Volu My As th goes May almo flowe bloo sprin field or


Volu My As th goes May almo flowe bloo sprin field or
ume 67 No. 9
May 2016
My Brother Knights
As th
he old childh
hood rhyme
goess, “April show
wers bring
May flowers,” an
nd luckily it’s
ost time for those spring
ers to finally start
blooming. Nothin
ng makes
ng feel sprun
ng quite like a
field of gorgeous
s wildflowers
or bu
udding tree branches.
A the pollen
n; ah, the
allergies; ah, it’s
s spring at long last! As you’re
to be
e gallivanting
g around the
e countryside
e now that
the w
warm weathe
er is here (w
we know we can’t be
alone in this des
sire), keep an
n eye out forr some rare
We a
are in the se
econd month
h of Major Le
eball. The Mets
are stru
uggling. The Yankees
are looking for th
heir bats. Do
oesn’t this happen
everry year? Jus
st kidding.
n there will be
b First Com
mmunions, College
duations and
d Mother’s Day.
For those of you,
whosse son or da
aughter or grrandchild is receiving
Firstt Communion, give them
m extra firm hugs.
those of you who
ose children are graduating College
in May, they are not too big to give them
m a big hug.
For tthose of you
u who are still blessed with a mom
and grandmothe
er with us, yo
ou know they
y will cry for
a hug on Motherr’s day.
For m
most of us Mother’s
y is a time to
o celebrate
and appreciate the
t mothers and grandm
mothers in
our lives giving them
extra attention
d recognition
for a
all they have done. For some,
her’s Day is a time to rem
member ourr mothers
and grandmothe
ers in our live
es who have
e passed
ay. All mothe
ers, grandmo
others and g
ndmothers w
will be honore
ed on Sunda
ay, May 8th
by th
heir familiess with candy,, flowers, ma
aybe a
nch or a dinn
ner. Here is a thought, ccontinue to
or your moth
her througho
out the year,, not with
pressents but a kkind word or a silent prayyer.
Mayy is also the month to givve reverence
e to our
Blesssed Motherr Mary. She d
doesn’t need
d candy,
wers or a dinn
ner just a sim
mple silent “Hail Mary”
will ssuffice.
In th
he month of May we pau
use to celebrrate all our
diers in the a
armed forcess and to all th
he brave
n and women
n who made
e the ultimate
e sacrifice
for o
our country. On May 21sst this month please
play your Am
merican flag h
honoring all the men
and women in th
he armed forces.
On M
Monday, Ma
ay30th, the C
Council usua
ally attends
the 9
9am Mass a
at Corpus Ch
hristi Church
h before
marrching in the Mineola Me
emorial Day Parade.
owing the pa
arade our ow
wn CWV Posst1949 will
be h
having a barrbeque, all are welcome..
As t he winter se
eason becom
mes a distan
nt memory
with the arrival sspring, the C
Council will b
be holding
officcer electionss in June for 2016-2017 ffraternal
On S
Sunday, Jun
ne 12th the C
Council will h
hold a
nch in honorr of our 2016
6 Knight of th
he Year
e Ohrtman. Immediatelyy following th
he brunch
we w
will have the
e ceremony. The cost is $20 per
I wo
ould like to ta
ake this time
e to acknowle
edge the
Edit or, Ken Lyon
ns of our Cla
arion on winning first
placce in the Nasssau Chapte
er Bulletin Aw
ase support the Golf Outting in July b
by becoming
a ho
ole sponsor.
My llast request to all the me
embers, get involved
don’’t be a couch
h potato.
Fratternally Yourrs,
Paul Kelly, G
Grand Knigh
Page 2
The Clarion is published upon request, or visit our web
site at www.kofc@2502.net-- Corpus Christi Council
#2502, Knights of Columbus, and PO Box 243,
Mineola NY 11501
May 2016
Fraternal Chairman
(To be notified in case of sickness, death or need)
Tony Donnelly (516) 741-3788
Grand Knight
SK Paul Kelly
@ (347) 886-0071
NYS 17th District – SK Thomas J. Liddy, DD
Corpus Christi Council Officers
Chaplain – Msgr. Robert J. Batule
Grand Knight – SK Paul Kelly
Deputy Grand Knight – SK Peter Zayas
Chancellor – John Mallon, PGK
Warden – Kevin Keenan
Financial Secretary - SK Nick Pennacchio, PGK, FDD,
Treasurer – William Kessler
Recorder – Jude Ohrtman
Outside Guard – OPEN
Inside Guard— Frank McGuinness
Advocate – Bruce Chester
Lecturer – Ed Pappalardo
Trustee 1 YR— Danny Lynch, PGK
Trustee 2 YR— SK Jim Corrigan, PGK
Trustee 3 YR— John Macejka, PGK
Council Director –SK, Paul Kelly, GK
Program Director –SK, Peter Zayas, DGK
Church Directors - Tony Donnelly (CC),
Dan Lynch, PGK (St.A)
Community Directors -- Ed Pappalardo (WP, EW),
Ken Lyons, PGK (M)
Public Relations Chairmen – SK Tom Kelly, PGK
Pro-Life Chairman - Tony Donnelly
Vocations Chairman – SK Jim Corrigan, PGK
Parade Chairman – Tim Clarkin
