive agricultural practices, a long and globalized food chain and the retailing system is based on big supermarkets’ chains. A further option of the dominant paradigm considers the reduction of the distances covered by food and the shortening of the last step of the food chain, i.e. between last producer and consumer. It aims at evaluating the effect of a food miles reduction in the whole environmental impacts, without any change in the agricultural production, processing processes and raw materials provision. 11 The other two paradigms refer to AFN experiences developed in Italy and having a considerable success in terms of territorial spread and civil society involvement. The GAS (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidali) are the so-called Solidarity Purchasing Groups, an initiative of collective purchase and fair trade of organic food (and other goods), supplied by local farmers. They aim at removing the retailing step of the food chain, gathering fresh, local and organic food ensuring a fair price to the farmers. The third paradigm refers to the international association UPM (Un Punto Macrobiotico). With the aim of spreading a healthier and more natural nutrition and life style, it has arranged an entire food chain, and controls all the phases of food production and consumption, since the agricultural phase (based on the post-organic practices, the so call Ma-Pi polyculture) till the preparation of food, through the catering service that counts sixty-three restaurants in Italy. Given the above, this study aims at providing a holistic overview on the sustainability of the three paradigms, using a multidisciplinary approach, although the environmental evaluation concerns mainly the field of the ecological economics. The idea of sustainability it adverts, far from the new rhetoric of the green business as an outwards change of the usual ways of producing and consuming, underpins on the Georgescu-Roegen’s idea of thermodynamic degradation occurring in the economic processes. It also regains the focus on matter, as a fundamental element in the relationship between environment and economy, as proposed by the Rumanian economist. Concerning the idea of sustainable agriculture, the benchmark is the “eternal agriculture, that is, agriculture that can be practiced for eternity” (Heitschmidt, Vermeire et al., 2004:E139). Thus, the ecological impact is based on the use of natural resources as a proxy measure for the environmental burden. The adopted methodology is based on the Material Flow Analysis (MFA) (Bringezu and Moriguchi 2002), which accounts the use of natural resources of the economies. The indicator MIPS (Material Input Per Service unit) (Schmidt-Bleek 1993) is calculated for a set of thirty-seven agricultural products and foodstuffs, produced through different practices (conventional, organic and Ma-Pi polyculture). Additionally, the total amount of natural resources used for fulfilling the weekly nutritional need of one person is assessed, according to the three paradigms of food production and consumption. The MIPS approach permits an estimation of the overall environmental pressure caused by products and services by indicating the life-cycle-wide consumption of natural resources in relation to the benefit provided. It gives a measure of ecoefficiency, through a wide perspective including different kinds of natural resources (abiotic or non renewable, biotic or renewable, water, air and soil). With respect to the most spread environmental indicators, i.e., the carbon footprint of food (e.g., Plassmann and Jones 2009) it provides a more comprehensive view and is suitable for outlining possible tradeoffs in the use of different resources. Compared to specific environmental evaluations like the Life Cycle Assessment, it has a lower level of detail and only a quantitative evaluation of the impact. Moreover, MIPS results are more suitable for being combined to economic data. The thesis is organized in seven chapters. The first one illustrates a literature review and retraces the emergence of the Sustainability Science as an academic discipline. It outlines the major contributions in the field of the environmental economics and in the bioeconomics. It lingers on the Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen contribution and on the importance of the thermodynamics laws applied in the economic subject. It then describes the subsequent development of the sustainability science and finally focuses on the assessment methodology used for the evaluation of food and agricultural products sustainability. The second chapter provides an overview on the theme of food systems and sustainability. It first takes into consideration the peculiarities of modern food systems and the main economic treats, through a perspective based on the complexity and the analysis of margin distribution along the value chain. It then 12 deepens the Italian agri-food sector, showing the main economic data and giving a special emphasis to the agricultural sector, and its actual problems. The third part takes into account the main issues and trends related to the sustainability and nutrition, at a global level, i.e. the development of the food demand and supply, the effect of commodity prices variations, the environmental problems linked to food production, and the small scale farming perspective, questioning its relationship with food security. The description of the third paradigms under investigation follows in the third chapter. The main socio-economic and organizational aspects, as well as weaknesses and success factors are reported. The forth chapter is devoted to the description of the methodology and the data gathering. For all the crops and foodstuffs investigated the information sources are documented, as well as the system boundary used for each evaluation. It explains also the assumptions and simplifying hypothesis made in the study and the criteria for the diets composition. Results, in chapter five, are also branched by the first analyses on the foodstuffs and agricultural products and the second one on the impact of a weekly diet, according to the three food systems, and the modified version of the first one, with reduced food miles. In chapter six there is a discussion on the results and it shows some comparisons between the resource demand of different crop groups, foodstuffs, conventional and organic practices; it finally gives an overall evaluation on the considered food systems eco-efficiency. The seventh and last chapter makes general conclusion, providing some policy recommendation for enhancing the sustainability in the food sector and few suggestions for a further investigation on this theme. 13 Chapter 1. Literature Review This chapter is devoted to review the literature related to the topics of the thesis. It first illustrates the origins of the Science of Sustainability as academic discipline, since the Environmental Economics to the development of the Ecological Economics heterodox discipline. The review remarks the significance of Nicholas GeorgescuRoegen’s contribution, and its influence in the further literature. The second part concerns the major issues related to the environmental impact of food, and the most common assessment methodologies, included the one used in this study. 1.1 From the Environmental Economics to the Bioeconomics: Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen contribution The first concerns on the environmental effects of human activity can be singled out with the creation of protected areas for the wildlife conservation since the end of XIX century. However, only between the Sixties and Seventies of the XX century the environmental issue started having more attention in the scientific community, as well as in the media and public opinion. In 1962 the book by Rachel Carson, “Silent Spring” (Carson 1962), enlighted the negative environmental effects of pesticides used in agriculture and led, in the following years, to the ban of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) in many countries. In 1972 the Club of Rome published “The Limits to Growth”, in which the consequences of an exponential population growth were investigated in relation to the availability of natural resources. The year after, the members of the “Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries” (OAPEC) proclaimed an oil embargo to protest against the U.S. military policy, supporting Israeli during the Yom Kippur war. This sudden reduction of fossil fuels’ availability brought to a drastic increase of the oil price and many European governments launched measures with the aim of promoting a drastic energy saving, reforming their energetic policy and reducing the dependency on fossil fuels. In this years a new awareness on the environmental and energetic issue raised and the global environmental movement became more organized and politically involved. The Environmental Economics developed as academic discipline from the neoclassical welfare theory and microeconomics. The idea of “externality” introduced by Arthur Cecil Pigou provided the first economic explanation of the environmental damage. Externalities are described as a typology of market failure, in which the market, acting spontaneously, does not provide an efficient outcome (Pigou 1920). The Pigouvian tax proposed by the English economist aims at correcting the market inefficiency, charging who is responsible for the negative externality. Ronald Coase brought another relevant contribution to the theoretical development of the discipline. He refused the interference of the State in the market dynamics involved by the Pigouvian taxation an formulated a theorem (Coase 1960), denying the necessity of any State intervention into the market’s operation. According to Coase’s theory, in absence of transaction costs private bargaining will lead to an efficient solution, also when externalities exist. A poor definition of property rights can prevent the bargaining and thus the market equilibrium. Harold Hotelling introduced the natural resources as topic of investigation from an 14 economic point of view. His work “The economy of exhaustible resources” treats the optimal rate of exploitation of no renewable resources (Hotelling 1931). The Environmental Economics developed also estimative techniques for the definition of natural goods’ value (i.e. Willing To Pay, Travel Cost and Hedonic Price), maintaining the assumptions of rational individual behavior (utility or profit maximization) and market clearing generating a unique economic equilibrium (Bergh 2001). Since the spread of “The Limits to Growth”, new criticisms raised to the neoclassical theory and especially to the concept of infinitive growth of the economic system within limited natural resource availability. The Rumanian economist Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen formulated the most comprehensive, constructive and original critic to the neoclassical economics, building up an alternative model of production and becoming the father of the heterodox discipline of Bioeconomics. His contribution embraces many subjects (from the rural sociology to the consumer’s behavior and the role of expectations and uncertainty), but we just review the main issues related to the topic of the thesis. The rejection of the mechanist epistemology in behalf of a thermodynamics interpretation of the economic process had a significant impact for the development of new environmental-economic disciplines. In “Energy and Economic Myths” (Georgescu-Roegen 1976) the author criticizes the “representation of the economic process as a circular diagram, a pendulum movement between production and consumption within a completely closed system” (Georgescu-Roegen 1993a:75) given both by the neoclassical school and by the Marxist economists. These schools of thought reduce the economic process to a self-sustained and perfectly reversible event, following the physical laws of mechanics and ignoring the continuous interrelations with the material environment as well as the role of nature in the economic problem. Georgescu-Roegen looked instead at the thermodynamics, as a physical background dominating the economic process. According to this interpretation, the material processes of production and consumption use matter and energy, without consuming them in a quantitative sense (due to the first thermodynamics law of matter-energy conservation), but changing their qualitative features, according with the second one, the entropy law. The introduction of thermodynamics laws in economics brought to interpret the economic processes as something transforming valuable natural resources in valueless waste, that is low-entropy resources (or available, free energy) into high-entropy waste (or unavailable, dissipated, bound energy) (Georgescu-Roegen 1971). In a close system, a continuous and irrevocably degrade of free energy into bound energy occurs and the human activities are accelerating this process of degradation of natural resources into waste. The introduction of the Entropy law within the economic theory implies many changes of perspective regarding the interpretation of economic concepts. The idea of scarcity, that was the fulcrum of the classical economists’ theory, assumes a different connotation: resources are not just limited, as the Ricardian sense of scarcity suggests, but degradable, because subjects to the entropy law. At the same time, the outcome of the economic process is not just a material good, but rather the immaterial good of so called “enjoyment of life”. Further consequences of the entropic interpretation of the economic process lies in rejecting the belief of an infinitive substitution between natural and technological capital1, the introduction of scrapes into the economic analysis and the development of the Bioeconomics as a “discipline based on parallel knowledge and application of social, 1 The possibility of substitution between natural and man-‐made capital defines the concept of “weak sustainability” in contrast with the “strong sustainability”, in which the possibility of substitution is assumed to be temporary and spatially limited. The two approaches characterize respectively the Environmental Economics and Bioeconomics (but also Ecological Economics) disciplines. 15 economic and biophysical principles and emphasized the importance of an understanding of the reciprocal influence of these principles” (Giampietro and Pastore 1999:287). A special role in the functioning of the economic system is given to the agricultural activity and this issue is treated by Georgescu-Roegen in several works. On the light of the entropy law, the modern agriculture, substituting the animals’ traction with the mechanization, using chemicals fertilizers instead of manure and using fossil fuels for the input production, is highly inefficient and energy wasting. The economic productivity obtained using more production inputs does not consider the entropy increase resulting from the intensification of the productive techniques. A major output in the present compromises the availability of resources of future generations: one of the most crucial issue and ecological problem is the management of the “low-entropy patrimony” between different generations2. In “Energy and Economic Myths” Georgescu-Roegen deals with the theme of energy, criticizing the emphasis given to this concept on behalf of the matter. He calls “energeticist dogmas” the tendency of science of considering energy as the fundamental and predominant resource for the human life and the natural systems. With the statement “matter, matters too” the author outlined how the energeticist dogmas neglects the relevance of matter as the source of value and as the basis of the economic processes. The main reason, according to the author, lies in the fact that matter is not subject to a qualitative degradation as energy, and because there is a theoretical possibility of complete recycling. Through the analytic representation of the flow-fund model (Georgescu-Roegen 1976) Georgescu-Roegen shows that matter is a fundamental element in the relation between economic process and environment, and denies the possibility of a complete recycling, stating the definitive irreversibility of the economic process. The idea of a degradable matter led to the formulation of the “forth law of thermodynamics”, that has been criticized and is nowadays controversial. In spite of this quarrel, whose treatment would bring far away the scope of this chapter, the importance of the matter and the opposition towards the energeticist dogmas had relevant consequences in the further development of the Sustainability Science, and especially in the approach of material flows that has been used in this work (see chapter 4). Other aspects of georgescu-roegenian though had a very strong impact in the evolution of the modern science and society. The idea and social movement of “Degrowth”, i.e., has been inspired by the Rumanian economist theories and his criticism to the neoclassical theory of infinitive economic growth in a limited biophysical space. We can undoubtedly state that the theoretical, analytic and conceptual contribution of Georgescu-Roegen in the building of the Sustainability Science and is still unsurpassed. 1.2 The Georgescu-Roegen’s legacy and the Sustainability Science Nowadays, the Sustainability Science is a multidisciplinary field of knowledge addressing the dynamic interactions between human and environment systems (Clark and Dickson 2003). It has been officially introduced in 2001 during the world congress "Challenges of a Changing Earth 2001" in Amsterdam, organized by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) (Steffen, Jäger et al. 2002). It involves many disciplines, questing the impact 2 On the base of this integenerational perpective introduced by Georgescu-‐Roegen, the Bruntland Commission defined the sustainable development as a development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (UN 1987). In spite of the criticisms, it is still the most-‐often quoted definition of sustainable development. 16 of human societies over the ecosystems, the use of resources in an intergenerational perspective and both from a local and global point of view. Many authors, thinkers and scientists anticipated and influenced the creation of the Sustainability Science. Between them, Ernst Schumacher largely contributed to the growth debate (Schumacher 1973), while Karl Polanyi prefigured the concept of an economic system embedded in the social, ecological and institutional environment (Polanyi 1944). In the economic sphere, the two main disciplines underpinning on sustainability are Bioeconomics and Ecological Economics. Georgescu-Roegen introduced the concept of Bioeconomics stating that the “problem of human surviving that is not only a biological, not only economic, but bioeconomic”(Georgescu-Roegen 1982). Focusing on the conflict between different generations, he put the basis for new economic schools of thought, using different analytical tools and approaches for investigating the linkages between ecological and economic systems. Between them, Ecological Economics has had the major impact due to the foundation of the International Society of Ecological Economics (ISEE) in 1989 and the publication of its journal “Ecological Economics”. Together with Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, the economists Herman Daly and Kenneth Boulding can be considered the intellectual founders and antecedents of Ecological Economics. The common remark of the three authors regards the unfeasibility of a continuous growth in a limited biophysical space and the need for a “strong sustainability”, in opposition to the mainstream economic theory (Daly and Farley 2004). Nevertheless, different answers and theories are proposed for solving the issue. Daly formulated the theory of Steady-State Economics, “defined by constant stocks of physical wealth (artifacts) and a constant population, each maintained at some chosen, desirable level by a low rate of throughput – i.e., by low birth rates equal to low death rates and by low physical production rates equal to low physical depreciation rates, so that longevity of people and durability of physical stocks are high.” (Daly 1974). GeorgescuRoegen, instead, refused the idea of the steady state as well as the concept of “sustainable development”, stating that the more suitable condition implies a decline of the economic system (Georgescu-Roegen 1993b). Kenneth Boulding used the metaphor of “spaceship economy” to describe a world in which natural resources and food supplies are limited in opposition with “cowboy economy”, where people act as new availabilities of resources are always given for granted (Boulding 1966). With this concept, he anticipated the view of a global system and the mass-energy balances. The ecologist Howard Odum contributed to the development of Ecological Economics introducing the EMergy analysis, which aims at measuring the sustainability of goods and systems through the accounting of the energy incorporated in a product or service, expressed in solar energy (Odum 1971; Holling 1973). Many other scientists used this analysis, between them the Italian Enzo Tiezzi (Tiezzi and Marchettini, 1999; Bastianoni, Marchettini et al. 2001). Another ecologist, Crawford Holling, introduced the ideas of resilence and stability of the ecosystems (Holling 1973), afterwards used also in economic studies. 1.3 The food environmental impact: assessment methodologies A further in-deep examination of the literature concerns the topic of sustainability in food production and consumption. In this paragraph we briefly review the most common approaches for assessing the ecological impact of food, used in ecological economic field. One common approach to evaluate food sustainability lies in the assessment of its energy content. This kind of analysis has its roots in the discipline of “agrarian energetics”, well known since the XIX century, with the first studies of Sergej Podolinskij (1850-‐1891), who introduced the energy balances in the agricultural production, Eduard Sacher (1884-1903) and the Austrian economist Josef PopperLynkeus (1838-1921). Frederick Soddy (1877-1956), Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 17 1921, contributed to the development of an “energy theory of value”, emphasising the dependency of economic systems on thermodynamics and the role of energy for the creation of value (Soddy 1926). A further theoretical contribution in this topic is by the Spanish ecological economist Martínez-Alier (Martínez-Alier and Schlüpmann 1987), while one of the first energy evaluation of the food systems has been done for the U.S. (Steinhart and Steinhart 1974). The relevance of energy flows in agro-food systems has greatly increased with the intensification of agricultural practices and the development of an industrial food system for the processing and distribution of food. Pimentel estimated that on average, in the U.S., about 2 kcal of fossil energy is required to harvest 1kcal of crop (Pimentel 2006). This figure includes all the inputs employed in agriculture, i.e. the manufacturing, transport and employment of agrochemicals, the fuel consumption for mechanical operations, manufacturing of machinery, electricity consumption for greenhouses and irrigation plants. The whole food system uses about 19% of the total fossil energy burned in the U.S. (Pimentel 2006). Other studies on the energy flows have regarded the efficiency of the agricultural sector (Schroll 1994) and the potential of energy use’s reduction (Brown and Elliott 2005). The increasing prices of fossil fuels and other fuel-based agricultural inputs have greatly contributed to stimulating the interest in this field of investigation. Greenhouse emissions and global warming potential (GWP) are an additional relevant topics concerning food systems sustainability. Globalized food systems rest upon wide transport infrastructures and foodstuffs cover thousands kilometres distances before reaching the table. In addition, the modern food industry provides highly processed food that must be cooked, refrigerated, packed, stored and transported. The availability of fresh fruit and vegetable has been extended to exotic products that are imported in large quantities from tropical areas. Additionally, the frequency of shopping trips and the distance travelled for foodstuffs purchasing has increased in the last decades, due to the spreading of out-of-town shopping centres that have replaced the small local shops (Jones 2002). Food processing, distributing and marketing can instead be relevant voices in the total carbon dioxide emissions, depending on the considered food system. Also the agricultural sector provokes greenhouse gas emissions (Cline 2007), mostly methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and a minor share of carbon dioxide (CO2). The evaluation of carbon emissions linked to food production and consumption is a common method to evaluate the ecological impact of food. Several studies focused on the “Carbon Footprint” of food, as a measure of environmental sustainability. It accounts in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent all the greenhouse gases produced directly and indirectly in the life cycle of a product (Plassmann, Jones et al. 2009). The “Food Miles” measure (Paxton 1994) is also linked to the greenhouse gases emissions and refers to the distances travelled by the food as an indirect measure of the environmental impact. A number of studies exist on this theme (e.g. Coley, Howard et al. 2009; Pretty et al. 2005; Saunders, Barber et al. 2006) that has had a wide spread thanks to its handiness and immediately communicable message. However, focusing only on the food transport phase and considering only the emissions of greenhouses, it can not be considered an indicator of food sustainability, as stated by a DEFRA (UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) study (Smith, Watkiss et al. 2005). FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States) estimated that livestock production is responsible for approximately 18% of global greenhouse gases emissions (Steinfeld, Gerber et al. 2006). Intensive livestock production, concentrating in a small area a whole slew of animals, provokes also soil and water contamination (Delgado, Rosegrant et al. 1999; Steinfeld, Gerber et al. 2006). This evidence has encouraged the investigation on diet habits impact, with a special regard to meat and animal based-foodstuffs’ consumption and their global warming potential (Carlsson-Kanyama and Gonzales 2009), (Mc Michael, Powles et al. 2007), 18 (Eshel and Martin 2006), (Pimentel and Pimentel 2003). The environmental effects associated with different dietary preferences have been investigated also in terms of energy consumption (Pimentel and Pimentel 2003) material intensity (Mancini, Lettenmeier et al. forthcoming) and general ecological cost (Marlow, Hayes et al. 2009). All these studies proved the higher impact of meat-based diets with respect to the vegetarian ones. Water use in agriculture is a crucial issue since this economic sector accounts almost 70% of the water withdrawals (FAO 2003) and many crops and staple food require intensive irrigation. Animal products, and especially beef, are particularly water demanding; if we consider the indirect consumption of water, through the forages and grains intakes, more then two hundred tonnes litres of water are needed to produce one kilogram of beef (Pimentel, Houser et al. 1997). In arid and semiarid regions irrigation is a vital element for the economic development, thus governments provide incentives for expanding irrigation systems. However, these policies are usually not encouraging water use efficiency and exacerbate water scarcity and depletion (Sadiddin 2009). Moreover, irrigation can leads up to the soil salinisation and irreversible loss of fertility (Wallace 2000). The concept of Virtual Water was introduced in the early Nineties (Allan 1993; Allan 1994) as a measure for the water used along the life cycle of a product. It is also called “embedded water” or “exogenous water” in the case of import-export flows of commodities (Hoekstra 2003). The Water Footprint, instead, is used in relation to the consumption of water, also at country level, for the human activities, included nutrition (Chapagain and Hoekstra 2004). Feeding an increasing population requires new arable lands to be addressed to agricultural activity. The change in land use is causing a vast deforestation, with irreversible losses of biodiversity. The increasing global demand for palm oil-based products, for instance, is causing a rapid deforestation in Malaysia and Indonesia, which are located within two hotspots of biodiversity (Koh and Wilcove. 2007). The loss of habitats and biodiversity is threatening the natural ecosystems in these areas. In addition, monoculture, heavy use of agrochemicals and the degrading tillage practices have a heavy impact also in the agroecosystems, eroding genetic resources, insect biodiversity, soil fertility, and consequently it reduce the land productivity. The link between biodiversity and food security has been outlined by several scientific contributions (Thrupp 2000; Frison, Smith, et al. 2006; Brussaard, Caron et al. 2010). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a very rigorous, comprehensive and detailed measurement of the environmental impact of products. It focuses on some categories of resource use, like climate change potential, ozone depletion potential, overfertilization and eutrophication. It has been widely applied to many agricultural products and foodstuffs but it requires substantial investments in terms of monetary resources and time (Mattsson 1999). A material flow-based approach was used in this survey for investigating the sustainability of nutrition in different food systems (a description of the materialflow based approach is in chapter 4). The Material Flow Analysis (MFA) (Bringezu and Moriguchi 2002) is a standardized methodology accounting the use of natural resources of the economies, at local, national or international level. MF-based indicators i.e. the Material Input Per Service unit (MIPS) (Schmidt-Bleek 1994) the fossil maker), used in this study, is applicable at micro-economic level, for an assessment of products and services’ environmental impact along their life cycle. So far, the MFA has been performed to USA, Japan, Austria, Germany and Netherlands, within the framework of two MFA projects coordinated by the World Resource Institute (Adriaanse, Bringezu et al. 1997) In addition, MFAs exist for many other countries, e.g. Italy (De Marco, Lagioia et al. 2000; Femia 2000), Finland (Mäenpaää and Juutinen 2002) and Sweden (Isacsson, Jonsson et al. 2000). The 19 European Environmental Agency (EEA) and the European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT) published in 2001 the first material balance of the European Union (EU-15) (Bringezu and Schütz 2001a; Bringezu and Schütz 2001b). The United Nation (UN 2003), the European Commission (Weisz, Krausmann et al. 2007) and the Organization for the Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 2008) published some reports for the standardization of the methodology. MIPS is instead be used for evaluating waste policy options (Lettenemeier and Salo 2008), for assessing the Finnish households natural resource consumption, (Kotakorpi, Lähteenoja et al. 2008), for the transport systems (Saari, Lettenmeier et al. 2007) and communication networks (Federico, Musmeci et al. 2001) analysis and for evaluating the material intensity of food in Germany (Ritthoff, Kaiser et al. 2009) and Finland (Kauppinen, Lähteenoja et al. 2008). 