Aliante October 20th at Deer Springs Park 4 pm - 7 pm
Aliante October 20th at Deer Springs Park 4 pm - 7 pm
Aerial Aliante aliante master association publication ◆ September/october 2012 join us for the second annual Fall Harvest Fest! October 20th at Deer Springs Park 4 pm - 7 pm Come join us for the fall Festival and help us celebrate Aliante’s 10th birthday! More information on page 7 Aerial Aliante Aliante Master Association BOARD OF DIRECTORS District #1 STEVEN BROWN, Director District #2 JUDITH HANSON, Vice President & Treasurer Pro Tem Alice Moore, Director District #3 JERRY DOCKENS, President Marisa Kagan, Director Director-at-Large MARK PALLANS, Secretary MANAGEMENT EXCELLENCE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT, LLC 5135 Camino Al Norte, Suite 160 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 Phone: (702) 399-4273 • Fax: (702) 633-7904 Website: From the President: For my last article as president, this is a good opportunity to summarize accomplishments by your board this year On the trail system, the following was done, in accordance with our current reserve study and 2012 budget: •Concrete trail sections lifted by tree roots were replaced and root barriers installed •Landscaping rocks added to reduce erosion on several slopes •Landscape rocks added to reduce trail cutting in several areas •Light pole and light bollards repainted and renumbered (note: pole numbers not only serve to report a light out, but are also a good reference to report any issues on our trails) •Dead plants replaced. If a high percentage were dead in an area, then all in that area were replaced. •Plants originally installed by the developer, which did not have a high survivability rate, were replaced OFFICE STAFF Community Manager Dianne L. Vogel, CMCA, AMS, PCAM Administrative Assistants Jenna Pollock - Kerry Guerra - Field Operations Manager Mike Berg - The association staff is here to assist you Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Securitas - Office: 691-3319 • Fax: 737-6306 Roving Patrol Roving Patrol 1: 237-4724 • Roving Patrol 2: 237-4723 Roving Patrol 3: 237-6898 Cost Center Delegates: La Vella: Irene Bimel • Pavona: Adam Thompson Ravenna: Gary Lowers • Salerno: Joyce Pizzo San Destin: Olga Rodriguez Serenata: Justin Godfrey • Vialetto: Tyrin Neal Sub-Association Delegates: Autumn Ridge/Springdale: Kathy McAninch Club Aliante: Cheryl Roberts Court @ Aliante: Pam Lucas Aliante Cove: Beatrice Lind Estates @ Aliante: John Saccomano Manor @ Aliante: James Moldenhauer Prominence: Vacant • Fields: Vacant Seasons @ Aliante: Mark Bierhallder Seville/Bel Etage: Richard Stenehjem Sun City Aliante: Vacant Terrasini: Theresa Parker • Treviso: Donna Hines Aliante Master Association, its agents or affiliates are not responsible for any services listed or rendered by third parties through this publication. 2 Note: When I walk the trails, introduce myself, and ask for feedback, the most common comments are very positive, such as “we love it”. The second most common comment, and mostly from dog walkers, is “wish others would pick up after their dogs”. Dog walkers, enjoy the trails, but please take note. Along the collector roads (2 lanes each direction) and arterial roads (3+ lanes each direction) within Aliante: •Landscaping renovated •12 doggie stations added •Cabinets repainted In the cost centers, two homes which had become a blight were renovated. One home had broken windows replaced; the mortgage company finally foreclosed, we were re-paid for our “investment” and the house has a new owner, as of April. ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 September/October Meetings COMMITTEES Architectural Review Committee (ARC) (Meetings begin at 6 p.m.) September 4th & 18th • October 2nd, 16th, & 30th **Deadline for arc submittals: Noon on the Thursday prior to meeting ** Compliance Committee (Meetings begin at 6 p.m.) September 6th • October 4th Finance Committee (Meetings begin at 5 p.m.) September 25th • October 23rd Safety Committee (Meetings begin at 4 p.m.) September 13th • October 11th Property and Grounds Committee (Meetings begin at 4:30 p.m.) Another home was damaged in the garage by a fire and then abandoned. The garage door and broken windows were replaced, stucco repaired and repainted. When the mortgage company finally takes responsibility for it, we should be able to recover the renovation expenses. September 18th • October 16th Social Committee (Meetings begin at 6 p.m.) September 4th • October 2nd All committee meetings are held at the Excellence Community Management office located at 5135 Camino Al Norte, Suite 160, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89031. Call 702-399-4273 for more information, details or to request a committee interest form. Architectural Review Committee (ARC): Emilio Brunetti, Chair Cindy Fesmire Alice Moore, Board Liaison Compliance Committee: Lee Kaainoni, Chair Joyce Pizzo Olga Rodriguez Harold Witherspoon Carlene Sabath-Cohen Jonathan Marcus Judith Hanson, Board