the ARISE 2015 Spring Newsletter


the ARISE 2015 Spring Newsletter
ARISE & Ride for Ramps
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Lighthouse Lanes
Motorcycle ride & 5K run in support
of the Oswego Ramp Program.
ARISE & Ride at the Farm
Saturday, July 25, 2015
ARISE at the Farm
25- and 12-mile cycle ride, walk &
wheel-a-thon, and family festival.
UNIQUE Exhibition
Starting August 21, 2015
Everson Museum of Art
Come see the artwork and poetry
featured in UNIQUE 2015!
More than 50 years ago, my grandparents,
then in their 60s, built a new home for
themselves in Oot Meadows, Liverpool.
Their home had no steps from the garage
to the home. The accommodation was
needed because my grandmother used a
wheelchair following surgeries that required
amputation of both her legs. George and
Bertha were ahead of the times.
Tom McKeown
Executive Director
Exactly 25 years ago, advocates (from
ARISE and other similar organizations)
and family members throughout the nation
won a hard-fought victory. Congress
passed, and George H.W. Bush signed,
the Americans with Disabilities Act. Former
Congressman Jim Walsh has often stated,
“This action was a pinnacle of my career.”
The work continues. And advocates
continue to be raised up in the new
generations. We at ARISE (in our 36th year)
are delighted to witness strong support.
Our ramp programs (primarily in Oswego
County) include the most dedicated
volunteers from all walks of life: retirees,
church mission workers, business
associates, college and high school
students, community agency staff. Ramps
are being constructed whenever the
weather allows!
Our desire to have a completely accessible
playground at our Farm in Chittenango is
about to become a reality, practically by the
time this newsletter goes to print.
Our commitment to promoting
independence through success in school
leading to satisfying and rewarding jobs:
that work is enhanced by our new “school
transition” programs throughout the region.
And all of this activity was celebrated
recently at our 2nd annual dinner. Over
400 people packed the Oncenter. We
gathered with longstanding advocates and
supporters from the past decades. We
celebrated the trailblazing work of Brian
McLane, Jim Hickey, and Wegmans.
Current advocates in our movement “stand
on the shoulders of giants”. While we have
much yet to achieve, we have much to
celebrate, and cause for optimism.
G & C Food Distributors Supports ARISE Oswego County Ramp Program
The great folks at G & C Foods have once again
supported our Oswego County Ramp Program, with
their recent gift of $20,000! Their donation has already
made it possible to provide ramps and other minor home
access modifications for families in need.
connected to - where we work and where our employees
live. Ride for Ramps is a small yet powerful program
that has a huge impact on the quality of life for so many
in Oswego County. We couldn’t be happier to support
Ride for Ramps,” said David Lepage, President of G & C
“Imagine the frustration
you would feel being stuck
G & C’s past support made it
in a rehab center, unable
possible for many families to
to return home because of
receive ramps, and this most
the steps leading to your
recent gift will have a huge impact
front door. Or, imagine
SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015 | LIGHTHOUSE LANES, OSWEGO on our ability to address the list
being confined in your
of people waiting for ramps. The
home, unable to go out into
Oswego County Ramp Program
the community, or even just to your mailbox. This is
receives no government funding. We rely solely on
the reality for many families. When we provide a ramp,
support from individual and corporate donations, with
families are able to remain together or return home
help from community partners.
- maintaining their freedom, their independence, and
ARISE’s annual ARISE & Ride for Ramps is the largest
their connection to their community,” says Jim Karasek,
single fundraiser to support the Ramp Program, and
ARISE Manager of Independent Living Services in
G & C President David Lepage is an active participant
in the event. Proceeds from the annual ARISE & Ride
“We are so grateful for the continued generosity of
for Ramps Motorcycle Ride and 5K Run are used to
our friends at G & C Foods,” states Tom McKeown,
purchase materials for the ramps.Volunteers build,
Executive Director. “They care about their neighbors and
assemble, and install them.
they show it in ways that make a tremendous difference.”
