AL MOLL~ Executive Director CHUCK REDDINGER~ Deputy


AL MOLL~ Executive Director CHUCK REDDINGER~ Deputy
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
AL MOLL~ Executive Director
March Board Meeting: Foellinger 2016 Concert Season
Foellinger Theatre 2016 Summer Concert lineup announced on February 23 with Mayor Henry,
Commissioners, all media outlets and Sponsors attending. Tickets will go on sale on February 26, March 4
and April 1.
AEP , City and Park Department working on plan to address AEP construction project that will require Park
Board approval for an easement along Jefferson entering Fort Wayne
Director on committee developing Arts United Master Plan relating to facility expansion. The early stages
suggest the need to enter Freimann Square on a modest basis which would not threaten Park activity,
operations or infrastructure.
Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation will host the IPRA Northern District meeting at McMillen Park Community
Center on March 16. Officials will present the “McMillen Story” as part of the Association’s agenda for the
day. Park Management that are members and Park Commissioners are invited.
Director has been invited to a Parks and Recreation Summit in Dallas – April13-15. Forty directors across the
nation have been invited with all travel expenses covered in the invitation. The purpose is for the Directors
to provide input on experienced success in their respective systems. National recognition of projects and
programs sparked the selection.
Embassy project is complete and Park Department will manage restoration of plaza as planned.
Department is formulating a plan to dedicate additional resources to the food service operations that has
experienced significant growth providing nutrition to a population of need
Department working on intern program that will partner with Questa, Latinos Count and the Urban League.
Departments plans to allocate 20 part time positions to this initiative.
Department working with Hamilton Park neighborhoods in organizing an opening event of the Franklin
School Park in July. This event will also serve as fundraising effort for funds to complete Phase 2 of the new
Department evaluation multiple options in replacing Swinney Pool following demolition
Property owners have received official offers from Park Department for purchase of property to be used for
public purpose in Riverfront Development as approved in February Board Meeting
CHUCK REDDINGER~ Deputy Director, Recreation Services
Youth Athletics
Jason Smith, Youth Athletics Manager, was re-certified as a Certified Park and Recreation
Professional with NRPA . Youth Athletics Manager and I met with Animal Control to discuss
the Dog Swim at Northside Pool in August when the pool closes for the season. They have
agreed to partner in this event. This first year it will be offered to only to those that have a
dog park membership.
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
Sarah Amick is going to be our new Ellis ILTP instructor.
Met with John Entley (BMX) to discuss upgrades to the BMX track in Franke Park. The finish
line is the area in most need of repairs as well as the transition between the asphalt and dirt.
Working on replacing LSA staff. This is the first year in the history of the program that we
will have a large turnover due to graduation, internships and new jobs. At this point we are
losing the three of the golf staff and the entire tennis staff.
Outdoor Recreation
On February 6th the “Selling Homemade Edibles” program at the Salomon Learning Center
had 32 participants who learned about selling as a home-based vendor from an Allen County
Health Department representative. This program was free and participants also learned
about the Salomon Farmers’ Market and could pick up an application at the meeting.
“Gardening in Winter” program at the Salomon Learning Center on February 13th was full
with 20 participants. Garden volunteer Kathy Lee taught the class free of charge.
The new chicken coop is being constructed with an expected delivery date of March 14
Sent postcards to all 2016 Salomon Barn renters to encourage attendance at Open Houses in
March and April
New camp liability waiver and medication forms have been finalized and will be put into use
for 2016 summer camps.
Community Center (Main Street)
Hired Jordan Bruce for the part time clerical position, and he started 2/14.
Community Center staff has done radio interviews for WELT 95.7 for Line Dancing and
Exercise Classes. The Exercise Classes interview will air in January and Line Dancing
interview will air in February. They will do an interview once a month about various
programs at the Center.
There were a total of 5 excursions bus trips with a total of 107 people participating
AARP started their free tax preparation at the Center. They are providing at least 4
preparers each day.
The Community Center was a warming station for a total of 7 days.
Golf Operations
 The first hiring session for the season was held for golf staff at the Jerry Fox Center at McMillen on
March 3. Most staff from last year will be returning
 Golf courses will be opening sometime in the middle of March. Opening will depend on the weather
 The golf operation will be attending the Northern Indiana Golf show on March 12 & 13. This show is
a great way to promote our facilities as well as see a lot of our old friends and customers. Rick
Hemsoth, Manager/Pro will be doing several "on stage" teaching demonstrations during the show.
