Reading t Writing t Spelling - Sundberg Learning Systems, Inc
Reading t Writing t Spelling - Sundberg Learning Systems, Inc
Teaches Literacy Skills Fundamental to Successful Beginning Reading t Wr it in g t Sp e l l i n g 3FHVMBS&EVDBUJPOt5JUMFt3FNFEJBM3FBEJOHt4QFDJBM&EVDBUJPOt1SFTDIPPMt&4-#JMJOHVBMt"EVMU How the Sunform Process Works in The Sunform Theory The Sunform Method SUNFORM’S PICTURES TRANSFORM ABSTRACT NON-PHONETIC SYMBOLS INTO MEANINGFUL PHONETIC LETTERS LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR BEGINNING READING/WRITING/SPELLING PHASE I IMAGERY PHASE II AUDITORY Goal:5SBOTGPSNUIF&OHMJTIBMQIBCFUT BCTUSBDUiTZNCPMTwJOUPNFBOJOHGVMMFUUFST Goal: &MJDJUDPSSFDUTIPSUWPXFMDPOTPOBOU TPVOESFDBMMBOEQSPEVDUJPOVTJOHUIF QIPOFNJDBXBSFOFTTQSPDFTT 1 Stimulate Imagination. Teacher script: “This is the letter ‘c’. It is a picture of a cat.” Teacher script: “This is a picture of a cat catching. Cat begins with | k |. Say | k |.” This Sunform process teaches: tMFUUFSTPVOETGSPNpicture names (not letter names) tMFHJCJMJUZGSPNQJDUVSFMFUUFSTIBQFT The Process makes the English alphabet the THIRD PHONETIC ALPHABET in the world after Spanish and Finnish! Alliteration begins the phonemic awareness process to: 2 Build Memory. Teacher script: “See the cat catching the mouse.” To order: 1-866-SUNFORM 2 Say Teacher script: “This is a cat catching.” 2 Identify Sound Position Teacher Scripted Lessons Do 1 Stimulate Auditory Discrimination and Sound Segmentation Teacher script: “Cat begins with | k |.” Diagnose Errors 3 Make the Abstract Symbol Meaningful. Teacher script: “The cat is catching a mouse. His mouth is open wide.” 4 Transform the Letter into a Picture. Teacher script: “This is a cat catching.” 3 Elicit Correct Sound Recall and Pronunciation Teacher script: “Say | k |.” Five Sequential Phases PHASE III INTEGRATION Goal: .BLFTPVOETZNCPMDPSSFTQPOEFODF PHASE IV SOUND BLENDING/DECODING Goal: #FHJOSFBEJOH See Think /k/ /o/ Goal:8SJUFMFHJCMZBOEBVUPNBUJDBMMZ Research shows legibility requires: t Counterclockwise circles t Diagonal lines t Continuous strokes /d/ 1 First with illustrations. Sunform’s Terminology is: t Consistent t Developmentally appropriate Say /k/ /k/ It is here that the picture makes the alphabet phonetic. /o/ The Sunform Method Teacher script: “Tell me the picture. (Cat catching.) Tell me the sound.” (/ k /) PHASE V MOTOR PLAN /d/ 2 Then with clue/letter. The Sunform Progressive Motor Plan c, o, a, d makes handwriting t Logical t Automatic t Easy t Fun “The Sunform Alphabet System is an essential one teaching tool to teach my students to read and write, I would choose Sunform. The success rate of my students using Sunform is amazing.” —Debbie Berardi, Kindergarten Teacher, Eastview Elementary School, Canton, Illinois Results /k/ /o/ 3 Finally with letters. /d/ t t t t t t t Legible writing Directionally correct letters No More Reversals! No more letter confusion Automaticity Kids write more! Transfers to cursive with ease To order: 1-866-SUNFORM tool in my classroom. If I had to choose only 3 The Basic Sunform Kit includes: t NPWFBCMFJOTUSVDUJPOBM QSFTFOUBUJPOEFWJDFT The Basic Sunform Kit t 5FBDIFST.BOVBM t *OUSPEVDUJPOUP4QFMMJOH$IBSU t Sunform in Action DVD: %FNPOTUSBUJPO5FBDIJOHBOE *O4FSWJDF5SBJOJOH%7% The Kit THE BASIC SUNFORM KIT To order: 1-866-SUNFORM 4 Contains: 26 sliding devices, Teacher’s Manual, DVD: Sunform in Action, Introduction to Spelling Chart Item # 1-931766-15-0 Price: $999.00 Sample Devices in the Kit The Basic Sunform Kit Includes . . . 1a On the back of each device, scripted lesson plans direct the teacher when/how to slide the device during instruction. 1a &BDITMJEJOHEFWJDF JOUFHSBUFTQJDUVSFT MFUUFSTPVOETBOE MFUUFSGPSNT all in one! 1C 3 The Sunform Teacher’s Manual provides instructional timelines, scope and sequence guidelines, researchbased data on how to teach letter sounds and letter formations, diagnose and correct errors, and remediate problems. 110 pages spiral bound. t Easy Scripted lessons are: 1. Consistent and easy to teach 2. Organized into manageable 20-minute lessons 3. Review/add new process built into lessons Introduction to Spelling Chart. Teaches written spelling according to the Sunform Progressive Motor Plan. For example, Group 1, circle letter words, are introduced first: cod, dad, sad. Sunform in Action: In-service training and demonstration/ teaching DVD. Live footage demonstrates kindergarten and first grade students learning all phases of the Sunform Alphabet System. Lively lessons offer step-by-step instruction, from the picture phase, to letter sounds for reading/decoding, to letter formations for writing and spelling. Includes many ideas for games. This DVD may be watched in its entirety or in conjunction with day-by-day instruction for each phase. 2.5 hours in length. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS t Read Begin blending sounds quickly using Sunform illustrations, clues and letters Sunform in Action: In-service/Demo/Teaching DVD Item # 1-931766-11-8 Available separately. Price: $100.00 Free with Basic Sunform Kit. t Write Form legible letters and write automatically with high productivity t Spell Spell words according to Sunform’s Motor Plan To order: 1-866-SUNFORM 4 t Effective Research-based results prove students: 1. Recall sounds correctly 2. Write legibly t Efficient Students: 1. Master sounds in approximately 10 twenty-minute lessons 2. Blend sounds into words easily within 3 months 3. Write automatically with high productivity Additionally, the Motor Plan Diagnostic Chart allows teachers to see at a glance when letters are formed incorrectly, and to know how to correct problems. 2 THE SUNFORM ADVANTAGES The Basic Sunform Kit 1C The Basic Sunform Alphabet System Kit contains 26 colorful patented presentation devices composed of laminated board and acetate moveable parts. Sliding devices integrate pictures, letter sounds and Sunform’s Motor Plan, teaching reading, writing, spelling—all in one! 5 The Sunform Support Materials THE SUNFORM SYSTEM INCLUDES: Basic Sunform Kit Plus These Support Materials: t 8BMM$BSET Lowercase Letter Wall Cards Illustration Wall Cards Clue/Letter Wall Cards WALL CARDS DESK STRIPS The Sunform wall cards come in sets of 26 sturdy individual cards, which match the panels on the Sunform devices in content and size. These cards serve multiple purposes including: These peel-back adhesive strips are easy to remove and are available in rolls of 40. t t t t Displays Games Learning activities Assessments Card size: 61⁄2" x 8" t %FTL4USJQT Lowercase Motor Plan Desk Strips Lowercase Alphabet Desk Strips t 8SJUJOH$PQZ.BTUFST Lowercase Letter Wall Cards Item #: 1-931766-03-7 Price: $30.00 Manuscript Primary K-1 Manuscript and Cursive Support Materials t 6QQFSDBTF"MQIBCFU4VQQPSU .BUFSJBMT Uppercase Teacher’s Manual Uppercase Alphabet Wall Cards Uppercase Alphabet Desk