This year’s ARISE & Ride for Ramps will take place on
“G & C is committed to supporting families and
Saturday, May 30th. Find out more at
individuals with need in the communities we’re most
We hope to see you there!
New School Transition Program
in the Works
Planning for life after high school can be a very
overwhelming process for families. This process is
critical because it helps students with disabilities, as
well as their parents and guardians, understand the
many different opportunities that are available after
high school.
Our Differences - Our Strength
In order to help ease with transition planning, we are
in the process of starting a new School Transition
Program. Through this program, our advocates will
work within school districts to support and assist
school administrators and personnel with transition
planning. Our goal is to help school districts have the
information and procedures in place so that students
who may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation
services are properly identified.
Social Networking for People with Disabilities
Yoga for Every Body | Healthy Sexuality & Relationships
Pathways to Employment | L’Arche
Cognition & Aging | Student Stories from Otsego Academy
Friday, June 26, 2015 | Holiday Inn, Auburn
Keynote Speaker: Kayla McKeon
Workshops Include:
Register and learn more at or
call Sara Douglass at 255-3447 x318.
2nd Annual Dinner Honors Jim Hickey, Brian McLane, and Wegmans
We were delighted to have over 400 people join us at the
Oncenter for our second annual Celebrating Inclusion &
Achieving Independence Dinner event.
The dinner was a special time to gather together and
recognize the important contributions of our 2015
Champions of Independence: Jim Hickey & Toggenburg
Winter Sports Center, Brian McLane, and Wegmans.
Megan Coleman, Evening News Anchor for CNY Central,
was once again an outstanding master of ceremonies.
Bryan Roberts, Associate Dean of the Roy H. Park
School of Communications at Ithaca College, delivered a
powerful keynote address infused with humor and insight
on living with Parkinson’s Disease. He told us the future
is bright for people with disabilities.
We are so grateful to all of our sponsors, table hosts,
silent & live auction donors, ticket buyers, and the
dedicated people who served on the dinner planning
committee who made the evening a huge success.
Plans are already underway for the 2016 dinner. We
hope you’ll join us next year for another unforgettable
For more information on underwriting opportunities for the
2016 Dinner or other ARISE special events, please contact
Nancy Kern Eaton at 671-2903 or
Jim Hickey
& Toggenburg Mountain Winter Sports Center
Jim Hickey, General Manager of Toggenburg
Winter Sports Center, has hosted the ARISE &
Ski Program since its inception in 1996. With
his generous support and active participation,
our skilled instructors and volunteers offer adaptive ski
and snowboard lessons to people of all abilities.
Brian McLane
Brian McLane is known as a champion for
the rights of individuals with disabilities and
learned at an early age not to accept limits on
his abilities. His advocacy efforts have had an
impact at Syracuse University, and have helped to shape
policies and programs in New York State and beyond.
At Wegmans, they do much more
than talk about diversity and a culture
of respect. Many years ago we were
pleased to work with Wegmans as they tested shopping
carts for people with mobility issues. We partner with
Wegmans to place employees and we are proud to
celebrate Wegmans for the culture and values that make
it possible for all of their employees to succeed.
Join us at the Kiwanis for Kids Open
This year the Baldwinsville Kiwanis Club will host the
9th Annual Kiwanis for Kids Open at the Foxfire Golf
Club. ARISE has been designated to receive some of
the proceeds for each golfer who plays in support of
ARISE and every friend of ARISE who sponsors.
After the conclusion of the 18-hole tournament, golfers
will be treated to a steak dinner at Pasta’s on the
Greens along with awards and prizes.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Foxfire Golf Club
1 Village Blvd, Baldwinsville, NY.
10:00 AM - Check in & Driving Range Opens
11:00 AM - Golf starts with a Shotgun Start
Captain & Crew Format (with many variations)
Cost: $95/golfer
To download a registration form or to
learn more about sponsorship, visit
Haylor, Freyer & Coon | Hillside Commons
Syracuse University | Welch Allyn
AlterImage Photography
Destiny USA | Sue & Ed Judge | SUNY Oswego
Onondaga Pathways
Exciting New Opportunity
The Onondaga Pathways to Careers (OPC) project is
recruiting persons with disabilities (up to age 24) for Fall
2015 enrollment at Onondaga Community College (OCC),
to earn an industry-recognized credential toward acquiring
in-demand positions that pay living wages (higher than
minimum wage) in the local economy. Programs of study
Health Information Technology
Advanced Manufacturing
Mechanical Technology
Computer Information Systems
Electrical Technology
The OPC program offers comprehensive student
support services, career services, financial aid, benefits
counseling, opportunities to live on campus, and
individualized support from OPC staff.
