Pasadena Educational Foundation Annual Report to the
Pasadena Educational Foundation Annual Report to the
g n i t a r b e l e C s r a e Y 0 4 c Schools i l b u P e h t n i e c n e l l e c x E Supporting ierra Madre S & a n e d a s a P , a n e d a of Alt Pasadena Educational Foundation Annual Report to the Community July 1, 2010 — June 30, 2011 Pasadena Educational Foundation Dear Friends: al Foundation as it Pasadena Education hy for the en especially notewort This fiscal year has be ’s public schools. orting our community pp su of ars ye 40 celebrated proudly ecedented ort in a year of unpr pp su d an ty si ro ne na inued ge Thanks to your cont n system, the Pasade io at uc ed ic bl pu ’s ia for Californ g opportunities for in financial challenges nd ta ts ou e id ov pr n was able to Educational Foundatio hools. our students and sc ts of the 2010/2011 In just a few highligh year: nnected thway Academies co College & Career Pa ee thr s day ol’ ho Sc gh ring a job-shadowing John Muir Hi • Students from tists and engineers du en sci top me so of an Foundation d th the workday hip between JPL, the ers classroom lessons wi rtn pa ot pil a of rt s pa ratory. The event wa at Jet Propulsion Labo hool District. Pasadena Unified Sc hundreds of students Competition attracted s tic bo Ro l oo sch le Engineering and second-annual midd Science, Technology, a ed • The Foundation’s tur fea o als t en e ev ena City College. Th and families to Pasad Math Expo. ded hool Program excee and Summer High Sc m gra Pro t en hm ric gh high school popular Summer En in kindergarten throu nts de • The Foundation’s stu 0 1,10 n re tha records by serving mo previous enrollment mpuses. across five school ca k College Fair that too seventh-annual PUSD the d de en att ts ren reps on hand from students and their pa dation. With college un • More than 200 Fo the by red so on diversity y College and was sp chance to explore a place at Pasadena Cit try, students had the un co the d un aro s s and universitie more than 50 college opportunities. of higher education ssion. ur support for our mi possible in part by yo de ma re we ies nit ational opportu These wonderful educ We thank you. Patrick Conyers Executive Director John Van de Kamp Chair, Leadership Advisory Council George Brumder President The mission of the Pasadena Educational Foundation is to Sierra Madre. Community members are invited to participate support, enhance and supplement the programs, initiatives in the board’s numerous working committees. and priorities of the Pasadena Unified School District. The Foundation has the distinction of being California’s oldest education foundation supporting public education from kindergarten through high school. It is governed by a Board of Directors representing a broad spectrum of the communities of Altadena, Pasadena and Over the course of its 40-year history, the Pasadena Educational Foundation has contributed nearly $100 million to the students, teachers and programs of the PUSD. The Foundation Funds or Facilitates These Programs * * * * * * * Admission Matters Arts and Music Child Development Program College and Career Pathways College Preparation College Scholarships Dual Language Immersion Program * * * * * * Families and Neighbors Supporting Schools (FANSS) Field Trips Grant Writing Health and Family Centers High School Computer Science My Masterpieces * * * * * * * Principal for a Day Robotics Program Summer Enrichment Program Summer High School Program Teacher Ambassadors Teacher Grants Technology Donors and volunteers making a difference The Pasadena Educational Foundation’s tremendous growth is their passion and they know excellence in our schools over 40 years, as well as its daily successes, are made depends on their ongoing participation. Find out how a few possible through the generosity of its donors. Many are in donors and community volunteers make a difference in the active partnership with the Foundation. Public education lives of students and teachers every day. A College Scholarship Changed Her Life When Marshall High School senior Ellen Jorgensen received a college scholarship from the Pasadena Educational Foundation in 2008, she used the funds to attend Azusa Pacific University. “It was a really great opportunity to get the scholarship,” says Jorgensen. “It made a difference as to whether I could go to college and get to fulfill my dream of being a teacher.” Indeed, now that Jorgensen is finishing her last year at Azusa Pacific as a liberal studies major, she’s preparing to work on her teaching credential. Jorgensen is grateful to the Foundation not just for the scholarship, but for the opportunity to work inside a classroom. In the 10th grade Jorgensen began volunteering as a teacher’s aide in the Foundation’s Summer Enrichment Program. She was then hired as an instructional aide in the program for the Introduction to Kindergarten and Spanish Immersion classes. Jorgensen hopes to eventually teach for the Pasadena Unified School District in its Spanish Immersion Program. Because of the Pasadena Educational Foundation, her dream is well within reach. Left to right: Chris Anderson, John Kim, John Costello, Devon Kobayashi, and Harsha Hatti. Missing from photo: Raymundo Hechavarria and Mike Go. Pasadena High School Alumni Give Back Chris Anderson has a deep connection to Pasadena donations each year, the group figures they can give back to High School. He graduated from the school in 1990 and their alma mater by supporting college bound seniors. subsequently taught there as a math teacher for 12 years. Throughout the years Anderson continued long friendships with his former classmates. Anderson currently works for the Pasadena Unified School “We all believe in the power of what one single opportunity can do for you,” says Anderson. District as its energy manager, but PHS is always on his mind. The group created the college fund through the Pasadena Educational Foundation, who holds and administers the Now Anderson and his group of PHS friends have banded money. “I like the way that the Foundation sets things up,” to create a PHS college scholarship fund. By pooling their says Anderson. “I have faith in them to protect the funds.” College scholarship recipient Ellen Jorgensen with PUSD kindergartners 4. 5. Donor Provides Middle School Students with a Fun and Safe Gathering Place When students arrive at Wilson Middle School every actual ping-pong tables and contributed funds for all morning, they can head over to the game room and play a the equipment. few games of ping-pong or skeeball, do a few chin-ups, or give a few whaps to a punching bag. Volunteers are needed to monitor the game rooms and interact with students. Anyone who wishes to Teachers say that the game room gives students a place contribute his or her time should contact the Pasadena to burn energy and blow off steam before coming to the Educational Foundation. classroom. The result: more focused students and fewer behavioral issues. The game room at Wilson, as well as a similar game room available to Rose City High School students, was made possible through donations from a community volunteer. This donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, built the The game rooms were made possible through donations to the Foundation from a community volunteer who sees the value in giving students somewhere fun to gather before school starts. Marshall Fundamental School Cheer Squad member Marissa Johnson (left) and basketball and baseball player Gilbert Gonzalez (right) with Laura Zeronian (center). Parent Gives a Boost to Student Athletes When Marshall Fundamental School parent Laura Zeronian cheer team received the funds it needed to compete in realized the school’s football team needed footballs and the a national competition. baseball team needed baseballs, she decided to step in and help Marshall’s athletic teams get what they needed to The Marshall Athletic Booster Club was able to play ball. maximize its fundraising efforts in 2011 when it took the Pasadena Educational Foundation’s FANSS (Families and Zeronian demonstrated her support for school athletics by starting the Marshall Athletic Booster Club. Now in its second year, the Booster Club helps fund teams and their specific needs. Neighbors Supporting Schools) Matching Challenge. Thanks to an anonymous donor, every dollar the club raised was matched one to one, up to $2,500. The money helped the Booster Club buy new bleachers for the school’s tennis courts and shade structures. “Having strong school athletics builds strong students Now not just do the football and baseball teams have and also builds community spirit”, says Zeronian. new equipment, but the recently formed Marshall Go Eagles! Students at Wilson Middle School squeeze in a game of foosball before heading to class. The school’s game room was made possible by a community donor. Pasadena Educational Foundation Financial Statements COMMUNITY DONORS INDIVIDUALS Statement of Activity – July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 (Unaudited) $6.7 million was generated by Pasadena Educational Foundation for Pasadena Unified School District programs through its grant writing support. These funds went directly to PUSD and are not reflected in the Statement of Activity below. Examples of programs supported by these grant funds are Pasadena LEARNs (the after school program), Dual Language Immersion Program, and Healthy Start Family Centers. Revenue Foundation & corporate giving $0 $1 million $500,000 ’03-’04 $1.5 million $2 million $2.5 million $1,129,516 ’04-’05 $965,500 ’05-’06 $1,224,714 ’06-’07 $1,176,000 ’07-’08 $1,316,767 ’08-’09 $2,065,377 ’09-’10 1,261,166 Individuals 1,769,107 Organizations 594,490 Events 139,646 PEF Summer Enrichment $1,506,461 $ 245,295 Foundations Interest Income $2,175,974 ’10-’11 Corporations