die grootste geskenkwat jy jou kind kan gee A


die grootste geskenkwat jy jou kind kan gee A
Naskoolse opleiding
die grootste geskenk wat jy jou kind kan gee
Een van die grootste geskenke wat ouers
aan hul kinders kan gee, is om voldoende
voorsiening vir hul naskoolse opleiding te
maak. En hoe gouer hulle daarmee kan begin, hoe beter.
Dit is verstandig en raadsaam om sommer van hul geboorte af daarvoor te begin
spaar - dit maak nie saak hoe nie. Een van
die gewildste - en ook geskikste - spaarinstrumente is ’n uitkeerpolis op elke kind se
naam, wat kan uitbetaal as die kind agtien
jaar oud word. ‘n Effektetrustbelegging of
selfs ‘n spaarrekening, waarin elke maand
’n vaste bedrag gestort word, is natuurlik ‘n
“veilige manier” om vir ‘n studie-neseier te
voorsien. Die opbrengs daarop is egter nie
altyd aardskuddend nie.
Hoeveel moet jy daarvoor spaar? Die antwoord laat ‘n mens swaar sluk, want die
koste van naskoolse opleiding styg teen ’n
skrikwekkende koers. Alles hang natuurlik
af van die aard van die kursus, hoe lank die
kursus duur en watter studie-inrigting gekies word.
Die gemiddelde kursusgelde vir ‘n bemarkingsdiploma aan ‘n universiteit van tegnologie kos tans meer as R42 000 vir die
drie jaar, ‘n BCom-graad net duskant R60
000 vir die drie jaar en ‘n mediese graad oor
die R200 000. Bring die gemiddelde verblyf
in universiteitskoshuise in berekening, dan
spring hierdie uitgawes ná onderskeidelik
sowat R73 000, R105 000 en R337 000.
Dit is nóú! Wie weet tot waar dié bedrae
van kindsgeboorte af oor agtien jaar gaan
Daar is net een stukkie goeie, gratis raad:
begin sommer vandag met daardie spaarplan. Dit is nooit té vroeg nie en jy is nooit té
jonk om daarmee te begin nie.
Indien inflasie tot gemiddeld 10% per jaar
beperk kan word, sal bogenoemde beraamde kursuskoste en koshuisgelde kumulatief tot onderskeidelik oor die R400
000, R582 000 en R1,87 miljoen groei.
Dis natuurlik nie al uitgawes nie. Voorsiening moet ook gemaak word vir handboeke
en ander studietoerusting, klere, vervoerkoste en sakgeld. As jy boonop nog vir jou
kind ‘n eie motor wil aanskaf, praat ons
van etlike tienduisende rande wat benodig
word. En oor drie jaar kan dit oploop na ‘n
onaardige bedrag.
A project launched by
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All courses are accredited and registered with
HOLIDAY GUIDE Thursday 13 December, 2012
NMMU George Campus growing tomorrow
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is
a university for tomorrow - we nurture innovation, foster creativity, embrace technology and develop people to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
George Campus, one of NMMU’s six
campuses, focuses specifically on the environment, business, education and management - key issues in sustainable development.
NMMU’s dynamic, yet relatively small
George Campus ensures individual attention to student needs in a safe learning environment. It is a firm favourite as it is wellknown for its close collaboration with the
various industries, entrepreneurial training
as well as its pristine natural setting. The
campus is considered “a natural laboratory”
and an example of a sustainable community, where we wish to show that the environment can be protected by living peacefully alongside wildlife, using solar power,
making compost, recycling waste, catching
rain water and saving water and electricity
where possible.
Excellent facilities and a variety of studentdriven initiatives and societies, such as the
Green Campus Forum, NMMU George
Choir, Forestry and Agriculture Associations, the Path-finders Business Society,
Poetry Society and more, ensure a vibrant
and fulfilling student life.
The programmes offered at George Campus prepare students for a variety of career
options, such as Chartered Accountant;
Teacher; General Manager; Marketer; Tour
Operator; Public Relations Practitioner;
Business Owner; Entrepreneur; Hotel
Manager; Agri Business Manager; Game
Ranch Manager; Agricultural, Game Ranch
or Environmental Consultant; Agri-tourism
practitioner; Farm Manager; Researcher,
Nursery or Golf Course Manager; Sawmill
Manager; Wood Technologist ... and many
Visit us at Saasveld or call us on 044 801
5111 or e-mail george-info@nmmu.ac.za
for more information.