McMillen Park Community Center
The Fort Wayne Dance Collectives is coming in every Tuesday giving dance lesson to all age
groups. There are twelve to fifteen children per class, and they are learning about the
different types of dance such as ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, lyrical, and modern.
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
The After School program is up and running. Youth are participating in the music classes
sponsored by Sweetwater Sound. There are currently 14 youth in guitar classes, 12 youth in
piano classes, 24 youth in voice lessons, and 37 youth in drumming classes.
The Allen County Lions Football Team came in and gave kids hats, gloves and signed
autographs. The kids thought this was amazing and to show their appreciation they made
thank you cards. The team gave out over 100 sets of hats and gloves.
50 people attended the Healthy Soul Food/Mini Health Fair on Feb. 11th at McMillen Park
Community Center. Parkview Hospital and Operation Fight For a Fitter Fort were cosponsors. Parkview’s Chef Ryan gave a presentation how healthy alternatives to cooking a
menu of braised collard greens, chicken gumbo, and southern style cornbread. Michelle
Bojrab, Parkview’s Community Outreach Dietitian talked to the participants about nutrition.
Feb. 25th Parkview, McMillen Park Community Center and Operation Fight, For a Fitter Fort
held a mini health fair. Free screenings included: HDL, blood sugars, blood pressure, bone
density screenings as well as free consultations. 42 screenings were completed.
Kids Café: Kids Café is served Mon. – Fri. @ 5pm. McMillen served 1,118 meals for the month
of Jan. 2016. Kids Café Helpers: The students always want to help in the kitchen, so this has
been turned into a program. Daily 5 – 6 students help prep meals, check food temps, and help
serve the proper amount of fruits & veggies. Students also wash, rinse and sanitize the tables.
Cardio Fit: A new aerobics class has started on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:30
pm-7:30 pm. Since the program started on February 22nd there have more than 15 in
attendance per class.
MITCH SHEPPARD ~Deputy Director, Botanical Conservatory/Community Outreach/ /Theatre Operations Community Outreach:
Program Highlights
 Black History Bowl -- 152 students participated answering historical questions and building a
sense of team. Outside of our own community centers, we had 4 visiting teams. Our children
showed great sportsmanship and enjoyed a great time.
 Jennings Center Face Lift – The fitness center in the lower level of Jennings is really taking shape.
Improvements include painting, a tune up of exercise equipment, and flooring suitable for working
out. It is looking MUCH better. Ms. Davis has begun an adult exercise program there on Monday
and Wednesday evenings that serves as an important outreach to the community.
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
Staff continues to build relationships within the Hispanic and Burmese communities toward the
goal of greater connections with those constituents.
o Plans are underway department-wide to work with the Urban League and Latinos Count to
employ 20 interns who will then benefit from scholarship opportunities sponsored by
Questa Foundation. This program is part of a City of Fort Wayne Legacy initiative.
o Through participation in Sister Cites International, staff will be working with the Burmese
Advocacy Center to develop programming and organizational support to cross the cultural
With the promise of 60 degree temperatures in the next week, we are looking forward to the end of
the “Warming Center Season.” The program was activated for 12 days this winter. Following are
our attendance numbers. (note: Thank you letter from Rev. Terry Anderson to be shared at the
Board meeting)
Attendance Data:
Youth Center Metrics
o Sign In- 1937/21= 92.2 kids signed in daily
o Kids Café- 1426/21=67.9 kids ate a meal per day
o Snack- 777/21= 37 average daily kids had a healthy snack when they came into the
building after school.
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
o Homework 688/21 = 32.7 average daily kids have come in and wanted/needed help for
Foellinger Theatre:
 The 2016 season for the Foellinger Theatre is up and running! The Director has prepared a full
report to share with the Board at their March meeting.
 It should be noted that use of a new off-site server (Kudos to Garry Morr) has made a huge
improvement in functionality and customer satisfaction for on-line ticket sales. On the first day
6,654 tickets were distributed at a cash value of $332,689.
