- The FitzWimarc School


- The FitzWimarc School
The FitzWimarc School
Edition No. 63
October 2015
Traditional Values – Lasting Success
On 9 October, Mrs Byrne presented the Jack Petchey Award to two Year 8s. A fantastic
achievement……………. but this award was for a very special reason indeed!
Megan Tobin (8T1) and Leah Newton (8T2) were nominated by Pastoral Assistant Miss
Taffurelli, for saving the life of an elderly lady whilst walking home from school. They noticed a
lady struggling to stand and realised, by her appearance, that she was having a stroke. The girls
ran into a nearby shop and called for help. Both girls remained very calm and waited for the
ambulance. The lady’s niece later contacted the school to thank the girls for saving her aunt’s
life, due to their quick thinking and calm manner.
Who is Jack Petchey? Jack Petchey is an East End entrepreneur. He is
90 years old and his is a real ‘rags to riches’ story (please visit
More than anything, Jack believes that people should think of
others and give back to society, no matter how small an act of
kindness or generosity. He wants young people to know that in
giving, you also receive and the world is a better place for it!
This emphasis on positive affirmation, self-belief, and the willingness to make an effort and to
give to others, is key to the development of the work of the Jack Petchey Foundation.
Emily Howard
Jess Down
Head Girl
Gabriel Annim Oliver Davis
Head Boy
Our Head Boy,
Head Girl and
have been busy
at the start of
this new school
year helping our
new Year 6
students settle
into Fitz.
Let’s find out a bit more about our senior students…………..
Gabriel said, ‘Ever since I joined FitzWimarc, it has been my ambition to
become Head Boy! I was so happy when I succeeded, but it was a difficult and
nerve-wrecking process; I found that my years at Fitz
had given me the tools and the confidence to
accomplish my goal. I would like to be a role-model to
younger students and play my part in helping them to
make the most of every opportunity. Being part of the
school is very important to me and I am proud to
represent Fitz at sporting events, such as football and
Jess said, ‘I am a self-motivated and determined
individual who enjoys learning new things and taking
part in sporting activities. I love sport and some of my greatest achievements were
being ranked number one in the Country for U13 70m hurdles, being an
ambassador for Chelmsford AC, and being in the Essex Athletics and Basketball
teams. My favourite subject is Science as I find topics very interesting and they
relate to everyday life, such as learning about a balanced diet, reproduction, the
atmosphere etc. For GCSE, I am studying Triple Science, Geography, French, and
PE. I am so grateful for the brilliant teaching staff at FitzWimarc as, when I first came to the school, I
struggled academically. The role of Head Girl seemed out of my reach, so I was extremely happy, shocked
and proud that I had achieved this, after three intense stages. I now hope to bring positive changes to the
school and be the voice that unites the staff and students. I want to motivate pupils to work hard and stand
by the school motto of, ‘Traditional Values, Lasting Success’. As well as this, if anyone has any problems
or worries I am more than happy to help.’
Oliver said, ‘I applied to join the Senior Student Team, as I wanted the opportunity to
be a part of the continuing success at FitzWimarc. I have always had a high level of
commitment to FitzWimarc, representing the school at many events such as Wild
Woods Day Festival where I performed a set with my band from FitzWimarc, called
Caution. I feel I will be a positive role model for students as I enjoy taking an active
role in school life, and hope to support new students settling in. I would encourage
all students to be committed to their studies so they can achieve their potential, and I
will continue to promote FitzWimarc at various events during
the coming year.’
Emily said, ‘Why did I apply to be Head Girl? Well, after
being on the School Council in Year 8, I wanted to get involved even more. The
FitzWimarc School has given me so many opportunities and help, that I thought
being Head Girl was the best way for me to give something back. What do I hope
to achieve as Deputy Head Girl? Although I did not quite make it to be Head Girl, I
will still put in my time and effort as I would have done if I did get the role. I will
strive to be a good voice and representative of the student body. What am I
looking forward to? Mainly being a part of the team and representing my school at
as many different events as possible. I have always been proud to say that I attend FitzWimarc, and I look
forward to showing it too.’
This term, GCSE Art students started their course in an
exciting way….. exploring the theme, ‘Structures in
Nature’. Mrs Watkins said, ‘I borrowed some stuffed birds
from Chelmsford Museum so that pupils were able to have
the rare opportunity to study these magnificent animals, at
close quarters. Within the collection are a Peregrine
Falcon, a Little Owl, A Honey Buzzard and a Sparrow
Hawk, making a very interesting selection. Students
enjoyed taking photos of the birds and making drawings.
