Three new tydein species of the genus Brachytydeus THOR, 1931
Three new tydein species of the genus Brachytydeus THOR, 1931
Genus Vol. 19(4): 827-843 Wrocław, 28 XII 2008 Three new tydein species of the genus Brachytydeus Thor, 1931 sensu André 2005 from Siberia (Acari: Actinedida: Tydeidae) Andrzej Kaźmierski Department of Animal Morphology, Institute of Environmental Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89; 61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mail: Abstract. Three new species of mites of the subfamily Tydeinae: Brachytydeus stebayevi, Brachytydeus comaliatus and Brachytydeus karoli from Siberia are described. Key words: acarology, taxonomy, Tydeidae, Tydeinae, morphology, new species, Siberia. Introduction Although the Tydeidae are among the most numerous and common prostigmatic mites in soil, litter or moss, frequent also on plants, still little is known about their biology, feeding specialization and zoogeography. There are no data concerning Tydeidae in Russian Siberia up to present with the exception of three species recorded by Kaźmierski (1989b, 2000). During research on Siberian material from author’s collection some new and rare species belonging to a few prostigmatic families have been found. They will be examined and published successively. At the beginning, three new species collected by Dr. I. W. Stebayev are described. All three species presented below belong to the subfamily Tydeinae and former genus Lorryia Oudemans, 1925 sensu Kaźmierski1989 (Kaźmierski 1989b). However, here I adopt the recent generic concept proposed by André (2005), simultaneously using the nomenclature, terms and notation system of André (1981), as well as of Kaźmierski (1989a and 1998). All the measurements are given in micrometers (μm). Types were mounted on slides in modified Berlese liquid. 828 Andrzej Kaźmierski Description of new taxa Brachytydeus stebayevi n. sp. (figs 1-3) Locus typicus Russia, Siberia, Tuvinskaya Autonomous Republic. The basin of Ubsu-nur Lake. Southern base of Tannu-Ola Mountain. Forest with Larix sp. in the river valley. From litter. 10.09.1978, I. W. Stebayev leg. Type material Holotype female (slide designed as SU-13/P-3) is deposited in Department of Animal Morphology collection, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. Etymology The new species is dedicated to Dr. I. W. Stebayev (collector). Description I d i o s o m a . Body of medium size, oval, greenish. Holotype female (Fig. 1): length - 326 / width - 203. Dorsal ornamentation: striation type “Paralorryia” (Kaźmierski 1998). Reticulation limited to small frontal area AA0 (Fig. 2A). Striae provided with flat semicircular tubercles (Fig. 3F,G). Eyes occur. Bothridial setae (bo) whip-like (Fig. 3E), longer than double the length of any other dorsal setae (Fig. 3F). The latter are lanceolate, sharp, straight and smooth. Length of setae: bo - 68, ro - 21, la - 22, ex - 25, c1 - 18, c2 - 23, d1 - 20, e1 - 21, f1 - 25, f2 - 28, h1 - 28, h2 - 33, ps1 - 30. Distances: c1-c1: 52, d1-d1: 47, e1-e1: 108, f1-f1: 57, h1-h1: 41, ps1-ps1: 44, f1-h1: 36. Lyrifissure ia located posteriorly to c2 in the distance equal to 2/7 of the sector c2-e1. Lyrifissure im lies anteriorly to e1 in a distance somewhat less than 2/7 of c2-e1, slightly laterally to line connecting the bases of c2 and e1. Ventral body side more delicately striated (Fig. 2B). The striae form narrow “V”-pattern between (mtα) setae and lie longitudinally and paralell to each other in between (mtβ). Females genital chaetotaxy: (0-6-4). G n a t h o s o