Insurance Agent –—Will Havron
Membership Chairman – Recruitment Chairman &
Admissions Chairman – John Mallon, PGK
Retention Chairman – SK Nick Pennacchio,
Eagle Scout Chairman – SK Marcel Chaillol, PGK
E-mail Chairman – SK Tom Kelly, PGK
Delegates to Nassau Chapter
SK Paul Kelly GK
SK Jim Corrigan, PGK, SK Nick Pennacchio, PGK
Delegates to Nassau Conference
SK Paul Kelly, GK, SK, Jim Corrigan PGK
SK, Steve Driscoll, PGK, Alt. to GK SK Mike Murtha,
PGK, DD, Alt. to PGK
Financial Secretary
SK Nick Pennacchio, PGK, FDD, PFN, FS
241 Columbus Pkwy, Mineola
(516) 742—8379
Insurance Agent
Will Havron, CLTC, FIC
@ 516-578-6452
President of the Columbiettes
Margaret Lunden
@ 516-437-2892
Squires Circle
Chief Squire
Matthew Kelly
@ 516-725-8475
Bob Morrison, President, Charles Ribando, VP
Denis O’Sullivan, Secretary, SK Sam Donato,
PGK, Treas. Dan Lynch, PGK, Bill Gyves
SK Tom Kelly, PGK, John Macejka. PGK,
Rob Robesch, John O’ Shea, President Emeritus
Danny Donovan, President; Nick Passarella II, VP
Jude Ohrtman, Secretary, Bob Redmond, Treas.,
Danny McWeeney, Bill Kessler, Billy Wisniewski
Joe Conlon, (PP), Dave Redmond, Andy Bernstein
Ken Lyons, PGK, John Mucella,
STEWARD - Tom Doherty Fax # (516) 746-2141
Council Telephone (516) 746-8643
The Clarion
For information on ads contact
Bill Gyves, Business Manager at (516) 742-0344
Ken Lyons (516) 746-8643
Deadline for submissions—15th of the month
Editor’s Note:
If you do not have access to a computer, or if you
know someone else who is not on Facebook, or do
not go on Twitter and would like a hard copy or if you
prefer a hard copy of the Clarion. Please contact Ken
Lyons at (516) 746-8643.
May 2016
Monthly Planner
Jude’s Teachers
District Deputy
Meeting TBA
8:00 pm
Mother’s Day
Wilmin Meeting
8:00 pm
Nick’s Team
8:30 pm
Outside Rental
Outside Rental
Cinco de Mayo
8:00 pm
Outside Rental
8:00 pm
Outside Rental
Kelly’s Heroes
CWV Meeting
8:30 pm
Squires Meeting
7:45 pm
Social Meeting
Armed Forces
Line Dance
Outside Rental
Feast of
Corpus Christi
Jude’s Teachers
Memorial Day
Outside Rental
Page 4
Chaplain’s Report:
Good Friday Homily
The goodness of Good Friday is not supremely
evident until Easter Sunday. By that, I mean there
is no way we can call a crucifixion good unless and
until it is surpassed. And surpassed it is!
The Resurrection does not remove Calvary from
history. No, what it does is show that evil and sin
would not have the final say in our lives. For Christ,
the personification of goodness, deals a lethal blow
to evil and sin by dying for us on the Cross. But the
victory of God is not in death; it is in life! Besides, it
is not at the sight of the Crucified One that we cry
out Alleluia. It’s only at the marvelous sight of the
Risen One that we exclaim Alleluia.
To start our Alleluia now would be a foolish thing. It
would be to account for grace cheaply. And why
would we want to do that when we have been
purchased at such a great price? (cf. 1 Cor. 6:20)
The price of course is the Lord’s suffering. He
suffered for us sinners. Thus, what we mark today
is an atoning death, and this mystery makes it
possible for us to see the goodness of Good Friday
before we even get to Easter.
The goodness of Good Friday is in the honesty to
which we are called. Saint Paul gives indication of
this in his Letter to the Romans where he writes
“while we were enemies, we were reconciled to
God through the death of his Son.” (Rom 5:10)
There is only one thing that could have made us
enemies and that is our sin – all of it – the minor
offenses and the deadly transgressions.
It’s not as if we outgrow sin as we do articles of
clothing. That is, we just toss the apparel away
when they no longer fit. Rather, we just get better at
hiding our vulnerabilities, keeping them well out of
view of those who could embarrass us. In the end
though, it’s not a matter of self-respect. It’s a matter
of being honest with ourselves.
Honest is what the prodigal son has to become.
After leaving his father’s estate and squandering
his inheritance on dissolute living, the prodigal son
thinks first he can get along by hiring himself out to
the local citizens. (cf. Lk 15:15) It isn’t until he
comes to his senses (cf. Lk 15:17) and admits his
sin to his father that there can be any genuine reintegration into the life of his father’s house.
And so it for us too. Honesty is the indispensable
preamble to the mercy of God. Without it, we may
only feel good without actually becoming good.
