Quarterly news bulletin of SDMCET, Dharwad.
Quarterly news bulletin of SDMCET, Dharwad.
Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. Vol.1, Issue 1 Quarterly news bulletin of SDMCET December, 2012 December, 2012 SDM Education Society (R), Ujire Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Engineering & Technology, Dharwad-580 002, Karnataka State, India (An Autonomous College Recognized by AICTE, Affiliated to VTU Belgaum, TEQIP beneficiary and NBA Accredited) Ph.0836-2447465, 2448327 Fax: 0836-2464638 E-mail; principal@sdmcet.ac.in URL: www.sdmcet.ac.in VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 1 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Quarterly News Letter will be published from SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. Looking at the activities of the College, the newsletter will have lot to communicate. Let the student’s talents and academic activities be encouraged by this News Letter. Congratulations to Principal, Staff and Students. DR. D. VEERENDRA HEGGADE PRESIDENT From the Desk of the Principal Dear Readers, I am happy to place on record today that SDMCET planned to introduce quarterly e-News Letter, to bring the activities of the Institution to the notice of all Faculty, Staff and Students in the campus in particular and also to general public. This news letter will be simultaneously put up in our website www.sdmcet.ac.in. It is also planned to inaugurate the 1st Edition of the e-News Letter by our beloved Revered President, SDME Society, Dr. D. Veerendra Heggadeji at our SDMCET Technical Exhibition Stall during SDM UTSAV’12 Inauguration at SDM College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Dharwad on 30th November 2012. I feel, in practice, we normally take much care while planning and executing the Events and we will not give much importance for recording the Events in chronological order. I hope, the introduction of e-News Letter will overcome this lapse and our e-News Letter will update all the activities of the SDMCET and will reach all the Readers every quarter. This news letter will also provide a platform of inspiring and motivating all the Students. Students, Faculty and Staff of the College to get involved in all academic and co curricular pursuits and provide an awareness forum. It is also activates all of us to putforth and plan many innovative and creative campus development activities. At this juncture, I congratulate the Editorial Team consisting of Faculty & Staff for composing the first edition of e-News Letter at the very shortest time and made it ready for Inauguration by our beloved Revered President, today the Friday, 30th November 2012 at 11.00 AM. I Strongly Feel That This Quarterly news letter will facilitate the easy composition/ compilation of huge data/happenings in the campus and contributes to the site of centralized data. Also some of the highlights of events happened during my takeover of SDMCET is briefed. Wishing all the Best for the Efforts made and for perennial News Letter around SDMCET Campus to reach out every stake holder across the globe. DR. S. MOHAN KUMAR B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D PRINCIPAL VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 2 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 FROM THE CHIEF EDITORS DESK We are on a march and our pursuit is for a creation of institute excellence. Students and staff of our college contribute their might and we have there a vibrant campus. Publishing this news letter is an exhibition of our activities and it will continuously give an overall picture of our college. It also has its historical value. On the behalf of Editorial team, I thank all the Deans, Heads, Coordinators, Faculty, Non-teaching staffs and students who have been associated with the Institute NEWS LETTER in past and all those who are associated with it in present for their efforts in bringing out the First Volume of Year 2012 Newsletter in the best possible manner. Good wishes to all SDMCETians past and present and regards to all readers. Dr. S B Mallur FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK (Inform, Read & Share Digitally) We are presenting you a quarterly news letter of SDMCET. Our goal is to create a new way of exchanging information on all aspects of our esteemed college. I encourage all my colleagues and friends to join hands for News Letter to contribute, read, share and reach everyone digitally. Prof. Rajashekar Patil EDITORIAL TEAM Advisor Dr. S. Mohan Kumar Chief Editor Dr. S.B. Mallur Editor Prof. Rajashekar Patil Editorial Team members Dr. K. Gopinath Dr. V. S. Hegde Sri. Gangadhara Rao P. V. Sri. R. K. Mathad For private circulation only Art by: G R Kamat VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 3 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 £ÀªÀÄä SÁªÀAzÀgÀªÀgÀ ±ÀĨsÀ ¸ÀAzÉñÀUÀ¼ÀÄ zÁ£À¢AzÀ ¸ÀAvÉÆõÀ, £ÉªÀÄä¢ D¥ÁgÀ. ¤:¸Áéxïð ¥ÀæªÀÈwÛ¬ÄAzÀ, vÁåUÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆèsÁªÀ£É¬ÄAzÀ ¸ÀªÀiÁdzÀ £ÉÆAzÀ d£ÀvÉ0iÀÄÄ PÀtÂÚÃgÉÆgÀ¸ÀĪÀ PÁ0iÀÄPÀªÉà ¨sÀUÀªÀAvÀ£À DgÁzsÀ£É. J®ègÀÆ §zÀÄPÀĪÀ PÀ®à£É0iÉÄà zsÀªÀÄð. £ÀqÁªÀ½ JAzÀgÉ ªÀĺÁzÁ£À. zÁ£À ªÀiÁqÀĪÀªÀ£ÀÄ FªÀvÉÛà J°è 0iÀiÁªÀ PÉ®¸ÀzÀ°è ¥Àj¥ÀÇtðvɬÄzÉ0iÉÆÃ, ±ÀæzÉÞ¬ÄzÉ0iÀÄÆ ¨sÀUÀªÀAvÀ¤gÀÄvÁÛ£É. PÉÆlÄÖ©qÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ, £Á¼É0iÉÄAzÀgÉ CAvÀºÀ CªÀPÁ±À ¹UÀzÉà zÉêÀgÀ ¸ÀÄAzÀgÀ ¸ÀȶÖ0iÀiÁzÀ ¥ÀæPÀÈw0iÀÄ J®è ¸Ë®¨sÀåUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ºÀAaPÉÆAqÀÄ §zÀÄPÀĪÀ ºÀPÀÄÌ J®èjUÀÆ ¸ÀªÀiÁ£ÀªÁVzÉ. ºÉÆÃUÀ§ºÀÄzÀÄ. 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CªÀÅUÀ¼À zÁjUÀ¼ÀÄ ¨ÉÃgÉ0iÀiÁVgÁ§ºÀÄzÀÄ, DzÀgÉ ªÀÄÆ®UÀÄj MAzÉÃ. «eóÁÕ£ÀªÀÅ zsÀªÀÄðzÀ D¢üãÀzÀ°èzÀÝgÉ ¯ÉÆÃPÉÆãÀßw ºÀ¹zÀ ºÉÆmÉÖ0iÀĪÀ¤UÉ zsÀªÀÄðªÀ£ÀÄß ºÉýzÀgÉ K£ÀÄ ¥sÀ®? ªÉÆzÀ®Ä DvÀ£À ºÉÆmÉÖ0iÀÄÄ ºÀ¹ªÀ£ÀÄß A Living Legend Poojya. Dr. D. VEERENDRA HEGGADE PRESIDENT ¤ÃV¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. £Á½£À §UÉÎ PÀ£À¸ÀÄ PÁtzÉ, 0iÀiÁªÀÅzÉà UÀÄj0iÀÄ£ÀÄß ¸Á¢ü¸À®Ä £ÁªÀÅ ¸ÀªÀÄxÀðgÁUÀĪÀÅ¢®è. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 4 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 Dr. S Mohan Kumar, Principal Abroad Visit Collaborative Research Work between SDM College of Engineering and Technology and SDM College of Dental Sciences Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Principal, SDMCET has taken initiation for collaborative research work between SDM Engineering and Dental Colleges. The first ever collaborative research work was presented as research papers at World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) 2012 at Bangkok, Thailand during 22nd – 23rd, December 2012 in the International Conference of Advance Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (ICAME12). Dr. S. Mohan Kumar along with his Research Scholar Prof. Rajashekar Patil and two dental PG students, Dr. Shreya Ajmera and Dr. Tanuja Ajit Deshpande of Orthodontics department presented two papers entitled 1. “Bioengineering for Customized Orthodontic Applications – Implant, Bracket and Dental Vibrator”, and 2.“Scope and Application of Collaborative Tools and Digital Manufacturing in Dentistry”. These two papers are original research works aimed mainly to bridge the technological gap between Engineering and Medical Sciences carried out as a part of collaborative and rapid manufacturing strategy which could bring revolutionary approaches for reducing considerable amount of time of treatment bringing smiles in patients as well as treating doctors. These two paper presentations were performed in Session - II, at Hall A, chaired by Dr Marina Polyakova, Professor from Russia. The presentation started on time and went on well, with lot of questions being asked and well answered and received by the elite audience. These two full length papers were published in proceedings of WASET, Issue 72, December 2012 Bangkok (pISSN 2010-36X, eISSN 2010-3778 of pp. no. 630-634 and 635 – 639). Felicitations to our beloved principal MR. R. K. Mathad, Vice President, Non Teaching Staff Association Felicitating Prof. Dr. S. Mohan Kumar on his return from Bangkok, Thailand, after presentation of Collaborative Research Paper of SDMCET & SDMCDS&H @ World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology (WASET)’12. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 5 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 AROUND CAMPUS ACTIVITIES A well-thought-out teaching evaluation leads key to good educational quality and standard of efficiency- Dr. Sonde. Whatever our judgment is about educational evaluation, it is an important and integral part of the total educational process. A well-thought-out evaluation programme will certainly contribute to the improvement of educational quality and standard of efficiency, if it is effectively implemented, and adequately and efficiently monitored by qualified evaluators, said Dr. B S Sonde, former V C, Goa University. evaluation devices/instruments should be valid and reliable. They are valid when they measure what they aim to measure, and they are reliable when they produce consistent results over time. The teacher as an evaluator should be impartial as much as possible. He should try to avoid personal prejudices. Other various related topics like, panel discussion internal assessment/ formative assessment; end semester assessment/ summative assessment and question paper quality; were delivered by Dr. K Vasudeva Banninthaya, controller of examination, RVCE, Bangalure, Dr. C G Puttappa, controller of examination of MSRIT, Bangalore and Dr. A. V Nandi, Controller of examination of BVBCET, Hubli respectively. Dr. Jagadeesh Pujari, Dean (Evaluation) SDMCET, Dharwad, delivered a talk on current state of affairs in various autonomous institutions. Prof. V K Parwati, welcomed, compared and proposed vote of thanks. STUDENT COUNCIL Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Principal, addressing the faculties participating in one day workshop on ‘Review of evaluation methodologies for autonomous engineering colleges’, Dr. B S Sonde, former vice chancellor, Goa University, Dr. K Vasudeva Banninthaya, Dr. C G Puttappa, was also present. Dr. B S Sonde, was speaking in his key note address in a one day workshop on ‘Review of evaluation methodologies for autonomous engineering colleges’ organized by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Engineering & Technology, Dharwad at DVH hall in the campus. Dr. S Mohan Kumar, Principal of SDMCET in his preamble address, speaking on the occasion said that, The success of any educational system hinged on proper planning, efficient administration, adequate financing and effective evaluation. The evaluation aspect hinges on proper inspection and supervision of the educational programme right from the planning stage to the final stage when assessment of the whole process and reasonable decisions will be made. Dr. Krishnamurthy, Dean (Academic) PESIT, Bangalore, delivered a talk on ‘challenges in evaluation practices under autonomy’ said that all VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Student Council was Inaugurated Dean Student Welfare Dr. K. Gopinath, Principal Dr. S. Mohan Kumar were present. Robo club launched Students Roboclub has been launched @ SDMCET on 22nd Sept.12. AIMs & Objectives of the Roboclub are being chalked out. Interested students are carrying out. GATE Examination Large numbers of students from all streams have applied for GATE Examination this time, as compared to earlier year. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 6 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. Workshop on building of robot models impressed the SDMCET Students December, 2012 live working models of various robots using the electronic robotic kits provided to students. Student organizers Siddhesh Raikar, welcome the gathering, Harsh Parikh and Dristi Kalal, compared the programme while Tushar proposed the vote of thanks. Accreditation Periodical Review meetings Periodical Review meetings commenced with effect from 24th September 2012, to prepare ourselves for Third Time Accreditation. Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Principal, addressing the students after inaugurating workshop on building of robotics’ organized by hobby club of SDMCT Dharwad. There was an overwhelming response for the ‘building of robot models’ workshop-cum-building of robotics being organized by the Hobby club of SDMCET. After Inaugurating the one day workshop on ‘building of robotics’ Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Principal, said that robots' plays an important role in the society is in a capacity to assist humans by taking on the jobs that are dirty, dull or dangerous. Beyond the factory floor, robots have been instrumental in space exploration and performing other tasks that would be impossible for humans to accomplish the tasks. Dr. S. Mohan Kumar also added that robotics is already playing a very pivotal and cutting edge role in diverse sectors such as manufacturing, avionics, medicine, defense, automobile and entertainment fields. As technology becomes increasingly important in today's world, it is invaluable to not only learn how to use technology, but also to understand how to create it. Technology is the future and today's students are tomorrow's technologists. He also added various advanced concepts in robotics. According to coordinator of the workshop Prof. Rajashekhar patil, this kind of event is only one among a series of programme to be organized in connection with the creation and innovations of development of self operating robot models which are capable of sensing, obstacle detecting, kicking and defending. The best models would be awarded prize he said. The participants were divided into 30 different groups and each group consist of four students and created VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 ORIENTATION PROGRAMME FOR FRESHERS Orientation Programme for new entrants [UG Programmes] was held on 3rd September 2012. Sri Chetan Ram, Renowned Personality Development Trainer from Mysore was the Chief Guest. Sri Jinendra Prasad, Secretary and Sri Jeevandhar Kumar, Deputy Secretary, SDME Society were present on the occasion. Ganesha Chaturti celebrated On account of Ganesha Chaturti college celebrated Ganesha festival at Prathama Vanditha Ganesha Mandir, cultural program was organized and prasadam was distributed. Secretary, Deput Secretary and Principal were present. Sri. Jinendra Prasad, Secretary,SDME Society,Dharwad distributing the memento to the artist; Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Principal and others were present on the occasion. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 7 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 GRADUATION DAY CELEBRATIONS On 1st September 2012, second graduation day was celebrated Chief Guest Prof. Dr. R Natarajan former Director IIT Chennai addressed the graduates. Dr. R Natarajan former Director IIT Chennai addressed the students participating in the second graduation day celebration held on 1st September 2012. YAKSHAGANA Mahaganapathi Yakshagana Mandali, Renowned Yakshagana artists from Kateel and Dharmasthala mela performed Yakshagana on 28th August 2012 at college auditorium ABOUT TEQIP SDMCET, Dharwad is a beneficiary of TEQIP Phase II (Technical Education Quality Improvement Program), a World Bank assisted project after successful completion of Phase I. TEQIP aims to scale-up PG education, quality research, development & innovation, increase industry-institute collaboration, in addition to increased employability of students. SDMCET is among 14 private un-aided Engineering Colleges of this country to be a part of TEQIP Phase II. MOU with Government of Karnataka is signed 9th January 2012 at Shrikshetra Dharmasthala. MOU with Bosch Rexroth to establish Centre of Excellence to facilitate R&D activities. Rs. 400 lakhs of grant for Faculty Development Program under TEQIP. ORIENTATIONS FOR P. G STUDENTS Post graduate courses (M.Tech and MBA) induction program was conducted on 31st October 2012. Chief Guest, SDME society secretary shri Jenandra Prasad, Principal Dr. S Mohan Kumar, Dean, Student welfare Dr K Gopinath were present. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 8 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 ON-LINE WORKSHOP ON SELF STUDY Organized one day on-line a unique workshop on self study “Initiate Self Study and Innovate” for faculty of SDMCET on Saturday, 20th October 2012. The resource person was Dr. G L Shekar, Principal, NIE, and Mysore.. The panel committee chairperson Dr. S Mohan Kumar, Principal, Shri Jinendra Prasad, Secretary SDME Dharwad during Inauguration session and address by resource person. Seminar Director: Prof R L Chakrasali & Coordinator: Prof Rajashekar Patil. MARTYRS DAY On 26th November 2011, Martyr’s Day was celebrated, Chief Guest Police Commissioner Shri wing commander, Dean Student welfare Dr. K. Gopinath and Principal Dr. S Mohan Kumar were present along with thousands of student candle light march was taken around the campus. KARNATAKA RAJYOTSAVA On 1st November 2012, college grandly celebrated 57th Karnataka Rajyotsava. Dr S Mohan Kumar, Principal hoisted the Kannada flag and hundreds of students, staff and other witnessed the program. 27th November 2012 College celebrated 57th Rajyaotsava and Prize distribution program was conducted. Chief Guest Shri Giraddy Govindraj and Shri Shankar Kumbi, Kannada faculty Dr J M Noolageri, Dr. K. Gopinath and Dr. V S Hegde were present. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 9 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 Planning and management of autonomy in technical institutions ACHIEVEMENTS AND RECOGNITIONS One day orientation programme on planning and management of autonomy in technical institutions is first of its kind organized in the college for better understanding of autonomous status of the college by the entire faculty. It is a one day intensive programme with a specific focus on the items that needed greater clarification and the consensus of all the faculty of the institution in the academic matters. The main objectives of the programme are, to sensitize the SDMCET faculty members to the key issues in autonomy with specific reference to the engineering institution and also to understand the provisions made in autonomous institutions with regard to, restructuring of teaching and learning mechanisms; Assessments and evaluation; Self learning and other key issues of concerns. Dr. K. Sudha Rao,CEO, Academics SDME Society; Dr. P. Nagabhushan, University of Mysore; Dr. K. Rajanikanth, MSIRT, Bangalore; Dr . G. A. Shashi Kumar , SIT, Tumkur; Dr. T .Gangadhariah, SIT, Tumkur and Dr. S. S. Prabhu, IIIT Bangalore were enlightened new various topics. Total 142 Faculty members participated in the programme with great interest. Prof. V K Parwati was co-ordinator of the programme and compared the programme. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 SDMCET has been granted Autonomous status by VTU and UGC and got accredited twice by National Board of Accreditation, AICTE, and New Delhi. The College has been recognized by Government of India and Government of Karnataka for TEQIP Grant, a World Bank assisted scheme. Institution has been consistently rated high ranking (within 50) amongst Private Engineering Colleges of the country on the basis of Excellent Performance record, best infrastructure, highly qualified and competent faculty with Doctoral Degree and excellent placement record. One of the students has won 26 awards for his work on Robotics which includes Gold medal at Ontario Science centre, Canada. He has entered Limca Book of World Records for winning highest awards for Robotics contests at International level. R & D activities are greatly enhanced in the campus. Sponsored research and external funding, consultancy activities are also on the increase with the institution. College has achieved academic excellence due to various student grooming activities and welfare measures like e-learning & EDUSAT programs, Student Academic Body, Guidance and Counseling cell etc. added with excellent knowledge and learning Resources Centres. Institution has established a new unit viz., Centre for Sponsored Research Development and Consultancy (CSRDC) to inculcate quality research. Some new initiatives in this college are a Centre for Software Excellence in Collaboration with Accenture, IBM and Mind Tree, Centre of Research & Training in Robotics and Automation in collaboration with Bosch-Rexroth and a Social Innovation Programme in collaboration with Deshpande Foundation and Kalakeri Sangeetha Vidyalaya and many others. Our Institution has been identified as mentoring Institution for Government Engineering College, Haveri. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 10 December, 2012 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. SPECIAL EVENTS TEQIP Grant Government of India in its Order No: F.No/165/2012-TS-VII, MHRD, New Delhi Dated 17th August 2012 has released 1st Installment of grants of the Institutions participating under TEQIP- II, subcomponent 1.2. Accordingly, our Institution has received a grant of Rs.100.00 Lakhs (rupees one hundred Lakhs only) as 1st installment to implement the project. Prathamavandita temple inauguration Prathamavandita temple in the campus was inaugurated by HIS HOLINESS, Sri Taralabau Jagadguru Dr. Shivamurthy Shivacharya Mahaswamiji, President, STJ Education Society, Sirigere. Revered Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Shrikshetra, Dharmasthala, President of SDME Society, Ujire (D.K.), was presided over the function. Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Principal, staff, students and other various deans of SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, were present on the occussion. New P.G COURCES Following two new P. G. courses have been commenced from the academic year 2012-13 Industrial Automation and Robotics Power System Engineering Malaprbha Water Supply to Campus Management magnanimously sanctioned Rs. 50 Lakhs towards the Malaprbha water supply facility to provide portable drinking water to the SDMCET campus. TEQIP 1.2 MOU between SDMCET and Govt. of Karnataka held at Sri kshetra Dharmasthala. Revered Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Shrikshetra, Dharmasthala, President of SDME Society, Ujire (D.K.), Dr. U S Acharya, Dr. Balaveera Reddy, Sri. Yashoverma, Sri. Shiddayya, Prof. Talavar, Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Principal, were present on the occussion. Participation in International Conference Our Revered President, SDME Society, sponsored Prof. Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Principal of the Institution and Prof. Rajsekhar Patil, Asst. Professor, Mech.Engg. Department for participation in an International Seminar @ Bangkok, Thailand and presentation of collaborative Research paper of SDMCET & SDMCDS&H, Dharwad, on 22nd and 23rd December 2012. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 FORTHCOMING EVENTS INSIGNIA 2013 INSIGNIA 2013 (A Techno-Cultural Fest) will be held in the college campus from 21st-23rd March 2013. It is one of the prestigeous, a techno-cultural fest where in students from all the parts of India participate to exhibit their talents. Cash prizes worth of Rs. 7 Lakhs will be distributed to the winners. For more details students are advice to go through www.insignia13.com; insignia.sdmcet@gmail.com f/insigna.sdmcet. Chief patron: Dr. Veerendra Heggade Principal: Dr. S. Mohan Kumar Dean (student welfare): Dr. K. Gopinath Faculty Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET advisor: Prof. Vinayak December, 2012 P. Miskin Page 11 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR EVEN SEMESTERS 2012-13 Sl. Week N0. No. PARTICULARS DATE 1 1 Teaching Commences 28th January, 2013 (Monday) 2 6 Continuous Assessment Test (CAT–1). 7th to 9th March, 2013 3 7 Display of attendance and CAT–1 marks. 16th March, 2013 (Wednesday) 4 7 Last date to drop the course 16th March, 2013 (Saturday) 5 8 Communication to those parents whose wards th 18 March, 2013 (Thursday) have less attendance & less marks in CAT. 6 8 Teacher – Parents Meet 23rd, 30th March 2013 (Saturdays) 7 12 CAT – 2 18th to 20th April, 2013 8 13 Display of attendance and CAT–2 marks. 27th April, 2013 (Wednesday) 9 14 Communication to those parents whose wards th 29 April, 2013 (Thursday) have less attendance and less marks in CAT. 10 15 Students Feedback 6th to 11th May, 2013 11 15 Last date to withdraw the course 11th May, 2013 (Saturday) 12 16 Teaching closes 18th May 2013 (Saturday) 13 17 Makeup/Improvement CAT. 20th to 22nd May, 2013 14 17 Final Lab Assessments. 23rd to 29th May, 2013 15 18 Display of consolidated C. A. Marks & Attendance. 29th May, 2013 (Wednesday) 16 18 Communication to those parents whose wards have been detained for want of attendance and 30th May, 2013 (Thursday) session requirements. 17 19 End Semester Exams. 3rd to 15th June, 2013 18 21 Results 22nd June 2013 (Saturday) 19 21 Summer vacation 16th June to 11th August 2013 20 22 Communication to those parents whose wards th 24 June, 2013 (Monday) have got F–Grade in one or more courses. Supplementary Semester: 16th June to 8th August, 2013 Commencement of next Academic Year: Dean (Academic Program) VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 12th August, 2013. PRINCIPAL Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 12 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE BOSCH REXROTH and SDM CET Dharwad & SDM CET Ujire have MoU to establish Centre of Excellence and training in Sensorics, Mechatronics, Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Robotics, and virtual Lab. RESEARCH GRANT AICTE and VTU Belgaum have sanctioned an amount of total 14.95 Lakhs Research Grant for the projects of Dr D.V Patil of Mechanical Department. PARENTS MEET Department of Mechanical Engineering organized Parents meet was held for IIIrd Vth and VIIth Sem students on 19/10/2012 at Alumni Block DVH hall. NEW METHODOLGY Revered Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Shrikshetra, Dharmasthala, and President of SDME Society, Sri D. Surendra Kumar, Vice-President, Dr. S Mohan Kumar, and others are present on the occussion. Computer Aided Engineering Drawing And Machine Drawing introduced to manual drawing, New electives in collaboration with Infosys Introduction to Aircraft Industries and Design of Aircraft structures were introduced. INDUSTRIAL VISIT AKASH TABLET Vth Sem students have visited M/S Devgi Warner Industries, Sirsi, on 17/10/2012 G.S Chiniwalar and M.K Marikatti were accompanying staff. III Sem students have visited A K P Foundaries and Ashok Foundary, Belgaum, on /10/2012 Prof. S.B Mallur, Prof. P.Shivkumar Gouwda, Prof. V.S Yaliwal, and Prof. S.C Galaveen were accompanying staff. Prof. V.K Heblikar, Dr. K.Gopinath, S.S Honugar, , G.S Chiniwalar, , D.S Bhat, Dr S. B Mallur, Dr. I Shridhar, Rajashekar Patil, Prof. P B Joshi, attended two days workshop on “AKASH Tablet” organized by IIT Bombay from 10-11-2012 to 11-12-2012. FIRST PRIZE/ACHIEVEMENT S.S Bhandari, R.R. Jadhav, Sureshraju. B H of VIII sem, won first prize, at National level working model contest “IET KARMVEER EXPO-2012”, held at K.K Wagh Institute of engneering Education and Reaserach Nashik, Maharastra, on 12, March 12, under the Guidance of Prof. V.S Yaliwal and Prof. S.R Daboji. Editorial board congratulates the students and staff members for the meritorious achievements. State of the art facility research and development projects with primere Institutions University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS) Dharwad, ISRO, NAL, HAL IISc., Bangaloe Etc., Students sponsored twice to compete in Global Design contest at WITCHITA USA in spirit Aero-systems. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 BLOOD DONATED Following students of our college donated blood just on one call to a patient in critical conditioin in the month of October 2012. 1. Arjun Jamwal. Chemical engg. Branch 2. Abishek Bajaj. Mechanical Engg. Branch 3. Jagadish Karadi. Mechanical Engg. This gesture is highly appreciated. WORKSHOP ON THERMODYNAMICS Workshop on Thermodynamics conducted in CSE Seminar Hall organized by IIT, Bombay from 11.12.2012 to 21.12.2012. VS Yaliwal, S.B.Mallur, Praveenkumar Pillay, Umesh Pardeshi, V.S.Kamathe, M.K.Marikatti and faculty of other institutions. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 13 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. Prof. P. S. Shivakumar Gouda awarded U. K. Commonwealth Doctoral Scholarship for the Year 2012-2013 Prof. P S Shivakumar Gouda, faculty in mechanical engineering department, has been selected for United Kingdom Commonwealth Doctoral Scholarship for the Year 2012-2013. Total nine research scholars from various disciplines have been selected from India, but Prof. P S Shivakumar Gouda is the only research scholar have been selected from the engineering field, and it is really a proud pleasure for the SDMCET to have such a productive research scholar in the college. Prof. P S Shivakumar Gouda, has registered for his doctoral research work at Visveswariah Technological University, Belagum, at research centre of SJCE, Mysore under the guidance of Dr. Dayananda Javali in the field of “Fracture and Finite Element Analysis of Hybrid Polymer Composites”. This of scholarship which is really very prestigious and meritorious is for the way in which he has adopted a novel research methodology and for contribution to research publications in national, international journals and conferences, and also this is the first time for Visveswariah Technological University, Belagum. Scholars to get this scholarship. He will continue his collaborative research wok at Department of Aerospace Structures, of University of Bristol, United Kingdom for a period of one year from November 2012 to October 2013. TRAINING PROGRAMME ON “TRAIN THE TRAINER” Prof. G.M Gadad, Prof. I Shridhar, Prof.S.C Galaveen, Prof. G.S Chiniwalar, Prof. S.G Bindagi, Prof. V.S Kamathe, Prof. V. Havanur, Faculty members of mechanical engineering department and Technical staff Mr. Suresh Hullatti, attended “Train the trainer” programme Organized by BOSCH REXROTH and VTU Belgaum at Mysore Regional Centre from 3007-2012 to 27-08-2012. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 December, 2012 WORKSHOP ON “LEADING SELF AND LEADING OTHERS” To become a great leader, everyone must find the inner compass. Learn how to develop a leadership approach driven by individual values and principles. A successful leader knows where a company's industry is going and how to respond. Every student should foster teamwork at all levels, this prompts to explore the motivations, ethics, and leadership style, said by Dr. S. Mohan Kumar. Dr. S. Mohan Kumar was addressing the gathering after inaugurating the workshop on “leading self and leading others” organized by the department of mechanical engineering department in the college seminar hall. Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, addressing the gathering after inaugurating the programme on leading self and leading others organized by the department of mechanical engineering department, Prof. V .K Heblikar, Mr. A.Yogendra Goud, Dr. K. Gopinath, Dr. Vijay C, are seen in the photograph Mr. A.Yogendra Goud, Associate Vice President GMR Energy Ltd, Banglore, in his technical seminar on “leading self and leading others” addressing the audience said that, examining the leadership best practices that differentiate world-class companies, leadership skills helps every individuals become a stronger, more impactful leader. Dr. Vijaya C, Dean Academic programme, Dr. K. Gopinath, Dean Student Welfare, were present on the occasion. Prof. V K Heblikar, H O D, of mechanical engineering department, welcome the gathering, Prof. Rajashekhar Patil, introduce the chief guest, programme coordinator Dr. S B Mallur, Professor, and deputy dean of examination, compared the programme and finally proposed the vote of thanks. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 14 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. GUEST LECTURE The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a Guest Lecture on “Knowledge Based Engineering” for M.Tech and Final year students of UG program on 15th Sept. 2012. Shri. Ramchandra Karanam, delivered a technical seminar on topic “Knowledge Based Engineering “to M.Tech and Final year students of UG, organised by Alumni Association SDM CET Dharwad on 15 September 2012. Prof. Ajit Salunke (1997 Alumni), delivered Lecture on Virtual Instrumentation for Automation for Automation & Process control, Invited by: Alumni Association Dept. of Mechanical Engg, on 28.12.2012 STAFF ACHIVEMENTS S. Mohan Kumar, Rajashekar Patil, and E. Abhilash, “Tools and Strategies for Product Life Cycle Management - A Case Study in Foundry”, International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology (IJoART), ISSN 2278-7763, IJOART Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2012. Mr. Rajashekar Patil, Dr. Shreya Ajmera, Dr. Sanjay Ganeshkar, Dr. S. Mohan kumar, “Analysis of Root Resorption in Dentistry using Collaborative Tools & Strategies”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development,(IJERD,) ISSN: 2278-067X, volume 2, Issue 12 (August 2012), PP. 37-40. Dr. Y.Arunkumar, Mr. Rajashekar Patil, Dr. S. Mohankumar, “Discrete Event Simulation for Increasing Productivity in Digital Manufacturing”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), ISSN: 2278-067X, Volume 1, Issue 10 (June 2012), PP.36-40. Rajashekar Patil, S. Mohan Kumar and E. Abhilash “Development of Complex Patterns: Scope and Benefits of Rapid Prototyping in Foundries”, VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 December, 2012 International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), ISSN: 2277-3754, Volume 1, Issue 4, April 2012, pp 68-72. Rajashekar Patil and S. Mohan Kumar “Computer Aided Engineering and Machine Drawing: a modern method”, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), ISSN: 2249-6645, Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-427-430. Rajashekar Patil, S. Mohan Kumar and E. Abhilash “Fabrication of Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle using Rapid Prototyping Technology”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012, pp 56-60. International Conferences Rajashekar Patil, Dr. S. Mohan Kumar and Dr. Shreya Ajmera, “ Bioengineering for Customized Orthodontic Application – Implant, Brancket & Dental Vibrator” at WASET 2012, International Conference on Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering held during 22nd – 23rd December 2012 at Amari Watergate, Bangkok, Thailand, issue 72, December 2012 Bangkok (pISSN 2010-36x, eISSN 2010-3778 of pp 630-634). Dr. S. Mohan Kumar, Rajashekar Patil and Dr. Tanuja Ajit Deshpande, “Scope and Application of Collaborative Tools and Digital Manufacturing in Dentistry” at WASET 2012, International Conference on Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering held during 22nd – 23rd December 2012 at Amari Watergate, Bangkok, Thailand, Issue 72, December 2012 Bangkok Bangkok (pISSN 2010-36x, eISSN 20103778 of pp 635-639). Rajashekar Patil and Shreya Ajmera, “Rapid Prototyping for Orthodontics and Prosthodontics” International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (AM2012) held during 27th – 28th Aug 2012 at Nimhans Convention Hall, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA, PP-16. Indian Society for Technical Education convention 2012 S. Mohan Kumar, Rajashekar Patil, and E. Abhilash, “Enabling collaborative technologies for effective elearning within and outside class rooms”, ISTE Convention at PESIT, Bangalore. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 15 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. Prof. K. C. Shindhe, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering presented a paper titled “Renewable Energy- a scintometric study” in a National Conference held at Tumkur University on 7th Sept. 2012. Dr K Gopinath, professor and Dean Student welfare officer has been invited to deliver a talk on “Self Entrepreneur” by KHK Polytechnic Dharwad, on 4-122012. Prof. G.M Gadad, faculty in mechanical engineering department presented a paper in “International conference on recent trends in Engineering and management” held at Mysore. Prof. G.M Gadad, faculty in mechanical engineering department published paper titled "Dyad synthesis of planar seven-link variable topology mechanism for motion between two dead-centre positions" IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE) v3i3 pp21-29, 2012. Prof. S.S Honnugar, Published research paper titled “Indian and International scenario on research in thermal error minimization in CNC machine tool “in International journal on Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume: Vol., 110-116 Pages: 1799-1807 Prof. S.S Honnugar, Published research paper titled “Modelling of thermally induced errors of CNC machining centre “ in National Journal of technology, ISSN No: 0973-1334, Volume: Vol., 8 No. 4. Prof. V.S.Yaliwal, published research paper in International Conference held in Germany, titled “Development of Carburettor for dual fuel engines operated on HOME and Producer gas” held during November, 2012. Prof. V.S.Yaliwal, published his research paper in International journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor & Francis Publications, titled “Blends of karanja and jatropha biodiesels for diesel engine applications” Pages: 1 to 13, Year: 2012 Prof. V.S.Yaliwal, published his research paper International journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor & Francis Publications, Titled “Life improvement program of producer gas-biodiesel operated dual fual engines”, Pages: 1 to 7 Year: 2012 VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 December, 2012 Dr. S. B. Mallur, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering published research paper in an International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJET), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2012, Page No. [97108]. A paper titled “A comparative study of importance and practices of CSFs of TQP practices and their impact on performance of north Karnataka SMEs manufacturing Sectors: A Survey Result”. Dr. S. B. Mallur, Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering published in an International Journal of Management Research and Review. Volume: 2, Number 09, September 2012 Pages: 1556 – 1583. A paper titled “Factor Analysis of perceptions and practice CSFs to implement TQM Practice in manufacturing SMEs to achieve Business Excellence”. Prof. S. B. Mallur, professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and deputy dean (evaluation) published in an International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJET), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2012, Page No. [366-373]. A paper titled “Development of a conceptual model for the measurement of overall worker effectiveness (OWE) in discrete manufacturing SMEs”. Dr. S. B Mallur, professor and deputy controller of examination has delivered a technical talk on “Tech. Management” at Pradeep Enterprises, Harihar on 2208-2012. Dr. S. B Mallur, was felicitated by shri Shivayogeswara High school, Hebbal as alumni of the school for securing doctoral degree, on the occasion of science day celebratation. Prof.S. B. Mallur, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, nominated as a Member for Board of Examination (BOE) by VTU, Belgaum [2012-13]. Dr. S B Mallur, has been invited as a chief guest to inaugural function of science day at RTES Arts, Science and Commerce college, Ranebennur. Prof. Doddyya S C registered for Ph.D under the guidance of Dr. S.B Mallur, under VTU, Belgaum. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 16 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Ongoing sponsored research projects The department is involved in the research activities and has sponsored and funded projects from various organizations like AICTE, VTU, MoES, ISRO etc. Consultancy Activities: The Civil Engineering Department is taking regular consultancy & testing works of Material, Soil, Water, Structural Design & Third party inspection. The Civil Engineering Department is taking regular consultancy works of different Govt. and private agencies to the tune of Rs.20 lakhs revenue is being earned every year. Continuing Education Program (CEP) & Customized Training Program (CTA: Five days & three days CEP courses are conducted regularly for Engineers of PWD, ZPE, Irrigation, etc. Department. Three days CTA courses are conducted for engineers of PW, P & IWT Dept. Workshop organized A 2-day workshop on ‘Geoinformatics for Natural Resources Management’ organized by: Dept. of Civil Engg. for Science faculties & students, 8th & 9th November 2012 Coordinator: Dr.V.S. Hegde, Conveners: Dr. N.S. Patil & Smt. T.N. Bhagwat Sponsored by: Karnataka Science & Technology Academy, Bangalore Staff- Parents-Students meet Staff- Parents-Students meet was held on 20.10.2012 in the department of Civil Engineering in respect of III, V and VI semester Engineering students. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 ‘Quality Management Systems in Civil Engineering ’ The department of Civil Engineering organized Five Days CEP course on ‘Quality Management Systems in Civil Engineering ’, sponsored by Engineering Staff College, Krishnarajasagar, for PWD & PRE Engineers. TRAINING PROGRAMME The Department of Civil Engineering conducted Five Days CEP course on Analysis and Design of RC Structural Elements for PWD & PRE Engineers from 17.12.12 to 21.12.12. The Department of Civil Engineering organized Three days customized Training programme on Repairs and Maintenance of Roads and Bridges which was sponsored by PW,T & IWP Department, Govt. of Karnataka from 21.12.12 to 23.12.12. FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS Dr. S.G. Joshi, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, has been invited to deliver a talk on following topics. ‘Total Station and Field work’ in CEP course on ‘Total station survey’ by BEC, Bagalkot, on 28.07.2012 ‘Introduction to water supply and sanitation’ for PWD Engineers, by bHAGEERATH Technical –NGO at CEDOC, Dharwad, on 23.07.2012. ‘Water treatment monitoring and surveillance’ for PWD Engineers by Bagirth Technical –NGO at CDOC, Dharwad, on 27.07.2012 Dr. S.G. Joshi, attended faculty development program on ‘Emerging Contaminants, Analysis, Fate and modeling, organized by: Civil Engg. Dept., NIT, Calicut, from 9 to 13.07.2012. Dr. S.G. Joshi, Attended 35th student project program as coordinator, KSCST along with 3 batches of final year students – one project from Chemical Engg. Dept. won state level award, organized by SDMIT, Ujire and KSCST, Bangalore, on 14.07.2012. Dr. S.G. Joshi, attended as a resource person a training programme on ‘Training on Sanitation Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 17 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. program’, organized by all India Institute for Self Governance, Belgaum, on 5-7 November 2012. Dr. S. G. Joshi, HOD, Civil Engg. reviewed a paper titled “ Anaerobic followed by Aerobic treatment approaches for spentwash using MFC and RBC Sugar Tech.” for an International Journal of Sugar Crops and Related Industries [Dec.12]. Prof. U. D. Hakari, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering delivered invited talk on “Low Cost Housing Techniques” at Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot. Prof. U.D. Hakari, nominated as Member, Board of Studies in Civil Engineering, Goa University, Goa for the year 2012-13. Dr. D. K. Kulkarni, Faculty, attended following workshops and training programmes. One day “Workshop on New Outcome Based Accreditation Process” on 25th Nov 2012, organized by NBA New Delhi at NMAMIT, NITTE(Karkal) Two day Workshop on “Geoinformatics for Natural Resources and Managemen” on 9th and 10th Nov 2012 at SDMCET Dharwad. One day “Workshop on New Outcome Based Accreditation” on 9th July 2012, jointly organized by NBA New Delhi and R V College of Engineering, Banglore at R V College of Engineering, Banglore. one week training programme on Practical “Applications of Finite element Method in Civil Engineering using ANSYS Software”during 5th to 9th April, 2012 (Under TEQIP II) at R.I.T. Rajaramnagar(Sangli). Dr. D. K. Kulkarni, Faculty has been invited to deliver a talk on following topics. Advances in concrete construction at J J M College of Engineering, Jaisingpur, on 4th April-2012 “Challenges in concrete construction” at Anjuman Engineering College Bhatkal on 23rd April-2012, at Technical Fest ‘REINFO-12’ “Challenges to Civil Engineers in Concrete Constructions” at East West Institute of Technology, Banglore on 21st September 2012. “Advance in the Civil Engineering Concrete Pavement Constructions” at SDMCET Dharwad on 28th Nov-2012 during Training Programme on VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 December, 2012 Design and Construction of roads for PWD Engineers. “Advances in Concrete Road Construction” at SDMCET Dharwad on 23rd Dec-1012 during Training Programme on ,Repair & Maintenance of Roads, for PWD Engineers. “Advance in the Civil Engineering” at National Conference on ‘Emerging Technology for Sustainable Developments’ Organised by Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 27th Dec-2012 Kulkarni D K and Vanakudare S B “Self compacting concrete with silica flume”, Published in New Building Materials and Construction World, October-2012, pp.130-136. ISSSN 0973. Smt. T.N.Bhagwat submitted Ph.D. thesis entitled ‘Runoff dynamics in tank catchments and strategy for tank management, A case study from Varada River basin in subtropical region, submitted to NITK, Surathkal. Dr. Prakash M. Munnoli, Professor has been iinvited as a resource person for the following topics. ‘Solid Waste Management, Industrial Waste Management and Vermiculture’ by National Technical Teachers Training Institute, Extn. Centre, Parvorim, Goa, on 19 to 20.07.2012. Waste minimization and waste treatment technologies’ at Conference on Latest Developments in Pollution Control and Prevention Techniques, organized by national Institute of Technical teachers Training Institute & Research, Chandigarh on 21-22 November 2012. Dr. Prakash M. Munnoli, visited Environmental Management and Planning Research Institute on 11.06.2012 to 15.06.2012, EMPRI, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore. Dr. P.M. Munnoli, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, attended a seminar / workshop on, ‘Rain water harvesting’ program, organized by empri, j.p. nagar, bangalore on 15.06.20122. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 18 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. Workshop on ‘self compacting concrete’ organized by: indian concrete institute & suresh real estate industry, hubli, on 30.07.2012. Faculty development program on ‘emerging contaminants, analysis, fate and modeling organized by: civil engg. dept., nit, calicut, from 9 to 13.07.2012. Dr. Prakash M. Munnoli, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering reviewer for the following international journals. 1. African Journal of Environment Science and Technology (AJEST) 2. Agricultural Research Reviews (ARR) 3. Canadian Journal of Environment and natural resources (ENRR) 4. Wudpecker Journal of Agricultural Research 5. Pedosphere - China 6. The Environmentalist- Springer 7. Bioresource Technology- Elsevier Dr. Prakash M. Munnoli, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, following research papers being accepted for presentation at the 28th international Conference on solid waste technology and management, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering Widener University Philidalphia U S A. Paper title: Solid Waste Management in Sugar Industry: A Case Study of Sanjeevani Co Operative Sugar Industry-GOA. and Role of Bacterial Inoculums on Bioconversion of Press Mud Using Eudrilus Eugeniae (Kinberg), Dr. P. M. Munnoli, Faculty, Civil Engineering delivered invited talk on impact of vermicomposting on rural development at IEI Local Centre, Balekundri Bhavan, Dharwad on 6.11.12. Dr. Munnoli delivered a lecture on waste utilization in the construction of roads using waste rubber, glass, construction and demolition waste at the customized training programme for Engineers from PWD/National Highway/Inland Water Department on 28.11.12 at SDMCET, Dharwad. Dr. Munnoli delivered a lecture on Terotechnology and use of waste materials in Road construction with reference to rubber and glass, plastics, rural roads case studies and confederation bridge construction, operation and maintenance in the customized training programme for PWD/Inland Waters Engineers from 21.12.12. to 23.12.12. Dr. P. M. Munnoli, Faculty, Civil Engineering attended seminar on the development of Northern Karnataka VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 December, 2012 region with a focus on small and medium towns, organized by Eco Club at Sri Alur Venkatrao Bhavan on 28.12.12. Dr. Nagraj S. Patil, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, attended a International conference on ‘2012 International SWAT Conference’ Presented a paper titled ‘GIS framework to evaluate the impact of climate change on water resources’, organized by: IIT, Delhi, from 18 to 21.07.2012. Dr. Nagraj S. Patil, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, attended a workshop on ‘New outcome based accreditation’ organized by R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, on 09.07.2012. Ms. N.M. Madinur & Ms. R.M. Megadi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg, attended 2 days workshop on ‘Disaster Management’, organized by Dept. of Civil Engg., REVA Institute of Technology & Management, Bangalore on 6th & 7th November 2012. MANJUSHRI CUP: Inter- Institutional Cricket tournament The tournament organized by the non teaching staff association, SDMCET. SDMCMSH, SDMCDScH, KHKIE, SDMCET and SDME Society office teams participated. SDM College of medical science & hospital, Dharwad won the trophy and SDMCDScH, Dharwad were the runners-up. Sri. Gururaj Jamakhandi, press reporter was the chief guest for the prize distribution ceremony and Dr. S Mohan Kumar, Principal presided over the function. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 19 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES “AAKASH FOR EDUCATION” “Aakash for Education”, 2 day ISTE workshop was held at our Remote Centre on 10th and 11th of Nov, 2012. More than 70 faculty participants had registered at our Remote Centre. Total of 18,000+ participants registered across India in 250+ Remote Centers. “Introduction to Research Methodologies”, 2 week ISTE workshop was held at our Remote Centre from 25th June to 4th July, 2012. More than 60 faculty participants had registered at our Remote Centre. Total of 10,000+ participants registered across India in 170+ Remote Centers. SPOKEN TUTORIALS Spoken Tutorials - Audio/video screen-casts on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) developed at IITBombay is introduced to our 1st, 3rd and 5th semester CSE students. The spoken tutorials help the candidate to self-learn the FOSS at his/her own pace. REMOTE CENTERS FOR IIT BOMBAY S.D.M College of Engineering & Technology is considered as one of the Remote Centers for IIT Bombay. Lectures are delivered from IIT-Bombay using AVIEW (Amrita Virtual Interactive E-Learning World) software, which supports two way audio/video interaction between teacher at IITBombay and participating faculty at various remote centers spread across India. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 20 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. 