AVR400 Service Manual Issue 1
AVR400 Service Manual Issue 1
AVR400 Service Manual Issue 1 2 1 4 3 5 7 6 2 F 8 DATE CHG. ZONE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ECO NR. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE REL. DR. CHK. F 3 E E D D C C ITEM NO. PART No. DESCRIPTION QTY 1 TGP3523 / TGP3524 FASCIA ASSEMBLY BLACK / SILVER 1 2 TGP3526 / TGP3527 COVER BLACK / SILVER 1 3 HA4V06S TORX SCREW M4 x 6 4 B B 23425 TOLERANCES UNLESS 0.00± 0.10 OTHERWISE STATED 0.0 ± 0.20 ANGULAR TOL. +2 DEGREES MCM DRAWN BY: 7-9-2010 A & R CAMBRIDGE LTD DATE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED CHECKED BY: MGB ORIGINAL SCALE 1:4 MATERIAL: FINISH: A 1 A AVR400 MAIN ASSEMBLY DRAWING TITLE 1 SHT 1 OF 4 PART NUMBER AND DRAWING NUMBER 2 4 3 0 6 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 A3 COVER + FASCIA 7 8 1 2 4 3 5 7 6 F ITEM NO. 1 E PART No. CHG. ZONE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- DESCRIPTION TGP3539 8 DATE ECO NR. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE REL. DR. CHK. F QTY TRANSFORMER - POWER 1 2 FAN 80 x 80 x 25mm 2 3 FAN MOUNTING BRACKET 2 E 1 D D C C 2 B B 3 23425 TOLERANCES UNLESS 0.00± 0.10 OTHERWISE STATED 0.0 ± 0.20 ANGULAR TOL. +2 DEGREES MCM DRAWN BY: 7-9-2010 A & R CAMBRIDGE LTD DATE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED CHECKED BY: MGB ORIGINAL SCALE 1:4 MATERIAL: FINISH: A SHT 2 OF 4 A PART NUMBER AND DRAWING NUMBER AVR400 MAIN ASSEMBLY DRAWING TITLE A3 FANS + TRANSFORMERS 1 2 4 3 0 6 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 7 8 2 1 4 3 5 7 6 F SOLDERED TO POWER AMP PCB E 8 DATE CHG. ZONE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ECO NR. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE REL. DR. CHK. F 5 E 2 D D ITEM NO. PART No. 1 TGP3534 CHASSIS ASSY 1 2 TGP3535 FRONT PCB ASSY 1 3 TGP3538 POWER AMP PCB ASSY 1 4 TGP3525 FOOT ASSY 4 5 TGP3540 TRANSFORMER - STANDBY 1 3 DESCRIPTION QTY C C 1 B B 23425 TOLERANCES UNLESS 0.00± 0.10 OTHERWISE STATED 0.0 ± 0.20 ANGULAR TOL. +2 DEGREES 4 MCM DRAWN BY: 7-9-2010 A & R CAMBRIDGE LTD DATE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED CHECKED BY: MGB ORIGINAL SCALE 1:4 MATERIAL: FINISH: A SHT 3 OF 4 A PART NUMBER AND DRAWING NUMBER AVR400 MAIN ASSEMBLY DRAWING TITLE A3 POWER PCBs + FEET 1 2 4 3 0 6 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 7 8 2 1 4 3 5 7 6 5 F 8 DATE CHG. ZONE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ECO NR. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE REL. DR. CHK. F 6 E E 2 7 ITEM NO. D 4 3 PART No. DESCRIPTION QTY 1 TGP3528 REAR PANEL ASSY 1 2 TGP3536 INPUT PCB ASSY - MAIN 1 3 TGP3536 (part) INPUT PCB ASSY - ETHERNET 1 4 TGP3536 (part) INPUT PCB ASSY - CONNECTORS 1 5 6 TGP3537 TGP3537 (part) HDMI PCB ASSY - MAIN HDMI PCB ASSY - VIDEO 1 1 7 TGP3529 / TGP3530 AM/FM TUNER EU / US D 1 C C B B 23425 TOLERANCES UNLESS 0.00± 0.10 OTHERWISE STATED 0.0 ± 0.20 ANGULAR TOL. +2 DEGREES 1 MCM DRAWN BY: 7-9-2010 A & R CAMBRIDGE LTD DATE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED MGB CHECKED BY: ORIGINAL SCALE 1:2.5 MATERIAL: FINISH: A SHT 4 OF 4 A PART NUMBER AND DRAWING NUMBER AVR400 MAIN ASSEMBLY DRAWING TITLE A3 REAR PANEL + PCBs 1 2 4 3 0 6 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 7 8 AVR400 Power Amplifier Circuit Description Apart from the power transformer, the power amplifier electronics is fully contained on the large double sided PTH PCB and heatsink located at the bottom of the AVR400. This is called the Main Board on the schematic diagrams (pages 11 and 12). The Main Board also contains the mains input circuitry, including the safety fuses and standby power transformer, so great care should be exercised when probing this area of the board. Note that some small surface mount components are soldered to the underside of this PCB. The 7 power amplifiers are identical in terms of circuitry, although necessary compromises in the physical layout may give rise to slight differences in measured noise, crosstalk and distortion performance. The two channels at the extreme ends of the heatsink have less radiating area available to them and will run hotter under load – this is not normally an issue as these are assigned to the SBL and SBR channels. Looking from the rear of the AVR, facing the flat face of the heatsink, the channel order is SBR, SR, FR, C, FL, SL and SBL, the same order as the loudspeaker terminals. The SBL and SBR channels can also be assigned to zone 2 or as duplicates of the FL and FR channels for when passively biamping the main stereo loudspeakers. In this latter condition we recommend assigning the SBL and SBR outputs to the tweeters of the FL and FR speakers, in order to minimize the power amplifiers’ heat dissipation. Note that the 8 pre-amplifier outputs are also on this PCB – apart from SUB their phono sockets are effectively in parallel with the power amplifier inputs, which are fed from the Input Board via a ribbon cable and CON103. This connector also carries 5 power supply and power amplifier control signals to and from the system microprocessor (μP) IC151 situated on the Input Board above the Main Board. The amplifiers’ power supply is provided from a centre-tapped secondary winding on the toroidal power transformer, via the connector BN508, to the bridge rectifier D5830. This is mounted on a small PCB near the top of the heatsink. The rectified AC is then sent to the main PCB via connectors BN581/582. To avoid induced hum and distortion it is important to keep these cables twisted tightly together and well away from the actual power amplifier circuitry. The main 15,000μF 80V reservoir capacitors, C835 and C836, are positioned on the main PCB well away from the power amplifier input traces and close to the system star ground. The smoothed DC is fed to the power amplifiers’ Vcc and Vee lines near the centre of the heatsink via a twisted-pair cable, again to minimize induction into the power amplifiers. Vcc and Vee are typically +/- 52V at 234VAC with no signal. Q5845 sends a fraction of Vcc to the muting control on the Input Board. The FL (front left) channel will now be described in detail. The input stage is a long tailed pair Q5101 and Q5102, with local degeneration provided by R5105 and R5107. The tail is fed from the negative rail via an approx 3mA ring-of-two constant current source, Q5109 and Q5110. R5101 and C5101 at the input provide high frequency rolloff and help keep residual DAC ultrasonic noise above 100kHz out of the power amplifier. DC blocking is provided by C5102 at the input and C5107 in the feedback loop so that the whole power amplifier has unity gain at DC. The midband AC gain is 22000/680 = 32.35 after allowing for the attenuation provided by R5101 and R5102. Thus 875mV at the input produces 100W into 8 ohms at the output. The long tailed pair’s collectors are loaded by a current mirror, Q5103 and Q5104. The resistors R5103/4 and R5105/6 are 1% tolerance to minimize even order distortion. The collector of Q5101 also feeds the Darlington class A voltage amplifier stage (VAS) made up of Q5115 and Q5116. Q5113 is loaded by the output stage and the 8mA constant current source made up by Q5125 and Q5126. The amplifier’s main frequency compensation network (for stability) comprises C5115 plus the combination of C5116 and R 5115. This adds gain inside the loop (two pole compensation) at high audio frequencies so that the additional feedback further reduces high frequency distortion and crossover distortion within the audio band. These stages are partially decoupled from the Vcc and Vee power supplies by D5130/R5130/C5130 and D5129/R5129/C5129 respectively. They are also bootstrapped to the amplifier output via the networks R5118/C5128/R5128 and R5117/C5127/R5127. This raises the supply lines by approximately 3V at full output to avoid clipping the driver stage prematurely. The output stage comprises classic complementary emitter followers Q5150/Q5170 (NPN) and Q5160/ Q5180 (PNP). The On Semiconductor output transistors have a current gain that is sustained to about 10 amps and a very large safe operating area, which allows the amplifiers to drive low impedances well. They also have built-in thermal compensation diodes which helps stabilize the quiescent current both statically (when hot) and dynamically (when playing music at high level) – this minimizes crossover distortion and improves sound quality. The output stage biasing is performed in the network around the amplified diode Q5120, which is mounted in intimate thermal contact with the driver transistor Q5130, plus the two built-in diodes associated with the output transistors. The thermistor R5122 is positioned on the PCB close to the heatsink and provides extra downward compensation at very high temperatures. Bias is set by VR51 and is largely independent of temperature – it should be set to16-20mV when measured across the outer terminals of the compound emitter resistor R5175, using the 2 pin connector CN51, 5 minutes or more after the AVR400 is powered up. The power amplifier output is routed across the PCB to the back panel. It includes a Zobel network (sometimes called a Boucherot cell) R5183/C5183 and a series inductor L5185 damped by a 4.7R 2W resistor R5184. These components help isolate the amplifier from reactive loads to ensure high frequency stability. One half of the normally-off relay RL52 is used to switch the load in and out. Each power amplifier is protected against overload in a number of ways. The complementary transistors Q5130 and Q5131 protect the NPN half of the output stage and Q5140 and Q5141 the PNP half. They operate as Sziklai pairs, passing negligible current until a threshold voltage of approx 600mV is reached across R5132 and R5142. Between 600 and 700mV the pairs then ramp up current smoothly, diverting it away from the bases of Q5150 and Q5160 to limit the output stage drive to a safe level, within the power transistors’ SOA (safe operating area). The 600mV threshold voltage depends upon both the instantaneous current and voltage across the output transistors, set by the networks R5132/R5136/R5137/R5138/ R5175 for the top half and R5142/R5146/R5147/R5148/R5175 for the bottom half. R5135/R5145 and the zener diodes D5135/D5145 change the slope of the protection locus at high Vce voltages. R5134/R5135 plus C5134/C5145 prevent fast transients and brief overloads from prematurely triggering the protection. The above dual slope SOA protection is self resetting but if a gross overload persists for more than a second or two (such as when a channel’s output is short circuited with music playing at a moderate to loud level) then the open collector transistor Q5181 sinks current for long enough to initiate the amplifier’s full shutdown procedure via the line SOA_PROTECT. This can also be triggered by a total output stage failure (which passes enough current through R5175 to turn on Q5188) via OVERLOAD or by an excessive DC offset at the output terminals (via R5185) via V_DET. All these signals, and others, feed into the protection module, described below. The protection module comprises 8 transistors and associated parts positioned at the back of the PCB near the preamplifier output sockets. It has a single output line named PROTECT which, when pulled down from Vcc to ground, instructs the system μP IC151 to shut down the whole amplifier. This occurs when any of the following events happen: 1) Any amplifier channel pulls current through the SOA_PROTECT line for long enough to charge up capacitors C5871 and then C5872 so that Q5874 turns on. 2) Any amplifier channel pulls current through the OVERLOAD line for long enough to charge up C5882 and turn on Q5882 and thus Q5884. 3) Any amplifier channel has a large long term (DC) offset (typically greater than +/-3V) sμFficient to charge up C5861 enough to turn on either Q5862 (positive offset) or Q 5864 (negative offset). These then turn on Q5863. N.B. This circuit is also used to detect imbalances in both the Vcc/Vee and +/-15V power supplies (the latter is generated on the Power Supply board). 4) When the PTC thermistor TH585 mounted at the top centre of the heatsink gets sμFficiently hot (around 100C) and thus high resistance enough to cause Q5855 to turn on via the +12V supply. Intermediate temperatures will not activate PROTECT but will provide signals to the level detectors associated with the FAN_1 and FAN_2 lines, to run the cooling fans at high or low speeds respectively. Note that the fans’ 12V supply is gated via Q5909 and Q5911. This means the fans will not run when no signal is present on the FL, C or SR channels, so that during quiet passages no fan noise should be audible. AVR400 Main Power Supplies Circuit Description The main DC power supplies are located on the Power Supply Board - a double sided PTH PCB adjacent to the Main Board. Note that the mains input switching, mains fuses, standby power transformer with its associated unregulated DC supply and the relay for enabling the power amplifier supply rails are located on the Main Board. The two boards communicate via CON501. Considering the Main Board first, the mains voltage switching uses a double pole double throw slide switch accessible from the back panel. One pole addresses the standby transformer and the other the toroidal power transformer. Ensure the switch setting matches the supply voltage before switching on the AVR400. Nominal settings are 115 and 230V +/- 15%. The 20mm 115V fuse in line with the toroidal transformer is rated at 15A T (Time delay) and the 20mm 230V fuse is rated at 8A T. Always replace these fuses with the same type and value. The standby transformer T5941 is not fused but is designed to go open circuit in case of overheating (e.g. if left connected to a 230V supply for longer than a few minutes when the mains voltage selector is set to 115V). The standby transformer generates approximately +9V DC via the bridge rectifier diodes D5495/6/7/8 and the 1,000μF reservoir capacitor C5947.This is sent via pin 7 of CN501 to the Power Supply PCB (confusingly marked as 5V). The rail voltage is also routed to the system microprocessor (μP) via D5965/ R5965 and pin 6 of CN103 as POWER_MUTE. The 5V relay RY594 is normally open. When the mains switch is closed then the SUB_POWER rail (approx +4.3V) is activated from the Power Supply PCB via the standby transformer. When the system has booted correctly, without any shutdown signals, then the POWER_RELAY signal from the system μP also goes high, pulling down Q5947 hard. Only then does the relay close and switch on the main toroidal power transformer, enabling the rest of the system to boot up. Now consider the Power Supply Board, found on page 14 of the schematic. This generates all the main DC supplies for the AVR400 except +Vcc and -Vee for the power amplifiers and the non-logic part of the VFD display requirements of the Front Panel Board. Note that additional local regulation also takes place on the other PCBs, e.g. for large digital ICs. Two secondary windings from the toroidal power transformer are fed in via CN63. Pins 1, 2 and 3 connect to a centre-tapped secondary winding used to generate approx +/- 20VDC via the bridge rectifier diodes D603/3/4/5 and the 2,200μF 35V reservoir capacitors C609 and C610. R603 and R604 are 0.47R 1W fusible resistors for circuit protection – if they fail replace only with the same type and value. The 3 terminal regulators IC63 and IC62 are mounted on two of the larger heatsinks near the back of the amplifier. These provide +/-15V to the op amps on the amplifier’s Input Board via the 11-way connector BN62. The Input Board also then routes the +/-15V onwards to the Front Panel Board. Pins 4 and 5 of CN63 receive AC from another transformer secondary to generate approx +15VDC via the heatsink mounted bridge rectifier D601 and the 18,000μF 25V reservoir capacitor C631. F601 and F602 are hard wired 6.3Amp T (time delay) fuses for circuit protection – if they fail replace only with the same type and value. This +15V unregulated supply has 4 main outputs:1) It is regulated down to +12V with the low dropout (LDO) 3 terminal regulator IC64. This is situated on the heatsink closest to the Main Board, near the back panel. Its output goes to BN62 for the +12V triggers and also to CN501, to drive the power amplifiers’ cooling fans. 2) It supplies the HDMI Board via CN61. To minimize ripple currents in the ground return, Q643 is wired as a low dropout voltage follower with low pass filtering via R650 and C569. 3) It feeds the switched mode buck regulator IC61 via L631 and C615. The tank circuit comprises L632, C640 and C641, discharged via D631. R636 and C643 make up a snubber to reduce overshoot. This provides a high current +5V supply to the Input Board via pins 4 and 5 of BN62. This 5V supply also feeds two 3V3 linear regulators, IC67 and IC68. These in turn supply the audio DSP ICs on the Input Board via pins 10 and 11 of BN62. 