October - Cherry Chatter Newsletter
October - Cherry Chatter Newsletter
CHERRY GARDENS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC October 2013, Edition 240 Incorporating the cherry chatter newsletter COMMITTEE Chair - Don Watton 8388-2381 Deputy Chair - Julie Semple 8370-6460 Editorial Team Don Watton 8388-2381 & Tim Geue 8388-2537 Secretary – Bev Watton 8388-2381 Treasurer/Ads - Margaret Macks 8270-6232 Newsletter/Website - Vicki Kirss 8388-2261 POSTAL ADDRESS 409 Cherry Gardens Rd, Cherry Gardens SA 5157 Cherry Chatter email address cherrychatter@yahoo.com Website: www.cherrychatter.org.au EDITORIAL COMMENT “Cherry Boys” Scrambles Reunion 2013 Sunday November 24 from 11am. During the early 1970s, the sport of motorbike ―scrambles‖ racing grew strongly with the availability of affordable Japanese race bikes, such as the Suzuki TM series, the Yamaha MX series and the Honda Elsinore‘s. The film ―On Any Sunday‖ really brought the sport alive around the world. In Cherry Gardens, John (RIP), Chris and Terry Wigzell from Dorset Vale Rd and Dean Vick and Shane Wade from Vick‘s Rd. were highly successful racers while from Ironbank there was Rob Hayden on what is now Pole Rd. On many weeknights and most weekends the sound of 2 stroke race engines could be heard echoing for long distances around the district as they all practiced to improve their skills. (There were no noise restrictions in those early days.) Racers from Blackwood and Coromandel Valley who practiced with them included Gary Dillon, Kym Saunders, Murray and John Chapple, Brian Radford, Vic Haddow, Mike Barclay, ―Zappa‖ Cherry Boys cont…. Hodgson, as well as Les Gillard (RIP), Randy Goldsworthy and lots of others. (Many of these went on to race speedway very successfully in various forms – solo‘s, sidecars, speedcars and sprintcars- in later years.) Pit crew included Mark Watchman (RIP), Peter and Dave Winn, Robbie Barclay, Ashley and Craig Gifford, Dave Stapleton, Michael King and many others. The group was christened the ―Cherry Boys‖ by Chris Wigzell, and became very well known throughout the speedway and motocross worlds in the seventies. Scrambles racing (soon to be known as motocross) was huge in those days, with crowds of up to 10,000 people attending events at Clarendon, Snake Gully, Coleman Park (St. Kilda) Woodside and many other venues, and up to 300 riders racing. Lots of locals from around the district used to come and cheer us on. The Cherry Boys all tended to hang around together, going to Rowley Park speedway on summer Friday nights, (to watch our hero Bill Wigzell) roller skating on winter Friday nights, (Bill used to come too and was faster than us!) water skiing at Younghusband, and of course practicing on our bikes at every opportunity. 1 Disco‘s were becoming popular then and we bopped the night away at the Belair Hotel, Blackwood Footy Club, Top of Tap‘s etc. (Even the Blackwood Golf Club held one once – but never again!) Many spectacular parties were held in the Cherry Gardens Hall in those days, and we also used to go to the snow together annually. Eventually we all settled down and many of the guys moved out of the area. Age and responsibility caught up, and we all developed diverse careers, raised families, and found new interests in life. Unfortunately we found that life was so busy that we hardly ever saw each other except increasingly these days at funerals, which are always sad occasions. At Bill Wigzell‘s funeral last year we committed that we would get together again under happier circumstances, and so the idea of the Cherry Boys reunion was born. To be held at the oval, the bar will be open, BBQ food will be available, there will be a slide show and some movies, a few bikes and maybe some classic cars on display. Entry is free, and all catering proceeds will go to the Ironbank Cherry Gardens Recreation Ground Inc. Everyone from the local community and anyone else who was involved with us in those days is welcome to join us at the Cherry Gardens oval as we get together to catch up with old friends and remember ―the good old days‖. (Further info Rob Hayden 0419 822 698; rhayden@bridgestone.com.au) A note from the Cherry Chatter committee: We are currently redesigning the web site for the Cherry Chatter and moving to a Cherry Gardens and Districts based concept. If there are any residents or readers of the Cherry Chatter that have any experience and expertise in this area or would just like to be involved in any way then please contact one of the committee members by email or phone. Don Watton th Please save the date of December 8 on your calendar for the Cherry Chatter Christmas function. Everyone welcome. Starts at 4pm at the Recreation Ground. RAINFALL REPORT AUGUST 2013 HALL NEWS Rainfall for August 2013 Rainfall for August 2012 Average rainfall for August 161.2 112.4 117.7 Rainfall to the end of August 2013 Rainfall to the end of August 2012 Average rainfall to the end of August 717.4 797.0 658.5 PLEASE TAKE NOTE:- Well the Federal Election is finally behind us, and on behalf of the Hall Committee, thanks to all those who supported us by buying a cake, a sausage or