May 2011 - Missouri Jaycees


May 2011 - Missouri Jaycees
1st Trimester
Message from the President
Jaycees and welcome
to the first edition of
the 2011 Impact. I
want to first thank everyone who took the
time to write articles
so that we could have
the content to make
this the best State
newsletter in the Nation. We have so much
to be proud of already this year; we have had
positive growth this first tri-mester. We had
about 10 Chapters turn in initial Blue Chip
submission as well as some of our Rd’s and
DD’s. We have more communication thus far
this year than in recent years.
This year I am very much focused on making
the most of the time we have available to us.
I know you have all heard me speak on the
concept of time from my perspective. Time
is a valuable thing that with each passing
day we have less of to reach all the goals we
have set for ourselves this year. By the time
this goes to publication we will have about 4
months behind us.
The next 4 months are going to fly by so fast
(or so it will seem) we are all about to get
extremely busy. I know that we are used to
evaluating our plans mid-year, I would like to
see you do that every tri-mester. I don’t think
we can do this enough to help us keep focus
and make the most of our time. Remember
this is your time to leave your Impact on the
world in which we live.
Missouri State Officers
Missouri Jaycees,
How has this year been so far for everyone?
I know for myself it has been a whirlwind –
crazy start to a great year. We have all been
busy ensuring we are giving ourmembers all they are
asking for. You asked for more communication, we
gave it to you. You asked for more interactive trainings at State meeting and we gave it to you. So far
we have received positive feedback on both issues
and I hope you are getting what you need. If
you are not then please contact someone on the
executive team as soon as possible.
I am so happy that membership seems to be
trending upwards and chapters seem engaged in
membership recruiting. I know we all seem to feel
that we are spinning our wheels with some people,
but find what makes that person tick and offer it.
Maybe they have a passion for something in your
community and by your chapter running a project
for that then you will gain a new member from it.
Better yet talk to them, have them join, and be a
mentor to them to run that project. It only takes
one new member to bring another potential two
or more in, because everyone knows someone.
Membership is the lifeblood of this organization and without it we will cease to exist. We have
already lost too many chapters in the
past few years and we don’t need to
lose anymore
It’s so hard to wrap my hands
around what has made an impact
on me over the last few months.
I have had the opportunity to
visit many chapter projects, talk
to many new people, and even
participate in a few fun events.
If you would like to do all these
things then I would encourage
you to get out and visit other
chapters. Find a two other people
to go along with you and you will
get chapter visitation points for
POC (if you get something signed).
Then when you get back sit down
and write a short brief
about your experience and submit it to the
Impact program managers. You don’t have
to wait until the deadline to submit your
Impact articles and pictures – send them as you
do them. It’s important that every chapter submit
chapter information this newsletter would cease
to exist, or it would be about three or four
chapters instead of all Missouri chapters. So
help us out and get your articles and pictures in. I
want to take one more moment to thank all of you
for being Jaycees, for helping build stronger,
sustainable chapters, and for supporting your State
Team this year. We are here because we believe in
this organization, in you, and we want to see Missouri be #1 again. So let’s bring back the fun and
let’s be #1.
Thank you for all you do!!!!
Julie Morff
2011 MOJC Vice-President
The state team along with the Saint Charles Jaycees following the
Mardi Gras Parade
Hello Missouri Jaycees!
I want to let you know that you all are amazing people.
You surprise me every day by what you do for this wonderful organization and the people in your communities.
In my travels and conversations thus far, I have seen
your passion and it keeps me going. The countless hours
spent traveling, the late nights, the stress and everything
that goes along with this position- it is all worth it when
I hear from you and how your chapter is impacting your
I have visited several chapters and wanted to share a
few highlights. A shout out to the Springfield Jaycees,
they were awarded second place in the Springfield Chili
Cook-off. They had a great theme and costumes as well
as awesome chili. “Be a VIP, Join the Jaycees”.
I have visited the Mexico Jaycees who had a great
rooster booster meeting and have been on fire with
New Member adds. Way to go President Josh Hanley
and Membership VP Thomas Rothermich They hosted a Region 2 meeting as well. The Fulton Jaycees
have also hosted a Region 9 meeting. A big thank
you to Matt Kuhl for chatting with me and giving me
directions! The Jefferson City Jaycees invited me to their
installation and several m-nights in the first trimester. They
also have been very successful in recruiting members at their
m-nights. President Tony Guliani, Membership VP
Mike Freeman and all the Jefferson City Jaycees, Thank
You! Region Director Scott Tate, Senator Denice
McKeown and myself made a visitation to the Warren
Co. Jaycees famous Pub Crawl. Wow they had 75 people
of all ages on the crawl. It was a great time and I thank
President Sam Smith and Membership Vikky Schmidt
for inviting us. I also have visited some other chapters
I am not assigned to and witnessed some creative fun
m-nights. In the pictures, you will see some from St.
Peter’s “Minute to Win It” M-night. It was so much fun
that every potential member that was there signed in the
first hour they were there!!!! I am looking forward to
visiting so many more chapters in the next few months.
Continue to plan these great events and m-nights, it
makes an IMPACT bigger than you realize. Remember
there is “NO DAY BUT TODAY”
Trisha O’Cheltree
Missouri State Vice President 2011
State Officers: Lori, Julie, Jennifer and Trisha
Missouri Jaycees,
People ask me all the time, “How do you have enough
time to do all that you do for the Jaycees”. I just think,
I don’t know how you wouldn’t have the time to make
an impact. I know that our lives are busy, but really how
much time do you spend watching TV? I’m sure if you
added up all this time that accomplishes nothing you
would see how I have made the time to be able to impact
lives through projects like Wonderland Camp, Access
Day, Special Olympics and one of my favorite chapter
projects. My favorite is a Christmas Party we have for
children who are picked by their teachers because their
families may be struggling financially. This has a better
impact to me than watching who got voted off this week.
So the next time you wonder “how do you have enough
time” think of all the great projects that we the Jaycees
run in our communities.
Lori Flax
2011 State VP
Missouri State Programs
Access Day at the Missouri State Fair
August 19, 2011
Access Day at the Fair will be upon us before we
know it! For those of you who have never been
to Access Day at the fair, this is a day we invite
residents from our communities who have mentally and
physically challenges to be our guests for the day at the
Missouri State Fair. Once they arrive they are brought
into an air conditioned builing where we provide them
entertainment such as clowns and a DJ. Then we serve
them lunch before they venture out to the fair.
Many of our guest like to see all the animals’, some like to
see the talking car at the Highway Patrol booth, some like
to ride rides, and some just like to walk around and look
at everything. At the end of the day, we help them get back
on their buses to go home.
The State Fair may not seem like a like a big deal
to you anymore, but most of our guests live in
institutions and this might be the only day all year that
they are able to get out and about. They think that a day at
the fair is so much fun. They will tell you at the end of the
day that they don’t want to leave and go home. I promise
this event will touch a soft spot in your heart.
However, in order for us to give our guests this
special day, we need your help, Missouri Jaycees.
We pay for everything from their admission into
the park, the food, and many other expenses. The
last few years it has cost us in excess of $8,000 to
provide this special day for our guests. But we don’t
just need money from your chapters we also need
man/women power. So we need YOU to be there
to help sack lunches, deliver lunches and drinks,
registering of guests, registering of Jaycees, handing out
lunches, registering our guests, registering the Jaycees,
manning water stations throughout the fairgrounds, helping our guests on and off their buses, as well as volunteers
to chaperone our guests around the fair if requested.
So PLEASE consider helping us with both monetary
donations and man/women power.
