MangaStudio Install Guide


MangaStudio Install Guide
タイトル(仮)現在制作中 Thank you for choosing Manga Studio 5. This guide describes how to install Manga Studio 5 and
register your license after installation. Be sure to read this guide when installing.
This guide (including data) has been prepared and edited based on the product program available as of
February 2014 and may differ from the actual product program specifications.
Installing the Application
To install the application, follow the procedure below.
● When installing the application, be sure you are logged as a user with "administrator" privileges.
● Be sure to close all applications before starting to install.
Installing Manga Studio 5
This guide describes how to install Manga Studio 5 step by step.
● Windows users: Proceed to "Installing on Windows" on Page 2.
● Mac OS X users: Proceed to "Installing on Mac OS X" on Page 3.
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
Installing on Windows
To install on a Windows computer, proceed as follows.
1.Start the launcher screen
To install the package version, insert the "Application
Disk" into your computer disk drive and double click
the [setup.exe] inside.
3. Carefully read the License Agreement
Carefully read [Manga Studio 5 License Agreement].
2.Display the [License Agreement] screen
When the [Welcome] screen displays, click [Next].
The [License Agreement] screen will be displayed.
(1) C arefully read the content of [Manga Studio 5
License Agreement].
(2) S e l e c t [ I a c c e p t t h e t e r m s o f t h e l i c e n c e
(3) Click [Next].
4. Select the installation directory
Please note that you will not be able to use
Manga Studio 5 without agreeing with the terms
and conditions of the "Manga Studio 5 License
Confirm the installation directory.
(1) Confirm the folder where Manga Studio 5 will be
(2) Click [Next].
Installing the Application
5. Start installing
When the [Ready to install the Program] screen
displays, click [Install]. The installation starts.
6. Installation complete
When the screen indicating installation complete
displays, click [Finish]. Manga Studio 5 is now
Completing the installation of the application is not enough for starting to use Manga Studio 5. To use
Manga Studio 5, you are required to register your license and install materials subsequently. Proceed to
"Initial Startup" on Page 5.
Installing on Mac OS X
To install on a Mac OS X computer, proceed as follows.
1. Start the installation screen
To install the package version, insert the "Application
Disk" into your computer disk drive.
2.Start the setup program
When the installation screen is displayed, double click
[Manga Studio 5]. The setup program starts.
The installation screen starts.
Items displayed on the installation screen may vary
depending on your product.
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
3.Display the [License Agreement] screen
When the setup program starts, click [Continue]. The
[License Agreement] screen will be displayed.
5. Agree to the License Agreement
Click [Agree].
6. Start installing
When the [Installation type] screen displays, click
[Install]. The installation starts.
Please note that you will not be able to use
Manga Studio 5 without agreeing with the terms
and conditions of the "Manga Studio 5 License
4. Carefully read the License Agreement
Carefully read [Manga Studio 5 License Agreement].
7. Installation complete
When the screen indicating installation complete
displays, click [Close]. Manga Studio 5 is now
(1) C arefully read the content of [Manga Studio 5
License Agreement].
(2) Click [Continue].
Completing the installation of the application is not enough for starting to use Manga Studio 5. To use
Manga Studio 5, you are required to register your license and install materials subsequently. Proceed to
"Initial Startup" on Page 5.
Initial Startup
Initial Startup
When starting Manga Studio 5 for the first time, you must input the serial number to register your
license. Register your license to enable all Manga Studio 5 features.
Here, steps are described based on Windows screens but the same steps also apply to Mac OS X.
Registering Your Application's License
When starting for the first time, users of the package of Manga Studio 5 are required to input the serial number to register
their license online.
If you are a user of the time-limited trial version, see "Using the Time-limited Trial Version" on Page 9.
● No personal information that may identify individuals to third parties is collected, transmitted or used by
the license registration.
● If license registration fails, Manga Studio 5 starts as a feature-limited trial version.
● For the serial number when using the package version or the time-limited trial Version, see "Serial
Number" on Page 8.
1. Start Manga Studio 5
Double click the Manga Studio 5 application icon on the desktop.
2. Input the serial number
The screen for inputting the serial number displays.
(1) Input the product serial number.
(2) Click [Register license].
Clicking [Start with limited features] starts the feature-limited trial version.
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
3. Select license registration method
(1) Select [Perform Automatically].
