CENS.com CENS Buyer`s Digest
CENS.com CENS Buyer`s Digest
CENS.com CENS Buyer’s Digest Sporting Goods Issue #001 ▪ May, 2014 Insiders’ views and introductions of Taiwan suppliers and products CENS CENS.com Global Export Media, Your Best Sourcing Guide e-Age CENS Global Pass, the Newest Sourcing Tool Product Sourcing for Global Buyers 9 languages for global accessibility Source in your own language Less work but more productivity CENS.com buyerservice@cens.com Scan for iPad & iPad mini CENS.com CENS Buyer’s Digest Sporting Goods Issue #001 ▪ May, 2014 INSIDERS’ VIEWS AND INTRODUCTIONS OF TAIWAN SUPPLIERS AND PRODUCTS CENS CENS.com Global Export Media, Your Best Sourcing Guide CENS Buyer’s Digest Sporting Goods Guide The CENS Buyer’s Digest is a brand-new e-book series launched by the China Economic News Service (CENS) to give buyers quick access to concise and key information on select suppliers of a wide range of quality industrial products including auto electronics, builders’ hardware, bicycles, electronic products, machinery, furniture, lighting, and medical supplies, among others, available for export from the Greater China area. This issue focuses on the sporting goods sector, aiming to help buyers and suppliers strike profitable deals effortlessly with the digital platform. About us The Taiwan-based China Economic News Service (CENS), founded on June 1, 1974, dedicates itself to the promotion of international trade with Taiwan. We have… Various CENS publications Our trade magazines, such as CENS Lighting, Taiwan Machinery, CENS Hardware, CENS Furniture, and Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide (TTG), are popular among buyers from around the world. Besides the print editions, we have tactical CD-ROMs (www.cens-ebook.com), and provide easy access to our on-line database. Trade-related services-Currently, CENS acts as a sales agent in Taiwan for many noted international trade fairs and trade magazines. In addition, we organize domestic manufacturer groups to attend foreign exhibitions. Cooperative marketing-CENS partners with Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) to publish the "Official Directory" used in all TAITRA-organized international trade fairs in Taiwan. Founder: Wang Tih-wu 創辦人:王惕吾 President: Ringo Lee 社 長:李熙林 General Manager: Tommy Ni 總經理:倪榮松 Senior Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Willis Ke 資深副總編輯:柯燈山 Senior Editor: Earl Wieman 資深外籍編輯:魏伯儒 Associate Editors: Kristian R. Kildall/David Wang 外籍編輯:柯瑞廷/王宇大 Senior Reporters: Judy Li/Ken Liu/Quincy Liang/Steve Chuang 資深記者:黎明媚/劉寶銘/梁琨/莊士億 Senior Copywriter: Doris Chen 資深編譯:陳秋芬 Assistant Copywriter: Chloe Wen 助理編譯:溫立瑜 Assistant Production Editor: Peter Pan 助理編輯:潘世榮 Cover Designer: Ray Kuo 封面設計:郭誠德 Vice General Manager-cum-Trade Fair Manager: Maria Cheng 副總經理兼國際業務代理中心經理:鄭淑娥 Executive Sales Manager: Orsen Yu 執行業務經理:游志龍 Sales Manager: Ralph Yang 業務經理:楊逢峮 Commercial Art Manager: Tsai Fei-chi 設計中心經理:蔡斐祺 Circulation Chief: Vennie Chou 發行中心組長:周芳如 CHINA ECONOMIC NEWS SERVICE (CENS) 中國經濟通訊社 Head Office: No. 369, Sec. 1, Datong Rd., Xizhi District, New Taipei City 22161, Taiwan 22161新北市汐止區大同路一段369號 Tel: 886-2-8692-5588 Fax: 886-2-8643-3933 Taichung Liaison Office 台中辦事處 Tel: 886-4-2231-1911 Fax: 886-4-2235-0792 Tainan Liaison Office 台南辦事處 Tel: 886-6-290-9005 Fax: 886-6-290-7338 Mainland China Agent: Dongguan Unecad Advertising Co., Ltd. 東莞市聯經廣告有限公司 Tel: 86-769-8522-2567 Fax: 86-769-8522-2656 Internet: http://cens.com E-mail: webmaster@cens.com All rights reserved. CENS.COM family: Autoparts.cens.com CENS.com.cn Furniture.cens.com Handtools.cens.com Hardware.cens.com Lighting.cens.com Machinery.cens.com Powersports.cens.com TIS.cens.com Padel Grip HIGH CEDAR ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-2626-7955 Fax: 886-4-2626-7952 http://m.cens.com/s/highcedar Started in 1975, HIGH CEDAR ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD. has been proven as one of the BEST PU MANUFACTURER IN the world. The company, though encountered with challenges of time but still had managed to survive with a strong fight to face new challenges for the coming years because HIGH CEDAR believes that make the best quality products with cheaper and competitive price. Replacement Grip Replacement