welcome guide - Centrum AGH UNESCO


welcome guide - Centrum AGH UNESCO
GUIDE 2015
Krakow, August 2015
Published by the UNESCO AGH Chair, Krakow, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, UNESCO AGH Chair,
A. Mickiewicza 30 Av. PL 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Email: unesco@agh.edu.pl
Tel.: +48 12 6175109
Fax: +48 12 6175108
Done by team
Janusz Szpytko (Chairholder), Magdalena Kasietczuk, Paulina I. Kraj
© 2015 Copyright by the AGH University of Science and Technology,
UNESCO AGH Chair, Krakow, Poland
WELCOME IN KRAKÓW …………………………………………………………………………..
AGH University of Science and Technology
Useful links
AGH UST Campus map
Weather conditions
Symbols of your country
HOW TO GET TO AGH UST? ………………………………………………………………………. 10
ACCOMMODATION at the AGH UST ……………………………………………………………… 11
AGH UST Student Campus
COMUNNICATION …………………………………………………………………………………..
Public transport in Kraków
LIVING CONDITIONS ……………………………………………………………………………….
What to do in case of accident
Money and prices
Where to eat?
Access to Internet
Telecommunications services
Post office
AGH UST Main Library
LIVING IN KRAKÓW ………………………………………………………………………………..
Tourist information
DOs & DON’Ts ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Best free things to do in Krakow
ANNEX 1, see: Guide-2015-ANNEX 1-v01.pdf
Including maps with description how to get to city centre, airport, rail/bus station, supermarket, etc.;
maps with public communication; schematic drawings of the AGH UST Student Campus with
description; pictures of dormitory.
Please read the following information carefully, more information you can find on the
website www.unesco.agh.edu.pl.
The UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education at the AGH
University of Science and Technology (AGH UST), Krakow, Poland, in shortness: UNESCO
AGH Chair, has the pleasure to welcome you to in Poland and in Krakow.
Our University is constantly developing; we are expanding our research base and enriching our
education offer - in order to keep up with new trends arising on the labour market - we continue
to expand foreign cooperation and to develop our staff and our material base.
AGH UST is one of the spots on the academic map of Krakow – the former capital of Poland
and seat of Polish kings, a city with unique atmosphere and one which gives you the opportunity
to achieve your ambitions. The AGH UST could be called a town within a city. Our teaching
and research facilities are located in close vicinity to student accommodation, which creates
excellent conditions for work and study.
We strongly believe that both Krakow and our AGH University will enable you to spread your
wings and fulfil your dreams about studies in climatic place, around interesting people in
scientific atmosphere. It will let you find a satisfactory joy in your field in the future.
AGH University of Science and Technology
The AGH University of Science and Technology is one of the best and most renowned modern
Polish universities. For many years it has been ranked in the top of the list of institutions of
higher education. AGH UST is a leading Polish university in modern technologies, and belongs
to a group of prestigious international educational centres.
The AGH University of Science and Technology, established on 20th October, 1919, until 1949
known as the Academy of Mining, founded after long-lasting endeavours which had started in
1782, the date when the Ore Commission was established, has been continuing the traditions of
the Academy of Mining in Kielce (1816-1827), inaugurated by Stanisław Staszic.
The university, being a technical school, serves science and industry through educating students,
the development of academic staff, as well as research and development. The university
cherishes its traditions and educates students to be honest, responsible people both at work and
as the members of the society, according to its motto: “Labore creata, labori et scientiae
servio” (Created in labour, I serve labour and science).
A unique feature of our campus in comparison to other Polish universities is primarily the fact
that the teaching and research facilities, university administrations, student organizations, sport
and recreational facilities, as well as student accommodation are all located in one district of the
city, hence creating an integral system.
The university campus is located between the Mickiewicza Av. and streets: Reymonta, Buszka,
Tokarskiego, Armii Krajowej, Gramatyka, Nawojki, and Czarnowiejska. An unquestionable
asset of the campus is its perfect location (within walking distance of the Main Market Square),
as well as easy access to a number of trams and buses.
The university campus comprises the following buildings and facilities:
- teaching and lecture buildings,
- the main library,
- student canteens,
- a health centre,
- student houses,
- sports halls,
- student clubs,
- shops and service-providing facilities,
- auxiliary services and facilities.
The AGH UST campus is distinguished by its exceptionally elegant green space design. There
are parking spaces for cars in a close proximity to the university lecture buildings. Additionally,
the campus features many cycle stands and racks, as well as roofed parking spaces for bicycles.
Fig.1. Aerial view of the AGH UST Campus,
source: http://geoal.salon24.pl/551831,agh-rondaa-slomka-podobienstwa
Fig.2 . The UNESCO AGH Chair office, bld. U-2,
view from the Reymonta street, source:
The UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education at the AGH
University of Science and Technology (AGH UST), Krakow, Poland, in shortness: UNESCO
AGH Chair, was established in a 2010. UNESCO AGH Chair holder is Prof. Dr hab. C. Eng.
Janusz Szpytko.
