1994-4 - Ministry of Energy and Mines and Responsible for Core
1994-4 - Ministry of Energy and Mines and Responsible for Core
BRITISH PROSPECTORS MINISTRY COLUMBIA ASSISTANCE OF ENERGY GEOLOGICAL PROGRAM AND MINES SURVEY PROGRAM YEAR: 1994/95 REPORT #: PAP 94-4 NAME: J.G. MCDONALD BRANCH BRITISH COLUMBIA PROSPECTORS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROSPECTING REPORT FORM (continued) B..~CI~CAL REPORT * One technical report to be completed for each project area * Refer to Program Reqtiement.s/Repulations, section l5,16 and 17 * If work was performedon claims a copy of the applicable assessment report may be submittedin lieu of thesupportingdata(seesection 16) required with this TECHNICAL LOCATION/COMMODITIES Project Area (as listed in Part A.) Location of Project Area NTS Main Commodities Searched For REPORT -i$,p Y& TL! cpr Minfile No. if applicable l,at 5b&/L/ Long c/z .Tc,E f7u Known Mineral Occurrences in Project Area WORK PERFORMED 1. Conventional Prospecting (area) 2. Geological Mapping (hectares/scale) 3. Geochemical (type and no. of samples) 4. Geophysical (type and lime km) , 5. Physical Work (type and amount) <La,/, CL L7f I I / 6. Drilling (no. holes, size, depth in m, total m) 7. Other (specify) SIGNIFICANT RESULTS (if any) t ClaimName -93) rd Commodities GratiD Long Elevation ~Location (show on map) Lat Best assay/sample type I - , Supporting data must be submitted with this TECXNICAL REPORT. /Z3°-/ I BRITISH COLUMBIA PROSPECTORS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROSPECTING REPORT FORM (continued) I I I : ’ B. -TECHNICAL l * l REPORT One tech&A report to be completed for each project area Refer to Program Re tiements/Regulations, section l5,16 and 17 If work was perform e% on claims a mpy of the applicable assessment report maybe submitted in lieu of the supporting data (see section 16) required with this TECHNICAL Name 1 oa LOCATION/COMMODITIES . P 10 eference Number . . J&A2 REPORT ; 72 Minfile No. if applicable Project Area (as listed in Part A.) fl n c c Lat 933~ ‘7 ‘Location of Project Area NT3 Long r-e TTY ‘ CA M w Descriptionof Location and Access A a v SL ULL Pl'vlf? I-t es LcLkP FL&Q T St Sa.b-+es / 3-O Main Commodities Searched For r& Known Mineral Occurrences in Project Area Qia P, . , To-Cl Q Lk 2Zd?M/+.+ , a or, / _ C * . z.2 r-I / 04; a. WORK PERFORMED 1.Conventional Prospecting (area) F, ti 15 5-f 2. Geological Mapping (hectares/scale) 3. Geochemical (type and no. of samples) 4. Geophysical (type and line km) 5.Physical Work (type and amount) KJ Y 6.Drilling (no. holes, size, depth in m/total m) ’ 7.Other (specify) SIGNIFICANT 71 0 YPH .J-kMn.PS Mtrc ?Donntno RESULTS (if any) Commodities Location (show on map) Lat Best assay/sample type Claim Name Long Elevation Description of rninerali~tion, host rocks, &PInadt k-39 Supporting data must be submitted with this TECHNICAL REPORT. r/i J.M& , 4s BRITISH COLUMBIA PROSPECTORS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROSPECTING REPORT FORM (continued) BJ’ECHNICAL REPORT l One technicalreport to be completedfor each project are.8 l l Refer to Program Re uirements/Regulations, section 15,X and 17 If work was perfotmc % on claims a copy of the applicable assessment report may be submitted in lieu of the. supporting data (see section 16) required with this TECHNICAL Name REPORT Reference Number LOCATION/COMMODITIES Project Area (as listed in Part A.) Location of Project Area NTS Minlile No. if applicable WORK PERFORMED * -e+ AzLrG1 i/P. l.Conventional Prospecting (area) . I 2. Geological Mapping (hectares/scale) MlhIMAL 3. Geochemical (type and no. of samples) 4. Geophysical (type and line km) 5. Physical Work (type and amount) 6.Drilling (no. holes, size, depth in m, total m) 7. Other (specify) SIGNIFICANT RESULTS (if any) Claim Name Commodities Long Location (show on map) Iat Best assay/sample type 7oLJ Elevation Description of mineralization, host rocks, an I’k Supporting data must be submitted with this TECHNICAL REPORT. M Cl’v-CL/;. 