Are You Going to Build or Repair (Asphalt Shingles)
Are You Going to Build or Repair (Asphalt Shingles)
M E R E T H E H O U S E ilmt B I R D builds Neathertex Thick Butt Shingles Reinforced Waterproof Paper Art-Bric Siding Neponset Wall Board Paroicl Roofing Insulating- Board Neponset Black Waterproof Paper 1' Insulating Blanket { Insulating Lath L Valley Strips Coowight. 1935. by Bird & Son, inc. Plastic Cement This book is published solely for the purpose of assisting you to solve the many problems which arise when you contemplate repairs, remodel-ing or new building. There is a genuine pleasure to all of us in viewing a completed job well done. I11 recognition of this the ideas and products presented on t>hefollowing pages incorporate the most practical suggestions of countless home owners, architects, builders, and dealers. r31 Aid Right PLANT AT CHICAGO, ILL. h- Many years in business may mean little but it does mean much when, as in the case of Bird & Sou, inc., it is a continuous record of invention, progressiveness, expansion, and service t o the public. This record, coupled with a continuous reputation for high quality products, is substantiated by the great number of reliable and successful dealers who have selected Bird Materials to best serve the property owner, builder, and contractor. 4 1 HOW B I R D & SON, inc. ASSISTS H O M E OWNERS = - - I - r- - B i r d products are designed for the millions of homes and buildings throiighout this country. There is a Bird dealer near you lo advise and help you with any and all of your building and repair problems. Your dealer can show you 1iow easily and economically the remodeling you plan MAY \LL BE PA ID FOR OUT OF INCOME by taking advantage of he simple and easy melliod of payment, provided 'iy I he Bird Finance Plan. A few moments' tholight "will convince you how demral~leil is from your standpoint ihai Bird Roofs and oilier building products are distributed llirough the most reliable and efficient local dealers. You not only wish t o feel that our guarantee of quality is back of every bit of Bird Material you buy, but you want a local poini of contact-a first-class dealer whose reputation has been known t o yon for many years and upon whom yo11 can implicitly re1y for advice and suggestions. The trade-mark which appears on all of Bircl Products is symbolic of a record of vigorous growth and progress in many ways paralleling the development of this ronnLi-y.Today the Bircl Mills cover many acres of floor space in the making of Bird Products. Perhaps you already are a user of one or more of these. One of the most important building purchases you may make is the roof. a purchase well worthy of careful investigation ancl thought, for what can give Jou greater satisfaction than a roof which everyone will admire and under which you - know you are safe. A Bird Roof protects from falling sparks and flyingembers just. as it, does from snow, wind, and rain. 1- I And so this book is devoted to a careful study of these factors of Beauty, - Protection and Style in Roofs. Back of these products is the guarantee of Quality by one of the oldest manufacturing eu~ei-prisesin the country (founded 1795) and ihe confidence in Lheir quality which reposes in the minds of thousands of progressive and reliable dealers handling Bird Products. I > B I R B C U S T O M BUILT S H I N G L E S are clesiywd to t n k t1wfice - nf In'cjher priced r o o f i y s on the finest homes. The massive butts and irregular edges of Bird Custom Built Shingles give a distinctive touch which greatly adds to the beauty of the roof. Each shingle is hand-made by skilled craftsmen and different color combinations may be produced to your own particular specifications. The method of construction, the materials which are used in the making, the size, and weight produce a roofing which is durable and fire resisting to a remarkable degree. They carry the Underwriters' Class "B" label as a certification of their superior fire-resisting qualities-the only asphalt shingle so rated. kSize 12in. A 18in. \Vciglit pcrsqiinir 480 lbs, Exposure 7 indies. f GIANT I N D I V I D U A L S m are rnadein a wide variety of pleasing colors, permitting the selection of color combinations insuring as clis~inc~ive a roof as if Size ISin x I6 in. by an artist. These shin\ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 i p à § r à § ~ u ! i r c 3 painted 1511 Exposure 5 inches. 