Strips t 4VOGPSN"MQIBCFU4ZTUFN "TTFTTNFOU Illustration Wall Cards Item #: 1-931766-04-5 Price: $45.00 Designed to Teach Letter Sounds and Formations To order: 1-866-SUNFORM 6 #BTJD Plus 4VQQPSU 4VOGPSN .BUFSJBMT Kit Item # 1-931766-00-2 $1,279.00 These color-coded strips are sequenced according to Sunform’s Motor Plan. Green dots and red circles remind students where to start and stop. These desk strips match the Sunform Manuscript Primary K-1 Handwriting Paper. Individual desk strip size: 11⁄2" x 18" Item #: 1-931766-01-0 Price: $10.00 Lowercase Alphabet Desk Strips These strips are in alphabetical order and match the Sunform Manuscript and Cursive Writing Copy Masters. Individual desk strip size: 1" x 18" Item #: 1-931766-02-9 Price: $10.00 t DVD: A Neurologically Integrated Approach Save b buying thy e System Lowercase Motor Plan Desk Strips Clue/Letter Wall Cards Item #: 1-931766-05-3 Price: $55.00 Sunform Manuscript Primary K-1 Handwriting Paper Copy Masters This package contains 10 front-to-back copy masters to be reproduced on legal sized paper. Pages match the Sunform Lowercase Motor Plan Desk Strips with a 3⁄4" space between the top line and the bottom line. Size: 81⁄2"x 14 Item # 1-931766-09-6 Price: $20.00 (detail) Sunform Manuscript and Cursive Writing Copy Masters This package of 10 front-to-back copy masters matches the Lowercase and Uppercase Alphabet Desk Strips with a 1⁄2" space between the top line and the bottom line. Size: 81⁄2"x 11 Item # 1-931766-10-X Price: $20.00 (detail) UPPERCASE MATERIALS Uppercase Manuscript Teacher’s Manual This 2010 revised Teacher’s Manual provides instruction for writing Sunform Uppercase Letters. Students start on green dot, follow arrows with verbiage that guides hands to complete Motor Plan, resulting in directionally correct, integrated legible letters. Blackline copy masters and CD provide materials for overheads and additional student practice sheets. The Sunform Alphabet System Assessment This assessment book allows teachers to measure students’ knowledge of the skills taught using the Sunform System. These skills include picture mastery, sound recall, sound-symbol correspondence, sound blending for decoding and letter recognition/naming. At a glance, teachers are able to group children according to their needs. Each assessment includes 2 laminated cards to assist with testing. 36 pages. Item # 1-931766-21-5 Price: $30.00 Support Materials Size: 81⁄2"x 11 Item # 1-931766-31-2 Price: $65.00 Uppercase Letter Wall Cards Item #: 1-931766-08-8 Price: $30.00 These strips are in alphabetical order and match the Sunform Manuscript and Cursive Writing Copy Masters. Individual desk strip size: 1" x 18" Item #: 1-931766-07-X Price: $10.00 DVD: A Neurologically Integrated Approach Designed to Teach Letter Sounds and Formations Live lecture explains and demonstrates the researchbased theory behind the Sunform Alphabet System, its use, and its benefits in the classroom. Segments include student case studies, research results, and the transfer of learning to reading, and from manuscript to cursive handwriting. Item # 1-931766-12-6 Price: $100.00 a live lecture A Neurologically Integrated Approach Designed to Teach Letter Sounds and Formations 1:41:51 To order: 1-866-SUNFORM Uppercase Alphabet Desk Strips 7 The Chicago Public Schools Pilot: t Sunform was used with 43 “at risk” students entering 1st grade. RESEARCH-BASED TESTIMONIALS & PEER REVIEW PUBLICATIONS t Students were pre- and post-tested on sound recall and handwriting skills. *OUIFUPXOPG.VOTUFS*/ FEVDBUPSTSFQPSUUIFGPMMPXJOH t Students mastered sounds and handwriting in IPVST of instruction. t We have found no letter reversals in reading and Research Results writing since using the Sunform Alphabet System. t After teaching the Sunform process starting in SOUND RECALL TEST RESULTS Kindergarten, our ISTEP test results revealed a 20% increase of 3rd grade students scoring in the top quartile and zero (0) students scoring in the bottom quartile. Amazing! Potential Correct Pre-Test Post-Test Actual Correct Actual Correct t 3FBEJOH*NQSPWFNFOU Research t 5IF+PVSOBMPG"U3JTL*TTVFT SUNFORM INCREASED CORRECT SOUND RECALL FROM 27% AT PRE-TEST TO 98% AT POST-TEST. #FGPSF4VOGPSN t 5IF+PVSOBMPG&EVDBUJPO3FTFBSDI t &BSMZ$IJMEIPPE&EV 8 The Effect of Two Handwriting Approaches, D'Nealian and Sunform, on Kindergartners' Letter Formations; February 18, 2011 HANDWRITING TEST RESULTS 70 3 Substituted uppercase letter 363 0 Wrote wrong letter 161 15 Wrote letters at wrong size 684 52 Total errors 1278 70 Average per student 32.77 1.79 SUNFORM REDUCED HANDWRITING ERRORS FROM 32.77 PER STUDENT AT PRE-TEST TO 1.79 AT POST-TEST. ** Significantly reduced reversals from 79 to 9. A Publications of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network; Vol. 14, Number 1 At-Risk Preschoolers Become Beginning Readers with Neurologically Integrated Alphabet Instruction; Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 61-73 provem ent in sound re call and handwri ting Did not know letter/did not respond disabilities and our special education students are functioning above the level their I.Q.’s would predict or expect. A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Reading Fall 2006, Vol. 43, Number 3 STATIS TICALL Y SIGNIFIC ANT im Pre-Test Post-Test t With Sunform we are diagnosing fewer learning 4VOGPSNJTSFTFBSDICBTFEBOEIBT CFFOPGGJDJBMMZQVCMJTIFEJOQFFS SFWJFXKPVSOBMT Sunform demons trated "GUFS4VOGPSN More Sunform Materials Write to Read Word Families: Student Exercise Booklet This color-coded exercise book is used with students as they learn to write using the Sunform Motor Plan. Newly introduced letters are added to word families to form/spell real words. This multifunctional exercise book not only provides immediate handwriting practice, but the opportunity to blend sounds, master short vowels, read rhyming words with fluency and develop vocabulary. 24 pages. Item # 1-931766-20-7 Price: $8.50 Write to Read Word Families: Teacher Guide Item # 1-931766-19-3 Price: $40.00 The Sunform Alphabet Font This CD-ROM is compatible with all MAC/ PC Windows versions. Correct Sunform manuscript letters are supported with the CD-ROM as students compose stories, personal letters, etc. It is a great tool for teachers to create lessons, worksheets, banners, games and letters to parents. Other Materials This guide provides an Instructional Scope and Sequence Chart and detailed lesson plans necessary to direct students through their Student Exercise Booklets. This easy to follow color-coded answer key makes it simple for teachers to know which new words can be written or formed in each lesson. Teachers will be able to assess students’ ability to apply newly learned handwriting skills, blend sounds and read rhyming words with fluency and develop vocabulary. 