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ILR Mitt. 306 (1996) June 15,1996 A PRELIMINARY CONCEPT AND LIFE-CYCLE ANALYSIS OF A LUNAR SETI_EMENT H.H.Koelle Aerospace Institute Teclmical University Berlin Marchstr.12 D-10587 ! I | I III I I i i Berlin | I | ABSTRACT This paper offers a concept for a development scenario which could lead to a i | followed by a 50 year growth phase, leading to a population of nearly 2000 people, and a 25 year consolidation phase at that level. The space transportation system supporting this lunar settlement logistically during its entire life-cycle is a fully reusable heavy lift launch vehicle of the NEIrI_'NE class, transpoffating of people and cargo to a lunar orbit seroice station , complemented by a lunar ferry for the local transportation between the lunar spaceport and the lunar orbit service station. i I l ! ! ! i i i I I I I I I lunar settlement by life-cycle is planned: of a nucleus lunar base lunar permanent operational occupancy the end of the 21st century. A three-phase a ten year initial phase, leading to beneficial primarily serving as a construction camp, to be The duty-cycle anticipated for the lunar crew members early years growing to about 2 years in the final years. This report is comprised of 25 tables, 2 figures and 16 pages. is about references 6 months on a total in of the 24 l i I I I I i i i I I !1 II il I I I I I I Table of Contents page Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Ground 3. Initial 1 Rules and Acquisition 3.1 Lunar base 3.2 Logistics Definitions Phase 3 facilities during the initial 4. The Second Development 4.1The facilities of the 4.2 The logistic lunar system acquisition Phase supportiPg of operatiuing 4.4 Cost of operating the logistic Consolidation P'_ 5.1 Developrnent 5.2 The logistic 6. Comparing) and the system _e of the ,_, - ,e lunar supporting the no fLife-cyclePhases during operation third Settlement 8 requirements phase 3uring Lunar Lunar logistic second the luna_ settlement trend system phase of the settlement 4.3 Cost 5. The 2 of the lunar the second the second settlement phase phase Settlement during phase 14 the consolidation of the lunar phase settlement 17 7.TheSystem-EffectivenessoftheLunarSettlement 21 8. Sunu_ar'yand 22 References Conclusiops 24 i i I I i I ! g | I i i ! I g I I I I I List Tables and Figures Table 3.1: Summary of the most important state variables of the phase(page 3) Table 3-2: Non-recurring cost of lunar base facilities during the phase prior to beneficial occupan_(p.4) Table 3-3: Direct operating cost of lunar laboratory(p.4) Table 3-4: Characteristic data of the logistic support LULAB(p.6) Table 3-5: Non-recurrent cost of the lunar transportation Table 4-1: Projected Lunar Settlement growth(p.8) of the ten-year LUL.\B intitial first acquisition 10 years of the system(p.7) Table 4-2: Growth rates of mass inputs and outputs of the lunar settlement the second phase(p.8) Table 4-3: Performance of the lunar settlement during the 2nd phase(p.9) Table 4-4: Mass model of LUBUS passenger 2nd and 3rd phases of the life cycle (p.10) and cargo flights as employed Table 4-5: Maw balances of lunar propellants and imports(p.11) Table 4-6: Overview of annual recurrent costs of lunar settlement logistic cost at selected years(p.12) Table 4-7: Overview selected years during Table 4-8: Overview settlement(p.13) Table 5-1: Projected phase(p.14) Table 5-2: Change the consolidation not of a_mual recurrent costs of the space transportation the growth phase of the kmar settlement(p.13) of systems cost during the growth phase change rates rates of mass phase(p.14) of lunar inputs and population outputs during of the the lunar Overview of lunar facility and operation of space transportation costs during operational of life-cycle system cost(p.19) of space transportation cost including lunar Table 6-8: Overview respectively during of space transportation the life-cycle of the lunar excluding of lunar including the system at the lunar consolidation and during phase(p.15) during during Table 6-5: Overview Table 6-6: Overview Table 6-7: Overview services(p.19) ":igure 6-2: Specific cost of lunar transportation propellants and lunar services (p.20) Table 7-1: Life-cycle performance and cost summary model 2.0 of 1996(p21) the settlement costs costs per flight settlement(p.20) during of Table 5-3: Performance of the lunar settlement during the consolidation Table 6-1: Overview of the development of lunar populaticn(p.17) Figure 6-1: Development of scientific personnel and total population operational period(p.17) Table 6-2: Overview of masses processed(p.18) Table 6-3: Overview of flight numbers and system efficiencies(p.lg) Table 6-4: phase(p.18) during the operational phase(p.18) propellants per the unit cost settlemee.t and payload of lunar program 1.|ntroducfion The Earth and the Moon are populated and the resources the benefit of humankind. can accomodate comfortably. a double the Moon will have to be developed Earth. Also, a situation might arise lunar settlement matter of survival it could planning. planning The appears of our of a lunar published a base to be opportune, species. While and/or detailed Moon 3,4. The continue the Regardless development plan lunar flights exploration time after transportation a settlement in closing system, by operation space COLLIER'S been explored, of a catastrophe to occur in the a Lunar Laboratory enterprise. than the Lunar and a life-cycle unidentified concept for the it is - may be a near future, magazine to return system, line has are not been now put received to several proposals of its resourcesS-7,9,10. SATURN an launch annual installations, systemsl0,12. It proposes A few the beginning Settlement have to vehicle simulation including years ago, of their also in would af developing with a 50 year to go ahead even a population be a more of more the logistics a Japanese plans on how to build a city on the for the next step of lunar development on the Moon for the year 2016 to be the year of a decision A Lunar which et al. production. allowing lunar has published term proposals Moon |1. is to a 100 person life-cycle. with such The year a multi- ambitious project than people 1,000 life-cycle of a lunar settlement will go through several phases: - beneficial occupancy - rapid growth - maturity towards the century - ahd eventually disbanding or destruction at an point in time in the the first four phases, II (1952)1 Braun been made 12-15, also the Russian a useful element of a new lunar into available of complex 16. yon to the Moon is in any case the since none is available at the of the evolution including of our civilization. maturity, leading population of about 2,000 people will be analysed think that studying a lunar setllement is premature, required to take the next step in the right direction! Ill Ill Wernher public. The launch of the first satellite by the in 1959 to study in detail the construction of a even before the first man set foot an the production Laboratory. It