They are now extending and challenging their creative
skills by working in a range of media, and on a larger
scale. These works in progress can be seen in the
photograph. The department makes use of contemporary
sources of information and the web site, Access Art
(www.accessart.org.uk), is there to inspire both teachers
and students. Recently, they were promoting a link
Ellie Pierce was still perfecting this
piece as Fitz Focus went to print
between makers and educators with
their ‘ShareaBird’ project.
I applied for a piece of Art for
FitzWimarc, and was successful. We
r e c e i v e d a n i n t er e s t i n g 3 D ,
multimedia piece by the East Anglian
artist, Paula MacGregor. It is great to
see how students were able to relate
their work to that of artists in the local
area, and this is a part of the
curriculum that we really want to
encourage. Taking Art out of the
classroom makes it more relevant
and shows students how important
studying the subject is in school. It
gives an inspiring idea of the way in
which it can be used within a career.
In July, the History Department organised a
trip to Berlin for a group of Year 10 GCSE
History students. This four-day trip really
enhanced the work that students have been
doing in class on Nazi Germany and the Cold
War, bringing events to life! Head of History
Mrs Hewitt, said, ‘This trip was a great
success with visits including the Jewish Museum,
Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, the
Reichstag building and the Brandenberg Gate.
Our students had a wonderful experience and, as
always, their behaviour and attitude were
Well done to Matthew Terry in 10A1,
who helped make history in
September, as part of the first British
youth band to perform in Red Square,
A member of the Brentwood Imperial
Youth Band, Matthew said, ‘It was a
great privilege to be invited to perform
with my band at Spasskaya Tower, in
On 11 September, 72
musicians including 9 drummers,
boarded a plane to Moscow, very excited, but
slightly nervous! We were met by our Russian hosts who took excellent care of us, and
showed us around their city. We performed for two nights in the heart of Moscow, on Red
Square, along with 27 groups from 14 countries, including Belgium Royal Stiltwalkers and
Pakistan's Armed Forces Band. The show was in front of an audience of 20,000 and a 50
million television audience. With a backdrop of the Kremlin spectacular lights and fireworks,
it made my time in Moscow a memory to last forever. You can see the event on YouTube by
following this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d9iZqyZSd4&sns=em’.
The Fitz
The draw took
place on 20 July.
Mrs S. Cox
(1st £250)
Mr A. Fuller
(2nd £100)
Mr A. Remon
(3rd £50)
The Good Deed Feed: Ben Fergus (7T1), Thomas Ford (7D1), Ben
Ferguson (7T1) and Luke Reid (9C2) handed in cash…...Lily Grinnall
(7A1) handed in a bracelet…...Zoe Walton (9C1), handed in a purse
with money inside…...Niall Thorne (8D1) found a wallet…...Charlie
Marie Sones (11T2) found a padlock belonging to a year 7…...Sophie
Edmunds (9C3) handed in lost property…...Faith Rush, Ellie Bradley
and Denisa Bunghez (7T1) handed in a lost
phone…...Holly Bridges (7C1) handed in a pupil’s
glasses case which she found in the quad…...Ellen
McMeekin (11C1) also handed in a phone.
TidyTidy-up! You may remember that, in March, we proudly took part in Rochford
District Council’s ‘Big TidyThis event highlighted the
Tidy-up’ campaign.
importance of keeping our neighbourhood clean and tidy, for the benefit of all.
Please remember to use the bins provided locally, if you do have items to dispose of
Well done to Year 8 student, Adam Wallis. On 13 July, Adam Wallis competed in the
Yamaguchi Goju Kai European Karate Championships, held in Suffolk. There were over
400 competitors from all over Europe. Adam, competing in his first International event,
performed magnificently and was rewarded with a Bronze medal in Kata and Bronze in
Kumite (fighting). The competition was followed by a weeks training with Europe’s top
masters known as Shihan’s and the Grand Master Saiko Shihan Gohan Yamaguchi,
head of the association from Japan. Yamaguchi Goju Kai karate became widely known
after the film Karate Kid was made, as the karate style used was Goju Kai. The
character Mr Miagi, was, in real life, the instructor to Gogan Yamaguchi (aka The
Cat), who founded the association Yamaguch Goju Kai. His son Gohan, inherited the
title Saiko Shihan, when Gogan died in 1989. The current heir apparent Gohi was also
at the championships, in training to take over the prestigious family business. Adam,
who trains 5 days a week after school, is now looking forward to competing in the World
Championships in Canada in 2016, and is hoping to be eligible to compete in the 2020
Olympics in Japan where Karate will be an event for the first time. Ultimately, Adam
hopes to have the honour of becoming a Shihan; there are currently only 8 in Europe!