CAN we count on you and your chapter to help us
out in 2011? If so please send your donations in now to
Joe Jerkins at the State Service Center, 222 Dunklin
Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Don’t foget you get
POC points for your donations & for working the event.
Thank you all for helping this WONDERFULLcause to provide an enjoyable day for our guests.
Parade of Chapters
Hello Missouri Jaycees!
I hope everyone is doing well. This year is flying by so
fast, I can’t believe that April is among us and you all
know what that means…the First Trimester deadline is
fast approaching and there are only a couple more weeks
until all packets are due. Parade of Chapters (POC) is a
great tool to guide you and your chapter, also to help keep
you focused on all the small things that help you build a
stronger “Family”. This is a very easy way to earn you and
your chapter recognition. You all are already doing all the
things that are listed on your POC list. All you have to do is
print out the slips fill it out and turn it in. How easy is that?
If I have said it once, I have said it a million times.
We cannot do it alone! Everyone has to work
together as a team and as a “Family” put all differences
aside to bring Missouri back to the top where we all want
and deserve to be. If there is anything anyone needs, please
feel free to pick up the phone and call me or send me an
email. If I cannot answer your question, I will find someone
who can. This is going be a great First Trimester for POC
and I need all of your UNIQUE items to make that happen.
President Stephen and his team are working very
hard to make this year a success and we need
every ones help to make that happen. He will be
giving extra points for the most UNIQUE items that
I receive. There will also be some “TWISTS” that
will earn your chapter extra points. So make sure you
are visiting other chapters and getting things signed,
“stealing items” that can earn you BIG POC points.
There will NOTHING that I will turn away. (Maybe) We
live out in the country and have had turkey, quail, chickens, ducks, rabbits and many other animals out here. How
great would to have your chapter recognized at year end?
I have no doubt that ALL chapters are going to be flooding my email and mail box with all of their wonderful
and unique items over the next couple weeks. I am looking forward to seeing what every chapter will be sending me. Remember if there is anything that any of you
need please call me and we will get it taken care of.
One last reminder ALL POC PACKETS but be post
marked by APRIL 20th.
Jessica Hicks
2011 Parade of Chapters Program Manager
Wonderland Camp
Missouri Jaycees, you are awesome! As many of
you know, Wonderland Camp exists because of our
hard work and dedication. In 1970 a dream was born
and we wasted no time in making it a reality. The
camp has came a long way since its inception before
I was even born. It thrives each year and becomes
even better because of the support we continue to
give. I hope that this year you and your chapter are
planning to contribute to the camp to continue to
make it an experience that changes peoples lives.
The lives that are changed are many. Individuals that attend the camp and participate in the
programming have their lives changed in a way that my
words could not even express. Most campers are so
moved by their experience that it soon becomes an
annual even for them. Wonderland Camp, if I could
accurately compare it to something we can relate
to, can be compared to the magic that many people
experience at Disney World. If you have not had an
opportunity to visit camp while it is in session, now
is as good of a time as any to do so. Contact me if
you would like to come down for a visit.
We have some big tasks ahead of us this year that
need some attention. I know that Wonderland Camp
is in need of some improvements that are not cheap,
the walkway to the lake being one of the most immediate needs. This is why I have a fundraising
James Danley and Sam Mazzola looking good in their Wonderland
Camp shirts.
Matt Smith and Melanie Wetter of the St. Charles Chapter raise money
for Wonderland Camp while being Celebraty Bar Tenders
goal of $105,000.00. This would be $75,000.00 in
cash and $30,000.00 in labor and in-kind donations.
I will be seeking out new sponsorships and will be
helping individual chapters to think of new ways
to fundraise for Camp. Together we will meet these
goals and help Wonderland Camp continue to make
a difference and touch the lives of so many people.
Mark your calendars with the following dates. April
8-10 2011 will be the Spring Corps Work Weekend
and April 15-17 2011 will be the Spring All Region
Work Weekend. October 7-9 2011 will be the Fall
Corps Work Weekend and October 15-17 2011 will be
the Fall All Region Work Weekend. I know that in the
past it has been a concern for those attending the All
Region Work Weekends that they do not have enough
work to keep them busy. I can assure you that this
will not be the case this year. Both work weekends
will afford Jaycees with plenty of work at the Camp.
Marcella has already developed a lengthy list of tasks
that will need to be completed these two weekends
in the spring. Please come out and support these
projects…please please please, we need the help!
Please let me know what I can do to assist your chapter in regards to Wonderland Camp. I would be eager to come to a chapter meeting and talk about the
camp and what the needs are. I can discuss in more
depth the strong history that the Missouri Jaycees
have with Wonderland Camp and how imperative it
is that we continue to support this wonderful place.
I am very excited about coming out and helping you
with your Wonderland Camp Fundraising. Make sure
you tell me what events you have coming up so that I
can be sure to be there. I look forward to seeing many
of you soon. Contact me at
James Danley
Wonderland Camp Program Manager
National Focus Program
Support Our Troops
One of the national focus programs of The United
States Junior Chamber is “Support Our Troops”.
This is an awesome program and the Jaycees have always been strong supporters of our service men and
women. I can’t think of a more important national
program for our local chapters to support. This is a
fun program and really easy to run at the local level.
How can your chapter support the troops? Easy answer: by sending a care package. The top requested
items by our troops are phone cards, flash drives, wet
wipes, chap stick, floss, toothbrush, disposable razors, foot powder, DVD movies, breath mints, candy,
gum, books, beef jerky, peanuts, women’s products,
and flavored coffee and cappuccino. When sending
these products, remember that we want nothing less
than the best for our troops. Make sure that these
items are new and unopened.
Ideally you should send a picture of your chapter
with the items and include a note as to why you did
this. Make sure to let them know how much they are
respected and appreciated. It is imperative that the
troops know that we back at home are thinking about
them. If you choose to send cards, letters or something similar, make sure they are unsealed and can
be inspected.
Mail your items to Support Our Troops®, P. O. Box
70, Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070. Be sure your
name, address and phone is on the outside of the
mailing box. There is more information about this
program available on the US Jaycees website at so I would recommend you utilize that resource as well. I want to thank each of you
in advance for considering running this worthwhile
James Danley
Jefferson City Jaycees
Letter from the Editors
Do you set yourself
goals to achieve
each day, week
or month? I have
learned that if I set
myself goals for
things I need to do,
my time management seems to be
much more structured and I actually
get more work done.
The days I wake up
with no particular
purpose in mind
I seem to spend the day relaxing and not really accomplishing much.
Setting yourself a goal each day means having a purpose for your life. Without this purpose, I find myself
dribbling time away doing inane and untargeted stuff
that can’t be called ‘jobs’ because they don’t achieve
anything for me or for anyone else.
Doing a daily job leads one towards achieving their
weekly goal. This is why your weekly goal needs to
lead towards your monthly goal. If you stay organized
with a calendar, list, etc., you will have a reminder of
your short and long term goals and a timeframe in
which you want to accomplish them. Marking something to be done a week before a deadline can get you
working on whatever it is, long before it is due.
Some examples of these items are your Impact and
Monday Morning Memo articles, Parade of Chapter
packets, membership information and CPGs. If you
do not have an organized method to complete these
tasks, they can be very overwhelming. I challenge
you to turn in those CPG to your presidents and VP’s
right after they are complete and work on those Impact articles whenever it comes to mind. Even if you
get it started and finish it later, you are at least a little
closer to getting it done and attaining those goals!
Your next Impact Articles are due on August 1st.
Remember, you don’t have to wait until then!
We accept them all trimester long!
Martha and Sam Mazzola
Outstanding Young Missourian and Outstanding Young Farmer
Greetings Missouri Jaycees,
It is that time of year again. It’s time to start thinking about who your Outstanding Young Missourians (OYM) and
Outstanding Young Farmers (OYF) are going to be.