'rhesc nhi~tgloi uinkc 11 ~ u w tcKrclive run1 WIICII I d D u k h Lap MCIIIIXI. See pit- 12. Weight per sc~uorc155Ib.s. Exposure 10 inches. gles are very heavy, the bulls are extra wide ancl the whole appearance on the roof is one of massive, sturdy individuali~y. 5 ^ NEPONSET DOUBLE TWINS The dimensions of this shingle make for accuracy ancl speed in laying. Of the same high quality as all of Bird Roofing, they provide a durable, good looking roof giving excellent service a t a moderate cost. A wide variety of colors and blends affords opportunity for selection to harn1onize with the house and its surroundings. Three thicknesses over the enLire roof. STANDARD INDIVIDUALS 4 AMERICAN DOUBLE TWINS Differing from Giant Indivicluals only in size and weight they provide just as original a roof as can be desired. When applied to the roof they lie three thick affording that degree of protection which is extra \Yciglil persquare W 2 Ilia'. RSTOSIIIT .L inclies. insurance Size 10 in. s 40 in. \Tciglil persqiinrc 197 Ibs. ILX[WUIC I inclies. Similar to the Neponset Double Twins in everything except size. This American Double Twin is, when on the roof, a two thickness shingle with three thicknesses in places-a LOCK-BUTT SHINGLES very satisfactory pro- tection under all conditions of weather. Same wide choice of colors as found in other Bird roofings. This is a shingle made especially for application over old shingles. By reason of the lockSize 16 in. x 1G in. crsn, 191bs. Exposure I7K inclica. ing device there is no possibility of this shingle being affected by the wind. This is a sturdy, safe shingle made to meet the requirements of a closely budgeted income. Colors for every tasle ancl style. Shatler-resisianl surfacing of Bird Mineral Surfaced Roofings makes them safer and easier to apply in cold weather. A ROOF OF NEPONSET DOSLATE BLENDE TWINS F BIRD THICK BUTT SHINGLES The outstanding features of Bird Thick Butt Shingles are the extra protection on the exposed portion thereby increasing the life of the shingle and the extra thickness accentuating the shadow lines and giving the appearance, as well as the fact, of extra weight, extra protection and extra life. They are shuller-resislunl to permit handling and application in the coldest wealher without injury. All are listed and approved by the Underwriters' Laboratories for their fire-resislant qualities. SPECIAL THICK BUTT SUPER THICK BUTT 3-1 Strip 3-1 Strip Size 13 in. x 30 in. ,vci gi,, pcrs~,uare040,b,, S t u r d i l y con- These Super Thick Butt Strips offer many of the aclvantages of more expensive sliinglesextra weight and appearance, e 15 in. x 36 in. eight persquare-2i 7 i h . Exposure 5 inches. Exposure 5 inches. structecl, t h e thick, heavy butts are accenOn the roof their own shadow lines, giving a rugged, attractive appearance to the roof. These Special Thick Butts give three thicknesses over the entire roof. Made in a variety of colors and color blends to meet every requirement and indi- long life, coarse mineral surfacing, fire resistance, beauty and safety. The wide, heavy butts add to their naturally rugged .appearance .. on -he roof. The wide range of colors and blends available permits exacting choice for architectural harmony. vidual taste. [8 I 1 =- ' H C K B U T T S H I N G L E S as (lerdopcl by S-ircl 6r Son, inc. nave come to be the outs tancling Asplial t shingle today. No-ft u e have added a further iml~rovement.This added Feature is a surface grained effect greatly increasing th beauty and charm of the Thick Butt Shingle. WEATHERTEX THICK BUTT 3-1 Strips .. SIM- K in. :: 36 in. Found in no other than a BirdThick Butt Shingle is thesnrface. grained or emhossod erect- Wciglil pcr~qii;ii-r:~> I l l 11,s. K X ~ ~ ~ nI iI ~ ~wCi c ~ . somell~inqentirely new in. asphalt 3 4 I 1 i g l p s -see be-low iiil(l page 10 for illustration. inakiiig lor greder beauty Lhan ever before. They are surfacxd wilh sLandard sized mineral granules. 