20 Chapter 2. Food Systems and Sustainability “Nutrition” is one of the most material demanding areas of need, accounting for approximately 20% of the total natural resource consumption of the German economy (Rithoff, Kaiser et al. 2009). The ongoing increase of the world population entails huge challenges for all countries’ agro-food systems. Agriculture has to satisfy growing food requirements both in quantitative and qualitative terms, but the on hand natural resource stock is quickly depleting. Moreover, food production and energy production from biomass are competing for land (Pimentel and Pimentel 2008, Hahlbrock 2009). Therefore, the topics of nutrition and sustainability have been gaining more and more attention in the political agenda of many governments and international institutions. This chapter intends to provide an understanding on the functioning of agro-food systems, focusing on the main economic features at global level. It concentrates on the interpretation of food systems as networks provided by Kinsey (2005) and on the analysis of the power market concentration along the different segments of the supply chain. The Italian context is also explored, through a brief overview of the economic traits of the sector. Finally, the chapter takes into consideration some relevant issues regarding food systems and sustainability, and the future challenges they are going to face, i.e. the food demand growth, the environmental degradation and the food security problems. 2.1 The global food sector: economic features and emerging issues Il the last fifty years the global food system underwent a great transformation. The technological progress (especially in the field of chemistry and mechanization) and the market globalization have lead to the predominance of few corporations covering high rates of the global market. Complexity and concentration of the market power are thus two the main features of the globalized agro-food systems. An increased complexity of relationships and interlocked activities characterize the modern food systems. Kinsey (2003) proposed a web representation for illustrating the manifold dynamics between the different stakeholders involved in the food systems. The traditional linear chain representations are instead inadequate to describe the new food economies. Furthermore, the focus shifts from the producers to the consumer, which is set at the centre of the system (fig. 2.1). The radiant vectors from the centre represent a set of task or activities connected with food: 1. Adding value to raw commodities (cleaning, packaging, cooking) 2. Aggregating and storing products for future sale 3. Monitoring of product safety and quality 21 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Waste management, environmental preservation and recycling Managing and training labour Technology adaptation Collecting, interpreting transmitting and analyzing information about consumer/costumer demand Basic science and technology Providing financing and credit Overseeing and facilitating the integrity of the market, the welfare of producers, workers and consumers Growing crops and raising animals Transporting product from one point to another The various stakeholders are the letters positioned in the vector corresponding to the activity that they perform: consumers (C), retail food companies (R), foodservice companies (FS), wholesalers (W), manufacturers (M), ingredient manufacturers (I), first stage handlers (H), farmers (F), seed and feed companies (S), government agencies (G), the media (TV), universities (U), scientific laboratories (L), banks (B), and commodity exchanges and stock market (X). Consumer, e.g., can perform many of the activities connected with food: they transport it, add value cooking and preparing it, store it, monitor its quality, handle the waste, manage their own labour, adopt technologies and even grown their own food. Also other actors can be involved in more activities, while some stakeholders have more specific functions (e.g. banks). Actors staying in more vectors demonstrate a high level of vertical integration, while the lines connecting the different actions show the strategic alliances, agreements, merges and cooperation. The more crowded is the web, the higher is the integration level of the food system. The vertical integration can lead to a major efficiency of the systems and to approach the scale economies. On the other hands, Sodano (2004) outlines that an excessive integration can bring anti-competitive effects and a concentration of the economic and strategic power. The food policy would instead maintain equilibrium between the dynamic of market and the execution of public functions connected with food, i.e. the access to food and the environmental and health protection. Fig. 2.1 Food production and distribution networks Source: Kinsey 2003 22 Sodano (2004) analysis of agro-food systems propose the following features characterizing the actual food demand and supply: 1. a radical difference in the food connotation and meaning between developed countries (where food consumption responds also to secondary needs i.e. conviviality, hedonism and of social status) and developing countries (where food is strictly linked with nutritional requirements); 2. the geographical distribution of food supply and demand, in which rich countries have high rates of self sufficiency and poor countries are more dependent by importations; 3. the increasing market power asymmetry between the various steps of the food chain and the value added distribution between the different actors; 4. the role of international organization like WTO (World Trade Organization) in the global market regulation and its pressure towards the markets’ liberalization. The introduction of intellectual property rights (IPRs) on seeds, that is actually interesting the 67% of the total seed market, and the increasing relevance of the life science industry (i.e. groups that traditionally worked separately in the fields of chemistry, pharmacy and seed, jointed in the bio-engineering sector) are further distinctive features of actual agro-food system (Dalle Mulle and Ruppanner 2010, Howard 2009, Lang and Heasman 2004, Shiva 2001). Concerning the second point of the previous list, fig. 2.2 illustrates the market asymmetry between the different steps of the value chain, revealing a high level of market concentration in the agricultural input production, in the food processors and traders and in the retailer. Instead, farmer activity is highly competitive and fragmented. Fig. 2.2 Agricultural food business chain Source: McIntyre, Herren at al., 2009 Concerning the sector of seed production, the process of market concentration started in the Nineties, when a series of big merges interested the agro-industry. Fig. 2.3 shows that the top ten companies (table 2.1) gained 50% of the total market power since 1985 to 2008. The success of hybrid crops in the Seventies, the discovery of genetic engineering and the combination of interests between agrochemistry and pharmaceutics were the main development steps of this sectors (Humphrey 2006). In particular, the biotechnologies “brought companies like Du Pont, ICI, Elf-Aquitaine, Monsanto, Rohm and Haas, and Unilever into the seed business. These companies sought to exploit the complementarities between seed and other inputs (e.g., through seeds tolerant to specific herbicides) brought about by the advent of biotechnology” (Srinivasan, 2003: p. 521). The market of pesticides is even more concentrated (fig. 2.4), with the top ten companies having 82% of the total market power (table 2.2). Four of these companies (Syngenta, Bayer, Monsanto and DuPont) are also in the top ten of the seed 23 producers, demonstrating the merges of activities occurred with the development of the life science industry. Fig. 2.3 Evolution of market concentration in the global seed industry Source: Dalle Mulle and Ruppanner et al., 2010 Table 2.1 Top 10 corporations' market share of the global seed market Market share (%) Total market power of top ten companies of which: 50 Monsanto (USA 35 DuPont (USA) 22 Syngenta (Switzerland) 13 Groupe Limagrain (France) 8 Land O'Lakes (USA) 7 KWS AG (Germany) 5 Bayer Crop Science (Germany) 4 Sakata (Japan) 3 DLF-Trifolium (Denmark) 2 Takii (Japan) Others 2 50 Source: Dalle Mulle and Ruppanner et al., 2010 24 Fig. 2.4 Evolution of market concentration in the global pesticides industry (1996-2008) Source: Dalle Mulle and Ruppanner et al., 2010 Table 2.2 Top ten corporations’ market share of the global pesticides market Market share (%) Total market power of top ten companies of which: 82 Syngenta (Switzerland) 18 Bayer (Germany) 17 BASF (Germany) 9 Dow AgroSciences (USA) 9 Monsanto (USA) 10 DuPont (USA) 5 Makhteshim Agan (Israel) 4 Nufarm (Australia) 4 Sumitomo Chemical (Japan) 4 Arysta Lifescience (Japan) Others 2 18 Source: Dalle Mulle and Ruppanner et al., 2010 The sector of food processing is less concentrated than the agro-industry, with the first ten companies covering the 28% of the market power (table 2.3). Moreover, the concentration rate did not increase in the last eight years (Sodano 2004). One explanation is that the manufacturing industry is not near to the customers and they adapt more slowly to the consumers requirements and preference changes. However, US market present a much higher level of concentration with respect to European countries. The power of supermarkets and retailing chains is instead drastically increasing. In the latest years the top ten retail corporations (fig. 2.5) have more then doubled their share of the global food retail market (Dalle Mulle and Ruppanner 2010). The share of retailing through supermarkets has risen in the last decade especially in developing countries, where the urbanization is significantly enlarging the supermarkets’ costumer base, influencing the food habits and preferences all over the world (Burch & Lawrence 2007). 25 Oliver De Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food outlined that this concentration of market power can have a negative impact on the supply chain (De Schutter, 2009), threatening the market competition, reducing wages and working standard condition of food industry workers and imposing their own prices to suppliers. “Due to deeply unequal bargaining positions of food producers and consumers on the on hand, and buyers and retailers on the other hand, the latter can continue to pay relatively low prices for crops even when the prices increase on regional or international markets, and they can continue charge high prices to consumers even though prices fall on these markets…” (Ibidem: p.5). The negative effects of the increasing “corporization” within the global food system on consumers and farmers are illustrated in fig. 2.7. During the twenty years 1980-2000, the prices of foodstuffs at retailing have increased till more than 300%. The corresponding farm gate price is instead decreased from 50 to 80%. Table 2.3 Top ten corporations’ market share of the global food processing market Market share (%) Total market power of top ten companies of which: 28 Nestlé (Switzerland) 26 PepsiCo Incl. (USA) 12 Kraft Foods (USA) 12 The Coca-Cola Company (USA) 9 Unilever (The Netherlands) 6 Tyson Foods (USA) 8 Cargill (USA) 7 Mars (USA) 7 Archer Daniels Midland Company (USA) 7 Danone (France) Others 6 72 Source: Dalle Mulle and Ruppanner et al., 2010 Fig. 2.5 Top global food retailers Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2008 26 Fig. 2.6 Supermarket share of retail food sales Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2008 Fig. 2.7 Percentage price changes of key commodities Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2008 The last segment of food chain is the food service. Together with retailers, this sector has the major growth potential. The urbanization and the spreading of “modern” life styles are creating a growing demand for this sector. Economic development and women employment out of the household will instead increase the demand of services connected with food. The catering sector is traditionally fragmented and the 27 capability of meeting consumers’ requirements will probably modify the competitive framework of the food systems. 2.2 A focus on Italian Agro-Food Sector This section focuses on the Italian agro-food sector, providing a general outlook on the main economic features and trends of the supply and demand of food. Agricultural sector and its relationship with other food chain segments have a special emphasis. Agriculture and food industry constitute 1.6% and 1.7% of the Italian GDP (table 2.4). In the five-year period 2004-2009 the primary sector lost annually 3% of its value added, while food industry demonstrated a positive trend (average variation of 1%) in spite of the economic crisis that involved the industrial sector and the GDP decrease between 2008 and 2009 (fig. 2.8). Table 2.4 Value added trend of Italian agro-food sector Variation % Average annual variation % Value Added Million Euro (2009) % GDP 2009/08 2008/07 2004-09 Agriculture 25084 1.6 -11.5 -0.5 -3.0 Food industry 25752 1.7 2.8 1.0 1.0 Industy (other) 256794 16.9 -12.3 -1.2 1.0 GDP 1520870 100 -3.0 1.4 2.5 Source: ISMEA 2010 Fig. 2.8 GDP and Value Added trends, index 2003-2004=100 Source: ISMEA 2010 In Italy there are 1726130 agricultural holdings, and the farmers represent the 80% of the total operators in the food chain (without considering the food and beverages manufacturers, which lack of data) but the value added gained by this segment is only 45% (also in this case, without considering manufacturers) (table 2.5). 28 Table 2.5 Numbers of operators and value added generated along the value chain (unit) Food, beverage & tobacco manufact. Food, beverage & tobacco wholesale Specialize d food retailers Nonspecialize d food retailers Restauran ts, bars, canteens, catering 1726130 n.a. 34969 115674 57127 224376 2158276 80 - 2 5 3 10 100 25948 n.a 5916 4308 9587 11944 57703 45 - 10 7 17 21 100 Agric. holdings Numbers of operators % Value added % Total Source: EUROSTAT, 2008 The evolution of employed in the primary sector has a negative trend, with a drastic reduction between 2008 and 2009, that is instead much slightly in the whole economy and in the food industry (fig. 2.9). Also the labour productivity has decreased in the last years in all the economic sectors. However, the absolute value added per labour unit is significantly minor in the agriculture, (22000 euro versus 46300 of food industry) demonstrating a standing gap between the primary and secondary sector in terms of income generated (table 2.6). Fig. 2.9 Number of employed, trend - Index average 2003-2004=100 Source: ISMEA, 2010 Table 2.6 Labour productivity of food sector: value added per labour unit 2009 (1000 Euro) Agriculture Food industry Manufacturing industry Other industry Total economy 22.0 46.3 41.0 45.5 44.4 Variation % 2009/08 2008/07 -1.3 3.1 3.3 -3.0 -8.1 -3.6 -7.6 -2.2 -2.9 -0.8 Average annual variation % 2004-09 1.6 0.8 -0.5 -0.2 0.0 Source: ISMEA 2010 Concerning the main outputs of agro-food sector and the rate of self-sufficiency, in spite of a high consumption of cereals’ by-products, Italian production covers only 79.1% of the cereals’ need. Also national production of milk, bovines, pigs and sheep is not sufficient, while the poultry exceeds with a rate of 109.6%. 29 Table 2.7 Output of food chain: main agricultural and food products generated, and selfsufficiency (2006) Cereals Production (1000 tonnes) Self-sufficiency rate (%) Fresh veg. 20207 13495 79.1 - Milk Bovines 11787 Pigs Sheep Poultry 1111 1556 59 628 57.0 66.4 40.7 109.6 Source: EUROSTAT, 2008 2.2.1 The Italian Agriculture With respect to the European agricultural land use, Italian utilization is much more oriented towards permanent crops (18% vs. 6%) (table 2.8). Groves account the 22% of the whole value added from agricultural production, demonstrating certain relevance in the sector economy (table 2.9). The main products from groves are wine grapes, olives, oranges, peaches nectarines, apples which are in the top ten of Italian production (table 2.10). The biggest share of the GDP comes from livestock (32.6%), and herbaceous crops (30.4%). Between them, cereals have a primary relevance, investing the biggest surfaces (wheat, maize, barley, rice, oats) (table 7). All the productions had a negative variation in the latest five years, as shown in fig. 2.10. A peculiarity of Italian holding framework is the fragmentation of the land property. The average utilized agricultural area per holding is instead 7.4 ha, vs. 11.9 of the EU-27 (table 5; fig. 4). Table 2.8 Utilized agricultural area (UAA), 2005 Utilized agricultural area (1000 ha) Total Arable Permanent land pasture Italy share (%) EU-27 share (%) 12 708 171996 7040 55.40 104717 60.88 3347 26.34 55984 32.55 Permanent crops 2286 17.99 10872 6.32 Other 35 0.28 423 0.25 Average UAA per holding (ha) 7.4 11.9 19.0 Source: EUROSTAT, 2008 Table 2.9 GDP trend Productions Herbaceus crops Groves Annual fodders Livestock farms Related services activities Agricultural production Million Euros (2007) Share on the total % 13860 30.4 10183 22.3 1674 3.7 14868 32.6 5009 11.0 45594 100 Source: ISMEA, 2010 30 Table 2.10 Italian top crops, ranking by area invested and output, 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Crops Durum wheat Olive Maize Wine grapes Soft wheat Barley Rice Oats Area invested (1000 ha) 1439 1161 1053 711.7 661.2 344.7 228.1 154.5 Soya Sunflower 130.3 126.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Crops Maize Tomatoes Wine grapes Durum wheat Sugar beat Olive Soft wheat Oranges Peaches+ nectarines Apples Production (1000 tonnes) 9846 6718 6178 4015 3804 3384 3257 2671 2486 2259 Source: ISTAT, 2008 Fig. 2.10 Trend of agricultural production, Index average 2003-2004= 100 Source: ISMEA, 2010 Fig. 2.11 Average Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) per holding by country, 2007 Source: EUROSTAT, 2010 The fragmentation is evident also in economic terms; fig. 2.12 shows that the number of Italian farms (1679000) is much higher than the German (370000), French (527000) and Spanish ones (1043000). Moreover, economically small farms (from 1 to 16 ESU) constitute the 66% of the total value and the share of very small farms (less than 1 ESU) is also significant (17.6% vs. 5.9%, 6.8% and 9.9% of Germany, France and Spain). As a consequence, the average Standard Gross Margin (SGM) (18 ESU in 2007) is below the average of EU-27 (20 ESU) and almost three times lower than the 31 French (58) and German farms (54) (EUROSTAT, 2010). The small farm dimension often implies a familiar management of the enterprise and the recourse to familiar labour force, that instead in particularly high in the Italian agriculture (table 2.11). Fig. 2.12 Holdings by economic size of the holding 2007 Source: EUROSTAT, 2010 Table 2.11 Farm labour force (family/no family)*, 2007 IT EU-27 Persons regularly employed (1000 persons) 2727 16 379 Labour Force (1 000 AWU**) 1216 8 985 Family labour force (% AWU) 82.9 75.5 Non family labour force (% AWU) 17.1 24.5 Source: EUROSTAT, 2010 *Of holdings with at least1 ESU **Annual Work Unit Italy is the third country contributing to the total value of the EU-27 agricultural industry output, after France and Germany (table 2.12). This share has decreased in the period 2000-2009 and also the agricultural income had a negative trend in between 2008 and 2009, losing 20.6% of the Indicator A calculated by EUROSTAT, i.e. the real net value added at factor cost (factor income). It is calculated by subtracting the consumption of fixed capital from gross value added at basic prices and adding the value of (other) subsidies fewer taxes on production. One explanation of the worsening of agricultural income stands on the increasing gap between input costs and prices of food and agricultural products (see fig. 2.14 and table 2.13). In spite of an increasing trend of both the indexes during the period 2004-2008, and a falling in 2009 correspondently with the global financial crises, the difference between costs and prices has enlarged. In fact, the average annual variation of pesticides, fertilizers, fuels, fodders and salary are positive, and the average annual rise in the cost of agricultural input is 4%. Instead, the average annual variation of prices is 1.5% and during the period 2008-2009 some products showed very negative results, e.g. cereals, -34% and wine, -21.5%. 32 Table 2.12 Output value at producer prices of the agricultural industry EU-27 France Germany Italy Spain Million Euros 2000 2005 295331 308681 56607 56149 39203 38946 40996 42170 32693 35407 2009 329390 61 236 42 923 42 466 37087 % of EU-27 2000 2009 100 100 19.2 18.6 13.3 13.0 13.9 12.9 11.1 11.3 Source: EUROSTAT, 2010 Fig. 2.13 Agricultural income (Indicator A) in the EU % 2009/2008 Source: EUROSTAT, 2010 Fig. 2.14 Agricultural prices and costs, Italy (index 2000=100) Source: ISMEA, 2010 33 Table 2.13 Prices and costs in Italian agriculture PRICES Agr. products Average 2009 Variation 2009/08 (%) 103.2 -1.0 2.1 109.9 128.1 -34.0 -13.4 5.5 0.9 97.6 -12.1 0.1 108.1 -14.5 -0.9 122.0 10.9 -0.8 266.0 12.5 13.2 87.0 -21.5 -2.5 117.5 -16.0 1.9 100.7 -6.1 1.2 108.9 -11.6 1.5 Animals and eggs Cereals Fresh fruit Milk and dairy products Olive oil Vegetables and potatoes Tobacco Wine Agricultural crops Livestock productions Total Average annual variation (%) COSTS Agr. products Average 2009 Variation 2009/08 (%) 118.7 0.8 1.9 173 114.8 -5.3 3.2 10.5 3.1 113.7 -7.1 4.1 Livestock 101.5 16.6 -2.0 Fodders 119.4 -10.5 3.5 106.3 1.9 -0.9 136.2 3.6 3.7 132.9 -0.2 4.4 118.6 -6.0 2.9 128.7 -1.8 4.0 Seed Fertilizers Pesticides Fuels Miscellaneous expenditures Salaries Agricultural crops Livestock productions Total Average annual variation (%) Source: ISMEA, 2010 Organic farming interests 8.4% of the Italian UAA and 52800 producers, 2.6% of the total holdings. It has a fair diffusion with respect to the other European countries (Germany, Spain and France) and the EU-25 (table 2.14). Citrus, orchards and olives are the crops with the highest share of organic area (table 2.15) while sheep and goat is the livestock form with highest organic heads (7.2%) and farms (3.5%) (table 2.16). Fig. 2.15 ranks the European countries for the use of fertilizers and plant protection products. Italian agriculture shows to be quite intensive in the use of inputs, especially in the use of pesticides, employing almost 4 kg of active ingredient per hectare. Table 2.14 Organic farming Producers (1000) 2000 EU-25 IT DE FR ES 52.80 12.74 8.99 13.39 Organic crop area 1000 ha % of all holdings (2005) 2005 157.77 44.86 17.02 11.40 15.26 2000 1.6 2.6 4.4 2.0 1.4 1040.4 546.0 369.9 380.9 2005 6165.3 1069.5 807.4 505.5 807.6 % of total UAA 2005 4.0 8.4 4.7 2.0 3.2 Average organic area/holding (ha) 2005 39.1 23.8 47.4 48.3 52.9 Source: EUROSTAT, 2010 34 Table 2.15 Italian organic areas per crop, 2007 Total Italy (hectares) 167147 Share of the total arable land (%) 4.3 Vegetables 10061 4.3 Grape vine 23834 3.1 Olive 88391 8.7 Citrus 13529 11.9 Orchards 26170 6.5 Meadows and pastures 171291 5.0 Other crops 198067 2.1 UAA organic 698491 5.5 35212 0.3 Cereals UAA in conversion Source: ISTAT, 2008 Table 2.16 Organic farms and heads of cattle, 2007 (ISTAT) Bovine and buffalo Sheep and goat Pigs Poultry units % on total units % on total units Farms Heads 4187 174891 2.8 2.7 3175 556320 3.5 7.2 1375 100666 % on total 1.4 1.1 units % on total 1091 1.4 331446 0.2 Source: ISTAT, 2008 Fig. 2.15 Fertilizers and plant protection products’ consumption in EU countries (kg of active ingredient per hectare of utilized agricultural area) Source: EUROSTAT, 2010 35 2.2.2 Food industry and distribution Italian food industry is one of the main pillars in Italian economy. In spite of the economic crises that involved many sectors of world economy, food industry has maintained constant values of production in the years 2008-2009 (fig. 2.16). It counts 6350 industrial firms and 378000 operators. In 2009 the production was 120 billion of euro, 12% of the entire manufacturing industrial sector. The balance between export and import is positive, with 4.28 billions of euro (Federalimentare 2010). Meat processing industry (including beef, cold cuts and poultry) has the major share of the total turnover of food industry, milk and dairy products, wine and beer, sugar and sweets follow (fig. 2.17). Water and non alcoholic beverages include also soft drinks, fruit juices and coffee; cereal by products include rice and pasta industry. Fig. 2.16 Gross Operating Margin (GOM) trend in agricultural, industrial firms and food industries Source: ISMEA, 2010 Fig. 2.17 Food industry turnover by subsector, 2009 Source: ISTAT, 2008 According to ISMEA elaborations, the distribution phase has the major weight in the value chain, gaining 67% of the agricultural products’ value and 46% in processed foodstuffs (fig. 2.18). Food industry has 16%, while the agricultural sector has only the 14% in the processed foodstuffs and 20% in the agricultural products. The low capacity of agriculture in retaining the value added is visible considering also the trends of prices at consumption and prices paid to farmers (fig. 2.19). This gap has being increasing in the five years 2004-2009, due to the growing distribution margins, production costs for agriculture and the increasing demand of foodstuffs from abroad (ISMEA, 2008). Concerning the distribution channels, in the latest years 36 supermarkets, hypermarkets and discounts have increased their turnover, mainly at the expense of traditional retailers (table 2.17). Fig. 2.18 Food and agricultural products value chain, 2006 Source: ISMEA, 2010 Fig. 2.19 Trend of agricultural products and foodstuffs at consumption prices (index 2000=100) Source: ISMEA, 2010 Table 2.17 Distribution channels Average Annual Variation 2004-09 Traditional retail Super and hypermarket Free services Discount Others Total purchase channels Variation 2009/08 -5.1% -8.3% 1.9% 1.0% -3.3% 9.2% 7.8% 10.1% -3.2% -7.5% 0.8% 0.5% Source: ISMEA, 2010 2.2.3 Foreign trade and domestic food expenditure The trading balance of agro-food sector is negative (-13.3%) and the food exportations in 2009 had a value of 24410 millions Euros (table 2.18). Considering separately the two sectors of agriculture and food industry, a relevant difference emerges between the two balances: -35.6% agriculture and -5.8% food industry. However, the average annual variation in the five years 2004-2009 is positive in the both sectors. Wine, pasta, olive oil and tomatoes are the first foodstuffs exported by Italian agro-food system (table 2.19). Germany, France, United Kingdom and United 37 States are the main countries of destination, while the importations come overall from Germany, France, Netherlands and Spain (fig. 2.20). Table 2.18 Trade balance of agro-food sector Millions of euro 2009 Variation % 2009/’08 Average Annual Variation % 2004-‘09 4523 19887 24410 318299 -15.5 -4.9 -7.0 -21.2 4.5 6.0 5.7 4.1 9532 22357 31888 321788 -12.3 -8.2 -9.5 -22.3 2.0 4.1 3.4 4.3 Exportation Agriculture Food industry Agro-food sector Whole economy Importation Agriculture Food industry Agro-food sector Whole economy Balance Agriculture Food industry Agro-food sector Whole economy Millions of euro -5009 -2469 -7478 -3490 % -35,6 -5.8 -13.3 -0.5 Source: ISMEA, 2010 Table 2.19 Top twenty exported foodstuffs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Foodstuff Red and rosé wine VQPRD3 Pasta Olive oil (virgin and extra-virgin) Tomato sauce and peeled tomatoes Biscuits and pastry Sweet products based on cocoa White wine no VQPRD Red and rosé wine no VQPRD Roasted coffee, by-products and surr. Hard cheese Other foods Brandy and liquors Other prepared pork meat Apples White wine VQPRD Other olive oil Bakery Table grapes Fruit juices Milled rice Value (2006) millions of Euros 1007.5 920.7 914.3 873.3 708.3 634.5 632.6 560.4 540.8 534.7 483.2 471.7 454.8 447.9 440.0 409.0 401.0 397.2 360.1 353.4 Share (%) 4.49 4.11 4.08 3.90 3.16 2.83 2.82 2.50 2.41 2.39 2.16 2.10 2.03 2.00 1.96 1.82 1.79 1.77 1.61 1.58 3 VQPRD: High quality wine produced in located areas 38 Source: ISMEA, 2010 Fig. 2.20 Main countries of export destination and import origin for the Italian food sector (share % of value) Source: ISMEA, 2010 The domestic expenditure for food has increased 10.5% in the latest five years of data gathering (ISMEA 2010) while food prices has increased 12%. In the same period of time, cereals, olive oil, wine and cattle had had a negative variation in the amounts purchased, while the amount of purchased eggs, milk and dairy products, fish and non-alcoholic beverages has risen. Concerning the food habits of Italian consumers, meat occupies the first three positions in the basket of foodstuffs, in terms of value (table 2.10). Table 2.21 shows the Penetration Index4 of the most common foodstuffs in Italian diet. For each food group are showed the three foodstuffs with the highest PI value. 4 Penetration Index measures the spreading of consumption: how many consumers over 100 consumed that product at least one time in the considering period (1 year) 39 Table 2.20 Food consumption of Italian households – value 2009 (ISMEA) Food division Incidence (%) Swine meat 9.1 Bovine meat 7.1 Cold cuts 7.0 Fresh fruit 6.3 Fresh vegetables 5.8 Milk 4.7 Bread 4.7 Fish 4.2 Biscuits and sweets 3.5 Cheese with origin denomination 3.4 Total first ten foodstuffs 55.8 Source: ISMEA, 2010 Table 2.21 Penetration index of the three most common foodstuffs for each food division Fruit % P.I. Dairy products %PI Apple 83.9 Milk 86.3 Banana 82.2 Yogurt 85.5 Orange 75.6 Ricotta cheese 76.3 Vegetables Meat & eggs Tomato 85.7 Eggs 90.5 Lettuce 83.3 Beef meat 86.8 Zucchini 72.5 Poultry meat 84.6 Cereals’ by-products Fish Pasta 98.9 Canned tuna 90.1 Biscuits for break. 94.8 Freeze sticks 37.0 Dry pasta with eggs 86.7 Anchovies 25.0 Wine White normal wine Red normal wine High quality red wine Oils and fats 52.4 Extra-virgin oil 72.4 46 Varius seeds oil 34.8 Sunflower oil 34.2 38.2 Source: ISMEA, 2005 In conclusion, the Italian agro-food system is a relevant sector of the national economy and much more resilient to the 2008-2009 economic crisis than the economy as a whole. However, a huge gap exits between the food industry and distribution and agriculture. Data on this sector showed a strong inequality between the profitability of farming activity and other value chain phases and a declining production capacity in the last years. The concentration of power market upstream and downstream the agricultural activity emerged as one of the causes for the crisis of this sector. In spite of being one of the first producer and exporter for a number of foodstuffs and agricultural products, Italian agriculture showed a relevant gap with respect to other competitors like Germany, France and Spain, in terms of income and growth potential. 40 2.3 Food systems and sustainable development This section illustrates some of the major issues concerning the food systems and the sustainability. It takes into consideration the main challenges they are going to face, i.e. the increasing demand of food, the increasing competition with no-food production, the depletion of natural resources, the environmental degradation, and the food security. The descriptive analysis has a global perspective and focus on the dynamics between developed and developing countries. 2.3.1 World food demand and supply The world demand for food will increase substantially in the next decades, due to the demographic growth that will lead the population to 9.2 billion of people by 2050 (Nellemann, MacDevette et al. 2009). The biggest share of this increase will interests developing countries (fig. 2.21), and the expected growing incomes in this area will lead to a major meat and animal proteins’ intake. As income increases, food consumption shifts from maize and coarse grains to wheat and rice. Further growths drive towards a higher intake of meat, fruits, vegetables, milk, dairy products as well as more processed food (McIntyre, Herren at al. 2009). Increased consumption in livestock products will make necessary a surge in the cereals production for animal feed. Other economic and social factors, e.g. the gains in purchasing power of food, the growing urbanization, the changes in women’s role, the growing international trade, the influence exerted by the food industry and the increasing globalization of tastes will drive towards a nutritional transformation with the changes in commodity composition shown in table 2.22: an increase of the total amount of food consumed by 2050, a drastic growth in the intake of cereals (for all use, while cereals as food will diminish), meat, milk, dairy products and other food; a slight increase of sugar, roots and tuber, pulses, vegetable oils. The changes in food demand to 2050 are supposed to have relevant implications on health. From the one hand, the dietary diversification will improve the nourishment of poor population. On the other hand, obesity rate and non-communicable diseases (further exacerbated because of obesity) are expected to increase (Ibidem). 