Grip Replacement Grip Packaging Design Professional Canopy J. PHANS CO., LTD. Tel: 886-2-2712-4166 Fax: 886-2-2712-4166 http://m.cens.com/s/jphans J. Phans Co., Ltd. specializes in making tents, gardening and camping tools, sunshades etc. Our professional-grade folding and instant canopies are perfect for exhibitions (trade shows), festivals, special events, retail sales, flea markets, kiosks, sporting events, and indoor/outdoor promotions. Folding Chair Folding Table Camping Chair Return Trainer Sets TUNG SHRIM ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Tel: 886- 4-2556-1125 Fax: 886-4-2556-9477 http://m.cens.com/s/tungshrim TUNG SHRIM was established in 1968 and specializes in manufacture a extensive range of sporting nets and sporting goods. At TUNG SHRIM, we consider quality, reasonable prices and prompt delivery are fundamentally important to maintain our leading role in the competitive market. We never stop to improve our product quality and designs so to offer customers the most satisfactory sporting goods. Our goal is to expand our markets worldwide. Sporting Accessories Carry Bag Basketball Goals& Nets Ultrafine-fiber rag YU DEAN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-7710401 Fax: 886-4-7716212 http://m.cens.com/s/yudean With experience in industrial woven fabrics, Yu Dean Industrial was set up in 2002 to focus on cleaning supplies and R&D of fabrics, having introduced fabrics for rags, gloves, dish wash cloths etc. Backed by efficient teamwork, cuttingedge machinery and integrated operation, we offer quality, reasonably priced products delivered on-time to create mutual profitability. Wood-fiber glove Thumb glove Magical dish wash cloth Negative ion of Far Infrared Ray Rectification Shoe-Pad Rich Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. Tel: 886-2-22880622 Fax: 886-2-22896814 http://m.cens.com/s/rich Rich Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in developing and manufacturing shoes and healthcare products which help enhance health, including casual shoes, magnetic healthcare products, jogging shoes, hand protectors, ankle guards, elbow pads & wrist supporters, infrared healthcare products, sports cushion, and other fitness equipment. Negative ion of Far Infrared Ray Rectification Shoe-Pad Negative ion of Far Infrared Ray Rectification Shoe-Pad Negative ion of Far Infrared Ray Rectification Shoe-Pad EX328 MULTI-TRAINER SEEDS INNOVATIVE DESIGN INC. Tel: 886-4-22799245 Fax: 886-4-22799245 http://m.cens.com/s/seeds Established in 2004, Seeds® Innovative Design Inc. has been engaging in exports of sports equipment and related products. Seeds also has its own packaging plant, developers and graphic designers. The primary focus of our products is on fitness equipments, including home fitness equipments, yoga supplies, body stretches, massage supplies, protective gears and etc. EX364 SUSPENSION EXERCISE SETS EX365 SUSPENSION EXERCISE SETS PS607 AB ROLLER TR35 Treadmill SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Tel: 886-6-384-0888 Fax: 886-6-384-0999 http://m.cens.com/s/sportart With over 30 years of manufacturing experience, SportsArt Fitness has consistently raised the bar in the fitness industry and positioned itself as one of the most creative manufacturers of fitness equipment. SportsArt Fitness equipment is sold in over 80 countries worldwide. To meet the growing global demand for SportsArt Fitness products, we have established sales and design centers on three continents. E80C Elliptical T613 Treadmill C521R Cycle Neoprene CHUAN KUI ENTERPRISES CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-831-3724 Fax: 886-4-836-4556 http://m.cens.com/s/chuankui CHUAN KUI ENTERPRISES CO.,LTD. was established in 1986. Our company specialized in the lamination of neoprene sheet and EVA which has been widely used in diving materials, health care materials and sports safety equipment. Our company also sells various industrial fabrics. We devoted to developing environment friendly and water-based glue to raise lamination technology and developing different products with other firms. Neoprene CR Coating Cell Embossed Compression Calf FOOTLAND INC. Tel: 886-4-871-3436 Fax: 886-4-871-3523 http://m.cens.com/s/footland As a growing