3-1 Strip Tliick Butts make an excellent roof both in , ppeara~lceand service. Also inanufacl iirod wil h o u ~ cii11)osscc~ There (iesign. is a wide -\ ariel \- uf colors and hiends FI-0111 which to make a selection. NEPONSET TWINS their are so heavy as to make substantial construction clearly visible. There are numer011s colors and blends from which lo ]]lake a selecl.ion.These twins are virtually a Lhree I hickness shingle- three slkgles thick overtlie entire n in. ,I1 in). IVciglil per sqnnre 975 Ib-;. I ~ ~ ~ 4S inches. U T ~ si- roof-ample protection with a wide margin of safety. They are an economical, satisfactory solnion to the problem of choosing the right roof. I f your L u i l d i i ~ sw c roofed tin Asphiill \villi Minerill Shingles you need lit~veno fear tlial they will catch fire from fillling sparks or embers. WJEATHERTEX THICK BUTT Diira Green NEPONSET TWIN THICK BUTT Art-Blende Siu-rt~cud SHINGLE DESIGN ROOFING Has the appearance of a shingle roof. Sub-' stantial and made of the best materials throughout. I t makes an exceptionally strong and durable roof. Weiglit per srpinrc !I2 l i t < PAR 0 I D -The Super hoofing Surfaced with a bright, clear asbestine talc. Its especially light natural color is combined with other characteristics which reflect sun rays, preserving the roof.The all-around roofing of the country ART HEX HOOFING (Patented) A roll roofing in variegated colors with the design of an Hexagonal Shingle. Applied quickly and securely over old roofing, it gives the house a smart and modern appearance at low cost. Weight, per square 118 Ibs. ART CRAFT ROOFING This roll roofing, especially designed for applicalionover old roofs, isin thepaltern of green tiling. While the cost is considerably less than shingles, it gives the house a trim, prosperous appearance. WeigIil per square 92 Ibs. Consult your local dealer regarding the ease and economy of the Bird Financing Plan. No cash down-pay out of income. -the most practical, safest and best looking for the least money-farm buildings, warehouses and other buildings across the continent are protected by Paroid Roofing. It stands against all climatic conditions unimpaired through many years of exposure to all lends of weather. ROOFED WITH TWIN THICK BUTT SHINGLES- SUN-GLO BLENDE Farm Buildings Roofed will1 Paroiil the Super Roofing PROSLATE ROOFING MINERALITE This is another Bird Specially similar to our Bird Standard Mineral Surfaced Roofing except for a strip 3" wide along one edge from which the mineral surfacing is omitted. This selvage is nailed and the next roll of roofing is lapped over and fastened with a special quick-setting cement. This "blind nailing" covers the nails and makes a lictier looking roof. I t is a particularly safe roof because there is no possihi1it.y of the nails "pulling" or loosening. Shnllrr-resistmil. Weight per square 90 l l x . Surfiiced with fine non-fading niineriils. 1t is a longlife, low-cost roll roofing. . . . Tts greiit ; i t tnict,ion lies in the colors obtainable in t Ins surfiicing. \Veiglil per .sqwre5.5 Ilia. M I N E R A L Surfaced R O O F I N G The mineral surfacing is embedded by the same special processes used in manufacturing Bird Shingles. Natural colors which will not fade make attractivelooking roofs. Being fire retardant it will not. ignite from sparks or embers-a valuable asset. Rain water draining lo cisterns will not taste or discolor. . . . Un account of low cost this roofing is p~rliculnrlysuited to barns and farm buildings. .'4i(1llerresistiinl. Weight per square: Medium-75 His. OLD RELIABLE As dependable as the name implies, it, will give en tire sntisfuction on any roof where a s~uootlisurfaced roofin( is desiral~lc.. . . Made in four weights-light, medium, heavy AMERICAN l&dy R O O F I N G Provides a good serviceable roof of excellent value. Both weiglils IIIW Uiiikrwritws' Class (-'.Ialiel. He:~vy-gO lli'i. Weiylil per qn:ii'c: M e d i u m 4 5 Ibs. H ~ a v . r - 5 5 11,s. UNIVERSAL ROOFING Definitely in the low price class. It is absolutely waterproof and recommended for buildings such as sheds, construction camps, etc. I t is excellent for sheat,hing buildings iind other miscellaneous uses. Weight per sqiinre: l.i~lil-Dfl