would closer to a century. It is likely that the Initial development end of the 21st new. of the APOLLO progcam 8 led of the Moon and utilization transportation company lastest near Lunar Laboratory 2006 was assumed national but codes and construction One of the is not in this direction have frequently ENERGYA could have been computer acquisition build has been widely developed for to the limit spaceship Earth of time, that the resources of or - in case this is unlikely how this may be done, the key of a new space transportation 1969. Proposals launch vehicle support Earth and utilized to improve the quality of life on on Earth where the urgent development of a considerable attention in the general Soviet Union prompted the US Army lunar base 2. Other studies followed New The happen any time thus a lunar settlement is an interesting case of emergency If such an emergency should arise overnight, the time for careful will not be available, consequently it should be done in time. idea present planet. of this celestial body have The population is growing Thus it is only a question A representative to a stable lunar in this report. Many people but a long range perspective will is ! 2.Ground ]'here are Rules many and | Definitions approaches to enter a new step of lunar development, but those to be investigated should be based on past experience and on mature technology available in the foreseeable future and not in the hope of possible breakthroughs. Also, the present social, political and economic situation on our planet today and expected in the future must be taken into consideration in structuring the next steps in the lmlar development program, after the int_tial exploratory landings have been accomplished, which took place in the sixties and early seventies. The option recommended as a result of any feasible at an acceptable risk. The frame of reference selected must should - a 50 year growth phase to bring - followed by a 25 year saturation be technically and be based up the lunar phase, in a 85 year operational until the year 2100. |1 already This might undertaking alternatives near term on how life-cycle on the first population which 10 years to about could begin In this analysi,%we population: - Permanent children. century will Settlers city may based distinguish are those on who - Children born on the Moon return cycle at the age of about 1 year. imports The lunar delivered products Raw material, oxygen, other like from for usage construction gases, food and LULAB year | I 2,000 people in the 2016 and material, other the cycle, but for a short single stay the parents to the lunar for and Moon inhabitants. for such an more modest on members duty materials food). to 10,000 insights following with 22nd century, but it has made visionary but the technology we will study on to Earth on the Moon up to stay of their the Earth spareparts, water and with present the secide - Visitors are those to come to the Moon witout to return to the Moon. facilities, equipment, consumables (perticularly our between - Temporary_ Settlers return at the end duty cycle after several years on Earth. The look goal for the year 2200, in sight. Consequently, for the next technology. of the I a lunar be a reasonable is not yet ! is as follows: It is too early to speculate about a follow-on program for the should be mentioned that a Japanese construction company studies economically | i for this analysis - The Initial acqt,isition phase Model (3.0) 16 to t.e folluwcd by resulting continued analysis I employing of the including may return of a month at the settlement end lunar their for a new gases, ! ! I ! or less of the duty I i include: production, I supplies, I or export fabricated consumables. are classified products, as follows; assemblies, sparepark_ I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 3. Initial AcguisRion 3.1 Lunar base This initial ten is identical groundwork year A set of analysis presented Table facilities year with for growth Phase acquisition the first a rapid period, to be representative to illustrate in table phase followed state the leading ten years expansion size of the of the by a 25 year variables and to has growth benefical Lunar Lunar occupancy Laboratory Settlement consolidation been trend the camp 6. It lays the within a 50 phase. selected of of a base (LULAB)I (LUSET) from initial lunar a detailed system facility, they are 3-1. 3-1: Summary Definitions: of the most important state variables of the ten-year LULAB import rate = mass of imports} mass of total lunar products selLsufficiency = lunar prod uced consumables / total lunar base conaumption net production = mass of total products - mass of imports imports productivity = net mass ploduction / number of lunar population total mass output - lunar products for lunar usage + products for export or infrastructure lunar propellants minimum crew duty cycle = crew size/ number *) over and above initial facilities of 434 t year of operation 1 2 lunar facility population IDass of available luna¢ 1,433 1,730 req. (t) *) 46 146 104 produds for oilier uses CI-BD) 12 13 22 t18 94 87 92 95 76 80 86 92 98 26 31 35 36 37 97 100 104 110 39 4O 434 33 35 4O 531 S0 638 5 6 7 8 42 43 44 47 668 689 714 740 2,036 2,187 2,309 2,433 2,553 9 10 49 52 767 794 2,670 2,786 year of operation import rate selfsufficency total import mass net production (t) 1 2 3 4 5 0.274 0.425 125 0.586 0.340 0.327 0.246 0.243 0.300 0.300 104 205 247 296 323 0.344 0.364 0.366 0.218 7 8 9 10 0.222 0.221 0.372 0.379 0.386 0.220 0.220 1. roundtnps prod ucls for lunar use (t) 47 64 66 27 3 + lunar power planl capacity (kW) 99 I (t) phase 335 348 36O 370 plod UZ- tivily (t/person) 4.7 3.2 5.8 6.2 7.1 lunar producvd propellants (t) 125 191 243 289 310 326 339 350 360 370 total mass minimum output (t) crew duty cycle(yrs) 0.34 0.41 0.44 0.50 184 267 335 395 7.5 7.5 7.4 424 447 467 485 7.3 7.2 5O3 519 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.39 0.41 0.43 tt Non-recurrent The cost facilities and developed on years, has be the Earth on born by required funds - not required - have been Table phase the initial to prior the the level made (1st installed the effort and of 960 -4 -3 1,203 of in the cost of lunar base occupancy { million facilities 1994 $) during cost of planning activities and and equipment system intel_ration I0 50 facilities proper, facilities, connected with as well as launch/vehicle space and supFortmg | | cost i | I 10,430 however, that crews the cost and on services their of 6,480 calculated of lunar includes includes cost for transportation the the with the costs the labor such as sustained administration, salaries. MS of for All this years system. adds lunar logistic In of cost science up 1 through producing lunar costs. the also Earth, improvements, facilities charged to the space lunar facility costs. Table 3.