May 2016
Becoming good is a thoroughgoing imitation of
Christ. But we never arrive at this goal as long as
we cling to self-deceit. When we are honest with
ourselves, our likeness to Christ deepens
The goodness of Good Friday is the relevance of
truth in all circumstances. In the Passion of Saint
John’s Gospel, when the matter of kingship is
raised in Pilate’s interrogation, Jesus declares that
His mission is to testify to the truth. Everyone who
belongs to the truth listens to His voice. (cf. Jn
18:37) Pilate then betrays his ignorance by asking,
“What is truth?” (Jn 18:38)
The reference to truth by Jesus is hardly new.
Earlier in His ministry, Jesus states that the truth
will set us free. (cf. Jn 8:32) And at the Last
Supper, Jesus prays that the apostles be
consecrated in the truth. (cf. Jn 17:19) What sets
the reference to truth apart in the exchange
between Jesus and Pilate is the context. Jesus is
undergoing suffering.
That suffering includes a scourging, a crowning
with thorns and of course a crucifixion. But that’s
only the physical part of Jesus’ suffering. There is
also the agony in the garden. Both Saint Mark and
Saint Matthew report that Jesus’ soul at the time
was sorrowful. (cf. Mk 14:34; Matt 26:38) Pain does
not just show up in one place then; it is felt all over.
Truth causes us pain because we have to confront
the tragedy of our own false choices. In
consciences well formed, we acknowledge that we
have decided wrongly in blind pursuit of merely
apparent goods. It is only in the pain of truth, says
then-Cardinal Ratzinger, that we find real
communion. . . . Only in truth’s humble patience, he
observes, do we mature from the inside and
become free from ourselves and for God. (cf. A
New Song for the Lord, p. 166)
At the same time that truth inwardly causes us pain,
it is our living truthfully that brings a different kind of
suffering. It’s a suffering which comes when we
dare to live up to the responsibilities which are ours
as signs of contradiction. (cf. Lk 2: 34) Among
these responsibilities is a defense of the unborn, a
defense of traditional marriage and a defense of
religious liberty in the public square. The problem is
that fewer and fewer Catholics want to engage in
this kind of witness today. We do not want to suffer
a loss of reputation and be branded as intolerant.
This being so, we must learn to rise above our
inhibitions and be willing to suffer for the truth. If we
fail at this, nothing else matters.
Continued on page 5
Page 5
Continued from page 4
For we will have gained the whole world but lost our
soul. (cf. Mk 8:36; Matt 16:26)
The Psalmist implores us to taste and see the
goodness of the Lord. (cf. Ps 34:8) Easter, we are
glad, is not the only mystery overflowing with the
Lord’s goodness. There is goodness overflowing in
Good Friday also – if only we search for it and find
it in honesty and truth.
Praised be the Crucified Christ!
Msgr. Batule, Chaplain
The Right Corner:
Okay, by a show of hands how many people enjoy
going to wakes and funerals? Don’t be shy, it’s
okay to raise your hand.
Most people don't like going to funerals, but it's
something you know you need to do when
someone you know or the loved one of a friend
passes away. You may choose to go for just the
visitation to show your respects to the survivors.
However, there may be times when you need to
attend the actual service.
Funerals and memorial services exist so we can
say goodbye and pay tribute to the person who
died, and this can be a very important step in the
process of grieving. People might expect different
things of you at the funeral, and they can often
contradict each other. For example: your uncle
says to you, "Be strong, kiddo," while your aunt tells
you, "Let it all out, dear." How can you do BOTH?
How do you know the "right" way to act? Well, the
"right" way is whatever way you feel like. If you
need to cry, then cry. If you don't want to, then
don't. Don't force yourself to do or say anything,
and as hard as it may be, ignore what other people
may be thinking.
As a Council we have not always done the right
thing, poor attendance for lesser known Brother
Knights or no attendance for the widow of a Brother
Always go to the funeral means that I have to do
the right thing when I really, really don't feel like it. I
have to remind myself of it when I could make
some small gesture, but I don't really have to and I
definitely don't want to. I'm talking about those
things that represent only inconvenience to me, but
the world to the other guy. You know, the painfully
under-attended birthday party. The hospital visit
during happy hour. The Shiva call for one of my
friends. In my humdrum life, the daily battle hasn't
been good versus evil. It's hardly so epic.
May 2016
Most days, my real battle is doing good versus
doing nothing. As a Council we should re-institute
the wake call phone list that PGK John Macejka
used. Recently I worked a repast for Mary Guarino
family and found out NO ONE ATTENDED her
wake. Her husband was a longtime member
working Bingo with Joe Corso and PGK Terry
Connor. I apologize to her family on behalf of the
Council, this should never have happened to any
Council members or their widows.
Shame on us,
Ken Lyons, Editor
Around the Council:
Memorial Day Parade:
Memorial Day is the start of the summer season,
we all get carried away with Memorial Day sales,
gatherings, and beach cookouts. Let us not forget
what Memorial Day is about. It's a sacred day to all
war veterans.
Why remember? Sacrifice is meaningless without
remembrance. Far too often, the nation, as a
whole, takes for granted the freedoms all
Americans enjoy. Those freedoms were paid for
with the lives of others few of us actually knew.