Botanical Conservatory: Horticulture – Complete the Mediterranean Garden – the first permanent
collection to be installed in the Conservatory since its opening in 1983.
o Our new butterfly tent should be complete in the next week. We have purchased 4 new doors
and should be well prepared for the show change
o We have been working hard on the crow removal. After several nights of scaring and driving
them away, we have not seen flocks hanging out. We will keep an eye on the Exploration
garden and be vigilant against their return. This appears to have become a serious, annual
infestation problem.
o A display/control board on boiler #1 has failed. Allied Mechanical has ordered the part to
replace the panel. The manufacturer has changed the software and the system will need to be
updated. The City of Fort Wayne Property Management Division will be funding the repair.
 Business Development
Completed and submitted the following grant requests in support of the Botanical
Connections project:
$25,000 grant to the Auer Foundation
$25,000 grant to the Magee-O’Connor Foundation
$60,000 grant to the Journal Foundation
 Education:
o •We had 5 on-site youth field trips in February, totaling 181 students. Currently, there are fourteen
(14) youth visits scheduled for the month of March.
o •Our $1 Night drop-in programs “Woven Heart” was an unexpected hit. Instructor Darlene
Tompkinson found about 60 participants stopping in to enjoy their craft – including a Girl Scout
troop and a Boys & Girls Club outing.
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
Events: Our February “Prehistoric Party” event opened to a steady flow of families, particularly
with young children. Warm weather distracted some potential participants, but we saw 330 people
through the course of the day.
Exhibits: The Showcase Design Team set themes for 2017:
• Mary Poppins
• Butterflies
• German Biergarten
• Snow Days
• The Ball State students are designed our 15th annual live butterfly exhibit and will have the
privilege of choosing its theme.
A team of 8 volunteer kit-builders assembled 200 butterfly kits in advance of the
Home & Garden Show, led by Pam Pennetta. It was a great experience for the participants and an
effective preparation for our booth. • The call went out for butterfly attendant volunteers and
several new people have stepped forward. We are taking reservations for the 9 training classes
scheduled in March and April. In addition, we have 5 individuals interested in learning more about
the Conservatory and volunteering with us who are scheduled for our annual New Volunteer
GARRY MORR ~ Deputy Director, Finance & Support Services
Received grants from NIPSCO for $3,800 and Parkview for $5,000 for youth scholarship funds
Received annual endowment funds from the Park Foundation totaling $327,436.55 which are distributed to
various funds throughout the department
Total hits to the Parks & Recreation Department website for the month of January were 96,024
The spring Fun Times was distributed in February and posted to the department website
Attended several meetings involving a FICA alternative plan which has the potential to save the department
significant dollars in our seasonal budget. That plan should be finalized in March
Attended several sessions regarding the outsourcing of IT services for the city and county. A total of three
bids were received and those bids are being reviewed and evaluated. That process will take several months
and should conclude by May with a recommendation to the City and County
The front office staff has been extremely busy preparing for spring and summer program registration and the
Feollinger Theatre ticket sales began February 26th with a sellout in one day for Ringo Starr
STEVE MCDANIEL~ Deputy Director, Asset Management
Because of the mild winter, crews have only had to plow lots and walks a few times. Snow removal has been
minimal and we have salted lots, walks, and pathways as needed. We have proper supplies of road salt and
bagged salt on hand to deal with snow and ice situations should they occur. Crews came in an hour early on
2/25/16 for the anticipated heavy snowfall and cleared lots and walks as needed.
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
Community Center Parking Gate Improvements: Complete. Community Center Sound Improvements: New
speakers and projector, etc for multipurpose room. Ordering material. Electrical outlets complete.
Northside Administration Building Roof Improvements: Working on project manual and design. Scan roof for
moisture when weather warms up.
McMillen Park Golf Maintenance Building Improvements: Complete.
Buckner Drainage Improvements: . Working with City Water Engineering to reroute meters once approved by
IDEM. Submitting approval to the drainage board for discharge into Flaugh ditch.
Franklin Entry Arch Restoration: Complete.
Franke/Foellinger Pathway and Lighting Improvements: Working on plans to repave existing pathways, build
new pathway and install lighting for safety to the parking lots. DNR permit needed. Looking into temporary
patching for now.
Johnny Appleseed Campground Drainage Improvements: Site restoration.