4) It feeds the +5V 3 terminal LDO regulator IC66 via the diode D616, which itself is preceded by the smoothing network comprising R615 (2W 15R) and C615. Note IC66’s output is actually approx +5.7V because of D644 in its ground line; this is brought back to +5V after D643, to feed the relay IC66 is noteworthy because it continues working when the amplifier is in standby. It takes a second input from the +9V standby power supply on the Power Amplifier PCB – D616 acts as a gate to prevent this from feeding back to the +15V supply when the system is in standby. It also allows the +15V supply to override and remove the load from the +9V supply when the amplifier is fully booted up. D606 and D607 form half of a second bridge rectifier (with the other two diodes coming from the full bridge rectifier D601). These diodes charge up the 1μF/50V capacitor C604 to +15V, generating a “mains power present” signal. The 10K resistor R614 in parallel with C604 continually discharges it so that this signal effectively disappears within about 50 milliseconds of the mains being switched off. This +15V goes to the Main Board via pin 8 of BN62, where it is used as a “pull up” signal to help control the various audio muting circuits. AVR400 Front Panel Board Circuit Description The Front Panel Board is a double-sided PTH PCB. It contains the VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) and its associated electronics, plus the keyboard, power status LED, IR remote receiver and headphones amplifier. A daughter board carries the front panel I/O socketry. See page 1 of the schematic diagram. It communicates with the Input Board via CN101 and a 31 way ribbon cable. Other connectors comprise CN94 which connects to two secondaries of the main power transformer and the hard wired BN93 which connects up the daughter board. There are two associated break off boards. One houses the front panel mounted single pole mains switch plus its suppression capacitor C901 and a connector BN502. The second is mounted on the power amplifiers’ heatsink and is used to route power to the cooling fans and also to guide the 31 way ribbon cable. The VFD draws AC filament power from a centre tapped winding of the power transformer connected to pins 1, 2, and 3 of CN94. The centre tap connects to ground via the zener diodes D901/2 and C903 to provide the filament with its required DC offset. Pins 4 and 5 connect to a relatively high voltage transformer secondary which is half wave rectified by D916 and smoothed by C907 and C960. The zener diodes D903 and D904 in series with R906 generate +40V which is then coupled to the emitter follower Q901 to provide a nominal regulated 40V HT power rail for the VFD. The VFD’s internal driver IC and external data bμFfer IC901 run from the main +5V supply generated in the Power Supply board and routed onwards through the Input Board. The drive signals (data, clock, chip select and reset) come directly from the system microprocessor via CN101. The 12 front panel switches are arranged in 2 blocks of 6 with resistive divider chains connected to two ADC inputs on the system micro. These have 10K pull-up resistors at the system μP end to complete the potential divider chains. The pnp switching transistors Q906 and Q907 turn on the 3V3 supply from the system μP via another 10K pull-up resistor at the μP end to provide interrupt control. The power status LED D905 is a tri-colour type. The green side indicates power on and the red side standby. A high signal on the LED net turns on Q902 and Q903. This turns off the npn Q913 to disable the red LED and turns on the pnp Q912 to enable power to the green LED. The reverse is true when the LED line is low. Pulling the STB(LED) line low when the LED line is also low powers both LEDs and gives a yellow light to show when the unit is booting up. Note that the power supply is STBY+5V to allow the red LED to operate in standby mode. RC901 is a Kodenshi KSM603TH5B encapsulated infra red receiver for processing commands from an external IR remote control. It is designed to work with the 36-38kHz carrier frequencies associated with the Philips RC5 protocol. Note that it operates from the ST+5V rail to enable the AVR400 to be woken up. It does not demodulate the IR – this is done by the system microprocessor. The headphones amplifier IC902 drives external headphones directly via the 330μF series capacitors C935 and C936. IC902 has a gain of about 4, meaning that the headphones output will be about 4V rms when the volume control is set to clip the L and R main power amplifiers (equivalent to about 120WPC into 8 ohms). IC902 is a JRC NJM5556AL capable of driving 7V rms into150 ohm loads and about +/100mA peak current into lower impedances. Mute transistors Q904/905 in series with 100R resistors are fitted in front of its input to minimize switching transients and it is powered from the +/-15V supplies generated on the Power Supply Board. The L and R headphones outputs go via BN93 to the Headphones Board, after passing through relay RL902 which is normally off. A positive voltage from the μP at the emitter of pnp Q911 turns on Q911 and generates the same positive voltage at the base of the npn transistor Q909. Because its emitter is connected to the -15V rail this pulls the relay on. The FRONT AUX and MIC inputs come from the Headphones Board and through the microphone relay RL901. When the relay is off the AUX line level L and R signals are switched through to the unity gain bμFfer IC904 and then on to the Input Board via pins 3 and 1 of CON101. When the relay is closed (in the same manner as described above for RL902) then the L front input is routed to the low noise microphone amplifier IC903. This operates as two cascaded virtual earth amplifiers, each with a voltage gain of approximately 21 (R961/960 and then R965/962). Note the MIC line is biased at +6V via resistors R956, R957 and R958. The amplified signal is output to the Input Board on pin 5 of CON101. AVR400 Input Board Circuit Description The Input Board comprises a 4 layer PCB; this is attached directly to the back panel via its various sockets and to the heatsink by two steel brackets. It is positioned underneath the HDMI Board and above the Main Board. 5 ribbon cable sockets connect it to the other 4 boards. CN71 connects it to a daughter board containing two 9 Pin D socket connectors (an RS232 serial port and an iPod dock interface), plus two 12V trigger sockets and 2 IR receiver sockets. Note some passive components are mounted on the underside of the PCB. The Input Board circuitry is shown on pages 2 – 5 of the schematic diagram. Page 2 covers the analogue inputs, volume control and line level outputs. Page 3 covers the SPDIF (digital) inputs, clock recovery, audio DSPs and the codec (stereo ADC plus 8-channel DAC). Page 4 covers the system microprocessor and a slaved support microprocessor Page 5 covers interfaces to the DAB/Ethernet module, and the boot loader microprocessor used to update the system SW via USB. Analogue inputs, volume control and outputs IC101 is a Renesas R2A15218FP analogue multiplexer and volume control, with a gain range of +42 to -95dB in 0.5dB steps. It is digitally controlled from the system microprocessor via the I2C bus on pins 49 and 50. A high logic signal on pin 51 enables the system mute. IC101 has +/- 7V supplies generated from the +/-15V rails with the regulators IC102 and IC103. All stereo external line level inputs using phono sockets are routed to IC101 via 100R/220pF low pass CR filters. IC101 also handles the AUX-L, AUX-R and the (mono) MIC_SIGNAL setup microphone inputs coming from the front panel, plus the internal stereo outputs from AM/FM tuners (TUN-L and TUN-R) and the DAB/ethernet receiver (VENICE_L and VENICE_R). IC101 additionally switches two multichannel signals - the 8 channel direct input and the outputs from the 8 post-DAC filters. Note that the +/- 7V power supply limits the input signals to approximately 4V rms before overload occurs. The post-DAC filters comprise 4 low noise NJM2068 dual op amps, running from the +/- 7V supplies. One op amp is assigned to each channel and performs the dual functions of converting a differential input from the DAC to a single ended output, whilst simultaneously functioning as a three pole 50kHz active filter. The AM/FM tuner module’s outputs pass through the inductors L310 and L302 (providing 19kHz notch and 38 kHz low pass filtering) and the shunt mute circuits formed by the 330R resistors R354/R369 and the two halves of Q306 plus Q307. IC101 has a fixed level stereo output for Zone 2 (SUB_L and SUB_R) and a second one, adjustable from 0dB to -18dB in 6dB steps, for the AVR400’s analogue to digital converter (ADC_L and ADC_R). IC101 has one 8 channel variable level output bus labelled VOL01 through to VOL08. Capacitors C295-8 and C231-4 float the ground ends of the associated internal potentiometers to minimize clicks This bus goes via specially selected 100μF/25V capacitors to the dual op amps IC121-124, wired as voltage followers and running from the +/- 15V supplies. The C, SL, SR, SBL and SBR outputs are shunt muted when required via the 560R resistors R383-388 and the dual transistors Q303-305. The subwoofer output SW has two shunt mute circuits. One using Q311 works in parallel with the rest of the channels. The other, using Q308 and half of Q303 allows muting of the SW channel alone. The FL and FR channels take off the stereo headphones amplifier feed from IC121 (it goes via the connector WF101 to the Front Panel Board), then add an extra dual voltage follower IC125 and a double pole shunt mute switch using 4 x 270R resistors and Q301-302. All the above ICs are JRC NJM2068s or equivalent. All 8 of these outputs go to via the connector WF103 to the preamplifier output sockets and (except for the subwoofer output) to the 7 power amplifier inputs located on the Main Board. The ADC input amplifiers use a JRC NJM2068 for each channel, operating as a single-ended input to differential output converter, with HF filtering above about 400kHz. This is sμFficient for anti-aliasing purposes as the analogue modulator of the ADC samples at 6.144 MHz and only needs to keep out frequencies above 6MHz. The array of 12 switching transistors in the bottom right hand corner of the schematic is arranged in 4 blocks of 3 devices (two npn and one pnp per block). The array is used to control the muting of 4 specific groups of audio outputs, taking into account the presence of AC mains via P_U (the pull up line from the Power Supply board) and the MUTE_POWER line derived from the power amplifiers’ Vcc rail – this is normally high when Vcc is high. The output lines are SB_MUTE2 (for the surround back channels SBL and SBR), ZONE2_MUTE2, HP_MUTE2 (for the headphones relay on the Front Panel board) and FUNC_MUTE2 (for the 6 main audio channels excluding SBL and SBR). Zone 2 volume is independently adjustable in 1dB steps via IC131 (rohm BD3812F). Its outputs are bμFfered and amplified 15dB by the dual op amp IC132 and can be muted when required by Q402. The output goes directly to two phono sockets forming half of JK11 on the back panel. SPDIF inputs, ADCs, DACs and Audio DSPs The AVR400 has 4 coaxial 75 ohm SPDIF (Sony/Philips Digital InterFace) inputs and 2 TOSLINK optical inputs on its back panel. A further optical input is located on the front panel as part of JK92 (this socket also includes the AUX and MIC inputs). There are 6 further external SPDIF inputs - one per HDMI input socket and one on the HDMI output socket (the Audio Return Channel or ARC). Each of the 4 coaxial inputs is bμFfered by two NOR gates, contained in IC159 and IC160, before being switched by one half of the dual 4 input multiplexer IC147. The output on pin 7 is then sent to the 8 input multiplexer IC140. Its other 6 inputs comprise the 3 optical receivers already mentioned, the HDMI input (multiplexed down from 5:1 on the HDMI board), the HDMI ARC and the output of the Venice 6 DAB/Ethernet module. The 8th input is unused. The output MUX_SPDIF is sent to the SPDIF receiver IC153. IC153 is a Wolfson WM8804 run in hardware mode. It uses X707 to generate its own 12MHz internal clock. IC153 automatically identifies and dejitters incoming SPDIF signals with sample rates of 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz and 192kHz. Its output, still in SPDIF format, WM_SPDIF, is sent to pin 43 of the system codec IC143. IC143 is the Cirrus Logic CS42548. It includes an SPDIF receiver, 2 channel ADC and 8 channel DAC. Only one input (pin 43) of the SPDIF receiver is used; the others are grounded. IC143 has +5V analogue supplies, locally decoupled to analogue ground by C721/722 for VA (pin 24) and C703/704 for VARX (pin 41). The digital supply is also +5V, decoupled to digital ground by C705/706 (pin 5) and C750/756 (pin 51). The control port power VLC (pin 6) is 3V3, decoupled to digital ground by C752/773 and the serial port power VLS (pin 53) is also +3V3, decoupled to digital ground by R726 and C753/754. The 3V3 is generated from the +5V supply by the linear regulator IC148. The system master audio clock is generated by IC143 on pin 55 whenever an SPDIF signal is present (i.e. in all cases except when an HDMI multichannel signal in I2S is required to be processed or when using the ADC). Although IC143 has no jitter rejection below 20kHz its master clock is kept clean from incoming jitter by IC153. The PLL filter is located at pin 39. When SPDIF is not in use IC143 inputs its clock on pin 59 – this can be 24.576 MHz from the crystal oscillator X701 associated with DSP1 when ADC mode is engaged, or the recovered clock from the HDMI Board. This is switched by the 4 way change over multiplexer IC145 on pins 9, 10 and 11. IC145 also routes IC143’s recovered master clock or the HDMI master clock to DSP1 on pins 5, 6 and 7. Pins 1, 62, 63 and 64 receive the 24 bit serial audio data that has been processed by the DSPs. The DAC’s 8 analogue outputs are in differential mode, so making 16 output lines in total, from pins 20-23 and 26-37. These feed the post-DAC filters IC111-114, described above. The main audio DSP is a Cirrus Logic CS 497024, IC141.This is a 300MIPS dual core 32 bit fixed point DSP, with 72 bit accumulators. The first core is used for decoding standard and high definition audio formats (Dolby, DTS etc) and the second is reserved for post processing such as bass management, delay and room correction. The secondary DSP, IC142, is a Cirrus Logic CS49DV8, responsible for the Dolby Volume processing. IC141 gets the 1.8V for its core from the 3-terminal regulator IC149. IC142 gets its 1.8V from IC150. The 3V3_1 and 3V3_2 supplies for these regulators are generated on the Power Supply Board. IC141, 142 and 143 communicate with the system microprocessor via an SPI bus. For IC141 and IC142 the chip select lines are on pin 6, the clock is on pin 126, the MISO line on pin 124 and the MOSI on pin 123. For IC 143 the corresponding pins are pins 10, 7, 8 and 9. Note that the 3 chips receive data on a common line but transmit to the μP on two separate ones (DSPDATA for both DSPs and D_OUT for IC143). IC141 communicates with its external memory via a 36 line data bus running at 150MHz. This is needed when providing lip sync delay for audio accompanied by video. IC144 is a 200MHz 16Mbit SDRAM, organized as 512Kbits x 16bits x 2. It is powered from the board’s 3V3 line via 6 pins, with local decoupling provided by C758-763. The DSPs’ programs are stored in two external 3V3 SPI flash memory chips – IC106 (8Mbit) for IC141 and IC107 (4Mbit) for IC142. IC141 has two sets of I2S data inputs. DAI (pins 23, 24, 26, 27 for data, pin 29 for the system clock and pin 30 for the LR clock) is for up to 8 channels from the HDMI Board via connector WF104. DA2 (pins 32 for the LR clock, 33 for system clock and 34 for data) is for audio from the codec IC143. This includes bitstream SPDIF such as Dolby Digital, uncompressed two channel I2S audio decoded from SPDIF and ADC generated I2S two channel audio. The DSP master clock is input on pin 40 of IC141 from pin 9 of IC145 as noted earlier. IC141 also has two sets of I2S data outputs. DA1 is an 8 channel I2S signal (pins 47, 48, 49 and 51) shown as part of the bus DA0(04:07). This feeds the input of the second DSP IC142 (on pins 23, 24, 26 and 27). The system clock is on pin 52 of IC141 and the LR clock on pin 54. These go to pins 29 and 30 of IC142. DA2 is a stereo I2S output (pin 43 for data, pin 44 for the system clock and pin 46 for the LR clock). This feeds the HDMI board via WF104 and the octal bus switch IC146. The DSP master clock output from pin 9 of IC145 follows the same route. An SPDIF output from pin 35 of IC141 goes directly to pin 12 of WF104. There is one set of 8 channel I2S outputs from IC142 – DA1 (pins 47, 48, 49 and 51). These form part of the data bus DA0(00:03) where they are routed back to the DACs in IC143 (pins 62, 64, 63 and1 respectively). The I2S system clock and LR clock (pins 52 and 54) also go directly to IC143 (pins 2 and 3). System Control Microprocessors There are 3 microprocessors on the Input Board, the main, the sub and the USB micro. The latter is also kept separate in order to perform upgrades over USB. The AVR400’s main system microprocessor IC151 is a Toshiba T5CN5 microcontroller. This has an ARM Cortex 3 core with 512KB of ROM and 32KB of flash memory. It is a 3V3 part, with this power supply being derived from the main 5V supply via the 3-terminal regulator IC156. It has a 40MHz system clock derived from crystal X702 and a real time clock from the 32.768 kHz crystal X708. IC152 is a 32Kbit EEPROM for retaining system settings at power down. IC155 is a MOSFET switch to enable the HDMI CEC (Consumer Electronic Control) bus when the unit is powered