March 2013 - Central Massachusetts Association of REALTORS
March 2013 - Central Massachusetts Association of REALTORS
March 2013 Are YOU connected? Agents sometimes ask me, “What's the board doing for me?” This tells me that either they’re not tapped into our board or WRAR hasn’t done a good job letting them know about our member benefits. There are so many benefits and discounts and we’d love to come to your office meeting and tell you about them. They include a $160 discount for MLSPIN and FREE Online Forms ($120 value), but my two favorite are the Education and Advocacy Benefits. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Message 1 Month-at-a-Glance 2 Awards Nomination Form 3 Membership News 4 Scholarship Rules 5 Volunteer Opportunites 6 Member Bio Form 7 CREST Classes 8-11 Local Market Update 12 Legal Corner 13 Government Affairs 14 “May your blessings out number The shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you Wherever you go.” ~Irish Blessing WRAR members get unlimited CEU classes every year at our real estate school, CREST. We encourage our members to take as many classes as desired to become as educated as possible. We run multiple classes on various topics every month in addition to designation classes and topical classes such as social media, short sales, technology, etc. As a member of WRAR you are automatically a member of MAR and NAR. NAR is one of the largest trade associations in the country. They promote the REALTOR® Image and Advocate for Homeowners Rights. In short, they protect and promote your livelihood. Recent accomplishments and ongoing issues include: • • • • • • • • Defeating a sales tax on your professional services (commissions) Continue to defeat the multiple attempts to impose transfer taxes (sales tax) on home sales Represented REALTOR® concerns on new smoke detector regulations and energy scoring Stopped legislation to make real estate agents responsible for discovering structural defects. Stopped a movement to make real estate agents responsible for vacant homes they've listed and in Worcester making homeowners responsible for noisy tenants Developed, supported & extended the First-time Homebuyer Tax Credit Maintaining the mortgage interest deduction Prevented banks from entering the Real Estate Business Right now MAR, with help from NAR, is opposing the recent Massachusetts budget proposal to eliminate the MA state portion of the Capital Gains Exclusion on the sale of your primary residence. That could cost a married couple selling their homes up to $26,250 in taxes. WOW, what’s all that worth? And its all being done because of you, your dues and RPAC donations. To borrow from what a great man once said, “Ask not what your board can do for you, ask what you can do for your board.” Now the Numbers - GOOD NEWS in our area CLOSED SALES are up 27.2% over last year, with Single Family homes up 23.5% and Condos up 46%. Inventory of all Properties is down 26.8%. This is putting upward pressure on prices and the Median price of Single Family homes is up 3.3%, Condos are up 27.2% and 7% for the whole market. Your Success is our Business! Keep up the Good Work! Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® WRAR MONTH-AT-A-GLANCE March 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 9-12 MLS Pin & Cloud CMA 5 6 7 2-4 Professional Development: Houselogic & Social Media 8 9:30—Membership Committee 9 9-5 RE Pre-License Sales Course 10 11 12 9-10 Government Affairs Comm. 13 9-10 Finance Comm 14 10-12 RCMA 10:30–12 BOD Mtg 15 MLS Training: 9:30 Getting Started: Contact Management 16 9-5 RE Pre-License Sales Course 2-5 CRS Top Producer Program 3-9 New Member Orientation 1:00 Moving Forward: Listing Management 19 20 6-9 Worcester CDC Home Buying Seminar 17 HAPPY SAINT PATRICK’S DAY! 18 21 2-4 Residential Mortgage Lending & Credit Today 22 23 9-5 RE Pre-License Sales Course 29 30 9-5 RE Pre-License Sales Course 6-9 Worcester CDC Home Buying Seminar 24 25 26 MLS Training: 9:30 Getting Started: Searching the System 27 8-8 CEU Classes 28 1:00 Getting Started: Contact Management 31 Upcoming Events—Mark Your Calendars! April 2013: April 20-21: May 3: June 4: June 5: Fair Housing Month Nationwide REALTOR® Open House Weekend Deadline for Submissions for WRAR Scholarships REALTOR® day on Beacon Hill WRAR Awards Banquet <——-NEW DATE! Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 2 Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 3 MEMBERSHIP Welcome to our Newest Members New Members Vartoohi Burdick Michael Duffy Danielle Forcier Rita Forrester Allen Greenman Patrick Kennedy Deborah Lindsay Angela Mann Paul Mendes James Reinke Karina Robles Rebecca Selby Louis Sparanges Robert Stratton Suzanne Tolley Beth Travis James Vacarelo Ingrid Vincent Deborah Williams Keller Williams Realty Keller Williams Realty North Quaboag Valley Real Estate Realty Executives Boston West Coldwell Banker Res. Brokerage Nextage Welcom Realty Exit Realty Partners Coldwell Banker Res. Brokerage CENTURY 21 Commonwealth Best Buy Realty ERA Key Realty Services ERA Key Realty Services RE/MAX Professional Associates CENTURY 21 