Address of the office:
UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education
Av. A. Mickiewicza 30, PL 30-059 Krakow, Poland
AGH, U-2 building, rooms 201, 203
Opening hours: 8.00 – 16.00, from Monday till Friday,
Tel.: +48 12 617 5109
Fax: +48 12 617 5108
E-mail: unesco@agh.edu.pl
Useful links
AGH UST main page
AGH UST Main Library
AGH UST YouTube channel
AGH UST Student Campus Web Site – Accommodation
AGH UST Campus map
Fig. 3. UST Campus, source: http://student.agh.edu.pl/~adjanik/agh.html
More maps you can find in the ANNEX 1.
See: Guide-2015-ANNEX 1-v01.pdf
It is required to take with you:
- Passport
- Visa
- Insurance Policy
- Passport photos (for the resident card in university campus)
- Medical card
Citizens of other countries using the services of medical care on Polish territory must pay for
medical services. Therefore, we recommend to obtain an insurance at the time of travel in the
company in their own country.
The scheme provides for the reimbursement min. 30.000 EUR per insured per twelve
consecutive months of reasonable and customary expenses for medical and hospital services,
resulting from sickness and accident.
In case of emergency or major disability, special transport of Insured Person, including cost of
accompanying person or attendant will be allowed, app. 7.500 USD. Preparation and
repatriation of body to home country, app. 7.500 USD will be covered.
Medical care is covered only by valid insurance. Before using medical care in Poland, please
read the list of medical services covered by your insurance policy. More information you can
find in:
A. Electricity
In Poland is applied electrical socket – type E, 230 volts AC, 50Hz; round two-pin plugs are
standard (Fig.4) . If you have got other voltage parameters in your country, please take adapter
for your electrical equipment (or buy it after arrival). The list of plug, socket, voltage by country
you can find on the website: http://www.worldstandards.eu/electricity/plug-voltage-by-country/
Fig.4. Standard electrical socket in Poland, source:
Fig.5. Socket adapter, source:
B. Weather conditions
In Poland, weather conditions result from the actual season. There are four main seasons:
Spring – from March to June, temperature app. 5°C – 15°C
Summer – from June to September, temperature app. 15°C – 30°C (or more)
Autumn – from September to December, temperature app. 5°C – 10°C
Winter – from December to March, temperature app. -15°C (or more) – 0°C
The most rainy seasons in Poland are Autumn and Spring. Winter is very snowy, summer is hot
with frequent thunderstorms. More information you may find on the website:
or actual weather forecast of Krakow: http://www.worldweatheronline.com/Krakowweather/PL.aspx
Due to weather conditions, please remember to take:
- raincoat, warm clothes and shoes (winter jacket, gloves, winter hat), because of
upcoming autumn and winter,
- comfortable shoes, because of planned trips,
C. Symbols of your country
According to Multicultural Day, that will be organized by the UNESCO AGH Chair, please if
possible take symbols of your country identity, e.g. :
- regional instruments,
- regional clothes,
- regional symbols,
- information (e-documents, movies) and pictures about interesting places, customs, cuisine,
history, music, etc.
Please read the following information carefully.
1. It is required to arrive after 30 of September 2015.
Please send to us information (e-mail: unesco@agh.edu.pl) about date, time of
arrival, flight number and mobile phone number.
2. Every candidate bear the cost of transport (back and forth).
3. It is required to show passport during receiving scholarship. Personal collection
valid only. Form of payment - cash.
4. It is required to participate in monthly meetings related to control and advancement
of the project.
5. It is required to respect the name and property of the AGH University of Science
and Technology.
6. It is required to keep the place of living clean – room kitchenette, bathroom, public
kitchen, laundry.
7. It is required to keep quiet hours in dormitory from 22.00 p.m till 6.00 a.m.
8. It is required to pay regularly for accommodation. No payment within the time limit
is associated with losses: the place of stay in a dorm and scholarship.
9. Payment of the scholarship is possible only after receiving personal data from the
Fellow. For this purpose, please appear in the UNESCO AGH Chair office, within
3 days after arrival.
10. It is required to respect these rules and regulations from the UNESCO.
11. Your moving outside Kraków must be reported to the UNESCO AGH Chair office
12. Each Fellows shall be personally and financially responsible for any damage and
things that took place with the guilty.
13. Your planned departure date from Kraków as in the contract must be reported 30
days in advance.
14. If necessary, please contact directly with the UNESCO AGH Chair office directly
in any time.
Information from: www.krakowairport.pl
If you are travel by plane, the Krakow Airport BALICE is 10 km away from the AGH UST
Campus. Here are few possibilities to get to the UST Campus.
1. By car
From Kraków Airport Balice you can order only one type of taxi: Kraków Airport Taxi phone:
+48 (12) 258 0 258. It is an expensive taxi, because of high flat rates. The price is about 50
PLN. More information: http://www.krktaxi.pl/en/fares; see also attachment taxi
2. By public communication
From the bus stop called KRAKÓW AIRPORT T1you need to choose bus number 208. This
bus stop is about 100 m from the main exit of the airport. The last stop is called
MIASTECZKO STUDENCKIE AGH. Your dormitory is called: STRUMYK with number 5. It
is about 50 m from the bus stop MIASTECZKO STUDENCKIE. The prices of tickets are
below in the Table 1. see also attachment bus
Table.1 Ticket prices of public communication.