Total Revenue 19,937 305,237 $4,334,878 Individual Giving $0 ’03-’04 $1 million $500,000 $1.5 million $2 million $357,322 ’04-’05 Expenses $397,124 ’05-’06 $862,219 ’06-’07 Operating Expenses $1,008,185 ’07-’08 Program: $1,170,219 ’08-’09 $734,000 ’09-’10 $1,663,884 ’10-’11 $1,769,107 government grants (These funds go directly to PUSD) $0 $1 million $2 million $3 million $4 million $5 million $6 million $7 million ’03-’04 $5,934,594 ’04-’05 $5,712,500 ’05-’06 $5,353,000 ’07-’08 $6,679,164 $5,327,000 ’09-’10 $6,914,346 ’10-’11 $6,688,877 total revenue generated by pef $0 ’03-’04 ’04-’05 ’05-’06 ’06-’07 ’07-’08 ’08-’09 ’09-’10 ’10-’11 6. $2 million $4 million $6 million Art and Music 249,881 Athletics 525,541 College Scholarships 157,882 Community Outreach 66,347 $8 million $10 million $12 million $7,421,432 $8,009,933 $8,123,377 $11,493,804 $11,023,755 $5,000-9,999 Anonymous George and Marilyn Brumder Robert and Maureen Carlson Alan and Jean Fohrer David and Terry Hotchkin Maria Khader and Chris Karp Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kohl Molly Munger and Stephen R. English Mary Lois Nevins Barbara Nyberg Joan and Jeffrey Palmer Dr. and Mrs. Warren G. Schlinger 267,277 SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - LEADER 237,889 $2,500-4,999 High School Reform & Programs 928,636 78,490 Middle School Reform & Programs 209,061 PEF Summer Enrichment 464,018 PUSD Professional Staff Development Teacher Grants and Field Trips 71,990 138,477 Technology and Robotics 565,226 Other Programs 100,908 Total Program $4,061,623 Total Expenses $4,569,487 Current year expenses exceed current year revenues due to timing issues governing revenue recognition. $9,166,150 SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - PARTNER Health Programs $7,075,124 $7,538,037 Wendy Munger and Leonard Gumport Elementary Math, Reading, Science Libraries $5,923,000 ’06-’07 ’08-’09 $ 507,864 SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - UNDERWRITER John and Laura Babcock $25,000+ Felicia Bahadosingh, M.D. Anonymous (2) Olin and Ann Barrett Shawn and Jennifer McCreight Jerome and Elizabeth Blackman William and Claire Bogaard SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - BENEFACTOR Mr. James Boyle, Jr. $10,000-24,999 Stephen and Jane Bradford Valentina Brasini and Trent U. Smith Guilford and Gwen Babcock Tim and Karen Burgess Richard E. Davis Michael P. Butman Joan and John Fauvre David and Carol Carson The Goodstein Family Jane Caughey Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Hancock Anonymous (2) Paul and Belani Beach Lisa and Patrick Brault Lauren Frankel Tammy and Tim Godley Steve Madison Arthur Na-Nakornpanom Lawrence and Christine O’Brien Maxine Pittroff Asma Jasmine Saraj Jeremiah and Norah Small Roland Tcheng and Jean Pfaffinger SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - SPONSOR $1,000-2,499 Sara and George Abdo Arden and Charleen Albee James and Kristen Annes Alexander and Carole Babcock Rob and Juliet Goff Matthew N. Hales and Kim R. Oliver J. Dale and Stephanie Harvey Mercedese Hervey Adelaide Hixon Bradford and April Hixson David Igler and Cynthia Willard Lance Ito and Margaret York Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Ian and Laura Kaufman Peter and Mary Grace Kaufman Lisa and Christopher Kersting “We are heartened by the PUSD’s solid progress and the growing recognition that education must be our community’s highest and most urgent priority. We are profoundly grateful for the strong and increasing support from the community— from all of you. Thank you!” George Brumder, President, PEF Board of Directors Kristin and Juan Ceva Melissa and Jay Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Checca Christine Choi, D.D.S. John and Tamara Colbert Michael and Natasha Comer Carole Cunningham Ms. Mary Anne Cunningham Alison and Robert Curtiss Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davis James and Melanie De Honey Kitty and Jim Dillavou James and Gail Ellis Tom and Patricia Ellison Mr. Doug Erickson Richard and Nancy Esbenshade R. Bruce Evans, Jr. and Deanna Stamboulian Evans Dawn Fagot Reza Faraee Jean Fleming Matthew and Eleni Gallagher Chris and Grace Garcia Paul T. Garnett and Jill D. Brooks-Garnett Gloria and Robert Giersbach Patricia and Kenneth Glazier Harvey and Ellen Knell Audrey Lavelle and Bryan Borys Dorothy and Linda Lawyer Timothy and Letty Leifer Ms. Marge Leighton Mr. Ronald Lewis Jacquelin S. Lindstrom and Linda Stone Carol Liu and Michael Peevey Steven B. Long Al and Rose Marie Lowe Mary Ellen MacArthur Fumy Machida Kelle L. Maroe Joanne and Gene Masuda Chris McDonald and Rowena Bombasi-McDonald Elizabeth Megaw Michael R. Miele and Anne L. Esbenshade George and Raymonde Mooradian Mr. and Mrs. William Morris Larry and Petite Morrison Farahnaz Namvari Richard A. Nowak and Sheri L. Castro-Nowak Dale Okuno Mr. Eric Olson 7. Community Donors - Individuals Community Donors - Individuals ram gives Teacher Grant Prog onal Foundation’s ati uc Ed learning na d de an s sa The Pa onal material to acquire educati ds fun al ers and tic ut cri mp co ers teach sic and art to choosing, from mu eir th of es nc rie expe field trips. Ms. Kathy Onoye, Ed.D. Jennifer and Eric O’Rafferty Ray Owens and John Van Horn James and Theresa Patterson Peggy Phelps Guadalupe Ramirez and Maria Lynne Anderson David and Hanne Rechtschaffen Reverend and Mrs. George F. Regas John Rodriguez Jim and Anne Rothenberg Jacqueline Samols and John W. Krieger Gail Samuel and William Christian Norman and Sossi Sarafian Kurt and Jennifer Sayenga Ms. Fran Norris Scoble Mrs. Terry Seidler H. Russell Smith Steven and Helen Stapenhorst Michelle and Ray F. Swift Carol and Bill Thomson Mary and Gary Tinsley Larry and Monica Tomoyasu Jose P. Undurraga Lisa P. Uribe Robert and Diana Walker George and Maria Low Way Jeffrey N. Weitzel and Mary Pauline Morin 8. George and Lily Winn Jill Wondries Fon S. Wong and Deborah Holmes-Wong Marge and Joe Wyatt R. Christopher Yoder and Sanderina Kapteyn Julius and Michelle Young Mr. and Mrs. Greg Zeronian Joe and Marilyn Zeronian SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE — ADVOCATE $500-999 Noka and Geneva Aldoroty Fred H. Altshuler and Julia W. Cheever Leonard Amato Neil and Thais Anderson David and Susan Andres Anonymous (2) Marshall and Paul Ayers Steven and Judy Balian Joan and Bob Banning Charles and Judy Barr Charles K. Bell Lisa and Doug Bloom Jim Boitnott Jose and Marlena Briceno Glenn and Connie Brown Jan and Jeffrey Brydle Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell Kristen and Michael Carruthers Melissa and Adam Castillo Ken Chawkins and Linh Lan Nguyen-Chawkins George Y. Cho and Rhan Soh Al and Sue Clark Mr. Timothy Coleman Diane and Michael Cornwell Bill and Linda Creim Louise C. Crowley Matthew Dalany and Mariana Robles-Dalany Ab and Janet Davis James and Debra DeBose Robert and Carolyn Denham Johari DeWitt-Rogers and Paul Rogers Carl and Jean Dickerson Dr. Claire Dunavan Richard and Sharon Ellingsen Reuben Ellis Erika Erickson-Pearson Nord and Cynthia Eriksson Jeff and Denise Farroni Jonathan Fuhrman and Susan E. Kane Kristie and Rob Garner Ms. Beth Gertmenian Meg and Don Gertmenian Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gillespie Joseph Givens Susan Go Jennifer and Thomas Gowen Edith M. Grady Valerie J. Grant and John Albert Thuen Melissa and Brad Griffin Frank and Marlene Griffith Greg and Sarah Jane Harman James Hayes and Cathy Keig Mr. and Mrs. James Heringer Sarah Hicks Curtis and Lisa Hidalgo Ann T. Hight Anett Hill Susan and Kenneth Hirano Dorothy and Lathrop Hoffman Jason Holley Dr. and Mrs. Ron Holm Marguerite Hougasian Paul T. Hunt and Gina Frierman-Hunt Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hurt Jeffrey and Elizabeth Iko Jeffrey S. Johnson and Mindy Pomper-Johnson Arni Thor Jonsson Haruyo Kajiwara Cheryl J. Kane Michael and Felita Kealing Olga and James Kendall Kimberly Kenne and Richard Bryan Webster Marilynne Kennedy Judy and Neil Kleinman Thomas Kosakowski and Alisa Fishback Marge and Joseph Kountzman Jenny Krestow Valerie and Michael Kronsburg Fred and Erin Kuhlman Patricia and Lowell Lachelt Carol Dianne Lande Elaine and Adrian Ledesma Sharon Lefler Dan and Stephanie Lievense Jessica Lim Alice Loo Gail and Sam Losh Larry and Margaret Lousen Dmitri and Kimberly Lunetta Patrick Mauer Kayleen Maya and Gilbert Aviles Toni and Craig Mazaros Julia McCallin and Kevin Strotz Alice and Christopher McCann Ms. Olive J. McCloskey Melody McCormick Scott and Patti McGlasson Karen and Samuel McRoberts Thomas McVittie Kate Megaw Christopher and Lynnanne Miller Diane and Tyler Miller Edward and Karen Miller Lisa and Andy Milne Lawrence J. Minasian Ramon Miramontes and Guelsy Gomez Michael W. Monk and Janet Bogle Sandra and Robert Montgomery Bobbie and Henry Moon Don and Wynne Mullinax Ann Munger Robert and Margarita Munoz Ray and Eddie Newman Robert and Laurie Niles James and Dawn O’Keeffe Susan Olsen Jane and Ron Olson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Onderdonk Michael and Shannan Ossmen Michael Ostroff and Joanne Topol Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Overton III James and Amy Pacheco “It’s an obligation of businesses to support young people and public education. The various relationships and partnerships we’ve had with the PUSD have really paid off for Huntington Hospital.” Stephen Ralph, Huntington Hospital President and CEO Leonard and Elba Smith Dr. and Mrs. S. Robert Snodgrass Marguerite Ann Snow and The Honorable Richard Honn Hee Kyung Song Mr. Phil Sotel Jonathan and Dana Spaulding David and Kimberly Stafford Gregory P. Stone and Cindy Vail Valerie K. Studio Stephen and Marlena Tanner John and Lee Taylor Jud and Dayna Taylor Thomas and Elayne Techentin Kristin Conrad Thatcher Carole Tremblay and Lawrence Torres Jane L. Trotzenberg Roman and Christine Padilla John and Sharon Patterson Elizabeth Pedder Ms. Denise L. Petitfils Scott and Lisa Marie Phelps Filippo and Elisa Pirrone Joanne E. Pittroff Derek and Jane Podrebarac Lisa Quinonez and Carl Royce Bill and Christy Rakow Marina R. Real Mr. John D. Roberts Karla and Mark Romero Charles Russom Thomas Rzeszut and Lisa Uribe Michael and Kelly Sanchez Gregory and Jennifer Shamlian Pasadena Educ ational Founda tion raises fund s for school lib raries. 