-3- Direct operating LeRend: (1) Operational year. This It required and lunar the annually recurring cost p. a.) associated trm_portation. effort of lunar of the overhaul be | acquisition tota'i lunar base facilities 1,280 consumables. extensions training costs noted, the excJi-.d;ng facility operating of system initial developmenl to be supplemented by operating costs (recurrent equipment the for alternatively elements the | I cost have the direct imported be the of laboratory The non-recurring Table 3-3 presents It should of figures: 1,010 1,250 1,850 2,310 1,780 220 650 ten investment transportation 50 460 _ be about Estimates I0 290 650 600 8_]400 annual This to | cost of first units of base facilities 0 totals support, space have take nations. _pical 460 460 engineering Moon probably following -2 -I lunar the employed. the 1,800 1,800 1,200 costs wil2 participating 50 50 50 50 120 Recurrent on technology the 240 600 -5 used This development 16 resulting | phase) and deployment. the developmeni cost and be of including =nitial -8 -7 -6 to facilities govermnents 3-2: Non-recurring prior to beneficial year lunar equipment depending to of to the 10. propellants system this case may they i I I I are I laboratory (million 1994 $ p.a.) (2) Cost of sustained engineering, training of lunar crews and administration supporiing lunar surface (the larges! share of all cost elements!) (3) Salaries of the lunar crew members including their duly cycles on Earth. (4) Cost of facility modules, equipment and other imports. (5) Cost of Earth ground support of science opera|ions on _he Moon. (6) Total cost of LULAB activities on the Moon during the firs| ten operational years adivilies on the I l I I I I B | | | | | ! | ! i I I I I i I I I I ! (1) (2) (3) yf,_r sust.eng.,admin. 1 2 crew 4O8 408 3 (4) trainin_z _ 20 25 27 30 408 1408 5 6 408 4O8 408 7 8 9 10 total 3.2 Logi.sti,C 37 39 310 The s during governing settlement space the transportation the lunar facilities The for logistic for the reusable lunar space (LSTS} system from spaceports is comprised on the first and operation center (LUO-SOC} (3) a lunar bus lunar spaceport The HLLV which do from lunar (LUBUS} and the has a nominal include the sources. performance heavy Institute passengers, The launch of but passengers 3rd 30 t return produced version and the stage vehicle is and 5 t for propellants, oxygen, and a 50 additional 5 t earth 100 produced the (100 and are (t) to NEPTUNE used and between the lunar payload, the The to the 1,1t2) Earth and are a 45 t passenger from from of the needed. crew average This Aerospace cargo or with 40 is attached to cabin module the the orbit assumption. concept e.g. orbit in lunar be conservative being Berlin 12. It can either transport and cargo to the lunar orbit. earth from (LSTS) storage to refueled assumed a kin), cargo tons not LUO-SOC, l lth year A nominal the same Aside system a3 propellant metri{ is aerobrakes. 25 also of put It is a fully and available programs. lunar they is the t return of returning initially of and on University of passengers has is capable cycle based phases. only of passengers capability life rate to is basically transportation but in case payload entire growth orbit capability the the 14 in a low payloads, propellants lunar and cargo transportation in lunar orbit, payload return lunar the for passenger operations center transportation 16. the Technical also a mix passenger cargo the of required the other propellants space of rate labor existing lunar for local LUO-SOC This during lift and operation launch selected other the {2) the space manual year phase and using chemical lift launch vehicle(HLLV)12 Earth spaceport and a space for the transfer of passengers maintenance facility, and and and It determines settlement {1} a heavy between the 6,562 process lunar Shuttle 6_ capability of the Earth and the Moon, of three elements : 645 649 12-1s amount the ten sytem Space ph_ase to be employed. for 633 642 IOO 100 IlooO i payload but also the in operation. 753 688 696 648 100 100 100 acquisition system lab,'ratory transportation subsystems the is the support t00 100 100 acquisition above settlement, on the Moon 153 total LULAB recurrent co._t 554 support 100 100 [1,t72 _ni.tia| factor specified science 93 100 102 104 107 34 35 4,080 total import goods 26 220 1_ 109 31 32 408 408 4O8 (6) (5) for on net which lunar payload 6 of 55 t leaves of extra between beginning cargo additional 45 t for return propellants can be delivered to the LUO-SOC in the 20 t | flight of the LUBUS roundtrip for losses. In the latter case, life-cycle, 100 - 55 - 20 = 25 t of I and/or hydrogen required for the continuing LUO and lunar base including reserves in year eleven of the 85 year operational lunar addition This scenario assumes the availability of lunar HLLV 3rd stage. During the first phase the additional cargo but all of its return propellants. to the use, such passenger as module. o_,ygen for the return flight of the passenger vehicle does not carry The HLLV in its early cargo version with a nominal payload capability of 100 t would carry a 82 t cargo module, 3 t of LH2 return propellants and 15 t liquid hydrogen propellant, s for LUBUS operation. In this case it would require 12 t of LULOX for the return flight of the LLV 3rd stage to be taken onboard at the LUOSOC. During the initial ten year phase only 70t of cargo are delivered to the lunar orbit, because the HLLV limited lunar propellant vehicle can also be used The logistic has to take its own lox for the return flight along due to production. During the initial years the HLLV cargo to land directly 45 t of facilities on the lunar surface. requirements to be satisfied in years I 1 through 10 are of the laboratory analysed precviously. They determine annual crew ,otation requirements leading to the primary charateristics system as shown in the next table. very close I I I I I to those import mass and of the logistic l I Table year 3-4: Characteristic data of the logistic ca rgo total HLLV 1/lo flights 11 support of the fi._t 10 years of the LULAB 2 2/6 8 170 80 2 4 total log. costp.a. B$*) 7.465 3.657 3 2/6 8 170 80 2 4 1.197 4 2/3 _ 170 80 3 4 3.175 5 2/2 4 170 80 3 5 0.985 6 2/2 4 170 80 4 5 2.959 7 2/2 4 170 80 4 5 0.764 8 2/2 4 256 80 5 6 0.956 9 3/2 5 ,256 120 5 6 2.991 10 3/2 5 256 t20 6 6 0.859 21/37 58 1,958 2,200 - 4)25.008 total pass/ cargo ca pa ci ty LUS 170 passengers to LUS 40 inventory HLLV **) i *) annual operating cost including product improvemenL **) the vehicle inventory at the end of the first 10 yearc next phase with a value of about 11.816 B$. it) This total includes at this point the estimated at the assumed price of 0.6 M $/t to the amount either to the lunar facility or the logistic system, The cost estimate of the TRP_IM code 13 are listed aimual in the viii ] iventory LUBUS **) 2 be transferred l I I I I to the cost for 2900 t of _¢mar propellants of 1.740 MS. These can be charged but not to both! recurrent cost arrived last column of the table I at with the help of the above for convenience. l | l I I These have to be complemented by the non-recurring costs of the -_rogram to be carried