cup of tea or coffee. Thanks also to those who kindly donated cakes or biscuits for the cake stall. A special thanks to those who made a donation toward our project of replacing the Hall roof. We still have a long way to go, but will continue to work toward improvement of this great Community asset. The opinions and articles printed in the Cherry Chatter are not necessarily shared by all members of the Cherry Chatter Committee. The Garden Club had an extensive range of plants for sale as well as a raffle, and added to the atmosphere on the day. Well done. NOTE – The Cherry Chatter Committee will not approve any controversial article for publishing unless the name and address of the author is supplied. The State election will be held on 15 March next year, and no doubt we will do it all again! th CHERRY GARDENS TABLE TENNIS CLUB NEXT CHERRY CHATTER MEETING Wednesday 9th of October at 8 p.m. at the Sims home Articles to be received at least 2 days before. For more information regarding table tennis contact:Gwenda Frith 8270-1116 or Edie Brooks 0407798418 The table tennis season has come to an end. Both teams were minor premiers. Div 3 lost their Grand Final to Mylor, 5 matches (21 games) to 4 matches (20 games). Div 4 won their Grand Final defeating Aldgate 8 matches to 1 match. COMMUNITY NEWS Remember to check out what‘s on at the Coromandel Community Centre by visiting their website: www.communitywebs.org/CoromandelCommunityCentre/ CHERRY GARDENS MEMORIAL HALL ….FOR HIRE…. Available for hire for all functions, meetings & social occasions Very reasonable rates For bookings and information phone 8270-2232 CHERRY GARDENS CFS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Coromandel East – Mrs Vicki Hayman 8370-7883. Coromandel East - Baldev Singh Dhaliwal 327 Ackland Hill Rd, Coromandel East, SA 5157 Phone 83705048 or Mob 0411 113 331 Email sewaoz@khalsa.com Aberfoyle Park - Bob Such 9am-5pm Mon-Fri Ph 82705122 Blackwood - Darren Kruse of Kruse Legal - 8278 1779 JP work at no charge for people..please call first. Please call first to book an appointment 2 The recent Federal Election provided the Cherry Gardens CFS the opportunity to connect with you, our local community in a very real and personal way. It also allowed us to be beneficiaries of the generosity of the people of Cherry Gardens community. You all gave willingly and without stint to your local CFS and we would like to take the opportunity to say a very big ‗Thank you‘ to each and every one. Not everyone was able to drop some money in our donations bucket, but just about everybody had some words of encouragement and support and we were able to provide a number of you with some of the valuable information that will help you plan and prepare for the fire danger season. I‘m sure some of the kids like their little CFS promotional material too. The funds that we are raising will go towards the significant goal of purchasing a tanker of 10,000 litres or greater capacity, which will be housed in the Cherry Gardens CFS station at some stage in the future. I will be providing more details on this in future issues of the Cherry Chatter. CFS cont…. It‘s also worth remembering that we also are the emergency service that helps out in the event of vehicle accidents and other circumstances where lives and property are at risk. Thanks again to all of you and we look forward to your ongoing support, with your donations to our bottle and can recycling which can ben left in the bin opposite the Fire Station. CFS Website Link www.cfs.org.au For bushfire information and warnings you can tune into ABC local radio AM891. To report suspicious behaviour call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. For all other emergencies dial 000 and ask for ―Adelaide, Fire‖ ―South Australia‖ HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR OCTOBER Hannah Pillar Alicia Anson Rick Grear Evonne Stevens Heidi Vickerman Joanne Monahan Kaitlyn Monahan Bev Chapman Rhys O’Callaghan Lyn Meese A Burst Of Spring The Coromandel Valley and Districts National Trust has established guided walks to enjoy the outdoors and experience some local history. These are three hour comfortable walks, $15 each including refreshments. Walks are scheduled for October 1 & 2, and 15 & 16, but if you have some friends that would like to go on a different day please ask. Other activities worth noting are: A full day bus tour covering the Valley‘s best th kept secrets, planned for Saturday October 19 , $25 each , including lunch. th On Sunday October 20 , an open day at Gamble Cottage and Garden, 10am – 4pm, and the Winns Bakehouse Museum display, 2 – 4pm. (These will be open again on Sunday November th 17 , 2 – 4pm) A celebration Spotlight evening will be on th Friday November 29 , 7.30pm - 10pm at the Coromandel Community Centre. Progressive outcomes from our Stories Project will be on display with written work, computerised files, and photographs that will become part of the Coromandel Valley and Districts history resources. Speakers will tell of the work being done and explain how this is so important to our whole area. 3 If you want more information