MAINTENANCE MANUAL for use with the hot air


MAINTENANCE MANUAL for use with the hot air
BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 545 211 917
fax: +420 545 213 074
for use with the hot air balloon
Model: ...................................................................................
Serial No.: .............................................................................
Registration: .........................................................................
Date of Issue: .......................................................................
Registered copy No.: ............................................................
This balloon is to be preserved in an airworthy condition in compliance with instructions and information contained
for use with the hot air balloon
0.1 Record of Revisions
Any revision of the present manual, except actual weighing data, must be recorded in the following
table and in case of approved Sections endorsed by the responsible airworthiness authority.
The new or amended text in the revised page will be indicated by a black vertical line in the left
hand margin, and the Revision No. and the date will be shown on the bottom of the page.
All changes and appendices of the Maintenance Manual elaborated before the date of the issue
stated on the title page are incorporated to this manual by the manufacturer.
Issue: 29. 4. 2004
Change: 0
Date of
Approval Date of
Date of
BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
0.2 List of Effective Pages
Date of Issue
Date of Issue
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The pages, approved by the CAA and involved on the list above, are identified as „Appr.“.
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for use with the hot air balloon
0.3 Table of Contents
General................................................................................................................... 1
(a non-approved section)
Technical Description ........................................................................................... 2
(a non-approved section)
Inspections and Operating Periods ..................................................................... 3
(an approved section)
Airworthiness ........................................................................................................ 4
(a partly approved section)
Balloon Handling and Maintenance.................................................................... 5
(a non-approved section)
Repairs ................................................................................................................... 6
(a non-approved section)
Instructions............................................................................................................ 7
(a non-approved section)
Supplements .......................................................................................................... 8
Issue: 29. 4. 2004
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for use with the hot air balloon
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2
Applicability.................................................................................................................. 2
Warnings, Cautions and Notes ...................................................................................... 2
Revisions ....................................................................................................................... 2
Definitions and Abbreviations of Terms ....................................................................... 3
Index Plates ................................................................................................................... 3
Issue: 29. 4. 2004
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
The Maintenance Manual (the manual only hereafter) has been prepared to provide information
and instructions for safe operation of a BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o. (formerly Kubícek
s.r.o.) or 114 (714) ZO Svazarmu, Aerotechnik, Aerotechnik p.o.s. and Aerotechnik s.r.o. hot-air
balloon. This manual contains basic technical and descriptive data of hot-air balloons, scope of
work during a flight day, instructions for common care and maintenance of the balloon including
annual inspections with determined by both 100 flight hours and 12 calendar months limitations.
The information contained within this Maintenance Manual applies to all standard BB balloons
and standard balloons of AEROTECHNIK AB, AB2, AB2a or AB8 type.
This manual in conjunction with a supplement (see Section 8 - Supplements) refers to the pertinent
and in the Supplement mentioned special shaped balloon with the identification by letters „BB“
and designation (or abbr.) of the special shaped balloon (e.g. BB PNEU).
For the operation in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyizstan, Moldova,
Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine only BB balloons have
been certified. Other types (AB2, AB2a, AB8 and AEROTECHNIK AB) are not certified for
these countries, and therefore the information in the Maintenance Manual concerning these
types is not applicable.
Warnings, Cautions and Notes
The following definitions apply to Warnings, Cautions and Notes used in the manual:
Warns that in all probability the non-observation of corresponding instructions and prescribed
limits leads to an injury or danger of fatal accident.
Warns that the non-observation of corresponding instructions and prescribed limits could lead
to object damage.
Draws the attention to any special item not directly related to safety but which is important or
This manual is kept up to date by manufacturer revisions consisting of a bulletin - optionally
with loose-leaf pages and inclusive of the new list of effective pages, requiring the registered
manual holder to amend existing information or add new information.
Change: 0
Issue: 29. 4. 2004
for use with the hot air balloon
The continued worthiness of your manual should be observed as follows:
1. Accomplish the change according to bulletin instructions or replace original pages with new/
amended ones.
2. Insert up-to-date „List of Effective Pages“.
3. Record the change of issue number in the table of „Record of Revisions“, section 0.1, page
All changes and appendices of the Maintenance Manual elaborated before the date of the issue
stated on the title page are incorporated in this manual by the manufacturer.
Definitions and Abbreviations of Terms
Natural shaped envelope
The envelope shape is designed so that vertical load tapes will carry the whole basket weight and
loading. The textile carries only horizontal acting forces of overpressure.
Special shaped envelope
The envelope shape that does not correspond to any of mentioned standard types. The envelope
is produced individually (on request) in form of various eye-catching creatures and imitations.
The person responsible for the technical condition, proper implementation of all prescribed
periodic inspections and repairs (in accordance with procedures approved) carried out by persons
with appropriate qualification mandated by the local aviation authority; and for carrying out all
tasks assigned by bulletins issued by either the manufacturer or Airworthiness Directives released
by the local aviation authority (in compliance with the manufacturer’s/operator’s country)
concerning all balloons he/she operates.
Approved organisation
The producer or organisation commissioned by the relevant national aviation authority to carry
out prescribed periodical inspections.
Periodical inspections
The mandatory preventative inspection in a range assigned by the manufacturer and operator’s
national aviation authority.
Any instrument, mechanism, equipment, accessory or assembly appointed or used during balloon
operating or handling contained herein.
Approved type
The part supplied by the manufacturer or authorised by the local aviation authority.
The sign used as expression of various text explanations, e.g. : and, or, and/or.
Index Plates
Index plates for each balloon type, their photos and placement are inserted in the Flight Manual.
Issue: 29. 4. 2004
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for use with the hot air balloon
Technical Description
2.1 Envelope ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.1.1 Envelope body .................................................................................................................. 2
2.1.2 Deflation System .............................................................................................................. 3
2.1.3 Envelope equipment ......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Basket ............................................................................................................................ 6
Basket body ...................................................................................................................... 6
Basket load cables ............................................................................................................ 6
Burner rods ....................................................................................................................... 6
Prescribed basket equipment ............................................................................................ 6
2.3 Burner ............................................................................................................................ 7
Main flight burner ............................................................................................................ 7
Pilot burner ....................................................................................................................... 7
Whisper burner................................................................................................................. 7
Burner frame .................................................................................................................... 7
Burner descriptive data .................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Fuel Cylinders ............................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Cylinder descriptive data ................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Balloon Equipment ...................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Prescribed balloon equipment ........................................................................................ 10
Issue: 29. 4. 2004
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Technical Description
An envelope is the major balloon part. The
aircraft component is identified by a serial
number and a registration. Each envelope
should be only accompanied by parts/
components meeting requirements specified
and approved by the Flight Manual for the
pertinent balloon type. All envelopes, except
special shaped ones, are of natural shape in
the upper part and conical shape application
in the lower part. The envelope form is
designed so that good flight characteristics,
high factors of safety and textile life will be
Basic dimensions and data on envelopes are
mentioned in the Flight Manual.
The envelope consists of the main components:
1. Envelope body
2. Deflation System (DS)
3. Envelope equipment
load tape
load tape
Balloon nomenclature
2.1.1 Envelope body
The envelope body is sewed from high tenacity polyester or polyamide base textile, which is
coated to make it airtight. The natural envelope shape is designed so that every basket weight and
loading will be carried by vertical load tapes (the fabric provides only a horizontal load-carrying
element) after envelope hot inflation. A gore is the section of fabric, which lies between two
adjacent vertical load tapes. Each gore is constructed from individual panels, i.e. textile parts.
The first panel above the mouth of the balloon - the lower part of the envelope body, is made
from heat-resistant fabric. Natural shaped envelopes of vertical ‚N‘ type and horizontal ‚O‘ type
are used as type approved balloons. The ‚N‘ type has narrow and moderately gibbous gores to
give a near-smooth surface with vertical load tapes sewed in their centres. The ‚O‘ type is
characteristic of wider bulbous gores with noticeable curvature and vertical load tapes situated
along their edges. A network of vertical and horizontal webbing, called load tapes, encapsulates
the envelope body. The vertical load tapes are attached to a crown ring at the top of the balloon.
They extend down to the mouth of the envelope where attachment is made to the stainless steel
flying wires by a loop. The wires are fixed to the burner frame by means of locking carabiners.
Horizontal load tapes appear mostly on every horizontal seam of panel edges to strengthen them
and are provided to increase resistance to great rips or tears by large surface dividing. The special
shaped envelope body is created from panels in order to reach the required form. Vertical load
tapes carry the basket weight and loading. The tapes are sewed towards the envelope body surface
or attached to the envelope by shaped load ribs, according to the envelope shape and tape
placement on it.
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for use with the hot air balloon
2.1.2 Deflation System (DS)
In flight venting of hot air and final
envelope deflation is normally
achieved using a parachute vent or rip
panel, prospectively in combination.
An optional envelope feature is
commonly double rotation vents. The
rotation vent provides controlled
vertical balloon rotation and functions
as a DS addition. The Smart Vent is a
rapid deflation system for envelope
sizes above 3699 m3, where one of
its functions serves for central venting
during landing and final venting.
The parachute takes form of a
parachute-style disc panel inside the
top of the balloon, sealing a circular
opening in the top of the envelope.
The lateral position of the parachute
is controlled by centralising lines,
which join its edge to the inside
surface of the balloon. Companion
velcro tabs are sewed both at the edge
of vent hole and parachute panels for
the purpose of sealing them together
Securing of the rip panel
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vent panel
centralising lines
control lines
activation rope
attachment point
Parachute control
during inflating. After envelope inflation, the parachute
is held in position by the internal overpressure and
closes tightly the envelope. The parachute is operated
by pulling on a red activation rope in the basket
transferring the vertical downwards force to a pulley,
which is at the confluence point of a number of control
lines attached to the edge of the parachute panel. The
parachute resets itself to the former closing position
after activation rope releasing.
Rip panel
The velcro rip panel is a partially removing panel of
vent opening to permit faster deflation, held in place
around part of its edge by velcro. One or more riplocks
with velcro securing, in accordance with the envelope
type, are fitted around the panel edge to prevent the
panel from inadvertently opening the velcro tapes. The
rip panel shape matches up with the vent opening.
Pulling the rip line first causes a number of riplocks to
break, which warns the pilot of the nature of this panel,
then causes the panel velcro joint to separate. The rip
panel will not reseal itself once the rip line has been
pulled, thus revealing a large opening for the escape of
hot air.
BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Smart Vent
The Smart Vent is a vent hole closing
of two different modes of hot air
escaping. The Smart Vent deflation
system is similar in appearance and use
to a parachute vent followed up by
further control lines and an activation
rope so that the centre of the panel can
be pulled down into the balloon and
reset again. The rigging of the parachute
vent consists of centralising lines to
keep the panel in place horizontally and
going to and through pulleys on the
inside surface of the balloon, then back
to the vent panel. A stop ball is fitted
there on the centralising lines, behalf
which the lines have free way through
pulleys and become parachute control
lines. When the red/white activation
rope is pulled, the stop ball comes up
against the pulley on the underside of
the vent, and stops all horizontal forces
and so the vent panel can be opened
routinely. This in effect changes the
activation rope
activation rope
quick link
control lines
through-hole of
activation ropes
knot with
ball stop
attachment point
centralising lines
activation rope
activation rope
Smart Vent control
rigging into a standard parachute style and in flight
venting is the same as a normal parachute.
Pulling on the red activation rope, connected by
means of a tape to the centre of the vent panel
underside, gathers the vent panel down into a column
in the centre of the opening for a rapid deflation. The
centralising lines are rigged so that the length between
the vent edges and attachment envelope point is
variable - the edges of the vent move towards the
crown ring and centralising lines lengthen to allow
this to happen. Then pulling the red/white activation
rope spreads the vent panel to the resetting position.
Rotation vent
The rotation vent is located around the envelope
equator and consists of a strengthened break in the
fabric and a tightly sewed overlap panel with ribs.
When the arrangement activated, slits open sending
out air tangentially and the effect causes the necessary
force for required envelope rotation. Operation is by
rotation vent activation ropes (once the force is
released from the rope, the internal air pressure causes
the vents to reseal).