m a . Protrudes in front of the anterior edge of aspidosoma and only their basal part is covered with aspidosomal „roof” (Fig.2A). Cheliceral stilettos nearly as long as palpal tarsus (Fig. 3D,C). Apical eupathidium (pζ) subtly bent and gradually narrowed to the tip, ended by narrow wedge-like cross-piece. This eupathidium is insignificantly shorter than half the length of palpal tarsus. Seta d is forked (already) at the 2/3 of its total length. Minute seta ba well developed: longer than half the width of palpal tarsus (Fig. 3C). Palpal solenidion ω very small. Measurements: stilettos - 21, palpal femurogenu - 38/15, seta df - 24, dg - 19, t’ - 15, t’’ - 6, palpal tarsus - 24/6, (pζ) - 11. L e g s . Coxal organ „8“-shaped (Fig. 3L). Chaetotaxy as in genus Lorryia Oudemans sensu Kaźmierski 1989: leg I (8 - 3+1 - 3 - 3 - 1), leg II (6 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 0), leg III (5 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1), leg IV (5 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 0). Tarsus+apotel I (Fig.3A): length - 46, width Three new species of the genus Brachytydeus 829 - 14, height - 15. Solenidion ωI archly bended and very long (16); longer than the width, as well height of tarsus I. Seta ft’ - 22, ft’’ζ - 32. Famulus k’’ (3-4 long) broadened and cleft distally. Length of ωII - 6. Empodial hooks (om) strongly developed. 1. Brachytydeus stebayevi n. sp., female: dorsal view, general appearance 830 Andrzej Kaźmierski D ifferential diagnosis Brachytydeus stebayevi sp. n. resembles Paralorryia woolleyi Baker, 1968 [= Brachytydeus woolleyi (Baker, 1968) n. comb., = Lorryia woolleyi (Baker, 1968) - in Kaźmierski 1998], among other by the same type of ornamentation, long ωI, et. c. The differences between both mentioned species are given below. 2. Brachytydeus stebayevi n. sp., female: (A) gnathosoma and anterior part of aspidosoma - dorsal view; (B) ventral striae between setae mt Three new species of the genus Brachytydeus 831 3. Brachytedeus stebayevi n. sp., female: (A) tibia+tarsus+apotel I (right, paraxial); (B) tarsus II, fragment with solenidion ωII; (C) palpal tibia and tarsus; (D) cheliceral stiletto; (E) bothridial seta bo; (F) dorsal setae f1 and h1; (G) dorsal striae with tubercles; (H) lyrifissure ia; (I) lyrifissure im; (L) coxal organ cg and seta 1c 832 Andrzej Kaźmierski Paralorryia woolleyi Baker 1. Dorsal idiosomal setae sabre-shaped, bended and slightly serrated; 2. Dorsal idiosomal setae subequal in length; 3. Tubercles on the striae flat. Brachytydeus stebayevi n. sp. 1. Dorsal idiosomal setae straight and smooth; 2. Dorsal idiosomal setae unequal in length: the shortest ones are ro, la, c1, c2, d1 and e1, whereas the longest are h1, h2 and ps1; 3. Strial tubercles more narrow and protruded. Brachytydeus comaliatus n. sp. (Figs 4-6) Locus typicus Russia, Siberia, 25 km south of Novosibirsk. Birch forest on the high terrace of the Ob river. From litter and soil. 05.09.1978, I. W. Stebayev leg. Type material Holotype female (Slide SU-006/P-5) is kept in Department of Animal Morphology collection, AMU, Poznań. Etymology The name „comaliatus” (which in fact means nothing) was created some time ago by seven years old Maciej, son of Professor Błaszak. Description I d i o s o m a . Of medium size, oval, yellowish with green „infiltrations”. Holotype female (Fig. 4): 296/169. Striation type „Paralorryia” (Kaźmierski 1998). Striae with transversal rods (Fig. 6G). No reticulation. Eyes not observed. Bothridial setae (bo) whip-like (Fig. 6E), nearly three times