JSSA Donor News


JSSA Donor News
JSSA Donor News
Fall 2010
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
JSSA In the News Gala Headlines 2010 as a Banner Year
JSSA Gala 2010, JSSA In the News, brought together more than 350 guests for a beautiful
evening at the Bethesda Hyatt on Sunday, May 2nd. Raising more than $400,000 for JSSA, the
event featured guest speakers, live music, dinner, and a news-themed silent auction. Newsthemed items up for bid included meet & greets with television and radio news personalities
Wolf Blitzer, Jim Lehrer, Gwen Ifill, Christiane Amanpour, Dan Raviv, and more; a meal
prepared by Washington Post food editors Bonnie Benwick and Joe Yonan; a private wine
tasting for 20; and a book club visit by Washington Post senior editor Steve Luxemberg.
In keeping with the theme of this year’s Gala event, sponsors at the Benefactor level
and above were invited to attend a special pre-Gala Patron evening–a cocktail reception at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Paul. Diane Rehm, nationally syndicated NPR host and
executive producer, joined JSSA donors as a special guest, as did JSSA’s Board of Directors.
Joan de Pontet accepts the Joseph
Ottenstein Award Freed Photography
The Gala’s highlight was the presentation of JSSA’s annual Joseph Ottenstein Award for community leadership to former
agency Executive Director Joan de Pontet in recognition of her continued efforts on behalf of JSSA’s mission, vision and
goals. As honorary co-chair of JSSA’s Now More Than Ever Emergency Campaign, Joan’s longstanding commitment to the
agency remains steadfast.
Adding to the excitement of the evening, longtime donors Richard and Lois England presented Board President Deborah
Lebbin with a $250,000 check designated to support JSSA’s many programs and services. The Englands’ generosity was met
with a standing ovation from an appreciative audience filled with JSSA staff and supporters.
The evening’s two guest speakers, one the husband of a JSSA Hospice patient, and the other a recent client of JSSA’s
Employment and Career Services department, gave poignant testimonies about JSSA’s
services. Each movingly relayed the extraordinary compassion and professionalism they
and their families received from JSSA as they faced two very different life challenges.
One of the speakers shared how JSSA hospice helped him provide his wife with comfort
during their last few weeks together. The other guest spoke of his family’s struggles in
coping with the emotional and financial impact of unemployment and job searching. They
both credited JSSA with helping them maintain a positive outlook during uncertain and
discouraging periods in their lives and that of their families.
Thank you to our Gala chairs, Harriet
Tritell (left) and Leslie Shedlin (right)
Freed Photography
To our speakers, honoree, staff, and most importantly to our supporters and guests–we
say thank you for sharing this special evening with us and for giving so generously. As Joan noted in her speech, giving to
JSSA is “a joyful obligation, truly embraced by those for whom giving is not a social obligation, but a part of their own
personal efforts to make our community, this world, a better place.”
For the best in child, family, and senior services...Think JSSA.
JSSA Has Story a For You…
JSSA’s fall fundraiser supporting Employment & Career Services
features music from acclaimed Broadway musical Jersey Boys
Did you miss the DC run of Jersey Boys? Do you want to relive
those great moments again in support of a great cause? Then join
us on December 12th at Woodmont Country Club, as we present
The Unexpected Boys, a musical tribute to Frankie Valli & the Four
Seasons, featuring former cast members. Proceeds from this event
will benefit JSSA’s Employment & Career Services. Since the economic downturn, JSSA’s Employment & Career Services has been revitalized, adding new programs, services and resources
to a department that has provided counseling and employment
services for over 20 years to more than 100,000 clients throughout
Greater Washington. Our staff of career counselors, job coaches,
and supported employment specialists assist people who are
unemployed or underemployed, professionals changing careers,
individuals with disabilities, youth in need of career guidance, and
newly arrived émigrés.
Your generous support of this event enables individuals to receive the
help they need to gain meaningful employment in today’s difficult
job market. Bring your family and friends for a night of music, food,
The internationally acclaimed Unexpected Boys will perform in Rockville at
JSSA’s fall event
and great company. Contact Lesley Schrier, Events Coordinator at
(301) 610-8342 or lschrier@jssa.org for more information. RSVP soon
before the show sells out!
Leaving a Legacy: Help JSSA Grow with a Planned Gift
Many of JSSA’s most loyal
donors ask how they can
best support the organization
today and long into the future.
Planned giving–the provision
of a major charitable gift as part
of a donor’s overall financial or
estate planning–provides an
opportunity for our donors
to leave a legacy that supports
JSSA’s mission in their own
lifetime and beyond. Over the
years, many of JSSA’s most
significant commitments of
support have come in the form of planned gifts.