His. Meijii1rnÑ1 llx. Heavy-55 Made of high grade materials it, gives good service. There are three weights-inecliuiii, heavy itnd extra heavy. Low in price, gives satisfactory protection at, low cost. UK. Wei.rlil per aqiinre: Medium-45 [ 11 1 ILi. I1r;iv.v-53 11^. K x i r ~lieuvy ~ -63 1b.s J "Loc-Set' ' Shingles ofler A ROOF OF NEPONWT HEX TWINS SUNaLO lhe vital coinbination of safety size I mi,,. \Veigtilpcrsqunre 135 lbs. E ~ ~ O S U lobain. W 13 ill. cially suitecl for application over old roofs. Securely fastened at four points, they are particularly adapted to windy and stormy areas. I)/. S'hal/~r-resis/u S P E C I A L HEX T W I N S ' - and beauty at a low price. Espe- Surfaced wit11 a special coarse mineral which gives a dissize 13iu. x 40 in. tinctive appearance, the individHigh grade felt thoroughly salurated wit11 asphalt, used in construction of Built-up roofs and under slate and tile. Sq. 1:l. per roll, 4 W z\pplir~ln c i ~ h per t rid~,5%0005 attractive roof. Years of satisfaction are to be had in a roof of these sl~ingles,~ ? l ~ ~ ~ l / e ~ ~ - r e s i s / ( ~ r ~ / . NEPONSET H E X T W I - N S Sound insulator for walls and floors. Sq. l:l. per roll, 450 beauty through the years. A large variety of colors and color blends to choose frwn. Slirtller-resklctr#l. Applied wcigld per roll, 5>2-76 R U B B E R L I K E MATTING Here is the ans~vcrl o innu111erddeflooring probIe111s. For recreation roon~s,locker roon~s,ballways, kitchens, shower A M E R I C A N H E X TWINS I- roon~s,slores-w~~erever there is consttint passing-a good floor to be protected, Rubherlikc AIaLting gives exceptional service a~ a renlarliably low cost. It is a .111ick heavy, \KI terproof, corrugaLed ~mterial, resilient and co~nfortable10 walk and stand upon-neab in appeorance it resenhles wide ribbed rul~ber111aLting. These minerd surfaced aspilait s~,ingles are particularly , i well p-oportionecl and give a deep c~ouldebutt eflect. There are such a ,6de ,Twiety of colors and blends tllat nlents of beauty and architecture can be met. I). \Vui.ghtper squure 1130lln. L ~ O W T C ,qk i i w ~ ~ e s . Bird Shingles of any t.ype may lje sat.isfactorily laid . right over the old wood shingles, in fact for re-roofing we recom- Designed for sleep r o o k S l ~ c t l l e r - r e ~ ~ i , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i / . [ 14- I mend illis n1eLhod for the added insulation, elin~inalionof litter conscquenL lo re~novalof old shingles, lower cost, and Lime saving fet~tures. SATURATED A N D C O A T E D --B/cK/~ For use \vl~crc\w:I clurnl)le, air-light and abso1~1Ielywnlcrproof building pnper is rcquirecl-suc11 as h c k or stucco, under clapboards, under roofing and 1)eLwccn doubJe floors. 11 is a to~lg11,l~cavypaper ~ l ~ o r o u g l s:~turated ~ly and coatcd to slled w a h likc.'a ~luclc'sback. 11 is air-tig111 and scrves as n lx~rrierto wind and rain. . . . It will last as long as the building stands. Sq. I:(. pcr roll, 500 Appliecl wcigl~tper roll, 50 So111ew11nt.lighter in weight ~II:III B C ~ O I I 13111ck S~L Building Paper nnd has t11c same uses. Sq. Fl. per roll, 500 Applied 1vcigl1Lpcrroll,35 Economy Building Paper is asphalt saturated, but not coated. I t is pliable, waterproof and air-tig11L. It. is sn~ooth,tough, oclorless and clean to handle. Often used by roofers for Slater's felt. Sq. Ft. per roll, 300 DUPLEX KRAFT Applied weigl~tper roll, ?5 Two t.ougl~sheets of ICrnft paper enclosing tt layer of asphalt-water and windproof. Sq. F't, per roll, 500 Applied weigl~tpcrroll, 20 COATED KRAFT A strong Kraft, Paper treatecl with a waterproof coating. Icleally suited for sheathing or for use 1)etweenfloors, walls, etc Sq. Vt. per roll, GOO ,\pplied weight per roll, I!!