longer than normal dorsal setae (Fig. 6F). The latter are narrowly lanceolate, sharply ended, straight and smooth. Lengths of setae are as follow: bo-63, ro - 21, la - 27, ex - 24, c1 - 22, c2 - 24, d1 - 23, e1 - 24, f1 - 23, f2 - 24, h1 - 24, h2 - ? (broken), ps1 - 16. Distances: c1-c1: 47, d1-d1:47, e1-e1: 72, f1-f1: 47, h1-h1: 43, ps1-ps1: 27, f1-h1: 35. Lyrifissure ia lies posterior of c2 in the distance equal to 2/7 of c2-e1 sector. Lyrifissure im lies anteriorly to e1 in a distance slightly shorter than 2/7 of c2-e1 sector, and lies laterally to c2-e1 line. Ventral side more delicately striated. Between metasternal setae the striae form a somewhat irregular “V”-shaped pattern (Fig. 5B). Genital chaetotaxy (female): (0-6-4). G n a t h o s o m a . Protrudes in front of the anterior edge of aspidosoma (Fig. 5A). Cheliceral stilettos (Fig. 6D) more or less of the same length as palptarsus jointly with terminal eupathidium (Fig. 6C). Eupathidium (pζ) straight, narrowed to the summit, with „T”-shaped end. It’s a little longer than half the length of palpal tarsus. Seta d forked on its very end. Vestigial seta ba approximately equal in length to 1/4 width Three new species of the genus Brachytydeus 833 of palpal tarsus. Palpal solenidion ω relatively well developed. Measurements: stilettos - 24, palpal femurogenu - 24/11. Seta df - 18, dg - 19, t’- 13, t’’ - 8. Palpal tarsus - 15/5, (pζ) - 9. 4. Brachytydeus comaliatus n. sp., female: dorsal view, general appearance 834 Andrzej Kaźmierski 5. Brachytydeus comaliatus n. sp., female: (A) gnathosoma and anterior part of aspidosoma; (B) ventral striae between setae mt Three new species of the genus Brachytydeus 835 L e g s . Coxal organ „8“-shaped (Fig. 6L). Chaetotaxy as in B. stebayevi. Tarsus+apotel I (Fig. 6A): length - 39, width - 13, height - 14, Length of ωI - 9, ft’ 17, ft’’ζ - 23. Famulus k’’ 2-3 long, broadened distally, goblet-shaped. Solenidion ωII - 4. Empodial hooks (om) strongly developed: thicker than claws (ol) and not shorter 6. Brachytydeus comaliatus n. sp., female: (A) tibia+tarsus+apotel I (left, paraxial); (B) tarsus II, fragment with ωII; (C) palp (left, dorsally); (D) cheliceral stiletto; (E) bothridial seta bo; (F) setae f1 and h1; (G) dorsal striae with rods; (H) lyrifissure ia; (I) lyrifissure im; (K) lyrifissure ih; (L) coxal organ cg and seta 1c 836 Andrzej Kaźmierski than half the length of claw. The latter are delicately pilose on their ventral (concaved) edges. Differential diagnosis There are few, but important differences between the new species and Tydeus balcanicus Natchev et Simova, 1978 [= Brachytydeus balcanicus (Natchev et Simova, 1978) n. comb., = Lorryia balcanica (Natchev et Simova, 1978) - in Kaźmierski 1998]. The most notable are listed below. Tydeus balcanicus Natchev et Simova 1. Empodia without hooks (om); 2. Striae in between metasternal setae lie longitudinally; 3. Dorsal idiosomal setae delicately serrated and not sharp. Tydeus comaliatus n. sp. 1. Empodia armed with big and strong hooks (om); 2. Striae arrange “V”-pattern in the metasternal region; 3. Dorsal idiosomal setae smooth and sharply ended. Following the key (see below), the new species can be compared with Tydeus baderi Schiess, 1981 [= Brachytydeus baderi (Schiess, 1981) n. comb., = Lorryia baderi (Schiess, 1981) – in Kaźmierski 1998]. Both species have smooth dorsal body setae and similar subtype of striation (“Paralorryia s. str.”). The differences between them are as follows. Tydeus baderi Schiess 1.Cheliceral stilettos shorter than the palptarsus; 1. Dorsal