April 2005 - Indianapolis Chapter No. 1
April 2005 - Indianapolis Chapter No. 1
Volume 18, Issue 4 April 2005 Northside Harley News Harley Owners Group INDIANAPOLIS CHAPTER NO. 1, INC CHAPTER #1238 Message from the Director Finally, the weather is starting to warm up and we can start getting ready for riding season. We are close enough to the season now that it is time to think about uncovering the bike and getting it ready for the warm days ahead. You do not want to get a call from a friend on a warm day and have to miss a riding opportunity because the battery is not charged or the bike needs serviced. With Daytona behind us, it is a good time to contact the Service Department and schedule service so the bike is ready when you want to ride. In addition, our first official ride of the season will be a Dealer’s Choice Ride which is planned for after our first meeting in April. Please remember, the April Chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, April 2. The Dealership is providing breakfast at 8:30 and the meeting will start at 9:00. We will leave the Dealership about 10:30 for a short, but scenic, ride that will end up in Sheridan at the Red Onion. In March several of us participated in the first HOG Chapter bowling challenge. It was an evening of fun and camaraderie, and our Chapter had the highest average for the night. The event was also a fund raiser for MDA. Look for another bowling challenge to be scheduled for later this year (when the weather turns cold again). We had a great turn-out at the March Chapter meeting and we also had a visit from our advertiser of the month which was Castleton Trophy & Gift. They provided free pens to those in attendance (some will also be available at the April Chapter meeting) and provided us with a door prize that was given away after the meeting. Please thank them by supporting them when you need trophies, engraving, or gifts. The Dealership also held a spaghetti lunch and fund raiser for breast cancer awareness on March 21. Several people brought in a lot of good food. In addition, a lot of spaghetti was provided by Bob Evans. The event also included a band, contests, and for a cloudy and rainy day everyone had a great time. We also raised about $400 for breast cancer awareness. In addition to the Dealer’s Choice Ride scheduled for April, we also have a New Riders Orientation Ride scheduled for the 23rd. The New Riders Orientation Ride is for new members who have not rode in groups before, or members who want to freshen up their skills. The final ride in April will be the Chapter Breakout Ride which is scheduled for the 30th. Please contact Sid Lewis if you plan to attend the Breakout Ride so we can make reservations. Suggested rides and activities continue to flow in and are being scheduled on our Chapter calendar. If you have suggestions for future rides please contact Sid Lewis to get them on the activities schedule. Stay warm and if you are riding, please ride safe, Ed. EJ6727@AOL,COM Inside This Issue: New Advertisers 5 5 Director's Comments 1 Chapter Sponsor & Officer Information Assistant Director Comments 2 Events Schedule 6, 7 Safety Road Signals 2 Business Directory 8, 9 Last meeting Minutes 3 Bulletin Board 10 New Members & Member's Birthday's 4 Beth Bey Article on Spaghetti 11 Advertiser Of The Month 4 Dishes / MDA Bowling Biker Bowl-Off Photos Spaghetti Pitch-In Photos 12 13 Message from the Assistant Director IN State Hog Rally: One room remains available at the host hotel. Please contact me if interested. We will have a Rally representative at the April 2, 2005 meeting to answer any questions. Please plan to attend. About the "New Rider's Orientation Ride" on April 23, 2005, 11:00 A.M: From personal experience, it's a good thing to know something about what's ahead of you, when with others. On one of my first group adventures, the rider in front stuck out his/her right leg. Thinking he/she might be merely stretching a cramp, or something else irrelevant to me, I happily rolled into one our finest springtime potholes, bottomed out, and put a blemish on front fender. Could that signal perhaps have been a