Bass Park Playground Improvements: Working on plans and specifications to set Dino bones on site once
showcase is complete. Preparing base for dinosaur early March. Design for new pieces in progress.
Reservoir Pavilion Improvements: Working on plans.
Klug Pathway Improvements: Working on plans.
Jennings Center Sports Floor Improvements: Installed material. 98% complete.
Court House Green Concrete Improvements: Shawnee will work on submittals.
Lions Park Outfield Improvements: Complete.
Coordinating with ATOS GIS department on development of a Parks app and interactive map for our website
and for mobile devices.
Flower beds in the sunken gardens at Lakeside were raised approximately 3-4”. Last year’s excessive rain
resulted in constant pumping of water from the flooded beds. The raised soil profile should help to avoid this
situation again.
Plant sales at the 2016 Home & Garden Show were the highest since 2003; 530 plants were sold.
35,140 seeds were sown for Parks, the Mother’s Day Plant Sale and the Conservatory Summer Shows.
Dawn Ritchie ~ Greenway Manager
The Greenways Foundation of Indiana named Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. the Outstanding Trail Group in Indiana
for 2015 and the City of Fort Wayne as the Outstanding Local Government for 2015.
The Greenways Foundation and Indiana University are working together to provide an update to the 2001
Indiana Trails Study. The survey/study will likely be conducted from June to November of 2016 on at least 10
trails in Indiana. I am on the Advisory Board, so I am certain one of our trails will be included in the study.
We have raised $50,000 for the study so far. The more funds that are raised, the more trails we can include!
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
IPFW students have worked all year long on a trails app that will help the City gather information on trail
usage and allow trail users to report problems. The students will provide their final presentation of the app
on April 29th at 1 p.m. on campus.
The City is working with its technology consultant on developing a web application for its parks and for the
trail system. The GIS Web application will allow the City to view and update park amenities (including the
Fun Times), monitor trail activities and provide a real time, interactive trail map for trail users. The app will
provide distances from point to point on the trail network; provide trail closure notifications and detours;
show trail amenities; show current trail location; and provide a link to the City’s trail information page. The
app should be ready for preview in May.
The City only received one bid on the Renaissance Pointe Trail Extension and the bid was 9% over the
estimate. We awarded the contract to Malott and work will begin the week of March 7. Construction will
take 6 weeks, depending upon the weather.
The City received bids on 3/2 for the McKinnie Avenue Road Diet project, which includes a trail and a
sidewalk connection to McMillen Park. We only had two bidders. Primco has the lowest bid and it was 14%
more than the Engineer’s Estimate. We will likely award the bid.
The City will be bidding out the Illinois Rd Trail and Sidewalk Project, Phase 1 in mid-March. Significant
completion should be attained by the end of October.
INDOT will accept bids on the Covington Road Trail project on April 6th. Trail construction should begin in
June with completion by the end of October.
The City will bid out the Liberty Mills Road Trail from Homestead to Middle Grove in early May.
The Greenways Foundation has created a statewide trails map for distribution.
AEP will begin tree clearing in March along Spy Run Avenue Extended for their 2017 Transmission project.
They will be closing the Rivergreenway while crews are working near the trail
Media Coverage
Inside Ind Bus, March 8, First in string of riverfront contracts set for vote
March 07, 2016 9:46 AM
Shoaff Park closed for the day
The Journal Gazette
Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation has closed Shoaff Park for the day.