on these activities contact the National Trust Branch by email: nationaltrustcoro@bigpond.com or phone David Wyatt 8270 4400, or Trevor Conlon 8270 5686. Information is also available on the web: coroalive.org.au OVER THE STABLE DOOR with Hamish Greetings Fellow Equines and Horse Owners! Well my news is good. In the last month, my vet and farrier came on the same day to both trim my feet as well X-ray them. Overall, the angle of my front hooves has improved since the founder and the X-rays showed that the pedal (coffin) bone is now in a normal position. At the moment I am as sound as a bell and in regular work. The maintenance issues for me now are to not let me overgraze on lush spring pastures and also I will very likely never wear shoes again. I only had two shoeings and by the time I was due for the third lot my feet had deteriorated badly as well as developing abscesses. The shoeing had only been introduced to counteract the front leg deviation, which my farrier is correcting at each trim. Now that my hooves are at a better angle, this is much easier to manage. If I am to be ridden on harder ground, I have a set of boots to wear which work very well. They are a great alternative to shoes and save my feet. On the subject of feet, unless there is a real need for shoes, then it is far better to be able to go without. A good farrier or barefoot trimmer will be able to keep your equine‘s feet in very good condition. Putting nails into the hoof every six weeks tends to weaken the hoof and especially here in the hills with the higher than average SA rainfall, the hooves become soft and prone to abscesses, thrush and general breaking up. Going without shoes will help to harden the hoof and make it stronger. Of course when we are ridden in competitive events and many hours are spent practising, or just being ridden on trail rides through varied terrain, then some extra protection may be needed. The old horseman‘s saying of ‗No ‗oof, no ‗orse‘ is so true. So it is important to pay special attention to this area. All horses are different and some of us just have terrible feet – the poor thoroughbred being a good case in point. Any changes to the hoof need to be done expertly and gradually over a period of time. It is also useful to shop around for a skilled farrier/trimmer. Talk to your riding friends, look carefully at other horses‘ feet, speak with your farrier about the shape/angle of the hooves and how they are wearing. In other words, do your research. The science of horses feet, their care and management is ongoing and there are always changes. So what stood true fifty years ago may not necessarily be true today. When you bring your horse out of the paddock to prepare him/her for riding, the very first thing you should do – before grabbing that grooming brush etc, is to clean out the feet. The grooming could well be a waste of time if there is an abscess or a thrown shoe! As you pick up each hoof, you can also be feeling for any heat, which will be a sign of something going on, as well as noticing any swelling in the cannon, fetlock or pastern area. Even a reluctance to lift a hoof may indicate a lameness on the Hamish cont… opposite leg. All these signs give you information about the useability of your steed. As you go through this procedure, you also become used to knowing what is ‗normal‘ for your horse. For example he may always be a bit stiff on a particular leg. Any changes to what you know of as normal for your horse may indicate that further action, such as veterinary needs to be taken. When you consider that 90% of lameness will occur in the hoof, then these simple procedures will help to keep problems somewhat more under control. That‘s all for this month – back to my paddock (for a short while anyway!) Safe riding to you all, Hamish. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR ARTICLES THAT HAMISH COULD DISCUSS OR GIVE INFORMATION ON??? Email Cherry Chatter at cherrychatter@yahoo.com To see all of Hamish‘ past articles, please go to our website www.cherrychatter.org.au and click on the ―Newsletter‖ link. CHERRY GARDENS GARDEN CLUB Meetings are held at the Uniting Church meeting room 87 Hicks Hill Rd Cherry Gardens at 7.30pm Supper is provided, we have a lucky door prize! Visitors are most welcome—first visit free then $5 per meeting. Membership is $12 per year and $4 per meeting Phone Ray on 8383-6011 or Lyn on 0400 290 521 GARDEN CLUB REPORT th June 11 saw guest speaker James Smith of Faunature sharing his passion about bringing wildlife into our backyards. He has written several articles for gardening magazines and been a guest on 891 radio. On 29th June our president hosted a morning tea with a difference – a workshop on sharpening and maintaining garden tools in his well equipped shed We brought our spades, shovels, trowels, forks, hedge, shears, hoes, loppers, grubbers, secateurs, axes and scissors to sharpen using gloves safety glasses , steel wool, file, wire brush, grinding stones, wet & dry abrasive paper. Followed by a sizzle for lunch. 8 July was our AGM so and we have a great balance of old and new committee members. The quiz sorted out dabblers from the garden gurus! 