9. Community Donors - Individuals Community Donors - Individuals William and Susan Tully Sid and Betsey Tyler Julian M. and Miho Kato Tyszka Juan and Erandi Urias Mr. and Mrs. John Van de Kamp Keaton Scott Walker and Kathleen Baxter-Walker Hua Wang Yolanda and Brian Willits William and Rebecca Woods Louise and John Brinsley Neal and Molly Brockmeyer Nancy and Mike Brown Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown John and Teri Buchanan Steven Burns and Cristina Carlos Dr. and Mrs. James C. Caillouette Eric and Elisa Callow Susan and Jose Calva Melvin and Eva Canas More than 1,100 students participated in PEF’s 2011 K-8 Summer Enrichment and High School Summer Program, its highest enrollment to date. Michelle J. Woodward and Ray Swift William and Jane Wyllie Rebecca J. Yeagle and Nick Costantino Fred Zepeda TEACHER’S CIRCLE $250-499 Daniel Alle Arianna Altfeld Sylvia D. Amendolara Christi and Anker Anderson Bryan and Phi-Phi Anderton Anonymous Annie and Jim Aparicio Mr. Jeff Arnett C. Badertscher Rosalba and Sidney Bank Elias and Nadia Barhoum Sally Barngrove Brian and Suzanne Bayley Cynthia Bennett and Ed de Beixedon Ronni and Richard Bergman Diane Christine Blackman and Brett Maurer Michael Blanchard and Lisa Kable-Blanchard Karla and Simon Bluestone Thomas and Adriane Boat Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bodaken Brian and Faye Borgedahl Mariana Bowman Dana M. Bradley and Aaron P. McKinnon Erik and Andrea Brandon Christopher and Margaret Brandow Ms. Carolyn Brewer Claire and Brad Brian 10. Scott and Dana Carder Gerald and Patricia Carpino John and Ginny Carr Lauren Castellanos Joan and Mike Cathcart Siri M. Chew Robert and Sue Clark Rhona and Kieran Cleary Jackie Clem and Christopher Whiting Walter and Zan Cochran-Bond Julia and Tod Cole Grazia Como Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell Christopher Conte and Linda Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cutler Dianna and Joel Damir Miles and Paula Dapsauski Scott Davidson Sandy and Robbie Davis Craig and Frances Dayman Michael Despard and Michelle Calva-Despard Joie De Vivre Marilyn Diaz James and Jacqueline Digiovanni George and Flora Dunaians Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dyson Jordan and Danielle Edell Marcus and Jennifer Errico Dierk and Ruth Esseln Billie Jean Essex Mary Evers Janet and Edward Ezor Robert and Susanne Filback John and Aileen Finch Jamey Fitzpatrick Julie and Michael Flad Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Fleming Robert L. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Frank Benjie and Leslie Freiberger Edmund and Christy French Anita B. Fromholz Marilyn Mutuc Gamboa Liana and Brian Gaughan Richard C. Gilman Traude Gomez and Michael Rhine Laurie Seavey Gould Gary and Linda Graybill Robert and Judy Green Teresa and Jeffery Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grossman Josefina Gutierrez Kenyon Harbison Bret and Michele Hardy Roger and Linda Hayek Margaret and Douglas Held Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Henderson David and Tara Henriquez Jennifer and Stephen Higginbotham Marianne and Randall Hill Betty Chin Ho Robert and Mary Holmes Ed Honowitz and Ellen Pais Gwen and Matt Hourihan Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Howard Tom and Monica Hubbard Trevor and Elizabeth Jackson Alison Jernegan Yanbo Jin Dennis and Patricia Juett Jane and Harry Kawahara Jennifer and Tim Kennedy Jasmine Khachatrian Christian Kier Morgan Kim Karen Klages Kimberly Knudson Eric and Stephanie Krystad Danny and Gloria Kurose David and Amelia Lamb Ruth Landsberger and Hari Das Nayar Peter Lang Nooch La and Jane Lang Montiel Jennifer Layton Jack G. Lewis Annelise Li and James Lin Clark and Kendra Longhurst Gail Lovejoy Beverly J. Lynch Diane and Craig Martin Kristin Maschka and John David Hitchcock Ms. Joyce Ann Mason Charles Mathews Kim Matsunaga and Michael Hurley Mr. and Mrs. John Matthiessen John and Yvonne Mauvezin James and Mary McDougal Edgar and Melinda McGregor III Don and Nancy McIntyre Darrell and Kelly McKenzie Diana Mejia and Juan Rafael Emily and Scott Mencken Shamir and Christy Merino Thomas C. Meyers and Regina Parola-Meyers Janet M. Miller Allan Mohrman D. Harry Montgomery Jeffrey and Maranda Moran Ms. Regenia P. Moses Leon and Victoria Mualem Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Mulder Mario E. Munich and Maria E. Gainza David Mysza and Andrea McClure-Mysza Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Neubig Matt and Linda Neuenburg Leakana Nhem and Charles Deboer Robert and Tobi Nishikawa Gregory and Denise Norden Erin and Michael Nowak Ms. Angelita Mont O’Brien Daniel and Kimberly O’Callaghan Larry and Tina Ogron Every summer, for five fun-filled week s, more than 1,100 converge on several students PUSD campuses to participate in the Educational Founda Pasadena tion’s K-8 Summer Enrichment Progra High School Summ m and er Program. Gina Marie Reese Julianne and Alfonso Reynoso Mr. and Mrs. William P. Richards, Jr. Jennifer Rios Sal and Luzmaria Rizzo Christopher and Stephanie Robertson Ana Rodriguez Cesar and Gaby Rodriguez Catherine A. Roman Fred Rowley, Jr. and Sarah Heidel Pasadena Educational Foundation provided $60,000 in tuition assistance for its 2011 Summer Enrichment and High School Summer Program, tripling the amount awarded the previous year. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Orona Jr. Matt and Corrine Parker Thomas and Augusta Parrington Sandra Peters Barry J. Plaga Monty Polonsky Glenn and Carol Pomerantz Elizabeth Pomeroy Greta S. Pruitt Elsie Sadler Gabriel and Sandra Sanchez Sabrina Sarian Patricia Savoie Michael and Diane Scott Michael and Ute Severa Stuart and Pamela Shaklan Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sharp, Jr. Max and Lisabeth Shiner Lee A. Shoemaker Margaret Shoemaker and Andrew Nakane Kimberly and Robert Sibbrel Craig E. Simmons and James C. Buss Rary Simmons Elizabeth and John Slocum Richard and Laura Snyder David Spiro Mr. and Mrs. George Stephens Virginia Stever Larry and Diana Stinson Ashley Stockdale Kimberly A. Stone Catherine Stringer Kaoruhiko and Stephanie Suzuki Gunther and Joye Tarampi Ruth and Joel Tatom Wassim and Jennifer Tayarah Fabio Tesei and Leslie W. Jasperson Fred and Doreen Thomas Mark A. Todd and Esther Watson Ms. Carla Tomaso Katy Tu Yosufi and Edith Tyebkhan Audrey Urquidi Alex and Tashia Vagenas Laura and Scott Van Dellen John and Shannon Vandevelde 11. Community Donors - Individuals Arthur and Anne Vaughan Carla Vazira Kathryn and Robert Vega Norbert and Arden Verbeck Teresa Marie Vessella Laurie and Paul Viapiano Lynne and Brian Villalobos William and Sydney Walker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward, Jr. Edward J. Washatka Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watanabe James R. Watterson and George Martin Stacy and Michael Weaver William and Janet Wells Celeste West Taylor White Randy Wilkins and Gabrielle Gliniak Katherine and Warren Wimmer Robert W. Winter Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wood Jason and Stacey Young Mimi and Christopher Young Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Zacharia Robert and Linda Zeuschner Augustin and Sarina Zuniga Community Donors - Individuals HONOR ROLL $1-249 Angela Abadjian and Vicken Shnorhokian Zareh Abadjian C. Bruce and Lara Abbott Grace and Pierre Abboud Anwar and Sarah Abdus-Samad George and Helen Abe Miriam and Emmanuel Abellera Michael and Nella Abelson Mark and Kerri Abernathy Carmen D. Abeyta P. Bimali Abeywickrama Megan and Hans Abramsonward Behcet Acikmese and Yuehua Chen Noeleen and Jonathan Acosta Brad and Kim Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jymm Adams Echo Addis Jill Adler-Moore Cherry and Gilbert Agapito Mary and Abraham Aghoian Rosette S. Aghoian and Andrew K. Stubbs Erick and Alejandra Aguilar Hagop and Arpy Aintablian Nazareth Ajamian Ghassan and Christy Alameddine Kristin Albright and facilitates n both supports tio da un Fo l na io ucat fit a student from The Pasadena Ed nities that bene rtu po op d an s ram educational prog h high school. ug ro th l oo ch pres 12. Robert Alderson and Barbara Koeavic Don L. Alejandro Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Alexander, IV Susan Alexander Brownie and Robert Allen Elizabeth Allen Mark G. Allen Nancy Webster Allmond Mr. and Mrs. Teofilo A. Almaguer, Jr. Marcia Alper Blanca Alvarado Veronica Alvarado Francisco Alvarez and Claudia E. Garavito Jaime and Georgina Alvarez Javier and Julie Alvarez Jose Alvarez Martin and Carolina Alvarez Marcelia Conerly Ambrose Terry and Roxanna Amdur Steven and Elaine Amromin Christopher and Ann Anderson Julie Kay Anderson Charles Chaiwat Ang Kenneth and Shirley Anhalt Anonymous Richard and Joan Apel Susan Lio Arcaris Edgardo and Lucenia Arcinue Jennifer Arellano Louie Arellano Jeffrey and Denise Arnst Peniamin and Annie Aroyan Arsen and Gayane Arutunian Keith Ashcraft Kimlin Tam Ashing James R. Asperger and Christine M. Adams Joseph and Tatevik Atamian Ruth C. Attias Deborah Atwell and Kevin Patterson Mr. Stephen Augustyn Edoardo Avakian Koko and Ceza Awakimiam Karen Aydelotte Krikor Ayvazian Donald and Berit Babbitt Wm Backstrom Rachel Badillo and Attila Soos Avedis and Lena Badjaksezian Monique Bagby Kathleen M. Bagh Michelle Bailey Barbara B. Bair Emily Ann