Ticket type
1 Person – Single trip
1 Person – Multiple trips – 90 minutes
1 Person – Multiple trips – 24 hours
1 Person – Multiple trips – 7 days
Tickets can be purchased from:
- the ticket machine at the bus stop (payment in cash or with credit/debit card),
- the authorized ticket machines found (payment in cash – coins only),
- the bus driver, in case of lack or failure of ticket machine (single tickets only, payment
in cash).
Note: The ticket must be validated when getting on the bus or tram.
More information:
More maps you can find in the ANNEX 1.
Also the direct connection from Airport Krakow Balice with the Train Central Station will be
possible by direct train from September 1, 2015. The ticket price will be 8,00 PLN.
For more details please also visit the following page:
AGH UST Student Campus
Information from: http://www.agh.edu.pl/en/university/infrastructure/university-campus/
It is the largest student campus in Poland, located within the boundaries of the greater university
campus between the streets of Reymonta, Buszka, Tokarskiego, Armii Krajowej, Nawojki, and
Miechowska. A direct neighbourhood of the university teaching and lecture buildings lets the
campus users actively participate in the university life, as well as fulfil various passions and
Fig.6. Location of UST Campus, source http://www.miasteczko.agh.edu.pl/img/mapa.jpg
The campus offers over 9,000 beds to the students of AGH UST and other Krakow universities.
In addition to 20 student houses, the campus also comprises student clubs, sports courts and
pitches, a nursery school, a pool billiards club, tennis courts, a supermarket, a fitness club, a
post office, a bank, and many various shops, eating establishments, and service outlets.
Within the campus area there is one of the largest concert clubs in Poland - Klub STUDIO. It is
the centre of cultural events. Klub Zaścianek regularly hosts concerts of young artists, but you
can also go there to enjoy karaoke or collective singing events. Klub Gwarek organises concerts
of blues, jazz and folk performers. Dance lovers will surely be attracted by Klub Karlik, while
an ideal location for a meeting with friends is Klub Filutek.
Close proximity to the Krakow Błonia Park and Park Jordana allows runners, joggers, cyclists,
and roller skaters to spend time actively in picturesque and green areas of the city.
It is required to arrive after 30th of September 2015. Please send to us information (e-mail:
unesco@agh.edu.pl) about date, time of arrival, flight number and phone number.
For more details see our attachments.
Fig.7. Entrance to the Hostel Strumyk, view from the Rostafinskiego
street, source materials from AGH UST Campus
More information and pictures with room conditions you can find in file: ANNEX 1.
How to accommodate in the dormitory?
To accommodate is needed: Identity Card/ Passport and one photo. Each of the residents
receive a key room and a resident card, that cannot be lost. As a resident of the AGH UST
Student Campus, you should strictly follow the rules of the AGH UST Student’s Campus.
The dormitory have rooms for 2-bed (DBL type). They are fully furnished (beds, blankets,
pillows, bed linen). All rooms are doubles in the composition of the two rooms where there is a
bathroom and a kitchenette with a high standard. Laundry and drying room are located on the
ground floor. On each floor there is a public kitchen with burners and sinks. Student houses are
equipped with fast internet network to which access is free. In addition, telephone exchanges in
the dorms allow free calling between the inhabitants of the dormitories and the AGH UST.
To laundry and pitches, you need to make a reservation online by a student’s panel, that you
will assume after accommodation. The vacuum cleaner and the iron you may get from
reception. The fee for dormitory includes all costs of utilities: water (cold and hot), heat and
For more details see our attachments.
For more details see our attachments.
We are pleased to welcome you on AGH Campus. Since we want you to feel completely
comfortable and safe while staying at our dormitories, we would like to acquaint yourselves
with a set of existing regulations. The rules are not very strict and following them will
definitely help you avoid any misunderstandings and become a community.
Remember that abiding by the rules given below ensures a stress-free atmosphere in the
The most important of rules and regulations are
- Keep your room, personal bathroom and kitchenette, as well as common areas and
surroundings of the dormitory, clean and neat.
- Clean up and organize the common-use area such as the kitchen and laundry room after its
use so that the next person may use the equipment comfortably. Avoid leaving your own
dishes, pots, other utensils and food in the shared kitchen.
- Please bag rubbish and take it out to the skips located in designated areas outside
dormitories. Please recycle as appropriate.
- Quiet hours: 10 p.m. - 6 a.m.
- Pay the rent regularly, not later than the 15th of each month. The rent should be transferred
to your individual account number.
- Keep track of all news and statements issued by the manager of your dormitory.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the dormitory.
Principles of checking out
- Inform the manager of the dormitory about the exact date of your departure at least 7 days
- Inform the manager of the dormitory about your intention to check out at least 3 hours
before vacating the room.
