Southeast Collegiate June Newsletter


Southeast Collegiate June Newsletter
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Collegiate October
New School
Gym Riot
Gym Riot Pictures
Red River College Presentation
Superstore Field Trip
“Shattered” Play
Pratts Wholesale Field
Manitoba Museum Field
Art at Southeast
Canadian Museum of
Human Rights Field Trip
Sports at Southeast
Student Council and Spirit
First Nations Traditional
Games, Foods & Square Dancing
Youth United Leadership Conference
Science Presentations
1301 Lee Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 5W8
Phone: (204) 261-3551
Fax: (204) 269-7880
Construction for the new school,
scheduled to open in the
2017/2018 school year, is well
underway. Staff and students will be
sad to say goodbye to
the old school, but
very excited to see the
first wall of the new
building erected earlier
this month.
Halloween Gym
On Friday, October
28th we held another
Cardiovascular Science
fun-filled Gym Riot.
Recreation at the Lodge
Students participated
Halloween Photos
in some great relay
Scary Story/Creepy Picture
races such as the old
Literature & Art Magazine
favourite, “don’t
drop the golf ball”.
The second relay
involved popping
Reconciliation—MATC Conference
balloons by sitting on
them. Some students
Fabric Store Field Trip
were a little nervous,
Remembrance Day Play
but they all rose to the
MTYP “Routes Play
challenge. We finished
Career Symposium
off the event with some
dodge ball to
determine the
top three
winners of the
day. They
won prizes
such as
costume accessories
and, of course, candy.
Students had a great
time and it was a
perfect way to kick off
the weekend.
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G y m
R i o t
P h o t o s
Garnet enjoying the race.
Dave and Justice popping their balloons in
the relay race
R e d R i v e r
C o l l e g e
P r e s e n t a t i o n
t o G r a d s
On October 18th potential grade 12
grads listened to a presentation from
Red River College. Students learned
about programs available to them at
the college and entrance
requirements for the different
Dodge Ball!!!
E s s e n t i a l M a t h F i e l d
T r i p t o S u p e r s t o r e
On October 3rd students learned how to price compare
by sifting through flyers to find the best deals. They
compared sales of
the same item at
different stores.
Throughout the
month they
continued to learn
about unit prices
and sales. To
finish the unit off we went on a field trip to
Superstore. Students spent the hour trying to find items
in the store and compare them to Dollarama’s prices. It
was great to be able to get out of the classroom and
apply what we had learned.
Students hunting for items.
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“ S h a t t e r e d ”
On October
20th students
watched and
participated in a play put on by
Sarasvàti Productions. This play
aimed to shatter the stigma
surrounding mental health issues
such as anxiety, depression,
eating disorders and bipolar
disorder. It also touched on the
tragic consequences that can
occur when teens are left to
P l a y
struggle with these issues alone,
such as suicide. The students
didn’t just watch a play, they were
given a chance to become completely immersed in the story
as they worked together to
explore solutions to the mental
health challenges the characters
face. The goal of this production
was to encourage students to
stand up for other students in the
face of bullying.
Justice participating in the play
F i e l d T r i p t o T h e
M a n i t o b a M u s e u m
F i e l d
T r i p t o P r a t t ’ s
W h o l e s a l e
Ms. Ouskun’s Food and
Nutrition students visited
Pratts Wholesale Limited,
one of the main food
distributers for Southeast
Collegiate. Students
toured the receiving,
packaging and delivery
areas of the warehouse
and enjoyed a delicious
F i e l d
T r i p
t o
lunch in one of their
kitchens. As part of their
studies, students evaluated
advantages and
disadvantages of shopping at
wholesale stores and
supermarkets by collecting
food outlet comparisons and
completing a price
comparison chart.
S p e e d w o r l d
On October 12th Mr. Waterston’s Power Mechanics
class went to Speedworld on a field trip. This trip
coincided with what the students are learning in class,
the operation of small engines. They will soon be
completely dismantling and reassembling them in a
practical assignment. While at Speedworld the
students drove power karts and participated in three
races. At the end of each race 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
were awarded to the drivers. The students got to see
and feel firsthand how powerful a small engine can be.
Ms. Lichtman’s grade 10
English class visited the
Manitoba Museum. They
learned through exploring
the galleries such as
Canada’s ecozones, Earth’s
history, the HBC, and the
In front of the replica of
the “Nonsuch”, a HBC
Urban re-creation of
Winnipeg in the 1920s.