out during the development and test phase. These costs are D_marily the development costs and first unit costs. In case pre-production of vehicles or modules are required due to the anticipated schedules, these are estimated at the level of first unit costs. The following definitions are presented the calculation procedure used for deriving the non-recurrent specified columns of table 3-5 : Table to understand costs listed better ir_ the 3-5: Non-recurrent LeRend: cost of the lunar space transportation system (million 1994 dollars ) (l) Develot'ment cost the the heavy lift launch vehicle (HLLV) and lunar lander (I,UBUS), including prototype, ground facilities and flight testing, but excluding crew cabins and payload containers. (2) Cost of development of crew modules and payload containers for HLLV and LUBUS including prototypes and flight tests. (3) One pre-produchon unit - in addition to the prototypes - of all elements of the space transportation system (other than the SOC) as back-up in case of mishaps. - This is not included in the original cost model and has to be accounted for separately! (4) Development cost of the space operation center (LUO-SOC) on the basis of a modification of the second stage of the HLLV. The production of the first complete unit will be listed not under development but under production cost. (5) Total cost of the Iogislic system R&D phase, items (1) thru (4) in million 1994 dollam year -8 (1) 4O -7 1,780 -6 -5 2,730 3,480 -4 -3 (2) (4) (5) 4O 23 45 1,848 910 62 3,702 1,280 78 4,838 3,980 1,650 88 5,718 4,020 88 5q18 -2 1,810 ' 1,670' 7O4 78 6,042 -1 1,350 1,000 62 5,272 45 4,275 546 37,653 95O 2,080 transportation during the h_itial years of operation 1,200 24.56O totals The (3) system cost estimated with acquisition phase - taking - are comprised of: 37.653 B $ for research, development (as shown + 2.826 B for sustained engineering and product + 15.883 B $ for production of space transportation + Thus 4.571 the B $ for flight 19 year operations, initial acquisition billion (1994)$ per annum however, will also be used In summary, the and logistics)are laboratory..adding ..... • _- ....... totaling period leads I I help nine r I _1 ii i .u TRASIM development code 13, and ten of 3.2 B $. to average for the space transportation in the next phase of the lunar I of the years above) improvement system hardware =- 60.933 tota!cost of the first 19 year approximately 61 B $ for the up to 78 B $ or approximat.ely _11 ..... the about expenditure system employed settlement life-cycle! which, development phase ( lunar facilities logistic system and 17 for the lunar 4.1 B (1994)$ per annum. i1_ i_ i , ii | 4. The Second 4.1 The facilities 1he growth operational Development Phase of the lunar settlement rates years of tIae Lunar and ! Settlement logistic ! requirements of the population and number of passenger 11 through 60 can be selected within a reasonable scenario the relevant state variables are planned as follows, with keep the annual expenses nearly constant or declining respectively: Table _ -1: Projected year of operational ._ phase ,,, II Lunar Settlement scientific & other people growth the for the In this objective total lunar population people 58 77 no.of annual 6O passenger flip, his 2 average duty cycle (years) 0.75 86 2 1.07 22 97 118 3 0.99 25 43 125 167 5 0.84 30 65 152 216 6 0.90 35 142 230 371 7 : 1.33 40 ...... 50 232 615 307 685 537 1,295 9 19 i 1.50 1.70 60 1,000 970 1,944 24 total 14,700 1.7,900 32,600 510 294 358 652 10.2 Table 4-2: Growfl" the 2nd phase rates of mass inputs and outputs t settlement total noof flights p.a. 3 expori or infrastructure phase 11 no. cargo flights reqrd, 1 (t) F.a. 100 (t) p.a. 214 15 180 2 2 4 334 559 164 1,056 20 25 233 313 3 '5 3 3 6 8 581 849 230 1,660 842 1,149 349 2,340 3O 377 6 4 l0 1,130 1,450 460 3,041 35 633 7 7 14 1,560 2,004 859 4,424 40 809 9 9 18 2,083 2,567 1,220 5,880 50 1,727 19 20 39 3,977 4,846 3,102 11,926 6O 2,109 total 44,850 897 24 510 20 503 54 1,013 50 4,744 102,750 av. I ! 2 053 These requirements determine the actual which is best illustrated by selecting the most table 4-3. I I i during no.of passenger flights 2 | ! 1.34 total cargo impor_ required 92 year of operational I 2.03 of the lunar ! I 15 2O average to rates conotruction and service 2 9 flights band. Iunal prod.lor lunar use i total lunar outputs I (t) p.a. 87 5,515 4,780 15,040 128,400 2 568 77,500 1350 308,650 6 171 performance of the lunar important state variables settlement as shown I I I I I in I i I Table | 4-3: Performance of the lunar settlement during the 2nd phase year of operatio nal phase lunar soil input(t) ! 11 12,000 0.242 287 4.8 0.415 85O 1,287 15 15,714 0.186 828 9.7 0.404 1,I74 2,826 I 2O 20,000 0.157 1,M7 11.4 0.414 1,583 4,346 25 25,000 0.152 1,904 11.4 0.443 2,191 6,317 | 3O 30,000 0.143 2,494 11.5 0.462 2,824 8,514 35 40,000 0.162 3,521 9.5 0.499 4,474 13,771 4O 50,000 0.156 4,583 8.7 0.523 6,292 20,137 50 90,000 0.163 9,292 7.2 0.571 15,642 50,733 60 100,000 0.162 11,455 6.0 0.622 24,533 82,735 50,020 0.164 4,812 7.4 0.545 7,956 25,455 i ! | I impori rate netproduc tion (t) p.a. average 4.2 The logistic As described system in chapter supporting the 3, the space self- p_Juctivity (t/person) second sufficiency phase transportation of the lunar system ! I During the first phase, however, the 12 t oxygen propellants the payload stage from lunar orbit to the Earth was brought I I i ! I i I I I spaceport capability the nominal propellants originating of the heavy flight flight The nominal transferred requirements These which Charateristic spaceport flight along scenario required for returning along from the Earth, are approximately cargo and LUBUS roundtrip requirements.all liquid hydrogen requiremen.ts for its own roundtrip payload capability to the lunar ferry velocity = 2000 m/s, in this people to a space vehicle (LUBUS), and returns them from lunar resources. This increases the nominal ;lift launch vehicle for lunar orbit missions to 82 t. and the LUBUS or the LUBUS. assumptions lead the lunar landing- transports cargo and and a lunar ferry to the lunar spaceport cargo payload to 70 t. Beginning with operational year 11 will be brought up to the LUO-SOC from the luner Lunar oxygen for HLLV return In this case the HLLV brings return return power required (kW) settlement employed is a heavy lift laur _h vehide (HLLV) whid_ operations center in lunar orbit (LUO-SOC) which takes the cargo and passengers down the same way. thus reducing these return lunar facilities (t) only, but no LOX of the HLLV is reduced in lunar orbit at the 110 t per flight as shown propellants its own from 100 t to 82 t to be LUO-SOC. The LULOX in table to the following mass- and performance and launch vehicle has to be sized: for a single flight between exchaust velocity 4500 m/s, for the lunar mass ratio 4-4. characteristics orbit and (minimum) on the lunar = 1.56. 