Series Flyer-[SN-2012-05-08] copy
Series Flyer-[SN-2012-05-08] copy
SHIFT PATIENT WELLNESS INTO HIGH GEAR WITH SERIES THERAPY the KEY to ACCELERATED recovery from symptoms of chronic infection UNDER the hood... Chronic infections are often a hidden source of unexplained symptoms and diseases. DesBio’s SERIES THERAPY Kits provide accelerated, targeted therapy for chronic infection with a series of remedies in multiple dilutions. Improving on a long tradition of homeopathic series therapy, DesBio’s kits are designed to: • Support antibody production • Upregulate immune system function • Repattern energy pathways • Reduce common side effects of infection clearing • Improve effectiveness with multiple potencies ph 801•563•7448 • fax 801•563•7455 Deseret Biologicals, Inc. • 469 West Parkland Drive Sandy, UT 84070 Administered as a series of ten vials in ascending and then descending dilutions, DesBio’s SERIES THERAPY Kits eliminate the difficulty in discovering the “correct” dilution for a specific patient and provide up- and downregulation to deliver the most powerful homeopathic approach to infection available. 21 KITS AVAILABLE See page 2 for a complete list 800•827•9529 Serving Healthcare Practitioners for Over 25 Years © 2012 Deseret Biologicals, Inc. • All Rights Reserved • REV SN20120508 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. SERIES THERAPY 21 FOCUSED AND TARGETED KITS AVAILABLE Bartonella Borrelia Brucella Candida Albicans Chlamydia Condylomata (HPV) Coxsackie Cytomegalovirus Epstein Barr Virus Giardia Lamblia Hepatitis H. Pylori Herpes Simplex Herpes Zoster Mycoplasma Nanobacterium Parvovirus Peptostrep Rocky Mtn. Fever Streptococcus Toxoplasma Gondii Valley Fever A complete Series Therapy MONTH 1: ASCENDING MONTH 2: DESCENDING regimen requires two ten-vial 10 1 2 kits. Each vial is taken all at once, 3 8 with the contents held under 7 9 4 the tongue for 30 seconds. 5 7 6 6 5 The first kit is taken over a 4 9 8 3 30-day period, one vial every 10 1 2 three days, in ascending order (from vial #1 to vial #10). This sequence of ascending dilutions up-regulates the immune system to drive the infection out. The second kit is then taken over 30 days (one vial every three days) in descending order (from vial #10 to vial #1) to build up a residual passive protection. This ascending and descending sequence provides the most comprehensive and powerful homeopathic approach to chronic and acute infections available. For a complete overview of the Series Therapy protocol see the Series Therapy Clinical Decision Support Algorithm. SUN ph 801•563•7448 • fax 801•563•7455 Deseret Biologicals, Inc. • 469 West Parkland Drive Sandy, UT 84070 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE 800•827•9529 Serving Healthcare Practitioners for Over 25 Years © 2012 Deseret Biologicals, Inc. • All Rights Reserved WED THU FRI SAT These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
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