In following a council tradition we will attend the
9:00 AM Mass at Corpus Christi Church.
Let us pause to remember and honor our beloved
fallen heroes.
Memorial Day Parade will take place on Monday,
May 30, at 11:00 AM. Assembly will begin at 10:30
AM at Wilson Park. Following the parade our CWV
Post will hold a cookout in the backyard of the
Council. All are welcome-- $10.00 per person,
$20.00 per family includes burgers, hotdogs, tap
beer, soda. Bottle beer and liquor will be available
at council prices. Come down and join your brother
knights, Squires, Columbiettes and our Catholic
War Veterans for a short stroll through the village of
Ken Lyons, Editor
Congratulations are in Order:
The Clarion, masterminded by our Editor and PGK
Kenny Lyons, has received the First Prize in the
Nassau Chapters Bulletin contest.
To Jude Ohrtman on being selected the Joseph P.
Ryan 2016 Knight of the Year.
To Joseph Egan (a former squire) has achieved the
rank of Eagle Scout.
To Frank and MaryAnne Iaquinto on their 60th
Wedding Anniversary.
Page 6
Knight of the Year Brunch:
Mark down your calendars next month for on the
first Sunday in June the council will come together
to honor Jude Ohrtman, our 2016 Knight of the
Year. The brunch will start at 1:00pm immediately
following the 11:30am Mass.The Knight of the Year
Award is given to members who have given their
time and talent in many endeavors. Jude was
heavely involved in two organizations that make up
the council. Jude is an officer of the council
(Recorder) and he has served as the Secretary of
2502 Association. But his real forte came by
helping out wherever needed cooking at the picnic
or the CWV barbeque, volunteering his time and
talent during the many work parties. Come down
and join the celebration on June 12th, the cost is
$20 per person.
Ken Lyons, Knight of the Year Chairman
Columbiettes Corner:
The Columbiettes will have their officers meeting on
Wednesday, May 4th at 8:00pm.Their regular
meeting takes place on Monday, May 9th at
8:00pm. On Thursday, May 12th the Columbiettes
will have an information meeting at 7:30pm.
The Columbiettes are hosting a “paint night”
fundraiser on Thursday, May 26th at 8:00pm, the
cost is $35. For additional details please contact
Margaret Lunden by 5/20/16 at (516) 437-2892
CWV Post 1949:
The Catholic War Veterans will be selling poppies
after all the Masses at St. Aidan’s and Corpus
Christi Churches the weekend of May 28th and 29th.
The CWV will be marching with the Squires,
Columbiettes and the Council in the Memorial Day
Parade. Show your support for our Veterans by
buying a poppy from our CWV.
Annual Charity Golf Outing:
Our Annual Golf Outing will take place on Monday,
July 11, 2016. The cost is $140 per golfer, which
includes prizes, open bar and buffet.
So if interested, please contact Bobby Redmond or
myself at 746-8643. It is a 7:00 AM shotgun start at
Glen Cove Golf Course. We are also looking for
Hole Sponsors, the cost of golf hole sponsor is
$100. All golf hole sponsors are invited back to the
luncheon after golf. For additional information
please see flyer in the back of this issue.
Ken Lyons, Golf Chairman
May 2016
Squire News:
In the coming months our Squires are planning a
social event. Some of the ideas thrown around
were a fishing trip or a day out east. Any boy
between the ages of 10—18 are eligible to join our
Squire Circle.
Tom Kelly, Squire Counselor
Letters to the Editor:
Dear Friends,
Your generous gift is truly a blessing to us. So
many kids are coming to Covenant House looking
for help they can find no place else, and your
support gives them a chance to give each one the
love and hope they desperately need.
Our mission together is saving lives. God Bless you
for believing with me that homeless and runaway
kids are beautiful and full of promise and worth
saving. You, your loved ones and your intentions
are in our prayers. Please keep us in yours.
Kevin Ryan
Dear James Corrigan,
Thank you for your generous gift to the 2016
Telecare Telethon. Your support helps further the
message that inspires and highlights the great
Catholic Tradition we have come to love.
Additionally, we continue to broadcast our message
pf faith, hope, and love to our brothers and sisters
in Trinidad and Tobago and via the internet to
millions more homes and military bases across the
I personally am grateful and humbled by your gift.
Our entire team appreciates your support, and in
their name, I ask that you continue to remember
Telecare in your prayers. We promise to keep you
in ours.
May God bless your generosity.
Reverend Monsignor James C. Vlaun
President/CEO of Telecare Television
Dear Friend in Christ:
Msgr. Batule and I are so grateful for your gift to the
Catholic Ministries Appeal. Your support of the
Catholic Ministries Appeal gives us a remarkable
opportunity to show mercy and touch the lives of so
many who are in our family of faith and in our
community; a neighbor in need of food or shelter, a
young man or woman finding their way to God
Continued on page 7
Page 7
Continued from page 6
through our youth or campus ministry programs; or
a deacon or seminarian studying to serve in our
On behalf of all the lives that you are helping us
enhance and transform, I thank you and ask God to
continue to fill your life with His abundant graces.