(2) Click [Next].
or the procedure when you select [Manual], see step 2 onwards in "When License Check Fails" on
Page 7.
4. Register License complete
Clicking [OK] starts Manga Studio 5. The license registration for Manga Studio 5 is now complete.
● If the license check server is congested, a screen with the message "The network is currently
congested." may be displayed. When this screen is displayed, license registration needs to be
performed again the next time you start the application.
● If license check fails, see "When License Check Fails" on Page 7.
Initial Startup
When License Check Fails
When license check from the application fails, you can try from your Web browser or cell phone.
1. Start the license check screen
When license check fails, the [Manga Studio- Error of license verification] screen is displayed.
(1) Select [Yes,verify license in another procedure].
(2) Click [Next]. The [Manga Studio - License verification] screen will be displayed.
2. Perform license check
Connect your Web browser to the site to issue the confirmation key for license check.
(1) Issue the confirmation key from your Web browser.
● With Web browser: Click the link [A] to issue the confirmation key by following the on-screen instructions.
● With Web browser: Read the two-dimensional code [B]. The license authentication key will be automatically input.
Issue the confirmation key by following the on-screen instructions.
(2) Input the issued confirmation key.
(3) Click [Next].
For how to read a two-dimensional code, see the manual of your cell phone and the like. Depending
on the cell phone, the two-dimensional code may be referred to as "QR code" or "barcode".
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
3. License check complete
Clicking [OK] starts Manga Studio 5. The license check for Manga Studio 5 is now complete.
Serial Number
A serial number is required to install. Users of the Manga Studio 5 package version will find it on a sticker on the disk
sleeve. Users of Manga Studio 5 EX will find it on a sticker inside the DVD slick.
● Keep the serial number in a safe place since it is essential to use Manga Studio 5.
● Serial numbers are not reissued when lost.
● Giving the serial number to third parties or making it accessible to an unspecified number of people is
● The serial number is a combination of capitalized alphanumerical characters.
Initial Startup
Using the Time-limited Trial Version
Users of the time-limited trial version are not required to register a license on Page 5. Start Manga Studio 5 by following
the procedure below. Note that the startup method is different depending on whether you will be using the full version as
trial version (time-limited trial version), or the feature-limited trial version.
Using the Time-limited Trial Version
The time-limited trial version allows you to use all features for a fixed period of time. Start Manga Studio 5 as indicated
● Users of the time-limited trial version are required to periodically confirm the status of their trial
version registration when starting Manga Studio 5. For this reason, the use of Manga Studio 5 in an
environment with permanent Internet connection is recommended.
● No personal information other than the e-mail address and password input for the time-limited trial
version registration is collected, transmitted or used.
● If time-limited trial version registration fails, see "When Time-limited Trial Version Registration Fails" on
Page 11.
1. Start Manga Studio 5
Double click the Manga Studio 5 application icon on the desktop.
2. Start as trial version
The screen for inputting the serial number displays.
(1) Input the product serial number.
(2) Click [Register license].
● Clicking [Start with limited features] starts the feature-limited trial version.
● Depending on your environment, an OS message confirming the execution of the program may be
displayed. In this case, click [Allow] to continue with the time-limited trial version registration.
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
3. Time-limited trial version registration complete
Manga Studio 5 starts as a time-limited trial version.
When the registration server is congested, a screen with the message "The network is currently
congested." may be displayed. When this screen is displayed, time-limited trial version registration needs
to be performed again the next time you start the application.
Initial Startup
When Time-Limited Trial Version Registration Fails
When time-limited trial version registration from the application fails, you can try from your Web browser or cell phone.
1. Start the time-limited trial version registration screen
When time-limited trial version registration fails, the [Manga Studio - Error of licence verification] screen is displayed.
(1) Select [Yes,verify license in another procedure].
(2) Click [Next]. The [Manga Studio - License verification] screen will be displayed.
2. Perform time-limited trial version registration
Connect your Web browser or cell phone to the site to issue the confirmation key for license check.
(1) Issue the confirmation key from your Web browser or cell phone.
● With Web browser: Click the link [A] to issue the confirmation key by following the on-screen instructions.
● With Web browser: Read the two-dimensional code [B]. The license authentication key will be automatically input.
Issue the confirmation key by following the on-screen instructions.
(2) Input the issued confirmation key.
(3) Click [Next].