Liason Your board has been active, intending to maintain and enhance our community, within budget, for the foreseeable future. In keeping with our on-going policy of preventative maintenance, please promptly report any condition needing attention to Excellence Community Management. Thank you to my neighbors in District 3, who allowed me to serve our community. Sincerely, Jerry Dockens Aliante Master Association President ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 Property and Grounds Committee: Felix Teniente, Chair Jeannette Smith Mark Klein Richard Culmone Robert Piscione Thomas Burdick Steve Brown, Board Liaison Social Committee: Patsy Dolan, Chair Becky Biarnesen Fran Klein Kendra Sellers Rick Sellers Irene Friedman Judith Hanson, Board Liason Safety Committee: Jerry Overton, Chair Michael Brannan Kathy McAninch Howard Lasky Justin Kagan Jerry Dockens, Board Liaison Finance Committee: Don Stewart, Chair Jane Armstrong Linda Ventura Harry Reinhart Mark Klein Judith Hanson, Board Liason COMMUNITY HOT LINE: Dedicated line to announce important meetings and events happening within Aliante. Please feel free to call: 702-399-4273 3 From the Vice President: good fit for you. 2011-2012 is drawing to a close for your Aliante Master Association Board of Directors. As I look back upon the past year, I’ve seen tremendous growth in our community. Both Prominence and the Fields are being built out, which means less dirt and more homes. We don’t look for any increase in assessments in 2013. We have a number of candidates who have expressed an interest in being on the 2012-2013 Board of Directors, which is exciting. I would hope that if these candidates do not get elected to their District that they would consider serving on one of our committees that still need a few good people – ARC, Compliance, Finance, and Safety. Our reserve funds have been used discreetly to replace plant growth both along the streetscapes and along the walking trails. When the developer laid out the plans for our community, their choices of plants were not always in keeping with low cost maintenance and beauty. Many of the plants outgrew their assigned roles and needed to be trimmed back extensively. Some of those did not take trimming well and looked like dead shrubs. Thanks to the Property and Grounds Committee for undertaking this project along with Mike Berg and Gothic Landscaping. There is a two page spread of the before and after photos in Parcels 59 and 60 within the newsletter showing the improvements that have been made to date. Our safety patrols have undergone some major changes in the past few months. We sold the vehicles that we purchased as a community and are now leasing our vehicles through Securitas. We had some major changes in personnel. With these changes, I believe we are on the right track in getting the most out of the patrols. The Safety Committee has done a fantastic job in making safety a primary focus within our community, especially when school is in session. The ARC Committee is beginning a review of the community paint colors and will make recommendations to the board in the near future on new paint schemes that can be implemented within the community to make it look more alive and yet maintain integrity. This is a small committee, but a powerful committee in terms of the reviews it undergoes each and every month. It is a committee that could use a little help, so if you are looking for a place to volunteer, this may be a 4 Our Compliance Committee continues to review homeowner violations of the governing documents. The committee would like to see the number of violations diminish. One of the biggest violations we are facing right now is the lack of owners filing lease information for their tenants. Each time this is ignored, the owner gets a fine of 100/14/100, which means, after 14 days another $100.00 fine goes on the owner account every seven days. This is such a simple violation that can be taken care of very quickly. It is a necessity to have these lease agreements on file. It not only protects the tenant but the owner of the property as well. So, please, please, please, if you are an owner with a tenant, contact Excellence for that form and fill it out immediately. It will save you money in the long run. Another violation that keeps occurring is the improper storage of trash cans and the fact that trash cans are not removed from the curb after trash pickup. This is another violation that can be easily taken care of and you, the homeowner, will not be the victim of a fine. By the time this newsletter is printed, the Finance Committee, along with the Board of Directors, will have reviewed the 2013 budget. As previously stated, there will be no increases in assessments. Our vendors have been very conscientious in finding ways to reduce their fees which keeps our community as one of the best managed in the Aliante residents enjoying this year’s Spring into Summer Event ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 valley. In