Crews from American Electric Power are restoring overhead power lines that were knocked down in an
accident in the park, a statement said. The park will reopen when it is deemed the area is safe, the statement
JG, March 3, City seeking 88 blighted homes for demolition
JG, March 3, Campaign starts for ‘creative’ riverfront
JG, March 3, A sensible compromise
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
NS, March 3, Sweetwater planning outdoor pavilion
WOWO, March 2, Ft. Wayne hopes to purchase 88 homes to help neighborhoods
JG, March 2, Apartments bond issue advances – Council gives initial ok for renovation of Lillie Gardens
Inside Ind Bus, March 2, Fort Wayne seeking blighted property sellers
Ch. 21, March 2, City looking to purchase 88 blighted homes
WANE, March 2, Ft. Wayne looks to demolish up to 88 vacant, blighted homes
JG, March 2, Regional Cities funding ok’d in pension bill
JG, March 2, City removes ban on work recording – Council puts protection bill on hold
JG, March 2, Randolph is newest county in zone – Part of area on foreign trade
JG, March 2, Letter to the editor – Feeling tricked on downtown
Ch. 21, March 1, Secret recording policy ordinance
Ch. 21, March 1, Future of Quimby Village, Clyde Theatre looks bright in preliminary vote
WFFT, March 1, City Council votes on cameras in workplace
NS, March 1, City, Council agree to allow employees’ secret recordings
JG, March 1, Funds for Regional Cities tied to road funding bill
NS, March 1, Council should help equip whistle-blowers with proof, not just allegations
What’s Happening at the Botanical Conservatory in March
$1 Nights
March 3, 5 - 8 pm
On the first Thursday night, 5 – 8 pm, of each month we offer a $1
admission price for both adults and children (instead of the usual $5 & $3). Babies and up to age 2 are
still admitted free. For more information, call (260) 427-6440.
$1 Night Insight: Flower Pounding
Thursday, March 3, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
If you have never tried your hand at flower pounding – transferring the colorful pigments of flowers onto
paper or cloth to use in crafts or art projects – this is your chance. Mallet on wood can be a little noisy
but you’ll find the activity a stress reliever, too! And you will walk away with a sample of natural color to
brighten your late winter days. It’s a simple but fascinating process with an added benefit; when you
start to collect and pound flowers on your own you begin to know them by both name and color quality.
Master Gardener Kay Musgrave will have the flowers and tools needed. No registration required, so you
can drop in on $1 Night, and bring a friend. You can explore the botanical gardens afterwards. Held at
the Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St. All ages. $1 per person.
Conservatory New Volunteer Orientation
Wednesday, March 8, 1 – 4 pm
The Botanical Conservatory is inviting new volunteers to join their support team in a variety of positions.
Come discover where you might fit in! Volunteer opportunities include butterfly attendants, admission
or gift shop cashiers, garden or greenhouse helpers, special event helpers and plant sale support. Staff
and volunteers will offer an overview of the volunteer program and its benefits, answer questions, and
give facility tours as you enjoy light refreshments. Personal follow-up and training for positions is
provided. Please let us know you’re coming! To save a spot or for more information, contact Rebecca at
(260) 427-6442 or
Butterfly Volunteers Needed at the Conservatory
Training in March to help April - July
Do you enjoy butterflies? As the Conservatory prepares for its 14 year of live butterflies, the staff is
looking for volunteers willing to monitor the entrance and exit vestibules of the new exhibit. Butterfly
Attendants assist visitors with exhibit protocols and in preventing butterfly escapes, while helping to
make the guests’ experience positive. Volunteers can choose among 2- or 3-hour shifts Tuesdays through
Sundays. Training required; multiple class dates are available. Register for training with volunteer
supervisor Rebecca Canales by calling (260) 427-6442 or by email at
Painted Lady Hatch & Release
Saturday, March 12, 11 am-12 pm
The beauty of butterflies isn’t instant; the lifecycle is a process of four stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis,
and butterfly. Purchase a Painted Lady caterpillar and hatching kit at the Conservatory Gift Shop in
March, then build and decorate your own caterpillar hatchery. Once your caterpillar changes into a
butterfly you can celebrate its flight by releasing it into the Conservatory’s Tropical Garden. For more
information, call (260) 427-6445.
Saturday, March 19, 9:30 – 11 am
Spring is right around the corner, but there’s still time for “winter-sowing,” a technique that helps certain
flower seeds grow successfully. Some hardy annuals and perennial flowers need a cold treatment called
stratification. Master Gardeners Anita Crusoe and Amanda Weimer will bring a PowerPoint to help you
understand the basics then teach you how to build a mini greenhouse from recyclables to put it into
action. By the end of class you’ll be ready, with seeds and handouts, to try it at home. Please bring a
clean, clear 2-liter bottle to class; all other supplies will be provided. Ages 8+. Registration deadline:
February 5. Min. 8. Max. 24. Fee: $8/public; $6/Conservatory member or volunteer. Location: Botanical
Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun Street. To register, call (260) 427-6000.