Control of rotation vent
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Issue: 29. 4. 2004
for use with the hot air balloon
Smart Vent +
The Smart Vent + is a vent hole closing
similar to a Smart Vent. Smart Vent +
differs from Smart Vent in that it has
three activation ropes and that the
parachute centralising lines go through
pulleys on the inside surface of the
envelope and then to a weight
suspended under the parachute vent.
This weight reduces the force needed
on the white rope to close the vent panel.
Pulling on the red/white vent rope curls
the edge of the vent panel down whilst
the centre of the panel remains in place.
When this rope is released the vent panel
reseals. Pulling the red rip rope gathers
the vent panel into a column in the
centre of the opening. The ripping action
can be reversed by pulling on the white
reset rope.
knot with ball stop
attachment point
centralising lines
activation rope
activation rope
activation rope
Smart Vent + control
For operating the Smart Vent, the white activation rope instead of red/white one can be used
regarding the BB balloons up to the including serial No. 177.
For operating the rotation vent, the white and black activation rope can be used regarding the
BB balloons up to the including serial No. 177.
For operating the rotation vent, the yellow and green activation ropes can be used regarding the
balloons of the AB2, AB2a, AB8, and AEROTECHNIK AB types.
2.1.3 Envelope equipment
Crown line
The crown line is a rope or tape attached to the crown ring. The crown line secures the envelope
position during inflation and landing.
The scoop is made of a fabric with very high resistance to heat in the form of a polygon or circle,
suspended in hook-up loops at the bottom of the envelope mouth. The scoop protects the burner
flame against wind effects and keeps the sufficient pressure in the envelope under windy conditions
during inflation.
Envelope bag
The envelope transport bag is sewed in the form of a pouch and serves for the envelope storage
and transporting
Issue: 29. 4. 2004
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
The basket serves with the aim of crew/load, fuel cylinders and equipment transporting, to protect
people during a flight and especially while landing. Flexible rods fit into basket and burner frame
sockets to support the overhead burner frame system.
Basic descriptive data of each basket size are tabulated in the Flight Manual.
The basket consists of the main components:
1. Basket body
2. Basket load cables
3. Burner rods
4. Basket equipment
2.2.1 Basket body
Baskets are of a traditional cane-work construction, built on a marine grade plywood floor. The
floor is reinforced underneath by the addition of wooden or tubular lower frame and hardwood
runners, to prevent damage on basket cables. The wickerwork is woven between tubular Uframes concerning smaller-sized baskets. These frames provide strength and stability to wickerwork
and protection for steel load cables. The structural load is taken by stainless or steel cables forming
a continuous sling around the basket. Flexible rods fit into sleeved sockets at the basket rim and
burner frame to support the overhead frame system. On the basket walls there are holes providing
passages for strapping in fuel cylinders, and footsteps are provided for easy entry into the basket.
The top basket rim is strengthened by the upper stainless steel tubes and glass-reinforced plastic
poles. The whole top basket rim is covered with dense foam and then trimmed with suede or
leather. The bottom edge is covered with rawhide, which protects the basket from damage during
landing and transit. Along the basket top rim underneath, there are internal strong rope handles
for use by passengers during landing. Within the lower weave of the basket are included also rope
carrying handles externally, which facilitate basket manipulation.
2.2.2 Basket load cables
The load cables are highly strong steel cables with a wire core. Their eyelet endings are squeezed
by means of a ferrule and thimble or spliced.
2.2.3 Burner rods
Support rods are either provided as separate flexible rods made of alkaline polyamide or as tiltmounted frames, both inserted into steel basket sockets. The rods, basket load cables and burner
hoses are covered with padded suede covers, to prevent damage or people injury during landing.
2.2.4 Prescribed basket equipment:
1. The dropline, rolled up in a textile casing at an
accessible place above the basket floor, is fixed by a
carabiner to the basket wall.
2. The (powder) fire extinguisher of min. 1 kg capacity according to the basket size.
3. Heat-resistant cloth
4. First aid kit
Basket equipment
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Issue: 29. 4. 2004
for use with the hot air balloon
The high-pressure atmospheric diffusion burner
provides heating and directing air into a hot air
balloon envelope, which is from safety point of
view backed up by the separately controlled
whisper burner. These both in company with
the pilot burner comprise the burner unit. The
burner is assembled from one or multiple burner
units and the burner frame.
The burner consists of the major parts:
1. Main flight burner
2. Pilot burner
3. Whisper burner/Liquid fire
4. Burner frame
jet unit
pilot burner
piezo igniter
valve of
whisper burner
flight valve
valve of
pilot burner
crossover valve
Nomenclature of burner control
2.3.1 Main flight burner
The main flight burner operates with the liquid
phase of fuel gas supplied by a main high-pressure armoured liquid hose through a ball valve
commonly referred to as the flight (blast) valve (FV) towards a vaporising coil, where the liquid
propane is vaporised prior to combustion. In case of transfer crossover valve (CV) opening, the
liquid fuel is fed from fuel cylinders into the second flight burner coil as well. Then already in the
gas form it flows across jets to the combustion room to be diffusely mixed with the ambient air
and burned. The main flight burner ignition is achieved via the pilot burner. The protection against
flame and condensate effects is kept by means of cans forming also the burner body.
2.3.2 Pilot burner (PB)
The low-pressure atmospheric pilot burner works with the vapour phase of fuel gas conducted
via its private supply hose from the fuel cylinder. The gas is fed by the vapour hose to an on/off
ball valve/cock and after into a pilot burner jet. The gas pressure is reduced by means of an
adjustable vapour pressure regulator situated just on the fuel cylinder or hose entering, providing
with the opportunity of an optimal flame setting. The burner flame is ignited via a fitted piezo
electric igniter, matches or an elongated igniter.
2.3.3 Whisper burner (WB)
The whisper burner feeds liquid fuel through a shutoff valve/cock directly to a multi-hole jet
bypassing the coil, via the same supply liquid hose utilised for the main burner. It produces a
stream of liquid propane injected into the combustion room. The combustion efficiency and
burner power output are lower, but on the other hand, thus producing less noise approximately by
one-half than the main burner. The sound spectrum is in the range of low frequencies better
accepted by people or animals than high ones. In case of the main flight burner malfunction, the
whisper burner serves as a backup burner at the same time.
2.3.4 Burner frame
The burner frame is a solid stainless tube construction carrying horizontal forces of load flying
wires. The burner units are swivel-mounted in the inner burner frame or joints, which in its turn
is swivel-mounted in the outer frame. This provides a 2-axis gimballed system allowing circular
turns of the burner. At each corner the burner frame has sleeved sockets to accept the support rods
or upper tilt-mounted basket frames.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
2.3.5 Burner descriptive data
6 bar
1 x 2,6
2 x 2,6
2 x 3,7
720 x 600
3 x 3,7
1070 x 675
(K10 - K22)
Distance between
the burner frame
attachment points
for the envelope
couplings of
the liquid
fuel phase
couplings of
the vapour
fuel phase
REGO 7141F,
TEMA 3800,
TEMA 1300,
ČSN with
propane or
mixture of
propane and
640 x 600
720 x 600
2 x 3,4
(2 x 3,6 *)
1250 x 835
1175 x 750
3 x 3,6
1550 x 990
* Burners from serial number 105
Concerning the fuel hoses, Rego 7141F and Dynaquip D3 couplings are fitted as standard.
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Issue: 29. 4. 2004
for use with the hot air balloon
Fuel Cylinders
The liquefied gas - propane fuel,
supplied for the burner operation is
stored and transported within
pressurised fuel cylinders for in-flight
use, which all have a liquid supply via
a major liquid valve/cock (standard
type), and some also a vapour supply
by a vapour valve/cock (master type).
A pressure relief /safety blow-off valve
and a maxfill bleed valve serve for the
purpose of checking by volume. All
cylinders have a float fuel quantity
gauge. The master cylinders are
equipped with a pressure regulator. All
control elements are positioned in a way
to be protected by a cylinder collar.
bleed valve
fuel quantity
pressure relief
Nomenclature of (master) fuel cylinder
The pressure regulator is a component of the connecting vapour coupling as far as relating to the
S23 cylinders.
2.4.1 Cylinder descriptive data
The basic descriptive data of the used cylinders are inserted in the Flight Manual.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Balloon equipment
2.5.1 Prescribed balloon equipment:
1. Thermometer for inner envelope air measuring
2. Altimeter
3. Variometer
4. Fuel quantity gauge on one major cylinder at least
5. Melting link
All balloon equipment should be of the approved type.
Operating, maintenance, repairs and preventative
inspections of equipment have to be carried out in
compliance with requirements of the covering technical
documentation of the pertinent unit.
Warning temperature
streamer (of the
A124 melting link)
2 - 10
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for use with the hot air balloon
Inspections and Operating Periods
General .......................................................................................................................... 2
Periodical Inspections ................................................................................................... 2
Qualification ................................................................................................................. 2
Annual Inspection ......................................................................................................... 3
Documentation preliminaries ........................................................................................... 3
Envelope check ................................................................................................................ 3
Basket check .................................................................................................................... 6
Burner check .................................................................................................................... 7
Fuel cylinder check ........................................................................................................ 10
Equipment check ............................................................................................................ 11
3.5 Irregular Inspections .................................................................................................... 12
3.5.1 Inspection after overheating ........................................................................................... 12
3.5.2 Inspection after contact with electric power lines ......................................................... 12
Check Lists .................................................................................................................. 13
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Inspections and Operating Periods
The qualification on the balloon continued airworthiness is to keep to prescribed periodical
inspections. Inspections of the balloon parts (e.g. baskets, burners) produced by another
manufacturer have to be conducted in accordance with the relevant producer’s instructions.
Type of Inspection
Operating Period
Annual inspection
100 flight hours or
12 calendar mouths (1), (2)
envelope, basket, burner, fuel cylinders,
Periodical Inspections
At operating period determination by both flight hours and calendar months limitation, the
service period is applied that starts first. The 100-hour time limit can be exceeded up to max
5 hours, under condition that the breach is used for the flight completing started before the
100-hour limit reaching. The operating period, exceeding the 100-hour interval, must be
included as hours flown relating to the next 100-hour inspection.
At operating period determination with calendar month limitations, the revision has to be
made on the balloon or its parts till the last day for the month, in which the last inspection
was carried out after the defined limit expiration.
Inspections must be carried out by an organisation, which is approved by the relevant national
airworthiness authority. Inspectors dealing with inspections/repairs must be trained and authorised
by the manufacturer.
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for use with the hot air balloon
Annual Inspection
3.4.1 Documentation preliminaries
1. Check completeness of the service-technical documentation. Verify validity of each certification, as
well as the documentation on maintenance and insurance. Inspect the Flight Manual and Maintenance
Manual for conformity with the particular balloon, their comprehensiveness and complete records
of revisions.
2. Check serial numbers of all the balloon components listed in the logbook against those to be inspected
in accordance with index plates and pertinent certificates.
3. Inspect the logbook management - the number of flying hours, flights and modifications performed
since the last inspection should be correct and up to date. Check the logbook for repairs, inspections
or/and maintenance entries; implementation of issued bulletins and Airworthiness Directives (AD).
3.4.2 Envelope check
1. Supervise the fabric, on the spread or cold inflated envelope, for damage and performed modifications
and repairs are in compliance with the information contained herein. Concentrate on the DS and
equator fabric during checking.
Attached banners or patches deforming the envelope shape are inadmissible.
2. Check envelope fabric strength by a grab test, or alternatively the section of the fabric may be
removed from the envelope and submitted to a textile-testing laboratory by a tearing test in
the horizontal direction (i.e. perpendicularly to the vertical load tapes). The requirement of
the min strength is mentioned in Section 4.5.1 contained in the manual. Description of the
test carrying out is inserted in Section 7.2. The test should be conducted for each fabric
colour on the panels at about 2-meter distance above the rim of the DS vent hole, min at three
positions and one time over a seam at least. Perform the test concerning all fabric types used
at the load-bearing envelope part if there are more envelope fabric patterns. In adition to the
tests listed above BB20 GP envelopes are to be tested at a minimum of three positions in the
4 th and 5 th panels (6-7.5 m above the envelope mouth). Check the fabric for porosity by
your mouth trying to blow through it. If the porosity of the fabric is high, a flight test should
be considered by the inspector, to assess the fuel consumption and balloon controllability
(see Section 7.5), or the section of the fabric should be sent to the envelope manufacturer for
reviewing. The fabric of the rotation vent needs to be grab tested as well.
