Diapositiva 1
Diapositiva 1
Production of industrial feedstocks: Economic, regulatory and metrologic aspects Carlos Sainz Fernández Professor University of Cantabria LARUC, RADON GROUP UNIVERSITY OF CANTABRIA SPAIN Where we are ........ … RADON GROUP Facultad de Medicina Avda. Cardenal Herrera Oria s/n 39011 Santander Cantabria (SPAIN) e-mail: laruc@unican.es Phone: +34 942 20 22 07 WHO WE ARE ………... .- FOUNDED IN 1976 AROUND NATURAL RADIATION MEASUREMENTS .- 1976-1982: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES .- 1982-1985: ALTAMIRA CAVE .-1985-1989: INHALATION TOXICOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, USA .-1989-TODAY: RADON STUDIES IN SPAIN RADIATION PROTECTION IN STEEL FACTORIES OTHERS Laboratory validated by Public Health Agency (PHA, UK) for indoor radon measurements Laboratory Quality System certified by AENOR (ISO 9001) GRUPO RADON Major research lines • Radiological protection on industries • Measurement of indoor radón (homes and workplaces) • Radiological characterization of materials • Radioactivity measurements in soils and water • Use of radon as a tracer • Biological effects of ionizing radiation GRUPO RADON RELEVANT EQUIPMENT EQUIPO DE ESPECTROMETRIA GAMMA Principales Aplicaciones Caracterizacion radiologica de substancias solidas y liquidos Identificacion de radionucleidos en muestras tanto solidas como liquidas CONTADOR ALFA BETA Principales Aplicaciones Medida de la radiactividad de aguas de consumo domestico Analisis de la presencia de elementos radiactivos en muestras solidas y liquidas GRUPO RADON RELEVANT EQUIPMENT EQUIPO RADOSYS-RADON Principales Aplicaciones Medida de la concentracion de radon empleando detectores de trazas CR39. MONITORES DE RADIACION Principales Aplicaciones Evaluacion de tasas de exposicion en situacion normales y de emergencia GRUPO RADON RELEVANT EQUIPMENT EQUIPOS DE MEDIDA DE LA CONCENTRACION DE RADON “IN SITU” Principales Aplicaciones Monitorizacion en continuo de niveles de radon en el interior del suelo y recintos cerrados. UNIDAD MOVIL Principales Aplicaciones Situaciones de emergencia radiologica GRUPO RADON RELEVANT EQUIPMENT EQUIPO DE FLUORESCENCIA DE RAYOS X Principales Aplicaciones Caracterizacion de metales “in situ” IRRADIADOR DE RAYOS X Principales Aplicaciones Exposicion de materiales a distintos niveles de radiacion Investigaciones clinicas del comportamiento de celulas a distintas dosis de radiacion. WHAT WE CAN MEASURE … + Alphaguard, RAD 7, Atmos 12, RM 2… RADON CHAMBER Wide range of radon exposures Low leakage ( < 0,01 h-1) Continuous/integrated system calibration Traceable to international standards Active Projects 2012 - 2014 MICIN Berkeley Salamanca Grupo Radón UC Potential Projects 2014 - 2016 Grupo Radón UC RESOURCES OF RADON GROUP STEEL FACTORIES-ORPHAN SOURCES (40%) RESTORATION OF URANIUM MINING: DESIGN OF LAYERS FOR RADON AND RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL (20%) CONTROL OF URBAN WASTE (10%) RADON- SPANISH NUCLER SAFETY COUNCIL (10%) OTHERS (20%) . ANNUAL BUDGET :200.000 EUROS QUALITY INSURANCE (ENAC, HPA, etc…) … one step further about quality International Intercomparison exercise under field conditions 42 LABORATORIES 17 COUNTRIES LABORATORIO DE