PRESIDENT`S MESSAGE Rachel Gugliemo 1st Vice President
PRESIDENT`S MESSAGE Rachel Gugliemo 1st Vice President
Purpose: “To act as a friend at any and all times to men, women, and children in need of care, guidance and assistance, spiritually, materially and physically.” Vision Statement: ASSISTANCE LEAGUE® ...improving lives in every community Page1 January, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 7 FRESNO PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Rachel Gugliemo Mission Statement ASSISTANCE LEAGUE® is a nonprofit volunteer service organization dedicated to the promotion and growth of effective volunteerism through leadership training and education. Happy New Year everyone. I hope that everyone’s holidays where very enjoyable, but now we have to get ready for the second half of our year and it is going to be busy. On January 9th and 10th, Dorothy Torosian, Terry Fetters, Janet Bunting and myself took part in the trade-in for a discount on any new Vera Bradley items at the Top Drawer. I hope that our members were able to come by this wonderful store and take part in the sale. I haven’t heard the number of gently used purses we will receive but any number we be greatly appreciated as we will be selling them in our store. Our store has been making great strides every week and now we are open on Tuesdays, adding one more day to our work week so we can continue to grow. The Store has been doing really amazing but me need our members to please fill all the work shifts so we can make our store the success that I know it can be. Our teddy bears have been delivered and we are providing foster and needy middle and high school girls with prom dresses, Operation Gift Box has been delivered to the senior shut-ins and our senior ladies from San Joaquin Residence Facility have been busy knitting caps, booties and blankets. The Granville Homes have decided that they are changing the time of year that they will be holding their home give away and it is going to be on June 11, 2014. Karen Tozlian will be getting us all the dates and information we will need to get this campaign going. March 17th is our 20th year as a chapter of the Assistance League so we will have a special visitor from National and a celebration at our March meeting. Our January 27th meeting is a evening meeting at 7:00p.m. and we are hopeful that more of our members will be able to attend. 1st Vice President/Membership Janet Bunting I am delighted to announce that we have 2 new members. Jerilyn Thorpe joined Assistance League in December and Diane Eggebraaten joined in January. They are both wonderful additions to our chapter. Be sure to introduce yourselves to them at our January Chapter Meeting. If you are keeping count, (I know I am), that makes 14 new members since June 1st. Our January meeting is an evening meeting. That means we gather for dinner at 6:30 pm and then the chapter meeting begins at 7:00pm. Speaking of dinner, these are the members bringing food to the meeting. Drinks--Julie Skaff Main Dish—Gail Williams, Chris Takeda, Carole Williams, JoAnn Najarian Salad—Ann Kass, Susan Buss, Kathy Layne, Randy Walter Dessert—Glenda Morgan, Julie Small, Diane Williams Last but not least, I hope all of you had the opportunity to see the article in the January issue of Central Valley magazine about 3 local women who volunteer. One of the women featured was AL member Dorothy Torosian. In the article Dorothy talked about her various volunteer activities both past and present. She made sure to mention Assistance League and our Operation School Bell and Assisteens® programs. Thanks for the “shout out” Dorothy! ASSISTANCE LEAGUE Caring and Commitment in Action Hours Report 2013– 2014 Hours will include working shifts at the Thrift Boutique, Operation School Bell, working on a Committee, Chapter/Board Meetings and travel time. I would like to make a gift of (circle one): $25 $50 $100 er__________ $250 $500 $1,000 Oth- DONOR INFORMATION Name: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Name: City, State, ZIP: _____________________________________ Reporting Periods From: ______________________ Phone: Home: ______________ Work: ____________ PLEASE SELECT ONE: ~ I would like to dedicate my gift in memory of: To: ________________________ TOTAL HOURS: _______________ Please report monthly _________________________ ~ I would like to dedicate my gift in honor of: ___________________________ ~ For the special occasion of: __________________________________________ (birthday, anniversary, etc..) Please record the following changes: PLEASE NOTIFY: Name: _______________________________ ______________________________________________ __ Address: ______________________________ Address: Phone: _______________________________ ________________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________ City, State, ZIP: ________________________________________ Send to: Selah Anselmo 7405 N. Charles Ave Fresno, CA 93711 (The amount of the gift will not be disclosed.) Method of Payment: Please enclose your check, payable to ASSISTANCE LEAGUE, and mail donation and form to: ASSISTANCE LEAGUE 2037 West Bullard Avenue, PMB 306 Fresno, California 93711-1200 Information may also be emailed to: 2 2 2nd Vice President Dream Dress Sandy Ross Sandy Ross 3 We have had a wonderful response to our winter open days at Dream Dress! To date we have served 47 girls and each one took home the dress of their dreams! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! HELP US CLOTHE MORE KIDS! We have exciting news on how our Chapter can potentially clothe hundreds more children each year in our community! And here is how your help is needed… We have put together a Corporate Partners folder that you can give to any prospective person that you think would like to join us in clothing more children. This can be as simple as giving a folder to your dentist, doctor, hair stylist, attorney, accountant, manicurist, landscaper, etc. - the possibilities are endless! The folder contains all the information necessary to get started while introducing your potential partner to Assistance League Fresno and all the wonderful things we do and people we help in our community! This is just another way for our chapter to spread the word of Assistance League and boost the number of children served in the community each year! Our goals for how many we would like to serve for the next five years are stated in the folder. Let’s get busy and make those goals a reality!! Corporate Partners folders are available now! Be the first to get your folder and get started on fulfilling a child’s need of new school clothes! We will have the folders available at every Chapter Meeting for the remainder of the year or call Sandy Ross, Lillie Armistead or Catherine Quinn to get one now! Dorothy Torosian, Jane Saunders (owner) and Terry Fetters at Top Drawer event. 3 We are now open by appointment until April when we will have open days each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tuesday and Thursday we will be open 5-8 PM and Saturday 10-4 pm. Remember we always welcome dress and shoe donations but especially dress sizes 12-24 and shoe sizes 9-11. Our donation rack and basket is located at the back of the thrift shop by the door leading to the bathrooms. We will need lots of help in April, so if you would like to get on our schedule to work, contact Sandy Ross. You need not be a member of our committee if you want to help! Public Relations Dorothy Torosian Top Drawer Bag Exchange We had another great event partnering with Top Drawer in Fig Garden Village last weekend. Thanks go to Terry Fetters for getting this event rolling with them and also for those who worked the event. We will have a presentation at our chapter meeting on January 27 with the owner of Top Drawer, Jane Saunders and all of the bags that were exchanged that we will now sell in our Thrift Boutique! AL Fresno 20th Anniversary Look for upcoming news about celebrating our 20th anniversary in the coming months! Shoot For the Stars THRIFT BOUTIQUE Gail Williams Janet Bunting Thanks to the generous donations from our Assistance League members and community the Shoot For the Stars campaign has received $16,885 to date. If you have not already contributed, I would ask that you consider donating; no amount is too small nor too large! For our new members’ information, Shoot For the Stars is our direct mail solicitation fundraiser to support Operation School Bell, Operation Bear Hug, Operation Gift Box and Operation Busy Hands. Members are asked to donate to this campaign as they are able. Our Thrift Store has broken yet another record. I am thrilled to announce that the store made $17,515 during the month of December. That’s right, we made $17,515 in one month! That beats our old one-month record by more than $2,000. My thanks go out to all of you for your part in the store’s latest success. Without your great donations and your time working in the store, we could not have reached this amazing total. So, we all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done. Having the store open on Tuesdays is working out really well. On the second Tuesday that we were open (January 14th), we made twice as much as the previous Tuesday. This tells me that our customers are responding to our new schedule. Customers tell me that they like the fact that we are open an additional day. Once again, I want to thank all of you who have “stepped up” to volunteer to work on our new day. You are helping to make our store so successful! I am often asked what items the store needs. This month the store needs shoes. We need men’s, children’s and especially