In case of not observing the requirement, the in flight tearing or ripping of the envelope can
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
3. Check all load vertical load tapes for security of stitching along the whole length. Pay particular
attention to the load tape edges for their potential wear or fraying, and especially around the
envelope crown where load tape loops of turnbacks could be abraded or damaged by the
crown line. The horizontal load tapes should be free of damage along the whole length.
4. Check the figure-8 crown ring for damage, especially for cracks, splits or extensive corrosion.
The crown line should be free of damage.
5. The melting link attached to the temperature warning streamer in position, must be of
prescribed type and undamaged. In case of the tempilabel fitting, inspect its condition and
when the solder link has been melted during exceeding the max admissible temperature (124
C), always record the fact and maximum temperature reached in the log book.
6. Inspect the DS textile for no damage. Pay particular attention to the textile edgings. Check
the condition of velcro tabs and their proper function. If there is a rip panel, aim your
observation to its velcro tapes, riplocks and securing. Ensure the DS is functional. Test the
system function, sealing and necessary activation force.
7. Supervise completeness and condition of the whole centralising lines of the DS. Inspect
them for wear, fraying, stiffness or further damage indicating overheating. Check the
centralising lines for security of attachment at both ends (correct loop stitching of the lines
and safety knots), and improper stretching, shrinking or tangling. Concerning the SV system,
inspect ball stop attachment on the centralising lines and sufficient slack of the lines at pulleys.
Frayed, ruptured or missing the centralising lines, or riplocks and rip panel velcro malfunction
could cause uncontrolled air leakage out of the envelope while airborne.
8. Check the DS control lines for completeness and no damage, their position and attachment
towards pulleys of activation ropes. Damaged parts have to be replaced with the new ones.
The knots served for repairs or minor damage of the control lines can be tolerated if it is
ensured that the pulleys/loops are free and running smoothly. Concerning the SV+ system
inspect the condition and attachment of the weight.
9. Supervise the DS activation ropes for completeness and no damage along the whole length.
Pay special attention to the length measuring, the activation ropes should not be worn or
frayed from pulley running or heating - check that by the palpation. Inspect the ropes for
correctness of colours (according to the DS type) and kinks. Concentrate on the rope connection
to the burner frame.
10. Inspect the whole pulleys of the Deflation System to ensure that they are free and running
and not worn (no loosened screw joints or seized bearings). Check non-metallic components
of pulleys for wear by activation ropes. Pay particular attention to potential damage by flames/
ropes and the proper security and attachment to the envelope. Supervise that the loops providing
the pulleys fixing are in a good condition and also for security of their stitching to the envelope.
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for use with the hot air balloon
11. Check textile of the rotation vent and ambient localities. Inspect control lines and activation ropes of
the rotation vent along the whole length for completeness and no fraying, wear or burn damage.
Supervise pulleys and their attachment to the envelope. Test the rotation vent function, especially its
12. Supervise the load tapes near by the envelope mouth for no burn damage or fraying. Concentrate
on the load tape loops that connect the flying wires to the envelope, whether they are not worn or
heat damaged. Ensure that the load tapes with stitching are not stiffened by overheating in the first
three-meter distance from the envelope mouth, their threads have no burn damage at the connections
and the load tapes themselves have no edge damage due to repair of the lower panels, which are
often replaced. Inspect the horizontal load tape around the envelope mouth for no damage. Mildly
burned places should be tolerated.
13. Inspect the flying wires and envelope carabiners. These should be checked for distortion or damage
and that thimbles and ferrules are intact (a slack thimble ordinarily signals a loose wire at a ferrule).
Check wires for corrosion and mechanical damage stages (cracking or breaking partially). In case
of the number of broken wires not higher than 8 per 1-meter length of a flying wire, this matter can
be tolerated under the condition that any strand is not totally separated and there is no doubt of the
flying wire strength. Supervise flying wires for any signs of the heat damage reducing their elasticity.
Carabiners should be free of fraying and distortion and the screw gate should operate freely.
Concerning the balloons up to the 1600 - m3 volume, dural carabiners of Walter-M type can be
used. Inspect the carabiners for no scratches deeper than 1 mm. In the event that any damage, as
described above, is detected, then the carabiners must be replaced promptly.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
3.4.3 Basket check
1. Steel basket load cables should be inspected for damage along the whole free length. Concentrate
on the locations of the basket cable leaving the dural/stainless frame in the bottom and on the basket
rim. Check cable wires for corrosion and mechanical damage (cracking or breaking partially) from
the cable banding during the basket assembly and disassembly. In case of the number of broken
wires not higher than 8 per 1-meter length of a basket cable, the matter can be tolerated under the
condition that any strand is not totally separated and there is no doubt of the cable strength.
Furthermore, review the condition and operation of load-bearing carabiners.
2. For situations of basket cable squeezing, check that there is no damage to thimbles or ferrules (a
slack thimble ordinarily signals a loose basket cable at a ferrule). Applying to baskets with cable
splicing, remove leather covers and inspect the splices.
3. Check strapping for cylinder attachment and locations of their openings providing passages on the
basket walls. The passages should be safe enough for strapping in fuel cylinders, especially during
4. Inspect the condition and firmness of the plywood floor, runners / rawhide covers protecting steel
basket cables underneath the basket. Pay particularly attention to any cracks present on the underside
of the floor, at the connection of the floor with the basket body and to any worn, cracked or slotted
locations of protective runners. Ensure that no steel basket cable is uncovered.
5. Supervise the basket body, especially for no unsafe sharp edges with imperfectly covering or
dangerous holes in the wickerwork which would cause danger to occupants and through
which any object carried by the basket could drop out. Inspect the basket for strong and safe
enough internal rope handles for use by passengers during landing.
6. Check the condition of the drop line, its accessibility, compactness and attachment to the
7. Check the type of the pertinent fire extinguisher (filling capacity should be min of 1 kg,
according to the basket size). Inspect the fire extinguisher by weighing, or in accordance
with the instructions for pressure gauge for full filling. Ensure that the last revision of the fire
extinguisher has been valid so far. The date of the revision should not be older than prescribed
by the producer.
8. The JAA Form One should be completed and distributed as required.
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for use with the hot air balloon
3.4.4 Burner check
1. Check the burner for completeness thoroughly.
2. Inspect (without overpressure) the manometers/pressure gauges, their general condition, protective
glass lens fixing, and condition and legibility of the dial with pointer, which should indicate/ read zero
under the standstill condition/with no fuel pressure applied.
3. Supervise fuel hoses are of the correct age from data mentioned on hose squeezed endings (see
Section 4.5.1). Use only the original hoses approved by the burner manufacturer in case of replacing.
Inspect the physical condition of hoses thoroughly. Pay special attention to the liquid ones. Observe
outer covers of hoses along their entire length to check for no mechanical damage or worn places.
Concentrate on bent locations and hose end fittings, if they are not cracked/slack at the squeezed
endings. If there are any doubts about the hose perfect condition, replace it with a new one (use
only the original hoses produced by the burner manufacturer). During deciding this, please keep
special attention and severity. Minor surface damage to fuel vapour hoses (the hoses supplied the
pilot burner) is not critical and can be permitted.
4. Check connecting couplings of both the liquid and vapour phases. Inspect the condition of contact
surfaces and also entering tapered cones for no mechanical damage. Regarding the Rego coupligs/
connectors equipped with a self-closing valve, review its function. Check colour marking of the
couplings (if used).
5. Check welds and the surface of the vaporiser and burner frame, especially at positions of bands on
the upper tube edge of the coil and at the rod inserting sockets on both the burner and basket
frames. Supervise the last strength test conducting of the vaporiser. The time period from the
manufacturing or the last test should not be longer than five years. In case of the event of the test
review, ask the manufacturer for its carrying out.
6. Check all threaded joints and the condition of retaining safety rings. Reject any safety ring showing
a loosening/slack or strain, and replace it with a new one.
7. Inspect the tightness of burner couplings and the manometer function. Connect up the burner by the
supplying hose to the pressure source with the checking manometer/pressure gauge (nitrogen cylinder)
and adjust the pressure at 12 bar. Pressurise the fitting/coupling unit and conduct the leakage test of
all connections by means of lather solution (see Section 7.3). Check the pressure level on the
burner unit manometer.
The leakage test conducted by means of the open flame is not permitted. There is a fire risk.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
8. Realise the maintenance of the main flight (blast) valve/burner (FV). Follow the steps for disassembly
of FV relevant to the burner certain type used - see Section 6.5.3. Remove the FV head, then the
lever/cam of the lever and pull out the stem. All the parts should be thoroughly cleaned with a soft
cloth and all the O-rings should be put apart. After checking the guide surfaces of the stem, bush
and opening to the lever pin / cam of the lever, the O-rings and the face sealing should be replaced
with new ones. Review the safe position of the retaining screw that dimensions the face sealing.
While replacing the sealing keep on procedures according to the right re-change of the FV sealing
relevant to the pertinent burner type mentioned in Section 6.5.3. Check the state and condition of
the FV spring free length. The minimum admissible length of the free spring is 24 ± 1 mm for the
HB2, H3 or H3-D burner. The minimum admissible length of the free spring is 27 mm concerning
the KOMET burners. In case the length is not standard it is necessary to install a new spring.
Supervise the working surface of the lifting lever cam/ control lever and its functioning. Also the
sliding shim must be checked and if any of the mentioned parts is somehow damaged it is to be
replaced. All the movable components should be covered with vaseline and then FV can be assembled
altogether. Assembling and taking up the clearance of the lever/ lever cam we recommend following
the instructions for building up the FV burner of certain type - see Section 6.5.3.
9. Maintain the whisper burner (WB) valve. There is the same procedure as for the FV burner
maintenance regarding the KOMET type mentioned above. The HB2, H3 and H3-D burners
should be inspected, especially the age of the ball control valve/cock and its functioning,
respectively no leakage in the shut off position. If there are any doubts concerning the condition
of any parts and if the valve/cock is aged more than 5 years, the new one must be applied.
10. Maintain the pilot burner (PB).
KOMET type:
Put aside the supply hose and remove the fuel filter. Wash up the filter in a petrol bath, then
fan it up with compressed unpolluted air and perfectly clean and dry reinstall it. Get out the
lever/handle of the PB control and also the PB head from the fitting unit. All components
should be cleaned properly with a soft cloth and inspected to see if their friction areas do not
suffer from mechanical damage. New O-ri ngs and face sealing should be installed. All moving
parts must be lubricated with silicon grease. The PB head can be assembled and screwed up
into the fitting unit, then the controlling lever should be set and its position adjusted.
Disassembling, assembling and adjusting procedures of PB must be ruled with respect to the
directions for PB of KOMET type as shown in Section 6.5.3. Observe the body of PB and
check the condition of the scatter. Burned scatter must be replaced.
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for use with the hot air balloon
HB2, H3 and H3-D types:
Remove the body of PB and also its jet. Wash up the jet in the petrol bath, than wipe or fan it up
with compressed cold air to be perfectly clean and dry. Open up the ball valve/cock of PB and use
the compressed air to clean up the fitting. Then your PB can be built up again. Disassembling,
assembling and adjusting procedures must be ruled with respect to the assembling directions for PB
of HB2, H3 and H3-D types as shown in Section 6.5.3.
11. Supervise the functioning of the piezo igniter and also the distance setting of ignition electrode
contacts. Conduct the test for ignition and stability of PB heating. Concerning types HB2, H3
and H3-D firstly clean up the carbon on the ceramic insolator that is the part of the ignition
electrode. Re-inspect the safe position of connectors of the conductor. Check the function of
the pressure regulator and install the new O-rings if necessary with the old type of ÈSN
couplings (only with the older type of burners).