Easter in the Garden
Friday, March 25, 10 am – 3 pm
Hop on down to the Botanical Conservatory with your camera and your children to meet the Easter
Bunny. Play games for prizes, make crafts, pot a plant and enjoy light refreshments. Look for Easter eggs
in our annual Easter Egg Hunt for toddlers through elementary ages. Enter our drawing for a chance to
win a “sweet” Easter basket. We’ll also have live animals such as baby chicks, ducks, bunnies, sheep and
goats. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Regular Conservatory admission applies: $5/adult,
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
$3/child age 3-17, free for children 2 and under. For more information, call (260) 427-6440. Sponsored
by WAJI Majic 95.1.
Tai Chi in the Garden I & II
Tai Chi I – Beginners, Thursdays, March 31 – May 19, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Tai Chi II – Continuing, Tuesdays, March 29 – May 17, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Keep your energy level renewed while experiencing the ancient art form of movement and grace. Tai Chi
offers many benefits, from better posture to improved breathing, balance, and relaxation. In reducing
stress, Tai Chi can also relieve arthritis, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. Eight weekly one-hour
classes will be held. This class focuses on the Sun form and is great for new students or those wishing to
continue their studies. Instructor Sandy Gebhard is certified by renowned master Dr. Paul Lam, and has
over 30 years’ experience practicing and teaching Tai Chi. Note: If we meet our registration minimum,
additional students may drop in for $10 per session, up to the class maximum. Drop-ins should call ahead
to make sure class will be in session. Ages 18+. Registration deadline: March 24. Min. 10. Max. 16. Fee:
$69/public; $59/Conservatory member or volunteer. Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun
Street. To register, call (260) 427-6000.
“Dig This!”
Through April 10
This winter, young adventurers can don their explorer vests and pith helmets to explore mysteries
hidden underground. Why do people dig? What do they look for? Try out your digging- and-finding skills
with different tools and media. Will you find dinosaur bones? Maybe you’ll uncover fossils and discover
cool rocks and minerals. Can a person dig all the way to China? Enjoy our active learning garden as a
winter retreat, full of lush green plants and colorful flowers. Regular Conservatory admission fees apply:
$5/adult, $3/child age 3-17. Children 2 and under are admitted free. Sponsored by WAJI Majic 95.1 and
Fun 101.7 Classic Hits.
Family Garden Close-Up: Orchids
Saturday, March 26, 11 am-1 pm
Visit the Botanical Conservatory on the fourth Saturday of the month and get a closer look at our plants
and gardens. In March, orchid flowers are among the most beautiful – and intriguing – in nature. Most
people admire orchids, yet few dare to grow them. At our learning station you’ll see different types of
orchids in bloom, learn the basics of orchid care, hear about our orchid rescue program, and explore a
simple vocabulary of symmetry and epiphytes. This drop-in program is included in your regular
Conservatory admission fee; free for Conservatory members and volunteers.
Discovery Corner: Spring Weather
Daily in the Discovery Gallery
Our youngest visitors are always welcome to visit the Discovery Corner behind Woody the Talking Tree
where they’ll find stories and activities relating to a monthly theme. In March, we’ll explore Spring
Weather. Our materials are all safe and suitable for kids in pre-K through 1st grade. Adults are
encouraged to read aloud to their young learners and explore ideas together. The Discovery Corner is
free with general admission; preregistration is no required.
Ch. 21, Feb. 29, Parking control officers get new technology
WFFT, Feb. 29, The K-9 perspective
NS, Feb. 29, Work begins to appraise value of possible downtown arena site
JG, Feb. 25, Coliseum gets prepared for Home & Garden Show – Photo of Parks Dept.
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
Coliseum gets prepared
Samuel Hoffman | The Journal Gazette
February 25, 2016 1:01 AM
Mitch Pranger, left, and Evan Firestone of the Parks Department move plants to the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical
Conservatory booth Wednesday for the Fort Wayne Home & Garden Show that runs today through Sunday.