48 pages. Item # 1-931966-17-7 Single User License: $35.00 Site License: $175.00 9 Sunform’s Lower and Uppercase Manuscript Handwriting Sunform Handwriting INTEGRATED MANUSCRIPT HANDWRITING TEACHES SOUNDSYMBOL CORRESPONDENCE Integrated Manuscript Handwriting Teaches Sound-Symbol Correspondence Sunform is designed to transform the abstract English alphabet into meaningful phonetic letters, teaching sounds and formations for reading and writing. To accomplish this, visual images stimulate auditory letter sound recall and Sunform’s Motor Plan for writing. This process, coined “Neurological Integration”, develops the following skills necessary for sound-symbol correspondence. Level 1: 5–6 year-old beginning readers/writers 1IPOFNJD"XBSFOFTT DPSSFDUTPVOESFDBMM t “C” is transformed into a picture of “cat catching” t Sound /k/ is segmented and correctly pronounced Step 1: Trace picture c t Letter design promotes crossing the midline t Letter design includes counter-clockwise circles, Step 3: Trace cat catching Step 2: Trace Motor Plan Handwriting 1. Step 1: Trace picture 2. 3. 4. cc Find midspace, draw a cat (letter c), finger space To order: 1-866-SUNFORM Step 1: Trace picture As teacher models using device, students use index finger to trace the picture of the cat catching. Put your index finger at midspace (on the upper lip of the cat), push up to the dotted line, curve head out, pull down toward heart, set cat on bottom line, swing up, stop! Leave cat’s mouth open. Repeat Motor Plan motion as necessary. Step 2: Trace Motor Plan As teacher models using device, students use index finger to trace Motor Plan for cat catching. Put your index finger at midspace (on green dot). Repeat Motor Plan using exact terminology. Stop at red dot. Repeat Motor Plan motion as necessary. Step 3: Trace cat catching As teacher models using device, students finger trace letter around picture of cat catching. Pick up your pencil. Start cat at midspace. Repeat Motor Plan using exact terminology as students trace on letter around picture of cat catching. Repeat trace motion as necessary. Progressive Motor Plan where each new letter builds on previous motions (c, o, a, d) not a, b, c t Reversals are eliminated (b, d, p, g, q) t Ideas formulated with ease and productivity soars Item # 1-931766-24-X Price: $15.00 per book $12.00 per book with sets of 24 Draw 4 of your most beautiful cats 7 Goal: Students draw cat catching, form letter c and commit cat sound /k/ (hard c, do not add vowel) to paper. t Letters are grouped according to Sunform's QFSGPSBUFE TBEEMFTUJUDIFEQBHFT YMBOETDBQF GVMMDPMPS Start at midspace and copy 8 cats 6 Automaticity — spontaneous movements 4UVEFOU&YFSDJTF#PPLo -FWFM Trace around each cat ccc c c c c c c c cc Level: One Step 2: Trace Motor Plan Traceeach each Trace redred cat cat letterletter. Step 4: Draw your own cats catching Student Exercise Book Teaches Sound-Symbol Correspondence cc c c c c c c c c Model Step 5: Draw cats catching, starting at midspace (on green dot) Step 4: Draw your own cats catching Have students, using pencil, draw cats catching. Put your pencil at midspace to make your own cats catching. Repeat Motor Plan while monitoring students for correct formations. Repeat Motor Plan for making 3–4 cats catching. Step 5: Draw cats catching, starting at midspace Have students make cats catching starting at midspace, followed by push up. Now you will make your own cats catching starting at midspace. Put your pencil at midspace (on green dot), push up, curve head out…repeat complete Motor Plan. Encourage students to verbalize Motor Plan as well. Check for correct letter formations. Refer to back of Sunform Device or Sunform Manual pages 54–55 to identify errors and remediate problems. Step 1: Trace picture c Step 3: Trace cat catching Step 2: Trace Motor Plan 4. pull down toward heart 1. start cat midspace 1. 7. stop! leave cat’s mouth open 5. set cat on bottom line 6. swing up Trace around each cat 2. 3. Step 5: Draw cats catching, starting at midspace (on green dot) Row 1: Trace around each cat See model. The first cat has not been traced. Next to it is a cat that has been traced. Students are expected to trace 8 cats on red line. Teacher demonstrates and says: See the first cat. Next to it is a picture of a cat with a red line around it. With my pencil, I am going to trace on the red line around the cat. Watch while I put my pencil at midspace…. Verbalize Motor Plan. Pick up your pencil, start the next cat at midspace, trace around the cat keeping your pencil on the red line. Put your finger on yellow box to finger space before tracing the next cat. Verbalize Motor Plan. TQJSBMCPVOEQBHFT YMBOETDBQF GVMMDPMPS ccc c c c c c c c Traceeach each Trace redred cat cat letterletter. Step 4: Draw your own cats catching 5FBDIFST(VJEFo-FWFM cc c c c c c c c c Model 2. push up to dotted line 3. curve head out 4. 6 Integrated Manuscript Each lowercase letter lesson consists of one page without lines to encourage large hand motor movements. A second page with lines develops fine hand motor movements. As each new letter is introduced, students have 40 motor plan practice opportunities. Students trace 1) pictures, 2) letters embedded with arrows, which correspond to verbiage, and 3) the letter itself. Next they copy pictures and letters. Finally students draw the picture (cat), form a legible letter (c), and commit the sound /k/ to paper, forming a sound-symbol correspondence. -FHJCJMJUZ EJSFDUJPOBMMZDPSSFDUOPSFWFSTBMT JOUFHSBUFEDMPTFE MFUUFST diagonal lines, melded together with one continuous stroke t Sunform Motor Plan includes arrows embedded in the letter and linked to verbal directions, which guide hands to draw the picture and form the directionally correct, integrated, legible letter Name cc cc Start at midspace and copy 8 cats Find midspace, draw a cat (letter c, sound /k/), finger space Draw 4 of your most beautiful cats Row 2: Trace each red cat letter See model. The first red cat letter (c) has not been traced. Next to it is a red letter that has been traced. Students are expected to trace 8 letters on red lines. Teacher demonstrates and says: See the first red cat letter. Next to it is a red cat letter that has been traced. With my pencil, I am going to trace this letter. Watch. I put my pencil at midspace… Verbalize Motor Plan. Pick up your pencil. Start the next red cat letter at midspace. Trace each letter, keeping your pencil on the red line. Be sure to use the yellow box to finger space. Verbalize Motor Plan with students. Item # 1-931766-23-1 Price: $49.00 Row 3: Start at midspace and copy 8 cats See model. The red cat letter (c) is to be copied. Next to it is the black copied letter. Students are expected to identify midspace and copy 8 cats (letter c). Teacher demonstrates and says: See the model red cat letter. Next to it is a black copy. With my pencil, I am going to demonstrate how to copy this