warning? With this in mind, the following illustration, lifted from our recent "Hog Tales", is submitted to help acquaint the new riders with the group riding signals on, perhaps, their first "group ride." Ron Thompson RollinThompson@aol.com V O LU M E 1 8 , ISS U E 4 Page 2 Indianapolis Chapter No. 1 March 16, 2005 Chapter Meeting Minutes Submitted by Yvonne Lewis, Secretary Meeting Called to Order Introduction of New Members/Guests General Discussion • Excellent turn out for Bowling Tournament. • Reminder to Chapter Members regarding changing meeting date to first Saturday of the month starting April. • Discussed difficulty with E-mail newsletter. Tony is looking into resolving problem. • Ron Thompson reminding Members of Indiana State Rally, June 17-19. Sign-up sheet posted for Host Hotel. Volunteers still needed to help at Rally. • New Riders Orientation Ride April 23rd. Shine only. • Contact Ed James if interested in becoming a Road Captain. • Contact Ed if interested in carrying Chapter Flag at Chattanooga Rally. Dealership News • Thank you from Beth regarding Bowling Tournament turn out. • Spaghetti Pitch-in Saturday 19, 2005 12:00pm to benefit Breast Cancer. Wear Pink. • Need volunteers for Miracle Ride. • Loop for Life Ride August 20th. • Breakfast provided for April 2nd Chapter Meeting. Activities • Loop the Lake Ride scheduled for June 30- July 4th. Sign-up sheet posted. • Dealers Choice Ride to Red Onion Restaurant in Sheridan after Chapter Meeting in April. Publicity • Castleton Trophy and Gifts-Advertiser of the Month. Paulette encourages Membership to support Newsletter Advertisers. • Historian • Patty’s pictures of the Bowling Tournament on Chapter Website. Looking for anyone with a digital camera to be Photographer on Chapter Rides. Submit pictures to Patty Nawa. Charity • 50/50 Winner- Jim Brown Meeting Adjourned to Bob Evans. V O LU M E 1 8 , ISS U E 4 Page 3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! APRIL BIRTHDAYS Connie Anderson Mark Averi Robert Barnes Jim Bernhardt Lorna Berry Terry Boots David Bridges Kay Cook Brad Deboer Rick Edwards Doug Engel Celeste English Cliff Ernstes Joyce Eyster Brent Gresh John Haines Greg Hawley John Hillard Brian Hostetler Kathy Janes Bruce Jones WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS: David Jones Ryan Kraner John Krull Chris LaFever Calvin Landers, Jr. Wil Listenfelt Michael C. Mascari Bill McCants Keith Millier Charles Miraglia Jon Pereira Brad Rossell Gary Rundle David Smith John Stapleton Toni Taylor Dave Tester Victoria Thompson Roger Walton Doug Waugh Michael Weiss Mark Ricks Beverly Crouse Daniel Kolanowski Patrick Craney S Saya Brock Bill Wendling Jon Ken White Gary L Bryant Kenneth Brewster Ron Pierce John Graves Steve Barnett Teresa Phillips ADVERTISER OF THE MONTH Wood Floors Restored provides a sandless, odor free, fast drying process that restores the original finished beauty of your wood floors. Just like that new original chrome accessory on your ride, a Wood Floors Restored refinished wood floor, makes you happy and shows others how proud you are. You can enjoy beautiful like new wood floors in just 24 hours with out the dust, mess, and harmful odors and at a fraction of the cost. The Wood Floors Restored no sanding, fast drying refinishing process provides a very hard, durable, and long lasting finish that can increase the value of your home. Call or e-mail me at Wood Floors Restored Jay Beranek - Owner 6146 W. Deer Run Dr. New Palestine, In. 46163 Email: Phone # j.beranek@insightbb.com 317-847-6701 E-mail Distribution of Newsletter Help reduce the cost of the Newsletter. If you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail, please send an e-mail along with your first and last name to Sid Lewis at “slewis2@clarian.org”. Please include “Newsletter” as the subject and we will sign you up to start receiving it with the next newsletter. The “e-mail” version of the newsletter is formatted in Adobe Acrobat, which, if you don’t currently have, the Adobe Acrobat Reader software can be downloaded for free at “ADOBE.COM”. If you request newsletters via e-mail and later decide that you would rather have it mailed to you, simply send an e-mail and we’ll put you back on the mailing list. Please note that participation is voluntary and you will continue to receive your paper version of the newsletter unless you specifically request to receive it via e-mail. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 4 Page 4 Chapter No. 1 Welcomes Three New Advertisers! • • • Had an accident? Need an attorney? Look for our Assistant Director, Rollin “Ron” Thompson’s ad. Check-out Impressions Graphics, Signs, & Designs ad. And, thank you Shelly & Chuck Wallace for donating the beautiful clock for our March meeting raffle! And, if one ad isn’t enough support for Indianapolis HOG Chapter No. 1, Chuck Wallace also placed an ad for his business, Wallace Well Drilling. Please reward our advertisers for their support by utilizing their services. “What goes around comes around” and through our advertiser’s generosity we’re able to fund our Chapter activities and, more importantly, provide significant funding to the various charities we support. So, before you pick-up the phone to call a business, take a moment to check our ads and see if one of our advertisers can fill your needs. Paulette 2005 Chapter Sponsor and Officers Dealer Sponsor SAFETY DIRECTOR Harley Davidson of Indianapolis 4146 E. 96th Street (317) 815-1800 Russ Dellen Questions / Comments / Suggestions Office 317-815-7040 Cell 317-5076574 Dawayne Bowen ROAD CAPTAIN Jim Brown 317-715-2215 jim5528@att.net SERGEANT AT ARMS Joe Shelton 317-842-3687 n/a NEWSLETTER EDITOR Tony Palmiero 765-437-4030 jim_palmiero@excite.com HISTORIAN 2005 Officers Patty Nawa 317-326-3687 littlebumps@att.net DIRECTOR ACTIVITY CHAIRPERSON ASST. DIRECTOR PUBLICITY CHAIRPERSON Ed James 317-462-9558 ej6727@aol.com Sid Lewis 317-297-3634 slewis2@clarian.org Rollin “Ron” Thompson 317-403-8272 rollinthompson@aol. com Paulette Bowen 317-823-1472 dapabo@comcast.net TREASURER Debbie Blankenhorn 317-329-5061 blondiedlb@hotmail.com Carolyn James 317-462-9558 ej6727@aol.com 317-297-3634 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 4 AWARD CHAIRPERSON OPEN Need a volunteer SECRETARY Yvonne Lewis CHARITY FUND CHAIRPERSON myvonne53@aol.com Page 5 INDIANAPOLIS CHAPTER No. 1 2005 Event Schedule Contact Sid Lewis @ 442-9763 to add a Chapter Event Event Catagories: Chapter - Member (H.O.G.) - Open DATE DAY EC DESCRIPTION APRIL 2 Breakfast - Compliments of NorthSat 2 Sat Chapter Meeting 2 Sat C Dealer's Choice Ride 3 Sun 9 Sat O Salsa & Nacho Cheese Contest 10 16 17 23 24 Sun Sat Sun Sat C New Rider's Orientation / Ride Sun 30 Sat MAY 1 C Chapter Break Out Ride LEAVE FROM / LEAVE TIME CONTACT HD of Indianapolis HD of Indianapolis HD of Indianapolis 8:30am 9:00am Lv 10:30am Russ Dellen 815-1800 HD of Indianapolis Noon Beth Bey 815-1800 HD of Indianapolis 11:00am Dawayne 823-1472 HD of Indianapolis Lv 10:00am Sid Lewis 442-9763 Lv 10:00am Sid Lewis 4429763 Sun C Alternate Date: Chapter Break Out Bob Evan's Ride EVENT 3/22/2005 SE corner 96th & Keystone PHONE # 7 7 Sat Chapter Meeting Sat O Rolling Thunder Poker Run HD of Indianapolis 59th & Lee Rd. Ft. Ben. 8:30am 10:00am 8 Sun C Director's Choice Ride HD of Indianapolis Lv 10:00am Myrtle Beach, SC www.myrtlebeachbikeweek.com 13 - 22 Fr - Sun O Myrtle Beech Bike Week 14 15 Sat Sun 21 22 26 Sat Sun Thur - 28 29 30 JUNE 4 Sat Sun Mon Memorial Day Sat Chapter Meeting 4 5 11 Sat C TBA Sun O Miracle Ride for Riley Hospital Sat O Janus Ride / Poker Run 12 15 16 Sun W - M Tennessee State HOG Rally Pre-Registration Deadline: Thur C TN. State HOG Rally Ride 17 - Fr - M Indiana State HOG Rally Rolling Thunder POW/MIA Ride to DC Ed James 4629558 Steve Kaler 8975902 HD of Indianapolis 8:30am HD of Indianapolis IMS / IU Medical Center 1555 Westfield Rd / HW32 Lv 10am-12pm Bob Bill www. Lv 8:00am Sid Lewis 442-9763 773 8781 Nashville, TN. Cracker Barrel I-65 & Southport Terre Haute, IN. Pre-Registration Deadline: 25 Sat C Co-Op Ride w/ IndyWest HOG HD of Indianapolis 26 Sun VOLUME 18, ISSUE 4 Steve Kaler 8975902 www. Lv 8:30am Sid Lewis 442-9763 Page 6 Other Events Sponsored by HD of Indianapolis Dealership See Beth Bey