body setae short, about 12 (shorter than 1/3 of the bothridial setae); 2.No empodial hooks; 3. Palptarsus slender; 4. Tarsal eupathidium (pξ) distinctly shorter than half the length of palptarsus. Brachytydeus comaliatus n. sp. 1.Cheliceral stilettos similar in length to palptarsus jointly with its terminal eupathidium p(ξ); 2. Dorsal body setae longer: 21-27 (ex); 3. Empodial hooks strong, well developed; 4. Palptarsus relatively broader; 5. Tarsal eupathidium (pξ) slightly longer than half the length of palptarsus. Although the holotypes of T. balcanicus and T. baderi weren’t examined by the author – the adequate descriptions and figures permit for above differentiating diagnosis. Three new species of the genus Brachytydeus 837 Brachytydeus karoli n. sp. (Figs 7-9) Locus typicus Russia, Siberia. Right bank of Irtysh river, 150 km north of Pavlodar. A steppe with very young birches. From litter. 07.09.1978, S. K. Stebayeva leg. Type material Holotype female (Slide SU-004/P-5), as well as paratypes: three other females (SU-004/P-5, SU-004/P-3, SU-004/P-2), and four males (SU-004/P-4, SU-004/P-3, 7. Brachytydeus karoli n. sp., female: dorsal view, general appearance 838 Andrzej Kaźmierski two specimens on SU-004/P-1) are deposited in Department of Animal Morphology, AMU, Poznań. Etymology The new species is named in honour of Prof. dr hab., dr h. c. Czesław Błaszak, friendly nicknamed Karol. 8. Brachytydeus karoli n. sp., female: (A) dorsal aspect of gnathosoma with anterior part of aspidosoma; (B) ventral striation of metasternal region Three new species of the genus Brachytydeus 839 9. Brachytydeus karoli n. sp., female: (A) tibia+tarsus+apotel I (right, paraxial); (B) fragment of tarsus II with ωII; (C) palpal tibia and tarsus (right, nearly adaxial); (D) cheliceral stiletto; (E) bothridial seta ba; (F) setae f1 and h1; (G) dorsal striae with tubercles; (H) lyrifissure ia; (I) lyrifissure im; (K) lyrifissure ih; (L) coxal organ cg, seta 1c 840 Andrzej Kaźmierski Description I d i o s o m a . Of medium size, oval, greenish. Dimensions: holotype, female 1 (Fig. 7) - 330/230. Paratypes: female 2 - 326/214, female 3 - 312/214, female 4 - 294/188, allotype male 1 - 332/230, male 2: 273/182, male 3 - 324/240, male 4 - 310/240. All the remaining measurements given below relate to holotype. Ornamentation: striation type „Mesoparalorryia-incerta” (Kaźmierski 1998). Dorsal side striated with addition of a few reticulate areas, which can be marked as AA0, Ah2h1, Ah1h2, A(ps1). The latter is divided on two symmetrical Aps1 (left and right) in some specimens. On the opisthosoma, the meshes of reticulum are irregular (elongated in any directions). Crossties of meshes are „X”-shaped. Strial tubercles in form of thick rods and only in some places “X”-shaped cross-ties occur (Fig. 9F,G). Eyes present. Bothridial setae (bo) whip-like (Fig. 9E), at least three time longer than other dorsal setae. The latter ones are lanceolate, delicately serrated, strongly narrower distally, but not evidently sharp (Fig. 9F). Length of setae: bo - 61, ro - 18, la - 17, ex-19, c1-17, c2 - 18, d1 - 18, e1 - 19, f1 - 18, f2 - 19, h1 - 19, h2 - 20, ps1 (not symmetrical in holotype) - 15 (left) and 18 (right). Distances: c1-c1: 57, d1-d1: 59, e1-e1: 137, f1-f1: 49.1, h1-h1: 31, ps1-ps1: 20, f1-h1: 44. Lyrifissure ia located posteriorly to c2 at the distance slightly longer than 2/7 of c2-e1, very close but laterally to c2-e1 line. Lyrifissure im is situated anteriorly to e1, approximately 1/7 of the distance between c2 and e1, laterally to c2-e1 