41 Fig. 2.21 Human population growth in developed and developing countries UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2008 Table 2.22 Changes in commodity composition of food in kg/person/year WORLD Cereals, food Cereals, all uses Roots and tubers Sugar (raw sugar equiv.) Pulses, dry Vegetable oils, oil seeds and products (oil equiv.) Meat (carcass weight) Milk and dairy, excl. butter (fresh milk equiv.) Other food (Kcal/person/day) Total food (kcal/person/day) 1969/71 148.7 302.8 83.7 22.4 7.6 1979/81 160.1 325 73.4 23.4 6.5 1989/91 171 329.3 64.5 23.3 6.2 1999/01 165.4 308.7 69.4 23.6 5.9 2030 165 331 75 26 6 2050 162 339 75 27 6 6.8 26.1 8.3 29.5 10.3 33 12 37.4 16 47 17 52 75.3 216 2411 76.5 224 2549 76.9 241 2704 78.3 289 2789 92 325 3040 100 340 3130 Source: McIntyre, Herren at al. 2009 After a century of decline, food prices have had a growing trend in the last ten years, with a dramatic surge in 2008 (fig. 2.22). After the peak of July 2008, prices slightly lessened, but the actual levels (October 2010) are still above the 2000 and 2004 ones. In general, the food price have been characterized by a high volatility and the recent surges have driven 110 million people into poverty and added 44 million more to the undernourishment (Nellemann, MacDevette et al. 2009). According to the UNEP report (Ibidem), the key causes of the food crisis are “a combined effect of speculation in food stocks, extreme weather events, low cereals stocks, growth in biofuels competing for cropland and high oil prices” (p.6). However, notwithstanding the contingent food crisis, is clear that the global food system capacity of supply a growing demand will be a crucial issue for the future world development, and agriculture (the sector that directly manage the natural resources) will afford huge challenges. 42 Fig. 2.22 Trend of Food Price Indices5 Source: our elaboration, FAO data The knowledge and technological progress in agriculture brought to undeniable positive results in terms of food supply capacity. The advances in biotechnologies, the fertilization, irrigation and mechanization techniques, the microfinance, the policy incentives and the education and communication programs have contributed to the economic growth in developed countries and to the improvement of livelihood condition, although many deficiencies remain. The gains in food production (fig. 2.23) are mainly due to the increase of cropland and rangeland areas (15%), the augmented yield per unit area (78%) and the greater cropping intensity (FAO 2003). Thus, the employment of fertilizers, pesticides and the extension of irrigated lands are the main causes of this boost, while the improvement in agricultural efficiency had a little consideration. Moreover, the diminishing returns of fertilizers application registered in the last decades (fig. 2.24) and the progressive natural resource degradation will probably make the application of further input doses less effective in increasing yields (Tilman, Cassman et al. 2002). In spite of a considerable expansion of the global supply, the food security is still an emergency and far from being solved. The percentage of undernourished people halved in the last five decades (from 26% to 13%) but the number of undernourished people had only a slightly decrease (from 878 millions in 1970 to 848 millions in 2006), as result of the population growth (fig. 2.25). It stands to reason that increase the food supply is not enough for solving starvation and malnutrition, but also access to food, distribution mechanisms, stability of supply, affordability, quality and safety of food have a big role. Moreover, a broad range of socio-economic and environmental factors can have a strong influence on the livelihood conditions of farmers and impoverished people. 5 Meat Price Index: consists of 3 poultry meat product quotations, 4 bovine meat product quotations, 2 pig meat product quotations, 1 ovine meat product quotations; Dairy Price Index: consists of butter, SMP, WMP, cheese, casein price quotations; Cereals Price Index: this index is compiled using the grains and rice price indices weighted by their average trade share for 2002-‐2004. The Grain Price Index consists of International Grains Council (IGC) wheat price index, itself average of 9 different wheat price quotations, and 1 maize export quotation; the Rice Price Index consists of 3 components containing average prices of 16 rice quotations; Oil and Fat Price Index: consists of an average of 11 different oils; Sugar Price Index: index form of the International Sugar Agreement prices Food Price Index: Consists of the average of 6 commodity group price indices mentioned above; in total 55 commodity quotations considered by FAO as representing the international prices of the food commodities 43 Fig. 2.23 Agricultural production and inputs employment - Trend 1960-2005 Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2008 Fig. 2.24 Trend in Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency of crop production calculated as annual cereal production/annual global application of N Source: Tilman, Cassman et al., 2002 44 Fig. 2.25 Undernourishment trend Source: Our elaboration, FAO data 2.3.2 Loss of cropland and environmental degradation The availability of cropland is a further critical issue for a future sustainable development of global agro-food systems. The agricultural use of land is traditionally competing with the urban development and the industrial utilization. In the recent years, the competition for land has extended to the alternative agricultural production patterns (food and no-food), as well as to the production of energy through infrastructures. The emerging occurrence of the land grabbing that is interesting many developing countries, i.e. the drastic increase in land acquisitions by foreign investors (Cotula, Vermeulen et al. 2009, GRAIN 2008, Longhitano 2010) is a clear signal of the growing competition for land. According to the recent FAO projections additional 120 million of hectares are needed to satisfy the growing demand of food (McIntyre, Herren at al. 2009). Moreover, also the requirements of energy, fibres and urbanized land are going to increase, contemporaneously with the population growth. The potential for expanding arable land varies between the world areas. In Asia, nearly 95% of the cropland is already utilized, while the potential availability in Africa is higher, but constrained by environmental, social and political factors (FAO, 2003). The conversion of rain forest into agricultural land is causing a severe deforestation in some countries, especially the ones producing sugar cane (Brazil, India, China), soybean (USA Brasil, Argentina), palm oil (Indonesia and Malaysia) and meat (USA, Brazil and China). Especially in developing and the emerging countries the huge increase of the demand for this commodities (used for animal feed, biofuels’ production or for nutrition) has made the land use change particularly convenient from an economic point of view: the area covered by oil palms has doubled in Indonesia in the past decade, and in Latin America cattle ranches are expanding rapidly, accounting for an estimated 70% of deforestation in Brazil in 2007 (Malhi, Roberts et al. et al. 2008). The destruction of rain forests has several negative impacts: loss of biodiversity, threatening of indigenous community livelihoods, lack of ecosystems services and acceleration of the climate change which will produce negative feedback loops at the expense of the agricultural productivity (McIntyre, Herren at al. 2009). The demand of renewable energies is boosting the production of biofuels (biodiesel and ethanol) that are becoming the first competitors of food production. The main producers of ethanol are US, Brazil and China; the biodiesel is instead produced mainly in Europe (Germany, France and Italy) (Fig. 2.26). The foreseen expansion of these productions will lead to the occupation of 2% of the total arable land by 2050 (Ibidem, p. 38) and, together with other factors, to the rise of food prices between 45 20% and 50% by 2016 (OECD/FAO 2008). The major profitability in producing energy instead of food could represent an opportunity for improving farmer revenues, but at the same time many concerns for the food security in developing countries are rising. Between the production of no food products cotton is also expected to increase to an additional 2% of cropland area, and together with biofuels they could get to an occupation of 13% by 2050 (McIntyre, Herren at al. 2009). Fig. 2.26 Biofuels production in 2005 Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal The loss of cropland is also caused by the soil degradation and the unsustainable land use practices. Is estimated that every year 20000-50000 km2 of land is lost due to degradation, chiefly soil erosion (Ibidem). The long-term result of land degradation is also a decrease in crop yields. Agricultural activity contributes significantly to the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), both directly (through the agricultural soil and livestock activity) and indirectly (through the fossil fuels use, the production of agrochemicals, and the conversion of land to agricultural use) The whole contribute of agriculture to the total human-induced GHG emissions is estimated in a range between 17 and 32% (Bellarby et al. 2008). Table 2.23 illustrates the different sources and the contribution of each agricultural activity. Table 2.23 Sources of direct and indirect agriculture greenhouse gases Sources of agriculture GHG Nitrous oxide from soils Methane from cattle enteric fermentation Biomass burning Rice production Manure Fertiliser production Irrigation Farm machinery (seeding, tilling, spraying, harvest) Pesticide production Land conversion to agriculture Million tonnes CO2-eq 2128 1792 672 616 413 410 369 158 72 5900 Source: Bellarby et al. 2008 46 Climate change will probably affect the food production in different ways: through the change of weather conditions, which could turn favourably in some areas; the frequency of extreme events e.g. flood, drought and storms and the frequency of infestation and pests caused also by alien species. In general, a more severe impact is foreseen in Africa and Western Asia, thus affecting the agricultural production in the most food insecure areas. In the developed countries, agriculture could take advantage of the climate change if the policy will recognise and foster its carbon sequestration potential, encouraging the most suitable farming practices. Water is a crucial resource for the agricultural production, and probably one of the most limiting factors for the food production. Agriculture uses nearly 70% of the total water consumption and the productivity of irrigated lands is 2-3 times higher than the rainfed croplands (McIntyre, Herren at al. 2009). The water demand for food production will double by 2050 (fig. 2.27) as well as the water withdrawals (De Fraiture, Cai et al. 2003). According to WHO (World Health Organization) the water scarcity will affect over 1.8 billion of people by 2025 (WHO 2007). The climate change and in particular the melting glaciers due to the planet warming could dramatically affect the agricultural production, especially in that areas where snow and glacial mass are the primary sources for water irrigation. Central Asia and all the regions depending by Himalayan rivers are especially threatened (UNEP 2007). Fig. 2.27 Water requirement for food production Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2008 A further issue concerning the sustainability of agriculture is the environmental degradation and the impact on biodiversity. The intensive agricultural practices cause water eutrophication, the genetic erosion and in general the degradation of the ecosystems, which are the basis of food production. Maintaining a high level of biodiversity and the fully functionality of the ecosystems is beneficial also for agricultural productivity. Also in this case, the role of agriculture can be two-fold: it could contribute to deteriorate the natural endowment, through intensive farming practices and a rapid withdrawal of the resources or could turn to low-impact, ecoefficient and conservative practices that allow preserving the ecosystems and improving the quality of the environment. Some farming practices, e.g. agroforestry, agroecology and intercropping have already proved to be productive and beneficial for the ecosystems. They should be fostered and more research should focus on combining the goals of productivity and environmental sustainability into the same strategy. 47 One peculiar treat of the global agro-food systems consists in the dimension of farms. Globally, about 525 millions of farms exist and 90% of these are defined as “small farms”, i.e. have less than two hectares of land (Nagayets 2005). They occupy 60% of the arable land and contribute substantially to the world food production, even if the sector is predominantly oriented towards the subsistence. 95% of the small farms are in Asia and Africa, while in North America and Latin America and Caribbean the average farm size is the highest (table 2.24). These rural communities are the poorest in the world6 and the most endangered by environmental degradation. Small farmers are also more susceptible to market prices fluctuation, and have no bargaining power with retailers, especially with supermarket chains that are hugely spreading in the developing countries (see paragraph 2.2). Moreover, the supermarkets often require stringent safety and quality standards that are not feasible for small farmers. The small farm size characterizes also the Italian agriculture (see section 2.2) and is always been considered as an obstacle to the rural development and one of the causes of the gap existing between farmers’ incomes and the ones from other economic activities. At the same time, small-scale farms are often more efficient and productive in terms of output per unit of land and energy employed (McIntyre, Herren at al. 2009). Moreover, the subsistence economies prevent from the risk of market prices fluctuations and often they can count upon resilience mechanisms, more than industrialized and market oriented farms. Table 2.24 Approximate farm sizes by world region World region Africa Asia Latin America and Carribean Western Europe North America Average farm size, ha 1.6 1.6 67.0 27.0 121.0 Source: Nagayets 2005 The last issues touched by this chapter are the supply stability and the access to food, further factor influencing the food security. In fact, there are many elements influencing the food security, besides the production. They regard also social, economic and political contexts that characterize a geographic area. E.g., the presence of conflicts contributes substantially to the food insecurity. Prices fluctuations, periodical shortages and adverse weather condition can menace the food supply stability, as happened in 2008 during the recent food crisis. The financial speculation on raw materials and the fluctuation of oil prizes destabilize the food prices; this variability discourage farmers investments and bring governments to limit exportation in order to ensure a domestic food supply and the selfsufficiency for the main commodities. This trend creates a global instability in the international markets with a buying-panic behave that in turn worsens the price increase. Developing countries are more vulnerable to the price fluctuations and empowerment of food self-sufficiency is a common strategy adopted for improving the food security. Moreover, the self-sufficiency can have a strategic relevance in the geo-political equilibrium. 6 As they are mainly subsistence farms, the monetary outcome of these economies is negligible. However, the benefit of subsistence economies, in which farms are mostly oriented on self-‐ consumption, should be evaluated using non-‐monetary indicators, assessing the general wellbeing, risk exposure, social inclusion and livelihood conditions. The Sustainable Livelihood Approach developed by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) has started spreading the concept that focusing on five assets – human, physical, natural, financial and social – is a proper approach for a wider understanding of poor people’s livelihood (more information at: http://www.poverty-‐ 48 The accessibility to food is often preventing food security. The huge increase of supermarket retailing channels due to the urbanization trend in the developing countries can improve the access to food for urban population, but at the same time, the lack of infrastructures can make reaching the retailing centres very difficult, especially for the communities that live far from the city. The distance to urban areas can constrain the access to food especially in Central Asia, Africa, Australia and Latin America. Furthermore, the access to food can be prevented also by insufficient purchasing power of the households. 49 Chapter 3. The Agri-Food Systems Paradigms The assessment of agri-food systems’ environmental sustainability takes into account three paradigms of food production and consumption. This chapter provide a description of these models and a final drawing of the corresponding food chains. The first paradigm is the dominant agri-food system, i.e. the most spread in Italy and in the Western countries. The description has a sociologic perspective, and identifies the main treats of the food production and consumption, as well as its weaknesses, that have facilitated the transition towards the Alternative Food Networks (AFN). The second section is instead committed to identify the common features of the AFNs, and to provide an overview of the most meaningful initiatives. Between them, two Italian experiences of AFN are taken into consideration: the GAS (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale), i.e. solidarity purchasing groups and UPM (Un Punto Macrobiotico), an international association that has arranged an entire food chain, controlling all the phases of food production and consumption, from the farming till the food service. While the first two paradigm descriptions are based on the exiting literature, the third one (UPM) has so far been scarcely studied and information has been acquired mainly through direct observation and interviews to members of the international UPM secretary. 3.1 The dominant agri-food system: general features and actual trends The dominant agri-food system paradigm is the result of the political project of agricultural modernization and development advanced by the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) during the last 30-40 years (Van der Ploeg 2004). This modernization project, motivated by a basic food sufficiency necessity due to post war shortages, was strongly supported through subsidies and prices interventions and brought to a substantial enhance of the EU agriculture’s productivity. The main technological innovations introduced during the first phase of CAP are the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the mechanization and irrigation systems, the genetically improved seed varieties and the intensification of animal production practices. The resulting agricultural mode is highly specialized, capital intensive, large-scaled and market-oriented. Scrinis (2007) describes the turn of a chemical-industrial paradigm into a geneticcorporate one, occurred in the last two decades (Scrinis 2007). In this paradigm, the agri-food corporations, upstream and downstream the agricultural production, have strongly reinforced their ownership and control of the food systems. According to Scrinis, “corporization” i.e. corporate integration “is one of the defining economic and structural characteristic of the contemporary agri-food system”. The concentration process 50 and the merging between companies stimulated an oligopolistic and globally integrated market of seeds, chemical inputs, primary processing, manufacturing and food retailing. The farmers’ market power and distribution’s margins are squeezed between the up and downstream supply chain’s stakeholders, thus between increasing costs and decreasing prices (see chapter two). The genetic engineering is a further treat of this agricultural model, which underpins on monocultural, highly specialized crops and aims at producing undifferentiated, highly standardized, cheap and durable foodstuffs. This agricultural scheme is functional and necessary for the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops that have been selected and are spread in many countries (especially in soy, corn, cotton and canola). These varieties can reduce the administration of chemical inputs in some cases, through the genetically induced resistance to plant pests. At the same time, they exacerbate the dependence of farmers on agri-food corporations, producing sterile and patented seed, which often must be combined with specific agri-industrial inputs produced by the same companies. The relationships between farmers and agro-industries are increasingly ruled by contracts and leasing arrangements. Contract farming has changed the farmers’ attitude towards production and risk, weakening their decision-making power, since they may be guided to follow specific agricultural practices, becoming “growers” instead of farmers (Hendrickson and Heffernan 2002). The dominant agri-food paradigm is dominated by a deep trust on technology that allows gaining efficiency improvements and therefore turning food production into more sustainable patterns. The “precision farming” technique, using information technologies such as GPS-guided machinery for the application of fertilizers, is an explanatory example of this trend. The last technological innovation in agriculture and food industry is the application of nanotechnology both in farming, processing and packaging phase of the food chain (Scrinis and Lyons 2010). The processing phase of agro-industrial food chain has evolved towards the provision of convenience and highly processed food to the detriment of unprocessed whole food. As the ingredients constituting the food are often no recognisable by the consumer, the agricultural raw materials are interchangeable and replaceable, thus increasing competition between farmers (Scrinis 2007). Together with the production of standardized, globalized and low quality food a channel of “high-quality” production has been emerging in the last years. The food scares due to animal and human diseases (BSE, swain flue, etc.) and the emerging concerns on the health effects of food have stimulated a new channel of food products. It embraces high-quality and typical productions but also healthy and functional food, claimed for their properties of protecting against some disease, or for being beneficial for human well-being. The dominant form of food retailing is the supermarket, which has developed in national and transnational chains at the expense of small food retailers. Supermarkets have become powerful institutions since they intermediate between farmers and consumers. Their relevant market share and the use of contracts allow gaining favourable conditions for the purchasing of agricultural products. The manufacturing firms are charged for the grant of shelf-spaces, since they are competing for a better visibility, and the development of supermarket’s brand products’ lines has expanded the distribution margin within the value chain (Blythman 2005). The trend of centralization of the food supply in big supermarkets and shopping centres, often located out-of-town or at the periphery, engendered the so-called “food deserts” (Cummins and Macintyre 2006). This concept refers to the lack access to healthy food in the urban neighbourhoods, due to supermarkets moving towards city outskirts for logistic reasons. It has relevant social and medical rebounds, given that the oodles of fast-food and snacks shops in the neighbourhood and the necessity 51 of car trips for purchasing fresh, healthy and cheap food favour malnutrition, obesity and other diseases especially in the socially and economically disadvantaged population (Pothukuchi and Kaufman 1999). The main trends in consumption patterns regards the growing demand for convenience and more processed food. The availability of out-of-season fruits and vegetables have also shaped the food preferences, as well as the provision of exotic and ethnic food. The globalized and industrialized food chains have lead to a standardization of food supply and to a homologation of tastes. Many authors outlined that consumers are disconnected to the food environmental, social and economic origins (Renting and Wiskerke 2010). The hypermodern food geography doesn’t permit an exchange between production and consumption side and the food is undifferentiated, with no territorial, geographic or cultural reference. Together with this market of cheap, low-quality and standardized food a reacting interest for traditional, high-quality and territorially defined food has emerged in recent times, as well as a growing demand for organic and fair traded products. On the base of this description, a simplified value chain has been considered for the assessment of the material intensity. Fig. 3.1 shows the phases considered and the actors involved. Fig. 3.1 Simplified food chain scheme of the dominat agro-food system (Paradigm 1) Agricultural inputs produc0on Inputs' providers and distributors Agricultural produc0on Farmers Distribu0on Wholesalers Farmers' coopera7ves Other intermediates Retailing Department stores Retail dealers Food purchasing and consump0on Consumers Source: author elaboration 3.2 The transition towards Alternative Food Network In the last couple of decades dissatisfaction towards the modern food system has started to manifest in many different ways. The criticisms towards the industrial and globalized food systems involve very different aspects and are claimed by many stakeholders of the food systems. From the production hand, the small and mediumscale farmers, whose incomes are squeezed between the market power of agroindustrial corporate and distribution chains, have demonstrated an increasing dissatisfaction. A smaller portion of farmers has been carrying forward more radical instances, claiming the role of peasant and traditional agriculture against the trend of standardization and trivialization of food due to the globalization. Some of these farmer movements have been part of the anti-globalization criticism, i.e. the antiWTO and anti-McDonald’s campaigns, other focus on the anti-GM food. Within the farmers’ movements “Via Campesina”, founded in 1992, has gained a relevant weight, involving members from 69 countries in the world. Its critic to agro- 52 industrial food systems is not limited to the margin distribution issue but advocates the role of small farmers for a more sustainable agriculture and a healthier nutrition. The proposed alternative model is underpinned over the principles of social justice, gender and ethnic equality, economic equity and environmental sustainability (Desmarais 2002). The critics to World Trade Organization and market based agricultural policies have led to formulate the concept of “food sovereignty”, i.e. “the right of peoples, communities, and countries to define their own agricultural, labour, fishing, food and land policies which are ecologically, socially, economically and culturally appropriate to their unique circumstances. It includes the true right to food and to produce food, which means that all people have the right to safe, nutritious and culturally appropriate food and to food-producing resources and the ability to sustain themselves and their societies.” ( The “Slow Food” international movement is an additional example of the criticism that has being rising towards the modern food paradigm. Founded in 1986 by Carlo Petrini (, it aims at promoting the “good, clean and fair” food, through the promotion and preserve of traditional cousin against the increasing food homologation of global food systems. The concept of “slowness”, in opposition with the “fast food model”, focus on food as a mean of promoting environment and biodivesity, health, a better lifestyle and a fairer economy. The movement has expanded internationally to over 100.000 members in 132 countries and is very active in the field of education and information spreading. From the consumption hand, the health concerns underpin the arising of criticism and mistrust toward industrial food systems. The outbreak of animal and human diseases linked to intensive breeding techniques (BSE, swine flu, avian flu, etc…), the environmental damages and the landscape erosion contributed to a drastic deteriorization of the public image of agriculture and to a growing demand for sustainable food systems. The dissatisfaction with the dominant model of food production and consumption led to the creation and development of numerous grassroots initiatives, aiming at constructing alternative agri-food models. According to Scrinis (2007) they include the types of initiatives related to the production practices (e.g. organic agriculture, free-range animal breeding, fair traded products); the ones that seek alternative relationships and networks of distribution (e.g. the short chain initiatives, box schemes, farmer markets and Community Supported Agriculture); and finally the alternative consumption practices, involving a different perception and valuation of food quality, the rediscovery of traditional food culture and the “decommodification” of food practices (e.g. the choice of unprocessed food, or ethical refusal of certain food due to environmental, animal welfare or socioeconomic reasons). In the heterogenic ensemble of the alternative food movements, the Alternative Food Networks (AFN) present a special interest for their capability of constructing a different agri-food systems. Many scholars have been studying these grassroots initiatives, seeking common and characterizing traits, which allow conceptualizing AFN and defining the boundaries between them and other kind of food systems or movements. Indeed, the distinction between “conventional” and “alternative” can be very fleeting (Sonnino and Marsden 2006). The short chains and re-localization strategies advanced by conventional producers and farmers’ union, as well as the trend of revaluing local productions, often with a defensive attitude are examples of cases that can not be ascribed into the AFN, because lack the political will to change the actual system and to put in practice the principles of equity, solidarity and sustainability. Quality, thus the emphasis on the production of salutary, local, tasty food in opposition to the low-cost, standardized and convenience food from the industrial systems is also a failing feature for differentiating AFN. The concept of quality in fact 53 is not unquestioning and competing definitions of quality reflect different farming systems, traditions, geographical contexts, consumer perceptions, etc. (Renting, Marsden et al. 2003). AFN requires an active role of the civil society, committed to social, economic and environmental justice principles and directly involved in promoting and advancing these initiatives (Feenstra 2002). The governance mode shifts from being state and market centred to civil society and local institutions as main actors of the agri-food system (Renting and Wiskerke 2010). “Urban food strategies”, “food charters”, urban agriculture and “food planning” policies have been emerging in many big city in Europe (London, Amsterdam) and United States (San Francisco, New York) demonstrating the new central role of sustainable agri-food systems in the planning agenda (Morgan 2009). Many authors contend detected the concepts of post-productivism and embeddedness (Winter 2003a; Winter 2003b; Watts, Ilbery et al. 2005; Sonnino and Marsden 2006; Renting and Wiskerke 2010; Rossi and Brunori 2010) as peculiar and distinguish features of AFN. The previous refers to the rupture with the modernization paradigm, while the latter point at the territorial integration of the production and consumption cycles. A further common trait is the wider dimension of food, that embodies new meanings and values (Winter 2004; Brunori, Guidi 2007) while Whatmore et al. (2003) identify the following three common elements as distinctive of AFN (Whatmore, Stassart et al. 2003): • • • a fair distribution of the value along the value chain; a new relationship based on trust between producers and consumers new association forms of political association and market governance. 