They also completed a Lapidary workshop
where they carved pendants using traditional
Inuit Soapstone. Students enjoyed the variety
of activities at the museum.
Students at Speedworld
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a t
S o u t h e a s t
Students recently
completed their
window murals and
they look amazing!
This month they also
made some scary
Halloween masks, pin
holders and traditional
star pillows.
Keanu, Spencer & Nigel
Cole, Nathan & Quincy
Students showing off their
F i e l d T r i p t o t h e C a n a d i a n
M u s e u m o f H u m a n R i g h t s
To go with our
Human Rights and
Documentaries unit,
Ms. Lichtman’s
English class visited the
Canadian Museum of
Human Rights.
Students explored the
various exhibits such as
the Indigenous
Perspectives Gallery,
the Holocaust Gallery
and the Canadian
Journeys Gallery.
They took a virtual reality tour of
a Guatemalan village and enjoyed
the view from the
tower of hope.
During this unit
Students learned
about some of the atrocities At the Tower of Hope
Above: Mika, Nikita and Tanner
committed in this world and Right: Alex
how to stand up for their
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Sports at
C r o s s
C o u n t r y
October marked the end of our
Cross Country season. Throughout
the season students participated in 3
zone events and 1 city-wide event.
The girls were running in 3-4
kilometer races, while the boys ran
5 kilometers. Many students
achieved personal best times and
improved immensely over the
season. Provincials were supposed
to be in Nelson House this year but
because of an early snow fall this
event was cancelled.
Coaches: Ms. Wray, Ms. Toewes
V o l l e y b a l l
Our volleyball season is almost over and playoffs are right around the corner.
J u n i o r V a r s i t y
B o y s
This year Mr. Brown coached the
JV Boys team. His team has been
working very hard this season.
Many of the players are rookies
who are just learning the game.
They have a 3-3 record going
into playoffs and are ranked 3rd
out of 7 teams.
V a r s i t y
G i r l s
V a r s i t y
B o y s
Ms. Lichtman and her husband, J.J.
Wiens, coached the Varsity Boys team
this season. With a lot of fresh faces
on the team these coaches worked
hard to teach the game quickly and get
prepared for some very tough
competition. They have a 50% record
and will compete in playoffs this
Ms. Wray coached the Varsity
Girls team. This season they have
faced some intense competition.
Even though they have had many
close games they will unfortunately not make the playoffs this
season. Only 1 team out of their
pool of 6 will make it and they
can’t catch the top team with only
one regular season game to play.
Basketball tryouts will begin in November!
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Student Council
This year we had a wonderful
group of students sign up for
student council. It was very
challenging to narrow the list
down because everyone had a
great interview.
Here is the Official Student
Council for 2016-2017:
Clara Moskotaywenene
Constance Evans
April Harper
Shannon Thomas
Jonovan Flett
Derian Flett
Eugene Chubb
Colin Clarke
Shauntay Crow
Lindsay Wood
Staff: Mr. Brown, Mr.
Waterston, Ms. Ouskun, Ms.
Bezdek and Ms. Dasilva
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Spirit Week
For the week leading up to Halloween, Student Council
organized SPIRIT WEEK.
Monday: Pajama Day/ Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday: Sports Day
Wednesday: Backwards/ Opposite Day
Thursday: Twin Day
Friday: Mustache Day
Everyone participated.
Pajama Day/Crazy Hair Day
Sports Day
Moustache Day
Twin Day
Backwards/Opposite Day
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N a t i o n s
T r a d i t i o n a l G a m e s ,
S q u a r e D a n c i n g
F o o d
a n d
Students in Mrs. Ouskun’s Native Wellness class and Ms. Wray’s Physical
Education class have been learning about one of the five directions of wellness,
which is Physical Wellness, and have participated in the following:
First Nation Traditional Games: Historically, there were two types of traditional
games; Games of chance and Games of skill. Games were used to encourage
children to explore the world through play and also to enhance skills of hunting
and survival. Students participated in three traditional games: Sling Ball, Keep
Away and Hand Game.