up, and to isolate the parts of the bus external to the AVR400 when it is powered down. IC151 has several sets of comms busses - SPI, I2C and UARTs - depending on which system or peripheral ICs are being addressed. SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a fast 3-wire interface (clock, transmit and receive) with chip select being addressed by individual I/Os. I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) is a relatively slow bidirectional 2-wire interface, with open-collector/source clock and transmit/receive busses, each with a pull up resistor, and a limited number of embedded chip addresses. UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter and is a form of bus that takes bytes of information and turns them into serial data on a bus before reassembling them into bytes at the other end. SPI is used to talk to the codec IC143 and the two DSPs IC141 and IC142. I2C is used for both the main and zone 2 volume controls IC101 and IC131. I2C also connects to the sub micro IC154 and to the NJW1321 video input decoders IC81 and IC81. IC151’s UARTs are used for USB Tx/Rx, the Torino (video processor) Tx/Rx and the external RS232 Tx/Rx. Further UARTs on the sub micro IC154 communicate with the Venice 6.2 DAB/Ethernet receiver and the iPod external interface. IC154 is a Toshiba M333FWFG ARM Cortex 3 microcontroller with 128K ROM and 8K of flash, effectively used as a helper for IC151. Its 3V3 power supply regulator IC158 runs from the board’s main 5V supply. The USB micro (“Bolero”) IC162 is a Toshiba TMP92FD28FG, a 32-bit CISC microcontroller with a built-in USB2 host controller capable of supporting 12Mbps. Its primary function is to provide a “bullet-proof” system updating process via an external USB stick. When the AVR400 is powered up IC162 first self boots, then interrogates the rest of the system – if it receives the wrong response (e.g. if a previous update failed part way through) then the unit will appear dead. However IC162 will be constantly inter- rogating the USB socket and insertion of a clean USB stick containing only the system firmware will initiate a complete recovery automatically. IC164 is a MiniLogic ML61C282PR precision voltage detector, with a threshold of 2.8V, built in hysteresis and a CMOS output, used to reset IC162 at power on. IC163 is an Intersil USB switch, type ISL54220, which routes the USB socket on the rear panel either to the Venice 6.2 module, for normal audio applications, or to IC162 when the system SW is being upgraded from a USB stick. Note that it is positioned underneath the Venice 6.2 module, close to the USB socket. The USB high side power switch IC168 is close to IC163. It is a Richtek RT9702A fed from the main +5V power supply. It is rated at 1.1 amps output and can flag up a fault condition on the USB bus from pin 3; this is routed to IC162. The Frontier Silicon Venice 6.2WB module is plugged into the input board via a 64 way connector CN62. This WB version of the module supports Band 3 DAB/DAB+ digital radio for use in Europe, Australia, Canada, Korea and other Digital Radio markets. It also supports USB2, and Ethernet up to 100 Mb/s, enabling the AVR400 to be a network audio client. A spare copy of the AVR400’s unique MAC (Media Access Controller) address can be found on the screening can of the Venice 6.2 module. Its FM radio function is not used. The Venice 6.2 is operated in slave mode via the UART pins 9 and 10 on CN62. These connect to the sub micro IC154. The USB I/O signal pins are 11 and 12, routed to the USB switch IC163. The other USB pins are not used. Pins 26, 27, 28 and 29 make up an SPI bus to work with the Ethernet PHY IC161 (pin 33 receives interrupts from IC161). Audio is decoded inside the Venice 6 (i.e. from AAC, FLAC, MP3, WMA or WAV) and sent out by two routes. Pin 32 carries an SPDIF signal (at 48ks/s) for the main system and pins 64 and 63 carry L/R linear audio for zone 2 to the volume control IC101. The Venice 6.2 requires +3V3 at up to 300mA average and +1V2 at 200mA average for the core of its main processor. 3V3 is provided from the main +5V supply via the three terminal regulator IC165 – this also provides the soft start signal to pin 2 of the 1V2 regulator IC167 (also fed from +5V with some voltage drop provided by diodes D803/4). Both regulators are SM types, positioned underneath the Venice 6.2 module. IC161 is a Micrel KSZ8851 single port Fast Ethernet MAC/PHY controller with an SPI interface. It has a 12KB receive bμFfer and a 6KB transmit bμFfer. It has its own 25MHz crystal oscillator X777. Its 4 I/Osgo to the Ethernet socket JK52 on the back panel. Its +3V3 power rail is derived from the board’s +5V supply via the three terminal regulator IC166. AVR400 RS232 board This is a daughter board connected to the Input Board via an 18 way plug and socket BN71. The circuitry is shown on page 14 of the schematic diagram. It contains two 9 way D-type board mounted plugs JK71 and JK72. JK71 is for RS232 control of the AVR400. JK72 is used to control an iPod or iPhone via an Arcam rDock or rLead (the latter also supports iPads). The RS232 dual transmitter and receiver IC73 is an ST3232 run from the standby +5V supply via D721/ R727 and a series pnp transistor Q722 in common emitter mode referred to the +12V rail. Q721 provides the necessary level shifting. IC73 includes internal charge pumps to convert CMOS logic level inputs to +/-5V RS232 level outputs and +/-25V tolerant RS232 inputs to CMOS logic level outputs. Maximum rated speed is 300kb/sec. JK73 is a dual mono 3.5mm jack socket providing two +12V trigger outputs Z_1 and Z_2. The series pass transistors Q712/715 are pnp T0-92 types with emitters referred to the +12V rail via the paralleled 4.7R resistors R714/715 and R711/712. In conjunction with the pairs of diodes D711/712 and D714/715 this provides current limiting at approximately 200mA if the trigger outputs are inadvertently shorted to ground. JK72 is a dual 3.5mm mono jack socket providing inputs for two modulated infra-red remote control signals. These are connected to the opto-isolators IC72 and IC71. Note the use of the standby power supply ST+5V for the subsequent logic. AVR400 HDMI Input/Output Board The HDMI Board is described on pages 6 – 10 of the schematics diagrams. Note that it has components fitted to both sides of the PCB. HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface. The AVR400’s system supports certain parts of the HDMI 1.4a specification (3D video compatibility and Audio Return Channel) The HDMI Board has 5 type A HDMI input sockets and one type A HDMI output socket, which are flush with the back panel. It gets its power via the hard wired connector and ribbon cable CN61 and communicates with the Input Board via two flex foil cables attached to connectors CN104 (17 ways) and CN105 (19 ways). It is fitted with a 30 way socket BN301 which attaches to a daughter board handling all analogue video I/O signals (the Analogue Video Board). The HDMI Board contains 10 separately regulated local power supplies, mostly derived from the unregulated but hum filtered +15V supply on the Power Supply Board. This is input on pins 3 and 4 of the hard wired connector CN61 for +15V and pins 5, 6 and 7 for the ground returns. Pins 1 and 2 are not used. See page 10 of the schematic diagram for all but the last of these supplies, as described below. IC923, IC927 and IC930 are all Sanken SI-8005Q 3.5 Amps step-down switching regulators operating at 500kHz +/-10% and drawing power from the +15V line. They are used to generate +3.3VDD, +1.8VDD and +1.8VH1 (video processor supply) respectively. The potential dividers in their outputs (R839+R844/ R847, R838+852/R851 and R841+843/840) are used to set the required voltages. All other local power supplies use linear SM 3-terminal regulators. IC922 and IC929 provide +2.5VH1 and +2.5VH2 for the two DDR memory chips supporting the video processor. The source supply is +3.3VDD. IC925 is a KIA7809 generating +8VA from the system’s +15VA line (NOT the unregulated +15V used elsewhere on the board). This is further dropped to +5VA by IC924, a KIA1117S50. Inductor L860 provides decoupling for the +5VH1 line. The video processor digital power supply lines +3.3VH1, +3.3VH2 and +1.8VH2 are sourced from the +3.3VDD and +1.8VDD lines via L-C decoupling. The video ADC’s analogue supplies, +3.3VA and +1.8VA, are generated from the +5VA line via IC926 (NJM2845DL133) and IC928 (NJM2845L118) respectively. The 10th regulator, IC917, an NJU7754 found on sheet 9 of the schematic, is used to provide +5V to the HDMI output socket. It is enabled via SW_P+5V and derives its input from the +8VA supply described abov The HDMI input SOC, IC901, is a 144 pin LQFP Analog Devices ADV3014B. This is a 4 into 1 HDMI 1.4a multiplexer and is connected to inputs 4 and 5 (VCR and PVR) on the rear panel (JK95 and JK96). The other two inputs on IC901 are not used. The core power supply is +1.8V and the receiver terminator supply voltage is +3.3V. Note that most power supply decoupling components are on the underside of the PCB. +5V detect and hot plug assert control is carried out by the complementary pairs of switching transistors Q904/907 and Q910/909. The video system clock is provided by a 28.63636MHz crystal X901 connected across pins 101 and 102. Pin 63 is set low by R602 meaning IC 901 is controlled by I2C at 3.3V via pins 78 (HDMI_SDA) and 79 (HDMI_SCL) from IC902. The HDMI output from IC901 is sent to input A of IC902. IC902 is an Analog Devices ADV7844, packaged in a 425 pin BGA. It has a 4-input HDMI 1.3 receiver and one video input supporting standard analogue video formats, from 525/625i up to 1080p, with 12-bit ADCs. Its primary function is to prepare these signals for the main video processor IC906. Its second function is to extract digital audio from the HDMI signals, including the reconstruction of a good quality master clock, and to output all this in I2S or SPDIF format to the DSPs on the Input Board. JK92 (AV), JK93 (SAT) and JK 94 (BD) connect to 3 of IC902’s HDMI input ports. Hot plug detect on these 3 inputs is carried out by the complementary pairs of switching transistors Q905/906, Q908/901 and Q902/903. The 4th input receives the output of the HDMI switch IC 901. The core power supply is +1.8VH2 and the receiver terminator supply voltage is +3.3VH2, with heavy local L-C decoupling. Note that most of these power supply decoupling components are on the underside of the PCB. The video system clock is provided by a 28.63636MHz crystal X902. IC902 has a 256Mb SDRAM IC904 connected via 9 x 4-way 33 ohm resistor packs. This is used as a line/ frame store for digitizing the analogue video signals (CVBS, S-Video and Y, Cr, Cb) received from the external video inputs and also separate i-Pod derived analogue video signals. It runs from the +2.5VH2 supply with further local decoupling components mounted on both sides of the PCB. The 12-bit RGB video outputs are sent via 10 x 33ohm resistor packs to the tri-state bμFfers IC911 and IC912. A 10-bit subset of these is also sent to the video processor IC906. Note that the critical video clock is expanded to drive two output lines HD_VCLK1 (for IC906) and HD_VCLK2 (for IC911) via IC905 and 3 x 33ohm resistors. The extracted digital audio outputs are sent as I2S and SPDIF signals to the audio DSPs on the input board via 2 x 33 ohm resistor packs and the switch IC903. IC903 is enabled via Q913. The video processor IC906 is an ST (formerly Genesis) “Torino” type FLI30336AC in a large 416 pin BGA package. It is used to de-interlace and scale all the AVR400’s video inputs to the required output resolution(s) up to 1080p and also to generate the system OSD (on screen display). Note that IC906’s analogue video inputs are not used in this application and are either grounded via an array of resistors and coupling capacitors close to one long edge of the heatsink or left open (R879-882 are no fits). IC906 dissipates considerable power (about 4 watts) and is thus equipped with a heatsink soldered to the PCB via two pins. Its core voltage is +1.8VH1, with +2.5V_DDR being used for its RAM bus and +3.3VH1 for I/O and 19.66MHz crystal clock X903, all followed by copious local L-C decoupling. Note that the decoupling capacitors and series inductors required are mounted on the underside of the PCB. IC906 supports two 256Mbit DDR-1 500MHz 2.5V SDRAMs (IC908 and IC909) via a mix of 33R and 0R series resistors in the data busses. On the other side of IC906 is its 32Mbit 3.3V flash memory IC907 (Macronix MX29LV320). IC931 is an Atmel AT24C64C 64K EEPROM with +3.3VH1 power. Q914 and Q915 (on the underside of the PCB) send BYPASS_ON and BYPASS_OFF logic signals from IC906 to the array of 4 x 20-bit non-inverting line driver/bμFfers with tri-statable outputs, IC911/912 and IC915/916. These are arranged as a 40 way 2-in, 1-out fast switch to bypass IC906 when required (e.g. if 3D video is present). The video is in 12-bit RGB format and 4 more bμFfers are required for the video clock, H and V syncs and the DE (data enable) line, thus using up all of the available 40 ways. See sheet 9 of the schematic diagram. Power is provided via local L-C decoupling from +3.3VH2. The HDMI output is handled by IC918, an Analog Devices ADV7511 in a 100 pin LQFP package. It is a 225MHz output part that can handle 12-bit 1080p video (up to 165MHz clock speed) and embedded HD audio. It is compatible with certain parts of the HDMI 1.4 specification, supporting 3D video and an ARC (audio return channel). As with the other Analog Devices parts IC918 uses two power rails, namely +1.8VH2 and +3.3VH2. The necessary decoupling capacitors are mounted on the underside of the PCB. In the AVR400’s implementation the HDMI audio output is limited to stereo rather then 8 channels – via I2S0 (pin 12), plus MCLK (pin 11), SCLK (pin16) and LRCLK (pin 17). SPDIF from the AVR400 is input to pin 10. The ARC signal, if received from a downstream sink such as a TV, is output from pin 46 of IC918 and sent via back to the input board. Note that IC921 is not fitted. The HDMI output is via JK97, a type A HDMI socket. As the AVR400’s output is partly HDMI 1.4 compliant, pin 14 now becomes the HEAC+ and pin 19 HEAC- as well as HPD (Hot Plug Detect). However, because the Ethernet part of the HDMI1.4 specification is not supported by the AVR400, the ARC is configured by the sink to be carried in single (i.e. non-differential) mode using HEAC+ as the signal line. HEAC+ and HEAC- are then AC coupled to pins 52 and 51 of IC918 via the 1μF series capacitors C439 and C428. R771, R777, R785, R795 and R799 bias the inputs and load the cable correctly.(Note – HEAC is short for HDMI Ethernet and Audio (return) Channel). Q916 is a twin n-channel MOSFET which only turns on when +5VH1 is present. This isolates the DDC clock and data lines when the AVR400 is turned off. IC917 is a low dropout voltage regulator feeding +5V power to pin 18 of JK97 from the +8VA supply, when enabled by the SW_P+5V line. Analogue video output of digitized and processed 10-bit video from IC906 is available from the AVR400 via the video encoder IC919 – an Analogue Devices ADV7342B. Composite, s-video and component video are supported, although only component analogue video is output by the AVR400. IC919 is in a 64 pin LQFP powered from the +18VA and +3.3VA lines. Once again most decoupling components are on the underside of the PCB. The 6 x 11-bit video DACs inside IC919 are each loaded with 300R to ground before being AC coupled to IC913. This is a JRC NJM2566 6-channel video amplifier for SD and HD signals, powered from the +5VA line. The FS_SEL signal on pin 17 sets the bandwidth on component video to 13.5MHz or 30MHz, to suit progressive SD or HD signals respectively. The composite and s-video bandwidths are fixed at 6.75MHz. The outputs go to the analogue video daughter board via the 30 way socket BN301. Note that the composite and s-video outputs are not actually used in the AVR400 so are not wired beyond CN301 on the daughter board. The Y, Cr, Cb component video outputs are terminated with 75 ohm series resistors on the Analogue Video daughter board described next. AVR400 Analogue Video Board This is connected into the rest of the system via the HDMI board using CN301.The circuitry is shown on sheet 13 of the schematic diagram. The purposes of this PCB are: (1) to switch between the various analogue video inputs (comprising 4 each composite and s-video and 3 component video) (2) to route the chosen video signal to the HDMI board for processing (3) to provide one set of zone 1 video component video outputs (4) to provide one zone 2 video output (composite video, with its own OSD) from any of the 4 composite video signal inputs. The PCBs power supplies are +9VV and +5VV, generated from the three-terminal regulators IC88 and IC89 from the system’s +15VA supply on pin 1 of CN301. Pin 2 carries the system’s -15VA supply – this is unused on this PCB. Note that all video inputs are terminated with 75ohm resistors to ground close to the actual sockets. IC81 is a JRC NJW1321 – a wide bandwidth video switch with 4 inputs, 2 outputs and a 6dB amplifier. It is used to select between the 4 composite and 4 s-video inputs routed to the HDMI board and also to output any one of the 4 composite video inputs to the On-Screen Display Controller IC83. IC81 runs from the +9VV supply, consuming about 85mA so it gets quite hot. It is controlled by i2C commands on pins 15 and 16. IC82 is also an NJW1321. It selects between the 3 component video inputs and its fourth input is unused. Its Y, Cr, Cb outputs and the Y, C and CVBS outputs of IC81 are then AC coupled to IC84 – an NJM2566 6 way video amplifier/filter with 6dB gain, powered from the +5VV rail. Its outputs are also AC coupled and terminated with 75 ohm series resistors before being routed to CN301. IC86 is a hex inverter used to bμFfer the 3V3 logic level OSD control signals from the HDMI board and convert them to 5V level for IC83. This is a Sanyo LC74763 in a 30 pin SM package running from the +5VV rail. It has two crystal oscillators X801 (17.734MHz) and X802 (14.318MHz) to provide composite video outputs for both PAL and NTSC standards. IC86’s video input signal is AC coupled to and bμFfered by the emitter follower Q802 before pin 18. Similarly its output signal (which now includes an OSD) is bμFfered by the pnp transistor Q801 and AC coupled to the video amplifier/switch IC85 (NJM2244), used here purely as a composite video amplifier/ filter with 6dB gain. Its AC coupled output to the Z 2 OUT single phono socket JK85 is terminated with a 68 ohms series resistor. 