3.3 GAS (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale) A peculiar Italian experience of AFN is the Solidarity Purchasing Groups (GAS), spontaneously originated by consumers for the direct purchasing of food and no food products. The elimination of the intermediary subjects in the chain and the extraction of a better price are not the only motivations spurring on these initiatives. A profound sense of dissatisfaction with conventional food system, a critique towards the consumption models and the globalized economy and the will of putting in practice a political idea, through the construction of an alternative solution are at the base of GAS creation (Saroldi 2005). The principles of ecological sustainability and social equity are pursued through the acquisition of organic, local and in season food and ecological or natural no food products. They also aim at assuring a fair price to the farmers, at local level, through the direct negotiation with producer, and also to developing countries, recurring to fair trade for some products (i.e. bananas and ethnic food). The groups manage autonomously and are based on participatory democracy principles. The participation to the group initiatives is at the base of the GAS working. The relationships between groups’ members and between them and producers are at the base of the “solidal” attribute defining this initiative (Ragusa 2010). The national network coordination ( nowadays counts more than 600 groups. The members communicate through mailing list, Internet websites and periodical meetings. The exchange of opinions, the spread of information and the organization of other kind of initiatives for making people aware about sustainability and social equity issues is also part of the GAS activity. Rossi and Brunori outlined that the participation to GAS initiatives bring to a change in consumers and producers attitudes (Brunori, Guidi et al. 2007a; Rossi and Brunori 2010). The farmers are especially pushed to diversify the productions, to turn to organic (this is usually a precondition for joining to a GAS), to face the risk with new partnership, to develop relational abilities and involve consumers into the crop planning and management decisions (Lamine 2005). Concerning the consumers, they 54 are called to change their purchasing and eating habits, since their purchases are constrained by seasonality. Moreover, the food can be more perishable, less processed and have different organoleptic and aesthetical features than the food bought at the supermarket. On the other hand, the perceived benefits for GAS consumers concern the following aspects: • • • the realization of a short chain, that ensure a better remuneration of the farmers and a revitalization of local rural economy; an easier access to fresh and organic food, a minor environmental impact due to the food miles falling and more ecological agricultural practices; the personal, trust-based and transparent interaction with farmers, that can in some cases substitute the formal certification of production. Regarding the agricultural producers the compliance to GAS can represent an alternative source of income, more rarely it substitutes the conventional marketing channels (Gaggiotti 2008/2009). The turn to organic practices is usually the main obstacle to the adhesion. The great spread of GAS occurred in the latest years (+58% between 2006 an 2008 in the Marche Region, according to Gaggiotti, national trend is similar) is leading scholars to question about the upscaling process and the linked danger of “conventionalization” of GAS. Rossi and Brunori (2010) outline that the price convenience is attracting more and more costumers, probably more interested in the economic issue than in the real meaning of GAS experience. The growing of the groups and of the managed merchandise may also transform the organizational mode, requiring some brokers or additional sources of provision, beyond the local territory. A further risk consists in the homologation and trivialization of this experience, that can may be merged with the numerous initiatives of food relocalization and encompassed in the “new rhetoric of short chain” (Rossi and Brunori, 2010:1922). The concept of sustainability promoted and practiced by GAS, indeed, go far beyond the reduction of food miles and is not simply an economic strategy for consumer and producer. The initiative is strongly based on the willing of experience a different form of economy (GAS are in fact usually involved in the Regional Networks of Ethical and Solidal Economy, REES) and put in practice a meaningful concept of sustainability, starting from the food provision. The Fig. 3.2 illustrates the GAS value chain for a generic agricultural products, used for the MIPS calculation in this study. Fig. 3.2 Simplified food chain scheme of the GAS agro-food system (Paradigm 2) Agricultural input produc0on Inputs' providers and distributors Agricultural produc0on Mainly local organic farmers Distribu0on GAS members Food purchasing and consump0on Consumers (GAS members) Source: author elaboration 55 3.4 UPM (Un Punto Macrobiotico) The Japanese thinker George Ohsawa (Nyoiti Sakurazawa) is commonly recognized as the founder of the Macrobiotics philosophy, which generally refers to a life-style and dietary regimen based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of the Unique Principle (or Yin and Yang principle), according to which two opposite and complementary forces dominate the Universe. In general, this philosophy is very much centred on nutrition, food and healthy life styles as the key for a salubrious and long life. Also food can be classified according to the Yin and Yang dichotomy, thus the macrobiotic meals must be balanced in the composition of the ingredients, which are organic and mostly unprocessed. The macrobiotic diet is characterized by a prevalence of cereals, vegetables and legumes, poor in fats and animal origin proteins, has a high proportion of wholefoods and a high fibres content. Over the years in each Country Ohsawa’s scholars developed and actualized the Macrobiotic vision in slightly different ways, most of which non faithful to the founding father thought. In Italy the Macrobiotic basic theory and practice, as taught by George Ohsawa, was deepen and developed in an original way by Mario Pianesi. He founded in 1980, in the Italian Marche Region, the International Association “Un Punto Macrobiotico” (UPM), currently the largest macrobiotic reality in the world. UPM is a non profit association whose aim is “to diffuse, free form religious, political, social and cultural discrimination, an healthier and more balanced nutrition and a culture of respect and love for the Air, Water, Earth, Vegetables and all the living beings” (AAVV 2010). UPM is an original experience that can be encompassed in the category of Alternative Food Networks. Mario Pianesi has put into practice and spread the macrobiotic philosophy (Ma-Pi Macrobiotics) through the creation of a whole organic food chain completely verified and organized by the UPM association itself. The diets created and proposed by Mario Pianesi are based on foods produced and processed without employing chemical and synthesis products and directly supplied by local farmers. They are committed to follow the prescription of the Ma-Pi polyculture, a peculiar farming practice based on intercropping and seed autoreproduction. The food is distributed by the same UPM, through three firms called “La Salvia”, spread in the Italian territory. Food is finally retailed in UPM shops/restaurants, where is cooked, according to the macrobiotic nutritional principles. The whole UPM business underpins on the management of one international secretariat, seventy-two shops, sixty-three restaurants, three whole sale dealers, nine traditional bakeries, six food laboratories, two publishing houses, a hostel, a university canteen, an international law study centre in the Italian territory. UPM is very active in promoting the benefit of Ma-Pi diets and, in general, a healthy nutrition. It organizes annual conferences on the themes of food, health and sustainable development; have collaborative relationships with many foreign countries, especially in North Africa, Latin America and Asia. UPM has activated in fact a series of scientific collaborations with several Italian and foreign Institutions focusing on specific projects7. Mario Pianesi was appointed as a member of the UNESCO Scientific Committee on education for Sustainable Development. 7 “El Manar” Univesity (Tunisia); “La Sapienza University” of Rome (Institute of Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Communication Sciences); “Tokaj” University of Tokyo (Department of Economics); Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing (China); Beijing Ethnic and Tibetan Hospital (China); CNI-‐UNESCO; Cuban Ministry of Health and Finlay Institute; Egyptian Academy for Sciences and Technology; Embassy of Ivory Coast in Italy; Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Italy; European Parliament; FAO; Germplasm Institute of Bari (Italy); Italian State Police; Latin American School of Medical Science (Cuba); Medical University of Crimea – 56 The food purchased by the UPM centres (both in the restaurants and in the food shops) is provided by farmers who are committed to respect a certain farming practices, known internationally as the Ma-Pi Policulture, a natural and conservative farming practice, that has the following main features (Perrino 2008; Figini 2008/2009): • • • • • • • • Use of auto-reproduced seeds (through programs of ancient plan varieties’ recovery) and choice of autochthon, well adapted plant varieties; Intercropping and presence of trees, hedges and brushes in the field, in order to favour a high biodiversity in the farm; Crop rotations and green manure for maintaining the natural soil fertility; Exclusion of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other chemical input; Manual or mechanical elimination of weeds; Superficial soil cultivation only if necessary; Irrigation only if strictly necessary; Crops residuals from harvesting are left in the ground. The associated farms operate under the idea of producing a balanced farm ecosystem, based on organic and permacultural principles, with the aim of producing the highest quality food in a sustainable way. UPM establishes direct relationship with the farmers, that engage in converting their farm into a polycoltural organic system, in promoting on-farm biodiversity, fertility and self sufficiency in open pollinated self reproduced seeds. The use of autochthonous and ancient plant varieties makes the crops less vulnerable to the adverse environmental conditions. When a farm converts to the Ma-Pi system it slowly introduces over the years rows of fruit, nut and shelter trees in separate rows into the farms paddocks, starting a transition toward a complete Ma-Pi polycultural model. Just like in modern organic systems the establishment of shelterbelts are of prime importance in order to reduce the chance of spray drift from neighbouring conventional farms. In between the rows of diverse food and shelter trees are grown cereal and vegetable crops on a rotational basis. Cover crops are also included in this rotation and provide the main source of fertility. The Ma-Pi organic polyculture is also designed to be ecologically stable, and prevent biodiversity loss, erosion and desertification. The high level of biodiversity gained during the years of conversion provides resilience and robustness to the agroecosystems, which will improve the reaction capacity to the environmental shocks. The entire system aims at being self-sufficient and minimizing external inputs, in order to have benefits at environmental and economic level, through the minimization of the costs. The diversification of the outputs obtained through the polycoltural system allows supplying a wide variety of vegetables, legumes and cereals to the nearest UPM restaurant. The aim of the UPM system is to make each centre self-sufficient and supplied by the nearest farms. Thus, the up-scaling Simferopol; Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine); Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (Ivory Coast); Ministry of Agriculture, Equatorial Guinea; Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Tunisia; Ministry of Environment and Territorial Management, Republic of Tunisia; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ivory Coast; Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, Ivory Coast; Ministry of Health, Autonomous Republic of Crimea; Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Thailand; Ministry of Interior Affairs – Health General Direction Department of Public Safety, Mongolian Academy of Sciences; National Institute of Nutrition, Cuba; National Rice Authority; Natural Sciences Society, Tunisia, Palestine Academy for Science and Technology, Senate of the Italian Republic; UNCCD; University of Florence (Faculty of Architecture). 57 perspective would multiply the number of centres and the number of farmers, instead of enlarging the existent centres. UPM has its own processing and distribution factories, under the brand name “La Salvia”. They encompass three processing and distribution centres: one in the North Italy (Milan province), one in central Italy, (Marche region) and one in Sicily. La Salvia controls the raw materials production, the processing phase and the distribution of fresh and packed food to the UPM shops. It doesn’t require a formal certification for the organic agricultural production, but primarily aims at building a relationship based on mutual trust and support for the benefit of both parties. However, this relationship of trust is also backed by scrutiny through regular farm reports, yearly soil tests, onsite visits and random unannounced farm visits and chemical analysis of soil and crops. When farmers experience production difficulties due to natural forces outside of their control - like drought or overwhelming pest infestation - La Salvia is willing to still pay some money of compensation for helping the farm business to survive; in return, the farmers must be seriously committed to carry out the Ma-Pi Polyculture. The La Salvia quality control also provide agronomical assistance and support to the farmers through providing advice and holding specific courses, conferences and congresses aimed at helping inform their farmers of how to best to implement the Pianesi organic polyculture. The farmers’ selection is based on an ethical evaluation and an ecological assessment of the farm, through chemical analysis of the products and of the soil. The farmers are committed to also to respect ethical principles in the labour employment and periodical controls and chemical analysis for monitoring the quality and naturality of the products. The prices are established by a contract, preserving the farmers by markets’ fluctuations. UPM has developed its own labelling system, the so called “Pianesian Transparent Label” that includes a number of information regarding the origin of the product i.e. the place of cultivation, the crop variety, the amount harvested, the crop management (fertilization, weeds management, pest control, irrigation, etc…) as well as the number of passages between producer and consumer, that allows a complete traceability of the chain (fig. 3.3). The majority of UPM shops have a catering service that allows the customers to eat and/or purchase their food at the same time. These centres are normally located in residential areas with high housing density (that is common in Italy, even in small towns) in order to be close to the consumers. The management of UPM centres is similar to a franchising chain: every UPM associated centre has to supply the same products at the same prices with the restaurants using the same recipes for their meals at an agreed price throughout Italy. Each one is regarded as a small association in its own right but has to run Ma-Pi macrobiotic cooking courses and other relevant Ma-Pi macrobiotic events throughout a year. The price policy for macrobiotic food is inspired to the principle of “providing the organic highest quality at the lowest price”. Concerning the consumption attitude and the ideological principles that aim the UPM members, the environmental preservation, the refuse of consumerism, overnutrition and all kind of excesses are the basis of Ma-Pi macrobiotic life-style, plainly alternative to the modern society routine and habits. The UPM activity is very much centred in educating people to a natural and chaste life-style (i.e the restaurants’ costumers are warned to not use mobiles and to not waste food) promoting also activities like social dinners, cooking courses, organized countryside trips, etc. A low technology employment is encouraged and promoted (e.g. UPM does not have a web site). The members of this association assert that the dietary regimen proposed (Ma-Pi diets) can not just forestall but also treat a number of diseases, included diabetes. In this sense the Ma-Pi Macrobiotics can be defined as an alternative therapy of the mainstream medicine’s theories and although it has not yet been studied a lot. Nevertheless, some evidences on the benefits provided by these diets have been 58 emerging in the latest times, especially for the treatment of diabetes (Bhumisawasdi and Vanna, 2006; Porrata Maury, Ladin et al. 2007, Wang Bin, 2010) for preventing cancers (Rossini, 2003) and in general for promoting healthy conditions (Porrata Maury, Triana et al. 2008). The intense debate on the Ma-Pi Macrobiotic health benefits is nevertheless out of the scope of this work, which focus in particular on the the agri-food system created by this association and on the ecological productivity of UPM system. The model of food chain considered in this study for the UPM model is shown in fig. 3.4. Fig. 3.3 The Pianesian trasparent label Source: UPM Fig. 3.4 Simplified food chain scheme of the UPM agro-food system (Paradigm 3) Agricultural produc0on Mainly local farmers Distribu0on UPM (La Salvia) Food purchasing and consump0on Household consumers UPM restaurants' consumers Source: author elaboration 59 Chapter 4. Methodology and data gathering The methodology used in this study is based on the analysis of material flows between natural and anthropic system. The conceptual origins of this approach are briefly illustrated in the first section of the chapter. A more detailed description of the indicator used in this study follows. Its potentials and weaknesses, especially in the context of food sustainability evaluation are highlighted. The data capture is deeply explained in order to make the material intensity calculation transparent and verifiable. This section focus first on the analysis of supply chains of the foodstuffs under study, produced through conventional and organic practices. A separate section deals with the products from Ma-Pi polyculture, which required a different calculation approach. Successively, the chapter describes the diets’ composition and the procedure followed for the evaluation of the material intensity of nutrition, according to the three different paradigms. 4.1 The material flow-based approach Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen first pointed out the relevance of matter in the pursuance of the economic processes, stating that not only energy, but also materials, combine to bring about the creation of economic value. Since this statement, a new interest on material flows raised and a certain number of scientists started develop Material Flow Analysis (MFA) (Bringezu and Moriguchi 2002; Bringezu 2003) and MF-based indicators (Spangenberg, Femia et al. 1998) for evaluating the resource use of the economies. Some European research centres have been pioneers in developing these methodologies. Between them, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and the Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) engage in applied research in sustainability and have developed a specific approach to investigate ecological problems in relation with the social and economic spheres. This paragraph is devoted to briefly illustrate the Wuppertal Institute’s vision and the main works related to the material flows, in order to foreshadow and contextualize the methodology used in this thesis. According to Wuppertal Institute’s view, sustainability requires a decoupling between human wellbeing and natural resources use. The idea of “Factor 4” (von Weizsäcker, Lovins et al. 1997) based on the thesis that using resources more efficiently would be possible to halve the resources use while doubling the standard of living, has became a manifesto of Wuppertal Institute approach. Stressing resource efficiency implies monitoring and systematically reducing the material flows passing through the economic systems, thus the use of raw materials (minerals, biomass and energy carriers) in the economic processes (Hinterberger and Seifert 1997; Hinterberger and Schmidt-Bleek 1999). Schmidt-Bleek (2008) added to these considerations the concept of equity between industrialized and developing countries. As the latter should have a right to the economic growth and an improvement of well-being, the reduction of resource use in developed countries 60 should be of a factor of ten, in order to permit the poor countries to increase their resource use. The MFA and the material flow based indicators like MIPS (Material Input per Service Unit) have been implemented for this purpose, i.e. to facilitate the Factor 10 concept application and undertake a pattern of dematerialization. The MFA can be applied at product level (using indicators like MIPS or TMR, Total Material Requirement) for measuring the Ecological Rucksack of goods, i.e. the amount of material resources that have been used for manufacturing, using, disposing a good. Applied at national economy level, MFA provides an overview of the material basis of the economy and, coupled with GDP and other economic indicators, evaluates the growth’s sustainability and the efficiency in resource use. 4.2 MIPS concept MIPS stands for Material Input per Service Unit and estimates the overall environmental pressure caused by products or services by indicating the life-cyclewide consumption of natural resources in relation to the benefit provided. The equation (1) MIPS = MI/S shows that MIPS is the reciprocal of resource productivity. Thus, this indicator tells us how much efficient is a process in terms of “use of nature”. The Material Input (MI) encompasses all matter and energy flows from natural systems to techo-sphere, accounted in mass units. Energy is included through the quantification of the energy carriers in terms of mass (e.g. the mass of fossil fuels per unit of energy produced). The measurement of MIs comprises the backward processes that have been necessary for producing a good/service, with a life-cycle approach. The total mass of material flows that are used for producing a good, is called “Ecological Rucksack”, or “Material Footprint” (Lettenmeier, Rohn et al. 2009). This concept allow visualizing and quantifying the invisible amount of resources that have been necessary for producing, transporting, using, disposing a mass unit of product. Five or six different categories of material inputs are considered (Ritthoff, Rohn et al. 2002): • Abiotic raw materials: non-renewable resources like mineral raw materials, used extraction of raw materials (e.g. ores, sand, gravel, slate, granite); fossil energy carriers (e.g. coal, petroleum oil, petroleum gas); unused extraction (gangue, overburden, i.e. all movements of soil and earth for constructing and maintaining infrastructures like buildings, roads, rail network); soil excavations (e.g. excavation of earth or sediment). • Biotic raw materials: renewable resources from agriculture and silviculture, i.e. plant-based biomass from cultivation (all plants which have been harvested, picked, gathered, or used in other way). It also encompasses animal biomass, which is calculated in units of plant- based inputs that have been necessary to breed it, and biomass from uncultivated areas. • Water (surface, ground and deep ground water) is taken into account when it is actively removed from nature, i.e., by technical means. • Air. All parts of the air that are changed chemically, i.e. mainly the quantity of oxygen combusted that reflect the amount of carbon dioxide formed. • Earth movements in agriculture and silviculture. Plowing, harrowing and other soil movements cause relevant ecological changes and loss of fertility; as the amounts of moved soil are extremely large, this category is often related to the mass flow caused by erosion, which is sometimes calculated in place of earth movements. 61 This categorization is essential because the different material flows have different impact and magnitude. Thus, they cannot be summed together but are essential for having a wide overview on the different impact sources. The reduction of one material flow, instead, can result in the worsening of another category. I.e., a water saving technology can result in higher energy consumption, thus affecting the abiotic resource category. MIPS, instead, overcomes the one-dimensional perspective of many sustainability indicators, i.e. carbon footprint and water footprint, but maintains a handiness in being applied and communicated. Giljum et al. (2010) demonstrated a correlation existing between carbon emissions and material consumption, thus confirming that the material-flow based approach can be assumed as a measure of environmental sustainability, but providing an overall view on the different kinds of impact. For industrial products, abiotic raw materials and water contribute meaningfully to the end result, while in agricultural productions also biotic resource is an significant category. In this study, we calculated all the categories of impact but narrowed the interpretation of the result to the categories of abiotic, biotic, water and air, as no reliable data were available for soil movements and especially erosion. The “Service Unit” (SU) component (S in equation 1) refers to the benefit that is provided using material or immaterial goods. The dimension unit of this part depends on the object under consideration and the specific performance it provides (e.g. person-kilometres for a mean of transport, floor area for buildings). Products that are used just once (e.g. food) have S=1. Relating the material input with the service unit allows comparing different ways for fulfilling a need, or alternative productive techniques for producing something, on the base of their intensity in resource use. Thus, MIPS can be also defined as the “ecological price of a utility” (Schmidt-Bleek 2008) and be easily integrated in the economic analysis. In order to avoid the calculation out of primary data each time, MIPS calculation is often done using average MI factors for materials and other inputs. They are the ratio between the quantity (in mass units) of resources used and the quantity of product obtained. Many MI factors of materials and “modules” (electricity, transport, etc.) have been calculated and are published by Wuppertal Institute (available online: The use of readycalculated MI factor makes MIPS calculation easier, because not every pre-processchain needs to be recalculated by each user. The theoretical basis of MIPS lays in Material Flow Analysis (MFA). The common consideration is that productive processes are extracting resources from nature and transforming them in something suitable (the product) and something unsuitable (emissions, waste, etc.). The quantification of the throughput of process chains and the minimization of these physical exchanges between human society and environment is the aim of MFA (Bringezu and Moriguchi 2002). However, MIPS has an input-oriented approach. Consistently with the matter-energy conservation law it assumes that, as the input and the output side are equivalent in quantitative terms, accounting the input side is enough to have a preliminary estimation of the environmental impact of products and services (Schmidt-Bleek 1994; Bringezu and Moriguchi 2002). On a microeconomic level, MIPS can be applied in a variety of products and services for evaluating eco-innovations and indentifying eco-efficiency improvements along the supply chain (Burger, Giljum et al. 2009). It is also applicable at a macroeconomic level for an evaluation of policies from the environmental point of view (Lettenmeier and Salo 2008). The most controversially discussed aspect of the MIPS concept is probably the link between the mass flow of resources and the environmental impacts caused by it. The traditional approach of environmental policy focused rather on the impact of hazardous substances in the output flows than on the material flow input, 62 considering also the possibility of material recycling and the treatment of waste and emissions. Nevertheless, the importance of input mass flows and the necessity of a reduction of these amounts are evident. The both economic and ecological costs as well as the incompleteness of output treatments and the impossibility of a complete recycling of materials are some common reasons for this approach. Moreover, the specific environmental impact of most substances humans release to nature is even partly known only for a very limited amount of substances. Thus, the amount of materials moved from their original location can be considered a proxi measure for the human use of natural capital potential environmental impact (Hinterberger and Seifert 1997). Advancing sustainability requires the de-linking of well-being from the natural resource use. A drastic dematerialization of the economies and a parallel improving in resource efficiency are the two main strategies through which this goal can be achieved (von Weizsäcker, Lovins et al. 1997; Hinterberger and Schmidt-Bleek 1999; Bringezu 2003; Schmidt-Bleek 2008; Burger, Giljum et al. 2009; Lettenmeier, Rohn et al. 2009). Indicators like MIPS can be used for assessing the natural resource use of products and services and starting dematerialization strategies. Comparing alternatives, scenarios and different ways for obtaining the same output in terms of material requirements allow obtaining useful information for supporting the decision making at policy level, entrepreneurial level or for guiding consumers towards low-impact purchases. 