To learn more, call (315) 498-2000 or email OPC@ You can also visit:
UNIQUE Artist, Jeremy Kelly, with Assemblyman
Barclay. We are delighted to have a selection
of UNIQUE artwork up at the offices of
Assemblyman Barclay and Senator Ritchie.
Tom McKeown and Scott Wichmann from Haylor, Freyer & Coon
dropped the puck during ARISE Night at the Crunch! Special thanks to
Haylor, Freyer & Coon for making ARISE Night at the Crunch possible,
to the Crunch Foundation for their generous donation, and all of our
friends who came out in support of ARISE. It was a great night!
We were pleased to meet with Assemblyman
Magee and other local legislators to discuss the
need for rural transportation and other barriers
that exist within the community.
We broke the record this year as more than 90 skiers flew down the
slopes through our 2015 ARISE & Ski Program. ARISE & Ski would
not be possible without the generosity of Jim Hickey and Toggenburg
Winter Sports Center, additional support from NBT Bank, our dedicated
ski leadership team, as well as the 100+ volunteers who share their
time teaching and skiing with our participants. A gift from Tim, Sue,
and Rob George was used to buy an iPad for communication and a
camera to film and photograph participants in action. If you would like
to volunteer for the 2015-2016 ski season, visit or call
(315) 671-3094.
Congratulations to all of the participants who
graduated from our Diabetes Self-Management
Program! This new program offers a series of
six peer-led workshops that help people with
disabilities gain the self-confidence and skills
they need to manage diabetes.
Fastenal, Leadership Oswego County, and CiTi Students Come Together in a Big Way
Our Oswego County Ramp Program has had a major
jumpstart this season thanks to some exciting new
support. In addition to the $20,000 donation from
G & C Food Distributors, new community partners have
come on board to help bring our Ramp Program to the
next level.
With the cost of each ramp averaging around $1,200,
and no government funding for ramps in Oswego County,
our program has relied solely
on volunteer efforts and
donations from local
companies and individuals.
This year, we are delighted to
welcome Fastenal as a new
partner in our efforts. The
company is donating ALL of the
hardware needed for our Ramp
Program this season.
This generous gift, combined
with continued support provided
by our invaluable partner,
Raby’s Ace Hardware in
Oswego, means that we can
stretch donations even further
and build more ramps.
The Oswego County Ramp Program also has an infusion
of new volunteers thanks to this year’s Leadership
Oswego County class and CiTi students.
“Each year, the leadership class picks one project
they’d like to do as a group,” explains Jeff Grimshaw,
Leadership Oswego County Program Director and ARISE
Foundation Board Member. Lisa Seguin, an ARISE staff
member, is a member of the class and pitched the ramp
program to her peers. The class agreed and as a result,
not only have the members been constructing ramp
sections for us throughout the winter, they have already
helped install a ramp!
Garrette Weiss, another member of the Leadership
Oswego County class and Business Education Liaison
for CiTi (formerly Oswego County BOCES), became
inspired and saw an opportunity for an
exciting new partnership between ARISE
and their Construction Technology Program.
Thanks to Garrette, students in the CiTi
program have had real, hands-on experience
in ramp construction. Not only have students
been learning how to build the modarul
ramp sections, they have also gone onsite
to disassemble a ramp. The class is looking
forward to assembling a ramp at someone’s
home later this year. Best of all, students can
see and feel the difference they are making
for a person and their family.
We are so moved by this new support
and are grateful for our longtime partners,
including the First United Methodist Church.
The waiting list continues to grow and we are
thankful for our friends, like you, who make this program
possible. We simply can’t do it without you!