7 OCT 94 Project Hell Cr Jade et Al Aug 20 - 22 was spent on the Hell Cr Jade property and the an 83 year old Jade miner and vicinity. Ccc McKewan (256-7151), gemstone worker and his wife spent one day on the property. We examined the waste pile to look for botryoidal (grape) jade. 500111 uphill from the cabin occurs an open cut where previous mining occrred. A buldozer followed the vein from the cabin to the opencut. Some jade was taken for cutting. The quality was not acceptable. Further work with heavy equipment is required as is a magnetometer. Magnetite occurs at the margins. The serpentinites cross the head of Vera Creek (see map). road was blocked. Jade was found in the creek bed. Quality not determined as it was too large to move. Jul 6 - 11. Vancouver Crreek, Texas Creek. to 5 days were spent evaluating Nothing of suitable quality D'Arcy, creek, McGillivary D'Arcy Nephrite was found. The was Van Horlick and other material. 1.5 Km west of the powerline road up McGillivary Creek occurs A few hand samples were found. carvable mariposite. Apparently the previous owner buried the showing and/or blasted it. Van Horlick Creek - 200 meters from the main Highway at the South end of Duffy Lake occurs massive Quartsite boulders over a 1 Km area. The quartzite is very white with concave depressions streaked with sillimanite, and contains bands and nodules of Dumortierite and blue Quartz(?). massive Texas Creek - one day was spent at Texas Creek. The idea was that the Jadeite bought off a local in the 1860's by an anthropologist may have come from Texas Creek. The Jadeite was bought from a loca&at 6 mile. 6 mile is located across from the Stein River. The ice moved north in this area. There has been a lot of speculation about Jadeite occuring at the head of the Stein at Sikhist Mountain. Koeik Cr and the head of the Stein are targets for the 1995 season. 8 AUG - 15 AUG Bear Mtn (emerald), American and speculative, Nahatlatch to Boston Emory Bar, Creek Lytton (NiSiO2) Bear Mountain - Capilano Rock & Gem (North Van)- reported at the Emperor crown grants near Agassiz. Emerald occurs metamorphosed limestones. The bush at the site is thick. of interest was found. soils were sieved through 318 ths mesh. Giant Mascot - chrsoprase (NiSi02). No showings emerald often in Nothing inch are reported. The theory followed is that mines typically have eb/otic minerals associated. (Island Copper - dumorti.:erite ; Cassiar - nephrite). American Creek was prospected and panned from the highway upstream for 1 Km. 1 then drove to the mine gate and then took 2 bags of material from the tailings pond. Not assayed. Nothin g of interest found. Nahatlatch - North Bend - A traverse was made along the west side of the Fraser River from North Bend to the Nahatlatch. The Nahatlatch was not accessible due to a canyon. Cherts were abundant as float. gravel pits were typically sandy and layered. Old Fraser River channels. Perhaps some gold potential. Nine Mile the east serpentine, evident. - 9 miles north of boston Bar and 4 l/2 miles (7 was a reported white Jade. What was found was cherts and volcanics. No economic material was Km) to Lytton Area - below the townsite - found jade float, rhodonite, quartzite with a 5 cm blue quartz eye. The rock was 50 cm thick, The estimated weight was 1300 100 cm long and 65 cm wide. Kg.Propose to drill and wedge the gem material out. 27 AUG - 1 SEP 94. Lillooet - serrpentines on the Texas Cr road were were samples panned from 3 creeks between lillooet Creek. pros and petted Texas as Lytton -1aluwisson and 6 mile creek were panned for Jadeite. Procedure was to dry the sample after examining for unusual colours. A butane torch was directed at all dried material to look for the yellow Na+ ion. There was no reaction. These creeks are located 6 & 8 miles nw of Lytton. Stein agate after. and ferry were found Jadeite reference. is in the landing - Abundant 200 gram Jadeite was and collected. area as is i ndicated amorphous the material by the