For how to read a two-dimensional code, see the manual of your cell phone and the like. Depending
on the cell phone, the two-dimensional code may be referred to as "QR code" or "barcode".
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
3. Time-limited trial version registration complete
Clicking [OK] starts Manga Studio 5. The trial version registration for Manga Studio 5 is now complete.
Starting as Feature-limited Trial Version
To use as feature-limited trial version, start Manga Studio 5 as indicated below.
1. Start Manga Studio 5
Double click the Manga Studio 5 application icon on the desktop.
2. Start Manga Studio 5 as feature-limited trial version
Click [Start with limited features]. When the confirmation message displays, click [Start]. Manga Studio 5 starts as a
feature-limited trial version.
3. Selecting a product to try
When the screen for selecting a product to try appears, select either PRO or EX and click [OK].
Initial Startup
Registering License from Manga Studio 5
● Windows users: Registering license is possible from [Help] menu → [Licence registration] even after Manga Studio 5
has been registered as a trial version.
● Mac OS X users: R
egistering license is possible from [Manga Studio] menu → [Licence registration] even after Manga
Studio 5 has been registered as a trial version.
Online license registration is required after serial number input. For details on license registration, see
"Initial Startup" on Page 5, from the step to input the serial number onwards.
Changing Trial Version License to Full Version License
Users of the trial version can register full version license for package version from Manga Studio 5 upon acquisition of a
full version license.
● Windows users: To register the license, select [Help] menu → [Register license].
● Mac OS X users: To register the license, select [Manga Studio] menu → [Register license].
Online license registration is required after serial number input. For details on license registration, see
"Initial Startup" on Page 5, from the step to input the serial number onwards.
When the Message "License expired" Is Displayed
When the trial period of the time-limited trial version has expired, the message "License expired" is displayed. Clicking
[OK] on the message screen displays one of the screens below that allows you to use the application as a feature-limited
trial version.
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
Installing Materials
The following describes how to install materials in Manga Studio 5.
Installing Materials
To install materials, proceed as follows.
1. Start Manga Studio 5
Double click the Manga Studio 5 application icon on
the desktop.
2. Select [Install material]
● Windows users: Select [File] menu → [Install
5. Select the material to install
On the dialog box to select the material to install, click
the folder of the material you want to install and then,
click [OK] or [Open].
Users of the package version: Select the folder from the
"Application Disk".
● Mac OS X users: Select [Manga Studio] menu →
[Install Material].
When the message confirming the start of the material
installer displays, click [Yes].
3. Prepare the material
Users of the package version: Insert the "Application
Disk" into the computer disk drive.
4. Open the material folder
Click [Select Material].
● The number of the available material folders varies
depending on your product.
● You can select only one material folder at a time.
To install multiple material folders, install one by
6. Check the material to install
Check the material to install and click [Install].
Installing Materials
7. The message prompting to start installation 9. Continue installing material
When the message displays, click [Yes]. Installation of
the material starts and its progress, indicated.
Click [Select Material] on the [Install Material] dialog
box to install repeatedly. When you are finished, click
8. Installation complete
When installation of the material completes, a
confirmation message is displayed. Click [OK].
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
Uninstalling the Application
When uninstalling the application becomes necessary, proceed as described below.
Be sure to remove all of the registered materials before uninstalling the application.
Removing the Registered Materials
Remove the registered materials before uninstalling the application.
Windows Users
Select Windows [Start] button → [Programs] (All Programs) → [Manga Studio 5] and then, click [Uninstall material].
Mac OS X Users
Select the [Applications] folder in the hard disk where Manga Studio 5 is installed and then, [Manga Studio 5] to click
Removing the Application
When uninstalling the application becomes necessary, proceed as follows:
Windows 7 and Windows Vista Users
Select Windows [Start] button → [Control Panel] → [Programs] → [Programs and Features] → [Manga Studio 5] and
then, click [Uninstall].
Windows XP Users
Select Windows [Start] button → [Control Panel] → [Add or Remove Programs] → [Manga Studio 5] and then, click
Mac OS X Users
Remove the following folders and files from the [Applications] folder.
In Mac OS X, the name of folders inside the [Applications] folder may vary depending on your
● If [Manga Studio 5] is present in the [Applications] folder, select [Manga Studio 5] and drag it to [Trash].