-15-94 S U P E R SHEATHING WaLerproofed on one side-especially useful in covering IleW floors. Sq. 13. per roll, 500 Applied wight per roll, 90.30 Largely used 1)s refrigerator ~ u a n u f i ~ c ~ u rfor e r slining and insuhting purposes. Very likely it is present in your own refrigerator. Sq. ~l.perroIl,300 Applied wight perroll, 45 ASPHALT Liquid R O O F C O A T l N G [Cut Back] A S P H A L T Quk?? &Afi~y L A P C E M E N T [Cut B a c k ] For coating old roofs 01metal, fell or read) roofing. Stops leaks a110 prolongs life of roofing. For use in applying roll roofing wit11Blind Nailing. Contains an ilnportanb ingredient -AsbesLos Fibre. A S P H A L T ~ ~ h s t Ci cEM E N T ASPHALT LAP CEMENT [Cut B a c k ] [Cut Back] Indispensable for flashings around chi11111e~s, sky lights, vent pipes, etc. Will make any valley light. Contains an inlportant ingredient -Asbestos Fibre. For sealing laps of roofing. Contains an important ingredient -Asbestos Fibre. I ART-BRIC -No. 5 Blemlc INSULATED BRIC SIDING - B Bleude Sided wiih ART-BRIC Bright red-while INSULATED B N C - B BLENDE 1 REAL BRICK Originally two buildings-one brick and o u e frame. Tlic frame building gutted by fire aud rebuilt-The side walls surfaced wit11 Iusulaicd Brie Siding-"B Bleudc" Whitc Hues to match the brick building at the right side o f the picture, BRIC-CRAFT COLORS Designed for side walls, Size 7 in. x i>u in. Applied weightpcrsqunre 160 Ibs. Exposure 3 inches. The illustrations in this hook show only a few it eliminates painting expense and saves fuel by providing a substan- of the large variety of colors and color blends in the Bird line of Asphalt shingles. These color plates re- t i d barrier against the elements. produce on paper the shades of color and texture Made in a variety of beautiful blends and found in the shingles. Compare them with the colors giving the trim, prosperous appearance of a charming face brick. No more painting expense. samples submitted by your dealer for assurance that your roof will look like the illustrations. Beauty, Protection and Economy combined. Shailer- Ask your dealer to demonstrate the shatterresistant qualities of these shingles and also note how firmly the minerals are embedded, insuring continued beauty and permanence through the years. There are Bird products for every type oi building from the smallest shelter to the largest industrial plant. resisld. ARTWALL S T R I P S These are intended for use over wooden siding. .\pp. ivt. per sq. 131 Ibs. Exposure 5 indies, . They eliminate painting and furnish add- . ed protection from the elements. They are practical, easy to apply, attractive Behind Bird Products are all the resources, in appearance, almost overnight making the building experience and integrity of an outstanding leader in modern and desirable. Shuller-resislanl. its field. [ 17 I Bird Insula~ingBoard is made of coarse, long, wood fibres arranged to produce the largest number of air cells. Dry air is the most eficient insulating material known. The volume of air and the amounl ofmois- This presents a waterproof surface, which is atLractive in appearance because of a heavy coat of ture in that air are in~portantfactors in this deter- special paint applied as a part of the manufacturing process. Tlie color is such that it makes a very good mination. Five plies of t h i s specially processed wood fibre cemented together by four layers of asphalt, the best waterproofing known to man, make an inlerior board without further decoration. I n cases where it is desirable t o paint this surface t o meet some particular color scheme, it can be painted easily and insulating board which is exceedingly strong, waterproof ancl a barrier to rot ancl vermin. The hot asphalt used drives out the dan~pnessso that the completed board is lower in moisture content than any requires comparaLively little paint. The ground-wood base is combined with asphalt. The layer-built construction provides an inJ sulating board of greatest structural strength. For Exteriors: Cottages, portable houses, bungalows, chicken shelters, garages, and various competing products. This same air cell construction provides exceptional sound absorbing and sound deadening qualities. The smooth surface texture permits the use of a wide variety of paints, lacquers, or plastic paints and other finishes. However, tlie unpainted surface is good looking and is frequently used without additional treatment. 850 Ibs. per ?dsq. ft. other types of small buildings. For Insulation: Advantageous for use in stock barns, poultry houses, sterilizing rooms. Being waterproof it can be flushed clown with a hose without injury. An exceptionally fine product. 