12th August Tony Anderson of Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens screened a breathtaking presentation of Camellias, Magnolias and other exotic plants in their native habitat, filmed on his recent research trip to the Himalayas. September Peats Soils sales Manager, Trent Milford, presented an interesting and informative talk to us about his Company‘s history and it‘s current products. The company began 43 years ago, sourcing pine bark from Kuitpo Saw Mill and distributing the composted product, in hessian bags, and with a hand written cardboard label, to a handful of local landscapers. They now operate on 3 sites, Willunga, Dublin, and Brinkley, using state of the art machinery to produce a range of products including 4 compost made from kerbside green waste. Trent generously supplied bagged potting soil and garden compost to lucky members of the club. As usual a plant and produce auction was held which included four magnificent orchids donated by Tom. After vigorous bidding these were sold at a very reasonable price. The evening was concluded with supper served from the new kitchen. RAFFLE RESULTS th We had a successful day on September 7 and so did the following people who won prizes! st nd 1 prize –Yvonne Arnold, Cherry Gardens, 2 prize – rd Sally Graham, Cherry Gardens, 3 prize –Geoff Lewis, th Cherry Gardens, 4 prize –Denise Ross, Hallett Cove, th 5 prize –Helen whittle, Cherry Gardens Our club thanks the local community for their support and is very grateful for the generosity of local retailers: BLACKWOOD LANDSCAPE AND FIREWOOD SUPPLIES, THE HUB MITRE 10, BANNER / MITRE 10 BLACKWOOD, SANDERSONS LIVESTOCK PET & GARDEN CENTRE, BLACKWOOD NURSERY BLACKWOOD TRUE VALUE HARDWARE. Thankyou also to Garden Club member Glyn Brown for crafting and donating the mosaic wall plaque. 2013 GARDEN CLUB PROGRAMME Mon 14 Oct - LES NESBITT has been interested in native orchids for more than 40yrs as a propagator, hybridiser and exhibitor. He is the custodian of 20Ha of bushland in the Adelaide Hills containing 29 orchid species. Since 1975 he has run Nesbitt‘s Orchid Nursery. ROSE CHALLENGE TONIGHT Mon 11 Nov- WENDY NICOLLS runs the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden at the Happy Valley Primary School. We hope to have a tour of the garden and hold our meeting there—starting time and further details closer to the event Sun 15 Dec - CHRISTMAS LUNCH 11.30 -- Venue to be advised. Grow seedlings to help South Australia’s environment Trees For Life is looking for volunteers to grow native seedlings this summer. Through the award-winning Tree Scheme, volunteers are asked to grow and care for the seedlings for landholders and revegetation projects in South Australia. The Tree Scheme operates by annual seedling orders being taken for landholders, councils, government projects and private enterprise, with Trees For Life then linking up orders with volunteer growers. Trees For Life provides all the propagation materials – seed varieties, tubes, boxes, soil and mulch – free to volunteers, along with easy-to-follow instructions. Once sown and raised, seedlings are handed over for planting in the winter months. The seedlings provide food and habitat for our native wildlife, help counteract some of South Australia‘s Trees For Life cont… Greenhouse gas emissions and help rehabilitate land that has been degraded. Each year volunteers raise hundreds of thousands of seedlings in a bid to help continue to revegetate SA, and with the community‘s support, Trees For Life is again hoping to reach this target. Those interested in volunteering don‘t need to have a green thumb – it‘s a perfect way for people to do something positive to help our environment, it‘s free and it‘s a feel-good experience! People interested in becoming a volunteer grower can phone the office on 8406 0500 or log onto the Trees For Life website: www.treesforlife.org.au both selfish and selfless. The Golden Rule helps us to get the balance right between these contrasting approaches. His book will provoke debate around these central issues for humanity and the society we live in. Bookshops today have shelves full of ―Self Help‖ books that describe how to be happy and achieve your life goals. The emphasis in these books is on SELF. That is why McKay‘s book is so different, because it emphasises how fulfilled people feel when they devote their lives to helping others. And being kind, thoughtful and helpful to others has its own built-in rewards. It explains why people like Bill and Melinda Gates spend so much of their time and money helping to make other people‘s lives worth living. It also helps to explain why so many volunteers like our own CFS do the wonderful things they do for no pay at all. The reward lies in knowing they are helping others and contributing to their community. Our lives are enhanced by these wonderful volunteers and others who work for the community they live in. Want to find out more about our church? Visit our website www.cherrygardens.unitingchurchsa.org.au Cherry Church Contacts The Westin Family of Aldgate For more information phone Communications Manager Tania Kearney on (08) 8406 0500. CHERRY CHURCH NEWS MEANING IN LIFE Hugh McKay is one of Australia‘s best known and respected Social Researchers. In his latest book, THE GOOD LIFE, he examines the question ―What makes a life worth living?