bukás-loób sa diyós • open in spirit to god


bukás-loób sa diyós • open in spirit to god
The Seven Last Words 2015 Sharers
1. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do
- Mel Monterola, Intercessory Ministry
2. Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise - Tito
and Fe Sanchez, Youth Ministry
3. Woman, here is your son. Then to the disciple He said, here is
your mother - Rusty and Lisa Paredes, Youth Ministry
4. My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? - Odette
Maralit, Intercessory Ministry
5. I thirst - Jing Pabalinas, Singles Ministry
6. It is finished - Ray and Ellen Lingan, Treasury Ministry
7. Father, into Your hands, I commend my spirit George and Patricia L’Abadie, Mission Ministry
March 27, 2015
Palm Sunday
take the word of Jesus and His examples in
your hearts.
Olie /Menchu Ealdama
Mel Monterola
Tito/Fe Sanchez
Rusty/Lisa Paredes
Odette Maralit
Jing Pabalinas
Rey/Ellen Lingan
We are a reflection of God’s love when we confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9,17-18,19-20,23-24; Phil 2:611; Mk 14:1-15:47
“You who fear the Lord, praise him;… give glory to
him; revere him, all you descendants of Israel!”
(Ps 22:24)
Living Water - March 27, 201 5
Observe fasting and do penance.
By reading the Scriptures daily, listen to and
When we read the story of the passion, we cannot fail to notice that the crowds who had welcomed Jesus with enthusiasm all went away
and abandoned him when He was accused.
Nobody came to his defense. Jesus was surrounded on all sides by darkness. He experienced powerlessness, desertion and failure in
His fight against injustice and falsehood. He
began to feel terror and anguish over which He
had no control.
In his gospel, St. Mark depicts Jesus as frail
and human, like us. We can all relate to everything He went through and the emotions He
felt. Like Jesus, we could feel despondent, disappointed, humiliated, neglected or abandoned in facing our trials and challenges. We
become so involved in our problems, they hinder us from giving witness to our faith, making
us fearful and disobedient to the commandments of the Father. Our arrogance and pride
blindside us to the promptings and guidance
of the Holy Spirit. We continue to engage in
Living Water - March 27, 2015
negativity despite all the miracles and blessings
we receive from our Triune God. However, Jesus
did not waver. He stood His ground in obeying
the Father.
We can learn from the Roman Centurion who
knew nothing about Jesus, yet declared with conviction when he stood at the foot of the crucified
Jesus, “In truth this man was the Son of God.” His
conversion can be attributed not to the miracles or
blessings he experienced, but to the realization of
Christ’s great love that enabled him to give his
life for his brothers and sisters. This mindset leads
to true faith and acceptance of Christ.
Joseph of Arimathea provides us another example
we can learn from. A member of the Sanhedrin,
he boldly asked Pilate to bury his “friend – Jesus.” Can we also boldly declare Jesus to be our
friend in front of those who are non-believers?
The Christian community of Philippi was exemplary. St. Paul was proud of it. But even the best
communities, including ours, the BLD--can sometimes be beset by envy and treachery, with some
members lording it over others. We aspire for
power and insist on getting our way. St. Paul
warns us: “Do nothing out of selfishness or out of
vanity; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves.” He enjoins us to learn to
empty ourselves, not looking after our own interests, but that of others. We should remain humble, especially when we are given responsibilities
and hold positions of authority. Like the Centurion, we need to be able to proclaim with conviction that Jesus Christ is the Lord of our life.
“You will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand
of the Power and coming with the clouds of
heaven.” (Mk 14:62)
The Seven Last Words
The traditional “Seven
Last Words of Jesus” was
held last Friday March
20, 2015 at the Our Lady
of Assumption Church,
with Olie and Menchu
Ealdama as the prayer
leaders. In this event,
Jesus’ final hours on the
cross was recounted as
four couples and three individual members
selflessly shared about their lives.
The BLD Toronto community members painfully took a glimpse into the Passion of the
Christ – the day when the greatest love story
in history took place…that a sinless man indescribably suffered and died on the cross so
that the entire humanity could live.
(Continued on Page 4)
April 10, 2015
1st reading…………….Tito or Dora Bacungan
Psalm.….....…....………Benny or Nini Flores
2nd reading…………...Ling or Bing Brinas
Eucharistic Ministers..Frank and Rose Cuaresma
Cruets………….………Gerard and Joy Del Castillo
Ciborium…..……….….Rene and Ditas Dimen
Baskets...……...………..Romeo and Phoebe Ouano
April 17
1st reading……...…….Cliff and Christy Jacinto
Psalm……...…………...Manny and Letty Buado
2nd reading……………Odette Maralit
April 24
1st reading……………..Ricky and Jo Corpus
Psalm…………………...Nilda Villa
2nd reading……………Brennie Galace
Living Water - March 27, 201 5
Mon-Thurs, April 6-9, 2015 : One-on-One Shepherding Session
Mon-Tues, April 6-7, 2015 : General Confession, Assumption Church, 7:30-9:00 pm
Friday, April 10, 2015
: Invocation Mass, Assumption Church, 8:00 pm
LSS Weekend Proper: Cardinal Leger Catholic School
Saturday, April 11, 2015
: LSS Proper (8:30 am – 7:30 pm)
Sunday, April 12, 2015
: LSS Proper (8:30 am – 4:00 pm)
Post LSS Shepherding Sessions: Our Lady Assumption Church (after Praise & Worship)
Friday, April 17, 2015
: Topic: Growth
Friday, April 24, 2015
: Topic: Transformation
Watch out for the Grand Reunion Announcement
Youth Life in the Spirit Seminar # 16
March 28 & 29 – YLSS # 16 Weekend Proper at
Cardinal Leger School, 600 Morrish Road, Scarborough. Please wear your ID every time. Peanuts or any nut products are strictly prohibited in
the school. Everyone is invited on Sunday, March
29, for the Eucharistic Celebration at 1 pm followed by the candidates’ graduation
April 10 - Post Shepherding – Growth & Transformation (OLA)
BLD Singles Encounter #18
Friday, May 8 – Sunday,May 10, 2015
Cost: $110.00
We invite all single (never been
married) individuals ages 22 and up
in 2015
Sign up today!
BLD Toronto is celebrating its 25 Anniversary on September 19, 2015 and we are coming out
with a souvenir program that will help our community fund its various programs.
Let’s hold hands, pray and rally together to solicit as many ads as possible so we will reach
our quota of approximately 34 pages per Apostolate.
We have early bird rates for those sponsors who will submit signed advertising agreement and
artwork before June 30, 2015.
You may contact Bert and Cecile Cruz at 416-298-4034 or e-mail cruzcecile@gmail.com for more
Living Water - March 27, 2015