First let’s reflect. This program use to be the Ten Outstanding Young Missourians and Ten Outstanding Young Farmers,
over time, it was cut back due to the length of the awards ceremony, but slowly was cut back due to the lack of submissions for the honor. Why is that? Is it because we have no deserving Missourians? Is it because the application process
has become more complicated? Or is it just the fact that people do not take the time to recognize outstanding individuals?
We definitely have deserving Missourians, just look around your chapter, city or county. Any person in a role of leadership
in your city from the mayor to the police chief, to the fireman who risked his life saving a person from a burning building
is, or could be, an outstanding Missourian. The qualification for young is the same as the Jaycee age between 18 and 40.
So with little effort it is no problem to find a deserving individual.
Has the application process become more complicated? No it is the same application it has been. Back in the Ten Outstanding Young Missourian days, we not only honored ten, but narrowed the ten down from many more nominees, to
choose ten honorees. These days we still narrow the field, but more so to not give it to everyone who is submitted. We
do not want this award to become like the book “Who’s Who in America” where you just submit your name and a check
and you are in. The application process is fairly painless, and the application can be found in this issue of the IMPACT, or
online at If you need any assistance completing the application, just let
me know.
So seeing that we have the Outstanding Young Missourians to honor and the application process is simple; that only leaves
the fact that people do not take the time to recognize outstanding individuals. Now we must examine why?
The most common excuses I hear is there is not enough time. People seem to be under the impression that the process starts
January 1 and ends on the application deadline of July 1. This is totally false. The process Starts on July 1 the proceeding
year and ends a year later.
“But I didn’t take office until January 1 and I only have 6 months to get all of this done.”
This is where the foundation of the Jaycees comes in. You have to plan in advance to submit an honoree, and that requires
a transition phase between board terms in your chapter.
Just because a new president was elected does not mean that we start over every year. We carry over projects, and goals
from year to year, and the nomination process for OYM/OYF is no different. Even if your chapter wants to forget everything that happened last year, you must carry over and transition the old in to the new each year.
This program is not all about honoring an individual for their achievements, although it is a very important part, there
are many other reasons and benefits of the program. The OYM/OYF is a valuable recruiting tool, a public relations tool,
a way for your chapter to get publicity and most of all respect. By honoring your local “heroes” and public servants, they
will speak highly of the organization that honored them; after all they do not want to be the recipient of an award given by
a bunch of nobodies. They will spread the word of the Jaycees, if only to make themselves look better, resulting in somewhat of a “celebrity endorsement” for your chapter and the Missouri Jaycees.
The process through which your chapter chooses a nominee can be a public forum, soliciting nominees for an outstanding
young (insert your city, or county here) from your community, this may also give nominees that you never would have
thought of. This gives the community a sense of ownership in your chapter’s decisions, making them more receptive and
supportive to other ideas your chapter may have in the future.
Like all things in Jaycees it is what you make of it, and if there is anything I can do to help you make it great, do not hesitate to contact me to help.
Mike Freeman
2011 OYM/OYF Program manager
Missouri Jaycees
Region 5 District 3 Director
Region 5 District 4 Director
Hello Missouri Jaycees! It seems like just yesterday that
I introduced myself to all of you as the Region 5 District
3 Director. I will leave out all of the boring details and
just give you some highlights! I have been involved
with the Jaycees for seven years! It is a passion of mine
and I will continue to support this organization as best I
can! I have served many different offices throughout the
years but by far my favorite position was last year when
I served as the Wonderland Camp Program Manager! I
am sure that past program managers will tell you the
same thing!!
My name is Nathan Barger, and I hail from the great
chapter of Mid-County. The Mid-County Jaycees are
nestled smack dab in the middle of the St. Louis metropolitan area and include the four communities of
Brentwood, Richmond Heights, University City, and
Clayton in St. Louis County.
I have lived in St. Charles my entire life....with the
expectation of moving out of the 63301 for one year and
that was enough:) I work for a wonderful organization
called United Services; this is an inclusive early childhood center. I am the Special Events Coordinator so I do
all of the fundraising events. If you need any advice on
a fundraiser please let me know I would be happy to talk
to you. I am by no means an expert but I do my best to
sound like one:) I live, work and play in St. Charles...if
you have never been to our wonderful town I highly suggest that you come visit us sometime. It is a great little
town with much to offer!! I live with my brother Jon,
which many of you know, and my little dog Quentin.
Let’s be serious Quentin is really the man of the house!
I have been working with the state team this year and
especially Region 5 Director Scott Tate to help get the
best region back to being the best!! This journey is not
always the easiest but I can assure you that with all of
the wonderful communication that Scott Tate has been
doing we will achieve this goal. That being said I would
like to tell you a little bit about what I District
Director I am over the chapters in St. Charles County,
which includes: St. Charles, St. Peters, Wentzville/Lake
St. Louis, O’Fallon and Lindenwood. If anyone knows
anyone that lives in the area and feels that one of these
chapters would be a good fit for that person please let
me know. We are really trying to get the region excited
again and help the chapters that are struggling to grow!!
I will tell you that I do work two jobs and go to school
so most of my Jaycee work is done via telephone or
email. That being said if anyone needs help with something you just have to ask, as I am available by phone or
email every day!
Thank you and I look forward to seeing all of my Jaycee
friends over the next couple months at Wonderland
Camp or the state meeting in Kansas City!
Melanie Wetter
District 3 Director
I am the District 4 Director for Region 5 this year,
and have stepped up to help the struggling chapters
around Region 5, which includes St. Louis and nearby surrounding chapters. Region 5 has had quite a
few red chip chapters with memberships below 20.
It is my goal to help these chapters effectively address the membership issue by bringing in fresh,
motivated people to make a difference. I have been
working with Scott Tate to help a few of these
chapters. One way we plan on making a difference
with membership is through the local chambers of
commerce. These organizations are willing to help
struggling chapters, or any chapters for that matter
in succeeding.
I suggest each chapter become a member of their
local chamber of commerce. Contact the president,
schedule a lunch meeting, or whatever it takes to
build and develop a relationship with the people
there. There are a lot of opportunities out there that
you never knew about once you get involved with
the chamber of commerce. There are motivated people in the chambers that could bring a lot to the table
within your chapter.
If you are a chapter that currently works with your
chamber of commerce, I am interested in hearing
how it has helped your chapter succeed. Contact me
at and let me know.
Nathan Barger
Greetings from Region 5
I am excited to be a part of the change in Region 5. We
have had a lot of chapter activity the first few months
of this year - several chapters have emerged from red
chip and several others are planning Membership Recruitment Nights (If you’re interested, please check the
state calendar for dates and locations). Chapters continue to lay the groundwork by connecting with their
local elected officials and Chamber CEOs. These community leaders see the value of the Jaycees and will
help your chapter to grow and succeed.
I am sure many of the other articles are going to focus
on the successes the state and chapters have seen during the first three months, which is great and I personally congratulate each and every one of you that have
contributed. Instead writing more of the same, I am going to focus on what chapters need to be doing now to
prepare for 2012.
I know there are still nine months remaining in 2011,
but now is the time to start looking at potential leadership for your chapter. Don’t wait until October to organize your chapter’s next board. Be proactive in seeking
good leaders for your chapter. If you don’t have anyone
you feel would be a good President or Vice-President,
then now is the time to recruit them. If you are the
President of a chapter, it is your responsibility to begin
identifying potential future leadership. So often, chapters wait until the end of the year and elect someone
that is not ready to lead their chapter and the chapter
falls apart. I believe this is why many chapters continue
to struggle.