On 24 September, we held our annual
Open Evening and opened our doors
early, to welcome visitors who had
formed a queue outside, whilst being
entertained by our school buskers.
This event was co-ordinated by School
Manager, Miss Potter, and Assistant
Headteacher, Mrs Johns.
It was a great opportunity for students
in primary schools and their parents/
carers, to experience our Outstanding
There was a variety of demonstrations
taking place throughout the evening,
including the use of computerised
sewing machines in Textiles, where
students were able to have a name
label made in calico fabric. In the
English Department, visitors were
encouraged to immerse themselves in a
multi-gothic experience, and the Art
Department offered a hands-on art
activity to challenge creative thinking!
Head Boy Gabriel and Head Girl Jess,
Visitors were able to travel back in time
ready to welcome visitors!
in the History Department……. to the
Second World War. History students
prepared edible treats, using recipes
based on rations available in World War Two. In the Music Department, musicians from all
year groups were performing music from Broadway to
Bon Jovi and Bach to Barbershop. In the recording
studio, it was possible to make your own recording,
test your musical knowledge with an interactive quiz
and try your hand at composing, using some of the
specialist software.
There were so many fun activities taking place
throughout the evening that our visitors really needed
to stop in the Dining Hall for a well-earned break, with
refreshments and snacks available.
On arrival, visitors were offered a ‘FitzWimarc Guide’ and many of these students were Year
7s, who had only been at the school for a couple of weeks themselves! The guides received
training from Miss Potter to ensure they felt confident in their role. Serena Evans (pictured) in
7D2, volunteered to be a guide. Serena said, ‘I remembered last year, when I came in as a
visitor, and thought it would be really good to be a guide; I might learn to find my way around
even better myself! I really enjoyed the evening and I escorted just one lady and her
daughter around. They wanted to go absolutely everywhere and asked lots of questions.
They especially enjoyed visiting the Science Department where they took part in an
experiment.’ All guides received a Credit sticker and a letter of thanks, from Mr Harris.
Well done to Serena, and all our guides, who supported our school and helped us to make
the evening such an enormous success!
Information and links to local organisations published in Fitz Focus are intended to provide general guidance only. The FitzWimarc School does not take any
responsibility for, or undertake screening activities, such as DBS checks on, groups and activities not directly run by the school itself. It is solely your responsibility
to evaluate the suitability of all services, including the accuracy of any information they provide.
Here are just a few of
the many comments we
received during our
Open Evening…..
Serena Evans, 7D2
Open Evening Guide 2015
‘Serena has been an
excellent guide. Proud
of her school, creative,
friendly and informative
in her explanations. An
asset to your school!’
Re: Year 7 Serena Evans
‘Very impressed with the
school. Reece was a
brilliant Tour Guide.’
Re: Year 10 Reece Hawkins
‘Georgia was lovely and
polite and very positive
about the school. My
daughter is looking
forward to joining her
older brother here.’
Year 8 Georgia
‘Thank you Jamie. A
very helpful and polite
gentleman who showed
us everything that the
school can offer.’ Very
Re: Year 11 Jamie
‘We had Luke in Year 11 and he was an exceptional and
thorough Guide. He represented FitzWimarc in an amazing
way. Thank you Luke!’
Re: Year 11 Luke Simson
‘Fantastic school! Very
impressed with our Tour
Guide. Aimee in Year
11 was fab!’
Re: Year 11 Amy Pimm
‘’Benjamin was a fantastic Guide tonight. Very informative,
mature and patient. Thank you very much!.’
Re: Year 9 Benjamin Susans
‘Our Tour Guide, Hannah, was great - a real credit to your school.’
Re: Year 11 Hannah McElroy
September has been an incredibly exciting time for our new Year 7s as they
started a whole new phase of their education at The FitzWimarc School!
There is a lot to learn, and so much to be a part of, with various extra-curricular
activities offered, from Stitch Club to Orchestra, Fitz Film Club to Science Club!