- Thoroughly clean your room, personal bathroom and kitchenette before vacating the
- You may check out Monday through Friday, during the dormitory manager's office hours:
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Cover the costs of any damages or loss of dormitory's property upon vacation.
Enjoy your stay!
Piece of advice
 Do not leave your valuables (a mobile phone, documents, cycle, jewellery, wallet)
 Always lock your room when leaving (even when you go to sleep or to the kitchen),
 Do not carry too much money,
 Keep your place of living clean,
 Close windows before leaving the dormitory.
Public transport in Kraków
Please look to ANNEX 1, where are presented communication maps.
For more information, visit http://www.unesco.agh.edu.pl/en/stypendia-unesco/sprawysocjalno-bytowe/public-transport-in-krakow/ and http://cracow.travel/fortourists/transport/moving-around-krakow/action,get,id,308,title,Public-transport.html
Maps of public transport are available on the website of the Municipal Transport Enterprise
(MPK), http://www.mpk.krakow.pl/en as are the timetables (which can be also found at the bus
stops). All tram and bus tickets must be punched in a ticket machine immediately on boarding a
bus or a tram. The validity of timed and daily tickets is specified by the four last digits stamped
on your tickets, which show the exact time when you first punched the ticket. If you are using a
20, 40, 60 or 90 min, daily, 2-3 days or weekly ticket you need to punch it only once on your
first journey.
Fig. 8. Ticket Machine in Bus or Tram ( Marked as
“A” on a door), source:
Fig.9. Ticket machine at bus stop, source
Where can you buy a ticket?
Short-term tickets
- local kiosks (only single journey and hourly tickets),
- ticket machines at bus stops: marked A on the bus,
ticket machines in buses and trams, in some of them you may use your payment cards,
bus driver (but you must be sure to hand in the exact change).
Long-term tickets are coded only on smart cards - Krakowska Karta Miejska KKM (Cracow
City Card) you can buy only in the season card sales office:
- ul. Podwale 3/5
- os. Centrum D bl.7
- ul. Mogilska 15a
- ul. Krowoderskich Zuchów 8a
- ul. Św. Wawrzyńca 13
- ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 6
or online in https://ebilet.kkm.krakow.pl/ebilet/Pomoc?helpId=6
Fig.10. Cracow City Card source
Fig.11.Trams in Kraków, source
The full timetable is available on the website http://mpk.krakow.pl/en/
Table 2. Prices of long term tickets.
Type of ticket
Expiration date
For 1 line
For 2 line
For all lines
1 month
1 month
1 month
Prices (PLN)
Zone I City Kraków
Night buses and trams
Information from http://cracow.travel/for-tourists/transport/moving-around-krakow
Night buses and trams start operating around midnight and their numbers always start with
number 6. Almost all routes (with the exception of 643, 637) run through the city Centre (the
stop under the Central Station). They run infrequently, approximately once an hour, so it is
better for you to plan your trip.
Fig.12. Ticket prices, source www.mpk.krakow.pl
Low – cost taxi:
I-CAR: +48 (12) 653 55 55
MEGA Taxi: +48 (12) 400 00 00
Eko Taxi: +48 (12) 644 22 22
Form Kraków Airport Balice you can order only one type of taxi: Kraków Airport Taxi phone:
12 258 0 258. It is an expensive taxi, because of high flat rates.
The best way to transport from Kraków Airport is to use public transport.
Bus numbers to the centre of Krakow: 208, 292, 902 (night line).
If you like doing something healthy for your body, you might consider renting a bike. While
Kraków isn't exactly a great cycling city, the city has been doing an admirable job of improving
the urban landscape with the addition of more and more bike paths. However, the best places to
begin ride a bike here are: Wisła riverbank and Błonia.
In Kraków, there are few bike rental companies. The most popular and the cheaper are KRM –
Krakowski Rower Miejski – Cracow’s City Bike.
Fig.13. Cracow’s City Bike, source
Fig.14. Cycling routes in Krakow,
More information: https://kmkbike.pl/
Other bike’s rentals:
If you want to buy cheap bike in good shape, please visit the site:
In UST is working bulletin board, where you can find a lot of ads, published by students.
What to do in case of accident
In case of an emergency please call - 112
Police emergency number – 997
Medical emergency – 998
Fire emergency – 999
Municipal police -986
Information from: http://www.activeinpoland.com/info,pg,medical-care.html
In the case of an accident, injury , sudden illness or sudden deterioration of health, you must call
an ambulance or go directly to hospital, in particular to the hospital A&E department (SOR).
The medical transport is free of charge in such cases or a substitute certificate must be presented
in hospital.
 Emergency ambulance service:
from landlines 999
from mobile phones 112
More information at the Website of the National Health Fund (NFZ).