6 5 4 3 2 1 FROM POWER TRANS CN94 4 GND 5 V DISP GND FRONT 3 Filament V(AC) 2 Filament V(AC) 1 CUP12326Z-1 R902 10 47/25V D901 4.3V 3.9V R903 D M_GND D902 D 0 6 5 2 1 M_GND C903 : 47uF/50V -> 47uF/25V C904 10 8.2K R910 2010.04.12 M_GND R909 Q901 C1027Y 40V 0.1uF 2010.04.12 C903 : 100uF/63V -> 47uF/63V 2EA 39P C912 C913 M_GND 3.3 10 M_GND RC901 0.022u R904 M_GND 3.3 F1 7 R901 F1 48 D916 IC 49 1N4003 IC 50 C902 C903 NC 51 0.022u TEST 57 CP 58 DO CS 52 61 DA VDD OSCO 53 LGND 54 DGND 56 55 62 CFLHCA16S202T OPEN CHGND R911 OPEN VDISP JW901 OPEN D909 F2 OPEN F2 R977 D908 C905 OPEN 0.022u C953 RESET FIP91 ESD 0.1uF 3.3K R924 R925 1 CN96 2 2 CN95 1 3 2 CN91 OPEN 47/63V C906 100K C907 47/63V C960 R905 0.01uF C908 13V 27V 47/63 D904 D903 47/63 C909 100K 47K 0.1uF 3 4 5 6 7 R929 R930 R989 S912 RED GREEN TO AMP BD R928 C107M M_GND Q902 M_GND 220 R978 Q903 D905 OPEN 0.01uF R980 C927 C107M G C107M R M_GND M_GND HIGH : PWR_ON(LED) LOW : STBY(LED) LED 330 R927 R979 R926 L.E.D STBY PWR ON Q912 HVTKRA107MT M_GND OPEN 3.3K 0.01uF 2.7K R981 1.8K C928 1.5K SWITCH Q913 S913 2 CUP12326Z-2 KSH1A001ZV 1 M_GND LED C 470P 8 C901 9 1 10 2 11 BN502 CWB4F032950UZ 12 IC901 13 10K HVITC74HCT7007F 14 M_GND STBY(LED) R917 8 KEY_INPUT_INT NJM4556AL A_GND 56K A_GND 4 100 10/50V B+INPUT + B- B-INPUT V- V+ B OUTPUT 3 2 FRONT AUX_R Q908 C107M HP_DETECT 1 FRONT AUX_R HP_L 56K 1K C934 6 7 4 C936 3.9K 330uF/10V A_GND 3 2 A_GND FRONT AUX_R Q909 C107M 8 RL902 5 R946 A_GND M_GND HP_RELAY_ON +5VD +5VD D_GND 1 F_OPT HP_R D_GND FRONT AUX_L R934 HP_R 8 FRONT AUX_L(MIC) Q905 C2874 C930 7 A_GND 680P HPR_OUT R938 6 RL901 56K R947 1K R942 R944 5 4 R945 56K 56K 56K J967 HP_GND HP_GND R943 B-INPUT -15V HP_GND 4.7K R988 3 MIC_RELAY_ON HP_GND HP_GND R936 V- A+INPUT A+ - 2 Q904 C2874 HP_GND FRONT AUX_L GND + B- 5 B+INPUT 6 A-INPUT A OUTPUT 7 B OUTPUT 8 C931 4.7K J966 C932 OPEN +15V 47/25V 47/25V R987 47/25V HP_L FRONT AUX_L(MIC) 3.9K 47/25V 100 R985 R935 IC904 R933 V+ R984 100 C959 1 HP_L 330uF/10V R941 C958 A_GND BN93 C935 680P C929 -15V -15V C933 A_GND 10/50V A+ 1 M_GND FRONT AUX_R HP_R OPEN HP_RELAY_ON TO HEADPHONE BD 2 R-CH 1 3 2 AUX_R 100 10K 4 L-CH 3 5 R965 MIC SIGNAL OUT MIC SIGNAL IN - 4 6 + 5 7 -15V 6 8 A_GND + - 7 IC902 B A=-Rout/Rin=-10K/1K=-10 A_GND 8 IC902 A=1+(Rout/Rin)=1+(3.9K/1K)=4.9 +15V HPL_OUT R937 470P 150P MIC SIGNAL -15V 100 9 HP_RELAY_ON A_GND R964 10 MIC_SIGNAL HP_RELAY_ON 4 C943 11 MIC_SIGNAL -15V 3 12 -15V 2 CWB1B01312047 +15V -15V 1 D906 +15V -15V R-CH L-CH D907 +15V 5 A+INPUT C944 10/50V C942 HPR_OUT 56K HP_GND 6 A-INPUT HPL_OUT HP_GND HPR_OUT R955 HPL_OUT A_GND A OUTPUT A_GND D_GND D_GND IC903 F_OPT D_GND 7 +15V NJM2068M D_GND F_OPT A_GND 470 R962 R957 MIC SIGNAL +5VD 0.047 -15V ST +5V D_GND 470 47P H/P MUTE +5VD R960 10K 13 HP_IN HP_IN HP_MUTE2 R961 C939 +15V 100 10/50V MIC_RELAY_ON MIC_IN R963 1K 1K IR_IN C940 R920 +15V C938 MIC SIGNAL IN 47/25V R919 C941 VFD_RST 1K 1K 47/25V VFD_RST R918 R959 VFD_DATA 100K VFD_CLK VFD_DATA/Z2 OSD DATA 10K VFD_CS VFD_CLK/Z2 OSD CLK 2.2K KEY2 VFD_CS R958 KEY1 KEY2 R956 KEY1 1.5K VOL_EN2 C937 R932 VOL_EN1 R948 14 12 10 8 6 4 FAN M_GND VOL+ S911 VOL- S910 S909 MUTE S908 ZONE DISPLAY 1K AUX_L 2 GND OPEN 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 16 17 15 13 11 9 7 FAN S906 MODE S905 INFO S904 S903 OK S902 INPUT+ S901 MENU INPUT- 2.7K R923 M_GND 5 GND STBY+5V S907 DIRECT C921 Q907 HVTKRA107MT KEY_INPUT_INT 1.8K R922 1000P KEY_2 1.25mm Angle FFC 1.5K M_GND M_GND CN101 1K R921 C920 1000P Q906 HVTKRA107MT 3 FAN GND M_GND C 1 VFD_RST R916 4.7 C919 C926 10/16V C925 R912 KEY_1 TO INPUT BD VFD_CS 47 R915 4.7 R931 M_GND B R914 47 M_GND VFD_CLK 47 CUP12326Z-3 FAN FROM FAN D917 ST+5V 1.2K VFD_DATA 47 R913 +5VD_SYS M_GND R907 1000P C910 C918 0.01uF 1000P C911 1000P C917 1 100/16V 150P C922 C924 OPEN R986 REMOTE_IN 0.1uF C916 +5VD R908 3 0.1uF Vcc 2 100/16V C914 GND 1 C957 C915 VOUT FROM AMP BD R906 Q911 A107M MIC_RELAY_ON REVISION M_GND 1 Q910 A107M A HP_IN D_GND F_OPT D_GND M_GND MP 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL AVR400 DESIGN CHECK APPROVE DRAWING NO J.I.H L.J.H S.H.S 2326SCMZ 10.11.17 10.11.17 10.11.17 (FRONT) A SHEET 1 15 1 1 5 4 PVDD_1V8_3014 C111 C104 C105 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C138 10uF/6.3V Worst Measured Currents 24.3mA L802 +1.8VH2 0.1uF_NC #12: Added Pull-down 500 ohm R604 R618 R605 0 DVDD_1V8_3014 R606 R619 0 10K R866 10K 100 100 79 78 73 TXAVDD 55 CVIADV3014BSTZ 127 DDCB_SDA TX1+ 54 TX1- 53 129 CVDD TXGND 52 130 CGND TX0+ 51 128 DDCB_SCL TX0- 50 TXGND 49 133 TVDD TXC+ 48 134 RXB_0- TXC- 47 131 RXB_C132 RXB_C+ TXGND 46 TXAVDD 45 TXDDC_SCL 44 TXDDC_SDA 43 TEST0 42 HP_TX 41 EXT_SWING 40 135 RXB_0+ 136 CGND 137 RXB_1HP_CTRLC 5V_DETC DDCC_SDA RXD_2- RXD_2+ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 38 37 34 35 HDMI1_D2+ 57 HDMI1_D2- 56 TXAVDD_1V8_3014 55 HDMI1_D1+ 54 HDMI1_D1- 53 52 HDMI1_D0+ 51 HDMI1_D0- 50 +5VH1 49 HDMI1_CK+ 48 HDMI1_CK- 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 TXPLVDD_1V8_3014 TXPVDD_1V8_3014 CVDD_1V8_3014 TVDD_3V3_3014 17 14 15 16 DVDD_1V8_3014 1K R631 R647 47K 18 100 47K B 13 CEC 11 9 7 5 6 5 HDMI3_D2+ 2 3 4 HDMI3_D1+ HDMI3_D2- R652 R654 0.1uF 3 9 8 7 HDMI3_D0+ HDMI3_D1- INPUT-5 10 HDMI3_CK+ HDMI3_D0- 22K C146 1 11 12 HDMI3_CK- TMDS Signal Amplitude Circuit Q910 KRC103S R646 HDMI_HPD1 12 13 #7: Added pull-up HP DET +5V GND DDC DATA DDC CLK NC CE REMOTE CKD1 SHIELD CK+ D0D1 SHIELD D0+ D1D2 SHIELD D1+ D2D2 SHIELD D2+ 0 10 14 15 HDMI3_DDC_SCL R615 HDMI1_DDC_SCL HDMI1_DDC_SDA 8 HDMI3_DDC_SDA 0 6 R633 10K_NC 0 R608 4 47K 16 R656 R622 2 17 0.1uF 19 PWR3 100 C148 JK96 R661 18 R634 R650 HDMI_HPD3 22K 10K 58 #21: HPD Part 1K 1K R639 1K 47K R635 19 R638 1 JK93 INPUT-2 B HP DET +5V GND DDC DATA DDC CLK NC CE REMOTE CKD1 SHIELD CK+ D0D1 SHIELD D0+ D1D2 SHIELD D1+ D2D2 SHIELD D2+ Q909 KRA102S R616 59 Q908 KRA102S Q901 KRC103S R601 60 36 TVDD 11 35 RXD_1+ 10 34 RXD_1- 9 33 CGND 8 32 RXD_0+ CVDD CGND TXPVDD RXD_0- 7 28 6 27 TVDD 5 26 RXD_C+ 4 25 3 39 RXD_C- 2 24 1 1 23 144 TXPLGND TXPGND TXPLVDD CGND 143 22 142 CVDD 141 RXB_2+ 31 140 RXB_2- 30 139 TVDD 29 138 RXB_1+ DVDD_1V8_3014 61 To : ADV7844 HDIM Input port 126 DVDD 62 2.2K 56 C 63 2.2K TX2- 64 R609 57 65 2.2K 58 66 R623 59 TX2+ 67 R878 CEC TXGND 10K_NC 63 R617 CSB 10K_NC 64 10K 65 R602 EP_CS EP_SCK 68 10K 66 69 R865 67 1K(1%) 68 70 8.2K(1%) 69 TEST1 EP_MOSI DVDDIO_3V3_3014 71 R621 TEST2 EP_MISO DVDDIO_3V3_3014 72 R607 74 75 77 76 TEST7 TEST8 SDATA 80 TEST6 TEST5 DVDDIO SCL DVDD DGND 81 83 84 82 INT INT2 DGNDDIO INT_TX 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 86 DVDDIO TEST9 TEST10 TEST11 TEST12 TEST13 DVDD DGND TEST14 96 97 95 TEST15 TEST16 RESETB PWRDNB PGND XTAL PVDD XTAL1 98 99 100 101 102 104 105 106 103 PVDD PGND HP_CTRLA DDCA_SDA RTERM 5V_DETA 125 DGND 21 144 70 IC901 DDCD_SCL 143 124 5V_DETB 20 R857 : Front HDMI don`t used #21: HPD Part 71 123 HP_CTRLB DDCD_SDA 142 72 122 RXA_2+ 19 141 73 60 DVDD 140 74 DGND DGND 139 75 121 RXA_2- 5V_DETD 138 76 HP_CTRLD 137 77 61 18 136 78 62 17 135 79 ALSB 16 134 80 DVDD 15 133 81 RXC_2+ 132 23 82 RXC_2- 131 22 83 TVDD 130 84 RXC_1+ 21 85 120 TVDD 14 129 86 119 RXA_1+ 13 128 19 87 118 RXA_1- 12 127 88 117 CGND 11 126 17 10K 19 21 125 89 RXC_1- DVDD_1V8_3014 116 RXA_0+ 10 15 90 CGND 124 91 RXC_0+ 123 92 RXC_0- 13 122 13 115 RXA_0- 9 121 93 DGNDIO TEST4 TEST3 8 11 120 11 94 DDCA_SCL CVDD CGND 7 119 95 TVDD 9 114 TVDD 6 118 96 RXC_C+ 0_NC 113 RXA_C+ 5 117 97 DDCC_SCL CVDD CGND R858 112 RXA_C- 98 RXC_C- 116 7 20 23 107 108 R645 1K_NC 47K_NC 111 4 9 115 110 3 1K_NC 47K_NC L866 9R005Z_NC R640 0.1uF_NC C149 114 100_NC 109 2 5 7 8 D2 SHIELD 113 R644 R641 18 20 3 2 HDMI2_D2+ 22K_NC R642 5 112 16 22 5 4 HDMI2_D1+ HDMI2_D2- 111 14 18 6 HDMI2_D1- 109 110 R857 9 8 7 HDMI2_D0+ 10K 12 15 10 HDMI2_CK+ HDMI2_D0- 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 R603 Q911KRC103S_NC 10 17 11 12 HDMI2_CK- CEC #21: HPD Part 8 10 13 #7: Added pull-up FRONT_HDMI 14 15 HDMI2_DDC_SCL R643 3 4 6 HDMI2_DDC_SDA 3 6 12 10K_NC 47K TXEN 4 14 17 0.1uF 16 C151 PWR2 100 1 2 16 19 18 R657 R632 R655 Q912KRA102S_NC CN63 2 TX_EN HP DET CE REMOTE DDC DATA DDC CLK +5V +5VA +3.3VA +3.3VA GND CK SHIELD CKCK+ D1 SHIELD D0D0+ D1 SHIELD D1D1+ D2 SHIELD D2D2+ +5VA +3.3VH2 9R005Z_NC L865 1K R660 HDMI_HPD2 22K R659 1 JK94 INPUT-3 C HP DET +5V GND DDC DATA DDC CLK NC CE REMOTE CKD1 SHIELD CK+ D0D1 SHIELD D0+ D1D2 SHIELD D1+ D2D2 SHIELD D2+ Q902 KRC103S R636 R658 1K 47K Q903 KRA102S R613 R612 DVDDIO_3V3_3014 Option : Front HDMI Input port 1 CJP23GB210ZY NC #21: HPD Part R867 0 47P C143 0 R620 0 2.2K 47P C145 PVDD_1V8_3014 1K(1%) X901 1K(1%) R611 28.6363MHz R610 HDMI_SDA ADV3014_INT HDMI_SCL DVDDIO_3V3_3014 C144 ADV3014_INT2 R614 2.2K DVDDIO_3V3_3014 ADV3014_INT_TX C101 C103 C141 C114 C127 25V/0.01UF 9R005Z 25V/0.01UF C136 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C129 C132 10uF/6.3V 0.1uF / 16V C118 C112 C137 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C139 10uF/6.3V Worst Measured Currents 4.33mA L801 +1.8VH2 D TXPLVDD_1V8_3014 9R005Z C142 C128 0.1uF / 16V C124 C130 25V/0.01UF 0.1uF / 16V C123 C126 25V/0.01UF C106 C125 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C102 C109 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C121 10uF/6.3V 0.1uF / 16V C133 C135 25V/0.01UF C110 C134 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF Worst Measured Currents 2.3mA 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V 9R005Z L804 C140 +3.3VH2 9R005Z TXPVDD_1V8_3014 DVDDIO_3V3_3014 Worst Measured Currents 238mA L806 0.1uF / 16V +3.3VH2 0.1uF / 16V C107 C108 TVDD_3V3_3014 25V/0.01UF C120 10uF/6.3V C117 C131 25V/0.01UF C115 C122 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C113 C116 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C119 10uF/6.3V 0.1uF / 16V D 1 1.8V Total : 904.33mA 3.3V Total : 240.3mA Worst Measured Currents 22.7mA L807 +1.8VH2 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V 9R005Z 9R005Z TXAVDD_1V8_3014 Worst Measured Currents 35mA L808 +1.8VH2 10uF/6.3V Worst Measured Currents 390mA L805 10uF/6.3V +1.8VH2 0.1uF / 16V Worst Measured Currents 428mA 0.1uF / 16V DVDD_1V8_3014 CVDD_1V8_3014 L803 2 CUP12328Z ADV7844 Worst Measured Currents ADV3014 Decoupling Capacitor +1.8VH2 3 ADV3014_RESET 6 CEC #21: HPD Part Q905 KRA102S HDMI4_D2+ 1K 0.1uF 100 47K 15 16 17 1K R637 R626 18 19 R627 47K HDMI4_D2- 2 3 13 CEC 11 REVISION 2 4 6 3 5 7 9 1 7 5 4 HDMI4_D1+ 3 5 6 HDMI4_D1- 1 9 HDMI4_D0+ 8 HDMI4_D0- 7 10 HDMI4_CK+ INPUT-4 11 12 HDMI4_CK- R648 R625 C150 14 #7: Added pull-up 22K R649 12 HDMI4_DDC_SCL HP DET +5V GND DDC DATA DDC CLK NC CE REMOTE CKD1 SHIELD CK+ D0D1 SHIELD D0+ D1D2 SHIELD D1+ D2D2 SHIELD D2+ 10 HDMI4_DDC_SDA Q904 KRC103S 8 R651 10K_NC #21: HPD Part 6 47K 4 17 16 R628 15 14 13 PWR4 100 0.1uF 2 R629 C147 JK95 R653 R662 HDMI_HPD4 22K 18 19 R630 1 JK92 INPUT-1 A HP DET +5V GND DDC DATA DDC CLK NC CE REMOTE CKD1 SHIELD CK+ D0D1 SHIELD D0+ D1D2 SHIELD D1+ D2D2 SHIELD D2+ 1K 47K R624 1K Q907 KRA102S Q906 KRC103S MP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL AVR400 DESIGN CHECK APPROVE S.K L.J.H S.H.S 10.11.16 10.11.16 10.11.16 A SHEET 6 15 DRAWING NO HDMI INPUT 1 5 4 V3 DVDDIO_3.3V R692 R707 0 4.7K C6 PWRDN1 C7 PWRDN2 0.1uF / 16V C252 8 7 6 3 2 1 5 4 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 5 66 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 52 53 54 51 50 49 48 47 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 46 45 3 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 5 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 4 3 2 1 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 3 2 1 14 4 7 6 7 7 6 5 7 HD_DG05 6 HD_DG06 5 HD_DG07 8 HD_DG08 7 HD_DG09 6 HD_DG10 4 8 7 HD_DR01 6 HD_DR02 5 RED_RX03 3 RED_RX02 HD_DR00 2 RED_RX01 1 RED_RX00 HD_DR03 4 8 HD_DR04 7 HD_DR05 6 HD_DR06 5 RED_RX07 3 RED_RX06 2 RED_RX05 1 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN12 RED_RX04 HD_DR07 8 HD_DR09 HD_DR10 5 7 1 4 RED_RX11 3 2 A2 HD_DR08 6 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN31 RED_RX08 HD_DR11 CRJ10DJ330T RN26 R705 1 2 RN22 B2 D6 J3 MCLK R4 R672 0 T4 R670 0 ADV7844_INT HDMI_MUTE F3 BLUE:12bit HD_DG11 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN27 RED:08bit 1 GREEN_RX11 5 GREEN_RX10 4 GREEN_RX09 3 GREEN_RX08 2 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN16 HDMI 24/30/36Bit TTL Output 8 HD_DG04 GREEN:12bit 4 GREEN_RX07 3 GREEN_RX06 RED:12bit 5 HD_DG03 2 GREEN_RX05 GREEN:10bit 6 HD_DG02 1 GREEN_RX04 RED:10bit 8 7 HD_DG01 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN21 GREEN:08bit 4 3 GREEN_RX03 2 GREEN_RX02 BLUE:10bit 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 HD_DB11 HD_DG00 1 GREEN_RX01 C HD_DB10 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN17 GREEN_RX00 BLUE:08bit 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 HD_DB09 5 BLUE_RX11 HD_DB08 3 BLUE_RX10 2 BLUE_RX09 HDMI_RX HD_DB07 1 BLUE_RX08 HDMI_RX J21 R3 G11 G12 T3 TEST5 TEST4 TEST3 TEST1 TEST2 AA21 AB4 AA20 Y21 W3 AC4 NC_10 NC_09 NC_08 NC_07 NC_05 NC_06 B16 H23 NC_04 H22 A16 NC_01 NC_02 NC_03 Y6 Y18 AA6 AA18 AB12 AB18 AC12 AC18 VDD_SDRAM_01 VDD_SDRAM_02 VDD_SDRAM_03 VDD_SDRAM_04 VDD_SDRAM_05 VDD_SDRAM_06 VDD_SDRAM_07 VDD_SDRAM_08 E1 E2 L1 L2 U1 U2 U3 U4 AB6 AC6 DVDDIO_01 DVDDIO_02 DVDDIO_03 DVDDIO_04 DVDDIO_05 DVDDIO_06 DVDDIO_07 DVDDIO_08 DVDDIO_09 DVDDIO_10 K7 L7 M7 N7 P7 R7 T7 U7 U8 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 VDD_01 VDD_02 VDD_03 VDD_04 VDD_05 VDD_06 VDD_07 VDD_08 VDD_09 VDD_10 VDD_11 VDD_12 VDD_13 VDD_14 VDD_15 A5 A11 A17 B5 B11 B17 C5 C11 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 D5 D11 D21 TVDD_01 TVDD_02 TVDD_03 TVDD_04 TVDD_05 TVDD_06 TVDD_07 TVDD_08 TVDD_09 TVDD_10 TVDD_11 TVDD_12 TVDD_13 TVDD_14 TVDD_15 TVDD_16 TVDD_17 K20 PVDD_01 J20 PVDD_02 E21 F21 G15 G16 G17 G21 H15 H16 H17 H21 CVDD_01 CVDD_02 CVDD_03 CVDD_04 CVDD_05 CVDD_06 CVDD_07 CVDD_08 CVDD_09 CVDD_10 N20 N21 N22 N23 P20 P21 W20 W21 W22 W23 RESET A4 HD_DE HD_HSYNC HD_VSYNC Sync & Control B 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W +3.3VH2 F4 G3 In case of PCM G4 AA3 AA4 AA5 AA19 AA12 AB5 AB19 AB23 AC1 AC5 AC19 AC23 RN32 MCLK SCLK LRCLK SPDIF SDATA3 SDATA2 SDATA1 SDATA0 +3.3VH2 IC905 74FCT38072DCGI I2S0 FL/FR I2S1 SUB/CEN I2S2 SL/SR I2S3 SBL/SBR 1-TO-2 CLOCK DRIVER OUT R685 HD_VCLK1 33 IN RN13 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W OUT 33 HD_VCLK2 R691 100K 1K GND_132 GND_133 GND_134 GND_135 GND_136 GND_137 GND_138 GND_139 GND_140 GND_141 GND_142 GND_143 A5 100K R693 P3 SCL P4 SDA C211 22 22 EP_SCK H4 TTX_SCL H3 TTX_SDA A1 A23 B23 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 E3 E4 G7 G8 G9 G10 G13 G14 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 J7 J8 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15 J16 J17 J22 J23 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 K17 K21 L3 L4 4.7K 4.7K DVDDIO_3.3V R696 ADV7844_RESET R688 0.1uF / 16V R682 HDMI_SCL HDMI_SDA R694 V-GND G20 VGA_SCL H20 VGA_SDA A6 R884 10K 51 R690 51 R714 V-GND R668 10K HD_DB06 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN30 RED_RX10 SPDIF SDATA0 SDATA1 SDATA2 SDATA3 LRCLK EP_CS HD_DB05 B1 J4 AP0 N4 AP1 N3 AP2 M4 AP3 M3 AP4 K3 AP5 EP_MISO HD_DB04 RED_RX09 SCLK EP_MOSI AVLINK A8 A7 R883 V4 T903 BLUE_RX07 8 T905 R664 AOUT BLUE_RX06 V1 K4 SCLK HD_DB03 7 0.1uF / 16V INT2 HD_DB02 6 C262 INT1 BLUE_RX05 BLUE_RX00 BLUE_RX01 BLUE_RX02 BLUE_RX03 BLUE_RX04 BLUE_RX05 BLUE_RX06 BLUE_RX07 BLUE_RX08 BLUE_RX09 BLUE_RX10 BLUE_RX11 GREEN_RX00 GREEN_RX01 GREEN_RX02 GREEN_RX03 GREEN_RX04 GREEN_RX05 GREEN_RX06 GREEN_RX07 GREEN_RX08 GREEN_RX09 GREEN_RX10 GREEN_RX11 RED_RX00 RED_RX01 RED_RX02 RED_RX03 RED_RX04 RED_RX05 RED_RX06 RED_RX07 RED_RX08 RED_RX09 RED_RX10 RED_RX11 HD_DB01 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN25 5 24 MCLK BLUE_RX04 HD_DB00 1 R698 SYNC_OUT V20 TRI1 V21 TRI2 U21 TRI3 U20 TRI4 T909 A9 A4 2 SV_C_THRU T907 CKE A11 VSS 3 0.1uF / 16V A5 CK CK 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 4 C240 VDD 33 33ohm RN10 (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W C180 24 A3 A6 25V/0.01UF T911 R679 A2 A8 A7 33 R711 0 L812 V-GND V-GND V-GND SV_Y_THRU VS/FIELD FIELD/DE AB20 SYNC1 AA22 SYNC2 V22 SYNC3 R22 SYNC4 Y20 A1 A9 R674 270 