When removing Manga Studio 5
• [Manga Studio 5]
• [Settings] → [PAINT]
• [PlugIn] → [PAINT]
When removing the material uninstaller
• [MaterialUninstaller]
Service and Support Guide
Service and Support Guide
In addition to releases of latest product and support information, SmithMicro provides customer
support for inquiries on troubles during use.
Before Contacting Customer Support
The latest product and support information is available on the company's website and the like. Be sure to check
SmithMicro's website before contacting customer support.
Official Manga Studio 5 Site
This is a homepage where you will find a variety of latest information regarding Manga Studio 5. Here, you will find up-to-date
product, updater download service, retailer and other information.
Downloading and installing the latest updater may solve your problem. Here, you can also check product specifications.
Manga Studio 5 Manual
Manga Studio 5 Tutorials
Check for Updates
Points to Check before Contacting Customer Support
Before contacting customer support, be sure to check each of the points by referring to "Before Contacting Customer
Support" on Page 17.
Your Environment
Have your environment at hand. The items marked with an asterisk (*) are necessary when their settings have been
Product version
[Ex.] Manga Studio 5
OS and version of your computer
[Ex.] Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 (32 bits)
Folder where Manga Studio 5 is installed (*)
[Ex.] C:\Program Files\Smith Micro\Manga Studio 5E
Size of memory allocated to Manga Studio 5 (*)
[Ex.] 1GB
Tablet type and driver version
[Ex.] WACOM XXXXXX, driver version: 6.1.5-3
Manga Studio 5 INSTALL GUIDE
Regarding the Problem
Check the conditions under which the problem occurred.
Characteristic of the data where the The type of work data where the problem occurred, if they have any particular
problem occurred
When (where) and how the
problem occurred
(1) The operation performed when the problem occurred.
(2) The result of the operation. If a dialog box is displayed, also report its
(3) S
ubsequent operations performed.
Frequency of the problem
Always/ Frequently/Rarely/Only once
Contacting Customer Support
PC users
Access the URL below and make your inquiry.
Smartphone and cell phone users
Read the two-dimensional code below with the smartphone or cell phone to send the inquiry, or send an e-mail to the
address below.
If you have mail rejection set, you may not be able to receive a reply. Be careful with you mail settings.
For how to read a two-dimensional code, see the manual of your smart phone or cell phone and the like.
Depending on the smart phone or cell phone, the two-dimensional code may be referred to as "QR code"
or "barcode".
Owners of Manga Studio 5
If you own Manga Studio 5 and just purchased an upgrade to Manga Studio 5 EX, please follow the instructions below to
activate Manga Studio 5 EX on your system. Please make sure to have your Manga Studio 5 EX serial close by.
Install Manga Studio 5 EX on your system
Windows users double click on the ‘Setup.exe’ icon
Mac users double click on the ‘Install Manga Studio.pkg’ icon
Note: Manga Studio 5 EX will overwrite your existing Manga Studio 5 installation
Once installation is complete, launch Manga Studio by clicking on the application icon
Windows users double click on the ‘Manga Studio 5’ icon on your desktop
Mac users double click on the Manga Studio 5 icon located in the following directory …/Applications/Manga
Studio 5E/Manga
To activate Manga Studio 5 EX
Windows users
Go to Help menu
Select Register License
Enter your Manga Studio 5 EX serial
Click on Register License
Complete License Verification instructions
Re-launch Manga Studio
Mac users
Go to Manga Studio menu
Select Register License
Enter your Manga Studio 5 EX serial
Click on Register License
Complete License Verification instructions
Re-launch Manga Studio
To switch back to Manga Studio 5, follow Step 3 and enter your Manga Studio 5 license.
Please note that you will not be able to run Manga Studio 5 and Manga Studio 5 EX simultaneously.
Manga Studio 5 Installation Guide
© 2001-2014 CELSYS, Inc.
February 2014
4th Edition
* P
lease report any missing or misplaced page to customer support to receive a new copy.
* N
o part of this guide (including data) may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without permission
from the copyright holder, except when so required by law.
* T
his guide (including data) has been prepared and edited based on the product program available as of July 2013 and
may differ from the actual product program specifications.
ELSYS are trademarks or registered trademarks of CELSYS, Inc.
anga Studio® is registered trademarks of SmithMicro, Inc.
* M
icrosoft and Windows are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and
other countries.
* A
pple and Macintosh are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and other countries.
* Q
R code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
* A
ll other company names and product names described herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.