The protection of internal public order and safety is provided by the police and the municipal
 Police – emergency number 997
The main tasks of the police include guarding the observance of law and prosecution of
offenders, as well as ensuring protection and assistance in crisis situations, both with regard to
people and property. Among other things, policemen have the right to:
 check people’s IDs in order to determine their identity (with justified reasons);
 conduct a personal inspection, as well as check the contents of baggage and check
cargo in ports and at railway stations, as well as in road, air and water transport
vehicles, in the case of a justified suspicion that an offence punishable by law has
been committed;
 apprehend imprisoned persons who, having been on a pass from prison, have not
returned to the Penal Institution or custody on the date indicated;
 detain persons who create a threat to human life or health, and to property.
When carrying out their duties, they may apply the following coercive measures: handcuffs,
police truncheon, straitjacket, irritant gas or financial penalties, the so-called fines.
 Municipal Police – emergency number 986
A formation created by the municipal or community council, whose task is to protect public
order within a city or local community.
The tasks of the municipal police include in particular protection of order in public places, as
well as protection of municipal and public utility facilities. Their duties also include keeping
order and controlling road traffic (to the extent specified in the road traffic regulations, much
narrower than in the case of the police). They cooperate with relevant entities with regard to
saving the life and health of citizens, assistance in removing technical failures and effects of
natural disasters and other local threats. They often cooperate with organisers and other services
in keeping order during meetings and public events. They take intoxicated people to
detoxification detention centres or their places of residence if those persons behaviour causes a
scandal in a public place or if they are in a situation which poses a threat to their or other
people’s life or health.
 Medical Care
Citizens of other states must pay when making use of medical care services within the territory
of Poland. That is why it is recommended that you acquire insurance for the time of travel in the
insurance company in your own country or get individual health police (chapter - insurance).
Persons authorised to receive healthcare under Community coordination regulations are entitled
to free medical services during their stay in Poland. Such services may be obtained from service
providers who have concluded agreements for the provision of healthcare with the National
Health Fund (NFZ).
In order to obtain basic medical care, you must visit a doctor who has signed an agreement with
NFZ and present evidence of health insurance. The basic medical care covers tests and
consultation with a GP. The doctor may also send the patient to diagnostic tests, to a specialist
or to hospital (information taken from http://en.poland.gov.pl ).
Money and prices
The currency in Poland is POLSKI ZŁOTY (PLN), which is in English POLISH ZLOTY. One
POLISH ZLOTY (1 zł) is 100 GROSZY (100 gr).
You should remember to take enough money to survive during the first two weeks, because
you will receive your first fellowship later (depends on when you will arrive to Krakow and the
when the process of scholarship will end; mostly app. 10th of each month). Here are some
exchange rates and average prices of some basic products.
Table.3. Currency and exchange rates in Poland.
Currency / 03.09.2014
Selected products
Bread [1 pcs]
Eggs [10 pcs]
Butter [200g]
Milk [1 l]
Potatoes [1 kg]
Rice [1kg]
Sugar [1 kg]
Chicken [1 kg]
Polski złoty (PLN)
Average price in PLN
Information from: http://www.paiz.gov.pl/pl
There are several major banks in Poland, including local banks and international banks with
branches in Poland. Banks in larger cities are usually open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on
weekdays. Not all banks are open on Saturday but some are open until 1:00 pm. Banks in
smaller towns or villages have more limited business hours, usually from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
According to the National Bank of Poland, the biggest banks in Poland are: PKO BP, Pekao SA,
ING Bank Śląski, Bank Handlowy, Bank Zachodni WBK, Bank Millenium and Kredyt Bank.
Before opening a bank account in a Polish bank, it is advisable to compare each bank’s
commission rates for money transfers to and from Poland. Each bank also has different bank
charges for banking operations and account services. It is essential to read all the conditions
before signing an agreement with the bank.
In Krakow, there a lot’s of shops, city malls, supermarkets. For more information please visit
The nearest city malls are: Galeria Bronowice and Galeria Krakowska. In the file: ANNESX 1,
there are directions to get there.
In these city malls you may buy: clothing (i.e. H&M, CARRY, HOUSE, RESERVED, C&A),
footwear (i.e.: DEICHMANN, CCC), books (i.e.: EMPIK, MATRAS), electronic equipment’s
and household appliances (i.e.: SATURN).
In the AGH UST Student Campus there are also located: students’ clubs, football/
basketball/volleyball pitches, billiards and bowling clubs, tennis courts, swimming pool,
supermarket, fitness club, pharmacy.
Table 4. The AGH UST Student Campus supermarkets and pharmacy.
Name of the market
7 Rostafińskiego St.
6 Budryka St. (Campus
49 Piastowska St.
Kawiory St.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday,
08.00 – 20.00
Saturday: 08.00 - 14.00
Sunday: closed
Mon-Sat. 7.00 – 22.00
Sunday 7.00 – 21.00
Mon.-Sat. 7.00 – 21.00,
Sunday 9.00 – 21.00
10.00 – 23.00
Kawiory St.
6.00 – 23.00
Where to eat?
