Titan Brochure - IFEX Exhibition


Titan Brochure - IFEX Exhibition
EPoS Driven
Business Intelligence
Why choose Titan?
What is it all about?
As human beings we are becoming more mobile and
therefore not always in the same place as our data,
resulting in it becoming increasingly difficult to make
informed, efficient decisions about our businesses. That is
until now, Titan has arrived!!
Titan is an intuitive, web based, back office software
suite of Apps. It allows you to manage your businesses
performance at any time, from anywhere in the world and
at your own convenience. This web based EPoS Business
Intelligence solution incorporates a number of easy to
use feature rich Apps which enables the monitoring of
key performance indicators within your business such as:
product sales per hour, clerk sales, stock variances.
You simply use your tablet, laptop, PC or smartphone to
access your real time business data whilst on the move. As you are all too aware your business environment is
becoming more competitive, it is important to ensure that
your business is achieving its maximum profit margins from
your customers’ spending habits; Titan empowers you,
the business owner, by producing reports that are visually
appealing and more importantly, easy to understand and
analyse, enabling you to make the right decision.
“The range of reports that can be generated within
Titan are vast, all helping us better manage our
businesses. Given that Titan is web based means,
we can continually check into our sites whilst on the
go from our mobile phones. We now feel we are in
better control, making informed decisions to help
move our businesses forward.”
- Ryan and Willis McLaughlin
Make informed decisions on
stock trends/pilferages that are
affecting your profit margins.
Quickly tag and Monitor certain
products that are developing
suspicious trends.
Expanding to multiple sites
in different locations, Titan’s
App suite helps you efficiently
manage, control and monitor
all of your sites while on the
Always will be there for you
This intuitive web based business intelligence solution
allows you to access your EPoS data or maintain your
EPoS system from Anywhere in the world, at Anytime.
User friendly Apps
All Apps within the Titan office suite are easy to use, helping
you improve the way you manage your business.
Titan keeps it simple, Apps
enable you to perform your
key tasks efficiently, adding
new product lines to your
EPoS system, improving profit
Create your order by the
cheapest cost price ensuring
that you get the best deal for
your business, improving your
cash flow and increasing your
profit margins.
Don’t worry, no need to visit your bank
Titan’s innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) solution
is available to you for an attractive single monthly fee, on
a per Till basis so you do not have to break the bank to
incorporate Titan into your business. Easier to forecast your
monthly EPoS expenditure.
Your system- Your decision
Quickly obtain all your
KPI’s while on the move by
producing easy on the eye
Graphical representations of
your businesses performance.
Your Staff can view their Rotas
from anywhere at anytime.
Titan enables cost effective
rotas to be generated with an
emphasis on labour costs.
Monitor every Beer that is
poured. The App graphically
compares sales of draught
beer to the quantity of beer
that was actually dispensed
from the keg.
Monitor the performance
of each staff member, how
they are contributing to your
business turnover by analysing
their sales compared to time
Titan is uniquely configurable, allowing reporting
information to be generated in the way you prefer, detailing
graphically pleasing key performance indicators for you
to analyse while on the move. It helps foster a data driven
culture within your business with powerful visually stunning
Improve time taken to make decision
Titan accelerates and improves the decision making
process while you are onsite in your business and crucially,
while you are away from your business.
Stay up to speed with business trends
Identify market trends utilising Titan’s suite of Apps with an
array of reports detailing key performance indicators. Keep your business fit and healthy
Analyse historical transactions
by your staff at anytime from
anywhere. Filter for sales
receipts carried out by each
staff member.
Easily stay in touch with your
business while on the move.
Titan’s interactive Dashboard
alerts you to areas of your
business that require your
Gain a competitive advantage over your competitors
with Titan’s automated purchase order processing app,
efficiently control stock pilferage/wastage with Titan’s Stock
Buddy app, monitor and compare employee performance
for the hours that you are paying them for; report business
problems that need to be addressed.
Vectron Systems AG
Titan are recommended development partners of Vectron
Systems AG. Titans Business Intelligence solution links
seamlessly to the Vectron EPoS product range. So far
Vectron has installed more than 150,000 EPoS systems all
over the world and is ranked among the Top Ten of European
manufacturers of EPoS systems.
So be it the Granny Annie’s Bar and Restaurant chain, an
optician in Dubai, the Opera Cellar in Stockholm, a fast-food
restaurant in Las Vegas, businesses rely on Vectron’s top
technology providing stable, fast and elegantly designed
EPoS systems which now seamlessly connect to the Titan,
web based, back office suite.
Microsoft Azure
Titan are partners with Microsoft Azure, utilising Microsoft
Azures cutting edge cloud hosting servers and suite of
software tools to produce a trusted, robust, high performance
solution for our customers in the hospitality and
retail sectors.
With 57% of Fortune 500 companies already using Microsoft
Azure it was an obvious decision for Titan’s development
team to select Microsoft.
What you should do now.
1. Speak to your Titan specialist Agent.
2. Ask them for a Titan presentation.
3. Over a cup of coffee discuss the areas of your
business that concern you and how you see Titan
helping you and your business.
4. Choose the Apps for your dashboard which you
consider will meet the needs of your business
5. Simply Register with your Titan Agent and let us
take it from there, with one click we will import
your Vectron EPoS data into the Titan cloud
Riverwood House
30a Forgetown Rd
BT46 5LN
077 4827 2603 / 028 7964 4722