10 Table 4-4: Mass model the 2nd and 3rd phases of LUBUS passenger and carRo fliKhts of the life-cycle tmetrictons) passenger with Down flights some as emplo_¥ed cargo only durin_ cargo empty stage cabin with crew 22 I cargo 25 from 1_9 47(7LH2+40Lulox) i 61(9+52) 170 129 LUS to LUO: 22 empty stage mass cabin with crew | I 2O 25 0 cargo to earth Lulox for down leg Lulox for LV 3rd stage cut-off mass in LUO 40 propellants used Take-off mass on the Moon Mass-balance HLLV 50 t crew cabin + 5 t for lunar ferry with Mass balance HLLV Cargo | 82 10 82 propellants required take-off mass in LUO Ascent 20 25 ...hydrogen for ascent stage at cut-off 52 25 15 112 87 63(10LH2+53Lulox) 175 + 2 t LH2 for HLLV stage ! 49(7+42) 136 passenger flights with max. 40persons LH 2 return propellants + 20 t hydrogen losses + 25 t kmar cargo = 100 t cargo flights: 82 t + 16 t LH2 for Lubus | : ! return= i 100t LunarLOX -requirements at the lunar spaceport: Passenger flights : 40 + 53 + 25 + 2 losses = 120 t per flight Cargo flights: 52 + 42 + 15 + 1 losses = 110t per flight LunarLOXrequirements in LUO : Passenger flights : 25 t per return flight to the Earth Cargo flights with 0 payload return to the Earth: 15 t LOX i I It should be pointed out, that some growth potential is available on the long run. In a favourable development of lunar resources, all liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen propellants required by the HLLV for the return trip as well as those required by the LUBUS for its roundtrip are produced on the Moon. The full nominal payload capability of the HLLV of 100 t is then available for unloading lunar orbit and transfer to the lunar spaceport by the LUBUS cargo vehicle. LULOX This requirements would lead are to a further then 120 t per flight, reduction After having determined the Lulox LUBUS vehicles based on the number the LH 2 requirements of the logistic propellant of flights i I flights leg l .UO-_cK3C to LUS: delivered I cost are in The 20 t[ flight. I I I 15 requirements for the HLLV scheduled, we have to check if and these I I I I ! 1l ! e annual propellant amounts of production ranging during this We also have deliver all the lunar produced facilities. These phase of the to show that import masses LOX are capacities life-cycle from within have the capacity been listed about 100 t to more the scheduled passenger required. These balances and are cargo-flights presented of on the lunar table 4-2 than 4,000 t p.a. together can table 4-5. on ! The first either | three years has to be Lox some reserves 50 year balance production l be from Taking i This i these Table l year of operational phase 4-5: Mass than not that making lunar quite production use facilities of be respect exceed the reserves Lulox in tables 3-1 a 18.5 balances % of reserve lunar logistic of lunar propellants LU LOX produced (t) p.a. (t) p.a. 350 2i4 46O a60 460 460 580 580 690 690 690 60 total AV. of imports oxygen supply during this propellants situation. and needs, thus There are first phase ! In the will be sufficient, t(, the capacities (shown the increased. end of the propellants With the cover must consumption. columns, the does Lulox on the Moon at the however, the Lulox iulox req. for flight schedule assumed 19 20 30 4O 50 i the capacities, of indicates 14 15 16 17 18 I two adequate amount to be a satisfactory 11 12 i 1t.2% last excess analysis I | production or imports the 4-2 adding a way, of the produced. the ), it appears in such phase it can requirements. and and to adjust the available production and storage facilities Lulox production deficit can certainly be managed. - with an considered i by the production possible a small Lulox of Lulox available of the 2nd phase, is higher seen excess the imported life This that cycle can be imports _otal payload ca pact ty available 334 (t) p.a. 132 214 422 494 559 620 679 214 2i4 214 239 239 737 793 321 1,060 2,070 849 1,450 2,577 321 321 478 963 4,480 5080 115,430 2,309 4,846 5,515 128,412 2,568 2,115 2,240 53,176 1,063 total cargo imports required (t) p.a. 92 201 150 154 180 191 202 212 223 233 377 809 1,727 2,109 44,850 897 -- l I I I I 4.3 Cost On the of operafinl_ basis of the factors it is now phase,excluding lunar groups: installations the mass possible logistics. 10. The lunar models, settlement launch durinl_ rates the and second plausibel to estimate the annual cost of the This is done using the simulation cost elements have been operational phase assumptions for cost lunar settlement growth program (LUBSIM) for summarized into three major i - cost of facility elements, equipment and spareparts - cost of products imported for consumption at the lunar - crew salaries and cost of all support manpower Table 4-6: Overview of annual recurrent of the lunar settlement at selected years coslo[ of year I costof facilities operationa phase & equipw__nt 11 55 15 128 2O Earth the logistic cost I salaries olhercost & elements |/. _li support 0 846 58 797 0 983 133 73 808 0 25 184 84 827 45 1,140 3O 194 87 845 68 1,194 35 358 84 9O4 95 1,441 4O 412 80 967 120 1,579 5O 1,010 95 1,251 167 2,523 6O 1,177 97 1,490 227 2,991 av. 520.8 81.4 1,008.5 96.3 1,709 is comprised of " _.otal cost for the lunar cost cost of imported for imported cost of personnel other cost items facilities for this 2nd phase facilities, equipment consumables on the Earth and and spares on the Moon d urinl_the second and These categories: been grouped in the follo_ing - product improvement of the elements - vehicle prod uction cost, including the operations center required during this subsystems to be replaced because they are included in the production cost; operations irregular I l ! l including amounts observed maintenence m the cost of newly manufactured space Under real life conditions these costs reduce these local peaks. l phase The vehicle mass models, the flight schedule experience are the basis for this calculation. - flight I 4.815 B $ 85.430 B $ 4.4 Cost of operatin_thelo_isticsystem have I I 26.040 B $ 4.150 B $ 50.425 B $ Total costs I reurring cosl LUSET 789 The The l on Earth. costs excluding (M 1994 $ ) crew imporled oonumables settlement required cost factors derived from past I of the space transportation system; production cost of a second space growth phase, but also the cost of have reached their design lifetime and the last I I repair. column i of table vehicles are paid would be spread 4-7 reflect fully in the over several the fact that year of delivery years and thus I I I I ii | !1 Ii 13 Table 4-7: Overview ( M $ ) at selected year of operational phase 11 of z anual years during vehicle vehicle produd improvemenl 282.6 production cost 2426 12_ 12 13 14 15 282.6 282.6 I 20 25 30 282.6 282.6 282.6 I 35 40 50 I recurrent costs of the the growth phase of space transportation the lunar settlement flight operations total Iogishc system 3281 _596 572 289 274 98 87 50 264 257 655 6M 590 92 66 92 344 433 511 719 782 886 282.6 282.6 310 151 667 811 1,260 282.6 721 1,553 1,245 2,557 60 total 282.6 14 130 718 33,155 1,616 43,467 2,617 90,752 average 283 663 869 1,815 i system -- i I | ! I i 4.5 After the I I having of second of the logistics the annual 11 12 13 14 15 2o _' the cost 1,045 967 951 981 for life-cycle the extension settlement support of systems LUSET total recurring cost (MS) 846 settlement estimates lunar irregtflarities in table 4-8. 