With my prayers and best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
William Murphy,
Bishop of Rockville Center
Editor’s Note:
There is a planned Belmont Race Trip and a
Brooklyn Cyclone Baseball Trip. At this time no
dates or costs are not available. The feast of
Corpus Christi Church is Sunday, May 29th, all
members of the Council should go to the 11am
Mass and should march in solidarity with our
Council’s Picnic:
The Council’s Annual Picnic will take place on
Saturday, August 13th, starting at noon at Wilson
Field in Mineola. Rain date is Saturday, August
The admission is $15 for adults, kids under the age
of 12 are free. This will include the cost of food and
non-alcoholic beverages.
We will meet at the Council at 9 AM to bring
everything to the picnic site and to set it up.
Volunteers are needed to set-up and clean-up.
Please bring your bats and gloves. You may bring
any other games with you to enjoy that day.
The picnic team will only coordinate the softball
game but feel free to enjoy the park with your
friends family and neighbors
The pool is open to Mineola residents but
nonresidents can pay a fee and accompany a
Mineola resident with a valid pool pass to enjoy the
The Picnic will start at noon and go to dusk.
Reservations are requested by the Picnic
Co-chairmen. Please call Tom Kelly at 414-2229 or
e-mail Jack Grafing at jacktg@optonline.net
Tom Kelly, Picnic Co-chairman
Fraternal Corner:
Please keep in your prayers the following brother
knights and their families. Danny Donovan, Tommy
Hayden, PGK, Danny Lynch, PGK, Marcel Chaillol,
Susan Pennacchio, Jody Lindeman, Vilma Doherty,
Helen Melvin, John O’Shea, John Spellman, PGK
May 2016
Ed Panzella Paul Libassi, Bobby Redmond, Joe
Conlon, Pamela Macejka, PGK, Richie Ryan,
Donna Andanuy, MaryAnn Ribando, PGK, Jim
Corrigan, all Veterans, Police Officers and Firemen,
the souls in Purgatory, and an end to abortions. Let
us pause to remember in our prayers those who
have suffered in the Middle East at the hands of
terrorist organizations. Let us also pray for a safe
return of all our soldiers in harm’s way.
Slate of Officers for 2016-2017 Fraternal
Chaplain SK Msgr. Robert Batule
GK SK Peter Zayas
Chancellor James Tracy
Warden Kevin Keenan
Treasurer SK Jim Corrigan PGK
Recorder Mike Beatty
Advocate John Mallon PGK
Outside Guard Brian O'Donnell
Inside Guard Frank McGuinness
Trustee 3 Year SK Paul Kelly PGK
Trustee 2 Years John Macejka PGK
Trustee 1 Year Danny Lynch PGK
The Nominating Committee
Mother’s Day:
Happy Mothers Day to my mom, Happy Mother’s
day to your Mom, and Happy Mother’s day to all the
moms in the world!!!!!!!
Mama, Mom, Mommy, Mother and Nanny...
whatever you call the woman who gave you life, the
woman who takes good care of you from the very
beginning, the woman who sacrificed everything for
you, the woman who cries when you cause trouble,
the woman who makes you smile when you are
down and the woman who gave up everything in
her life including her freedom, just to make sure
that you will grow up strong and ready for this cruel
Me? I called her Mom...
She was my world. She was the reason of
everything. She was not perfect, she made her own
mistakes. But, she was my mother. I loved my
mother so much. But I have to admit I was not a
perfect son, I wish I had been a better son; I wish I
was able to help her more, never let her work
But I cannot go back in the past, all I can do is
make my future better, for all she has done for me.
Continued on page 8
Page 8
Continued from page 7
I just thank God for giving me a chance to spend so
many years with my mom.
Take good care of your mom while you have time,
while she can still hear and see you... She will not
live forever...
Happy Mother’s day to all our mothers!!!!!
Armed Forces Day:
Our nation's men and women of the military forces
have defended our country, insured our freedom,
and upheld the beliefs and principles that this great
nation was built on. Many events across the United
States take place on Armed Forces Day to honor
Americans in uniform - those who serve the Army,
Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard,
National Guard and Reserve units may celebrate
Armed Forces Day.
As I sit here at my computer desk, as pondering
thoughts dance into my head as I begin to type
away, it occurred to me how fortunate I am. My
blessings are countless. However, among my
greatest blessings is my freedom. This is a blessing
to which I owe a great debt of gratitude to our
heroes – the men and women of our armed forces.
Contrast my comfort and coziness of this early
spring season to the dry, dusty, dirty conditions of
the Middle East. Think about how we enjoy
thoughts of sugar plums dancing in our heads,
while they are scanning the horizon for terrorists,
improvised explosive devices and other threats.
While we laugh and mingle with loved ones at
barbecue parties, they’re working long hours
counting on their brother or sister soldier to protect
their back.
The stern hand of fate has scourged us to an
elevation where we can see the great everlasting
things that matter for a nation; the great peaks of
honor we had forgotten - duty and patriotism, clad
in glittering white; the great pinnacle of sacrifice
pointing like a rugged finger to heaven.