Square Dancing Class: Every Nation or cultural group has special dances
unique to their people, which reflect their social, spiritual and community
existence. The students learned a Métis Square Dance called the Friendship
Dance, which is used in community celebrations and events, family
gatherings as well as in nation-to-nation gatherings. The students also learned
a basic jigging step with Mrs. Ouskun and
student Keanu Bittern demonstrating a
couple of fancy steps.
Traditional foods: Students in Native Wellness watched
a video on how to skin and butcher a caribou. Then
they enjoyed caribou stew and fried bannock in the
Swing your partner round
and round
The next activity for Physical Education and Native
Wellness Students will be learning how to pow wow!
Keanu demonstrating some
fancy jigging steps
Mrs.Ouskun and Mss. Wray would like to thank all the
students for their participation and for making these activities so much fun.
C a r d i o v a s c u l a r S c i e n c e
P r e s e n t a t i o n
Southeast collegiate students were invited to
attend a town hall meeting at the Institute of
Cardiovascular Sciences at St. Boniface hospital,
on Wednesday October 19th, 2016.
They listened to Dr. Thomas Sudhoff, a
Nobel Prize Laureate, talk about his life and
the path that lead him to make his scientific
discovery. Dr Sudhoff's presentation was
engaging and thought provoking. At the end of
the presentation some of our students took the
opportunity to meet with Dr Sudhoff and ask
him some questions.
Chelsea Mason asking Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Sudhoff, a question.
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Recreation at
Jonovan, Naomie, Eden,
Melissa, Lindsay & Richelle M
visited an escape room!
Goofing around:. Marissa, Brianna & Richelle W.
A visit to the Corn Maze, Haunted Forest &
Petting Zoo!
Jonovan, Delany, Virgil & Adrian
hanging out with the pigs.
Michelle, Darla & Wapatay pumpkin
April showing off her artistic side.
Garnet & Roxanne carving
We made it out Alive! Brittany, Eugene, Melissa, Davin,
Lennox, Adiran K, Kaige, Roxanne, Jarett F, & Kayla
participated in the Escape Room.
Pumpkin Carving!
Tanner & Virgil showing off
their stick
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Recreation at
The students decorated their dorm room doors for Halloween!
After the students got back from trick-or-treating they participated in a Halloween Fear Factor Challenges!
Lindsay sticking her hands in a mystery
box with Jonas’ help.
Brianna, Kayla & Brittany were the
Challenge winners after they ate some
pretty gross looking food!
Students preparing for their next
Quincy & Lincoln inspecting the food.
Students digging for worms in whipped cream
and green pudding!
Cora checking their findings from
the relay Challenge.
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Women’s Office
Men’s Office
Alex and Molly
Men’s Side
Women’s Side
Mr. Laramee
Ms. Wray
Mr. Brown
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Ms. Bezdek
Team Hannah
Ms. Ouskun
Lodge Staff Minions
Team Magnificent 7
Ms. Lichtman
Team Alpha Omega
Sheryl laughing at
Eugene Chubb
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S c a r y
S t o r y / C r e e p y
P i c t u r e
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C o n t e s t
The Fun Committee came up with a contest
for the students this month. Students were
tasked with creating scary stories and creepy
pictures in order to win prizes. The winners
April Harper
Lindsay Wood
Quincy Evans
Constance Evans
Garnett Monias
Janelle Linklater
Jocelyn Owen
Richelle McKay
Alfred Keno
L i t e r a t u r e
a n d
A r t
M a g a z i n e
This year we will be launching our first ever Literature and Art Magazine. Students have all year to
submit their writing or artwork. The final copy will be published and every student who contributes will
get a copy to keep. We are also planning on having a book launch and are currently looking for
bookstores who may sell the magazine in their establishments. Here is one submission we already
Twylah Rose Everett
Watching my daughter grow up these past few months has made me
realize how lucky I am to be a dad. I love looking at her beautiful
smile, hearing her cute giggle, feeling her tiny fingers wrap around
mine when I grab her hand and tasting her leftover food on her
cheek when I leave her kisses
I love the feeling I get each time I look at her big brown eyes. She
makes me happy with every little thing she does. I love feeling her
warm little body while she’s napping away beside me. I love hearing
her little snores, her laugh and her baby talk. I love looking at her
smile and watching her get amazed by every little thing around her. I
love holding her close to me and feeling her little hands trying to
grab my lip, nose or hat. Basically, I love everything about her.
By Tanner Cochrane