Baird and Charles Darren Dowell Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bakaly Clifton Baker Leslie Baker Kenneth Balcom Michael and Debbie Bamberger Lidia Banuelos Susie Baranowski Michelle M. Baranski and Dasatha T. Jayasekara Louise P. Barbic Robert and Gail Bardin Carlis F. Barnes Judy A. Barnett Craig and Dora Barnfather Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo de Barrantes Catalina and Albert Barrios Ian S. Bartelt Guy and Galith Baruch John and Qian Li Baskin Salpie and Nishan Basmadjian Mary Beth Basu Sabrina Bates Sergio Bautista John Baxter Nicos and Lena Bayrakdarian Taline Gina Bazaz Dan and Sharon Beam Jay and Karalee Bechtol David A. Beckett and Inga Grabis and Inga Grabis Barbara Beckham Alyson Beecher Mayda Behesnilian Gregory S. Beirich and Karen S. Liquornik Adam and Cushon Bell Jay Belloli PUSD middle sc hool students pa rticipate in robo to partnerships tics education th between PUSD, anks Ca ltech and the Pa Foundation. sadena Educatio nal Mr. Nick Bernstein Giuseppe and Elizabeth Bertani Dewayne and Toni Bias Leslie and James Biekkola Alvin and Patricia Bigay David Bird Ingrid Birdsall Warren Damon Birks and Ayesha Hopson-Birk A new partnership between JPL, PUSD and PEF connects high school students with work-based learning opportunities and exposure to careers in science and engineering. Howard Belzberg Jose Benitez Steve and Ellen Bensinger John and Cynthia Benton John Bercaw Brenda J. Berg and Armando Gonzalez Lenard Berglund Mr. Carl E. Berglund Kathleen M. Bacher Bergman Maria Bernal Jon Bishop and Jacqueline Lambrichts Dr. and Mrs. Harlan K. Bixby Angelique Blancas David L. Blanchard Sarah Bliss Judy Blood Mrs. William E. Bloomer John and Betsy Blue Gayle Bluemel and Dan Ames Russell D. Boeddinghaus Charmaine Bogan Amilcar and Julia Bonilla Sharon Bonner and Mark Mastromatteo Richard and Myra Booker Courtney Boone Monica and Fred Borquez Michael Thomas Boruszewski and Kurt William Schwenk Edward E. Boshears Todd and Theresa Bostrom Julie A. Boucher Brett Bovard Elreen T. Bower Kenneth and Kari Bower Stephanie Bower and Vinh Nguyen Bobby Bowlin and Donna Maria Moore Cathryn M. Bowman Nathaniel and Kelly Bradley Carole Brady June Bragg Rochelle Branch Judith Brandt Colin and Stacey Braudrick Peter Braun and Roberta J. Goldberg Kathryn E. Breidenthal Donald and Delores Bremner Mary Anna Bresnahan Carrie Breton 13. Community Donors - Individuals Community Donors - Individuals My Masterpieces: Discovering Art in My Community is supplemental eleme a standards-based ntary curriculum for , the visual arts tha 7,500 PUSD stude t connects over nts with the cultural resources of their Foundation leads the community. The fundraising efforts for My Masterpiece s. G.H. Brewster Mr. and Mrs. John Bridges Ernest Brito Cynthia D. Brittain James H. Broderick, Jr. and Jennifer Laughlin Arleen Brooks Frederika and Norman Brooks Ginger Brooks Jenny Brown Tamara and John Brown Kristan Browne Edward Brunngraber Jarratt Brunson Francis and Dorothy Buck Mr. and Mrs. John Bucklin Gretchen R. Buckman Dorothy Buckner Robert and Antoinette Buckner Alexander and Mary Bucur Jean L. Buennagel Evangelina Burgara Brittany and Wesley Burian Mr. and Mrs. George Burr, Jr. Shirley Burt Sue Bush Cheryl Butler Cleon Butz 14. Meredith Buyrucu Jaime Caballero and Ivonne Melo Ana and Alfredo Cabrera Catherine Cadogan Fred Cady Nona Caer Kathryn and Patrick Cahalan Rachelle S. Cajulis and Enrique P. Soriano Dorsey L. Caldwell Ninoska L. Calenzani Merlin W. Call Judy and Phil Callahan Lynda and James Callahan Daniel and Mary Callaway Elizabeth Brown Calleton Michael and Michelle Calva-Despard Linda Cam Donald Cameron W. Scott and Margaret E. K. Cameron Margarita Cannan Lynda Margaret Canzoneri Jacquelyn Capen Bob and Majda Car Michelle Y. Carbajal Doreen Carcel Roxana Cardenas Marie Caringal-Johnson Carolyn Carlburg Alison and Ronald Carlson John Carlson and Sarah Krakoff Katherine Carlson and Peter Fech Gerald and Nan Carlton Gary A. Carnow Martin Carrillo and Rosina Franco Charles Carroll Dale and Lisa Carruthers Mary K. B. Carter Steven and Claire Carter Dr. and Mrs. Richard Casaburi Esthela Casillas David B. Caspole and Laura Desiree Lavertu Eric and Staci Castillo Amy E. Castro Barbara S. Castro Mercedes and Jeffrey Castro Joan and Patrick Cathcart Joan and Robert Cathcart Eric and Sonia Cea Luz Elena Ceja Jason Cory Celek Salvador Cervantes Ingrid V. Chacon and Jorge A. Chacon Hector Chaidez John T. Chakarian Patricia Chambers Kwok Chan Adam Chandler David R. Charpenel Elizabeth Chaure Consuelo Chavez Lorena Vargas Chavez Luz Chavez Raul and Anita Chavez Lydel D. Chea Paulene R. Ng Chee Tiffany Chelsvig Charmain Chen Chuan Chen and Yufeng Lin Lijun Chen and Liyun Yuan Wen Chen Catherine Cheney and Barry Jones Vivian Cheung Rodney and Ellen Chew Sam P. Chia and Marian Chen Ara Gerard Chilingerian and Mun Kim David and Aishah Chisum Young Rang Cho and Hye Ryon Yang Gaylaird and Gayle Christopher Nancy Hsiao-Wen Chu Michael and Wendy Churukian Ron and Renee Civille Carrie Miyoko Clark Cindy Clark-Schnuelle and Dave Schnuelle Gloria Clay-Cubit Alan and Linda Clelland Edward J. Clelland and Lissa M. Sainz Janice Kincaid Clifford Ms. Teri R. Clipps Brian Clougherty Cheryl E. Coach Robert and Alisa Coad Talmage and Erika Cobb Mark and Cynthia Cohn Ronald and Jean Coleman Charles and Linda Collier James H. Collins Ted and Eleanor Congdon Irma H. Conrad Livia Apoteker Consedine Jason L. Conte Patrick J. Conyers and Angela R. Morales Francine and Herbert Cooper Ms. Renatta Cooper Mary E. Copperud Amanda and Christopher Corder Owen Cornell Cynthia Corona Mariana Coronado Margarita Cortez Ricardo M. Costa and Roxanne M. Duboucheron Michael Costello Theodora Coulis and Peter Ted Stavropoulos David and Julie Courtney Bethany Covington Paul Covington Margaret and Andrew Cox Junko Crader Elizabeth and Fred Crockett Virginia Crockett Raymond Cross Ms. Barbara Crowley Victoria Crumpton Mr. and Mrs. Fred Culick Lila Cumes Felicia Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cunningham Rosie Curiel Caren D. Currier Mr. and Mrs. John Cushman Sara Dachel Zaven and Alina Daghlian Bryan and Jennifer Dague Laura and Darren Dahlman Students in the Foundation’s High School Summer School Program can earn actual school credit in classes, such as Spanish, AP European History, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, and Computer Science. John Dale and Rose Woo Dale Ann and Anthony D’angelo Myra and Matt Daniel Donald A. Danielson David Darbyshire Shawna Dark and Christopher Lanning Diego and Monique Davalos Morgan and Kristine Davey Sharon and Bill Davidor Jane Davidson Nic D’Avirro Evelyn Cortez Davis Gail Davis Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Davis Mr. and Mrs. Leverett Davis, Jr. Wanda Davis Jeanette and Benjamin De Castro Frances E. De la Rosa Raquel De la Torre Nicole and Douglas De Martinez Patricia Escobar De Ortiz Alicia De Santiago Thusitha and Sudarshani De Silva Glenn and Diana De Veer Jeanie Dea Lorna and Lawrence Deady John B. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Justin Dedeaux Elizabeth Defrance Lillian and Christopher DeGroof Toulonne A. Dejohnette-Williams Olga Delatorre C.C. and Lourdes Delgado Fernando and Kelly Delgado Richard Delgado Stephen and Karen Delgado nts ays, high school stude ge and Career Pathw tou ng rni lea Through PUSD’s Colle rld wo th real ademic instruction wi the d fun lps integrate rigorous ac he n tio da Foun sadena Educational side of school. The Pa Foundation. ine Irv es Jam the from program with a grant 15. Community Donors - Individuals Timoteo and Marilyn Deloso Sona DeLurgio Martha Demby Eva Marie Demirjian Jeffrey Denham, M.D. Vicki Denison Lars and and Cecilia Dennert Joe Der, Jr. Maria Derderian Keith and Victoria Derrick Joseph and Josephine Desanto Design Sourcing and Elizabeth Gray D.M. Despard and M.J. Calva-Despard Thomas and Cynthia Despres Connie DeVaughn John and Anne Marie Dewey Adela Biolley Diaz Ivan Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dickerson Sara Dickerson David and Carol Dickie Joanne Dierdorff Richard Dignadice Armen and Talin Dikranian Burnette and Louise Dillon Kathleen J. Dillon Rosemary Dills Nicholas and Rebecca Dimmock Bernie Distler Brendan and Joanne Dixon Pat and Diane Dixon John N. Dobbins Ms. Suzanne Dodd Kirill and Oksana Dolinskiy Joy and James Domingo Edward Dominguez Kevin Dominguez Community Donors - Individuals Andrew Drake and Oak Park David and Kathleen Draper Allen and Barbara Drapkin Peter Dreier and Terry Meng Erik and Diana Dreyer Pauline Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dryden Ana R. Duarte The Dufford Family Chuck and Rochelle Duffy Susan Duncan Leslie Dunipace Edward L. Dunn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Durden Orville and Diana Duval Hannah Dvorak-Carbone and Gregory P. Carbone Ashley Dzerigian Karl and Carol Earle Mr. and Mrs. David Ebershoff Elbert Ebersole Ted and Robin Eccles Pedro and Deborah Echeverria Charles J. Edgar Leonard Edmondson & Catherine Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Larry Edson Joel S. Edstrom and Margaret I. Adams Barbara Ehrlich and David Crochetiere Yadira and Jose Elias Steve Elkins Stuart and Lyn Elliott Michael and Margaret Ellis Carolyn and Richard Ellner Curtis and Nancy Elrod Karen Eminyan Linda Endicott Gail English The Foundation coordinates the annual Admission Matters workshop to better prepare students and parents for the college application process. Marisela Dominguez Thomas and Shirley Donovan Theresa Doran Ms. Louise O. Dougherty Mahmoud Douraghizadeh and Soraya Radsan Linda Dove James Dowd, IV and Jill Olsen Barton Doyle 16. Kevin G. Ennis Candida Enriquez Consuelo Escobedo Monica M. Escorza and Miguel A. Oliver Miguel and Adriana Escutia Mark Esensten and