12. Final burner leakage test of fittings should be carried out. Connect the pilot burner by means
of the supply hose to the pressure source with the checking manometer/pressure gauge
(nitrogen cylinder). Then adjust the pressure to the level of 12 bar. The fitting unit should be
pressurised and inspected for tightness. Draw attention to all connections and apply the lather
solution (see Section 7.3).
The leakage test conducted by means of the open flame is not permitted. There is a fire risk.
13. The final burning test and the test of the burner basic functions must be conducted. Concentrate
on the heat power output values of the flight burner and whether these corresponds to the
standard fuel pressure in the fuel system. Minimise the losses of the burner outputs caused by
carbon layers (blockage) on the vaporiser. If the vaporiser is highly carbonated, pay attention
to the thorough check of FV shutting off in all positions of the control lever/handle. In case
the shutting up represents problems including too long dying out of the flame you must
change the face sealing and the spring of the FV head. If you think that the burner causes
problems concerning the fuel pressure and it loses appropriate output, conduct the minute
test of the fuel consumption under special conditions: gas overpressure is equal to 6 bar.
Heat power output can be deducted easily using the equation: P [MW] = (heating capacity
[kJ/kg] multiplied by 0.001factor and then multiplied again by the fuel consumption [kg])
divided by 60 [sec]. The value of the G35 propane-butane heating capacity is taken as 50 000
kJ/kg. In case the power output is more than 10% lower than standard values mentioned in
Section 2.3.5, the burner should be repaired by an approved organisation. Supervise the
tightness of connections of the descending tube and fitting body and also the connection
tightness of the crossover valve while intensive burning by means of using the lather solution. Review
the possibility of the heating intensity control of PB.
Check the function of the gas spring on burners fitted with adjustable burner frames. The burner
should move smoothly through its complete height range. When the lever is released the burner
must stay at the checked height.
14. The JAA Form One should be completed and distributed as required.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
3.4.5 Fuel cylinder check
1. Verification of the validity of the periodical inspection prescribed by the cylinder producer should
be carried out after comparison with data imprinted on the cylinder index label. Cylinders are not
permitted to service without the current periodical inspection.
2. Carry out the external inspection of the cylinder free of its padded cover. Draw particular attention
to any damage to the locations of longitudinal welds of the lateral area of the cylinder body, deeper
scratches or abrasions, prospective dents, denoting a heavy impact/misuse accident or any corrosion.
3. Check the valves and fittings for correct operation and no leakage. The leakage test should be
conducted in accordance with Section 7.3. When working on cylinders, it is possible that they are
completely empty, or with only residual pressure. To achieve the required overpressure, utilise
compressed nitrogen. Check the fuel quantity gauge for correct operation and signs of leakage.
About the cylinders equipped with the (vapour) pressure regulator within the vapour phase, inspect
then for proper functioning.
Validity of the inspections prescribed by the manufacturer concerning
fuel cylinders:
Cameron Balloons
Lindstrand Balloons
VA 50
VA 70
V 30
S 23
Validity since
Date of Production
of Next Tests
10 years
10 years
10 years
5 years
10 years
5 years
10 years
5 years
5 years
5 years
The leakage test conducted by means of the open flame is a fire hazard and is not permitted.
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for use with the hot air balloon
3.4.6 Equipment check
1. Review that the last inspection, in compliance with the Technical description (present submitted
documentation), of the relevant ancillary instrument/equipment is current. You should also check
the result of the inspection and supervise their extra standard operating periods. Regarding the
BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o. instruments, the JAA Form One is applied to certify and release
them for operating.
2. Ensure that the condition, function, conspicuous data legibility and exactness concerning each
instrument keep the rules contained in the Technical description/service and maintenance manual.
3. Check all the supply and by-passing hoses applied in compliance with Section 3.4.4 - 3.
Validity of the inspections prescribed by the manufacturer
concerning instruments:
Type of Inspection
LUN 1124.xx - 8 altimeter
LUN 1121.xx - 8 altimeter
LUN 1141.xx variometer
LUN 1147.xx - 8 variometer
Combined instrument of Piccolo
Plus type
M1 electronic thermometer
Operating Period
Either 600 flight hours or 5 years, according to that
starts first.
2 years
Applying different than approved hoses could lead to the hose loosening out from the coupling
by corrosion and an ensuing fire hazard.
If there is any noticeable damage to the hose external surface or couplings applied, this fact
could cause fuel leakage and a fire risk.
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Irregular Inspection
3.5.1 Inspection after overheating
The balloons are fitted with a temperature-warning streamer, which will descend or be damaged
when the melting link melts after exceeding the maximum allowable temperature in the envelope.
If this occurs, the location of tempilabels should be inspected.
Tempi-label: If the maximum temperature indicated on the
tempilabel is greater than 124 0C, add a new tempilabel alongside
the original label and inspect the top of the envelope for signs of
Envelope fabric: Then a fabric strength test should be conducted
by means of a Grab test at various positions of about 2-meter
distance from the envelope top DS edge. The envelope fabric
should be grab tested perpendicularly to the vertical load tapes. In case of the fabric tearing, submit
the envelope to the manufacturer for further inspection.
Lines: Ensure that the lines are in good condition with no burn damage, stiffness or length reduction.
Replace the stiff lines with new ones.
Envelope mouth: Supervise the load tapes at the envelope mouth and the locations that connect the
load tapes to the flying wires for any signs of heat damage. If there are any doubts concerning the
condition of any parts, a new component must be applied.
Log book: Record the maximum temperature reached, result of the tests and ensuing repairs in the
Excessive heat on fabric tends to cause cracking due to stiffness.
3.5.2 Inspection after contact with electric power lines
If the envelope or basket touches electric power lines, the inspection should be carried out in scope of
the annual inspection with concentration on the checks described below.
Envelope textile: Review all envelope textiles, especially for signs of any damage to the load tapes
by the electric discharge. The damaged parts must be repaired.
Crown ring: When supervising the crown ring, draw attention to any noticeable damage. In case of
this matter, a new crown ring should be installed.
Flying wires: Perform the inspection of the flying wires along their whole length including thimbles
and ferrules. In the event that any damage from the electric current is detected, then the flying wire
must be replaced.
Basket cables: These should be checked for electric damage along the whole length and that the
thimble and ferrule are in good condition as well. After removing the basket protective runners/
rawhide, pull out .the cables. Replacement of damaged basket cables should be carried out. In the
event that any problem of the whole length checking of the cable occurs, a new basket cable must be
Fuel cylinders: Remove the padded jackets/covers and inspect the cylinders bodies for external
damage from the electric discharge. After detecting any damaging effect the pressure test of the
cylinder should be performed. If the cylinder has been deemed unsuitable for further service in
accordance with the test results, put the cylinder out of operation. The failed cylinder must be marked
and secured against accidental filling.
Logbook: The accident concerning the contact with power lines and the following tests/repairs
should be entered in the balloon’s log book.
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for use with the hot air balloon
Balloon Type
Serial No.
Date of Inspection
Annual Inspection - Preliminaries
Minimum scope
Log book.
Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A).
Certificate of Registration.
Certificate of Insurance.
Maintenance Statement and Certificate of
Release to Service.
Aircraft Station Licence.
JAA Form One - Authorised Release Certificate.
Flight Manual.
Maintenance Manual.
Index Plates and
Part/Component No.
Balloon, envelope.
Basket, burner.
Fuel cylinders, equipment.
Service - Technical
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Log book.
Accomplishment of Bulletins and Airworthiness
Directives (AD)
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Envelope Type (Size)
Serial No.
Date of Inspection
Annual Inspection - Envelope
Minimum scope
Envelope Fabric
Fabric damage and performing of previous
Fabric Strength and
Tensile strength and porosity/airtight.
Load Tapes
Intact vertical and horizontal load tapes along
the whole length and tape endings at the crown
Crown Ring
Crown ring, crown line.
Melting Link
and Tempilabel
Attachment location, condition.
Textile and velcro (panel) condition, function
and sealing, state and operation of riplocks with
velcro securing of the rip panel and the control
Centralising Lines
of DS
Completeness, condition, attachment and length
of the lines, state of SV ball stops and the slack
in pulleys.
Control Lines of DS
Damage, slack in pulleys, attachment into the
envelope, position and fixing up to pulleys and
free pulley passage, condition and attachment of
SV + weight.
Activation Ropes
of DS
Damage, slack in pulleys, attachment into the
envelope, sufficient lengths and colour
Pulleys of DS
Fixed attachment of pulleys, bearing condition,
screw tightening, heat or mechanical damages
and sewing up loops for pulley towards the
envelope body.
Rotation Vent
Textile state, function, sealing, condition of
pulleys, control lines and activation ropes, and
fixing to the envelope.
Envelope Mouth
Connections of load tapes and flying wires, load
tapes over-stitching, esp. at endings, and the
horizontal load tape sewn around the envelope
mouth edge.
Load Flying Wires
Condition and slack in thimbles, corrosion stage,
burn or mechanical damage, wire elasticity and
types, state and function of the load-bearing
carabiners applied.
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for use with the hot air balloon
Basket Type (Size)
Serial No.
Date of Inspection
Annual Inspection - Basket
Minimum scope
Load Cables
Broken wires, corrosion, condition and function
of load-bearing carabiners.
Cable Squeeze
Condition and slack in thimbles.
Cylinder Straps
Strength, attachment to the basket and no
damage to clasps.
Basket Floor
Cracks in the basket floor, condition and wear of
protective runners.
Basket Body
Dangerous sharp edges, holes in the basket body
and condition of rope handles.
Completeness, position and fastening.
Fire Extinguisher
Filling and current revision.
JAA Form One (Testimonial).
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Burner Type
Serial No.
Date of Inspection
Annual Inspection - Burner
Minimum scope
Burner Units
Thorough check of completeness.
General state and function of manometers, glass
lens fixing, condition and legibility of the dial
with pointer.
Fuel Hoses
Age and condition, damage, pressing in at the
couplings, colour marking and function of
Function of endings and the self-closing valve if
applied, condition of contact surfaces and seals.
and Welds
Check of welds, vapouriser surfaces and the
burner frame. Validity verifying of the
vapouriser strength test.
Threaded Joints
Inspect all threaded joints, safety rings and split
Burner Tightness
Check all fittings and their connections for
FV Maintenance
Disassembly, check of components, cleaning,
lubrication and re-assembly.
WB Maintenance
Disassembly, check of components, cleaning,
lubrication and re-assembly.
PB Maintenance
Disassembly, check of components, cleaning,
lubrication and re-assembly.
Piezo Igniter
Cleaning, check for function and adjusting.
Burner Tightness
Check all fittings and their connections for
leakage after performed maintenance.
Burner Function
Check burning and controlling, ignition and
shutting off (ignition successfulness), coil
fouling, the power output, tightness of coil with
crossover vent connecting and pilot flame
regulation (shape and direction). Function of the
gas spring.
JAA Form One (Testimonial).
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for use with the hot air balloon
Fuel Cylinder Type
Serial No.
Date of Inspection
Annual Inspection - Fuel Cylinder
Minimum scope
Pressure Test
Check validity of the last inspection.
External Inspection
Dents, scratches and longitudinal welds of the
cylinder body.
Function and
Tightness of Fittings
Sealing of threaded joints, function and tightness
of fittings during closing, operation of the fuel
quantity gauge and the pressure regulator, stage
and function of connecting fittings.
Equipment Type
Serial No.
Date of Inspection
Annual Inspection - Equipment
Minimum scope
Instruments with
Maintenance System
Validity and result of the last inspection.
All Instruments
State, function, conspicuous data legibility and
exactness, verification of requirements specified
in the technical description.
By-passing Hoses
Type, state and age.
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for use with the hot air balloon
Airworthiness ................................................................................................................ 2
Airworthiness Limitations ............................................................................................ 2
Mandatory Standards for Continued or Improved Airworthiness ................................. 2
Airworthiness Control ................................................................................................... 2
4.4.1 Information collecting for the airworthiness control ....................................................... 2
4.4.2 Annual failure summary ................................................................................................... 2
4.5 Service Life ................................................................................................................... 3
4.5.1 Qualifications of time limits in terms of envelope or burner textile parts ....................... 3
4.5.2 Qualifications of time limits in terms of other parts ........................................................ 3
Failure Report ............................................................................................................... 4
Questionnaire to a balloon operator .............................................................................. 5
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
The balloon airworthiness contained herein means the reliability, i.e. the ability of all components
of the particular balloon to operate under the conditions defined by the covering technical
documentation during the defined period.