May the sun in his course visit no land more
free, more happy, more lovely, than this our
own country! ~Daniel Webster
Ken Lyons, Editor
Memorial Day:
Every spring we celebrate this holiday called
“Memorial Day,” which traditionally marks the
beginning of summer. Although the true celestial
observance of the changing seasons does not
officially occur for another three weeks,
May 2016
Memorial Day is recognized as the day when all
the summer events may officially commence. It is a
day when families can congregate for a picnic or a
barbeque; and it is a day when, weather permitting,
small communities can provide its citizens with a
parade to entertain both children and adults alike.
However, not all Americans today are celebrating
this holiday with such spirited enthusiasm. Some
families may not be holding that annual barbeque in
the back yard. Some children may not be holding
their fathers’ hand as the band marches past.
And some mothers may still be staring at the flag,
which flies at half-staff. It is to these individuals
whom I write about today, empathizing with your
grief that a loved one may not be here to celebrate
in these festivities. So today let us take a moment
out of the celebrations to reflect on the true
meaning of Memorial Day, and the sacrifices that
our military personnel make for each and every one
of us
It has been said that one must die so that others
may know the full value of life. We are all given only
one life to live. It may end in an instant—an instant
unfamiliar to one and all. Yet it is because of this
certainty of death that we place such a high regard
on human life. Were we all able to live forever and
experience no losses, we would never be able to
fully appreciate the moments in life that make us
truly happy. But just as happiness isn’t free, the
freedom to live life to its fullest has its costs as well.
That’s what the members of our Armed Forces do
for us: they pick up the check so that the rest of us
may enjoy the land in which we live. They fight for
our freedom, for the freedom of their fellow human
beings, and for the freedom granted to us by the
founders of our nation. Every minute of every day,
there is a soldier somewhere far from home, giving
all he has to give for a much higher cause.
Likewise, there is always a veteran somewhere,
with his fingertips on a war memorial, thanking a
fallen soldier for saving his life years before. These
brave soldiers, sailors, fliers and marines died
protecting their country and what it stands for. They
died defending a way of life that they felt was worth
dying for … for families, children, freedom, morality,
values, and responsibility.
Although Memorial Day may be a Federal holiday,
and some of us have the luxury of a day off from
work or school, our soldiers do not enjoy such a
privilege. War is a 24/7 commitment that knows no
Continued on page 9
Page 9
Continued from page 8
War does not allow for second chances or second
thoughts. And unfortunately, war brings the
inescapable reality of death far too close to home.
So why would someone even want to join the
military in the first place? Why put yourself into that
position, knowing you are only placing your life on
the line?
Well this commitment comes down to two things:
Honor and Duty.
Historically, our nation has achieved many
successes in battle, both domestic and abroad,
fighting to protect humanity from oppression,
tyranny, and to uphold a common freedom.
However, these victories did not come without their
casualties. We join here today to recognize the
valiant efforts of the hundreds of thousands of men
and women who put country before self and made
their marks in history. Especially this year, we find
ourselves dedicating a remembrance to the
veterans of the past, as well as to the veterans of
the present. We do not pay a tribute to war, rather,
a tribute to the physical and moral courage that
makes heroes out of farm and city boys, that
inspires Americans of every generation to lay down
their lives for people they’ll never meet. On this
Memorial Day, to feel the full effects of the
sacrifices our soldiers have made for us, I ask all of
you to take just one moment to silently gaze upon
the graves in our cemetery. Each one of those
small American Flags represents not only that
person’s service to the military, but also their
service to each and every one of us. They gave all
they had to give, and we owe our freedom, our
happiness, and our lives in gratitude.
Ken Lyons, Editor
Supreme News:
Statement of Knights of Columbus CEO Carl
Anderson on State Department’s Genocide
Following Secretary of State John Kerry’s finding of
genocide being committed by ISIS against
Christians and other religious minorities in the
Middle East, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson
released this statement.
Today's announcement by Secretary of State John
Kerry is correct and truly historic. For one of the few
times in our history, the United States has
designated an ongoing situation as genocide, and
the State Department is to be commended for
having the courage to say so. By joining its voice to
that of the House of Representatives, the American
May 2016
people, and the international community, the United
States today makes clear to ISIS that its attempt to
stamp out religious minorities must cease.
The United States and the world are united on this,
and simply will not look the other way. The Knights
of Columbus is pleased to have been able to work
with the State Department in providing a nearly
300-page report filled with compelling evidence that
genocide was occurring against Christians as well
as other religious minorities. We thank Secretary
Kerry for seriously considering the evidence, and
commend the State Department staff for working
closely with us in this endeavor.
Following this declaration, America must continue
to focus on those being killed in this genocide, and
our country, and the international community, must
make sure the slaughter ends and that these
innocent people are protected. There is much work
still to be done, but this represents an important
step forward.
New York State News:
There is a high demand for this year’s NY Mets
game. So to guarantee your seats please
purchase your tickets ASAP. The NY State Council
NY Mets game will be on Monday, May 2. This
year our charity will be the Rockville Centre and
Brooklyn Dioceses’ Catholic Education. Let's show
our support for our Catholic Schools and make this
a special night for them.
I have attached a Flyer on how to purchase your
tickets. Tickets are only $40.00 each and you will
receive a FREE Mets hat with each ticket
purchased. Purchase your tickets today and enjoy
a great night of baseball for Catholic Education.