1030 I ~ S .per M ~ qft. . B I R D hstiht;?,~gB L A N K E T This is identical in character and construction to Bird Insulating Board made in special form with ship-lap edge for use as a base for gypsum plaster. Its waterproof, layer-built construction forces ..lie drying to proceed slowly and evenly through the plaster, resulting in an unusually high plaster bond; prevents warping and reduces the possibility of the plaster cracking. 850 lbs. per M sq. f l . This is a soft, flexible insulating material, easy to handle and economical. IL has excellent i sulating value and may be used wherever flexib insulation is desirable. One side is made waterproof will1 an asp coating and when applied with the waterproa side toward the outside of the building will penetration of drafts and dampness. Sq. f t . per roll 100ÑV 9- I I WEATHERTEX SIDEWALL A new asphalt material developed for sidewall purposes. It eml~ocliesthe diuable ancl weatherproof qualities of asphalt -- WEATHERTEX SIDEWALLShnle Gray+ I shingles ancl has a novel grained effect which brings out the texture and gives the appearance of weathered wood at the same time eliminating the necessity for painting repairs and maintenance of a wood sidewall. The waterproof character of this material prevents penetration of moisture to the under striicture. The extra thickness gives assurance of long life and provides increased insulation against outside 1emperatures- WEATHERTEX SIDEWALL-Falcon Brown Careful selection ancl control of the most snitable raw materials for the purpose. Manufacturing processes proved best and most modern, with human equation reduced to the minimum t o prevent irregularities or errors. Expert ancl thorough inspection of eacli step in manufacturing process. All shingles sbaaer-resislant to prevent damage during application in coldest weather or from ice ancl snow. Arched cut-outs in strip shingles and twins to prevent possibility of tearing during application. Method of packing exclusive with Bird insures protection on all sides. A ROOF OF SPECIAL HEX TWINS SUN C LO - ' S U P E R N E P O N S E T WALLBOARD Tile l e s i o n Designed expressly for rooms where a Lile design effect is desired. The surface of this remarkable wallboard lends itself readily to enamel or flat tints. Finished in BufT it can be used w i ~ h o upainl~ ins. I t withstands varying degrees of hun~idityancl temperature. The famous waxed back is an added protection found only in Bird Wallboards In two designs, 4 inch square tiles and 1% in. x 4 in. tile. Net neiglil ti00 IIn pel M '(1 11 N E P O N S I j T WALLBOARD The stippled plaster effect is foremost of the many advantages of Bird Neponsel Wallboard. Finished in Cream White, it may be painted to conform to other color schemes. It is thoroughly impregnated with water-resisting sizing. The back of this popular board has a superior waxed finish-a valuable protection against moisture and dampness. SCI weiglil 599 11)s. per AI *<i. 11. A M E R I C A N WALLBOARIJ A lighter board than Neponset Wallboard, yet one of exceptional tensile strength. I t has a smooth finish in Bull' or Green as preferred ancl can be easily painted any color desired. Like Bird Neponset Wallboarcl it is easy to saw, clean t o handle and very economical to use. Net weigh1 30s I~J..per A[ so. 11. Bird Wallboard i s a Lami~mtedBoard Such a board has great strength and is not brittle. Advantages Wallboard is clean to handle and apply and eliminates the dirt and confusion involved in the use of plaster. Wallboard is used for ceilings, partitions, paneling, general decoration and repairs. Large quantities are used in the making of movie scenery, store window displays and the nlanufacture of fi~rnilure of various kinds. For the roofing of industrial buildings - stores, factories, apartments-and for use on porches, sunrooms and other flat decked buildings there is a Bird Built-up Roof. Bird Built-up Roof Specifications comprise various types-a roof for every type of building. The proper application of Built-up Roofing is definitely a specialized business. It requires experience. Special equipment is needed. Bird Built-up Roofs are applied by accredited, competent, experienced roofing contractors, assuring