Dear Sir, We want to open sports School in Bihar under


Dear Sir, We want to open sports School in Bihar under
Dear Sir,
We want to open sports School in Bihar under startup india campaign ! I'm
really confused with myself and I don't know anything . So kindly guide me
in this regard. This is only for Sports & physical arts. (Multi Sports School) ..
As far as I know, no other organization like it is not here at this time. i wish, i
Pray , So kindly Focus on this topic
Football (Boys)
Netball (Girls)
Rugby League (Boys)
Table Tennis
Fitness Challenges
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Traditional Boxing
Krav Maga
Muay Thai
Chinese Kung Fu
Social knowledge
Each & everything
There are so many types of
For example-:
Basketball,volleyball, cricket,
badminton, table tennis, football,
lawn tennis etc.
About Basketball
• There are seven players
in basketball.
• In playing basketball we
can stretch our body,to
become taller.
• In basketball first we
have to dribble the ball
and then throw it into
the basket.
• We have to take the ball
from the other team.
• Basketball is a very
interesting game.
About Football
• There are eleven players
in football.
• In football we have to
kick the ball with the
help of our foot.
• In this game we can’t
touch the ball with our
hands,only the
goalkeeper can touch it
with his hands.if any of
the player touch the ball
with her hand,it would
be a foul.
About weight lifting
• Weight lifting is a type
of game in which we
see that how much
weight we can lift.
• To participate in this
game we have to be a
powerful person.
• This is a very
interesting game I like
this game
About rugby
• In this there are players
and two teams.
• In this game the players of
the team have to take the
ball to the goalpost with
their hands.
• In this game the player
must be a good runner so
that he can take the ball
and run away to the goal
post very fast.
About running
• . In this the players
have to run very fast
to complete the race.
• In this there are no
teams all the players
are single.
• All the players came
from different States.
• It is very interesting
About Cricket
• In this game there are
two teams in every
team there are eleven
• Both the teams are
from other countries.
• The winner team is
selected for the next
हभ एक स्ऩोर्ट्स स्कूर खोरना चहते हैं इसके विषम भें ह्भे कोई जानकायी नही है मे
ह्भ स्टाटा्ऩ इॊडिमा के तह्त खोरना चाहते है ककॊतु ह्भये ऩास कोई ऩॊज
ू ी नही है ह्भे
इन्िेस्टय की बी ज़रूयत ऩडेगी बफहाय भे कोई बी स्ऩोर्ट्स स्कूर नही है जहाॉ तक भेयी
जानकायी है ! हभाये महाॉ खेर औय खखराडी की दशा औय दद
ु ् शा ककसी से छीऩी नही है
हभ उनके उज्जज्जिर बविष्मा के लरए प्रमत्न कयना चाहते हैं सऩने दे खना तो गुनाह
नही हैं ना औय भेया मे सऩना उनके लरए है जजनके सऩने ऩूये नही होते !!
मह एक ऐसा विद्मारम होगा जहाॉ लसप् खेर की लशऺा हीॊ
नहीॊ दी जाएगी फजकक खखराडडमों के करयमय की बी उचचत व्मिस्मा की जाएगी !
हभाये महाॉ कई ऐसे टै रेंट हैं जो िचचत व्मिस्मा के अबाि भें बटक यहे हैं ! भैं चाहता हूॉ
की उन्हें उचचत सुविधा भुहैमा कयामा जामे , जो दे श की प्रगतत भें अऩना मोगदान दे
सकें !! मे एक ऐसा स्कूर होगा जहाॉ हय प्रकाय की खेर की आधतु नक सवु िधा होगी
औय खखराडी को उत्तभ तकनीकी लशऺा दी जाए गी ,मे लसर्फ् खेर ही नही औय बी
आर्ट्स का सभनिमा ककमा जाएगा साथ हीॊ साथ साभाजजक विऻान की बी लशऺा दी
जाएगी औय सभम -सभम ऩय उनके करयमय की बी उचचत व्मिस्था की जाए गी !! मे
भेया विजज़न है ककॊतु ना तो भेये ऩास इस विशम भें कोई जानकायी है औय ना ही भेये ऩास
ू ी है क्मा कोई भेयी सहामता कय सकता है आऩसे विनम्र तनिेदन है की इस विषम भे
भेया भाग् दश्न कयने की कृऩा कयें ll