R689 9R005Z R700 1M_NC A0 A11 C168 R671 1M_NC A10/AP NC A12 0.1uF / 16V Option BA1 4.7K R677 5 1000P 51 51 R663 51 R667 R678 B HS/CS AB21 HS_IN1/TRI5 AB22 VS_IN1/TRI6 R20 HS_IN2/TRI7 R21 VS_IN2/TRI8 0.1uF / 16V BA0 CKE 6 C190 NC R710 7 C157 24 LLC GND_54 GND_55 GND_56 GND_57 GND_58 GND_59 GND_60 GND_61 GND_62 GND_63 GND_64 GND_65 GND_66 GND_67 GND_68 GND_69 GND_70 GND_71 GND_72 GND_73 GND_74 GND_75 GND_76 GND_77 GND_78 GND_79 GND_80 GND_81 GND_82 GND_83 GND_84 GND_85 GND_86 GND_87 GND_88 GND_89 GND_90 GND_91 GND_92 GND_93 GND_94 GND_95 GND_96 GND_97 GND_98 GND_99 GND_100 GND_101 GND_102 GND_103 GND_104 GND_105 GND_106 GND_107 GND_108 GND_109 GND_110 GND_111 GND_112 GND_113 GND_114 GND_115 GND_116 GND_117 GND_118 GND_119 GND_120 GND_121 GND_122 GND_123 GND_124 GND_125 GND_126 GND_127 GND_128 GND_129 GND_130 GND_131 R684 IPOD_Y/SC /CS CK 8 24 /RAS UDQS 33 1 0.1uF / 16V AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 AIN11 AIN12 DQ15 DQ14 DQ13 DQ12 DQ11 DQ10 DQ9 DQ8 DQ7 DQ6 DQ5 DQ4 DQ3 DQ2 DQ1 DQ0 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 C1 C2 D1 D2 F2 F1 G2 G1 H2 H1 J2 J1 K2 K1 M2 M1 N2 N1 P1 P2 R1 R2 T1 T2 V2 W1 W2 Y1 Y2 AA1 AA2 AB1 AB2 AC2 AB3 AC3 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L20 L21 L22 L23 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M20 M21 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T20 T21 T22 T23 U15 U16 U17 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y12 Y19 IPOD_PR/SY C265 UDM /CK /WE R703 DDR_VREF 2 C182 0.1uF / 16V VSS LDM 3 AC20 AC21 AC22 AA23 Y22 Y23 V23 U23 U22 R23 P22 P23 DNU 4 R702 K22 XTALN K23 XTALP 24 R704 SPDIF_IN M23 REFP M22 REFN R680 VREF 10K W4 NC VDD /CAS RN29 R709 T919 1M_NC X902 27P 51 R715 C199 SD to I/P Converter A4 E2_RX+ B4 E2_RXA3 E2_TX+ B3 E2_TX- T917 0 V-GND R699 22P T915 T902 28.63636MHz 0.1uF / 16V 24 IPOD_PB/CVBS C209 C210 R665 CVBS_THRU T901 0.1uF / 16V HDMI Processor & ADC & Decoder C4 E1_RX+ D4 E1_RXC3 E1_TX+ D3 E1_TX- T912 BLUE_RX03 5 C155 V-GND T918 C253 10uF/6.3V 51 R697 0.1uF / 16V T908 BLUE_RX02 BA1 BA0 6 C167 0.1uF / 16V 24 T916 T904 Y7 AC9 AA7 AB7 AC7 Y8 AA8 AB8 AC8 Y9 AA9 AB9 CS 7 C241 B22 HEAC_1+ A22 HEAC_1B10 HEAC_2+ A10 HEAC_2- NC NC DQ8 D C224 8 T914 V-GND ADV7844 P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 Y15 AC15 AB15 AA15 Y16 AC16 AB16 AA16 AA11 Y13 AA13 AB13 AC13 Y14 AA14 AB14 BLUE_RX01 5 51 R713 T906 T910 R706 CEC D12 RXA_5V D9 RXB_5V C10 RXC_5V C9 RXD_5V 0.1uF / 16V 24 SDRAM_A11 SDRAM_A10 SDRAM_A9 SDRAM_A8 SDRAM_A7 SDRAM_A6 SDRAM_A5 SDRAM_A4 SDRAM_A3 SDRAM_A2 SDRAM_A1 SDRAM_A0 D13 HPA_A D10 HPA_B D8 HPA_C C8 HPA_D LDQS UDQS DQ9 6 C226 R686 Y10 AB10 SDRAM_BA1 AC10 SDRAM_BA0 SDRAM_DQ15 SDRAM_DQ14 SDRAM_DQ13 SDRAM_DQ12 SDRAM_DQ11 SDRAM_DQ10 SDRAM_DQ9 SDRAM_DQ8 SDRAM_DQ7 SDRAM_DQ6 SDRAM_DQ5 SDRAM_DQ4 SDRAM_DQ3 SDRAM_DQ2 SDRAM_DQ1 SDRAM_DQ0 BLUE_RX00 7 HDMI_HPD1 HDMI_HPD2 HDMI_HPD3 HDMI_HPD4 VDDQ VSSQ DQ10 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W WE CAS RAS 8 51 V-GND R695 PWR1 PWR2 PWR3 PWR4 D7 0_NC NC 0.1uF / 16V DQ11 HDMI_I2S 0.1uF / 16V 24 R676 CEC SDRAM_CS RXD_0+ RXD_0RXD_1+ RXD_1RXD_2+ RXD_2RXD_C+ RXD_CDDCD_SCL DDCD_SDA DQ7 DQ8 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN15 UDQS LDQS AC11 1 C247 SDRAM_WE 2 B8 A8 B7 A7 B6 A6 B9 A9 D15 D14 DQ9 DQ6 VSSQ VDDQ DQ12 RN24 C238 CKE AB11 SDRAM_CAS AA10 SDRAM_RAS RXC_0+ RXC_0RXC_1+ RXC_1RXC_2+ RXC_2RXC_C+ RXC_CDDCC_SCL DDCC_SDA DQ10 DQ13 CK CK 3 HDMI4_D0+ HDMI4_D0HDMI4_D1+ HDMI4_D1HDMI4_D2+ HDMI4_D2HDMI4_CK+ HDMI4_CKHDMI4_DDC_SCL HDMI4_DDC_SDA Y17 AA17 SDRAM_CK AB17 SDRAM_CK 4 B14 A14 B13 A13 B12 A12 B15 A15 D17 D16 SDRAM_CKE AC17 SDRAM_UDQS Y11 SDRAM_LDQS RXB_0+ RXB_0RXB_1+ RXB_1RXB_2+ RXB_2RXB_C+ RXB_CDDCB_SCL DDCB_SDA DQ11 0.1uF / 16V DQ15 DQ14 AC14 1 HDMI3_D0+ HDMI3_D0HDMI3_D1+ HDMI3_D1HDMI3_D2+ HDMI3_D2HDMI3_CK+ HDMI3_CKHDMI3_DDC_SCL HDMI3_DDC_SDA SDRAM_VREF 2 B20 A20 B19 A19 B18 A18 B21 A21 D20 D19 RXA_0+ RXA_0RXA_1+ RXA_1RXA_2+ RXA_2RXA_C+ RXA_CDDCA_SCL DDCA_SDA DQ5 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W C166 3 R701 1M_NC HDMI2_D0+ HDMI2_D0HDMI2_D1+ HDMI2_D1HDMI2_D2+ HDMI2_D2HDMI2_CK+ HDMI2_CKHDMI2_DDC_SCL HDMI2_DDC_SDA RTERM 0.1uF / 16V RN11 4 R708 1M_NC F22 F23 E22 E23 D22 D23 G22 G23 F20 E20 A2 A3 DDR_VREF HDMI_I2S 1000P 1K HDMI1_D0+ HDMI1_D0HDMI1_D1+ HDMI1_D1HDMI1_D2+ HDMI1_D2HDMI1_CK+ HDMI1_CKHDMI1_DDC_SCL HDMI1_DDC_SDA GND_01 GND_02 GND_03 GND_04 GND_05 GND_06 GND_07 GND_08 GND_09 GND_10 GND_11 GND_12 GND_13 GND_14 GND_15 GND_16 GND_17 GND_18 GND_19 GND_20 GND_21 GND_22 GND_23 GND_24 GND_25 GND_26 GND_27 GND_28 GND_29 GND_30 GND_31 GND_32 GND_33 GND_34 GND_35 GND_36 GND_37 GND_38 GND_40 GND_41 GND_42 GND_43 GND_44 GND_45 GND_46 GND_47 GND_48 GND_49 GND_50 GND_51 GND_52 C242 D18 AVDD_01 AVDD_02 AVDD_03 AVDD_04 AVDD_05 AVDD_06 AVDD_07 AVDD_08 AVDD_09 AVDD_10 from : ADV3014 HDMI Out 1K R681 Option R712 COM_PB_THRU 6 A0 A1 R687 COM_PR_THRU 5 33ohm (1005SIZERN28 X 4),1/16W +2.5V_DVDDIO_SDRAM 4 DVDDIO_3.3V 3 DVDD_1.8V TVDD_3.3V 2 PVDD_1.8V 1 CVDD_1.8V 8 22/6.3V C186 C216 0.1uF / 16V C229 0.1uF / 16V AVDD_1.8V IC902 COM_Y_THRU 5 CS BA1 CVIADV7844KBCZ Option R675 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W BA0 C C263 4.7K A10 9R005Z C260 RN19 Worst Measured Currents 90mA(20%:108mA) L810 VDDQ VSSQ 15 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V RAS PVDD_1.8V +1.8VH2 DQ4 DQ13 DQ12 16 8 WE CAS 8 22/6.3V C160 C235 0.1uF / 16V C246 0.1uF / 16V C191 0.1uF / 16V C212 0.1uF / 16V C213 0.1uF / 16V C221 C156 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C175 0.1uF / 16V C184 0.1uF / 16V C187 9R005Z LDQS 1.8V Total : 1340mA(20%: 1608mA 2.5V Total : 100mA(20%: 120mA) 3.3V Total : 450mA(20%: 540mA) L809 0.1uF / 16V +1.8VH2 DQ3 DQ14 17 RN18 ADV7844 Worst Measured Currents Worst Measured Currents 420mA(20%:504mA) VSSQ VDDQ VSS DQ15 18 3 2 6 5 C266 C245 10/16V C222 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C223 0.1uF / 16V C234 0.1uF / 16V C237 0.1uF / 16V C244 0.1uF / 16V C250 0.1uF / 16V C257 0.1uF / 16V C264 C158 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C163 0.1uF / 16V C171 0.1uF / 16V C183 0.1uF / 16V C196 0.1uF / 16V C203 0.1uF / 16V C204 DQ7 C258 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W CVDD_1.8V DQ2 0.1uF / 16V 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V C220 4 DQ5 DQ6 0.1uF / 16V C162 DQ4 L816 22/6.3V C230 0.1uF / 16V C173 0.1uF / 16V C174 0.1uF / 16V C189 0.1uF / 16V C194 0.1uF / 16V C202 0.1uF / 16V C214 0.1uF / 16V C219 0.1uF / 16V C227 0.1uF / 16V C233 0.1uF / 16V C243 0.1uF / 16V C248 0.1uF / 16V C249 0.1uF / 16V C256 0.1uF / 16V 22/6.3V 22/6.3V C185 C152 22/6.3V C159 9R005Z Worst Measured Currents 260mA(20%:312mA) +3.3VH2 1 Worst Measured Currents 590mA(20%:708mA) 8 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 7 DVDD_1.8V L815 DQ1 7 C254 RN23 +1.8VH2 VDDQ VSSQ 8 3 7 5 DQ3 D DQ0 0.1uF / 16V DQ2 TVDD_3.3V VDD 9 4 8 C231 10 0.1uF / 16V 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W DQ1 10/16V C177 +2.5V_DVDDIO_SDRAM IC904 CVIA3S56D40FTPG5 C207 R666 CUP12328Z Worst Measured Currents 250mA(20%:290mA) DQ0 C261 10/16V 1K(1%) 0.1uF / 16V C205 C197 10/16V 0.1uF / 16V C198 0.1uF / 16V C178 0.1uF / 16V C179 0.1uF / 16V C192 0.1uF / 16V C200 0.1uF / 16V 1K(1%) 1 2 DDR_VREF +2.5V_DVDDIO_SDRAM R669 C208 C161 10/16V 0.1uF / 16V C169 0.1uF / 16V C172 0.1uF / 16V C181 0.1uF / 16V C188 0.1uF / 16V C193 0.1uF / 16V C201 0.1uF / 16V C218 0.1uF / 16V C232 0.1uF / 16V C255 0.1uF / 16V C259 22/6.3V C153 0.1uF / 16V C267 0.1uF / 16V C154 0.1uF / 16V C165 0.1uF / 16V C176 0.1uF / 16V C195 0.1uF / 16V C225 0.1uF / 16V C236 0.1uF / 16V C239 0.1uF / 16V C251 Worst Measured Currents 100mA(20%:120mA) L811 +2.5VH2 L813 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V C217 +3.3VH2 L814 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V +1.8VH2 +2.5V_DVDDIO_SDRAM Worst Measured Currents 190mA(20%:228mA) Worst Measured Currents 240mA(20%:288mA) 2 6 DVDDIO_3.3V AVDD_1.8V 3 1 5 0.1uF / 16V C164 6 Q913 KRC103S 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W ON : HIGH 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Y8 GND A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 OE2 A1 VCC OE1 HDMI_AUDIO_ON 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IC903 +3.3VH2 C206 REVISION HDMI_SDATA3 HDMI_SDATA2 1 8 7 6 5 1 09.03.18 Added : 100K ohm 100K_NC 100K R683 R673 I2S HDMI RX to DSP HDMI_SCLK 5 2 HDMI_LRCK 6 3 HDMI_MCLK 7 4 HDMI_SPDIF 8 22X4 1 RN20 2 RN14 3 HDMI_SDATA0 MP 4 HDMI_SDATA1 A 22X4 0.1uF +3.3VH2 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL AVR400 DESIGN CHECK APPROVE S.K L.J.H S.H.S 10.11.16 10.11.16 10.11.16 A SHEET 7 15 DRAWING NO HDMI RX & Decoder 2 5 +3.3VH1 L832 Worst Measured Currents 9.8mA(Max:10.5mA) +3.3V_PLL 9R005Z C383 Worst Measured Currents 25mA(Max:26mA) C322 C356 Worst Measured Currents 0.5mA(Max0.6mA) +1.8V_PLL L829 0.1uF / 16V +1.8VH1 9R005Z Worst Measured Currents 15mA(Max:16mA) 0.1uF / 16V C283 0.1uF / 16V C288 C280 C392 0.1uF / 16V C386 0.1uF / 16V C380 0.1uF / 16V +1.8V_DLL L817 9R005Z 10/16V C301 +1.8VH1 0.1uF / 16V Worst Measured Currents +1.8V_ADC 43mA(Max:45mA) L819 0.1uF / 16V +1.8VH1 9R005Z C287 0.1uF / 16V C362 10/16V C369 0.1uF / 16V C355 0.1uF / 16V C379 0.1uF / 16V C391 25V/0.01UF 0.1uF / 16V C393 C390 C352 0.1uF / 16V C340 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C337 C357 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C308 C316 0.1uF / 16V C302 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C330 C297 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF C323 Worst Measured Currents +3.3V_LVDS 69mA(Max:83mA) L820 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V +3.3VH1 1 22/6.3V C275 L825 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V +3.3VH1 Worst Measured Currents 11mA(Max:12mA) +3.3V_LVDS_PLL 10/16V C370 +2.5V_DDR FSVREF FSVREF 2 Worst Measured Currents 385mA(Max:412mA) L827 C296 C334 C394 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C388 0.1uF / 16V C382 C384 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C372 C378 0.1uF / 16V C367 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C354 C359 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C339 C345 0.1uF / 16V C332 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C290 C325 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C277 C285 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C333 C387 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C371 C381 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C358 C366 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C344 C353 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C331 C338 0.1uF / 16V C324 0.1uF / 16V C317 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C303 C309 22/6.3V 0.1uF / 16V C328 C320 22/6.3V L824 +3.3V_LBADC +2.5VH1 L821 9R005Z 25V/0.01UF +3.3VH1 10/16V C289 +3.3V_IO 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V Worst Measured Currents 24mA(Max:24mA) +3.3VH1 L826 C349 +1.8V_CORE 3 10/16V C375 Worst Measured Currents 1850mA(Max:1925mA) 4 10/16V C269 L822 10/16V C271 +1.8VH1 5 0.1uF / 16V 6 0.1uF / 16V C348 R754 10K(1%) C385 22/6.3V C346 0.1uF / 16V 25V/0.01UF 0.1uF / 16V C298 10/16V C270 C329 15 VDDQ VSSQ 16 LDQS UDQS 17 NC 18 VDD VREF 19 DNU VSS 48 LDM UDM 47 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 5 59 8 7 6 58 33 3 57 56 55 54 53 52 FSDATAU23 4 FSDQSU2 FSDQMU2 49 FSVREF R743 25 NC 42 FDADDR12 26 BA0 A11 41 FDADDR11 27 BA1 A9 40 FDADDR9 28 A10/AP A8 39 FDADDR8 29 A0 A7 38 FDADDR7 30 A1 A6 37 FDADDR6 31 A2 A5 36 FDADDR5 32 A3 A4 35 FDADDR4 VDD VSS 34 44 NC A12 45 CK CKE 43 46 21 22 23 24 /CS 33 FSCLK- /WE FSCLK+ 280(1%) FSCKE C 7 C318 1 2 3 4 1 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 3 53 4 52 51 48 47 50 17 18 19 20 49 A11 41 FDADDR11 BA1 A9 40 FDADDR9 A10/AP A8 39 FDADDR8 A0 A7 38 FDADDR7 A1 A6 FDADDR6 A2 A5 FDADDR5 A3 A4 FDADDR4 VDD VSS 44 NC A12 FSCLK+ 280(1%) FSCKE FDADDR12 42 45 CK CKE 43 46 BA0 37 0.1uF / 16V NC 36 2010.09.27 Change Value : 33ohm-->0ohm C365 /CS 35 FDADDR3 /RAS 34 0ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 21 FDADDR1 FDADDR2 22 5 6 FDADDR3 FDADDR11 FDADDR0 FSDQSU0 FSDQMU0 FSCLK- /WE 23 4 FSADDRU11 FDADDR10 FSDATAU7 33 FSVREF /CAS /CK FSDATAU6 R748 24 3 FSADDRU3 FDADDR10 7 2 FSADDRU10 FDADDR2 8 1 FSADDRU2 FSBKSEL1 UDM 25 FSBKSEL0 VSS LDM 26 FDADDR1 0ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN50 VREF DNU 27 8 3 4 FSADDRU1 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W NC NC VDD 28 7 /FSCS0 5 6 /FSRAS 1 /FSCAS 2 5 6 7 FSADDRU0 8 FSBKSEL0 FSBKSEL1 FDADDR0 FSBKSELU1 RN33 29 5 /FSWE RN36 FSBKSELU0 0.1uF / 16V 30 0.1uF / 16V FSDATAU5 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 31 C364 33 NC 2 LDQS UDQS C284 FSDATAU4 3 VDDQ VSSQ FSDATAU3 RN38 4 NC 0.1uF / 16V 32 4 1 3 2 FSDQMU1 DQ8 FSDATAU2 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 33 C363 0.1uF / 16V FSDQSU1 DQ9 FSDATAU1 1 13 DQ7 DQ10 FSDATAU0 2 12 VSSQ VDDQ 14 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 2 1 RN51 5 11 DQ6 15 4 3 2 1 4 3 TTL OUTPUT FSDATAU8 DQ11 6 10 DQ5 7 9 VDDQ VSSQ 8 8 DQ4 6 C342 0.1uF / 16V DQ12 C276 5 7 DQ3 DQ13 6 6 VSSQ VDDQ DQ14 7 5 DQ2 RN60 8 4 DQ1 VSS DQ15 66 3 VDDQ VSSQ 65 2 DQ0 64 1 VDD 16 6 5 8 7 C335 0.1uF / 16V 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 RN57 /RAS 0.1uF / 16V FSDATAU14 SC_VCLK 3 FSDATAU22 IC908 CVIA3S56D40FTPG5 FSDATAU15 FSDATAU9 SC_VSYNC 4 0.1uF / 16V /CAS /CK FSDATAU21 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 50 51 NC 1 14 NC DQ8 C274 FSDATAU20 2 13 DQ7 DQ9 NC 5 65 64 12 VSSQ VDDQ 20 63 11 DQ6 DQ11 DQ10 3 61 10 DQ5 60 7 8 9 VDDQ VSSQ FSDATAU19 RN35 0.1uF / 16V 8 FSCKE DQ4 FSDATAU18 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W Worst Measured Currents 250mA(20%:290mA) +2.5V_DDR C312 7 FDADDR8 10/16V 8 5 6 FDADDR7 DQ12 DQ3 C268 0.1uF / 16V 4 62 VSSQ VDDQ FSDATAU17 1 DQ13 FSDATAU16 2 DQ2 RN59 66 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 8 DQ14 6 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 7 6 5 FDADDR6 OCM_RE OCM_WE ROM_CS B RN48 5 SC_DB00 6 SC_DB01 8 SC_DG01 33ohm (1005SIZE RN49 33X 4),1/16W 3 SC_DR00 4 SC_DR01 FLASH_MEMORY 0.1uF / 16V C361 9R005Z 47 46 45 OCMDATA15 DQ7 44 10K R719 10K OCMADDR12 OCMADDR11 HEATSINK_HOLE Vss DQ15 /A-1 OCMDATA7 DQ14 43 R716 OCMADDR10 OCMDATA14 DQ6 OCMDATA6 DQ13 OCMDATA13 OCMADDR9 OCMADDR21 DQ5 OCMDATA5 DQ12 OCMDATA12 DQ4 A16 10K A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A19 A20 WE# RESET# NC DQ11 WP#/ACC DQ3 RY/BY# H2 OCMADDR20 OCMADDR17 A14 BYTE# R729 OCMADDR13 OCMDATA4 OCMADDR3 OCMADDR2 37 35 34 33 32 31 30 OCMADDR4 OCMDATA1 OCMDATA8 29 OCMADDR5 OCMDATA9 OCMDATA0 A18 DQ2 A17 DQ9 A7 DQ1 A6 DQ8 A5 DQ0 A4 OE# 28 OCMADDR6 10K OCMDATA2 A3 Vss 27 OCMADDR7 R742 OCMDATA3 OCMDATA10 16 OCMADDR8 OCMDATA11 DQ10 17 OCMADDR18 10K C310 OCM_RE R745 R733 A2 CE# A1 A0 ROM_CS 0 REVISION 1 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL AVR400 A SHEET 8 15 26 10K 10K 25 10K R726 18 47K R739 Vcc 19 5 OCMADDR19 MP 0.1uF / 16V 0 R722 CUP12328Z +3.3VH1 A15 10K_NC OCMADDR14 ADV3014_INT A 10/16V C305 L818 1 H1 7 AC20 T24 T25 T26 R23 R24 R25 42 C373 0.1uF / 16V FDADDR5 RN55 R723 C550 C314 0.1uF / 16V RN56 SC_HSYNC /RESET 0.1uF R831 DQ1 VSS DQ15 IC907 CVIMX29LV320DTTI-70G 2.7K 2.7K R868 R869 8 4 3 2 RN54 RN42 20 6 2.2K R870 4 SDA FDADDR12 SC_DB04 OCM_WE GND FDADDR3 SC_DB03 21 SCL SC_DB02 22 7 3 A2 2007.10.06 Connect pin3 to CHGND WP 8 2 A1 1 VCC FDADDR9 FSDATAU12 #FLASH MEMORY ADV3014_INT2 A0 FDADDR1 SC_DB05 R751 IC931 CVIAT24C64CNSHT 7 6 5 SC_DR08 OCMADDR15 +3.3VH1 8 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 SC_DR09 OCMADDR16 *EEPROM FDADDR10 FDADDR2 FSADDRU12 U25 PPWR U26 PBIAS DVDDIO_3V3_3014 Option FSBKSEL1 FDADDR4 FSADDRU9 FSADDRU5 FSBKSEL0 FDADDR0 0ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN41 41 2 /FSWE /FSWEU 40 3 /FSRAS 39 4 /FSCS0 /FSCAS /FSRASU 4 AD3 ADC_3.3 AD4 ADCA_3.3 AD5 ADCB_3.3 AD6 ADCC_3.3 AD7 ADCSC_3.3 /JTAG_BS_E JTAG_BS_TMS JTAG_BS_TDO GPIO44 JTAG_BS_TDI JTAG_BS_RST JTAG_BS_TCK L10 M10 N10 P10 R10 T10 M11 N11 P11 R11 K12 L12 M12 N12 P12 R12 T12 U12 K13 L13 M13 N13 P13 R13 T13 U13 K14 L14 M14 N14 P14 R14 T14 U14 K15 L15 M15 N15 P15 R15 T15 U15 M16 N16 P16 R16 L17 M17 N17 P17 R17 AA2 AA3 AA4 5 /FSRAS FSDATAU10 SC_DR07 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN58 OCMDATA15 OCMDATA14 OCMDATA13 OCMDATA12 OCMDATA11 OCMDATA10 OCMDATA9 OCMDATA8 OCMDATA7 OCMDATA6 OCMDATA5 OCMDATA4 OCMDATA3 OCMDATA2 OCMDATA1 OCMDATA0 VDDQ VSSQ SC_DG00 M24 VCO_LV D25 OBUFC_CLK A1 SCAN_EN IC910 AC25 AC26 AD24 AD25 AD26 AC24 /FSCAS FSDATAU11 SC_DR06 +3.3VH1 W24 OCM_TIMER1 Y24 /OCM_INT2 W23 /OCM_INT1 V26 SLAVE_SCL V25 SLAVE_SDA 0.1uF / 16V C336 C343 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C351 10/16V C315 C376 0.1uF / 16V +3.3V_ADC +3.3V_ADCA +3.3V_ADCB +3.3V_ADCC +3.3V_ADCSC +1.8V_PLL +1.8V_DLL +1.8V_ADC +3.3V_PLL RPLL_33 D26 C25 RPLL_1.8 A14 VDDA18_DLL AB4 ADC1.8-0 AC4 ADC1.8-1 AC5 ADC1.8-2 E26 LVDS3.3-0 H26 LVDS3.3-1 J26 LVDS3.3-2 M26 LVDS3.3-3 H24 C9 FSVREF-0 C19 FSVREF-1 LVDS_PLL_3.3 D4 D6 D7 D8 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D17 D18 D20 D22 D23 DDR2.5-0 DDR2.5-1 DDR2.5-2 DDR2.5-3 DDR2.5-4 DDR2.5-5 DDR2.5-6 DDR2.5-7 DDR2.5-8 DDR2.5-9 DDR2.5-10 DDR2.5-11 DDR2.5-12 DDR2.5-13 DDR2.5-14 AC9 LBADC3.3 AC22 AB23 Y23 V23 T23 P23 M23 /OCM_RE /OCM_WE /ROM_CS /OCM_CS0 /OCM_CS1 /OCM_CS2 /FSWE RN45 /FSCASU 38 HVIKIC7SZ08FU MSTR0_SCL MSTR0_SDA MSTR1_SCL MSTR1_SDA MSTR2_SCL MSTR2_SDA VGA0_SCL VGA0_SDA VGA1_SCL VGA1_SDA /FSCS0 