company, Footland Inc. has an experienced team with WRAP certificate. We began only manufacturing customer-made socks to export to North America. Now we design our own socks with the intent of expanding our market in Taiwan, as well as to the rest of the world. Mountaineering Socks Men's Sporting Sock Compression Sock KY-Elegant KUO & YANG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Tel: 886-2-2571-6369 Fax: 886-2-2531-0941 http://m.cens.com/s/kuoyang Kuo & Yang started operating in Taiwan in 1980, producing all kinds of spectacles. With over 33 years of experience, we have become one of the established optical makers. We are dedicated to providing the consumers with quality and cuttingedge trends, season after season. This sought-after brand pays close attention to details featuring the latest fashion trends in a unique, affordable and trendy way. KY-Metal KY-Sports KY-Kids Kung-Fu Anti-Slip Grip HANDY-AGE Tel: 886-2-2755-2406 Fax: 886-2-2701-2320 http://m.cens.com/s/handy-age INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Established in 1981, Handy-Age offers a wide range of quality, innovative items especially in the field of Industrial Supplies like metalworking machinery, machine accessories, hand tools and more.A highly experienced team in applied R & D, is always ready to provide customers with an integrated service, including product inn valuing and OEM/ODM. Cooler Bag Backpack Water Bottle AROPEC SPORTS CORP. Tel: 886-4-2569-3850 Fax: 886-4-2569-3842 http://m.cens.com/s/aropec AROPEC SPORTS CORP. a former supplier of famous sport brands is now taking on the world. This means that we will directly serve the water sports industry with our professional lines of diving, surfing, fishing, swimming and other water sports equipment. Swim goggle for adolescents Eradiate Tel: 886-2-22408683 Fax: 886-2-22497395 http://m.cens.com/s/eradiate Enterprise Co., Ltd. "Your Vision Is SABLE's Mission" Sharp on land and agile in the water, SABLE is an animal capable of hunting down rats and hares as well as fish and frogs at night. Not only can it swim and dive but it can also shift around in the field. Racing swim goggle (3D, coated minus lens) Racing swim goggle (FRP glass minus lens) Swim goggles for water sports (3D, coated minus lens) Product Name 01 MOTAO INTERNATIONAL LTD. Tel: 886-2-2100-1313 Fax: 886-2-2100-1313 http://m.cens.com/s/motao Motao specializes in the design and manufacturer of top quality parts and accessories for off road, street and classic motorcycles. Experienced in supplying both OE and aftermarket industries, we have a proven track record in exclusive product remaining exclusive and offer high end service from our Taiwan and China factories or other Asian sources. CV021 CV022 CV023 Transparent Putter CHEN GIANT TECHNIC CO., LTD Tel: 886-4-2298-1945 Fax: 886-4-2290-2177 http://m.cens.com/s/chengiant @didi golf equipment. We are now the only one golf training equipment company owns eight international patents in the world manufactures golf top training devices. We now export products to many countries and spread very fast. Putter Coach A6 Putter Coach A8 Universal oversize grip Functional Socks SOXLINK CO., LTD. Tel: 886- 4-8749909 Fax: 886-4-8763063 http://m.cens.com/s/soxlink Soxlink Co., Ltd. was founded in 1981, we are an experienced sock manufacturer, globally identified by excellent designs and high quality control. To customize into your style is always our goal. Since we mainly focus on OEM business, we are also committed to offer you our outstanding products and best prices for you to compete in the market. Functional Socks knee sleeves knee sleeves ST3 series Home Treadmill SPORTEK INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-2560-8880 Fax: 886-4-2560-8262 http://m.cens.com/s/sportek Sportek currently ships fitness equipment into 28 countries worldwide. It owns manufacturing facilities in Taiwan to provide the higher-quality products for our customers. Well-established and strong design ability in Taiwan, Sportek continues to build upon its reputation as an innovative, reliable, growth oriented supplier to the markets all over the world. Climber ST500 series Home Treadmill ST900 series Home Treadmill Short-sleeve Cycling Jerseys VOLL WILL ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Tel: 886-6-299-7072 Fax: 886-6-299-7115 http://m.cens.com/s/vollwill Alfon Ent Co. is a leading manufacturer of acrylic products. Our wide selection includes bathroom sets, furniture and POS displays. We supply many large companies, including Target --- they've sourced from us for six years. Lycra Cycling Shorts Lycra Bib Shorts Diving Boots Multi-functions treadmill & Golden painting SUNTEKO CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-7551040 Fax: 886-4-7551055 http://m.cens.com/s/sunteko Sunteko is established in 1988. In the year of 2013, we issued the new treadmill with Wayflex System. New Wayflex system combines Foot Massage and Foot Vibration features. Lab testing report shows it can reduce impact up to 43%. New patent has applied in over 60 worldwide countries. Our goal is to promote the treadmill into another fitness level, and to help people to achieve good health. With minimum effort, to gain a maximum result. Wayflex Walking Treadmill Foot Massage Treadmill Downhill Walking Treadmill Socks with bamboo charcoal yarn SPRINGDEX ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-8720522 Fax:886-4-8711045 http://m.cens.com/s/springdex Springdex Enterprise Co., Ltd. specializes in researching, developing functional socks and undershirts, consistently launching new products with specialized functionality meeting global quality standards via cutting-edge technology, while focusing on quality and innovation. Supplying optimal, natural and health-enhancing products, we’ve established the LOHO brand to promote high-end functional textile products with the MIT Smile Mark. Breathable tank tops Gift packed anti-odor socks DIY sock dolls (rainbow bear) 圖01 圖01 M9912 MOTORIZED TREADMILL GLORY LIFE INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-26306300 Fax: 886-4-26305637 http://m.cens.com/s/glorylife fitness equipment & exercise equipment- motorized treadmill, treadmills, foldable ( folding) treadmills, Cardio equipment, weight equipment, home gyms, cardio exercise machines, fitness machines, gym equipment, sports equipment, exercise bikes, fitness bike, elliptical trainers, upright bikes, stationary bicycles, exercise cycles, indoor bikes, magnetic cycles, recumbent bikes, steppers, elliptical runner, walkers, stair climbers, running machine, multi station gyms M9859 MOTORIZED TREADMILL M2835 MOTORIZED TREADMILL M9832 MOTORIZED TREADMILL Spinning Bike E.J.LUCAS INDUSTRIAL.CORP Tel: 886-4-2360-8835 Fax: 886-4-2360-1634 http://m.cens.com/s/ejlucas Union Target Industrial was set up in 2001 in Taiwan but has a longstanding background in the fitness field. Over 20 years of experiences in manufacturing & exporting fitness equipment have achieved our professionalism.Responsible attitude and honest reputation are always the most important principles in Union Target. Home Gym Spinning Bike Magnetic Elliptical Trainer wens Tel: 886-5-591-2315 Fax: 886-5-591-6200 http://m.cens.com/s/wens CHAMPION ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Diverse K/D Metal-Tube Racks and Computer Tables, Metal Chairs, Folding Chairs, Metal Tables or Desks, Garden Refuse, Rubbish, Marine Chair, Dining Table Chair, Children Table Chair, Bar Stools Chair, Boat Seat, Boat Ladder, Bread Shelf, Shelf Rack, Wire Shelf Rack, Wire Shelving Racks, Storage Rack, Golf Rack, Folding Table Chairs Elliptical Trainer YL-13305E YING LIANG HEALTH TECH CO., LTD. Tel: 886-3-367-2169 Fax: 886-3-367-1674 http://m.cens.com/s/yingliang As a professional ISO 9001 approved manufacturer, we target at providing dedicated OEM/ODM service for Fitness Equipment, Home Care Product and Houseware. AsianNet Elliptical Trainer YL-13605 Commercial Elliptical Treadmill YL-14306 T-101 TRUMP SPORTS CO.,LTD. Tel: 886-4-8684181 Fax: 886-4-8685890 http://m.cens.com/s/trump-sports Trump Sports CO.,LTD professional manufacture of shuttlecocks, badminton rackets, bags, sportswear, accessories. Trump Sports, established in 1990, is a specialized company in badminton. Our goal is to provide for high-end quality equipment to let customers be satisfied with and to build strong quality reputation in the industry by our management and innovation. T-303 T-404 Conqueror 1300 Ski Goggle Roaly