4.3 Material intensity of food The MIPS concept can be applied to a variety of goods and services, included food. In chapter two we briefly treated the economic and social relevance of nutrition, as well as the impact of food production and consumption on the ecosystems. Before going through the MIPS calculation we focus on some peculiarities concerning the application of this methodology the field of nutrition. Unlike many industrial goods, food is consumed in a single act and the established service unit is usually kilograms of materials over kilograms of food. In this case, instead of MIPS, the term “material intensity” can be used. Nevertheless, the SU can also be set as the nutritional value of food (e.g. comparing the material requirement for providing certain amounts of nutrients) or as human food requirement during a period of time. In this survey, we use two different service units. In the first analysis we calculate the material intensity of a range of foodstuffs and agricultural products, along their supply chain. Thus, the SU is one kilogram of food. For each group of food the system boundary, the allocation rules and simplifying hypothesis are illustrated in the section 4.2. The second analysis concerns the evaluation of different diets, provided by the three different food systems described in chapter three. In this case the SU is the amount of food fed by one “average” person (average between woman and man) during one week. In the industrial processes there is always a direct proportionality between MI and the environmental impact. Regarding the agricultural processes, instead, two different trends bias the resulting MI. The mechanization and intensification of agricultural practices normally lead to increase the MI, due to the largest amount of material and energy resources used for the production. At the same time, higher yields (that can be obtained through the intensification of the techniques) decrease the MI, splitting the material requirements over a bigger amount of outputs. The concept of eco-efficiency, applied in agriculture, has to be carefully weighted up and evaluated case by case. Agriculture is the meeting point between natural and anthropic systems. The farming activity is instead much more affected by environmental condition and, on the reverse, farming practices can disturb ecosystems in a very direct way. Effluents control is also much more difficult than in the industrial systems. Finally, a huge variability of environmental conditions makes each productive process unique. Therefore, the agricultural processes are highly site- 63 specific; the linked environmental impact can vary significantly when the geographic context changes, especially in the Italian territory that presents a strong variability of geomorphologic and pedologic conditions. The aim of the MIPS analysis of food is therefore to obtain a rating of the foodstuffs eco-efficiency. The different agricultural production strategies (conventional, organic, Ma-Pi polyculture) as well as the supply chain managements are evaluated on the base of their productivity. Pursuing the eco-efficiency of production processes has a positive feedback also in economic terms because it allows gaining a better resource allocation. On the production side, eco-efficiency entails a cost reduction, since the resources are managed in a more rational way. Moreover, acting upstream through a minimization of resource use, the downstream costs for waste management, pollution treatment and purification are also reduced. Nevertheless, the ecological and economic efficiency can diverge when market prices underestimate the biophysical scarcity of natural resources and overestimate the capacity of the ecosystems as a sink, thus encouraging a wasteful management. Therefore, an integrated evaluation of economic and ecological efficiency of processes can be useful for providing information on the overall performance of products. Using DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) models Kauppinen et al. (2008) studied the sustainability of food consumptions, scoring a set of foodstuffs on the basis of the overall (economic and ecological) efficiency. In this study the material intensity of foodstuffs and their prices are considered as inputs in the DEA model, while the food’s nutritional values are used as output. The results show the efficiency of each foodstuff in providing individuals with a proper amount of nutrients while minimizing the material input and the household expenditure. A similar investigation can be applied on the supply hand for evaluating the overall efficiency of productive processes. One way to obtain general information on agricultural products’ MI consists on using average data from the national territory, regions, or from productive districts. When data refers to a single productive case, all the farming conditions and specificities have to be carefully documented. The comparability of MIPS figures obtained by different studies on foodstuffs and agricultural products is instead bounded. It depends on the system boundaries adopted in each case, as well as in the geographical context. The calculation of MIPS has a modular reasoning. The good under study is examined since the production of intermediary products, with a life-cycle perspective. The “elementary processes are materials (minerals, plastics, metals, construction materials), fuels and transport services for which the five MIPS categories have been calculated by the Wuppertal Institute (see They are used for building up more complex products and calculate MIPS of the final product. In the case of food, the supply side is analyzed through the three steps of vegetal productions, animal production and food processing (Fig. 4.1). Also the agricultural inputs’ production and delivery is encompassed, as well as all the transport phases within the supply chain. This part corresponds to the first analysis of this study. In the second one, we take into consideration also the other steps of the value chain (distribution, purchasing, consumption) comparing different agri-food chain and consumption habits (Fig. 4.2). 64 Fig. 4.1 Framework of the study Source: author elaboration The salient points concerning the material flows of the food chain are briefly resumed above: Agricultural phase: it produces biomass for different purposes: the direct human consumption, the livestock feed, the production of processed food, the manufacturing of other goods (textile), the energy production. The chemicals used as fertilizers, pesticides and for the weeds control constitute relevant sources material flows. The analysis includes the production of these agrochemicals, fuels and other inputs, e.g. seeds and their delivery when they are acquired from the market. Water for irrigation is also accounted, and the energy and material consumptions for post harvesting treatments (e.g. drying, silage, haying). Interesting outcomes can be obtained when comparing organic and conventional productions in terms of material intensity. Higher yields would result with a lower MI. This gain is however counteracted when the high productivity is obtained using huge amounts of inputs (both in terms of material and energy). Cattle breeding: in metabolic terms, animal productions are less efficient than the crops. One kilogram of meat requires, on average, 3 kilograms of grains and 16000 litres of virtual water. (Nellemann, MacDevette at al. 2009). Vegetal biomass and water are the main flows in livestock activity. Electricity, infrastructures (stables, milking installation, feeding plants, etc…) fossil fuels for the maintenance operations are other inputs and depend on the breeding techniques. The impact linked to breeding activity has to be allocated between the different co-products (e.g., meat from a diary farm) following specific allocation rules. Food processing: food undergoing several treatments is normally more resource intensive and unsustainable than the unprocessed one. As any other industrial product, the more processed is the food, the higher MI will result. Water, electricity, fuels, materials for packaging are some of the inputs used in this step. A detailed analysis of the food MI requires the information gathering from the firm and a close collaboration with producers. Food distribution and transports: food can cover very long distances before reaching the table. Sometimes foodstuffs are composed of raw materials coming from different countries of the world and some manufacturing phases can be displaced, due to economic convenience. Consuming habits have been also changing and including exotic foodstuffs and out-of-season fresh vegetables and fruits. MI analysis includes all the transfers of the final products, as well as the intermediate and the production input, considering the mean of transport and the total distance covered. A more detailed insight should consider the energy consumptions of the cold-chains used for perishable and frozen food. 65 Food purchasing and consumption: buying food often requires a car trip and therefore fuel consumption. The industrialization of food sector has reinforced this habit due to the spreading of out-of-town shopping centres that have replaced the small local shops: the frequency of shopping trips and the distance travelled for foodstuffs purchasing, instead, has increased in the last decades (Jones 2002). Food preparation and cooking can entail fuels, electricity and water consumption, and finally the waste management can also be counted. 4.4 Material intensity along the supply chain (Analysis 1) The first analysis focus on measuring the material intensity of agricultural products and foodstuffs produced in Italy. The aim of this part is to provide an eco-efficiency rating of the most common Italian foodstuffs, and to highlight the processes along the life cycle that are more significantly influencing the different impact categories. Fig. 4.2 shows the system boundary of this study in general terms. For each group of food the data sources, the allocation rules and the simplifying hypothesis are explained in a detailed way in the paragraph 4.2. Fig. 4.2 System boundary of analysis 1 Source: author elaboration The main criteria of foodstuffs selection are the following: their relevance on Italian nutrition and economy; the availability of reliable data on the production processes; their role in composing a diet and being functional for the second analysis (staple food rather then drinks and seasonings). The next paragraph illustrates the data sources, the main assumptions and the simplifying hypothesis that are common to all the products under investigation. 4.4.1 Data sources and simplifying hypothesis The calculation of MI can concern a specific product and use primary data, or refer to an “average product” at national level, using different data sources from the literature. In this work the latter approach prevails and the most common conditions of production are taken into account, in order to obtain generalizable results on the Italian foodstuffs. Nevertheless, the data availability prevented this option and in some cases the calculations are based on “single case” products. The main data sources used in this study are: • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies: are very detailed sources of information; they describe the inventories of production and provide information on all the inputs and outputs. In this study pasta, citrus fruits, rice, milk and cheese 66 • • • • used this kind of reports. Many of them are published by ENEA (Italian National Agency or New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development). ENAMA (Nation Agency for Agricultural Mechanization): publishes a report describing the fuels’ consumption of agricultural practices. ISTAT (Italian National Statistic Agency): provides statistics and general information on the food systems; Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting - A compilation guide (2007): an EUROSTAT and European Commission report that provide the methodological standardization of MFA. It provided information on the harvest index of crops, used in MIPS analysis for the calculation of the biotic category. Agricultural handbooks and course books (Bonciarelli, 2001)(Hoepli, 1997): provide a description of agronomic practices and average data on yields. Regarding the common assumptions and simplifying hypothesis for the MIPS calculation: • • • • • • • • Production losses and surpluses along the supply chains (e.g. losses during cereals’ storing) have been neglected (nevertheless they can constitute a relevant share of the total). Infrastructures and agricultural machinery are not part of the analysis. The material flows due to these goods, split for the total amount produced during their life span is supposed to be very close to zero (Ritthoff, Kaiser et al. 2009). The impact of greenhouses is instead included in the analysis because of the shorter life span of these buildings and in order to compare vegetables grown under greenhouses with the open field ones. Irrigation is been considered for some crops (maize and vegetables) in which it is commonly practiced. However, we account only the water volumes and don’t consider the irrigation plants and the electricity consumption for this use. The determination of the impact linked to soil, i.e. the measurement of moved earth in agriculture and silviculture, require the knowledge of the maximum ploughing depth for each crop. These values have been multiplied for the average soil density, in order to obtain mass units of moved soil. Considering the different soil textures, the resulting average density is 1300 kg/m3 (Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001). In this study the interpretation of the erosion category was neglected, due to the lack of data for the different crops. In fact the same estimation of 10 tonnes/ha per year (ISTAT 2003) is used for all the crops. Thus, the resulting values of erosion don’t provide any information on the impact of the used farming practice, but are simply indirectly related with yields (for this reason, organic productions have always higher values of erosion). The harvest factors, which “denotes the share of primary crop harvest of total aboveground plant biomass” (Weisz, Krausmann 2007, pg. 22), are used for calculating the “biotic” category of MI, thus the total amount of harvested biomass per product unit. The analysis includes the transport of input materials for agriculture and all the deliveries along the supply chain. We assumed a truck transport having the MI values reported in table … calculated for Germany. The seed is a material input used in agricultural processes. However, in calculating MI of grains (cereals and dried pulses), this values corresponds to the result of the analysis. We solve this loop-process using, when existing, the MI of German crops. For each crop the selected values of seed are explained in the next paragraphs. The MI factor of electricity refers to the EU energetic mix (Lettenmeier, Rohn et al. 2009) (table 4.1). 67 Table 4.1 Material Intensity of EU energy mix and truck Electrical power, EU Truck Unit Kg/kWh Kg/km*t Abiotic material 1.72 0.218 Biotic material 0 0 Water 32.53 1.91 Air 0.44 0.209 Moved soil 0 0 Source: Lettenmeier, Rohn et al. 2009 The data gathered in the inventory analysis have been processed by the software GaBi 4.3, usually used for LCA analysis. In spite of the standard databases provided by the software we used the database published by the Wuppertal Institute on the MI factors. It contains the material intensity of intermediate products, energy carriers, chemicals and other substances used in the processes. They have been used in a modular way, thus for modelling complex processes since the elementary ones. The appendix 2 shows all the processes as they have been set in GaBi. The agricultural 4.4.2 Vegetal productions The crops under investigation can be branched as showed in fig. 4.3 They are produced for different purposes: • • • direct human consumption (fruit and vegetables; dried pulses, cereals) livestock feeding (hay, fodders and silages; cereals, dried pulses) food processing industry (wheat, for pasta and bakery industry, barley, rice for milling) Fig. 4.3 Vegetal productions under investigation Vegetal productions Cereals (grain) Winter cereals Dried pulses Summer cereals Silages, hay and green fodders Vegetables & fruit Broad beans Lucern Tomatoes Wheat Maize Lupins Clover Zucchini Barley Sorghum Beans Maize Lettuce Oats Puddy rice Peas Sorghum Oranges Rye Barley Triticale Meadow Source: author elaboration Cereals Cereals have a significant relevance in the Italian agri-food economy, both in terms of consumption and for the food industry. They occupy 32% of the Italian cultivable 68 area (fig. 4.4). Between them, durum wheat has the widest invested surface and maize, which is mostly designed for the livestock breeding is the first crop in terms of production (table. 4.2). Durum wheat is used for the production of pasta, which is the second Italian exported foodstuff (after wine) (INEA 2006). Nevertheless the import-export balance is negative, due to the importation of wheat (durum and soft) and barley. Rice is cultivated in the Northern regions of Piemonte and Lombardia, and Italy is the first European producer. Fig. 4.4 Italian arable land use Source: ISTAT, 2000 Table 4.2 Cereals' cultivation in Italy (2009) Area (ha) Total production (t) Durum wheat 1254082 3708681 Maize 916158 8206565 Soft wheat 568273 2943541 Barley Rice (2008) 306782 224196 1058545 1388927 Oats 133853 319988 39902 244027 4033 12312 Sorghum Rye Source: ISTAT, 2009 Winter cereals In the Mediterranean area winter grains are sown in autumn and harvested in the early summer. Wheat is indirectly addressed to human consumption, through the milling industry and the pasta or bakery industry. Barley is partially used for the production of malt or for the preparation of a drink, coffee surrogate; a minor share of barley is directly used for human nutrition, in form of salads or soups; the biggest part is used as grain for cattle breeding, as well as oats, rye and triticale. The average yields of cereals are affected by several factors. Crop rotations, environmental and climatic conditions, soil features, variety choice and fertilization levels are some of them. In calculating the MIs, we considered an average and simplified process whose phases are drawn in fig. 4.5 The data used in the calculations are from the available literature and are reported in table 4.3. 69 Fig. 4.5 Winter cereals system boundary Ploughing! Sowing! Fertilization! Pest treatments and weed control! Storing! Harvesting! Source: author elaboration Table 4.3 – Data on winter cereals cultivation Average yield Seed amount Max. ploughing depth N- fertilizer (Urea) P-fertilizer (triple superphosphate) K-fertilizer (Potassium oxide) Pesticides and herbicides (active ingredient amount) Diesel for field operations Harvest factor Main data sources Unit kg/ha kg/ha Wheat 5678 280 Barley 6000 125 Oats 5000 175 Rye 4000 140 Triticale 6000 200 cm kg/ha 30 180 25 260 25 260 25 130 30 217 kg/ha 63 222 222 222 100 kg/ha 0 250 250 250 75 kg/ha 0.65 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 kg/ha kg/kg 208 1.2 Bevilacqua, Braglia et al. 2007; Bevilacqua, Buttol et al. 2007 Della Corte, Cecchini et al. 2002; 169 1.2 169 1.2 169 1.2 169 1.2 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 The traditional farming practice of winter grains consists of a soil ploughing, with a maximum depth included between 30 cm (wheat and triticale) and 25 cm (barley, rye, oats) (Hoepli 1997, Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001).. The modern farming practices can significantly reduce the ploughing depth, in favour of a minimum tillage or even a direct drilling. These new trends favour the maintenance of the soil fertility and organic matter content and allow saving fuels for deeper field operations. From the other hand, the weeds’ control can be more difficult and the direct drilling requires a radical herbicide intervention before sawing. An in-deep examination could take into consideration these farming practices in order to evaluate the related material flows and more environmental friendly alternative. The MI factors of seed are from the Ritthoff et al. (2009) study on material intensity for German foodstuffs. As no data existed for rye and triticale, we used the same values as for oats. The irrigation is commonly not necessary in the winter cereals’ cultivation, thus is not encompassed in this analysis. Water flows result from the production and spreading of chemicals used in farming. We assumed a rate active ingredient/water of 1000/1, which corresponds to 1 litre of water for each gram of ingredient. The pesticides doses are from ISTAT statistics on the plant protection 70 products’ employment for the crop year 2007/2008 (ISTAT 2009) The diesel consumptions, mostly provided by ENAMA, include all the field operations from ploughing till harvesting and straw heaping. The transports along the cereals life cycle comprise the provision of chemicals, seeds and other inputs for farming. We assumed an average distance of 150 km by truck for this operation. The delivery to milling plant or to storage sites is not allocated in the cereals MI. We instead assumed the storing in the same farm and a natural grain drying, which does not imply relevant material flows. Summer cereals Macrothermal species like rice, maize and sorghum require higher temperatures to complete the vegetative cycle thus are grown within the spring and summer seasons. Maize and sorghum are mostly cultivated for the cattle breeding, in form of grain, silage and also fresh hay. This paragraph illustrates the methodology of MI calculation for maize and sorghum grains and paddy rice. The paragraph deals with the silage and hay and the production of milled and parboiled rice is in the paragraph Maize and sorghum grain Maize and sorghum are similar crops in terms of farming practice and environmental requirements. Sorghum is less water demanding, is more resistant to dryness and suitable for a low-impact production. Maize is usually grown through intensive practices, because yields are very much affected by nutrients administrations and water availability. The analysis refers to the conventional production of irrigated maize (I), and to conventional (C) and organic (O) sorghum grain production, both not irrigated. For all of them we used the MI figures of conventional maize from Ritthoff et al. (2009). The diesel consumptions (ENAMA 2005) include the field operations, as well as the irrigation plant functioning in the case of irrigated crop. Regarding pesticides, we used the same rules as in winter cereals. According to the final destination of the product, grain can undergo different treatments, in the same farm or in specialized plants. In this work we assumed the transport to a storing centre (25 km) and a diesel consumption of 0.0258 for each kilogram of dried grain (ENAMA 2005). Moreover the transport of input materials covers 150 km. Fig. 4.6 shows the system boundary and in table 4.4 are the data and the literature references. Fig. 4.6 Maize and sorghum system boundary Ploughing! Sowing! Fertilization! Irrigation! Storing! Grain drying! Harvesting! Pest treatments and weed control! Source: author elaboration 71 Table 4.4 Data on summer cereals cultivation Unit Average yield (dried) Seed amount Max. ploughing depth N- fertilizer (Urea) P-fertilizer (triple superphosphate) K-fertilizer (Potassium oxide) Pesticides and herbicides (active ingredient amount) Diesel for field operations Harvest factor Main data sources Sorghum C Sorghum O 8680 20 7172 12.5 5379 12.5 7040 200 5000 200 40 45 0 35 35 kg/ha 598 326 0 406 0 kg/ha 222 222 0 83 0 kg/ha 167 166.7 0 270 0 kg/ha 2.4 1.2 0 6.1 0 kg/ha kg/kg 314 1.2 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 182 1.2 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 182 1.2 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 189 1.2 121 1.2 Blengini and Busto, 2009 Mandelli et al. 2005 kg/ha kg/ha cm Maize I, C Rice C Rice O I: irrigated; C: conventional; O: organic Paddy rice Rice cultivation is spread in the Northern provinces of Vercelli, Pavia, Novara and Milan. 90% of the national rice production comes from this area. This crop is strictly dependent by water availability and can be grown using different techniques. The process under study is based on Blengini and Busto (2009) LCA study referring to the rice produced in the Vercelli district. The system boundary (fig. 4.7) includes all the operations up to the harvesting. The drying and processing phases are discussed in the chapter as milled rice production. Also the delivery to manufacturing industry is allocated in the milled rice production. Rice cultivation requires the maintenance of watering canals and bank management, in addition to the ploughing, sowing, fertilizing, plant protection treatments and harvesting. The irrigation system does not require a pumping system because the water flows by gravity in the canals network. The average water volume for irrigation is 19800 m3/ha, according to the literature. The MI figures for seed are from Ritthoff et al. (2009) (values for winter wheat). Regarding pesticides and inputs transport distances, we used the same rules as in winter cereals. The data used in MI calculation are presented in table 4.4. 72 Fig. 4.7 Paddy rice system boundary Water canals maintenance! Ploughing! Fertilization! Irrigation! Harvesting! Pest treatments and weed control! Sowing! Source: author elaboration Organic production of cereals The average yields of organic cereals are assumed to be 25% less than the conventional ones. The considered farming practices fulfil the directions of the Council regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products. The chemical fertilizers are substituted with manure and slurry administration. As they are livestock by-products, their material intensity is null, but the diesel consumption for transport and spreading on the field is considered. The pesticides are avoided and the agronomic techniques such as the crops rotation, the choice of resistant and well-adapted plant varieties are the main strategies for the weed control. The production of organic rice in Italy concerns 12825 ha, that is the 5% of the national rice growing area (Regione Lombardia). In spite of a small farming area, in the recent years the demand for organic rice is definitely increasing as well as the agricultural experimentations on organic and low-impact farming practices. The most challenging aspect of the organic rice growing regards the weed control and the substitution of herbicides with a proper agronomic practice. Conventional farming, instead, is typically chemical intensive, recurs to basin irrigation and is prevalently done in monoculture. In the organic rice production a proper agronomic management must substitute the agrochemicals’ employment. The choice of plant variety, the water regulation, the crops’ rotation, the green manure and the “false sowing”8 practice are the more relevant practices in the organic production. The data on organic rice (table 4.4) are from the LCA study Mandelli, Neri et al (2005) This survey analyzes a farm in the Milan area, in which the livestock activity provides manure and slurry for the fertilization of the rise field. This system boundary (fig. 4.7) includes the sowing of mustard seeds (12.5 kg/ha) for the improvement of the chemical soil features. Pesticides are totally avoided and the irrigation doesn’t require a pumping system. The amount of water used for irrigation is 2500m3/ha. The field operations encompass the scattering manure (14t/ha) and slurry (6t/ha). The transport of seeds covers 10 km, according to Mandelli. 8 The “false sowing” is an ancient agronomic practice, actually used in organic agriculture. It consists in preparing a seed bed and spreading the seed without ploughing under, in order to stimulate the weeds’ germination. 73 Fig. 4.8 Organic rice system boundary Water canals maintenance! Ploughing! Mustard seeds spreading! Fertilization! Harvesting! Irrigation! Sowing! Source: author elaboration Fig. 4.9 Evolution of pulses production and invested area Source: FAOSTAT, 2009 Grain legumes The cultivation of legumes has drastically decreased during the last decades, in Italy and in Europe (fig…). The low productivity of these crops, the changing of diet habits towards increasing animal-based proteins intakes, and the agricultural industrialization are the main causes of this decline. In the traditional farming systems legumes were normally included into the crop rotation by reason of their nitrogen fixation property. The chemical industry development allowed substituting them with fertilizers and the market system made other crops more attractive than pulses. Nevertheless, these crops are particularly interesting from the point of view of sustainability and, especially in Italy, have been rediscovered in the last years. They are well-suited for an organic production, improve the soil fertility and are healthy alternatives to meat consumption. Moreover, in the last years many agronomist and researcher have been studying the effectiveness of these crops as alternative fodders to soy by-products (almost totally imported, and often genetically modified) due to their high protein content (Battini and Ligabue 2003; Bonomi 2003). They are especially proper for the production of organic meat. Grain legumes include a wide range of crops. They are used for the direct human consumption (fresh or dried) or addressed to the processing industry for the canning; otherwise they are used in the livestock feeding as protein sources. In this study we consider the production of four pulses: field beans, lupins, dried peas and dried beans. As shown in fig. 4.10 the industrial process of processing and packaging is neglected, due to the lack of data in this phase of the supply chain. 74 Fig. 4.10 Grain legumes system boundary Ploughing! Sowing Fertilization! Drying! (only peas and beans)! Harvesting! Pest treatments and weed control! Source: author elaboration The legumes are often cultivated rotated with wheat or other cereals because of their property of improving the soil chemical features. The conventional farming practice is similar to the cereals one, but nitrogen fertilization is usually reduced or not necessary. Irrigation is normally not necessary. For pesticides and inputs transport distances, we used the same rules as in winter cereals. The grain drying requires a diesel consumption of 0.07kg/kg of final product. The organic production of legumes is based on a proper agronomic management, which allows avoiding the agrochemicals’ employment. For the calculation of the material flows linked with organic legumes, we assumed a reduction of yield of 25% and no agrochemicals employment. 75 Table 4.5 Data on legumes cultivation Average yield Seed amount Max. ploughing depth N- fertilizer (Urea) P-fertilizer (triple superphosphate) K-fertilizer (Potassium oxide) Pesticides (active ingredient amount) Diesel for field operations Harvest factor Main data sources Unit kg/ha kg/ha Field bean 3000 200 3000 125 Bean (dried) 2500 70 Peas (dried) 3750 180 40 30 30 30 kg/ha 109 0 56 56 kg/ha 200 156 200 156 kg/ha 208 0 125 0 kg/ha 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 kg/ha kg/kg 155 1.2 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 155 1.2 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 155 1.2 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 155 1.2 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 cm Lupin Silages, hay and green fodders Forages can be sorted according to different criteria: • • • • • • • botanic family (gramineae, leguminosae, cruciferae, etc…) permanence (annual, poly-annual, perennial crops) grassland formation (natural grass regeneration or man-made sowing) placement in the crop rotation (main crop, stubble crop) plant composition (one, few or many species) fodder typology (stems and leaves; stems, leaves and grain; roots, etc..) conservation and utilization modality (fresh forage, hay, dried forage, silage; hay meadows, grazing pasture). The MI analysis concerns the following productions: • • • maize and sorghum silages; lucerne hay (Medicago sativa), clover hay (Trifolium repens) and meadow grass; barley and sorghum green forage. Maize and sorghum silage The silage fermentation of vegetal biomass allows having the use of high nutritive value fodders during the whole year. Moreover, silages are appreciated for their digestibility and palatability. The farming practise of cereals addressed to silaging is similar to the one for grain production, with the exception of the harvesting phase. It requires a double-chop forage harvester that collects the whole plant, cut it up and blows it in a trailer. The biomass is stored in appropriate silos, or heaped up and covered with plastic sheets in order to create an anaerobic environment for the fermentation. 76 Fig. 4.11 Silages system boundary Ploughing! Sowing Fertilization! Pest treatments and weed control! Storing! Heaping! Harvesting! Source: author elaboration Most of the data used is the same as in the grain production (see table 4.4). Only the diesel consumption for the field operation differs (345 l/ha), due to the use of a high power machine. Diesel is also used for the biomass storing (0.00142 kg/kg of silage). Hay production There are several species used for the production of hay, mainly from the botanic family of gramineae, leguminosae and cruciferae. The calculation of hay MI in this study refers to two legumes: lucerne (Medicago sativa) and clover (Trifolium repens) crops, cultivated in a 3 and 4 years arable meadow. Each year, depending on the season, from three to five cuts are possible. Haymaking involves a multistep process (Fig. 4.12). The system under study includes the crop irrigation, the grass pre-wilding on the field and the drying in the warehouse. The data on hay production from lucerne and clover are in tab. 4.6. Data on pesticides and inputs’ transport distances are the same as in the wheat. Fig. 4.12 Hay production system boundary Ploughing! Sowing Fertilization! Pest treatments! Mowing! Transport and storing! Bale loading! Hay gathering and baling! Hay turning! Swathing! Source: author elaboration The organic cultivation has been assumed to be 25% less productive than the conventional one. The chemical fertilization is replaced by 200 q/ha of manure and the irrigation has been considered only for clover (where it is absolutely necessary, according to Bonciarelli), while organic lucerne is not irrigated. The haymaking from permanent meadows produces 5000 kg of dried hay per year. The diesel consumption for the harvesting operations and for hay drying are the only relevant material inputs. The exported biomass in the hay production (biotic category) is deduced from the rate between the dry matter obtained and the fresh grass harvested, thus considering the weight reduction during the drying process. 