line. Ventral side with more subtle striation. The striae form a “V”-shaped pattern between the metasternal setae (Fig. 8B). Genital organotaxy: female - (0-6-4), male - (4-6-4). G n a t h o s o m a . Partially visible from above (Fig. 8A). Cheliceral stilettos a little shorter than palpal tarsus. Eupathidium (pζ) insignificantly longer than 1/3 length of palpal tarsus, narrowed and bent distally (Fig. 9C), ended by cross-piece in shape of very narrow triangle. Seta d forked. Minute seta ba in shape of thick thorn, a little longer than half the width of palpal tarsus. Measurements: stilettos - 20, palpal femurogenu - 27/15, df - 19, dg - 16, t’ - 14, t’’ - 7, palpal tarsus - 24/5, (pζ) - 8. L e g s . Coxal organ „8“-shaped (Fig. 9L). Chaetotaxy as in B. stebayevi and B. comaliatus. Tarsus+apotel I (Fig. 9A): length - 41, width - 13, height - 15. Length of ωI - 9. Length of “rough” seta ft’ - 22, ft’’ζ - 29. Famulus k’’ forked, 4 long. Solenidion ωII: 6. Empodial hooks (om) very well developed: slightly thicker than claws (ol) and not shorter than half the length of claw. Differential diagnosis Brachytydeus karoli n. sp. resembles Paralorryia livshitzi Kuznetzov, 1974 [= Brachytydeus livshitzi (Kuznetzov, 1974) n. comb., = Lorryia livshitzi (Kuznetzov, 1974) - in Kaźmierski 1998] by the type of striation, as well as the shape of dorsal setae. However, both species are separated by characters listed below. Paralorryia livshitzi Kuznetzov 1. Gnathosoma fully, or almost fully hidden under aspidosoma (Kaźmierski 2000); 2.Reticulation forms areas: AA0, Abo, Abo, Ae1, Ae1, Af2, Af2, Ah2h1, Ah1h2, and A(ps1) (Kaźmierski 1998); Three new species of the genus Brachytydeus 841 3. Meshes of reticulum more regular, similar to each other in shape and nearly as long as broad; 4. Striae with “X”-shaped cross-ties; 5. Empodial hooks very small, bended at very base of empodium. Brachytydeus karoli n. sp. 1.Only the base of gnathosoma hidden under aspidosoma; 2.Reticulation forms areas: AA0, Ah2h1, Ah1h2, A(ps1) (or twice Aps1); 3. Meshes of reticulum irregular in shape, often elongated in various directions; 4. Striae mainly with thick, simple rods; 5. Empodial hooks (om) big, bended in half length of empodium. Conclusions (Position in a key) The description of the new species requires to include them in the key to all the species of the genus (see Kaźmierski 1998, pp. 322-337), and – at the same time – to actualize the adequate fragments of abovementioned key. Ad Brachytydeus stebayevi n. sp. The successive steps during the determination of B. stebayevi are as follow: Key-points: 1 → 53 → 58 → 59 → 85 → 86 → 87 → 105 → 106 → 107 → 108 → 109 • 109 (new version) – Seta d on palpal tarsus unique in shape: forked from the very base. Stick-like, rounded distally and “rough” dorsal idiosomal setae longer than trichobothrials (only ro subequal in length to bo) ….............................................. ................................................................................ tragelaphus Kaźmierski, 1993 • - Seta d on palpal tarsus forked only on the very tip or at most at the 2/3 of its total length. Dorsal idiosomal setae shorter than bothridial ones…….........……→ 110 • 110 (new) – Seta d on palptarsus forked already at the 2/3 of its total length. All the dorsal idiosomal setae lanceolate, sharp, straight and smooth ........................... ....................................................................................................... stebayevi n. sp. • - Seta d forked only on the very tip. Another type of dorsal setae…….