Students relaxing outside on the wooden deck at the modern Recreation Centre at NMMU’s
George Campus. The campus is situated in a pristine natural setting, one of the most beautiful
campuses in South Africa.
Students comparing notes between lectures at the modern Recreation Centre at NMMU’s
George Campus.
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CONTACT US ON: 044 884 0765
VAKANSIEGIDS Donderdag 13 Desember, 2012
For all your QUALITY
culinary & Hospitality
training requirements
Since 2 May 2012, 125 Mitchell Street simply cannot be
missed. The clean lines, architectural focus points and
extensive branding make this building one of the best college
headquarters in the country.
At night the exquisitely placed lighting highlights the branded
fins to the side facing Courtenay Street. South Cape FET
College put itself squarely on the map with this two - storey
building housing its Central Office. The keys to the building
had been officially handed over on Wednesday, 2 May, with a
special golden ceremonial key handed to the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO), of South Cape FET College. The CEO of the
college, Mr Luvuyo Ngubelanga, immediately capitalised on
the situation and proudly hosted a Leadership Training Imbizo
and Extended Broad Management Meeting, stretching over
two days last week. The broad management members of the
college, travelling from all six campuses, attended a welcoming
dinner on the first floor of the building with Councillors from the
South Cape FET College Council too.
The new building lends itself to a wide variety of activities, including
having an Executive Boardroom, seating 40, 4 additional committee
rooms, and strategically grouped clusters for operating departments,
secure parking and a braai area.
ICT Career Expo 2011
Two senior management team members of South Cape FET College, Dr Rajesh Maharaj
and Mr Alisile Dyabaza, visited the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) in New Zealand.
The ICT Career Expo is hosted by the
Department of Communication (DoC), the
eSkills Institute and Telkom. The background
on this expo can be investigated back towards
a report provided by the Department of
Labour (DoL) in 2008, which concluded that
South Africa has a skills shortage of 37 565
Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) workers in areas as diverse as sales,
human resources and technical workers.
This number increased to 70 000 to date.
Maharaj and Dyabaza strove to build on the initiation process for a partnership and to
identify areas of common interest for growth and development. The visit was planned to
allow sufficient time to cover most of the aspects that could spark possible collaboration
between these two educational institutions. Maharaj is the Deputy Chief Executive Officer:
Innovation and Development, and Dyabaza heads the
Corporate Services branch of the college.
Malaysia part of visit
Dr Jan Roodt from Wintec, who visited South Cape FET
College last year, accompanied the two visitors to Malaysia.
The purpose of this leg of the journey was to introduce South
Cape FET College to the Malaysian partners of Wintec.
Both visits will not be limited to only educational partnering,
but will also include liaison opportunities with business and
government in New Zealand and Malaysia.
Roodt was previously attached to the old University of Port
Elizabeth (now Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)
and was born in Mossel Bay. He intends to build a close
relationship with educational institutions in the Southern Cape
region and promised to investigate, together with Maharaj
and Dyabaza, opportunities to benefit both students and staff
of the respective institutions.
A study furthermore revealed that no clear
collaboration between training institutions
industry, pertaining to ICT skills in South
Africa, existed. One of the aims of the expo
is thus to bridge this gap.
DCEO_Corporate Services
Mr Alisile Dyabaza
DCEO_Innovation and
Dr Rajesh Maharaj
Partnership between South Cape College
and the Department of Correctional Services
yielded an outstanding 100% pass rate.
By: Monica Tshangana
South Cape College’s commitment in
facilitating quality and relevant teaching and
learning in a supportive environment has
yielded amazing results. Last year the college’s
George Campus included inmates at George
Correctional Services as part of their student
community for the academic year.
George Campus registered 25 inmates in the
National Certificate Vocational Programme for
Tourism. These inmates were being lectured in
the programme whilst still being safeguarded
and in the convenience of the Correctional
Services facilities. The examinations were
facilitated at the George Campus.