2 Years of MoU with IBM nd We are in 2 year of MoU with IBM for imparting free trainings on DB2, RAD, RFT, Lotus and Tivoli. TGMC – The Great Mind Challenge (A National Level Software Development contest) was taken up as Mini Project in 6th semester, CSE. Total number of students registered across College – 471. Total number of projects submitted to IBM – 34. Total number IBM blue scholars are 22. December, 2012 Information Technology Implementation and Challenges in Agriculture Science & Engineering A talk on “ Information Technology Implementation and Challenges in Agriculture Science & Engineering ” by Dr. A. Bheemappa, Professor, UAS, Dharwad organized by the department of Computer Science & Engineering on the occasion of Engineers’ Day [15.09.12]. TECHNICAL MODELS COMPUTER SCIENCE The department organized the technical models related to concepts of computer Science. All the models were done by the students of the department using the different types of waste materials [15.9.12]. STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS Dr. U. P. Kulkarni, Faculty, presented a paper titled “Implementation of Self Learning Models for Enhancement of Quality of Education in 42nd ISTE Annual Convention held at Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad. Prof. J. V. Vadavi, Head, Computer Science Engineering, is a technical consultanant to Karnataka University, Dharwad and Agriculture University , Dharawad, for there campus networking and I T procurements. Prof. U. P. Kulkarni, Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering attended Workshop held at PSIT, Bangalore 30th Oct. “Microsoft – Latest Technology” A talk on “Microsoft – Latest Technology” by Microsoft personnel was organized by the department of Computer Science & Engineering on 14.9.2012 VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 21 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT December, 2012 SNIPPETS OF INSIGNA 2012 STATE LEVEL BEST PROJECT AWARD Bagged the state level ‘Best Projects of the year’ for the student project programme (SPP) of the year 2011-12 (35th series) from the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) in the recently held State-level seminar-cum-exhibition of student projects. The event was hosted by S D M Institute of Technology, Ujire, (DK) on 13TH and 14TH July 2012, according to a press release from the Dr. S Mohan Kumar, Principal, SDMCET, Dharwad. Coordinator of the projects at the institute Dr. S G Joshi along with the team received the award from Dr. B. Yashovarma, Principal of SDM (autonomous)College, Ujire and the Secretary of SDME Society, Naveen Kumar IAS officer was present on the occasion. Total three projects were selected for the state level exhibition from the college. Students Provisional Patent achieved Project “Portable water Purifier for Point source water” achieved patent by the students, Tushar Joshi and vaishak Arali under the guidance of Prof. Kiran Rathod. Student’s achievements One of our students is appointed as State Spokesperson for the Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad Students Council for Bihar state from July 2012. Students have the won many prizes in Inter College Technical Competition BOOK PUBLISHED Prof S.S.Inamdar, has published Book on Biochemical EngineeringPrinciples and concepts (3rd Edition ISBN -978-81-203-4585-0) in 201112 with PHI Publications. SDD VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 22 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES HELD Technical talk on “Recent Trends in Mobile Technologies” “ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILLS FOR SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES (SSI)” The Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering organized One Day Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skills for Small Scale Industries (SSI)” for V- semester E&C students on 8.9.2012. The resource persons were Dr. P. B. Roodagi, Director, KLE Society’s Intitute of Management Studies and Research (IMSR), Hubli,Mr. B. S. Revankar, Former Director, CEDOK, Dharwad and Mr. Gaurav Shah, CEO, Seven Beans Coffee Shop, Hubli. “INDUSTRIES EXPECTATIONS” The Department of E&C organized one day colloquium for final year students on “ Industries expectations ” Alumni Perspective by inviting six senior distinguished Alumni of our Department who are working in reputed companies and institutions on 15.09.2012. Mr. Sriranga Kadagadkai, IBM India Pvt., Ltd. Bangalore; Mr. Satyanathan S., Astutix Learning Pvt.Ltd., Bangalore; Dr. Veena Chakravarthy, BNMIT, Bangalore; Mrs. Anjali Malvia, TSEC, Bandra, Mumbai; Mr. J. R. Kotturshettar, LSI India R&D, Ltd., Bangalore; Mr. Hemant Nerulkar, Mindcraft Ltd., Pune, were participated in the programme. Department organized a technical talk on “Recent Trends in Mobile Technologies” on 17th October 2012. The event was organized for V- semester students. The resource person was Mr. Pramod U, HiWi Communications Pvt.Ltd., Hubli. Prof. Jayashree Nidagundi and Pof. Sunil Mathad coordinated the event. BAGGED BEST PAPER AWARD Mr. Siddalingesh S. Navalagund, Assistant Professor, Department of E&C presented a paper titled “ FPGA Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm” at the National Conference on “Current Trends in Industrial Automation” held at BVB College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli during 10- 12 October 2012. The paper bagged Best Paper Award. Gold medalist 2011 Batch Revered Dr. Veerendra Heggade Gold Medal for Highest CGPA, First Autonomous Batch Mr.Anup Vernekar STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS SEMINAR ON “MSP430” The Department of E&C organized a talk on “MSP430” for V- semester students on 26.9.2012. The resource persons were Ms. Ashwini S. Karni and Ms. Archana P., III semester M.Tech.students. INTERACTION SESSION The Department of E&C organized an interaction session to final year students on 22.9.12 with Mr. Anup Vernekar, E&C Alumni, who is working for Accenture, Bangalore. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Mr. Naveen Kumar, VTU PG student bagged Gold Medalist 2011. He is receiving the certificate from chief minister Shri. Sadanada Gouda. ONE DAY SEMINAR ON The Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering organized One Day seminar on “Virtual Instrumentation” on 28th December 2012 for PG students of E&C and Mechanical Engineering. Prof. S. V. Viraktamath coordinated the Event. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 23 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. R&D PROJECTS GRANTED AICTE sanctioned of Rs. 6, 75,000/towards the project titled “Design, Synthesis and Implementation of Optimized Discrete Cosine Transform Based Signal Processing System for Multimedia Applications”. Prof. Dr. Vijaya C. is a project investigator and other members are Prof. Savitri Raju, Prof. S. S. Navalgund, and Prof. M. M. Dixit. Prof. Dr. Vijaya C. has been appointed as Dean (Academic Programme) with effect from 11.9.2012. Editorial board congratulated Dr. Vijaya. C. Prof. Vijaya C, Faculty, E&C has been selected as programme committee members in ARTCOM 2012 held on 19th- 20th October 2012. Dr. Vijaya C. and Prof. Shreedhar A. Joshi Faculty, E&C Dept. have been selected as programme committee members in 3rd International Conference on advances in computing, communication and control 2013, 18th and 19th Jan.2013 at Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai. IE chapter & VTU sanctioned of Rs. 50,000/- for the programme on “Time-Frequency domain approach to Speech Recognition”. Project Investigator is Prof. Sharada C. Sajjan, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Vijaya C. Prof. Savitri Raju, has been appointed as Head of the Department of E&C Engineering with effect from 13.09.2012. Prof. Savithri Raju and Rashmi Hanchinal have presented a paper titled “Tree Based Image Compression Technique” in an International Conference on “Electronics & Communications Engineering” (ICECE2012) at Pune on 16th September 2012. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 December, 2012 Prof. M. M. Dixit, Faculty, E&C have delivered a talk on “Self study component – A subject perspective” at Workshop on Self Study – A Few Aspects “conducted by SDMCET on 20th October 2012. Prof. Mahesh M.Gadag, Faculty, E&C has attended one day Workshop on “ADF (Antena Direction Framing) at PESITM, Shimoga on 16th October 2012 organized by the department of Electronics & Communications Engineering, PESIT, Shimoga. BEST PROJECTS OF 2012 BATCH Young researcher Award for the project ‘Bandwidth Improvement Techniques using air-coupled Techniques’. Guide: Prof. M. M. Gadag. Different Feeding Techniques for RMSA Best projects among 10 projects from different Colleges in project Competition: IJCA Mumbai. Guide: Prof. M. M. Gadag. Prof. Channakka C. Lakkannavar published a paper titled “ Design, Implementation and Analysis of Flash ADC Architecture with Differential Amplifier as Comparator using Custom Design Approach” in International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems (IJES) ISSN: 22315969, Vol. 1, Issue 3. Prof. S. S. Kerur and Prof. K. N. Hosur Faculty, E&C have successfully completed their Ph.D. Comprehensive Viva-Voce under VTU,Belgaum on 13th October 2012. Prof. Reshma Nadaf and Prof. Preeti S. Bellerimath have successfully completed their M.Tech course. They have been awarded with M.Tech. Degree by VTU, Belgaum. PARENTS MEET Parent’s meet was held at our Department on 19.10.2012. Prof. Preethi S. Bellerimath and Prof. Sangeetha Goudar were the Coordinators of the event. About 400 parents invited to the Parents meet. Dr. Vijaya C. Dean (Academic Programme) addressed the gathering and Prof. Savithri Raju, HOD highlighted regarding the performance and achievements of the students and faculty. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 24 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY PEER LEARNING Seventh semester students organized the Peer learning programme on C programming & DBMS for 3rd & 5th Semester students from 20.8.2012 to 20.09.2012, 20.8.2012 to 01.09.2012 respectively. This event was highly appreciated by the students. Mr. Manoj Kumar, Raghunath coordinated the programme. ENGINEERS' DAY Engineers' day celebrated in the ISE department on 15.09.2012 Chief Guest Hemant NerurKar, CEO of Mindcraft Ltd, talked on "Careers in IT for Engineers". TOM DICK AND HARRY Tom Dick and Harry competition was held on 23-11-2012, following were the winners in the event. Divya , Vibha and Surabhi – III Sem. Sharat , Shruti Padaki and Vijayalaxmi – VII Sem. PARENTS MEET Parent’s day was conducted on 19.10.2012 (about 60 parents attended) and Dr. Handigol, HOD of Department of Psychiatry, SDM Medical College, addressed the gathering and spoke on Parents responsibility in grooming college students. Mean while parents discussed their problems with faculty & experts. ASSOCIATION ACTIVITY INAUGURATED ISE Association inaugurated on 15.09.2012 by noted educationist, A.V.S.S Prasad and Principal S. Mohan Kumar. Prizes given to department toppers. Manoj kumar-VI Sem, Ranjeetha- IV Sem. Nadashree -VI Sem, Shweta – IV Sem. PROFICIENCY TEST Proficiency Test in “C” and Aptitude Test conducted by the department of Information Science & Engineering as a part of association activity on 5th Oct. Coordinators were Mr. Raviraj Achari & Amit Mestri. TECHNICAL DUMB CHARADES Technical Dumb charades event was conducted for the students of III, V, VII Semester on 18.9.2012. Following students were the prize winners. Vibha and Surabhi - III Sem. Unnati and Venesa – III Sem. Quashiya and Veena – V sem. Pooja and Chetana – V Sem. BEST OF WASTE COMPETITION Best of waste competition was conducted for all semester students on 17.11.2012. About 30 attractive items created from waste materials were exhibited by the students. Following were the prize winners of the competition. Sudarshan, Suraj , ShivKumar - VII Sem. Unnati and Akshata – III Sem. , Shriraksha and Shilpa – III Sem. FRESHER’S DAY Welcome function for (fresher’s day) 3rd Semester students organized on 10.10.2012. MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME Mentorship programme for all students to meet their mentors was held on 18.10.2012. The mentors discussed academic performance of individual students. MOCK INTERVIEW Mock interview and Group Discussion events were held on 24.11.2012 to train students for their placement in industries for all semester students. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 25 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. RANGOLI COMPETITION Rangoli competition for both boys and girls of all semester was conducted on 19.10.2012. Nikhita and group - V Sem Shruti H.and group, Aruna and group – V Sem. Shruti Math and Rekha - V Sem. December, 2012 Arati Nayak & Azar Adhoni were incharge of Autonomy workshop arrangement held on 29.09.2012. Anita Dixit, Pushpalatha Nikkam, Dr.Nagaratna Hegade, presented a research paper on A survey on study of solid texture and its impaction on Agriculture using Image processing Techniques, in the national conference held at Hyderabad. Pushpalatha Nikkam, Anita Dixit, Dr.Nagaratna Hegade, presented a research paper on “A survey on content based Image retrieval using shape Descriptor”, in the national conference held at Hyderabad. Mr. Naveen Mirajkar Lecturer has completed his Mtech programme in October-2012 STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS Dr. J.D. Pujari, Naveen Mirajkar, Deepa Bendigeri & Arati Nayak, jointly published a research paper titled Arati Nayak , Sachidanand Joshi & M.Azhar Adhoni were incharge of Evaluation workshop arrangement held on 24.11.2012. “Color and texture features on raphical authentication” in the International Conference proceedings of ICACCT- 2012, which was held at Panipat. Prof. V K Parvati and Prof. Leena Sakri, presented a research paper titled “An Intelligent web usage tool for business intelligence” in the international conference on Evolutionary Trends In Information Technology organized by the department of P G studies, of Visveswarya technological university, belgaum on 5th-6th October 2012. Prof. V.K. Parvati, was invited as a resource person for counseling of MBA students by Vidya Poshak on 23.09.2012. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Dr. S Mohan Kumar, principal of the institution participated in the flag hosting ceremony on account of republic day ceremony. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 26 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department FACULTY ACHIVEMENT A paper on “ Simulation and study of standalone hybrid grid ( Involving Biogas, Biodiesel, Solar & Wind based generation) is published in International Energy Journal, authored by Prof R.L. Chakrasali, Prof.V.R. Sheelavant, Prof H.Vijay Murthy and Prof. B. S. Shalavadi. S.B.Karajgi, UdayKumar. R.Y., Published research paper on “An Approach to Quantify the Loss Reduction due to Distributed Generation”, in the International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), ISSN 0975-8887 , Vol 52, No. 17, pp 13-18. S.B.Karajgi, UdayKumar. R.Y., Published r research paper in ““Fault Location Estimation in Distribution Systems with High penetration of Distributed Generation”, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE). Vol. 4, No. 5, pp 632-636 Dr. Shekhappa G. Ankaliki has attended the training program “Train the Trainer” on Industrial Automation Technology organized by Bosch Rexroth (India)Ltd., from 30th July 2012 to 27th August 2012 at VTU – BR centre of competence in Automation Technology, Mysore. Dr. S G. Ankaliki published following research papers in the International journals. “Contingency Analysis of Reduced 220KV KPTCL System Using Mat-Lab Simulink Mode” in Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths Vol 1, No. 6, PP 378-382, Nov-Dec’2012, ISSN:2277-4920. Optimum Reactive Power Support, in the International Journal of Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJAEEE) Vol.1, N0.2, PP 243250, 2012. Congestion Management in Deregulated Power System Smart Grid with Series FACTS Devices and Assessment of Trust Value Index, International Journal of Electronics and Computers (IJEC) Vol. 4, N0. 2, PP 89-101, December 2012. Voltage Sag and Mitigation Using Algorithm for Dynamic Voltage Restorer by PQR Transformation Theory in the International Journal of Engineering Inventions (IJEI) Vol. 1, Issue 5, PP 47-55 , September 2012 CONGRATUALATIONS Editorial board congratulates Chakrasali for successfully defended his Ph. D final Viva voce, held in this research centre on 28th September, 2012. Prof. H. N. Nagaraj & Prof. A.K. Pradhan, IIT, Kharagapur were the Panel Members. Prof. R.L. Prof R.L. Chakrasali was invited as chief guest for flag hosting in view of 66th Independence Day celebration at Vijai PU and Paramedical College Hoysal Nagar, Dharwad. Prof. R.L. Chakrasali worked as seminar director and organized one day workshop on “Self study- A few aspects” the also acted as a resource person and gave a talk on self study –few aspects in the academic Institutions. This was organized on 20-10-2012. Improvement of Voltage Profile and Reduction in Real & Reactive Power Loss in Distribution System by VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 27 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. Prof R.L. Chakrasali Presented views as panel members in the panel discussion held at SDMCET. The workshop was on planning and management of Autonomous Institution. December, 2012 FIRST GRADUATION DAY Prof. G D kamalapur,Ms. Anupama K.B., presented paper entitled “ Electricity generation by using renewable energy sources in India” in Kannada Vishwa Sammelana held at USA, Dharwad on 15-09-2012. Prof. Santoshkumar authored a research paper on “ Smart Sensor Networks based on ZigBee Technology to Monitor Grain Depot” Published in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) July 2012. Prof. Santoshkumar authored a research paper on “Design and Development of Wireless Sensor Network System to Monitor Parameters Influencing Freshwater Fishes” published in International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) Vol.4 Issue 6. Prof. Santoshkumar, Faculty, E&E, has been selected as Institute Scholar, to pursue Ph.D at NITK, Surathkal and he has been deputed for the same. KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE The centre has international branding with Dspace @ sdcmet an institutional repositories which is used for scholarly communication of SDMCET output; A new web portal was also developed to enhanced the center’s global and local access; It is one of the best library facilities in Engineering Education. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 28 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES RESEARCH CENTER VTU approval for P.hD Research Center for MBA department. NATIONAL LEVEL CONFERENCE First National Level Conference FDI issues in Indian Retail Sector conducted successfully. First National level fest INSIGNIA –“Adhimaatra” was conducted successfully. EDITED BOOK First with ISBN number is under printing from Himalaya Publications House. GUEST LECTURE Prof. Madhusudhan Vyapari, Professor, MBA participated in a Ten Days Workshop on “Research Methodology for Research Scholars” sponsored by Indian Council of Social Service Research, New Delhi, held at Centre for Multi Disciplinary Research, Dharwad on 5th and 14th September 2012. Prof. Madhusudhan Vyapari, Faculty, MBA successfully completed NET Examination for Lectureship Examination on 18th September 2012. Prof. Prashanth U. Gujanal, Faculty, MBA participated in Workshop on “Global Career Opportunities for Management Studies” held at Adept Institute of Management Studies and Research, Dharwad. On 6.12.12. Sri Fazil Dutia (Marketing Engineer) delivered a Guest Lecture on the topic “Personal Selling in Business Markets” for our III semester MBA Marketing students on 18th September 2012. Paper titled “What Influences the Consumer Choices of Brands?- A Study on Purchase of Mobile Phones” authored by Dr. PRASHANTH U. GUJNAL, Faculty, MBA published in Spurthi, IMSR National Journal of Management Thought, Volume: 11,Number- 11, Pages: 23 – 28. STAFF ACHIVEMENTS Dr. Prashanth C., HOD, MBA participated in one day conference on “Creative Leadership Skill” organized by VTU and Shruth and Smith Foundation on 14th September 2012. STUDENT ACTIVITY Dr. Prashanth C., HOD, MBA participated in one day Workshop on “Neuro Linguistic Programming (NIP) ” organized by Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum on 25th September 2012. Prof. Dr.Prashnatha.C –HOD is approved as a guide for Ramya P.hD S.V, Ramya Jambagi, Raghavendra Reddy Programme from Jain University Sameer of II Sem, participated in B-plan Computation Dr. Prashantha C., Head, MBA and Prof. Madhusudan “ANTARAPRERANA” organized by Karnataka Law Vyapari, Faculty, MBA participated in Workshop on Society’s, Institute of Management Education & First Semester Model Question Paper, organized by Research, Belgaum, On 16th March 2012. VTU, Belgaum held at PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 22.12.2012. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 29 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. BAGGED 1ST PRIZE IN PAPER PRESENTATION Ramya S.V , Sanvidha Bhat, Harita R, Sameer Gudi of III Semester Students, bagged 1st Prize in Paper Presentation, in State Level Paper Presentation Competition –PRASTUI, held at Gogte Institute of Technology, Department of Management Studies, Belgaum on 28th September 2012. III semester marketing students of MBA visited Hardrock attachment Pvt. Ltd., Dharwad on 6th September 2012 as a part of their curriculum. Prof. Mahesh Vanjeri coordinated the event. III semester HR students of MBA visited Kirlosker Electric Company, Hubli 29th September 2012 as a part of their curriculum. Prof. Prashanth Gujanal coordinated the event. December, 2012 STUDENTS PLACED IN FOLLOWING COMPANIES Getit infotech services pvt ltd/ Executive trainee, Hindustan coca cola beverages pvt ltd/ sales executive, Vistaar finance ltd/ customer relationship manager, Career net consultancy pvt ltd/ business development executive, ICICI Direct TESCO Lt. CAREER DEVELOPMENT Mr. Satish Joshi, Assistant Manager, Axis Bank, Hassan delivered a Guest Lecture on the topic “Career Development” organized by MBA Department on 24.12.12. Spoken Tutorial Linux Certification Examination conducted in DBMS. STUDENT ACTIVITY / ACHIEVEMENTS Ms. Nikita A. Teggi, Ms. Navyata Hiremath, Ms. Varsha D. Shiveshwar Renuka Naik of V- semester (E&C) have submitted a project titled “ Touch based wheel chair using MSP430” for all India Student Design contest organized by “National Design and Research Form”, Bangalore. Mr. Raghavendra Hulihalli, VII semester (E&C) has been selected for final auditors of “KBC” (Koun Banega Crorepati) hosted by Mr. Amitabh Bachan. 