WANE, Feb. 24, The Landing near a rebirth
Ch. 21, Feb. 24, Trading cards made for local K9 officers
WFFT, Feb. 23, Ordinance introduced at Council on recordings at work
JG, Feb. 22, Street Reach adds friends to feed homeless
JG, Feb. 21, Concerns about Reservoir Park
JG, Feb. 21, Ex-interim clerk notes progress
JG, Feb. 21, A true regional development will put as much attention on people as it does on place
JG, Feb. 21, Owner wants home taken off historic list
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
JG, Feb. 21, Letter to the editor – Lakeside families want their pond back
NS, Feb. 20, Three forums scheduled for deep tunnel project, Feb. 20, After two years, police chief to step down
JG, Feb. 20, Outgoing police chief called positive, progressive
JG, Feb. 20, Chief’s move shows wisdom of waiting on safety director
JG, Feb. 20, Weekly scorecard - winner - local trails
WANE, Feb. 19, Chief Hamilton to take new role in FWPD
Ch. 21, Feb. 19, Police chief set to step down for new job on force
NS, Feb. 19, FWPD chief to leave post to focus on community relations
WOWO, Feb. 19, Fort Wayne police chief stepping down
WFFT, Feb. 19, Chief Hamilton stepping down
WANE, Feb. 19, The lights are on at Ash Skyline Plaza
NS, Feb. 19, Ordinance would shield city employees’ undercover search for wrongdoing
JG, Feb. 17, Council oks Skyline Tower bond
JG, Feb. 17, Laying the groundwork for Cityscape Flats
JG, Feb. 17, Council drops fight to cut post – But public safety director job at risk during fall budget talks
JG, Feb. 17, New standard set for firefighters
JG, Feb. 17, City, trails group honored for work
NS, Feb. 17, If Marsh locates at Crescent/Anthony, it would be moving back to the old neighborhood
NS, Feb. 16, Fire Dept. needs paramedics for next recruit class
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
NS, Feb. 16, Council agrees to pay public safety director so it won’t have to pay attorneys
JG, Feb. 16, Council, mayor on collision course
February 16, 2016 1:00 AM
Parks board adds new member
The Journal Gazette
Justin P. Shurley has been appointed to the Fort Wayne Parks Board to replace Cheri Becker, whose term
expired in December after eight years on the board.
Attorney Richard Samek was recently re-elected president of the parks board, Dr. Pamela Kelly was reelected as vice president and Al Moll was re-elected secretary. Both Samek and Kelly are in their third term as
board members.
Ch. 21, Feb. 15, Neighborhoods set to reap the reward on eight blighted downtown homes
JG, Feb. 15, Henry, council can compromise on safety director
JG, Feb. 14, Dave Arnold: Brought downtown from suburbs
JG, Feb. 14, Zach Benedict: Fort Wayne wins out over LA
JG, Feb. 14, Best Regional Cities path up for debate
JG, Feb. 14, PBA opposes cutting public safety director position
NS, Feb. 14, Fort Report with Jehl and Paddock as guests
Ch. 21, Feb. 14, PBA voices support for public safety director position
Ch. 21, Feb. 13, GE coalition holds second public discussion regarding vacant GE buildings
JG, Feb. 13, Virtual tours of Fort Wayne now online
NS, Feb. 13, Sources say Marsh to build new grocery store on N. Anthony
NS, Feb. 13, Economic facts, political opportunism collide in movement for maximum minimum wage
WANE, Feb. 12, Ruth's Chris to open in new Skyline Tower
Ch. 21, Feb. 12, Ruth's Chris coming to Skyline Tower
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
Staff Reports
March, 2016
NS, Feb. 12, Parks Dept. seeks volunteers for park pick up, clean up event in April
NS, Feb. 12, Virtual reality tours of Fort Wayne are now available, but officials are hoping for real visits
Inside Ind Bus, Feb. 12, Ruth’s Chris coming to downtown Fort Wayne
JG, Feb. 9, Helping residents get the lead out – City, feds have programs to fight problem – Guest column by
Heather Presley-Cowen
NS, Feb. 9, New city clerk working to stamp out bad habits in her office
NS, Feb. 9, Arena comparisons provide hints but no perfect parallel to Ft. Wayne
NS, Feb. 9, Story of Ft. Wayne police officer helping motorist goes viral
Ch. 21, Feb. 8, Seven firefighters promoted to lieutenant
Ch. 21, Feb. 8, Downtown arena study committee holds private meeting
Inside Ind Bus, Feb. 8, Architect selected for The Landing
City TV, Feb. 2016, “City View” program produced by Community Development Division