Airworthiness Limitations
The continued airworthiness condition of the balloon/balloon part seems to be keeping the
regulation maintenance, inspections, revisions and instructions for handling and operational
limitations designated by the manufacturer.
Mandatory Standards for Continued or Improved Airworthiness
The manufacturer in agreement with the CAA issues mandatory bulletins so that the sufficient
continued or improved airworthiness will be achieved. The balloon operator is obliged and
responsible for the accomplishment of all bulletin assignments.
On grounds of the continued airworthiness regarding the balloons in service, the manufacturer
registers all operators/owners flying the balloons produced in his factory. In case the operator/
ownership of this balloon or its part changes, it is obligatory and important for the new operator/
owner to contact the manufacturer and inform the manufacturer up-to date by means of an enclosed
questionnaire. If there is an incomplete or untrue correspondence address, it is not possible to
provide proper distribution of bulletins.
Airworthiness Control
The manufacturers and operators are responsible for the balloon airworthiness in the Czech
Republic and countries where the local CAA enacted the rule.
4.4.1 Information collecting for the airworthiness control
The manufacturer gathers the information on balloon failures by the data collecting from the
operators by means of the „Failure Report“ (see Section 4.4.3). The operator is obligated to fill
in and refer the questionnaire to the manufacturer when any defect is occurred. The operator
should submit the information mentioned above to the local CAA as well, in compliance with
the applied particular national regulations.
4.4.2 Annual failure summary
The manufacturer puts together an annual summary on failure incidences of the product and a
general analysis of the main defect reasons, also determines precautions or measures directing
against the beginning of malfunctions. Furthermore, you can obtain the annual failure summary
on request.
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for use with the hot air balloon
Service Life
The service life period is limited in reference to the components contained in the section. The other
parts not mentioned herein should be replaced in compliance with the Maintenance Manual - Section 6.
(e.g. after damage or excessive wear).
4.5.1 Qualification of time limits in terms of envelope textile parts
The service life termination of textile materials is based on their residual strength. The textiles lose their
strength gradually (degradation) right to the value provided for the minimum prescribed factor of safety.
The degradation speed could dangerously increase after:
1. Frequent envelope overheating during hard or rough flight manoeuvres
2. Flying the overloaded balloon
3. Leaving the spread balloon exposed to the sunshine effect
4. Incorrect sealing of DS
5. Frequent packing up of the hot envelope
6. Envelope storage in a moist/wet condition or near by heaters
The degradation velocity depends on the temperature at which the balloon is mainly operated,
storage conditions, operating/flying carefulness and maintenance keeping.
Fabric materials of time limits
Envelope fabric
Envelope fabric
Envelope fabric
Load tape
Tearing Strength
PES 50/60
Lückenhaus 2220001
Carrington N1053, N2369
PES, width of 25 mm
6 000
N / 5 cm
N / 5 cm
N / 5 cm
4.5.2 Qualification of time limits in terms of other parts
The service life termination of other parts is based on periodical evaluation of their condition (see
Section 3). The parts mentioned in the following table must be replaced in any case with new ones if
they are aged as tabulated below.
Further materials of time limits
Time Limit
Rubber high-pressure fuel hose of COHLINE type
Rubber high-pressure by-passing hose of COHLINE type
Ball cocks of liquid and vapour phases
10 calendar years
10 calendar years
5 calendar years
The time limit of the fuel/by-passing hoses of other type is 5 calendar years.
The limitation mentioned above is not applicable for ball cocks related to burners of the KOMET
DUO type.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Failure Report
Event date:
Component type and serial No.:
Total No. of hours worked on the damaged
Date of the last inspection:
Description of the failure or dangerous event occurrence:
(If it is important, please draw a sketch.)
Classification of failure location (Section 6.4)
According to the operator:
- main group
According to the manufacturer:
- main group
Operator’s classing of fault
According to potential effects:
- critical
- major
According to the time course:
- sudden
- gradual
According to the fault reason:
- inadequate dimensioning
- mishandling
Manufacturer’s classing of fault
According to the potential
- critical
- major
According to the time course:
- sudden
- gradual
According to the fault reason:
- inadequate dimensioning
- mishandling
Report elaborated
- sub-group
- sub-group
- minor
- irregular
- ageing
- wear out
- minor
- irregular
- ageing
- constructional
- wear out
- manufacturing
finish abilities to perform the required function.
Critical fault:
- has caused unacceptable effects
Major fault:
- has affected particularly important properties
Minor fault:
- has not affected particularly important properties
Breakdown fault:
- has occurred suddenly and completely
Degradation fault:
- has occurred gradually and partially
- unit/part has not complied with the technical specification since damaging
- state deterioration is minor with respect to the unit/part operating
If the fault is classed as a critical one, the operator should asap inform the balloon manufacturer (BALÓNY
KUBÍČEK spol. s r.o.), whose address is mentioned in the accompanying technical documentation (by means
of a phone or fax) about every details procurable at the time. The elaborated failure announcement, at least in
range of this Failure Report, should be send to the manufacturer not later than within three days.
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Hořák / Burner
Typ / Type
Výrobní číslo / Serial No.
Jiný typ – uveďte prosím jaký / Further type – please specify
Provozovatel balónu /
Operator of the balloon
Vlastník balónu /
Owner of the balloon
Koš / Basket
Typ / Type
Výrobní číslo / Serial No.
Nevyplňujte je-li totožný s provozovatelem / Do not fill in if identical to the operator
Tel + Fax
Stát / State
AB 8
PSČ, Město /
Post Code, City
AB 2a
Ulice, č. p. /
Street, No.
AB 2
Jméno / Name
Výrobní číslo / Poznávací značka /
Serial No.
Typ obalu /
Envelope type
Pozn. / 1) V případě změny provozovatele nebo vlastníka obalu, hořáku nebo koše, předejte tento formulář novému provozovateli (vlastníkovi) /
In case of change of the operator or owner of the envelope, burner or basket, send this form to the new operator (owner)
2) Jste-li provozovatelem více balónů, okopírujte prosím tento formulář před vyplněním /
If you operate more balloons, please make a copy of this blank form
3) Požadované údaje naleznete na výrobních štítcích umístěných takto:
obal - popruh ústí nebo nad ním, koš - vnitřní stěna pod horní obrubou, hořák - spirála nebo středový spoj mezi spirálami /
Required data you can find on the index labels located on:
envelope – mouth tape or above this tape, basket – inner wall under the top rim, burner – coil or central connection between coils
Dotazník provozovateli balónu / Questionnaire to a balloon operator
Prosíme vyplňte bílá políčka a zašlete faxem na BALÓNY KUBÍČEK spol. s r.o. / Please fill in the white fields and fax to BALÓNY KUBÍČEK spol. s r.o.
BALÓNY KUBÍČEK spol. s r.o., Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 5 4521 1917 (4521 4755), fax: +420 5 4521 3074,
for use with the hot air balloon
for use with the hot air balloon
Balloon Handling and Maintenance
5.1 Handling ........................................................................................................................ 2
5.2 Preventative Maintenance ............................................................................................. 2
5.2.1 Envelope ............................................................................................................... 2
5.2.2 Basket ................................................................................................................... 2
5.2.3 Burner and fuel system ......................................................................................... 2
5.2.4 Balloon storage and road transport ....................................................................... 3
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Balloon Handling and Maintenance
Balloons are very simple aircraft. Therefore, the balloon parts not mentioned in this chapter do
not solicit any detailed comments on operation than it is described in the Flight Manual.
Preventative Maintenance
5.2.1 Envelope
Besides common cleaning and keeping the below mentioned storage instructions (Section 5.2.4),
the envelope does not necessitate additional maintenance.
Use customary cleaning detergents, water diluted. Soiled areas should be cleaned by means of
damped swabs. Then, before packing, the envelope should be dried thoroughly.
5.2.2 Basket
The basket necessitates periodical cleaning. The cane and floor should be cleaned with flowing
water and brush, or pressure water as far as possible (protect the upper suede rim against overly
wetting through). Preserve cane from overly drying, the matter gets down its fragility resistance.
Care about the basket not being exposed to moist storage. Under moist conditions acting for a
long time, there is a danger of mould and rot inception. Rawhide on the basket bottom and
leather/suede on the top rim is recommended be attended to common products for oxhide/leather/
suede care. If there is a suede cover on the upper rim, simply restore it by brushing with a special
suede shoe-brush.
5.2.3 Burner and fuel system
During the operation of the burner, there is inevitably an accumulation of carbon deposits, i.e.
soot and condensates, within the coil and can of the burner. These deposits may be regularly
removed by using a dry soft cloth - flannel (the best after each flight day). This has been keeping
your burner appearance in good condition for a long time. While more accumulating, you can
clean the carbon deposits by using a weak detergent with hot water soaked cloth. In some instances,
when cleaning of burners does not be accomplished efficiently and periodically as specified
above, the next continued burner operating may result in the mess burning-in and sticking. These
can be removed heavily only.
Cleaning and the lubrication of valves, the adjustment of the pilot burner electrodes and further
maintenance are specified in Section 6.5.3.
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for use with the hot air balloon
5.2.4 Balloon storage and road transport
The rolled up balloon envelope is best stored in a transport bag and at a dry airy place. Pack the
envelope in absolute dry condition and minimise the exposure to the sunshine or heater effect
(recommended is storage onto a pallet). In case of the wet envelope after the flight completing,
ensure its complete drying without fail and as soon as possible. Spread the envelope on a dry
shady field and keep airing. The wet envelope should be gently dried by cold and then hot
inflation until the whole moisture has evaporated. Under moist conditions acting for a long time,
there is a danger of mould and rot inception.
Besides common keeping of the mentioned storage instructions, the burner does not necessitate
additional maintenance. It is recommended to remove accumulation of carbon deposits (soot
and condensates) after each flight day. Ensure that no fouling to couplings of fuel hoses can
occur during transport/storage (a connector cover is recommended). Draw close attention to fuel
hose storage that any collision with heavy objects, fall or hard object squeeze should not cause
damage to them. Moreover, concerning the burner transport, a padded burner bag is recommended,
and is available at your balloon dealer or the manufacturer. Ideally the burner should always be
restrained from movement during transportation.
Follow the procedures recommended by your national regulations valid for transport and storage
of liquefied oil gas tanks.
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for use with the hot air balloon
General .......................................................................................................................... 2
Classification of Repairs ............................................................................................... 2
Approved Organisations to Provide Repairs ................................................................. 2
Identification of Demage/Repair Locations ................................................................. 3
Minor/Owner Repairs.................................................................................................... 4
Repairing envelopes ......................................................................................................... 4
Repairing baskets ............................................................................................................. 7
Repairing burners ............................................................................................................. 8
Repairing equipment ...................................................................................................... 18
Repairing accessories ..................................................................................................... 18
6.6 Major/Special Repairs ................................................................................................. 19
6.6.1 Repairing envelopes ....................................................................................................... 19
6.6.2 Repairing burners ........................................................................................................... 21
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Balloon components are repaired using common methods except the demanding repairs for which
special procedures are given in this Section.
Balloon components made by another manufacturer - different from BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol.
s r.o. - must follow the repair procedures given by the certain producer.
If it is not possible to reveal the cause of a damage without any doubts, let the approved
organisations estimate and realise the repairs.
Repairs of the character of re-change can be used within the procedures that are standard for
spare parts as shown in the balloon catalogue.
Materials and components to be used must be approved by the manufacturer and have certifications
to prove it.
Classification of Repairs
Common repairs do not include for instance slack lines, unfastened screws or loose cane - these
examples are taken as a part of daily service and maintenance. The repairs that contain replacements
or repairs of damaged or non-functional components are classified into two categories: simple
and special ones. All of them must follow this itinerary marked as Section 6.5, 6.6 or you can
contact the manufacturer asking for topical repair information concerning steps to be taken.