Merchandises, INC. Tel: 886-4-7778962 Fax: 886-4-7786114 http://m.cens.com/s/roaly All of Our Lenses are Anti-Fog, Anti-Scratch, Anti-UV, and Impact Resistance. Ski Goggle Ski Goggle Ski Goggle Fashionable Ventilated Footwear Hueite International Co., Ltd. Tel: 886-2-2952-6669 Fax: 886-2-2964-0821 http://m.cens.com/s/hueite Hueite International Co. has set up its own production line with fully computerized machines to produce fabulous uppers. By using industrial robot with expertise in knitting and weaving, Hueite International Co. has developed various fully-fashioned seamless sports and leisure footwear with creative and original design. Fashionable Ventilated Footwear Fashionable Ventilated Footwear Fashionable Ventilated Footwear SunPack-5P Target Solar Company Tel: 886- 6-2648199 Fax: 886-6-2657069 http://m.cens.com/s/target TARGET SOLAR COMPANY is a leader in the photovoltaic industry specializing in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of solar energy products and systems. With a strong team of experienced engineers, TARGET SOLAR COMPANY also provides turnkey energy solutions to worldwide customers. Portable Solar lighting kit with mobile phone charging feature Treasure Solar Wallet Treasure Solar Wallet SmartPong Table tennis robot TEH-JOU SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Tel: 886-2-2298-9047 Fax: 886-2-2298-9049 http://m.cens.com/s/teh-jou Perfect your timing and accuracy with the SmartPong Table Tennis Robot. You'll be playing like a pro after you master this machine's topspin, underspin, and sidespin variations that can be alternated during a single programmed sequence. The SmartPong is the ideal practice partner. SmartPong Table tennis robot SmartPong Table tennis robot SmartPong Table tennis robot 圖01 River Raft-Classical Models EXCELLENCE MARINE PLAN CO., LTD. Tel: 886-2-2794-1223 Fax: 886-2-2791-0397 http://m.cens.com/s/wps West Pacific Star established on 2008 spring. Major in inflatable rubber products, including 4 series lines; River raft, Motor boat, Tow behind boat and accessories. Before we are a designer cooperated with under steam factories. We use wide range of material, including Hypalon fabric and TPU fabric PVC fabric for our different market needs. It’s a right choice to choose with us. 圖02 圖03 圖04 River Raft-Revolution Models River Raft-Revolution Models River Raft-Classical Models PRO Treadmill- TF40 Elegant JOHNSON HEALTH TECH. CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-256-67100 Fax: 886-4-256-01087 http://m.cens.com/s/johnson Johnson Health Tech North America (JHTNA) is headquartered just outside of Madison, Wisconsin. Here, our offices house our global product development and marketing team, as well as the sales and administration staff that services the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. Foot Massager- FM120 Massager- J6800 Syros Pro Storage Ne JOIN TEN BAND MAKER IND. CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-735-9988 Fax: 886-4-7353200 http://m.cens.com/s/jointen Being an experienced manufacturer , our company established in 1962. JOIN TEN BAND MAKER IND. CO., LTD. is dedicated in "Cargo Net, Trunk Net, Luggage Net, Container Net, Motorcycle Net, Sports Nets, Safety Nets, Basketball Net, Auto Accessories, Bungee Cord, Elastic Straps, Tie Down, Ratchet Tie Down, Tow Ropes, Tool Bags, Yoga Bags, Belts, Hammocks and Camping Accessories” with operations in Taiwan. Tie Down Loop Perfect Hammock 7016 Mini Hammock 5006 圖01 圖01 Exercise bikes, exercise equipment, exercise machines cycling GIANT LION CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-736-0223 Fax: 886-4-736-0225 http://m.cens.com/s/giantlion Since its inception in October 2001, Giant Lion Corporation's management philosophy has been based on health, value and sharing. Our company specializes in the design, production, maintenance and marketing of top of the line commercial and home Spin Bikes and all kinds of metal products manufacturing. 