SC_DR02 36 ADV3014_INT_TX /FSCS0U 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN34 23 5 /RESET 0.1uF / 16V 33 SC_DR03 SC_DR05 24 4 ADV7511_INT ADV7844_INT /RESET AE21 AD21 AC21 AF22 AE22 AD22 AF23 AE23 AD23 AC23 AF24 AF25 AF26 AE24 AE25 AE26 C307 DDR RN52 1 0.1uF / 16V 1 2 3 3 4 2 5 CJP05GA19ZY CN62 T923 1 FSDQMU3 2 T922 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN39 OCMADDR21 OCMADDR20 OCMADDR19 OCMADDR18 OCMADDR17 OCMADDR16 OCMADDR15 OCMADDR14 OCMADDR13 OCMADDR12 OCMADDR11 OCMADDR10 OCMADDR9 OCMADDR8 OCMADDR7 OCMADDR6 OCMADDR5 OCMADDR4 OCMADDR3 OCMADDR2 OCMADDR1 C306 33 0.1uF / 16V SC_DG08 3 +5VA RN61 FSDQSU3 FSDATAU13 SC_DE OCMDATA15 OCMDATA14 OCMDATA13 OCMDATA12 OCMDATA11 OCMDATA10 OCMDATA9 OCMDATA8 OCMDATA7 OCMDATA6 OCMDATA5 OCMDATA4 OCMDATA3 OCMDATA2 OCMDATA1 OCMDATA0 AF14 AVS_IN_SCL AD12 AVS_IN_WORD_SEL AC12 AVS_IN_DATA AD14 AVS_OUT_DATA AE13 AVS_OUT_SCL AE14 AVS_OUT_WORLD_SEL FS_SEL HDMI_AUDIO_ON V_CLK_SEL BUSY_CHECK RN37 FSADDRU4 VDD DQ0 C326 SC_DG09 4 Added:2009.01.04 C272 GPROBE_UPGRADE FSDATAU24 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W SC_DG06 5 WP_1 T921 AF15 AE15 AD15 AC15 AF16 AE16 AD16 AF17 AE17 AD17 AC17 AF18 AE18 AD18 AF19 AE19 AD19 AC19 AF20 AE20 AD20 AF21 C300 0.1uF / 16V FSDATAU25 0ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W SC_DG07 6 T920 FSDATAU26 FSADDRU8 SC_DG04 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN46 7 WP_2 FSDATAU27 SC_DG05 8 HDMI_MUTE 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W SC_DG02 9 SW_P+5V RN43 SC_DG03 10 AA24 AA23 A3 A2 AB26 AB25 AA26 AA25 Y26 Y25 FSDATAU28 FSCKEU 11 22 FSDATAU29 0ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN40 SC_DB08 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W RN53 C295 0.1uF / 16V FSADDRU7 SC_DB09 12 AD9 C294 0.1uF / 16V FSADDRU6 SC_DB06 13 /RESET HDMI_SCL HDMI_SDA B OCMADDR21 OCMADDR20 OCMADDR19 OCMADDR18 OCMADDR17 OCMADDR16 OCMADDR15 OCMADDR14 OCMADDR13 OCMADDR12 OCMADDR11 OCMADDR10 OCMADDR9 OCMADDR8 OCMADDR7 OCMADDR6 OCMADDR5 OCMADDR4 OCMADDR3 OCMADDR2 OCMADDR1 OCMADDR0 IR0 D 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W FSDATAU30 SC_DB07 SC_DR04 LBADC_IN6 LBADC_IN5 LBADC_IN4 LBADC_IN3 LBADC_IN2 LBADC_IN1 LBADC_RETURN OCM_UDO_0 OCM_UDI_0 OCM_UDO_1 OCM_UDI_1 +2.5V_DDR 10K(1%) FSDATAU31 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W L24 L23 L26 L25 K24 K23 K26 K25 J24 J23 G24 G23 G26 G25 F24 F23 F26 F25 E24 E23 14 R728 /FSWEU /FSCASU /FSRASU FSCKEU FSBKSELU0 FSBKSELU1 15 UART_TX UART_RX FSDQSU0 FSDQSU1 FSDQSU2 FSDQSU3 FSDQMU0 FSDQMU1 FSDQMU2 FSDQMU3 1 19.660M 3 2 1 5 4.7K 4.7K R731 10K GPROBE_TXD GPROBE_RXD FSCLK+ FSCLK/FSCS0U 2 4 8 7 AB24 D5 C5 D21 C22 B6 B11 A17 A22 A6 A11 B17 B22 P24 DCLK P25 DHS R26 DVS P26 DEN V24 PWM0 U23 PWM1 U24 PWM2 ADV7844_RESET ADV3014_RESET PWR1 FSADDRU0 FSADDRU1 FSADDRU2 FSADDRU3 FSADDRU4 FSADDRU5 FSADDRU6 FSADDRU7 FSADDRU8 FSADDRU9 FSADDRU10 FSADDRU11 FSADDRU12 N23 EBLU0 N24 EBLU1 N25 EBLU2 N26 EBLU3 B26 XTAL C26 TCLK AE11 AF11 AC10 AD10 AE10 AF10 AD11 W26 W25 B2 B3 R730 FLI30336AC BDATA0 BDATA1 BDATA2 BDATA3 BDATA4 BDATA5 BDATA6 BDATA7 BDATA8 BDATA9 BDATA10 BDATA11 BDATA12 BDATA13 BDATA14 BDATA15 BDATA16 BDATA17 BDATA18 BDATA19 BDATA20 BDATA21 BDATA22 BDATA23 N4 DIP_BODD L2 BVS L3 BHS K1 BHREF_DE 6 10K IC906 D19 FSVREFVSS1 D9 FSVREFVSS2 47P RN47 4.7K R864 47P C286 +3.3V_PLL X903 +3.3V_PLL 22 HD_VSYNC HD_HSYNC HD_DE C18 C17 C16 C15 C13 C10 C8 C7 C6 C12 D16 C14 C11 1 8BIT RGB INPUT R760 C291 10K CK3E-/EBLU5 CK3E+/EBLU4 CKE-/EBLU7 CKE+/EBLU6 CH2E-/EGRN1 CH2E+/EGRN0 CH1E-/EGRN3 CH1E+/EGRN2 CH0E-/EGRN5 CH0E+/EGRN4 CH3O-/EGRN7 CH3O+/EGRN6 CKO-/ERED1 CKO+/ERED0 CH2O-/ERED3 CH2O+/ERED2 CH1O-/ERED5 CH1O+/ERED4 CH0O-/ERED7 CH0O+/ERED6 VSSA18_DLL R766 100P_NC 75_NC C389 10K_NC R759 B1 C3 C2 C1 D3 D2 D1 E3 E2 E1 F3 F2 F1 G3 G2 G1 H3 H2 H1 J3 J2 J1 K3 K2 HD_DB04 HD_DB05 HD_DB06 HD_DB07 HD_DB08 HD_DB09 HD_DB10 HD_DB11 HD_DG04 HD_DG05 HD_DG06 HD_DG07 HD_DG08 HD_DG09 HD_DG10 HD_DG11 HD_DR04 HD_DR05 HD_DR06 HD_DR07 HD_DR08 HD_DR09 HD_DR10 HD_DR11 +3.3VH1 R768 N2 DIP_RAW_HS_CS M2 DIP_EXT_CLAMP M3 DIP_EXT_COAST M1 DIP_CLEAN_HS_OUT 10K FSDATAU0 FSDATAU1 FSDATAU2 FSDATAU3 FSDATAU4 FSDATAU5 FSDATAU6 FSDATAU7 FSDATAU8 FSDATAU9 FSDATAU10 FSDATAU11 FSDATAU12 FSDATAU13 FSDATAU14 FSDATAU15 FSDATAU16 FSDATAU17 FSDATAU18 FSDATAU19 FSDATAU20 FSDATAU21 FSDATAU22 FSDATAU23 FSDATAU24 FSDATAU25 FSDATAU26 FSDATAU27 FSDATAU28 FSDATAU29 FSDATAU30 FSDATAU31 2 4.7K R757 R717 *GPROBE N3 DIP_AODD Y1 AVS Y2 AHS Y3 AHRFE_DE B14 4.7K R756 R737 4.7K Q915 KRC103S B4 A4 B5 A5 B7 A7 B8 A8 B9 A9 B10 A10 B12 A12 B13 A13 B15 A15 B16 A16 B18 A18 B19 A19 B20 A20 B21 A21 B23 A23 B24 A24 C23 FSWE D24 FSCAS C24 FSRAS C4 FSCKE C21 FSBKSEL0 C20 FSBKSEL1 N1 IPCLK0 P4 IPCLK1 M4 IPCLK2 L1 IPCLK3 HD_VCLK1 BYPASS_OFF R734 10K 10K 10K 10K FSDATA0 FSDATA1 FSDATA2 FSDATA3 FSDATA4 FSDATA5 FSDATA6 FSDATA7 FSDATA8 FSDATA9 FSDATA10 FSDATA11 FSDATA12 FSDATA13 FSDATA14 FSDATA15 FSDATA16 FSDATA17 FSDATA18 FSDATA19 FSDATA20 FSDATA21 FSDATA22 FSDATA23 FSDATA24 FSDATA25 FSDATA26 FSDATA27 FSDATA28 FSDATA29 FSDATA30 FSDATA31 1 R720 R749 R718 R762 +3.3VH1 ADATA16 ADATA17 ADATA18 ADATA19 ADATA20 ADATA21 ADATA22 ADATA23 R750 FSVREF Worst Measured Currents 250mA(20%:290mA) +2.5V_DDR TORINO<-->DDR FSCLKP FSCLKN FSCS0 FSCS1 FSDQS0 FSDQS1 FSDQS2 FSDQS3 FSDQM0 FSDQM1 FSDQM2 FSDQM3 ADATA8 ADATA9 ADATA10 ADATA11 ADATA12 ADATA13 ADATA14 ADATA15 +3.3V_ADCSC L830 9R005Z IC909 CVIA3S56D40FTPG5 FSADDR0 FSADDR1 FSADDR2 FSADDR3 FSADDR4 FSADDR5 FSADDR6 FSADDR7 FSADDR8 FSADDR9 FSADDR10 FSADDR11 FSADDR12 ADATA0 ADATA1 ADATA2 ADATA3 ADATA4 ADATA5 ADATA6 ADATA7 +3.3VH1 ADC2 Worst Measured Currents 27mA(Max:38mA) 3 P3 P2 P1 R4 R3 R2 R1 T4 HD_DB02 HD_DB03 HD_DG02 HD_DG03 HD_DR02 HD_DR03 +3.3V_ADCC L831 9R005Z 4 2 3 4 AF12 AIP_RAW_HS_CS AE12 AIP_RAW_VS AD13 EXT_OSD_VS AC13 EXT_OSD_HS AF13 EXT_OSD_CLK +3.3VH1 +3.3VH1+3.3VH1+3.3VH1 +3.3VH1 +3.3V_ADCB L833 9R005Z 1 R767 10K 1 5 6 7 8 RGB 10BIT INPUT 10K V3 V2 V1 W4 W3 W2 W1 Y4 Q914 KRC103S IO3.3-10 IO3.3-11 IO3.3-12 IO3.3-13 IO3.3-14 IO3.3-15 IO3.3-16 AA1 ADC_+TEST AC7 VOUT2 R763 T3 T2 T1 U4 U3 U2 U1 V4 C E4 F4 G4 H4 J4 K4 L4 AC14 AC16 AC18 AB2 SV1P AE1 SV2P AE4 SV3P AE7 SV4P AF9 SVN RN44 10K BYPASS_ON +3.3V_ADCA +3.3VH1 L823 9R005Z 2 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C273 C368 C347 C360 C374 A25 RPLL_AGND A26 RPLL_AGND-1 B25 RPLL_DGND 0_NC AC1 C1P AF2 C2P AF5 C3P AF8 C4P AF6 CN LBADC_GND R882 CVBS_THRU 56 22 22 22 56 R765 R738 R752 R758 R761 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C377 C319 C311 C350 C327 AC11 0_NC AC2 B1P AE2 B2P AE5 B3P AE8 B4P AF3 BN AGND-0 AGND-1 AGND-2 AGND-3 AGND-4 AGND-5 AGND-6 AGND-7 AGND-8 R881 COM_PR_THRU 56 22 22 22 56 R753 R735 R740 R755 R746 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C293 C313 C279 C321 C292 AB3 AC3 AD2 AE3 AC6 AE6 AC8 AD8 AE9 0_NC AB1 A1P AF1 A2P AF4 A3P AF7 A4P AD1 AN E25 LVDS_GND-1 H25 LVDS_GND-2 J25 LVDS_GND-3 M25 LVDS_GND-4 H23 LVDS_PLL_GND R880 COM_Y_THRU 56 56 22 22 56 R721 R736 R724 R744 R732 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V C299 C341 C278 C282 C281 22 22 22 22 56 IO3.3-0 IO3.3-1 IO3.3-2 IO3.3-3 IO3.3-4 IO3.3-5 IO3.3-6 IO3.3-7 IO3.3-8 IO3.3-9 K10 U10 K11 L11 T11 U11 K16 L16 T16 U16 K17 T17 U17 0_NC CORE1.8-0 CORE1.8-1 CORE1.8-2 CORE1.8-3 CORE1.8-4 CORE1.8-5 CORE1.8-6 CORE1.8-7 CORE1.8-8 CORE1.8-9 CORE1.8-10 CORE1.8-11 CORE1.8-12 R741 R747 R764 R727 R725 R879 COM_PB_THRU +3.3VH1 +3.3V_ADC +3.3VH1 L828 9R005Z 48 1.8V Total : 1923mA(Max: 2012mA) 2.5V Total : 385mA(Max: 412mA) 3.3V Total : 166.3mA(2Max: 202.1mA) +3.3VH1 ADC1 Worst Measured Currents 25mA(Max:34mA) DGND-3 DGND-4 DGND-5 DGND-6 DGND-7 DGND-8 DGND-9 DGND-10 DGND-11 DGND-12 DGND-13 DGND-14 DGND-15 DGND-16 DGND-17 DGND-18 DGND-19 DGND-20 DGND-21 DGND-22 DGND-23 DGND-24 DGND-200 DGND-26 DGND-27 DGND-28 DGND-29 DGND-30 DGND-31 DGND-32 DGND-33 DGND-34 DGND-35 DGND-36 DGND-37 DGND-38 DGND-39 DGND-40 DGND-41 DGND-42 DGND-43 DGND-44 DGND-45 DGND-46 DGND-47 DGND-48 DGND-49 DGND-50 DGND-51 DGND-52 DGND-53 DGND-ADC0 DGND-ADC1 DGND-ADC2 D +2.5V_DDR +3.3V_LVDS FLI30336 Worst Measured Currents +3.3V_LBADC +3.3V_LVDS_PLL +3.3V_IO +1.8V_CORE FSVREF ADC1 ADC2 OCMADDR1 DESIGN CHECK APPROVE S.K L.J.H S.H.S 10.03.30 10.11.16 10.11.16 DRAWING NO SCALER 3 5 3 0.1uF 1 Option 1000P_NC C543 1000P_NC Option C544 27K_NC 1 D901 100 BAR43C_NC TX_DR10 TX_DR09 TX_DR08 TX_DR07 TX_DR06 TX_DR05 TX_DR04 TX_DR03 TX_DR01 TX_DR00 TX_DR11 R834 100 49.9 49.9 R795 TX0+ 36 91 D5 TX0- 35 92 D4 AVDD 34 93 D3 TXC+ 33 94 D2 TXC- 32 95 D1 GND 31 96 D0 HPD 30 97 DE AVDD 29 98 HSYNC R_EXT 28 GND 27 GND 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 C555 R836 CK SHIELD CK- UTILITY/HEAC+ CE REMOTE C DDC CLOCK DDC DATA GND +5V HPD/HEAC- 22/6.3V C442 C426 C427 C454 R794 22/6.3V C396 C446 0.1uF / 16V +5VH1 Q916 UPA672T C445 C480 0.1uF / 16V D0 SHIELD CK+ 4 2 3 R780 R774 4.7K 1.8K +5VH1 +3.3VH2 2 3 4 5 C433 1 +8VA ARC_SPDIF_OUT IC917 NJU7754 TX_DG03 5 Vin C424 1 Cont Vout 4 NC 3 0.1uF 0 R793 C410 TX_DG01 GND 8 D0+ D0- 0_NC IC921 TC7SH125FU_NC TX_DG02 5 4 1 4.7K 5 1 +1.8VH2 TX_DG00 RN81 D1- R822 1.8K 33ohm RN80 (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 0.1uF / 16V D1 SHIELD 0.1uF / 16V_NC TX_DB11 D2 SHIELD D1+ 25V/0.01UF R801 0_NC 6 5 7 4 3 2 1 +5VH1 0_NC 2OE1 0.1uF / 16V R775 22_NC 6 2Y10 C468 BGVDD 25 R816 7 2 2Y9 0.1uF / 16V DSP_LRCK/DR2 3 GND TX_DB10 DSP_SCLK/CLK 2Y8 TX_DB09 DSP_MCLK 2Y7 DSP_SPDIF Vcc 8 2Y6 C425 Option TX_DB08 DSP_S0/DR0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2Y5 0.1uF / 16V 6 25V/0.01UF R863 33 33 R862 R861 33 R860 33 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 26 24 C436 C413 GND 9 0.1uF / 16V PVDD 8 0.1uF / 16V PVDD C409 PLVDD 7 GND 6 DVDD 5 GND 4 LRCLK 3 SCLK 2 I2S3 1 JK97 D6 1 90 2 37 3 38 GND ADV7511 4 39 PD/AD D7 5 TX1- D8 89 6 D9 88 7 87 8 40 9 TX1+ IC918 10 D10 D2+ D2- 11 86 C438 0.1uF / 16V 12 41 13 42 AVDD 14 TX2- D11 15 D12 85 16 84 HDMI OUTPUT1 ADV7511_INT 17 43 18 44 TX2+ 19 GND D13 0.1uF / 16V D14 83 10K 82 0.1uF R804 / 16V 22 R792 45 1K R779 46 +1.8VH2 9R005Z 8.2K 47 INT R776 0.1uF / 16V 0_NC R798 C423 R797 DVDD33 SPDIF OUT +3.3VH2 9R005Z L843 10K C479 10/16V 0.1uF / 16V HEAC- CEC_IN 48 0 R796 DDCSCL HEAC+ DDCSDA SCL D35 SDA D34 D33 D32 D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 49 D15 C467 5 8 7 50 5 6 4 3 1 2 9 51 DVDD D16 6 7 4 3 3 2 8 2 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 52 CEC_CLK TX_DB04 TX_DB07 2Y4 18 53 TX_DB03 33ohm RN79 (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 2Y3 C406 54 9R005Z TX_DB06 GND 19 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 3 2 28 2Y2 55 L837 TX_DB05 20 2OE2 TX_DG01 2Y1 33ohm RN78 (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 21 30 2A10 0.1uF / 16V TX_DG00 1Y9 22 SC_DG01 C430 1Y8 1Y10 23 TX_DG03 SC_DB09 GND TX_DB02 24 31 2A9 SC_DB08 1Y7 TX_DB00 56 CLK 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W TX_DB01 57 C455 TX_VSYNC 0.1uF / 16V 25 TX_DG02 SC_DG00 SC_DB07 1Y6 26 32 GND TX_DB11 1Y5 58 TX_DE 27 33 2A8 TX_DB09 TX_DB10 Vcc C398 59 TX_HSYNC RN77 28 34 2A7 29 56 35 Vcc 1 4 55 36 2A6 1 4 54 37 2A5 SC_DB06 1 4 53 38 2A4 SC_DB05 RN91 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 GND TX_DB07 TX_DB08 1 5 2OE1 2A3 SC_DB04 1Y4 60 D17 33 R859 C556 75_NC 100P_NC R886 R806 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 25 26 2OE2 2A2 SC_DB03 33ohm (1005SIZERN90 X 4),1/16W C452 24 23 0.1uF / 16V 27 2Y9 2A1 6 GND 2Y10 1A10 5 8 7 GND 2A10 1A9 6 2Y8 2A9 1A8 SC_DB02 TX_DB04 5 8 9 10 11 12 2Y7 2A8 20 Vcc 2A7 31 HD_DG03 C464 2Y6 30 HD_DG02 0.1uF / 16V 2Y5 29 HD_DG01 8 35 Vcc HD_DG00 2Y4 7 36 2A6 18 37 2A5 GND SC_DB00 SC_DB01 TX_DB03 33ohm (1005SIZERN89 X 4),1/16W 2Y3 19 38 2A4 HD_DB11 2Y2 GND 21 HD_DB09 HD_DB10 2Y1 1A7 TX_DB06 22 42 41 40 39 GND 1Y3 1A6 TX_DB05 34 2A3 GND 1A3 1A5 TX_DB01 33ohm (1005SIZERN88 X 4),1/16W 1Y2 GND TX_VCLK 61 81 100 1A2 Vcc C399 0.1uF / 16V TX_DB00 TX_DB02 33 2A2 1Y10 SC_DE 1Y1 62 80 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 1A1 1OE1 63 79 99 GND 74ALVCH16827DGG 1OE2 1A4 TX_DE 32 2A1 1Y9 13 1A10 1Y8 SC_VSYNC TX_VSYNC 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W C431 14 HD_DB05 GND 15 1A9 1Y7 16 1A8 HD_DB04 1Y6 TX_VCLK ENC_VCLK2 GND TX_VSYNC TX_HSYNC SC_HSYNC RN87 0.1uF / 16V 17 GND HD_DB03 HD_DB07 2 7 1Y5 1A7 HD_DB08 5 6 Vcc 1A5 48 Vcc 47 1Y4 46 1A4 1A6 HD_DB06 1 3 4 56 55 54 53 52 1Y3 45 C457 GND 1A3 44 HD_DB02 0.1uF / 16V 1Y2 GND 43 HD_DB01 TX_DE TX_HSYNC IC916 1A2 1Y1 51 HD_DB00 TX_DB01 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 1A1 50 HD_HSYNC HD_DE TX_DB02 74ALVCH16827DGG 49 HD_VSYNC TX_DB03 10K_NC 10K_NC R820 R827 C463 100P_NC 75_NC HD_VCLK2 TX_DB04 64 I2S2 TX_DB10 65 I2S1 TX_DB11 66 I2S0 TX_DG00 TX_DR11 67 MCLK TX_DR10 68 DSD5 RN76 69 SPDIF I/O 5 6 TX_DG01 70 DSD_CLK TX_DG02 71 DSD4 7 TX_DR09 72 DSD2 8 TX_DG03 73 78 DSD3 TX_DG04 TX_DR08 74 D18 77 DSD1 C408 C411 0.1uF / 16V 76 DVDD GND 7 6 5 3 2 1 4 3 75 DVDD 0.1uF / 16V TX_VCLK TX_DR07 33ohm RN75 (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W C483 C443 C453 0.1uF / 16V TX_DG05 DSD0 2Y9 2Y10 TX_DR06 DVDD GND TX_DR05 VSYNC 2Y8 0.1uF / 16V 0_NC 2Y7 R819 Vcc 0_NC R803 2Y6 TX_DR04 8 2Y5 4 2Y4 10/16V TX_DR03 BYPASS_OFF BYPASS_ON CEC_MCU 0 L841 9R005Z TX_DB00 3.3V_TTL_MUX1 R830 L840 +1.8VH2 C475 6 TX_DR02 22/6.3V 8 7 TX_DR01 5 4 3 TX_DR00 TX_DB09 3.3V_TTL_MUX CEC 0 4.99 49.9 TX_DB05 1OE1 TX_DR02 R805 TX_DG11 TX_DB06 1OE2 TX_DG09 3 8 7 6 TX_DG10 5 TX_DG09 33ohm RN74 (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 2Y3 GND 2OE1 1uF R771 49.9 R785 TX_DB07 IC911 TX_DG08 R799 7 6 5 4 1 4 3 2 1 TX_DG08 TX_DB08 C TX_DG11 R826 3 2 1 2 2 2Y2 1uF C428 R787 R777 33ohm RN73 (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 1 2Y1 8 3 29 2OE2 1Y9 2 4 3 2 1 1Y8 1Y10 1 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 1 2OE1 TX_DR10 TX_DR11 RN86 4 2A10 1 5 8 7 6 5 8 2OE2 7 6 2Y9 2Y10 C471 5 2A9 SC_DR09 TX_DR09 SC_DR07 0.1uF / 16V 6 SC_DR08 SC_DR06 7 GND SC_DR05 TX_DR08 8 2A8 TX_DR07 9 2A7 SC_DR04 TX_DR06 1Y7 GND 10 Vcc SC_DR03 1Y6 C482 C439 TX_DG07 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 11 36 2A6 SC_DR02 TX_DR05 1Y5 D TX_DG04 TX_DG05 TX_DG06 RN72 0.1uF / 16V 12 37 2A5 SC_DR01 Vcc 13 38 2A4 TX_DR03 1Y4 14 39 GND SC_DR00 1Y3 15 40 2A3 TX_DR02 1Y1 16 41 2A2 SC_DG09 TX_DR00 TX_DR01 1OE1 17 42 2A1 SC_DG08 1 2 6 5 8 7 6 15 16 19 2Y8 GND 56 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 1A10 35 1 1A9 SC_DG07 TX_DR04 55 4 2 3 8 6 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 13 1A8 C420 33ohm (1005SIZERN85 X 4),1/16W 5 2A10 C451 0.1uF / 16V 25 2A9 GND 0.1uF / 16V SC_DG06 TX_DG11 33ohm (1005SIZERN84 X 4),1/16W 26 HD_DR10 HD_DR11 29 GND 33ohm (1005SIZERN83 X 4),1/16W 20 21 22 2Y7 23 Vcc 2A7 33 2Y6 Vcc 32 2Y5 2A6 31 2A5 1A7 34 2Y4 2Y2 1A6 33 17 GND 2A4 2Y1 1A5 32 2Y3 GND 1Y9 GND 31 2A3 1Y8 1Y10 TX_DG10 1Y2 GND Vcc SC_DG05 TX_DG09 1A2 1A4 SC_DG04 TX_DG07 TX_DG08 1A1 1A3 TX_DG06 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 1OE2 30 2A2 2A8 7 1 2 2A1 1Y7 GND 7 1A10 18 4 5 6 3 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 1A9 30 HD_DR09 1A8 1Y6 SC_DG02 SC_DG03 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 0.1uF / 16V 24 C429 0.1uF / 16V GND 1Y5 TX_DG04 TX_DG05 RN82 C441 27 HD_DR07 HD_DR08 1A7 Vcc 33ohm (1005SIZE X 4),1/16W 74ALVCH16827DGG 54 IC915 28 HD_DR06 1A6 45 HD_DR05 1A5 44 HD_DR04 Vcc 43 HD_DR03 1Y4 42 HD_DR02 1Y3 1A4 41 HD_DR00 HD_DR01 1A3 40 HD_DG11 GND 39 HD_DG10 GND 38 HD_DG09 1Y2 37 0.1uF / 16V HD_DG08 1Y1 1A2 36 C419 1OE1 1A1 35 HD_DG06 HD_DG07 1OE2 34 HD_DG05 TX_DG10 +1.8VH2 BYPASS_OFF IC912 74ALVCH16827DGG HD_DG04 TX_DG07 TX_DG06 3.3V_TTL_MUX1 18 Z 19 Z X 20 X H 21 X X 22 H 23 H 24 L H 25 L L 26 L L +3.3VH2 Scaling Mode Interface Y 27 L A 28 BYPASS_ON OE2 53 R813 D 10K_NC 3.3V_TTL_MUX OE1 R800 HDMI By Pass Mode Interface OUTPUT 10K_NC INPUT 0.1uF 0.1uF C462 22/6.3V C470 C403 22/6.3V C460 0.1uF 0.1uF C440 22/6.3V C450 C395 HDMI_SDA L835 L844 22/6.3V C415 2 CUP12328Z 3.3V_TTL_MUX1 +3.3VH2 3.3V_TTL_MUX +3.3VH2 4 2 5 HDMI_SCL 6 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 S7 S6 52 S5 51 S4 50 62 63 R824 A L842 0.01uF C545 0.01uF C546 0.01uF C547 0.01uF CHGND C548 0.01uF C549 SC_DR08 SC_DR09 SC_DR07 SC_DR06 SC_DR04 SC_DR05 SC_DR02 SC_DR03 C418 SC_VSYNC SC_DE 0.01uF SC_HSYNC L847 DSP_SCLK/CLK DSP_S0/DR0 DSP_MCLK DSP_LRCK/DR2 DSP_SPDIF HDMI_MCLK HDMI_LRCK HDMI_SDATA3 HDMI_SDATA2 HDMI_SDATA1 HDMI_SPDIF HDMI_SDATA0 HDMI_SCLK 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 1 2 CJP17GB210ZY CN104 9R005Z ENC_VCLK1 REVISION MP L838 9 10 TO DSP PCB 0 V-GND 11 12 C476 22/6.3V C472 0_NC 0.1uF / 16V C414 0.1uF / 16V R808 C477 9R005Z 13 14 +1.8VA L846 0_NC 15 16 0.1uF / 16V 64 ARC_SPDIF_OUT 0.1uF / 16V C461 C435 0_NC 0 10/16V R783 17 C487 2 1 3 2 VDD_IO COMP1 4 3 TEST0 SFL/MISO +3.3VH2 33 5 TEST1 REST1 48 33 R814 6 VREF 47 SC_DG03 SC_DG02 7 Y0 4 ENC_VCLK2 8 5 R828 ENC_VCLK1 9 Y1 SC_DG05 SC_DG04 10 6 11 7 Y2 12 8 Y3 V_CLK_SEL SC_DG06 13 DAC1 Y4 SC_DG07 C402 0.1uF / 16V 14 44 CVIADV7342BSTZ 9 CLK1 S1:HIGH ICLK S1:LOW 2*ICLK 15 DAC2 10 Y5 8 16 DAC3 43 11 VDD 7 17 VAA 42 DGND CLK2 FBIN 41 IC919 6 IC920 MK2302S01T 0.01uF AGND B CLOCK DOUBLER (13.5M*2=27M) 0.1uF C554 DAC4 40 VDD ICLK DAC5 39 5 C397 38 SC_DG08 9R005Z 12 1 L839 Y6 2 S0 DAC6 3 S1 37 SC_DG09 4 CLK1 GND 13 R871 14 Y7 33_NC 15 TEST2 +3.3VH2 4.7K TEST3 SC_DB02 R821 16 R790 C1 C2 PGND ALSB SDA SCL P_HSYNC P_VSYNC C3 C4 P_BLANK C6 C5 17 C0 REST2 46 Added_ARC_SPDIF SC_DB03 SC_DB04 HDMI_SDA 100 R810 HDMI_SCL 100 R818 SC_DE SC_HSYNC SC_DB05 SC_DB06 SC_VSYNC SC_DB07 SC_DB08 