During the first part of February this year, the
unique benchmark partnership between South
Cape FET College and Correctional Services
resulted in the Correctional Services hosting
a function in honour and recognition of these
inmates’ outstanding academic achievements.
The awarding of certificates to the inmates was
attended by several Department of Correctional
Services dignitaries. South Cape FET College
was also represented at this prestigious event
by top brass, in addition to lecturers involved in
the teaching of the inmates.
It was a joyous moment for both parties
when a 100% pass rate for the inmates was
reported. An outstanding 85% A aggregate
was furthermore achieved, with some students
getting distinctions in all 7 subjects.
The evening was even more special to the
inmates, as the applause included that of loved
ones that attended the prize giving ceremony.
“This building signifies a new era for South Cape FET College.
Our staff corps is motivated to provide a sterling service to our
campuses and external clients from this professional operating
centre. The nerve centre of South Cape FET College will
undoubtedly become a landmark, not only in George, but the
whole of the Southern Cape”, said Ngubelanga. Councillors
Reginald Smit and Piet van der Hoven also expressed their
gratitude towards the college management in bringing the
project to fruition. Special thanks went to Mr Alisile Dyabaza,
Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Corporate Services, who acted
as project leader.
The challenge thus continues this year as this trend
must be matched or improved.
Young people must get insight into the ICT
sector and the expo was established to
cater for this need and to provide necessary
information on careers in this sector. Because
industry and training institutions are aware of
the high failure and drop-out rates, students
are invited to participate in a competition
linked to the expo. Prizes include internship
programmes, bursaries and learnerships for
participating ICT companies.
The 2011 expo was well-attended and
according to Ms Carina Vorster, students
from South Cape FET College were focused
on the goals of the expo, even against the
background of challenges such as delayed
transport. The programme included, inter
alia, a FET ICT Skills Workshop discussing
“How to manage your Cisco networking
Academy” and the multimedia curriculum
offered at FET Colleges. Students attended
industry tours and officials kept busy
with discussing lecturer competence and
capacity development.
South Cape FET College wins silver
Vorster says that one highlight of this expo
was the ICT Innovation Competition and the
Shenold Saaiman at the 2011 Expo.
Gala Evening/Awards Ceremony. Shenold
Saaiman, a student from South Cape FET
College, was a shortlisted finalist in the
Saaiman finished in second place and won
an internship at Telkom. “It is a real honour
to receive such an opportunity and I must
now focus on passing with good marks” said
Saaiman. The expo was concluded with a
display by Innovation Hub, showing realtime simulations and control. A simulation
on the driver’s license test was performed.
Vorster claimed that the event was
very successful and that, although not
all students received internships, the
experience and knowledge gained by them
was deemed great beneficial. BCX offered
150 internships, for which South Cape FET
College students applied.
Group photo: TG Fredricks (Student), PR Joon
(student), lecturer Sindiswa Goliath, AC Ngalo
(student) and lecturer Johan Venter.
A whopping total of 46 students obtained an A Aggregate
during the 2011 end of year examinations at South Cape
FET (Further Education and Training) College.
These students attended a specially arranged awards
event at the Wilderness Beach Hotel in March. The CEO
of South Cape FET College, Mr Luvuyo Ngubelanga,
confirmed his pride in being associated with this positive
side of an often challenging environment. “Our focus, apart
from academic excellence, is also to build relationships with
industry and local government, specifically for the purposes
of job placement”, said Ngubelanga.
He further emphasized the fact the 46 students not only
represent South Cape College, but also the whole of the
Southern Cape and Karoo. The reasoning is that the
college’s six campuses (in George, Plettenberg Bay,
Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Riversdale and Beaufort West)
cover a vast geographical area, representative of the
Southern Cape and Karoo regions.
Growth and gifts
The number of A aggregates has grown from 26 in 2010 to
the total of 46 celebrated at this event. Students received
the very welcome news that all 46 of these candidates are
guaranteed the approval of their full bursaries. The college
also awarded a trophy to each student and a shopping
voucher to the value of R500.00. According to Mr Reginald
Smit, one of the Councillors of South Cape FET College,
the total of the expenditure from the college’s side to cover
the bursaries and gifts, is R460 000.00. He sincerely
thanked these hardworking students for putting a feather
in the cap of the college and promoting the image of this
academic institution.