Approved Organisations to Provide Repairs
Minor repairs can be provided by the balloon operator (if it is not set in any other way), special
major repairs must be referred to approved organisations. Any major repair is followed by a test/
inspection of the repaired component. Tests are taken by the person authorised to provide the
annual inspection - see Section 3.3.
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for use with the hot air balloon
Identification of Damage/Repair Locations
To locate a damage/repair easily we use number codes in this work. The first number signifies the
main group, the other number represents its sub-group. (see the table below). Then there is a dash
and the serial number of a repair. Minor repairs contain maximum two numbers, major repairs
have three numbers code (see Section 6.6).
Main Group
Power unit
Fuel system
Electrical system
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Envelope body
Deflation System
Ribs and further inner envelope
forming aids
Envelope and basket connections
Basket body
Main flight burner/valve
Pilot burner
Whisper burner
Burner frame
Not applicable
Fuel cylinders
Not applicable
Mechanical instruments
Electric instruments
Electronic instruments
Ground aids
BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Minor/Owner Repairs
6.5.1 Repairing envelopes
11-1 Repairing the fabric of the envelope
If the coat of the envelope is torn somehow you should take appropriate procedures according to
the size of the holes or damaged section of the fabric.
Small tears - maximum 3 cm
Small holes or tears can be covered by a simple „hot cut and overlay“ patch from any material of
either polyester or polyamide origin. Small holes might be mended by means of sticky-backed
patches that are standard for repairing boat sails. This type of adhesive patches is to be used for
repairing straight torn places of maximum length 10 cm, their edges must be sewn up with the
envelope body using two rows of parallel independent stitching. This kind of repair must be
finished before the start of the next flight day. When mending small tears the fabric of the envelope
is not cut away.
Larger tears - individual holes of maximum size 1 x 1 m placed in one panel only
Mending bigger holes it is necessary to cut away the damaged fabric close to the tear and replace
it with the new one as mentioned in Section 4.5.1. Orientating of the thread direction of the new
inserted fabric must follow the orientation of the original fabric. Keep this recommendation not
to overcome fabric because of possible stress or strain in the direction of warp and weft threads.
Guidelines to the envelope fabric repairs:
Mark out the damaged place on the envelope in the parallel direction that follows the anti-rip
grid in the shortest direction along the whole width or length of a panel between the adjacent
vertical or horizontal seams according to the size and location of the damaged place.
Mark out the fabric to be cut away to identify the concerned panel relative to the envelope
Unpick the seams on the fabric, in the rest positions cut off the fabric following your marks
using a hot knife.
The damaged fabric from the envelope shall be used as a pattern to create a new part for
replacement. Cut the replacement panel/patch of new fabric that is 8.4 cm larger than the marked
edges (2.1 cm - additional allowance for one (French) fell seam - see Section 6.6.1) and mark out
orientation of its location within the envelope. If the fabric is seriously damaged or distorted, it is
necessary to take the measures from another undamaged identical panel.
The new panel to be sewn up into position of the envelope. Use the technique of the double
structural fell seam.
Larger tears above the third horizontal tape must be repaired using the same fabric used in the
construction of the envelope or by a fabric with higher max. allowable envelope temperature
(see the Flight Manual).
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for use with the hot air balloon
13-1 Repairing activation ropes of DS
It is common to replace the whole activation ropes of the DS. It
is possible to extend activation ropes of the DS by using the
same rope type. If more length is needed the additional rope may
be tied in, but any knots must be within max 3 m of the fix
attachment point on the envelope body. Lengthening is to be made
by means of safety turnback knots.
Safety turnback knot
13-2 Repairing control lines of DS
Mending is provided by elongation of the damaged control lines in that way the length between
the pulley and the loop on the edge of the vent panel remains the same. Lengthening is to be made
by means of safety turnback knots. If more than three of control lines are damaged it is necessary
to change them for the new ones.
13-3 Repairing centralising lines of DS
Centralising lines for both the parachute vent and the Smart Vent fix the right position of the vent
panel and that affects its sealing.
Short line pulls the vent panel inside the envelope, it causes dangerous stress or strain to its edge
and afterwards the vent panel possible leakage. The short line is responsible for the characteristic
tense flat edge of the vent.
Long line allows pulling the vent panel inside the load tapes, it increases the force and time
necessary to open and can cause leakage. The long line is typical for the drooping edge of parachute
Adjusting the length of the parachute line:
1. Join up the velcro panel of parachute vent and the relevant matted gore on which you provide
the adjustment.
2. Untie the centralising line from the envelope body. Then stretch out the load tape between
the loop of the vent panel on the envelope and the edge of the deflation/vent hole.
3. Tight up the line using the safety turnback knot in that way the distance between the loop on
the envelope body and the velcro panel of the parachute becomes longer by 6 ± 1 cm than the
distance between the loop and velcro panel on the envelope body.
While final securing lines do not forget to use the special turnback knots. Other knots can cause
problems owing to the high force to the lines, and their loosening and undoing leads to the faulty
sealing of the parachute vent.
Damaged or broken cords should be replaced with new ones. When replacing cut off the damaged
one close to the edge of the parachute vent so there remains the overlap end of 5cm length as
minimum. This loose end shall be heat sealed with a hot knife or lighter. The new line shall be
placed and fastened into the loop on the edge of the vent panel, after adjusting its length it can be
fixed into the loop on the envelope body.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Add the 5cm surplus as minimum, which is the lost while replacing cords with a knot. Conduct
the final check of the length after fixing.
There is no need to adjust the length of Smart Vent lines, as there are special heat-resistant
vectran lines.
Damaged or broken vectran cords must be
replaced with new ones Knotting in of vectran
and control lines is possible by means of a
double fisherman’s knot. Then fix the vectran
cord to the edge of the vent panel using a
bowline knot.
13-4 Repairing pulleys of the envelope
No repairs just replacement with new ones.
When changing do not forget to fasten up the
attachment screw properly.
Double fisherman‘s knot
It is prohibited to replace one type of pulley that allows its rotation
around the vertical axis with another type of fixed pulleys and vice
versa. Mixing up the types you risk tangling up of line.
Pulleys must be of certain type approved by the manufacturer.
13-5 Repairing rotation vent
The damaged fabric of the rotation vent shall be mended as shown
above in procedure 11-1. Faulty activation ropes and control lines
can be knotted in by means of turnback knots so they will not cause
any jamming problem using them in pulleys.
13-6 Repairing Smart Vent + weight
Any damage to the tapes may be mended by sewing them together.
A damaged weight may not be repaired but must be replaced with a
new one delivered by the manufacturer.
Bowline knot
17-1 Repairing carabiners
No repairs just replacement with new ones of the same type, and of the same or even higher
loading capacity.
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for use with the hot air balloon
6.5.2 Repairing baskets
21-1 Repairing basket floor, load-bearing wooden frame and other wooden components
Mending the floor the common techniques are used. If the floor is hardly damaged or the floor
has cracked right through, then it must be replaced totally. If there is a serious crack damage or
even a breakthrough of wooden runners protecting cables and tubes, they must be also replaced
with new ones. After installation the bottom of the basket shall be covered with transparent
synthetic protective varnish for wood.
While applying the varnish firstly note that any protective varnish must be completely removed
from the damaged area by using the wire brush and then the sandpaper and only afterwards put on
the re-varnish coat. Before you start to varnish up the coloured part of wickerwork, it is necessary
to use a stain of suitable colour to dye in first. Tidy up dangerous sharp edges of certain objects
(e.g. parts of screws, floor splinters etc.) according it your own needs to reduce risk of any
injury. Other repairs should be provided by approved organisations.
21-2 Repairing upholstery and padded suede/leatherwork
While mending the soft parts of suede/leatherwork all attainable materials and aids are to be
To impregnate the thick rawhide/oxhide of brown colour used to protect the bottom basket edging
we recommend the Elaskon treatment that should be applied after warming to about 50 - 60 0C in
two layers minimally. Before coating with the Elaskon firstly clean up the leather with brush and
wash it with hot water and detergent and then let it dry.
Basket protective cables and bottom basket rim being covered with the rawhide of white colour
so called English it becomes a necessity to cut away the damaged parts and replace them. When
changing for new rawhide covering basket cables, the revision of basket load cables is advisable.
Maintain the rawhide with a brush or apply shoe treatment for white leather.
21-3 Repairing basket wickerwork
Dangerous sharp ends, edges or broken canes of the basket should be carefully adjusted/fed by
weaving them up and fixing them by means of a cord, string or plastic belt.
Repairing of damaged vertical ratan-canes manages only the approved organisations.
Completing the repair do not forget to check if the tape of the dropline is tightly fixed up to the
basket by means of a carabiner.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
6.5.3 Repairing burners
31-1 Repairing the main flight (blast) valve (FV) of H3, H3-D, HB2 burners
Put out the nut of the main flight (blast) valve head (50259). Remove the split pin (425) with the
washer (404), lever roll pin of FV head (50261), set out the lever (50263), adjusting sliding shim
(50264, 50265) and carefully pick the stem (50260). The stem and bush of FV head (50262) shall
be cleaned up, observed and the state of both top and bottom O-rings (420) should be checked.
Protect the O-rings with silicon vaseline and if they are damaged replace them with new ones.
(We recommend re-changing O-rings during every whole dismantling of the FV head). Then
install the bottom O-ring firstly and put a thick layer of silicon vaseline into the room inside the
head then insert the bush, the top O-ring and the lid (50267). The stem should be also coated with
silicon vaseline, set the spring and install it into the head. Put together the adjusting sliding shims
and the lever, put in the split pin and fix it with the roll pin (see 61-2). Complete the FV head and
fix the head roll pin with the split one. Before assembling the head into the FV body (50222,
50228) check up the state of seat, face stem sealing
(50520) and also the right position of the screw (423).
In case you find up any damage of the sealing, replace
it with new. (We recommend re-changing it during
every whole dismantling of the FV head). The head
should be then equipped with the seal PTFE tape of
width 0.1 mm (see Section 7.4) and then installed
into the FV body. Check up the level clearance and
conduct the leakage test with the lather solution (see
Section 7.3).
(2 pc)
50261 404
Dismantling flight valve head of H3,
H3-D and HB2 burners
404 - Washer, 4.3 Zn
413 - Pressure spring
420 - O-ring, 12x8 rubber
422 - Washer, 3.2 Zn
423 - Screw, M3x10
425 - Split pin, 2x18 Zn
50222 - Left FV body
50228 - Right FV body
50259 - Nut of FV head
50260 - Stem of FV head
50261 - Lever roll pin of FV head
50262 - Bush of FV head
Flight valve head of H3,
H3-D and HB2 burners
50263 - FV lever
50264 - Adjusting shim of FV
50265 - Adjusting shim of FV
50267 - Lid of FV head
50520 - Face seal of FV cone
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for use with the hot air balloon
31-2 Taking up the clearance of the FV lever of H3, H3-D, HB2 burners
The minimum clearance between the lever and the adjusting shim must be 0.5 mm.
Adjusting the right clearance you should use the sliding shim 1 mm thick (50264) and one 0.5
mm thick (50265). Take off the split pin (425) and also the head roll pin (50261) and the lever.
Then adjust the right number of sliding shims. Then insert the lever and the roll pin, check the
clearance and fix the state with the split pin.
Fixing the roll pin by means of the split pin you should pay attention not to let the split pin to
make spontaneous movement that causes getting stuck/jamming and blocking of the flight vent in
the open position.
31-3 Repairing untightness of the H3, H3-D or HB2 descent tube/fitting connection
The repair starts with fastening of the central nut by means of the specially adjusted open-end
wrench. If the positioning is not good enough, ask the manufacturer to replace the lower part of
the descent tube.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
31-11 Repairing the main FV of KOMET burners
If controlling the vent causes problems or if there is leakage due to untight closed position of the
burner, you should:
1. Check the quantity of motion of lever mechanism regarding valve control
2. Check the state and lubrication of the O-rings that belong to the vent, use silicon vaseline.
3. Check the right position of the countersunk lock screw (1116) and of the front face stem
sealing of FV/WB (51133).