Top Right: Fastenal donating hardware for our ramp program.
Top Left: Leadership Oswego County members building ramp sections.
Center: CiTi students getting ready to disassemble a ramp that will be
reused at another location (photo provided by CiTi).
Dan & BrandiLee Schafran, ARISE Foundation Board Members
Our son
Gavin is
probably the
most outgoing
you’d ever
meet – he’s
a very happy
child. He
loves the
outdoors and he loves adventure.
the winter because it’s difficult to get
around in his walker and wheelchair.
However, through ARISE & Ski, Gavin
has been able to leave his wheelchair
behind and fly down the slopes. You
can hear him laughing and squealing
with delight the whole way down the
mountain. It’s six weeks of skiing that
he otherwise would never have if
ARISE was not putting on this great
Because of ARISE, Gavin has had
the opportunity to fly down the slopes
at Toggenburg and participate in
therapeutic horseback riding at ARISE
at the Farm. These recreational
opportunities have been so important
for Gavin as a child with cerebral
palsy, and for our whole family.
We are so excited about the
playground that is going to be built
at the Farm! Because Gavin has
certain physical limitations – one of
us always needs to help him interact
when he’s playing either solo or with
other children. He and his brothers
have this great sense of adventure
so to have a playground where they
can go and interact with each other
without having us be right there will
be fantastic.
Through therapeutic horseback
riding at the Farm, Gavin has gained
significant improvement in his head
and trunk control. Everybody says
how well he is doing trying to sit up
and carry his own weight a little better.
We’re not even sure he realizes he
is receiving therapy because he is
having so much fun!
Gavin also loves the snow and being
outside. Unfortunately, there aren’t
a lot of activities he can do during
Our dreams for Gavin are that he
would grow up just like his brothers
and fulfill his desires and dreams.
We want people to see him for who
he is, not just the abilities that he
has. That’s something that ARISE
really works hard at and that’s why
we became involved with the ARISE
Foundation. We hope you will join us!
Board of Directors
Tania Anderson, President
Sue Judge, Vice President
Michael Cook, Treasurer
Gary Forbes, Secretary
Greg Callen
Maurie Heins
Matt Dadey
Michael Klaehn
David DelNero
Agnes McCray
John Donovan
Mitch Mitchell
Linda Erb
Cassandra Nixon
Susan Gray
Bill Porta
Foundation Board of Directors
Edward W. Cook, Jr., Chair
Kristen Smith, Vice Chair
David Dreverman, Treasurer
Kim Brown, Secretary
Michelle Alletzhauser Joseph Hatfield
Carol Kranz
John Bosco
Patricia Contant Clary Agnes McCray
Connor McGough
Dee Cobb
Denise McGraw
Marianne DiNiro
Tom McKeown
Carol DiOrio
BrandiLee Schafran
Linda Erb
Dan Schafran
Jeffrey Grimshaw
Janice I. Vitale
Lynn Hamilton
Staff Leadership
Tom McKeown, Executive Director
Kate Budlong, Cayuga/Seneca County Office
Susan Craig, Quality Improvement
Sabine Ingerson, Oswego County Offices
Nancy Kern Eaton, Development & PR
Kimberly Langbart, Mental Health Services
Kim Lipke, Finance
Nina Lutz, Independent Living Services
Karen Lynch, Human Resources
Lori Zorn, Programs for People with Dev. Disabilities
Sue Rogers, Executive Assistant
Gigina Long, Communications Associate
Cynda Penfield, Development Associate
Dee Cobb
Dee Cobb received her degree in vocational rehabilitation counseling from Syracuse
University, following her studies at OCC and Cortland State. Dee works as a vocational
rehabilitation counselor at ACCES-VR. She is a longtime participant in ARISE & Ski, using
a bi-ski to fly down the slopes. Dee is very grateful for the ARISE & Ski program and has
become close with many of the volunteers, instructors, and other ski participants. She
says that she wants to give back to ARISE and is particularly interested in increasing
support for the Farm and recreation programs.