George Mayor represented
The Office of the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman
Charles Standers, was represented by Mr S Marillac,
Manager in the Office of the Executive Mayor. Marillac
was accompanied by the newly appointed Manager: Media
Liaison of the George Municipality, Ms Ilse Schoonraad.
Marillac specifically referred, in his speech on behalf of the
Alderman Standers, that the college and the municipality
are under constant pressure to perform and uplift the
community; thus partnerships are a necessity. It forces
both the local government and the college to stay abreast
of trends and to become trendsetters.
Live broadcast
The event was broadcast live by Eden FM, to both
celebrate the successes of the students and to inform the
community about the great work being performed at South
Cape FET College. Amongst the top achievers were some
of the George Correctional Services students who received
classes whilst being incarcerated.
HOLIDAY GUIDE Thursday 13 December, 2012
The Provincial Government of the Western
Cape (PGWC) managed an initiative for a
production by a group of budding actors from
Beaufort West.
The production, named “‘n Pad loop daardeur”,
was showcased at the 2012 Suidoosterfees,
as part of Artscape in the KykNET Theatre.
This community production is a play that
describes the lives of individuals staying
in Beaufort West, their daily struggles and
challenges and how they overcome these.
Adrian Kearns, Principal Cultural Officer
from the Department of Cultural Affairs and
Sport (PGWC) announced the play and the
cast with “great enthusiasm and pride”, and
encouraged support for the “Drama Group
from Beaufort West in the Central Karoo”. In
his own words, Kearns said that one could
“Experience the unique culture of the Central
Karoo, the linguistic difference, the unique
dialect, and the pride these inhabitants have
for this all so forgotten town.”
Mr Pieter Sam, equally proud Campus Head
of the Beaufort West Campus of South Cape
FET College, congratulated a Level 4 student
from his campus, also named Adrian, who
formed part of this drama group.
The success and commitment of this local
community group serves as an example for
others on how to make dreams come true!
South Cape FET College was awarded an
overall second place by the National Student
Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) recently.
This scheme provides for funds to aid students
in the form of bursaries. Awards are presented
according to very strict criteria. This includes
how allocated funds are utilised, timeous and
correct submission of reports, returning of
credits and the NSFAS audit report results.
South Cape College took a close second place
for “Best Performing” after the East Cape
Midlands FET College. According to Mr Luvuyo
Ngubelanga, the winning of this award can be
attributed to the diligence of college officials and
especially the collaboration between
various internal departments in
the institution.
Bursary Officers
are stationed at most campuses
and report to the Student Support
Services unit at Central Office.
Obviously the Department: Finance
also contributes a huge part of the
administration of these funds.
The administration of the funds,
especially against the background
of strict policies for implementation
is a humongous task. An overall
second place on national level is
From left to right: Cornelia Robertson (Manager: Finance),
indeed a feather in the cap of South
Luvuyo Ngubelanga (Chief Executive Officer) and Ulricha
Cape FET College.
de Klerk (Head of Department: Student Support Services)
proudly showing off the NSFAS Award.
The Wholesale and Retails SETA (W & R SETA)
Workplace Experience and Employment Grant
(WEEG) launch, hosted by education partner,
South Cape FET College, was a resounding
This project involves close integration between
three partners, namely South Cape FET
College (SCC), the W & R SETA and various
industry partners (host employers). The pilot
driver of this project, currently in its second
round, is Mrs Tercia Terblanche (Deputy
Chief Executive Officer: Academic at South
Cape College). According to Terblanche the
first round kicked off two years ago, with the
initial group of placed students finishing their
internships in January this year. This second
round commenced on 1 September and will be
concluded at the end of February 2013, with a
possibility of extending the employment grant.
Beneficial to the students and the host
employers, this type of project provide funds
allocated by the SETA, for paying stipends
to students being employed to gain work
experience at host employers. The current
revised project guidelines stipulate an
employment contract between the college
and the student, with the funds from the SETA
being paid to the college. The college then
in turn pays the students. A Memorandum
of Understanding is then signed between
the college and the host employer. These
new arrangements protect all parties, make
provision for the legalities of the project and
ensure that the college assists in sharing the
responsibility for the project.