Each student can enjoy meals in the many cafeterias located on campus. Here are a few of
 Oliwka – Italian cousine on the ground floor of the DS Olimp, 9 Rostafinskiego St,
 Babilon – a small pizzeria on the ground floor of the DS. Kapitol, 2 Budryka St,
 Milk-Bar Zaczek, ul.Czarnowiejska 75, Monday – Friday, 8.00–19.00, Saturday, 8.00 –
 Tawo, ul. Reymonta 13A, Monday – Friday, 11.30 - 15.45, Saturday – Sunday, 11.30 –
14.45, http://www.tawo.krakow.pl/
 Krakus, ul. Reymonta 15, Monday – Friday, 11.30 - 16.00, Saturday – Sunday, 11.30 –
14.30, http://www.fundacja.krakus.net/oferta/bistro/
 Piast, ul. Piastowska 47, Monday – Friday, 11.30 - 16.30, Saturday – Sunday, 11.30 –
 Nawojka, ul. Reymonta 11, Monday – Saturday, 11.30 - 18.00, Sunday, 11.30 –17.00
Other possibility is to prepare meals by yourself. The nearest supermarket is BIEDRONKA, but
not so far away you may find: CARREFOUR, 53 Lea Street; LIDL Lindego 1 street.
Here are the biggest hypermarkets in Krakow:
TESCO – 54 Kapelanka Street, open 24h
KAUFLAND – 1 Norymberska Street open 7-21
AUCHAN – 61 Stawowa Street, open 8-22
CARREFOUR – 62 Zakopiańska Street, open 8-22
REAL – Av.Pokoju 67, open 8-22
IKEA (dishes, kitchen accessories etc.) – 66 J.Condrda Street, open 10-21
Access to Internet
In the AGH UST Student Campus, access to internet is free. The UNESCO AGH Chair
Fellows will have e-mail account on the AGH UST server (with the domain:
…@student.agh.edu.pl). The account should be registered individually by the UNESCO
AGH Chair.
In the dormitories, there is also internet free. However, there are some rules, that should be
A. To use internet, your computer should be equipped in Fast Ethernet 100/10 lub Gigabit
Ethernet 1000/100/10, with connector RJ45.
B. Computers connected to the UST Campus net must collect IP addresses automatically
using DHCP.
C. It is forbidden to use the software p2p. Using routers to connect to network is not
D. Cannot download torrents.
E. In all dorms functioning electronic booking system objects (laundry, pitches etc.).
Telecommunications services
Information from: http://www.paiz.gov.pl/pl
There are four main mobile telephone operators in Poland.
All mobile networks
offer both monthly subscription and pay-as-you-go where
telecommunications services are ‘pre-paid’ by purchasing a special card. Prices for connections
depend on the operator and on the contract with the operator. Details of offers for individual
and corporate clients are available in the operators’ showrooms and on their websites.
It is better to buy a new phone card to your mobile in Poland, because the connections inside
the country can be cheaper.
Post office
The post office POCZTA POLSKA is located inside the Jagiellonian University Piast, across
the Nawojki street. Other postal supplier is “INPOST”. You can receive and send packages
using parcel locker also in the area of AGH UST Student Campus. For more please visit also:
AGH UST Main Library
Only registered will have full access to the AGH UST Main Library. The account should be
registered individually by the UNESCO AGH Chair.
Tourist information
Fig.15. Tourist information points in the city centre, source http://www.en.infokrakow.pl/
On the map are marked tourist information points, where you can know more interesting places
about Krakow.
What can you get there?
- Free city maps ( Polish, English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Russian versions),
- Maps and information about the whole Małopolska province,
- Tickets for tours (Wieliczka Salt Mine, Shindler's Factory, Kościuszko Mound).
DOs & DON’Ts
Information from http://www.foreignersinpoland.com
Public drinking
You cannot drink it in public places or even have the bottle open. It means that if you are caught
by police with an open drink for example in the town centre, you will be fined.
Usually for foreigners, knowledge of polish language is an abstraction, but somehow there is a
bunch of words, that most of them know perfectly. We love to teach curses and listen to how
you can repeat it. If you already know these magic words, you should remember that generally
it is banned. The police have a right to punish you for it, so just be careful when learning the
Being a good pedestrian
When it comes to going around a city you have to face traffic rules, like millions of other
regulations are not enough for one man. Pedestrians have it easier for sure, because of the
smaller number of rules. They have to cross the street at the pedestrian crossings and if there are
traffic lights somewhere, they go when it’s green and stop when it’s red (notice to yourself that
crossing on the red light or not on zebra crossing is fined once noticed by a policeman). These
two main rules can keep you alive in city.
Obligation of having an ID
When you are going out somewhere, no matter what time it is, there is one thing that you have
to keep in your pocket or bottomless bag. Identity documents are not only for showing friends
funny picture of you a few years ago. Remember to always carry an ID card and you will avoid
getting into trouble.
Life after 10 p.m.
Of course we have to remember that every party eventually has an end. In the law and according
to prayers of neighbours it should be at 22:00 p.m. and this includes especially parties at home.
With patience and kindness of neighbours this rule can be stretched, but they also have a right to
call the police and complain, if they can’t stand the noise. 22:00 p.m. is a special hour, because
the next principle is referring to it as well. After ten only people aged 18 or over can travel
around a city, unless an underage person is with guardian. The rest of the minors have to stay
politely at home.