SC_DB09 10 18 COMP2 S3 300 19 PVDD DGND R825 R812 300 300 R832 R784 300 20 SC_VCLK 9R005Z 1 32 PS1 21 36 45 2200P 22 R802 10/16V 0.1uF / 16V C407 S1 220 23 L848 C486 SCIN V-GND 0.1uF / 16V S2 300 300 R772 V-GND 5 3 SDCOUT V+1 2 10K N.C R807 3.9K 24 35 V-GND +3.3VA 4 28 29 100K N.C MIXSW SCOUT C456 30 R791 31 R786 C458 R809 25 34 49 C447 SV_C_CONV 6.8K_NC C444 C465 10/16V 0.1uF / 16V VIN C448 0.1uF / 16V 26 6 C478 CVBS_CONV C401 10/16V 0.1uF / 16V R778 V-GND 8 GND1 V-GND 9 25 V+4 VOUT 7 24 GND4 CBSW SYOUT SYIN 26 0.1uF / 16V 27 V-GND SV_Y_CONV R833 0.1uF / 16V C459 27 VDD V-GND V-GND C473 10/16V 10 YIN 0.1uF / 16V 0.1uF / 16V 28 S2 11 YOUT 0.1uF / 16V 29 S1 V+2 30 EXT_LF1 S0 12 V+3 C466 C400 31 C7 C474 10/16V C404 0.1uF / 16V 15 N.C 22 13 21 PBOUT 23 V-GND 220 0.1uF / 16V C437 0.1uF / 16V COM_Y_CONV V-GND 2200P C405 COM_PB_CONV V-GND R788 3.9K 14 V-GND COM_PR_CONV 32 33 C434 R782 C412 PS2 150 25V/0.012UF C416 20 GND2 C432 PBIN N.C 0.1uF / 16V 22/6.3V 18 19 GND3 V-GND 16 17 LPFSW PRIN PROUT R781 20 C421 L845 L834 150 25V/0.012UF R789 0.15 +1.8VA 9R005Z V-GND FS_SEL C417 9R005Z 0.1uF / 16V NJM2566V 10K R773 L836 IC913 4.7K R815 HD(30MHZ) MODE : HIGH SD(13.5MHZ) MODE : LOW +3.3VA R829 20 C484 EXT_LF2 +3.3VH2 R823 0.15 CLKIN_A C449 +5VA R835 C422 R817 Analog Video Option 100P_NC 75_NC B ENC_VCLK1 2 SW_P+5V 1 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL AVR400 DESIGN CHECK APPROVE S.K L.J.H S.H.S 10.11.16 10.11.16 10.11.16 V-GND A SHEET 9 15 DRAWING NO HDMI TX & Encoder 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 CUP12328Z DC/DC REGUALTOR D D TO VIDEO 1 2 V-GND +15VA 4 3 -15VA IC930 C532 6 5 7 9 8 14 1321_SDA 5.1K 19 21 OSD_CE 4.7K R854 OSD_SCL 4.7K R856 R840 16 15 17 0.1uF C508 1321_SCL 10/16V 0.1uF C537 C514 22/6.3V 13 COM_Y_CONV COM_PB_CONV COM_PR_CONV 470/16V C535 11 GND OUT IN +3.3VDD 1 12K 0.1uF 62k R872 3 OSD_SDA 2.5V IC929 SV_Y_CONV 2 25 IN OUT +2.5VH2 SV_C_CONV GND PW_GND 23 CVBS_CONV PW_GND 12 COM_PB_THRU COM_PR_THRU L855 2K R841 +2.5VH1 R843 0.01uF C521 CVDSS34SR D903 C512 1000P 220P C495 0.1uF C489 220/25V C509 10UH/3A C551 10 IC922 2 BN301 2.5V L858 18 4 20 3 +15V_DC/DC 3 22 GND 2 COM_Y_THRU 24 FB SW 1 +1.8VH1 +3.3VDD 1 L863 R876 BUSY +3.3VH2 F_CVBS 26 COMP SV_C_THRU CVBS_THRU 28 SS EN SV_Y_THRU DDRMEM_REG_ 2.5V 27 5 30 6 29 7 VIN CVISI8005QTL 10K R846 PW_GND 8 BS PW_GND PW_GND R845 D905 22K 0.1uF C498 HVDUDZS5.1BSR OSD_H 0_NC IPOD_PR/SY IPOD_PB/CVBS C490 0.1uF C530 10/16V C522 0.1uF N.D C COMP SW GND FB 5 EN 6 VIN 7 SS 8 BS CVISI8005QTL IC927 C523 22/6.3V IPOD_Y/SC C 1 2 3 4 +1.8VDD TO INPUT +15V_DC/DC L856 FRONT_HDMI_Option 150uF/10V 12K 2K ADC_REG_ 1.8/3.3V 0.1uF C506 R838 R852 0.01uF C493 CVDSS34SR D904 C513 1000P 220P C527 C552 62k R873 C518 0.1uF 220/25V C531 10UH/3A TXEN V-GND 3.3V IC926 R877 5 BUSY 9 1.8V 13 GND OSD_H 14 15 1 1 10 C501 C516 V-GND V-GND V-GND 10/16V 0.1uF C502 +3.3VDD 0.1uF 4 C507 GND 3 22/6.3V COMP SW 2 17 GPROBE_TXD FB EN VIN 1 16 GPROBE_RXD 5 SS 6 BS 7 12 1321_SCL 1321_SDA 3 8 11 11 2 IN OUT IC923 CVISI8005QTL IC928 8 8 10 UART_TX CEC_MCU +1.8VA 7 7 UART_RX V-GND 12 V-GND 100_NC 9 /RESET 13 V-GND V-GND C538 C529 10/16V 0.1uF 0.1uF C496 C503 22/6.3V V-GND R875 6 6 HDMI_MUTE 14 PW_GND 15 PW_GND 4 4 0 5 BUSY_CHECK 3 3 OSD_CE 2 2 OSD_SCL CJP17GB210ZY CN105 1 OSD_SDA +5VA Option 16 1 +3.3VA 17 R885 3 0_NC GND IN OUT 5.1K R851 2 V-GND +15V_DC/DC B B L862 470/16V 0.1uF C505 27K +15VA +15V_DC/DC L860 +5VH1 V-GND V-GND PW_GND +15VA V-GND PW_GND L864 CLZ9Z014Z -15VA V-GND 1 $$$17270 NC L857 Option V-GND 4 3 7 6 5 6 5 PW_GND 4 2 V-GND 7 C510 GND C491 0.1uF / 16V C519 C536 1 2 2 3 GND 9R005Z L861 Out In OUT IN 1 1 2 +5VA 3 10/16V IC924 KIA1117S50 220/25V 0.1uF L859 0.1uF / 16V +8VA L85210UH/3A 3 CVIKIA7809AF IC925 PW_GND CWB07 +15VA PW_GND Option L850 CLZ9Z014Z BN61 TO POWER C528 SCALER&Analog_REG C525 1200/35V R839 2.2K 5.1K C500 R844 R847 CVDSS34SR D902 C539 1000P 220P C520 0.01uF 62k R874 0.1uF C511 220/25V C534 10UH/3A C553 0.01uF C533 +3.3VDD PW_GND +1.8VDD L849 CLZ9Z014Z C526 0.1uF C542 10/16V L851 CLZ9Z014Z +1.8VH2 C515 C494 10/16V 0.1uF / 16V L853 CLZ9Z014Z +3.3VH2 C517 C488 10/16V 0.1uF / 16V L854 CLZ9Z014Z +3.3VH1 REVISION 1 A MP 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL AVR400 A SHEET 10 15 DESIGN CHECK APPROVE DRAWING NO S.K L.J.H S.H.S POWER&CONNECTOR 10.11.16 10.11.16 10.11.16 5 5 3 1 2 4 FROM POWER BOARD 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 FAN BN591 CN501 1 2 3 +12V +12V 10K(F) 47K Q5911 KTA1271Y R5908 7.5K 10/50V 1SS133M 1K(F) 0.1uF GND_SR 3 2 4 5 GND_DEC SBR_OUT GND_SBR 1 D5054 4.7K RY54 R5910 - 5 + 6 - 7 + 8 - SR_OUT FR SR SBR 9 10 JK52 6 (CHG1A502) CN103 5.1V D5909 330K SPK_REALY 1 SPK_REALY R5907 2 PROTECT 7.5K POWER_RELAY 3 CEN_OUT C5051 D5052 1SS355 D5053 (CHG1A502) 4 CEN Q5054 KRC107S R5909 100/35V 7.5K C5908 R5906 FR_OUT 1SS355 33K D5908 GND_FR + 4 GND_DEC POWER_DOWN POWER_MUTE PROTECT 6 D5129 1N5819 6 - 3 5 R5129 22 0.5W(Fusible) 5 + 2 7 R5127 4 Q5053 KRC107S SPK_REALY GND_DEC 68(F) 0.25W 1 C5052 R5190 22K(F) FR_OUT Q5909 KRC111M C5907 D5907 C5189 1K(F) 1SS355 4.7K R5932 R5931 R5921 4.7K FAN_12V 1.5 0.2W R5905 VEE (N.F) 2 GND_DEC +12V FL_OUT 1SS133M 2 1 1K(F) R5176 C5160 1.6V 850mV 550mV 1CH 2CH 3CH 1 RY53 10K(F) R5178 6 3 R5911 OUTPUT SIGNAL DETECT GND_FL (CHG1A502) FAN2 0.1uF 100V 5.6K(F) R5189 22uF/100V D5180 (Fusible) 5 FL 6 1 GND_C GND_DEC 10K(F) 1.0 0.25W 2 GND_DEC 8 10 12 11 14 16 15 18 17 19 22 21 FL_IN SBL_IN 23 22K(F) 24 OVERLOAD R5881 25 FR_IN RLS4148SR 1N5819 D5229 26 27 0.1uF C5815 22P 1SS355 1SS355 0.1uF D5812 C5811 2 1 22P 22P 22P GND_SIG 4.7 *Add Ferrite Clamp(CLZ9Z070Z) To Cable From Transformer. CN508 FR GND_SIG R5810 100(F) 0.1W FL GND_SIG 5 4 3 2 CGND 1 FROM TRANS R5290 22K(F) 1K(F) 2 1K(F) R5276 CN52 22uF/100V C5280 D5280 1N4003S R5278 REVISION 1 0.1uF 100V C5289 R5289 10K(F) (Fusible) VEE SL 2 4 6 3 5 7 R5288 10K(F) R5286 1.0 0.25W R5808 CUP12329-2 4.7 2W(R) Q5288 MMBT5551 GND_SIG C5806 3 3 2 1 0.047uF 47K C5836 R5838 R5807 (CHG1A503) R5284 22P C5805 R5806 GND_SR G583 SR 100(F) 0.1W GND_SL GND_SBL 22P C5804 0.1u/250V C5831 0.1u/250V C5832 C5833 0.1u/250V CN581 5 4 CN582 4 0.047uF 47K C5835 R5837 5 22K(F) 15000uF/80V (CHG1A504) 15000uF/80V C5840 4 2 GND_SIG R5805 GND_SBR CUP12329-1 OVERLOAD FR_OUT 0.5uH 5.6K(F) R5283 C5283 Q5280 NJL1302DG C5260 (N.F) 100(F) R5282 R5275 0.22 X2 5W 10UF/100V R5255 100 0.5W GND_FR V_DET 68K(F) 1 0.1uF 27V C5245 Q5260 2SA1859A R5285 CEN D5811 0.1uF C5234 C5244 10/50V R5248 R5280 3.3K(F) D5245 R5229 22 0.5W(Fusible) 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5245 R5247 R5246 100/100V R5227 68(F) 0.25W 8.2K 0.25W(F) 1K(F) R5243 Q5241 BC846B 1 B JK582 100(F) 0.1W 100(F) 0.1W L5285 0.1uF/100V 4.7 2W(R) BC856B GND_C D5830 25A/600V GND_DEC 10/50V C5255 R5232 150(F) 330(F) GND_DECGND_FL GND_FR 3 47K Q5281 MMBT5551 820(F) R5244 Q5240 C5839 47K R5841 SOA_PROTECT 47K 47K R5281 R5843 R5842 3.3K(F) 1 VEE R5270 27V C5235 2 CN592 22uF/100V D5270 C5270 V_DET (CHG1A504) GND_DEC C5250 (N.F) GND_SIG 100(F) 0.1W R5846 1 2 CN593 VCC SUB 22P 1.5K POWER_MUTE R5804 22K(F) (Fusible) 22P C5801 C5802 10K(F) D5848 C5803 VEE 100(F) 0.1W R5847 C5807 R5844 1.0 0.25W SBL GND_SIG R5803 Q5845 BC846B 1K(F) 330(F) GND_SIG C5808 2 CN53 1 C5380 1N4003S 22uF/100V D5380 1K(F) R5376 SBR 100(F) 0.1W R5378 (N.F) JK581 CGND R5802 10K(F) (Fusible) Q5270 NJL3281DG 4.7 100(F) 0.1W R5815 22K(F) R5390 10K(F) 0.1uF R5801 R5389 R5388 D5816 1SS355 R5814 D5815 1SS355 2 1 TH586 OVERLOAD 4.7 GND_DEC Fan Test GND_SIG C5389 100(F) R5382 R5383 C5383 0.1uF/100V 4.7 2W(R) SBR_IN R5386 C5360 C 20 R5882 10K(F) 1/50V C5882 R5883 SR_IN R5884 47K 13 1/50V C5871 R5871 3.3K(F) 47K CEN_IN 10K(F) R5874 470 Q5884 BC846B R5873 0.1uF 100V R5903 1.5K 33K R5904 1SS355 V_DET C5861 1.5K 100/50V C5862 R5901 15K Q5874 BC846B Q5864 BC846B 120K Q5862 BC846B R5872 0 SL_IN Q5882 BC856B 47/25V R5851 1K(F) SUB_IN SOA_PROTECT Q5863 BC856B C5872 R5852 9 RLS4148 D5885 47K R5864 1.5K R5855 D5851 1SS355 Q5871 BC856B 2 TH585 +12V 4.7 2W(R) 5.6K(F) 0.1uF 27V C5345 3.3K(F) D5345 R5347 R5346 8.2K 0.25W(F) V_DET CEN_OUT Q5388 MMBT5551 1.0 0.25W Q5360 2SA1859A 150(F) R5242 R5231 10(F) 10(F) 1K 1W(R) R5217 R5241 1K 1W(R) R5218 C5217 10/50V 82(F) 12K(F) R5260 C5229 22uF/100V C5227 82(F) R5225 220(F) R5209 R5384 R5380 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5236 R5237 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5235 D5235 1K(F) R5233 56(F) Q5231 BC856B VR52 470 GND_DEC R5902 (CHG1A503) GND_C Q5250 2SC4883A Q5225 BC846B Q5209 BC846B 68K(F) 0.5uH Q5380 NJL1302DG R5234 Q5226 KTC3206Y GND_DEC R5238 Q5220 KTC3114A 15K 1 C5370 R5375 0.22 X2 5W 100 0.5W 10UF/100V R5355 R5348 27(F) R5220 NTC THERMISTOR 1K(F) 100K 1K(F) R5221 R5222 560(F) R5223 22K(F) R5224 C5209 R5226 22K(F) 10/50V GND_DEC R5210 R5211 8.2K(F) Q5210 BC846B R5385 L5385 820(F) A FAN1 1N5819 GND_DEC R5250 100pF 100V (PP Film) GND_SIG 1N4003S 0.1uF C5334 10/50V 10/50V C5355 C5344 330(F) 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5345 1K(F) R5343 C5230 22uF/100V C5228 100/100V R5230 22 0.5W(Fusible) R5854 1K(F) R5861 3.3K(F) 27V C5335 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5335 R5337 R5332 150(F) 150(F) R5342 10(F) 10(F) R5318 1K 1W(R) R5331 R5341 R5317 1K 1W(R) 100/100V C5329 R5228 R5853 D5862 D5230 68(F) 0.25W 47K R5845 C5216 470pF 100V 1.3K 4K VCC Q5230 BC846B (PP Film) 100'C 105'C SOA_PROTECT D5329 R5329 Q5213 KTA1024Y R5216 R5208 680(F) 470/16V 22K F (Metal Film) R5207 68(F) R5206 68(F) R5205 22K(F) R5202 (PP Film) 1000pF 100V C5201 C5207 100/50V (ELNA RFO) 2.2K 0.25W 680(F) R5215 C5202 R5201 C5215 Q5202 BC846B 140 R5885 820(F) 330(F) 22 0.5W(Fusible) 1N5819 1K(F) Q5215 BC856B FR_IN 33(F) R5212 Q5204 BC856B Q5201 BC846B R5213 1K(F) R5214 100(F) R5204 100(F) R5203 Q5203 BC856B 105 75'C FAN2 27(F) R5320 C5317 10/50V 82(F) 22uF/100V C5327 82(F) 10/50V R5325 GND_DEC R5327 Q5212 BC856B 65'C GND_DEC Q5325 BC846B 68(F) 0.25W FR 85 47K Q5381 MMBT5551 (Fusible) 820(F) R5360 12K(F) R5326 22K(F) Q5326 KTC3206Y 220(F) R5309 C5309 B R5310 R5311 8.2K(F) Q5309 BC846B 1.0 0.25W R5344 Q5340 Q5341 BC846B GND_DEC R5381 R5334 Q5320 KTC3114A BC856B Q5310 BC846B Q5370 NJL3281DG R5370 Resistance 25'C R5338 VR53 470 560(F) R5324 GND_SIG 100K R5322 NTC THERMISTOR 1K(F) 1K(F) R5321 R5316 22K(F) R5323 (PP Film) D5335 R5333 Q5330 BC846B C5316 470pF 100V R5315 Q5331 BC856B 56(F) R5350 (PP Film) C5315 22K F (Metal Film) 680(F) R5308 68(F) R5306 68(F) R5305 22K(F) R5302 (PP Film) C5301 (ELNA RFO) 470/16V 100/50V R5307 C5302 680(F) C5307 R5301 1000pF 100V CEN_IN Q5302 BC846B 2.2K 0.25W Q5301 BC846B 100pF 100V Q5313 KTA1024Y 1K(F) Q5350 2SC4883A Q5315 BC856B 1N4003S 1K(F) 22uF/100V R5336 C5330 GND_DEC Temp. VCC Q5855 BC846B Thermal Protect Temp. : 100~105'C *POSISTOR (SYPSX08850JD) C5350 (N.F) D5370 D5330 1N5819 100/100V R5330 22 0.5W(Fusible) 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5312 R5328 68(F) 0.25W 22uF/100V C5328 33(F) Q5312 BC856B Q5304 BC856B Q5303 BC856B R5313 1K(F) R5314 100(F) R5304 R5303 CEN 100(F) VCC 10K(F) C D 5 CEN_OUT GND_DEC SL 4 Q5052 KRC107S R5912 R5186 R5180 3 FL_OUT 3 FAN1 SBL 2 GND_SBL 4 D5920 CN51 0.1uF 10K(F) 1 (CHG1A502) RY52 R5188 GND_FL JK51 GND_SL 4.7 2W(R) Q5188 MMBT5551 6 SPK_REALY (CHG1A503) R5184 5 MCU/INPUT BOARD R5934 Q5051 KRC107S D5931 R5920 V_DET FL_OUT 4 D5051 SL_OUT Q5931 KRC107S 10K(F) R5924 65~70'C 8V 75~80'C 10.5V 1 SPK_REALY 4.7 1W Operating Voltage OVERLOAD 100(F) R5182 R5183 C5183 68K(F) 0.5uH Q5180 NJL1302DG 1N4003S C5180 3.3K(F) 27V C5145 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5146 R5185 L5185 0.1uF/100V 4.7 2W(R) R5175 0.22 X2 5W R5155 100 0.5W 10/50V 10UF/100V C5144 10/50V C5155 C5134 150(F) D5145 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5145 R5147 1K(F) R5933 Q5920 KRC107S 820(F) R5143 Operating Temp. 2 1SS355 C5936 FAN2 FAN1 R5148 Q5160 2SA1859A R5923 10 1W GND_DEC 330(F) 100/100V C5129 470/16V V_DET POWER_DOWN POWER-DOWN GND_DEC 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5135 D5135 SOA_PROTECT 47K Q5181 MMBT5551 820(F) 150(F) R5132 R5142 10(F) R5131 10(F) R5118 1K 1W(R) R5117 1K 1W(R) R5141 10/50V 82(F) R5160 22uF/100V C5127 GND_DEC 82(F) R5125 R5109 220(F) C5109 Q5126 KTC3206Y R5181 (Fusible) 330(F) Q5140 BC856B Q5125 BC846B 10/50V Q5109 BC846B 12K(F) R5126 22K(F) R5110 8.2K(F) R5111 GND_DEC R5170 RY51 3 1.5 0.2W Q5924 KTA1271Y R5925 1.0 0.25W R5144 Q5141 BC846B Q5110 BC846B Q5150 2SC4883A 27(F) R5120 VR51 470 R5935 FAN_12V Q5170 NJL3281DG R5134 Q5120 KTC3114A Q5934 KTA1271Y 0 R5138 C5117 1K(F) 100K NTC THERMISTOR 1K(F) R5121 R5123 R5124 GND_SIG 560(F) R5116 R5137 1K(F) R5133 R5150 Q5130 BC846B (PP Film) 22K(F) R5115 Q5131 BC856B C5116 470pF 100V R5122 22K F (Metal Film) R5107 R5108 470/16V 68(F) C5107 R5106 68(F) R5105 22K(F) R5102 C5101 (PP Film) 1000pF 100V 680(F) 100/50V (ELNA RFO) (PP Film) C5115 680(F) Q5113 KTA1024Y 100pF 100V Q5102 BC846B C5102 R5101 2.2K 0.25W Q5101 BC846B FL_IN 56(F) Q5115 BC856B GND_DEC SBL_OUT *CHG1A502 : Rubber Damping Pad 15 X 6 X 3mm *CHG1A503 : Rubber Damping Pad 7.5 X 6 X 3mm *CHG1A504: 3M Bumpon SJ-6344 FAN_12V (N.F) 22uF/100V 1K(F) D +5V C5150 D5170 GND_DEC 1N4003S C5170 C5130 R5112 3.3K(F) 1N5819 0.1uF 22 0.5W(Fusible) 27V C5135 68(F) 0.25W R5136 D5130 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5130 100/100V C5128 33(F) BC856B Q5104 BC856B Q5103 BC856B 22uF/100V Q5112 R5113 1K(F) R5114 100(F) R5104 R5103 FL 100(F) VCC R5128 GND_DEC SUB_POWER 0.1uF 5 **IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE. COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY MARK HAVE SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS IMPORTANT FOR SAFETY. WHEN REPLACING ANY OF THESE COMPONENTS, USE ONLY MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFIED PARTS. **THE UNIT OF RESISTANCE IS OHM. K=1000 OHM, M=1000 KOHM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AVR400 MODEL -6 **THE UNIT OF CAPACITANCE IS MICROFARAD (uF). 1pF = 10 uF **THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MAY BE MODIFIED AT ANYTIME WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PERFORMANCE. MP DESIGN CHECK APPROVE L.K.M L.J.H S.H.S 10.11.18 10.11.18 10.11.18 SHEET 11 15 DRAWING NO 2329SCMZ (AMP PART) 1 2 A 3 1 2 4 VCC R5629 D5629 22 0.5W(Fusible) 1N5819 1N4003SR 1N4003SR D5948 D5946 C5948 2.2/50V 3 5 2 6 5 4 OVERLOAD 100(F) R5690 22K(F) C5689 0.1uF 100V R5689 5.6K(F) R5682 R5683 C5683 2 1 CN56 22uF/100V C5680 D5680 1K(F) (N.F) VEE C 3 2 1 Q5781 MMBT5551 3.3K(F) OVERLOAD (CHG1A503) Q5788 MMBT5551 R5790 4.7 2W(R) 22K(F) R5784 R5788 R5789 10K(F) 0.1uF 100V 100(F) SBR_OUT R5786 1.0 0.25W 22uF/100V 10K(F) R5778 1K(F) R5776 1 C5760 B CN57 (Fusible) D5780 Q5760 2SA1859A V_DET 0.5uH 2 0.1uF GND_SBR Q5780 NJL1302DG R5780 3.3K(F) 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5745 8.2K 0.25W(F) D5745 R5747 R5746 1K(F) R5743 27V C5745 820(F) 68K(F) L5785 C5789 R5748 R5785 5.6K(F) R5783 C5783 330(F) 0.1uF/100V 4.7 2W(R) R5775 0.22 X2 5W 100 0.5W 10/50V 10/50V C5755 10UF/100V R5755 C5744 C5734 150(F) 150(F) R5732 R5742 10(F) 10(F) R5718 R5717 1K 1W(R) R5731 C5717 10/50V 82(F) R5782 820(F) 330(F) Q5740 BC856B 100/100V C5729 22uF/100V C5727 82(F) SOA_PROTECT 47K GND_DEC R5744 Q5725 BC846B GND_DEC 22uF/100V R5781 (Fusible) 0.1uF D5735 R5770 1.0 0.25W 27V C5735 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5735 R5737 1K(F) R5733 56(F) Q5750 2SC4883A 27(F) R5720 Q5726 KTC3206Y R5725 220(F) R5709 C5770 D5770 (N.F) 1K(F) (N.F) VEE D5729 1N5819 3 TO TRANS 1 C5750 CN504 230V 115V CN503 7 1 N L T5941 1/50V REVISION G5901 CN502 2 1 TO SWITCH 1 **IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE. COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY MARK HAVE SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS IMPORTANT FOR SAFETY. WHEN REPLACING ANY OF THESE COMPONENTS, USE ONLY MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFIED PARTS. **THE UNIT OF RESISTANCE IS OHM. K=1000 OHM, M=1000 KOHM D5950 1N4003SR T 15A H 250V 6 C5994 D5949 F5940 T 8A L 250V F5941 4700P 4 115V 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5736 100/100V C5730 22uF/100V C5728 1K(F) 100K NTC THERMISTOR 1K(F) R5721 R5722 VR57 470 R5760 R5726 12K(F) 22K(F) R5710 R5711 8.2K(F) C5589 0.1uF 100V VEE C5709 2 Q5709 BC846B CN55 1 1K(F) R5576 10/50V 22uF/100V C5580 D5580 1N4003S (N.F) S594 R5678 1K(F) R5676 R5738 1N5819 1 C5670 100 0.5W C5660 R5734 1K 1W(R) R5741 R5724 Q5720 KTC3114A 560(F) R5723 22K(F) R5716 2.2K 0.25W R5590 22K(F) 33(F) R5750 100pF 100V (PP Film) C5715 R5715 R5708 680(F) 22K F (Metal Film) R5707 C5707 470/16V 68(F) R5706 R5713 1K(F) R5714 100(F) R5704 100(F) 68(F) R5705 22K(F) R5702 C5701 (PP Film) OVERLOAD 100(F) R5582 C5583 R5583 0.1uF/100V 4.7 2W(R) R5589 6.8K(F) Q5710 BC846B 1K(F) 1N4003SR CUP12329-1 (PP Film) Q5741 BC846B GND_DEC R5578 C5560 A POWER-DOWN Q5730 BC846B C5716 470pF 100V 10K(F) 2 D5945 1N4003SR R5703 22uF/100V C5570 D5570 1N4003S R5575 0.22 X2 5W 100 0.5W 10/50V 10/50V C5555 10UF/100V R5555 C5544 0.1uF C5545 27V 3.3K(F) R5580 100K R5947 220 D5947 Q5731 BC856B R5729 RY594 1N4003SR GND_DEC (Fusible) 1 R5946 C5947 POWER_RELAY 1000/16V Q5947 KTC3198Y 1N5819 22 0.5W(Fusible) C5945 0.1uF/100V +5V 22 0.5W(Fusible) R5727 C5946 0.1uF/100V 1K(F) R5730 68(F) 0.25W 68(F) 0.25W C5941 1N4003S D5941 R5965 10K(F) 1.0 0.25W 100/16V C5942 D5965 1SS355 4 0.1uF/100V 4.7 2W(R) 27V C5645 0.1uF 3.3K(F) R5686 10K(F) Q5688 MMBT5551 (Fusible) Q5660 2SA1859A R5588 R5586 2 R5688 10K(F) R5680 Q5770 NJL3281DG GND_SIG Q5588 MMBT5551 R5728 D5730 D5529 