letter. Watch. I put my pencil at midspace… Verbalize Motor Plan. Pick up your pencil. Start the next cat letter at midspace (on green dot). Copy 8 cats. Remember to finger space. Verbalize Motor Plan with students. Row 4: Find midspace, draw a cat, and finger space See model. The first red cat letter (c) is to be copied. Next to it is the drawn cat. Students are expected to find midspace and draw 4 cats. Teacher demonstrates and says: See the model red cat letter. Next to it is a black copy. With my pencil, I am going to draw this cat again. Watch. I put my pencil at midspace…Verbalize Motor Plan. Pick up your pencil. Start the next cat at midspace. Draw 4 cats. Remember to finger space. Verbalize Motor Plan with students. Now practice drawing 4 of your most beautiful cats. Finger space. Students are expected to locate midspace, use motor plan correctly to draw 4 cats, and finger space between cats. 7 Level 2: 6-7 year-old beginning readers/writers/spellers Step 1: Trace Motor Plan Trace each Trace each redred batcat and letter. ball letter Integrated Manuscript Handwriting Step 2: Trace octopus letter job 4UVEFOU&YFSDJTF#PPLo -FWFM bud 6. Trace and copy new words 4. 36 Step 1: Trace Motor Plan tab QFSGPSBUFE TBEEMFTUJUDIFEQBHFT YMBOETDBQF GVMMDPMPS 7. Listen for the words to write Item # 1-931766-25-8 Price: $15.00 per book $12.00 per book with sets of 24 As teacher models using device, students use index finger to trace Motor Plan for bat and ball. Put your index finger on the top line, pull down straight toward heart, set bat on bottom line, push up on same line to midspace (retrace motion), curve ball on dotted line away from heart, pull ball down, set ball on bottom line, push around to bat to complete ball, stop. Repeat Motor Plan as necessary. 1. start bat on top line 2. pull down straight toward heart 5. curve ball on dotted line away from heart Step 2: Trace bat and ball letter As teacher models using device, students finger trace bat and ball letter. Pick up your pencil. Start bat and ball on top line. Repeat Motor Plan using exact terminology as students trace bat and ball letter. Repeat trace motion as necessary. b Can I a I want a 8. Listen for the words to write to finish the sentence(s) 5. Practice these letters and finger space d u j r n m p l t b 6. pull ball down Step 3: Draw bat and ball Row 5: Practicing letters job 6. Trace and copy new words bud tab 9. stop Step 3: Draw bat and ball, starting on top line Have students make bat and ball starting on top line, followed by pull down straight toward heart. Now you will make your own bat and ball starting on the top line. Put your pencil on the top line (on green dot), pull down straight toward heart…Repeat complete Motor Plan. Encourage students to verbalize Motor Plan as well. Check for correct letter formation. Refer to back of Sunform Device or Sunform Manual pages 92-93 to identify errors and remediate problems. 3. set bat on bottom line Row 2: Start on top line and copy 8 bats and balls See model. The red bat and ball letter (b) is to be copied. Next to it is the black copied letter. Students are expected to identify top line and copy 8 bats and balls (letter b). Teacher demonstrates and says: See the model red bat and ball letter. Next to it is a black copy. With my pencil, I am going to demonstrate how to copy this letter. Watch. I put my pencil on the top line… Verbalize Motor Plan. Pick up your pencil. Start the next bat and ball letter on the top line (on green dot). Copy 8 bats and balls. Remember to finger space. Verbalize Motor Plan with students. Row 3: Find top line, draw bat and ball letter (b), finger space, draw 8 bats and balls See model. The first bat and ball letter (b) is to be copied. Next to it is the copied bat and ball letter b. Students are expected to find top line and draw 8 bats and balls. Teacher demonstrates and says: See the model red bat and ball letter. Next to it is a black copy. With my pencil, I am going to draw this bat and ball again. Watch. I put my pencil on the top line…Verbalize Motor Plan. Pick up your pencil. Start the next bat and ball letter (b) on the top line. Draw 8 beautiful bats and balls. Remember to finger space. Students are expected to locate top line, use Motor Plan correctly, to draw bat and ball letters (b) and finger space. 36 bb b b b b b b b bb bb Model Row 1: Trace each red bat and ball letter See model. The first red bat and ball letter (b) has not been traced. Next to it is a red letter that has been traced. Students are expected to trace 8 letters on red lines. Teacher demonstrates and says: See the first bat and ball letter. Next to it is a red bat and ball letter that has been traced. With my pencil, I am going to trace this letter. Watch. I put my pencil on the top line…Verbalize Motor Plan. Pick up your pencil. Start the next red bat and ball letter on the top line. Trace each letter, keeping your pencil on the red line. Be sure to use the yellow box to finger space. Verbalize Motor Plan with students. 7. set ball on bottom line 4. push up on same 8. push around to bat to complete ball line to midspace 1. Trace each Trace each redred batcat and letter. ball letter Start on top line and copy 8 bats and balls 2. Find top line, draw bat and ball letter (b), finger space, draw 8 bats and balls 3. 4. 36 37 Goal: Students practice writing midspace letters, dotted line letters, and top line letters, copying words, writing words from teacher dictation, and supplying the dictated word(s) in sentences. Step 2: Trace bat and ball letter Step 1: Trace Motor Plan bib bun cob rub Can I get a pet ? I want a tan lab pup. 7. Listen for the words to write 8. Listen for the words to write to finish the sentence(s) Sunform’s approach, coined “Neurological Integration”, continues to use visual images to stimulate correct letter sounds, sound-symbol correspondence and motor movements for writing, but then expands this process to decoding and encoding phonetic words for reading/ writing/spelling. 