圖02 圖03 圖04 Exercise bikes, exercise equipment, exercise machines cycling Exercise bikes, exercise equipment, exercise machines cycling Exercise bikes, exercise equipment, exercise machines cycling Victory Bumper plate1 PERSEIDAS ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD. Tel: 886-7-735-3093 Fax: 886-7-735-3102 http://m.cens.com/s/perseidas Our factory is professional in making rubber products , especially , our rubber bumper plate be used for Olympic Games from 1996 Athlanta ,2000 Sydney , 2004 Athens , and will to the 2012 Rio and 2016 Tokyo Olympic Games . All weight lifting gear such as Rack , Platform and Power band also our products .We are professional in making rubber fins for surfing and diving . Victory 5KG Bumper Plate Victory Small metal plate Custom Bumper Plate Core Plate G-LITE Tel: 886-49-23270008 Fax: 886-49-23274658 http://m.cens.com/s/glite CO., LTD. Since the beginning in 1999, G -LITE International is dedicated to create good exercise equipment for people to use it more friendly & efficiently. Our products including the full range of Vibration Plates, Exercise Bikes, Elliptical Trainer and Motorized Treadmills…etc. Since then G -LITE has become one of the fastest growing suppliers for fitness products. Power Cushion Hip Shaper Hip Shaper Swing Multi-Functional Training Device OCEAN LEADER INTERNETIONAL CO., LTD. Tel: 886-2-2901-7351 Fax: 886-2-2901-7356 http://m.cens.com/s/ocean Most abdominal wheels consist of an individual wheel at the center of its design. However, this individual wheel design not only causes difficulties in balancing, but also feelings of fear and potential danger. Multi-Functional Training Device Multi-Functional Training Device Multi-Functional Training Device Garment Display Racks BBEST-TECH INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-2406-4893 Fax: 886-4-2407-1762 http://m.cens.com/s/bbest-tech BBEST-TECH Industrial Co., Ltd., was established in the central Taiwan in 1985 as a manufacturer specializing in producing and supplying all different kinds of “shop fittings” for business application. Over the years, we have followed very strict quality processes and rigorous testing procedures which has enabled us to offer very reasonable price with the top quality products! Round Clothing Rack Free Standing Display Stand Hat Display Rack RDLS-BL2 EverSUCCESS International Inc. Tel: 886-932-313 278 Fax: 886-2-27940934 http://m.cens.com/s/eversuccess The Gyroboard offers versatility for home, gym or outside workouts that you don't find in many other pieces of equipment. Whether you want to do upper or lower body exercises, agility, core or stretching, you can do it all with the Gyroboard sports training. I incorporate this piece of equipment everyday. SBD-BL2 FDLS-BL2 FSBD-BL2 圖01 圖01 Sports Training GD-TSENG ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Tel: 886-3-463-1555 Fax: 886-3-433-4147 http://m.cens.com/s/gd-tseng GD-TSENG company created it in October of the 1983 year of the Taiwan, by making the educational tools for schools and Training Sports part for all schools in initial stage. We established importing and educational toy teaching aid wholesale business in the 1991 year of the Taiwan. CONE CONE FLAT HULA HOOP / POLYGON HOOP JOGGING SOCKS - FIT TITAN SPORT TECH CO.,LTD Tel: 886-423051618 Fax: 886-423055701 http://m.cens.com/s/titan THE BRAND OF TITAN WAS MAINLY INSPIRED BY EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO LOVES SPORTS. Having incorporated with the top R&D team in Asia, titan is committed to designing the best socks for specific types of sports in the hope of providing pleasant workout experience and promoting healthier life for all. COMPRESSION CALF SLEEVES COMPRESSION SOCKS – ELITE PRO BASKETBALL SOCKS Smart power strip EASTERN EAGLE INTERNATIONAL LTD. Tel: 886-7-2241003 Fax: 886-7-2231215 http://m.cens.com/s/eastern We provide quality fitness equipment, swift service, and innovation products. Smart Power Strip : stylish design and registered patents for multiple countries.Power-saving and Eco-friendly. *Gold medal winner at the 36th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland Elliptical Bike (AKA Orbitrack) 4in1 Manual Treadmill AB GLIDER UV Protection Flap Hat Bae Shiow CO., LTD. Tel: 886- 2-2698-9566 Fax: 886-2-2698-9598 http://m.cens.com/s/baeshiow A Leading World Class Headwear Manufacturer For Over 40 Years, We Output 15 Million Hats Annually. Innovative Styles, Premium Quality And Exceptional Service, Your Best Choice, A Long Term