3 4.7 2W(R) R5684 1.0 0.25W 1N4003S 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5646 R5627 68(F) 0.25W Q5713 KTA1024Y R5584 4.7 2W(R) GND_SR 230V GND_STBY SR_OUT 0.5uH (CHG1A503) FROM AC INLET R5529 22 0.5W(Fusible) V_DET 68K(F) Q5580 NJL1302DG 2 R5527 68(F) 0.25W 100/50V (ELNA RFO) 1000pF 100V 3.3K(F) C5534 150(F) D5545 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5545 R5547 1K(F) R5543 R5546 8.2K 0.25W(F) C5529 GND_DEC R5585 L5585 R5548 Q5560 2SA1859A 22uF/100V R5675 0.22 X2 5W 10/50V 10/50V C5655 10UF/100V R5655 C5634 150(F) 150(F) D5645 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5645 R5647 1K(F) 82(F) R5643 12K(F) R5626 22K(F) R5660 100/100V C5629 C5627 22uF/100V 82(F) GND_DEC 1K(F) Q5702 BC846B C5702 R5701 680(F) 820(F) 820(F) 100/100V 22uF/100V C5527 Q5581 MMBT5551 SUB_POWER POWER_MUTE Q5701 BC846B 47K GND_DEC 330(F) R5712 Q5704 BC856B SOA_PROTECT SBR_IN 150(F) R5532 R5542 10(F) 10(F) R5531 R5518 1K 1W(R) R5541 C5517 10/50V R5517 1K 1W(R) Q5540 BC856B 82(F) R5560 12K(F) R5525 82(F) 10/50V R5526 22K(F) (Fusible) R5544 Q5525 BC846B 220(F) R5509 Q5509 BC846B C5509 GND_DEC R5510 8.2K(F) R5511 B R5581 1.0 0.25W 330(F) Q5712 BC856B Q5715 BC856B R5538 VR55 470 Q5526 KTC3206Y R5570 Q5550 2SC4883A R5534 Q5520 KTC3114A Q5541 BC846B Q5510 BC846B Q5570 NJL3281DG 27(F) R5520 1K(F) 1K(F) R5521 100K R5522 560(F) R5524 GND_SIG NTC THERMISTOR 22K(F) R5516 R5523 (PP Film) Q5703 BC856B (N.F) 0.1uF Q5530 BC846B C5516 470pF 100V C5550 27V C5535 1K(F) R5533 56(F) Q5531 BC856B D5535 (PP Film) C5515 22K F (Metal Film) R5508 R5507 C5507 68(F) R5506 68(F) R5505 22K(F) R5502 C5501 (PP Film) 1000pF 100V 470/16V 680(F) 100/50V (ELNA RFO) R5515 680(F) 2.2K 0.25W Q5502 BC846B C5502 R5501 100pF 100V Q5513 KTA1024Y Q5501 BC846B SR_IN R5550 Q5515 BC856B 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5535 R5536 C5530 GND_DEC 1K(F) R5537 R5512 V_DET SBL_OUT VCC SBR 8.2K 0.25W(F) 1N5819 100/100V C5528 33(F) R5530 22 0.5W(Fusible) 22uF/100V Q5504 BC856B Q5503 BC856B R5513 1K(F) R5514 100(F) R5504 100(F) R5503 SR Q5512 BC856B R5528 68(F) 0.25W 68K(F) 0.5uH (CHG1A503) GND_SBL Q5680 VCC D5530 1N4003S D5670 3.3K(F) 0.1uF D5635 27V C5635 R5636 8.2K 0.25W(F) 1K(F) R5632 R5642 10(F) 10(F) R5618 1K 1W(R) R5631 C5617 10/50V R5617 1K 1W(R) R5641 C5644 R5648 R5685 L5685 NJL1302DG R5625 VEE 330(F) Q5626 KTC3206Y 220(F) R5609 1K(F) C5460 GND_DEC MMBT5551 820(F) 330(F) R5644 Q5640 BC856B Q5625 BC846B 10/50V 2 1 Q5609 BC846B 47K Q5681 (Fusible) 27(F) R5620 1K(F) R5621 100K R5622 1K(F) NTC THERMISTOR R5623 R5616 22K(F) R5624 560(F) VR56 470 GND_DEC 1K(F) R5476 R5637 R5633 56(F) R5650 100pF 100V (PP Film) C5615 R5615 680(F) 22K F (Metal Film) R5607 470/16V R5608 C5607 68(F) Q5610 BC846B SOA_PROTECT R5681 1.0 0.25W 820(F) 8.2K(F) R5478 (N.F) Q5620 KTC3114A Q5641 BC846B R5610 C5489 0.1uF 100V 5.6K(F) R5489 22uF/100V R5486 R5670 R5638 R5611 10K(F) Q5670 NJL3281DG Q5650 2SC4883A R5634 R5490 22K(F) Q5488 MMBT5551 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5635 C5630 100/100V C5628 22uF/100V R5613 1K(F) 33(F) R5614 100(F) R5604 R5603 100(F) R5606 68(F) R5605 22K(F) R5602 C5601 (PP Film) 1000pF 100V GND_SIG R5488 10K(F) D5480 (PP Film) 4.7 2W(R) R5484 R5480 (Fusible) OVERLOAD 100(F) R5482 R5483 C5483 SL_OUT Q5630 BC846B C5616 470pF 100V (N.F) 1N4003S D5429 1N5819 0.5uH Q5631 BC856B D C5650 C5780 R5429 22 0.5W(Fusible) L5485 1.0 0.25W 1N4003S C5480 3.3K(F) 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5446 R5427 68(F) 0.25W V_DET CN54 0.1uF 27V C5445 D5445 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5445 R5447 1K(F) R5443 C5429 100/100V 22uF/100V 82(F) C5427 10/50V R5425 R5409 C GND_DEC 68K(F) GND_SL Q5480 NJL1302DG Q5460 2SA1859A R5485 (CHG1A503) 0.1uF/100V 4.7 2W(R) 100 0.5W R5448 Q5425 BC846B 220(F) C5409 Q5409 BC846B 100/50V C5609 D5470 R5475 0.22 X2 5W 10/50V C5444 10/50V C5455 10UF/100V R5455 C5434 150(F) 150(F) R5432 R5442 R5431 10(F) 10(F) R5418 1K 1W(R) R5417 1K 1W(R) R5441 C5417 10/50V Q5426 KTC3206Y 82(F) R5460 12K(F) R5426 22K(F) R5410 R5411 8.2K(F) Q5410 BC846B Q5602 BC846B 2.2K 0.25W 680(F) 820(F) Q5441 BC846B Q5613 KTA1024Y C5602 R5601 820(F) 330(F) 22 0.5W(Fusible) 1N5819 GND_DEC 1K(F) (ELNA RFO) R5444 BC856B R5612 BC856B 22uF/100V SBL_IN GND_DEC 330(F) Q5440 Q5604 Q5601 BC846B 47K Q5481 MMBT5551 (Fusible) R5438 VR54 470 Q5603 BC856B SOA_PROTECT R5481 1.0 0.25W R5434 Q5420 KTC3114A 68(F) 0.25W Q5612 BC856B D5630 R5630 Q5615 BC856B R5470 3.3K(F) D5435 Q5430 BC846B 1N4003S C5470 Q5470 NJL3281DG Q5450 2SC4883A 27(F) R5420 1K(F) 1K(F) R5421 100K R5422 R5424 GND_SIG 560(F) R5416 22K(F) R5423 (PP Film) (N.F) 0.1uF R5436 56(F) R5450 Q5431 BC856B C5416 470pF 100V NTC THERMISTOR C5415 680(F) 22K F (Metal Film) R5407 R5408 68(F) R5406 68(F) R5405 22K(F) R5402 (PP Film) C5401 1000pF 100V 470/16V 100/50V (ELNA RFO) (PP Film) 680(F) R5415 C5402 R5401 C5407 SL_IN Q5402 BC846B 2.2K 0.25W Q5401 BC846B 100pF 100V KTA1024Y 1K(F) R5433 Q5413 R5437 Q5415 BC856B R5628 SBL C5450 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5435 C5430 GND_DEC 1K(F) 27V C5435 1N5819 8.2K 0.25W(F) R5430 22 0.5W(Fusible) 100/100V R5428 68(F) 0.25W 22uF/100V R5413 R5412 Q5404 BC856B Q5403 BC856B C5428 1K(F) Q5412 BC856B 33(F) R5414 100(F) R5404 D R5403 SL 100 , 0.125W VCC D5430 1N4003S 5 **THE UNIT OF CAPACITANCE IS MICROFARAD (uF). 1pF = 10- 6 uF **THIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MAY BE MODIFIED AT ANYTIME WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF PERFORMANCE. 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MP AVR400 MODEL DESIGN CHECK APPROVE L.K.M L.J.H S.H.S 10.11.18 10.11.18 10.11.18 SHEET 12 15 DRAWING NO 2329SCMZ (AMP PART) 2 2 A 6 5 4 3 2 1 VIDEO PART Z2 OUT 68P JK85 CJJ4M069Z(GOLD) C769 68 R825 VGND 0.01uF 100/16 R886 C876 100K C879 C840 C878 0.022u 22P->33P C880 1uF 22P 16 22P Q802 KTC3875SY 8.2K R879 0 R880 VGND VGND 1.2K 10/50 +5VV 1/50V 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 VGND 17 470/10V R848 C862 75 470/10V R849 C863 75 470/10V R850 1 IC86 SN74ACT0DR OSD_DA OSD_CE1 R887 1K OSD_SDA R888 1K OSD_SCL R889 1K OSD_CE J9 CN301 +15VV 16 +15VA VGND -5VA -5VA 5 OSD_H SV_Y_THURE CVBS_THURE SV_C_THURE R843 VGND 4.7K COM_Pb_THURE VGND 15 14 14 13 VGND VGND 33 R835 33 COM_Pr_CONV 1321_SCL VGND 1321_SDA OSD_DATA B OSD_CLK VGND OSD_CE VGND 23 24 25 26 VGND VGND COM_Pr_THURE COM_Y_CONV COM_Pb_CONV VGND R834 COM_Y_THURE VGND VGND 15 17 SDA 2 LPFSW 75 2 1 PROUT 18 C861 3 4 GND3 19 75 R847 4 3 20 C856 0.1uF C860 470/10V 5 6 NC-2 21 R846 6 8 PBOUT 470/10V 7 VGND 7 22 C855 0.1uF 75 9 29 28 27 26 25 23 23 V+3 22 24 YOUT 21 24 20 10 11 GND4 R845 C859 C839 100/16 18 GND 13 26 25 470/10V VGND +9VV 0.1uF 19 DGND 12 14 20 VREF SCL 11 PRIN 13 16 V+ 16 V+4 SYOUT 19 21 10K 28 27 18 Pr_OUT2 Pr 0.01uF C852 10/50V PS2 NC-3 VOUT 17 22 Pb_OUT2 Y_OUT2 23 12 AUX1 AUX2 AUX2 8 AUX0 AUX1 2 24 PBIN 12 To HDMI B'D 48 25 PORT1 15 GND2 11 17 47 26 PORT0 R842 NC-1 10 19 Y2 Pr3 27 PORT3 C776 0.01uF V+ 46 28 14 V+2 9 IC86 29 75 21 C818 Pb3 45 29 IC82 NJW1321FP1 Y3 43 44 30 10/50 C838 1/50V 31 13 Pb 0.01uF C851 10/50V C846 C837 C773 12 YIN 8 C858 ADR 0.01uF 32 AUX3 V+ 33 Pb_OUT 41 34 Pr_OUT 35 Pr4 Pr1 C815 AUX3 AUX4 1/50V 36 40 V+ C775 37 39 V+ 0.01uF Pb1 C817 V+ 1/50V Y_OUT C772 10 C845 Pr2 0.01uF Y1 C814 0.01uF C850 10/50V C854 0.1uF Pb4 1/50V Y 9 4.7K 30 10 SYIN CBSW 31 SDCOUT 12 8 R841 11 Y4 C774 S-Y OSD_CLK 11 7 GND1 32 6 VIN 6 S2 31 5 MIXSW 5 32 SCOUT VGND OSD_CE1 S1 30 1 2 3 4 NC-0 4 CVBS 0.01uF C849 10/50V C844 J3 J7 PORT2 2P C756 75 VGND R818 0.01uF V+ VGND 1,4,7 : UPPER 3,6,9 : LOWER C816 V+ 2P C751 C754 2P 2P C752 C755 2P 2P C753 75 R815 VGND Y2 1/50V 42 VGND 2 1 75 R817 VGND Y3 C771 38 VGND Pb2 3 75 R814 VGND 5 4 75 R816 VGND Pb3 6 75 R813 VGND VGND J1 J2 0.01uF Pb2 C813 Pr2 7 V+1 2 3 JK83 8 SCIN 7 0.01uF C847 10/50V 13 1/50V 10K PS1 1 14 C828 S-C IC84 CVINJM2566V 8 R844 C841 9 C857 0.01uF 15 VGND 1/50V C807 16 75 R809 VGND 75 R807 75 R808 VGND C829 100/16V VGND Pr3 9 Q801 KTA1504SY VGND 18 C808 VGND +5VV 20 1/50V 0.01uF R868 14 C830 22 0.01uF 0.022u 1/50V C809 R881 D801 C831 100K VGND C +9VV C889 C890 COMPO OUT C842 & COMPONENT IN3 VGND 470/10 COMPO OSD IN 0.01uF C848 10/50V C843 CJJ4R046Z(GOLD) 56P VGND 15 COMPONENT IN2 C884 C891 75 0.01uF OPEN VGND 1/50V C810 R867 VGND C832 R866 12 10 75 R812 R810 13 9 11 75 R811 17 C853 0.1uF BD 39K 0.1/50 2.2K 8 VGND B C883 6.8K 6800P 1.5K R876 VGND 16 AV R874 1/50 C882 22P 17 notRST C881 2.2K C885 not3.58/4.43 VDD2 1K R875 VGND VGND 1K R877 notNTSC/PAL CVIN PDOUT SYNCIN VGND R872 VGND R873 10K C886 1/50V C811 VGND 270 not525/625 CVCR CVOUT L802 5.6UH R878 C833 30 11 SECAM VGND 1K 0.47/50 4 2 0.01uF 29 24 23 22 10 SCLK VGND R871 7 C Y BD C812 C887 6 C JK82 CJJ9P004Z(GOLD) SAT 5 1 3 VGND R885 4 5 6 AMPIN 7 8 PDOUT SIN VGND C Y FC AMPOUT 12 VGND Xin2 Xout2 13 VGND VCOOUT 9 27P (EU) C874 27P (EU) C873 VGND VGND R833 1K VGND VGND 1M 1M 27P C872 C871 27P 3 0.1uF C868 V+ SW2 Vin3 Vin2 GND VGND 47K OSD_CLK 1K 33 Xout1 HSYNCOUT VCOIN notCS OSD_DA R882 R832 C869 100/16 Pb_OUT2 14 VDD1 SYNCDET VSYNCOUT AMPIN OSD_CE1 VGND C888 1/50V 15 13 VGND R883 12 VGND 1K 11 C865 10/50V 180P 10 33 Xin1 VGND 0.01uF 9 VGND VGND VGND R831 VGND X802 14.318MHz C867 8 4 C866 7 3 0.01uF 6 5 2 R863 4 VGND VGND 1 VGND VGND R862 3 16 SCL PORT3 2 Pr2 V+ 1 17 SDA 5 VSS VGND 28 X 27 14.318 26 27P X801 17.734MHz(EU) 25 27P IC83 IC83 LC74763M LC74763M 21 14.318 20 17.734 19 27P 100UH 18 27P PAL +5VV 1 X802 2 X801 R884 VGND 75 75 R803 R801 75 R802 VGND C822 48 Pb2 14 VGND Y2 18 GND 6 SW1 VOUT 0.01uF 19 7 Vin1 C801 20 DGND IC85 HVINJM2244MTE1 Pr3 47 21 V+ VREF 8 1M V+ 46 Pr_OUT2 IC81 NJW1321FP1 +9VV R861 45 1/50V 16 22 0.1uF 0.01uF C823 15 23 PORT1 C835 100/16 C802 Y3 24 PORT0 VGND 10/50 C836 Pb3 43 25 C834 44 42 26 AUX0 AUX1 1/50V 27 ADR 0.01uF C824 28 PORT2 C803 12 10 29 Pr1 13 9 11 30 AUX3 V+ 31 AUX2 Pr4 41 32 Y_OUT2 40 33 Pr_OUT 39 34 Pb_OUT 35 Pb1 17 36 V+ 1/50V 38 V+ C825 C872 NTSC 37 V+ 0.01uF Y_OUT 1/50V C804 Pb4 C826 Y1 75 VGND C805 +5VV Y4 VGND 1/50V 0.01uF V+ VGND 8 75 R806 R804 4 2 7 C Y AV 5 1 3 75 R805 6 JK81 CJJ9P004Z(GOLD) VCR C Y C827 C871 0.022u C875 L801 * LC74763M OPTION TABLE 0.01uF C806 14 VGND D C770 470/10V 15 D N.D N.D N.D 1/50V VGND 2P VGND C759 1,4,7 : UPPER 3,6,9 : LOWER Y_OUT VGND 75 R824 C763 S(1BIT) LSB SLAVE ADDRESS(8BIT) LSB MSB DATA(8BIT) S : Starting Term LSB A(1BIT) DATA(8BIT) A(1BIT) P(1BIT) 1 10uH 3 OUT IN 1 GND 2 A : Acknowledge Bit SLAVE ADDRESS Slave Address(8BIT) 1 0 0 0 MSB 0 0 ADR(1BIT) Hex VGND R/NOT W : Set the Write Mode or Read Mode. CONTROL REGISTER TABLE <WRITE MODE> NO. DATA 1 DATA 2 D6 PS1 1 R/NOT W = 0 : READ MODE, ADR = 0/1 ; ADR=0 Hex:95(h), ADR=1 Hex:97(h) BIT D7 D5 D4 PS2 PS : POWER SAVE D3 D2 OUT1 AUX0 D1 D0 OUT2 AUX1 AUX2 => PS = 1 ; POWER SAVE ON (MUTE), PS = 0 ; POWER SAVE OFF (OUT ON) OUT : OUTPUT AUX3 AUX : AUXILIARY (CONTROL SIGNAL OUTPUT) <READ MODE> NO. DATA BIT D7 D6 PORT0 D5 D4 PORT1 D3 D2 PORT2 D1 D0 PORT3 REVISION ADR : Set the Slave Address by " ADR" terminal. - R/NOT W(1BIT) R/NOT W = 0 : WRITE MODE, ADR = 0/1 ; ADR=0 Hex:94(h), ADR=1 Hex:96(h) A 3 P : Ending Term 1000/6.3 MSB VGND MSB A(1BIT) Out In C892 I2C BUS FORMAT MSB 1 2 10/50V 10uH * DEFINITION OF I2C REGISTER ( NJW1321 ) N.D CVD1N4003SRT D802 C893 1/50V GND 0.01uF C768 L804 10/50V 1000/6.3 IC88 CVIKIA7809AF 0.1uF IC89 CVIKIA1117S50 0.1uF C821 +15VV +9VV C764 C894 75 R823 0.1uF 1/50V C895 C767 Y_OUT C896 C757 Pb_OUT 10/50V C760 2P 2P C761 C758 Pr_OUT L803 2P C762 75 1000/6.3 +5VV Y1 R821 2 0.01uF VGND VGND 3 C820 2P 75 R820 VGND 4 Pb_OUT R822 C765 VGND VGND Pb1 5 N.D N.D 75 VGND N.D N.D 29 0.01uF C766 C897 VGND 7 Pr_OUT 6 C819 2P 75 R819 8 30 Pr1 9 CJJ4R046Z(GOLD) MONITOR OUT COMPONENT OUT & SAT COMPONENT IN1 JK84 28 27 VGND PORT : INPUT MP 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL AVR400 DESIGN CHECK APPROVE DRAWING NO L.J.Y L.J.H S.H.S 2330SCDZ 10.11.17 10.11.17 10.11.17 (VIDEO) A SHEET 13 15 1 3 4 3 0.01uF R715 4.7 0.01uF 10K R718 C712 R719 0.01uF R723 C714 10K 10K 0.01uF C713 R726 R721 10K 10K 0.1uF D716 CVD1SS355T ST+5V IC72 220 4 3 KP1010B IC71 2 R736 D718 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.47 0.1 0.47 0.47 OPEN 0 JK74 Z_1 IR_IN 1 22 24 Z_2 IR_IN 21 1 4 220 R731 OPEN 10K 0 KP1010B 2 0.1 2 10 R735 3 R2in C 1 R732 47K 8 MGND 3 0.1 ST3232E 0.1 GND 68K ST202E C620 2 C619 VOUT 0.047u CTRL 47/25V VIN 4 R714 4.7 10K 1SS355 R730 16 C721 15 Q716 R722 1SS355T R2out 20 1K Q714 HVTKRA102S C721 C722 C723 C724 C725 R743 R744 1 1SS355 10K T2in +12V R651 R713 10K T2out D715 HVTKRC102S 13 T1in V- 0.47uF DGND R724 20 R725 D714 1SS355 12 R1out C725 Z_2 TRIG 21 Q715 KTA1266 14 C2- R1in Z_1 TRIG R720 +5VD CVIKIA78R08PIGA IC64 4.7 C711 OPEN D721 100 R728 R727 D702 1 2 C2+ C724 0.047u C624 C623 DGND T1out C1- 0.1uF JK73 1 22 24 Q713 R734 DGND R712 4.7 47K D701 R701 22P C701 22P C702 22P 22P C703 C704 4.7 0.1uF CHGND 100/25V C GND V+ C723 R741 C741 0.47uF 1 Vcc C722 0.47uF -15V 3 R711 1 CJJ9V001Z 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1 6 2 7 3 +12V C1+ 2 10 20 CVD1SS355T D713 ST3232ECDR L702 CVIKIA7915PIVA In Out HVTKRC102S Q722 A1266Y R743 OPEN D741 DGND 1SS355 0 IC73 CLZ9Z014Z MGND 1SS355 R729 R744 8 CJJ9V001Z JK72 7 8 6 5 3 CJP08GB142ZB 4 2 1 TXD D712 1K Q711 HVTKRA102S 10K RXD D711 ST+5V L701 CLZ9Z014Z 11 DGND V_DET MGND R716 20 R717 TX 10 C622 C621 0.047u 1 MGND +5VD Q712 KTA1266 6 IC62 2 _POWER_DOWN +5VD 9 DGND -20V POWER_DOWN 5 2 2 D602 6 3 100/25V 15K C609 R609 +15V 3 GND 15K 2200/35V OUT 1 DGND C610 R610 R612 C608 22K 22K 2200/35V 1N4003SRT 0.47 22K R614 D603 0.047uF 0.1uF DGND R611 C605 R603 D604 1N4003SRT 0.01uF DGND ! 1N4003SRT C604 C606 0.01uF D605 ST+9V 4 IN +20V 1N4003SRT GND ! 0.47 C607 R604 0.047uF ! 7 CN501 CVIKIA7815APIVA IC63 POWER_ON USE CROSS CABLE RS232 MALE TO AMP 8 0.1uF RX 4 +3.3VD2 4.7 C742 CHGND 9 +3.3VD1 TO INPUT R742 5 +12V USE CROSS CABLE iPod MALE 5 6 7 PULL_UP D742 JK71 1 2 MGND MGND 8 PULL_UP ST+5V 9 MGND +5VD 10 1000/6.3 C625 0.1uF MGND BN62 2 3 4 0.1uF C658 C657 IN C653 3 C654 100/16V 1 OUT C652 L652 CLZ9Z014Z HVINJM2391DL133 GND IC67 0.1uF 2.2ohm,1/2W +5VD 11 R650 5 100ohm,1/2W L651 CLZ9Z014Z R652 1 N.C +5VD 1W 2.2 2 N.C MGND R649 C659 DGND -15V ST+5V D +12V +15V MGND +5VD 2 1000/25V DGND 4 TO HDMI Q643 CVTD44H11GVA 3 +15VD GND IN 3 OUT C656 1 1 RS232 PART -15V L654 CLZ9Z014Z HVINJM2391DL133 0.1uF 7 +15VD 6 CN61 +15VD IC68 100/16V L653 CLZ9Z014Z 3 +15V +5VD D 4 POWER PART 2 5 5 7 6 MGND HVTKRC107S Q721 MGND Q717 HVTKRA107S RS232_CONT +12V 0.1uF 470/16V 150uF/10V C639 C640 C641 CVDSS34SR D631 47K IPOD_RX232 IPOD_TX232 RS232_TX232 2 BN71 7 GND 6 VOUT 8CH SBL JK92 8CH SBR 560 D_GND 330P 39K R978 ESD 220P C788 100K R798 C787 220P C786 220P CN102 100K 100K 2 1 R797 R796 3 4 8 5 7 6 D781 D782 10 9 12 0.1uF 4.7 8CH-SBR 2.54mm(Pitch), 29.5mm(Height) 220P 100K C785 C784 100K 220P C789 R789 1SS355 1SS355 100 R781 R977 MGND R795 100 R782 GND 8CH-SBL 220P 0.1uF 6.8K 33P 120 VCC D_GND VCC C783 8 100K VOUT 220P R971 +5V C782 R783 4 F_OPT 100K A_GND F_OPT 8CH-C 8CH-SUB 100 11 8CH SUB 5 220P D_GND C957 C650 D_GND C954 STBY_GND 2 8CH-SL 8CH-SR R784 3 FRONT AUX_L(MIC) L901 8CH-L 100 1 FRONT AUX_R 180 +5VD 8CH Cch C781 330P R968 FRONT AUX_R +5VD R785 JK78 R794 470P C945 470P 330P C951 R969 100K 100K R970 C952 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A_GND 1SS355 1SS355 8CH-R 100K 22K R647 A_GND 0.1uF 4.7 D783 D784 100 RECEIVER OPTICAL & AUX & MIC D_GND RLS4148 IN _POWER_DOWN FRONT AUX_L(MIC) A_GND C948 5.1V ST+9V D644 C647 100/16 2 8CH SRch 180 R973 10K GND R967 HP_DETECT C799 R799 100 R786 470 D645 R787 HP_GND HP_R B 100 8CH SLch HP_GND HP_GND R972 R646 8CH Rch 7 HP_GND C950 GND CN93 C946 Q642 KTC3199Y IC66 NJU7223F50 5 2 HP_GND 100/16V 3 HP_DETECT 3 HP_GND 0.1uF OUT 100 R788 4 HP_L C955 IN 1 JK79 R793 R966 0.1uF OUT 8CH Lch 1 33P 1N4003ST JK91 6 R792 HP_GND HP_L HP_GND C947 4.7K 22K R648 R644 D616 11 DGND 1K 12 R645 Q641 C102S 4.7K 0.1uF R643 0.15/50V 2 L644 CLZ9Z014Z 13 POWER_ON MGND 0.1uF RS232_RX232 1 4 470 FROM FRONT BOARD D643 2 C648 Z1_TRIG ST+5V 3 6 HP_R 100, 1/4W C649 C651 1/50V 5 8 8CH DIRECT INPUT B'D R958 RLS4148 1 7 10 R957 L641 KLZ9H001Z DGND 9 12 100, 1/4W L643 CLZ9Z014Z L642 KLZ9H001Z 11 14 AUX & PHONE R844+R847 =-Vfb/Iadj,0.5V)/0.1mA = 5Kohm 1 13 16 FROM INPUT R839=(Vout-Vfb)/Iadj, (5V-0.5V)/0.1mA = 45Kohm J11 15 18 HEADPHONE(YUQIU) B J12 17 R791 220P 62k R635 C630 R632 0.01uF C637 R633 5 5.1K 1% 6 C643 FB 7 1000P SW COMP 8 GND VIN EN 4 BS 3 SS R631 IC61 CVISI8005QTL 0.1uF 68K 22K 150uF/25V R630 ! 2 C636 0.1uF C635 C631 3 C642 1 HVDKBU804F 0.01uF C602 4 D601 1 0.047uF 2 C603 T6.3A L 250V 0.1uF C601 ! 0.01uF F602 C632 T6.3A L 250V 18000uF/25v ! 10UH/3A 10 CVDSS34SR D632 0.01uF 10UH/3A R636 L631 F601 L632 Z2_TRIG 5 +5VD C638 +5VD ST+5V IPOD_PRESENT MGND C949 4 MGND ZONE2_IR J4 J5 R733 C616 J6 MGND REMOTE_OUT 1/50V 10K C614 R613 MGND 3 C613 CVD1N4003SRT D607 OPEN 1 330/25V CRG2ANJ150H C615 0.1uF CVD1N4003SRT D606 2 CN63 TRANSFORMER 47K R615 D_GND A C956 OPEN R976 27 D914 1SS355 D915 1SS355 JW902 REVISION CHGND 1 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL AVR400 MP DESIGN CHECK APPROVE DRAWING NO L.J.Y L.J.H S.H.S 2330SCDZ 10.11.17 10.11.17 10.11.17 (VIDEO) A SHEET 14 15 2 3 6 5 4 3 2 1 D D SCREW MARK LAND C 1 1 J15 LAND J16 C DGND B B MP REVISION A 1 2 4 6 3 5 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AVR400 MODEL DESIGN CHECK APPROVE L.J.Y L.J.H S.H.S 10.11.17 10.11.17 10.11.17 A SHEET 15 15 DRAWING NO 2330SCDZ (VIDEO) 3 3
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