4. Check possible permanent deformations of the spring (51132).
5. Check the state and lubrication of the parallel/roll pin (1160).
Start the repair with unscrewing the screw of the lever (1126) related to the head of FV and
screws (51138). Then getting out the head cover of FV (51116). Using the hook spanner unscrew
the FV nut (51119). On KOMET burners S/N 105 and higher remove the head cover of KOMET
WB (see 35-11) befor dismantling the FV. Then remove the screws (2722) on both units and take
off the complete handle with bodies (52719) and covers (52718). Force out the pin (2743) and
take off the lever of FV (52690). Using the nut wrench unscrew the FV nut (52717). After evaluating
causes of defects replace the
damaged parts including seals (we
do recommend re-change the O1116
rings (1113) and the face sealing
while every whole disassembly of
the FV.
(2 pc)
- O-ring, 25x2.5
- O-ring, 37x2.5
- O-ring, 7x1.8
- Screw, M3x8
- O-ring, 25x2
- Screw, M6x80
- Roll pin, 4x28
- Head cover of KOMET FV
- Stem of KOMET FV/WB
- Nut of KOMET FV
- Spring of KOMET FV/WB
- Stem sealing of KOMET FV/WB
- Sliding shim of KOMET burner
- Screw of KOMET head cover
- Lever of KOMET FV head
- Head cam of KOMET FV
Flight valve of KOMET type
6 - 10
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for use with the hot air balloon
In case of O-rings (1113)/spring of FV/WB (51132) replacements, you should remove the roll pin
(1160) from the head cam of FV (52013) and pull out the stem of FV/WB (51118). Before setting
the O-rings (1107, 1108, 1113) into the pertinent pits, coat them carefully with silicon vaseline.
Then place the sealing of the stem and fix it with the lock screw. Provide the stem with the spring
and put a thick layer of silicon vaseline into the space among O-rings (1113). Using the cloth
soaked with silicon vaseline clean up the hole inside the FV nut and install there the completed
stem. Then put on the sliding shim (51134 or 51135) and the head cam of the FV (52013), adjust
the openings of the sliding shim, head cam and fix the right position with the parallel pin. The
roll pin surfaces shall be coated with silicon vaseline. Screw up the completed head into the
burner fitting and adjust it by means of the hook spanner. Check up the prescribed clearance to be
0.1+0.1 mm between the cam and the sliding shim. If the clearance is not standard, change the
shims for new ones of different thickness. Place the head cover with the cam on the FV nut and
fix it with screws. Connect the lever of FV using the screw (1126). Check the quantity of motion,
tightness (see Section 7.3) and the functioning of the main FV.
Cleaning and lubricating the FV with the silicon vaseline should be realised while every
disassembling of the main FV head.
1107 - O-ring 25x2,5
1108 - O-ring 37x2,5
1113 - O-ring 7x1,8
1116 - Screw M3x8
2721 - Spring
2722 - Screw M5x35
2743 - Roll pin 4x16
51118 - Stem of KOMET FV/WB
51132 - Spring of KOMET FV/WB
51133 - Stem sealing of KOMET FV/WB
51135 - Sliding shim of KOMET + burner
52690 - Lever of KOMET FV
52717 - Nut of KOMET FV
52718 - Cover of KOMET FVr
52719 - Handle body of KOMET
52930 - Cover of left KOMET lever
52931 - Cover of right KOMET lever
(2 ks)
(2 ks)
FLight valve of KOMET type from S/N 105
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
31-12 Repairing untigtness of the descent tube/ fitting connection belonging to KOMET
The connecting screw of KOMET burners must be set into the right position with the elongated
socket wrench. If the untightness is not solved, let the approved organisation eliminate it.
31-13 Repairing the crossover vent/cock of KOMET burners
Fuel leakage can be mended after the following steps: disassemble the ball valve control (51149,
52010), retaining ring (1139) and stem (51139), then change the O-rings for new ones (419).
Putting things back apply the silicon vaseline onto the O-rings, fix the stem with the retaining
ring and check the position of the ball valve control. Replacing the O-rings (419) you stop fuel
loss but not the untightness of the valve. Let the approved organisation repair the untight ball
valve (components 51172, 51198, 51199 a 52007) as well as the pressed in part (51168).
31-14 Repairing mechanical deformations of the vapouriser and burner cans
Try to planish by means of the wooden bar (levering or hammering) only the small deformations
of the shape of the maximum deflection of 3
mm. Any repairs of welds or cleaning the inner
parts of tubes from carbon must be referred to
51199 51198 52007 51172
the manufacturer. While finding the
considerable mechanical damage of the tube
surface of the vapouriser the strength test must
be conducted with the inner overpressure submit the burner to the approved
(2 pc)
- O-ring, 6x2
- Adjusting screw, M5x12
- Retaining ring for hole
- Stem of KOMET CV
- CV control of KOMET type
- Bush of KOMET CV
- Threaded liner of KOMET type
- Ball of KOMET CV
- CV seat I of KOMET type
- CV seat II of KOMET type
- Right CV control of KOMET type
Crossover valve of KOMET burner
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for use with the hot air balloon
31-15 Repairing fuel hoses
If there is any mechanical damage to any of fuel hoses, it is necessary to replace them with new
ones as soon as possible (see Section 6.6.2). No repairs or shortening of hoses are allowed.
If there are any fuel leak on the threaded connection of the DYNAQUIP coupling, then fasten up
the screw junction by the moment of about 25 Nm (regarding hoses of 8 and 10 mm diameters).
Damaged seals of the REGO (ÈSN) couplings mean you must replace the O-ring with a new one.
The procedures how to manage tight connections using the seal PTFE tape are to be found in
Section 7.4.
All burners that have been produced until November 8th, 1999 have their connectors coated with
special adhesive material so their repairs should be managed by approved organizations.
Regular re-change of O-rings you should realise yearly.
It is recommended to coat the couplings by means of graphite powder.
If you have found any other faults, ask an approved organisation to repair them.
After finishing the repairs of fuel system the leakage test should be conducted using the lather
solution as mentioned in details in Section 7.3.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
33-1 Repairing pilot burners of H3, H3-D, HB2 types
Clean the ceramic insulation of the spark ignition electrode using a cloth with the detergent or
using a hard but non-metal brush. Layers of soot or carbon deposits can cause problems as the
possible source of discharge except of the electrodes of the spark gap. Damaged components
shoulds be replaced with new ones. Check up the undisturbed state of the conductor between the
piezo igniter and the sparking plug. Adjust the distance between the electrodes of the pilot burner
according to the picture. The distance between the electrodes (411) or the distance between the
electrodes and the body of the pilot burner (50241) according to the type of the burner should be
adjusted. The spark must be as long as possible but it must spark over properly. The recommended
distance is from 3 to 4 mm. Then review the right functioning of the piezo igniter, if necessary to
change for a new part.
33-2 Repairing the fuel supply of H3, H3-D, HB2 burners
Turn off the conductor (51158) from the spark ignition electrode, unscrew up the body of the
pilot burner (50241) and also the jet (50235). The H3 and H3-D types need to remove the
whisper burner body before unscrewing. The jet should be cleaned by using the metal wire 0.7
mm thick, then washed in petrol and dried with the pressurised cold air.
Pilot burner H3, H3-D, HB2 types
167 - Ball cock
402 - Nut, M8
403 - Screw, M4
404 - Washer, 4.3
405 - Nut, M4
411 - Spark plug
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50223 - Elbow, G1/8 - G1/4
50230 - Connector, M14x1,5 - G1/4
50232 - Support of ball cock
50233 - Nut, G3/8
50235 - Jet of PB
50236 - Nut, M26 (H3, H3-D)
50237 - Cover (H3, H3-D)
50241 - PB body
50515 - Support of HB2 piezo
50634 - Piezo igniter cover of HB2 type
51158 - Piezo igniter
52086 - Hose
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for use with the hot air balloon
33-11 Repairing KOMET pilot burners
Start up with unfastening the adjusting screw (1109), taking off the pilot burner control (51144)
and unscrewing the PB control mechanism.
Rechanging the O-rings (1106) do not forget to let the retaining ring loose (1104), get out the
stem of PB (51122) with the sealing (51126). Replace the original O-rings (1106), clean up the
stem from carbon deposits and coat the new O-rings with the silicon vaseline. Then position
them progressively into the pits. Before re-completing feed the room between the O-rings with
the silicon vaseline.
Repairing the flat stem sealing (51126) you should remove the whole stem and change it with
a new one (51122) or let an approved organisation manage this repair.
(2 pc)
- Sliding shim, 8x14
- Retaining ring for shaft
- O-ring, 12x2,5
- O-ring, 4x1.75
- Adjusting screw, M6x10
- Adjusting screw, M5x8
- Stem of KOMET PB
- Lower PB tappet of KOMET type
- Upper PB tappet of KOMET type
- Stem sealing of KOMET PB
- Spring of KOMET PB
- Jet of KOMET PB
- PB control of KOMET type
- Piezo igniter of KOMET type
- PB body of KOMET type
- PB tube of KOMET type
- PB scatter of KOMET type
KOMET pilot burner
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Positioning the lever of the PB control - follow the photos. While assembling do pay attention
to the right position - Closed/ Open. Turning around increase or reduce the angle. At the position
between closed/open, the axis of the control lever should be set perpendicularly to the longitudinal
axis of the fitting unit.
Position between closed/open
33-12 Repairing the fuel supply of KOMET burners
If the power output of the pilot burner is inefficient and you are not sure about fuel quality,
remove the liquid hose and the fuel filter out of the burner fitting. The filter should be washed in
technical petrol and then fanned and dried with the compressed cold air. After sealing the hose
coupling using the seal PTFE tape (see 7.3) finish the procedure by screwing up the hose into the
fitting. If you can ignite the burner but you need too many tries, check up the possible damage or
blockage of the scatter (52043). The new scatter must be shaped for the tube step of the pilot
burner (51162). Clean the jet of PB (51140) in case the flame is still not stable or sensitive during
the intensity regulation. While dissasembling/assembling the jet, follow the 33-11 procedure.
33-13 Repairing the piezo igniter of KOMET burners
Clean using a dry cloth or with a hard but non-metal brush the ceramic insulation of the ignition
spark electrode. Check it up and if necessary adjust the distance between electrodes of the pilot
burner (see 33-11). If there is a serious malfunction, replace the piezo igniter (51145) with a new
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for use with the hot air balloon
35-11 Repairing KOMET whisper burners
If controlling the vent causes problems or if there is leakage due to the leaky closed position of
the burner, you should:
1. Check the quantity of motion of the lever mechanism regarding the valve control
2. Check the state and lubrication of the O-rings that belong to the vent, use silicon vaseline.
3. Check the right position of the countersunk lock screw (1116) and of the face sealing of
FV/WB (51133).
4. Check possible permanent deformations of the spring (51132).
5. Check the state and lubrication of the parallel/roll pin (1160).
Start the repair with unscrewing the hex socket screw of the lever (1155) related to the WB head
and adjusting screws (1115). Then take out the head cover of WB (51115). Using the hook spanner
unscrew the WB nut (51130). After evaluating causes of defects replace the damaged parts
including seals (we do recommend re-change the O-rings (1113) and face sealing while every the
whole disassembly of the valve head of WB).
(2 pc)
- O-ring, 18.5x3
- O-ring, 25x2.5
- O-ring, 37x2.5
- O-ring, 7x1.8
- Adjusting screw, M5x8
- Screw, M3x8
- Hex socket screw, M6x40 Zn
- Roll pin, 4x28
- WP insert of KOMET type
- Head cover of KOMET WB
- Stem of FV/WB of KOMET type
- WB nut of KOMET type
- Spring of KOMET FV/WB
- Stem sealing of KOMET FV/WB
- Sliding shim of KOMET burner
- Sliding shim of KOMET + burner
- Head cam of KOMET WB
- Lever of WB head of KOMET type
Whisper burner valve of KOMET type
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
In case of O-rings (1113)/spring of FV/WB replacements, you should remove the roll pin (1160)
from the cam of WB head (51137) and pull out the stem of FV/WB (51118). O-rings (1107, 1108,
1113) should be coated with silicon vaseline and placed into the pits. Then insert the stem sealing
and fix it with the screw and fill the room among the O-rings with silicon vaseline. Clean up the
hole in the whisper burner nut by means of the cloth soaked in the silicon vaseline. Then insert
the completed stem. Put on the sliding shim (51134 or 51135) and the WB head cam (51137),
position the openings of the sliding shim and the head cam. Fix the position with the parallel pin
after lubricating properly. The assembled head should be installed into the burner fitting and
fastened with the hook spanner. Check the standard clearance to be 0.1-0.2 mm between the cam
and the sliding shim. If the clearance is not as prescribed, replace the shim with a new shim of
different thickness. Place the head cover with the cam on the WB nut and fix it with screws.