July, we changed insurance carriers after having been with the same carrier for almost ten years. It was time to see what a new carrier could do for us, not only in terms of representing us against the frivolous lawsuits being filed against all associations and collection agencies within the valley, but also to get a new hands on approach to overseeing our community. With the resignation of Greg Clarke at our July meeting, I have been voted in as Treasurer-Pro Tem until the elections are completed in September, along with continuing to be your Vice President. I have also taken on the added responsibility of Board Liaison for the Compliance Committee. Your Social Committee has been active as well. We organized, with the help of the staff at the City of North Las Vegas, two major park clean-ups, the first at Deer Springs Park in the fall of 2011 and the more recent one at Discovery Park in April of this year. Thanks to the generosity of a small group of vendors, we were able to do both of these projects with no cost to the Association. Our holiday lighting event and spring into summer events were huge successes. We are looking forward to October 20th and our Harvest Fest and the Birthday celebration of Aliante. We hope you will join us for this event from 4 to 7 pm at Deer Springs Park. Pumpkins will be available for the kids to decorate again along with the best DJ in the valley. A birthday cake and firework fountains will highlight the evening hours as we celebrate the 10th birthday of our community. Aliante residents enjoying last year's tree lighting event. Also, in closing, please look forward to the holiday lighting event December 8th. It is bound to surprise and delight you. We have also added some additional decorations to this year’s holiday lights which were at the request of residents within the community. I, and the rest of the board, hope you enjoy our choices. Sincerely, Judith Hanson Aliante Master Association Vice President ® 10% off for Aliante Residents * LANDSCAPE SERVICES INCLUDE: PLANNING DESIGN • INSTALLATION • REMODEL • MAINTENANCE • IRRIGATION • ARBOR CARE • CONSULTATION • • LANDCARE I N C O R P O R A T E D OF EXCELLENCE 1 9 9 6 – 2 0 1 1 *RESTRICTIONS APPLY, CALL FOR DETAILS. 1285 Rockpebble Ave. | N. Las Vegas, NV 89030 phone: 702.639.0099 | fax: 702.639.0324 NV-C10-49400A/Limit $700,000.00 AZ-K21-ROC202478 ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 5 The Inspector’s View With the hot summer temperatures slowing down this is a great time to make the needed upgrades on your landscape around your property. Plants that have been stressed in the summer heat need to be trimmed back and have the dead and damaged branches and leaves removed. This is also a good time to check your irrigation clock. Usually residents and gardeners turn up the irrigation water in the summer. Now that it will be cooling off the water to the landscape needs to be turned down. A good practice in the fall months is to water less often for a longer period of time. A good rule of thumb is to adjust your irrigation clock from every day to every other day and then follow the water district policies for days and times to water. This will not only help the plants and trees adapt to the change in weather but also lower your water bill. I have noticed a lot of new screening on view fences on residences that back up to the walking trails. The Architectural Committee has approved guidelines for residents that are looking for a little more privacy in their backyards. If you have installed the metal fabric on the outside of your view fence and have not taken the time to get approval you could be asked to remove the fabric and install it on the inside of your fence. Installing cloth fabric, bamboo and other type screening is not allowed. I will be inspecting the view fences along the trails over the next several months and writing violation notices if necessary. If you need any help with type of metal fabric and how it is to be attached to the fence and the paint color the Excellence Management office can guide you in the right direction with these items and approvals. During my inspections along the walking trails and the communities, I have noticed an increase in above ground pools being installed. Above ground pools are not allowed in Aliante. You might ask what constitutes an above ground pool. This is a pool that is permanently erected either on a patio, concrete slab, or installed in the landscape area, and the pool is maintained by a circulation pump with a filtration system. Remember that any changes or an addition to the outside of the home or landscape needs approval from the Aliante Master Association prior to being installed. Small afternoon wading pools set on the patio or back yard are allowed with the intent that they are easily removed after play and don’t become a permanent structure. On a final note, we are still having a large problem with trash receptacles. Cans are being left out or stored in driveways and front yards. Please