Students can find out about all the clubs by checking the board by the entrance to
the Quad.
Head of Year 7 Mr Glyn said, ‘Our Year 7s really have made a great start to their
career at FitzWimarc. I was particularly pleased to see so many of them volunteer
to act as Open Evening Guides; they were excellent ambassadors for our school.
My theme this term is ‘Heroes’, and how each student can be a hero! Daniel
Robinson in 7D1 has been helping another student on a daily basis, putting the
needs of others above his own. I received a letter from Penni Bubb, at The
Mushroom Theatre Company, informing me that Rebecca Hooper in 7D2 has
given a great amount of her free time to support others with special needs and
learning disabilities.’
In 7T2, Lydia Clarke said, ‘It’s really
good! Everyone is so nice and
helpful. My favourite subject so far is
Art as I love creating and designing.
I thought it would be difficult, as I
would be mixing with lots of new
students, but it has been fine.’
Lewis Bates said, ‘It’s really nice at
Fitz; the teachers are very helpful
and it’s a lot easier than I thought it
was going to be. The difficult part
was finding my way around, but there
are lots of signs.
My favourite
subject is Science because we have
been using different types of
equipment. The corridors can be
crowded, very different to Rayleigh
Primary, where I came from!’
Joshua Alexander said, ‘The school
is really big and I am getting used to
finding my way around. The staff are
very helpful and kind and the
Prefects have been really helpful to
us all. Maths is my favourite subject.
I was at St. Nicholas School, and that
is a small school. But, I have made
new friends and am really enjoying it.’
In 7D2 Caden Lansdowne,
said, ‘I’m surprised how
easy it has been to fit in at
Fitz, and I have some
friends from Primary
School in my form. My
favourite subject is
Science; I enjoyed learning
how to use a Bunsen
Clara Douglas-Davis said,
‘Art is my favourite subject so far; Mr Lockhart
really helped me to realise I ‘can do’ anything!
The corridors are really busy, but we are all
getting used to it.’
In 7A1, Amber English said, ‘I am
enjoying Fitz; the prefects who
escorted us to lessons in the first
couple of weeks were really
helpful. I particularly enjoyed my
SfL lesson as we learnt about
following instructions; we made paper origami
Adam Evans said, ‘It is very
different at Fitz, but I am enjoying
it. I came from Heycroft School
and was used to having one or
two teachers; now I have lots of
different teachers! I enjoyed my
first Science lesson as I learnt
about experiments and the equipment I would
need to use.’
Lucy Wright came in early to
attend cross-country practice
and did 3 laps in 14.4mins,
putting her top of the ‘Leader
Board’ at the end of the second
week! Lucy is hoping represent
Ellena Hart in 7A1 wrote this poem about her form:
7A1, we are the best, like gold in a secret chest
We dress smart, we look cool,
We are the best in the whole school.
Altogether we work really hard.
We are all bright stars!
7A1, with Form Tutor Mr Cain
Students were asked to complete a book report during the summer break and these are on display in the Library!
In 7T1, Benjamin
Clark said, ’I love
Fitz! I was voted
Form Council Rep.
and Maths are
favourite subjects
and I am getting
used to the very
Smith said, ’ Fitz is
Awesome! I love
Art and Science. We have been using
Bunsen Burners and thermometers and
learning about safety in the Science Lab.’
L i l y
really like
it! I didn’t
really like
English at
school but
I love my lessons with Mrs Bayliss now.
Miss Sprogis makes Geography fun!’ Jack
Leech said, ‘I really enjoy it! PE is so
different; there is more much more to be
involved in. I have been appointed Captain
of the football team and play centre-back.
Mr Bradley is great coaching us and I also
take part in rugby and fitness.’
James (left) said,
‘I’m so happy that I
chose Fitz! Music is
my favourite subject
so far. Mr Baldry is
so nice!’
said, ‘I love it! Mr
Cain in Design &
Technology is so
We made
Jitterbugs to play with, out of plastic and
We are getting used to the
In 7C1, Sophie Clayton said, ‘We move
around a lot because we have many
different teachers now. Art is my favourite
subject because it is much more creative
than Art in Primary School.’ Holly Bridges
said, ‘I am really enjoying Fitz! It is a fun
place to be and I’m making new friends. I
love Art and
Technology; we
are learning to
make different
d i s h e s
including Pizza!
students seem
so much bigger
but we are all
getting used to
Well done to Jeff Taylor in 7D1! Jeff took part in the
Southend Bikeathon and cycled 14 miles for charity,
beating his own target of £100 and raising £500 for the
charity, Bloodwise. Jeff said, ‘I have always cycled and
usually will spend around 2 hours at a time out on my
bike. It is much better than sitting playing an X-Box, and
is a great way of keeping fit. I got involved in this event because my
mum usually takes part and so I thought I would give it a go! It was a
great experience, starting in East Beach, Shoebury and continuing all
through the Essex countryside. It took about 2 hours to complete and I
was really excited as I finished: it was such a big achievement!’