you satisfactory roof service. If you wish to make your home more convenient, more beautiful, more attractive to yourself and your neighbor, consult your local Bird dealer for ways and means. He is your local advisor, experienced, and interested in you and your problems. His advice will be based on I~is desire t o secure and hold your continued patronage. Should you desire t o consult with one of our expert salesmen, it will be quite easy for him to arrange for an interview. Bird dealers are as particular as is the manufacturer t o have Bird products properly and satisfactorily applied. They can recommend to you qualified builders, contractors, roofers and siding applicators on request. m J A n o i y the ontstnncIi~igproducts - - of IBid Warnifacttire are N E P O N S E T R U G S and F L O O R C O V E R I N G S These nationally known products need no introduct.ion. Beauty of patterns, ease of cleaning', extreme flexibility, and guaranteed satisfaction are features every housewife appreciates. DURACORK As tlie name implies, this is a cork composition made in an extremely durable form possessing qualities most desirable for floor covering'. I t gives remarkably long wear and has a str k i n g and distinctive beauty. Easy to keep clean, as it may be v. ashed with any commercial soaps or household cleaners without injury. It is waterproof throughout to a very high degree. Being already waxed as i t comes from the mill, relaxing, if desired, is a simple operation. D u r a c o r k is resilient, therefore care should be taken t o protect it from indentation as a result of using too small casters, etc. I t lays perfectly flat on the floor without cementiiig or other fastening. Procurable in a wide variety of colors. PATTEfiN No. 200 PATTERN No. 208 -, 1 - B I R D & SON I N C O R l ' 0 R A T E D B I R D P R O D U C T S Neponset Twins Thick Butt Weathertex 3 in 1 Thick Butt Hex Twins Double Twins Individuals I n s ~ ~ l a ~Bric-Siding ecl Art Wall Siding Weathertex Siding Bric-Siding Paroid Designed 9 Mineral Surfaced Proslate Roofing Smooth Surfaced SPECIALTIES Insulating Board Lath Insulating Blanket Building Board Rubberlike Matting Built-up Roof Materials Deadening Felt Tarred Felt Asphalt Felt Plastic Cement Roof Coating EAST WALPOLE, MASS. There Is a Best in CV~I-IJ Field T h e surest way to build isonafoundation of D e f i n i t e ~ u a l i t ~ and Service. This policy is the true secret of success. No concern ever made a decided success that did not. d o good, honest work. Even in these days of the fiercest competition, when the matter of price seems of pnrauiount f importance the root of great business success is embedded in the vital. factor of quality. FLOOR COVERINGS Neponset Rugs ancl Floor Coverings Economy Rugs and Floor Coverings Rug Borders iVeponsct and Economy Hall Runners Duracork Floor Coverings and Hall Runners Lining Felt Saturated Felt Rubberlike Matting BOXES Solid Fibre and Corrugated Fibre Shipping Cases Textile Board Solid Fibre Wood Frame Shipping Cases CARTONS Neponset Waterproof Paper Flower Pots Shoe Cartons Tack and Screw Boxes Earth Bands Plant Boxes S P E C I A L PAPERS Index Pressboard Rocket Paper Industrial Filter Paper Dry and Waterproof Felt Papers for Special Purposes The continuous. consisJ tent growth of Bird and Son attests to their adherence t o this permanent policy of "Quality first." Founded 140 years ago, steadily and constantly keeping abreast of the times, promptly adopting the latest and best ideas in Methods mid Materials wherever and whenever found should inspire confidence in the name and products of "Bird." Science, or more simply, "Modern Factory Control" has removed all guess work from products manufactured by Bird and Son. -- The Economy of Ouality This is the principle behind all of the products manufactured and marketed by Bird & Son, inc. Engineering skill, laboratory research, scientific control of manufacturing processes all combine t o produce The Best-and the Best for the Money T h e Bird Finance Corpration-a financial institution approved by the Federal Housing Administration and used by your local Bird Dealer-can help you to repair, reroof and remodel your home. PRINTED IN U. S. A.