…..→ 111 • 111 (new) – Dorsal idiosomal setae sharply ended, serrated …....→ 116 (former 115) • - At least some dorsal idiosomal setae blunt distally….....….→ 112 (former 111) Ad Brachytydeus comaliatus n. sp. There are following steps during determination of this species: Key-points: 1→ 53 → 58 → 59 → 85 → 86 → 118 → 120 → 121→ 122 → 126→ 127 → 128 842 Andrzej Kaźmierski • 128 (new) – Dorsal idiosomal setae smooth …………...........……………→ 129 • - Dorsal idiosomal setae not smooth (“rough” or serrated) ……............….→ 130 • 129 (new) – Cheliceral stilettos shorter than palptarsus. Dorsal idiosomal setae short, about 12 (shorter than 1/3 of the trichobothrials). No empodial hooks. Palptarsus long and slender (12/3). Palpal terminal eupathidium (pξ) distinctly shorter than half the length of palptarsus ……………………….….… baderi (Schiess, 1981) • - Stilettos similar in length to palptarsus jointly with its terminal eupathidium (pξ). Dorsal idiosomal setae longer: 21-27 (most of them longer than 1/3 of bo). Empodial hooks strong, well developed. Palpal eupathidium (pξ) slightly longer than half the length of palptarsus .......................................……. comaliatus n. sp. • 130 (new) – All the dorsal setae shorter than palptarsus ….. → 131 (former 130) • - At least opisthosomal dorsal setae not shorter than palptarsus … → 132 (former 131) Ad Brachytydeus karoli n. sp. The succesive steps during the determination of B. karoli are as follow: Key-points: 1 → 53 → 58 → 59 →85 → 132 → 133 • 133 (new) – Reticulate elements occur on the aspidosoma as well as opisthosoma. Cheliceral stiletto shorter than palptarsus .................................................. → 134 • - Reticulate elements may occur at most on the aspidosoma (AA0). Cheliceral stiletto longer than palptarsus ....................................................................... → 136 • 134 (new) – Aspidosomal reticulation does not reach any of the bases of setae (reticulate area AA0 only). No reticulate areas except of Ah2h1, Ah1h2 and A(ps1) on the opisthosoma ............................................................................ karoli n. sp. • - Besides of anterior part of aspidosoma the reticulation occurs at least anteriorly to the bothridial setae. Besides of (h1), (h2) and (ps1) at least setae e1 and f2 set in reticulated cuticle ....................................................................................... → 135 • 135 (new) – Three reticulate areas on the aspidosoma only: no reticulum between (ro) and (bo) setae. Opisthosomal reticulate areas are as follow: Ae1, Ae1, Af2, Af2, Ah2h1, Ah1h2 and A(ps1). Palpal solenidion ω located posteriorly. Empodial hooks very small, bent at very base of empodium ......... livshitzi (Kuznetzov, 1974) • - Four reticulate areas on the aspidosoma: region in between (ro) and (bo) reticulated. There are following reticulate areas on the opisthosoma: Ae1, Ae1, Af1, Af1, Af2, Af2 and A(h2)(h1)(ps1). Palpal solenidion ω located anteriorly. Empodial hooks well developed ......................................... onestiae (Momen et Lundqvist, 2005) References André, H. M., 1981. A generic revision of the family Tydeidae (Acari: Actinedida): III. Organotaxy of the legs. Acarologia, 22(2): 165-178. —, 2005. In search of the true Tydeus (Acari, Tydeidae). Journ.f Nat. Hist., 39(13): 975-1001. Baker, E. W., 1968. The genus Paralorryia Baker. Ann.f Entomol. Soc. Amer., 61(5): 1097-1106. Three new species of the genus Brachytydeus 843 Kaźmierski, A,. 1989a. 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