‖ This is a key question most people ask themselves on a regular basis as they gain an education, find a job, earn an income, raise a family, acquire possessions and search for meaning in these things. McKay examines the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) through the prisms of religion, philosophy, politics, business and family life and contrasts this approach to one where people simply pursue pleasure and self interest. He concludes that a good life is one where people are connected to others in society, treating them with respect, kindness and compassion, knowing their lives have been enriched by their contact with others in both their professional, family and societal engagement. He says the basic message never alters whether your moral heritage is Socratic, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, or humanist. Living your life according to the Golden Rule enables people to find their meaning in life because it is reinforced by the reaction of others to their experience of you. McKay concludes that it is in our daily contact with others that we find fulfillment and meaning. He says we are both co-operators and competitors, and 5 Pastor – Roger Waldron Ph 8270-5812 Chairman Congregational Council Alan Dube Ph 8270-3264 Pastoral Contact Joan Button 8370-4947 Hi all Sept 2013 Spring has come with a rush; as the air temp warms, so too does the wildlife activity! Baby possums are coming in from many Vets as the mothers have died from rat bait poisoning, electrocution and cat attack. There have been kookaburras, tawny frogmouths and barn owls bought in from impact and concussion, that have been able to be released once stabilised and flying well. Jimmy, the little Euro from WA, has been desexed and is now sleeping without a wall heater and able to come in and out of his ―bedroom‖ day and night. He is housed next to the enclosure where ―Ollie roo‖ lives, the female Euro that came here as a joey from Queensland when her mother was killed by a car over 15 years ago. They are getting used to each other and soon Jimmy will be happy to move into the same enclosure with her. Minton Farm cont….. Madge the Yellow Tail Black Cocky is eating food by herself and is at last sleeping outside in her aviary. She demanded to come inside every night for the past 2 months, which was reasonable enough given the low night temperatures! She is enjoying the volunteer conversations and providing entertainment for all as she joins in! We have continued to provide hope and direction for many young people not attending School for various reasons, and have welcomed their input. The older volunteers are appreciative not only of the work and the ethics involved, but also for the camaraderie with other like-minded people. We have provided specimens for University Phd students and for post mortem studies and research. Third Year Vet students at Roseworthy have used our animals to learn animal handling skills for the past 8 weeks, and I am grateful to our volunteer drivers for transporting them to Roseworthy and back. Our next big adventure is about to unfold as we prepare th to host the Telethon Home and Land Lottery on Sept 14 th th th and 15 , and October 19 and 20 . We hope to sell many tickets for this beautiful, fully furnished home as a major fund raiser for Minton Farm. We are looking for assistance on those days if anyone would like to come along and help to manage sales etc. I would love to have you on board! Please keep your cats inside day and night, as the baby birds and possums are emerging and trying to find their legs at this time of year especially and the lizards are emerging from hibernation, often with their eyes stuck together for a while before they are capable of escaping predators. Courier League defeated Lobethal Lutheran 53:49 in overtime A Grade defeated Uraidla 38:37 A2 Grade defeated Uraidla 35:33 C1 Grade defeated Heathfield 50:20 17 Div 1 defeated Uraidla 50:26 17 Div 2 grade were defeated by Heathfield 48:58 WELCOME PACKS If someone new has moved in near you, call a committee member to deliver a Welcome Pack. All new residents also receive a gift, courtesy of the Cherry Chatter Committee. Welcome Pack information is also available on our website at www.cherrychatter.org.au WELCOME TO CHERRY GARDENS Welcome to the Romeo family, Tanyia, Dino, Tyler (7) and Kyra (3) who have moved into Jacobs Road. Welcome also to Dennis, Charlie and Tori Perry who have moved into Cherry Gardens Road. THANK YOU TO OUR MONTHLY ADVERTISERS Without you our newsletter would not exist. To view our advertisements online, please go to: www.cherrychatter.org.au/advertisments.htm Cheers, Bev Langley mintonfarm@adam.com.au www.mintonfarm.org. Now you can easily donate using Paypal on our website sponsorship page! Look for us on Facebook! Or Bank SA BSB 105078 Account 056591840. Website www.mintonfarm.org Email mintonfarm@adam.com.au 455 Cherry Gardens Road, Cherry Gardens, SA, 5157 Phone 8270-1169 Mob 0422 938 439 Fax 8270-6546 For information and results for our local sporting teams LOCAL SPORT & REC GROUND NEWS please follow the links below: Don’t forget you are more than welcome to call into the clubrooms on Thursday or Saturday nights. We have $10 meals on Thursdays and most Saturdays and the bar is always open! Ironbank Cherry Gardens Tennis Club Ironbank Cherry Gardens Football Club Ironbank Cherry Gardens Netball Club Congratulation to Ironbank Cherry Gardens Netball Club We fielded 18 teams this season, with 11 of a possible 17 teams playing in the semi final. 