Finally, I want to congratulate those chapters in Region
5 who have grown this year – O’Fallon, St. Charles,
Union, & Fenton. If I have not made it to visit your
chapter, please hold tight. In the meantime, if there is
anything I can do to help you or guide you, please don’t
hesitate to call me at 314.541.2113. I look forward to
visiting your chapter soon.
Scott Tate
President & CEO
St. Charles Chamber of Commerce
Get Connected, Get Results.
Missouri’s 2009 Chamber of the Year
Spring State Meeting
Attached you will find the registration form and lots
of information on the Springs State Meeting hosted
by Greater Northland Jaycees. We hope that you
all can join us for what we think will be an excited,
informational and fun-filled weekend. The Holiday
Inn/Coco Keys Resort is conveniently located near
I-70 and I-435 in the heart of Kansas City, Missouri. The exact address is 9103 East 39th Street,
Kansas City, MO. 64133.
The Holiday Inn provides free Wi-Fi, free PC
workstations, 24 hour fully-equipped fitness center,
giftshop with ATM, laundry & dry cleaning services
& complimentary parking. The room amenities include; 32” flat screen LCD television, 2 line phone,
wireless high speed internet, leather office chair &
activity dek, granite vanity & shower surround, hair
dryers, irons and boards, just to name a few. There
is also attached to the hotel an indoor water park
and arcade. Water park passes will be at the Jaycee
rate of $10.00 (normally $25.00 per person) per person per day.
All rates are listed on the registration form along
with partial registrations for those that only want to
attend specific functions. We are having “themed”
dance nights with Friday being “Gettin’ groovy
from the 60’s and Saturday being “Hillbilly Hoedown”. We are currently working on a Kid’s Program for Saturday from 11:00AM - 1:00PM. More
information to follow once the details have been
worked out.
We will be selling raffle tickets at $5.00 each or 5
for $20.00 for a One night stay at the Holiday Inn/
Coco Key Waterpark Resort to include four (4) Water Park passes and four (4) $5.00 Arcade Cards. All
proceeds will be donated to Access Day.
If you have any questions, please email or call me.
Amy Munoz
2011 Spring Meeting Chair
2011 State Treasurer
Cell #: 816-726-1036
The Key to Successful Membership Recruitment
I know that many of our members struggle with recruiting. Many are either uncomfortable with doing it or may
just not know how they should go about doing it in the first place. I have a few tips that I would like to share
with each of you in the hopes that maybe recruiting new members will be less of a task and become something a
little more natural. That’s right, I did say natural because I firmly believe that recruiting members should be just
as easy as talking to your friends. Let’s explore this idea.
Essentially when we try to recruit new members we start out with a simple conversation. There is no secret or
“silver bullet” to how this conversation should start. I typically just bring up the Jaycees as the topic but you can
start the conversation however you want to. I would suggest you keep things simple. The conversation should
be as simple as talking to the person next to you. You don’t have to cover all the things that the Jaycees do but
pick some highlights that are your personal favorites. Talk about your favorite project and why it is important to
you. Find out what is important to the potential member and apply that to what we do as Jaycees. If your chapter does not currently support the cause that the prospect cares about then emphasize that a project could be ran
to support that cause.
Remember that meetings are not for everybody. Sometimes inviting prospects to a meeting for their first exposure to the chapter is not the best idea. I typically like to invite prospects to a social or M-night before a meeting. If you have some fun activities or a guest speaker scheduled for your meeting then that would be an acceptable first exposure. I would steer clear of anything that is going to leave a negative lasting first impression on
your prospect. By this I mean that if you know there is going to be some heated discussions at a certain meeting,
this may not be the best first meeting for your prospects.
The only way to get new members to join our wonderful organization is to just ask them to join. Sometimes
people say no but if you do not ask in the first place, how can they say yes? Sometimes we stress about recruiting because we do not wish to be told no. If that is the worst thing about recruiting then that is really not so bad.
The best thing that could happen is that the person could say yes and then go on to have their life dramatically
changed by this wonderful organization. This scenario has happened to many of us and makes recruiting worth
the little effort it takes. For more recruiting tips please feel free to contact me and I would be more than happy
to share them with you.
James Danley
Management VP-Jefferson City Jaycees
Chapter Articles
Jefferson City Jaycees
Pulling for Camp
I am so excited to be chairing the 5th Annual
Pulling for Camp this year. I have high hopes we will
have a successful event and raise some event will be
held at the Jefferson City Jaycees Fairgrounds.
The pull has been moved to June 25. The last few
years the weather has not been kind to us, so with
the month move let’s hope the weather holds out
to be better than previous years. Warmer weather
is always a good sign to make money at events.
I feel to have a successful event to raise money
it’s very important to work with your local businesses to find potential sponsors or donators. This
is a good way to get to know them and to show
your leadership within the Jaycees. Our committee
goal this year is to raise $10,000 with sponsorships
before the day of the event. With the help of our pull committee we are well on our way.
By the time our pull date is here the Pull Association will be well on their way into the year. This is a little
different than past years. Our previous years pull was held in May with a Test and Tune for the pullers. Having
ours later in their calendar year allows us to have more advertisement at the event which hopefully we will have
our stands full of spectators.
One way to raise money this year, we decided to re-create the t-shirt design. This design will be black ink on yellow shirts. Orders for t-shirts will be fairly soon, if this is something you would be interested in, please feel free
to send me an email with your name and size you would like. The cost of the shirts are $15.00 for all sizes.
The event will have beverages and food for everyone.
If you are interested in helping with this event please feel free to come out. The areas we need help in will be
gates, beer tickets, beer garden, and food sales.
Questions? Feel free to contact me by email
Jennifer Largent
2011 Chair
Relay for Life
“Under The Big Top”
Jefferson City
June 3rd and 4th, 2011
The American Cancer Society Relay for Life is a
life-changing event that gives everyone in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives
of people who have battled cancer, remember loved
ones lost, and fight back against the disease. The Jefferson City Jaycees have been participating in this
even for several years and have held this event at
the Fairgrounds since 2003. As every event that is
chaired by someone, this event has special meaning
to my sister and me due to the loss that we have had
to endure of our Grandmother who passed away at a
very young age.
Cancer unfortunately is a very common disease that
can be found in almost every family. Have you had
the misfortunate to lose a loved one due to this illness? Do you know someone that has battled this
disease and has won the battle? If so and you would
like to honor that person for the great sacrifice that
they had to endure or would enjoy finding a way to
celebrate the victory they have won, then please feel
free to join our Relay for Life team.
We have several different fundraisers that we are
running in hopes of being extremely successful in
raising awareness and funds to go toward the fight
against cancer. These fundraisers consist of selling jewelry made by our very own wonderful Jennifer Largent of the Jefferson City Jaycees chapter,
selling Celebrating Homes, selling candy bars with
the Jefferson City Jaycees Logo, selling chocolate
Easter bunnies, selling candles and selling t-shirts.
The t-shirts are very special because we are running an additional special project to go along with
the t-shirts. For $5 you can have the name of a lost
loved one added on the back “In Memory Of”. The
Fundraising events that we are hosting are a Fish Fry
on April 1st, a Bake Sale, Car Wash and Spaghetti
Dinner. The dates for the Bake Sale, Car Wash and
Spaghetti Dinner will be announced later on the
State Calendar.
The actual relay will be held on June 3rd starting at
6:00 p.m. and going continuously non stop until June
4th at 6:00 a.m. If you are interested in participating in these fundraisers or events please contact either
Alicia Dudenhoeffer or myself, Jennifer Dudenhoeffer of the Jefferson City Jaycees.