“ARISE is important because ARISE works to equalize things so every person can
participate. I am so excited to join the Foundation and can’t wait to get started!”
- Dee
Celebrating Community Partners and Friends
Thanks to our community partners and friends, who have recently offered their support:
• BNY Mellon Employees who once again donated proceeds from their
Employee Chili Cookoff, this year for the playground at the Farm!
Photo (L to R): David Rezak, Cheryl Howell, Chris Amico, Bethanie Hemingway, & Will Meader.
• United Community Chest of Cazenovia, Fenner & Nelson for their
continued support of ARISE at the Farm!
• Manlius Pebble Hill Z-Club for donating money to ARISE & Ski!
• Family & Friends of Angeline Cosgriff who made donations to the
playground in her memory. We are so moved that her family chose to honor
her in this special way.
• CENG for their continued support of the Oswego Call-N-Ride program!
• Entergy for their gift for the Oswego Housing Options Made through
E-modification (HOME) program!
• CNY Golf Course Superintendents Association for their gift in support of
independence and access for all! Photo (L to R): Dick Perry, Scott Winkelman, & Tom McKeown
• Syracuse Corvette Club for supporting our Oswego County Ramp Program!
The momentum for the Playground Project continues to grow! We
are so moved by the outpouring support from the community for this
project. We are very close to our ultimate goal and plan to build a
significant portion of the project this summer. If we reach our goal, the
entire amazing playground will go up in June.
There is still time to get involved and to donate! Together we can
create a place where all children can explore, dive into adventure,
and play – together.
learn more, and watch a 3D flyover video of
8 theDonate,
playground at
25- & 12-Mile Bike Rides
Walk & Wheel-A-Thon
All proceeds will help us raise the
rest of the money for the accessible playground!
Register at
We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations who made donations from November 15, 2014 - April
30, 2015 in support of independence and access for all.
AAA of Western & CNY
Anthony Adornato
Mary Anne Agan
Aiello Family Charitable Trust
Laura Allen
AlterImage Photography
Michelle Alletzhauser
The Allyn Foundation, Inc.
American Legion - James
Harvey Spire Post 787
American Legion Riders
Post 1552
Tania Anderson
Alice & Bob Andrews
Bill Armstrong
Carolyn Arney
Chris Arnold &
Ellen Yeomans
ARISE at the Farm Staff
ARISE Foundation Board
James & Nancy Asher
Janine Backman
Bambino’s Bistro
Bangkok Thai
Barado’s Cafe
Paula Behm
Nirmala Bidani
Ron Bildstein
Marshall Blake
The Blanck Family
Albert Blazey Jr. &
Mary Dunn
BNY Mellon
Jim & Juli Boeheim
Boldt Castle
Bond, Schoeneck & King
John Bosco
Bosco & Geers
Shari & Doug Bottego
Randi Bregman &
Ted R. Gottbrecht
Eddie Brown
Kim Brown
Marian & Rick Budnar
Buffalo Bills
John & Patricia Bullen
Jim & Kathy Burns
Robert & Zella Callahan
Camillus Country Club
Careers by Design
Andy Carlisle
Kristine Caswell
Cazenovia Jewelry
CNY Central
CNY Community Foundation
CNY Reining Horse Assoc.
Stephen Cerminaro
Samantha Cesario
Andrew & Diana Chiasson
Bruce & Amy Cocca
Mary & Bill Coffin
The Coli Family
Amy Collins
Compass Credit Union
Robert & Alexia Conrad
Patricia Contant Clary
Maria Coogan
Jennifer Coty
Edward Cook &
Svea Cook
Michael & Laura Cook
Craftsman Home Inspection
Marian Crinnin
Michael Crinnin
James & Laila Cuddy
Cuddy Law Firm, P.C.
Curtin & DeJoseph, P.C.