Sandra Hayes-Esensten Yvonne M. Evans Laura A. Evanson John Fairbanks Cecelia H. Fake Nicholas Falacci George E. Falardeau Morgan and Michael Fanelli Elizabeth and Vince Farhat Albert and Anoush Farjo Frank and Susan Favela Dr. and Mrs. Donald Feinstein Lynn R. Felgenhauer Anne and Mark Fellows Brian Felsen Brian and Michelle Ferguson Karen and John Ferguson Kristin H. Fernandez Magdalena V. Ferrante Luis and Marisela Figueroa Robert and Geraldyne Fillhart Doris Finch Laura Finch Susan and Paul Finochio Jordan and Kathy Fisher Laneta Fitzhugh Leslie Fleming-Mitchell Mayra Flores Mrs. Marian L. Floyd Kathryn A. Fogarty Cliff and Ellie Ford Diana Forman and Ricardo Silva Kristin A. Forrest David and Cecilia Forrester Mari Ann Fortuna and Stefan Windheuser John and Jill Fosselman Clotilde M. Fournier Kathleen and Eric Fraer Mark J. Frankel Ms. Barbara Franklin Regan Franklin Marla Frazee Latoya N. Frazier Ms. Patricia Frontino Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fukutaki Maricel and Lynell Fulgencio Catherine Fuller Joseph L. Futtner Katherine Gabel Jana Gable Elias and Nancy Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Gaffney Betty and Raoul Gagne Bryan Galdrikian & Shirley Pepke Jerry H. Gallego Basilio Gallegos Sidney K. Gally Daisy and Rosendo Gamboa Derek and Clarinda Ganter Ms. Frances Garbaccio Dayana Garcia Felix and Hilda Garcia Julius and Rosalie Garcia Maria D. Martinez Garcia Tricia M. Garcia Carmen Garduno Edward and Brooke Garlock Michael Garrett Glenn and Connie Garrison Mr. and Mrs. George Gasper Andrew and Eileen Gathman Valerie Gebroe Marshall Geller John and Patty George Elizabeth F. Gerard David and Bhupali Gerst Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gertmenian Dr. and Mrs. Konstantinos Giapis James Giddens George Giffen Aaron and Mariesalle Gil Pamela and Paul Gillett Margaret Gillham Romain Gilli and Hend Gilli-Elewy Hugh Gilmartin Alejandra Gio Sharon E. Girdner Wendy Gist Tommy Givens Shi-Miyah M. Glenn Frank Glionna Barbara Glodfelty Traci R. Glover Griffin and Alisa Gmelich Jay and Krista Goguen Jennifer Gold and Christian Redfearn Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Gold Phil and Jill Gold Matthew Golden Mr. and Mrs. Brian Goldfarb Beverly Goldin Mrs. Shirley Goldsmith Jennifer Gomez Keith Gomez and Monica Cuellar P.E. and S.T. Gomez Kristine K. Gonzales, q Caitano Gonzalez Carolina Gonzalez Graciela Gilbert and Irma Gonzalez Marissa and Edgar Gonzalez Rose Gonzalez Roberta Goodman pports a variety of The Foundation su schools. Esperanza Goodwin Ms. Leta Goodwin John Gordon Wendy Gordon and Michael Gottlieb Alicia Gorecki Galen and Dee Ann Gornowicz Michael and Karen Goss Gerda Govine Deborah Graff Marie and Roger Graham Bruce and Monica Graney Mr. and Mrs. David Grannis Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grant, III Debra R. Grant-Hardy Eric and Audrey Gray Gary and Becky Green Jeremy and Jennyth Green Laura Green Sharon Green and Alan Knoerr Wenonah Green George Griffith Jame and Heba Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Gary Griffiths Carolyn Grijalva Steven A. Grijalva Michael Grizzi Roger Grody Jay and Maria Estella Guangga r public arts programs in ou William and Nancy Gubin Minerva Guerra Daniel and Annette Guerrero Guru Dath Gundurao Jody Gunn Theodore and Gail Gunther Amarildo and Susana Gutierrez Carolina Gutierrez and Ruben Gutierrez-Zarazua Irene Gutierrez Maria J. Gutierrez John and Lynne Guzman Mary Guzman Keeseo Gwimm Sandra S. Gyenes John and Olivia Haas Gary E. Hackney and Natalie A. Poole Karen Hadley Alison and Namir Hadziosmanovic Stephen and Elizabeth Haims Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hale Barbara Hall Jeffrey Hall John Hall Katy Hall Kirstin A. Hall Melissa M. Hall and Siamak Sahand Mehrabad John and Anna Hallstrom 17. Community Donors - Individuals Community Donors - Individuals The Pasadena Educ ational Foundation helps to support tec providing classroom hnology by computers and co mputer instruction . Sheldon and Diane Halpern Delene Hamilton Wayne Hammack Jeannine and Robert Hammill Debra and Roger Hammock Lawrence and Anita Hammond Chad and Susan Hampton Opal Hampton Paul Hanson Andrew and Maria Harbeck Jeremy and Meggin Hardy Robert Harman and Amy E. Britt Kenneth Harmon Lindsey and Jennifer Harnsberger Bob and Lisa Harrison Jennifer and Michael Hartley Warren and Lois Hartman Bob and Linda Hatch Jesse and Yolanda Hathaway Athena and Oren Hatum Ruth Haugen and Ann Bernstein Charlotte Hayden Lindsay S. Hayden Kelly and Daphne Hayes James and Donna Hazlett Monique Hearn Harland and Lois Heath 18. Laura Hedlund Patricia and Donald Hedlund Jay and Alice Heefner Attila Hegedus Corey Hegger Matthew and Elena Heimerl John and Lisa Heinsen Mr. and Mrs. Darren Held Kirk and Karine Helgeson Michele and Rupert Hemmings Palle Henckel and Sara Roberts Darnella and Donald Henderson Gloria G. Henderson Ron and Debbie Henderson Astrid Hendricks Gisselle M. Heng Mary and Weyron Henriques Claudia Henry James and Esther Henry Steven Henry Philip Hepp Ruben and Rachel Heredia Albert and Cecilia Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hernandez Nicole and Mark Hibner Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hidas Caraly and Dave Higuchi Naomi Hill Rosa and Dave Hill Darius Hines Mary Hines Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Hines John Hitchcock Alan Ho and Sindy Ly Margaret B. Hodge John and Margaret Holder John and Lynne Holl Debra Holland Gary and Jessica Hollins Paul and Susan Holman Vivian J. Holmes Kenneth and Annabel Hom Kiyoshi and Miho Honda Eric and Michelle Hopkins Karie Horie Mr. and Mrs. Huston Horn James and Khursheed Hostetter Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hotaling Joseph A. Hovsepian Norman and Paul Hovsepian Erica O’Neal Howard Mrs. B. Durward Howes, III Sarah Howland Emilie Hoyt Jimmy Htun Yiru Huang and Woonshen Jeng Shirley Hufstedler Rebecca and Gareth Hughes Dalia Huizar Penelope and Mark Ibbotson Ayako Ikeda Kyung-Soo Inn and Soon Y. Im Kazan Iptchilar Mr. and Mrs. Harry Irby Stephine Irey Donna and John Irie Michael and Anna Iwankiw Steven C. Jackson Belinda Jacobs Drs. David and Jackie Jacobs Arthur James Brian and Dawn James Irina Jasper Chris and Sara Jennings Richard Jensen Alison and Chris Jernegan Maria Jimenez and Luis U. Mejia Danelle M. Jiron Sherry and Geoffrey Johansing Agnes Johnson David M. Johnson and Mary-Erin Crook Debra Johnson Divina Johnson Erin and John Johnson Iona Johnson N. Johnson Paul Johnson Temeka Johnson Deandra R. Jones Edward Jones Priscilla and Larry Jones Sharelle Jones Tom and Virginia Jones Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Jordan Ms. Esperanza Jorgensen Joretta Bernice Joseph Eric Jost and Tracey Sugihara Thomas and Mary Diane Joyce Hasting Jennifer Juarez Elfego Juarez-Mayoral Ms. Ruth Judkins Barbara A. Kaleta Jennifer Kalil Gary and Cynthia Kaloostian Joshua and Sheree Kaplan Tracy and Joseph Kaplan Henry Karayan Haley and Marc Karish Rich and Beatriz Kasten Kip S. Katz Rog Katz Candace Kay Dianne Kee Ghazar Gary Kelejian Gretchen L. Kelly Mary Ann Kelly and Scott Sitzman Jennifer and Brett Kenyon Mary Kerr Kristine Keshishyan Brad Kessell Devon Khan Mie Mie Khine Richard A. Kidd Roger and Wane-June Kiesel Alan Killebrew Mi Young Kim and Keon Sang An Richard Kim and Tina Lyu Chung Young Kim Young Suk Kim Jacqueline R. Kimble-Cummings R.S. King Peter and Becky Knell Joycelyn Knight Mrs. Jackie Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Albin C. Koch Halcyon and Christopher Koerber William F. Kohagen Sharon Kokenes Brian Kopec Donna Korn Evangelino Kowalyr Clemens E. Kownatzki and Selene Flores Alexander and Lori Kramer Elaine Kramer and J. Al Latham, Jr. Lucina and Gregory Krappman Erik and Olga Krogh Shelly Ann Kroll-Hancock Donald Kubly Patricia Kunkel Charles G. Kurzweil Gavin and Gretchen Lee Jung Suk Lee and Ok Hee Lee Martha J. Lee Melissa Lin Lee Yong and Mi Kyung Lee Laura E. Lee-Chin and Mathieu Desbrun Peter Leeson Joel Lefkowitz Kathleen Legaspi Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lehmer Beth Leitner and Paul Newman Karen and Matthew Lencioni Elizabeth P. Lent Ms. Priscila Leon-Didion Art and Marian Leos “Because of the smaller class sizes and longer class periods in the Summer Enrichment Program, teachers are able to focus more closely on subjects and include more hands-on activities that incorporate creativity and fun-based learning.” Alden Denali, Summer Enrichment Program principal at Franklin School Kai Kuwata Susan Labadie-Taylor Charlotte M. LaCour Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lake Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lama Nancy S. Lambrecht Samuel Lamothe Robert and Maureen Lamphere Scott A. Lane and Sean Flanigan Starla Lang and Naomi Zapata Monica Langley Mariana Erika Lanning and Stephen E. Quarrick, Jr. Elizabeth and Charles Lanski Leticia C. Lara Marc Lariviere Deirdre M. Larkin and Edwin C. Tingstrom Lara L. Larramendi Barbara Larson Garabet Latchinian Yiting and Chi Ban Lau Cheryl Laven Cathy and Sean Lavin Timothy G Lavoire Lea Lawrence-Moiso Tieng Le John F. Ledgard Patrick Leung and Vicky Choi Robert and Bette Levie Shana Levin and Peter Mendel Robert Leviton Irene and David Levy Carolyn Lewis Nathaniel and Varnell Lewis Rebecca Lewis and Mark J. Zavidow Melissa Liang Arnold Charles Libman Raymond and Vel Liesegang Jung hoon Lim Jennifer Lindeman Damon and Suzanne Linder Sean Linderman Kendra and Clark Linghurst Dana R. Lira Ute Liserfeld Bob and Michelle Liset Glenn D. Littenberg Rebecca Little Anna Midori Lloyd Igor Lodeiro and Eva Madejon Jose Jesus and Gina Ivette Loera Luis and Alice Loera Paul F. Lofthouse Carol S. Lofton 19. Community Donors - Individuals Community Donors - Individuals Pasadena Educ ational Founda tion raises