Thank you!
Jennifer Dudenhoeffer
Jefferson City 9 Pin Bowling for
Wonderland Camp
The Jefferson City Jaycees are having a 9-Pin Bowling Tournament to benefit Wonderland Camp on Saturday, May 7, 2011. This will be held at Rainbow
Lanes just south of Jefferson City on HWY 50. If you
have attended bowling tournaments for the Capital
City Jaycees in recent years, this is held at the same
location. Currently we have two flight times scheduled; one at noon and the other at 3:30PM. There will
be a silent auction also to benefit Wonderland Camp
during both flights.
Teams of 5 players will be $100.00. Payout for the top
three teams will be $350.00 for first, $250.00 for second, and $100.00 for third place. We will have 50/50
raffles for each flight in addition to the silent auction
taking place. I would like to challenge our Executive
Team, Regions, and Chapters to come out and support
camp. In addition to the Bowling Tournament, Region
9 will be hosting a Membership Night that evening.
So if you plan on traveling down for the tournament
you can just plan on staying for an extended evening
that will amount to nothing less than additional fun.
Please visit and download
the registration flyer for the event. The contact information is on the flyer so that you can RSVP your team.
If you need any additional information please feel free
to contact me at j_danley2@yahoo. com.
James Danley
MDVP JC Jaycees
Message from the Jefferson City MDVP
Many of you know me from previous positions that I have held within our organization. However, the Jefferson City Jaycees know me
as their Management Vice President. In addition to the normal duties
that a MDVP has, I get to schedule all events at the fairgrounds and
write contracts for the rentals. Having the fairgrounds give us an advantage in our community because we are able to assist many local
organizations with projects that they wish to hold at the fairgrounds.
There is always something going on at the fairgrounds besides our
We have boy scouts and girl scouts, 4H Master Gardeners, Friends
of the Jefferson City Animal Shelter, local churches, area relay for
life teams, Easter Seals, The Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce,
the Sheriff’s Department, and various other organizations holding
events for their causes right here at the Jefferson City Jaycees Fairgrounds. Since there is something always going
on, check the chapter calendar at and see what might interest you.
In addition to the events at the fairgrounds conducted by your community, the Jefferson City Jaycees hold a few of
our own. I am certain that everybody knows about the Jefferson City Jaycees Cole County Fair but we are known
for a few other events as well. Have you heard about the Jefferson City Jaycees Pulling for Camp? This is a truck
and tractor pull that we have to raise money for Wonderland Camp. This event is scheduled on June 25th this year
and we would love to have your chapter make a visitation and come out and support this awesome event. The Fair
will still be the last week of July and we always look forward to seeing Jaycee visitors from across the state. Last
year we brought back the Haunted House so look for that in October as well.
Our chapter loves to have visitors but we also love to visit other chapters. Please let us know what events you
would like for us to come and support and we will do our best to send a visitation team to help you out. We are
going to do some new events this year so make sure that you check the calendar on our website and the one at for opportunities to come and visit. We look forward to seeing you soon.
James Danley
MDVP JC Jaycees
Joplin Jaycees
Bologna Fling
My Journey with the Jaycees
In Joplin, we have a great way to get our name out
within the community. We help with Special Olympics held in April at Missouri Southern State University. We are actually in charge of making the
sack lunches for the event. They requested bologna
sandwiches, so we now refer to this time of making sandwiches as ‘bologna fling.’ We go around
to businesses in the area to get donations for bread,
bologna, cheese, chips, drinks, sweet treats, sandwich bags, and sacks to put lunches together. We are
seeing that many businesses have no problem either
donating items, issuing gift cards, or giving a monetary donation for expenses. Once we have all of
the items to make the sack lunches, we get together
in the early afternoon and make 2,000 sack lunches.
That’s right, 2,000 sack lunches! We are up making
lunches until midnight or so, then the next day we
deliver them to the event and individually give them
to each team competing in the Special Olympics.
The way I became a Jaycee was by being simply
asked. A friend of mine was serving as the president.
And came to me and asked. I thought why not. It’s
not like I have anything else to do. So when I became
a member. I was a half hearted member. I showed up
when I wanted to, and only participated when I wanted to. I know……… I was one of those members. As
time went by and her term ended, I somehow got
roped into becoming Vice President. After I became
the vice president and had a meeting with the then
president, I remember getting in my car and thinking,
“What the heck did I get myself into?”
Growin’ Up Jaycee
Volunteering with the Jaycee’s is really fun. I like the
people in it and I love going to the events they have
scheduled. I’ve done, and been to a lot of things that
I never thought I would see or do. Like, volunteering
at concerts for my favorite band or singer, experiencing new things, such as Riverdancing. Also, I now do
things that I’ve seen people do in my community for
a very long time. The people in the Jaycee’s treat me
like a part of the team. Even though I’m only 15, I
can still take on the responsibility the other members
do. Their all very welcoming, set a good vibe and are
very outgoing and fun to be around.
I love being apart of the Jaycee team, and volunteering with all the fun things they get to do. It also
shows me to take on responsibility and do my part
in helping my community, with entertainment, and
always having something to do, or something to look
forward to in their calendar.
Zoe Birkhead
As time went by my participation level increased. I
was at all the meetings and the events. I would even
at times drag my mother and daughter. Things were
going good. I also thought of myself as actually being
president. Little did I know though, that the thought
soon would become reality. Our current president
at the time had some things to take care of and had
to step away from the chapter. I remember talking
to Stephen about what was going on and I know he
could hear the reservation in my voice about stepping up to this role. After all, I had only been a member over a year and a half. I knew nothing! But with
a little coaxing and reassurance. I took the challenge.
I wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for a wonderful
chapter. When I say we have a truly great chapter. I
mean we have a GREAT chapter. The support is out
this world.
When we were without a president, it wasn’t just
me. It was the whole chapter that was impacted. Yet,
instead of walking away, we became even stronger.
Every month we are at positive growth, which is outstanding for us. We even have people coming to us
and telling us they wanted to be members. I want to
thank my chapter for your help and patience. I want
to thank you guys for not walking away and giving
your 120% effort on all of our events.
By Shahida Birkhead
Joplin Jaycee’s Must Have Snack!
When we a get together in Joplin we ask everyone
to bring a snack. There is always a variety of items
but staple is always there, Casey’s Hamburger Dip.
This dip is a must have at every function either it be
Jaycee’s or work. It has became so popular we have
decided to let the recipe out. Our Jaycee family give
you the recipe so it will hopefully become a group
favorite of yours!
1 pound of hamburger
2 small cans of green chilies
2 cans of Cream of Chicken Soup
1 can of Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 16oz block of Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Brown your hamburger and then drain the grease
from the pan. To the hamburger ad the cans of
green chilies and the 3 cans of soup. As the soup
mix starts to warm through add cubes of the cheese.
Once the cheese had melted through pour the dip
into a crock pot to keep it warm. Serve the dip with
tortilla chips or pour it over steamed rice for an easy
How To Make A “Candy Shop”
At most of our M-Nights, Matt Monroe has perfected a fantastic drink that everyone ABSOLUT-ly
loves! Maybe at your next M-Night, you will take
this recipe and create an evening to remember —Or
forget—Depending on how much you drink.
1 Shot Of Watermelon Vodka (Any Brand)
2 Shots Of Apple Pucker
1 Shot Of Cranberry Juice (NOT JUICE
1 Shot Of Sprite
Serve this drink in a martini glass. Wet the rim of
the glass and dip it into a mix of sugar and watermelon kool-aid mix. Fill martini glass up to the sugar
coated rim and garnish with a Trolli Watermelon-O.