Commonwealth Coldwell Banker Res. Brokerage Coldwell Banker Res. Brokerage Century 21 DeNault Realty, Inc ERA Key Realty Services RE/MAX Professional Associates Westborough Leominster Brookfield Southborough Shrewsbury Worcester Worcester Shrewsbury Milford Worcester Worcester Whitinsville Shrewsbury Milford Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Leominster Whitinsville Shrewsbury Next Move Realty Sullivan & Company Real Estate Quinsigamond Realty Exit Realty Partners Quinsigamond Realty Keller Williams Realty-Gr.Worc. Exit Realty Partners Quaboag Valley Real Estate Keller Williams Realty-Gr.Worc. Worcester Brimfield Worcester Shrewsbury Worcester Worcester Worcester Brookfield Worcester New Applicants James Carlson Jr. Brendan Fullam Michael Madulka III Lisa Moore Michael Njuguna Deborah Pattow-Godbout Maury Ramirez Micheal Seery Chelsea Taylor New Offices Khalid Naseem American Dream Realty Pros Marilyn Smith Marilyn L. Smith Real Estate Co. 190 Lake St., Shrewsbury 21 Blossom Ct., Westboro 2013 President Rochelle Jonswold (1st row last on right) welcomes our newest members at the February 6th Orientation. WRAR Scholarships The WRAR Scholarship Application for children and grandchildren of WRAR REALTOR® and Affiliate Members is now available on our website under “Document Resources.” Scholarships are a minimum of $500 and a committee will review all applications and make decisions based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, community service, work experience and the student’s goals and personal accomplishments. Deadline for submission is May 3, 2013. Reinstated Members Robin Stoddard Christy Toppin ERA Key- Alliance Realty Century 21 Toomey Lovett Charlton Spencer ERA Key Realty Services Century 21 Realty Team Westboro Leominster Transfer Members Joanne D'Errico Linda Largey Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 4 WRAR holds events throughout the year to fundraise for our Scholarship Fund. Please continue to support this worthwhile endeavor! For full Scholarship details see, the next page. For the application, please visit our Document Resources section at WRAR SCHOLARSHIP Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 5 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! We’d Love Your Help! Please take a look at our new Committees Brochure to see our various committees and task forces. You can view the brochure online at under our “Document Resources” section. It’s also available on the home page in magazine format as you scroll to the bottom. What it all amounts to: WE NEED YOU—YES, YOU—TO MAKE OUR ASSOCIATION BETTER. We are only as good as our members. Please fill out the member bio on the next page and return it to us. We’re SURE we can use your expertise. New WRAR Website Which brings us to our next order of business. If you took the time to go to our website to find the “Committees Brochure,” you probably experienced some frustration. We are very aware that our website is not a user friendly experience. Due to software constraints, we are extremely limited in our ability to keep it current, attractive and vital. So a REVAMP is in order. We’d like a small task force to get together immediately to begin working on suggestions - what we need / what we’d like / what we can’t live without / what we can do later. You don’t have to be a technology genius, but you do have to have above average experience as an active web surfer. If you have ability above and beyond that, all the better. Please fill out the MEMBER BIO FORM on the following page and return it to us asap if you are able to help. And thank you in advance for your time! Community Action Committee The CAC is once again sponsoring the children at Sullivan Middle School in Worcester. This drive will run from March 1—April 1. PLEASE open your hearts and support us in this effort. The school has the largest population of homeless children in the city as well as the largest demographic of those below the poverty line. The school distributes food each week to those most in need by filling backpacks, which are returned each week for refilling. We are collecting food for their pantry. We are concerned that the children will not have enough food for April vacation. We are collecting the following: Crackers Bread Canned goods (esp. corn & potatoes) Soups (with meat in them) Baby food (several students have young siblings at home Rice Pasta Sauce Ramon Noodles Cereal Peanut butter Jelly Wish List Fresh eggs Sausage Hotdogs/rolls Hamburgers/rolls Ground burger American Cheese Food items may be dropped at the following offices for distribution in addition to the WRAR Headquarters in Auburn: Coldwell Banker, Shrewsbury & Worcester Janice Mitchell Real Estate, Holden ERA Key Realty Svcs., Worcester Re/MAX Vision, Worcester Ross Mortgage Company, Westboro PLEASE HELP IN ANY WAY YOU CAN AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 6 MEMBER BIO SHEET — Please complete & return to WRAR! REALTOR® Member / AFFILIATE Member Resume With our new Strategic Plan in place, our Committees have been revamped for the coming year. Each committee now has a