Bloodwise organise this 14-mile charity cycle ride, to raise funds for
blood cancer and the event attracted around 500 riders.
Next Spring, our Gardening Club will be a part of the RHS
Campaign for School Gardening ‘Rocket Science’ experiment. Mr Cain said, ‘Rocket
seeds have been sent in a rocket to the International Space Station. These seeds will then
be grown to see if the space environment has an effect on vegetation growth.’
Ex-student Kieran Baker, really enjoyed his schooldays at
FitzWimarc…..so much so, he decided to re-create the
whole site, using a computer game. ‘Minecraft’, enables
players to create structures out of textured cubes.
Mr Wright said, ‘Considering the limitations of the software,
this is an incredible effort. Kieran is to be congratulated on
his creativity.’
SEN AWARDS Stars of the month for September: Year 7: Jamie Card / Rachel
Reggione, Year 8: Cameron Lowen / Georgia Reynolds-Codrington, Year 9: Zoe Haylett
and Year 10 Ashley Hawkes.
Progress/Effort awards: Eathan Davis in 8D2 for French & Music, Jack Moores in 8D2
for Music, Emma Butler in 8T2 for Textiles & English, Harry Taylor in 8D2 for ICT, Rhys
Haynes in 8D3 and Alfie Jackson in 8T2 for Maths, Jordan Turner for English
And Alex Choat in 11T3 for Food/Science/Art/Maths.
YEAR 11:
GCSE PPE exam week – Friday 27 Nov - Friday 4 Dec
GCSE Art, Music, P.E. Practical week – Mon 21 March - Thurs 24 March
IGCSE/GCSE/BTEC exams – Tuesday 3rMay - Mon 27 June
YEAR 10:
GCSE PPE exams – Tuesday 3 May - Fri 24 June
For more details, please visit the school website: www.fitzwimarc.essex.sch.uk
Students had a unique experience as Holocaust
survivor, Mrs Barnett, came into school to talk
about her experiences. Head of History, Mrs
Hewitt, said, ‘In June we had a visit from a
survivor of the Holocaust to complement students’
studies of the Holocaust in English and History.
Sue Barnett, a retired teacher, came in to speak to
Year 9 about her childhood memories of the
Holocaust and its impact on her family.’
In fact, students were so touched, many of them
wrote a letter of thanks, here are some excerpts:
Nancy Smith said, ‘Thank you very much for coming to speak to us yesterday, and sharing your
experiences. I was intrigued to learn about your experiences during the Second World War whilst you
lived in Nazi Germany. For you to come to FitzWimarc to share this must have been very hard, so I
thank you for that. It is important for survivors of the Holocaust to give eye- witness accounts of how it
actually felt to be in the situation you were in. We also learnt a lot about the Holocaust, and that will
help us during our GCSEs, so thank you for sharing your story.’
Lauren Johnson said, ‘I don’t understand how anyone could want to harm other people, especially
small vulnerable children. I couldn’t believe that you, and your family, didn’t sleep under the same roof
for 9 years. I found it amazing that your brother joined the British Army, even though he was German.
I thought that it was a brave thing to do.’
Molly Southwick said, ‘I found many parts of your story moving and it really touched my heart. The bit
that hurt the most was when you mentioned your sister having stones thrown at her on the way home
from school, so she could no longer walk home alone.’
Myles Blakesley said, ‘I think you were very brave to tell us your story and I will remember what you
said to us. I think you should carry on telling people about what happened. They will benefit from it
and they need to know.’