try to store them in areas that are not in view of the neighborhood. Residents are also putting out debris at the curb that is not in trash receptacles. Republic Services has set certain weeks and days scheduled for bulk pick-up, please check their website for a listing. Mike Berg Field Operations Manager 6 ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 From the Treasurer Pro-Tem: At the August board meeting, Greg Clarke resigned as he moved out of Aliante. I want to personally thank him for a job well done. He had reports which were very informative and I loved the pie charts he presented. Unfortunately, that is not my reporting style. My report this month will be brief but complete. Per NRS 116.31083, the Finance Committee and I have examined and compared the current month financial statements provided by Excellence Management along with all bank statements. Financial statements are available to each homeowner, upon request. Reserve transfers for the Master Association have been suspended through September 2012, awaiting the preparation of the budget. If we continued to make transfers, we would be at 128% funded on January 1, 2013. Once the budget is completed, the board may find that we will have to continue suspending transfers to the reserve fund through December 2012. Our cash flow is strong, not only at the Master level but in all the Cost Centers as well. As of June 30, 2012, cash in the consolidated operating accounts totaled $2,732,210.70. In the reserves it totaled $3,665,608.94 and $397,236.12 in the capitalization Follow Aliante Master Association on... Twitter Facebook Las Vegas Sun account. The association is in compliance with paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NRS 116.3115 in that reserve funds have not been used for daily maintenance. We continue to make landscaping improvements out of reserve funds as detailed in our previous reserve study. The Finance Committee and I continue to look for investment opportunities. Unfortunately the interest rates offered on CD’s and CDAR’s are pathetic at best. We have opened a new account with 1st Commerce Bank; taking advantage of an interest rate of 0.70% for one year. If you think this is bad, most rates fall in the 0.30-0.50% for 6 months and 12 month CDARs. Our delinquencies continue to remain rather high. However, I am encouraged by the fact that our assessments are keeping up with our expenses. Remember, we do not budget for fines. I am anxious to see who your new Treasurer will be after our reorganization meeting in September and the type of report you will be given in the next Aerial. Sincerely, Judith Hanson Aliante Master Association Treasurer Pro-Tem When Your hubbY Can’T, The Yes Man Can! $50 $50 Off Off Your next air conditioning or plumbing service If you could use a “Yes Man” in your life, call aliante’s premier air conditioning and plumbing provider today. 888-4Yes (4937) The Yes Man Can ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 License # 71246 & 71233 7 Parcel 59 & 60 - Your Reserve Dollars at Work Parcel 59 Before Parcel 59 After 8 ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 Parcel 60 Before Parcel 60 After ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 9 join us for the second annual Fall Harvest Fest! October 20th at Deer Springs Park 4 pm - 7 pm Come join us for the fall festival and help celebrate Aliante’s 10th birthday! Free food including popcorn, caramel apples, funnel cakes, cotton candy and bottled water. There will be food to purchase including hamburgers, cheeseburgers, beef hot dogs, corn dogs, nachos & cheese, french fries, apple cider, and assorted sodas. Activities include carnival game booths with prizes, hay rides, free pumpkins for kids to decorate, giant slide, obstacle courses, DJ with games and we will be ending the night with a fireworks display! We will be collecting books for pre-kindergarten to 8th grade level to donate to “Spread the Word Nevada”, a literacy program that provides at-risk students with books to call their own. 10 ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 WANTED A FEW GOOD PEOPLE TO COMPLETE THE ARC COMMITTEE Do you have two Tuesdays a month to give? Can you spare an hour on each of these Tuesdays? You don’t need an Architectural background or A Contractor’s Background What you do need is Consistency and Dedication Our Guidelines define your job – they are quite simple The architectural character of each community was established by the architects who originally designed the community. These guidelines are found in the CC&Rs, and provide for integrity of the communities design. All members of the committee shall be homeowners of the Master Association. If we don’t get the support we need, then we will have to turn the work of the ARC Committee over to a professional architect or architectural firm. This will mean applications will take more time to approve and the application fee will need to be increased. So – PLEASE join our TEAM – THE ARC! Let’s Talk