Mary Curtis
Matt & Rebecca Dadey
Peter & Michelle Daly
John DeFrancisco
John & Linda DeFrancisco
David DelNero
Upstate Dept. of Physical
Medicine & Rehab
Joan Dennison
James M. Dessauer
David & Darlene Devendorf
Fritz Diddle
Marianne & Matt DiNiro
David Dreverman
Carol DiOrio
John Donovan
DoubleTree Hotel Syracuse
Doug’s Fish Fry
James & Paula Drake
P. Drescher Incorporated
Sunny Duncan
Dunk & Bright Furniture
East Area Family YMCA
Nancy Kern Eaton &
Doug Eaton
Douglas Eldred
Empire Brewing Company
Scott & Linda English
Linda & Michael Erb
Excellus BlueCross
Barbara Falkowski
Karen Fauls-Traynor
Fidelity Charitable
Charles Fiello Sr.
Charles Fiello Jr.
First Source LLC
John Fitzgerald
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Flanagan
Fleet Feet
Food Bank of CNY
Francesca’s Boutique
Francesca’s Cucina
Marianne Frasier
James & Shari Freyer
Had Fuller
G & C Food Distributors Inc.
Galaxy Communications
Dan & Deb Gardner
Gary’s Auto
Elaine Gasiorowski
Don & Jean Gendron
Bob & Pam Getek
Ed Getek
Grace Ghezzi
The Gifford Foundation
GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse
Handcrafted Portraits
Hetty Gingold
Jeannine Goodwin
Susan Gorton
Susan & Richard Gray
Zibby Greenebaum
Shelley Gryczka
Gutchess Lumber Co., Inc.
Janet Haines
Lynn Hamilton
Wayne Hamilton
Maureen Harrington O’Neil
Janet & Jim Haskins
Joseph Hatfield
Hawthorne Property
Services, LLC
Haylor, Freyer & Coon
James & Kathy Heffernan
Maurie Heins
Kristen Henderson
E. James Hickey
Hillside Park Real Estate
Mary Anne Hogan
Howard & Linda Hollander
Barbara Holzhauer
Honey Hill Farm
Susan Horn
Catherine Howard
Joseph & Ann Hubert
Kristin Hueber
Cynthia Huff
Michele Hurchla
Lynn & Jason Hy
Steven & Sabine Ingerson
Integrated Marketing
Izzo’s White Barn Winery
J.W. Burns & Company
Investment Counsel
Virginia James
Jet Blue Airways
Jim Marshall Farms
Foundation, Inc.
JMC Consulting
The John Ben Snow
Monica Johnson
JSD Associates
Edward & Susan Judge
Robert & Cheryl Kantak
James & Pat Karasek
Mary Grace Kelley
Esoline Ketcham
Anthony Malavenda &
Martine B. Y. Burat
Kevin & Nancy McKeon
Wendy Kislik Blanck
Michael Klaehn
Phillip & Rosalie Klaehn
Lauren Kochian
Koester Associates, Inc.
Linda Kotowicz
Carol Kranz
Alex & Leslie Kravec
Kruising Knights Inc.
Eric Kuersteiner
Cynthia Kwiek
L. & J.G. Stickley
Cathy Labucki
Teresa LaMond
Kimberly Langbart
Danielle Liddic
Frankie Leach
Jay & Young Lee
Joseph & Angela Lee
Lawrence Lee
Maria Polsinelli &
Leela George
Limp Lizard
Nancy Anne Linnenbach
Kimberly Lipke &
Eric Sadowski
Robert & Melinda Lothes
Lois Luber
Karen Lynch
John & Patti Lytwynec
Mabie Brothers
Mackenzie Hughes LLP
William Magnarelli
Anne Maier
Steve and Debbie Makowski
Frank Malfitano
Manlius Pebble Hill Z-Club
Manning & Napier
Bob Markowski
James Marshall
Marty’s Barn Cellar
Maureen’s Hope Foundation
Ann Mayes
Betty & Joe McCarthy
Connor McGough
Denise & Owen McGraw
Janet McGraw
Tom & Lynne McKeown
Betsy McLane
Brian McLane
Neal McLane
Merry-Go-Round Playhouse
Michael Roberts Associates
Charles & Marjorie Michaud
Mid-Lakes Navigation Co.