Recently, the Eugene & Agnes Meyer Foundation awarded JSSA
a grant to develop a formal planned giving program. JSSA staff,
along with board members Jane Bergner, Stuart Youngentob and
committee chair Cherie Artz, are collaborating with Sandra Ranner,
a strategic fundraising consultant, to ensure that JSSA offers its
donors practical planned giving opportunities.
Bequests and other planned gifts sustain JSSA’s long-term ability
to serve the most vulnerable in our community despite economic
uncertainty and other unforeseeable obstacles. By including JSSA
in your end-of-life financial or estate planning, you ensure the
Agency’s continued viability. Your gift allows JSSA to help future
generations by providing the critical services and programs they
will need the most.
significant tax advantages. For more information,
In the coming months, JSSA will begin to implement its formalized
planned giving program, and donors will be informed about
attractive options for leaving a legacy.
Planned giving is a viable choice for
donors of all income levels and ages, and offers
please contact Amy Tomchin, Director of Major and
Planned Giving at (301) 610-8344 or atomchin@jssa.org.
Visit www.jssa.org/donate/bequests.
Help support JSSA today. Visit our new website: www.jssa.org/donate
Now More Than Ever Emergency Campaign Update
Campaign chairs Faith and Philip Bobrow
The Now More Than Ever
Emergency Campaign is
currently in full swing, under
the leadership of Campaign
Chairs Faith and Philip
Bobrow, M.D., and honorary
chair, former JSSA Executive
Director, Joan de Pontet. The
goal of the campaign, which
launched at the beginning
of 2010, is to raise at least
$1 million by December 31,
2010. Funds received sustain
vitally important services for
the community and restore
services that have been
eliminated or reduced.
“We took this job on because we’re very aware of JSSA’s extraordinary
contribution to our community. We feel we need to do all we can to
ensure that JSSA continues to provide quality care,” says Faith Bobrow.
Did you know…
JSSA provides many compassionate and innovative services to
clients of all ages, from infants to seniors.
See a breakdown below of clients by age group:
Ages 0–9
Ages 10-18
Ages 19-64
Ages 65+
Campaign committee members include Pennie Abramson, Richard
Haskin, Connie Krupin, Deborah Lebbin and Annie Totah.
The Now More Than Ever Emergency Campaign does not replace
JSSA’s annual fundraising efforts. It is a response to the continuing
community decline in charitable giving and will help address this year’s
funding shortfall. Now more than ever, JSSA is responding to the needs
of the community, serving 20% more clients than last year despite a
17% decrease in donations. JSSA has an unprecedented mental health
waiting list of hundreds of people, 75% of whom are under the age of 18!
“This is a time for us to come together as a community and take care
of those individuals and families who desperately need our support,”
says honorary campaign chair Joan de Pontet.
For further information, please contact Tasha Museles at
(301) 610-8343 • tmuseles@jssa.org or visit the website at
Point Your Browsers
Toward www.jssa.org
Take a tour of our new website
JSSA’s website has a brand new look and makes it easier than
ever to donate online, learn about JSSA programs and services,
or to contact us. Visit www.jssa.org and click Join Our Mailing
List on the Donate page to receive eNews and other alerts. You
can opt out of “snail mail” and opt in to electronic mail, saving
JSSA money and allowing us to connect with our donors in a
more sustainable and environmentally friendly way.
For the best in child, family, and senior services...Think JSSA.
JSSA’s Volunteer Program: Lending a Hand, Helping Our Community
FY2010 Volunteers by Activity
Last year, 942 JSSA volunteers served our community by assisting
with and leading many JSSA programs and activities. Our volunteers
delivered food to stranded seniors during last winter’s historic
blizzards, provided friendly visits to isolated and homebound
community members, led educational programs at community
centers and senior living communities, provided companionship
and care to hospice patients and so much more.
Without the help of JSSA volunteers, many of our most popular
and critically needed programs would operate less efficiently and
reach fewer individuals. Caring Community, JSSA’s volunteer
group assisting with Café Europa, a socialization program for
Holocaust survivors, is one such example. This program is almost
entirely volunteer driven. Without the leadership and generosity
of our volunteers, events would be smaller in scope, held less
often and survivors would not receive free transportation to and
from events. Instead, the Caring Community has ensured that
Café Europa flourishes and as a result, the number of participants
continues to grow.
1% 1%
No mention of JSSA’s volunteers would be complete without
recognizing the contributions of our all volunteer Board of
Directors. These community leaders work diligently to steer JSSA
solidly toward the future.
Watch for new opportunities to volunteer with JSSA as we expand
our offerings in 2011.
Bombé Chest Thrift Store
Caring Community
Meals on Wheels Delivery
Jewish Chaplaincy Services
Office/Administrative Aides
Holiday Basket Delivery
Himmelfarb Mobile University
Board of Directors
Friendly Visitors/Shoppers
Donors’ Corner
Meet Rusty Levy, a shining example of the importance of donating
valuable time and talent to sustain JSSA’s mission. Every Wednesday
for the past two years, Rusty has volunteered at JSSA’s Ina Kay
Building in Fallsgrove, assisting staff members with clerical and
administrative work. “I felt as though I wanted to help in some
way,” she explains. “JSSA is such a worthwhile organization.”