4-8: Overview year of operational phase of lunar at cost of through 60. The also recognizable Table phase derived phase foz overview ! I cost growth required I I Total of of this the during the annual logistic system recurring cost(MS) 3,2S1 696 system cost (MS) 5,942 655 634 590 719 782 1,771 1,622 1,585 1,571 1,728 1,914 25 1,OFF) 1,132 30 i5 1,186 1,435 886 1,260 2,072 2,695 40 1,575 1,245 2,820 ._0_ 60 total 2,505 3,172 85,430 2,557 2,617 5,062 5,789 • _ aYerag e 1,710 90,752 1,815 ,r 176,182 3,525 new space we system from of the the enterprise, entire resulting cost and are for nov,, the vehicle growth lunar phase facilities transportation able system to present some years operational buys in of the during lunar years settlement an 11 are 14 5: The (3rd) Consolidation 5.1 Development During the Phase trends of the of the lunar consGidation phase Lunar operation the seiected state ! Settlement during the consolidation variables of the I phase lunar settlement will change along the lines presented in the next three tables, where the year the last year of the growth phase. This change in pace will require adjustments some of the state variables from the 2nd to the 3rd phase of the life-cycle. Table phase 5-1: Projected of the Lunar year change rates Settlement scientific ot operalional ._ phase other & of lunar 1,000 970 65 1,000 70 1,000 75 80 85 total average Table 5-2: Change the consolidation ope- rational of total ca rgo imports required the hmar no.of annual population passenger flights average duty cycle (years) 24 879 24 1.96 959 1,959 24 2.04 1,000 983 1,983 24 2.06 1,000 1,000 990 1,000 1,990 2,000 24 24 2.07 25,000 23,950 48,950 600 1,000 958 1,958 24 ' rates of mass inputs and outputs (3rd) phase (year 60 is the last year no.of passen- no.of primary get flights cargo flights , reqrd. total noof export or infra- 2.08 2.04 of the lunar settlement of the 2nd phase) lulox lunar during total lunar strudure products propellanls products for lunar produced use p.a. (t) p.a. (t) p.a. (t) p.a. (t)p.a. prima ry flights outputs 24 20 54 4,744 5,515 4,780 15,040 65 1,571 24 16 40 5,016 5,027 3,826 13,869 70 1,749 24 16 40 5,762 5,774 4,148 15,684 75 1,727 24 16 40 6,279 6,105 4,135 16,519 8O 1,730 24 16 4O 6,412 6,161 4,187 16,760 85 1,731 24 16 4O 6,530 6,208 4,239 16,977 total 42,775 600 400 1,000 147,500 145,200 102,500 395,200 1,711 24 16 40 5,900 5,808 4,100 15,808 These which 5-3. ! requirements determine the actual performance is best illustrated by selecting some relevant state I 2.03 2,109 av. i consolidation 1,944 1,879 phase 60 total people 6O year during 60 is for I construction and service people population |i of the lunar settlement variables as shown in table ! I I | I I a I I I I I I ! 15 ! I Table year 5-3: Performance lunar of operatio- soil input(t) I Y _P SL i | ! I I i I I I I I (t) p.a. productivity seif- phase lunar sufficiency (t/person) Dower facilities requ i red (t) (kW) 11,455 6.0 0.622 24,533 82,735 65 86,000 0.130 11,172 5.9 0.620 24,192 69,980 70 96,000 0.127 12,722 6.5 0.618 24,598 76,857 75 100,000 0.119 13,539 6.8 0.619 25,391 80,036 80 100,000 0.118 13,737 6.9 0.622 2_478 81,438 85 100,000 0.116 13,908 7.0 0.626 25,508 82,650 25 y total 2 412,000 - - av. 96,480 0.613 24,937 - cost of imported cost for imported cost of personnel 321,750 0.123 The total cost for the lunar is comprised of I I uc- the consolidation 0.162 The required documented I net prod tion during 100,000 I i rate imFort settlement 6O other Total I of the lunar 12,870 facilities facilities, equipment consumables on the Earth and 6.6 for the 25 year and on the consolidation spares phase Moon 5.590 B $ 61.238 performance of the in the next tables. logistic 77,162 15.238 B $ 2.175 B $ 38.235 B $ cost items 5.2 The settlement - system supporting lunar logistic the third As described in chapter 3, the space transportation is not changed during the entire life-cycle of the system during operational the phase 3rd phase of the is lunar system employed in this scenario lunar settlement. However, this is a conservative assumption because the state-of-the-art will be improving as function of time leading to an increase of payload capability of the space vehicles as well as an improvement of their reliability and maintainability. This is not reflected in the assumptions made for the second and third opi_erational phases of the lunar settlement life-cycle. During the entire operation an amount of almost 300 M $ p.a. will be spent in this scenario to sustain a small development group to take care of technical difficulties developing during the operation, but also to improve the system due to learning and upgrading. This will show up some time in the lifecycle, but has been neglected to stay on the safe side with the performance estimates. The launch rates during the 3rd phase will be kept constant: 16 p.a. for cargo flights and 24 p.a. for passenger flights e.g. a total of 40 p.a., less than one per week. Excess lunar propellants available could be used for increasing the return payload capability of the space vehicles resulting in imports of lunar products to the Earth if economically justified, such as Helium-3, rare metalls or even souveniers. 16 The simulation of the lunar spacetransportation system for a 25 year consolidation phase(year 11- 85of the life cycle) with constant launch rates and some 2,030 flights total - using following Product total oxygen for the LI _'--JS and HI,LV improvement flights 7.065 B $ efforts of vehicles and subsystem replacements operations logistic average return - produced the I i data: production flight lunar I cost during annual logtstic 3rd phase cost 3rd phase 28.132 B $ 35.906 B $ 71.102 B $ 2.844 B | I I i ! I | I I | i ! ! I l I i I i ,, ,_ , , , I i ! i I ! g g I I 17 6. Comparison of L,ife-cycle After of the completion Phases analysis to compare the performance relate them to the overall illustrating some of the trends Table 6-1: Overview of the cumulative lunar labor opera|ional years of the three development phases e:evelopment of lunar population years of sclence capacity ilffrastructure labor years passenger capacity average lunar crew duty cyle years 1-10 412 119 293 840 0.50 11-60 32,600 14,700 17,900 20,400 1.34 61-85 48,950 25,000 23,950 24,000 2.04 81,962 39,819 42,143 45,240 1.81 tot_ LC The cumulative overall parameter number of available labor years on the Moon is perhaps the to compare various lunar facilities. This lunar settlement 81,962 lunar labor years in 85 operational 1,000 ( exactly 964). - the development shown rapidly in figure 6-1. It begins slow during the second phase and with levels about 27 people in th, _ first year, off during the consc" aon phase. ----.41 I 1800 I 1 400 1 600 1 200 1 000 o O 800 60O 