5 of our 6 Grand Final teams came out premiers after some extremely tight matches. 6 Meadows Vet News A huge warning to all horse owners! With all the rain we have had there is no doubt this will result in great pasture growth and this will dramatically increase the risk to horses and ponies of getting Laminitis and Founder. This is a common condition which causes varying degrees of foot pain, from the slightly pottery pony to severe life-threatening lameness. It is not uncommon for severe and uncontrolled cases to require euthanasia! It is important to realise that laminitis can progress from mild to severe even if early treatment is instigated. Early warning signs must be heeded and action taken immediately! Some of the most common clinical signs of laminitis include: shifting weight from one foot to another, standing with weight on rear legs leaning back reluctance to walk lameness and palpable heat in the feet increased pulses in the digital arteries over the fetlock. Laminitis is usually caused by overeating feeds rich in soluble carbohydrates (mainly found in cereal grains and lush spring or autumn pasture). If you suspect a problem, don‘t hesitate to call us at the number below for advice. Meadows Veterinary Centre - Phone 8388-3455 This is a 24 hour service. HORSE STABLES & SHEDS Extensions & Alterations. Steelwork. Repairs to: Roofs, Gutters, Stockyards. Site - Welding. Concrete Tank Roofs. Carports & Verandahs. Lance Hart Phone (08) 8388-3516 /FAX (08) 8388-3716 Mobile: 0411 551 750 LIC NO BLD: 165324 CHRIS'S GARDENING SERVICE * LANDSCAPING * PRUNING * TREE LOPPING * W EEDING * GUTTER CLEANING * LAWN MOWING * W HIPPER SNIPPING. * ESTABLISHING VEGETABLE GARDENS AND FRUIT TREES. * INSTALLING RAINWATER TANKS AND STORM W ATER PIPES AND * FENCING RURAL AREAS Phone: 0415 842 374 Commercial - Domestic - Events - Hospitality – Rural Plumbing - Gas Fitting - Roofing & Guttering Commercial Fit Out * Complete Bathroom Renovations * Drain Cleaning (electric & jetting) * Hot Water * Programmed Maintenance * Pumps Rain & Mains Water Replacement & Repairs * Septic & Sewer Replacement Call Brett M: 0438 314 122 (24hrs/7days) or 8270 8766 (B/H) Cherry Gardens Road, Cherry Gardens. BLD 211915 / PGE 7292 David J O'Ryan Painting & Decorating " ESTABLISHED 1953 " QUALITY JEWELLERY MANUFACTURERS Our Workshop is on Site. Jewellery can be Handmade to your Specifications By one of our 4 Qualified Craftsmen. JEWELLERY REPAIRS and REMODELLING ESTATE & ANTIQUE JEWELLERY BOUGHT & SOLD INSURANCE VALUATIONS and QUOTATIONS WATCH REPAIRS - Swiss and Japanese We have been Servicing Country Clients for 3 Generations. Come and see us at: 103 JETTY ROAD, GLENELG, SA. (We are open 6 days a week) Contact us: by Email: wishartjewellers@bigpond.com Phone: (08) 8295 1345 Fax: (08) 8376 0160 www.wishartjewellers.com.au 7 Interior / Exterior Painting Paper Hanging & Stripping Free quotes anytime No job too big or small Phone 8278-4364 Mobile 0415 347 329 davidoryan@msn.com Lic No BLD201369 CONVEYANCER PROPERTY SETTLEMENTS LAND DIVISIONS PRIVATE CONTRACTS FAMILY TRANSFERS COMMUNITY APPLICATIONS Reverend Ann Wigzell Spiritual Healer & Reader 0413 260 031 If you sell or transfer your property to another owner Contact JUNE HOSKIN CONVEYANCER Phone (08) 8221-5225 Mobile 0417 871 607 Use local business 8 Website: www.noarlungamission.org SANDERSONS LIVESTOCK Stock Feeds – Pet Food POL Chooks – Grains & Seeds Pea Straw – Lucerne Hay Cereal Hay Animal Health Products – Rural Merchandise www.neds.net.au GIFT • HOME • DÉCOR Proudly owned and operated by two Cherry Gardens families SPIRITUAL MISSION of NOARLUNGA Patapinda Road, Old Noarlunga Institute Building 7 p.m. every Sunday. Supper after Service. Varied speakers, healing and messages Contact Rev. Wigzell 0413 260 031 9 Garden Products – Bulk Fertilisers 432 Main Rd, Coromandel Valley Open 6 days Closed Mondays Ph. 08 8270 2173 Fax. 08 8270 6061 STEVE BOWDEN Outdoor Home Improvements Builders Lic No. RL23784 * * * * Pergolas Carports Timber Decks Verandahs RMB 785 Ackland Hill Road, CHERRY GARDENS SA 5157 Phone 8388-2018 or 0412 392 171 Parties Promotions Any special occasion For all ages Phone Therese on… 8270-8275 or 0419 037 628 Phone Therese on… 8270-8275 or 0419 037 628 Council Enquiries 8384-0666 THALASSA WARD Your Local Councillors Cr Martin Bray 8383 6207 Cr Robert De Jong 0404 135 357 Cr Darryl Parslow 0408 847 293 Cr Phil Sutherland 0402 440 339 STEVENS & ANDREW Certified Practising