or a Chapter Officer for more information. APRIL RIDES AND EVENTS April 2nd Chapter Meeting and Complimentary Breakfast at the Dealership 8:30am. Compliments of HD Dealership and catered by Bob Evans. April 9th Salsa & Nacho Cheese Contest. Heat the wait for Spring MAY RIDES AND EVENT May 7th Saturday Ride for Son and Rolling Thunder Poker Run Stop here Christian Motorcycle Riders Association Starts here May 22nd Carmel Police Ride Starts at the Dealership at 11am May 26th Rolling thunder goes Washington DC Also in the Merry Month of May look forward to the Hooters Bike Show &Bikini Contest JUNE RIDES AND EVENTS June 4th 811(15™ (starts here) Miracle Ride June 11th Heroes Ride for St. Vincent's Hospital And Diabetes Ride? June 17th to June 19th HOG STATE RALLY Terre Haute, In. V O L U M E 1 8 , I S SU E 4 Page 7 BUSINESS DIRECTORY The advertisers in this newsletter help bring this and future publications to you… PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS and REMEMBER TO USE THEIR SERVICES. Advertise here for 12 months for only $5.00 per month. Call Paulette Bowen @ 317-823-1472 for more information. V O L U M E 1 8 , I S SU E 4 Page 8 BUSINESS DIRECTORY The advertisers in this newsletter help bring this and future publications to you… PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS and REMEMBER TO USE THEIR SERVICES. Advertise here for 12 months for only $5.00 per month. Call Paulette Bowen @ 317-823-1472 for more information. V O L U M E 1 8 , I S SU E 4 Page 9 Bulletin Board When your item is sold, please notify us so we can remove the ad. For Sale: '95 Springer, black, Heritage bags, pipes, windshield, 30K miles. Fully maintained. Extra chrome and other stuff. Call Terry Sanderson 317/374-8957. FOR SALE: Genuine Harley Davidson sheepskin eat cover for Ultra Classic, includes backrest cover and rain cover. Used for 2 months on bike with very little riding. Combination new was $252.00, asking $200.00. Call Tony at 317-422-1175 or 317-402-7942 For Sale: 2000 birch white Shelbyville Police Bike RK , 9700 miles, original air seat and a badlander seat. Lowered in back 1 in. New handle grips, new back tire. Engine guard and passenger and highway pegs. $13,900 or best offer. Call Janie @ 317-506-0958 FOR SALE: 8 foot Chevy truck bed topper. Old style bed. Poly fiber. Slanted with large back door opening. Sliding side windows with screens. Has tie downs with it. $200. Call Tony Palmiero 765-292-2712 For Sale: The “Gambler” saddle by Corbin – (#275) Fits 84-89 Softail. Color is tan faux-ostrich. Used less than 100 miles. Paid $329.00 plus shipping, Now $200.00 firm. Please call Michael Chappell at (317) 849-5050 For Sale: Call Jim Brown at (317) 576 0126 for any item listed below. HD contoured headlamp trim ring #69604-03 list $32.95 sell $15.00 Seat Gel Pad Travelcade #100FJ large 10” long tapers 13.5” - 7.5” list $89.95 sell $40.00 HD Comfort Stitch seat for Road King #51157-04 list $299.00 sell $200.00 Road King Classic Saddlebag Liners #91887-98 list $44.95 sell $20.00 HD Layback License Plate Mount #53385 list $52.95 sell $30.00 HD Headlamp Trim Ring #69623-99A list $29.75 sell $15.00 HD Fork Brace #46097-98 list $129.95 sell $65.00 HD Mini Tach #67948-96B fits FXST list $179.95 sell $75.00 Speedometer 2900 miles. HD part #67033-99A list 240.00 sell $150.00 (Came off ‘03 Road King Classic) HD Sissy Bar with Back rest Fits FXST list $212.80 sell $100.00 #52735-85 Upright #53378-03 Side plates #52412-79A Back rest pad 2003 HD Touring Parts Catalog #99456-03A list $58.00 sell $30.00 2003 HD Touring Service Manual #99483-03A list $58.00 sell $30.00 HD Leather Overnight Bag fits over sissy bar #98878-00 list $199.95 sell $100.00 Kuryakyn ISO-Wing mini boards list $89.95 sell 45.00 Call Jim Brown at (317) 576 0126 for any item listed above. For Sale: 1997 Electra Glide Classic, Tour Pack, “Live to Ride” Mirrors & Tank Caps. Many chrome extras. 30k Miles. Call Larry Bradbury @ 317-545-4935. $15,000. For Sale: Pearl White Shoei Helmet, TZ-1 Full Face, Snell Approved, Like new condition, XXL. $79.00 Charlie Demler, 317-848-7612 For Sale: 96 Sportster - 1200 XLH Gray/Black, 7900 miles with windshield and backrest, Asking $8000 Call 335-2978 @ Home or 335-2978 @ Work For Sale: Red 2001 Yamaha V-Star Classic 600. 