women’s shoes. Our inventory is quite low. We could also use more purses. They are always popular with our customers. So many pretty things to choose from. ALF NEW MEMBER PROFILE NAME: Jerilyn Thorpe Husband: Steve Birthdate: September 2 COMMITTEE IN ALF: Dream Dress EDUCATION/CAREER: Retired Office Manager of Gibson Elementary School. Worked at Gibson for 24 years. FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Max's FAVORITE THINGS TO DO: Reading, Zumba, Yoga, Bike Riding, Spending time with my dogs, family and friends. FAVORITE RECENT BOOK: My Husband's Secret SOMETHING MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME: I couldn't think of anything that people do not know about me. Our store is ready for Valentine’s Day! 4 4 ASSISTEENS® UPDATE Happy February Birthdays to our members! Monica Friesen Happy New Year everyone! The Assisteens will be back in full swing with their first meeting of the new year on Wednesday, January 15th at Clovis West lecture hall. During the next few months, we will be focusing on preparation for our annual Recognition Event Fashion Show which will be held on Sunday, April 6th, 2014 at Torninos. The tickets have already been printed and will be handed out at this month's meeting. If anyone is interested in attending please let me know. Tickets are $30.00 and includes lunch. We are also going to have a raffle and silent auction. If any Assistance League members would like to donate any new items or gift cards for our auction, please feel free to call me and I will gladly get them from you! Thank you! ALF NEW MEMBER PROFILE NAME: Cindi Mellor February 2 Irene Sanchez 3 Diane Eggebraaten 4 Madeline Droz 4 Carol Jackson 4 Kathy English 8 Sally Norcross 9 Lynn Roberts 11 Liza Vincent 12 Diane Chrisman 12 Lori Anderson 14 Beverly Hogue 16 Barbara Watson 18 Lisa Phenicie 22 Nancy Parker 22 Melanie Linares 23 Helen Sandrini 24 Annie Brown 25 Karyn Seibert 25 Jane Bernstein 26 Julie Marsoobian 27 Lynelle Win HUSBAND: Greg BIRTHDAY: April 29 COMMITTEE IN ALF: Thrift store and Dream Dress Boutique If a member hears that a condolence or get well wishes are needed for any of our members, please let Rachel Gugliemo, President, and Jenny Mann, Corresponding Secretary, know. EDUCATION/CAREER: Fresno City College graduate, degree in Dental Hygiene FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Cracked Pepper FAVORITE THINGS TO DO:Horse-back riding, gardening FAVORITE RECENT BOOK:Heaven Is For Real SOMETHING MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME: I have a HUGE sweet tooth! 5 5 Thrift Boutique Work Schedule is now accessible on our website: Contact Kathy English to schedule your shifts: 960-4045, kee_dragon @ 6 JANUARY 2014 Wednesday-Saturday AM 10:30-1:30 PM 1:30-4:30 Sun Mon 5 12 Tue 6 13 Wed Thu 1 8 15 7 14 AM*HELP AM *Chris T Gail W Terry F PM * PM*HELP AM *Carole W Lena C Tere S PM *Joan S Susan W HELP 19 20 21 AM*J.Christie Diane Chrisman Kiki King PM*J.Bunting G.Morgan 26 27 CHAPTER MEETING 6:30pm Fri 2 9 16 22 AM *Monica F J.Christie J. Mann PM *Dorothy T. Marsha Y Janet T PM *J.Selland S.Walker 28 29 AM*Kiki King C.Mellor M.Hayes AM *Piti G-W Randy W M.Samuelson PM*J.Bunting G.Morgan PM *K.English 6 PM *HELP PM *HELP Randy W. PM *HELP 25 AM *D.Schwingler P.Thompson’ S.Cogdill PM *HELP Randy W. 31 AM *M.Hayes M.Samuelson Randy W. 4 11 18 AM *Randy W. Susan C. PM *LaVona Leslie W 24 AM *J.Swenson J.Skaff 30 AM *HELP Debbie B(nonmember) J.Ganson PM *HELP S.Buss B.Watson J.Kreamer AM *Brooke H Tish M 23 AM *S.Buss J Thorpe Randy W. Sat 3 10 17 Thrift Boutique Calendar FEBRUARY 2014 Wednesday-Saturday AM 10:30-1:30 PM 1:30-4:30 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 AM *HELP Randy W. PM* HELP 2 3 4 AM*Piti G-W HELP PM* HELP 5 AM *Terry F. Gail W., Chris T 6 AM *C.Plunkett V.Dahl PM *HELP PM *Noel F. 10 16 11 12 13 14 15 AM *HELP AM *J.Mann Rachel G. AM * HELP AM * HELP PM* HELP PM * HELP PM *Sally N. Mary Jane S. Julie Small PM * HELP PM *LaVona Leslie W. 18 19 AM* HELP AM *Piti G-W PM*HELP PM *HELP 20 AM *Lena Chin J.Christie Tere S. PM *Carole W. S.Walker J.Selland 24 CHAPTER MEETING PM * HELP AM* HELP J.Thorpe 17 23 8 AM * HELP PM *Lillie A. Selah A. Betsey K. 9 7 AM *C.Hayes HELP 25 26 AM* HELP AM * HELP PM* HELP PM * HELP 7 21 AM *P.Thompson Doreen S. 22 AM * HELP PM * HELP PM * HELP 27 28 AM * HELP AM *J.Skaff J.Swenson PM * HELP PM * HELP 7 8 Beth Tjerrild, Debbie Lampe and Pam Scheid Kiki King, Cindi Mellor and Piti GurzaWitherow Back: Monica Friesen, Dorothy Torosian, Janet Tamura, Roya Hazrati, Mary Jane Sewill Front: Terry Fetters, Gail Williams, Chris Takeda Judy Swenson, Tish Meyers, Beth Avedisian 8 9 9 Page10 2037 West Bullard Avenue PMB 306 Fresno, CA 93711-1200 Jan 21 Jan 27 Feb 12 Feb 24 Assisteen Application Due General Mtg—Evening 6:30pm Newsletter Deadline Bd/Chapter Mtg