Thank you for your support!!!
Rocco F. D'Erasmo
Nassau Conference News:
Dear Kenny, First of all, Congratulations on your 1st place in the
Chapter bulletin contest!!!!
Very well deserved!
The NYS Council challenged each of the
conferences to meet certain thresholds for
membership growth and if they do so, the state
would make a donation to a charity selected by the
conference. Since the Nassau Conference met
their threshold, we were able to present a check for
$1,500 to the St Pius X Enriched Living Facility for
retired priests at last Saturday's Nassau Chapter
Charity ball.
Continued on page 10
Page 10
Continued from page 9
This combined with $8,500 in other donations,
brought the total that night to $10,000 presented for
the St Pius X Enriched Living Facility
Remind the brothers that there is one more
membership threshold for Nassau before the end of
June, so we should continue to promote
membership growth in our councils.
Brother Ed Willie
Nassau Chapter News:
On Saturday, April 16, 2016 the Nassau Chapter
Annual Ball was held in Oceanside Council. PGK
and PCP Steve Driscoll and retired priests were
honored at this year’s ball. Representing Corpus
Christi Council were GK Paul Kelly, DGK Peter
Zayas, PGK Jim Corrigan, FS Nick Pennacchio and
Jim Tracy.
Ken Lyons, Editor
May 2016
understand a life dedicated to Christ and the
Church. We should encourage those in your
communities — particularly any young men in your
council — who are discerning the call to religious
life. Such personal support can go a long way in
helping such men and women face their concerns
about finances, family disapproval or other
questions. Also, speak to your brother Knights and
members of your parish about conducting programs
and activities that promote vocations, such as the
Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP). The
program is designed to help councils directly
support seminarians and those in religious
formation. RSVP is also an excellent way to show
those not yet in formation that they do not have to
travel such a path alone — they have support from
many, particularly the Knights of Columbus.
Ken Lyons, Editor
Ken Lyons, Editor
Fr. Michael J. McGivney:
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender
of the widow and orphan, you called your priest,
Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of
Christian family life and to lead the young to the
generous service of their neighbor. Through the
example of his life and virtue may we follow your
Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his
commandment of charity and building up his Body
which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to
greater confidence in your love so that we may
continue his work of caring for the needy and the
outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your
venerable servant Father Michael J. McGivney on
earth according to the design of your holy will.
Through his intercession, grant the favor I now
present (here make your request). Through Christ
our Lord. Amen. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.)
Membership News:
Seminarian News:
Let us pray not only for a calling to the Priesthood.
Pray that you would accept the calling if/when
called. It’s so true I think. Many understand the
decline in the number of priests and religious, but
how often do you hear mothers saying “Oh, I
wouldn’t want my son to be a priest”. They want
grandchildren or they would like their sons have
“successful careers” in business
I do not know what the statistics are for the
percentage of seminarians that actually do become
priests. I’m sure it’s not 100 percent. I for one think
of quality over quantity anyway, especially when it
comes to choosing to follow our God.
Let us pray for those entering Seminary now and
for those who may soon become Priests. May God
bless them on their individual journey.
Last month Knights throughout the world
participated in the 53rd World Day of Prayer for
Vocations. Far too few young men and women are
open to the idea of a religious vocation. In part, this
attitude is the result of an increasingly secular
environment. The decline of attendance at Mass,
direct attacks against God and the Church, and the
continued attempt to control religious freedom
affect young people discerning the path God has
chosen for them. Often, young people walk away
from the faith even after discerning a vocation,
feeling unsupported by a culture that doesn’t
Brother Knights, the candidate whose application
was voted on and approved last night was notified
and will complete his first degree on Tuesday April
26 at Holy Spirit Church at 8:00 p.m. Also I have
just set up another interview with a candidate for
Thursday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. Vivat Jesus,
Peter Zayas, DGK
Insurance Corner:
Have You Insured Your Most Valuable Asset?
Is your income protected if you become sick or
injured and cannot work?
Continued on page 11
Page 11
Continued from page 10
Your ability to work and earn an income is your
most valuable asset. Yet a disability could prevent
you from earning that income. Just one year of a
disability could eliminate your savings. Are you
With the help of the Order, members and their
families can prepare. Income Armor, an individual
disability income insurance product from the
Knights of Columbus, should be a key part of your
overall financial plan and family’s protection.
If you are ill or injured, Income Armor provides taxfree monthly benefits to help you meet living
expenses and maintain you and your family’s
standard of living. Your monthly benefits help you
pay your mortgage and other monthly bills, while
your savings and retirement assets remain intact.
Disability insurance is often dismissed by working
men and women because they think it will never
happen to them. They think their jobs are fairly safe
and their lives are fairly healthy. Disability is simply
something that happens to the “other guy”.
However, experience tells a different story. Let’s
consider Larry, an average 35 year old male, a
non-smoker, who works at an office job with some
outdoor responsibilities and leads a very healthy
lifestyle. He has a little over a 1 in 5 chance, 21%,
of having an accident or illness for 3 months or
longer prior to retirement.