Connect the lever of WB using the screw (1126). Check the quantity of motion, tightness (see
Section 7.3) and functioning of the WB valve.
37-1 Repairing of the lifting mechanism by adjustable burner frames
If the burner units do not stay at the selected height when the lever on the gas spring lever is
released then either the pressure in the gas spring requires adjustment or the gas spring needs to
be replaced.Contact an approved organisation.
If the burner frame or the gas spring is damaged then the repair must be made by an approved
6.5.4 Repairing equipment
71-1 Repairing the tempilabel and the melting link
Do not try to repair and do not even undo the original tempilabel. Sew the new one along the
original. Replace the disconnecting melting link with a new one.
6.5.5 Repairing accessories
83-1 Repairing the dropline
The carabiner of the tape shall be replaced with a new one. Damaged or mouldy tape must be
changed with a new one.
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for use with the hot air balloon
Major/Special repairs
The following repairs concern the most important parts of the balloon that influence the vital
functions and its safety. If there is any damage, all repairs must keep to the procedures shown
below otherwise the balloon should not be operated any more.
6.6.1 Repairing envelopes
11-101 Repairing vertical and horizontal load tapes
Damaged or cut load tapes shall be changed or covered with
a new one in that way there is the minimum overlap of 500
mm in both directions from the damaged area. The sewing
shall be secured using 14 rows of parallel stitching along the
tape length and two rows of running across ones (see the
picture). Sewing of the load tapes altogether must be finished
before their fixing to the fabric of the envelope.
50 cm
Tape sewing up
11-102 Repairing the crown ring
The damaged crown ring shall be unpicked and replaced with a new one. The load tapes shall be
sewn in accordance with the picture and the original overlap should be kept. If the ends are
damaged while undoing stitches, cut off the damaged part and supply it with the brand new load
tape according to the procedure 11-101.
80 cm
Tape sewing to the crown ring
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
11-103 Repairing the vent hole sealed with the velcro panel
The repair of the riplocks must be provided by the complete re-change. The seam length and
types of the knots must be kept, changing the velcro you should use the type supplied by the
envelope producer. The velcro tab must be sewn all along its edges. Load tapes protective covering
must be followed.
The load protective covering minimises damage to the velcro tabs during the envelope packing.
Using other than certified velcro can cause a disconnection influenced by moisture or change of
11-104 Repairing textile panels
If your envelope is seriously damaged, unpick stitching and rechange the whole panel. The old panel should be kept as a pattern
while cutting the new panel for replacement (then the damaged
panel is not distorted overly). Cutting a new panel you must keep
the original orientation of thread in the direction of warp and weft
threads. Always use only double (French) fell seams (see the
7 mm
7 mm
Double fell seam
11-105 Repairing load-bearing steel flying wires
Load-bearing flying wires are never repaired but only replaced. Any squeezing of endings or
wicking up the ends of the steel wires is prohibited.
11-106 Repairing connections of flying wires made of steel and load tapes at the envelope
Undo the stitches of the tape that needs the repair, then cut off the damaged part, heat seal the
ends with a hot knife or a lighter and set the tape according to the procedure 11-101. Then insert
the tape into the thimble of the flying wire. Sew up the tapes altogether and then back to the
envelope. It is recommended to cut away the tape leaving it as long as the rim tape sewn around
the envelope mouth.
Connection of the flying wire and the envelope load tape
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for use with the hot air balloon
15-101 Repairing load fabric ribs
If any part of ribs is damaged, you must cut it away and replaced it with new fabric. It is necessary
to keep the original orientation of threads in the direction of warp and weft threads.
The rib shape and its strength influence the stress and strain to the outer envelope textile. Torn
ribs, especially while the balloon descending or climbing up, can cause serious stress problems
and even the damage to the envelope fabric.
6.6.2 Repairing burners
31-101 Replacing hoses of H3, HB3, H-3D and H4 burners
Unscrew the old hoses and check the new hoses by means of blowing through to see if they have
no blockage problems with the passage. Connecting couplings shall be sealed, set and the hoses
should be fastened (see procedure 31-15). Connect the burner to the pressure source and use the
lather solution to inspect the connection tightness (see Section 7.3). Mend possible connection
31-111 Replacing hoses of KOMET burners
Unscrew the old hoses and check the new hoses by means of blowing through to see if they have
no blockage problems with the passage. Connecting couplings shall be sealed, set, and the hoses
should be fastened (see procedure 31-15). Connect the burner to the pressure source and use the
lather solution to inspect the connection tightness (see Section 7.3). Mend possible untight
While changing hoses you should use only the hose type compatible to the certain type of fuel and
approved by the manufacturer.
Always review the age of the hose applied (see Section 4.5.1).
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for use with the hot air balloon
7.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 2
7.2 Fabric Strength Test ...................................................................................................... 2
7.2.1 Test conduct ..................................................................................................................... 2
7.2.2 Test evaluation ................................................................................................................. 2
7.3 Leakage Test with Lather Solution............................................................................... 2
7.3.1 Preparation of lather solution .......................................................................................... 2
7.3.2 Application of lather solution .......................................................................................... 2
7.4 Sealing Threaded Joints with PTFE Tape ..................................................................... 3
7.4.1 Principles, preparations and procedures of seal threaded joints ...................................... 3
7.4.2 Sealing procedure ............................................................................................................. 3
7.5 Test Flight ..................................................................................................................... 4
Certificate on Serial Flight Test/Renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness ................... 5
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
The instructions regarding special procedures during inspections and repairs are contained in
this section. Concerning the instructions involving measurement records in the written form, the
particular certificates are drawn up and enclosed herein. While any certificate varying, its technical
content must be retained.
Fabric Strength Test
The fabric test should be carried out to find out, whether the tested fabric is convenient (airworthy)
for the following airborne service. This may be conducted directly on the envelope by using grab
testers (the proprietary clamps are available from the manufacturer).
7.2.1 Test conduct
1. The fabric must be gripped with the jaw edges carefully aligned so that the same fibres are
being pulled from each end. The minimum jaw distance of 80 mm must be kept at the
same time (the min textile width of 120 mm). The clamp edges must be parallel so that the
fibres are loaded evenly and tightened properly.
2. The envelope fabric should be grab tested to 13 kg. The level of loading could be observed
on a spring tensile dynamometer suspended in the hook of the grab tester.
7.2.2 Test evaluation
1. If the fabric withstands the specified pull and is not damaged, it is fully airworthy.
2. If the fabric fails between 10 and 13 kg fabric may be passed as airworthy with the following
- The max admissible loading will be reduced by 20 % concerning all types.
- The balloon can only fly under favourable weather conditions.
- The strength test to be periodically repeated either every 50 flight hours or 6 calendar
months. The limitation of the service period is applied that starts first.
3. If the fabric fails below 10 kg then all the weak fabric must be replaced.
Leakage Test with Lather Solution
7.3.1 Preparation of lather solution
Mix 3 units of unpolluted water with one unit of whichever (ecological) detergent.
7.3.2 Application of lather solution
The leak detection should be carried out using a wide paintbrush (coating no pouring) or a
sprayer. The spay or paintbrush should be applied to the joint requiring testing when it is under
pressure of min 12 bar. Any leaks will be shown by the presence of bubbles. The min observing
period of the bubble initiation is 5 minutes.
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for use with the hot air balloon
Sealing Threaded Joints with PTFE Tape
7.4.1 Principles, preparations and procedures of seal threaded joints
Ensure the threaded surfaces are clean and degreased. The thread upper parts (female and male
threads) should not be sharp or rough. The prospective sharp edges must be rubbed down by
using sandpaper. After roughening the male thread flank tops in the diagonal direction (by using
steel blade of a metal saw), the PTFE tape is protected against any push while bolting connections
7.4.2 Sealing procedure
Use a sealing compound of the PTFE tape type
on threads. The 12 x 0.1 mm tape should be
wound onto the male thread in order not to be
pushed down and following compactness
failures of connecting sealing surfaces. Wind
the tape in the same direction as the thread lead.
The PTFE tape beginning and end must be at
the root of the thread lead. The PTFE tape turns
should be tried on one unit. Proper and improper
tape forming before screwing on and including
the tape deformation after re-screwing off are
in the enclosed picture below.
The threads must be turned up to about 1/3
length after initial thread engagement by hand.
Then bolt together the rest part by using an
open-end wrench set. In case of impossibility
to screw on the joint along its first 1/3 length,
there are too many layers of the PTFE tape
PTFE tape
of the PTFE
PTFE tape
of the PTFE
Sealing procedure of threaded joints
Sealing threaded joints with PTFE tapes are applicable for the operating pressures up to 12
bars (1.2 MPa) and further for the standard gas mixture - propane / butane / nitrogen.
The leakage test of sealing threaded connections by using PTFE tapes is conducted in compliance
with Section 7.3 of the manual.
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Test/Trial Flight
The approved organisation considers and required possibly the test/trial flight carrying out. This
decision is based on the technical balloon condition in accordance with current requirements
and rules of the operator’s local CAA.
The range and authorisation of trial flights performing follow the valid regulations of the operator’s
national CAA. The manufacturer carries out ordinarily test flights according to the enclosed
bellow Certificate on Serial Flight Test/Renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness.
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for use with the hot air balloon
on Serial Flight Test / Renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness *
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Certificate of Airworthiness No.:
technical data:
Serial No.:
of production:
Last valid till:
Renewed till:
In total since production:
since last annual inspection:
Technical inspection of the balloon:
Heating unit
Serial No.:
Serial No.:
Serial No.:
The balloon is from view of completeness and correctness of certificates and documents and keeping
maintenance system and technical condition:
airworthy concerning a test flight / airborne operation.
not airworthy concerning a test flight / airborne operation.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Confirmation by approved organisation
(stamp and signature)
Date of inspection
(C of A renewal)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Confirmation by CAA
(stamp and signature)
* inapplicable facts should be crossed out
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
Launch field
MSL altitude
Air temperature QNH
Wind direction/speed
Time of climbing
towards100 m
Envelope air temperature
(climb of 0 m/s)
Temperature after 30 sec
Empty weight (without fuel
Full weight of cylinders
Descent after 30 sec
Take-off weight
Load weight
Fuel pressure
Altitude AGL with the balloon
descending at the 2 m/sec vertical
velocity while heating was starting
Altitude AGL with the balloon climbing
at the 1 m/sec vertical velocity when
heating was completed
Operation of the parachute/Smart Vent:
Altitude loss
Time of heating
Operation of the rotation vent:
Operation of the rip panel:
Further observations, notices or found out failures:
Take-off time:
Landing field and time:
Flight time:
The flight test of the balloon has been conducted in compliance with the approved scheme. Considering the
balloon performances and also the functioning of all components, the balloon has
a/ met
b/ met since the found failures elimination
c/ failed
the requirements of airworthiness.
Pilot in command
Certificate received on behalf of:
Technical inspector
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for use with the hot air balloon
8. Supplements
8.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2
8.2 List of Supplements ...................................................................................................... 2
Supplements ..................................................................................................................... 2
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BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
Francouzská 81, 602 00 Brno
This Section containes necessary supplemets with information requisite for continued
airworthiness of the balloon differed in further equipment or other deviations from standard
balloon realisation.
Date of Insertion
Supplement No.
List of Supplements
Name of Supplement
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Issue: 29. 4. 2004
BALÓNY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.
e-mail: •
Brno 602 00 • Francouzská 81 • Czech Republic
tel. +420 545 211 917, 545 214 755 • fax +420 545 213 074
© Copyright BALONY KUBÍCEK spol. s r.o.