Themed M-Nights
Here in Joplin, we try to have a different themed MNight to help drive membership numbers. So far
this year, we have started off with a game night in
January, bowling in February, and karaoke night in
March. We intend on finding things to do that are
cheap in cost. We have had a fantastic turn-out so
far and we continue to see positive growth within
our chapter. With all of the new members, we are
seeing that word of mouth is a great recruiting tool.
New members are telling their friends and we are
seeing more people getting interested in becoming a
Joplin Jaycee.
Joplin Jaycee’s Usher in
the Profits!
In Joplin our main form of income comes from
ushering events at our Memorial Hall. Our duties
are to provide enough man power to take tickets
at the door and place at one person at each entry
way to help people find their seats. The number of
people it takes to work an event starts with at least
16 people to no more that 25. Memorial Hall books
a wide of variety of events from Christian concerts
to cage fights. Our biggest challenge is with the
events that serve beer. With these events we have
to watch all the doors to make sure beer isn’t going outside. The money we make at these events is
not only our benefit. We also benefit with finding
new members. Jaycee members will bring friends
with them to help and by the end of the night they
become members! With our events we are always
looking for help. So if your in the neighborhood or
interested in the event it’s self just let us know. We
will be more than happy to find a spot for you!
5 Recruitment Helpers from Joplin
To Fold or Not to Fold?
After a rough first year of being VP of Membership
I was asked to stay in the position. I was thinking
maybe I shouldn’t do it , I mean what did I bring in
the past year. But with the support of the board I was
told they had faith in me. What I realized was I that
I had been clueless in the first year so I reached out
and ask for help. My board and members from other
Jaycees gave me some wise words hat really educated me. After getting my pilot light lit I really feel
like I’m warming up. So now I want to give some
things that I found that help me in recruiting so I can
help someone out there is questioning themselves in
this roll.
When I joined the Jaycees last year It was because
my friend asked me. After being a member for 2
months, I was told I was named VP of Membership,
I said ok. Our President at that time told us on the
board he would take care of everything and just do
what he told us. At first we said ok, but then halfway
through the year our President left us. He had some
personal things to deal with and we understood but
he left us not knowing a thing. There were only 6
of us active members but we had not been given any
Jaycee knowledge. When we could have just folded
and walked away we decided to fight back. We did a
lot online reading trying to educate us on what to do.
We didn’t rest our hopes on one person but we did
it as a group. With the help of the Monett Chapter,
the wise words of James Danley and Stephen Coffey, we started finding our way. We have gone from
a chapter that could have folded to a chapter showing growth and being an active group in the state. I
say all of this because we don’t want this to happen
to other chapters. Always ask questions, know your
roles, and be self reliant. We can’t grow if we can’t
speak on what we do.
1) Facebook - I like to see who visits our page and
then send then a message. Just a short and sweet
thank you for checking us out and then invite them
to a M night or meeting.
2) Friends- I start with my friends. My friends join
and then I have them bring at least one friend that I
don’t know to a Jaycee event. This could be called
the Pyramid scheme, LOL.
3) Events- I know you may be busy but pay attention
to people there. This is a time when people see you
in action. Actions are bigger than words, these actions will get people to join.
4) Be confident- How can you get people to join
when you’re not confident in you or your group. Be
proud, knowledgeable, and confident in your chapter!
5) Business cards- I carry my Jaycees business cards
every where I go. That way when I meet someone
or talk to someone about the Jaycees I can give them
my card. That way if there is a seed planted and it
grows they have a way to reach me.
So are these 5 points the next greatest thing? Maybe
not. But I hope they help you in some way. I want
this to help you find your niche, make it your own.
And if this does help you and your chapter grow all I
can say is …. You’re welcome! LOL
Jaycee’s Partner Up
Want a $1000.00 for your Jaycee group? Who
doesn’t? Then let me tell you about the Best Buy
Tag Team Award. As a Best Buy employee I am very
active in these at my store in Joplin. A Tag Team
Award is given when Best Buy sends at least 10 employees to help volunteer at an event. As long as the
store sends 10 employees your Jaycees will receive
$1000.00. When you have an event coming up go to
your local Best Buy and ask to speak to a manager.
Let them know who your with and some background
about the Jaycees. Tell them about your event and let
them know what you would like their employees to
do to help. Make sure you contact the store well in
advance of the event so they announce it and schedule employees adequately. After the event the store
will send the information to corporate office. When
they send the information they will need a copy of
your tax exemption form. Once the information is
sent it can take 6-8 weeks to receive the check. By
doing this you can now count on Best Buy as a future
partner for your events. Another plus with your new
partnership is a whole new way of recruiting new
Saint Charles Jaycees
“Talk Derby to Me”
The St. Charles Jaycees Annual Wine Party
Membership Recruitment Night
This year’s annual Wine Party and M-Night will be
held at the residence of our esteemed Chairman of
the Board and Secretary (Adam and June McCarthy)
on Friday, May 6, at 7:00pm. Their house is located
at 612 North 6th St., St. Charles, MO, 63301. Since
this is the night before the Kentucky Derby, we have
decided to make “Talk Derby to Me” the theme for
the evening! Please bring a bottle or two of wine and
appetizer to share. Be sure to start thinking about
how you’re going to wow the crowd with an original
bottle of wine, creatively decorated glass and traditional derby hat! Friends and guests are welcome!!
Fun Facts about the Kentucky Derby:
The Kentucky Derby trophy is made of 56 ounces
of 14 and 18 carat gold, and is two feet tall.
Churchill Downs opened on May 17, 1875 and the
very first race was won by a horse named Bonaventure. The featured race’s winner was a 3 year-old
chestnut colt named Aristides.
In 1969, Diane Crump became the first woman to
ride in the Kentucky Derby and the first to ride in a
pari-mutuel race in North America.
The horseshoe atop the Kentucky Derby was originally pointing down, and was turned 180 degrees to
point upward in 1924.
Racing silks were adopted in order to distinguish
jockeys and horses from one another.
“My Old Kentucky Home”, the song played when
the horse are led onto the field, has been played
by Uni¬versity of Louisville Marching Band since
Early Times is the official Kentucky whiskey used
to make Mint Juleps at the Kentucky Derby.
The St. Charles Jaycees Re-Vamp
their Easter Project
Have you ever had to be in the hospital on a holiday?!?!?! Well for the children in St. Charles County staying at St. Joseph Health Center and Hospital
West their Easter will be made a bit brighter!!!! The
St. Charles Jaycees made a decision this year to do
away with their annual Easter egg hunt and do something that would be more impactful for children and
families. This year we will be putting together 2030 Easter baskets and delivering them to the hospital
for them to distribute to children staying there for
either an extended period of time or for the kiddos
that simply come in to the ER! Either way being in
the hospital on a holiday is no fun at all!! The St.
Charles Jaycees are excited to make a differnce for
these kiddos. We will be meeting with the PR and
Marketing Director of St. Joseph around the middle
of the month to deliver the baskets. These items have
been donated by members of the chapter as well as
the O’Fallon Jaycees. A huge thank you for all of the
donations as we will be using limited funds from the
budget for this project! Not only will we be delivering to the hospital but also we are making baskets for
the new Angels’ Arms home in O’Fallon, Missouri!
Angels’ Arms is an organization that fosters children
but focuses on keeping siblings together. Their mission is: Angels’ Arms is dedicated to providing and
supporting loving homes for foster children by keeping brothers and sisters together within a nurturing
family until a forever home is found. For more information on this wonderful organization please visit
their website at The St. Charles
Jaycees are proud to support these organizations and
causes in our county!!