Trash Did you know that your Trash is public property, once placed on the curb for pickup? You never know when someone might go through your trash or just steal it altogether. They can be looking for aluminum cans, plastic or scarier yet, your identity. Identity theft is one of the fastest rising types of crime today. For instance, according to the LV Metro Police Dept Fraud Div., if your social security number or those 20 year old bank records that you finally got around to tossing out were to fall into the hands of the wrong person, they can refinance your home or they can reactivate a closed credit card account without your knowledge within a matter of hours. Frightening isn’t it!!! You can reduce the risk of identity theft by simply shredding your files with a cross-cut shredder before throwing them away. The police dept tells us that ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 the old straight cut shredders aren’t good enough any more. So, do not put anything in your trash you don’t want someone else to see and remember to shred, shred, and cross-cut shred. 11 Did You Know?? Aliante’s Garage Sale Guidelines Did you know that according to the Aliante Master Associations Rules and Regulations, Section 5.2, that Garage Sale signs are prohibited? Garage sales are prohibited other than the community-wide garage sales, which the Master Board shall organize bi-annually, they are currently scheduled for the second Saturday and Sunday of April and the second Saturday and Sunday of October each year. The Master Board not only posts signs throughout the Community but also obtains the necessary permits from the City of North Las Vegas. Did you know that if you have a garage sale outside of the above outlined dates you are not only in violation of the Rules and Regulations but may be breaking the law? According to the City of North Las Vegas, Nevada, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5.21, no household may have more than two garage/yard sales at any location during a twelve month period. Did you know that according to these same ordinances that signs advertising garage or yard sales are prohibited on any public property? Did you know that the penalties for violation of the City ordinance, upon conviction thereof a person may be punished by a fine of up to but not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the city detention center for a term not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment? Don’t risk it! If you’re desperate to sell unwanted items look into renting a booth at a local flea market rather than violating your Communities Rules and Regulations and breaking the law. 12 ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 Join us for the Aliante Master Association’s e l l l a a S Fe g ra a G October 13th & 14th 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Do you have things around the house collecting dust? Now is the time to get rid of those unwanted items! The Aliante Master Association will do the advertising and put out signs for prosepective buyers. **The Master Association has obtained a garage sale permit for the entire community. If you have any questions, please contact Excellence Community Management at (702)399-4273. Please Note: Each gated community will be given the opportunity to participate by opening their gates during the times listed. Please check with your management company to find out if your community has opted to participate by having your gates opened. ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 13 Community Bulletin Board Movie Madness Series - FREE MOVIES! Presented by the City of North Las Vegas Event Date Location Zookeeper Friday, September 21 Nature Discovery Park (2627 Nature Park Dr.) Happy Feet 2 Friday, October 5 City Hall Civic Plaza (2250 Las Vegas Blvd N.) **All movies begin at dusk with pre-event activities prior to movie.** Upcoming Events December 8th 2012, 2 to 5 p.m. 4th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony Community Garage Sale October 13 – 14th Community Wide Where: Deer Springs Park Admission is free! Harvest Festival October 20th 4 – 7 p.m. Deer Springs Park Board Meeting October 25th Sun City Social Hall 7 p.m. 14 SAVE THE DATE! Board Meeting September 27th Sun City Social Hall 7 p.m. Join Mr. & Mrs. Santa for hot chocolate, gifts and surprises! ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 COMMITTEE INTEREST FORM NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ PHONE: _______________ DAY _________________ EVENING E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ I am interested in serving on the: (Please check which box) Safety Committee Property & Grounds Committee Social Committee ARC Committee Compliance Committee Finance Committee I am available to attend the meetings during business days: Yes_____ No______ I would like to serve on the committee because: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ My background is: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Please mail this form to the address below or fax to 702-633-7904 for consideration. 