3FWJFX1SPDFTT t Phonemic Awareness - /k/ sound is segmented/ Students are expected to correctly form letters d, u, j, r, n, m, p, l, t and b and place them on lined paper. At the top of your paper is Row 5. Find midspace and write this letter: “d”. Remember to finger space. On the dotted line, write these letters: “u”, “j”, “r”, “n”, “m” and “p”. Finger space. Find the top line and write the letters “l”, “t”, and “b”. Monitor that students are beginning all letters at the correct place. Repeat Motor Plan as necessary. Row 6: Trace and copy new words Students are expected to correctly trace and copy the words job, bud, and tab. In Row 6, there are three words. Some of the letters begin at midspace, some begin on the dotted line and some begin on the top line. Put your pencil on the dotted line; trace job. Below the word job, start the letter “j” on the dotted line, the letter “o” at midspace and the “b” on the top line. Copy job. Repeat Motor Plan as necessary. Put your pencil on the top line; trace bud. Start the /b/ on the top line and copy bud below. The last word is tab. Starting on the top line for /t/, trace and copy the word tab below. Repeat Motor Plan as necessary. Row 7: Writing words from teacher dictation Students are expected to correctly form letters and spell 3-letter words from dictation. Look at Row 7. Listen carefully to the word I say and write each sound you hear. Some of the letters begin at midspace, some begin on the dotted line and some on the top line. Ready. The first word is bib. /b/i/b/. Write bib. Repeat the sounds and/or word again if necessary. The second word is bun. /b/u/n/. Remember to finger space. Repeat the sounds and/or word again if necessary. The third word is cob…/c/o/b/. Finger space. The last word is rub. Write /r/u/b/. Discuss word meanings. Row 8: Writing the dictated word(s) in the sentence(s) Students are expected to correctly form letters, spell 3-letter words from dictation and place them within a sentence. Look at Row 8. There is a sentence with two missing words. Listen while I read the sentence and tell you the missing words. Can I get a pet? The sentence says, “Can I ___ a ___?” The sentence should say, “Can I get a pet?”. Next to the word I, write the word “get”. Can I get. Write the last word “pet”. Can I get a pet? Remember that a sentence needs an ending. The ending is a question mark. The last sentence is missing three words. It says, “I want a ___ ___ ___. The sentence should say, “I want a tan lab pup.” The sentence should say, “I want a tan lab pup.” First write /t/a/n/. Did you write the word tan? Finger space. Now write “lab”…/l/a/b/. Now finish the sentence. “I want a tan lab pup.” Did you write pup? Did you remember to put a period at the end of your sentence? 5FBDIFST(VJEFo-FWFM TQJSBMCPVOEQBHFT YMBOETDBQF GVMMDPMPS Item # 1-931766-26-6 Price: $49.00 t Legibility – Motor Plan with arrows embedded in letters and linked to verbiage guides hands to cross midline while forming counter-clockwise circles, diagonal lines and continuous strokes t Students draw pictures, form directionally correct, integrated legible letters t Automaticity – Progressive Motor Plan (c, o, a, d) "QQMJDBUJPO t Decoding Process t"UUBDITPVOETUPTZNCPMTGPSTPVOETZNCPM correspondence t#MFOETFRVFODFTPVOET t3FBESFDPHOJ[FQIPOFUJDXPSET t Encoding Process t-JTUFOUPEJDUBUFEXPSE t4FHNFOUTPVOET t"UUBDITPVOETUPQJDUVSFMFUUFST t4FRVFODFTPVOET t"QQMZ.PUPS1MBOUPTFRVFODF t'PSNMFHJCMFMFUUFST t4QFMMXSJUFXPSET To order: 1-866-SUNFORM Goal: Students draw bat and ball, form letter b and commit bat sound /b/ (do not add vowel) to paper. INTEGRATED MANUSCRIPT HANDWRITING TEACHES SOUNDSYMBOL CORRESPONDENCE FOR PHONETIC READING AND SPELLING pronounced from picture “cat-catching” Find top line, draw bat and ball letter (b), finger space, draw 8 bats and balls 3. Level: Two o Step 1: Trace Motor Plan Start on top line and copy 8 bats and balls 2. Student Exercise Book Teaches Sound-Symbol Correspondence for Phonetic Reading and Spelling 5. Practice these letters and finger space d u j r n m p l t b Step 3: Draw bat and ball bb b b b b b b b b bb bb Model 1. b Step 2: Trace bat and ball letter 2 Name Sunform Handwriting Two page, lined, lowercase letter lessons encourage fine eye-hand motor development as each letter is practiced 40 times. Page 1 reviews and masters sound-symbol correspondence and legibility skills. Students trace 1) letters embedded with arrows matching verbiage, 2) clue-letters and 3) letters themselves. They copy letters and, finally, draw pictures, form legible letters and commit sounds to paper. Page 2 applies these skills to decode and encode CVC phonetic words. Students trace and copy words, attach sounds to symbols, blend, decode and read. Students listen to dictated 3-letter phonetic words, segment sounds, attach sounds to picture letter, use Sunform Motor Plan to form legible letters, and spell-write or encode words. Uppercase letters are reviewed through trace, copy, write exercises using mastered lowercase letters in sentences accurately on paper. 37 Integrated Manuscript Handwriting Emphasizes Phonetic Reading, Writing, Spelling and Development of Grammatical Skills Sunform Handwriting 3 Name Step 1: Trace lowercase m Step 2: Trace Uppercase M M men plan missions to mars Copy sentences using Uppercase and lowercase letters correctly in spaces below. Punctuate. 6. 1. mM m M m M m M m M m M m M 2. mM Copy lowercase m on dotted line and Uppercase M on top line 3. mM Write lowercase m on dotted line and Uppercase M on top line 4. Men plan Model #PPLJTEJWJEFEJOUPQBSUT Trace each red lowercase m and Uppercase M 7. meet me at mall of america Integrated Manuscript Handwriting Listen to sentence. Write sentence using Uppercase and lowercase letters correctly in space below. Punctuate. Write the names of your classmates that contain m or M. missions. 9. 10. 5 6 t Lower/uppercase abstract letters are modeled side by side Book 3, Part 1 consists of 2 page lined lessons using trace, copy, write exercises. Page 1 reviews where lower/uppercase letters start and how they are placed on lines and in spaces. t Alternating lower/uppercase letters, tracing, copying, writing exercises are used to practice where to start letters, how to implement the Sunform Motor Plan, and where to stop. Repetition increases writing dexterity and writing speed. 4UVEFOU&YFSDJTF#PPLo -FWFM Students must capitalize appropriate letters when copying or writing sentences from dictation. They capitalize beginning letters of classmates’ names and use lowercase mid-name. QFSGPSBUFE TBEEMFTUJUDIFEQBHFT YMBOETDBQF GVMMDPMPS t Capitalizing first words of a sentence and names of places t The emphasis is on copying sentences written on lines, then transferred to lines below, followed by sentences written in space and copied on lines below, and, finally, writing sentences from dictation on lines. Students must capitalize the first letter of each sentence. t Students learn to capitalize the first letter of classmate To order: 1-866-SUNFORM Step 1: Trace lowercase m Motor Plan As teacher models using device, students use index finger to trace Motor Plan for mountain. Put your index finger on the dotted line, pull down straight toward heart, set on bottom line, push up mountain on same line (retrace motion), curve mountain on dotted line, pull down straight toward heart, set on bottom line, push up mountain on same line (retrace motion), curve mountain on dotted line, pull down straight toward heart, set on bottom line, swing up, stop. Repeat Motor Plan as necessary. Step 2: Trace Uppercase M Motor Plan As teacher models, students use index finger to trace Motor Plan. Watch. I start Uppercase M on the top line (on the green dot), pull down straight toward