fund Kim Starr Long Corazon Lopez Giselle Lopez Margarita Lopez Monica and Oscar Lopez Rosa Lopez Irene M. Lopez-Garin Mark Lorell Lawrence and Audrey Louie Janice Low and Calvin T. Eng Ruth M. Low and Richard M. Rogers Simone M. Lowe Jose L. Lozano Christine Lu Jonathan and Ruth Lu Kathleen J. Lucas, D.D.S. Ms. Connie Lue P.J. and J.W. Lue Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lumb Gregorio Luna Cynthia R. Lundy Joseph Lyon-Buchanan Roy A. Mac Millan, Jr. Gail W. Maccartney John Macdonald Linda Machida and Geoffrey A. Grundy 20. s for school lib raries. Susan and David Mack Ms. Robin D. Mackenroth Susan L. MacLaughlin John and Barbara Madden Peter Maduro Eduardo and Maria Magallanes Dianne Magee Jane and Walter Maguire Tom and Kristine Majich Kathleen Makarewicz Michael and Carolyn Malconian Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malecki Jeff and Susan Maljian Julia Maljian Margaret and Lot Mallari Chuck and Nicoli Malouf Karen and Richard Mandeville Janice Mangerino Haig Manjikian Armine and Hratch Mankerian Jeanette Mann Marianna Margaryan Madeline S. Mark Patricia A. Marks Joanna Marquez Melinda Marquez Valerie Marquez Boris R. Marroquin Steven and Patricia Marrs T. Marshak and B. Nash Diana Yoshie Marshall Cori Marshall-Pelayo Oi J. Martel Daniella and John Martin Ms. Dorothy Martin Ronald Martinetti Elizabeth Martinez Elsa Martinez John A. Martinez Julie A. Martinez Luis E. Martinez Miguel and Carol Martinez Samuel and Traci Martinez Victoria Martinez Tamara Maruhnich Jacqueline Marvel Aris and Yvonne Marziali Larry and Beth Mason Sharon L. Mason Manuel Mata Alisa Matavosyan Annie and James Mathew Martin Mathews and Ellen L. Pearce-Mathews George Matsuda Brooke Matthews Elizabeth Matthias Thomas and Susan Maxwell William and Patricia May Rex Mayreis Idalia Mazariegos Karen Mazone Donald McAlpin Virginia McAnulty Derek and Milli McCabe John and Marianna McConaghy James A. McDermott, Jr. and Cynthia J. Kurtz Ann E. McDonald Jan Mcfarlane John and Carol McGhee Joellyn McGrath Ms. Sally Jeanne McKenna Mark and Laurie McKinley David McKinney David and Laura McKinzie David and Myrna McLane Jodi McLaughlin Caroline H. McManus Mr. and Mrs. Tommy McMullins Thomas and Carla McNamara Susan Mcneill Lisa A. Mechanic-Jacobs Ernesto and Martha Haydee Medina Graciela Medina Rachel D. Meeks and Karrone Meeks-Clark Karrone Meeks-Clark France Hughes Meindl Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Melekian Isabelle Melkesian Mary Anne Mello Maria Mendez Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mendez Christina Mendoza Jana Mendoza Margarita Mendoza and Jose Luis Velez Yolanda Mendoza Elias Mercado, Jr. and Rebecca Lynn Mercado Dennis Meredith John and Joan Merrill Betsy Mertens Michael Mertz Alex and Vera Mettimano Maria and George Metzger Maria Meza Rosa Yolanda Meza Ms. Susanna Miele Robert and Tracy Mikuriya Laurie A. Milam Don and Lorna Miller Genevieve Miller Helen Miller Louisa Miller Mary and Wayne Miller Merwin Miller Mr. and Mrs. O’Malley Miller Mrs. Marjorie Finney Miller Ms. Mildred Miller Robert and Lynell Miller Stacey Ann Miller and Steve Ekstrand Tina J. Miller Gregory and Joyce Millikan Robert and Manuella Milton, Jr. June Minamizono Mary Michele Miner and Paul J. Perri Margorie Lee Mink-Barr Mirna and Joseph Miranda Paul B. Mitchell Tracy Mitchell Loretta Mockler Eric and Mary Mofford Garen Moghoyan and Ani Khachatoorian Ana L. Molina Rafael Monroy and Izumi Kusabuka Paul J. Monsour and Amy Hershberger Karen Faye Montgomery Rebecca and Daniel Moody Ron and Diane Moore Valerie L. Moore Zachary and Mindie Moore Priscilla C. Moorman Vanesha Morales John and Suzanne Moran Robert Moran and Olga Kulkin Martin and Guadalupe Moreno Yael Moreno Don and Whitney Morgan Sonia N. Morin Gilbert Morquecho and Carmen Olascoaga-Morquecho Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris Norman K. Morrow David L. Mortensen Robert A. Mosakowski and Lila Cumes Bruce Moses Hector and Sophia Mota Charles and Shirley Moten Isaac Motola Ms. Kathy Moyd Cathy Muellerschoen Stephen Mulder Eric and Laura Mulfinger Jose and Veronica Navarro Kuntida Nawareungruang Gyda Nawarungruang Gregory Neagle Sherrie Neal David Neham and Leslie A. Weak Nat Nehdar Janet and Stanley Neill Andrea P. Nelson Dimitz and Lindsey Nelson Crystal Nerone Beverly Neu Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neumann Charles and Linda Newhart Nancy G. Newlander and Kevin J. Peranich Jacob Newman and Beth Leitner Mei-Lee Ney Nancy S. Ng Irene Ngo Thao C.H. Nguyen and David T. Tran Vinh T. Nguyen and Buell L. Brown Thanh-Thien Nguyen-Tran Coby J. Nice Emilline and Steve Nice Jim Nice Marlene Nice Becky Nicolaides Robert and Sally Nimmer Janet A. Nippell Robert and Gail Nishinaka “The Foundation really understands where educational needs are and could guide us in making the best use of our donation.” Gary Hackney, East Arroyo Residents Association Chris Mullen Ana and Wualberto Munguia Roger A. Munn and Gloria L. Hinshaw Andrew and Ellen Munoz Patricia and Thomas Munoz Norman S. Muraki Laura Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murphy Mary A. Murray Lisa and Robert Muthiah Andrew Myler Julia Myrick Carolyn and John Naber James and Denise Nelson Nash Josefina and Jose Nava Janice Noga Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nolan Jeffery and Kristen Nolen Mr. and Mrs. Don Nollar Donna P. Noonan Donald and Judith Norquist Ellen Ruth Norris Cathy Novelo Fred Novo George and Cynthia Null Jorge Nuno Leonel Nuno David T. Nyerges Anuja and Channa Obeyesekere Carolina Obregon Liz O’Brien 21. Community Donors - Individuals Marcela Ochoa-Rios and Francisco Barreto-Cervantes Garrett and Michelle O’Doherty Genji Oe Maggie O’Farrill Linda Offray Alexandra E. Oginz Natalie J. Oginz Tony and Linda O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Olaiz Laura Olinski Community Donors - Individuals Mitchell and Benita Pautz Robert Peace Jamelle and Alan Peck Frances J. Pedley Kelsie and David Pejsa Ms. Peggy Pena Sarah and Robert Penalora John Pentecost Alexander and Myrna Perez Dolores M. Perez Luis Perez and Ofelia M. Velazquez The East Arroyo Residents Association helped raise $4,000 for Cleveland and Roosevelt elementary schools by participating in the Pasadena Educational Foundation FANSS Challenge. Fern M. Oliver Robert and Arlene Oltman James and Kelly Omatsu Amy Omuse Faye O’Neil Beverly O’neill Leanne and Michael O’Neill Online Media Presentations, Inc. Sheryl D. Orange Martin and Katrina Ortega Aaron Osborne and Colleen Cochran Cecilia A. Osmolski Toby Osos David Oswalt and Joan Aarestad Graciela A. Oteroand Juan P. Estanga Carolyn and Tom Otto Ruth Otto and Tom L. Otto, Jr. Ralph Ouellet Jenny Owen Steven and Julie Owen Robin Owens-Gholar Theodora Oyie Nina and Dustin Paddock Steve and Elyse Paek Mildred Page Ann and Timothy Palmer Dong Jun Park Jinwoo Park Holly Parker Shirley M. Parker and Jeanne P. Lanterman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Parris Jeannine A. Patria Jeffrey and Tomoko Abe Patrick Mr. Kenneth H. Patton 22. Mayra Perez Octavio Perez and Veronica Villagrana Justin Perez-Calderon Angeline Peries Larry and Debbie Perkins Stephen and Gordana Perlof Mary Elizabeth Perry and Ralph B. Perry, III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Persico Melani Pete-Johnson Angela N. Peters Mr. and Mrs. R. Eugene Peterson Victoria and Timothy Peterson Anna M. Petrakis Vahak and Alice Petrossian Robert G. Petrovich Wendy Pham-Dixon and Steven Dixon Robert Picardo Jinny and Ronie Pidut Sherrill M. Pinkston Michael and Courtney Thompson Pisarik Mark Piscitelli Tanya and Brannin Pitre Crystal N. Pittman Donald and Gloria Pitzer Eugene and Gayle Plunkett Elizabeth and Tom Polenzani Michele and Robert Poletti Judith K. Pollack and David F. Yamada Oleg Poncefranco Salpy Ponrelli Gabriel Ponton Chris and Salpy Pontrelli Anthony J. Portantino Helmer Portillo and Erika Trejo Andrea C. Pott Broderick and Deborah Potter Jeffrey and Carol Potter Joy Potter Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Potter Lisa Prado Aluizio Prata Sandra Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pretty Mr. Morgan Prickett Jean Aicher Prinz Warren Proctor Dean and Judith Pruitt Diana Pugh-Dawson Thomas and Elizabeth Purnell Erik Quintana and Jennifer E. Fox Patrice Quishenberry Debra Qurtman Jalal Rabadi Mikala and Kurt Rahn Becky Ramirez Elizabeth M. Ramirez and Luis A. Ruiz Maria and Luis Alonso Ramirez Matthew and Letitia Ramsey William and Sharon Ramsey Vikram R. Rana Herbert and Diane Rankin Paula and Harihar Rao Shirley K. Rauter Gerardo and Elaine Raya Marianita and Virgil Raymundo Michael Reagan and Carolyn Garner-Reagan Steve and Jan Reagan Carlos and Martha Real Brad and Lorraine Reaume Ben Recht Winee and Guillermo Recto Ann Rector Deirdre Redmond Deborah E. Reed Deborah Reff Mr. and Mrs. Fred Register, Jr. Rachel D. Rehwald and Jeffrey A. Merriam Joan E. Reid Gloria Xochilth Reignhardt Octavia and Robert Reliford Renee Y. Rener-Henderson Deborah and Don Repella Sandra Reyes-Troyer Ms. Gloria Reynolds Rufus and Susan Rhoades Nicole Rich Stephen and Kathleen Richards Scott and Rebecca Richardson Dany and Mike Richey Christi L. Ricker Katherine Ricks Jeannie R. Riley, D.D.S. Miguel Rios and Maria Estela Diaz Sally Rios Felix Rivera and Carol Gregory Robert and Priscilla Rivera Adam and Melanie Robbins Marissa and Thomas Robbins Edna Roberts Inez Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Willie Robinson, Jr. Kevin and Maria Robl Juan Jose Robles Barbara Rocha Esmeralda Rodas Maria Rodriguez Oneida A. Rodriguez Linda Rodriquez Thomas Deal and Emily Rogers, II Guillermo and Lilia Romero Lorena Romero M. Isabel Garcia Romero Marsha V. Rood Bill Roper James Roquemore Rhonda Roquemore Eric and Christine Rosa David