5135 Camino Al Norte, Suite 160 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 Phone (702) 399-4273 – Fax (702) 633-7904 ALIANTE MASTER ASSOCIATION • september/october 2012 15 Presorted Standard US Postage PAID South Bend, IN Permit No. 114 5135 Camino Al Norte, Suite 160 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emergency Police or Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Non-Emergency Police . . 633-1390 or 633-9111 or 311 City of North Las Vegas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1871 NLV Abandoned Vehicles on the Street . . . . . 633-1390 NLV Animal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1750 NLV Broken Street Light . . . . . . . . . . . 633-DARK (3275) NLV Building Complaints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1922 NLV Building Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1536 NLV Business Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1520 NLV Crime Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1810 NLV Code Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1677 NLV Debris in the Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1313 NLV Environmental Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1290 NLV Graffiti Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1871 NLV Park Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1256 NLV Park Reservations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-2418 NLV Street Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1313 NLV Street Lights Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1264 NLV Traffic Signals/Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1264 NLV Water Shut off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1275 NLV Water Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633-1216 Abandoned Shopping Carts . . . . . . . . . . . 800-252-4613 NOTICE OF 2012 BOARD MEETINGS Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”) Chapter 116, this notice is being published to advise you that the board meetings have been scheduled for 2012. The meetings will take place at Sun City Community Center, located at 7394 Aliante Parkway, North Las Vegas, NV 89084. Please be advised that there will be an open forum at the beginning and the end of the meeting, during which time all homeowners in attendance will be given the opportunity to address other association members and the Board of Directors (the “Board”). With respect to the open forum at the beginning of the meeting, please note that any comments or questions made by any homeowners during such open forum are limited to items that are listed on the agenda. Please note that any comments made by any homeowner during the open forum, both at the beginning and at the end of the meeting, shall be limited to three (3) minutes in order to allow time for all homeowners to speak should they wish to do so. Pursuant to NRS Chapter 116, please be advised that the meeting will be audio recorded; provided, however, that the executive session shall not be audio recorded. A copy of the audio recording will be available to all homeowners not more than thirty (30) days after the meeting. Homeowners may obtain a copy of the audio recording by contacting Excellence Community Management in writing at 5135 Camino Al Norte, Suite 160, North Las Vegas, NV 89031 or via email to your Community Manager and / or Assistant. Normal business hours are from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. Please note that homeowners will be required to pay a nominal fee for obtaining any copies of audio recordings. If you would like a copy of the agenda prior to the date of the meeting, you may contact Excellence at the 702-399-4273 or you may view a copy on the website. Otherwise, you may obtain a copy of the agenda at the meeting. Furthermore, please be advised that minutes for the meeting will be available not more than thirty (30) days after the meeting. If you would like to obtain a copy of the minutes or a summary thereof, please contact Excellence at 702-399-4273 or feel free to visit the office during normal business hours. All homeowners are entitled to receive a copy of the minutes or a summary thereof in electronic format at no charge to the homeowner. If a copy of the minutes or a summary thereof is not available in electronic format, then homeowners can request a copy in paper format. All copies in paper format will be subject to a charge of twenty-five cents ($.25) per page for the first ten (10) pages, and then ten cents ($.10) per page for every page thereafter. Please note that the Board may take action on any item on the agenda or any item that is considered an emergency pursuant to NRS Chapter 116. 2012 Board of Directors Meetings The Executive Session meetings begin at 6:00pm and the Board of Director meetings begin at 7:00pm unless otherwise announced. September 27, 2012 October 25, 2012 16 November 15, 2012 December – No meeting