Rusty, a former teacher with three adult children, derives fulfillment
and satisfaction from the work she does at JSSA, and recognizes
the many contributions made by other JSSA volunteers. “I admire
the work done by the hospice and senior services volunteers who
visit the homes of the terminally ill and the homebound elderly.
Everyone has their own way of contributing, and this is mine.”
We are most grateful and we thank you, Rusty, for being a part of
the JSSA family. We hope to see you every Wednesday for many
years to come!
To learn more about volunteer opportunities, visit www.jssa.org/volunteer or contact Diane Hays-Earp at (301) 881-3700.
Making a Difference
in Our Community
Welcome on “Board”
A message from Board President Edward Cooper
Dear JSSA Donors,
Every day JSSA makes a meaningful
difference in the lives of thousands of our
neighbors, friends and loved ones.
JSSA’s team of skilled professionals helps
children, adults and families cope with a
wide variety of life challenges. Whether a
social skills therapy group for 6-year-olds
with Asperger’s syndrome; a 10-session
program to help parents develop effective
behavioral strategies for coping with
challenging children; delivery of meals on
wheels to frail seniors or in-home hospice
care, JSSA provides the opportunity for
anyone in our community in need of help
to access quality and compassionate care.
Your generosity enables JSSA to continue its mission and to touch the lives of those
among us who are in need. Thank you for your continued support of JSSA. Thank you
for making a difference.
Meet JSSA’s New
Board of Directors
On May 27th, the new Board of
Directors was sworn in at JSSA’s
Fallsgrove Ina Kay Building. Outgoing
President Deborah Lebbin welcomed
incoming President Edward Cooper and
executive board members.
Edward Cooper
President, JSSA Board of Directors
2010/2011 JSSA Board Members
Marc Abrams
Jeffrey F. Abramson
Cherie B. Artz
Linda Bart
Jane C. Bergner
Martha Bernad
Martha K. Bindeman
Faith Bobrow
Russell Bregman
Cathy Brodsky
Monique Buckles
Lyn Chasen
Clifford Chiet
Edward Cooper
Mary DeOreo
Stephen Eichler
Mark Ellenbogen
Robert E. Finfer
Susie Gelman
Sherri Gottlieb
Scott Green
Sheldon Grosberg
Richard Haskin
Connie Heller
Helene Hendricks
Susan Hoffman
Leslie Kaplan
Lawrence Kline
Harold Krauthamer
Jeff Krauthamer
Deborah Lebbin
Capt. Solomon Levy
Suzanne Levy
Carole Nannes
Judith Oppenheim
Barry R. Perlis
Lew Priven
Steve Rothenberg
Howard Rothman
Susan Samakow
Jonathan Schnitzer
Mark Segal
Sandra A. Sellers
Leslie Shedlin
Leslie Silverman
Steven Suissa
Suzanne Sunshine
Andrew Swire
Harriet Q. Tritell
Susan W. Turnbull
Jeffrey Waldstreicher
Jonathan Weinberg
Stuart Youngentob
JSSA CEO Ken Kozloff wants
to hear from you! Contact him at
(301) 610-8301 or kkozloff@jssa.org
with your comments and questions.
For the best in child, family, and senior services...Think JSSA.
A message from our friends at the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Come Together… Right Now…Over [the Jewish Community]
When John Lennon begged people to “come together” in
the Beatles’ hit song, he probably wasn’t thinking about the
Jewish community. But we at the Jewish Federation of Greater
Washington live by that message every day. We bring people
and resources together to care for those in need. We work
together with agencies like JSSA to secure the health and vitality
of our community. Federation, JSSA, and our network of local
and global agencies form the safety net our community depends
upon to strengthen our Jewish community.
Sadly, times continue to be tough. We know requests for JSSA
services have skyrocketed over the last two years, and there is no
end in sight. The Jewish Federation is committed to helping meet
these challenges.
In fact, this year we are investing more than $1.5 million to
support the JSSA programs and services that support more than
29,500 clients, family members, and professionals annually
throughout Greater Washington.
Sustaining critical services depends on a strong collaborative
partnership between Federation and JSSA. We are very proud
of this relationship, and we urge Federation and JSSA supporters
alike to come together over a worthy cause: our community.
Give to JSSA and Save Money This Tax Season
Earn State Income Tax Credits for Yourself or Your Business!
JSSA’s participation in the State of Maryland’s
Community Investment Tax Credit program
continues. Participating JSSA donors will earn 50%
of the value of their donation in state tax credits.