Rose Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rose Jason Rose Stephen and Susan Rose Cynthia Rosedale Adam C. Rosenkranz Juannette Ross Judith Ross Linda Ross and Bruce Krohn Rodney Ross Dana and Eileen Roth Glenn and Magdalena Rothner Julie Rowey Sandra and Paul Rudnick Opal L. Ruff Nolvia and Mario Ruiz Jhona and Richard Rupp Lois A. Russell Margaret and Keith Russell Timothy Rutt James Ryan Ruth Ryan Kenneth and Margaret Sabbag Abby and Craig Sabin Michael and Beatriz Sackett Audelia T. Saenz Peter and Greta Sagherian Norberto and Rosario Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Salce German Jose Salcedo James and Rebecca Sale Paige Sales Mary C. Salinas Ramon and Elissa San Juan Janny Bacani Sanchez Kelly Sanchez Margarita Sanchez Maria M. Sanchez Paul G. Sanchez and Mary C. Trunk Sharon R. Sand and Charles H. Thomas, Jr. Christine and Cesareo Sandoval Julie Sandoval Mary Jane Sands Keon Sang An Davinder K. Sangha Eve Santillan & Charles Terrazas Silvia Santillan Mavicela Sanzon Chris and Dorin Saporito Marsha Wilson Saracco Armen Sarkissian Margaret Sarmast Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Sasaki James and Cheryl Saxton Pam and Steve Scandore Raymond and Tracy Scanlan Jed Schlanger Estelle Schlueter Norman and Carol Schmidt Jeannette F. Scholer Gerald Glyn Scholes Brett and Linda Schraeder Ms. Rosemary Schroeder Michael and Susan Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schwartz Lynn and David Scott Monique Danielle Scott Bobbi Scoville Gretchen B. Seager and Gregory L. Gutierrez Michael Seaton Charles and Margaret Sedenquist Armando Segura-Sakamoto and Sonia Maria Castro De Segura Jeremy and Jennifer Seifert Students in the Pa sadena Education al Foundation’s Su School Program ca mmer High n receive academ ic credits in classes as geometry. such 23. Community Donors - Individuals Community Donors - Individuals The Pasadena Educ ational Foundation helps to provide stu musical instruction dents with and instruments. Joan E. Seifert Diana Selig and Meredith Rose Tom and Janet Selinske Jose Alexander Serrano Maria Servin Martha Servin Sally Seymour Sue and Anthony Sgherzi Chandra and Peter Shair Michael T. Shannon Mildred Sharkey Sara and Walter Shatford David Shatraw Julia and Martin Shaw and Martin Smith Stephen Shectman Dawn Sheran Philip and Rosa Shiner Shirley R. Shivers Arnold Siegel and Susan Futterman Patrick and Carmen Silva Geraldine Silver Clyde and Mildred Simmons Thomas Sinclair Craig and Claudia Sindici Sibelle Elys Singer Armi Sippel Yolanda Skaaf-Willits 24. Tyrone L. Skinner Doris Slater Eden and Terry Slegr Nancy R. Smiley Brian Smith Jason and Shelbi Smith Jennifer Smith Lella Smith Michele D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Smith Mr. H. Russell Smith Mrs. Constance H. Smith Roxann S. Smith Tonya D. McDaniel Smith Trina Smith Domino Lynne Smotrys Mr. John Sobieski Michael Soldatenko Sara Solh Ms. Sandy Solis Alan and Marianna Solomon Amernita B. Soriano Bernabe M. Soriano Megin M. Soriano Ricardo Sosapavon Filomeno and Juan Soto Dennis Sotomayor and Gabriela Medrano Maurine St. Gaudens Janet Anne St. John Sharon E. Stacey Alana Steele Marjorie Steele David Steinbacher P. Ken Stephens, M.D. Lu Ann and James Stevens Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Stewart Suzette M. Stewart Alma M. Stokes Paulina Stomel Christopher and Lotti Stone Emily B. Stork John and Sandy Stothers Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Strand Irma and Eugene Strantz Kellie Strubinski Virginia M. Stubbs Steven and Nancy Stuckey Paula Suarez Dr. and Mrs. Richard Suda Rowland Sue Marina Diaz Sulzbach Christine Sunda and Roman Padilla De Lee Suzuki Jacqueline Suzuki Takako and Victor Suzuki Elizabeth Betsy Sweeney Mark and Sharon Sweeney Theodore H. Sweetser and Jane L. Valentine Robert H. Sydnor Deborah Symons Calvin and Marie Tajima Toshio Takano Haydeh Behbehani Takasugi Seth and Van Tamrowski Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tamura Ka Yaw Tan and Yoke Yin See Linda Tang Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tang Armen and Silva Tashjian Alison Tate and Jose Undurraga Jessica and Alexander Tatoian Fredricka Taubitz Dickranouhy Vicky Tavoukjian Dejuan Taylor Derek L. Taylor Trinnell Gray Taylor and Janice V. Gray Vincent De Paul Tagne Tchuente and Arienne J. Ghammangne Christina and Joseph Tenario Elizabeth and Jonathan Teran Emerson R. Terry, Jr. Suzanne and Ian Tervet George and Susan Theurkauf Lisa Thlick-Khatchadourian Rebecca and Blake Tholmer Matt Thoman Catherine and Eugene Thomas Catherine Thomas Frederick Thomas Laura and John Thomas Frank and Joan Thompson Maria Thompson Tash Thompson James Thomson Dorothy and H. Carl Thorman Erick and Shirleen Thorpe Kristina and Curt Thrailkill Jeffrey Throop Michelle and Alan Tierney Ms. Grace Tiessen David Tillman Jolene M. Timmons William Tingley Stephen and Kimberly Titus Christina Tober Jennifer and John Todd Gary and Irene Tokumoto Melissa Toma-Dimacali and Emmanuel Dimacali Stephanie and Thomas Tombrello Ed and Kim Tomoyasu Larry Tomoyasu and Carol Uchida Terry and Maria Tornek Antonio and Josefina Torres Gabriela Garcia Torres Humberto Tovar Juana and Mario Tovar Mark and Roberta Tragarz Anthony Traglio Ann Tramutola Edwina Travis-Chin Anne Traylor Laura Treister Paul and Valorie Treuscorff Peggy and Michael Trotman Anne A. Truong Dr. Mark R. Tufenkjian and Ms. Ciran M. Hadjian Darrin E. Turko Carol and Allan Turnbull Joyce Huyett Turner Judy and Steven Turner Raymond and Mildred Turner Robert and Mae Uchida Mr. and Mrs. William Ukropina Mr. and Mrs. Amado Umaguing, Jr. Shawna and Ryan Upp Dorothy J. Urner Melinda Utal-Martinez Joe and Cathy Vaca Carmen E. Valdes Rosa Maria Valdez George Valdiviez Jessica Springfield Valentine Elmo and Cecilia Valino Maria Sandra Valles Patricia Ann Van Der Veer Gene and Jaclyn Van Horn Tracy and Kevin Van Houten Jeffrey D. Van Schaick James and Jenny Van Slyke Alejandro J. Vasquez Teresa Vasquez Baudelina Vazquez Francisco and Claudia Vazquez Monica M. Vega Denise Veich Hilda C. Velasquez and Humberto R. Hernandez Stuart R. Venable, Jr. Maria and Rafael Vera Kirsten Smith Verhagen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vernand Pat and Ed Vidimos Elizabeth Villacis and Alvaro A. Espinoza Ricardo and Lourdes Villaneda Ann Vita Sarina J. Vitale Mr. Jeffrey Vlaming Karen S. Voelkening-Behegan and Frank M. Behegan Mirka Vuollo Richard Wadlington Sharon Wagner Yvonne Waldbott Shelby Seldon Walker Jennifer and Kraig Walkup David and Christina Wallerstein Michael and Stephanie Walling William and Donna Wallius, Jr. Nancy Eileen Walsh Patrik and Jeanette Walton Lijun Wan Richard and Ann Ward Kent and Theodora Warner nnual middle school inated the second-a ord co n tio da un Fo e Th e at Pasadena City which took place in Jun ring robotics competition Technology, Enginee o featured a Science, College. The event als po. and Math (STEM) Ex 25. Community Donors - Individuals Community Donors - Businesses dents er program give stu orded by the summ aff es nc rie pe ex on Hands sts. new skills and intere a chance to develop Ms. Nancy E. Warner Connie M. Washburn Henry and Sharon Washington Robin Washington Ms. J.S. Waters Ralph and Vanessa Watkins Douglas and Marsha Waugh David and Allyson Way Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Way, Jr. Fatima Weakley Neil Weinberger and Kathleen A. Copus Susan Weise Sharon L. Weiser Mr. and Mrs. John Werden Mr. and Mrs. Michael Werner Carolyn West Kim West Lisa Westhafer Sharon Westmoreland Connie Whalen Patrick Whaley and Lynda Jenner Mr. and Mrs. Ward Whaling Gary Wheeler Christopher Whitaker John Whitaker and Diana Morrison Abby and Thomas White 26. David and Lori White Denise O. White Gregory White Lyla White Pamela and Steven White Paula White Susan M. Whiting Bruce and Betsy Whitmore Ms. Rita Whitney William Whitney Patricia Wickhem David and Roberta Wilcox Reginald and Tasha Wilkins Cynthia Willard Culbert and Francine Williams Imogene S. Williams Marilyn Williams and Julius Clinton Williams, Jr. Rickey and Laura Williams Robert and Damaris Williams Roy Williams Stacy and Reggie Williams Kristina Williams-Lytle E. Milton Wilson Eberle Wilson Jack B. Wilson Larry and Phoebe Wilson Alexandra and David Winkowski Linda Wittry Jessie Philip Wojdak Tayech Gebi Wolde-Yohannes Robert and Joyce Wolf Tom and Joanne Wolfe Jen Wong Julia and Jeffrey Wong Gina Y. Wood Janet D. Wood Roger H. Wood Bob and Sooze Woods JoAnne Woolner Walter F. Worrill Robin Wright Chao-Ping Wu and Susan H. Ioka Yohei and Cheau-Ling Yamamuro Amiee Diane Yanez Susan Yanez Susan M. Yang Patti I. Yates Ilan Yehros Vanessa Yepez Veronica Yepez-Madrid Elizabeth Yepez-Ramirez Billy Yuchun Yin Karman Yiu Ada Yokoyama Susan and Stephen Young Jennifer and Geoff Yure Suzanne Zaima Dolores Zawol Matthew Zawol Roberta S. Zeidberg Julio C. Zelaya and Maria Elizabeth Miranda Sanchez Ibeth Zertuche Zheng Zhang and Ai Jian Preston and Bonnie Zillgitt Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman Cristy S. Zink William and Jill Zobrist Robert Zuber Alex and Anna Zuniga Erika Zuniga COMMUNITY DONORS BUSINESSes SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE UNDERWRITER $25,000-49,000 MS Property Company SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - BENEFACTOR $10,000-24,999 The Capital Group Companies, Inc. Parsons Corporation Pasadena Service Federal Credit Union Payden & Rygel Peet’s Coffee & Tea Stugots, Inc. Target Take Charge of Education Time Warner Employee Grant Program Tools of North America, LLC Western Asset Management Company Charitable Foundation SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - PARTNER SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - ADVOCATE $5,000-9,999 $500-999 Bank of America Matching Gifts Typecraft Wood & Jones Printers Ameritrade, Inc. Angell & Giroux, Inc. Apollo Group, Inc. Bank of America Beyond Technology Education Bob’s Big Boy Pasadena California Credit Union California Robins, Inc. Carmichael-Kemp Architects City National Bank Clifford Swan Investment Counsel Dougherty + Dougherty Architects Extreme Learning, Inc. Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost FNS Coaching and Consulting Gale Kohl & Associates, Inc. Get Ahead Learning, LLC Gonzalez Goodale Architects Intrepidus John Moran Auctioneers, Inc. Kingson Metals Lilica Incorporated Linda Ross, L.C.S.W, Ph.D LPA, Inc. Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mijares Restaurant Mori Associates, Inc. Moule & Polyzoides NIC Partners Only Place in Town, Inc. Podley Properties Rocket Photo Lab Santa Barbara Applied Research The Seville Group Tom Sawyer Camps, Inc. Vroman’s Bookstore Westat SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - LEADER $2,500-4,999 ARE Charles Pankow Builders, Ltd. Community Bank EARS to You Flewelling and Moody Architects Lifetouch National School Studios Merrill Lynch Northrop Grumman Sharp Seating Company Tokio Marine Management, Inc. SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - SPONSOR $1,000-2,499 Anonymous Argus Consulting Group, Inc. C.W. Driver Contractors, Inc. Caltech Employees Federal Credit Union Citizens Business Bank Dannis Woliver Kelley Edison International First Private Bank and Trust Fresh & Easy Furlined Hayward Tamkin & Co. Horace Mann Insurance Huntington Memorial Hospital Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Programs The Kutzer Company Law Offices of Patrick J. Brault Mantech International Corporation Morning Bridge International, Inc. Nestlé TEACHER’S CIRCLE $250-499 Andersen, Horie & Company Arete Associates Bernards Cafe 322 Casa Del Rey - Sierra Madre CBO Foods, LLC CEC Entertainment Cynthia Bennett & Associates, Inc. Dog Haus El Portal Restaurant EmbroidMe of Arcadia Good Bones Properties, Inc. Herff Jones, Photography Division The House of Printing Islands Restaurants KBR Matching Gift Center Law Offices of Abraham Chaparian Lee’s Tae Kwon Do Netsol Technologies, Inc. Ohiopyle Prints, Inc. Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program Susan Young Massage Therapy Universal Studios Volkswagen Pasadena Winnie K. Huang Accountancy Corp. HONOR ROLL $1-249 231-33 N Grand Association Altadenta/Pasadena Community Improvement Center Anderson Construction Altadena Hardware Angels School Supply Anonymous Arax Press, Inc. Architecture for Education, Inc. Ashcraft Company Bar Celona Blue Field Productions Bonnie B’s Smokin Books Are Fun, Ltd. Cafe Santorini Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting CapitalSource Bank Car-Mac Enterprises, LLC Corfu Restaurant 27. Community Donors - Foundations and Organizations Community Donors - Businesses Sierra Madre Pizza Company, Inc. Smith Properties Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes Spanglish Baby Stone Busailah Summit Enterprises TNT Dogs, Inc. Tolkin Group Investments Townloop The UPS Store Valencia, Perez & Echaveste Webster’s Fine Stationers Westcoast Companies, Inc. Woodbury Village, Inc. Worrell Realty leaders ess and community erse group of busin l for a Day ipa inc Pr d ate In November a div the PEF-coordin h ug ro th hools ls ipa ee inc bridges betw n sc shadowed pr s to build stronger aim ram og pr e Th program. . and the community Cottage n’ Castle Dealey, Renton & Associates Dove Properties, LLC DP Ales, Inc. Duncan Group and Associates The Ellimac Corporation eScrip Fayes Montrose, LLC Frontier Hardware Co. General Mills Box Top for Education Glatfelter Insurance Group Harmik Sarian Insurance Agency Hilton Pasadena ICI Worldwide, Inc. Idealab Interloper Films, Inc. Internet Camera Units Island Packers Jeff Speakmans Kenpo 5.0 Pasadena Jirair Fine Jewelry Kal Plastics Langholz & Langholz Law Office of Steven Sorell Macy’s West G.I.F.T Mail Box & Postal Mama Pete’s Nursery School . Many Moons Press 28. Marianne Frostig Center of Educational Therapy Marie’s CDs and Online Auctions Massimo Jewelry Micro Trends of Pasadena, Inc. Mi Piace Restaurant Nat B. Read Old Town Music Orswell & Kasman, Inc. Ossman Project Management Consulting, Inc. Pan Pacific Fiber, Inc. Pasadena Pets Healing Art Center Perfection Dental Laboratory Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Pie ‘N Burger Planetary Society Polenzani Benefits & Insurance Services, Inc. PRM Corporation Pro Fitness Network Properties Internantional Prospect Park Books Ralphs Community Contribution Program RBC Capital Markets The Red Shoes Root Beer Joe’s Sandwich Shop COMMUNITY DONORS FOUNDATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - STAR SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - LEADER $100,000+ $2,500-4,999 AYSO Region 13 ConnectEd: The California Center for College & Career/The James Irvine Foundation Helen and Wilton Webster Foundation Pasadena Child Health Foundation Pasadena Community Foundation Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority California Institute of Technology The Hoffman Foundation The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Pasadena Sister Cities Committee Rotary Club of Pasadena SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - PATRON SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - SPONSOR $50,000-99,000 $1,000-2,499 Ahmanson Foundation Avery Dennison Ayrshire Foundation California Community Foundation College Access Foundation of California JP Morgan Chase Foundation The Schow Foundation Association of Pasadena School Administrators East Altadena Little League East Arroyo Residents Association The Fletcher Jones Foundation Flintridge Foundation Kebok Foundation Harvey and Ellen Knell Foundation Pasadena Arts League Wells Fargo Foundation SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE UNDERWRITER $25,000-49,000 Anonymous Dorothy Trask Clune Murray Foundation Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Pasadena Respiratory Health Foundation SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - BENEFACTOR $10,000-24,999 Francis Bacon Foundation Harvest Rock Church Pasadena Independent Schools Foundation Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts Pasadena Tournament of Roses Foundation The Patron Saints Foundation Saucony Run for Good, Inc. Sierra Madre School Japanese Garden SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - PARTNER $5,000-9,999 SUPERINTENDENT’S CIRCLE - ADVOCATE $500-999 All Saints Episcopal Church Anonymous Archer-Johnson Foundation California Association of Latinos Day One, Inc. GE Foundation IEEE Metropolitan Los Angeles Section Pasadena City College Foundation, Inc. Public Works, Inc. Sierra Madre Civic Club Sierra Madre Homework Club Stuart Foundation Teacher of Excellence Committee TEACHER’S CIRCLE $250-499 AAUW Pasadena Branch Angeles Girl Scout Council Troop 340 La Canada United Methodist Church NAACP Pasadena Branch Annual Banquet San Marino Rotary Charities Sierra Madre Women’s Club United Teachers of Pasadena HONOR ROLL $1-249 Bethlehem Church of Christ Caruso Family Foundation Friends of the Pasadena Playhouse The Grainger Foundation Kiwanis Club of Sierra Madre KP African American Association Lake Avenue Community Foundation Pasadena Civic Ballet Center Pasadena Republican Women Federated Scars on 45 Schools First Federal Credit Union Victor Miceli Law Library Students in the Foundation’s High School Summer School Program can earn actual school credit in classes, such as Spanish, AP European History, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, and Computer Science. National Space Club West Coast Committee 29. Pasadena Educational Foundation Board of Directors 2010-2011 Community Campaign Leadership Advisory Council 2010-2011 George A. Brumder John Van de Kamp, Chair President Maureen Carlson Vice President, Board Affairs William B. Creim Vice President, Programs Tamerlin J. Godley Pasadena Educational Foundation 351 S. Hudson Ave. Rm 153 Pasadena, CA 91109 626.396.3625 Vice President, Community Engagement Joan E. Palmer Vice President, Development Mark Persico Treasurer Rey M. Rodriguez * Secretary George Abdo Guil Babcock Mike Babcock Olin Barrett James B. Boyle, Jr. Jarratt Brunson Kenneth Chawkins David M. Davis Carolyn Denham Joan H. Fauvre Rene J. Flores, Sr. James D. Fullerton Bonifacio Bonny Garcia William J. Bogaard Armando Gonzalez Juan Ceva Charles L. Harrington D. Barton Doyle Adelaide Hixon Peter Dreier Melany L. Hunt Jonathan S. Fuhrman Harvey Knell Mercedese Hervey Steven S. Koblik Anett Hill James Kossler Maria Khader Amy Lamb Erin M. Kuhlman Albert Lowe Gene Masuda Kim Lum Jennifer McCreight Tommy McMullins Denise Nelson Nash Wendy Munger Angelita Mont O’Brien Stephen Onderdonk Dawn Carson O’Keeffe Peggy Phelps Kathy J. Onoye Dianne Philibosian * Diane Rankin Bill Podley Fernando Rodriguez-Valls Mikala Rahn Marguerite Ann Snow Steve Ralph most urgent priority. Alma M. Stokes Deborah Reed William E. Thomson, Jr. George Regas Scott W. Van Dellen Robin Salzer Laura Zeronian Fran Scoble Our Mission We support, enhance and supplement the programs, initiatives and priorities of the Pasadena Unified School District. * Our Vision Every PUSD student will receive an excellent education so that each may reach his or her full potential and become a joyful and fully engaged member of our democratic society. Education must be our community’s highest and * Education matters: Good public schools are important to all of us. * Education is the most intelligent investment we can make. Diane Scott PUSD Liasons Larry Wilson Edwin Diaz Marge Wyatt Ed Honowitz Elizabeth W. Pomeroy Executive Director Patrick J. Conyers Printing generously donated by Typecraft Inc. Wood & Jones Design: Jennifer Essen Design
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