heart, set on bottom line, push up on same line to top line, pull down across body away from heart, set on bottom line, and push up away from heart to top line, pull down straight toward heart, set on bottom line and stop. Put your index finger on the top line (on the green dot). Repeat Motor Plan using exact terminology. Step 1: Trace lowercase m Rows 6-7: Start each sentence with an Uppercase letter. Copy each sentence using Upper and lowercase letters correctly on the lines below. Punctuate. Row 6: In row 6, starting with an Uppercase letter, copy the sentence, “Men plan missions to Mars.”, using lower and Uppercase letters correctly on the lines below. Punctuate. Step 2: Trace Uppercase M M 1. start Uppercase M on top line 8. pull down straight toward heart 5. pull down across body away from heart 1. start mountain man on dotted line 2. pull down toward heart 3. set on bottom line 4. push up mountain same line 5. curve mountain 9. curve mountain on dotted line on dotted line 6. pull down straight toward heart 7. set on bottom line 8. push up mountain same line 11. set on bottom line 10. pull down straight toward heart 13. stop 12. swing up 4. push up on same line to top line 3. set on bottom line 6. set on bottom line 7. push up away from heart to top line 9. set on bottom line Row 8: Write the sentence from dictation, using Upper and lowercase letters on the lines below. Punctuate. Row 8: I am going to say a sentence. Listen and write, “My mom’s mop made a mess.”, using Upper and lowercase letters correctly on the lines. Punctuate. 10. stop Row 9: Write the names of classmates that contain m or M. Row 9: Teacher asks students to identify classmates with m or M in their names, or teacher dictates names such as “Martha”, “Mimi”, “Matt”. Students write the identified names using Upper and lowercase letters correctly on lines. Row 1: Trace each red lowercase m and Uppercase M See the model red traced lowercase m. With my pencil, I am going to trace this lowercase m starting on the dotted line…Verbalize Motor Plan. Next to it is the red traced Uppercase M. I am going to trace Uppercase M starting on the top line… Verbalize Motor Plan. Now you trace each red lowercase m starting on the dotted line and each Uppercase M starting on the top line. Row 10: Write homophones beginning with m. Row 10: Teacher reviews homophones as words which are pronounced the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Examples: mind-mined. Teacher teaches “mind” as in “Mind your manners”. Teacher teaches “mined”, as in “The mountain was mined for gold”. Row 2: Copy m starting on dotted line and M starting on top line See the black copied lowercase m. It starts on the dotted line…Verbalize Motor Plan. Next to it is the black copied Uppercase M. It starts on the top line…Verbalize Motor Plan. Now copy lowercase m starting at the green dot on the dotted line. Next to it, copy Uppercase M starting at the green dot on the top line. In this lesson, teacher teaches “mail” as in what the postman delivers, and the meaning of “male”, the opposite of female. The teacher says: Write the word “mail” as in “I received a birthday card in the mail.” Write “male” as in “The choir was all male.” The teacher teaches students the meaning of the word “meet” (connect with someone) and the meaning of “meat” (the edible part of an animal or nut). The teacher says: Write the word “meet” as in “Let’s meet your dad at the park.” Write “meat” as in “You can buy meat at the grocery store.” Row 3: Write m starting on dotted line and M starting on top line The black copied lowercase m starts on the dotted line. Next to it is the black copied Uppercase M. It starts on the top line. On the lines, write lowercase m starting on the dotted line. Write Uppercase M starting on the top line. Continue writing lowercase m followed by Uppercase M across the row. Refer to the back of the Sunform Device or the Sunform Manual, pages 84-85, to identify lowercase errors and remediate problems, and to the Uppercase Manuscript Manual, Lesson 20, letter M, to check accuracy of Motor Plan implementation. EXTENSION AND DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Vocabulary: Teacher asks students: What’s a mission? What’s a mall? Locate: Teacher uses a map to locate Mall of America. Teacher uses a diagram of the solar system to locate Mars. Rows 4-5: Read, trace and copy sentences emphasizing m and M Row 4: Read and trace the sentence, “Men plan Mars missions.” Row 5: Copy the sentence, “Men plan Mars missions.” 37 36 5FBDIFST(VJEFo-FWFM Lesson 18: Family Titles homophones, which could require capitalization. Part 2 includes theme-based lessons, which focus on correct grammatical usage and capitalization. Students learn to apply uppercase skills to full names and titles with their appropriate abbreviations. Emphasis is on full names and initials of people, days of the week, months of the year, addresses, cities, states, titles of books, monuments and holidays. Assessments and an appendix for enrichment activities are included. Item #: 1-931766-27-4 Price: $15.00 per book, $12 per book in sets of 24 Row 7: In row 7, the sentence, “Meet me at Mall of America.”, is not on lines. Starting with an Uppercase letter, copy this sentence using Upper and lowercase letters correctly on the lines below. Punctuate. 2. pull down straight toward heart names, which begin with the lesson letter, and to use lowercase lesson letters in the middle of the name. t Students write word opposites, rhyme words and make up Step 2: Trace Uppercase A Write homophones beginning with letter m. 5. on top of the page. Level: Three A 8. Mar·s Student Exercise Book Emphasizes Phonetic Reading, Writing, Spelling and Developement of Grammatical Skills Step 1: Trace lowercase a Read and trace sentence on row 4. Copy sentence on row 5. Part 1 includes 2-page lessons. Tracing and copying skills are emphasized in Lessons on Page 1 and teach the following: Lessons on Page 2 emphasize copying and writing: ! Level 3: 7-8 year-old readers/writers/spellers Book 3 continues to emphasize Sunform’s neurologically integrated process to learn sounds, make sound-symbol correspondences, blend sounds and apply Sunform’s Motor Plan for legible writing. This book, however, contains dramatic changes: 1) It is organized according to Sunform’s Uppercase Motor Plan; 2) Sunform pictures are replaced by lower/uppercase abstract letters; 3) Decoding/ encoding includes both phonetic and non-phonetic words; 4) Teaches grammar skills. Students learn correct usage in conjunction with where and when to apply uppercase letters. within a sentence are skills taught through tracing/copying sentences on lines. NEW Part 2 Students learn to apply uppercase skills to full names and abbreviations including names/initials of people, days of the week, months of the year, addresses, cities, states, titles (books, etc.) and holidays. Assessments and an appendix for enrichment are included. Goal: Students will be able to 1) identify family titles and names in context, 2) write possessives, family titles and names in context using Uppercase letters correctly. TQJSBMCPVOEQBHFT YMBOETDBQF GVMMDPMPS Lesson Introduction:Teacher says: You have learned to write the names of people, using Uppercase letters. Now, you are ready to learn how to write the names and titles of people in your family, or your relatives, such as your mother, father, brother, sister and so forth, using Uppercase letters correctly. Oral Exercise: Teacher says: All of us have titles in our families. How many of you have the title ‘brother’? ‘sister’? ‘son’? ‘daughter’? ‘grandson’?