For example, an individual donor making a gift of
$5,000 to JSSA will earn $2,500 in Maryland state
tax credits to be used in this year’s returns.
JSSA is tremendously successful with this
program, marketing more than $500,000 in
tax credits and raising more than $1 million for
our In-Home Services Program for low-income
seniors. This program provides bathing and
grooming, homemaker, and other vital services
for frail, low-income area seniors who wish to
remain in their homes as they age. If you plan
to make an end-of-year gift of $5,000 or greater
to JSSA’s Senior Services, this program offers
you an easy way to save some money during tax
season and to help those in need.
The CITC program is open to individuals and businesses donating a minimum of $5,000.
If you are interested in participating, contact Eli Roth, Annual Giving Associate at (301) 610-8345
or eroth@jssa.org. Tax credits are allocated on a first come, first serve basis, and they go quickly!
Help support
website: www.jssa.org/donate
Super NOVA!
In the 25 years since JSSA expanded into
northern Virginia, JSSA’s services at our
Fairfax office have grown dramatically.
Today, our 15 staff members, include:
early childhood and senior services
specialists, a psychiatrist, a synagogue
liaison, an employment specialist and
an adoption supervisor. The team works
closely together to help meet the needs
of the community.
The number of clients served at
JSSA’s Northern Virginia office has
increased as well. Andrew McGahan,
LCSW/LICSW, JSSA’s Fairfax clinical
director, notes that his staff ’s diverse
expertise and collaborative working
relationship has resulted in the
launching of a number of new, exciting
programs as well as the further
expansion of many existing services.
The JSSA Fairfax team offers therapy
and support groups for children and
JSSA’s Northern Virginia staff
teens; support and counseling services
for seniors who need help with daily activities; school and synagogue workshops on topics ranging from campus bullying to adjusting
to married life as empty nesters; summer social skills camps, programs and activities for individuals with special needs; and counseling
services for adults, couples and families facing a wide variety of life challenges. JSSA collaborates with several community organizations in
Northern Virginia including the Jewish Community Relations Council, synagogues, and several local schools.
JSSA also has a special collaborative relationship with the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV), working together
during the last few years to offer multiple programs for the community. One of these partnerships, Going Places!, is a social club program
for teens, young adults and adults with Asperger’s syndrome.
Going Places! was created for teens and adults who have “aged-out” of the educational system and often face adulthood feeling isolated and
ill-prepared for independence. The monthly club offers its members a fun environment where they can meet new people, go out into the
community to socialize, and strengthen their interactions with others. Participants make new friendships and build communication skills
within the safety of a structured and therapeutically guided program. “[Going Places!] is a mutual collaboration between JSSA and the Jewish
Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV),” says Dawn Kaye, clinical supervisor and NOVA’s Autism Program Coordinator. JSSA
contributes its specialized knowledge of Asperger’s syndrome and its expertise in building and fostering social skills, while the JCCNV
brings its longstanding strength in developing creative recreational programs. “Neither organization could pull this off without the other,”
concurs Eric Koehler, Executive Director of the JCCNV.
Going Places! is on the move, with plans to further expand programming in Northern Virginia and Montgomery County, MD this coming year.
For more information about programs and services offered at our NOVA office,
please visit www.jssa.org.
For the best in child, family, and senior services...Think JSSA.
Mark Your
NOV 3-4 & DEC 1-2
JSSA Job Search Boot Camp
Location: Fallsgrove Ina Kay Building, Rockville, MD
Jewish Social Service Agency
Ina Kay Building
200 Wood Hill Road
Rockville, Maryland 20850
DEC 11
Hebrew Home of Greater Washington
Centennial Gala
Location: Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC
DEC 12
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Super Sunday
Locations: JCC GW, DC JCC, JCCNV
JSSA Fall Fundraiser benefiting Employment
& Career Services
Location: Woodmont Country Club, Rockville, MD
View our complete list of JSSA events at
Sparks of Inspiration
Giving generously, giving back…
We asked members of our Board of Directors why they choose to contribute their time to JSSA.
Susan Samakow
Judy Oppenheim
“My heart has always been with JSSA, because I see what they do
“I started working with JSSA six years ago as a pro bono
for people. I saw what they did for me. When I became a single
parent, I applied for and won JSSA’s Irene Stambler award, given
to adults seeking professional training. I began taking computer
classes and went to work for JSSA’s then Resettlement Office. I
eventually became a licensed career and life coach and was asked
to join JSSA’s board of directors. I am proud to be here, serving
this organization and my community.”
consultant to the management team and was asked to
join the Board in 2007. I find it incredibly fulfilling at this
stage of my life to be able to give something back to such
a fine organization and to a group of people who are so
passionately committed to its mission.” For a second consecutive year, Charity Navigator, America’s leading independent charity evaluator, has rated JSSA as a Four Star Charity.