RADIACTIVIDAD NATURAL (LRN) Uranium mine Saelices el Chico Salamanca, Spain Rn in soil External gamma exposure Rn in air (indoors, outdoors) Rn in water Radon exhalation (soil, building materials) REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT NATIONAL REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT NATIONAL REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT METROLOGICAL EXPERIENCE RELATED WITH NORM GRANITES STEEL FACTORIES GRANITES GRANITES It can be a significant indoor radón source Diffussive transport Low permeability Ejemplo granito High 226Ra content Highly variable radón exhalation (cracks, etc…) Pressure Humidity GRANITES More than 200 types of granite characterized Condiciones S = 0,0650 m2 V = 0,012 m3 λ = 0,03 h-1 Granito Ra (Bq Kg-1) Ceq (Bq m-3) E (Bq m-2 h-1) ROSAVEL 150-187 900 ± 80 5,0±0.7 BLANCO CRISTAL 260 600 ± 70 3,3±0.5 GRIS MONDARIZ 211 3500 ± 300 19,4±2.0 MADURA GOLD 243 1100 ± 90 6,1± 0.7 NEGRO TEZAL 61 1800 ± 150 10,0± 1.0 ROSA PORRIÑO Y 133 3000 ± 250 16,6±1.5 ROSA PORRIÑO X 158 1900 ± 150 10,5±1.0 PEDRAS SALGADAS 145 1000 ± 90 5,5±0.6 KASHMIR WHITE 419 500 ± 100 2,8±0.8 GRIS PERLA 132 1200 ± 90 6,6±0.5 BLANCO PERLA 135 --- --- ALBERO 105 6000 ± 500 33,2±3.5 ARUBA GOLD 43 500 ± 100 2,8±0.8 CREMA JULIA 167 1200 ± 90 6,6±0.5 GIALLO VENECIANO 31 500 ± 100 2,8±0.8 GRIS ALBA 199 600 ± 90 3,3±1.0 GRIS MORRAZO 117 500 ± 100 2,8± MULTICOLOR SALMON 257 2700 ± 300 15,0±1.6 SILVESTRE MORENO I 133 21000 ± 1100 116,3±10.4 SILVESTRE MORENO II 121 3000± 250 16,6±1.5 Influence of “grain size” Porosity Emanation factor… GRANITES - example Granite with: 226-Ra: 298 Bq/kg 232-Th: 390 Bq/kg 40-K: 2525 Bq/kg Radon exhalation: 10 Bq/(m2 h) I = 3,57 mSv/y GRANITES - example Standard room for gamma index (4 x 5 x 2,8) m3 E·S C C0 V·(λ λ v ) Radon equilibrium concentration Old house (λv = 1 h-1) ; C = 30 Bq/m3 New house (λv = 0,1 h-1) ; C = 200 Bq/m3 Countertops Problems to be placed in the international market (I index) NO radon problems Radon contribution to gamma index? Small gamma Highly variable (porosity, emanation factor, etc…) Difficult to standarize ANOTHER INDEX? STEEL FACTORIES STEEL FACTORIES Th-232 Cs-137 Co-60 Am-241 Sr-90 Ra-226 Ra-226 Th-232 K-40 U-238 OVEN STEEL Co-60 SLAGS Ra-226 Sr-90 Am-241 POWDER Cs-137 CRITERIOS DE EXENCIÓN STEEL FACTORIES – detection/prevention Juan A. González U. Politécnica de Madrid E.T.S.I. Caminos C y P. Lab. Ing. Nuclear Verification •HIGH SENSITIVITY 0.001 Sv/h (0.1 Sv/h) •VARIABLE BACKGROUND(cps) •ALARM(0.3 Sv/h) •SCRAP METAL •RAW MATERIALS •PRODUCTS (SLAGS, POWDER) •RESPONSE STUDY (cps vs DOSE RATE) STEEL FACTORIES – identification GAMMA SPECTROMETRY •RESOLUTION(INa (Tl)) •ENERGY CALIBRATION •EFFICIENCY CALIBRATION •ACTIVITY CONCNTRATION •DETECTION LIMITS EVALUATE ACTIVITY CONCENTRATION OF: •STEEL (Co-60) •POWDER •SLAGS • RAW MATERIALS CONTINUOUS ASSISTANCE ASSISTANCE / TRAINING Visualización del espectro Tipo de medida Datos de la muestra Medida inicial Tiempo transcurrido Información sobre el proceso Parada inmediata sin analizar Análisis espectrométrico RESEARCH/DEVELOPMENT 2 x I Na Detectors 137Cs in powder Continuous background THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION www.elradon.com