enclosed pieces of sought BRITISH COLUMBIA PROSPECTORS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROSPECTING REPORT FORM (continued) B..TECHNICAL REPORT * One technical report to be completed for each project area * * Refer to Program Requirements/Regulations, section l5,16 and 17 If work was performed on claims a copy of the applicable assessment report may be submitted in lieu of the supporting data (see section 16) required with this TECHNICAL REPORT LOCATION/COMMODITIES Project Area (as listed in Part A.) &h Location of Project Area NTS Main Cdmmodities Searched For I. I j nKQ$ Minfile No. if applicable Lat Long & c&rl/n.e Y rl 1 . 1lp-l r rPLIr I WORK PERFORMED r6obIzh 1. Conventional Prospecting (area) 2. Geological Mapping (hectares/scale) i?T, 3. Geochemical (type and no. of samples) 4. Geophysical (type and line km) 5,Physical Work (type and amount) /Y rb s D &[,f6,Drilling (no. holes, size, depth in m, total m 7. Other (specify) . C. I??# !<s. UIk SIGNIFICANT Commodities Location (show on map Lat t Best assay/sample type Claim Name Lonp 3‘70 Lonci Wti,je 4 Elevation 13 \/ 1 Description of mineralization, host rocks, anomalies r-l&i SSc??S /lJL?v& . 13VO4DILer e _ or LDr-IIb% &J KM. Supporting data must be submitted with this TECHNICAL d*s& pa&&%&L& REPORT. ’ CLup, 16 SEP - 2 OCT 94 South Slocan and Passmore Dave Javorsky reported clear Saphires panned from the Slocan River 1 Km north of Hwy #3 at Crescent Valley. This area is a public beach. One night was spent using a long wave W lamp as 90% of Saphires floresceS(blue doesn't). No florescent material was noted. north of Winlaw, 20 Km from Passmore. PASSMORE - home was 5 miles One day and 2 evenings were spent roadside and along the Slocan River. Several seams parallel to the garnet schist floresced yellow nodules. One pebble sample from the Slocan River floresced orange. Both could indicate saphire. Sample has yet to be identified. Bonanza a Kaolin a garden Saphires have been found in other locations Several clay banks (weathered feldspars). trowel. No results. as nodules in were dug using Arrow Lakes (Nakusp) - north from Nakusp and across the ferry at Galena Bay. The first night was spent at Eagle Bay. The UV Lamp floresced the rock in the bay blue - white. The material appears to be Tungston (+/3%). The location of the response was at the shoreline at the center of the bay. Pingston Lake, Pingston Creek, concentrates were saved for transparent material coloured, green material was not identified Mosquito $100.00). to misting. Creek to Mushrooms Big Ledge property further work as red, orange, pink, as yet. - garnet there was and green. Fosthall Cr - prime mushroom area seem to appear first along the creek rich much The (made < sides due East Mosquito Creek - creek at 6 Km drains pre Cambrian rocks. Thorium and uranium minerals were found by local prospectors about 20 years ago, and large beryl crystal was found. First look appears to have found some small beryl crystals. Typical prospecting methods were to consolodate concentrates and also to screen larger samples for galvanized screen obtained from a hardware store. Trout found Silver. Creek. several panned > 1 cm, using a Lake - 1978 silver showing was revisited. The showing was by random digging in the road side and assayed > 650 gm/mt The vein was traced for 600 meters cutting across Broadview 3 MAPS (BCFS Recreation Maps 1 : 250,000) . \ NORANDA DELTA LABORATORY Geochemical Analysis COLiE: PROPERTV Shaet: 1 of I Gal.: GG 10.0 g sample digested tith aqua-r@ :T. lo. SAMPLE No. 2 r' 94-l 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 l2 10 11 12 l3 13 14 15 16 17 ,-* 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W 30 31 45 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; 14 35 2s 205 19 4s 95 15 15 60 l20 55 ml 2s 35 85 45 20 21 22 23 24 2s 26 27 28 96: 60 95 85 65 40 65 30 60 40 30 5 ls 16 17 1s p Au PPB 45 m 60 9406-004 Date recerved: Datecompleted: and determined by AA. JUNE JUNE 06 09 (D.L. 5 PPB)