Asia-Pacific Acne Symposium (APAS)


Asia-Pacific Acne Symposium (APAS)
Symposium (APAS)
오시는 길
서울대병원 어린이병원 1층
임상 제1강의실
Official language : English
Date : October 6 (Saturday), 2012
Venue : Seoul National University Hospital
(The 1st Auditorium of Children’s Hospital), Seoul, Korea
연수평점 : 6점
Registration fee is free for non-Korean dermatologists, but all the
attendants should be registered in advance until Sep/20/2012 for
the preparation of APAS. For registration and further information,
please contact Prof. Dae Hun SUH (Secretary General of the
Korean Society for Acne Research) to
참가하실 분은 모두 사전등록을 해 주셔야 합니다. 사전 등록이
되어 있지 않으면 점심 식사가 제공되지 못할 수 있습니다.
사전등록 기한: 2012년 9월 20일
등록비: 전문의 2만원, 전공의 1만원
등록방법: 국민은행 676502-04-048290 예금주 안효현(대한여드름
학회)으로 입금하신 후로 등록을
알려주셔야 합니다.
Symposium (APAS)
For any questions, please contact
Dae Hun SUH, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Dermatology
Seoul National University College of Medicine
Secretary General
The Korean Society for Acne Research
Asia-Pacific Acne Symposium
TEL : +82-10-2792-3325
E-mail :
※주차권은 무료로 제공됩니다.
Sponsored by the Korean Society for Acne Research
Sponsored by the Korean Dermatological Association
Chairpersons :Prof. Young Suck Ro (Hanyang University, Korea)
Prof. Leihong F. Xiang (Fudan University, China)
Prof. Akimichi Morita (Nagoya City University, Japan)
Dear colleagues and dermatologists in Asia-Pacific region,
It is my great pleasure to cordially invite you to Asia-Pacific Acne Symposium
(APAS) which will be held in Seoul, Korea.
As you can see from the program, most up-to date scientific knowledge
on acne and related disorders (especially rosacea) will be presented by
renowned dermatologists who are specialized in acne. Totally, twelve
speakers from 9 Asia-Pacific countries will deliver very interesting lectures.
Prof. Dae Hun Suh and Prof. Jee Bum Lee from Korea, Prof. Yan Wu and
Prof. Leihong Flora Xiang from China, Prof. Raj Kubba from India, Dr.
Nobukazu Hayashi and Prof. Akimichi Morita from Japan, Dr. Steven Chow
from Malaysia, Dr. Flordeliz Abad-Casintahan from Philippines, Prof. Chee
Leok Goh from Singapore, Prof. Nopadon Noppakun from Thailand, and
Prof. Sewon Kang from the United States of America.
Their lectures will cover the whole area of acne and acne scars, including
pathogegesis, epidemiology, practical treatment and prevention. Each
lecturer will also tell us the status of acne in their own countries. Prof.
Giuseppe Micali from Italy will also give us very informative lecture about the
role of dermocosmetic in acne treatment at luncheon time. I would like to
take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of the invited speakers.
Each interesting lecture will be followed by hot discussion. I hope this
meeting will also offer a good opportunity for the communication and
stronger friendship among dermatologists and acne researchers from AsiaPacific region. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Kwang Joong Kim, MD, PhD
Asia-Pacific Acne Symposium
Department of Dermatology
Hallym University College of Medicine
8:30 ~ 9:00
9:00 ~ 9:05
Opening remarks Prof. Kwang Joong Kim (President of APAS)
9:05 ~ 9:10
Congratulatory address
Prof. Hyung Ok Kim (President of The Korean Dermatological Association)
9:10 ~ 9:20
History and activity of The Korean Society for Acne Research
Prof. Dae Hun Suh (Seoul National University, Korea)
Chairpersons :Prof. Myung Nam Kim (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
Prof. Nopadon Noppakun (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Session 1 Dr. Steven K. W. Chow (Klinik Khas & Pakar Kulit, Malaysia)
9:20 ~ 9:50
An update on the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris
Prof. Chee Leok Goh (National Skin Center, Singapore)
9:50 ~ 10:20 PCOS and Acne: not merely skin deep!
Dr. Flordeliz Abad-Casintahan (Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center, Philippines)
10:20 ~ 10:40 Coffee break
Chairpersons :Prof. Kyu Joong Ahn (Konkuk University, Korea)
Dr. Raj Kubba (Dehli Dermatology Group, India)
Session 2
Dr. Nobukazu Hayashi (Toranomon Hospital, Japan)
10:40 ~ 11:10 Effect of serine proteinase activity in rosacea, and how to deal with it
Prof. Yan Wu (Peking University, China)
11:10 ~ 11:40 Seeking new acne treatment
Prof. Dae Hun Suh (Seoul National University, Korea)
Chairperson : Prof. Dae Hun Suh (Seoul National University, Korea)
11:40 ~ 13:10 The role of dermocosmetic in acne treatment
Prof. Giuseppe Micali (University of Catania, Italy)
13:10 ~ 13:40 Current trend of acne treatment in Thailand
Prof. Nopadon Noppakun (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
13:40 ~ 14:10 Acne and co-morbidities
Dr. Raj Kubba (Dehli Dermatology Group, India)
Chairpersons :Prof. Young Chul Kye (Chairman of Board of Directors of
The Korean Dermatological Association)
Dr. Abad-Casintahan (Philippines)
Prof. Sewon Kang (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
14:10 ~ 14:40 Treatment failures in acne
Dr. Steven K. W. Chow (Klinik Khas & Pakar Kulit, Malaysia)
14:40 ~ 15:10 Acne and environmental factors
Prof. Akimichi Morita (Nagoya City University, Japan)
15:10 ~ 15:30 Coffee break
Chairperson : Prof. Kwang Joong Kim (President of APAS)
15:30 ~ 16:20 Chipping away at acne scars: pathogenesis, treatment and prevention
Prof. Sewon Kang (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Chairpersons : Prof. Jai Il Youn (Seoul National University, Korea)
Prof. Yan Wu (Peking University, China)
Prof. Chee Leok Goh (National Skin Center, Singapore)
16:20 ~ 16:50 Status of acne in Japan and evidence of combination treatments from Japan
Dr. Nobukazu Hayashi (Toranomon Hospital, Japan)
16:50 ~ 17:20 Role of P. acnes in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Prof. Leihong F. Xiang (Fudan University, China)
17:20 ~ 17:50 Light-based therapies for rosacea
Prof. Jee Bum Lee (Chonnam National University, Korea)
17:50 Closing remarks
Prof. Kwang Joong Kim (President of APAS)
Group photograph

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