SCC is the first college in the province rolling
out this project. Terblanche said that students
must ‘abuse’, and not only make use, of the
opportunities offered to them through this
grant. Mrs Lana van der Westhuizen, the W
& R SETA Regional Manager for the province,
delivered an inspiring message to the students
and thanked the college and host employers for
initiating and participating in the project.
VAKANSIEGIDS Donderdag 13 Desember, 2012
Feedback from one of the previous host
employers, Waltons, was given by Ms Anne-Mare
Tredoux, who praised the skills and diligence of
the students and the opportunities offered to host
employers through these. Tredoux emphasized
the fact that gaining exposure at host employers is
imperative and invaluable for the students. In the
case of Waltons, having more than 60 branches
nationwide, work experience at this company
Adrian (Level 4 student from Beaufort West Campus), fourth from the left, pictured here on the
official poster advertising the play at the Suidoosterfees.
By: Johlynn Anthony
The main focus of the Industry Advisory
Committee is to support and advise the
college regarding curriculum content and the
relevancy of programmes required by industry.
Applicability towards the needs for the human
resource capital of industry, can lead to
improved employability and self-employment
opportunities of college graduates.
Two Industry Advisory Committee functions/
meetings were hosted in 2011, both of which
were a great success.
issues: Group sessions, presentations, briefing
on four vocational subjects’ content, experiential
learning opportunities for students and lecturers,
role and responsibilities of an Industry Advisory
Committee member and student internship
company feedback. (A company hosting SCC
students gave feedback).
Students are required to update their details
or bring their CVs to the office of the Branch:
Academic, in order to be assisted with
The team’s goal is to invite new businesses and
form a fruitful relationship with them to create
employment for our college graduates.
The Industry participants provide their input
regarding the curriculum in their specific fields
and assist the South Cape FET College Heads
of Departments to adjust to what the industry
currently requires. This will certainly help create
better college graduates from South Cape FET
The following primary points were included
in the meeting agendas to address relevant H. Klein exhibiting Financial Management.
South Cape FET College
leads Top Achievers in province
By: Yvonne Botha
At a recent awards ceremony hosted by Western Cape Education MEC, Donald Grant, South Cape
FET College proved that a so-called “rural” college can take the lead in a province of winners.
The awards recognized the highest achievements in the 2011 National Certificate Vocational (NCV),
the equivalent of the National Senior Certificate (NSC). South Cape FET College was announced as
having the best NCV level 4 results in the Western Cape Province. Furthermore, this college received
a 2nd place in the results for NCV levels 2 and 3. Nelmarie van der Merwe, NCV level 4 student in
Information Technology and Computer Science at Mossel Bay Campus, put the cherry on top when
she was awarded best overall results in this course across the entire province.
Students with dignitaries at the launch.
enhances the resume of job applicants. One of
the ex-students, Modiege Modikwe also provided
feedback. She completed a stint at Pick and Pay
in Oudtshoorn, starting with packing shelves,
cleaning floors, advancing to the cash registers
and finally ending up working in the office. She
is currently employed as a Job Placement Intern
at SCC.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SCC, Mr
Luvuyo Ngubelanga, in his closing address,
mentioned the high unemployment figures in South
Africa in general, and the Garden Route area in
particular. “You now have the opportunity to start
your careers against all the odds” Ngubelanga
motivated the students. He also emphasized that
the payment of stipends and subsequent spending
of these in local businesses by the students,
definitely contributes towards stimulating the local
What makes this achievement even more special is the fact that the Western Cape Province was the
top performer on NCV level 2 results. Grant congratulated the Western Cape FET sector and said:
“This year’s awards are special for the Western Cape as we have outperformed all other provinces
in these examinations, as well as exceeded our very own targets”. According to Grant the NCV
certification rate on level 2 was a mere 27% in 2010, increasing to a whopping 59% last year.
Similarly, level 3 results increased from 33% to 51% and level 4 results from 40% to 47%. The
New Age newspaper reported that Grant opinioned that FET colleges provide a valuable service
in developing the vocational skills and competencies of the learners. These skills are specific to the
economy of the Western Cape and, in turn, it contributes to further employment and job opportunities
for the youth in this province.