directive from the WRAR Board of Directors with clear goals and tasks. In most cases, it means there will be no more monthly meetings just to have a monthly meeting! Task forces will be formed to accomplish goals and we'll move on to the next one. Can you lend a hand? We are always looking for people with special skills to assist us in making WRAR a top-notch association. Your expertise and experience can help us to build a better business for all of our members. Service to your association is important NOW and in the future towards your Lifetime membership requirements. We'd love for you to be involved! Name Company Address City, State, Zip Contact info - email & telephone/cell How many years have you worked in the Real Estate field? If you had a career prior to Real Estate, in what industry/industries did you work? Please check off the areas where you have special skills / education / experience in which you would be willing to make a shortterm commitment to assist staff and/or committees: ☐Accounting / Finance ☐ Design ☐ Education/Major ☐ Engineering ☐ Event Planning ☐ HR or Staffing ☐ Manufacturing/Assembly/Production ☐ Marketing ☐ Technology /Web Design / Tech-Savvy ☐ Leadership Positions (please list) _______________________________________ ☐ Other (please list)______________________ ______________________________________ Please list any hobbies / interests you have which might be mutually beneficial to both you and the Association (for example – politics, gardening, fundraising, community service, etc.): Would you be willing to assist us in some “Done in a Day” events such as Habitat for Humanity Build Day or Beautify the Board Day? ☐Yes please contact me at ☐No Please return via fax (508-832-6620) email (, or mail to: Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 492 Washington Street, Auburn, MA 01501 Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 7 CENTER FOR REAL ESTATE STUDIES & TRAINING Upcoming CEU Courses for March All classes are held at the Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® CREST School, 492 Washington Street, Auburn, MA 01501.. We also hold periodic classes at the Fidelity Bank Building, 478 Mechanic Street in Leominster. WRAR Members in good standing receive FREE LOCAL CEU’s! Tuition for non-members is $30 for each 2-hour CEU. You may register for classes online at or by calling the WRAR office at 508-832-6600. Please note that during the winter months, we follow the local school system for opening. If they are closed, we are closed. During weekends, announcements will be made on WTAG. As always, use your best judgment. Auburn March 27 Course Code Instructor Course Name 8:00 - 10:00 am Andy Consoli RE42R05 Property Management 10:00 - 12:00 pm Andy Consoli RE14R07 Architecture 12:00 - 2:00 pm Andy Consoli RE41R05 Real Estate Advertising Compliance and the Law 2:00 - 4:00 pm Bob Falter RE49R05 Dual Agency 4:00 - 6:00 pm Bob Falter RE09R07 Residential Rental - Landlord/Tenant Issues 6:00 - 8:00 pm Bob Falter RE39C05 Commonly Used Forms: Mandatory/Optional Real Estate Pre-License Class Our next Pre-License class begins on Saturday, March 9, and runs each Saturday from 9:00 am—5:00 pm through April 6. Tuition is $325 and books are $50. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please have them call Lynne Walls at the Board at 508-832-6600. New Foreclosure Rules; the Impact on Consumers and the Current Real Estate Market Keynote Speaker: Attorney General Martha Coakley Who best to talk about today’s lending & mortgage rules/guidelines and how they are affecting the consumer than Attorney General Martha Coakley, the chief lawyer and law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. First elected as Attorney General in 2006, Martha Coakley quickly confronted the challenge of addressing the economic crisis that gripped our country shortly thereafter. Under her leadership, the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office became a national leader in holding Wall Street accountable by bringing first-of-their-kind actions against many investment giants. Overall, her office recovered more than $440 million for Massachusetts homeowners and taxpayers and helped keep more than 15,000 people in their homes. ADDITIONAL INFO All visitors must sign in at front desk and obtain a visitors pass. Please arrive early so we can give the school time to process all of the attendees. Thank you! Date: March 26, 2013 Time: 10:00am-12:30pm (10:00-10:30am – registration) Cost: $25 member and $35 non-member (Buffet Luncheon) Registration: Please register early as seating is limited via online payment to: Location: Worcester Technical High School, 1 Skyline Drive, Worcester Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 9 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 10 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 11 LOCAL MARKET UPDATE Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 12 LEGAL CORNER MAR Legal Hotline Michael McDonagh, MAR General Counsel, and Ashley Stolba, MAR Staff Attorney Title V Q: How do I know if a septic system must be inspected? inspection, to the