Pubs and restaurants
Some restaurants with regional cusine:
Zapiecek - 32 Sławkowska Street
Chłopskie jadło -3 Św. Jana Street
Media Aetas - Main Square 26
Original clubs or cafes:
Dali Club & Lunch Bar - 21/1 Mazowiecka Street
Cieplarnia - 15 Bracka Street
Cupcake Corner - 4 Bracka Street
Zbliżenia - Plac Nowy 7 ½
Alchemia - 5 Estery Street
Loch Camelot - 17 Św. Tomasza Street
Mleczarnia - 20 Meiselsa Street
Massolit - 4 Felicjanek Street
Free walking tours
If you like sightseeing, we have an unconventional way to see Kraków with a guide. You will
visit usual places, where all guides take their groups and also some special ones, because those
guides want to show you Kraków as a magic city and full of surprises and all that I free. For
more information go to: http://freewalkingtour.com/
Interesting places to visit
Krak's, Kościuszko's, Piłsudski's mound,
Kazimierz (whole area not far away from the Main Square with lots of lovely and very
climatic restaurants, pubs and cafes),
Museum of Schindler's factory on Lipowa Street 4 (great, modern museum),
Rynek Underground permanent exhibition (old history of Kraków with new technologies).
Useful sites:
Interesting guide: http://www.inyourpocket.com/poland/krakow
BEST free things to do in Krakow
Information from: http://www.likealocalguide.com/
Climb Krak’s mound for beautiful views of the city
Krak’s mound offers splendid views of the city. It costs nothing to climb up this ancient mound
and the views of Kazimierz and the Old Town are one of a kind. Its age and original purpose
remain a mystery although it’s assumed to be the resting place of the legendary prince Krakus.
Take a relaxing walk at Wisla Boulevards
The Vistula Boulevards along both sides of the legendary Vistula River are perfect for a stroll, a
jog and even a picnic. Take a bike, a book or a loved one with you and enjoy the calm
atmosphere and scenic views. It’s a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. There
are also many events held here throughout the year offering a variety of different activities.
Fig. 16. View from the Krak mound, source:
Fig. 17. View from the Vistula river, source:
Cross the modern Kładka Bernatka footbridge
Spanning across the Vistula river, The Kladka Bernatka footbridge connects Kazimierz to
Podgórze. It provides easy access to what used to be the border of the Austro-Hungarian
Empire. It’s a pleasant way to get to Old Podgórze, leading directly across to a small enclave of
restaurants and bars.
Enjoy the hustle of Plac Nowy
Plac Nowy is the living, beating heart of Kazimierz brimming with flea markets and antique
bazaars. Fresh produce, sweets and random rubbish are sold here constantly, but the real
highlights are definitely the weekend markets. Krakow’s hip and trendy crowd also tend to hang
out at the venues located on this square – here you can spend an entire evening hopping between
cafés and bars!
Fig. 18. Footbridge “Kładka Bernatka”, source
Fig. 19. Plac Nowy Square, source
Most museums in Krakow offer one day of free entrance a week. Be sure to check out the
website of the museum you wish to visit beforehand to find out when it’s free! Here are a few
that we have featured:
- Rynek Underground Museum: free on Tuesdays except the first Tuesday of every month
when it is closed,
- Muzeum Archeologiczne (The Archeology Museum): free every Sunday,
- MOCAK (The Museum of Contemporary Art): free every Tuesday,
- Manggha: free every Tuesday,
- Schindler Factory Museum: free every Monday except the first Monday of every month
when it is closed,
- Gallery of 19th Century Polish Art at Sukiennice: Free every Sunday from May 1st until
October 31st,
- Wawel Hill and Castle: Selected exhibits are free on Mondays from April 1st until October
31st 9:30 am–1 pm. From November 1st until March 31st selected exhibits are free on
Sundays from 10 am–4 pm.
Admire the iconic Saint Mary’s Basilica
Bazylika Mariacka is a highlight of Krakow’s secular architecture. This legendary and iconic
symbol of the Main Square has stood in this location since the 1200s. Entrance is free excluding
the section with the Veit Stoss Altar. Remember to listen out for “the famous trumpeter” – while
there’s no actual trumpeter, you’ll hear a recording that is played every hour in memory of a
trumpeter who was shot in the throat when trying to warn citizens of an attack in the 13th
Fig. 20. The Wawel Hill and Castle Museum, source
Fig. 21. St. Mary’s Basilica, source
Visit the oases of Skałki Twardowskiego and Zakrzowek
Once closed and filled with water, the old limestone quarry Skałki Twardowskiego now offers a
turquoise oasis just a short ride from the city centre. The biking and hiking paths in the
surrounding forest make it a great place for a break and some fresh air. Read more…
It’s also in the vicinity of Zakrzowek Reservoir. Although unfortunately you’re not allowed to
swim here, you can take scuba diving lessons.
Enjoy watching artists and performers on the Main Square.