77 Table 4.6 Data on hay production Unit Average annual yield (dried hay) Fodder units/kg of dry matter Seed amount Max. ploughing depth N- fertilizer (Urea) P-fertilizer (triple superphosphate) K-fertilizer (Potassium oxide) Pesticides (active ingredient amount) Diesel for field operations Diesel for hay drying Exported biomass Lucerne kg/ha Clover kg/ha cm kg/ha 10000 0.7 35 50 60 11000 0.6 7 50 60 kg/ha kg/ha 278 317 222 167 kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/kg 0.6 251 139 4.5 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 0.6 237 139 4.5 Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001; Hoepli 1997 Main data sources Green fodders These forages are addressed to the direct fresh consumption. Barley and sorghum can be used for this purpose, cutting the whole plant and conferring the biomass to the cattle, or to biomass plants for energy production. The farming practices do not differ from the ones for the grain production. However, being the yields higher (30000 kg/ha barley grass and 55000 kg/ha the sorghum grass) the impact of one unit of product will be lower. We assumed these crops not being irrigated. Fruit and vegetables The weight of fruit and vegetable sector into the Italian agricultural economy is relevant in terms of turnover (4.6% of the total) and export (fresh accounts 14% and processed 11% of the total exported) (ISMEA 2008). The farms growing fruits and vegetables are about 522775, with an average size of 1.5 ha (ISMEA 2008). Table 4.7 shows the weight of each branch in the sector of fruit and vegetables production. Table 4.7 Fruit and vegetables Italian production and invested area Crops Open field vegetables Fresh fruit Tomato for processing industry Citrus fruits Potatoes Table grape Greenhouse vegetables Shell-fruits Dried pulses Total fruit and vegetables Vegetables + potatoes + dried pulses Fresh fruit and shell-fruits + citrus + grape Area (ha) 359138 282859 62726 166249 69943 68250 31586 154000 76957 1271708 600305 671358 Production (t) 7014029 5815715 4619821 3892624 1789629 1354363 1490573 243658 153719 26374129 15067770 11306359 Source: ISMEA, 2008 Vegetables The crops under study are the three most relevant vegetables grown in the Italian agri-food systems. Tomatoes, lettuce and zucchini have the highest Penetration Index9 among vegetables and are at the top-rank in the Italian domestic purchases for 9 Penetration Index measures the spreading of consumption: how many consumers over 100 have consumed that product at least one time in the considered period (1 year) (ISMEA 2005). 78 vegetables (table 4.8). Tomato is produced both for fresh consumption and for the processing industry for many kinds of canned products (peeled tomatoes, tomato sauce, paste, puree, etc...). In this study we just consider the production of tomatoes for the direct consumption. Table 4.8 Italian production and consumption of tomato, lettuce and zucchini Penetration Index (%) Production (t) Share of greenhouse crop/total (%) Domestic purchases (000 €) Domestic purchases (t) Share of total purchased vegetables (% in value) Share of total purchased vegetables (% in tonnes) Tomato 85.7 1346187 42 420794 269194 16 15 Lettuce 83.3 1055401 15 397302 224.492 15 13 Zucchini 72.5 536260 36 181852 120858 7 7 Source: ISMEA, 2008; ISTAT, 2007 The greenhouse production involves a significant share of the total vegetables’ production (table 4.8); for this reason we included this aspect in the MI analysis. Greenhouse allows extending the supply of fresh vegetables beyond the season of natural growing and creating the optimal environmental condition through the conditioning, lighting, humidifying, etc. The crops isolation and the employment of intensive agronomic techniques is directed to capitalize the area invested through the gaining of the maximum yield and the production of out-of-season and highly homologated products. The employment of massive amounts of inputs is considered economically profitable since these agricultural products can fetch a better price and due to the major yields achievable. However, the ecological cost is scarcely documented, and an input-output analysis on the involved material flows could bring to a different conclusion on the efficiency of these systems. The greenhouse cultivation is naturally coupled with conventional and intensive farming techniques, due to the necessity of yields maximization for recovering the high capital expenditure for the construction and maintenance of greenhouses. Regarding the open field production, the analysis distinguishes between an intensive and conventional farming and the application of integrated agriculture techniques. This low input practice consists on integrating all the agronomic methods that allow avoiding or minimizing the employment of chemical inputs. These methods encompass a correct soil management, the choice of resistant and well-adapted plant varieties, the crops rotations, the employment of phytophagous for the plant protection, etc. The productive process through integrated agriculture (IA) is assessed assuming that the correct management of the agro-ecosystem allows gaining the same yield of the conventional practice on open field, with an employment of pesticides reduced of 50%, and the substitution of chemical fertilizers with manure. For each vegetable we analyses three productive methods: • • • greenhouse and conventional agriculture (GC) open field and conventional agriculture (FC) open field and integrated agriculture (FI) We assumed the three systems of production being irrigated with the same amount of water per output unit (29 kg/kg of tomatoes) (Anton 2004). The MI analysis presented in this study neglects the impact of infrastructures and capital goods. Nevertheless, in order to explore and compare the impact of crops in greenhouses and on open field has been necessary to include the material flows linked with greenhouses’ production and management. An additional argument for this choice is that the average life span of these structures is significantly minor than other ones like warehouses and depository. Some materials used for greenhouses, e.g. covering plastic has an average lifespan of three years, according with Antón (2004; Antón, Montero, et al. 2005). This study provides a LCA analysis of the 79 greenhouses tomato crop, and includes the direct measurements of all the materials and energy consumption for the building up and management of these structures. The analysis refers to the Mediterranean greenhouses, which are located in warm and temperate areas, based on low technology with plastic cover. For each crop, the impact of greenhouse is weighed on the base of the duration of the vegetative cycle (from 90 to 120 days). Fig. 4.13 shows the system boundary of vegetables and tables 4.9 the main data used in the determination of the material intensity. Fig. 4.13 Vegetables system boundary Greenhouse production and management! Nursery produc0on Fertilization! Harvesting! Pest treatments! Irrigation! Source: author elaboration 80 Table 4.9 Data on vegetables growing T GC T FC T FI L GC L FC L FI Z GC Z FC Z FI Average yield (kg/m2) 10 9 9 4 2.5 2.5 7 4 4 Seed (gr/m2) 2.5 2.5 2.5 1 1 1 0.3 0.25 0.25 Crop cycle duration (days) 90 90 90 90 90 90 105 105 105 Max. ploughing depth (cm) 35 35 35 45 45 45 35 35 35 N- fertilizer (Urea) (kg/ha) 598 413 0 217 174 0 0 0 0 P-fertilizer (triple superphosphate) (kg/ha) 278 244 0 311 249 0 0 0 0 K-fertilizer (Potassium oxide) (kg/ha) 375 292 0 267 214 0 0 0 0 Pesticides (active ingredient)(gr/kg of product) 0.068 0.068 0.034 0.068 0.068 0.034 0.068 0.068 0.034 Diesel for field operations (kg/ha) 618 618 618 655 655 655 422 422 422 Water requirements (kg/kg of product) 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Main data sources Antón 2004; Bufacchi et al., 2000; Bonciarelli and Bonciarelli 2001 T: tomato; L: lettuce; Z: zucchini; GC: greenhouse + conventional; FC: open field + conventional; FI: openfield + integrated agriculture Table 4.10 Data on materials and energy consumption for greenhouse construction and management Weight (kg) Stainless steel Polyvinyl chlorid Concrete Low density polyethylene Polycarbonate Distance of materials’ transport (km) Energy for building up (MJ/m2) Diesel for conditioning (l/m3*month) 15937 188 110 1256 12 Lifespan (years) Use 20 10 20 3 12 Windows structure, intern pillars, channels for water gathering Pipes Structure Plastic cover Cover plate, door 400 0.128 1.6 Source: Antòn, 2004 81 Fruit Citrus fruits are key products for the food sector in Southern Italy. 58% of national supply comes from Sicily (Beccali and Cellura 2009), and Italy is the eighth orange producer in the world (Fig. 4.14). Fig. 4.14 Top ten orange producers in the world Source: FAOSTAT, 2008 The material intensity analysis focus on the production of fruit for the direct consumption and of orange based beverages, that are illustrated in the paragraph The LCA study from Beccali and Cellura (2009), based on a Sicilian representative farm, provided most of the data for the MIPS calculation of oranges. The citrus grove’s lifespan is 25 years; the nursery production has been considered negligible since the impact would be spread for all the years of production. The calculation refers to an annual cultivation (table 4.11). Table 4.11 Data on oranges cultivation Average yield Max. ploughing depth N- fertilizer (Urea) P-fertilizer (triple superphosphate) K-fertilizer (Potassium oxide) Pesticides (active ingredient) Diesel for field operations Water requirements Main data sources 4.4.3 kg/ha cm kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha 25000 80 (once in 25 years) 600 250 450 gr/kg of product 3.26 kg/ha 250 kg/kg of product 168 Beccali and Cellura, 2009 Animal productions Livestock has a strong impact on ecosystems. It is responsible for approximately 18% of global greenhouse gases emissions (Steinfeld, Gerber et al., 2006), mostly from methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Breeding requires considerable amounts of water, directly, through the animals’ intakes, and indirectly, through the fodders’ cultivations. Intensive practices, concentrating in a small area a whole slew of animals, provoke soil and water contamination (Delgado, Rosegrant et al. 1999). A further ecological risk concern the loss of biodiversity linked with deforestation and the change of soil use towards farming and breeding activity. The increasing global demand of meat (table 4.12) is worsening these environmental problems. 82 Table 4.12 Meat consumption in developing and developed countries Developing countries Annual per capita meat consumption (kg) Annual per capita meat consumption (kg) Total meat consumption (million tonnes) Total milk consumption (million tonnes) Developed countries 1980 1990 2002 2015 2030 1980 1990 2002 2015 2030 14 18 28 32 37 73 80 78 83 89 34 38 46 55 66 195 200 202 203 209 47 73 137 184 252 86 100 102 112 121 114 152 222 323 452 228 251 265 273 284 Source: FAO, 2003 Italian citizens consume on average 25 kg of cattle meat, significantly more than the European average. (table 4.13) The consumption of milk is instead minor than the European one, while cheese is slightly above the average. Table 4.13 Gross human apparent consumptions kg per capita, 2007 Cattle Italy EU (25) Poultry 25.0 8.8 Pigs 15.3 21.8 Milk 39.0 41.3 Cheese 57.7 82.5 Butter 21.0 16.5 2.8 4.2 Source: EUROSTAT, 2008 The next paragraph illustrates the methodology and data gathering used for calculating the material intensity of milk, Parmesan cheese and cattle. The choice of these foodstuffs is based on the relevance that they have in the Italian nutrition and on the data availability. The calculations of animal products used the results on vegetal productions (and especially fodders and grains) previously elaborated (see 4.4.2). Milk and cheese Data on milk and cheese production refers to an existing farm producing organic milk and Parmesan, located in the National Park of the Tuscany-Emilian Apennines and described in the LCA study by Guerra et al. (2007). The farm is a representative example of organic and high quality production of a typical Italian foodstuff. The fodders for livestock are produced in the farm, through organic practices of cultivation. Fodders’ material intensity used for the assessment of milk and cheese impact has been evaluated in the previous part of the study (see 4.4.2). The feeding ration includes a mixed concentrate composed by the feedstuffs shown in table 4.16 and forage from lucerne hay. The rations vary depending on the animals’ life’s stage. All the components come from the same farm and are organically produced. Table 4.16 Fodder composition and share of each ingredient in weight Fodder’s ingredients Lucerne hay Grass meadows hay Dried peas Sorghum silage % 7 5 35 53 Source: Guerra, Santini et al. 2007 The assessment of milk’s material intensity is based on the determination of 7 subprocesses’ impact. Each step (Fig. 4.15) requires a certain amount of material and energy inputs to be performed. The fodders’ production phase includes the production, transport and employment of the agricultural inputs, as described in 83 paragraph 4.4.2. Fodders, milk powder, water, electricity and natural gas are the most relevant inputs. The MI factors of milk and milk powder used for calves feeding are from Ritthoff et al. 2009. We neglected the impact of infrastructures (stables, milking room, etc.) and the waste management and assumed the male calves being sold after 20 days form their born, according to Guerra et al. (2007). Fig. 4.15 Milk production sub-processes Fodders produc7on Weaning Yearlings nutri7on • Lucern • Dry peas • Sorghum • Grass meadows • Milk powder • Fodders • Water • Fodders • Water Cows nutri7on Stables maintainance and milking • Fodder • Water • Electricity • Water • Fossil fuels Transport to retailers Source: author elaboration The calculation refers to a specific farm, composed by 120 heads of cattle and producing 2718 tonnes of milk per year. The transport to retailing centres is also included, and covers 20 km. 84 Table 4.17 Data on material and energy consumption for milk production Annual milk production Weaning female calves Duration Milk Milk powder Water Lucerne hay Weaning male calves Duration Milk Yearlings nutrition Duration Lucerne hay Concentrate fodder Water Cows nutrition Duration Lucerne hay Concentrate fodder Water Milking Duration Natural gas Electricity Water Stable maintenance Water Electricity Heating oil kg 2717550 days kg/head*day kg/head*day kg/head*day kg/head*day 90 32 4 48.33 1 days kg/head*day 20 48 days kg/head*day kg/head*day kg/head*day 750 10.91 4.1 150 days kg/head*day kg/head*day kg/head*day 1372 17 16.5 150 Hours/year kg/year kWh/year kg/year kg/year kWh/year kg/year 5490 2247 34009 1647000 2869 64706 1373 Source: Guerra, Santini et al. (2007) Table 4.17 shows the consumption of materials, fodders, fossil fuels and other inputs considered for the assessment of milk’s material input. All data refers to the farm “Raggio di Sole” described in Guerra et al. (2007). The milk skimming process requires an electricity consumption of 2 kWh per day. The outputs are skimmed milk (90% in weight) and cream (10%). We allocated the impact of this process on the base of economic criteria, thus considering the market price of the two outputs and the total amount produced: 66% of the impact is allocated to skimmed milk and 33% to cream. The Parmesan production requires the mixture of skimmed and whole milk with the starting serum (from the previous day production) and rennet’s add (fig. 4.16). The cooking phase requires diesel consumption while only salt and a polyethylene film are needed for the next phases. The weight reduction during the resting and seasoning phases (10%) is also considered in the calculation. Other inputs are necessary for the maintenance of the plants (water, electricity, natural gas) (table 4.18). The Parmesan is locally distributed and retailed, covering an average distance of 50 km. 85 Table 4.18 Data on Parmesan production Input Skimmed milk Whole milk Diesel Salt Polyethylene film Deionised water Tap water Electricity Natural gas Unit kg/kg of Parmesan kg/kg of Parmesan kg/kg of Parmesan kg/kg of Parmesan kg/kg of Parmesan kg/kg of Parmesan kg/kg of Parmesan kWh/kg of Parmesan kg/kg of Parmesan Amount 6.25 6.95 0.153 5,54E-05 4,94E-04 7,31E-05 5,54E-05 0,42 0,03 Source: Guerra, Santini et al. 2007 Fig. 4.16 Phases of Parmesan production process Source: author elaboration Bovine meat The study takes into consideration two different kinds of meat production. The two models are partially based on already existing case studies from the literature and are representative of two different trends of the livestock sector in Northern Italy. The system boundary includes the fodder’s production, the manufacture, transport and employment of agricultural inputs, the cattle breeding and the water intakes, energy, fossil fuels and water requirements for stable maintenance, the slaughtering phase, the distribution and purchasing of meat (fig. 4.17) We instead neglected the waste management and the impact of infrastructures and the packaging of beef. 86 Fig. 4.17 Meat production sub-processes Fodders produc7on CaPle breeding Stable maintenance • Maize • Wheat straw • Soybean • Fodders • Water • Water • Electricity • Fossil fuels Slaughtering • Water • Electricity • Fossil fuels Meat distribu7on and retailing Source: author elaboration The model “Organic” describes the production of certified organic meat from semiextensive breeding. The main information source for this kind of product is a study on the cattle breeding in Val Bormida, in the North West Italian region of Liguria (Borsotto and Borsotto 2005). This area has a long-established vocation for highquality meat production, using predominantly the “Piemontese” native breed. The traditional livestock technique is based on summer pasture and wintertime housing with farm-produced lucerne hay feeding. The farm under study has 59.66 hectares of land (partially addressed to pasture and partially to fodders cultivation) and 40.4 large animal units (LAU), in reproductive closed cycle. From the land cultivation the farm obtains 103 tonnes of grass meadows hay and 36 tonnes of lucerne hay. In accordance with the Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production, the animal density is low (0.68 LAU/ha of fodder land), the feeding ration is composed of farm-produced forages, the cattle can access open spaces through the pasturing. The value chain is restricted at a local level. We assumed a local meat distribution system, covering a total distance of 50 km from the farm to the in-town butcher shop. The model “Conventional” refers to the conventional production of meat and largescale retailing trade. We considered a representative farm in the North-East Italian region of Veneto, which presents the highest concentration of Italian cattle (Montanari 2009). In this area the bovine livestock is highly specialized in bullock fattening for meat production on a medium-large scale. Calves are usually imported from Central and Northern Europe and intensively reared in permanent housing. The density of livestock is high, with 9 ULA/ha of fodder land. The diet ration (table 4.19) is composed of maize silage and maize grain from the farm, soybean imported from Brazil, pulp from sugar beet industry, wheat straw and bran. The system includes the slaughtering and distribution of meat at a national level, marketed at a department store. We assumed a total distance of 700 km from the farm to the shelf. 87 Table 4.19 Average composition of feed ration in the conventional production Maize silage Pulp from sugar beet industry Maize grain Soybean Wheat straw Wheat bran kg/head*day (average doses) 7 3.6 2.6 1.7 0.9 0.6 Source: Montanari, 2009 The MI values of fodders used in this study are mostly from the previous results of this work (grain cereals, lucerne hay, silages, meadows grass). The MI of soybean from Brasil is from Wuppertal Institute database (Lettenmeier, Rohn et al., 2009) and by-products used for animal feeding (pulps from sugar beet industry and wheat straw) have null material inputs, because they are scruffs of other productive processes. The transport of these products is included when they are produced outside the farm. In the case of conventional breeding, we assumed the sugar beet pulps and bran being transported for 150 km. In the organic system cattle reproduces naturally and the herd is composed of animals at different development stage. The conventional farm, instead, is specialized in calves fattening. The animals are purchased at an average weight of 350 kg and sold at around 630 kg (Montanari 2009). In this case, calves are considered as inputs of production and their material intensity is obtained from the OA models’ results. Data on stables’ energy consumptions has been partially provided by experts interview and partially from ENAMA. They refer to an average equipped stable, with conveyor belt and are dimensioned on the base of the annual housing time (all the year in the conventional, only winter in organic). Energy and water consumption in the slaughtering phase are the same for the two systems. They are provided by the legislative decree 372/99 (art. 3, paragraph 9) illustrating the guidelines for the identification of the best practices for butchers (DL 372 1999). The phases of transports in the meat chain encompass the provision of inputs for agriculture and of fodders and calves (in the conventional system), the trip from the farm to the slaughter, and from it to the retailer. Table 4.20 Data on the production of organic and conventional beef Italian geografic area Livestock density Stabulation Reproductive cycle Agricultural practice Organic beef North-West (Liguria, Val Bormida), mountain 0.68 ULA/ha summer pasture close organic Fodders lucern hay grass meadows hay pastures Main literature reference Montanari et al. 2009 Conventional beef North-East (Veneto), plain 9 ULA/ha permanent open conventional maize silage maize grain soybean from Brazil wheat straw and bran pulps from sugar beet Borsotto and Borsotto 2005 88 Table 4.21 - Data on consumptions for stable maintenance and slaughtering Electricity consumption for 50 head stable Diesel consumption for stable Water consumption for slaughtering Electricity consumptions for slaughtering kWh/year kg/ULA kg/carcass tonnes kg/carcass tonnes 1800 42 5500 350 Source: DL 372/1999 4.4.4 Processed foodstuffs Pasta Pasta is one of the most exported Italian foodstuff and consumed by 98.9% of the Italian people (ISMEA 2008 ). Nevertheless, the country is not self sufficient for the wheat production and 48% of the total durum wheat consumed is imported from abroad (ISMEA 2008 ).. Most of the information used in these calculations are from three LCA studies (Bevilacqua, Braglia M. 2007), Bevilacqua, Buttol , 2002)Della Corte, Cecchini et al.2002) from which we deduced average values in order to have representative figures for the pasta consumed in Italy. We analysed the production of pasta from conventional and from organic durum wheat (par. In the pasta from conventional agriculture (CA), we considered half of the wheat used for pasta production being imported from abroad. The average distance covered by imported wheat results from the average distance of the first twelve countries exporting to Italian market, weighted for the amounts provided (ISMEA 2008). Thus, the average distance is 5558 km. The remaining part of the wheat (50%) has national origin and the average distance of provision reported by the literature is 183,3 km. Fig. 4.18 illustrates the main steps of pasta production and the system boundary of MI calculation for this foodstuff. Fig. 4.18 Pasta production system boundary Wheat cultivation! Grain storing! Milling! Pasta packaging! Pasta production! Semolina storing! Source: author elaboration The processing phases of semolina and pasta production are the same in the both systems. They require mostly energy inputs for the industrial manufacturing and water, while the packaging uses plastic materials (table…). 89 Table 4.22 Data on pasta production MILLING PHASE Wheat Electricity Water Natural gas Pasta production Semolina Electricity Water Natural gas Packaging PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) PP (Polypropylene) Electricity kg/kg of semolina kWh/kg of semolina kg/kg of semolina kg/kg of semolina 1.34 0.34 0.2 0.00021 kg/kg of pasta kWh/kg of pasta kg/kg of pasta kg/kg of pasta 0.99 0.18 1.53 0.027 kg/kg of pasta kg/kg of pasta kWh/kg of pasta 2.7E-07 0.067 0.01 Source: Bevilacqua et al., 2007; Della Corte, Cecchini et al., 2002 Milled and parboiled rice Paragraph discusses the data gathering and methodology followed for paddy rice cultivation. The industrial process for producing milled rice (organic and conventional) includes the rice drying, storing, refining and packaging. Parboiled rice undergoes a heat-treatment that improves the nutritional profile (vitamins and minerals). The main steps of this treatment are the soaking, followed by a pressure steaming and drying (Blengini and Busto 2009). The packaging of rice uses plastic materials (polyethylene) and a carton box. Table 4.23 and fig. 19 illustrate the system boundary and data used for the calculation of milled and parboiled rice’s MI. The transports along the rice supply chain include 20 km from the farm to the processing plant. Fig. 4.19 Milled rice system boundary Rice cultivation! Rice drying ans storing! Refining! Packaging! Source: author elaboration 90 Table 4.23 Data on rice production Milled Conv. Electricity for processing (drying and refining) Water for processing Natural gas for processing Heating oil for processing Low Density Polyethylene for packaging Cardboard for packaging Milled Org. Parboiled Conv. kWh/kg kg/kg kg/kg kg/kg kg/kg 3.85E-02 0.57 2,33E-06 3.40E-02 2.84 - 1.01E-01 2.33 7.63E-02 2.33E-06 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.05 kg/kg Source: Blengini and Busto et al. 2009 Natural orange juice The oranges processing for natural juice production is analyzed in Beccali and Cellura (2009). After the oranges’ delivery in the industrial plant (50 km) they are washed and selected. After the pressing process, refining, pasteurization and cooling follow (fig. 4.20). The packaging uses low-density polyethylene. Data on inputs used for orange juice processing are in table 4.24. Table 4.24 Data on orange juice production ORANGES Electricity Water Heavy fuel oil Steam Natural gas KG/KG kWh/kg kg/kg kg/kg kg/kg kg/kg 7.1 1.1 4.61 0.032 0.095 0.02 Source: Beccali and Cellura 2009 Fig. 4.20 Orange juice system boundary Orange cultivation! Selection and washing! Primary extraction! Refrigeration and packaging! Pasteurization and cooling! Refining! Source: author elaboration 4.5 Material intensity of agricultural products from Ma-Pi polyculture Ma-Pi polyculture pursues maximizing the plant promiscuity, mixing herbaceous crops with trees, brushes, hedges, reeds’ groves and wild herbs, that can also be used for nutrition. This system ensures a high level of biodiversity in the agro-food system, and a variety of agricultural products, which can supply the restaurants offering a wide range of foodstuffs. The productivity of each single crop is low, in comparison with monocultural systems, but the total amount of edible biomass is considerable. Due to the peculiar features of this system, we used two patterns for assessing the eco-efficiency of UPM products. In the first, the service unit is a mixed vegetal unit (1 kg) coming from a polyculture parcel land. In the second, we assessed products that are grown through intercropping systems, but with a minor variety of crops, and where the crop under study can be considered as the main product. In this 91 case, the other outputs of cultivation are assessed as by-products, using appropriate allocation rules, based on mass criteria. So far, Ma-Pi polyculture has been scarcely studied and doesn’t exist a scientific literature on this topic, especially on the agronomic practices. Thus, the data capture for the MI calculation has been carried out asking directly to UPM secretary. However, most of the information on products’ cultivation can be found simply reading the Pianesian Transparent Label of UPM foodstuffs. 4.5.1 Material intensity of a vegetal unit from polyculture The parcel land under study (1 ha) contains for rows of fruit trees (104 trees, in total), is surrounded by a hedge of productive plants (from which firewood, poles, soft fruits are collected) and includes 5 sub-parcels of 1800m2 in which a wide variety of vegetables is cropped. Aromatic and edible wild herbs are also collected in the parcel. The MI calculation includes only the edible products from polyculture, table 4.25 lists the plants varieties and their annual yields. The vegetables are not grown all at the same times, but succeed in two turns. 92 Table 4.25 Outputs obtained by 1ha of polycultural land Outputs Fruits Yields* (kg/ha) Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) 20 Raspberry (Rubus ideaeus) 15 Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) 10 Blackberry (Rubus ulmifolius) Vegetables 550 Pear (Pyrus communis) 490 Plum (Prunus domestica) 420 Peach (Prunus persica) 250 Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) 170 Walnut (Juglans regia) 75 Melon (Cucumis melo) 197 Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) Edible herbs 540 1494,5 Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) 615 Headed cabbage (Brassica oleracea) Celery (Apium graveolens) 976 797,5 108,25 Chard (Beta vulgaris) 316 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) 17,5 Radish (Raphanus sativus) 163 Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Cereals 30 Carrots (Daucus carota) Onion (Allium cepa) Grain legumes 5 Apple (Malus domestica) 196,5 Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) 178,25 Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) 850 Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) 230 Leek (Allium porrum) 170 Chicory (Chicorium intybus) 497,25 Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) 994,5 Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) 100 Peas (Pisum sativum) 300 Green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) 200 Barley (Hordeum vulgare) TOTAL 135 11111,25 Source: UPM; *net of seed amounts for planting According to Ma-Pi Polycolture prescriptions, external inputs are minimized and chemicals fertilizers and pesticides are totally avoided (see chapter 3). The inputs employed are diesel for the field operations (380 litres per year), water for irrigation (450 m3) and electricity for the irrigation plant (90 kWh). 4.5.2 Material intensity of the main crops This analysis refers to five agricultural products: whole rice, barleys (var. cannellini), millet, barley and cous-cous from durum wheat. Each crop is grown between other plants (table. 4.26), and the impact is allocated to the various outputs on the base of its mass. The seed is self-produced by the farm, and fertilization is granted through green manure. The external inputs are the diesel for field operations and the materials and electricity for packaging. All the foodstuffs are packed in Polyvinylchloride (PVC) bags (3.6E-04 kg/kg) using 0.0385 kWh/kg of electricity. 