Melanie Wetter
Cocked Hat Bowling:
A St. Charles Jaycees
M-Night Tradition
On Saturday, June 11th, the Saint Charles Jaycees
will be traveling to the basement of The Corner Bar
in St. Charles (571 1st Capitol Drive) for an evening
of Cocked Hat Bowling. CHB is a form of bowling
where there are three pins that you try and knock
down with duckpin bowling balls that are 4-5 inches
in diameter. It is one of the few remaining alleys in
the St. Louis area that still uses a manual pinsetter
and ball return. It is also, allegedly, the last remaining cocked hat bowling alley in the United States!
The fun starts at 7:00 and goes until 11:00. The cost
is $5. However, if you bring a prospective member,
you and the prospect are free! If you would like to
attend or need more information please contact
Matt Smith at or Jon Wetter at
Matt Smith
St. Charles Jaycees 2011 President
B9, B9.............Yes, that is the fabulous sound of
America’s favorite game, BINGO!!! The St. Charles
Jaycees have taken over BINGO one night per month
as a chapter fundraiser and we would love to see you
there! We can’t have members of other chapter help
at the event, but we would LOVE to invite you to
visit and play! BINGO takes place at the Heart of St.
Charles Banquet Center, overlooking Ameristar and
Highway 70. The diehards get there at 4pm to claim
their spots, but the first ball isn’t called until 6pm.
The hall serves dinner for under $ 6.00, soft drinks,
and pitchers of beer. Our 2011 dates are May 22, July
10, August 21, October 9, November 20! Please contact Matt Smith at or 636-3990846 if you have any questions! We hope to see you
The St. Charles Jaycees 4th of
July Riverfest Festivities
Looking for some fun this 4th of July?? Think about
joining the St. Charles Jaycees to celebrate the birth
of our nation with our fabulous parade, fireworks,
beer, and of course, FUN!! The parade will take
place at 10:00am, leaving from Blanchette Park, to
Randolph, to Kingshighway, to Clark, and then down
Main Street. We are looking for Jaycees to join our
float or for other chapters to have their own float in
the parade. It is free for non-profits to participate!
After the parade, you can head down and enjoy the
food, music, and fun on the riverfront. We will be
serving beer at our beer booth too! Then, bring a
blanket and enjoy our fantastic fireworks display!
They usually start promptly at 9:30pm, but please
check the website a little closer to the event! If you
have any questions about the parade, please contact
Adam McCarthy at jayceesriverfestparade@gmail.
com or the website
The St. Charles Jaycees presenting a new 50” LCD TV to the residents of Jaycee Fairgrounds. Their old TV died and they were no
longer able to play their Wii
18th Annual Cape Barbeque Festival
Here Piggy Piggy…
The Cape Jaycees and Kansas City Barbeque Society teamed up with the area’s best backyard barbequers for the
18th Annual Barbeque Festival on August 27-28, 2010. The event benefits the Cape Jaycees Toybox program.
The festival was held at Arena Park in Cape Girardeau, MO, and began
Friday night with a new feature, a BBQ dinner. For $10, festival-goers had
their choice of BBQ chicken or pork steaks and all the fixings. Children 10
and under ate for free with a donation of a new toy. Over 665 people attended the dinner. Friday’s events concluded with a performance by the Mike
Renick Band and a silent auction.
More than 50 teams from five states competed in Saturday’s barbecue cook-off. The teams were critiqued by 52
judges from the Kansas City barbeque Society and given top awards in techniques and taste in four categories
including: chicken, pork ribs, pork and brisket.
Novelty awards included Most Miles, Pig Dawn and Best Name,
which was given to “Two Rubs and a Spank.” Another category
Robbie’s Choice, allowed President of the Cape JayCees Robbie
Guard to award a prize to one of the event’s competitors. He chose
the Grill Sergeants from the Army National Guard.
The event raised almost $7,000 for the Cape Jaycees Toybox program. The Toybox program is the largest toy
drive in the Cape Girardeau area. They provided toys for more than 1,200 children who may not otherwise receive
gifts last Christmas.
The Cape Jaycees invite all you to check out one of the area's best kept secrets THIS year. Log on to for more information.
More pictures to include in this article please log on to
Macon Jaycees
From the Macon Jaycees
Membership VP 2011, Dede Smith
Message from the
Macon President
This year should be the year that we see a dramatic increase in members! Membership is the responsibility of
every member. Here are some helpful hints to keep it easy
and even fun!
First, I would like to say what an honor it is to have
been elected to serve as the 2011 Chapter President
for the Macon Jaycees.
1. Buy some printable business cards to leave with those
eligible people you meet throughout the day. The clerk,
the cashier, the neighbor, the relative, the stranger that
mutters “Hello”. Include your name and phone number,
meeting dates and times, and a quick list of Jaycee projects. Leave a card at the table in a restaurant or hand it to
the customer sitting at the next table before you leave.
2. Keep asking! Once, twice, thrice! Give them the opportunity to consider it.
3. Don’t talk money yet, just get them to a meeting. The
offer of a ride to the meeting is something people will not
easily turn down.
4. People touching people through direct contact (personto-person, voice-to-voice) will be most effective. Texting
and email do not make this type of personal connection!
5. Spread some excitement with the prospective member
by talking about a great project.
6. Ask a friend for referrals. Not everyone we know may
be of age, but they may know others that are.
7. Utilize your Board members if you are looking for help
approaching someone.
8. Post a flyer up at work in the break room. It could be
your own design for contact info, or something from a
meeting, like project info or even meeting minutes.
9. Get to know your neighbors. Offer a bag of treats as an
ice breaker and let them know you are looking for a few
Jaycee prospects.
Second, did you know our chapter will be celebrating 60 years of service to the Macon community
this year? The Macon Jaycees were first chartered
and incorporated in 1951. What a great tradition to
be a part of!
Third, I’m excited to welcome Kim & Dean Parker
and Dellah Davis as the newest members of the
Macon Jaycees!
Fourth, in 2011, Macon Jaycees membership meetings will be held on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays each
month, beginning at 6:00 PM, at the Legion Hall
(105 South Rollins St.).
Finally, please make note of my email address &
phone number. Please add me to your contacts list.
We invite other Jaycees to come for a visit to our
chapter for membership meetings or our projects.
So, let us know if you would like to come see us in
Also, please let me know if your chapter is having
a project that you would like assistance with. If the
schedules work out right, the Macon Jaycees would
be happy to come visit and help other chapters out
with their projects too!
I wish the Missouri Jaycees much success in 2011!
Bill Noyes 660-676-4664
10. Use your Facebook or other on-line social network to
spread the word.
However you decide to recruit, please know that your
hard work will not go unnoticed. The key is to make it
Macon Jaycees at Tan Tar A
“ I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. !!! ”
Hello Jaycees! I remember sitting at a training at a
U.S. Jaycees National Convention and saying this
cheer. It was being led by Past National President
Julie Metzger-Aubuchon because ID (or Individual
Development) is her favorite part of Jaycees. In large
part, it is my favorite part of Jaycees too because
there is so much learning (much of it in a fun way)
that can happen through ID projects. I have seen ID
projects range from seminars on home buying and
tax preparation to International Beer Tastings and
How to Play Shuffleboard.
ID can be anything we want it to be. Let’s have
a great, fun, informative year of Individual Development!
