July 2012 ratings
July 2012 ratings
RATINGS & STATS | APRIL 2012 Audience Ratings This monthly feature selects prominent local productions and ranks them in terms of audience ratings (ARs). Selected foreign programmes are shown only for comparison. ARs are weighted over the period of transmission and the number of transmissions during the calendar month. Data is supplied by the South African Advertising Research Foundation and processed by Interactive Market Systems (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. Date 13/04/2012 15/04/2012 26/04/2012 30/04/2012 24/04/2012 Genre Soap Movi Soap Soap Soap AR 6.5 6.3 6.1 5.6 4.8 M-Net RankProgramme 1 Water For Elephants 2 Carte Blanche 3 No Strings Attached 4 The Next Three Days 5 Grey’s Anatomy Date 29/04/2012 22/04/2012 22/04/2012 15/04/2012 16/04/2012 Genre Movi Actu Movi Movi Dram AR 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 e.tv RankProgramme 1 Rhythm City 2 Big Momma’s House 2 3 News 4 Big Momma’s House 5 Ekasi:Our Stories My Brother’s Keeper Date Genre 23/04/2012 Dram 22/04/2012 Movi 19/04/2012News 15/04/2012 Movi 02/04/2012 Dram AR 13.6 13.3 11.4 11.4 11.4 We feature the top five shows viewed for each of the channels. Mar 2012 AR SABC3 RankProgramme 1 Isidingo: The Need 2 Mr Bones 2: Back from the Past 3 Days Of Our Lives 4 Isidingo – R 5 7de Laan – R Apr 2012 AR AR 12.0 10.2 8.8 8.3 8.1 Channel Date Genre 10/04/2012Dram 01/04/2012Sitc 23/04/2012 Soap 26/04/2012 Actu 03/04/2012Vari Frequency SABC2 RankProgramme 1 Muvhango 2 Stokvel 3 7de Laan 4 Speak Out 5 Powerball Day/s AR 26.7 20.0 16.8 15.2 15.1 Start Time Date Genre 02/04/2012Soap 02/04/2012 Dram 03/04/2012Dram 23/04/2012 Y-Ent 14/04/2012 Movi Genre The cream of the local productions 3 Talk Talk 16:30 M-F S5 3 3.2 2.7 3rd Degree Actu 21:30 Tue W e 7.8 7.2 7de Laan Soap 18:30 M-F S5 2 7.7 7.2 Binnelanders Dram18:30 M-F S5 K Carte Blanche Maga 19:00 Sun W M 1.0 1.0 Fokus Actu Sun W 5.5 4.5 Generations Soap20:00M-F S5 1 22.921.1 Gospel Gold Musi Inkaba Dram20:30 M-T S4MM 0.3 Isidingo:The Need Soap 19:30 M-F S5 3 4.9 5.1 Jam Alley Vari 18:30 Fri W 1 5.8 5.0 Live Lotto Draw Quiz 21.30 W/S S2 2 5.4 8.5 Morning Live Maga 06:00 M-F 2 1.9 2.1 Muvhango Dram21:00 M-T S4 2 9.2 9.6 News at Seven News 19:00 Daily D e 8.1 7.4 News at Seven on 3 News 19:00 Daily D 3 2.9 2.8 Pasella Maga19:30 W W 2 4.8 4.2 Rhythm City Soap Scandal Dram19:30 M-T S4 e 9.7 8.8 Selimathunzi Vari 18:30 WedW 1 5.8 6.6 Special Assignment Actu 21:15 Thu W 3 1.5 The Wild Dram 19:00 M-T S4 M 0.1 Top Billing Maga 20:00 Tue W 2 2.9 Villa Rosa Dram 18:00 M-T S4 K 0.8 Yo-TV Y-EntVari Vari D e 1.6 1.5 Name The top five programmes SABC1 RankProgramme 1 Generations 2 Zone 14 3 Montana 4 Soul Buddyz 5 Mr Bones 2: Back from the Past Vari 18:30 Sun M-F W S5 S5 2 2 e 5.6 11.6 4.1 9.8 1.7 3.1 Top foreign shows Days of Our Lives Soap 17:10 M-F S5 1 5.1 4.7 WWE Wrestling Smackdown Spor 20:30 W W e 5.5 5.4 The Bold and the Beautiful Soap 18:00 M-F S5 1 6.3 4.1 Key: Day/s refers to the day or days of the week the programme is transmitted. Frequency refers to how often it is transmitted D=Daily, W=Weekly, S (followed by a number) indicates a series of that number of episodes. Key to genres: Actu: Actuality, Docu: Documentary, Dram: Drama, Educ: Education, Maga: Magazine, Musi: Music, News: News, Quiz: Game Show, Real: Real life, Reli: Religion, Sitc: Sitcom, Soap: Soap, Spor: Sport, Vari: Variety, Y.Ent: Youth Entertainment, • Television Universe estimated at 5.232 million households. • One ratings point of all viewers represents about 145 590 viewers | SCREENAFRICA | July 2012 18:30 0.9 The above represents a selection of programmes only, and is calculated on the total calendar month’s weighted average of the total audience over all age groups. If you want a particular programme included please contact Enid Venter on +27 (0)11 339-1051 or email enid@ihjoburg.co.za. The purpose of the schedule is to show the types of programmes South African audiences view, and to what extent.
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