‘granddaughter’?‘cousin’?‘aunt’?‘uncle’?Let’sseewhentouseUppercase letters when writing family titles. On the Board: Teacher writes: Title + Name = Uppercase Grandpa Fred Say hello to our Grandpa Fred. Title by itself = Upercase Grandpa Say hello to Grandpa. Possessive + Title = Lowercase our grandpa Say hello to our grandpa. /HWҋVORRNLQER[,IZHZULWHDWLWOH´*UDQGSDµZLWKWKHÀUVWRUODVWQDPHRIDSHUVRQ (“Fred” or “Smith”), we use Uppercase letters to start both the title and the name. Look in box 2. If the title (“Grandpa” ) is used all by itself with no name and no word, like “our” or “my”, then we start the title “Grandpa” with an Uppercase letter. Now, look in box 3. If we are talking about whose “Grandpa” it is, we may write another word, like “our” or “my” in front of a title (“grandpa”), without the name “Fred”. Then we write both the word “our” and the title “grandpa” in lowercase letters. Item # 1-931766-28-2 Price: $69.00 Go back and look at box 1. Let’s read the sentence together. “Say hello to our Grandpa Fred.” Because the title “Grandpa” is next to the name “Fred”, “Grandpa” becomes part ofthename,andmuststartwithanUppercaseletter(‘G’).Let’sreadthesecondsentence together: “Say hello to Grandpa.” The words “our” or “my” and the name “Fred” is not included. The title ,“Grandpa”, stands alone and starts with an Uppercase letter. Now let’s read the third sentence together: “Say hello to our grandpa.” In this case the title “grandpa” has the word “our” in front of it and there is no name following the title, so we use lowercase letters to start the words “our” and “grandpa”. Step 1: Identify family titles and names in context. Teacher says: 2Q\RXUZRUNVKHHWÀQGStep 1. In the sentences below, circle words, such as “my”, “our”, “his”, “your”, followed by family titles, such as “mother”, “brother”, “father”, and proper names, such as “Fred”. Step 2: Write possessives, family titles and names in context using Uppercase letters correctly. Teacher says: FindStep 2 on your worksheet. Rewrite the words that you have circled on the lines below each sentence, using Uppercase letters correctly. 78 Application of Lesson 18 to Journal Entry (JE) Numbers: JE 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28 All About Me! My Journal Level 3: 7-8 year-old readers/writers/spellers ! Name All About Me! This allows students to write and read their complete answers. Ultimately, this journal becomes an autobiography. Students will be able to encode: Book 3 is also accompanied by All About Me! My Journal Teacher’s Guide and is free of charge with the purchase of a set of 24 Student Book 3s. The Teacher Guide provides the Book 3 lesson number where a skill was taught, lists the lesson goal and provides an example of a lesson expectation. Students are able to easily apply Book 3 lesson skills to their journal. Although this book emphasizes the application of grammar (word usage and capitalization skills), it provides many creative opportunities through drawing pictures and descriptive writing. t Write directionally correct integrated legible letters, using Sunform’s Motor Plan to include counter-clockwise circles, diagonal lines and continuous strokes. My Journal 4UVEFOU+PVSOBMo-FWFM JE5. i was born on I was born on Tuesday, July 23, 2005. This is a Picture of Me QFSGPSBUFE TBEEMFTUJUDIFEQBHFT YMBOETDBQF GVMMDPMPS JE6. i am ____________ years old I am 7 years old. Item # 1-931766-27-4 JE7. the color of my eyes is The color of my eyes is blue. JE8. the color of my hair is 3 Example: I was born on Tuesday, July 23, 2005. JE 6 Lesson Number(s): 1 Goal: To assist the student in writing about him/herself. Example: The color of my eyes is blue. JE 8 Lesson Number(s): 2 Goal: To assist the student in writing about him/herself. Example: The color of my hair is brown. 2 Students will be able to decode: t Read the sentences they have written by making soundsymbol correspondences, blending phonetic words and recognizing sight words. This All About Me! My Journal was written with the intention of becoming an heirloom, a treasure, something your students will be able to share with their own second grade children some day. JE5. i was born on I was born on Tuesday, July 23, 2005. JE6. i am ____________ years old I am 7 years old. TQJSBMCPVOEQBHFT YMBOETDBQF GVMMDPMPS Item # 1-931766-28-2 Example: I am 7 years old. JE 7 Lesson Number(s): 2 Goal: To assist the student in writing about him/herself. t Use Sunform’s Motor Plan, form lower and uppercase letters correctly and place them appropriately on lines and in spaces. JE7. the color of my eyes is The color of my eyes is blue. JE8. the color of my hair is The color of my hair is brown. Here’s what it offers: t It is an autobiography describing life experiences: who are the students’ favorite people, restaurants, movies, books, TV shows, monuments, sports teams, teachers, etc. t Teaches grammar skills related to, and are necessary for, success in life. To order: 1-866-SUNFORM Example: I was born on Tuesday, July 23, 2005. 5FBDIFS+PVSOBMo-FWFM JE 5 Lesson Number(s): 11, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 Goal: Use Uppercase letters for the word “I”, and to start names of the week and months of the year in full dates formatted as follows: Wednesday, March 4, 2003. t Spell phonetic words correctly using correct phonemes segmented from Sunform pictures and sequencing sounds into words. t Correct their own errors. The color of my hair is brown. JE 5 Lesson Number(s): 11, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 Goal: Use Uppercase letters for the word “I”, and to start names of the week and months of the year in full dates formatted as follows: Wednesday, March 4, 2003. The purpose of this journal is to apply Sunform’s reading, writing, spelling, grammatical usage and capitalization skills. Students will be expected to recall Sunform pictures, segment the picture sounds, make sound-symbol correspondences for blending, recall the Sunform Motor Plan and apply this knowledge to lower and uppercase letters, as they record practical life experiences. Sunform Handwriting & Grammatical Skills "MM"CPVU.F.Z+PVSOBM NEW Book 3 is accompanied by student book entitled All About Me! My Journal and is provided free of charge with the purchase of a set of 24 Book 3s. The student journal contains 100 Journal Entries (JE). Each JE begins with a starter sentence, which is to be copied on the first set of lines, and students write personal information to complete the second set of lines. The Sunscript Cursive Handwriting System THE SUNSCRIPT CURSIVE HANDWRITING SYSTEM Sunform 19 Sunform manuscript letters Sunscript transformed into cursive HOW Sunscript Cursive System Basic Connective Stroke when Superimposed on manuscript letters become Transformed into legible cursive letters SUNSCRIPT PROCESS t Organized according to Sunform’s Motor Plan t New letters build on previous motions t Makes cursive EASY! Student Cursive Handwriting Booklets The Sunscript Handwriting System is uniquely formatted to make handwriting practice legible, easy and fun. Each student receives a set of 5 thin, manageable and easy to erase booklets. Booklets 1-4 include lowercase cursive letters arranged according to Sunform’s Motor Plan, all using the same portion of the Sunscript Basic Connective Stroke. Booklet 5 teaches uppercase cursive letters. Lessons are filled with color-coded models that provide opportunities for students to trace, copy and practice cursive handwriting skills while learning exciting new vocabulary. 4UVEFOU$VSTJWF8SJUJOH&YFSDJTF #PPLMFUTo Item # 1-931766-42-8 Price: $12.00 per 5 book set Book 1: The circle letters; 17 pages Book 2: The short curved letters; 17 pages Book 3: The short straight letters; 21 pages Book 4: The tall letters; 13 pages Book 5: Uppercase letters; 29 pages SUNSCRIPT’S CURSIVE TEACHER MANUALS Unique Formatting The Five Student Booklets are ALL: To order: 1-866-SUNFORM t Thin t Manageable t Easy to erase t Organized according to Sunform Motor Plan with connective strokes t Consistent with Sunform’s Motor Plan instructional language t Color-coded with models providing 2 pages of practice tracing, copying, and applying cursive handwriting skills exacting new vocabulary words t Filled with systematic review 1SBDUJDFJT-FHJCMFt&BTZt'VO Lowercase Cursive Teacher’s Manual This manual provides theory with illustrations necessary to the formation/use of the Basic Connective Stroke in transforming manuscript letters into cursive letters. Color-coded instructional lesson plans are graphic, step-by-step, diagnostic, and prescriptive. 187 flip-up, spiral bound pages. Uppercase Cursive Teacher’s Manual This manual provides an explanation of theory relevant to the use and formation of entrance strokes. It includes color-coded graphic illustrations and stepby-step instructional lesson plans for each letter. 61 flip-up, spiral bound pages. 4VOTDSJQUT$VSTJWF5FBDIFST.BOVBMT Item # 1-931766-41-X Price: $85.00 per 2 book set Lowercase Cursive Letter Wall Cards This set of 28 Sunform letter cards features the Connective Stroke in red. Coordinating with the Sunform Motor Plan instruction, these cards can be displayed for students to reference. Two cards display alternatives for writing e and s when connected to letters ending on the dotted line. Item # 1-931766-43-6 Price: $35.00 Lowercase Cursive Desk Strips These peel-back adhesive strips are easy to remove and display Sunscript’s Cursive Letters in alphabetical order with the Connective Strokes in red. Individual desk strip size: 1" x 18" Item # 1-931766-45-2 Price: $10.00 Uppercase Cursive Desk Strips This set of 26 individual cards features the uppercase letters and the Sunform Entrance Stroke in red. Cards can be displayed for students to reference as needed. Item # 1-931766-44-4 Price: $35.00 Item # 1-931766-46-0 Price: $10.00 46/4$3*15$634*7&4:45&. A package contains ten front-to-back copy masters consistent with the spacing used in the Student Writing Exercise Booklets and the Cursive Desk Strips. Size: 81⁄2" x 11" Contains: Lowercase/Uppercase Teacher’s Manuals; a complete classroom set of 25 Student Writing Exercise Booklets 1-5; Lowercase and Uppercase Cursive Letter Wall Cards; Lowercase and Uppercase Cursive Letter Desk Strips; Sunform Manuscript and Cursive Writing Copy Masters. Item # 1-931766-10-X Price: $20.00 (detail) Item # 1-931766-40-1 Price: $495.00 This Student Exercise Book reviews the Sunscript Cursive Letters and connective strokes. Students practice connecting each letter with all 26 cursive letters both on the entrance and exit strokes. These exercises enable teachers to pinpoint problems. The result: students write with legibility and automaticity. 25 pages. Item # 1-931766-47-9 Price: $10.00 Teacher’s Proofing Guide: The Student’s Review of Cursive Letters This guide is the answer key to the Student’s Review of Letter Forms and Connectives. Teachers are able to see the connective strokes superimposed on manuscript letters, which form cursive letter pairs. Additionally, each lesson reviews appropriate instructional language for the connective strokes to ensure student success. 25 pages. Item # 1-931766-48-7 Price: $40.00 To order: 1-866-SUNFORM Sunform Manuscript and Cursive Writing Copy Masters The Student Review: Sunscript Letter Forms and Connectives Sunscript Cursive System Uppercase Cursive Letter Wall Cards These peel-back adhesive strips are easy to remove and display Sunscript’s Uppercase Cursive Letters with the Entrance Stroke in red. Organized alphabetically. Roll of 40. Individual desk strip size: 1" x 18" Sunscript Materials RESPONSES FROM TEACHERS USING SUNFORM: XPSLT XJUI BMM TUVEFOUT t GPVOEBUJPO UP SFBEJOH t UFBDIFT QVSF QIPOFNFT t UFBDIFT DPSSFDU TPVOE QSPOVODJBUJPO t UFBDIFT NPTU EJGGJDVMU SFBEJOH XSJUJOH TLJMMT t UFBDIFT MFHJCMF XSJUJOH t CFZPOE NVMUJTFOTPSZ t JOUFSTFOTPSZ QSPDFTT t TUSBUFHJD QMBUGPSN t QSFWFOUT TQFDJGJD SFBEJOH QSPCMFNT t FMJNJOBUFT TPVOE BXFFL t FMJNJOBUFT MFUUFS SFWFSTBMT t MFBSOJOHOFFET TUVEFOUT QFSGPSN BCPWF QPUFOUJBM t QSFWFOUT IBOEXSJUJOH QSPCMFNT t FMJNJOBUFT CPUUPNUPUPQ Metter GPSNBUJPOT t IZQPUIFTFT UFTUFE t SFTFBSDI CBTFE t TUBUJTUJDBMMZ TJHOJGJDBOU BU UIF MFWFM GPS MFUUFS TPVOE SFDBMM BOE IBOEXSJUJOH TLJMMT t PG TUVEFOUT JO UPQ RVBSUJMF t OP TUVEFOUT JO CPUUPN RVBSUJMF t USBOTGFS PG MFBSOJOH UP OFX TLJMMT t MFHJCMF BVUPNBUJD IBOEXSJUJOH t IJHIMZ QSPEVDUJWF XSJUJOH t FGGFDUJWF t DIBSBDUFST CFDPNF PME GSJFOET t FBTZ UP UFBDI t GVO UP UFBDI t GVO UP MFBSO t LJET MPWF JU t MJLF HPJOH UP UIF NPWJFT t FOFSHJ[JOH t OFVSPMPHJDBMMZ JOUFHSBUFE t BODIPST TPVOET BOE TZNCPMT t FOEVSJOH t DIBSBDUFST SFNFNCFSFE GPSFWFS t UJNFMFTT t DPTU FGGFDUJWF t EVSBCMF t GBTU 1-866-SUNFORM 1-866-(786-3676) and 1-800-667-3676 Sundberg Learning Systems, L.L.C. P.O. Box 523 Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044 local phone toll free fax e-mail web 1-847-247-6050 1-800-667-3676 1-866-786-3676 1-847-247-6051 How to order Use the enclosed order form, or download a form from