Lorie Thompson
2011 IDVP
Macon Jaycees
Macon to Feed the Missouri
Jaycees at the All Region Work
Weekend at Wonderland Camp
Boy how I’m ready for spring. I’m ready for the sun
to be out. With that it makes me think of Wonderland Camp. The Macon Jaycees will be doing meals
at the spring work weekend April 15-17. I know that
there is A LOT of work that need to be done to help
prepare the camp for this summer. If you have never
been able to attend a work weekend it will change
your life to see this camp. Children are able to attend. We all watch out for each others kids. They
always have “jobs” that they can help out with. It’s
not camping out (we have cabins that have bunk
beds in them). Mark you calendars to to attend this
weekend for a little bit of work and a whole lot of
Lori Flax
Macon Jaycees Board of Directors and
2011 Missouri Jaycees State Vice-President
Hello Missouri Jaycees,
I would like like to say “Thanks” to everyone that
has been helping to get 2011 off to a great start for
the Macon Jaycees.
We’ve already been doing visitations to other
chapters to participate and assist in their projects,
and many of our officers and members have already been helping by attending meetings where we
have been working on our 2011 chapter planning.
I’m pleased to say that after much hard work and
deliberation we will have a copy of our proposed
new chapter By-Laws ready for presentation and
approval at the next chapter meeting and will be
submitting our completed initial Blue Chip submission for 2011!
Let’s keep going strong!
Bill Noyes
Chapter President
Macon Jaycees 2011
The Macon Jaycees enjoy dinner at the Year-End Meeting
at Tan-Tar-A
Mexico Jaycees
Pictured: Jennifer Wilburn, Josh Hanley, Steve Hobbs and Stephen Coffey
Pictured: Josh Hanley, Kit Bond, and
State Jaycee President Stephen Coffey
Bond and Hobbs
address Jaycees
On Saturday April 2nd the Mexico Jaycees hosted a regional meeting at the Jaycee Hall in downtown Mexico. Members from chapters in St. Charles, Booneville, Macon and Jefferson City were
present for the meeting. Notables in attendance were state Jaycee President Stephen Coffey and
guest speakers, former Governor and US Senator Christopher S. “Kit” Bond and Audrain County
Presiding Commissioner Steve Hobbs.
Both Bond and Hobbs spoke about their time in government, leadership and topical issues facing citizens today. During the meeting the Mexico Jaycee President, Josh Hanley presented the
State Jaycees with a $500 donation for the Wonderland Camp which provides summer programs
for adults and children with physical or mental challenges including: MS, multiple dystrophy and
cerebral palsy.
About the meeting Hanley said “Our chapter is very active and it was a privilege for us to be able
to host a meeting where we were able to have such great guest speakers and be able to make a donation to such a worthy cause like Wonderland Camp. Having Kit and Steve there really raised the
bar for other chapters in our region”.
The Jaycees are a civic organization for young adults 21-41 years of age. Membership meetings
are at 7:00 PM the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held at the Jaycee Hall
located at 121 S. Washington in downtown Mexico and prospective members are always welcome.
For membership information contact Thomas Rothermich at 721-1072. To rent the Jaycee hall out
for your next function contact Jaime Cox at 473-9100.
Boonville Jaycees
Mexico Jaycees celebrate
Fat Tuesday
The Mexico Jaycees held their annual Fat Tuesday
Business Lunch on March 9th 2011. As a ways and
means project, the Fat Tuesday Lunch event was
very successful. The club prepared and served or
delivered more than 600 lunches to area businesses.
The project, in its 11th year, brings the club together
and provides an opportunity for the event chair and
committee members to develop leadership and event
planning skills.
This year’s Fat Tuesday chair, Chad Peck, did an
outstanding job organizing and promoting the event.
In addition to serving a great New Orleans style
lunch to area business people the Mexico Jaycees
also donated leftovers to needy families and all
of their used cardboard and aluminum to their local sheltered workshop. With their event proceeds
the Mexico Jaycees will be able to fund 2 scholarships to area high school seniors and make a $500
donation to the Wonderland Camp for children
with disabilities.
Booneville Jaycees Rodeo
The Boonville Jaycees’ are on their way toward
their 3rd Annual Boonville Jaycees Rodeo on June
3rd & 4th, 2011. The chapter started this event in
2009 with the hopes that it would bring something
new to the Cooper County area, and that it did.
The chapter has been able to stay on for their “8
seconds” and win approval in the area for a rodeo
well done. The past two years have brought an
increase in participants, spectators and vendors, as
well as a special honor for the “Best New Rodeo
Event in 2009”-voted on by all MRCA members.
The Boonville Jaycees are very excited to yet again
bring the pyro-tech excitement of Outlaw Rodeo to
their event. This has definitely been something for
everyone from the youngsters wanting to see the
bulls and broncs come out of the gates at full force
to the grandparents watching their children and
grand children enjoying the entertainment of the
rodeo clown. It’s something that you don’t want to
miss, for sure. This year will once again bring the
traditional events along with a variety of vendors
from concessions to carnival foods, hats to saddles
and of course the official Boonville Jaycees Rodeo
Angela Marcum
Rodeo Chairperson
Boonville Jaycees
Future Jaycee
Monett Jaycees
What a fun start to 2011…AND… We’re just getting started!!!
-Submitted by Kristen Nava, Monett Treasurer & Missouri Region 3 District Director
So far the Monett Jaycees…
Attended the Missouri Jaycees State Meeting at
Then got so pumped up about the Missouri Jaycees and signed 16 new members in January (qualifies for an In-Chapter Extension) – ROCK ON!!
The Monett Jaycees hasn’t had this many members since the 80’s!!!
Traveled to The Tower Club in Springfield for Regional Officer Training School (ROTS)
(Missouri State Team, Springfield & Monett Jaycees in attendance)
Awarded New Jaycee of the Month to
Jennifer Postlewait
Recruitment Award given to Courtney Sebastian
(She brought on 8 new members in January!)
Some of us went to the Sertoma Chili Cook Off where the Springfield Jaycees won 2nd place for their
chili…..I wonder where their trophy went? Has anyone seen it?
We had a very FUN & successful Suicide Karaoke M-Night at The Depot (3 new members signed).
And….We have our very own Idol……Russ Hagar!! LOL!!
ALSO….Audrey White chaired the Zumbathon & Shopping Spree Event and raised much needed money for
Wonderland Camp! She did a Super Zumba Job! Shake it Girl!!
This is only the beginning of a FUN filled year. The Monett Jaycees….PRIDE & PROGRESS THROUGH
OUR SERVICE TO HUMANITY!!! It is the BEST work of life!!
Springfield Jaycees
Springfield Jaycees Raise Money for Developmental Center
of the Ozarks
This week, the Springfield Jaycees presented a check to the Developmental Center of the
Ozarks (DCO). This check represented a portion of the proceeds that was raised as a part
of the Ralphie May comedy show earlier this year.
Jaycees President Elijah Haahr stated, “The Jaycees have been working arm in arm
with the Developmental Center of the Ozarks for some time and this donation represents
the culmination of these efforts. This event could not have happened without Thomas
Bieker, Michael Owens and the Gillioz Theatre. We are so thankful for their help and look
forward to sponsoring more comedy shows as a way to continue to help the wonderful
work at DCO.”
Marisa DeClue, of the DCO, said, “We are blessed to have this relationship with both the
community as a whole and the Jaycees. The Jaycees demonstrate true service and leadership through their involvement and support of DCO.”
The Jaycees was formed in 1920 when the organization started in St. Louis, Missouri. Today the Jaycees continues its dedication to member and community improvement. In more
than 4,000 communities throughout the country, men and women ages 21 to 40 are developing their personal and professional skills and helping fellow citizens through membership in the Jaycees.
The Developmental Center of the Ozarks serves infants, children, and adults who are developmentally disabled, developmentally delayed or physically disabled, as well as those
who are not, through therapeutic, educational, habilitative and rehabilitative programs.
DCO holds as its greatest responsibility to promote personal growth through teaching those
skills necessary for all citizens of our community to lead full and productive lives.