93 Cous-cous from durum wheat is the only processed foodstuff considered. The milling phase consumptions are assumed to be equal to the wheat from conventional and organic agriculture (see section 4.4.4) even if it uses stone mills. Water requirements and other inputs used in agriculture are shown in table 4.26. For rice, we assumed that irrigation uses the same amount of water than in the organic rice (500kg/kg). Considering the allocations between the secondary products obtained by the rice field, the resulting amount of water for rice irrigation is 285 kg. Local farmers supply the nearest UPM restaurant, thus we assumed an average distance of 25 kilometres covered in each food chain. Table 4.26 Yields of main crops and sub-products Yield of main crop (kg/ha) Whole rice 3400 Wheat for cous-cous 2300 Millet 1800 Barley 1560 Beans Intercropped plants Horsetail Willow Reeds Almond Olives Chickpea Apple trees Pear trees Grapes walnut Yield (kg/ha) 2500 (firewood) 600 700 45 1500 900 600 220 artichoke Maize Pumpkins Wild edible herbs 1800 80 1400 3000 230 Source: UPM Table 4.27 Data on material and energy inputs Whole rice Cous-cous Millet Barley Beans Diesel consumptions (kg/ha) 84,15 34,85 10,2 63,75 85,85 Water consumptions (kg/kg) Maximum ploughing depth (cm) 285 0.18 186 20 15 25 25 30 Electricity consumptions (kWh/kg) 1.13 82 - Source: UPM 4.6 Material intensity along the value chain (Analysis 2) This part of the study focus on the evaluation of the natural resource consumption required for nourishing one person for one week. The service unit is the weekly amount of food required by an average person, and correspond to 14000 kilocalories. The study investigates the material intensity of this consumption activity, according to three different agri-food systems providing the food. The systems under investigation are the three paradigms described in chapter 3, thus three theoretical food chain models, including the phases shown in fig. 4.21. 94 Fig. 4.21 System boundary of Analysis 2 Source: author elaboration The system boundary reduces the complexity of food chains, neglecting some minor sources of impact, making use of some simplifying hypotheses and leaving out of the analysis aspects that are scarcely documented. Between them: • • • • • the impact of infrastructures (i.e. agricultural machinery and warehouses, industrial plants, retailing buildings, roads and other infrastructures for the transport system) is neglected; the waste management, both in the productive and consumption phase, is neglected; the production of inputs is considered for all the phases, but the distribution and retailing of these inputs is out of the analysis; the transports within the various steps of the value chain are included, assuming an average distance covered by the products using trucks or other means of transport; the conservation of perishable goods along the food chain implies energy and material expenditures along the cold-chain (refrigerated trucks, cold stores and domestic cooling). However, the lack of information on this aspect doesn’t allow including it in the analyses. Table 4.28 resumes the outstanding features of the three paradigms of food chains, described in detail in chapter three. 95 Table 4.28 Main features of the three food paradigms Food Paradigm Agricultural practice Distance for agricultural inputs’ provision (km) Dominant Conventional and industrialized Stakeholders in the supply chain Food retailing mode Food demand Polyculture Ma-Pi 0 Globalized 100 Local and territorially embedded Local Long Short Short 700 Inputs producers and retailers, farmers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, consumers Mostly supermarkets and hypermarkets Large variety of products, included exotic, out of season fruit and vegetables, processed, convenience, and functional food from 20 to 50 25 Inputs producers and retailers, farmers, GAS organizers, consumers Farmers, UPM, consumers GAS depository Shops and restaurants Bigger shares of fresh fruit and vegetables, other basic foodstuffs (e.g. pasta, wine, oil, honey, etc…), organic Mainly cereals, legumes and vegetables None Direct relation and reciprocal acquaintance None Out-of-town shopping centres: car Neighbouring due to periodical meeting and other initiatives organized by GAS In-town GAS sorting centres walking Relation intermediated by UPM Reciprocal acquaintance between consumers (customary eating at UPM restaurant), close relation between UPM members In-town UPM shops walking 30 - - 150 Social interactions between consumers and producers Social interactions between consumers Purchasing mode Purchasing trip Distance for shopping by car (round trip, km) UPM Organic Supply chain localization Supply chain length Average distance covered by food (from farm to retailing) (km) GAS Source: author elaboration A further model takes into account the concept of Food Miles, and evaluates the material input of systems in which the distances of transports are reduced. This added model aims at evaluating the resource saving due to the application of the food miles concept, in the way it is most common in the Italian context, i.e., with a reduction in the distances of the only final phases of the value chain. Thus, the conventional model was assessed also with reduced transport distances (from an average 700 km to 20 for fresh vegetables and 50 km for the processed products, meat and oranges). The purchasing mode is turned to the walking, avoiding the car trip. The farming and processing practices do not differ in this model from the conventional paradigm, as well as the provision of agricultural inputs. 96 4.7 Diets composition 4.7.1 Dominant and GAS paradigm Food habits are supposed to be equals in the dominant and in GAS system. Even if there are some evidences that GAS costumers use to eat more fresh vegetables, in comparison with conventional consumers (Gaggiotti 2008/2009) we neglected this slightly difference and assessed the material intensity of the two systems on the same diet. The foods’ shares and rations follow the recommendation of Italian Health Ministry ( concerning salubrious nutrition and food habits. They specify the recommended weekly portions for each food category. The diet composed is simplified with respect to a normal one, because it encompasses only the foodstuffs whose material intensity was assessed in the first analyses. It provides 14000 kilocalories in a week. Table 4.29 shows the nutritional recommendation by the ministry and the corresponding foodstuffs used in this investigation. The material intensity of diets refers to the provision of 2000 dairy kilocalories, for a week and one person. This nutritional requirement is fulfilled multiplying the rations by a factor of 2.45, because the diet under study (that is composed of these foodstuffs for which MI are calculated in the first part of the study) is limited to few products (11) and lacks of important energy sources like sugar, oils and fats. The diet under study is composed of the ingredients shown in table 4.29 and accomplishes the health ministry recommendations on the shares between ingredients and their energy contribution. 97 Table 4.29 Diet composition in dominant and GAS system Food category Recommended dairy portions Fruits and vegetables 5-6 Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes 4-5 Dressing (oil & fats) 2-3 Milk and dairy products 2-3 Meat, fish, legumes, cold cuts, eggs 1-2 Sweets TOTAL Amount per portion (g) fruit: 150 Weekly amount (g) Adjusted amounts (g/week) Calories’ intake (cal/week) 2250 2250 1876 vegetables: 250 oranges tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini 1750 4292 644 juices: 250 orange juice 750 1840 pasta: 80 pasta 320 785 2771 rice: 80 milled rice 785 2606 oils: 10 - - - - butter: 10 milk Parmesan cheese beef 1750 4292 2747 140 500 343 1226 1030 1300 - - dried peas 60 147 419 - - - - - - 19229 14000 milk: 125 cheese: 20 meat: 100 fish: 150 dried legumes: 30 1 Foodstuffs considered in the study cold cuts: 50 eggs: 1 (piece) Sugar: 5 320 Source: author elaboration Fig. 4.22 Share of the considered ingredients in the diet composition Source: Italian Health Ministry (website) The MI of legumes refers to the values “at field” thus neglecting the industrial phase of manufacturing and assuming a direct consumption of dried peas. The material intensity of vegetable is instead shared between the three species considered: tomatoes, lattuce and zucchini. For the first system they are produced in greenhouses and with conventional farming techniques, in the GAS system is assumed an open field cultivation with integrated agriculture practices. The food cooking implies material and energy flows. Pasta, rice, beef and zucchini are the foodstuffs for which these requirements are accounted. The rest is assumed to be consumed uncooked. The consumptions for this process is shown in table 4.30. The energy source used is natural gas, that is the most spread in Italy. 98 Table 4.30 Data on consumptions in cooking phase Pasta Rice Beef Zucchini Water (kg/kg) 8 6 - Natural gas (kg/kg) 0.0091 0.0091 0.0030 0.0060 Salt (kg/kg) 0.06 - Source: Bevilacqua 2007 and our assumpitions 4.7.1 Ma-Pi diets The ordinary meal supplied by UPM restaurant comprises a soup and a mixed dish, made of fixed shares of vegetables (30-40%), cereals (40-50%) and legumes (8-10%) (Porrata Maury, Triana et al. 2008). Tables 4.31-4.34 show the four meal models used for the MIPS calculation. Each table contains the ingredients’ list and doses for one meal and one person. As breakfast is not included in the calculation we considered 2 meals and a half per day and per person for accomplishing the nutritional need. For millet, barley, cous cous, beans and rice we used specific MI values for the other ingredients uses the MI value of an average vegetal unit from polycultural farming. Table 4.31 List n°1- Doses for one meal and one person Vegetable soup with barley Whole rice salad Millet salad Ingredients onion carrot celery barley chard whole rice carrot onion parsley millet carrot radish Weight uncooked (g) 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 60.00 30.00 20.00 2.00 60.00 20.00 30.00 Final weight (g) lettuce 150.00 15.00 40.00 160.00 52.00 45.00 517.70 917.00 Zucchini Chick pea Salad TOTAL 300 180.00 180.00 Source: UPM 99 Table 4.32 List n°2 - Doses for one meal and one person Vegetable soup Whole rice with vegetables Green beans with onion Vegetables Black beans with vegetables Mixed salad Ingredients onion carrot radish chicory whole rice onion carrot chard green beans onion parsley Weight uncooked (g) 20.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 60.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 70.00 20.00 2.00 carrot chicory beans 30.00 50.00 16.00 onion 10.00 Final weight (g) 300.00 180.00 150.00 150.00 carrot 10.00 celery 10.00 lettuce 10.00 carrot 10.00 parsley 10.00 48.00 534.80 833.00 TOTAL 55.00 Source: UPM Table 4.33 List n° 3 - Doses for one meal and one person Millet soup Sushi with onions and parsley Cous cous salad Salad Bean salad Lettuce TOTAL Ingredients onion millet whole rice onion parsley cous cous onion radish headed cabbage carrot beans carrot onion parsley Weight uncooked (g) 100.00 25.00 60.00 10.00 2.00 80.00 10.00 20.00 Final weight (g) 70.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 45.00 150.00 510.60 895.00 300.00 180.00 170.00 50.00 Source: UPM 100 Table 4.34 List n° 4 - Doses for one meal and one person Vegetable soup Whole rice salad Barley with vegetables Zucchini and carrots Salad TOTAL Ingredients onion carrot celery peas whole rice carrot green beans parseley barley onion radish Weight uncooked (g) 20.00 30.00 20.00 15.00 60.00 20.00 30.00 2.00 50.00 10.00 30.00 Finale weight (g) zucchini carrot cucumbers 50.00 70.00 300.00 150.00 55.00 737.00 917.00 300.00 180.00 180.00 Source: UPM 101 Chapter 5. The results The first part of this chapter presents the resulting material intensities of the agricultural products and foodstuffs according to the system boundaries described in chapter 4. For each product, the distribution of the impact along the food chain steps is illustrated. A list of the material intensity results is in Appendix 1. The second section of the chapter presents the results of the second analysis, i.e. the MIPS assessment of the different paradigms of food production and consumption and the evaluation of the natural resource saving obtainable with the AFNs under study and the “food miles” strategy. 5.1 Results of Analysis 1 The present section illustrates the results on food material intensity along the supply chain, thus from the production of agricultural input till the harvesting (for agricultural product) or till the packaging (for the foodstuffs). For each group of food a figure illustrates the contribution of each productive phase in the total impact. The results of this part are gathered in Appendix 1. 5.1.1 Material intensity of conventional and organic food The following results refers to the conventional and organic systems of cultivation, while a separate section is devoted to the products from Ma-Pi polyculture, due to the peculiarity of these products, which needed a different system of calculation. Vegetal productions Winter cereals The winter cereals under investigation are produced according to similar farming practices and the results on their material intensity (table 5.1) refer to the production of grains “at field”. Thus, the transport to storing plants and the following phases of the supply chain are not encompassed in this analysis (see chapter 4.4.2). Fig. 5.1 and 5.2 show the contribution of each chain’s step in the total impact of conventional and organic wheat. As the other winter cereals have very similar outcomes, the distribution of wheat’s impact along the chain is discussed as representative crop for all the winter cereals. In the conventional farming, fertilizers and pesticides’ production embodies most of the water consumption. Fertilizers are also affecting abiotic and air category, together with the diesel used in field operations. Transport’s impact, that encompasses at this stage only the inputs’ provision, is visible only in the organic system (77% of air consumption), where there aren’t other sources of impact. The bigger impact of the organic in the categories of moved soil and erosion is attributable to the minor yield, and to the resulting higher charge per unit of output. 102 Table 5.1 Winter cereals material intensity (kg/kg) WINTER CEREALS Wheat CA Wheat OA Barley CA Barley OA Oats CA Oats OA Rye CA Rye OA Triticale CA Triticale OA Abiotic 0.23 0.08 0.80 0.04 0.96 0.05 1.09 0.08 0.38 0.06 Biotic 1.80 1.83 1.88 1.90 1.93 1.96 1.93 1.96 1.91 1.93 Water 3.77 0.59 5.48 0.32 6.21 0.39 6.29 0.53 4.10 0.43 Air 0.20 0.13 0.22 0.10 0.26 0.13 0.26 0.16 0.17 0.11 Erosion 1.82 2.42 1.69 2.29 2.06 2.77 2.56 3.41 1.71 2.28 Moved soil 717.07 956.46 556.92 755.12 681.50 919.17 844.00 1125.33 673.08 897.44 Source: study results Fig. 5.1 Conventional wheat - MI composition Source: study results Fig. 5.2 Organic wheat - MI composition Source: study results Summer cereals In comparison with winter cereals, these crops generally require more intensive agricultural practices. Nevertheless, the achievable yields are also higher, thus the resulting MI is similar to winter cereals in most of the impact categories (table 5.2). Maize and rice requires irrigation for a proper plant development, thus water consumption is definitely higher than in sorghum, which is less water demanding. In conventional and irrigated crops (fig. 5.3 shows maize results as example) fertilizers dominate the consumption of abiotic materials, while the resource consumption linked to pesticides is less visible. Diesel, used in these crops for field operation and 103 grain drying is responsible of 50% of the air consumption and constitutes the biggest share of air, abiotic and water consumption in the organic sorghum production (fig. 5.3). The value of moved soil is much higher in rice due to the construction and maintenance of the system of watering canals that is necessary for the cultivation. Table 5.2 Summer cereals material intensity (kg/kg) SUMMER CEREALS (grain) Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved soil Maize CA 0.53 2.08 457.04 0.23 1.00 521.25 Maize (dried) CA 0.65 2.40 526.84 0.36 1.15 600.52 Sorghum CA 0.51 2.08 5.03 0.18 1.25 732.23 Sorghum (dried) CA 0.62 2.32 5.96 0.31 1.40 816.76 Sorghum OA 0.10 2.08 0.79 0.23 1.86 1089.02 Paddy rice CA 0.77 1.90 2828.29 0.24 1.45 1552.53 Paddy rice OA 0.06 1.92 500.39 0.08 2.05 2191.82 Source: study results Fig. 5.3 Conventional dried maize - MI composition Source: study results Fig. 5.4 Organic dried sorghum - MI composition Source: study results Grain legumes The abiotic resource consumption of this vegetal group is slightly lower than other crops because they don’t’ need nitrogen fertilization (table 5.3). The amounts of moved soil are instead quite high, due to the deepness of ploughing practices used for legumes and the lower yields, in comparison with cereals. The impact of dried 104 and conventional peas (representative for all these crops) is featured by fertilizers (43% of abiotic, 20% of water, 14% of air), diesel and transports. Pesticides affect mostly the water consumption. In the organic system the main source of impact is the diesel for field operations and drying (fig. 5.5). Table 5.3 Grain legumes’ material intensity (kg/kg) GRAIN LEGUMES Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved soil Field bean CA 1.27 1.91 8.10 0.34 3.38 1793.33 Field bean OA 0.12 1.94 1.41 0.24 4.58 2476.71 Lupins CA 0.29 1.88 5.13 0.25 3.36 1337.50 Lupins OA 0.11 1.90 1.13 0.23 4.53 1836.83 Bean (dried) CA 1.19 1.87 8.95 0.71 4.02 1585.20 Bean (dried) OA 0.32 1.88 2.50 0.73 5.39 2149.55 Peas (dried) CA 0.39 1.89 5.59 0.45 2.70 1083.20 Peas (dried) OA 0.22 1.91 1.97 0.49 3.65 1505.90 Source: study results Fig. 5.5 Conventional dried peas –MI composition Source: study results Fig. 5.6 Organic dried peas – MI composition Source: study results Fodders Results on fodder’s material intensity (table 5.4) show that hay from conventional lucerne and clover requires a higher amount of abiotic and biotic material and air per unit of product than the maize and sorghum silage. The considered system of hay production encompassed the artificial drying through fossil fuels, and the diesel consumption has in fact the major share of air consumption (76%), water (50%) and a 105 considerable share of abiotic resources (21%). Diesel is the first voice of resource consumption in the organic hay, where other inputs have a negligible effect (Fig. 5.7). In general, silage has a better performance because is more productive, and the fermentation doesn’t allow the biomass weight loss that is in the hay production (indeed, hay has a higher biotic material’s consumption). Fertilizers strongly contribute to the consumption of abiotic resources in the production of all the fodders from conventional agriculture, while pesticides affect only water in the production of green fodders (fig. 5.10 shows the MI composition of fresh fodder from barley). The transports weight only on the production of green fodders, where the amount of other inputs is very modest. Diesel is responsible of remarkable amounts of air and water consumption, especially in the production of hay and silage, which require more field operations. Table 5.4 Fodders' material intensity (kg/kg) FODDERS Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Mais silage CA 0.10 1.00 83.12 0.05 0.18 Moved soil 94.83 Sorghum silage CA 0.10 1.00 85.35 0.05 0.25 146.72 Sorghum silage OA 0.02 1.00 112.65 0.04 0.33 195.63 Lucerne hay CA 0.25 4.50 68.47 0.15 0.11 72.55 Lucerne hay OA 0.07 4.50 0.51 0.17 0.15 98.23 Clover hay CA 0.33 4.50 184.11 0.17 0.08 48.89 Clover hay OA 0.06 4.50 242.86 0.15 0.10 65.40 Grass hay meadow OA 0.06 1.50 0.46 0.15 0.00 0.00 Barley grass CA 0.16 1.01 1.10 0.04 0.34 110.84 Sorghum grass CA 0.09 1.00 62.29 0.03 0.18 106.70 Sorghum grass OA 0.01 1.00 81.89 0.02 0.24 142.61 Source: study results Fig. 5.7 Conventional lucerne hay– material intensity composition Source: study results 106 Fig. 5.8 Organic lucerne hay– material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.9 Maize silage – material intensity composition Source: study results 107 Fig. 5.10 Barley grass - material intensity composition Source: study results Vegetables The MI calculation of fresh vegetables involved three productive systems: conventional in greenhouse, conventional on open field, integrated agriculture on open field; three vegetable plants, tomatoes, lettuce and zucchini and one fruit, orange (only conventional production, in open field). In spite of the higher yields achievable in greenhouse, this practice demonstrated to be not eco-efficient in comparison with the open field ones. Table 5.5 shows that the resource consumption of covered crops is higher in the all categories. The greenhouses constitute 95% and 99% of the total abiotic and air consumption, 31% of the water (fig. 5.11). In the conventional system on open field, fertilizers and diesel are the main issues affecting the MI, while in the integrated agriculture there is also the impact of transport weighting on air and abiotic consumption (fig. 5.12). Table 5.5 Vegetables’ material intensity (kg/kg) VEGETABLES Abiotic Biotic Water Erosion Moved soil Tomatoes CA greenhouse 1.95 1.00 44.73 Air 4.18 1.00 455.01 Tomatoes CA openfield 0.09 1.00 30.40 0.04 1.00 585.01 Tomatoes IA openfield 0.02 1.00 29.64 0.03 1.00 585.01 Lettuce CA greenhouse 5.79 1.00 76.95 12.51 1.00 585.27 Lettuce CA openfield 0.18 1.00 30.90 0.12 1.00 585.43 Lettuce IA openfield 0.04 1.00 29.77 0.09 1.00 585.60 Zucchini CA greenhouse 3.31 1.00 35.14 7.16 1.00 455.05 Zucchini CA openfield 0.19 1.00 15.98 0.10 1.00 455.07 Zucchini IA openfield 0.05 1.00 29.94 0.07 1.00 455.09 Oranges CA 0.34 1.00 182.09 0.27 0.40 17.28 Source: study results 108 Fig. 5.11 Conventional tomatoes in greenhouse - material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.12 Conventional tomatoes on open field- material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.13 Tomatoes from integrated agriculture on open field- material intensity composition Source: study results 109 Animal productions The analyses of milk and dairy products refers only to an organic and high-quality productions, while the beef results encompass the two forms of conventional meat produced trough permanent housing and organic trough partial housing. Concerning milk production (fig. 5.14, table 5.6), the milk powder used for calves feeding constitutes a huge part of the material intensity, especially the abiotic (63%) and water (48%). The production of fodders follows is the second impact source. The same outcome is for Parmesan production, where the milk-processing phase contributes modestly to the consumption of abiotic resources (14%) and air (15%), mostly due to the consumption of electricity and fossil fuels for the milk cooking. Stables maintenance (which include the fuels, electricity, water consumptions but not the infrastructure) affects the total impact with small shares: 14% of abiotic, 10% of water and 6% of air in the milk process, 12% of abiotic, 9% of water, 5% of air in the cheese. Results on meat shows that organic production allows reducing drastically the employment of abiotic resources, water and soil, in spite a lower productivity of extensive breeding systems. In the conventional system calves are purchased and imported from France, thus are considered as productive inputs and are responsible for 65% of the biotic resource consumption (fig. 5.6). The trip of calves provision is accounted in “transport”. Fodders production has the highest impact both in conventional and organic systems, in all the categories. Slaughtering phase is also relevant in terms of air and abiotic resources, while stable maintenance’s effect is visible only in the organic system. Table 5.6 Animal productions’ material intensity ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved soil Milk whole OA 0.41 4.63 20.76 0.30 1.07 435.56 Milk skimmed OA 0.30 3.39 15.24 0.22 0.79 319.41 Parmesan cheese OA 5.66 53.34 254.97 4.29 12.38 5021.07 Beef CA 6.84 43.91 2222.71 6.89 5.10 2945.56 Beef OA 3.15 49.37 137.24 6.47 0.84 551.52 Source: study results Fig. 5.14 Whole milk – material intensity composition Source: study results 110 Fig. 5.15 Parmesan – material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.15 Conventional beef - material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.16 Organic beef - material intensity composition Source: study results Processed foodstuff Pasta The reduction of material input achievable with organic practices of cultivation involves the categories of renewable and no-renewable resources, water and air. The 111 production of conventional pasta uses national wheat only for 50%. The rest is usually imported from foreign countries. The MI calculation takes into consideration this statistic and the provision of raw materials is included in the issue “transport”. Its impact is significantly higher in the conventional pasta (29% of ait, 15% of abiotic) than in the organic one (Fig. 5.17). The farming phase has a major weight in the conventional production. In the organic one, the industrial phase (including milling, pasta production and packaging) dominates the categories of abiotic, air and water. In table 5.7 the material intensity results of wheat flour and pasta. Table 5.7 Pasta material intensity Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved soil Wheat flour CA 1.13 3.23 18.88 0.61 3.26 1287.65 Wheat flour OA 0.66 2.45 11.79 0.21 3.24 1281.27 Pasta at shelf CA 1.61 3.20 28.70 0.88 3.23 1277.45 Pasta at shelf OA 1.16 2.43 21.81 0.50 3.22 1271.12 PASTA Source: study results Fig. 5.17 Conventional Pasta - material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.18 Organic Pasta - material intensity composition Source: study results Rice Organic rice implies a major use of biotic resources and soil, because of the minor yield and the use of green manure as fertilizing practice. Abiotic, water and air are instead reduced with this practice (table. 5.8). Parboiled rice is more demanding for abiotic, water and air, due to the additional treatments it undergoes. 112 Farming phase is responsible for almost the entirety of water consumption, more than a half of abiotic in conventional (58%) and parboiled rice (52%) and considerable share of air (54% in conventional, 48% in organic and 36% in parboiled) (Fig. 5.19). Processing phase is instead less relevant, with the exception of parboiled. The packaging (made of double bag in plastic and cardboard) affects overall the abiotic and air consumption in the organic rice. Table 25.8 Rice Material Intensity RICE Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved soil Milled rice at shelf CA 1.85 2.74 3923.40 0.60 2.00 2142.49 Milled rice at shelf OA 0.75 3.33 855.96 0.30 3.42 3653.03 Parboiled rice at shelf CA 2.05 2.74 3927.81 0.90 2.00 2142.49 Source: study results Fig. 5.19 Conventional milled rice - material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.20 Organic rice - material intensity composition Source: study results 113 Fig. 5.20 Parboiled rice - material intensity composition Source: study results Orange juice The production of oranges contributes for 37% of the total consumption of abiotic resources, while 48% is attributable to the processing phase (table 5.9, fig. 5.21). The consumption of 1.42 kg of air for each kilogram of juice is due to farming process for 42% and to processing for 41%. Packaging has a small effect on the entire material input (10% of abiotic, 7% of air) as well as transport. Table 5.9 Orange juice Material Intensity ORANGE JUICE Orange juice CA Abiotic Biotic Water Air 3.31 7.1 1254.1 1.264 Erosion Moved soil 2.84 122.69 Source: study results Fig. 5.21 Natural orange juice - material intensity composition Source: study results 5.1.2 Material intensity of food from Ma-Pi polyculture The products of polyculture have been assessed as an average vegetal mass provided by a mixed land parcel, while five crops have been evaluated separately. The system boundary of these crops includes the packaging and transport to retailers, while the fresh vegetables supplied by the mixed parcel of land are retailed without any packaging. Table 5.7 shows the results on the material intensity of the different crops and Fig. 5.22-5.27 represent the distribution of the impact between the different phases of the 114 chain. Diesel used in field operations is the main source of impact within the agricultural production. It concerns the consumption of abiotic materials and air. Cous cous is the only product requiring a milling phase from wheat, thus the processing phase in this crop accounts the great part of abiotic, water and air consumption. In the other foodstuffs packaging contributes substantially to the abiotic category (millet 66%, barley 52%, rice 63%, beans 49%). Transport’s contribution is negligible in all the products. Table 5.7 Material intensity of agricultural products from Ma-Pi polyculture Generic vegetal unit from polyculture Beans Whole rice Cous cous Millet Barley Abiotic 0.04 0.04 0.06 1.22 0.06 0.04 Biotic 1.10 0.52 1.05 0.97 1.05 0.59 Water 40.83 187.18 285.94 22.02 1.02 0.58 Air 0.10 0.05 0.06 0.49 0.03 0.05 Erosion 0.90 1.56 1.68 2.48 5.76 2.05 Moved soil 292.50 60.67 43.59 48.33 187.12 66.67 Source: study results Fig. 5.22 Vegetal unit from Ma-Pi polyculture - material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.23 Beans by UPM - material intensity composition Source: study results 115 Fig. 5.24 Whole rice by UPM - material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.25 Cous cous by UPM - material intensity composition Source: study results Fig. 5.26 Millet by UPM - material intensity composition Source: study results 116 Fig. 5.27 Barley by UPM - material intensity composition Source: study results 5.2 Results of Analysis 2 The final outcome of the work consists in a quantification of the natural resources adsorbed by nutrition, according to three different systems of production and consumption (also called “paradigms”), described in chapter 3. The first paradigm is split into the 1a, having a standard food chain, and 1b, where the transport distances are reduced, according to the food miles idea (see chapter 4.6). Tables 5.8-5.11 illustrate the amount of resources consumed, by the different environmental categories. They refer to the amount of food necessary to nourish one person during a week, divided by foodstuff. For the UPM paradigm we adopted a different system of diet composition, and data is divided by the four meals under investigation that are considered having each one a frequency of 4.4, during one week, in order to satisfy the nutritional requirement of one person. 