Fraser Maxwell said, ‘I found it interesting and it was really special hearing it from an eye witness,
instead of reading it from a book. I found that I learnt so much from your story, it has really opened my
A group of Year 9 and 10 students had an
exciting start to October as they took part in
the Design Ventura Competition! This event
took place over 3 days and was run by the
Design Museum. The competition was to
create a product costing £10, based on the
theme ‘Move’. Well done to Year
10s Sian Hillis and Hannah
Buschhold and Year 9s Ella
Sharp, Gemma Winn, Zoe
Greatrex, Eve Johnson, Nim
Boonchuai, Madeline DeCort, Jessica
Leech, Bethany Howard and Sophie
Thompson. Hannah said, ‘The first day
involved a trip to the Design Museum in
London and, when we first arrived, we
had time to look around the museum shop; there were some really
inventive products. Next, we had a design brief with a Project Leader
and discussed design requirements, by a brainstorming session on a
huge piece of paper. There were lots of new and exciting inventions in
the Museum, including a device that alerts farmers when their cow is about to give birth! On our
return to school, we had two days to design and create prototypes of our product, as well as a threepage presentation, to be pitched to the Senior Leadership Team. Some parts were quite challenging
but, overall, the experience was a lot of fun and our ideas quite spectacular! We really hope to make
it to the Top100!’
Design Ventura
01268 777778
Emergency First Aid, First Aid At Work, Paediatric First Aid,
A.E.D (defib) training, Fire Safety/Marshall training, Manual Handling
Quote Fitz2015 for a 10% discount Our Friends of FitzWimarc are a group of local companies that support our school
and include former students and parents.
At Rayleigh Tennis Academy, Head Coach is a former student, Ryan Wilson.
Countryside Estates, Todmans SRE Solicitors, Pronto First Aid Training, Stevens
Garden Care, Car-nect Servicing, MOT & Repair and System Driving School all
have family connections. The Chichester Wedding & Function Venue is also a
valued Friend.
Thank you to these local companies for supporting our school.
If you would like to find out how to become a ‘Friend’ please
contact Mrs Canham (canham@fitzwimarc.essex.sch.uk).
Our Year 10 Football star
Harry Seadon, had a fantastic
opportunity to train at the U15s
Loughborough University
during the summer break.
Harry was scouted whilst
playing for Southend United!
Harry said, ‘ I couldn’t have
been more excited! It was one
of the best experiences of my
life. It was four days packed
with training, exercises, team
bonding and classes. It was a
great opportunity for me to
meet other players from all
over the UK, from teams such
as Chelsea, Everton, West
Brom and Fulham. In October
I am hoping to be selected for
an International Squad!’
On 6 October, the first School Council meeting for this school year took place. Head
Girl Jess Down said, ‘We have a strong team who can voice their opinions well and we
will work together to make improvements to the school. We are pleased that
Headteacher, Mr Harris, will be attending our meetings.’
The School Council:
Year 7s Callum Purchese and Ella Davis-Green
Year 8s Ellie Pinion and Billie Edwards
Year 9s Owen McNamara and Mia Chantree
Year 10s Travis Bailey and Hannah Buschhold
Year 11s Kate Kestell and Jack White. Leadership Team: Head Boy Gabriel Annim, Oliver Davis (Deputy),
Head Girl Jess Down and Emily Howard (Deputy). Mr M. King ( Acting Lead Learner – School Council)
French: Year 7s Mickey Hart, Serena Evans
Year 8s Shaun Marchant, Ellie Newton
Year 9s Morgan Mansfield, Gemma Winn
Year 10s Toby Donghue, Lily Houghton
Year 11s Alexander Johanson, Georgia Hart
Spanish: Year 8s Lenny Sams, Abbie Jackson
Year 9s Cameron Wilson, Chloe Hooper
Year 10s Benjamin Cook, Tia Magrath
Year 11s Lewis Tillett, Isobel Yeomans
In July, Year 10 Alex Hadden competed in the Eastern
Region Snowsports Association Summer League Race
in Ipswich, enabling Essex to gain 1st place. On 12
October, there was a ski race held at Brentwood, run by
the London and South East Snowsports Association
and Alex won Silver Medal in the U16s, and his team
finished 1st place for the Essex Club Dual Slalom
event, on what was a particularly technically challenging
On 11 September, Year 11 Health and Social
Care students had a fantastic opportunity to
gain essential life skills in First Aid. Mrs
Robinson arranged for Pronto Training to
deliver the sessions. They are a H.S.E
Approved training provider with a team of
trainers sourced from the Emergency
Services, offering a wealth of
Managing Director of
Pronto, Joanne Colby, said, ‘Pronto
work closely with many schools and colleges in the county to provide talks
to students who learn about C.P.R and how to complete a primary
assessment of a casualty. They also learn how to put someone in the
recovery position. This valuable life skill will enable students to feel
confident in providing First Aid in a real life situation.’ Mrs Robinson said,
‘I believe it is important to teach First Aid and the students thoroughly
enjoyed these informative sessions with trainers Joanne and Mark
Eaglestone. They were very keen to ask questions and practise First Aid techniques.’