400 2O0 I I 0 r onnel ; LID ;_ IX_ I I U3 ! L_ t I$3 I 133 t Lf3 L_ I year of LD I Figure 6-1: Development of scientific personnel and total population duringthe operational period of the lunar settlement life-cycle operation I I I ' best with years are close to an average population of of the hmar crew as function of time is Z000 ! possible of the individual phases of the system life-cycle and system performance. This is done in this chapter to be expected. I I it is now i grcws k 18 Table 6-2: Overview of masses processed imports required import capacity (t) import lunar products for lunar r@serve lunar products for export orTBD produced total output of lunar prod uds 250 2,900 3,970 lunar propellanis 1-10 1,773 1958 185 usage 820 11-60 44,850 53,176 8,326 77,500 102,750 128,400 308,650 61-85 42,775 47,800 5,025 102,500 147,500 145,200 395,200 102,934 13,536 180,820 250,500 276,500 707,820 1,210 15.1% 2,127 2,947 3,253 8,327 illustrates that total LC i av.LC 89,398 1,052 A 15% import Table reserve 6-3: Overview of flight this is not a marginal numbers and system supply total flights import ratio self-sufficiency 1-10 37 21 58 0.29 0.35 tivity 9.6 11-60 503 510 1,013 0.16 0.55 7.4 61-85 400 600 1,000 0.12 0.61 6.6 total LC 940 1,131 2,071 0.13 0.58 8.6 dev.Phase of lunar facility and operation earth imports costs during crew salaries support operational other phase total 1,172 5,980 11 -60 30,190 30,000 20,425 4,815 85,830 61 - 85 17,413 23,235 23,235 5,590 61,238 LC total 48,775 50,080 43,970 10,405 153,230 av-p -aTable 6-5. Overview" 574 310 589 of space sustained costs production engineering 1- 122 during operational flight total oPeration 15,883 4,571 23,280 11 - 60 14,130 33,155 43,467 90,752 7,065 28,132 35,906 71,103 24,021 77,170 83,944 185,135 282 908 988 2,178 total ...... av.p.a. i I I I I phase 2,826 LC | 1,803 10 60-85 i 6,562 517 transportation | produc- 1 - 10 '7 I effidencies passenger flights 6-4: Overview i proposition! cargo flights Table I ! | ! | | | i i i II 19 I | Table 6-6: Overview phase of LC of life-cycle ! | ( up.year growth ( 11 to 60 ) phase consolidation (61 to 85) during [ lunar logistics total 48.083 6.562 23.280 36.1.28 85.430 9'0,752 176.I82 61 238 71.103 [ 132.M0 163.660 222.788 ! 386.448 1.744 2.370 ] 4.111 94 yr LC I In this analysis it has been assumed that this is a non-commercial single agency. These system cost can be spht either on the basis and logistics, or between the lunar settlement operation (minus I space transportation system) and the total cost of the space transportation illustrate the difference, the next table shows the cost of lunar produced and services utilized by the space transportation system, which would I | added to the transportation Table 6-7 : Overview services( B $) cost of space cost of dev. i I ! | | | H | | g g to obtain p.'oductionand operation on Earth propellants -9 - 0 37.653 1-i0 28.203 7.930 11-60 102.207 61-85 total LC on the picture. cost including cost of lunar overhaul and launch servives lunar propellants total cost of space transportation and share of cost originating on |he Moon of total cost 1.133 37.266 24.3% 15.965 1.660 119.832 14.7% 72.393 5.058 1.000 78.451 7.7% 240.456 28.953 3.793 273.202 12.0% lunar included, because this the specific transportation graphically system. To p re,zellants hav.., to be 0 Lunar propellants required Lunar propellants required Lunar propellants required LC totals: Required 2-36,085 cost program run by a of lunar operation the services to the 37,653 Also of interest Ln this connection propellants required. The excess exports: If the a compIete transportation cost of lunar phase 37.653 1 to 10) cost ( - 9 to 85 ) alw, o_al average facilities 1994 $) ]0-a7 -i ( - 9 to 0 ) trot.laboratory LC system cost (billion lunar init. development | system presented is the balance of production of lunar propellants over requirements produced and can be used for I -10 : 3,555 t, produced : 2,900t, imported 655 t 11-60 : 116,530 t, produced : 128,400t, excess: 11,870 t 61-85 : 116,000 t, produced : 145,200t, excess : 29,200t t, pr_Kluced 276,500, excess 40,415 t = 175 reserve ! side related to space transportation transportation are not is somewhat simpler and desirable for certain comparisons, cost as function of time are summarized in table 6-6 and in figure 6-1. 2O Table 6-8 : Overview of space transportation costs per respectively during the life-cycle of the lunar settlement flights (lunar transportation propellants year of life-cycle and services not charged to the space HLLV HLLV LUBUS LUBUS _rgo MS / ft. pass. M S/ft. cargo M S/ft. pass M S/ft. and cargo ES-LUS per unit payload system!) pass. ES-LUSES $/kg 159 18 2,207 4,425 15 106 111 2 11.3 1,361 3,123 25 92 97 5 10.2 1,190 2,726 35 86 9O 0 9.5 1,102 2,524 45 78 82 4 8.8 1,006 2,308 55 68 72 5 7.7 872 2,010 65 69 73 3 7.4 85! 1,961 75 61 65 1 7,.1 745 1,727 6O 4.4 6.3 728 1,686 85 | | i *)T$/seat 156 ! i ! R i *)These figures do not take into consideration the fact that the specific passenger costs are actually reduced by carrying 25t of cargo along. Ghis can be accounted for by reducing the passenger cost by about 32 percent. But [hey increase by about 12%(as shown above) if the cost lunar resources are included. | | i 4500 | 4.000 3500 ,_ I r passenger roundtrip (T$/seat) 3000 2500 I "_. 2000 150o I 1000 S00 I 0 Id3 I./3 operational Figure 6-2: propeilantsand Specific cost | unarservices of lunar tD _O I.D F_ hD CO year I-------4-----4-------4 transportatien excluding | 1 the cost of lunar I I I | J 21 7. The System- Effectiveness oDth e [unar Settlement I Yhe most important system table to enable a comparison i Table7-1: Life'_cle pefformanceand cost summary model 2.r_of 1996-{cos_ in miElion I994dollars } J | | i lunar facilities available at the end total hmar products --- lunar propellants .... lunar products available -- lunar products used total hmar labor-yearn -- max. Initial used admistration, vehicles for export on the Moon for lease | facilities support and during first units o?eration, crew i i J i i I i I spares, lunar vehicle equipment, base tOai operations sv_btotal t 276,500 t 250,500 t 10,430 M $ 5O,08O M $ support during 43,970 M $ 48,775 M$ operation 37,653 M$ 24,021 M $ 77,170 M $ 83,944 M $ 22_2 788 M $ for 94 yr life-c__Gvcle 386,448 MS per lunar the 94 year life--Q'cle labor (no commercial -year 4_.__4a_111 M__M__ sales) 4.7l M$/MX sales: sale of lunar spaces export ( ca. 20 000 * 5 M$ ) products 100,000 (250 000 t * 0,1 M S/t) sales net cost 707,820 16;_G}_ 66_0 M_M_ cost of laboratory total t system .s_i_ecific cost lease and__=c2peration engineering and average_during Potential consumables cost logistic totM cost annual and engineering to___ pr__.__uction facilities, acquisitior: development sustained 24,550 training, of lunar subtotal progyam. 