approving authority. Boards of Health are the approving authorities for most systems. The DEP is the approving authority for state and federal facilities. Also, for large and shared systems, the System Inspector and the owner must submit the inspection form to the DEP. A. Generally, Title V requires all conventional septic systems, cesspools, and innovative/alternative systems to be inspected upon transfer if the property is sold to new owners. There are several exemptions from this, including most transfers between family members. A list of exemptions can be found on the MassDEP website: septicsy.htm Tenant Fee Disclosure Q: I have always been a buyer’s agent but I am now starting to represent tenants. Is there a mandatory agency disclosure form that I must provide to my tenant-clients? Q: When must the Inspection occur? How long is an inspection valid? A. For most property transfers, an inspection must occur within two years prior to the time of transfer. If a system has been pumped annually since its inspection, and pumping records are available, the inspection is valid for three years. If an inspection was conducted within the two-year timeframe, the inspection will fulfill the requirement for more than one transfer of title, and does not need be repeated within the two-year period. A . No. The Mandatory Licensee-Consumer Relationship Disclosure is only required for buyer and seller clients. However, Massachusetts regulations require brokers and salespersons engaged in rental brokerage to provide a written fee disclosure to the prospective tenant at the first personal meeting between the broker or salesperson and a prospective tenant.. The disclosure must include: 1) whether the prospective tenant will pay a fee for rental services; 2) the amount of the fee; 3) the manner and time when the fee is due to be paid; 4) whether or not the fee will be payable regardless if a tenancy is not created; 5) the signature of the broker or salesperson, including license number and date of notice; and 6) the signature of the prospective tenant, or notation of refusal to sign. Like the Mandatory Licensee-Consumer Relationship Disclosure, the fee disclosure must be kept on file by the broker for three years and is subject to audit by the Board. Q: Who is responsible for having the septic inspected? A . The property owner or facility operator is generally responsible for obtaining an inspection of the system. Prior to the time of transfer of title, however, the parties may contractually allocate responsibility for the inspection provided that such inspection occurs within the specified timeframes. An inspection must be conducted by an approved system inspector. If an inspection is required, the System Inspector must record the inspection results on a state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)-approved inspection form and submit the form, within 30 days of the Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 13 2013 Directors & Staff Members President, Rochelle Jonswold Pres. Elect, Dave Stead Vice President, Brad Roberts Secretary, Kris Koliss Treasurer, Mary Gale Past President, Diane DeCiccio Jayne DiLiberto, Director Tony Economou, Director Sarah Gustafson, Director Erica Hall, Director Lorraine Herbert, Director Judy Patterson, Director Judy Reynolds, Director Mary Stolarczyk, Director Leslie Storrs, Director Kathleen Cooper, Alternate Tracy Fiorelli, Alternate Gina Lewis, Alternate Executive VP, Colleen Pappas Membership Manager, Lisa Sprague Programs & Events Coordinator, Jacki D’Innocenzo Staff Accountant, Maura O’Connor Administrative Assistant, Lynne Walls WRAR office hours are 9:00 am—5:00 pm. For assistance with the MLS Lockbox system, please make an appointment with Lynne Walls at 508832-6600. Realtors Property Resource AFFAIRS (RPR) GOVERNMENT & LEGISLATIVE It’s not too late to make your RPAC contribution of $15.00 for 2013 . Your contribution helps us work with our legislators to protect the real estate industry from changes that may have a negative effect on home ownership and the real estate market. Many think that RPAC has nothing to do with them—if you’re a REALTOR®, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In conjunction with MAR we have halted bills for Home Rental Tax, altered language in bills for short sales that would force agents to get a separate license to do short sales, and altered language in the BPO bill that would limit a REALTORS®’ role in providing home owners with a BPO. These are just a few of our accomplishments . Help keep us running strong and our voices heard in congress. Call Colleen at the Board and make your $15.00 fair share contribution today . Save the Dates: June 4—REALTOR® Day on the Hill Please LIKE our facebook page at Fall 2013, TBA—Legislative Breakfast WorcesterRegionalAssociationofREALTORS. By doing so you will not only get up-to-the-minute information on everything going on at WRAR, but you will help us to increase our visibility while growing your own business network. Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® 14
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