Although this is probably one of the most touristy spots in Krakow, it’s likely you’ll end up here
at some point. Instead of being put off by the tourist masses, why not take pleasure in observing
the various artists and performers, many of whom are actually very talented!
Fig. 22. Zakrzowek Reservoir, source
Fig. 23. Artists on the Main Square, source
Discover sculptural gems at Rakowicki Cemetery
Sprawling over about 42 hectares of land, Rakowicki Cemetery one of Poland’s best known
cemeteries. It’s an architectural and artistic gem featuring graves, tombs and mausoleums of
many different shapes, sizes and styles designed by different artists. One of the most beautiful
nights of the year to visit is All Saints Day on November 1st when the entire cemetery glows
with candlelight.
And others……………………
Fig. 24. Sculpture in the Rakowicki Cemetery, source
Fig. 25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraków
Polish cuisine is highly diverse and cuisine rich in regional specialties. It was formed over the
centuries, yielding to the manifold international influences and so the permanent menu includes
dishes Poles shaped mainstream Russian, German, Italian or Jewish.
For centuries, Poland played an important role grain products such as cereal or bread. Bread by
most Poles are white bread. An important aspect in Polish cuisine dish of flour and soup. Poles
eat equally willing for mushrooms and legumes: beans, peas or beans. In Polish cuisine has an
important role distracts dairy products, including eggs and cottage cheese. Among the
regionally produced cheeses are popular highland cheese: oscypki or straits. A typical fat used
by the Poles is butter and vegetable oil. The most consumed meat: pork, beef, poultry, fish.
Fruits: cherries, plums, apples, pears and others from around the world. They are a common
ingredient in desserts, preserves and compotes. Poles like the taste of sour and spicy appearing
in the Polish edition of Breaking is often cream, so it is much more gentle than in Asian
countries or Arab.
The most popular meal in polish cuisine: pierogi (meat, mushroom, sweet with fruit), noodles,
Silesian dumplings, meat dumplings, crepes and pancakes, potato pancakes, cabbage rolls (rice
or porridge with meat served in cabbage leaves), chop pork or pork stew (hunting dish), chicken
or pork jelly, soup (soup, beetroot, tomato, pea, soup), are also many events held here
throughout the year offering a variety of different activities, meats , potatoes, cakes.
Breakfast comprises of tea (black pita often with lemon), coffee ( often with milk), sandwiches
with different content, milk soup, scrambled eggs, cereal with milk, toast with jam. Dinner in
Poland is the richest meal of the day.
Traditionally consists of two dishes: soups and meat dishes or flour. For dinner Poles often
reach for fruit compote (which sometimes is a form of dessert ). Dinner was consumed among
the whole family at the table, today this tradition is cultivated mainly on holidays or Sundays.
Supper is the last meal of the day. It is consumed between 17.00 – 21.00. In Poland, now you
can taste cuisines from around the world.
Poland is a country in the humid continental climate zone (also known as transition climate).
The average summer temperatures between 16 °C and 20 °C in winter, while the average
temperature varies between - 6 °C and 0 °C. The warmest cities in Poland due to the average
annual air temperature is Tarnow, Legnica, Wroclaw and Slubice. Average rainfall is around
600 mm per year. The distribution of rainfall during the year is uneven, two thirds of the annual
rainfall is in summer. Most rainfall recorded in July. Poland is a country where snow can appear
already the end of October, and ended in March. Today, however, in Poland, the winters are far
milder than in the past, when the temperature in December during the day regularly reached -15
The polish language is a challenge but for sure it is not too hard for anyone on the planet
Earth to learn. In Poland especially young people understand and speak English but a few
words and expressions will certainly be helpful.
Table. 5. Basic selected Polish words
Dzień dobry
Dobry wieczór
Do widzenia
Na zdrowie !
Jak się masz ?
Good morning
Good evening
Good bye
Excuse me, I am sorry
Cheers !
How are you ?
Która godzina ?
Ile to kosztuje ?
Szpital/ przychodnia
What time is it ?
How much does it cost?
Hospital/ clinic
Straż miejska
Przystanek autobusowy
Dworzec autobusowy/
dworzec kolejowy
Boisko sportowe
Miasteczko studenckie
Municipal police
Bus stop
Railway station/
bus station
Post office
In accordance with the legislation in force in Poland, we have 13 days holidays guaranteeing a
day off from work:
January 1, New Year's Day,
January 6, Epiphany,
Sunday in Spring (movable), Easter Sunday,
Monday following Easter Sunday, Easter Monday,
May 1, Labour Day,
May 3, Constitution Day,
7th Sunday after Easter, Pentecost Sunday,
9th Thursday after Easter, Corpus Christi,
August 15, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
November 1, All Saints' Day,
November 11, Independence Day,
December 25, Christmas Day,
December 26, Boxing Day.
Besides the above mentioned days, in Poland all Sundays are also holidays, and because of the
40 hour work week free time are usually on Saturdays, too.
We wish you an enjoyable stay in Poland.
We hope that it will be a wonderful time filled with: scientific discoveries, polish culture and
new experiences.
Good Luck!