117 Table 5.8 - MIPS of nutrition according to Paradigm 1a – Dominant food system (kg/week*person) PARADIGM 1A – DOMINANT Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved Soil TMR Pasta (CA) 1.53 2.51 32.0 0.87 2.54 1003 4.0 Rice (milled. CA) 1.50 2.15 3084.0 0.51 1.57 1684 3.7 Meat (beef. CA) Legumes (peas. dried. CA) 8.61 53.84 2727.7 8.70 6.25 3612 62.5 0.06 0.28 0.8 0.07 0.40 159 0.3 Fruit (oranges. CA) * Fruit juice (natural orange juice. CA)* 0.89 5.52 941.5 0.38 2.21 95 6.4 6.09 13.06 2306.9 2.33 5.22 226 19.2 Tomatoes (CA. gh) 3.03 1.43 66.1 6.25 1.43 651 4.5 Lettuce (CA. gh) 8.55 1.43 112.4 18.21 1.43 839 10.0 Zucchini (CA. gh) 4.99 1.43 52.5 10.54 1.43 652 6.4 Milk (whole OA) * 1.75 19.86 89.1 1.30 4.60 1869 21.6 Cheese (Parmesan. OA) 1.94 18.32 87.6 1.47 4.25 1724 20.3 Tot. 38.9 119.8 9500.7 50.6 31.3 12514.0 158.8 CA: from conventional agriculture; OA: from organic agriculture; IA: integrated agriculture; gh: greenhouse crop; of: open field; *: same values in P1 and P”; source: study results Table 5.9 - MIPS of nutrition according to Paradigm 1b – Dominant + reduced food miles (kg/week*person) PARADIGM 1B – RED. FOOD MILES Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved Soil TMR Pasta (OA) 1.41 2.51 30.94 0.73 2.54 1002.62 3.92 Rice (milled. OA) 1.37 2.15 3082.44 0.37 1.57 1681.56 3.53 Meat (beef. OA) Legumes (peas. dried. OA) 8.41 53.84 2725.95 8.48 6.25 3612.29 62.25 0.03 0.28 0.29 0.07 0.54 221.51 0.31 Fruit (oranges. CA) * Fruit juice (natural orange juice. CA)* 0.89 5.52 941.52 0.38 2.21 95.36 6.40 5.81 13.06 2304.68 2.18 5.22 225.69 18.87 Tomatoes (IA. of) 2.79 1.43 64.03 5.98 1.43 650.66 4.22 Lettuce (IA. of) 8.31 1.43 110.35 17.94 1.43 838.87 9.74 Zucchini (IA. of) 4.75 1.43 50.42 10.27 1.43 652.22 6.18 Milk (whole. OA) * 1.75 19.86 89.12 1.30 4.60 1869.05 21.61 Cheese (Parmesan. OA) 1.94 18.32 87.55 1.47 4.25 1724.12 20.26 Tot. 37.5 119.8 9487.3 49.2 31.5 12573.9 157.3 CA: from conventional agriculture; OA: from organic agriculture; IA: integrated agriculture; gh: greenhouse crop; of: open field; *: same values in P1 and P”; source: study results 118 Table 5.10 - MIPS of nutrition according to Paradigm 2 – GAS food system (kg/week*person) PARADIGM 2 GAS Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved Soil TMR Pasta (OA) 1.04 1.91 25.42 0.42 2.53 997.66 2.95 Rice (milled. OA) 0.62 2.62 675.89 0.24 2.69 2867.13 3.24 Meat (beef. OA) Legumes (peas. dried. OA) 3.87 60.55 168.30 7.93 1.03 676.35 64.41 0.03 0.28 0.29 0.07 0.54 221.61 0.31 Fruit (oranges. CA) * Fruit juice (natural orange juice. CA)* 0.89 5.52 941.52 0.38 2.21 95.36 6.40 6.09 13.06 2306.95 2.33 5.22 225.69 19.15 Tomatoes (IA. of) 0.03 1.43 42.45 0.05 1.43 836.57 1.46 Lettuce (IA. of) 0.06 1.43 42.72 0.13 1.43 838.48 1.49 Zucchini (IA. of) 0.08 1.43 42.73 0.10 1.43 652.28 1.51 Milk (whole. OA) * 1.75 19.86 89.12 1.30 4.60 1869.05 21.61 Cheese (Parmesan. OA) 1.94 18.32 87.55 1.47 4.25 1724.12 20.26 Tot. 16.4 126.4 4422.9 14.4 27.4 11004.3 142.8 CA: from conventional agriculture; OA: from organic agriculture; IA: integrated agriculture; gh: greenhouse crop; of: open field; *: same values in P1 and P”; source: study results Table 5.11 MIPS of nutrition according to Paradigm 3 - UPM (kg/week*person) PARADIGM 3: UPM Abiotic Biotic Water Air Erosion Moved Soil TMR Meal 1 0.88 2.98 199.96 2.45 4.42 680.35 3.87 Meal 2 0.63 3.06 240.73 1.72 2.86 730.13 3.68 Meal 3 1.41 2.00 204.23 2.73 3.42 349.62 3.41 Meal 4 0.84 4.24 254.77 2.31 4.16 1027.19 5.08 Total 3.76 12.28 899.69 9.21 14.87 2787.29 16.0 Source: study results Figures 5.28-5.30 illustrate and compare the resource withdrawing linked to the paradigms under invastigation. The interpretation of MIPS categories can adopt the indicator TMR (Total Material Requirement) that, in this study, is the sum of abiotic and biotic categories. Usually it encompassed also erosion, but, as explained in chapter 4, data on erosion produced by each specific crop wasn’t available, thus we used the same value for all the agricultural land. Therefore, we neglect the interpretation of erosion results. Regarding TMR, meat is the major source of material consumption both in P1 (a and b) and P2. Milk, cheese and orange juice follow (these foodstuffs have the same MI in P1 and P2). Meat is also the second share of water consumption in P1, after rice. Oranges and orange juice follow. Air consumption is very much affected by greenhouse crops, which in P1 form 69% of the total. Meat is also relevant both in P1 and P2 air category. Differences between P1 and P2 are underestimated, because for some foodstuffs we used the same figures of material intensity (they are checked off with * in the tables). However, P2 system demonstrates to reduce the environmental impact of food, especially in terms of air (-71%), abiotic (-58%) and water (-53%) (table 5.12; fig. 5.31). P2 is instead more demanding in terms of biotic resources, which consist in 119 renewable material use, i.e. biomass. It is assignable to the lower yields achievable through organic farming, and the higher portion of seed invested per output unit. Differences between P1a and P2b are negligible in all the categories, demonstrating that the distances’ reduction only downstream the food chain, i.e., between producers and consumers, does not permit a considerable resource saving. Farming practices and provision of raw materials and agricultural inputs have a key role in the food environmental impact. The UPM system (P3) presents the best environmental performance, allowing the reduction of TMR, abiotic, biotic and water resource use of a factor 10 and the reduction of air use of a factor 5. Fig. 5.28 Total Material Requirements (TMR) of nutrition in the three paradigms Source: study results Fig. 5.29 Water requirements of nutrition in the three paradigms Source: study results 120 Fig. 5.30 Air requirements of nutrition in the three paradigms Source: study results Fig. 5.31Differences in resource consumption in the three paradigms Source: study results Table 5.12 Reductions in resource use of paradigms 1b, 2 and 3 with respect to 1a ABIOTIC BIOTIC WATER AIR EROSION MOVED SOIL TMR Paradigm 1a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Paradigm 1b -3.80 0.00 -0.14 -2.91 0.44 0.48 -0.93 Paradigm 2 -57.87 5.48 -53.45 -71.51 -12.72 -12.06 -10.06 Paradigm 3 -90.34 -89.75 -90.53 -81.80 -52.57 -77.73 -89.90 Source: study results 121 Chapter 6. Discussion on the results The outcomes of the MIPS analysis on the Italian agricultural products and foodstuffs provide a sustainability rating of the different foodstuffs produced through three main agricultural practices: conventional, organic and Ma-Pi polyculture10. The results showed in the section 5.1 account for two aspects: the eco-efficiency of different foodstuffs and agricultural products, and the productivity of the practices, mainly referred to the agricultural phase. Concerning the first perspective, which focus on the food products performance, different groups of foodstuffs are scored by their material, water and air requirement in figures 6.1-6.3. Among the vegetal productions11, fresh vegetables in greenhouse have the highest impact in terms of TMR and especially air. The open field cultivation, however, allows a drastic resource saving and these crops have the best environmental performance in terms of material requirements between all the crop groups. Summer cereals, including the irrigated maize and rice crops, are the most water demanding and the second group for TMR. Regarding animal productions and processed foodstuffs (figures 6.4-6.6) results confirmed the high impact of meat and cheese, which present the highest TMR and air consumptions. Meat is also very water demanding, second after rice. This result is confirmed by the outcomes on diets presented above, where cheese and meat embody the biggest shares of the resource demand due to nutrition, in the paradigms P1a, P1b and P2. Many other studies in the scientific literature have claimed the high ecological cost of meat: in terms of climate change potential (Carlsson-Kanyama and Gonzales 2009, McMichael, Powles et al. 2007, Eshel and Martin 2006), water footprint (Hoakstra 2007) and energy consumption (Pimentel and Pimentel 2003, Pimentel 2006). A minor visibility has had the dairy products, which also have a relevant impact on diets, in spite of a modest weekly consumption of cheese provided by the Italian diets (0.3 kg). A similar outcome is reported by a study on natural resource consumption of Finnish households (Kauppinen, Lähteenoja et al. 2008) where dairy products are the first voice in the total resource consumption due to nutrition, and vegetarian diets (in which meat is substantially substituted by dairy products) do not have a minor impact than the omnivorous ones. Pasta demonstrates a very positive performance, as the impact due to this product in the total due to nutrition is very low (less than 3%, fig. 5.28) in the categories TMR, water and air, both in conventional and organic system, in spite of a weekly consumption of 0.8 kg per person. 10 The Ma-Pi polyculture can be defined as a post-organic practice, going beyond the agrochemicals’ ban and aiming at building up a different agro-ecosystem, with the highest levels of biodiversity and self-sufficiency from external inputs. 11 figures are for conventional agriculture and vegetables, and are divided in greenhouse and open field growing 122 The second perspective, i.e. the evaluation of farming practices’ productivity, implies the comparison between conventional, organic and post-organic techniques. While the previous two are comparable through the products’ MI results (which had the same system boundary), the third system can be compared to the others through the diets’ performances, thus encompassing all the value chain. Before discussing the productivity, one must remind that the concept of material intensity focus on the withdrawing of natural resources, which is considered as a proxy measure for the environmental impact. Thus, the evaluation of MI discloses the rate input/output of each productive process, in biophysical terms, therefore the “thermodynamic expenditure” resulting from each production and consumption act. The results on supply chain show that conventional systems can have a good performance in spite of the massive amount of inputs employed, when yields are very high; on the contrary, in vegetables greenhouses the higher yields do not compensate the use of energy and materials, so they are less eco-efficient than the open field production. The organic agricultural productions have a minor yield with respect to the conventional ones (was assumed 25% less than the conventional when specific data lacked). Nevertheless, organic practice resulted to have a higher productivity in terms of natural resource use. Figures 6.7-6.9 show the vegetal productions, paired conventional and organic, and scored by their MIPS results. Almost all the organic crops have a lower impact with respect to the same crop produced by conventional agriculture, with the exception of beans, peas and sorghum, for the air consumption, and clover hay and sorghum grass for the water consumption. These exceptions are attributable to the major impact per kilogram of final product that derives from the minor yields. This is especially visible in the biotic category (see also results in chapter 5.1). Thus, the reduction of resource use in organic systems is especially visible in the category of abiotic, water and air. In general, a trade off between abiotic or no-renewable and biotic or renewable resources emerges. This is attributable to the higher amounts of seed, i.e. biotic material, per product unit required by the organic farming and a major use of the vegetal biomass in order to substitute the agrochemicals (i.e, green manure and false sowing practices). The impact of biotic materials employed in organic production is even more evident in animal based products. The TMR of organic meat, instead, is slightly higher than the conventional one due to the major value of biotic resources used (49.37 kg/kg vs. 43.91). It reflects that the amount of biomass used for livestock feeding per unit of meat obtained is higher in the organic and extensive system, where cattle graze for the major part of the year. Nevertheless, organic meat halves the consumption of abiotic materials (3.15 vs. 6.84) and slashes the water consumption (137.24 vs. 2222.71), which in the conventional system are owing to fodders’ cultivation for 95%. 123 Fig. 6.1 Groups of crops scored by average TMR (gh: greenhouse; of: open field) Source: study results Fig. 6.2 Groups of crops scored by average water requirement (gh: greenhouse; of: open field) Source: study results 124 Fig. 6.3 Groups of crops scored by average air requirement (gh: greenhouse; of: openfield) Source: study results Fig. 6.4 Foodstuffs scored by TMR (CA: conventional agricultural; OA: organic agriculture) Source: study results 125 Fig. 6.5 Foodstuffs scored by water requirements (CA: conventional agricultural; OA: organic agriculture) Source: study results Fig. 6.6 Foodstuffs scored by air requirements (CA: conventional agricultural; OA: organic agriculture) Source: study results Fig. 6.7 Crops scored by TMR values 126 Source: study results Fig. 6.8 Crops scored by water requirements Source: study results Fig. 6.9 Crops scored by air requirements Source: study results The results on UPM products showed that a drastic reduction of the food material intensity is achievable using agronomic techniques that minimize the employment of external inputs. The Ma-Pi polyculture can be considered as a peculiar form of agroecological management, pointing at restoring the agro-ecosystems’ fertility through a high level of biodiversity and the coexistence of arboreal and herbaceous plants (Altieri 2002). A high productivity, a high level of biodiversity, and a low employment of external inputs characterize these systems. 127 Fig. 6.10 arranges the three farming systems investigated in this study on the base of their eco-efficiency. The diagram is inspired by an Altieri elaboration (2010), adding the variable “material input employment”, outcome of this survey. The Ma-Pi system has a high level of eco-efficiency, while organic system is less productive, thus has a medium eco-efficiency. The conventional system, based on monoculture, has a low level of biodiversity and an elevated input employment. In spite of its high productivity, the eco-efficiency is low. Regarding the analyses of the food systems, i.e. including the food distribution, purchasing and consumption, the second paradigm, referred to the GAS model, demonstrated to reduce the environmental impact, especially in terms of no renewable, water and air consumption. However, the potential of this system is underestimated, because we used the same MIPS values both in the first and second paradigm for four foodstuffs: orange and orange juice (from conventional agriculture), milk and cheese (from organic agriculture). A negligible impact reduction is instead obtainable when reducing the distances between producer and consumer, but without a change in the agricultural practices (P1b paradigm). This outcome confirms the key role of the farming phase in driving food system towards sustainability. The sustainability gains obtainable through the third paradigm, referred to UPM, are even more drastic than the one from paradigm two, and allow the reduction of at least a factor 10 in the categories of abiotic, biotic and water and of a factor 5.5 in the air consumption. The UPM experience demonstrates that a significant reduction of the ecological impact due to nutrition is achievable through three main strategies: • • • strengthening of low-external inputs farming practices; setting of short and local food chains; orienting the food habits towards a lower food intake12 and a minimization of animal based products. The diet considered in this study was based on cereals, legumes and vegetables, neglecting every animal origin food and imported foodstuffs because they represent a very small share of the total. Food waste has also been neglected from our analysis. However, the impact of trashed food along the value chain can affect relevantly the results. The value of food waste along the Italian supply chain has been estimated in 37 billion of euro, equal to 3% of the GDP (Segrè 2010). The potential of AFNs like GAS and UPM in reducing this inefficiency should be assessed. The economic performance of the different agro-food systems and the analysis of the margin distribution along the food chains were beyond the scope of this study. However, measuring sustainability as natural resources’ input/output rate, thus pointing out the efficiency of production systems and their capability of enhancing resource productivity has also an economic advantage. First, it encourages a rational resource allocation through the comparison of different production practices and consumption habits. The efficiency in resource use is likely to reflect the economic efficiency, because wasteful and ineffective techniques imply dispensable costs. In the case of agricultural production, the minimization of external inputs can contribute reducing the production costs, which have a key role in the agriculture profitability (see chapter 2), due to the high concentration in the sector of the agricultural inputs production. Moreover, the results on crops disclose that a major yield does not imply a higher productivity when this gain is obtained with more than proportional inputs. It suggests that the farm profitability can be improved through the strategy of 12 The service unit of UPM diet didn’t refer to the calories intake but to the normal amount of food recommended by UPM, that corresponds to two meals and a half 128 minimizing the inputs instead of the most common “productivist” scheme of yield maximization. Fig. 6.10 The evaluated eco-efficiency of three agricultural systems Source: study results 129 Chapter 7. Conclusions 7.1 Overview of the study The main challenges the global agri-food systems are going to face concern the following aspects: • • • • • to accomplish a growing food demand and the food habits changing, at a global level; to deal with an increasing competition for land and other natural resources; to improve the food safety and security in developed and developing countries; to preserve the natural ecosystems and their productive capacity, on which the agricultural activity rest with; to not worsen the environmental crisis and climate change, but to take advantage of the mitigation potential of suitable agricultural practices. In order to be sustainable, future food systems must be productive, minimize their impact on the environment and ensure an equitable income distribution along the food chain. Moreover, starvation and subnutrition should be halved by 2015, according to the Millennium Development Goals of the UN ( This study aimed at evaluating the environmental sustainability of three different Italian food systems that have been defined through three theoretical paradigms. The first one is the dominant paradigm, characterized by a modern and industrialized agriculture, the globalization of the food chain and the predominance of the department stores in the food retailing. The second paradigm refers to the initiative of solidarity purchasing groups (GAS in Italian), which manage collectively the distribution of organic food, supplied by local farmers. The third paradigm is based on the UPM (Un Punto Macrobiotico) experience, an international association handling an entire food chain, since the agricultural production (based on a postorganic practice called Ma-Pi polyculture) till the food preparation and catering, according to the principles of the macrobiotic diet. A further model took into consideration the Food Miles concept, thus the reduction of the distances covered by food produced with the same practices as in the dominant paradigm. The investigation method used for assessing the sustainability of these food systems is the Material Input Per Service unit (MIPS), applied on a set of agricultural products and foodstuffs produced according to the three paradigms. The MIPS analysis has provided a sustainability rating of food, based on their eco-efficiency, i.e. the amount of resources embodied per unit of obtained output. The interpretation of the results regards the categories of abiotic and biotic materials (joined together in the indicator TMR, Total Material Requirement), water and air. The categories of moved soil and erosion, although accounted, are left out of the results’ interpretation because of the lack of specific data. This methodology has demonstrated to be a suitable tool for obtaining an overview on the Italian foodstuffs’ pressure on the 130 environment, and to make comparisons between different production practices and diets. The material approach permitted to take into account of some aspects that are usually neglected by the traditional environmental investigation. The huge amounts of materials that is used, for instance, in the extraction activity, as well as overburden and other flows that do not enter directly in the production process but are withdrawn by the ecosystems. Moreover, encompassing more aspects and environmental categories allows understanding possible tradeoffs in the resource use (e.g. between biotic and abiotic materials in the agricultural production) and to find out possible side effects of impact reduction strategies. A further advantage of this methodology is the focus on the input side, based on the assumption that the entering energy and material flows must be equivalent to the outgoings, according to the first thermodynamic low. It allows an ex-ante evaluation of the eco-efficiency, the planning of a strategy for enhancing the resource productivity and the monitoring of the economy dematerialization. However, MIPS is a raw level and quantitative evaluation, which can be completed if more specific information are required. A qualitative survey on specific environmental aspects, i.e. the eco-toxicity of substances used in the production processes and their pollutant potential, can follow and integrate the MIPS analysis when an in-depth investigation is necessary. In general, the work has a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. The environmental evaluation has been carried out with a wide perspective, focusing on the main socio-economic features that characterize the different food paradigms. The ecological economics and agricultural economics are the main disciplines underpinning the study, but it has made use of topics and knowledge from rural sociology, agronomy, environmental science, nutrition science and human geography. 7.2 Summary of major results and policy recommendations As a result, this investigation has primarily provided a database on the material intensity of a set of thirty-one food products from conventional and organic farming, and six products from Ma-Pi polyculture. This knowledge basis will expedite future research on the theme of nutrition’s sustainability. Secondary, the study accounts the sustainability of three food systems, evaluating them on the base of their ecoefficiency. The outcomes on foodstuffs confirm the better environmental performance of the organic agriculture with respect to the conventional practices. Also from a materialflow perspective, organic practices demonstrated to have a considerable impact reduction potential and should definitively be boosted in order to make the agricultural sector more sustainable. The Ma-Pi polyculture, defined as a postorganic practice, showed an even greater environmental sustainability and proved to reduce the resource use of a factor of ten, accomplishing to the requirement for a sustainable development stated by the Factor 10 concept (Schimdt-Bleek 2001); see also: It refers to the tenfold reduction in the resource use that industrialized countries should gain in order to permit the developing countries growth. From the UPM analysis emerged that the minimization of the inputs can be an effective strategy for stressing agricultural biophysical productivity, and a valuable alternative to the “productivist” scheme that have been dominating in the last decades and that focus on the yields’ maximization. The organic and post-organic agricultural systems, in addition, provide a number of services like the carbon sequestration and the preservation of soil fertility that haven’t be assessed by this study, but that should be taken into consideration by the policy maker when comparing them with the conventional system. 131 The low input agricultural technologies present several advantages for the smallscale farms, which represent 90% of the total in the world. Economic data on the Italian and global food systems show that these farms have a low profitability, and the farmers’ distribution margins are squeezed between growing costs for intermediate products and the low prices fetched by the retailing sector, which is undergoing a concentration process. The inequality of bargaining power between small farmers and other stakeholders, up and downstream the agricultural production, is one of the main reason of the persistent difference between rural and non rural incomes in the industrialized world, and of farmers’ impoverishment in the developing countries. Nevertheless, small farms are often more productive in the resource use and have a relevant function in mitigating the food insecurity in the rural areas. The empowerment of low-input technologies in these farms would reduce their dependence from input suppliers. Moreover, the evaluation of the environmental and social benefit provided by them should be reconsidered in a wider perspective, adding to the monetary assets the evaluation of the livelihood conditions. UPM model, based on a small scale and low external input agricultural practices, can be taken as an emblematic example of sustainable agri-food systems based on smallscale farming. This model underpins on the existence of several small farmers, with a diversified agricultural production, supplying a very health-oriented food demand. These farms, producing a wide range of products through the intercropping farming practice, are very productive, because have a high rate output/input and count upon a local food distribution systems, managed by UPM. Both the AFNs under investigation proved to generate a beneficial effect on the environment, mainly through the use of different and more ecological farming practices, and the creation of a local food chain, which reduce the transport distances and intermediate steps in the food chain. However, the reduction of the food miles alone did not provide a significant impact reduction. Although the study have not assessed the sociologic and economic effects of AFN directly, the literature insight on this topic display that benefits can rise from AFNs in terms of local economy revitalization, healthier food habits and farmers’ income. The success that these initiatives have had and their expansion in the latest years can partially prove these benefits. However, a further investigation is needed on this topic. UPM system shows also how a specific food demand - very much exigent in terms of healthy property and nutritional value of food - can drive the agricultural supply towards the environmental sustainability. The central role of the consumers and their awareness on environmental, agricultural and health-related issues is a crucial factor for enhancing the organic and post organic practices. In turn, agricultural practices contribute substantially in the total environmental impact of food. Results demonstrate that the agronomic techniques have a major role in expedite a transition towards sustainable agri-food systems. Boosting a sustainable agriculture has many implications also in the public health. As “issues related to hunger exist in tandem with issues related to obesity” (Kinsey 2003:2) a food policy focused on the production of healthy food can generate many synergies. The outcomes of this study hint that exists a reciprocal relation between the environmental performance of food production and its healthiness. Many studies have pointed to the negative effects of high meat, sugar and fat consumption and our results confirmed that these products embody huge amount of natural resources. Other similar studies proved the same for fats and sugar (see, e.g., Kotakorpi, Lähteenoja et al. 2008; Ritthoff, Kaiser et al. 2009). Thus, acting on the eco-efficiency and natural resource saving could enable the achievement of positive effects on the environment and on the health at the same time. Obesity, diabetes and many other noncommunicable diseases caused by a bad nutrition have enormous costs in terms of public expenditure. The chemicals used in agriculture are also dangerous for the health as well as more processed and treated foodstuffs contain higher amounts of 132 additives, preservatives and other harmful substances. An agricultural policy focused on the reduction of inputs and on the production of natural and healthy food would contribute to reduce the health care costs, and preserving the ecosystems. Contemporaneously, spreading a basic knowledge on sustainability and raising public awareness of the benefit of a healthy nutrition would promote a demand for an organic and low-impact agriculture. 7.3 Suggestions for future research This study could be considered as the first part of a wider investigation, concerning the sustainability of food systems. The environmental impact would instead be joined to an economic and sociologic empirical evaluation of the studied food systems. This analysis could take into account the margin distribution within the various steps of the value chain, in order to verify the effects on the agricultural sector’s income. Such enquiry would aims at validating the hypothesis that AFNs can provide an economic opportunity for farmers and ensure a fairer value distribution. This study neglected the role of food waste, and the potential of the different paradigms in reducing it. However, this is a relevant issue affecting all the steps of the food chain. An in-depth examination can investigate the size of this wastage and the impact of different waste management strategy. Moreover, the hamper of food for which the material intensity has been evaluated could be definitely enlarged. Many other foodstuffs are important ingredients of the Italian diet, and could be useful for a comparison between other European diets, i.e. the Finnish and German one, for which the material intensity have been already calculated. From a methodological point of view, the MIPS indicator could be improved, especially in defining the impact on soil and land use. A continuous updating of the MI factors, based on the technology advances and referred to specific countries, is necessary to improve the assessments’ quality. Enlarging the evaluation to other foodstuffs of Italian diet would complete this study and gain more detailed information. 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Material Intensity results kg/kg Wheat Wheat Barley Barley Oats Oats Rye Rye Triticale Triticale Maize Maize (dried) Sorghum Sorghum (dried) Sorghum Paddy rice Paddy rice Field bean Field bean Lupins Lupins Bean (dried) Bean (dried) Peas (dried) Peas (dried) Mais silage Sorghum silage Sorghum silage Lucerne hay Lucerne hay Clover hay Clover hay Grass hay meadow Barley grass Sorghum grass Sorghum grass Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Zucchini Zucchini CA OA CA OA CA OA CA OA CA OA CA CA CA CA OA CA OA CA OA CA OA CA OA CA OA CA CA OA CA OA CA OA OA CA CA OA CA gh CA of IA of CA gh CA of IA of CA gh CA of Abiotic 0.23 0.08 0.80 0.04 0.96 0.05 1.09 0.08 0.38 0.06 0.53 0.65 0.51 0.62 0.10 0.77 0.06 1.27 0.12 0.29 0.11 1.19 0.32 0.39 0.22 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.25 0.07 0.33 0.06 0.06 0.16 0.09 0.01 Biotic 1.80 1.83 1.88 1.90 1.93 1.96 1.93 1.96 1.91 1.93 2.08 2.40 2.08 2.32 2.08 1.90 1.92 1.91 1.94 1.88 1.90 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 1.50 1.01 1.00 1.00 Water 3.77 0.59 5.48 0.32 6.21 0.39 6.29 0.53 4.10 0.43 457.04 526.84 5.03 5.96 0.79 2828.29 500.39 8.10 1.41 5.13 1.13 8.95 2.50 5.59 1.97 83.12 85.35 112.65 68.47 0.51 184.11 242.86 0.46 1.10 62.29 81.89 Air 0.20 0.13 0.22 0.10 0.26 0.13 0.26 0.16 0.17 0.11 0.23 0.36 0.18 0.31 0.23 0.24 0.08 0.34 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.71 0.73 0.45 0.49 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.04 0.03 0.02 Erosion 1.82 2.42 1.69 2.29 2.06 2.77 2.56 3.41 1.71 2.28 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.40 1.86 1.45 2.05 3.38 4.58 3.36 4.53 4.02 5.39 2.70 3.65 0.18 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.15 0.08 0.10 0.00 0.34 0.18 0.24 Soil 717.07 956.46 556.92 755.12 681.50 919.17 844.00 1125.33 673.08 897.44 521.25 600.52 732.23 816.76 1089.02 1552.53 2191.82 1793.33 2476.71 1337.50 1836.83 1585.20 2149.55 1083.20 1505.90 94.83 146.72 195.63 72.55 98.23 48.89 65.40 0.00 110.84 106.70 142.61 1.96 0.09 0.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 44.65 30.40 29.64 4.17 0.04 0.03 1.00 1.00 1.00 455.01 585.01 585.01 5.78 0.18 0.04 1.00 1.00 1.00 76.90 30.90 29.77 12.51 0.12 0.09 1.00 1.00 1.00 585.27 585.43 585.60 3.26 0.19 1.00 1.00 35.10 15.98 7.16 0.10 1.00 1.00 455.05 455.07 145 Zucchini Oranges Milk whole Milk skimmed Parmesan cheese Beef Beef Wheat flour Wheat flour Pasta Pasta Milled rice Milled rice Parboiled rice Orange juice Generic vegetal unit from polyculture Beans Whole rice Cous cous Millet Barley IA of CA OA OA OA CA OA CA OA CA OA CA OA CA CA 0.05 0.34 0.41 0.30 5.66 6.84 3.15 1.13 0.66 1.61 1.16 1.69 0.71 1.90 3.38 1.00 1.00 4.63 3.39 53.34 43.91 49.37 3.23 2.45 3.20 2.43 2.74 3.33 2.74 8.10 29.94 182.09 20.76 15.24 254.97 2222.71 137.24 18.88 11.79 28.70 21.81 3922.06 855.57 3926.47 1506.10 0.07 0.27 0.30 0.22 4.29 6.89 6.47 0.61 0.21 0.88 0.50 0.45 0.26 0.75 6.90 1.00 0.40 1.07 0.79 12.38 5.10 0.84 3.26 3.24 3.23 3.22 2.00 3.42 2.00 3.24 455.09 17.28 435.56 319.41 5021.07 2945.56 551.52 1287.65 1281.27 1277.45 1271.12 2142.49 3653.03 2142.49 139.97 MaPi Mapi MaPi MaPi MaPi MaPi 0.04 0.04 0.06 1.22 0.06 0.04 1.10 0.52 1.05 0.97 1.05 0.59 40.83 187.18 285.94 22.02 1.02 0.58 0.10 0.05 0.06 0.49 0.03 0.05 0.90 1.56 1.68 2.48 5.76 2.05 292.50 60.67 43.59 48.33 187.12 66.67 CA: Conventional agricolture; OA: Organic agricolture; IA: Integrated agricolture; Gh: green house; Of: open field; MaPi: macrobiotic-pianesian polyculture 146 2. GaBi processes 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175