Accountants Registered Company Auditors Does your club, association, trust account or super fund need auditing? Ironbank local Craig Stevens can assist. With more than 20 years experience in the accounting profession, we can help meet your audit compliance obligations. Contact - Craig Stevens Phone: 8392 8706 craigs@afscompliance.com.au 10 .Trailers .Party Hire .Heavy Duty Lawnmowers "Your Ultimate Toolbox!" . . .. . . .. . . .. Garden Equipment Mulchers Lawn Maintenance Equipment Portable Toilets Plate Vibrators Rollers Concrete Mixers Rotary Hoes Hole Diggers Horse Floats Dingo Mini Diggers and much more…… 76 Main Rd, Blackwood. Ph: 8370-2488 WE PAY YOU FOR YOUR SCRAP METAL Recycle it, don’t let it rust in the yard or paddock, it could be $$$ in your pocket WE PICK UP….. ANY OLD METAL OLD FRIDGES & WASHING MACHINES OLD CAR BODIES & MACHINERY STEEL, CAR BATTERIES, RADIATORS Phone Therese on… MANUFACTURING WASTE OFFCUTS 8270-8275 or 0419 037 628 WE ALSO DO FARM CLEAN OUTS METALS (SA) Pty Ltd. Call Perry on 0419 840 053 Your Local Massage Therapist LAWRENCE MUZZATTI (MEMBER ATMS, BAA, BTAA) For Therapeutic Massage, Remedial Massage, Shiatsu, Bowen Technique Rebates for most Health Funds Gift Vouchers available Telephone 8270 -1206 Mobile 0408 011 206 11 TANDEM TIPPER HIRE SKID STEER LOADER GENERAL EARTHMOVING AND EXCAVATION TRACKLOADER EXCAVATOR STILL AVAILABLE FOR WORK IN THE CHERRY GARDENS AREA * House sites * Horse Arenas * Driveways * Tennis Courts * Tank and Shed Sites * Fire Tracks * Surplus Filling Removed Neil Schubert – 8383-7387 or 0413 280 513 A family operated business that takes pride and care in being committed to giving professional service at a most competitive price. Phone: (08) 8326-5333 Fax:(08) 8326-3962 Email: delco@bigpond.net.au • Our professional trained team can assist you with a trouble free relocation. • Household removals • Local, country and interstate • Office and commercial relocations • Secure storage facilities Antiques are our speciality Absolute care is taken with your possessions - safe, reliable and secure. • Free quotes Lic. No. SR41157 CONTRACT GROWERS BULK ORDERS WOODLOTS & SHELTER BELTS REVEGETATION ADVICE PLANT SELECTION RMB 840 STAR & ARROW RD Coromandel East Phone: 8388-2777 Fax: 8388-2711 • Insurance RJS HOME & GARDEN General maintenance & handyman jobs Woody weed control Proficient in most trades Skills include: paving, tiling, painting, storm water and roofing repairs etc. No job too small. James Russell Phone (08) 8388-2560 Mobile: 0430REDMOND 208 860 ISOBEL MP Member for Heysen If you have any local or State issues please contact my office 10/14 Druids Ave Stirling 5152 Telephone: 8339 5077 Facsimile: 8339 6817 Email: heysen@parliament.sa.gov.au 12 For all your Tyre & Battery needs Contact Peter Frith Phone (08) 8388-2263 Mobile 0429 690 726 frithautomotive@bigpond.com 443 Frith Road Corner of Mahar and Frith Roads, CHERRY GARDENS SA 51575157 JEFF BURTON Vicks Road, Cherry Gardens PHONE: 8388-2268 Mobile: 0410 533 268 Earthmoving Excavating Driveways Trenching Shed & Tank Sites Footings Soakage Trenches Stumps Removed BACKHOE HIRE TIM SMILES TREE CLIMBING Drop trees or trim Professional climber Fully insured Local to Hills Friendly & reliable Call Tim on 0423361704 or 73294426 ABN:67358757113 Home: 8270-8766 ADELAIDE ADVANCED TREES Advanced evergreen, deciduous and exotic plants and trees available. Located at RMB 580 Cherry Gardens Rd, Cherry Gardens 5157 Phone: 8270 7700 Fax 8270-7711 Email: aatrees@natives.net.au BRADBROOK CONSTRUCTIONS YOUR LOCAL BUILDER LICENCE NO. GL121159 [ M.B.A. Member ] General Building, Pergolas & Verandahs, Heritage Restorations Alterations & Additions. COMPETITIVE RATES Phone Brian on 0419 828 209 563 Ackland Hill Rd, Coro East 13 Emilis Prelgauskas architect 108 Cherry Gardens Road 0415 631 713 your property reviewed for energy and water saving Dr Greg Rodda BVMS, BSc Dr Roxanne Harvey BVetMed MRCVS Dr James Roberts BVSc (Hons), BSc (Hons) “Providing professional, friendly care to all creatures great and small” Incorporating our “Woofs and Whiskers” pet grooming and “Meadows Mews” cat boarding. Special interest in Equine Dentistry and Reproduction including Frozen & Chilled Artificial Insemination Please visit our web site www.meadowsvet.com.au or find us on Facebook www.facebook.com.au/MeadowsVetCentre Email: admin@meadowsvet.com.au 2 Battunga Rd Meadows SA 5201 PHONE 8388-3455 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE BEEF FOR ONLY $7.00/KG ¼, ½ or even a whole animal Delivered free of charge Labelled and packed 2-4 serves Grass fed cattle – Hormone Free Beef on the Hoof 0457 307 848 beefonthehoof@bigpond.com 14 This space available for only $60 per year CHERRY GARDENS PLUMBING Your Local Plumber PARTY SHOP 24/7 (PREVIOUSLY THE PARTY SUPERSTORE BRIGHTON) ▪ Helium Balloons ▪ Themed Party Supplies ▪ Licensed Party Supplies ▪ Costume Accessories ▪ Corporate Events ▪ Coloured Disposable Tableware We offer a Delivery Service STORE LOCATION 449 Brighton Road, Brighton SA 5048 Phone: 8296-4999 OPEN 7 DAYS or shop online at www.partyshop247.com.au Email: tania@partyshop247.com.au * * * * * All Plumbing Work Blocked Drains Hot Water Gas Fitting Burst Pipes Phone Stephen Wood On 8388-2028 or Mobile 0419 807 611 “if we are not open in store we are open online” Party with us 24/7 on Facebook and twitter – partyshop247aus 15 Lic. 1284 SPECIALISING IN – GENERAL EARTHWORKS, FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS, CONCRETING OF SHEDS AND DRIVEWAYS TRACKED SKID STEER, BOBCAT, EXCAVATORS & TANDEM TIPPER LOCAL TO CHERRY GARDENS AREA PHONE SCOTT on 8270 – 8270 BLD232706 Dependable Cabinetry Fully Licensed and Insured Cabinet Maker Kitchens Laundry/Bathrooms Wardrobes Cupboards New…Refurbishments…Repairs Free Quotes GREG BARTEL Ph: 8370 8957 Mob: 0438 240 863 112 Upper Sturt Rd, Upper Sturt 5156 ABN 78152 180 496 LICENSED BLD 175 769 AQUARIUS WINDOW CLEANING SHOPS OFFICES HOMES LOCAL & RELIABLE Phone GARY on: 0438 693 104 or 8270-6038 16 HANDY FRIDGE LIST THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES AND PEOPLE WHO ADVERTISE REGULARLY IN THE CHERRY CHATTER. WITHOUT YOU OUR PUBLICATION WOULD NOT EXIST. Adelaide Advanced Trees – 8270-7700 or Fax: 8270-7711 Architect – Emilis Prelgauskas – 0415 631 713 Backhoe Hire – Jeff Burton – 8388-2268 or 0410 533 268 Batteries & Tyre needs – Peter Frith Automotive - 8388-2263 or 0429 690 726 Beef On The Hoof - 0457 307 848 beefonthehoof@bigpond.com Bobcat, Excavator & Tipper Hire – Moons Earthworks – 8270-8270 or 0421 376 960 Builder – Bradbrook Constructions - 8388-2000 Builder – RJ Meese Constructions – Phone Ryan 0418 852 176 Cabinetry – Greg Bartel – 8370-8957 or 0438 240 863 Certified Practicing Accountants – Stevens & Andrew - Registered Company Auditors – 8392-8706 Cherry Chatter Advertising Rates – See prices in newsletter Computer – Brian O’Shea Computer Systems – 0412 273 352 Conveyancer – June Hoskin – 8221-5225 or 0417 871 607 Copying & Printing - Blackwood Copy & Print – 8370-3332 Earthmoving & Excavation – Neil Schubert – 8383-7387 Earthmoving (Light), Trenching, Post holes etc - Kym - Dig It Kanga Services - 0428 883 596 Electrical – Ampelec – 0406 006 248 Equipment Hire – Blackwood Hire - 8370-2488 Face Painting – Therese – 8270-8275 or 0419 037 628 Feed, Seed & Fertiliser Supplies - Sandersons Ph 8270-2173 Fax 8270-6061 Fencing – Rejuvenate Fencing & Agri Services – Geoff Phelps – 0429 876 071 Furniture Removalists – Delco Removals – 8326-5333 Gardening, Landscaping, Handyman – Chris’ Gardening Service 0415 842 374 Hall for Hire – Cherry Gardens – 8270-2232 Home Maintenance – RJS Home & Garden - James Russell – 8388-2560 or 0430 208 860 Jewellers – Wishart Jewellers – Phone:8295-1345 Fax:8376-0160 Email wishartjewellers@bigpond.com Kitchen Ideas by Traditional Woodwords Phone: 0418 814 197 or email ferdi@solution4u.com.au Lawyer - Kruse Legal – Call Darren on 8278 1779 www.kruselegal.com.au Free initial, no obligation appt Local Councillors – See advertisement in newsletter Massage Therapist – Lawrence Muzzatti – 8270-1206 or 0408 011 206 Mayor of Onkaparinga – Lorraine Rosenberg – 0458 141 091 lrosenberg@onkaparinga.sa.gov.au Member of Parliament – Bob Such – 8270-5122 E: fisher@parliament.sa.gov.au W: www.bobsuch.com.au Member of Parliament – Isobel Redmond - 8339 5077 Fax: 8339 6817 Member of Parliament - Jamie Briggs – 8398-5566 www.jamiebriggs.com.au NEDS – Variety Retailers - Visit www.neds.net.au for your nearest store. Nursery – Coromandel Native Nursery - 8388-2777 Fax 8388-2711 Outdoor Home Improvements – Steve Bowden – 8388-2018 or 0412 392 171 Painter & Decorator - David J O’Ryan – 8278-4364 or 0415 347 329 davidoryan@msn.com Party Shop 24/7 – Phone Brighton 8296-4999 www.partyshop247.com.au E: tania@partyshop247.com.au Pet Care – Happy Pets - 8358-6560 or 0405 775 250 Photography Services – PhD Photography – Paul Heck 0410 470 309 www.phdphotography.com.au Pre School – Aberfoyle Park – Hub Drive 8270-2595 or Taylors Rd 8370-6475 www.hubpre.sa.edu.au Plumber - Stephen Wood - 8388-2028 or 0419 807 611 Plumbing – Free Flow Plumbing – 8270-8766 or 0438 314 122 Primary School – Scott Creek Primary – To contact the Principal, Sue phone 8388-2251 Printing & Copying – Blackwood Copy & Print – 8370-3332 Real Estate – Harcourts – 8278-4222 or blackwood@harcourts.com.au www.blackwood.harcourts.com.au Real Estate – Harris Real Estate – 8278-1322 or check out individual Agents mobile numbers Scrap Metal – Metals (SA) Pty Ltd – Perry 0419 840 053 Solar Energy Systems – BRAEMAC - Mark – 8275-0100 0413 122 120 www.braemacenergy.com.au Spiritual Healing & Reading – Rev Ann Wigzell – 0413 260 131 Spiritual Mission of Noarlunga – Rev. Wigzell - 0413 260 031 Stables & Sheds – Lance Hart - 8388-3516 or 0411 551 750 Tree Service - Tim Smiles Tree Climbing – Tim – 7329 4426 or 0423 361 704 Trees For Life – 8406-0500 www.treesforlife.org.au TV - Digital Antenna Installations – Call Grant on 0421 187 893 Veterinary Clinic – Meadows Vet - 8388-3455 or email admin@meadowsvet.com.au Window Cleaning – Aquarius – Gary – 0438 693 104 or 8270-6038 Page 13 14 13 12 14 16 13 14 16 10 11 8 12 15 7 10 10 9 13 12 7 12 7 10 15 10 11 9 15 12 9 9 12 10 7 15 8 14 16 15 7 13 11 12 10 8 8 9 7 13 10 14 14 16