4000 miles, leather saddle bags. Runs great. $3,900 obo 848-7612 after 5:30 For Sale: 2003 Heritage takeoff and near new parts for sale. HD custom paint EFI tank, front fender and rear fender, black w/ghost flames new in fall of 2003, $600. w/trade or $950. wo/trade. Saddleman classic explorer seat, like new $250. Topend solo seat w/flames $125. New chrome swing arm $275. Front & rear highway bars $100. each. Exhaust $75. Steve (317) 996-2113. Kent Shroyer tells us that he found a web site where you can sell and buy used Harley’s. The URL is: www.harleytraderonline.com VOLUME 18, ISSUE 4 PERSONALS Wanted roommate to share 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Westside.....56th & Guion Rd area..... large back yard, 2 car garage..…$350 month plus utilities..… call Debby 329-5061 Page 10 Thanks to All By Beth Bay Big Thanks I hope you all had as much fun as we did at the dealership. We raised $730.00 for Breast Cancer in honor of Judy Lane. She's the sweetest woman. The Pink Ladies of Fishers are going to do the Walk for Breast Cancer on April 16th in honor of Judy Lane. The food was great, the best yet. Big Thanks to everyone: Bob Greicco, Mike Weiss, Mike Hoffman, their salads were wonderful. Ted Ellis brought salad that didn't make it out of the fridge. The spaghetti dishes were unbelievably delicious. My buddy Bert Rattermann was the best server and first to spot her white sweater with sauce. Big Thanks to Sherri Hammer for her help. Paulette Bowen, Donna Dellen, Rachael Dailey and Jim Tresize made some mean spaghetti. The Desserts were out of this world. Carolyn James is serious on being Chef Betty Crocker. John Goodall and Shani Zucker, your pumpkin pies were incredible. The breads by Vicki and Luke Payne killed the donated bread sticks. We need to Thank Bob Evans , Fazoli's, Camilles and Hooters for all the gift certificates and food they donated. If I forgot anybody I'm sorry but my sign up sheets have spaghetti all over them. A little hard to read, I think I forgot Jim and Dee Brown and Abby and Randy Brockelman,Steve, Logan and Reese but I can't remember. Hope everyone is coming to the 2nd year of the Salsa and Nacho Cheese Contest. It's for St. Mary's Child Center. Hey I have a silver bowl that had the greatest salad in it. I would like the recipes, so we can share the knowledge of the best of the best biker cooks. all looked good in pink. Fun Stuff 22nd Annual Midwest Motorcycle Swap Meet Saturday April 16th & 17th 9am to 4pm $5.00 admission free parking, Poker Run on Saturday,BigBike Show on Sunday All events held at Marion County Fairgrounds 7300 East Troy Avenue. Check out their website MWMC-INFO@YAHOO>COM Or at www.midwestmc.com The MDA Bowling challenge We Won! We have the trophies too! Indy West started off by winning first high score ( Bob Culp ) The second game our own Phil Frazier bowled in the 200s and it just got better Mary Jane , Barb, Dee and Carolyn and Ashley and Sherri were hot! The guys were great too. We won by 18 points. How did we judge this, we took the top 10 scores. I wish we could have raised more money for MDA, But the MDA people had a wonderful time. I'm very proud of my fellow employees and their beautiful spouses. Poor Southside didn't have the game but they had a ball trying to beat us. Big Thank you for everything hope you had as much fun as Jim and Patti and I had. Better luck next time! I love the Hartshorne Men, Mike Hoffman you are a sweetie Plus you won the Screaming Eagle Plaque Thank You Best Wishes Beth Bey Thank you for coming and making me so very proud of you all. You make my job easy, but don't tell Russ! He looked cool in the Pink T-Shirt. We VOLUME 18, ISSUE 4 Page 11 MDA Biker Bowl-Off March 12, 2005 Breast Cancer Spaghetti PitchIn March 19, 2005 Indianapolis Chapter No. 1 Newsletter Editor 170 West Adams Street Atlanta, Indiana 46031 Check out our Customer Feedback Report on our web site. http://www.hdofindy.com/ NEXT MEETING: April 2, 2005 at the HD Dealership 8:30am