COMMENDATIONS! Year 8s: Holly Frend, Felix Summers, Jessica Williamson, Ellie Curry, Georgia Polley, Ben
Thrussell, Megan Turner, James Barrow, Isabel Davis, Callum Butterworth, Isobelle Crouch, Jennifer Field,
Emma Frost, Harry Jenkins, Molly King, Rory London, Charlie Mannerings, Jack Moores, Sharna Perry, Melody
Prior, Harry Stone, Jessica Welsh, JonathanJonathan-Joel Wilkinson, James Cooper, Lewis Edge, Jamie Tidiman,
Jennifer Rushen, Aaron Parker, Nathan Enderson (2), Lewis Smith (2).
COMMENDATIONS! Year 9s: Molly Bunting, Reuben Talbot, Harry Stephenson, Lilly Caskey, Zoe Greatrex,
Owen Hicks, Ethan Bailey, Alison Bevan, Chloe Bothwell, Harry Brown, Maisie Camp, Emma Firman, Olivia
Wilsher, Ryan Ainscough, Nathan Coventry, Lilly Annim, Sophie Thompson, Hannah Winning, Henry Fisher,
Angel Tolley, Isabel Bottley, Katie Randall, Nim Boonchuai (2), Lianmei ManonManon-Og (2) AmyAmy-Louise Smith (2),
Paige Hare (2), Casey Williams (2), Lizzie Jobson (2), Karyn Giles (3).
COMMENDATIONS! Year 10s: Tia Magrath, Luke Johnson, Becky Mose, Elle Reading, Chloe Hobbs, Matthew
Hooper, Kian NortonNorton-Reeves, Kayla Cannon, Christopher Tabbitt, Eloise Badger, Megan Ewing, Tabitha Newton,
Taylor Turner, Tegan Chapman (2), Jennifer Claybourn (3).
Well done to the following Year 11s who received a Commendation this term: Harvey Moorhouse, Terri Savory,
Lauren Desborough, Matt Giles (2).
On 1 & 2 October, GCSE Geography
students travelled down to St. Margaret’s
Bay in Dover, to gather data for their
Controlled Assessment.
Head of
Geography Mr Brannan said, ‘The weather
was beautiful (on order by myself and Mrs
Hitchens!) and the students worked hard
and behaved in a very professional
manner. Both days were very enjoyable
for most of us (apart from those who found
the very steep hill coming back out of the
bay hard work!).
Special thanks to
Governors Mrs Mitchell and Mr Heale, Mrs
Impey and Mr Price who gave their time to
support these very enjoyable trips.’
I will keep
my password
and personal
I know I
must always check
that my privacy
I must respect the school’s systems and
If I can not be responsible, I will lose the
right to use them.
I will always think
before I post, as
content it can be
difficult to delete
I must check the
reliability of
online content,
in case it
is untrue
I know that
my internet
use is
to protect
I know that my
online actions
may have
I am aware
laws exist
I know that it can
be a criminal
offence to hack
accounts and
systems or to
send threatening
and offensive
I will not use
technology to be
unkind to people
I know that people online are not always who they say they are.
I will always talk to an adult before meeting any online contacts
If anything happens online which makes me feel worried or uncomfortable,
I will speak to an adult I trust or visit www.thinkyouknow.co.uk
Lilly shoots for the Stars!
A Year 9 student has been selected for the
England Basketball U15 Development Squad!
Basketball England has announced the squad
news/2015/u16 - women - u15 - development squads-announced)
Lilly Annim, who plays for Southend Swifts,
and FitzWimarc of course, was overjoyed as
she heard the news! Lilly took part in a
tournament with 40 other girls to trial for the
East of England. She was successful and,
following this, picked from 30 girls to attend a
training camp during the summer break. Lilly
plays in Post position.
Lilly said, ‘I was really shocked as I have only
been playing basketball for around 18
months. My ambition is to play for England!’
The FitzWimarc School Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales, with Company number 9434988,
trading as The FitzWimarc School. Registered Office: The FitzWimarc School, Hockley Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8EB

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