Linda & Fred Mills
Patrick Milmoe
Mirror Lake Inn
Mitch & Robyn Mitchell
Greg Morgans
Gerard & Cynthia Moriarity
Ann Marie Myers
NBT Bank
Richard & Janet Newman
NewsChannel 9 WSYR
Robert & Jean Nicholson
Cassandra Nixon
Marty Nowicki
NY Jets
Terrance O’Brien
Alfred Obrist
Oliva Companies
The Oncenter
Oneida Wealth Management
Chuck O’Neil
Onondaga Flooring
Opici Family Distributing of
Upstate NY
Paradigm Solutions, LLC
Pathfinder Bank
Peters & Associates
Paul Politzi
Nancy Pontius
R.C. Congel Auto & Boat
Sales, Inc.
Radiant Abilities, LLC
Mike & Jane Reagan
Joseph Reddick &
Lee M. Gatta
Marvin & JoAnn Reed
Reefer Compressor
& Parts, Inc.
ReTech Associates
Barbara Reuter
Rich & Gardner
Cindy Riggall
Shirley Rock
Patricia Roesch
Susan Rogers
Rachel Romer
Cheri Rotelli
SUNY Oswego
Deborah Sandy
The Savvy Wine Cellar
Dan & BrandiLee Schafran
Sharon Scheiwiller
Ruth Schwartz
Anne Searles
Agnes & Brian Sennett
Richard S. Shineman
Robert Simmons
Sonya Simmons
Southern Wine & Spirits
John & Marilyn Skopek
Vincent & Frances Smith
Corte Spencer
Springside Inn
Stanley Steamer
Glenn Stewart
Rosanne Suskin
Syracuse Bicycle
Syracuse Chiefs
Syracuse Corvette Club
Syracuse Crunch
Syracuse Silver Knights
Syracuse University
Sysco Syracuse LLC
Robert Szpak
Ron & Cynthia Tascarella
Temple Adath Yeshurun
Sea Glass Fine Art
Scott Thomas Photography
Uluss Thompson &
Toni Brewton
Steven & Shelley Tiss
Debra Todd
Sonya Tolone
Melanie Trexler
Bertram & Alice Tucker
Ben Tupper
Turning Stone
Resort Casino
Uncle Sam’s Boat Tour
United Community Chest of
Cazenovia, Fenner
& Nelson
Manlius United
Methodist Men
United Way Of CNY
Uno Pizzeria & Grill
Tom & Karen Vasile
Janice & Gio Vitale
VNA Homecare
Visual Technologies
Kathleen Walsh
Warthogs of
Jefferson County
Dr. Jeffrey Watson
Jack & Linda Webb
Vince Weisbrod
Welch Allyn
Victoria Welder Hyatt
Dorothy Wendel
Westminster Presbyterian
Philip & Diane Windsor
The Winebow Group
Jennifer Wolf
Women’s Club of Fulton
Ryan Wood
Rosemarie Zellers
Ursula Ziebro
Lori Mokry Zorn
We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations who made gifts in memory or in honor of a friend or
family member between November 15, 2014 - April 30, 2015.
The Leaders of the
ARISE & Ski Program
Neal & Nomi Berman
Kim Brown
Eileen & John Brown
Aaron Burgstein
Colleen Murphy
Russell Carlson Jr.
Raymond Hackbarth
Theo Conrad
Patrick Cooley
Angeline Cosgriff
Fran Catalfano
Gregory & Deborah Coyne
Janice Cosgriff
Kim Dando
Janet & Glen Deordio
Patricia Dillon
Jerry & Kim Dougherty
Angeline Cosgriff (ctd.)
Thomas & Mary Heffernan
Joseph & Susan Long
Johanna McKenna
John & Frances McNerney
Nancy Rittenhouse
Mary & Sal Rizzo
Carl Sceusa
Samuel Sceusa
Howard Simon & Family
Lawrence &
Josephine Stocking
Frances Thompson
Ashley English
John and Maureen Nastasi
K. Andrew Lee
Jay & Young Lee
Alexander Roberts
B&R Excavating, LLC
Chuck Fiello Sr.
Charles Fiello Jr.