100 students of Final year Engineering from E&C stream are appearing for GATE 2013 Examination. Ms. Ramya S. V., Sanvidha Bhat, Harita R., Sameer Gudi, III semester III semester students of MBA participated in a State level paper presentation competition – PRASTUI held at Gogte Institute of Technology, Department of Management Studies, Belgaum on 28th September 2012. Vth semester student of department of Chemcial Engineering have won Third prize in “Technical paper presentation session –I” – Award by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Thadomal Shahani Engineering College, Bandra (W) on 1st Oct.. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 V and VI semester Chemical Engineering students visited M/s Solaris, Karwar as a part of their academic programme on 29-30 Sept. Welcome function for 3rd semester students was organized by the department of Information Science & Engineering on 10th Oct. Technical Dumb Charades organized by the department of Information Science & Engineering for all the students of III, V and VII semester Engineering on 12th Sept. Rangoli competition organized by the department of Information Science & Engineering amongst both Boys and Girls for all the semester students on 19th Oct. Vth semester students of Mechanical Engineering visited M/s Devgi Warner Industries, Sirsi on 17th October 2012 as a part of their academic work. Faculty members; Sri G. S. Chiniwalar and M. K. Marikatti accompanied the students. Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 30 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. III semester students of Mechanical Engineering visited AKP Foundaries and Ashok Foundry, Belgaum on 17th October 2012 as a part of their academic work. Faculty members; Prof. V. S. Yaliwal and Prof S. C. Galveen accompanied students. Mr. Shashank Jagadish has participated in Engineer 2012 at NITK, Surathkal during 24th to 28th October 2012 in the event TRAILBLAZER which is basically line following Robot which Decodes Morse Code present at multiple locations and display the sum at the finish. He has won the first prize. Mr. Shashank Jagadish has participated in Engineer 2012 at NITK, Surathkal, during 24th to 28th October 2012 in the event PROTEANS. He has won the First Prize. Mr.Krishna V. Ankalgi, Mr. Akshay Desai, Mr. Harish H. Yamnur, VII semester students of Electronics and Communications Engineering have presented a paper titled “FPGA Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm” at the National Conference on “Current Trends in Industrial Automation” held at BVB College of Engineering during 10 – 12 October 2012. The paper bagged Best Paper Award. Mr. Akshay Desai & team of VII Semester have won best paper award at NCCTIA 2012 National Conference of Current Trends in Industrial Automation, BVBCET, Hubli held from10th to 12th Oct. 2012 December, 2012 Ms. Shweta Nadkarni, VIII Semester Civil Engg. has participated in the event Paradox – 2011, National level technical fest and won the 2nd Prize in Essay Writing held at Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum on 01 & 02 April 2011 Rohit Ranjan & Chandra Pratap, VI Semester Civil Engg. have presented the paper in National level technical fest ‘PLEIADES’ and won the 1st Prize held at BVBCET, Hubli on 7th to 9th April 2011. Nirosha G. Keerthi Y and Suketh U. Vittal.W, Department of MBA participated in Workshop on Go, Kiss the World – International Careers for Management Graduate organized by Adept Institute of Management Studies & Research, Dharwad on 6.12.2012. Harshad U. Kamath, III semester MBA participated in State Level Photography Competition (Candid Photography) organized by Sagar Photographic, Sagar on 30.12.2012. 1st Semester students of MBA visited Akshya Patra Unit, ISKOD, Rayapur Dharwad on 7.12.2012. Prof. Bharati Sunagar accompanied the students. 1st Semester students of MBA visited Dandeli on 19th and 20th December 2012 on the activity of “ Out Bound Training on Team Work”. 100 students of final year engineering from E & C stream are appearing for the GATE 2013 Examinations. Mr. Shashank Jagadish of V Semester has participated and won the FIRST Prize in “TRAILBLAZER” event organized by NITK, Suratkal, 24th to 28th Oct., 2012. Robot is designed to follow the line, decode the Morse code present at multiple locations & display the sum at the finish. Ms. Kanchana Handigol & Pavitra Bhat, VI Semester Civil Engg. have participated in the event Paradox – 2011, National level technical fest and won the 2nd Prize in Doc and Talk held at Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum on 01 & 02 April 2011. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 31 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 ENGINEERING SCIENCE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Dr. A. R. Desai, Head, Department of Mathematics written a Text Book titled “Engineering Mathematics” for GITAM University, Vishakapatnam (AP), published by ACME, International Publishers, New Delhi. A paper titled “ Meromorphic Starlike functions of complex order ” authored by Dr. A. R. Desai, Head, Department of Mathematics, published in JISR, 6(1), Jan – Jun 2012, pp. – 21 – 24. Jenifer Karnel, Submitted the doctoral thesis to Karnatak University, Dharwad, to the department of Mathematics entitled “Some studies in Fuzzy Topological Spaces” on 23 -082012 under the guidance of Dr. S.S.Benchalli. Editorial board congratulates her. Jenifer Karnel, S. S. Benchalli, and G.P.Siddapur, published a research paper in the in International journal of mathematical analysis, titled “ Some New Irresolute and Closed Maps in Fuzzy Topological Spaces”, Vol. 6, (2012), No. 29, 1443 – 1452. Jenifer Karnel, S. S. Benchalli, and G.P.Siddapur, published a research paper in the in International journal of contemporary mathematical titled “Fuzzy b-Generalised Homeomorphism in Fuzzy Toplogical Spaces”, Vol. 7, (2012), No. 26, 1295 – 1304. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Dr. K. I. Maddani is recognized as an Associate Editor to the International Journal “The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society”. Dr. M. N. Kalasad is the senior fellow of Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge Scholarship / Award: Dr. M. N. Kalasad got Dr. D. C. Pavate visiting fellowship to University of Cambridge - 2011. Dr. M. N. Kalasad, Faculty, Physics, attended the MoU on Nanotechnology at SIT, Tumkur. Dr. M. N. Kalasad, Faculty, Physics attended the Conference on Nanotechnology, at Bangalore Dr. G. A. Kulkarni Faculty in Physics department research paper been selected for publication in an Internal Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences. [ vol.14 (1) January 2013, a paper titled “Global Financial Crisis- 2008 : Impact on India and its policy Response”. Dr. G. A. Kulkarni Faculty in Physics department research paper been selected for publication in an Internal Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences. [vol.14 (1) January 2013, A paper titled “ Te precipitates and impurity getting effect in CdZnTe (Zn ~4%) crystals” . Two candidates registered for Ph.D under the guidance of Dr. K. I. Maddani and Dr. G. A. Kulkarni, Faculty Members, of Physics, under VTU. Sri P. V. Raghavendra, Faculty, Physics, cleared the course work of Ph.D. Sri Praveen Vaidya, Faculty, Physics cleared two papers of Ph.D course work. “NUCLEAR ENERGY FOR THE 21st CENTURY”. “NANOTECHNOLOGY” Department of engineering physics conducted a national workshop on “Nuclear Energy For The 21st Century”. Department of engineering physics offer an open elective course on “NANOTECHNOLOGY”, to impart recent scientific knowledge to the Engineering students. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 32 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY December, 2012 R & D PROJECTS Book Chapter Ion- exchange Technology I theory and materials (Eds) –Iron exchange membranes “Preparation, properties and applications”.by Dr. A. A. Kittur. ISBN -978-94-007-1699-5 Springer, New York. CONGRATULATION Prof. Naveen Kumar Pampapati Badiger, successfully completed his doctoral degree (Ph.D) from Karnataka University, Dharwad, under the guidance of Dr. I. M. Khazi,professor, P.G Department of studies in chemistry, K.U. Dharwad. He carried out a research work on “studies in Heterocyclic Compounds of Biological Interest”. Editorial board congratulates Prof. Badiger for his achievements. Completed AICTE R&D Project entitled ‘Interactions in liquid mixtures and separation of liquids by pervaporation’ worth of Rs. 9.0 lakh during 1999-2001. Department of Science & Technology, (DST) New Delhi, sanctioned and granted 4.4 lakhs for a Major Research Project on “Development of Composite Membranes for Pervaporation Applications” submitted by Dr. A. A. Kittur, 2009-2012. VTU sanctioned Research Project entitled “Preparation and Characterization of Thin Films by Sol-gel method worth Rs. 1.0 lakh, for the period 2011-12, submitted by Dr. N. Shashidhar and Dr. C.D.Lakkannavar. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Road to success is never ending. It is always under construction. Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. Education has for its objective the formation of character. It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to. Reach for the stars, even if you have to stand on a cactus. The power of the mind is your power, use it. Don't let it use you. The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. God cannot go everywhere. So he created mothers . Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winner never quits, Quitter never wins. Every person has a ability to improve the life of some one else. Leadership is not about being nice it’s about being right and being strong. Where there is no risk there can be no pride in achievement and consequently no happiness. Think many ways, but go on one way. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 33 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 December, 2012 Page 34 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 SNIPPETS VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET December, 2012 Page 35 Quarterly News Letter Of SDMCET, Dharwad. December, 2012 SNIPPETS Dr. S. Mohan Kumar Principal SDM College of Engineering & Technology Dharwad-580 002, Karnataka State, India Ph.0836-2447465, Fax: 0836-2464638 URL: www.sdmcet.ac.inz VOL.1, ISSUE: 1 To, Quarterly News Letter of SDMCET 5 December, 2012 Page 36