Partnership At Bae Shiow. Our Brand Juniper Exclusive For Outdoor Enthusiasts, You Will Find Most Functional Fabric, Comfort And Easy Carrying , MultiPurpose Available In Various Styles. Moisture Wicking Sports Cap UV Hat With Removable Flap & Mesh Mask UV Protection Sun Hat DX-FLY-REEL OMOTO FISHING TACKLE CO., LTD Tel: 886-4-23953515 Fax: 886-4-23956068 http://m.cens.com/s/omoto OMOTO has over 30 years manufacturing experience in the fishing tackle industry. We are well aware of the needs of anglers and have perfected the materials and quality of our products to offer perfect and useful equipment for anglers. OMOTO reels are well known, both in fresh water and saltwater fishing. CHIEF-Xtreme CX Series Predios SERIES Triple SERIES SPORT SUNGLASSES FUTURETE COMPANY Tel: 886-6-2058638 Fax: 886-6-2059797 http://m.cens.com/s/futurete For over 19 years, FUTUREYE COMPANY has been intensely involved in developing eyewear that provides superior protection from our environment, offers exceptional style, and delivers outstanding value for our customers. Unlike other brands of sunglasses, FUTUREYE offers a wider selection of lens-technologies and colors to our customers. SPORT SUNGLASSES SPORT SUNGLASSES SPORT SUNGLASSES BeeBoard HOLIWAY Creation Leisure Co., Ltd. Tel: 886-4-2258-2789 Fax: 886-4-2319-8289 http://m.cens.com/s/holiway HOLIWAY product can be ridden with true stability and speed. It’s so easy to ride. It’s as sensitive as a surfboard and feels just like riding a wave. It’s a great substitute and alternative sport when the ocean isn’t available, but the streets are. 圖02 圖03 BeeBoard(EP) Surf Skate Road Surf Board Unfoldable Life Jacket Liang-Yi Tel: 886-06-2743447 Fax: 886-06-2375258 http://m.cens.com/s/liang-yi Development Design Co., Ltd. “The aim of design is solving that marketing problems.” 21design development founded in 1987, in recent time we have extended to international trade and product development, and therefore, there are four departments: Photography, Design, Product creation and Unfoldable life jacket. 21desian revolves around design then stretch out everywhere. Auto Opening Buoyancy aid Auto Opening Life Jacket Unfoldable Buoyancy aid 圖01 S50 Pacific swimming goggles FIRST RANK CO., LTD. Tel: 886-2-2907-2727 Fax: 886-2-2907-2626 http://m.cens.com/s/firstrank Our featured swimming goggles are simple yet boast outstanding low-profi le designs. For the past 35 years, we’ve supplied swimming goggles to discerning industry giants, including Disney, Walmart, Marco and El Corte Inglés. These companies trust our design and quality control abilities. Plus, we’re one of the only suppliers to offer polarized lenses from Japan, and we test our items for anti-fog permanence during 48-hour chlorine tests, as well as for UVA/UVB transmittance. S46UV Blast racing swimming goggles S41P Legend polarized swimming goggles S42 Vision swimming goggles Handpullers WONDERFUL BELTING CO., LTD. Tel: 886-4-7552759 Fax: 886-4-7559759 http://m.cens.com/s/wonderful Our main products include hook and loop fastening tapes, woven webbing, shoelaces and hair curler tape made of different materials such as nylon, polyester, cotton and PP. We can provide a complete line of service, from weaving webbing to assembling the final products. In recent years, Handpullers Tie-doens, Bungee cords, Handpullers Handpullers 圖01 Sport compression sock-Running Da Yu Tel: 886-4-876-0680 Fax: 886-4-876-0683 http://m.cens.com/s/dayu Enterprise Co., Ltd. Founded in 1992, Da Yu Enterprise Co., Ltd. Upholds the company’s business philosophy and pursues a new Concept of human being’s health, specializes in the production of all types of medical, health care, sporting Compression sock, braces/ supports products. We have been authenticated by the ISO9001, ISO13485, The U.S. FDA, EU CE and so on. 圖02 圖03 Sport compression sock-Cycling Sport compression sock-Golf 圖04 Sport compression sock-Calf sport A bette r way to SOURCE 3 Steps away to your desired supplier Step 1. Go to CENS.com Step 2. Click on the lower right HOTLINE icon Step 3. Within minutes, you’ll receive supplier information that meets all your demands! CENS.com buyerservice@cens.com CENS CENS.com Sourcing? We Can Help!
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