Johonna MacDonald
Roger MacDonald &
Thomas MacDonald
Erin Scala
Chris Arnold
Melissa DeFerio
Raymond Hackbarth
The Kern Siblings
Gail Paster
John and SueAnn Kern
Nancy Kern Eaton &
Doug Eaton
Jan Kern & Tom Grahame
David DelNero
Ruth Schwartz
Doug & Nancy Eaton
Jason and Lynn Hy
Marshane Green
Bernice Hall
Bev Hamilton
Mary and Bill Coffin
Ms. Barbara Greene
Dr. James Marshall
Ursula Ziebro
Cathy Labucki
Don Nelson
Brian McLane
Carmen Branca
Linda and James Moore
Adelle Moore
Michael Nee
Steve and Bonnie Nee
John O’Reilly
Susan O’Reilly
Landon Potter
Shelley Cumming
Jane Putney Ganey
The Putney Family
Gavin Schafran
Steven & Shelley Tiss
Susan Sindoni
John and Cil Sindoni
Sharon Spencer
Joan Spencer
Michael Theobald
John and Martha Hannon
Issac Treadway
Tim & Joan Kane
Henry Wildhack
Manlius United
Methodist Men
We are grateful to all donors and apologize if we have made an error or omission.
By: Michael Theobald
In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) was passed. This historic
piece of legislation prohibited
discrimination against people with
disabilities in employment, transportation,
public accommodation, communications,
and governmental activities.
At that time, physical accessibility was a huge barrier.
The ADA was critical because it created and enforced a
number of rules and regulations regarding public buildings
and accessibility to those buildings. Buildings that were
built after 1990 had to make the necessary renovations
to their property in order to meet the ADA’s accessibility
requirements. Buildings that were built before the passage
of the ADA were grandfathered and are not required to
do renovations. However, they are required to make sure
their property is accessible in some form.
Before 1990, the country was a much harder place to
navigate if you used a wheelchair or other device essential
to your mobility. Most people who used any devices
for mobility noticed fairly quickly how necessary these
modifications were, and how much of a positive effect they
had on their lives. When I began using a wheelchair, the
first thing I noticed was that I could not just simply roll off
of a sidewalk, but instead, required some sort of cut in the
sidewalk that lowered down to street level. This was just
the beginning of my understanding about accessibility and
its importance.
The ADA has led to great strides during the past 25 years
in making sure the needs of individuals who can benefit
from ramps and other specialized equipment are able to
do so. I am excited to see what the ADA has in store for
people in the future!
To read Michael’s full article, visit
Join ARISE and other community partners as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act!
For more information, visit
635 James Street
Syracuse, New York, 13203
About Us
Non-Profit Org.
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We are a non-profit organization
organized and directed by people
with disabilities.
Through over 50 programs, we are
dedicated to removing barriers,
sustaining needs, strengthening
skills, and enriching the lives of
people with disabilities in CNY.
Our Locations
Main & Onondaga County Office
635 James Street
Syracuse, NY 13203
Voice: (315) 472-3171
TTY: (315) 479-6363
Oswego County Office
9 Fourth Avenue
Oswego, NY 13126
Voice: (315) 342-4088
TTY: (315) 342-8696
Pulaski Satellite Office
2 Broad Street
Pulaski, NY 13142
Voice: (315) 298-5726
Fulton Mental Health Office
113 Schuyler Street, Suite 2
Fulton, NY 13069
Voice: (315) 887-5156
Madison County Office
131 Main Street, Suite 107
Oneida, NY 13421
Voice: (315) 363-4672
TTY: (315) 363-2364
Cayuga/Seneca County Office
75 Genesee Street
Auburn, NY 13021
Voice: (315) 255-3447
TTY: (315) 282-0762
ARISE at the Farm
1972 New Boston Rd
Chittenango, NY 13037
Voice: (315) 687-6727
Saturday, July 25, 2015 | ARISE at the Farm, Chittenango
25- & 12-Mile Cycle Rides | Walk & Wheel-A-Thon | Family Farm Festival or 671-2909
© 2014 ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc.
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