3%819 | imported = subsidz net cos_ per lunar labor-year[ a__zverage net _p2 r mmum cost 261 448/81 962 ) MS 25,000 M $ 125,000 DI $ 261,.448 MS 3.19 M $/y__y___] cost reduction factor compared with OI*llON 1 (Outpost) a.no commercial sales: 536 M $ • 4,71 b.with estimated commercial sales 536 M$ • 3.19 M $ 114 168 | ] I I ' next 81,962 available science in the 180,820t available of lunar and of tile !ire-cycle for space laboratory-years Engineering ofl anar settlement available development salaries performance paramete_ are summarized with other !unar base concepts: I ,,r-- ........ _ L___ 22 8. Summary This and report a concept which is conceivable favourable development This scenario il Conclusions presents and a preliminary analysis of during the to be established on the Moon conditions on Earth. assumes that a multi-year planning period, soon a lunar 21st after century the ! settlement under turn of the century, is expected to clear the way for the acquisition of a lunar laboratory. This lunar project gets underway during the second decade of the next century beginning about the year 2016, assuming that financing begins about the year 2006. The development period will last nearly one decade, before the first construction crew returns to the lunar surface. laboratory at t:,e selected base After site, at, initial a growth ten year phase of period of establishing the lunar settlement follow to last about fifty years. This step of lunar development is concluded year consglidation phase and leads to a lunar population of about 2 000 This scenario ends abruptly in the year 2100, however, it is anticipated lunar settlement will somehow continue after that in an undefined way. The logistic suppor t of this reusable space transportation enterprise system, A heavy lift launch vehicle(HLLV) node in lunar orbit(SOC), where vehicle(LUBUS), which takes care settlement capability and the space operations of the HLLV to lunar orbit is provided using lunar by a near propellants products infrastructure are available (e.g.roads, at the average pipe lines, power for either export lines, solar farms In addition, some 3,000 tons of lunar oxygen are available for the space vehicles serving the lunar settlemenL The and scientific i I | payload propellants material or developing I I to of of imports are rate of about - other than construction I i less than 1,000 tons a considerable share these originate from lunar resources. An average of about 1,000 tons required annually to sustain the settlement which has a self-sufficiency other by a 25persons. that the to a transportation to a lunar ferry between the lunar center in lunar orbit. The nominal is 100 metric tons or 40 pas,_enger,s. 2,000 tons p.a. of lunar products Nearly 3,000 t p.a. of additional a will state-of-the-art, fully as much as possible. transports people and cargo the payloads are transferred of the local transportation In this scenario, the mass of the lunar facilities grows from about 25,000 tons at the end of the 85 year operational period, 60 percent. More than find use on the Moon. ! the and lunar outposts). per annum as propellants logistics support requires I i il I a total of 940 cargo flights (11 p.a.) and 1131 passenger flights(13 p.a.), these are average values over the operational period. The activities would lead to a peak of 44 missions p.a., or less than one per week. The specific transportation cost of cargo from the Earth to the Moon is over 2,000 $/kg in the early years, but drops down to less than 1,000 $/kg towards the end of the life-cycle. The passenger roundtrip cost is expected to begin with about 5 MS per seat and be less then 2 MS/seat at the end of the period investigated. I I II The average duty cycle for the lunar personnel is 1.8 years. In case each person stays only once on the Moon a total of 45,240 people will have been on the Moon by the year 2100! - The average annual cost to build and operate the facilities and I equipment i of the lunar settlement have been estimated with the help of detailed I I | i I ! I I ! i | I I ii I I i i i i I I i 23 simulation codes system requires 386 billion $ preliminary, considerable to be approximately approximately for the entire 1.744 B (1994)$ 2.37 B $ p.a., tot,_ling 94 year life-cycle. On but on the other hand room for improvements. this is not yet and an optimized cost are the cost to the participating governments. some of the available laboratory' space to interested Earth for purposes of research are leased at five from these commercial and development. million dollars sources. Also space transportation 4.111 B $ p.a. or :.pl_roximately one hand these estimates are These leasing labor-years obtained the there is They can be reduced commercial entities If 20,000 each, some program, of the approximately of the 250,000 40,000 by on scientific 100 B $ can be t of construction materials and other products for export might be sold (e.g. for the construction of solar power plants of international utilities) which could bring another 25 B $ and reduce the cost to the taxpayer accordingly. The overall total could thus be reduced to somewhere near 250 B$ or 3 B$ p.a. ! CONCLUSIONS 1. The exploration of the Moon and quality of life on Earth may one day the human species. 2. At this stage of the available the utilization of its resources prove to be an essential step insights into a; well into the present state-of-the-art feasible to establish a lunar settlement about 2,000 people by the year 2100. a fairly complex to improve of the survival geopolitical the of situation of space technology, it appears during the 21st century providing technically room for 3. Such an enterprise has to be financed primarily by public funds. An average of less than 5 billion 1994 dollars per year are required to pay for the cost of such a program, with a peak slightly below the 10 billion $ mark at the end of the development period. 4. Consequently, the exploration during the next decade to environment. commence of a lunar are about purposes. percent program if several politically by robotic knowledge Also a serious multi-year, multi-nation shortly after the turn of the century to develop next stage of l anar development the end of the 21st century. 5. Although of the Moon improve our controversial, settlement fifty percent With other of the global developing countries opportune leading it appears already of the words, military to a lunar entirely colony justifyable spacecraft of the should Moon planning attractive activity options of modest to debate continue and its should for the proportions the pros be and cons now, if the total finances required to accomplish this amount spent on this planet every year for military the level of resources required is on the order of one expenses per year at the present time. Thus such a a lunar settlement is certainly financially feasible, particularly are participants in this pioneering enterprise. Whether this at a cert'_in point in time is an other question. is 24 REFERENCt_ 1. W.v.Braun,W.Ley,F.L.Whipple Magazine, 18.Oct.1952, Edition:"Die Eroberung 2. H.H.Koelle(Ed.): The des 6. C.Dalton Contract et Houston 8. 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