What happens if that occurs? What happens if your
last paycheck is your last paycheck? Who will pay
the bills? Do you have savings to rely on? Do you
have a rich relative that will take care of you? If
your illness or injury is among the 95% that happen
off the job, you are not eligible for workers’
compensation. Don’t count on the government
because they help 36% and you may be among the
64% of Americans, including severely disabled
Americans, who do not receive any assistance from
Medicare, SS and SSDI.
In short, if you have a job and don’t have a way to
protect that paycheck, you should seriously
consider Income Armor today. As a Knight you and
your eligible family members have exclusive access
to disability income insurance that can help
safeguard your paycheck. With Income Armor, you
can help make sure that you continue to earn an
income, even when you cannot work. You will be
prepared to protect your family in time of need. Our
disability income insurance is designed to be
flexible to fit your needs. You choose the monthly
benefit amount that’s right for you, the elimination
period that makes the most sense, and the
May 2016
maximum benefit period for your policy. In addition,
by purchasing a Knights of Columbus disability
income insurance policy, you have the added
security of knowing that you are doing business
with an unapologetically Catholic company that
makes sure its investments do not violate Church
teaching, and which has been repeatedly
recognized as a “World’s Most Ethical” company.
We do not plan to fail, but sometimes we do fail to
plan! You owe it to yourself and to your family to
make sure that your financial future is secure,
regardless of what happens. Don’t be caught off
guard by surprises. Be on guard and be prepared.
Speak with your Knights of Columbus Field Agent
today to learn how easy and affordable disability
income insurance can be. I look forward to meeting
with you.
Will Havron, CLTC
Knights of Columbus Field Agent
Pro-Life Corner:
With Mother’s Day approaching on the second
Sunday of the month, all of us plan to honor our
own moms, either in our hearts and memories or
with the traditional family celebration.
In my church on Mother’s day, the priest asks all
the mothers in the church to stand at the end of the
Mass for a blessing.
But let’s also honor those whose efforts enable
some mothers to actually become a mother. As
they work daily with women who are contemplating
the murder of their pre-born children, the pro-life
pregnancy centers who offer mothers counseling
and help and provide their babies a chance for life
are real heroes that we should remember Sunday
on Mothers’ Day. Without them, hundreds of
thousands of babies would have been sacrificed on
the altar of abortion.
This Mother's Day, please remember those
mothers who never got to see their children's
faces…those who were coerced into abortion…and
those who chose abortion based on
misunderstandings and misinformation. Their
losses are deep, and their emotional scars can last
a lifetime. So when the priest asks on Mother’s Day
for all the Mother’s to stand, you may see some
women kneeling for their blessing. The women who
gave birth deserve to stand – hopefully some will
be at peace receiving their full blessing from a more
humble position.
Ken Lyons, Editor
Knights of Columbus
186 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola
Date: July 11, 2016
Cost: $140 per person
Location: Glen Cove C.C. 7 a.m. shotgun start
Open Bar after the game, Fabulous Buffet
Prizes, Prizes, Prizes
BOB REDMOND AT 516-741-8930
KEN LYONS AT 516-746-8643
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Knights of Columbus
1st Come, 1st Served
$100.00 each, all contributions are appreciated
CALL KENNY LYONS at the Council.
AT (516) 742-0344
Knights of Columbus Hall
Available for Rentals
For Details and Reservations Call:
Tom Doherty, Steward K of C
Tel: 746-8643
Fax: 746-2141
If you live in East Williston or
Albertson, we want you to
consider becoming a Volunteer
Firefighter. The fire services
provides free equipment and
training and a worthwhile way to
serve your community. For more
information e-mail
Maureen O Corrigan
Officer Representative
174 Hillside Avenue
Williston Park, NY 11596-1702
Bus 516 741 7577
Pete Masterson, Agent
The greatest compliment you can give is a referral.
John Marsala FSS LUTCF
Officer Manager
174 Hillside Avenue
Williston Park, NY 11596-1702
Bus 516 741 7577 Cell: 516 384 3470
Pete Masterson, Agent
The greatest compliment you can give is a referral.
Thomas F. Dalton
Funeral Homes, Inc.
412 Willis Avenue
Williston Park, New York
(516) 354-0634
Dominick's Italian American Deli
Bella Calabria Farms Inc.
Produce * Deli * Gorcery * Dairy
401 Herricks Road
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
Phone (516) 746-2116
Fax (516) 741-4836
Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday 7am to 7pm
Sunday 7am to 5pm
Brother Timothy J. Dalton
George E. Dalton
(516) 466-7900
(718) 224-5100
NECK, NY 11021
FAX: (516) 466-7903
Computer & Technology Consultant
Trusted by Knights of Columbus, Village of Mineola,
Nassau County PAL, and local community businesses
David P. Redmond
solutions@dprdigital.com | 516-362-0837
TELEPHONE: (516) 249-6600
CELL: (516) 967-6239
FAX: (516) 249-9204
Corporate, Legal and Financial Printing
Mike Curley
Exclusive Agent
McGowan-Curley Agency LLC
Allstate Insurance Company
215-27 Jamaica Avenue
Queens Village, NY 11428
Phone: 718-468-8000
Fax: 718-479-7068
Email: Mikecurley@allstate.com