“Wherever our FET colleges are located in the education system of South Africa and it is becoming
increasingly clear that this matter is still subject to considerable debate their intrinsic linkage into the
nature of the economy in which they are physically located cannot be ignored,” said Grant.
The Chief Executive Officer of South Cape FET College, Mr Luvuyo Ngubelanga, expressed his
sincere appreciation of the institution’s outstanding performance. “As a College Principal, I wish
to thank all lecturing staff for the dedicated and consistent achievement that has been
continuously improving ever since NCV programs were introduced in 2007. This achievement is
highly appreciated by the DHET, WCED, College Council and Management of the College”, said a
proud Ngubelanga.
Of the nine provinces, the Western Cape performed consistently above the national certification rate
across all three NATED levels and was the top performer on N4 (45.7%) and N5 (45%). In N4, the
second highest performing province was Mpumalanga with 34.8%.
Hospitalit : a great career
There are several advantages to studying
for the hospitality management diploma or
the food preparation and culinary arts diploma right here in George. The NQtac Private
FET College offers a diploma course which
includes practical training with the Hyatt
Regency Oubaai Hotel at Herold’s Bay. “At
the end of the three year diploma, students
have hands-on experience having worked
at a hotel, and an internationally recognised diploma to show for it,” says MD
Irene Smith.
“Graduates are instantly employable. Enrolment applications for 2013 are open now.”
The NQtac Hotel School offers the fully accredited City and Guilds of London Hospitality suite of qualifications. “Internationally
recognised qualifications up to Advanced
Diploma level allow you to work in top hotels overseas, on ships and in restaurants.”
Irene has been in the hospitality training
industry since 1995. She has branches in
Johannesburg and Pretoria.
The Garden Route College has been in operation since January 2003 and is the only
facility of its kind between Port Elizabeth
and Cape Town, drawing students from all
over South Africa.
College graduates from the NQtac Private FET College in George are
much in demand in some of South Africa’s top hotels and restaurants
like the Hyatt Regency Oubaai, Shamwari, the Grande Roche Hotel in
Paarl and Mount Grace in Johannesburg.
Students can now enrol for the 2013 international hospitality management
or the professional cookery diploma at the NQtac Private FET College in
George. At the end of the 3 year diploma, students will have hands-on experience, having worked at the Hyatt Regency Oubaai Hotel at Herold’s Bay
- and an internationally recognised diploma to show for it.
Hotel School
& Hospitality
A career in Health and Beauty Therapy
Full time and Part time courses
Courses include:
Facials, Nail technology,
Makeup, Manicure
& Pedicure, Massage,
Eyelash extensions,
Hot stone massage
and more
The intake is small, which means that students get individual attention. The lecturers
are CATHSSETA and City & Guilds accredited trainers, assessors and moderators.
The College is an accredited exam centre
with City & Guilds International and is registered as a Private Further Education (FET)
College with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).
Irene is well established in the hospitality
industry and her college training standards
are recognised throughout Southern and
Western Africa. Irene’s college does training for, and maintains close ties with Legacy Hotels and Resorts, Shamwari, the Hyatt
Regency Oubaai, Grande Roche Hotel in
Paarl and Mount Grace in Johannesburg,
amongst others - all four and five star establishments.
• Kid’s cooking classes on Wednesday or
Friday afternoons have just started for
those creative little chefs.
• A 5-day waitering course for those wanting to work in the holidays will be presented from 3 - 7 December at R500 per
• Hospitality Management Diploma
3 years
Phone or SMS: 072 227 5969
Email: sanguinecollege@gmail.com
Website: www.sanguinespa.co.za
• Professional Cookery Diploma
2 years
Based in George, the heart of
the Garden Route
• A social cooking class is offered on
Wednesday evenings from 19:00 to
21:00 at R140 per person. And you eat
what you cook! Book to avoid disappointment.
Part time
• On-line Diploma
Own time
• Waiter, Housekeeping & Reception Short Courses
City & Guilds Internationally
Work anywhere in the World!
33 York Street • 044 873 4771 • www.nqtac.co.za
Montessori Education in George
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Open for Registration
116 Stander Street * Eden * George
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Eden Montessori
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Kindermusik included in Curriculum
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• Assistant Chef
HOLIDAY GUIDE Thursday 13 December, 2012